#ask somni
hey, do you know anything about the lady behind the door?
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"we're almost to Quinn's, kid, c'mon"
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3lectricinsomnia · 1 month
I am very curious so...
☕, 🐻, 🌊, 🙌, ✨
☕️ do you draw warm-up sketches?
Not really. When I have something in mind, I just draw a rough sketch before doing line-art but sometimes I’ll sketch out different poses for the same idea just to find one that I like, unless I’m really stuck on something/don’t have a specific idea.
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🐻 your go-to things to draw when you need comfort
Whatever I’m hyperfixated on at the moment :) so right now, it would be turtles.
🌊 what’s the hardest thing for you to draw?
Hands + waist down 💀
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Sometimes I do good tho
🙌 draw a doodle with your non-dominant hand
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✨ how often do you draw?
Not often but it depends on how many ideas I get/how often I get bored. Sometimes I’ll draw multiple things in the span of a week for multiple days and sometimes I just won’t draw for weeks lol
Thank you for asking!
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askcursedtales · 9 months
Somni @ Daffodil: *Yawn* Uh... hey. Heard you were looking for some kids. Is, uh, this forest cursed or something... ? I would allow you to make a wish if was urgent but... it’s too risky in my current state... I could tag along though...
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"The forest isn't cursed. I haven't heard about it, at least. It's just dangerous because of the types of 'mon that can live around here."
"We're safer in number's you're welcome to come but, um. Are you okay...? Do you need to rest or something..?"
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enlighten3d · 28 days
what if i said,,,,transfem somni,, idk… anyways hihiii
youre. youre so fucking real for thst. TRANSFEM SOMNI ‼️‼️ transfem somni is real. im with you... theyre so silly Ɛ> transfem winged person 👍👍 so pog
but hiiii !!! hihi ᗡ: how are you ‽
ive played 24 hours of stardew valley since i got the game two days ago ! it is all im thinking about ! i have school tomorrow and will not be able to focus ! send help ! (/dramatic a lil bit)
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valerian-insomniac · 2 months
Hello hi!
Do Peppermint and Ginger, you can do any oc you’d want:3
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I'll do Spook and Somni since I do not talk about Somni enough.
Spook has a preference for it to be cold, he likes the chill and finds it soothing unlike most others in subcon, likely because he was one of the few that's death did not relate to the cold. Noctus, his home kingdom was on the chillier side and when he was alive, if he got too warm outside of Noctus he tended to have nasty fainting spells that put him on edge when the temperature was too high.
He doesn't have to worry about fainting anymore as a ghost but it's hard to unlearn that caution. Good thing the Grove is a rainy place, huh.
Somni had three stages across his earthly time; alive, a ghost The Nightmare King Insomnia and an undead. While alive, he wasn't a big fan of the chill in winter but he found autumn and spring very pleasant. He'd enjoy the warm tones and cool breeze of autumn. Granted, he doesn't remember any of this now.
As NMK he didn't care either way. Hot or cold, he couldn't feel it. He still had a soft spot for the warm tones of autumn though and the breeze through his spectral fur wasn't aweful.
As an undead he hates the cold just as much as he does the heat. He's not used to temperature anymore after millennia of not being able to feel it. He'd probably take cold over hot because you can at least get away from cold, but no, he's temperature sensitive and not afraid to make it everyone's problem.
Spook enjoys a good book and a fly around the Grove if he thinks he needs a cheer up. Watching the trio of trouble makers is also free entertainment, or just sitting back and petting his bushcat while his little Plushes doodle.
He's not opposed to hunting down 'trespassers' or a little unethical experimentation as a form of stress relief either.
Somni is a grumpy git. Who wouldn't be when you're unwillingly shoved back into your weak mortal body after being, for all intents and purposes, a God for so many years? But, he finds chatting with Axo, strange as she is, to be a fun pass time. He finds her absolutely baffling, both scientifically and morally. If he isn't feeling sociable, be finds brewing potions as useful and relaxing way to de stress and it keeps his mind focused in the present.
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bignasty001 · 1 month
So there was this one woman in the 1990's who came into the ER for pain and such as a result of late stage cervical cancer. Well, because of the fact that this woman had been applying a degreaser like substance containing dimethyl sulfoxide to treat the pain she felt.
What she didn't know is that this chemical is that when it is mixed with oxygen (the same O2 they had been using to help her breath in the ER), the sulfoxide turns into dimethyl sulfone. That chemical is known to crystallize at room temperature, and did so in her blood stream. So this woman is now filled with sulfone, and due to symptoms related to but not directly caused by her cancer as well as the degreaser she'd been rubbing on herself, her heart stopped.
What ER staff didn't know and what she certainly didn't know is that when you apply heat to dimethyl sulfone, it becomes dimethyl sulfate, an extremely toxic chemical used in sulfuric acid. The ER had used the defibrillator to shock her heart, and the electric shocks were, in fact, very hot. This then caused her to become a living toxin for any ER staff that had been working on her as the sulfone in her body became sulfate. They had to evacuate the entire ER and she ended up passing away because she was toxic to be within a few feet of. Staff who worked on her in the ER reported symptoms such as nausea and labored breathing after being in contact with this woman.
This case was regarded as an incident of mass hysteria for a long time until the truth was found out!
THIS IS SO !!!!!!!!
i think i saw a video abt this actually!
stuff like this is so interesting, i bet you've heard of hisashi ouchi?? this kinda reminded me of him
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okokok I'm all caught up now wah
YIPEE!! We may now ramble about it as much as you would likeeee- also also i must know, do you like it so far? (i feel like maybe you do but idk idkkk)
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somaticmilk · 3 months
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Funny how you sent the photo twice, buddy.
Realllllyyyy wanted a reaction didnt you 🤨
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onsunnyside · 1 year
ive had a theory. let me present my findings, professor somny. it's very tragic 😔
academic work 📈 sluttiness levels 📉 burnout 📈
thus my slutty horny thots are also subpar :(( but i shall try
this theory is 100% correct 😣 we don’t deserve this !! we deserve to be slutty and happy and not have to worry about anything else !! take the anti-slutty burden off our shoulders ‼️‼️
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How would you confess to a crush?
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"just uh- be yourself, kid."
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3lectricinsomnia · 1 month
Popping into a few ask boxes to ask:
What art program do you use? & What's your go-to brush tool(s)?
Hello! I use Procreate and the brush I've been using is the ink bleed pen :)
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babyjakes · 1 year
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these must always be paired together like somny and eumny
okay i had to post these bc i’ve never seen them before and they’re just ??? so intriguing to me ??? it’s really a color scheme… very green. the peach honestly isn’t bad with it but like… no subtlety with the green fr 🥸maybe i like it tho??? in terms of color theory it could be much worse. the poses?? first one is so baby boy. he is absolutely an angel, look at him his so giddy 🥺 second one is ??? arm 🤤🤤 but also? he does not look tough he looks like baby to me still 🤔 these don’t rile me up but they are very endearing. for these pair of somny and eumny pics, i will give this a 7/10 lovingly 🌝
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mfalsomni · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Jupta? Do you think Jupta is a male or female or non binary
I actually thought Jupta was female at first but according to the website in the comments, Jupta is addressed with "he" in the translated page but it could've been wrong
The very first time I thought that Jupta was like a refined version of Flurry —as well as Oulu (or is it Ouru?) is super similar to Welter— and they kind of act like a pair, so I thought she was a woman. Plus, Jupta feels like a feminine name to me (Jupiter is the original masculine name after all).
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That being said, my perception shifted after rewatching the music video a few times and reading the lore. Since both Jupta and Pluto are deities, they really don't have to fit in the binary —no one really does, but I guess you get what I mean.
In the end, I just projected my gender identity on Jupta, because that's what I think fits her: a non-binary entity (I wouldn't call Jupta a person) aligned in some sense with womanhood. In a similar way, Pluto is nb and just expresses himself in a masculine way. Of course, these are headcanons. I hope this makes sense.
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Gender headcanons aside, I LOVE her as a character, and her design is just chef's kiss. I mean, look at her!!
Their design is obviously heavily inspired by Flurry (maybe they're even related in some way) but still, she's recognizable as a completely separate character. I love that the clothes are half white half black, nice contrast between "bad" and "good" —remember that they're the ruler of heaven, but for some reason, she decided to torment souls in it.
I have many many thoughts but I'm unable to put them into words further than saying "SCARY AND PRETTY BEING" and that I kin her (I'm terribly sorry). I hope this made sense!!
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fordeadleaves · 2 years
ashe winters OR william wisp..? for the character bingo
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did william bc i feel weird doing it for myself. im surprised we dont have that many filled in considering we think of him as our favorite/one of our favorites but honestly wed have more for dakota
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kaiswifeblog · 6 months
basketball captain beomgyu enemies to lovers, i need it😍😍😍
no bc literally enemies to lovers is literally beomgyus trope
imagine you are part of the cheer team of another school, and even the last year when you first met beomgyu you didn't like him, in fact you hated him.
He was always focusing on the cheerleaders from his school, instead of the game and that led his school to lose the game.
Fast forward (by Somni) to one year later and yours and his school are having a rematch.
So your school has to go there a week earlier to practice.
You weren't happy about this, you didn't want to see him, but you saw him too much and now he was also a captain.
Ever since you school's team arrived Beomgyu had his eye fixated on you, like he was some kind of stalker.
And one day he approached you with his reasoning being "oH I JuSt WaNtEd To MeEt ThE oPpOsItE cHeEr SqUaD!!"
and after a while of talking let's just say you kinda developed a crush.
And after the game he asked you out on a date.
How could you miss an opportunity like that?
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evenmoreofadisaster · 9 months
When did you join the fandom? And may I ask, we’re there concept designs for one and two?
We just recently got into the rottmnt fandom last fall (we were never really interested in tmnt before watching rise)
A lot of my (Somni) inspiration for the twins' designs came from pinterest. I have very VERY early concept art that I haven't posted bc they're ugly
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I (Teaa) took a lot of inspiration from Draxum's design and Donnie's usual wear for Two's initial design. Here are some of my early concepts that havent been posted:
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