instantpistachio · 2 years
ur so weird why are u 24 shipping urself with the onceler 💀 u got no bitches huh?
Hi Anon! I know by sharing my art that I potentially put myself out there to be judged or ridiculed. I'm not angry, hurt, or sad and prepared myself for this. I feel like many people who do self ship have to prepare themselves for it especially connecting the self ship to their main blog like I have. A part of me having this confidence is from the love and support I get from my friends and those I met through the fandom. That support really outweighs your comment in many ways. It also outweighs silent judgement and any little passing comment I may get. I am super thankful for those people and having that support! I'm Aromantic and Asexual. Self shipping to me is just for fun and how I feel for this character is something I don't feel for real people. I know he isn't real and am actually really happy about that, I can do things on my own terms and have fun! It's like someone writing a fantasy story, its not something they would ever do/can't do but still dedicate time and effort into making something amazing. What I do makes me happy, and you don't need to explain your happiness to anyone. Life is short so enjoy it even if someone thinks its "cringe" or weird. Have a great day! <3
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instantpistachio · 3 years
I can't find your server in my account, did something happen to it???
Hi anon! Sorry for taking a while to reply. I meant to make an official announcement on this, but the server was shut down recently. Nobody was kicked or was in trouble at all! Nor is it one person's fault that it happened. It was shut down because I am not in a position to manage a big server at the moment. It grew super fast which I'm grateful for but I wasn't prepared for that! I had gotten busier with school as well, and the same could be said for most of my mods. I didn't feel right passing it on unless it was a mod. I may try again in the future, meeting everyone and having that community was really amazing. I feel lucky to have met everyone who was there. All of the fans are really sweet and creative, never stop creating what you love <3 I do still have my 18+ server up as it is much smaller and easier to manage, I don't want to keep a link for that public though for obvious reasons!
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instantpistachio · 3 years
hey. onceler
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instantpistachio · 3 years
do you prefer biggering or hbcib?
That is a hard one! I really like both! HBCIB gets stuck in my head pretty often while Biggering has better emotion and lyrics. I guess if I had to choose, it would be Biggering!
I think I would choose that one because it brings more depth to the situation. I feel more connected to the issue, if that makes sense. Although I'm sad that Biggering isn't in the movie, I'm still glad we have HBCIB!
In a perfect world, the movie somehow has both hahah
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instantpistachio · 3 years
why is the once-ler called that? like is he the once and future king? where did he get that name??
Good question! In the original story he was supposed to represent greed, big industry and well capitalism as a whole. Who he was or is doesn’t matter as much as it once did. (haha, get it?) I haven’t done a ton of research into Dr. Seuss is and why he wrote what he wrote or named him that way, and now I really want to look more into it. (If there is much more information on that than what I know!) The 2012 movie of course took a new direction with him. He had a face, a personality, he was more human overall. He had reasoning for what he did and we had a bit of a look on what his family life was like. The movie still leaves several questions unanswered, one of those being his real name. The name Once-ler was used as a family name in the older movie, and if that is his last name, what is his first? You would think since we know so much about him now in this movie, that we would have a name. We are hearing things based off of what he told Ted, so maybe he wanted to keep that information from him. After everything that happened, it really it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?  I believe a few other blogs have talked about this in the past, while doing a bit of research I found this post. I liked that perspective and that is about what I think on the matter. I think it would be nice to see fans make first names for their own Once-ler Ocs! Or their own headcanons on what his name would be.  Personally, I always just reference him as the Once-ler in my fanfictions because I can’t think of a name I would give him. I’ve seen some people call him Ed like his voice actor Ed Helms or having his name be Ted as well (for those who support the theory on him being the Once-ler’s grandson, it could be just passed down?)  As for what -ler means can depends on the language. I think this one fits the most “-ler (v-v?, truncative?)has begun to [verb], is about to [verb], is in the process of [verb]ing“ which is Greenlandic  Source , which also has some other definitions for it.  By that definition above, Once-ler can mean was once doing or something similar. It seems a bit fitting for the situation.  I am SOOO sorry this was so long, I hope I was able to answer your question!! 
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instantpistachio · 3 years
lmao discord saying that brings me war flashbacks of the onceler tumblr era back in like 2012
Anon, I'm a bit dumb so I I'd like some clarification hahaha Also war flashbacks ;w;? I've heard that people had so much fun back then! Although I wasn't there for it ^^;
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instantpistachio · 3 years
The onceler told me..he rlly loves you and he wants to give you a bunch of kisses ❤❤❤❤❤
I had this sitting in my ask box for a long time.
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instantpistachio · 3 years
Would you happen to know the ship name between the Onceler and Lorax?
It is called Oncelax!
I didn’t know off the top of my head, actually. I had to consult the fandom historian hahah (a big thank you Miru667 ;w;)
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instantpistachio · 3 years
Not an Ask as such! But, you are the best person I have ever met! I love you so much! And Bunny-Ler is gonna be great!!
AISJSKSJSJ oh my gosh you are so sweet <3 I love you too! I'm so glad we met and became friends. I thank the Once-ler fandom for that!
Yes bunny-ler is so adorable and sweet I hope everyone likes her as much as we do :D
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instantpistachio · 4 years
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Thank you Socks, very cool!
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instantpistachio · 4 years
Your art is cute and I live for it, even if I normally do things all gothic n shit
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instantpistachio · 4 years
gayass :)
Tell me something I don't know, anon :p
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instantpistachio · 4 years
hey chio!! guess what. ilysm and i hope you're having a good day today :) if you just woke up, i hope you'll have a good day!
Hi Alex 🥺 tysm this made my morning ilysm
I hope your day is going well too ❤
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instantpistachio · 4 years
You simp for the Onceler don’t you Chio
I thought it was obvious
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instantpistachio · 4 years
Hi! I'm sorry if I'm distracting you, but I just wanted to say that you have very cool arts and I love it with my friend! uwu 💖💖
You aren't distracting me at all!! Thank you so so much! ❤
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instantpistachio · 4 years
If I get this ask again I'm gonna 👁👁
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