#astrals created for omens <3
cloud-the-forgotten · 3 months
Galacta Knight is the type of person who wouldn't interact with something he doesn't know until he knows whether it's safe or not. Yes, he could probably obliterate whatever it is if it turns out to be dangerous, but What If It Can Reflect Attacks?? Better to scope things out and figure out what it's capable of first.
That being said if the thing moves toward him while he's investigating it, his first instinct is to smack it with his lance :)
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critrolestats · 1 month
New Blood, Old Regards
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Thanks to @eyeofthenewt1 for this art piece!
Greetings! Although the Stats Team is still in a state of retirement, we’ve periodically updated several of our Campaign 3 Running Stats categories and galleries thanks to the efforts of a new team of data collectors. This team, consisting of Archivists Astral, Ethereal, Fey, and Shadow, have been preparing since the beginning of the year to launch their own site, and that day has come! With that, we’re pleased to present:
The Omen Archive
Although they have been providing CritRoleStats updates for our Campaign 3 records, their site will be its own thing with its own tools, toys, and focuses, such as graphics derived from their own databases of data. Please visit them at their website, reach out to them, and check them out on their various social media pages:
Website: https://www.omenarchive.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/omenarchive
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/omenarchive.bsky.social
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omen_archive/
Tumblr: https://omenarchive.tumblr.com/ ( @omenarchive )
CritRoleStats will continue to update our databases and running stats pages with the data we receive from the Omen Archive until the end of the campaign, so that anyone from academics to casual fans have access to a complete catalogue of three campaigns worth of data. After that, our site will be completely (accessibly) archived, and our legacy will be carried on entirely by projects like the Omen Archive.
Thanks Are In Order
Outside of our final livecast, we realize we went out without the proper thanks to the community members who helped us grow. We’d like to take this opportunity to give credit where we feel it’s due.
We’d like to thank the team at Critical Role for their support over the years, with special thanks to Dani Carr for both her wonderful spirit, tenacious work ethic, and the marvelous send-off she gave us.
We’d like to thank the creators in the community. Thank you to the artist community for letting us feature your wonderful talent to give vibrancy to the numbers and words we’ve filled. Thank you to the information gathering community, from the wiki workers to the meta analysts, for giving your time to help make Critical Role more accessible. Thank you to the academics for finding value we didn’t know we had in our work. Thank you to everyone who creates in this community, whether your medium is music, words, stats, or art; whether you share for a large audience or for the joy of your private home or table; whether you encourage others with high presence, or quietly inspire and support from the shadows. Your creation makes the world a more interesting place.
We’d like to thank both our patrons and our Ko-Fi supporters for allowing us to carry on for as long as we have, and to make sure our work can continue to reach those who want to be informed and inspired. Thank you to our regular visitors, as well; traffic is supportive in several ways!
Thank you to those who have been with us, whether it’s the very beginning, sometime in the middle, or even if you’re tuning in just now. Your patronage and your expression of value in our work has been a blessing. (Thanks for the 1d4.) We’d also like to thank everyone who has continued to visit the site in spite of the lack of regular content creation on our part, and are grateful that so many of you are still finding use in the previous campaigns’ worth of data, as well as the current one.
We love you all very much. Now, back to retirement!
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icharchivist · 2 years
I really wonder now if the whole thing in Grand Lancelot's fate episodes about the fact fairies are waking up being an omen for bad things incoming was actually foreshadowing this event instead of the next knights event. Especially since it looks like there's going to be some element of time travel similar to how the fairy allowed Lancelot to look into past events.
i think it can be both, as it is, since considering the Fairy thing awakening in all of Feendrache seems to be something that'll be relevant for their plot (the awakening, why a fairy paid attention to Lancelot, ect.. i could easily see Merlin try to take up this power after taking the dragon power, esp since the Myth!Merlin has tie to both dragons and fairies, with dragons being his rise to power and fairies being his downfall. Also always holding hope that the Auberon fairy that gave its name to the water fist will be relevent to the kishi story since the Myth!Auberon is tied to both the Arthurian legend and Siegfried)
But for certain it seems that i'll be relevant for the anni event.
I suppose the other take would be to examine why those 4 Primals are shown to represent the war, as they were all born during it. Tiamat was made to protect an island and she still follows her purpose. Lumineria was a warrior who i think helped a bit the skydwellers during the war? which parallel to Noa who, on his hand, was meant to exploit the humans (out of the 4 primals we see, and i'd even argue out of most the war primals we've seen, he's the one who has expressed the most guilt for his actions in the war (even if #HeDidNothingWrong moment he's a primal he couldn't fight his purpose and once he realized the harm he was doing he is one of the few primals who retired as much as possible from their purpose and in this essay i w-)).
Which leaves us with Sylph and the fact she wasn't created as a weapon for the war but as an homage to a lost loved one, who turned out to be a fairy. I wonder if this could at least give us lore about what was the fairies impact on the world pre-war, and why did they go dormant, what was their relationship with the Astrals since they seemed otherwise to protect the Skydweller. And in opposition to the other 3, Sylph being an healer complete the 4 of them which are protection, attack, and exploitation.
So i can see Sylph being here for those reasons, with a reason to touch on the fairy lore at last.
But would the fairies get into action This event? this is also a possibility, like you mention with the time travel happening, and this may be a good way to use the anni event to really implement World Building Lore, even if it's the Dragon Knights saga who will especially have to deal with the fall out of this lore.
so yeah i still think the fairies have a big part to play on the Dragon Knights saga, but i also agree that this is the perfect occasion to have them enter the official lore.
Anni events have been used a lot to further the main lore of the game (wmtsb showing the first time Astrals came to the Skyrealm and the first primals, Moon Sweet Home showing the whole deal with the Moondwellers, Seeds of Redemption gave us a lot of infos about MC's father, and here we at least know we'll be exploring the weird timeperiod Zooey and Geo are from). I think Anni events tend to come from the principle that even casual players who skip most event will try to read them to celebrate, and as a result, if they want to set up big lore changing bits, it's the perfect place to do so, so they can sneak this new lore in any content they want.
so yeah, i think it can be both. But i'm really excited to see how much we may actually touch on the Fairy lore with this event. That'd be fascinating!
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grimoire-of-geekery · 3 years
Detect Magic: the Sixth World Tarot by Echo Chernik
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(pictured here- the deluxe edition [left] and the Arcanist edition of the Sixth World Tarot by Echo Chernik)
Y'know, it's been a long time since I did one of these, but here goes. It's time for another Detect Magic review. I haven't put the Dork Magician hat on for a while, so let's give this a whirl!
Today we're taking a look at the Sixth World Tarot, by Echo and Lazarus Chernik. She has this available on her website (click the above link), which come signed by the artist and the author. I'm a bit bummed, I bought a copy of this deck juuuuust before she started signing them. Not her fault, but still. XD
For those of you unfamiliar with Shadowrun, it's a cyberpunk dystopian magic-and-mech RPG setting and fantasy novel universe which originated in the late 80's. The premise is that magic is growing stronger, the world experienced a big Awakening in the early 2000's, right around the same time that corporations managed to gain extraterritoriality. So, you have dragons running huge megacorps, which basically enslave people to be lifelong wageslaves from birth (or as soon as they can get their hands on a desired talent), immersive VR Matrix hackers, cyberware enhanced fighters and magic practitioners acting as "deniable assets" to said corps for all sorts of shady business.
Hence the name "Shadowrun."
This setting, one of my absolute favorite settings out there, has had the misfortune of developing a sort of eerie prophetic element akin to the Simpsons and its bizarre track record of prediction of ludicrous world events. Shadowrun was intended to be a cautionary tale, not an oracular one. That being said, that does make a tarot based on Shadowrun more than a little on-the-nose for predictive purposes. After all, they're telling the future without even trying. Wait until they actually put some effort into it...
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All right, time to Detect Magic!
Accessory- Crit (4 out of 4) Stunning artwork, evocative imagery... this deck is gorgeous. It's so beautiful, and so intricate and well made, that people who don't even read tarot (or even particularly like tarot) buy several copies for their geeky collections, and even people who don't particularly care about Shadowrun have dropped their jaw when I showed the deck to them.
A bit busier than I'm used to working with (not the art, but the extras which I'll explain later), I was pleasantly surprised at how much I loved the cards when I first got them. The box for both editions I own are a nice durable gloss with a magnetic foldover closure, there's a ribbon inside each to help pull the cards and book out of the box, and the decorative artwork is gorgeous and fitting with the setting. Definitely aesthetically pleasing enough to take places, and durable enough to resist scuffing or tearing for on-the-go divination and gaming use.
Tome- Crit (4 out of 4) So, the Tome section of this review is supposed to be about how well the cards help one in the pursuit of learning magic and practicing geekomancy. And... really, I don't think I've found a deck (or any artifact of fandom) quite as good as this.
Let me explain.
Tarot, in the sorcery practice I teach, are already basically a pictorial grimoire, describing life in a way that allows us to learn the hidden movements, mysteries, and forces at play in our world. Art is good for things like that in general. It helps you see the world through a special lens, one which allows you to see things you might have missed.
The thing is, the lens of this deck is the Shadowrun continuity, which as I said earlier, has proven to be more than a little prophetic, and alarmingly so.
The magic system of Shadowrun is pretty adjacent to our own. Life force lines, spiritual power sites, astral projection and spirits and magical "energy" forms, initiatory mysteries... it's all pretty much the same as our own reality, just juiced up a bit, with some extra game elements added (don't even ask me about insect spirits).
This makes the deck particularly helpful if one wishes to learn magic in any of the myriad ways described in Shadowrun (and they're particularly respectful and diverse and true-to-life in their tradition descriptions).
BUT, it also has an entire lore-book called the Book of the Lost associated with it, which explains all these little secret sigils and images and easter eggs stored throughout the deck, which can be used for gamebuilding and storytelling, but are designed to be arcane indicators and omens, among other things. And the kinds of symbols they use range from sentences or mottos in dead languages, all the way to waveform patterns and dot-matrix maps. I swear, if you're one of those people who like puzzles and cryptography, this deck is even more fun than the Hermetic Tarot.
In summary, while you'll have to get some Shadowrun sourcebooks to really get deep into the canon lore, there's so much of it that the cards really show you on their own that I don't consider this a setback at all. Feel free to deep-dive with this deck, you'll learn a TON about magic if you let it guide you.
Relic- Success (3 out of 4) If you read the Book of the Lost, or Unearthed Arcana, or any of the 5th edition Shadowrun magic sourcebooks, you'll see that "tarot magic" is an up and coming thing in their canon. Each text helps you see how practitioners use the cards in-game for spellcasting, ritual magic, initiation practices and spirit summoning. The Tarot are already really valuable as central objects of importance to certain kinds of magical practice. This particular deck is designed to be so handy a central object that there's an entire book dedicated to it.
Weapon- Success (3 out of 4) The only reason I'm rating this a success instead of a crit is because they don't provide enough spreads in the various associated books for one to immediately begin casting spells with them, which means you'll have to do some designing. They do have a couple solid unique spreads for basic divination though.
The deck's canon in-game suggests ritual practices like gathering and doing a ritual with sets of related cards, and one such ritual was easily adapted in my own practice, into the Lucky Kimono spread I designed (which people can read about on my Patreon at the higher tiers). So, even without outright including spell-spreads, they sort of gave us clues anyway.
Again, you're going to need the sourcebooks, but it's only a few of them, and they're well worth a read even if you're not planning on playing the game (and I don't play in the actual Shadowrun mechanical system, though I do like the sourcebooks for campaign setting ideas).
Overall Rating: Critical Success (14 out of 16)
Achievement Unlocked: Novahot Echo's artwork is already legendary in the dork realms of geekomancy. She's done work for Dungeons and Dragons, Mage: the Ascension, House of Night... she's even working on a Fate: the Winx Saga playing card deck right now. Her art-nouveau delicacy combined with the powerful non-pandering way she draws women means that her paintings pack a punch!
That being said, it's rare that we see professional artists create a tarot deck of this magnitude as a gaming accessory. Most tarot decks of this caliber are found in professional occult catalogues or as independent projects by artists just wanting to flex their skills for their own reasons. To have a deck like this, clearly a labor of love by all involved, as a major element of gameplay within a franchise is really very special. And something this diverse, deep, and absolutely saturated with layers of ciphers and riddles... it's a geekomancer's dream come true.
Level Up: 2 Levels I think the only way anyone's going to be able to top this deck is if they manage to design a tarot deck that's also a fully immersive VR video game AND an AR game and divination tool useable with one's iPhone or Android. Legit, Echo and Lazarus left everyone in the dust. I haven't been this excited about Shadowrun since Shadowrun Returns first came out, and I got a set of dogtags that had a USB drive with the game on it.
It's just... crazy cool.
Full disclosure, I've had the deluxe edition of these cards for a while now, so I've basically been low-key squeeing about this deck since I first heard about it in 2018, even before I got it. I've been utterly astonished that people weren't more excited about them, and I wasn't hearing about them everywhere.
Before this, I created my own Shadowrun tarot method using the Universal Transparent Tarot (cuz, y'know, plastic and see-through and weird little mosaic readings all in one place, seemed fitting to me), and when I got the Sixth World Tarot? I don't think I've opened the UTT since!
Anyway, this is my review of this deck! Go follow the link up at the top of this post, and buy yourself one! And hey, let me know if you figure out the cool little map trick. My jaw literally dropped when I was shown that!
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themanicnami · 5 years
Fog in Witchcraft
Fog is often a forgotten aspect of weather that seems to get passed over when it comes to witchcraft despite it having some powerful and noble uses as well as a history in the craft. Though not all areas get fog commonly, many do, almost every morning depending on the time of year. Allow this small post to perhaps be some help to those who have interest in harnessing fog into their craft.
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History and Fiction
As stated above, in many literary sources witches of both historical senses and fiction harness fog as a powerful towel. In popular lore, witches were said to summon fogs to roll across the lands to protect fleeing mothers and children during wars to hide from invading soldiers, though this lore is hard to pin point down, it is often said to come from Celtic and Gaelic origins.
In other tales witches would summon fog to protect traveling royalty or heroes who are on a quest to reach lands that may be unfriendly to their arrival. At some other times fog was related to almost like the “witching hour” it meant it was a time that the supernatural were out and witches were casting their spells.
Fog as a Liminal Space
What is a liminal space? To put it simply it means a “transforming space” or a place that the Veil or energies are thinner and overcross one another. Often they are associated with spirit work, energy work, astral work and over all witchcraft. Some call these places or areas “places where one area and time stop and another begins”.
In many cases, places that are covered by fog often are said to be liminal spaces during this time, due to the surrealism and energy fog brings with it. It turns something mundane looking to mysterious, confusing and even to some creepy. Its concealing nature brings the feeling of the unknown and the unseen.
Traditionally and theatrically fog is often used to represent the Veil between worlds and afterlife, often used in settings of literature and movies by covering graveyards before something supernatural happens or by filling the streets at night when magick is about to begin. Often when many people who don’t practice the craft think of supernatural energies and the Veil they imagine a foggy night or a wall of fog, this imagery is for a reason.
Often, fog is seen as an important tool for spirit work both fictionally and modernly due to its relations of being a liminal space and therefore seen as easier to contact spirits with the barriers weaker when it arrives.
Correpsondences and Uses of Fog
Generally Fog Corresponds with - The Veil, Spirits/Spirit Work, The Hidden, The Unseen, Invisibility, Protection, Obstruction, Curses/Hexes, Warding, Meditation, Astral Work, Fear, Patience, Calmness, Serenity, Peace and Travel
Often times, fog is useful to one when they wish to cast or enchant items for invisibility and protection during travel, often necklaces or items enchanted while out in the fog. Others will take the opportunity of using fog for spiritual communication, past life work and astral projection, taking advantage of the weakened barriers and Veil for these purposes.
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Crystals - Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Thunder Egg
Herbs/Plants - Cotton, Broom, Saffron, Thistle/Thicket, Wheat, Pansy
Colors - Gray, Silver, Black, Blue
Other Tools - Steam, Incense/Smoke, Wands, Besoms, Branches, Storm Water/Rain Water, Ash, Dust, Mirrors and Gray Candles
Fog Summoning
There are many ways said to summon fog. A few of those ways will be listed below
Method 1: Using storm water boiling it until it has thick amounts of steam rising from it, carefully move it outside or to a window (if one is not already outside) and offer it to the sky. Many will chant or call to the weather or winds to bring them fog much like the steam of the pot.
Method 2: In water on a burner add storm or sea salt and a sigil on paper for fog. Close the lid to it and wait until it is boiling. Remove the lid and allow the steam to rise. Here chant if desired for fog or let the water boil until it is nearly gone.
Method 3: With a besom go outside if it is a private space and much like wind summoning call to the fog to come to you, using your tool as an extension of yourself and your energy. Remember to ask it to come rather than demand for it.
Method 4: Using storm water or rain water, ash and a jar fill it with these ingredients and shake it thoroughly to summon fog. Be sure to center yourself and focus on your energy to put into this fog summoning jar. Leave it outside or in a window afterwards for further effects.
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Fog Water
Fog water is a tool that can be used for witchcraft when fog is not rightfully available or in place of rain water/storm water in fog summoning. To capture fog water is pretty easy though you must be able to accept small amounts.
First you will need either very fine fabric or mesh or screen similar to what can be found in windows or for fishing nets. Tight it taunt onto something to hold it up like rods or sticks. Make sure it is held up at least a couple feet above the ground and somewhere the fog will roll through it. Base it off of how high the fog in your area tends to be, if you have low rolling fogs it may work better lower to the ground. After or during a time of fog you should be able to see droplets of water forming on it, you may use a jar tied below a corner of it to capture these drops or you can collect it yourself during/after they have formed. You can build much larger versions of this for potable water gathering and tutorials on this can be found easily online if that may interest you.
Store your fog water in glass containers and in the fridge, be sure to date and label to ensure you are using fresh water. Do not drink this water unless you set up the proper potable filtration systems.
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Diffusing Fog
Often witches will find themselves tasked with fog being a hindrance rather than helpful. Its a dangerous weather condition especially for those on the road or at sea. 
Historically, sea witches would be asked to disperse fog for the safe return and port of sea vessels and the men upon them. Though it is difficult to find exact spells from these times, often broom or heather is used by facing the sea with it in hand and waving at the fog, putting energy into it and telling the fog to disperse. Other times it is said using a broom/besom to summon winds to remove the fog was a preferred way.
Other options for witches is to sing a fog removal song and often dance accompanied with it and with either a besom or wand in hand, direct the fog to travel away from you and somewhere else. Other witches have found success in praying and working with weather deities to move the fog back to the sky or to lead it away.
Omens, Superstitions and Dreams
In omens it is said fog represents blindness. It blocks our ability to see clearly and makes normal directions seem impossible to follow. It can go hand in hand with confusion and the feelings of anxiety. When fog appears in visions it is to be seen often as a warning that things are about to get just that - foggy.
Though it is also related to shrouding oneself, it may be a sign that it is time for you to create a fog about yourself and to build up those wards.
Superstition wise it was believed fog would steal people, often due to people getting lost in it and vanishing, because of this fog is seen as a warning of loss to come. Some cultures even associate it directly with death.
In dreams fog holds many meanings. If the fog is throughout the whole dream then it is a warning of deception. Someone is deceiving you and deep down you know it to be true. If you dream of being wrapped in fog and it is too thick to see through or escape it is often related to feeling that someone has stolen something from you. Dreaming of wandering in a foggy environment is a warning of dangers to come, keep on your toes. If you escape fog it means you are avoiding danger or theft.
If one dreams of fog just being around their head, eyes or following above them like a halo/hat, then it is an indication that you are lying to yourself. You are refusing to let yourself see the truth. It can also be a play of the saying “its all in your head” meaning you are overthinking a problem.
If you dream of fog and snow together, it is often said to be a dream related to sickness soon to come. Others say its a sign that illness of the mind and emotions is going to creep its way in.
If one dreams of their home, bedroom or apartment being filled with fog it is often taken as a bad omen and sign that a large family drama is soon to come.
Seeing a figure in fog in dreams can have different meanings. If it is someone that you know it means they may be hiding things from you or that you are going to have a fight with them in the near future. It can also indicate if you are in the fog and you see them outside of the fog, that you are guilty about something you did to them. Seeing a stranger in the fog or a shadow you do not recognize is often due to anxiety or fear in one’s waking life. They represent the unknown and the future to come, which you are currently stressed over. Animals in the fog can represent both anxieties and fears looming about you but also can represent that you a repressing your own desires and natural wants.
If you see fog rolling in from the distance of a dream it means something is looming in your waking life. If fog starts descending down on you in a dream from the sky to the ground, many take this as a bad omen for travel especially by air or sea. Historically it is said a foggy sea in your dreams means a shipwreck in your future. Though fog over a lake or river means dream-like wonder and is said that young women who dream of this can expect a mysterious stranger in their future.
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Fog and Different Types of Witchcraft
Sea Witchcraft - Fog is often seen as more of a hindrance in ocean magick, especially historically when fog at sea or port could be rather hazardous and bring tragedy to many. Due to this, fog in sea magick is often used for more negative tasks like cursing.
Storm Magick - Fog is often seen more in the light of a less harsh type of weather compared to storms or rain but still one that can be used to harness energy. The energy of foggy weather is much more mysterious, calm and hazy than that of storm or wind. It can be used for such purposes.
Death Magick - Fog is often related to the barriers of the other-side as some may say, so many death witches will take advantage of fog to use it to communicate and commune with the dead. Many report that it can make using tools of communication like Ouija boards and pendulums easier.
Divination - Often fog can be seen as a hindrance for divination though it is often deeply routed with self discovery and past life work. Many will take the opportunity of foggy weather to explore their past lives and the history of themselves and others. 
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3nd0fr3gss · 3 years
🌻 Angel Numbers 🌻
Angel Numbers are what happens when you see a set of repeating (or a specific 3+ digit) number(s). Keep track of what you see consistently and try to decode your own message. Relating these numbers to your life is a personal thing, but this little guide might help!
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111- a reminder that thoughts create your reality. This can be a reassurance or a warning.
222- a good omen for relationships and a reminder to seek balance as well as peace.
333- a sign of encouragement. If this is shown, you should anticipate the arrival of good news.
444- a sign to your intuition that you’re on the right path and you should keep going.
555- a sign that change is coming. This is a good omen for manifestation. Keep going and make room for something new.
666- a warning of negative energy either already in your life or energy that will be coming into your life.
777- shows a need for solitude and rest. Take time to work on yourself. A reminder to give yourself breaks when you need them. Rest is a right, not a privilege.
888- a powerful manifestation number. A sign of progress and success.
999- a reminder to release what no longer serves you. You can’t keep everything, so you need to make room for what’s coming.
1010- a sign that there is something near completion in your life and you should keep working towards your goals.
1111- a sign of manifestation and its workings.
911- a reminder to try and stay positive. There’s new things coming to you, and you need to be ready.
0000- a message from your angels or guides that you will become what you strive for with some extra work. “Good things take time”.
1234- a reminder of your potential. This shows progress and gives you a reason to believe in yourself and your abilities.
2222- a reminder to try and find balance in your life. Karma is real, and you should try to stay on its good side, but to do so, you must have faith in the universe.
1222- a reminder not to give up on your goals. Nothing can really stop you unless you let it, so keep that in mind.
717- a sign that you are on the right path, you should continue what you’re doing.
1313- a sign that you are closely connected to your guides and angels. This could mean anything.
1122- a reminder that you can’t accomplish anything from within your comfort zone. Making things better for yourself is going to be uncomfortable for a bit, but it will be worth it.
2255- a sign that you show urges to change your life in any way, big or small. Figure out what you need to do and ask for more signs if you need them.
202- a sign that there is a divine being helping you to become what is needed.
1919- a sign that something important is beginning to manifest itself into your life. This can be a good omen or a warning. Prepare yourself for both.
505- a sign to forgive yourself for anything you may have done. No one is perfect and you shouldn’t hold yourself to that standard.
616- a sign to get your life in order. Your life is messy right now and you need some sense of organization before anything else.
757- a sign to clear any guilt before seeking any guidance or forgiveness. You must forgive yourself first.
0110- a sign that you have been blessed by the divine realm. Do not take these blessings for granted, as they can show themselves to disappear at any moment.
0909- a sign to get yourself prepared for greatness. Good things are coming to you and it’s ok to get excited. Be happy!
1242- a sign that you need to believe in your talents and skills. You are worthy of greatness, and you will do great things.
711- a sign the spirits are helping you in life. Nothing is too far out of reach if you work for it, and they are here to help you.
123- a sign that your capacity is expanding. You have the capability to shape your own life. Use that skill.
411- a sign that you need to feel what there is, not just see it. In order to truly acknowledge something, you must know it exists in the heart.
2323- a sign that something big is coming into your life. Get ready for what may happen in the process.
2828- a sign that your life will result in endless abundance and unity. Good things are coming to you.
4141- a sign that you need to focus on your goals and not be tempted by material things. In times where this is a struggle, remind yourself that no gold is any good to the astral world.
1414- a sign that your prayers have been heard by your guides.
1212- a sign to stay focused on your end goal. Good things are coming to you.
901- a message from your spirit guides telling you that it’s time for a fresh start.
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thelanternlight · 3 years
Witchy Asks!
Hello fellow witches! Here’s 50 Witchy Asks written by the-lunar-vixen. Please follow if you enjoy them. Blessed be!
1    What type of witch are you?
A gay one.
2    What deities do you like to work with, if any?
Angels, faery, guides, Mother God, Father God, Christ, saints, and ancestors. I'll also work with deities from various religions as they pertain to a spell or ritual (e.g. I may work with Hathor for a love spell).
3    Have you ever created your own spell?
Absolutely, most of the spellwork I do is original at least to some extent.
4    What’s your favorite time of year?
All the year is beautiful and wonderful for a myriad of reasons but Springtime is sacred to me.
5    Do you have a witch you look up to?
I think I have teachers that come and go in my life. They can be famous or not famous, witches or not, etc. Currently I'm loving Ember Honeyraven.
6    What makes you feel powerful?
Balance and freedom. Knowing that I'm on the side of what's good and right.
7    Do you have a favorite myth?
I'm an author and storyteller so I have many, many favorite myths. Off the top of my head I love the stories of Medusa, Apollo, the Christian Creation myth, Germanic and Scandinavian folklore, Anansi and his stories, Arthurian legends... the list goes on, but yes I LOVE stories. I think have so much meaning and wisdom to share.
8    Which famous/fantasy witch do you relate to the most?
I've grown up watching witches in movies, television, reading about them, etc so I've related to witches one way or another since day one. The Charmed Ones (all four) were role models for me when there were no role models for little, effeminate weirdos like myself as a child. The Sanderson Sisters were person heroes to me and I tried to emulate them from the very first time I saw the film; in fact those three are perhaps the original witches with whom I related the most. Since then there have been SO many wonderful characters in entertainment and in real life that inspired me so incredibly much that they've become a part of me.
9    Are you a wiccan?
I am not.
10   What’s the most unique item you’ve ever used in a spell?
I guess a dildo? I think 'unique' is a relative term.
11   Do you own any witchy books?
Apart from my personal book of spells I've owned many books on witchcraft but have parted ways with the majority of them. I'm currently trying to downsize the amount I have currently as it happens. Anybody want some free books?
12   Which misconception about witches annoys you the most?
That magic isn't real and this is all nonsense. I think it's especially irritating when people of other faiths criticize my own as if a prayer is anything different from an incantation. In fact I would argue that spells direct energy in a more concentrated way to affect change than simply petitioning a deity.
13   Have you ever created your own sigil?
You bet. Sometimes you just need something original and unique for the rite/spell.
14   What element are you most drawn to?
15   Do you have a familiar?
Some people use the word "familiar" interchangeably with "pet". I do have a pet but she's not my familiar. Other people define "familiar" as "spirit animal" which I'm not entirely sure is correct either. I'm in a bit of a gray area on this subject, but I see question 17 below touches on it as well.
16   Are you a part of a coven?
No. I've tried working with others to do magic but I think the synergy/chemistry has to REALLY be on point to do effective magic. Very often there's a clash of philosophies or practice that sort of spoils things all too easily whereas working alone allows me to concentrate so much better.
17   What’s your spirit animal?
Again this is a vague term that means different things to different people. I consider my spirit animal to be more or less my "familiar". When I was younger I was walking in the woods one evening praying really hard about something that was weighing very heavily on me. Then suddenly I looked up and there was this gorgeous and perfectly white stag looking back at me. He stood there for quite a while before slowly walking off again and the whole situation had such a profound sense of meaning to it. I saw the stag a few more times until finally, late one night while I was walking through the woods by a lake under the glow of a bright full moon I saw the stag one last time on the far side of the water. Ever since then the white stag has been sacred to me. So that's what I consider my spirit animal/familiar. It's a guide of sorts, a good omen, a sign, a representation of Spirit/Soul/God-energy and Self. I identify with it. So that's my spirit animal.
18   Do you do tarot readings?
I do indeed!
19   What’s your favorite witch movie?
I have several, but Hocus Pocus has been my favorite since I was a wee tot.
20   How many crystal do you have?
I actually don't really know. I don't go out and buy crystals but sometimes they come into my life and then go when they've served their purpose. For example, I had a beautiful large quartz that my grandmother had bought me from the nature store when I was a kid. I loved it so much. But one Halloween night I was doing a ritual with a friend of mine in the woods and ended up losing it. Interestingly, that friend was pursuing me romantically unbeknownst to me while also hooking up with the guy I was hooking up with and also really liked (ugh, gay culture). And during that ritual I was speaking with my grandfather (husband to the grandmother who bought me the quartz that I lost that night). So what does all that mean? I have no idea. But I figured all things considered maybe it was just time to let that thing go, along with other things that night.
21   What’s the most unique item on your altar?
I don't really have the privacy to set up an altar but generally I like my "work area" to be neat. Everything has a purpose and a meaning and a function. If I need to burn something I have the item/items, the cauldron, the lighter, oils, and anything else needed for what I'm doing. So nothing in particular stands out as "unique"... unless... Well I do have a small copper cauldron with a handful of dirt from my grandmother's house that I've kept for almost twenty years now. I guess that's unique?
22   Have you ever enchanted anything?
Oh god, yes, lots of things. I've enchanted things so as to protect them, or so that the item will protect someone else or some place... I've enchanted things for love, or to keep something or someone away. I've enchanted things to help in a greater ritual or spell. And so on.
23   What’s your religion?
I was raised Christian Baptist but following one horrible experience after another I've absolutely left that faith well behind long ago. I don't have a particular religion in the sense of organized religion. I'm spiritual and I cast spells. I also believe in science. I don't call myself a witch but I do everything a witch does.
24   Do you have a favorite crystal?
"I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens".
25   What are some of your favorite spells?
Oooo I'd have to say I'm rather partial to love magic. I'm particularly good at it too.
26   What do you like to do to cleanse your space?
After physically cleaning a space I like to use the Violet Fire to cleanse an area as well as cleansing using a broom and a wand and/or athame.
27   When do you feel the most powerful?
When nature and I have our little moments. When the wind is warm and strong. When I'm out in a storm. When I can "feel" things growing during the Spring. The silence of a frozen winter night in the woods... Also when I'm cooking. I fucking LOVE charging a pot of boiling ingredients with good juju.
28   Do other people know you’re a witch?
A few people close to me know I practice witchcraft. Others think I'm just a little bit daffy.
29   Has one of your spells ever gone wrong?
Definitely. Mostly when I was still learning and practicing. Like this one time in sixth grade I cast a spell so that a popular girl in school would like me and we could start dating. Obviously since I was gay I didn't really want to be with her, I only did it because I wanted to be cool (although I did like her and we ended up being fairly good friends until we went to different high schools). That spell backfired and I ended up 1. not getting the result I intended because I was doing it for the wrong reason and simultaneously trying to force another to do something against her will, and 2. I ended up having one shitty fucking love life for the longest time.
30   What outfit makes you feel the most witchy?
Oh I love me a good cape. Even just walking around with a long blanket around me.
31   Have you ever tried astral projection?
Yes, successfully, several times. I like to use it for meditation. Often I go to the artic sea where there's just ocean, ice, and darkness.
32   Do you have any enchanted jewelry?
33   What does your altar look like?
A space on the floor where I cast a circle and set up my stuff.
34   Have you ever seen a spirit?
YES! I've seen fairies, spirits, ghosts, shadows, sparks, heard voices, etc.
35   What’s your favorite spell sachet?
I can't say that I have one.
36   Do you have a favorite sigil?
I'm especially fond of the Sigil of Venus.
37   What’s your astrological sign?
Sun sign Virgo, Rising Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius
38   Have you ever interacted with a deity?
Well, yes, of course... per the previous questions.
39   What color are you most drawn to?
40   Do you believe in past lives?
Without a doubt.
41   Where do you like to practice your craft?
Wherever I have privacy and calm.
42   What’s your favorite season?
Springtime, as mentioned previously.
43   Have you ever cursed someone?
That's not what my magic is for. Yes I'm familiar with the how-to, but no I don't partake in that kind of thing. The "worst" I've ever done is cast binding spells to keep someone from harming me and/or even coming into my presence.
44   How long have you been a practicing witch?
I'm telling on myself now but I'd say about 24 years practicing in earnest.
45   What drew you to witchcraft?
A natural inclination.
46   In what moon phase do you feel the most powerful?
The Moon itself does not change with the phases of its shadow. The phases are representational, of course, and its symbology can be evocative and meaningful, but otherwise the Moon is what it is. Therefore I'd have to say I personally feel most connected or at least most aware of the Moon when it's full. Else, I would say when it's waxing as that's when most of my spells are done simply because of the type of spell I usually work.
47   What’s your favorite holiday?
Wisterlimas, and then Halloween. Although I love all the holidays.
48   Do you know anything about your past lives? (if you believe in them!)
Yes, wow, I've done extensive work on discovering my past lives. I've lived in San Francisco at the turn of the century, in Scotland, England, France, Japan, China, as a woman, as a man... It's all very fascinating but you can't delve too deep because it's simply not necessary. You're not really *supposed* to know about your past lives. That defeats the purpose of the great forgetting once you're reincarnated. Yes, you can revisit the major themes and lessons learned, but one shouldn't really fret too much about what happened in the past.
49   Have you ever done an energy reading?
Certainly. I think most people do energy readings even when they don't know they're doing it. There's "reading the room" or "getting a bad vibe". There's also reiki and the like. And healing work. And of course magic is all about directing energy so to achieve a specific goal.
50   What time of day do you like to practice your craft?
Usually at night but it has more to do with the individual spell. Astronomical positioning is also important as well as weather, season, personal mood, day of the week, et al.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Switch au (Part 5)
N/A: Is time for the X-men to found out Kitty can alter reality.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @tieflingteeth @muninandhugin
Each scent holds a unique perfume with a singular story behind it. Some can be sweetly pleasant while others can be sour in comparison. The magic community is linked with smells. Hexes that burned the human flesh tend to leave a terrible smell to all involved, however, using spells to heal the sicks and downtrodden can leave a sweet smell. Wanda, for her part, believes magic to be more than smells. Belives to be more than the rules the witches in Salem follow and can always be improved and be re-discovered for good or...bad.
As the Sorceress Supreme, it comes with the job to meditate as much as possible. Wanda remains in her lotus position in total concentration. Next to her, in equal silence mind you, remains a young woman in lotus position with an expression not so serene.
Her lips are quivering. Her nose is moving as much is allowed and her hair is being gentle touched by the wind. A scowl marries her pretty and round face. "I think I got it" she murmours to herself in confidence as she can feel her inner energy burning. That or she really ate something terrible.
"What you got it?" Wanda asked with her eyes closed. She´s miles, miles, and miles away, yet, Wanda can still hear her student´s words. A good teacher can and should listen to her pupil.
"Magic is like coding!" Kitty gives a big grin with her eyes still closed. Wanda lifts one eyebrow with her eyes still closed.
"How so?"
"Each spells derivates from magic. Its magic core, I mean." She commences now boldly. Long are the days she would shy away from speaking her mind to Scarlet Witch. "think this way when you´re creating a site...each tag, each word matters and is the same with magic. Each word, each intention matters"
"Uhm is a good analogy. I suppose...and how this would play with changing reality?" there´s a curiosity in her tone and Kitty literally hovering from the ground can answer at least this. For now.
"Reality is a coding program and we can reset if we so wish...but, why fix what´s not broken...yet"
"Uhm...a a good analogy. Agatha used a music analogy with me...but since you don´t like music that much...it works for you"
"You´re welcome"
And now Wanda opens her eyes. Crimson and imbued with power. As she´s hovering from the ground and looks far away, actually, Scarlet Witch often has a distant look in her crimson eyes once her eyes are really red.
"We´ve got a mission to do and the X-men will have to help us" Wanda states with urgency and Kitty opens her eyes -never shying away from the sheer raw intensity of Wanda´s eyes- "Is about the Shiars and Pheonix"
And Kitty´s grins die off. "How the level of emergency?"
"No changing reality..."
"Then we have time...no need to be hasty. I´ll call Kurt and the others" she proposes and Wanda nods.
"Kitty...a word of advice, be ready...you can´t hide your new ability forever" and her words have such prophetic tone. Such omen that Kitty almost wants to cry. Kitty almost wants to fight her sensei...but, what´s the point in doing any of those options?
Jean Grey´s death is a sore spot in some people´s memories. Jean wasn´t faithful-for ref Logan and Scott can provide how Jean used both of them- moreover, Jean sacrifice her life to save the X-men and no one forgets this. Was that a selfless action or a selfish action? Scott, once new teammates inquire about this with much tact one can do, only shurgs as what´s the point anymore? 
Jean is dead. Jean made mistakes. Jean saved them...so what´s the point?
Kurt Wagner was training in the danger room. Kitty´s latest tale of her magical adventures leaves a sour taste in his mouth. "Be open mind, Kurt" is his mantra now. But...a book that knows everything but changes location, cities where witches ruled and sacrifices are a bit too much for him.
Not for Kitty...
His cellphone rings 3 times. Kurt didn´t answer right away. For once, his impatience with the cellphone is noticeable right now, furthermore, also, his mind keeps reeling to the past-an activity he loathes to do- and always comes back to Kitty and what-ifs.
"ELF!" her familiar voice advertises herself and Kurt jumps like a frightened cat. An astral presence of Kitty is seen and Kurt has to rub his eyes a few times. He saw this scene before and it wasn´t pleasant.
Margalia and Amanda aren´t pleasant...
"We have a problem...and only the witches and X-men can solve"
"You´re an X-men too, Kitty..." his tone is a bit bitter and Kitty notices. When she doesn´t notice something about the elf?
"And I´m a witch too, elf...now, please, listen to me...the Shiars are about to attack...but we have a chance to defeat them"
And Kurt has to listen. And soon so are the other X-men.
The Shiars worship Pheonix in several degrees. The Shiars also are free to do some actions as long it doesn´t interfere with Pheonix´s plans. The Shiars can conquer Earth as long they don´t hurt the X-men, which, is a paradox they love to explore.
Wanda and Scott are talking and planning how to counter-attack. Ororo is not too thrilled to face the Shiars again, in fact, no one is. Rogue is shocking herself a little to be moderately happy for Kitty´s return.
Logan is in the time only in name and Wanda can ignore him. Is a mutual decision.
"Maybe we can use diplomacy? I mean" Kitty trails off embarrassed and looking for Kurt´s support. "The Shiars aren´t totally unreasonable...and worship Pheonix ...maybe we can try"
Kitty´s words are true. Queen Lilandra is willing to negotiate with the X-men, however, her terms are too impossible for the X-men to fulfill in such short terms.
"We don´t have the technology for that" Is Scott's line to state the obvious. Ororo pipes in as she recalls something about Wakanda.
"Princess Shuri may have something like that...however, not in such numbers and not so quick..."
Kitty raises her hand and looks at Wanda. The older woman only nods and mutters a silently "good luck" not very encouraging if you ask Kitty, but, hey she´s not afraid or maybe she´s afraid but won´t let the fear dictate her life.
"I can wrap reality. I can make more of this machine and we can deliver to Queen Lilandra"
Kurt´s eyes widen at this and he steps back at such revelation. Kitty notices. When she wouldn´t notice her elf?
Kitty crafted what the Shiars wanted and peaceful resolution is not always common, but, is still appreciated. Wanda is invited to a celebration party. The X-men need to celebrate something right now.
And Kitty goes to see the elf and the azzure man has his glowing eyes set on Kitty and only Kitty.
"You...have this power? For how long?"
"Recently...I did something stupid and now...well, here I´m"
Kurt steps back from her. "Kitty...stop being a witch, stop...you´re going to be just like...."
"Just like who?"
And Kitty doesn´t feel like celebrating anymore.
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wombatinspace · 4 years
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The Serpents were an order of angels on the second ray under Archangel Jophiel’s command.
(Interesting that the Archangel’s name begins with a “J”, eh? “Just a J, really.”) They fell from grace when they tempted twin flames in paradise to depart from the covenants of the LORD God. As their punishment, they were cast out of heaven into the earth, henceforth to wear the bodies of mortals.  
And the LORD God said unto the Serpent, “Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”[1]
They were called Serpents because they were masters of the Kundalini, or life force.
Images of the Kundalini symbol:
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The Kundalini is serpentine in appearance as it is coiled at the base-of-the-spine chakra and raised at will by adepts to the third eye. When the Kundalini is awakened, it begins to ascend the spinal column. We see this represented in the caduceus, a symbol of the medical profession. The caduceus is illustrated as a staff with two entwined snakes rising to a pair of wings at the top. As the sacred fire rises on the spinal altar through the two snakes (i.e., the male and female energies), it heals mankind’s diseases.
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The leader of this band of fallen angels is known as Serpent.
The philosophy of Serpent
Sanat Kumara describes the philosophy of this fallen one:
Whereas Satan is known as the original Murderer using the murder of the lightbearers to thwart the divine plan of God in the earth, Serpent, who is also “called the Devil and Satan,” is the Archdeceiver, the original Liar and the father of lies whose philosophy of deception, based on fear and doubt, is his modus operandi in his warfare against the true Christs and the true prophets.
Serpent is the Wicked One whose seed, along with Satan’s, is sown as tares among the good wheat of the Christic seed. It is this seed who are called [in the New Testament] the offspring of the vipers. “Viper’ is from the Greek translation of the proper name “Serpent,” who, together with the fallen ones of his band, was cast out of heaven and took embodiment on earth where they have continued to reincarnate since the Great Rebellion.[2]
The temptation of Eve
The Book of Genesis describes how Serpent tempted Eve to partake of the energies of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit—the power, the wisdom, and the love of God—and the use of these to perpetuate the self-centered existence outside of God. Through the critical eyes of the serpent, “the woman saw that the tree was good for food.” This was the temptation of the blue plume of power, the First Person of the Trinity, the Father. The serpent showed the woman that the energy of the Father could be misqualified or used, as he put it, to gain all economic objectives in the world, to acquire wealth and all that was necessary to meet the demands of physical man.
Second, through this eye of the serpent, she saw “that it was pleasant to the eyes”—the pride of the eyes in the gratification of the senses, of the emotions, the desire to fulfill the pleasures of these senses. This was the temptation to misuse the light of the Holy Ghost in all types of social interchange, in all of the various exchanges of energies that occur through human attachment.
Finally, she saw that it was “a tree to be desired to make one wise”—and therefore the temptation to replace the Christ mind with the carnal mind, to use the plume, the flame, of the Son (Second Person of the Trinity) in order to control the political movements of the world; the desirability of using the Christ mind to fulfill ambition, achievement, accomplishment, to gain manipulative powers over others through that carnal mind.
Strategies of Serpent
Sanat Kumara describes the strategies of Serpent unto the present:
The Serpent who spoke to the woman in the Garden of Eden was the leader of a band of fallen angels who fell from the second ray of the LORD’s wisdom. Before their fall, their understanding of God and his laws governing the path of initiation and of individual Christhood was more complete (subtil) than that of any other angels (beasts) of the field of God’s consciousness which the LORD God had made in the beginning.
This fallen one was selected from the Luciferian councils as the one most able to turn the woman away from her first love in God who had come to her in the person of the Great Initiator, Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, as well as from her second love, that of her beloved twin flame.
The seeds of doubt and fear formed the foundation of Serpent’s questioning of the Lawgiver and his Law. Impugning the motive of Maitreya, Serpent set himself up as the false hierarch and impostor of the Cosmic Christ. And ever since, he has, with his seed, maintained the foundations of the false hierarchy’s philosophy of Antichrist in economics, politics, the social sciences, and the culture of civilization—all on the basis that his way is better than God’s way, that he knows what God knows and knows it better, and what's more, that he knows what is best for His offspring on earth.
While the tactic of this fallen one is to destroy the Word of God by detracting from it, carefully removing the sacred-fire mysteries of the Holy Grail from the codified scriptures of East and West, his temptation of Eve was based on his distortion of the Word. Thus he perverts the Trinity by false initiation—giving to the woman the fruit of Light that is forbidden except through the initiation of the Christ; by false teaching—“Ye shall not surely die”; and by false comfort—“Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
The fallen ones have continued to prate their lie, assuring their own seed that there is no Devil, no final judgment, and no second death. Having almost convinced their own seed that it is possible to circumvent the true path of individual Christhood, replacing it with the vicarious atonement, they have in them willing instruments of the lie and the Liar who promote their false doctrine and dogma, making their version of religion and God-government compatible with the pleasure cult whereby the seed of the Woman are led to their own apparently “freewill” destruction of the Word.[3]
The judgment of Serpent
As a result of Serpent’s aggressive influence upon Eve, his status was redefined. In the planes of Matter his hierarchical rank is beneath that of elemental life. This demotion applied to all of the fallen angels and those who followed them in their deprecation of the Word. The fallen angels have less status than the beings of fire, air, water and earth. They are relegated to the astral plane.  
The light that they perverted in their seven chakras was cast down. Serpent was made to crawl upon his belly, the solar plexus chakra, which is the focus of the astral or emotional body.  
Serpent lowered the energies of man and woman to the plane of unholy desire. His karma was that he be removed from the Spirit sphere of Matter to dwell only in the Matter sphere of Matter: “And dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.” “Eating the dust” is ingesting only the energies of Matter-water and Matter-earth.  
Through this half of the Matter whole, the Serpent will henceforth work against the etheric and mental bodies of mankind. Through man’s desire body he will work to manipulate his mind. Through his physical body and his physical senses he will work against the etheric perceptions of the soul and the soul’s experiences on the etheric plane.
The carnal mind
The Serpent is the personification of the carnal mind. The Serpent has exempted himself from the Law of God and has made himself a law unto himself. The mortal mind that created the laws of mortality is subject to those laws as long as it is mortal, and thus it cannot be subject to the Law of God.
I don’t believe all of this applies to Crowley or the Good Omens universe but I do wonder if perhaps it was BASED on this. Perhaps he was Archangel Raphael, or perhaps he was quite simply always a serpent. After all, “ The Serpents were an order of angels on the second ray under Archangel Jophiel’s command.” They were serpents EVEN AS ANGELS.
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cloud-the-forgotten · 6 months
Galacta Knight looks at Gooey and is befuddled. He has no idea what that Weird Blob Thing is but he seems friendly. Once he learns that Gooey is Dark Matter (either by sensing what Matter he's made of, or someone telling him), he's incredibly wary of him. Of course, after spending some time together at a picnic with Kirby there, Galacta doesn't mind the funky little blob as much.
(Alternatively, after finding out about Gooey being Dark Matter, Galacta immediately tries to destroy him. The Star Allies have to step in and tell him Gooey is not an enemy. Gooey doesn't mind though and forgets about this incident later.)
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neonsentient · 4 years
My Antihero Academia
List and Description of the class' Quirks
W/Db: Weakness/Drawback
1. Cendrillon - Changeling: She can transform her body into a flexible organic form of any solid material she touches. Her favorite being diamond. 
W/Db: She needs to maintain direct physical contact with the material, and if Cendrillon is rendered unconscious, her body returns to normal. 
2. Lady Gray - No Time: Lady can realign herself into a faster time-stream, shifting herself into a state in which time moves so slowly relative to her perception that it appears to stop, although she continues to operate normally.  
W/Db: Using her Quirk often causes accelerated organ aging (i. g. her first menstruation occured at age 7)
3. Belladonna - Poison Kiss: Grants Belladonna’s saliva several toxic properties, making it essentially a poison. It causes; dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, vomiting, high or low blood pressure, hemorrhage, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, severely dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary and sweat retention, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, and convulsions. In certain quantities, the poison can lead to death. Poison Kiss also grants her a certain tolerance for poisons. 
W/Db: If used extensively it leads to dry mouth, which renders her unable to generate saliva. Also, if she uses her poison too often on the same person, that person can build up a tolerance towards it.
4. Babydoll - Nap Time: Babydoll's blood can cure almost any injury. This Quirk is always active. 
W/Db: It causes various degrees of “sleepiness” depending on the severity of the wound (i. g. a simple cut will cause her to feel drowsy while a severed artery will make her fall into a coma-like state). The time injuries take to heal also depends on their severity, bruises and cuts will heal in seconds while more grave injuries take hours or days. 
5. Reaver - Body Snatch:  The ability to project his consciousness into other individuals and take control of their bodies. 
W/Db: He suffers from varying degrees of amnesia after returning to his own body.
6. Wraith - ESP: Grants him an array of abilities such as clairvoyance, psychometry, empathy, telepathy and remote viewing. He later becomes capable of astral projection and some degree of telekinesis.    
W/Db: If used extensively, Wraith is at risk of insomnia, hallucinations, mood-swings, nosebleeds, seizures and aneurysms. 
7. Anansi - Hallucination:  He can modify the sensory information in a person's head while their brain is processing it.
W/Db: If used extensively or in  a large group of people, Anansi is at risk of headaches and strokes. 
8. El Charro Negro - Infierno: A Quirk that grants El Charro the ability to produce black colored flames. 
W/Db: He is at risk of overheating himself if he makes extensive use of the flames. The flames also produce an unpleasant smell akin to sulfur. 
9. Baron Legba - Voodoo: The ability to direct pain and physical damage to another when the injury is inflicted on oneself. 
W/Db: Baron Legba must have something that has had significant contact with the target or contain its DNA in order to make the "connection". He also need to be within reach. 
10. Nirvana - Change of Heart:  Allows Nirvana to induce several emotions (happiness, rage, sadness, fear, etc..) in others by controlling their brain chemicals (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, etc..) 
W/Db: She must be within reach from her target, and she cannot use it on herself. 
11. Carmilla - Vampire: Grants Carmilla enhanced strength, speed, and senses as well as accelerated healing and night vision upon consuming blood.
W/Db: Carmilla is rendered extremely photosensitive, so daytime usage is a hazard. 
12. Wicca - Magic: Allows Wicca to alter and manipulate reality at will by stating an intent in rhymes and focusing on the outcome. 
W/Db: If Wicca does not focus on the outcome or uses the wrong phraseology her Quirk won’t work properly. It also requires energy (internal or external) to perform the intended feats.  
13. The Blue - Blue Rage: N/A (To be revealed later)
14. Shan - Warping Jump: The ability to instantly teleport herself effortlessly, to any location within her sightline. 
W/Db: When she does carry others with her, both she and the passenger experience pain. 
15. Fay - Fairy Wings: A pair of dragonfly-like wings which allow her to fly.
W/Db: Like any body part, they can be injured or overexerted.
16. Siren - Mermaid: An array of various features such as gills, webbed hands and feet and some scales. Siren can also shift her legs into a tail, and her singing voice has hypnotic properties. 
W/Db: Due to her aquatic nature, Siren is sensitive to heat and dehydration. 
17. Cherry Bomb - Bomb: a Quirk that grants the power to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive or disruptive results.
W/Db: Cherry Bomb must have physical contact with the object to charge it, and the time it takes to charge depends on its mass (i. e the larger it is, the more time it takes.)
18. Omen - Sight: a Quirk that grants Omen precognition and retrocognition a.k.a she can see the past and the future.  
W/Db: She cannot control her visions and often gets them sporadically. Also, her perception of time and herself is severely distorted. 
19. EMP - EMP: He can produce a surge of electromagnetic energy, which can disrupt all technology nearby. 
W/Db: If unfocused or emotionally disturbed, the strength of the EMP can vary. 
20. Gaia - Earthquake: It allows Gaia to generate seismic waves that can exclusively affect natural terrestrial surfaces or anything containing rough minerals, thus granting her the ability to create earthquakes. 
W/Db: The seismic waves require stamina to be produced. And although immune to her own seismic vibrations, any earthquake she produces will affect everyone and everything in her surroundings including herself. She also need to be in contact with the surface.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Imot, the Symbol of Doom
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True Neutral Psychopomp Usher of Inevitability, Mathematics, and Portents
Domains: Luck, Repose, Rune, Weather Subdomains*: Curse, Psychopomp, Legislation, Storms
Concordance of Rivals, pg. 9
Obedience: Spend an hour in a dark space barely large enough for you to fit and cast your thoughts out from your body. Benefit: Gain a +4 insight bonus on Perception checks to spot portents and traps; this expanded insight also allows you to disable magic traps as if you had the Rogue’s Trapfinding ability.
(*IMPORTANT NOTE: The Subdomains are my best guess; Subdomains are not listed in Concordance of Rivals. Anywhere!)
Pity you ended up in a desert for this adventure, eh? No, but finding a space ‘barely large enough for you to fit’ is likely going to be difficult if you’re not an urban environment. Most DMs will just wave their hand and say that there’s an outcropping of rocks or a hollowed out tree here or there that will allow you to complete your Obedience, but if you’re in hostile territory it may become more and more difficult to find a safe space for you to squeeze down into. I suppose you could technically carry or create your own by toting around a sack just barely you-sized, but then comes the awkwardness of getting into and out of the thing each day. Do you ask for help? Or do you trust that you’ll eventually escape? Many Obediences have an unspoken ‘eject button’ that lets you leap from the ritual and defend yourself if necessary and begin again later, but Imot’s Obedience leaves you terribly, terribly vulnerable.
Also, “cast your thoughts from your body” is a strange sentence to me. Is that just a fancy way of saying ‘meditate?’ Do you legitimately have to try and astral project? Is it ‘cast them out’ in a ‘wander elsewhere with your mind’ way, or an ‘empty your mind’ way? Hrm.
Well, anyway, that’s a REAL nice benefit, a whole head and shoulders above the usual fare of ‘on par with a feat.’ Perception checks are the most-rolled checks in the game, and keeping an eye out for traps is one of its most important functions. As for what ‘spotting portents’ entails, it’s annoying to have to detail this out, but portents are basically omens or warnings. The tide suddenly receding heralds a tidal wave, the skies above darkening signaling a terrible storm, a depressed wall plate signals a trap is set, claw marks in the door suggests its occupant is terrible and sharp... Things like that. It’s basically an excuse to have you spot tiny details that foretell incoming disasters, with is a delightful ability to have if the DM can play around with it. Why yes, you notice that merchants hands are backwards right away...
Oh, also, disabling magic traps is nice... But uh, best to leave that to the experts, unless you are the expert, since this ability doesn’t actually make you any better at dispelling or disarming them.
Boons are gained slowly, gained at levels 12, 16, and 20. Servants of the Monitors, though, can enter the Proctor Prestige Class as early as level 8. If entered as early as possible, you can earn your Boons at levels 10, 14, and 16. You MUST take the Monitor Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience. Monitors grant only a single set of Boons. 
Boon 1: The Coming Storm. Gain Doom 3/day, Scare 2/day, or Rain of Frogs 1/day.
Doom, despite having such an ominous name, is only level 1 and causes the target to become shaken. Powerful at low levels, but it falls off quickly and its nature as an emotion/mind-affecting effect make a painful number of monsters immune to it.
Scare is, perhaps, even more painfully outclassed than Doom, because it only affects creatures who have less than 6 HD. I find it amusing that Doom and Cause Fear are the same level, but Doom is infinitely better. Scare is a step up from Cause Fear, but not a HUGE step. It’s useful for cowing a legion of smaller foes into submission, but once you start hitting the mid/upper levels, you won’t really find many creatures worth using this power on that you couldn’t just deal with using a different spell.
And thus, we get to Rain of Frogs, one of the best spells in the entire game if only because causing a flood of amphibians to fall upon your foes is one of the best possible uses for magic in existence. Also, I linked to the spell’s page because I enjoyed how much and how little patience the authors of the website had and just conglomerated all the information you need to use the spell in one simple page. Nice of them! Anyway, with a range of Close comes the power to drop your poisonous frog storm directly into an enemy’s square, which is endlessly useful when dealing with casters or fleeing foes. I’d pick Rain of Frogs every single time, as the other two don’t even come close to comparing to its power or utility.
Followers of Imot always know that the Coming Storm is composed entirely of frogs.
Boon 2: Insight Into Disaster. You add your Wisdom modifier to Initiative checks and Reflex saves.
Alright YEAH! Initiative checks GO!!! I really hope you didn’t dump Wisdom, because people who didn’t get rewarded HARD. Moving first is perhaps the most important thing you can do in combat, letting you strike first, buff first, retreat first, etc etc etc. And you not only get that, but the added benefit of adding Wis to your Reflex saves as well. Casters typically have poor Reflex saves AND poor-to-middling Dexterity, and this solves both of those issues in one fell swoop.
Also, this is an untyped bonus, allowing it to stack with pretty much every other buff in the game. ...
... Alright, I think that covers it. Flat stat boosts are always boring to discuss, no matter HOW excited I am to see that you can potentially double your Initiative and Ref.
Boon 3: Call Down the Wrath. 1/day you can cast Extended Control Weather.
That’s altered weather patterns for 4d12x2 hours, by the by. Realistically, about 1 to 2 days of weather control (the average roll is 26, which doubles to 52), but if you’re especially lucky you can muck with up to four days of weather. Even a low roll sees 8 hours of climate change, a full adventuring day! With an area of 2 miles centered on you and the potential to have the spell last 2, 3, or 4 days, you can have the effect overlap itself and just have an eternal 2-mile bubble of whatever you want it to be. Become the very avatar of tumultuous climates as you stroll from place to place with dark clouds both heralding your arrival and shadowing your departure, or go in the opposite route and just give yourself a perpetual spring day!
It takes 10 minutes to cast this spell and 10 minutes to alter the weather in a meaningful way, so if you want to be DRAMATIC with it you need to time it exactly. Queue up a thunderstorm BEFORE strolling into the enemy evil leader’s base and demanding their cooperation and snapping your fingers to cause it should they fail to comply... Or, y’know, to celebrate the occasion should they actually comply. It’s a warning! A display!
It’s really easy to abuse this spell thanks to even the lowest possible roll still meaning you have 8 hours to muck about with an enormous patch of weather. Need to sneak somewhere? Create thick fog, torrential rain, or snowstorms to hide your movement. Need to clear out an enemy camp? Terrible heat or cold could make them move. Need to halt an enemy army? Bring down catastrophic hail or a tornado to rip through them. You can’t directly control where the tornado will travel or how the hail will fall, so make sure you’re protected from your own actions! And know that your allies and friends aren’t spared from you Calling Down the Wrath, but luckily being a Proctor demands skill in Abjuration anyway, so assure everyone possesses shields and wards!
Or, you know, march your lonesome self into enemy territory. That’s an option, too!
I really, really love this reward because Control Weather is one of my lower-key favorite spells. It’s one of the few that actually makes you feel like a God, which everyone knows is what magic is all about! Too bad Imot is one of the Ushers that leans more towards the Evil side of the Neutral spectrum.
Side note: Since using a spell-like ability isn’t technically ‘casting’ a spell, Druids don’t get the bonus of doubling the already-doubled duration or the 3-mile radius.
You can read more about it here.
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Aziraphale shared what he learned in the Underworld. Aziraphale and Crowley realize that Ruby may somehow have been hearing prayers. Ruby comes to terms with having a Dybbuk living inside of her.
When Ruby realizes that there is something strange going on with Aziraphale and Crowley, she turns to Selwyn for help.
Book 3 of As Heaven is Wide
Chapter 1
"Hades and Osiris?" Ruby said. "Wait...aren't they the gods of the Greek and Egyptian underworlds?"
"The very same."
"I'm confused."
"By what?"
"Are the Greek and Egyptian underworlds part of Heaven and Hell?"
"No, they're their own separate realms on the astral plane."
Ruby gave a short, indignant laugh. "But doesn't that like...negate Christianity's whole thing?"
"How so?"
"If other gods and realms exist, then she can't be the one true god."
"Do you think she'd have to try so hard to keep humans from worshipping other gods if she was the only one?" Crowley said under his breath. "She gets a bit jealous and insecure when other gods get attention-"
"Crowley, you shouldn't be so flippant," Aziraphale cautioned.
Crowley threw his hands in the air as if to say 'what did I do wrong this time'.
"But I thought your God created everything," Ruby said.
"She did," said Aziraphale.
"But there are other gods."
"So are those stories lies?"
"Which ones? Some myths have more truth than others, you'll have to be more specific."
"The creation myths. Every culture has one. They can't all gel together and they certainly don't gel with the whole creating the world in 7 days thing."
"Why not?" Crowley asked.
"Because they completely contradict each other?"
"Do they?" Aziraphale asked.
She stared at them. "Uh...yeah? Completely? I mean which one is right?"
"How do you mean?"
"Which creation myth is right? Why are there all these gods? Where did they come from? Did god make them?"
"I...don't know," Aziraphale said.
"You don't know?"
"Never thought to ask," Crowley admitted.
"You?" Ruby replied. "Never thought to ask?"
"It does happen," he said.
"It's like the first most logical question," she insisted. "And you never asked?"
"It didn't seem..." Aziraphale said slowly. Then his expression cleared. "Sorry, too much to drink, I'm afraid. I completely lost my train of thought."
"Other gods," Ruby said. "You were just explaining to me why there are other gods."
"Was I?" he asked. "I don't think I was. I don't know the answer to that."
"What's wrong with you?" Ruby asked.
He frowned. "Nothing, my dear. I'm sorry if I've somehow disappointed you in some way-"
"No you haven't," she said. "I just think it's a little weird how neither of you ever thought to ask this question."
"What question?" Crowley asked.
Ruby was concerned that there was something mystical at play here.
Aziraphale frowned. "What is it, my dear? Your anxiety is spiking again. Is it the Dybbuk?"
"No," she said. "No, don't worry about it. Just explain what you were saying before about Hades and Osiris?"
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immedtech · 5 years
Ubisoft is planning animated shows based on ‘Watch Dogs’ and ‘Far Cry’
Ubisoft is no stranger to TV and movies. Its media division, Ubisoft Motion Pictures, has created four seasons of Rabbids Invasion thus far, and produced the mediocre adaptation of Assassin's Creed. That's not to mention films like Uwe Boll's Far Cry and the controversial Prince of Persia, which were licensed from the publisher. The company is focusing on the small screen for now though, and hopes to reach kids and young adults. The animated series will be comprised of adaptations from titles like Watch Dogs and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
Ubisoft hasn't said if Rabbids Invasion will receive a 5th season, but the kids series will soon get a one-off TV special set on Mars. The Rabbid characters are originally from Ubisoft's Rayman series, which will be the source of a new, untitled comedy series. Hungry Shark Squad, meanwhile, will be an adaptation of the mobile game Hungry Shark.
On the tween side, Ubisoft will tame its open world hacking series Watch Dogs to create an animated "cybermystery" show. The concept art depicts a middle school girl equipped with a few gadgets. Her reflection reveals a more futuristic version of the character set against a Tron-like backdrop.
Young adult gamers (and plain, old adult gamers, too) might be more interested in the adaptation of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. The 2013 game was a surreal, '80s-inspired romp through a world plagued by giant neon lizards controlled by an evil megacorporation. Its soundtrack by Power Glove is particularly awesome. The TV version, Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Vibe, will be helmed by Adi Shankar, who produced Netflix's Castlevania animation. Blood Dragon will serve as the basis for a Ubisoft TV multiverse. Given how wacky the game was, there are a million ways -- time travel, aliens, black magick, astral projection -- for unrelated characters to make their way onto the screen.
Lots of viewers are sick of hearing the term "multiverse" -- it seems like every studio is getting in on the formula. Plus, video game adaptations seem particularly likely to turn out corny or just plain bad. But Ubisoft Motion Pictures' success with Rabbids Invasion may be a good omen for these upcoming projects. In the meantime, gamers can look forward to other Ubisoft TV projects like Child of Light, Mythic Quest, and The Division.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
- Repost from: engadget Post
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/rare-alignment-january-17-21a-magical-window-opens/
Rare Alignment: January 17 – 21~A Magical Window Opens
Rare Alignment: January 17 – 21~A Magical Window Opens
By The Alchemist
Magical and Rare Alignment is going to take place from today, January 17th until the (Super Wolf) Blood Moon on January 21-22. It is not just another alignment for the spiritual energy that gathers in the Astral Realm exceeds the usual. I’m pretty sure most of you have already felt its power, especially the Empaths.
Although you’ve may have already read about this ‘conjunction’ or ‘alignment’ I’m sure that no one has explained you why is this so important. So, here it is. All you need to understand what the fuss is all about. 
During the Next days we are going to experience a pretty great Energy Shift. Why? Because many astrological phenomena happen at same time. Yin and Yang, the cosmic balance is about to be restored. But let’s take one step at a time so that you can clear things up in your mind. 
1. Rare Alignment – All Planets are Direct
Remember what we were talking about all summer? It was really strange how many planet were retrograde, all at the same time. This actually brought things up, things we hoped we never see again or things we were actually looking for a long long time. 
Let me remind you, that the last Blood Moon in July messed us up so much because it was during an – also rare – time of many planets in Retrograde phase. This was actually a time when we needed to stay back and proceed with much caution.
Now, all planets are direct and this Full Moon happens at that time. Coincidence? I don’t think so. This means that there is nothing keeping us back and we are pretty ready to reach for what we’ve been looking for. No more holding back. 
2. On the day of the Blood Moon, 5 ‘Planets’ Will be at their most powerful Position
This does not happen ofter. Not only will the planets be direct, but they will also be at the point of their greatest power. 
Moon in Cancer  (and in cusp – adding to her power!)
Mars in Aries 
Jupiter in Sagittarius 
Saturn in Capricorn 
Neptune in Pisces 
As you can easily understand, this planetary alignment will produce maximum energy from the Astral Realm to our, affecting us all, one by one. 
3. On the day of the Blood Moon, Venus will conjunct with Jupiter
Actually this has already happened. In astrology, this conjunction is called ‘divine intervention’ as great amounts of energy are going to bless our realm. Moreover, Jupiter is at his home – Sagittarius, thus radiating his maximum blessings! 
Global Omen of intense Energy Shift 
So what does it mean? It means that we are about to experience an intense energy shift. Something very important is about to happen which was actually being prepared from July 2018. This is how the events begun 6 months ago are now finally completed. 
However, it doesn’t mean that only good things will happen now. Unfortunately, this intense energy – with nothing holding it back – will dominate the Realm, changing many things at once. Therefore we should expect: 
Global political advances.
Intense Natural phenomena & catastrophes 
Good news in Science and Medicine
Amazing Discoveries
A Witch Looking through this Window
This Amazing Window of Opportunity will help us magnify our Magical Potential hence affecting our practice and our abilities. Right down what you are experiencing and make sure you remember everything. The omens which are going to be presented these days are unbelievable! 
Of course, we will make something really great during the Blood Moon so stay tuned! 
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moonlight-at-dawn · 7 years
About the Astrals
...and How Much (read: Little) They Could Really Do, And What They Gave To Do It
Okay, this started as me being pissy over all the “The Astrals are so cruel” “Bahamut is such an asshole” “It’s not fair that they made him do this they could’ve just fixed it themselves” kinds of posts. And then debating with that. And then realizing how long this was getting, and so here we are, it gets its own post.
It’s formatted a bit awkwardly and I am entirely too lazy to make this a pretty post so I’m sorry for my rambling.
And now here’s the stuff~
-Gods tend to have some rules to follow about levels of interference and also the amount of responsibility that the people have to see to their own survival and such. (i.e. the Gods give Humanity the tools but humans gotta do the work)
-There’s also the fact that the Starscourge came from Outer Space and thus could have been outside of their ability to affect, since it wasn’t of Eos.
The second one explains itself I think, so it’s only the first I’ll expand on.
Out of the Astrals, this is what we have to work with us against the Starscourge:
1. Ifrit, the Betrayer. He’s dead and he wouldn’t help anyways since he caused it.
2. Bahamut. Gifted the Oracle with the Trident and magic to cleanse the Starscourge. Gifted the Kings of Lucis with the Crystal, the Ring, and his very own magic, all tools to be used to see to the ending of the Starscourge. He then seems to disappear from Eos (?) and is seen only in the Crystal and then outside of it again only after bonding with Noct, indicating he was within the Crystal the entire time, and unable to do anything outside of it.
3. Titan. He is a little bit trapped under the meteor unfortunately, and it seems only his death is able to clear out the meteor itself and free him, as seen when Noct (and the Empire...) defeats him. So the fact that he’s trapped under the meteor for ~2000 and unable to ever free himself or be freed by the others is probably the most powerful proof of the Astrals’ inability to deal with the Starscourge on their own.
4. Ramuh. .....I hate that we know nothing about Ramuh tbh lol he’s a dead spot. Could be alive, could be dead, could be recently dead, could be 30 years dead, could be thousands of years dead. Who knows, maybe he died way back, maybe Ifrit killed him, or maybe he was just on an intergalactic roadtrip for the last 2000+ years. We don’t know, anything’s possible~! He might like humans, he might hate them, he might not give a crap lol
5. Shiva. She certainly appears to have a fondness for humans. It’s interesting that the Cosmogony supposedly tells of the 24 Messengers, meaning that Gentiana is truly a Messenger or else they would have known she wasn’t who she said she was immediately. So, is Gentiana always Shiva, or did she take her form? (...did someone translate her blurb from the Ultimania guide? does it clear any of this up? the JP is way too complicated for me x_x)
6. Leviathan. Not particularly kindhearted towards humans. Doesn’t necessarily want them all dead the same way Ifrit does, but has no attachment to them and would not likely directly help the other Astrals in removing the Starscourge. She would demand humanity work for and earn her help, so if the other 2~3 were unable to remove the Starscourge with just their power but could have with hers, then that’s just too bad so sad, time for plan B I guess.
So!! Before the crystal and oracles and everything, there were at best 3 Astrals who could deal with the Starscourge, since Leviathan hates humanity, Titan was trapped, and then of course Ifrit was never on this list.
The fact that Titan was trapped by the meteor and they all apparently could do nothing to help him out shows us that they probably didn’t have the power to take care of the Starscourge by themselves anyways.
I believe it was said somewhere that the Crystal was part of the stuff that came from outer space???? I cannot remember and I might be mixing my series’ lores, but I’m mentioning it in case it rings a bell to anyone and if there’s a source if I did remember that right. (ETA: I’m mixing up my lore on this one, disregard lol)
Now on to how the Astrals DID help us~!
There’s a finite number of these Astrals. There’s the Six. That’s it, they’re all we got. But humans...! We propagate our species, but we have relatively short lifespans and a very small amount of magical/life energy in comparison with the Astrals.
So Bahamut gave his weapon, his trident to the Humans, managed a way to give them a magic to purify the Starscourge from each other, and a way to provide protections for settlements, so that they could survive.
And then he gave his magic to humanity, and he gave humanity this crystal which could be used to help protect them, and which would gather the power to eradicate the Starscourge from Eos.
The Omen trailer tells us about the power gathering part, in its way. The Crystal tells Regis that it has seen many deaths but only needs one more, then it can rest. That’s the indication. It’s finally at the point to move on to the next step, but it still needs Noct’s death to see it done.
The point here is that the sacrifices were never personal. People say the Astrals toyed with the humans, but they never once did. Well, not in regards to stuff done to get rid of the Starscourge. I don’t know what they were like back in the days when they seemed to interact with humanity a lot more. (Am I the only one who got that impression? That the Astrals were a lot more active in the lives of humans, until the Astral War?)
And now we get to what did the Astrals sacrifice for humanity - Since they asked that lives be sacrificed to power this, it’s only right that they sacrificed, too, right?
Well, let’s not forget how every single Astral dies for Noct lol
I think this got missed by a lot of people, but yes, the Astrals did die.
Well, I can confirm Shiva, Titan, and Leviathan.
-I assume Bahamut died in giving his power and going into the Crystal, based on some other bits I’ll get to in a moment.
-Ramuh, as I said above, we know nothing about, but him being dead in some way is likely because of what happens with the other three.
-Shiva died 11 years prior. Gigant Shiva (?) was rose up, attacked, and was ultimately defeated by the Empire a year after Tenebrae’s occupation. (I like to think Genti was pissed on Luna’s behalf, but that’s not relevant)
-Noct, the Chocobros, and the Empire do kill Titan at the Disc of Cauthess. The energy released from his death destroys the meteor.
-Leviathan is killed in Altissia and it’s when she dies and her water vortex collapses into a tidal wave that Luna summons Titan to create a breakwater to protect the rest of the city from being destroyed.
(there are news headlines and radio news clips about these things so the proof on most of them is right in the game for you to find~)
Now to why I assume Bahamut and Ramuh are also dead, considering everyone else - That seems to be part of the price of giving their power to humans.
And that’s also why they require such a heavy price from humans.
But each of them are able to be summoned after giving their favor to Noct, so they clearly all have some ability in their deaths. But it doesn’t seem as though they have full ability, y’know? They aren’t really alive anymore, they’re just their soul and no longer their body? I’m not really sure how to describe, just that they are very clearly less than they were before in order to aid humans.
So they sacrificed every bit as much as they asked be sacrificed.
They only made humanity pay the price that was necessary to get the job done.
They needed humanity’s help to overcome the Starscourge. And they didn’t ask for an ounce more than they needed.
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