Aviophobia- Luke Alvez
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Pairing: Luke Alvez x Reader
Characters: Luke Alvez
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Hey, could I request Luke Alvez X reader where Luke is comforting reader during an uneasy flight, please? Have a lovely week(end)!
Word Count: 592
Author: Charlotte
You had never been a fan of flying. Being in a tin can thousands of feet in the air didn’t seem appealing by any means but it was part of your job and you had decided to grin and bear it. Your team were aware that you were scared of flying but not the extent of it. It seemed rather stupid that you could handle going into the field facing the worst of the worst in people but the journey there was resulting in you taking anxiety medication to get through it.
Since you had been part of the BAU you had been taking your medication religiously. As soon as you were told that you would be heading onto the jet you would pop your pill and the anxiety of flying would be subsided enough that no one else could even notice you were nervous, and you certainly weren’t planning on letting on to the fact that you were coping with part of your job by medicating.
Your latest case had been in Wisconsin and when you had packed your stuff back up to head on the four-hour flight to Quantico, you realised that you had misplaced your medication. You searched every inch of your belongings but there was no sight of them and with the rest of the team waiting for you to head to the jet, you had to just accept you would have to fly without them.
Most of the team sat together but you headed off to the back of the jet to hope that no one would notice the distress you would feel until you landed. The take-off had left you almost in tears, your heart pounding in your chest and breathing unsteady. You had sunk down in your seat, hoping that the seat in front of you would shield you from your colleagues.
Your plan worked for a short while. Luke had gotten up to grab a drink from the trolley that was parked at the back of the jet but as he passed by your seat, he noticed how unlike yourself you seemed.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He asked.
You shot him a glare and shushed him, not wanting him to bring your state to the attention of anyone else. He slipped into the seat beside you.
“You look like you’re about to pass out, what’s going on?”
“Aviophobia,” you squeaked.
Luke cocked an eyebrow at you. “You’re scared of flying? We fly constantly and you’re never like this.”
You tried to take a deep breath to regulate your anxiety, but it was shakier and far more painful than you intended.
“I normally take medication, but I can’t find it and I’ve had to just deal with it but it’s so much worse than I thought it would be,” you whispered, your voice hoarse and strained.
You knew he had questions but now wasn’t the time to get answers or pry into why you put yourself through your biggest anxiety for the sake of your job.
There was only one appropriate question for him to ask. “How can I help?”
Instinct was all you could follow. You’d never felt so much anxiety and without being able to medicate yourself, you just needed some form of comfort, whatever felt right at the time.
“C-could you hold my hand?” You whispered.
Luke didn’t hesitate to do as you asked, instantly linking his fingers with your own.
“Anything else?” He asked.
“Just talk to me, and please don’t tell anyone.”
He offered you a gentle smile. “Of course.”
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ruskeptical · 2 years
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Oh yeah, did a little character piece for a friend’s OC! Meet Aviophobia, he’s Vicehide’s boyfriend!
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clone-medic-patch · 11 months
Patch thoughts:
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but I’ve been writing a fic with Patch in it, and I’ve had a lot of thoughts on his character development recently, so I thought I’d share! When I post the next chapter, I’ll probably post a link here as well!
Patch is an original 104th member (pre-Malevolence); he was in the escape pod with Wolffe (in his medic grays) when the Malevolence attacked, and has some related trauma 
Appearance: has a sole patch on his chin (like Waxer’s, but rounder), hair slightly longer than regulation (just a bit of grey); he’s slightly less active than his brothers, so he’s not a stick like most clones; (his metabolism is also starting to slow down, being one of the older clones). His armor has a grey stripe on the chin like his sole patch, and his paint is wolfpack grey, except for one of his gloves, which has a stripe of red paint.
Patch is very warm and affectionate around his brothers (great bedside manner), but can lash out in anger a little bit when he’s triggered; has dealt with depression in the past, but is doing a lot better nowadays
Has aviophobia (fear of flying/dying in something that flies), and definitely had a panic attack the last time he tried going on a Jedi cruiser
Was struggling mentally after the Malevolence, but it came to a head at the Battle of Khorm, when he lost his last batchmate, Blunt, and developed depression. During this time, his aviophobia got bad to the point that he had to be sedated anytime he went on a gunship.
Through some finagling, General Plo managed to get him reassigned to Coruscant, where he was stationed at the Coruscant Medical facility, and took classes to be a rehab specialist (although he’s still officially listed as a member of the 104th). The 104th, being a rescue battalion, is on-planet more often than most, so he still gets to see them fairly often.
Saw mindhealers at the jedi temple for a while, where he learned multiple grounding techniques to combat his aviophobia, including eating a mint, listening to music, and the occasional fidget toy (he likes the textured ones). He’s more than happy to share his coping strategies with his vode, and can use CBT strategies as part of his training as a rehab specialist (although isn’t certified as a mental health specialist).
After the Umbara campaign, multiple 501st troopers are needing PT/OT services, so when Rex sends out the temporary assignment request, Patch accepts (he’s doing better mentally now, and has been wanting to face his fears and hopefully join the 104th full-time soon, now that his rehab specialist training is done)
Doesn’t like taking off his armor because of Malevolence-related trauma, and only really does so to sleep; sleeps with a weighted blanket gifted to him by General Plo (bunks near Tup and Dogma when with the 501st)
Is on temporary assignment with the 501st (in my fic); hopes to rejoin the 104th afterwards, assuming he can handle living on a Jedi cruiser again
has a lot of old-man habits, and constantly acts like he’s 50-years old instead of barely 26 standards
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nofearcenter · 3 months
Treatment for Fear of Flying Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | Nofearcenter
Are you longing to get rid of your fear of flying forever? My fusion method works by silencing the emotional stimuli that trigger the amygdala to respond. Contact us today and feel completely neutral about flying, and your flying phobia will fade into a distant memory.
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Aviophobia | Takut Naik Pesawat | Gejala | Penyebab | Cara Mengatasi Aerophobia, merupakan sejenis phobia dimana adanya suatu kondisi ketakutan berlebihan pada saat menaiki pesawat terbang. Aerophobia terkadang disebut juga Aviophobia. Anda juga harus tahu bahwa diperkirakan sekitar 20 persen orang dewasa mengalami jenis phobia ini. Aerophobia Penyebab Kami akan menjelaskan kepada anda…
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cranberrytaboo · 2 years
🌙 moon ahhh your pick!
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
For this one, I'm going to talk about Aviophobia. His greatest wish and his motivation was to find a safe place to live where he and Ranger wouldn't have to run from the war all the time. After Ranger was killed, his wish remained the same, but it got sort of twisted. He started doing it all for Ranger's sake, and the urge for revenge kind of wrestled with that initial desire to be safe and live on to preserve Ranger's memory.
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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Looking forward to this summer's film, Barbie Conquers Aviophobia
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seriemorder · 2 months
and one thing to be said about leonard mccoy is he didnt even need to be on the bridge he went there fully cognisant they were about to do things to his cervix even his doctor ass had never heard about
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tup-ika-5385 · 8 months
Knockout Chapter 8:
Chapter Summary:
Assessments are done and plans are made, but one thing becomes clear- they have to get off Kamino.
Fic Summary:
Six months after the trials of Umbara, Tup and Dogma are growing into themselves as well-established members of the 501st. Tup's been training more with Fives and Jesse, set on an ARC trooper promotion, and even Dogma has found a place in medical, where his intense focus and organization are both needed and appreciated.
While practicing for his medic exams, Dogma find some worrying abnormalities in Tup's numbers, making some worrying discoveries. As Tup's condition worsens, help comes from unlikely sources as Dogma, Kix, Fives, and Hardcase fight to discover the truth and save their brother.
Chapter 8:
After another hour in the Bad Batch’s barracks, Dogma had almost acclimated to the smell. Wrecker was doing a lot better, and Crosshair had settled in an uneasy truce, still not trusting this many regs in their barracks, but much less likely to be a threat. Dogma guessed that neither of them liked feeling useless when their brothers were in pain. 
Fives had finally briefed Dogma, Hardcase, and Patch on their current situation after Patch had done a few assessments on Tup, and Dogma’s head was still reeling. Technological components– inside his brother’s head?! Suddenly, the Kaminoan’s response was starting to make a lot more sense, except… when did it get there? 
As batchmates, Dogma and Tup had probably never been separated for more than a day, before their deployment, and even then, something like brain surgery would be pretty hard to hide, even if Tup were trying. And it still didn’t explain the other medics’ reactions, so eager to hunt down a brother without explanation– and an injured one, at that.
Dogma shook his head; he’d go crazy trying to figure it out on his own, especially with his current sleep deficit. Fives had already conked out, sprawled out on the ground like he was still in the middle of a campaign. He’d definitely slept in worse, and Tup hadn’t been far behind him, but Dogma knew any efforts to sleep right now would be wasted, so instead he settled in next to patch and Kix, listening to them go through the assessment results. 
“So, after having Tup do a modified version of the WCPA, and a couple physical assessments, I’d say that physically, he’s well on the mend, and will probably be fully recovered in about a week. He might have some residual balance issues and need more sleep than usual, but he’ll be alright. Mentally, there’s a couple things we’ll have to keep a close eye on.”
He paused, looking towards Dogma, “You remember what we talked about with executive functioning, right?”
“Yeah, it’s starting tasks, planning, and follow-through, right?” Dogma confirmed, relieved to know that his training was already coming in handy.
Patch nodded, “That’s right, and it’s something that Tup’s having some trouble with, right now. The assessment I used had him practice scheduling appointments, training, the like. I asked him certain questions about two and five minutes in, which he’s supposed to ignore, according to the instructions at the beginning, and he was told to let me know when seven minutes had passed, according to the chrono I set up. During the assessment, he scheduled everything correctly, just a bit longer than average, which could’ve easily been exhaustion, but was easily distracted when I asked him questions, and forgot the seven-minute marker entirely.”
He paused before continuing. “There were also a few times, outside of the regular assessment where I noticed he’d have more emotional responses than normal. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Tup never struck me as someone with a hair-trigger anger response.” At that, he looked at Dogma, who shrugged sheepishly. 
Tup had overheard one of Crosshair’s more caustic comments, asking, “What kind of a name is Dogma, anyways?” and hadn’t thought twice about jumping to Dogma’s defense almost aggressively, at least until his eyes started tearing up, and he’d flushed in humiliation. No harm had been done; Dogma could handle a blunt question or two, but seeing the distress on his batchmate’s face had worried him more than a little.
“He’s always been protective of me, but… his restraint is usually a little better, and the tears are unusual.” Dogma commented quietly, eyes trailing down to find his batchmate still fast asleep, taking comfort in watching his chest rise and fall. Sure, Tup used to cry a lot as a cadet, but Dogma hadn’t seen this many tears in a while– not since they were still in their cadet blues, rather than the reds given out to older cadets.
Patch nodded in understanding, rubbing his face tiredly as he talked. “With the brain, there’s a lot of stuff we just don’t know, but it’s likely that he’ll keep having difficulties.”
“For how long?” Dogma asked before he could stop himself.
“Could be a week, could be a month… could be a lot longer than that. It is something we can help with– there’s lots of mindfulness strategies and coping strategies he can learn to use, to give him a little more time to process his emotions. And for the other stuff, he’ll probably need reminders, check-ins, probably not too different from what you’ve already got set up for a couple other vode in the 501st.” 
Patch smiled, looking back to where Hardcase and Wrecker had settled after wearing themselves out. Even before Umbara, Rex and the other commanding officers had already made a habit of sending short written mission briefings to a couple vode mid-mission, Hardcase included, for those who needed a little more help remembering the specifics, and it wouldn’t be too hard to add Tup to that list. 
“He’s got a good support system, and I’ll always be available over comm to make suggestions about what might help, but it’ll be a while ‘till we know more about what he needs.”
Glancing back at Kix, Patch asked, “Do you still have that, uh, tumor? I didn’t get a good look at it earlier.”
Kix nodded, reaching into his utility belt and handing it over with a grimace. “Still can’t believe this was inside of him– makes you wonder what the Kaminoans had planned for it, after Dogma’s unplanned adventure in medbay.”
At that, the group sat in still silence, at least until they were interrupted by Tech. “Is that an inhibitor chip?”
Kix’s eyes widened, “What?”
“An inhibitor chip– they’re utilized by the Kaminoans for behavioral modification. We all have one.” Tech replied, looking bored. “Or, at least, I assume we all have one, but given our deviant nature–”
“That must be why the other medics were acting strange!” Dogma exclaimed before glancing back at Tup to make sure he didn’t wake him. “Nothing else would make sense– medic’s don’t just–”
“Perhaps not in your experience, but I would hesitate to insist that these troopers were not just… following orders.” Tech responded, all-too-familiar with regs responding less-than-kindly to those deemed different; a descriptor that now included Tup, apparently.
His words stirred another memory of Tup, half-conscious and mumbling, “good soldiers follow orders,” prompting another question. “Exactly what behaviors do these chips modify, then?” ‘And why didn’t it work on me?’ Dogma wondered to himself.
“Yeah, I’d like to know that too,” Fives chimed in, having woken up from his lothcat-nap, carefully sliding out from under Tup. “Cuz when I looked for information on this so-called ‘inhibitor chip,’ I got nothing– not even a mention or a scanned image, ‘cept the one we pulled from Tup.”
Tech frowned, rocking a bit as he thought. “I am not sure. I did not pursue that line of thought when I first learned of the chip, but I believe I have the data saved somewhere.” He said, before beginning to search through his mountain of datachits and detritus for the second time that night. Hunter looked like he was about to argue for a moment– he was probably the only reason there was a walkable path in their barracks at all– before relenting, just as curious as the rest of them.
“Here it is!” Tech called, pulling out a datachit that looked identical to the others, but with the numbers 02-157 written on the side; it wasn’t an organizational scheme Dogma recognized.
“The file itself was encrypted, which is why I didn’t choose to open it before– doing so would likely alert the Kaminoans, and it’s possible that it would display the datapad’s location as well, so I would wait until you were off-planet to do so.” He cautioned them with a warning look before handing the file over to Fives. 
“We’ll keep that in mind, thanks vod.” Fives gave him a grateful nod, glad to be doing something. 
“That brings us back to our current predicament, though. We can’t stay here, as grateful as we are for your hospitality,” Fives paused, addressing Hunter, who nodded. “But with Tup’s current condition, stealth’s definitely the better option. Even if we get to a hangar, I’d be shocked if they hadn’t already locked down everything with hyperspace capabilities.” He put a hand on his chin, thinking.
“Actually, we might not need one– a ship with hyperspace, I mean.” Patch offered with a grin. “The 104th should still be in-orbit… it wouldn’t be hard to rendezvous with them and get a different ship– maybe even learn more about this chip while we’re at it.”
“Good plan,” Fives grinned in return. “Speaking of which, I should check back with AZ– last I heard, he was looking into potential insertion dates for the, uh, chips.”
With that, he got out his comm and called the droid. “AZ! What’s the status on those scans you were taking?”
“Oh, hello ARC Trooper Five-s!” A cheery metallic voice called, and Crosshair rolled his eyes from where he’d been listening in. “I have been ordered to report to the maintenance bay for a system wipe, but I shall transmit the data to you at once. One moment please.”
“It appears that the Kaminoans do not recognize the social-emotional benefits of doctor-patient confidentiality, and took offense when I did not share the identity of Patient Tup.”
Fives sighed, “Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. I don’t get how you can be so chipper about it– if I was being reconned, I’d be furious.” After all, it was nearly the same thing, and the little med-droid had started to grow on Fives, like some kind of invasive fungus.
AZ-3 hummed. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have human emotions– but I do not!” He replied cheerily before something beeped. “The data is now transmitted.”
Kix’s datapad buzzed, and the medic nodded that the data had been received. “It confirms what we knew; that all troopers past tubies have one of these chips. But I still wanna know who has control of them. Nala Se, obviously, but who else?”
“Can’t be anyone good, if they’re trying this hard to keep them a secret. This is starting to smell like a Separatist plot to me.” Fives frowned, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. Sure, call him paranoid, but since Umbara, it didn’t take much to make him doubt other’s motives, and he’d never trusted the Kaminoans much in the first place.
Turning to Tech, he asked, “Tech, could you– is there any way to change AZ’s–”
Tech hummed an affirmative, tapping away at his datapad. “Already done. The system will register the droid as already having been wiped– assuming its number is the same one registered to that comm device, and it should be free to return to its duties.” He said, adjusting his goggles. Hunter might not like it when he intervened, worrying he’d get in trouble with the Kaminoans, but Tech found great satisfaction in disrupting the Kaminoan’s plans, even just a little.
“Hear that, AZ? You should be good to go. Take care of yourself, yeah?”
“Care is not required, as I am a droid. Goodbye!” AZ-3 replied, cutting off the comm channel abruptly, earning a weary chuckle from Fives. “Yeah, he’ll be fine.”
He turned towards Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch, who had already done so much to help clones who were practically strangers to them. “I know I have no right to ask this of you– you’ve already done so much to help us, to help Tup, and we couldn’t be more grateful. I know us ‘regs’ haven’t treated you well in the past, but you and your squad have treated us with kindness we haven’t earned. If you ever need anything, you are welcome with the 501st anytime.” 
He drew himself up into a firm salute, which was mirrored by the other conscious troopers– Hardcase and Tup were still fast asleep. Hunter nodded his head in acceptance, giving them a rare smile. “I’ve gotta say, it’s been nice spending time with regs who aren’t about to throw down with one of my brothers.” 
He glanced at Crosshair for approval, knowing if he didn’t, he’d be hearing about it for the next month. Thankfully Crosshair shrugged, glancing at the regs as if to say, ‘Whatever gets out of my space soonest,’ so Hunter turned back to Fives.
Despite a few bumps in the road, this was probably the most peaceful interaction his squad had ever had with the regs– and these ones actually saw them as vode, which was parsecs above what he could say for most of the shinies still on Kamino. “Now, what did you say you need?” Unfortunately, the Marauder was still undergoing repairs after their latest mission, so they couldn’t just give them a ride.
Fives grinned. “We could use a distraction…”
Turns out, the Bad Batch had a plan for exactly that, and within ten minutes, their squad was heading towards the nearest hangar completely unobstructed. With the combination of Tech’s computer skills, Crosshair’s pinpoint accuracy when it came to identifying and shutting down cameras, and of course, Wrecker’s ability to draw attention wherever he went, it wasn’t long before they were in possession of a small ship that wouldn’t be missed for 24 hours. 
They were home free– assuming they didn’t crash along the way.
“I thought you said you knew how to fly!” Patch yelped, his face a ghastly shade of green as he tried to keep his breaths even as he resolutely refused to look out the viewscreen. His aviophobia had gotten a lot better since his posting with the 501st, but this– he cursed as Hardcase made another loop and a muffled “Oops,” could be heard in the cockpit– was not flying.
“I’ve flown before!” Hardcase shouted back, dodging the last of the sensor arrays as they made their way up into the atmosphere. He twisted the ship around a few more times for good measure, hoping to keep the Kaminoans off their scent, and Patch’s heart stuttered with every jerking movement.
“Umbara categorically does not count!” Dogma griped, inclined to agree with Patch. The sooner they were back on firm ground, the better.
“I mean I’ve practiced some with the General, he’s been helping me to–”
“Watch the controls!!!” Kix cried in despair as Hardcase pulled up on the brakes and they definitely left a mark on the 104th’s hangar floor.
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it!” Hardcase called as the ship came to a full and complete stop, probably smoking a little bit, but otherwise in one piece. “There!”
Kix let out a relieved sigh, clutching his chest. “Remind me to never fly with you again, vod.” He said before walking out the exit ramp, giving a hand to Patch when his legs shook, still looking more than a little green.
“You good, vod?”
Patch let out a slow breath, only just managing to hold down his rations while he nodded. He wasn’t usually one prone to space-sickness, but at least he had an excuse for not noticing their audience until he nearly ran into Commander Wolffe. “Easy there, Patch.” 
“Wolffe!” Patch brightened immediately, leaning in to clasp his brother’s wrist, receiving a hearty thump on the back.
“It’s good to see you, vod. Welcome home.” Wolffe rumbled softly, drawing him in.
Patch choked up a little bit, responding just as quietly. “It’s good to be home.”
It’s been more than a year since he was back with the 104th, and even with everything else going on, it meant so much to be here– and to be with his brothers again, so he took a moment to settle in Wolffe's firm grip before pulling away. 
He glanced around, noticing their little welcoming party included most of the Wolfpack, as well as General Koon.
“Thanks for letting us crash here, General.” Hardcase joked, watching as the landing crew gave the ship one last spray with a fire-extinguisher. “We’ve heard a lot of good things about you, sir.”
“You are most welcome, young Hardcase. It is an honor to meet Patch's brothers from the 501st.” General Plo offered, smiling under his mask as he greeted the group. “Come, I hear we have much to discuss.” He said, beckoning them forward so they could share what they learned.
AO3 Link:
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lehmccoy · 2 years
"Computer, can a phaser blast blow a hole in the ship and kill everyone?"
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thebig-chillqueen · 1 month
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Lynn has severe acrophobia and aviophobia. She’s like me, for real :’) Thankfully Lúcio, her Cinderace and emotional support Pokémon, is with her. He does his best, bless his pure buuny heart. 🙏🏻
This was actually sketched and partially outlined back in…2022? I guess I just lost motivation to keep working on it until recently ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Also I’ve become a little self conscious drawing myself. 💀
Anyway, this isn’t Lúcio’s final design. I’ve since decided to try and make my Pokémon look a bit more unique, whether it be tiny design changes from their usual look and/or giving them accessories.
Since Lúcio’s Sword counterpart has them, I was thinking of giving him a pair of Safety Goggles. That is if I can figure out how to work them around his big, cute ears and floofy cheek tufts. 🤔
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therealbl0om-blog · 1 month
Been thinking of giving new head-canons to the Rescue Bots. This post will have the mentioned characters: - The Main Rescue Bots- The Main Humans (The Burns Family)
Role: Leader Job: firefighting Human Age: 29 years Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: asexual Psychiatric Disorder: PTSD, General Anxiety, Claustrophobia Extra Wounds: - Scar over left optic - Tiny cracks on the right side of his helmet - 20% Blind left optic - Burn marks on left servo - Small scratches over Rescue Bots Logo Family: - Chief Charlie Burns = Temporary Chief - Boulder = 3rd Close Best Friend - Blades = Best Friends [Tends to feel overprotective for him] - Chase = Best Friend, Comforter - Dani Burns = Friend - Graham Burns = Close Human Friend - Cody Burns = 2nd Close Best Friend - Kade Burns = Work Partner, 1st Close Friends [Won't admit it], Secretly a lover Treats: - Doesn't show vulnerability around others, does it around Kade but barely. - Stays late up at nights to watch some shows including love or movies. - Loves to read whenever he's alone. - Refuses to look into someone's eyes when he's trying to speak up something shaming or embarrassing. - Loves head scratches.
Role: Medic Job: Air Rescue Human Age: 23 Years Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: Bisexual Psychiatric Disorder: ADHD, Claustrophobia, Aviophobia/Aerophobia Extra Wounds: - Scratch on his left propeller - Small Cracks on his window - Tiny scratch on his lip Family: - Chief Charlie Burns = Temporary Chief - Boulder = 3rd Best Friend - Heatwave = 4th Best Friend, Leader - Chase = 5th Best Friend - Dani Burns = 1st Best Friend, Work Partner - Graham Burns = Close Friend - Cody Burns = 2nd Best Friend - Kade Burns = Friend Treats: - When watching scary movies, either hugs something soft or a pillow. - Loves to watch the stars on the firehouse roof top. - Flying through clouds - Reading love and cute stories - Trying to learn to draw like Boulder - Gossips with Dani
Role: Navigator Job: Engineer Human Age: 25 Years Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: Asexua Psychiatric Disorder: ADHD, Autism, PTSD Disorders, Panic Attacks, Overthinking Extra Wounds: - Scar over his left servo - Crack on his left headlight Family:
- Chief Charlie Burns = Temporary Chief - Blades = 2nd Best Friend - Heatwave = 4th Best Friend, Leader - Chase = 5th Best Friend - Dani Burns = Best Friend - Graham Burns = 1st Close Best Friend, Work Partner - Cody Burns = 3rd Best Friend - Kade Burns = Best Friend
Treats: - Draws every day - Loves to plant plants - Always observing and commenting about the sunsets / sunrises - Loves back scratches - Pets every animal he sees - Loves talking to small animals
Role: Police Guard / Shield Job: Police Human Age: 27 Years Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Asexual Psychiatric Disorder: Autism, PTSD, Overthinking Extra Wounds: - Burns on his left servo - Scar on his 'Ears' Family: - Chief Charlie Burns = Temporary Chief, 1st Best Friend, Work Partner - Boulder = 3rd Best Friend - Heatwave = 5th Best Friend, Leader - Blades= 2nd Best Friend - Dani Burns = Best Friend - Graham Burns = Close Friend - Cody Burns = 3rd Best Friend - Kade Burns = Best Friend
Treats: - Reads Police Books 24/7 - On duty and leaving tickets for every speed each day - Loves to gossip to Chief about stupid people breaking laws - Annoys Heatwave to follow the laws - Keeps Cody close and protects him from any crazy traffic - Watching Police movies
Inspired by: @annabelle-creart!! Go look at her profile, she has amazing posts and including her art and she's a cool one! Love all, sayonara!
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clone-medic-patch · 8 months
Chapter Summary:
Some days just feel empty.
The two-year anniversary of the Malevolence attack happens while Patch is on assignment with the 501st, but he doesn’t have to suffer alone.
Written for OC-Tober! (read the tags!)
Foggy Morning:
Patch drifted into awareness feeling like he was sinking in a deep fog. Exhaling slowly, he felt like the weight of the entire Resolute was on his shoulders, crushing him to the ground. 'It's going to be one of those days,' he realized drearily.
He’d had enough forethought to avoid scheduling anything, today of all days, so with a lack of prior engagements, he let his mind sink into that terrible emptiness, still preferable to the wall of grief he was trying to avoid.
Two years ago to the day, the Malevolence attacked, leaving Patch stranded, suffocating and helpless in an escape pod. Even with his current struggles, it was still preferable to the fate of his vode. He still didn’t know if his batchers had made it to their escape pods, if they’d suffocated in the vast emptiness of space, or if they’d gone out with a bolt of blasterfire from one of the droid’s search shuttles. All he knew was that they were gone… and he was not. 
Blunt’s absence that day had been a gift; one of the few times that Captain Ozzel’s last-minute mission postings came in handy, but in the end, he’d died too, leaving Patch as the last living member of his batch. 
Curling in on himself a little tighter, Patch listened to the relative quiet of the morning. Most troopers had already made their way to the mess hall, but he could hear Tup muttering to himself while putting on the last of his armor, probably running a little bit behind.
“Hey Patch,” He called quietly, mindful of anyone still sleeping. “I’m headed to the mess hall if you wanna join me. If not, I could probably bring something back on my way to training.” 
Prying his eyes open felt like a monumental task, but Patch did it, responding tiredly. “I’m alright, thanks kid.”
“Sure thing! I just wanted to check, since you’re usually up before me.” Tup nodded, giving Patch a curious look, to which Patch shrugged half-heartedly before closing his eyes again, wincing slightly at the reminder that he’d slept in his armor again.
Tup left not too long after that, and Patch spent the next few hours drifting in and out of consciousness. His breathing was slow but effortful, in time with the crashing waves of his psyche. He heard his comm go off a couple of times, but moving, even to check his comms, seemed like an insurmountable task.
If Blunt were here, he would’ve yanked the mattress out from underneath him hours ago, Patch thought self-depricatingly, and the first set of silent tears came to his eyes, blurring his vision. 
Lost in thought, he didn’t notice the other troopers coming back from training until Tup and Dogma were right next to him, armor clattering against their bunks. 
“Patch? Are you still asleep?” This time it was Dogma asking, sounding cautiously concerned. 
Patch shook his head wearily, still half-hidden by his weighted blanket. “No, ’m awake.” He could practically hear Dogma’s frown deepen in worry.
“It’s past noon, vod. Did you eat anything this morning?” Tup joined in, hesitantly approaching Patch’s bunk.
Patch’s silence was worryingly telling, and Dogma spoke again. “Are you feeling okay, Patch?” 
When he finally responded, Patch’s voice was raw with emotion. “Not really…”
“Oh, uh, are you feeling sick? We can go grab Kix if you want?” Tup offered, concerned.
Huffing slightly, his lip twitched in the barest sense of amusement at their concern. “No, vod. It’s ok, just… today’s a hard one for me.” Finally, he forced himself to lower his blanket slightly, turning to face them. 
He rubbed at his face, suddenly aware of the tear tracks on his cheeks, and avoided eye contact. Open personality or not, he always felt bad about putting his issues on anyone, especially a vod’ika.
Tup looked a little lost, surprised by Patch’s demeanor, and Dogma, who was a little more familiar with Patch’s issues, eyed him sympathetically. “Oh… is there any way we can help? Maybe a hug?” 
Finally Patch looked up at them, giving Tup a broken smile before nodding shakily. “Sure, kid... a hug would be great.” 
Within seconds, Patch found himself with an armful of gangly trooper. Leaning into the hug, he felt his tears start to well up again, but didn’t pull away even when they started to fall. 
After a good minute, he pulled away, finding that Dogma had retrieved a hydro-pack and a ration bar. When he noticed Patch’s eyes on him, he offered the hydro-pack to him, along with a couple tissues.
“… thanks, Dogma, Tup.” Patch said, nodding to each of them. He didn’t feel better, not by a long shot, but he’d shifted into a sitting position during his hug with Tup, and that was at least an improvement. 
The logical part of his brain commented that he’d feel a little better after he’d eaten something and gotten some much-needed blood sugar, so he forced himself to choke down the ration bar that Dogma offered him. 
“Do you… want to talk about it?” Dogma suggested awkwardly after he’d eaten a bit, and Patch couldn’t help but smile. Emotional stuff didn’t come easily to Dogma, but he knew how to put in the effort. 
Shrugging, Patch stumbled through a response. His mind always seemed to work slower on these days, like he was plowing through a thick fog. “Yeah… it’s, just… two years ago, today, was the Malevolence attack… I’ve been pretty busy recently, so it hit me all at once, ya know?” 
He straightened up in his bunk, popping his back with a wince. Dogma gave him another concerned look, but knew better than to suggest that he take off his armor. 
“You sure you don’t want us to call Kix? For moral support, not medical stuff.” Tup offered again, and Patch knew better than to refuse. 
“Sure, kid. If he’s not busy.” Force knows, Wolffe was already going to scold him during their weekly holo call for spending the morning alone. 
With that thought in mind, he finally reached for his comms to look through the backlog of messages he’d missed that morning. 
Predictably, there were a few from Wolffe, first a remembrance, “Mhi su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, Mhi partayli, gar darasuum,” followed by a check-in, and one more when he hadn’t responded. 
There was also a brief message from another medic he’d gotten to know during his time in-training on Coruscant, just a brief, “Thinking of you today, vod,” that thawed a little bit of the icy numbness in his chest.
He typed out a short response to both, promising to comm the rest of the Wolfpack later that day. By the time he’d finished, Kix had showed up, offering him a sad smile as well as a holovid projector. The two medics had recently started watching an absolutely terrible civvie sitcom, after Kix had admitted to having zero time for any real hobbies, but yelling at fictional characters ended up being pretty cathartic, and Patch could honestly use the distraction from his thoughts for a little while.
Later, after the bunks had been rearranged and they’d watched more than a few episodes, Patch felt like his brain was finally starting to piece itself back together again. Admittedly, when he got into slumps like this, his poor self-care skills only made it worse, and the holovid snacks that Fives had dropped off midway through the second episode had helped more than he thought they would.
Shaking his head in amusement at a particularly terrible scene, Patch sighed to himself. “Scoot would’ve loved this vid, completely unironically too.” 
Kix smiled in response, a brief searching look on his face before he asked, “What were they like? Your brothers… if you feel like sharing?”
Patch huffed, bittersweet amusement filling his tone as he thought about his batch. “They were troublemakers, for one. Gev alone was probably responsible for half my gray hairs, with his shenanigans and complete lack of impulse control. Pel acted all quiet and innocent, but he had the worst luck of any vod I’ve ever seen, and we were always bailing him out of some situation or another. Scoot was far too clever for his own good. When we were cadets, he came up with this game where he’d attach himself to one of the service droids and slide around Kamino in his socks. I don’t know how many times I had to patch up his socks, and the others when they got into it too. It’s actually how I got my name.”
He paused to take a breath, choking up a little bit as he continued. “... and Blunt… I was always the buir of the group, growing up, but Blunt was the one who took care of me. He wasn’t afraid to call it like it is, or to tell me to ‘go the kriff to bed,’ when I’d been in medbay for too long… I miss them every day…”
Kix had been listening quietly, and squeezed his hand once he was finished. “They sound really great.” He said softly.
Patch swallowed, nodding tearfully. “They were.”
Tup and Dogma had lowered the volume to give him space to speak, and when Tup offered him another hug, Patch didn’t refuse. Dogma’s gesture wasn’t as obvious as a hug, but he did scoot a little closer, offering Patch his support as they got comfortable once again to continue watching the holovid. 
Later on, after Patch had quite enough of the crick in his neck, he decided to shed a few pieces of his armor, and then a few more. By latemeal, he was still vulnerable, but almost lighter, both physically and mentally, and when Wolffe commed him that evening, he was able to assure his ori’vod that he hadn’t been alone.
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nofearcenter · 4 months
Expert Psychological Support for Phobias & Anxiety | Nofearcenter
Do you have flying anxiety or panic attacks when you fly? Or feel claustrophobic? As a certified psychologist, I use various methods such as CBT, Exposure, EFT, EMDR, NLP, VKD and other fusion techniques in my appointments. Contact today!
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majormiles · 2 months
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The Shuttle Ride There by Orange_Sunsets
🌿 Star Trek (AOS)
🌿 James T. Kirk & Leonard McCoy
🌿 Gen | 1.6k | oneshot
🌿 Warnings for aviophobia & panic attacks
Leonard McCoy has struggled with a lot over the past few months. Yet, as he stands in front of the shuttle meant to take him to Starfleet Academy, his struggles with aviophobia take up the forefront of his mind, leaving him wondering if he's able get onto the shuttle itself to go work at Starfleet. Luckily, Leonard meets a fellow cadet who helps him through the fear.
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whoopsiedoodlez · 4 months
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what is it?: every day there is a new prompt [aka a new phobia] for you to draw. The point of phobia February [or PF for short] is not to mock or belittle the people who have these phobias. But to bring awareness and educate people about these phobias. that is why I heavily encourage YOU [the person creating the art] to research the phobias you are drawing. 
does it have to be specifically drawing?: no, you can do anything from making a short story to making a whole comic. as long it some form of art and is accurately represents the phobia. than you're doing it right! [No AI, because that is NOT art]
Do I have to draw for all 29 days?: nope! You can do it daily or post it every other day. whichever one makes you feel the most comfortable and prevents burnout. 
Why is it called Phobia February and not Fear February?: although I enjoy Alliteration, fears and phobias are two different things. for example, someone may be afraid of spiders but can interact with them enough to remove them from their house. However, someone with arachnophobia would not be able to interact with spiders at all.  
Why February of all months?: the word February sounds like the word phobia. when you pronounce the word phobia You pronounce the letter P like an F. [it was the closest to alliteration that I could get] 
What is the hashtag for this?: you can share your creations with the #phobiafebruary2024 hashtag! 
now get out there and make some cool stuff!!! 
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