#as a young earth creationist
tobacconist · 8 months
stories about extraterrestrials scare me, because although hearsay; they paint a bad picture of those who are supposed to be heavenly.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
Unfriendly Reminder that the Sixth Mass Extinction - the one Humans Have Caused - is most similar to the End-Permian extinction in terms of causes and effects. That extinction killed 90%, possibly more, of life on earth. The main difference between the sixth and the end-Permian? The sixth is going faster. Faster usually means life has less time to adapt. We are careening towards the largest mass extinction this planet has ever seen.
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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if you deny science, empirical evidence, or proven facts then you don't get an opinion on anything until you recognize reality
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rowenabean · 2 months
The potter works punch out a hollow, pinch, form pinch the nose, step back, drive a hole each side for air. The mouth - no, the mouth comes later. PInch out ears, two swipes for eyes, two hollows. Rudimentary hair - a scratching.
Moving on: punch out the chest, two huge slabs two hollows to be filled with carefully formed heart & lungs & guts in their perfect hidden detail. And further down. Scrawny bum. Hollow it. Slap on some thighs, fill them in, muscle, bone, muscle. Add a lump of clay where they meet, blend the seams. Then the lower legs. Muscle, bone, muscle. Ten toes, taking joy in the forming, each toe individual, each getting smaller. Ten fingers. A whole body, under the potter's eyes.
He stands back, admires his work. He sees it is good.
And finally: the mouth. Formed open, ready to receive. Formed ready to breathe.
He stoops beside his creation, bends low, breathes.
And the clay breathes the eyes crack the dirt heart beats
when Adam looks on his God
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soldier-poet-king · 11 months
Oh man I looked at the notes on that evolution & Christianity poll (a mistake, clearly), like, how can so many people be so fkin stupid. Yes thats mean of me to say but. Y'all are really out here being strict biblical literalists?? Not even most of the early christian theologians & church fathers were strict biblical literalists?? There is no historical basis to being an extreme literalist abt the bible?? Presumably you received SOME sort of education and can read and think critically?? You can't ALL have been raised in an information restrictive cult??
99% of the time im ready to throw hands with Catholicism because oh boy we have beef and I hate it here, but at least we're not Like That TM.
Oh Fr Georges Lemaître, father of the Big Bang Theory, we're really in it now.
#not to dunk on my Protestant friends ily#but like. protestantism is one hell of a drug. holy shit#like do i think ultimately what you believe about the evolution is the end of the world. no#BUT it indicates underlying literalist thinking which leads to problems that ACTUALLY affevt everyday life#and also just. deliberate ignorance. conspiracy theory thinking#not to b like. one thing leads to another. but these r definitely related patterns of thinking#and as much as im like. I fuckin hate catholics#its current western catholics that i rlly hate#theres at least a long history of intellectual freedom and science#yes at times obvs limited and repressed. but at least its not yknow. literalism. i would fuckin die#are yall really out here thinking abt literal adam and eve and creation in 7 days. really. REALLY?#altho. i went to hs with a young earth creationist who thot dinos and humans existed at the same time#so why. am i not surprised anymore#anyway yeah individual catholics are largely insane and i will fistfight trads#but at least like. INSTITUTIONALLY. we're allowed space to think and question#doctrinally thats allowed. even if trads refuse it in practice#ho ho holy shit yall#deadass did not think there was a significant amount of biblical literalists and creationists on TUMBLR of all places#both atheists and trads who think religion and science are fundamentally opposed.#think again. u r all. dummies. i am too tired to be polite abt it#im tired of ppl with no thinking skills <-its elections here today im extra full of rage#mrk saunders can catch my hands ALSO#i saw someone say that theres no basis to interpret the bible as allegorical#as if everytime Jesus said a parable ans the apostles took it literally#he had to sit them down and be like#boys. i love u. stop being stupid. its an allegory for the people.#WHAT THE FUCK IS A PARABLE IF NOT AN ALLEGORICAL INSTRUCTIVE STORY#genuinely. maybe i am naive. but deadass thot the adam and steve crowd thing was a joke. not a genuine argument against the gays#or at the very least a rare opinion blown out of proportion#ARE YALL OK IN PROTESTANT MAJORITY AREAS???????
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boygirlctommy · 3 months
every once in a while my mother will drop some insane belief that i guess shes had all along. anyways did you know ancient people lived to be 1,000 years old 😱😱
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"One of the most frightening things in the Western world, and in this country in particular, is the number of people who believe in things that are scientifically false. If someone tells me that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, in my opinion he should see a psychiatrist”
-- Francis Crick
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allisonreader · 3 months
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quark-nova · 11 months
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evolution is when you have body segments, and the more segments you have, the more evolved you are
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howhow326 · 7 months
Guys, it's 2023.
Mokèlé-Mbèmbé is not Apatosaurus ajax.
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theindefinitearticle · 5 months
INSANE how Christian zionists are literally an apocalypse cult using political power to try and bring about the end times. You sound like a villain from buffy.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 9 months
just realized in a bit of hilarious irony the young earth creationist’s who claim humans and dinosaurs lived alongside each other are technically correct😭
see this is where I have fun with creationists because, if you're careful, you can string them along a whole conversation by talking about birds and saying dinosaurs, and it takes FOREVER for them to realize what's happening and get mad
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boneless-mika · 11 months
Fun fact: the post I saw claiming atheists aren’t really atheists from several weeks back has caused me to actively try not to use phrases like “oh my god” for fear of being seen as secretly religious by my friends
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deinocheirusghost · 2 years
id like to make it clear that i love the tyrannosaur/spinosaurus fight in jurassic park 3 because I am an animatronics geek as well as a paleo geek and the fact that stan winston built a robot dinosaur that unexpectedly murdered its robot dinosaur costar is one of my great existential joys,
and not because I have literally any respect whatsoever for jack horner and/or his opinions
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gourde · 5 months
I love being a hater of religion. Each time I see something on it I’m like “holy shit what if I was still a YEC. That would be terrifying” and it would be.
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Snow is just gods cum
mans been gooning for 6000 years
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