yogadaily · 1 year
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(via Laruga Yoga. | Basic yoga for beginners, Yoga positions for beginners, Yoga poses  || Curated with love by yogadaily)  
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pulquedeguayaba · 3 months
Kinda liking this weekly workout schedule I figured
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The Best Vinyasa Yoga School In Rishikesh For Vinyasa YTT In India
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Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India for transformation. Do you want to join this Yoga Teacher Training  program? Find a reputed Vinyasa Yoga School in Rishikesh. They can properly guide you while deepening your practice. You will learn the art of yoga teaching.
Vinyasa YTT program is designed to support the students and make them ready. This knowledge will help you to face different life challenges. In addition, you will meet with a supportive community, surrounded by a calm environment. All these things will enhance your yoga practice.
In addition, we all know that health is a priority. However, the modern lifestyle and various other factors have made our lives so complicated. It causes several diseases. This is why it becomes our responsibility to take care of our health well. Do not worry! It just takes 1 hour a day. Considering yoga practice regularly can be a smart choice for this purpose. Most importantly, you can now join Yoga Teacher Training in India and become a skilled teacher.
When we talk about Vinyasa Yoga, it is a modern style of yoga that combines Asthanga and Vinyasa Yoga. It is popular nowadays. This yoga style is specially used for the Linking of poses, Breath initiates movement, Cardiovascular workout, Moving meditation and more. Definitely, you will gain more experience by joining this YTT course.
·         It improves your cardiovascular health and stamina
·         It enhances your flexibility and strength
·         It can lead to improved awareness and stress reduction
·         It promotes a sense of calm
·         It promotes natural detoxification processes
·         It enhances balance and coordination
·         It helps in weight management
·         It increases your energy levels
·         It improves your respiratory function
·         It strengthens the immune system
·         It improves the sleep cycle
·         It improves body posture and more.
Can I Start Yoga At The Age Of 30 To Become A Yoga Teacher?
Yes. Many individuals start this journey at 40 or beyond. It can be a rewarding experience. Looking to career change? Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Indiacan be a good choice. In addition, several other yoga courses are designed to choose from.
Which Institute Is Best For Yoga In India?
Look for a reputed and reliable yoga school for your Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training. Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School is your right stop. It gives you an experience you'll never experience before.
For the best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India, visit www.rishikeshvinyasayogaschool.com today!
Resources : https://rishikeshvinyasayogaschoolttc.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-best-vinyasa-yoga-school-in.html
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sai-astro-centre · 9 months
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imaec-digital · 1 year
Break the Chain of Infection: Correct way for hand disinfection
An overview of the Chain of Infection:
Infectious diseases are caused by the contact of agent, host, and environment, according to the conventional epidemiologic triad model. Transmission happens when a pathogen leaves its reservoir or host by a portal of exit, is transferred by some route of transmission, and infects a susceptible host through an appropriate portal of entry. The infection chain is a term used to describe this sequence. The habitat in which an infectious agent generally lives, matures, and replicates is known as the reservoir. Humans, animals, and the environment all have reservoirs. The reservoir could be the source of an agent’s transmission to a host or it could not. Human reservoirs exist for several prevalent infectious diseases. An individual with an undetectable infection who is capable of transferring the pathogen to others is known as a carrier. Those who are asymptomatic, passive, or healthy carriers exhibit no symptoms while being sick. Carriers frequently transmit the disease because they are unaware that they are infected and, as a result, do not take additional care to prevent transmission. Symptomatic people who are aware of their sickness, on the other hand, are less likely to spread infection because they are either too sick to go out, take care to prevent transmission, or are receiving therapy that keeps the disease at bay.
Infection control: what does it mean?
Infection control, according to the CDC, prevents or limits the spread of infections in healthcare settings. Infection management is vital in any healthcare setting. Because of the nature of the healthcare setting, all patients and professionals are at risk of infection. Infection prevention and control are based on scientific and practical approaches that strive to reduce such vulnerability and safeguard our communities. Infection control procedures are based on epidemiology, social science, and infectious disease expertise. The measures are intended to lower the risk of infections associated with a stay in the hospital while also promoting a safe and healthy environment for patients. Approximately one in every 30 people dies from an infection that could have been avoided if effective infection control procedures had been followed. As a result, hospitals recruit infection control specialists to prevent unintentional and unwanted infections.
Basic infection control procedures are straightforward, efficient, and usually common sense. Many lives can be saved in and outside of hospital environments by taking these procedures seriously and implementing the appropriate measures. These pieces of advice can also be used by the general public to support public health. It commonly includes proper following hand hygiene, and surface and environmental disinfection. One must sanitize hands frequently when present in a hospital environment. Our hands are the hub of microbial contaminants. Therefore, hands must be cleaned before and after touching surfaces, patients, and eating.
Breaking the chain of infection with hygienic hands:
The prerequisite step to breaking the chain of infection is appropriate hand hygiene. Indian culture has been following the ayurvedic practices for thousands of years. A sloka from Asthanga Hridaya states “Washing the hands ensures that the senses do not receive the dust and dirt of the hands travels across life, sleep and the adventures of a curious child.” Diseases and infections are part of the cycle but even after keeping them aside, it is generally good hygiene practice to wash your hands before doing essential activities. Hand Hygiene is an integral procedure in every medical facility as it is an ideal mantra against many preventable diseases. Hospitals are cluttered with alcohol gel dispensers and hand-washing signs, and with good purpose. Hand hygiene is the utmost important action that hospital staff may do to combat infection transmission.
It is estimated that it will curb the spread of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by 15% to 30%. Infected patients’ skin can shed organisms onto surrounding items or equipment, causing them to be transferred to the hands of hospital workers, where they can thrive for several minutes. If the staff member washes their hands or uses alcohol gel, the organisms are killed before they can spread to the next patient, object, or piece of equipment. Hand hygiene is sometimes disregarded by workers for a variety of reasons. Not only because, in such a hectic hospital setting, but there are also are typically so many other responsibilities that occupy a staff member’s attention. It is critical to ensure that there are enough alcohol gel dispensers in a convenient location around the hospital, as well as that they are refilled on a regular basis. Hand hygiene can be considerably improved by introducing personal bottles of hand gel.
Hand Hygiene solution from IMAEC MEDNTEK:
IMAEC MEDNTEK has a complete hand hygiene solution range that has broad areas of application. We provide the alcohol-based hand sanitisers, Prowipes EN which contains 80% Ethanol and Prowipes IP which contains 75% Isopropyl alcohol. As per the WHO recommendations the alcohol-based hand sanitiser contains 0.125% hydrogen peroxide for the stability of the alcohol. It also contains glycerol for protection from skin irritation. It is most recommended for hand hygiene in hospital facilities, pharmaceutical and food industries, research laboratories, etc. For pediatric use and for sensitive hands IMAEC provides Prowipes NAHS which is a non-alcoholic hand sanitiser. Prowipes NAHS contains benzethonium chloride that a first-generation quaternary ammonium compound. It is a non-flammable and skin protective formulation. All these hand sanitiser formulations are recommended by WHO for the safety of hands.
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bloggerdudetumbler · 1 year
Basic information about Yoga
December 12, 2022
More than a practice, yoga is a lifestyle that heals, nourishes and strengthens mind, body and soul through the yogasanas, pranayama and dhyana. It has been practiced in India for thousands of years
one of the systems of physical and spiritual conditioning with more adherents our days. Hinduism is one of the most complex cultures in the world. Yoga is one of them their religious, spiritual, cultural and social tradition. There are texts from thousands of years ago.
years already talking about meditation practices, breathing, transcendence of the self and a series of postures that help the yogi purify his body: the asanas.
There are numberless types of yoga. Various in the west Styles descended from Hatha Yoga, one of the most dynamic.
there are more spiritual, like kundalini yoga, or more physical and demanding, like yoga Bikram practiced in a warm room (at normal room temperature in India). There is even facial yoga to relax and tone facial muscles.
For more post like this, check my website : the divine globe
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What is yoga?
A yoga session, usually lasts between an hour and an hour and a half,various asanas or postures harmonized with breathing are practiced,beneficial for body and mind.
The asanas have different Difficulty levels, like the easiest for beginners and complicated asanas practiced by advanced students.
As the tradition, yoga begins with a warm-up called “Greetingsto the Sun, which includes a dynamic sequence of positions beginning while standingand they make us hit the floor to warm up and lubricate muscles and joints.
All of this combines with breathing, which helps us generate heat and energy physically.
After warming up, start with the asanas or static positions, Always perform a stance and its counter stance to work the body and workmuscles in a balanced way. When the class is dynamic, as in the case of yogaFlow, Power, Dynamic or Asthanga, the asanas are performed in motion, in a Fluid.
All yoga classes end with a 10–15 minute relaxation the one who calms the body and mind. Depending on the yoga style Teacher, you can also do a final meditation
To read more : click here
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falcibaba · 2 years
Yoga Çeşitleri
Yoga ve Çeşitleri Nelerdir
Yoga Çeşitleri Yoga yaşamın daha mutlu, huzurlu, sakin ve sağlıklı geçirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Yoga yapmaya başlamadan önce Yoga Çeşitleri , tekniklerin bilinmesi gerekir. Hindistan bölgesinden yaklaşık olarak 50.000 yıl öncesi ortaya çıkmış olan ruhu, bedeni ve zihni dinlendirme yöntemine denir. Yoganın amacı; kişilerin ruh ve vücut dengesini yakalamasını sağlayarak aydınlanmasına yol açmaktır.   Yoga çeşitleri, unutkanlığın önüne geçer, konsantrasyonu güçlendirme açısından birebirdir, stresi azaltır ve insanların arınmasına olanak sağlar. Kasların esnemesi açısından birebir olan yoga ile dinç, bilinci açık ve sağlıklı bir şekilde yaşamak mümkündür. Yoganın farklı çeşitleri bulunur. Kendiniz için hangi yoga çeşidinin uygun olduğunu bilmeniz önemlidir. Yoga çeşitleri arasında; Hatha; yoga çeşitleri arasında en bilinen türdür. Yeni başlayan kişiler için oldukça uygundur. Eklemlere yüklenilmeyen bu türde egzersizler de umduğunuzda daha yavaş şekilde yapılır. Nefes alma ile alakalı olan teknikler, duruşlar, fiziksel şekilde yapılan hareketler bu türün içinde yer alır.
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Hatha hareketleri Yoga Çeşitleri Bikram; yoga çeşitleri arasında popülerliği her geçen gün artan bir türdür. 40 derece olan bir sıcaklıkta yapılır. 26 tane duruşun bulunur, kasların gevşemesi ve kan dolaşımın hızlanması sağlanır. Bu türün amacı vücut içinde yer alan kirlerin ter ile dışarı atılmasıdır. Bu türü kalp ve damar rahatsızlığı olan kişilerin yapmaması gerekmektedir.
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Bikram hareketleri Asthanga; kilo verme konusunda yardımcı olan yoga türü en zor egzersizlerin yapılmasından oluşur.
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Asthanga hareketleri Kundali; nefes tekniklerinin ve meditasyonun yer aldığı bu yoga türünün öğretmen eşliğinde yapılması oldukça uygundur. Ruhun dinlendirilmesi amacı ile yapıldığından dolayı dikkat gerektirir.
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Kundali yoga hareketleri Sivananda; 12 tane yoga duruşundan oluşan tür meditasyon ile beraber yürütülmelidir. Sağlıklı beslenmeye geçme ve olumlu düşünme amaçlık yapılır.
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Sivananda hareketleri İntegral; zihnin güçlendirilmesi amacı ile yapılan yoga türünde duygularda kontrol altına alınır. Japa; yüksek sesler ile tekrarlanan kelimelerden oluşan yoga türünde konsantrasyon oluşturularak zihinsel ve bedensel açıdan sakinliğe ulaşılmaktadır.
Gevşeme Teknikleri
Stresin azalması, insan bedeninin rahatlığa ulaşması, nefesin yavaşlatılması amacı ile her yoga tekniğinin içinde yer almaktadır. Gevşeme tekniği ani gevşeme tekniği, derin gevşeme tekniği ve hızlı gevşeme tekniği olarak 3 şekilde uygulanmaktadır. Ani gevşeme tekniği; tüm bedenin en aşağıdan en yukarıya kadar yavaş yavaş gevşemesi ile oluşur. Bu teknikte küçük kas grupları gevşetilmektedir. Derin gevşeme tekniği; yoga çeşitleri içinde bulunan bu tekniğin dersi boyunca yorulan ve ağırlaşan kasların gevşetilmesinden meydana gelir. Bu teknik ile insan bedeni dinlenmekte ve yoga sonrasında yorgunluk hissedilmemektedir. Bu teknik tek başına kullanılabilmektedir. Hızlı gevşeme tekniği; nefes alıp verme tekniklerinin toplamıdır. Bedenin gevşetilmesi ile nefes üstüne konsantre olunur. Bu teknik şifa amacı ile kullanılmaktadır.
Yoganın Amacı ve Faydaları
- Yoganın bilenen en büyük amacı huzura ve sadeliğe ulaşmaktır. - Yoga insan vücudunun canlanmasını sağlamaktadır. - İyimserlikleri ve umutları arttırmaktadır. - Manevi açıdan, maddi açıdan ve sağlık açısından zorlukların üstesinden gelmeye yardımcı olur. - Tahammülüm artmasına, enerjinin artmasına, gücün artmasına yardımcı olur. - Vücudun esnekliğinin en üst düzeye çıkmasına olanak sağlar. - Metabolizmanın, sindirim sisteminin, kalp ve damarların en doğru şekilde çalışmasına olanak sağlar. - Düzenli bir şekilde odaklanmaya yardımcı olur. - Sağlıklı şekilde beslenmeye yardımcı olurken yüksek standartlarda bir sağlığa kavuşmaya olanak sağlar. - Tüm kasların gevşemesi ile sinir sisteminde oluşan rahatsızlıklar kolay şekilde yenilir ve iç huzura kavuşulur. - Zihinsel açıdan berraklığı arttırır. - Ruhsal ve zihinsel açıdan yaşama fayda sağlar Read the full article
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posturalyoga · 2 years
ORIGENES ANTIGUOS DE LA PRÁCTICA MODERNA El yin yoga combina enseñanzas de dos diferentes tradiciones: el hatha yoga de la India y la filosofía taoísta del yin y el yang de la medicina tradicional china. El mantener las posturas durante periodo de tiempo prolongado tiene sus raíces en las prácticas taoístas chinas. En la actualidad, el yin yoga sirve como antídoto a nuestro ritmo de vida, a menudo ajetreado y estresante, que es de naturaleza yang. Un exceso de actividad yang puede desequilibrar los ámbitos físico, mental y emocional. Aunque no se trata de ser completamente yin, la salud y el bienestar verdaderos proviene de la práctica de equilibrar el yin y el yang, la pasividad y la actividad, lo que tranquiliza y lo que estimular (sistema nervioso simpático y parasimpático).   1 - ¿POR QUÉ PRACTICAR YIN YOGA? El yin yoga se centra en lo ámbitos físico, mental y emocional a través del estiramiento y la respiración pausados. A diferencia de la mayoría de los estilos de yoga yang (Hatha, Vinyasa, Asthanga), que suelen poner el énfasis en estirar los músculos (tejidos blandos) en mantener las posturas durante periodos más breves, el yin yoga llega a lugares más profundos del cuerpo y la mente (tejidos profundos). Por eso, al yin yoga se le conoce como el YOGA DE LAS ARTICULACIONES.   2 - BENEFICIOS FÍSICOS El yin yoga trabaja todos los elementos del sistema musculoesquelético, su práctica beneficiara enormemente a tu organismo. Al centrarse en la fascia (tejido que rodea los músculos y los órganos), provoca una mejoría en la salud desde dentro, que afecta a como te sientes por fuera. 2.1. - MEJOR SALUD ARTICULAR El beneficio físico principal del yin yoga es el fortalecimiento del tejido conectivo de las articulaciones, huesos, ligamentos, fascias. Estas se refuerzan a través de un estiramiento sostenido y regular; de modo, que contribuye a abrir y a lubricar las articulaciones rígidas e inflexibles. 2.2. - AUMENTO DE LA MOVILIDAD Al envejecer comenzamos a perder movilidad articular, por tanto, es fundamente que mantengamos la salud y flexibilidad de la zona de la cadera, la espalda baja y la pelvis. El yin yoga puede SOLTAR estás zonas a fin de incrementar su rango de movimiento y mantenerlas flexibles. 2.3. - MEJOR FUNCIONAMIENTO ORGÁNICO Beneficia al corazón y los pulmones a través del incremento del flujo sanguíneo y la respiración más profunda. Muchos asanas comprimen y descomprimen el abdomen, lo que estimula el sistema digestivo y potencia el mejor funcionamiento intestinal y renal.   3 - BENEFICIOS MENTALES Y EMOCIONALES Además de los beneficios físicos, la practica regular de yin yoga puede ayudar a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, mejorar el sueño y ejercer un efecto positivo en el estado mental y emocional. 3.1.- QUIETUD MENTAL Tiene un componente contemplativo que te permite aquietar la mente y armonizarte con tu entorno. Cuando eliminas los estímulos externos y te rindes al momento presente, puedes acceder a un estado meditativo y despejar la mente para lograr una mayor sensación de calma y paz interior. 3.2. - REDUCCIÓN DEL ESTRÉS El constante estado de alerta podría contribuir a generar problemas de salud como hipertensión y afecciones cardiacas. Ciertos asanas ayudan a disminuir la presión arterial y el ritmo cardiaco. 3.3. - SANACIÓN EMOCIONAL Cuando tu cuerpo esta quieto y tu mente en calma puede surgir sentimientos que debes darte permiso para experimentar y observar.   4 - ¿QUÉ ES YIN YOGA? Al escuchar la palabra yoga tal vez pienses en estilos de yoga yang como el Asthanga, que resulta exigente físicamente y requiere concentración, o el Vinyasa (secuencia fluida de asanas encadenadas), el Bikram (hot yoga) que se practica a elevada temperatura y promueve la sudoración. Pero el yin yoga es diferente.   5 - LA PRÁCTICA El yin y el yang, fuerzas aparentemente opuestas están conectadas y ayudan a restablecer el equilibrio.
5.1. - UN ESTILO DIFERENTE El yin yoga presenta dos componentes de los que carece el yang yoga: 5.1.1. EL ENFOQUE DE LA QUIETUD 5.2.2. EL ENFASIS EN UN ESTIRAMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO Y PROLONGADO DE LOS TEJIDOS que rodean la zona que se esta trabajando.   5.2. - UN ESTIRAMIENTO PROFUNDO Estira el cuerpo en mayor profundidad. Todos los estilos de yoga yang se centran en aumentar la fuerza muscular y la flexibilidad, el yin yoga, lo hace en estimular profundamente el tejido conjuntivo: fascia profunda, ligamentos y tendones. Por eso al yin yoga se le conoce como el YOGA DE LAS ARTICULACIONES.   5.3. - UNA PRÁCTICA PASIVA Se practica tumbado o sentado de forma pasiva. En lugar de incitarte contraer los músculos con objetivo de incrementar la fortaleza y resistencia, te anima a relajarte y rendirte a la fuerza de la gravedad.   6 – LOS PRINCIPIOS 6.1. – ENCONTRAR TU LÍMITE sin lesionarte evitando sensaciones intensas. 6.2. – PERMANECER EN QUIETUD Prestar atención a tu tendencia a no estar quieto, moverte o distraerte. Al alcanzar un estado meditativo, puedes escuchar mejor lo que te dice tu cuerpo y honrar sus limitaciones. 6.3. – MANTENER LA POSTURA de 1-3 minutos los principiantes de 5-10 minutos los avanzados “YIN YOGA PRÁCTICA DEL ESTIRAMIENTO CONSCIENTE” Kassandra Reinhardt
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Nithyanandam 🙏 Inviting one and all to *Brand New Program*✨ *PARAMASHIVOHAM LVL1* (16th Sept to 6th Oct) **DAY 2 and DAY 3 * : (Sep 17, Sep 18)* *4 pm IST - 2 am IST* *Life Bliss Program Level 1 Ananda Spurana Program : 7 Chakras* *To Join :* https://events.kailaasa.org/psm1/ *Designed by the SPH Himself, ASP (Ananda Spurana Program)* ✨It introduces us to the 7 vital Energy centers in our body called the chakras, whose functioning has a direct bearing upon our physical and mental well being. ✨ It is designed to cleanse 7 major energy centers (chakras) in our bodies. It empowers our life with an understanding of the chakras that directly reduce stress, improve sleep, overcome fears and worry, improve relationships, increase clarity and joy, and create high energy levels. ✨The SPH worked day and night, designing the program Himself, organizing every detail including printing of ID cards for the participants 🙏💞✨ *Guru Dakshina for the program : One day or your salary OR volunteering work* @srinithyananda @nithyanandeshwaratemple_la #Kailasa #Nithyananda #Nithyanandayoga #Enlightenment #Spirituality #Spiritual #bliss #blissful #Cosmicconsciousness #lifecoaching #shanti #yogameditation #meditation #lifecoachingtips #lifecoaches #happylife #happiness #stressfree #worryfree #onlineprogram #enlightened #kundalinienergy #kundaliniyoga #ashtangayoga #asthanga #vinyasayoga #nature #soul #awakening #metaphysical https://www.instagram.com/p/CinBsjuLbs5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oceanicyoga05 · 2 years
What a Unique Vacation by Going on an Astanga Yoga Retreat in India
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Out there in yoga, ashtanga yoga class is arguably one of the finest practices to learn which is also difficult enough to learn. While many yoga schools are jam-packed with students in other classes like Vikarma and Vinyasa, the number can count on fingers for ashtanga yoga classes. It’s not always the same and not everywhere.
Being the capital of yoga, India has had a fine reputation for practicing and teaching yoga for centuries. Also, many derivatives are born from the same yoga through many decades. The knowledge transformation has been experimenting and evolving while passing further but never trimmed to execute faster. To learn ashtanga yoga, embracing self-discipline and consistency is the ultimate hardship one requires.
Ashtanga yoga class is a parallel example for practicing yoga with patience and dedication.
We all have insecurities in learning something, ashtanga yoga course also is understandably slow for beginners who are on the edge to know the outcome. The great sage who wrote the great scripture “yoga suras” 500 bc is guru Maharshi Patanjali. From the very beginnings of his scripture, Astanga yoga is considered as a great philosophy to acknowledge. With time, practice lead to the required self-growth both mentally and physically.
What is ashtanga yoga after all?
Breaking down the Sanskrit word ‘asthanga’, the two words ‘astha + anga’ is literally known as ‘eight limbs’ which means eight limb practices. Majorly, ashtanga yoga classes are popularly known for it’s breathing practices. But, the interesting fact here in learning is it’s all about accepting the challenge for boy and mind.
Embedded deeply in Indian roots, ashtanga yoga is composed with tantras and philosophy. The eight-limb approach according to the ‘yoga sutras’ are
1.   Yama or the principles
The grounded moral codes to follow by everyone are
●       Nonviolence                            (ahimsa)
●       Truthfulness                            (Satya)
●       Non-stealing nature              (asteya)
●       Celibacy                                       (bramhacharya)
●       Non-possessiveness              (aparigraha)
2.  Niyama or discipline
The personal purification rules that helps in discipline and observance for consistent self-growth in yoga class.
●       Purity                                           (shoucha)
●       Contentment                          (santosha)
●       Endurance                              (tapa)
●       Dedication                              (swadhyaya)
●       Self-study                              (eshwar pranidhan)                    
3.  Yoga positions or Asanas
The practices or physical postures which are basically the major aspect of yoga. From meditation to spiritual performance, asanas are your daily exercises. These practices balance the mental and physical equilibrium.
4. Pranayama or yogic breathing
‘Prana’ which means ‘life force or breath’ and ‘yama’ which means ‘control’. In a single context, pranayama is referred to as controlling of breath. This is the life that represents yoga in a metaphorical way. Yoga certification courses in India will spoon-feed the content to all their students in schools.
5.   Pratyahara or withdrawal of senses
There are five layers of consciousness in controlling our senses respective to the external environment. Surpassing each helps in controlling and turning external senses to balance inner consciousness.
The five withdrawal layers are
●       Annamaya kosha          (food)
●       Vijnyanmaya kosha      (intellect)
●       Manomaya kosha         (mind)
●       Ananda kosa                  (bliss)
●       Pranamaya kosha         (breath)
6.  Dharana or concentration
While many intellectuals are busy in monitoring multiple things at a single instance, we humans are functionally developed to concentrate on one thing at one instance in reality. This bridge can tune variably at yoga certification courses in India.
7.  Dhyana or meditation
The tendency to meditate for hours is all bout exploring from the inside. The world is beyond our imagination so do our brain. Focus and imagination power can be dramatically increased with resistance in meditation.
8.  Samadhi or salvation
The last stage of ultimate consciousness in ashtanga yoga class. The state of pure bliss and joy occurs when inner consciousness merges with universal consciousness. The transformation of athma  to paramathma. The appearance of god as the universal truth for all the human births on earth. Subjectively surprising yet individually eternal salvation.
For More Information Visit Us:- https://www.oceanicyoga.com
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visszahatonevmas · 4 years
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yogadaily · 2 years
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(via Ashtanga-yoga-Nacogdoches-Jade_Skinner-Workshop-12.17-003 | Ashtanga Yoga Nacogdoches  || Curated with love by yogadaily)   
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yashyogaindia · 4 years
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The Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training India For All Level
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The Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India!! Hire the right Vinyasa yoga school in India. Rishikesh can be the most convenient option for you. A reputed and Yoga Alliance-accredited Vinyasa yoga school in Rishikesh can cater to your expectations.
Vinyasa is interpreted as "With attention". This Yoga form is typically used for the Linking of poses, Breath initiates movement, cardiovascular workout, Moving meditation and more. It is much popular nowadays. It is a type of modern style yoga that comes out of a combination of Asthanga and Vinyasa Yoga.
From Beginner to Expert: Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India for All Level-
If you are preparing for the journey of growth and mastery, then the Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India is the right approach. You can start with 200 hour yoga teacher training in India. The Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training is specially designed to meet practitioners of all proficiency levels. This transformative experience empowers you to grow from a novice to a skilled yoga instructor.
Guided by seasoned yoga instructors, the Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training includes a suitable learning environment for participants. The participants will delve into basic to the fundamentals of Vinyasa yoga and advanced techniques as the training unfolds. Vinyasa YTTC will accommodate you with professional yoga sessions, hands-on practice and tailored guidance that will build your strong foundation.
Deepen your yoga practice amidst tranquil surroundings and master yoga postures. Especially, Rishikesh is one of the most appreciated destinations for Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training. You will gain insights into its philosophy and anatomy that ensure a complete understanding of this ancient art. In addition, this is a unique opportunity for practitioners to shift from a beginner to a confident and skilled yoga teachers.
What you are waiting for? Join a reputed Vinyasa yoga school in Rishikesh and embrace the yogic path. This is where we come in.
Join 200, 300 and 500 Hour Residential Yoga Teacher Training Courses with the Option of Private and Shared Rooms! The Rishikesh yoga course fees are competitive to cater to your budget range easily. It is worth investing in.
Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School offers 24 Days intensive vinyasa flow & Astanga yoga course for beginners & advanced levels, conducted under skilled E-RYT 200 and 500 instructors. You will receive the best and most reasonable yoga TT courses. Visit www.rishikeshvinyasayogaschool.com today for more information.
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mindfulawareness · 6 years
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We’ve started a new Facebook group if any of you are interested. This ebook is in the files section for free (well, the cost of joining a like-minded community.) If you are interested, it’s here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1907819515934851 It’s not for everyone, we get that, but for those who like to discuss anything related to mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or anything except politics, hit us up there!
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denizlidenevar · 4 years
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