#asoif inspired
anarchy-n-glitter · 7 months
Blood of the Dragon
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Summary: Lord Viseryon Draecyr and his dragon blooded companion Lady Aelora arrive in Rohan seeking refuge for a week. No one knows the true reason they're there, but many are suspicious of the lord's intentions. Along the way, Gríma finds a sort of kinship with Lady Aelora.
Chapter 1
A Dragon in Meduseld
It was said that the scales of dragons could be used to create life.
The dragon blooded were volatile yet loyal creatures said to be gifted with the beauty of elves and the strength and cunning of their dragon kin. Their blood red eyes were a distinctive trait of the race, as well as the talon-like nails that grew from their nail beds, blending with the tips of their fingers. They were not scaly, nor were they slimy, and they did not sprout bat-like wings from their backs. Not much was known of what exactly it was these creatures inherited from their dragon kin. 
The practice of creating a dragon blood was said to have been banned amongst sorcerers and alchemists across Middle Earth, for the life it created arose from a corruption of nature’s will. Those who defied their brethren to create such a creature often held ulterior motives - they created out of their need to play God and acquire power that was never theirs to begin with. And so, those who created a dragon blood were often banished from their homes… or they were put to death.
Never did Gríma expect to see a dragon blood in his court.
Naturally, when he was informed that the alchemist Lord Viseryon Draecyr and his dragon blooded companion Lady Aelora Draecyr would arrive at Meduseld he was suspicious. Sorcerers using their dragon bloods to carry out political assassinations was not entirely unheard of, in fact, it was part of the reason the practice of creating a dragon blood was banned. They were loyal, if their creator asked them to kill for them the companion often would.
The duo had clearly traveled far, seeing as Lord Viseryon was from Gondor. They had to have been traveling for three days straight, and for the most part, they looked like it. The usually well kept lord seemed exhausted, with dark circles under his silver eyes, and his usually slicked back silver-blond hair was frizzy and hastily pulled back into a ponytail. His dragon blooded companion seemed to fare better, with the only thing out of place being her similarly colored hair, which was braided back but similarly frizzy. Small bits of her hair fell from her braid and framed her face nicely. Lady Aelora was all around much more radiant than her creator.
Gríma quickly found the legends surrounding dragon bloods to be true. Lady Aelora was quite beautiful, with fair skin and striking silver-blonde hair and solemn red eyes. He was sure he was leering at her - or at least that’s what he assumed since any time he so much as glanced at a lady in court he would be accused of leering - but he certainly knew he was staring. She stood silently beside her creator with her hands folded in front of her, and although there was a sadness behind her icy expression, he could almost detect a loathing. Whether it was directed at him (which would hardly surprise him, most women stared at him with loathing), or the king who sat beside him, or the man she arrived with he would never know. One thing was for sure, there was something that lurked beneath her solemn and serene surface. It intrigued him.
For a moment he let himself get his hopes up, and at that he had to swallow a bitter laugh. Lady Aelora would never look in his direction if he wasn’t seated next to the king. Even then, she shared a last name with the Lord Viseryon, and while relations between a creator and their creations was frowned upon and even forbidden, Gríma wouldn’t put it past the treacherous lord. After all, he defied everyone in creating her and got away with it. He knew better than to underestimate and trust a man like him.
Ironic, wasn’t it?
Still, out of curiosity he would grant the lord whatever he pleased, and perhaps he would get something in return. Or he would lose another political rival. He considered both options a win.
“I apologize, King Théoden, for the intrusion. You see, my companion and I have been traveling for days… our home was…” Lord Viseryon trailed off, hiding hurt in his voice. Lord Viseryon talks too much, Gríma concluded as he tuned him out. He already recognized what the lord was doing - dressing up his story as a means to hide his true intention and invoke pity - a play Gríma was very familiar with seeing as he often used it himself. Despite the theatrics of her creator, Gríma’s attention was stolen by Aelora, who managed to enchant the advisor without uttering a single word. He wasn’t sure what brought the duo to Edoras, but against his better judgment, he was determined to find out. 
Luckily for him, King Théoden was hanging onto every word that left the lying lord’s mouth. For a moment Gríma wondered if the king knew of what truly happened to Lord Viseryon - why he hadn’t been at a gathering in Gondor for years, why no one spoke of him anymore. It was as if the lord had ceased to exist. 
“We humbly ask for a place to stay in our time of need, your highness. For the roads have grown perilous - lawless - as of late.” And there it was. Of course, Gríma never would have expected the lord to be so forward and obvious with his plans, but he assumed Lord Viseryon was not the brightest lord in Middle Earth. This was certainly going to be interesting.
The tired king glanced at his advisor, finding himself unable to answer the lord without the opinion of Gríma. The mere idea of having to think on his own was exhausting, and with his illness setting upon him again it seemed nigh impossible. All he could think about was the burning in his eyes and lungs, and the way his heart beat irregularly in his chest, and the ache in his bones. When he was able to think clearly, he found himself wondering if he was even fit to rule in this state.
This was, of course, by design - unbeknownst to the king. 
The raven haired man beside him paused for a moment, taking one last look at the lord and lady before leaning over to whisper in the king’s ear: “Let them stay, they have traveled long enough.” His eyes flickered to Aelora, and for a moment her intense eyes held his gaze. Oh yes, this time he certainly saw something stirring within her. Had she been watching him?
He stood, still staring down at Aelora, and gathered his cloak. There was a chill in the air, and it was getting rather late. He could see the shadows growing longer and the sunlight shone a darker golden color. There seemed to be a shift in Aelora’s demeanor; her hands dropped to her sides and she was focused squarely on Gríma, staring at him through half-lidded eyes. For a brief moment, his heart swelled with pride - who was leering now? 
No, he thought to himself, she must be tired. He could feel the disappointment as Aelora dropped her gaze once more, returning to her earlier stance but this time briefly looking at her creator. He shouldn’t be surprised, his own staring probably scared her away like it did everyone else. 
“And how long did you intend on staying?” He inquired, somehow still finding it hard to tear his eyes away from the dragon blood. Viseryon took a step forward, most likely knowing the king’s advisor wasn’t looking at him, and crossed his arm across his torso in a half bow. Gríma knew the narcissistic lord wanted his attention, and for a moment he wondered what would happen if he didn’t give it to him. He hoped the lack of the spotlight would drive the lord mad.
“Only as long as it takes for our carriage to be fixed. From the looks of it, we should be gone by the seventh day.” Viseryon claimed, to which Gríma nodded and looked back to King Théoden.
The king appeared to be half asleep in his throne, and he gazed upon everyone with tired eyes. His advisor silently encouraged him to speak, but he could not find the strength to do so. Each breath took too much from him, the thought of speaking was nauseating. King Théoden solemnly nodded.
“Seven days it is then.” Gríma confirmed. “I’ll have the castle staff prepare rooms for you both.” There was a sudden, almost violent shift in Viseryon’s demeanor. He wondered what it possibly could have been about. 
The lord let out a small sigh and all of the sudden tension in his stance melted away. He took another step forward and bowed properly, only addressing King Théoden and looking right past the raven haired advisor. 
“Thank you, your highness.” The lord’s words fell on deaf ears seeing as the king was too far gone in his pain to hear him, and Gríma’s attention was stolen by Aelora, who coyly curtsied and locked eyes with the advisor once more. 
It had to be some sort of trick - a tactic to distract him and throw him off of their track. No woman would ever willingly look at him like that… he would have to keep tabs on her and see what she was up to. With the king seeming sicker than he ever had been before, he figured that would give him a few days to do as he needed. With one last glance at the duo, with one last look shared between him and the dragon blood, he turned on his heel, his cloak billowing dramatically, and helped escort the king back to his chambers. 
Lady Aelora seemed to be a quiet girl, preferring to stay out of everyone’s way and only really spoke when spoken to. She enjoyed sitting alone in the courtyard with her books or embroidery. The day before she found herself amongst the other ladies of the court who seemed surprised by her presence, wearily spouting their introductions before taking over the space. They would gossip amongst themselves while someone gently played the harp in the background. He noticed Aelora subtly tapping her fingers along to the tempo of the music. She seemed to be able to hold her own in conversation with those women rather well, laughing along with them with a sweet laugh that reminded him of a bell. He could tell she was raised amongst the noble men and women of Gondor - she fit right in with the other lords and ladies.
Although, he did wonder if she knew what the others said about her, how they would give her odd looks and keep her at arm’s length when around her, never truly considering her “one of them.” The other women seemed to almost prefer not speaking or looking at her. He knew exactly what that was like, although in recent years it seemed like everyone was much more open with their disdain for him. They called him “wormtongue” to his face now instead of behind his back, often using it as a title or - even worse - in place of his actual name.
The people of Edoras often acted like they would rather die than be near him, not that he minded. Over the years he’d grown accustomed to the strange looks, and the way others would cross to the other side of halls when they’d see him coming. It hardly bothered him anymore. 
He could sympathize with her, though - after all, he knew exactly what she was experiencing. He was sure she was used to it as well, she was a dragon blood, and no amount of odd excuses could hide that fact from the world. She must have lived her entire life this way, never truly being able to be close with anyone other than her creator. 
What a miserable life that must be, he thought, stuck with Viseryon as your only friend and companion. Really it was no wonder Aelora seemed so at peace when by herself. 
Gríma also noticed that she would go about her day without interacting with Viseryon. He would have expected her creator to lurk around her, or at least the other way around, but it seemed she spent her days unbothered by what the bratty lord may be doing. She was alone, but she seemed to thrive in her loneliness. He assumed being alone was better than the other option, better than the whispers and the hurt - being treated as the ‘other.’ It was no wonder she enjoyed the silence, the peace that came with being alone. He wondered how she dealt with the empty feeling that came with being alone. Perhaps it was because she was always occupying her mind, but he would never know for sure. 
She hardly seemed concerned with the state of their carriage, only going once the day before to check on the progress with Viseryon before returning to her usual mundane tasks, which was slightly concerning to her raven haired admirer. It made him wonder if she was restless at all - it made him wonder if she had other business in Edoras that she hadn’t attended to yet. 
He found it hard to keep convincing himself she was up to something, and he worried for a moment that perhaps Aelora was a red herring - a pretty distraction for him to chase around and get lost in his thoughts over. He dismissed that idea almost entirely, determining that Lord Viseryon wasn’t smart enough to think of that, and from what he knew, the obnoxious lord was too busy terrorizing others to get even remotely close to the ill king. 
It had been three days since she arrived in Edoras, and she had yet to do anything worth noting so far. She seemed to have a routine that she followed closely; each day he would find her near the feast hall in the morning, where she would take a single green apple and stand silently beside Viseryon while he rambled on, before excusing herself and heading to her room. From there she would retrieve whatever activities she would use to keep herself busy for the day and head to the courtyard, and there she would stay until the sun would begin to set.
Yet that day, she seemingly broke her routine. When he followed her from her room that morning and she took a completely different turn than she usually did it completely threw him off. She walked right past the courtyard and out the front doors. Clutched in her hand was a leather bound book and a quill. She made her way down the steps and towards a small clearing just behind Meduseld. 
She stood out amongst the sea of green, in her black and red gown with her silver hair. She shone like a beacon, and it was hard to miss her. She waded through the tall grass to a large, bare tree that had lost all of its leaves to the chill. It was old and twisted, and its bark had turned pale in the sun. The tree must have been dead, but that didn’t stop Aelora from sitting at its base. He watched her closely from the shadow of the hall on the hill, hoping she wouldn’t notice him. For a while all he could see of her was the top of her head, with the breeze revealing more of her every so often. She wrote for hours, only stopping for a moment when a court musician stopped and chatted with her. He could have sworn she glanced his way a few times during this conversation, and for some reason it made him feel uneasy. She was polite and even laughed at a few of his jokes, before he went on his way, and she went back to her leather bound book which she wrote so furiously in. That was another sign that she had been raised like any other high born lady, she could read and write.  
“I don’t bite, you know.” She called out, and for a moment he was taken aback by the sound of her voice. He hadn’t heard her speak before. She had a regal voice that somehow reminded him of the sweetest song he’d ever heard. Surely she wasn’t talking to him. Her red eyes settled on his shadowy form, and she simply stared. “I’ve seen you every so often, I wasn’t sure if you were afraid of me, but I can assure you it won’t hurt to come sit with me for a while. I understand the curiosity… or do you prefer to lurk in the shadows?” She spoke with a jovial tone but he could tell there was more to her words. 
Gríma stepped out of the shadows of the hall and into the sunlight. She didn’t gasp at his harsh appearance in the light, not like the others would. She didn’t speak either, though, and he wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good or bad sign. He knew she had seen him before, but there was still a nagging insecurity deep down that she would treat him like everyone else did. He couldn’t have that happen when he needed to keep an eye on her. He inched nearer, the fallen leaves crunching beneath his boots. 
“You’re a dragon blood.” He stated, still standing over her, trying to find a way to continue a conversation. She smiled wolfishly.
“How could you tell?” Aelora had a wicked playfulness to her that seemed to put Gríma at ease. 
“Who’s your kin?” That question seemed to catch her off guard. She placed her quill in her book and closed it, placing it on the ground and standing. She was shorter than him by a few inches. 
“Ancalagon the Black.” Impressive, he thought, very impressive. He wondered where Viseryon even managed to get one of Ancalagon’s scales. 
“Really? I wonder what you inherited from him, certainly not your stature.” His tone wasn’t nearly as distinctively playful as hers, in fact, he spoke in his usual monotone. He worried for a moment that she might take his words the wrong way. The dragon blooded girl feigned being hurt, bringing a hand to her chest where he could see her blackened fingertips and nails. “Your hair is almost white…” He trailed off, bringing his hand up to touch it before stopping himself. He watched as her eyes flickered between his hand and his face.
“You seem knowledgeable, you should know my hair color is courtesy of my creator, Viseryon.” She stopped and gently grabbed his hand. Her touch was soft and took him off guard, he was so used to women - mostly one woman - recoiling from his touch. She brought his hand closer to the side of her head. “You can touch it if you’d like.” His eyes met hers and he was ashamed to say he felt something. It was a feeling he only had when he was around…
Her silver curls were softer than he’d thought they’d be, especially after seeing her that first day. His hand traced down the side of her head, gently pulling a tuft of hair forward with it, where he laid it over her shoulder. He found it hard to look her in the eye again, but he knew she was staring at him intensely. 
“I know you know who I am, but you have yet to give me your name, king’s advisor.” She breathed. His eyes flickered to meet hers again before looking away. He focused on the tree. 
“I am Gríma, son of Gálmód.” He finally introduced, bringing a smile to the dragon blooded woman’s face.
“It’s nice to have a name for my admirer.” She remarked, and silence fell upon them again. They both waited on baited breath, wondering what the other would do, both hoping the other would take the chance… It was Gríma who broke the silence.
“Does it get lonely?” She tilted her head at his question.”Being a dragon blooded, I mean. I see how others treat you.” She smiled, turning around to collect her book, before answering. When she faced him again, he saw something else in her eyes. She placed her hand on his chest, and in it was a piece of paper from her book. He paused for a moment, still unsure if she was comfortable with him touching her. His hand had barely ghosted hers when she pulled away, leaving the page from her book in his waiting hand instead. 
“Of course not.” She began, trying her best to keep the conversation light. She brushed past him. “All I need is my creator.” There was a coldness in her voice, that loathing he saw when he first met her. 
When he turned around she was gone.
It was dark when Viseryon stormed down the halls of Meduseld. He often strut about the hall, acting as if he were king, much to the dismay of the staff. He always seemed to be worse at night, constantly mistreating the staff who would attempt to hand him new sheets or candles. He was an impatient, almost spoiled man, who felt the need to lash out at the world for whatever reason. He was rude, and thought highly of himself. Many attempted to avoid Lord Viseryon when they could, and those who did interact with him often wished they hadn’t. 
The lord only had one thing on his mind, and it was that he couldn’t sleep. He mentally cursed the weaselly advisor for having the staff set up two separate rooms for Aelora and himself - the longer he was away from his dragon blooded companion the more he had convinced himself that Gríma had done it purposefully. Viseryon knew he needed to be rested for what was to come.
The halls were cold at night, and dark, with sparse torches lighting the way due to the straw roof. The stone steps were like icy daggers in his feet, but that would hardly stop him from getting what he wanted. As far as he knew, Aelora’s room was closest to that advisor’s. He wondered if she knew that when she spoke with him in the garden earlier that day, when she let him touch her hair. He wondered how long this had been going on - how long Gríma had been vying for his creation. 
The mere thought of someone stealing something that was his made his blood boil. 
He stopped at her door, taking a deep breath to try and compose himself before knocking. His knocks were gentle, unsure if Aelora was already asleep at this late hour. 
“Aelora?” His voice was soft. He felt as if he was going crazy being without her. Ever since they arrived in Edoras she had been withdrawn. She hardly spoke to him when she was around him during the day, and now she sleeps by herself. In that moment he convinced himself she was cold and alone. 
There was no answer. 
He knocked again, this time harder. 
“Aelora? Please, I need to be with you.” Again, he was met with silence. He banged his fist once against the door and shouted out. “Aelora!”
His lips were heavy upon hers and his hands wandered around her body - feeling every inch as if to commit every curve to memory. Every now and then he would grip her hips and pull her closer to him, grinding his hardening cock against her, making her ache with need as she never had before. Her hands were tangled in his raven locks, tugging every now and then as a soft moan escaped her lips. 
Her back was pressed against the wooden wall beside her bedroom door; only a measly few inches of oak shielded them from the watchful eye of the outside. No one would hear how she panted his name, nor would they see how his boney hand clung to her clothed pale breast. His body caged her in, pinning her in place as his shaking, slender fingers trailed to the lacing on her bodice. Slowly, almost in an unsure manner, he pulled the lace to undo the knot at the top of her dress. His hands felt frigid against her fiery skin, keeping her grounded in the moment when her head was buzzing.
She’d never done anything like this before.
The excitement of it all, the way it felt forbidden - oh it was too delicious. 
When he had read the note Aelora had graciously written him during her time clearing before they spoke he was sure she was playing a joke on him. It was a relatively short note, laced with her usual sarcastic banter, but it was enough to frighten him and excite him at the same time. 
To my admirer, 
Meet me in my room after dark, I know your room is beside mine. 
When the sun finally set and he was done with his duties for the day he rushed to his quarters, worrying for a moment what might happen. Their encounter in the garden left him thinking of her for the rest of the day, wondering why she felt so comfortable around him, wondering why she wasn’t repulsed. Her touch was burned into his skin. 
Gríma’s lips left hers for a moment and she found herself desperately chasing him, wanting more, before he settled in the crook of her neck. He quickly pulled her dress’s bodice aside, exposing her breasts to the cool night air. He couldn’t help but run his hands up the length of her torso, squeezing her soft flesh as he bit down on her shoulder, eliciting a sigh from her - it was the sweetest sound he had heard by far. 
He hardly knew her, and yet he felt as if he could love her. 
He felt her body grow rigid at the sound of a knock at the door. His eyes met hers and he saw actual fear in them. They had nothing to fear, at least, that’s what he believed. In a moment of greed and pride, he continued to ravage her neck, pulling her close again. Let them hear, he thought to himself. 
He paused at the feeling of her hands gently pushing him away. 
“Gríma… Gríma, stop for just a moment.” She commanded in a hushed tone, and he obeyed, watching her with curious eyes. She didn’t attempt to cover up, and she still held him close despite pushing him away.
“Aelora?” Gríma couldn’t help but drop his head in frustration. It was Lord Viseryon, of course. Who else would dare bother Lady Aelora so late into the night?
Well, besides himself, of course. 
Aelora held Gríma’s gaze for a moment, and he could tell she was trying to think of what to do. Another knock resonated through her room, this time louder. She pressed her lips into a thin line, and he could tell she dealt with him doing things like this often. Her hands began to slip from his shoulders, causing him to panic slightly.
No, no they couldn’t be done. He couldn’t just leave her like this.
Perhaps it was selfish of him to want to continue. He gently took her hands in his.
“Aelora? Please, I need to be with you.” Viseryon whined. The way he phrased that made a wave of unease come over Gríma. He hated to think of what the lord could possibly mean by that, surely it wasn’t the same as what they were just doing. He hoped it wasn’t. 
Aelora’s hand slipped from his and she brought a finger to her lips, telling him to stay quiet. Viseryon hit the door this time, causing her to jump. He called out her name one last time, and Gríma saw her expression change from one of fright to that same icy expression she wore the day she arrived. He saw the loathing in her eyes. He was relieved to know it wasn’t directed at him after all. 
“Not tonight, Viseryon.” She stated sweetly.
“Aelora, my dear, it’s been two nights. I haven’t been able to sleep without you.” Gríma furrowed his brow in confusion. She continued to stare at him.
“Please? I would like to spend another night alone.” She answered, practically begging to have her own personal space. 
“You know you’re all I have.” Not for long, both Gríma and Aelora thought, unbeknownst to the other. “Just let me have this one night, then you can have the rest of our stay here alone, I promise.” She rolled her eyes, knowing every word from his mouth was a lie.
“Please go. I would like to sleep.” She finally said, this time much more sternly. There was a moment of silence, and he reveled in that silence. He watched how her expression changed as she returned to their moment - their moment of intimacy. He felt the urge to touch her again, bringing his hand up to her face. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes and letting out a shaky breath. He wanted her more than ever. 
He leaned close again, hoping she would reciprocate, and as she leaned in too…
Viseryon banged on the door once more, letting out a growl of frustration before storming off. They could hear him grumbling obscenities as he marched away, and she knew she was in for some sort of punishment the next day. 
Gríma stared at her, unsure of what to do next. Much to his dismay, Aelora gathered her bodice, pulling the garment back over her arms and lacing it back up. She was done for the night. She looked back up at him, and for a moment he wondered if she could see the hurt in his eyes. As if to reassure him this wasn’t rejection, she leaned up and gently pressed her lips to his. 
The kiss was short and sweet, but it was enough to set him at ease. When she looked at him again she had tears in her eyes.
“I want Viseryon dead.”
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tenthmuseondine · 2 months
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Queen of Meereen | Daenerys Targaryen
325 notes · View notes
artist-ellen · 5 months
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Young Tommen Baratheon*
An absolute baby. He’s dressed like Robert but in deep reds to match with his Mother and sister. If you want to imagine baby Jaime and Cersei… this would be it.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book \ („• ֊ •„) /
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daielsal · 1 year
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Oh wow, am I finally posting something after a 2-3 month hiatus? Why yes, yes I am. Now even though this is a sneak peek and not the full piece, Rhaella has always had a sweet spot in my heart when it comes down to ASOIAF characters. Still have one-two more things to touch up on this piece, but hopefully I’ll be able to post it up before the end of this month!
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bellakenobi · 3 days
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@suteflower GOT conversions made me inspired and I had to go to CAS to make a milf to call Melisandre.
And I don't even like GOT and ASOIF that much...
(also I had to convert that Vampire pack choker for this, but I still have to work on the bone assignment so it doesn't distort so much...)
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julessworldd · 1 year
Modern!Cregan stark x fem!reader
A/N: I was inspired by @valeskafics modern take on Cregan. She was lovely and gave me permission to use him as a hockey player like her fic! Shoutout to bel for getting me obsessed with another Stark man 😘 so inspiration creds to Bel
Warnings: Fluff, shy Cregan, public fingering, fem receiving (it’s at the end so if you don’t want to read that then skip and go to the last part), cussing, Viserys III being a whiny ass yes I made it a warning 😂
I don’t own the characters of asoif or claim to. All characters belong to George R.R. Martin and HBO
You met in college, junior year, psychology class. Cregan had transferred last year to your university because he was getting more playing time here. Your brother was on the hockey team with them. Elijah was a senior and took Cregan under his wing last year. You knew about Cregan, his hockey career, stats because of your brother.
The professor was teaching when the door busted open and Cregan walked in. He was a beautiful mess, his hair was tossed around from the unexpected wind storm. His shirt was sideways, his backpack was about to fall off his shoulders. He was blushing so bad too.
“Thank you for joining us, Mr. Stark” the professor rolled his eyes. Cregan mumbled something but he was looking for a seat. You sat your backpack down silently telling him to sit down.
Class ended and you walked out of the room and down the hall. Cregan watched you and decided to talk to you. He has seen you somewhere and he can’t figure it out. “Y/n, hey can I ask you something?”
“You just did” you deadpanned as you turn around to him
Cregan furrowed his eyebrows making you giggle, “What is it?”
“Uh are you Otter’s sister?” He asked slowly blinking
“Yeah little sister unfortunately” you joked
“Um so will you be at our next game? If you are I was wondering if you maybe wanted to uh go out with me som-time. Only if you want to” Cregan blushed
“Yes I’ll be there. Yes I’ll go out with you”, you smiled up at him
“What wait?! That’s great, I’ll text you later”, He smiled as he walked out
“Where you gonna get it from? Huh?” You giggled making him stop in his tracks walking back to you
“Right.. sorry I’m not really good with people” Cregan blushed.
“It’s okay, I’m not much of a people person either. Here give me your phone” you smirked
You and Creagn decided on a little restaurant on the strip down from campus. It was a little intimate for a first date. Everyone went there and they had really good.
Cregan decided to impress you so he got a spicy bowl of noodles and veggies. You and the waitress looked at each but she smiled and told us she would get it right in.
The food came out soon and you were smiling waiting for Cregan to eat his noodles.
Cregan took a bite and his blue eyes widened as the heat tingled his tongue
“Spicy enough for you?” You smiled
The date went good and he was walking you back home to your apartment you shared with your best friend, Daenerys and her brother, Viserys. And her boyfriend Dario doesn't pay rent but lives there practically. He can cook pretty much everything so you weren’t complaining. Viserys was unlocking the door when you two exited the elevator. He saw you and Cregan and grinned as he shut the door. “Who’s that?” Cregan asked
“Viserys, my best friend’s older annoying brother. Pain in my ass too” You giggled
Cregan looked around the hallway and could tell it was a richer apartment complex, “Uh how do you afford this?”
“Oh Vis and Dany’s dad pays for it.. I didn’t want to live in the dorms after freshman year” you said.
Cregan nodded, “So are you gonna be at the game tomorrow?”
“Yeah I’ll be there” you smiled
Two months had passed you two were getting pretty serious. As it got closer to the your brothers graduation you were worried that Cregan would dump you for someone else for next year. Cregan was in your room as you went to get Dany’s Amazon package at the door. You walked back in sitting on your bed at the bottom corner, Cregan was at the pillows laying on your octopus squishmallow.
“Hey don’t lay on her like that” you jerked it from under him.
“She’s comfortable” Cregan smirked
You sat the squish on the chair that was next to the bed, “Poor thing is misshapen now”
Cregan drugged you up the bed by your arms as he laid on you on his chest, “I’m sorry I’ll shape her back before I leave” Cregan kissed your head.
It was quiet as you laid on Cregan’s chest listening to his heartbeat
“I love you” Cregan blurted out
“I love you too” You smiled at his chest
Suddenly there was a porn graphic moan coming from Viserys’ room making you and Cregan look at each other and laughed
“Did he forget we were here?” Cregan laughed rubbing his hand on your back
“Maybe but he doesn’t care either” You replied
————- it was Elijah’s graduation, you and your younger sister were talking and just catching up as you didn’t go home for spring break. Suddenly she turned her gaze to someone walking down the steps. You followed her gaze to Cregan. Elijah had invited him and you completely forgot about it. Cregan was in a white button up and black slacks and black dress shoes. You were gonna say hi but your father saw him and started talking to him about hockey. Cregan would talk about hockey for hours if you got him on that topic. You sighed and turned back to your sister. Elijah’s graduation ended and your parents were taking everyone out to eat.
You sat down with Cregan finally seeing him today, “Hi baby, you look beautiful as always” Cregan whispered in your ear
“Awh don’t be like that, princess” Cregan sat his hand on your knee rubbing it
“Like what?” You replied looking at the menu
“You’re jealous aren’t you? Jealous that I sat with your dad and talked to him. I am in the right ballpark, princess?” Cregan smirked
“You could’ve said hi first” you sighed
“I’ll remember that next time, now don’t be so stubborn” Cregan’s hand went up your leg more, the dress you chose was riding up as you sat down.
You let a breathe out as he rubbed his hand up and down your leg
You were talking to your sister again completely forgetting about Cregan’s and his rouge hand.. out of instinct you spread your legs open as Cregan reached between your thighs. Cregan smirked as he slowly trailed up your legs and pulled your underwear to the side. Then it hit you how far he was, you turned to look at him but he had his head turned as he talked to your brother and a fellow teammate. His hands still in your panties, he rubbed your clit, making you bite your finger.
He had two fingers in you slowly taking them out and shoving them back in, his hand thumb played with your clit. You knew your tongue would be sore tomorrow from all the bite marks you were giving it. You groaned but covered it up as a cough as he picked up his pace. “You alright, honey?” Your mother asked
“Perfect actually” You reached under the table grabbing his wrist. Cregan looked at you and whispered in your ear, “Liar”
You were almost there but the waitress brought everyone’s food. Cregan took his hand away and rubbed your juices on his napkin with a shit eating grin. After dinner you rode back with Cregan, he was walking you up to your apartment.
“So the year is over, are you gonna dump me for someone else for next year?” You asked but didn’t realize you had said it
“No, I want to be with you as long as you let me. I love you Y/n a lot actually, you still make me nervous. You’re a good girl I like being with you” Cregan brushed a piece of your hair back
“I love you too” you blushed
“I take it, I still make you nervous, don’t I ?” Cregan asked with a gentle smile
“Just a bit” You giggled
Cregan bent down and kissed you holding your back in his hand holding you close to him. You held a hand on his chest as you kissed him back.
“Call me tomorrow, huh?” Cregan squeezed your cheek gently as he smiled
“Yeah” you opened the door, Viserys whined as you hit him with the door not realizing he was there. “You jackass! I told you to quit spying” Dario laughed.
Cregan chuckled, “See ya love”
You blushed as he walked away and you decided to check on Viserys and his possible injuries.. “Let me see,” you sighed, shutting the door. Viserys was holding his cheek, “It’s fine probably will be bruised later”
“Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt the pretty dragon’s face” you joked but honestly felt bad.
“Dragon? What?” Dario asked from his place on the couch
“It’s nothing”
“Nothing my ass.. he calls himself that during his hook ups. It’s his por-“ you said but Viserys threw you over his shoulder walking back down the hallway were your rooms were at
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
I’m a pretty casual fan of ASOIAF, Lord of the Rings is more my style, but I’ve been reading some of the lore recently and I’m absolutely delighted by how many parallels and clear inspirations GRRM took from Arthurian legend. Aemond in particular caught my attention because he bears such a striking resemblance to Mordred in so many ways in terms of his role in the narrative. Mutual kill with his uncle? Check. Close relationship with an evil sorceress? Check. Mommy issues? Check. Doomed by the historical narrative? Check. Are you a fan of Arthurian legend? What are your thoughts?
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I'm pretty steeped in ASoIF lore - though Martin continues to change the lore at convenience - but I'm a bigger Tolkien fan and nerd than G.R.R. Martin. Especially Tolkien's First Age Stories like "Beren and Luthien" & "Children of Hurin".
"Beren & Luthien" might be the greatest story ever told. Around Christmas I put that chapter on when I'm out doing Christmas shopping and when I'm out on my Birthday.
And "Children of Hurin" is one of my favorite books of all time - the audiobook as read by Christopher Lee is beyond epic. And has been one of the biggest influences on my writing.
As for Arthurian Legend, I grew up on it. My old man was a geek before the word really existed and he was into fantasy. So, I was introduced into Knights and Chivalry at a very - very - early age. Especially in the early-2000's when "Lord of the Rings" was big but there wasn't a lot of it available where I lived, my 11-13 year old self's want for Lord of the Rings anything sent me back down into the Arthurian rabbit hole.
I grew up with and still love "Excalibur" and the Merlin Mini-Series from the late-90's that Jim Henson and NBC did.
It's funny you bring up Tolkien and Arthurian Myth because I've written Downton Abbey fanfiction for years and a lot of the story series is based on "The Children of Hurin" by Tolkien and I used archetypes from Arthurian Legend for the characters. I steeped a lot of those Downton Abbey stories in an Arthurian mold and Tolkien sensibilities.
As for Aemond being Mordred.
Oh, you done done it now, my friend.
You got me started.
If I might expand your ascertain of Aemond being Mordred.
The way I see it is that Alicent is Guinevere and Criston is Lancelot. Aemond is most definitely Mordred. And Daeron is absolutely Galahad.
I would postulate that both Aemond and Daeron are the sons of Alicent and Criston's duality. Of course, I don't mean literally - but figuratively. They were both born after Alicent and Criston devoted themselves to one another, both were raised by the two, and both look at Criston is more of a father than Viserys. Unlike say Aegon and Helaena. Both Aemond and Daeron see Alicent and Criston as their parents.
Much like Mordred, I see Aemond as sort of the manifestation of all of Alicent and Criston's sins of envy and lust, not just of Rhaenyra's transgressions, but of their want for one another. Aemond bears Criston's hatred and Alicent's anger. He is a creation, a creature, of that darker and more human side of a virtuous and righteous idealistic veneer.
While, much like Galahad, Daeron embodies the ennobling features of Criston and Alicent's relationship. He is the dutiful and virtuous figure that his mother strives to be and the stalwart and just warrior that Criston tries to maintain. Making him the noblest of all knights.
While Aemond carries Alicent and Criston's humanity and flaws
Daeron bears their idealism and dreams.
The two showing the almost duality of their parent's two natures as a whole.
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
I'm sorry, but what kind of mentally ill person do I want the reader to stay with Aemond and the baby?
Well, this is a dark fic, and as such, it should have a dark ending, and that would be it... I could have written thousands of possible ends, and right now, with the "Dance of Dragons" about to begin in the story, reader is a bargaining chip and as such, a marriage between them is the way to go to keep the peace, she is a hostage, that is one of the options I'm juggling...
And I don't appreciate that "wording", like I could go on and on why people read dark fics, including non-con, rape and other dark elements, and none of them are mentally ill, maybe they are working trough things...
I want an ending that is "coherent" with the rest of the story, (this being very dark and also ASOIF inspired are also things to keep in mind), and Aemond will not let go of her... But I'm a sucker for a happy ending, so that's why I did the poll, I am a people pleaser at heart...
Keep those elements in mind... just saying
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run-godspeed · 2 years
Sansa Stark Fic Recs
will be updated monthly with much bias and glee, everything varies (obviously) from constant updates to abandoned but still worth the read!
November 2022
the lone traveller standing strong by bubblewrapstargirl. one of the most popular time travel fic for sansa and a happy and realistic endings
oh how far you are from home by @dialux a LOTR/ASOIF crossover, the greatest thing I’ve ever read. please give this more love
a tempest, a cyclone, a goddamn hurricane also by @dialux most of this list is going to be by them so buckle up. A Sixth Sense Au with a twist.
A Circlet of Iron by @kitkatkailey-blog it’s a fun light hearted take (at the start of the series) of what happens if sansa was freed from KL after the Red Wedding
call me a graveyard ghosts are haunting me by @thesuspiciousflyingjellyfish. a take on necromancers whents and jeyne poole appreciation
More Good Than Harm by Wampusroar13 a guilty pleasure i’ll admit with time travel, little bashing, and a aegon/sansa paring.
The Old Gods Called, They’d Like Their Kingdom Back by rhinomouse. A Agents of Shield/GOT crossover, it’s funny, a joy to read and has a Daisy/Sansa paring that’s hilarious from other’s pov’s (if you recognize the author they used to be big in supergirl please leave them alone about that) also jonerys in the later chapters but you can enjoy it by skipping the chapters or going to the sections that don’t involve it
The Weirwood Queen by @redwolf17. it’s inspiring has the best plot twists and good parenting and starklings! no paring spoilers but go read it!
The Red Queen by fei_wen_yu. another fun one that’s not time travel despite my love of it. A Sansa becomes queen by marrying joffrey scenario that takes the premise, kicks it in the nuts and steals its money.
And last but certainly not least for this month! The Lady of Castletry Rock by Caena. Now i normally don’t go for Sansa/Lannister ships and this a Sansa/Jaime but hear me out. It’s the angst the absolute brain rot of angst. this is so good i had brain rot for days. give it a chance or don’t your choice!
and this has been the November 2022 Sansa Stark Fic Rec
*Italic authors are one that i don’t know if they have a tumblr or don’t want to be found.
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unforeseenflame · 2 years
I love this IF so freaking MUCH!! I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter! I'm totally going A Song of Ice And Fire with it and naming a Gold Dragon Sunfyre!! This is one of the only IFs I've found where I can do it lmao!!!
ASoIF is a big inspiration for HoF… at least when it comes to the dragons. As I adore the design for them and absolutely adore wyverns too. I’m so happy that you’re naming your dragon Sunfyre! You’ll notice some other names you may recognize too (like Meraxes) in the list before you can input your own name.
I hope you continue to enjoy it! I can’t wait to see how far you and Sunfyre fly!
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bigbrainbigboobs · 1 year
hi! you can call me sunny! i’m a teenage girl who uses she/her pronoun, but i don’t really care if you use other pronouns with me. i used to read the kids series “warriors” by erin hunter a lot when i was younger and i’ve kinda gotten back into it a bit. i’ve really enjoyed and been inspired by bonefall’s “better bones” au, along with cryptid claw and fatal blow’s rewrite. you should check them out! i’m not really expecting to update or even post on this blog a lot, but i hope you like what i do post!
also i should probably talk about what i’m going to post. if you haven’t caught along with it, it’s warriors content. i’ll probably post my own ideas and headcannons in my au/rewrite thing that i have going on in my head. (also i do have inspiration from other creators, mostly the ones that I mentioned above and I promise to give them credit but please keep in mind that some people do have the same ideas.)
i also might post something’s relating to ASOIF by george rr martin and other stuff that i fancy.
i wish you all well and have a great day/afternoon/night!
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randomkposts · 2 years
Game of thrones, possible inspiration for north's old gods religion
I'm kind of wondering if worshiping the northern Gods in Asoif is comparable to Druidism. Quoted below is modern druid practices I think might be relevent in ASOIF. Its from Wikipedia, and the other sources I looked at wernt exactly saying diffrent.
"Druidry has been described as a nature venerating movement.Druidry conceives of the natural world as being imbued with spirit, and thus regard it as alive and dynamic.
89% of world Druids practice nature connection, along with some form of environmental stewardship work.Nature connection involves spending time alone in nature, while maintaining a full sensory and spiritual awareness of whatever or whoever may be near by. Environmental stewardship work extends this connection through acts of reciprocity. Druids regularly participate in activities such as restoring native ecosystems, creating wildlife habitats, growing organic food crops, composting, installing solar or wind power systems, and changing personal consumption habits to protect the natural environment from damage.Many Druids are also involved in environmental activism, acting to protect areas of the natural landscape that are under threat from development or pollution."
A connection with ancestors is important in Druidry.In some recorded examples, Druids regard the "ancestors" as an amorphous group, rather than as a set of named individuals.The Druidic concept of ancestry is that of "ancestors of the land", rather than the "ancestors of the blood" venerated by some Heathen groups; they perceive a spiritual connection, rather than a genetic one, as being important. Emphasising ancestors gives practitioners a sense of an identity which has been passed down from the past over the course of many centuries.
Ancestor veneration leads many to object to the archaeological excavation of human remains and their subsequent display in museums.
The two most common locations for Druid rituals are indoors, at home, at a home altar or shrine (92% of Druids), or outdoors in a private garden or wild space (90% of Druids) Only 48% of world Druids regularly participate in rituals held in publicly viewable spaces, and 18% attend rituals at public monuments or popular tourist destinations such as Stonehenge or Avebury-
In Druidry, a specific ceremony takes place known as an Eisteddfod, which is dedicated to the recitation of poetry and musical performances. Within the Druidic community, practitioners who are particularly skilled in their recitation of poetry or their performance of music are referred to as Bards.Although bardism can also be found in other Pagan traditions such as Eco-Paganism, it is of particular importance within Druidry.Bards perform at Eisteddfod at various occasions, from formal rituals to pub get-togethers and summer camps and environmental protests. Among the Druidic community, it is often believed that bards should be divinely inspired in producing their work.
Storytelling is important within Druidry, with stories chosen often coming from the vernacular literature of linguistically Celtic countries or from Arthurian legend. Musical performances typically draw from the folk musical traditions of Ireland, Scotland, England, France, and Brittany.[111] Instruments used commonly include lap harps, mandolins, whistles, bag pipes, and guitars.Bards utilise archaic words such as "t'was", "thence", and "deeds", while speaking in a grandiose manner of intonation. "
ASOIF and Modern Druid similarities below
The older ones were rumored to have done things like human sacrifice, which does remind me of ASOIF, though the method of sacrifice apparantly in IRL reminds me more of the Lord of the Light. 
But to sum it up tree worship= the godswoods as wild space for worship
Ritual involves solo nature rambles and meditation to connect with nature, as seen by what Ned Stark did post Execution of Black Brother. 
Veneration of the dead, had no human remains on display, but the crypts where the bones are stored do have the statues, which does fit with the identify themes. 
And storytelling is important in the north, its how their histories such as the long nights are passed.
And its harder to say in the wartime, but I think that action of environmental stewardship fits with the land not being as easy to grow as their neighbors south, and so the land being taken care of and nutured.
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elucubrare · 3 years
hi! do you remember what book it was that had the arranged marriage that the parties thought would be a bad alliance politically?
So. Yes. It's a book that I have a lot of affection for, but have trouble recommending (eta: to clarify: I have trouble recommending it because I want people to read it but don't have a strong reason why they should and also it's one of the few books I'd be actively sad if people were mean about), because in so many ways it's very generic fantasy (three young fellows from a remote location leave home and get swept up into events much bigger than them; there are two families that have fought over the kingdom for generations, with internecine politics), and even I can't put my finger on why I love it so much.
It's Sean Russell's The One Kingdom, which is the first book of The Swans' War.
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artist-ellen · 6 months
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Young Robb Stark
Robb is dressed in a fashion very similar to that of his… half brother but he is wearing the more ‘official’ and higher maintenance Stark greys rather than the more neutral variations Jon and Arya have on. He also has a direwolf pin that would usually hold his cloak in place if he was wearing one.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram.com/ellenartistic or tiktok: @ellenartistic
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Ned: I expected you to be a more honorable man!
Petyr: And who's fault is that?
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vredeir · 5 years
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