#at the verge to have a heart attack
funnymalemodels · 2 years
Just wanted to say...... I had followed your blog years ago when I first got into fashion and I loved your posts and sense of humor. I'm so so glad to see you posting again, I had just remade my tumblr last year and one of your posts ended up on my dash im like ohhh this is a sign lol. Your blog brings so much nostalgia and I just wanted to let you know and to thank you 🕊 you are wonderful, I hope you enjoy your weekend
..hi dear anonymous!!!....awwww!!!!!!....HUGE THANKS!!!!....after all this time ...:')....awwwwwwwwwww........naaaaahhh ....HUGE THANKS!!!....i love when i saw this kind of messages really....specially because ....after alll...we all love our GODS!!...*screams*....i'm so happy u keep on tumblr as well!!!..;)...i tried to post but the latest fw was definetly different......ofc i'm still dying internally for my GODS!!...*screams*....however due to covid...there's lot of restrictions.....is another kind of fw for sure...and due to all the circunstances nowadays.....is such a pity to lost most of the best GODS!!!....*TEARSSS*....however i hope this caotic state ended well and u will see me ...dying and praying to see my GODS booking all the best shows!!!...*wink*.....also i hope u are safe and healthy...always take care ......awww u are such a CUTIE!!!....once again ...HUGE THANKS!!!!...have an extraordinary day and life!!...and also enjoy ur weekend!!!!.....u deserve it!!!...;)!!...*i'm crying*...tis was too much!!!
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reposting from my twottwer but
ethan isnt ugly because of his chin or nose, he looks bad because 99% of photos taken of him r in the game where he has no expression and looks extremly uncanny, his chin and nose are lauvely and are features many people have but just arent conventional beauty standards
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liek theres a mod where they put his model over another resident evil character and he has full facial animation and he looks GREAT because his eyes arent popping out like he saw a cartoon ghost!
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re7 (no facialanimation)
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ethan is just a average normal everyman, he LOOKS like some random civillian and it fits bcs he is! it would be strange if he was some chisled super soldier whos built like a brick wall because hes a software engineer who lived in california bro is not going to have a built of a body builder
and thats ok!!
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evevoli · 9 months
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my main impression of what's going on in bnha rn
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drakkonyan · 11 days
Sometimes I remember the kinda meltdowns I had back in high school and feel like I was faking them because noise doesn't affect me that much. Like I can manage much more nowadays, maybe I just nocebo-ed myself into doing that. Maybe I just wanted attention and I'm a bad person and blah blah blah
And then my dad drags me to a restaurant with music so loud you must half yell to speak to eachother, there are drunk ppl screaming from the top of their lungs, there is a child somewhere somehow by some reason , this is an open kitchen and I wanna skin myself alive
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scribefindegil · 7 months
hey The Curse I don't mind being tired actually will you turn the anxiety back off?
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hanakihan · 11 months
chulwoo soulmate au kinda based on xxxholic scene (yes the one where watanuki and doumeki ended up sharing an eyesight in one eye)
soulmates being extremely rare, and hard to find
apparently first eye contact establishes that link, and it starts to slowly grow. Being a soulmate means the most intimate thing you can ever have, because soulmates are connected on otherworldly principles. People assumed soulmates appeared a a phenomenon just like hunters, but they existed right from humanity’s dawn, it’s the most ancient possible connection.
And now add here mana.
Jin-Woo and Jin-Chul making first eye contact at hospital and having a weird, kinda funny feeling. They don’t pay too much attention to it though. And then the more meetings they have, the stronger their connection becomes. It becomes a local joke, that those two can sense each other without even realizing it from kilometers away, and Gun-Hee trusts Jin-Chul to mysteriously always having an idea where hunter Sung can be.
And then their bond reaches the level, where they experience soul mirror for first time - Jin-Chul was peacefully working at his desk when suddenly his right eye started to hurt and next thing he knows his view is doubled. He sees office and worried coworkers but also dark place full of enemies. He feels not fear but worry for someone he technically doesn’t know. And later witnesses state that Jin-Chul’s right eye was glowing luminescent blue whole time.
Jin-Woo experiences it for first time out of blue - he’s suddenly extremely tired and irritated at something that he has no idea about. He feels immense fatigue and beginnings of migraine, and can hear voices, many voices, demanding and asking, loud and quiet. He tasted bitter cold coffee on his tongue for remaining of the day.
Their bond progressively becomes stronger and stronger and with those occurrences it doesn’t take long for them to realize they’re soulmates. They share and share and share, from sight to moods to taste and other small things. Even their mana starts to dance around and slowly mix, coldness of Jin-Woo’s mana easing his headache.
Jin-Woo definitely using all the perks of their new bond to peek at what Jin-Chul is doing and tug at their connection when man is clearly overworking, while Jin-Chul is mostly calm always knowing where Jin-Woo is and if he’s alright.
/also god imagine them sleeping together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for the first time and it’s absolutely sensory overload, them absolutely a mess, just grabbing other’s face, foreheads touching, and gently glowing with mana heterochromic eyes meeting in a long stare conveys everything and beyond it./
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witchblade · 5 months
ouh this is evil
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totopopopo · 1 year
I always forget how bad it is when I’m off my meds. It’s Bad
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I should not be listening to this music while I drink coffee.
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the-saddest-clown · 11 months
Just finished watching good omens 2, I am never going to be able to feel happiness or joy ever again.
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valeechtine · 11 months
I'm so brave every day of my life. The people who will read the results of my heart monitor will surely not see wild activity today. Manifestations to live by
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lagtrain · 1 year
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man I love have bad dreams instead of a valentine
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bugmin · 2 months
i cant work with her anymore i cant do it
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sharkkweak · 2 months
Ohhh my god I have so much shit I was supposed to do over break and the second I got off school it slipped my mind like water through a fuckin sieve and now by god am I reaping what I sow
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t4tdanvis · 8 months
I mean they’re more just like, different. Both have similar features with a specific difference (dante’s face being slightly rounder vs dante’s face being more expressive)
yeag i understand im just bad at words 💔💔💔
the only way i can explain what dantes expressions looks like to me is like. u know how expressive jordan adika's face is. and how he described his eyebrows as caterpillars trying to crawl away. hes like that
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