#the world can change faster than most people give it credit for
allisonreader · 3 months
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ladysomething · 3 months
I love everything that you’ve written for F1 so far (you are just the most incredible writer, I could read all of the fics you’ve written a million times and never get bored) but you’ve truly outdone yourself with Where You Go, I Go!!!! I literally read chapter 2 like 4 times last week and I’ve just been counting down the days until I could read chapter 3 (but I pinky promise I do not mean that in a “write faster” kind of way, I mean it in a “I was excited that I audibly squealed when I saw you posted today” kind of way). And ABO is something that I hardly ever read. But you just do it SO well. I LOVE the world you’ve built. And this fic is just SO incredible. I wasn’t sure how you could top the first two chapters, but eek CHAPTER THREE. The way that Charles going into pre-heat prevented any questions about Max and his intentions from getting answered (the tension is buildingggg) and Pierre showing up and Charles getting claimed, oh my god every scene was incredible and I am SO EXCITED to find out where this is going, because I genuinely don’t know what to expect!!! Thank you so, so much for sharing this fic with us!!!
I am a different anon than before, but I was very interested in reading your response about if you found writing long fic to be daunting. Like prev anon, I am a numbers girl, so learning a little about your writing process/philosophy was super interesting!! I have another question if you don’t mind me asking- how do you decide on your posting schedule?! Although I would literally read this whole fic in one sitting, I do love the 1+ weeks between updates because I love getting excited for a new chapter and looking forward to it, but you said in the ask that you were already writing ch6, so I’m curious what made you pick the schedule you did!!
thanks again for sharing this fic with us, we are truly all so lucky to read it!!
well firstly I can't take the entire credit for this fic. @saiyanwitcher reached out to me after I wrote Give Me That Fire and offered to beta for me. As we were getting to know each other, she asked if I'd ever consider writing an Omegaverse fic, and I said yes, and here we are. But if there is any reason why this fic is better than the others, it's all because of her! She has spent so many hours brainstorming with me, proofreading, and pulling me back from the edge when I said "I want to do THIS" and she said "girl what" (she didn't really, everything I propose she says "alright, lets figure out how we can make that work").
I'm so delighted to hear you loved chapter 3! this whole fic is sooo different to anything I've ever written, but I LOVE exploring new themes and topics and ideas in fic - you'll never really catch me doing the same thing twice. pushing boundaries is what I love about fic, but it doesn't always pay off, so I'm SO happy to hear that people are loving this fic as much as they are.
as for your question ... which, firstly, like most artists I am extremely self involved, so talking about myself is like my fave thing to do lmao. I will answer literally ANY question you could ask.
but, posting schedule. after many years of trial and error while posting long fics, the thing I've found that works for me is that I need to have a fairly sizeable amount of the story in the can before I start posting. I usually like 5-6 chapters, but, more importantly, I want to know that I have the feel of the story before I start to post, because once I post I can't go back and change things. at about that 5-6 chapter mark, I know that I'm deep enough into a story that the plot is right, the characters are right, and the tone I'm using is right, and then I feel comfortable starting to release it out into the world.
from there, I post a chapter only when I finish a chapter. so I finished chap 6 on Tuesday, and then I worked on chap 3 on Wednesday, gave it to @saiyanwitcher to beta on Wednesday evening, and then by this morning she'd done a final check and I was okay to post.
my own personal goal is to write one chapter a week, with Wednesday being the day I'm always aiming towards. so this week I was actually a little later than my "schedule" because ch 6 was giving me a headache and it took longer to write than I wanted.
at this point, I know roughly how long it takes me to write one chapter for this story (a week), but I also know some of these chapters are harder to write than others so I HAVE to give myself some extra leeway (hence the maximum of 2 weeks).
I hope that kind of explained my thought process and as I said, I'm so happy to answer any questions!
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inchidentally · 4 months
Firstly just want to say I love your posts and opinions <3 Sorry this is a bit long, I only lurk around so I wanted to share my thoughts with someone (if that’s alright!)
As a Lando fan through all his teammates, I really love his dynamic with Oscar the most. I love that Lando always brings up how good Oscar is (even though everyone in the world loves to spread the narrative that Lando is washed because a rookie beat him*), and I love that Oscar is always supportive of Lando’s achievements too. They both put the team first before all else, and what happens in the race will stay in the race (no hard feelings after). Despite what the media pushes them to say or the narratives in articles, they both have a quiet understanding of each other and a lot of respect. What they have now is really sweet and I’m really hoping none of this would change for the years to come, even if they have a race winning car. Of course as a Lando fan first, I want him to win all the races, and I’m sure Oscar fans want Oscar to win all the races, but I hope that everyone can also learn to let what happens in a race stay in the race, just like them. For me anyone who shades/hates on either of them in any way just gets an instant block, I don’t want to hear it <3
*I hate how people always turn to shitting on Lando instead of saying Oscar is also good and equally competent?? I know Lando is supposed to be more experienced but he’s also young and he’s apparently never allowed to make mistakes. And I think not giving Oscar the credit is also disrespectful to him.
I also do hope this year they are even more comfortable with each other and will hang out more outside of races (even if they don’t share it). More than the media stuff, I am always so much more happy when they do something on their own, like how we found out Oscar was also in one of the planes from the recreating Instagram photos video, or that photo of them playing cards, that photo of them eating together in the paddock, or “what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas” that still haunts my mind….. (hate Vegas GP though, burn it).
tldr; Oscar is good for Lando and Lando has always been good in Oscar’s eyes, and can next season come faster
tysm anon and I'm sorry to be so late replying !!
god I am the same anon - I don't personally have favorites bc his dynamic with Carlos and Daniel was so much abt him being the baby duckling (and that on track Lando struggled privately w insecurity so much his rookie season whereas his confidence was building separate from what Daniel was experiencing). but what I love about the Oscar era is the way Lando just like, blossomed into McLaren being his home and his team when Oscar made such strong gestures to acknowledge Lando that way.
like so many ppl questioned Lando's ability to be in the senior/experienced/leadership role and wondered if he'd always prefer to be a little brother for a couple more years yet (and I think Lando wondered that too).
god yea I am so happy to leave ppl who try to pit teammates against each other in their own filth. like, enjoy being full of impotent rage ig?? bc apart from a VERY few instances these teammates are always able to be professional - and if they were already friends, remain friends. not only has Andrea instilled this from the start with Lando and Oscar, neither of them literally ever has had a history of friction w teammates or w each other. we've been through Monza before their relationship had even gotten settled so we're fine lol
and anon so far I'm genuinely amazed at how much content we're getting of them, of their own volition and McLaren's sm. the McLaren media fell off so hard right when the double podiums happened so I was worried that was how it was going to stay for 2024. hopefully stays this way!
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wonda-fhr · 3 months
11, 15, and 17 for David, Lia and Justin?
I was so surprised by your questions for the OC Askbox. I thought I had saved it as a draft.🙈😆 But now they're here and I'm glad you asked. Thanks. 💕
Does your character have a pet peeve?
David doesn't really have one. He is too nice and tolerant to get upset about trivial things.
Loud fake laughter, meant for self-expression so that everyone can hear it, can really upset Lia.
Justin can't stand intrusive physical intimacy. (But he can dish it out.) An arm on the shoulder or a sudden hug are gestures he doesn't like. A little pat on his butt is a quick and guaranteed way to lose a hand.
Is your character's first instinct fight or flight? Is there something that could force them to do the opposite?
David would rather flee. He doesn't like to fight, either physically or emotionally. But if it's important or if he has to defend someone, he doesn't shy away and is much better at fighting than most people give him credit for.
In real fights, it's a fight for Lia. Retreat does not suit her. The only situation that would make her avoid a fight would be if someone she cares about could be harmed. In interpersonal confrontations, it's either a fight or something in between. She can get loud when she thinks she's right, but she also likes to face an angry opponent with a stoic composure that drives many crazy.
When Justin fights, he extends his claws faster than he should. He is easily provoked, sees attacks where none exist, and reacts very impulsively. He is like a powder keg and says and does things he regrets later. Whether he'll admit it depends on who it's about. If you trigger his deepest fears or try to cage him, he will always flight.
Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop?
David not really. None that he would hold against anyone personally. If he harbors a slight grudge, he quickly convinces himself that he simply doesn't know enough about the other person and their motives.
Lia certainly has some. There's a list of various farm employees she's sure to turn to, and she won't stop.
There are few that Justin doesn't hold a grudge against. He holds a grudge against Ortega, Herald, the farm, the world. The list gets longer instead of shorter. With help he can put it aside, but he needs support to change his perspective, otherwise he just gets lost in his anger.
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xtruss · 4 months
Ship Noises Mute the Songs of Humpback Whales
Drowned out by the din of passing ships, humpback whales attempting to breed off the coast of Japan are cutting their conversations short.
— By Katherine J. Wu
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A Humpback Whale breaching near Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Massachusetts Bay. These whales may be imperiled by the sounds of passing ships, which silence their songs during mating season. Photo Credit: Whit Welles, Wikimedia Commons
With Its Enigmatic Chorus of Clicks, Groans, and Whistles, the haunting opus of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is one of the ocean’s most striking sounds. Every winter, humpbacks may swim thousands of miles to their seasonal breeding grounds, where males competing for mates fill the waters with soft serenades. But off the coasts of Japan, these seas are falling silent—and it seems humans are to blame.
Today, in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers report that the noises emanating from human-operated cargo ships disrupt the mating songs of humpback whales. Drowned out by the underwater din, some whales are even going completely mum in the vicinity of these vessels—which could have serious consequences for their reproductive success.
Beneath the surface of the sea, light falters fast. But because sound travels faster in water than air, keen audiophiles like the humpback whale use sound to navigate the dimly lit underwater world. These gentle giants engage in casual chatter year-round, but breeding season tends to feature prominent displays of song from males. Whale compositions are exquisitely complex, with at least 34 distinct sound types in the repertoire. Males will carefully remix their melodies as the years go by, and even pass tunes from population to population like vocal culture.
Despite all this, scientists still aren’t entirely sure why male humpbacks sing. Though musicality surges during periods of mating, song could serve a multitude of purposes, from gruff territorial warnings to come-hither calls. Whatever the whales’ rationale, it’s clear that song is crucial: Once they’ve warmed up, humpbacks can sing for hours on end, their ghostly echoes reverberating up to 100 miles through the surrounding sea.
But when humans enter the mix, being pitch perfect can be a double-edged sword. Unnatural noises from technological advancements like seismic airguns and military sonar have permanently disabled—and even killed—whales and their seafaring relatives.
Even the low-frequency hum of ships appears to perturb whales in conversation. The drones emitted by these ships can actually overlap with the frequencies of whale song, making it more difficult for humpbacks to pick out important bits of intel from the surrounding cacophony—the underwater equivalent of struggling to hear a friend in a busy restaurant.
Several researchers have observed whales changing their behavior in the presence of ships. However, compared to unmistakable consequences from airguns and sonar, it’s been challenging to reach a consensus on the extent of the effects of these more muted sources of noise, explains study author Tomonari Akamatsu, a biologist at the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency. In shipping hubs that see a lot of traffic, for instance, it’s difficult to disentangle which among the many possible disturbances are most problematic.
But the small outpost of Chichijima in Japan’s Ogasawara Islands presented a rare opportunity for Akamatsu and his colleagues. Separated from the southeastern coast of Japan by over 600 miles, the 2,000 or so residents of Chichijima receive just one daily ship: the Hahajima Maru, a small passenger-cargo vessel that ferries in a regular supply of goods and people from afar.
For the most part, the waters in this remote part of the world are quiet. But each winter, the seas swell with the symphony of hundreds of humpback whales eager to mingle with their mates—giving the researchers the chance to observe the effects of a single ship on the behavior of a wild population. The pristine nature of this locale stripped away other variables that could muddy the waters—other vessels, for instance, or inconsistent traffic.
“This study presents a really special and unique situation,” says Rosalind Rolland, a whale expert and veterinarian at the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium who did not participate in the research. “It’s very difficult to find anywhere in the ocean where there is just a single source of ocean noise. Most times there is noise from all directions.”
By placing two recorders in the waters near Chichijima, the researchers captured a series of whale vocalizations between the months of February and May 2017. Each day, they recorded one or two male humpbacks, amassing tracks of 53 soloists in total—half in the presence of the ship, and half without. The team also used the recordings to pinpoint the whales’ positions relative to the machinery as they sang, tracking their movements through time.
When the team mapped out the whales’ responses, the results were sobering. If the vessel was present, it produced, at its loudest, about 150 decibels of noise, comparable to the volume of a shotgun—and humpbacks seemed to shirk from its path, vacating the areas closest to the shipping lane. The whales that remained within 1200 meters of the ship produced fewer sounds overall. Some even cut their serenades off entirely—and most who did still hadn’t resumed their songs half an hour after the ship had passed through.
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Humpback Whales rely on sound to communicate in the dark ocean waters. During their winter breeding season, males will sing for hours on end—but their serenades may be stifled by the sounds of passing ships. Photo Credit: Christopher Michel, Flickr
Akamatsu had initially assumed that in the presence of the ship, the humpbacks would raise their voices or change the frequency at which they sang—both strategies that might enable whales to discern calls above the clang and clamor. But, he says, perhaps this reticent response is an adaptive, energy-saving strategy.
“It’s actually very clever,” Akamatsu explains. “They know it’s temporary, so they just wait for it to pass.”
Vocal adjustments, after all, are exhausting. Even 500 to 1200 meters away from the ship, the whales were still contending with a noise level of about 100 decibels—roughly equivalent to a motorcycle or a raucous rock band. Perhaps, instead of attempting to outperform the uproar, humpbacks were simply waiting out the storm.
Every whale who stopped his song did eventually rebound from the chorus interruptus—and such resilience may spell tentatively good news for the residents of Chichijima, who remain tied to the Hahajima Maru’s regular visits. “This ship is a lifeline for an isolated island,” Akamatsu explains. “Humans need that ship to survive.”
But Michelle Fournet, a wildlife scientist in the Bioacoustics Research Program at Cornell University, points out that it’s also possible the humpbacks’ silence may not be indicative of flexibility at all. Muted by the regularity of passing ships, whales may be running out of sustainable strategies to cope, and instead accepting defeat. While bellowing above the fray may be exhausting, it at least offers whales a fighting chance of still being heard. Complete silence, on the other hand, brings the probability of communication down to zero. If humpbacks want any shot at coupling up, they can only wait so long for ambient noise to die down.
“Humpbacks have to contend with a lot of variability,” says Fournet, who was not involved in the research. “And they’re capable of adapting to natural sounds. But they may not always be able to apply those same strategies to [human-made] noise.”
While no long-term repercussions have yet been found, it will be imperative to measure the ship’s effects on humpback reproduction, Fournet adds. Even though most populations of humpbacks are no longer considered endangered, pods around the world remain vulnerable to human interference. And despite decades of study, researchers are still puzzling through the intricacies of whale song. It’s unclear how disastrous even the tiniest tweaks to a tune could be for humpbacks trying to find each other in the dark.
And, of course, the calm of Chichijima is the exception, not the rule: Most ships don’t sail solo. Acoustic pollution from human-made vessels will likely be on the upswing for years to come, warns Paul Wensveen, a biologist who studies marine acoustics at the University of Iceland. Even technological Band-Aids like insulators, which muffle the sound from ships’ propellers, are quickly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of noise radiating from the world’s busiest ports.
If humankind’s presence in the ocean continues to grow, there may soon be little stopping the whales’ brief intermission in song from turning into an irreversible coda.
“Some of the whales’ strategies have been successful so far,” says Fournet. “But as the ocean gets louder, and more vessels come in, we can only expect to see more changes.”
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shrutim12 · 6 months
Unleashing The Fun Side Of FinTech: Reshaping Digital Lending
In the buzzing world of finance, where numbers usually rule the game, a new player has taken the stage – FinTech. Picture this: a world where digital lending meets innovation, creating a dynamic landscape that's changing the way we borrow and lend. No complex financial jargon here, just a fun dive into how FinTech innovations are reshaping the game.
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1. The Digital Revolution Hits Lending
In the past, securing a loan meant navigating a labyrinth of paperwork and waiting for weeks. Enter FinTech, the superhero of the digital revolution. Thanks to this, lending has gone digital, making the process smoother than a perfectly brewed cup of chai. From application to approval, it's all at your fingertips.
Also Read: Why Digital Lending Is A True End-to-End System
2. From Tedious Forms To Seamless Apps
Gone are the days of drowning in tedious forms that seem to have more questions than a curious toddler. FinTech's magic wand has transformed loan applications into sleek, user-friendly apps. Now, getting a loan is as easy as ordering your favorite street food – quick, convenient, and with minimal hassle.
3. Credit Scores
Your credit score – the three-digit enigma that determines your financial fate. But fear not! FinTech has cracked the code and is making credit scores more than just a number. With alternative data sources and innovative algorithms, these tech wizards are giving a chance to those who might have stumbled in the past.
4. Personalized Lending Experiences
Imagine a lending experience tailor-made just for you – no more one-size-fits-all. FinTech platforms analyze your financial behavior to offer personalized loan options. It's like having a financial advisor who understands your preferences and suggests the perfect money solution.
5. Embracing Peer-to-Peer Lending
Why borrow from a faceless institution when you can connect with real people? Peer-to-peer lending, powered by FinTech, brings borrowers and lenders together in a virtual marketplace. It's like a financial matchmaking service, ensuring that both parties get a fair deal without the bureaucratic hassle.
6. Real-Time Decision Making
In the fast-paced world we live in, who has time to wait for loan approvals? FinTech platforms leverage advanced technologies for real-time decision-making. Your loan fate is decided faster than you can say "instant noodles," giving you the financial green light when you need it most.
Also Read: Understanding The ABCs Of Personal Loans
7. Say Goodbye To Hidden Fees
Let's face it – hidden fees are the ninjas of the financial world, stealthily depleting your funds. FinTech disruptors are changing the game by promoting transparency. Say goodbye to hidden fees as these platforms ensure you know exactly what you're signing up for, making financial transactions as clear as day.
8. Smart Contracts For Smarter Borrowing
Enter the era of smart contracts – the brainchild of blockchain technology. FinTech platforms are incorporating smart contracts into lending agreements, ensuring that terms and conditions are executed automatically. No more tedious legal jargon; just smart contracts making borrowing and lending a breeze.
Also Read: A Guide To Profitability And Risk Management From An NBFC Perspective
In this fun-filled journey through the world of FinTech innovations in digital lending, we've witnessed a revolution that simplifies finance without the need for complicated jargon. The lending landscape is evolving, and FinTech is the game-changer. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride because the future of borrowing and lending has never been this exciting!
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acclevantmlm · 8 months
 Building For the Future (BFF) Crowdfunding: Your Path to Online Success
MAKE $500 TO $2K+ Without Referrals Unleashing the Power of BFF Crowdfunding
Imagine a crowdfunding platform that not only empowers you to succeed without recruiting anyone, but also offers you the freedom to share the opportunity with your friends, family, and others. That’s the beauty of BFF Crowdfunding — no more waiting for others to share it with you; you can take the lead and change lives around you.
And here’s the best part:
With its unique crowdfunding cycler, you can turn a mere $125 into a recurring $500, $250 into $1,000, and $500 into an impressive $2,000, all without any recruiting. But hold on, there’s more. If you choose to recruit, brace yourself for unlimited instant $50, $100, or $200 per referral, depending on the levels. The possibilities are endless, and you can secure as many positions as you want at any level.
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The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Small Businesses
As the digital age continues to expand, the way that small businesses use money has changed drastically. With cryptocurrency becoming increasingly popular and mainstream, understanding how this new financial medium affects small business owners is essential for success in today’s world. 
Cryptocurrency provides some clear advantages while also introducing a set of unique challenges—so it can be difficult to decide whether or not it's right for your business. 
In this blog post, we'll explore the implications of accepting cryptocurrency as payment and discuss what you need to know before making your decision.
The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Small Businesses
Cuts Out the Middleman
Cryptocurrency has transformed the way small businesses operate by cutting out the need for a middleman. By removing third-party, small businesses can instantly transfer money without any extra fees, making cryptocurrency an attractive venture for entrepreneurs that want to save money and time. 
Furthermore, cryptocurrency allows for complete financial autonomy as there is no bank or government involved. Small business owners now have greater control over how they store and process their finances securely and efficiently. It's easy to see why so many people are excited about cryptocurrency and the possibilities it opens up for small business owners.
Reduces Transaction Fraud
The advent of cryptocurrencies has been a real boon for small businesses, with one of the most important benefits being that it has greatly reduced fraud in transactions. 
By using a decentralized system of trustless digital money, businesses can keep track of where money is coming from and going in an instant. Thus ensuring that customers only pay for what they have purchased, and the business does not get swindled. 
Cryptocurrency's reduced risk of fraud more than makes up for any fear a business might initially have toward this new form of currency.
Increases Brand Visibility
The advancement of cryptocurrency has presented small businesses with a whole new way to amp up their brand visibility. 
Cryptocurrency eliminates many of the restrictions that come with traditional financial systems, allowing even micro-businesses to create an online presence, accept payments, and grow your business in leaps and bounds. 
Cryptocurrency also provides them flexibility in terms of how they target their audiences, allowing for more personalized messaging and marketing strategies. And because of its decentralized system, cryptocurrency gives businesses newfound independence by providing them access to a global pool of peers who are inclined to invest in new opportunities. 
Lower the Cost of Transfers and Transactions
Cryptocurrency can be used to drastically lower the cost of money transfers and transactions - a huge boon for businesses that are operating on tight budgets. Not only is it more affordable than traditional banking solutions, but cryptocurrency is also much faster and more versatile. 
With reduced fees, increased speed, and added reliability, it’s no wonder that businesses of all sizes are beginning to incorporate cryptocurrency into their financial operations. Through the crypto exchange, entrepreneurs can reduce overhead costs while still ensuring their transactions are secure and reliable.
Offer Customers Convenience
Cryptocurrency allows retailers to offer more convenient payment options to their customers that is secure, fast, and cost-effective. 
Furthermore, there are no dues connected with using cryptocurrency which makes it the perfect choice for locations around the world where consumers may not want to use credit cards or store personal information. 
Not only does accepting cryptocurrency opens up your business to a larger customer base, but you can also gain access to new markets as well. For example, businesses that operate in countries with unstable economies can now conduct safe business transactions without worrying about their money becoming devalued.
Provides an Easier Payroll Option
Cryptocurrency is becoming an increasingly popular and practical choice for small business owners seeking an easier way to manage payroll. Paying employees in cryptocurrency offers significant cost savings compared to traditional methods, such as paying via bank transfer or paper check. 
Moreover, since it's a decentralized currency, there are fewer opportunities for outside interference or manipulation.
Quicker Transactions
For any business, being able to make and accept payments quickly is essential for success, and cryptocurrency helps provide that. And because it can trade from anywhere with Internet access, cryptocurrency allows small businesses to do business across country lines without worrying about bureaucracy or payment exchange limits. 
No matter where you are in the world, cryptocurrency can be used as a fast and secure way to exchange goods and services. Instead of waiting for days for money transfers between banks, this new form of currency delivers payments almost instantaneously. 
Cryptocurrencies are having an increasing impact on small businesses around the world, allowing for faster and more secure transactions. 
Small businesses that adopt these technologies can benefit from simplified and cost-effective methods of payments, reduced transaction fees, and convenient access to finance. 
As cryptocurrencies become more prevalent in society, their impact on small business operations is likely to become more pronounced in the coming years.
Guest Contributor: Sophia Young
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thebigsliceorg · 1 year
The Ins And Outs Of Cryptocurrency Taxation
Cryptocurrency is a revolutionary technology that has disrupted the financial world as we know it. But with this new technology comes potential taxation implications, and many investors are unsure what they need to do in order to remain compliant. In this article, you’ll learn all about cryptocurrency taxation – from how it works to what you must do to stay on top of your taxes – so that you can make informed decisions when investing in digital currencies.
The world of cryptocurrency taxation is complex and ever-changing, but understanding its ins and outs doesn’t have to be difficult. This guide will explain everything you need to know, giving you insight into topics like capital gains tax rules, IRS regulations, and other important information related to crypto taxes. You’ll also find tips for filing your taxes correctly and avoiding costly mistakes.
By the end of this article, you’ll understand exactly how cryptocurrency taxation works, making it easier than ever before to manage your finances according to current laws and regulations. So let’s get started!
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Definition Of Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency designed to work as a medium of exchange. It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions, as well as control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized and operate independently from central banks or any other third-party entity. They can be used by individuals and businesses alike for various reasons including investing, buying goods, trading on crypto exchanges, hedging against market volatility, etc.
The most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, followed closely by Ethereum and Ripple. Other cryptocurrencies include Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Zcash and many more. Each has its own unique characteristics that make them desirable in different ways. For example, some offer faster transaction times than others while still offering privacy features like greater anonymity than traditional payment methods such as credit cards or bank transfers. Additionally, certain cryptos may have advantages over fiat currencies due to their limited supply and hard cap on coins available in circulation.
Although cryptocurrency is gaining popularity worldwide, tax rules related to it remain complex and vary between countries. Therefore it’s important for people who use these forms of digital money to understand how they could impact their taxes so they can plan accordingly.
Rules And Regulations
Understandably, the rules and regulations surrounding cryptocurrency taxation can be complex. The IRS considers cryptocurrencies as property for tax purposes, so it is important to know how capital gains taxes apply when filing your annual return. Any profit you make from selling a digital asset must be reported on IRS Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets. Furthermore, if you’ve held crypto assets for over one year and sell them at a gain, then that gain will generally qualify for long-term capital gains rates which are lower than short-term capital gains rates.
It’s also worth noting that miners have different reporting requirements compared to traders or investors in cryptocurrency markets. Depending on their total income earned through mining activities, they may need to pay self-employment (SE) tax on top of regular income tax. Additionally, any expenses related to mining operations such as hardware or electricity cost may be deducted against the taxable amount.
If however you’re simply holding onto crypto assets without actively trading or exchanging them with other currencies/assets then there is no immediate taxation due since this would not represent an economic event – but it still needs to be declared on your annual returns come tax season. Since each country has its own set of laws governing virtual currency transactions, make sure you familiarise yourself with applicable local legislation before getting involved in any activity involving cryptocurrency investments.
Taxable Events
Taxable events in cryptocurrency are those activities that trigger a tax liability. The most common taxable event is when you sell or trade your digital currency for fiat money, goods and services. This includes exchanging one type of crypto for another, as well as using it to pay for goods and services. Other taxable events include earning income from mining cryptocurrencies, receiving airdrops or hard forks, selling assets like tokens or coins on an exchange, and more.
It’s important to note that if the value of your cryptocurrency increases while you own it (a “capital gain”), this may also be considered a taxable event. Depending on how long you held the asset before selling it, there will either be short-term capital gains taxes (held less than one year) or long-term capital gains taxes (held longer than one year). Long-term capital gains generally have lower rates than short-term taxes.
The Internal Revenue Service views virtual currencies as property; therefore any transaction resulting in profit must be reported at fair market value when filing taxes. As such, it’s essential to keep track of all transactions made with cryptos – including purchases, sales, trades and other exchanges – so that you can accurately report them during tax season.
Calculating Gains And Losses
Calculating gains and losses in cryptocurrency can be complex, as there are different ways to calculate the basis of a digital asset. The most common calculation is known as ‘first-in first-out’ (FIFO). FIFO means that when you sell your crypto assets, the ones sold are considered to be the same ones that were bought first. This rule ensures that you don’t pay more taxes than necessary on any one transaction.
Another way to calculate gains and losses for tax purposes is called specific identification. With this method, taxpayers identify which coins or tokens they intend to sell before doing so. This helps them maintain accurate records of their transactions and avoid paying too much in taxes on each sale. It also makes it easier to track capital gains across multiple transactions over time.
Taxpayers should also remember that cryptocurrency sales may result in both short term and long term capital gains taxes depending on how long the assets have been held before selling. Short term capital gains refer to profits made from assets held for less than 12 months, while long term capital gains apply if an asset has been held for more than 12 months prior to its sale. Tax rates vary based on individual income brackets; understanding these rules will help ensure proper compliance with federal taxation laws.
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Reporting Requirements
Now that you have an understanding of the taxation of cryptocurrency, it’s time to discuss reporting requirements. Reporting your gains and losses accurately is essential for federal taxes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires taxpayers to report any taxable event related to cryptocurrency transactions on their annual tax return. This includes income from trading and investing in cryptocurrencies, as well as capital gains or losses incurred when selling digital assets.
It’s important to remember that all crypto purchases must be reported separately and not combined with other investments on a single form. For example, if you purchased Bitcoin and Ethereum during the same year, they would need to be reported on separate forms since each asset has its own cost basis, holding period, and gain/loss calculation. Additionally, taxpayers who receive virtual currency payments in exchange for goods or services are required to include the fair market value of those payments as gross income on their tax returns.
When filing taxes, it’s important to double-check everything before submitting because mistakes can lead to costly penalties down the road. Taxpayers should also keep detailed records of all cryptocurrency transactions throughout the year so that they can easily calculate their gains and losses when it comes time to file taxes. It may also be helpful to consult with a qualified tax professional if needed prior to filing your returns.
Tax Treatments In Different Countries
It’s important to understand the different tax treatments of cryptocurrencies in different countries. In the United States, cryptocurrency is treated as property and therefore subject to capital gains taxes. Other countries have adopted similar approaches, but there are some variations that should be taken into account when filing taxes.
In Canada, for example, transactions involving cryptocurrency are subject to income or capital gain taxation depending on their nature. Transactions that involve speculative investments may be taxed differently than those related to buying goods and services. In addition, any profits made from mining activities must also be declared as taxable income.
In Australia, all cryptocurrency transactions are considered a form of barter transaction and are therefore subject to GST (Goods and Services Tax). This means that you will need to declare any profits made from trading cryptocurrency as part of your taxable income. It’s important to remember that these rules can vary significantly between jurisdictions so it’s always best to consult with a qualified tax professional before engaging in any type of cryptocurrency-related activity.
Strategies For Minimizing Taxes
Now that you know the different tax treatments of cryptocurrencies in various countries, it’s time to talk about strategies for minimizing taxes. There are a few methods that can be used to reduce your cryptocurrency-related taxation burden.
First, consider using an offshore account or company structure to make transactions with crypto assets outside of your local jurisdiction. This strategy may help to minimize or avoid certain types of taxes, such as capital gains and income taxes. You should also research any potential foreign exchange risks associated with this kind of setup before engaging in it.
Another option is to use software programs designed specifically for tracking and organizing digital asset transaction data. These tools can help you better understand the implications of each trade, allowing you to make more informed decisions when filing taxes related to cryptos. It’s important to note that these kinds of solutions are not foolproof—they still require human input and attention to detail—but they can go a long way towards helping streamline the process come tax season.
Finally, try exploring alternative investment vehicles like staking pools and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols when dealing with crypto assets. These options offer investors greater control over their portfolios without having to worry about paying high fees or navigating complex tax codes. However, just like other investments, these strategies carry their own set of risks so do your due diligence beforehand! With the right approach and some planning ahead, minimizing taxes on cryptocurrency investments can be made easier and far less stressful than one might expect.
Professional Advice
When it comes to cryptocurrency taxation, professional advice is essential. Tax laws are constantly evolving and can be complex, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in order to ensure that you’re filing your taxes correctly. A qualified tax advisor or accountant should be consulted if there’s any doubt as to how a certain transaction might be treated within the context of the current regulations.
It’s also important to keep detailed records of all transactions involving cryptocurrencies. This includes purchase dates, prices paid/received and other information related to each transaction. Accurately recording this data will allow taxpayers to properly calculate their capital gains and losses when they file their tax returns. It’ll also come in handy if an audit occurs down the road, since the IRS may request proof of these transactions at some point in time.
Cryptocurrency traders should consider familiarizing themselves with Form 8949 – Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets – which is used for reporting capital gains from investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and crypto assets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Filing this form accurately requires careful attention to detail; hence why many people choose to enlist help from a qualified financial expert who has experience dealing with digital currency taxation matters.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Securely Store Cryptocurrency?
Storing cryptocurrency securely is essential for anyone looking to get involved in the world of digital money. It’s important to understand the different types of wallets available, as well as their respective benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we’ll cover how to choose the best wallet for your needs, what features you should look out for, and tips on keeping your funds safe.
When it comes to selecting a crypto wallet, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration:
Security: Look for wallets with multi-factor authentication (2FA), encryption technologies, and regular security updates.
Ease of Use: Choose one that’s easy enough for you to use without needing too much technical knowledge.
Supported Coins & Tokens: Make sure your chosen wallet supports all the coins/tokens you plan on storing in it.
Different kinds of wallets have varying levels of security and usability depending on which type you choose. Hardware wallets offer the highest level of security but come at a higher cost than other options like web or desktop wallets; however, they can be more user friendly when compared to paper or cold storage methods. On the other hand, mobile wallets may not provide as much protection against hackers since they’re connected directly to the internet. Ultimately it’s up to you which kind best meets your needs given these tradeoffs between security and convenience.
Whichever option you go with, make sure to practice good password hygiene by using complex passwords that are unique from any others used elsewhere online (including 2FA codes). You should also take additional steps such as setting up two accounts – one “hot” account where funds can easily be accessed if needed and another “cold” account where larger amounts can be stored offline away from potential threats such as malware or hacks. By taking these precautions along with researching different types of crypto wallets before making a decision, users can ensure they have a secure way of managing their digital assets while still enjoying the ease of access provided by modern technology.
Are Cryptocurrency Mining Profits Taxable?
Are cryptocurrency mining profits taxable? This is a question on the minds of many crypto miners. With digital currencies becoming more popular, it’s important to understand the tax implications associated with them. It’s essential that crypto miners stay informed about their obligations and make sure they comply with local regulations.
Cryptocurrency mined by individuals can be considered either income or capital gains depending on the situation. If you are regularly trading cryptocurrencies as part of your business activities, then any profit made will likely fall under the category of income and be subject to taxation in most jurisdictions. On the other hand, if you have held onto your coins for longer than 12 months before exchanging them for fiat currency or another cryptocurrency, then any gain achieved would typically be regarded as a capital gain – which often carries different tax rates from those applicable to income.
In order to ensure compliance with relevant laws, it’s recommended that all crypto miners keep accurate records of their transactions and declare any profits accurately when filing taxes each year. While this may sound complicated at first glance, there are now several online tools available that enable users to easily track their trades throughout the year so they know exactly how much money needs to be reported at tax time.
Crypto mining is not only profitable but also comes with certain legal obligations attached related to taxation. By understanding these responsibilities ahead of time and taking steps to proactively manage them, crypto miners can enjoy their earnings while avoiding potential penalties down the road.
How Can I Track My Cryptocurrency Transactions?
Tracking cryptocurrency transactions is essential when it comes to filing taxes. This can be a daunting task, as the digital currency market is complex and ever-evolving. But understanding how to track your crypto transactions will help you stay on top of any potential tax liabilities that may arise from them.
The first step in tracking your crypto transactions is creating an accounting system that fits your needs. You’ll need to record every transaction, including purchases, sales, trades, investments, donations, etc., along with important details like the date and amount involved in each one. It’s also important to keep records of all expenses associated with mining or trading cryptocurrencies so they can be deducted on your taxes if applicable.
Finally, consider using a reliable software program to automate some of this process for you. Programs like CoinTracker make it easy to aggregate data from different wallets and exchanges into one place. They also provide helpful tools for calculating capital gains taxes and preparing IRS tax forms related to cryptos. With these resources at hand, tracking your cryptocurrency transactions becomes much simpler – giving you more time to focus on what really matters: staying ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency taxation.
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Are There Any Special Tax Deductions Available For Cryptocurrency Investors?
Are there any special tax deductions available for cryptocurrency investors? This is an important question to consider when investing in cryptocurrency and understanding the regulations of taxation. As cryptocurrencies have grown more popular and their value has increased, so too have the complexities that come with filing taxes on them. Here’s what you need to know:
What is a Cryptocurrency Tax Deduction?
A cryptocurrency tax deduction refers to expenses related to your crypto investments that can be claimed on your taxes. These may include costs associated with trading, buying or selling digital assets such as transaction fees or exchange fees.
Other eligible deductions could include losses from bad investments, like if one sold at a loss, as well as certain business-related expenses incurred while using cryptocurrency.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all income earned through virtual currency transactions to be reported on yearly taxes; this includes capital gains from sales of investment property held for longer than one year.
How Can I Claim Cryptocurrency Deductions?
To claim these deductions, taxpayers must file IRS Form 8949 along with Schedule D of their annual return. Additionally, they will need to keep detailed records of all activity surrounding their crypto holdings throughout the year, including dates purchased/sold, cost basis and proceeds received—all of which are necessary information needed to calculate taxable gain or loss when filing taxes.
That said, it’s important to note that not everyone who owns cryptocurrency needs to pay taxes – those who don’t meet certain thresholds set by the IRS won’t owe anything even though they still need to report their activities on forms 1040 or 1099-MISC. For example, individuals making less than $200 worth of trades per year do not have to submit additional paperwork beyond basic income reporting requirements.
Taxpayers should also take into account state laws regarding cryptocurrency taxation – some states treat cryptos differently than others and require separate filings depending on where one lives. It’s essential for investors to stay up-to-date about local rules and regulations prior to submitting their returns each year in order ensure accuracy and avoid potential penalties down the line for noncompliance.
How Can I Keep Up With Changes In Cryptocurrency Taxation Regulations?
Staying up-to-date with changes to cryptocurrency taxation regulations is an important part of being a responsible investor. As the blockchain technology that underpins cryptocurrencies continues to develop, so too do the ways in which governments tax them. Knowing what taxes you’ll owe on your investments and when they’re due can help you plan ahead and make sure you don’t come into any surprises down the line.
It’s essential for investors to familiarize themselves with the different types of taxes associated with cryptocurrencies. Depending on where you live, these might include income tax, capital gains tax or sales tax — all of which may have varying thresholds for reporting obligations. It’s also crucial that investors remain aware of any new legislation that could change their tax obligations, as well as other developments such as new guidance from financial authorities or official statements from regulators.
One way to stay informed is by subscribing to news sources related to cryptocurrency taxation regulations. These should be updated regularly and provide readers with timely updates on recent legal developments and industry trends. Additionally, there are plenty of online forums specifically dedicated to discussing topics like this one; joining one can give investors access to valuable insights from professionals who understand the nuances of crypto taxation laws around the world. Keeping tabs on social media channels can also help keep investors abreast of any breaking news related to cryptocurrency law and regulation.
By doing regular research and staying informed about relevant developments in cryptocurrency taxation laws, investors can ensure that they continue making savvy decisions while keeping their investments compliant with applicable regulations.
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In conclusion, it’s important to be aware of the ins and outs of cryptocurrency taxation. As with any investments, it pays to do your research and keep up to date with changes in regulations. It’s also worth considering how best to store cryptocurrency securely, as well as tracking transactions for tax purposes.
My advice is to seek professional help if you’re unsure about anything related to taxes on cryptocurrencies. A qualified accountant can provide essential guidance, including advising on any available deductions or credits relevant to your situation. Don’t forget that failure to report crypto profits could result in hefty fines from the IRS!
Overall, managing cryptocurrency taxation requires time and effort – but understanding the rules involved will save you money in the long run. With a little bit of knowledge and due diligence, anyone can stay one step ahead when it comes to their crypto taxes.…
The post The Ins And Outs Of Cryptocurrency Taxation first appeared on The Big Slice.
source http://thebigslice.org/the-ins-and-outs-of-cryptocurrency-taxation/
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gjollani · 1 year
Internet And Its Uses
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Internet And Its Uses
1 What is the Internet? This question may seem easy to answer to the young generations, who have grown under its influence, but defining it isn’t really as easy. Internet, also known as the World Wide Web (www), is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use a protocol called the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to link to billions of devices all around the world. The impact of this has been so enormous that it has been referred to as the 8th continent of the world. This carries a vast range of information, from the top-secret military and research files to the most trending and viral video of the week. This massive storage is shared by everyone, with everyone’s computer contributing to the ever-expanding treasure trove of knowledge. The advent of the internet is heavily influencing most traditional communication methods such as newspapers, telephones, television, etc. They are giving rise to new services such as internet phones and internet tv. The exchange of information has been accelerated exponentially and consequentially the exchange of information has led to an improvement in the standard of life for many people across the globe. What’s most curious about the internet is its structure. It has no centralized governance either technologically or legally, speaking regarding the policy for access and usage. Every network decides its policy and implements it within its jurisdiction. 2 History Of The Internet The Internet started off with research into what was then known as packet switching as early as the 1960s. Packet switching was thought of as a better and faster method to transfer data than the hardware solution to the problem, i.e., the circuitry. The packet switching technology was essential to the development of ARPANET by the United States Military. ARPANET is considered the first known group of interconnected computers aka the internet. This system was used to transfer confidential data between the Military. This data-sharing technology was then opened to educational institutes in the United States to allow them to access to government’s supercomputer, first at 56 kbit/s, then at 1.5 Mbit/s, and then at 45 Mbit/s. Com Internet service providers began to arise in the late 1980s and the internet was fully commercialized in the US by 1995. 3 Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online *A 19-year-old running for public office in New Hampshire found out about the importance of following Internet safety rules the hard way. As Seacoast Online reports, his opponents found images in his social media posts that were sexually suggestive and referenced past drug use. Just like that, his political career crashed and burned upon takeoff. But, unfortunately, he isn't the only one, as careless Internet habits have left others exposed to scams, identity theft and physical harm at the hands of people they met online. With more users accessing the Internet through mobile devices, these risks are changing and growing quickly. Even though apps loom larger in most people's daily online interactions than traditional websites do, that does not mean that the basic Internet safety rules have changed. Hackers are still on the lookout for personal information they can use to access your credit card and bank information. Unsafe surfing can also lead to other threats—from embarrassing personal comments or images that, once online, are nearly impossible to erase, to getting mixed up with people you'd rather have had nothing to do with. Here are the Top 10 Internet safety rules to follow to help you avoid getting into trouble online (and offline). 1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited Potential employers or customers don't need to know your personal relationship status or your home address. They do need to know about your expertise and professional background, and how to get in touch with you. You wouldn't hand purely personal information out to strangers individually—don't hand it out to millions of people online. 2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On Marketers love to know all about you, and so do hackers. Both can learn a lot from your browsing and social media usage. But you can take charge of your information. As noted by Lifehacker, both web browsers and mobile operating systems have settings available to protect your privacy online. Major websites like Facebook also have privacy-enhancing settings available. These settings are sometimes (deliberately) hard to find because companies want your personal information for its marketing value. Make sure you have enabled these privacy safeguards, and keep them enabled. 3. Practice Safe Browsing You wouldn't choose to walk through a dangerous neighborhood—don't visit dangerous neighborhoods online. Cybercriminals use lurid content as bait. They know people are sometimes tempted by dubious content and may let their guard down when searching for it. The Internet's demimonde is filled with hard-to-see pitfalls, where one careless click could expose personal data or infect your device with malware. By resisting the urge, you don't even give the hackers a chance. 4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection When you go online in a public place, for example by using a public Wi-Fi connection, PCMag notes you have no direct control over its security. Corporate cybersecurity experts worry about "endpoints"—the places where a private network connects to the outside world. Your vulnerable endpoint is your local Internet connection. Make sure your device is secure, and when in doubt, wait for a better time (i.e., until you're able to connect to a secure Wi-Fi network) before providing information such as your bank account number. To further improve your Internet browsing safety, use secure VPN connection (virtual private network ). VPN enables you to have a secure connection between your device and an Internet server that no one can monitor or access the data that you’re exchanging. Read more about What is VPN 5. Be Careful What You Download A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather. As PCWorld advises, don't download apps that look suspicious or come from a site you don't trust. 6. Choose Strong Passwords Passwords are one of the biggest weak spots in the whole Internet security structure, but there's currently no way around them. And the problem with passwords is that people tend to choose easy ones to remember (such as "password" and "123456"), which are also easy for cyber thieves to guess. Select strong passwords that are harder for cybercriminals to demystify. Password manager software can help you to manage multiple passwords so that you don't forget them. A strong password is one that is unique and complex—at least 15 characters long, mixing letters, numbers and special characters. 7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites Any time you make a purchase online, you need to provide credit card or bank account information—just what cybercriminals are most eager to get their hands on. Only supply this information to sites that provide secure, encrypted connections. As Boston University notes, you can identify secure sites by looking for an address that starts with https: (the S stands for secure) rather than simply http: They may also be marked by a padlock icon next to the address bar. 8. Be Careful What You Post The Internet does not have a delete key, as that young candidate in New Hampshire found out. Any comment or image you post online may stay online forever because removing the original (say, from Twitter) does not remove any copies that other people made. There is no way for you to "take back" a remark you wish you hadn't made, or get rid of that embarrassing selfie you took at a party. Don't put anything online that you wouldn't want your mom or a prospective employer to see. 9. Be Careful Who You Meet Online People you meet online are not always who they claim to be. Indeed, they may not even be real. As InfoWorld reports, fake social media profiles are a popular way for hackers to cozy up to unwary Web users and pick their cyber pockets. Be as cautious and sensible in your online social life as you are in your in-person social life. 10. Keep Your Antivirus Program Up To Date Internet security software cannot protect against every threat, but it will detect and remove most malware—though you should make sure it's to date. Be sure to stay current with your operating system's updates and updates to applications you use. They provide a vital layer of security. Keep these 10 basic Internet safety rules in mind and you'll avoid many of the nasty surprises that lurk online for the careless. Read the full article
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creatiview · 1 year
[ad_1] Opinion by Jomo Kwame Sundaram (kuala lumpur, malaysia)Thursday, February 02, 2023Inter Press ServiceKUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Feb 02 (IPS) - Few policymakers ever claim credit for causing stagnation and recessions. Yet, they do so all the time, justifying their actions by some supposedly higher purpose.Now, that higher purpose is checking inflation as if it is the worst option for people today. Many supposed economists make up tall tales that inflation causes economic contraction which ordinary mortals do not know or understand. Jomo Kwame SundaramInflating inflation’s significance Since early 2022, like many others in the world, Americans have been preoccupied with inflation. But official US data show inflation has been slowing since mid-2022. Recent trends since mid-2022 are clear. Inflation is no longer accelerating, but slowing. And for most economists, only accelerating inflation gives cause for concern.Annualized inflation since has only been slightly above the official, but nonetheless arbitrary 2% inflation target of most Western central banks. At its peak, the brief inflationary surge, in the second quarter of last year, undoubtedly reached the “highest (price) levels since the early 1980s” because of the way it is measured. After decades of ‘financialization’, the public and politicians unwittingly support moneyed interests who want to minimize inflation to make the most of their financial assets.War and price Russia’s aggression against Ukraine began last February, with retaliatory sanctions following suit. Both have disrupted supplies, especially of fuel and food. The inflation spike in the four months after the Russian invasion was mainly due to ‘supply shocks’.Price increases were triggered by the war and retaliatory sanctions, especially for fuel, food and fertilizer. Although no longer accelerating, prices remain higher than a year before.To be sure, price pressures had been building up with other supply disruptions. Also, demand has been changing with the new Cold War against China, the Covid-19 pandemic and ‘recovery’, and credit tightening in the last year.There is little evidence of any more major accelerating factors. There is no ‘wage-price spiral’ as prices have recently been rising more than wages despite government efforts ensuring full employment since the 2008 global financial crisis.Despite difficulties due to inflation, tens of millions of Americans are better off than before, e.g., with the ten million jobs created in the last two years. Under Biden, wages for poorly paid workers have risen faster than consumer prices.Higher borrowing costs have also weakened the lot of working people everywhere. Such adverse consequences would be much less likely if the public better understood recent price increases, available policy options and their consequences.With the notable exception of the Bank of Japan, most other major central banks have been playing ‘catch-up’ with the US Federal Reserve interest rate hikes. To be sure, inflation has already been falling for many reasons, largely unrelated to them.Making stagnation But higher borrowing costs have reduced spending, for both consumption and investment. This has hastened economic slowdown worldwide following more than a decade of largely lackluster growth since the 2008 global financial crisis.Ill-advised earlier policies now limit what governments can do in response. With the Fed sharply raising interest rates over the last year, developing country central banks have been trying, typically in vain, to stem capital outflows to the US and other ‘safe havens’ raising interest rates.Having opened their capital accounts following foreign advice, developing country central banks always offer higher raise interest rates, hoping more capital will flow in rather than out. Interestingly, conservative US economists Milton Friedman and Ben Bernanke have shown the Fed has worsened past US downturns by raising interest rates, instead of supporting enterprises in their time of need.
Four decades ago, increased servicing costs triggered government debt crises in Latin America and Africa, condemning them to ‘lost decades’. Policy conditions were then imposed by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank for access to emergency loans. Globalization double-edged Economic globalization policies at the turn of the century are being significantly reversed, with devastating consequences for developing countries after they opened their economies to foreign trade and investment.Encouraging foreign portfolio investment has increasingly been at the expense of ‘greenfield’ foreign direct investment enhancing new economic capacities and capabilities. The new Cold War has arguably involved more economic weapons, e.g., sanctions, than the earlier one. Trump’s and Japanese ‘reshoring’ and ‘friend-shoring’ discriminate among investors, remaking ‘value’ or ‘supply chains’. Arguably, establishing the World Trade Organization in 1995 was the high water mark for multilateral trade liberalization, setting a ‘one size fits all’ approach for all, regardless of means. More recently, Biden has continued Trump’s reversal of earlier trade liberalization, even at the regional level.1995 also saw strengthening intellectual property rights internationally, limiting technology transfers and progress. Recent ‘trade conflicts’ increasingly involve access to high technology, e.g., in the case of Huawei, TSMC and Samsung.With declining direct tax rates almost worldwide, governments face more budget constraints. The last year has seen these diminished fiscal means massively diverted for military spending and strategic ends, cutting resources for development, sustainability, equity and humanitarian ends. In this context, the new international antagonisms conspire to make this a ‘perfect storm’ of economic stagnation and regression. Hence, those striving for international peace and cooperation may well be our best hope against the ‘new barbarism’. IPS UN BureauFollow @IPSNewsUNBureauFollow IPS News UN Bureau on Instagram© Inter Press Service (2023) — All Rights ReservedOriginal source: Inter Press ServiceWhere next?Related newsBrowse related news topics:Latest newsRead the latest news stories:US Policies Slowing World Economy Thursday, February 02, 2023Insecurity in Nigerias Southern Kaduna: Will the Elections Change the Scenario? Thursday, February 02, 2023Who are Humanitarian Journalists? Wednesday, February 01, 2023Population Decline Hysteria & More Ponzi Demography Wednesday, February 01, 2023Afghan Refugees Fear Return as Pakistan Cracks Down on Migrants Wednesday, February 01, 2023UN experts laud International Olympic Committee for considering admission of Russian, Belarusian athletes Wednesday, February 01, 2023Revive and restore wetlands, home to 40 per cent of all biodiversity Wednesday, February 01, 2023Fake medicines kill almost 500,000 sub-Saharan Africans a year: UNODC report Wednesday, February 01, 2023African leaders commit to end AIDS among children by 2030 Wednesday, February 01, 2023Climate change: WMO unveils plans for sustainable monitoring of greenhouse gases Wednesday, February 01, 2023In-depthLearn more about the related issues:Share thisBookmark or share this with others using some popular social bookmarking web sites:Link to this page from your site/blogAdd the following HTML code to your page:US Policies Slowing World Economy, Inter Press Service, Thursday, February 02, 2023 (posted by Global Issues)… to produce this:US Policies Slowing World Economy, Inter Press Service, Thursday, February 02, 2023 (posted by Global Issues) [ad_2] Source link
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marquise734 · 1 year
Investing In Real Estate Investors
With the never-ending changes in our Real Estate Markets real estate professionals are starting to pay attention to the sound of new commission streams of income. Some realtors have either shied away or ran-away from such terms as "Cap Rate," & "Cash-on-Cash Returns." Terms that only the 'smart' and 'numbers-oriented people use to determine if a Real Estate purchase is a "Good Deal", or not. A majority of the realtor brethren attended real estate school because they are excited and passionate about the promise of selling real estate and making a fantastic living. That being said "Times are a Changing." Even if you live in a Hot Market where residential real estate sells in 2-3 days there is an old approach to real estate that is growing faster by the day…..Residential Real Estate Investors buy Miami Real Estate .
This deft group of real estate investors is taking real estate and the real estate investment world into a new era! No longer accepting the crazy volatility of the Dow Jones and NASDAQ families. Unwilling to accept the investment practices of their fore-fathers these Investors throw caution to the wind for returns above the traditional 5-6% in their Roth or IRA accounts. These Investors are bold and oftentimes aggressive. Today's Real Estate Investors are all about the fast fix-n-flip, high appreciation, and rock solid monthly cash-flows. Cutting their teeth on investment in their own home-towns is only the beginning as the Serious Investors turn to points outside their own back-yards to other regions that demonstrate greater promise and higher returns. You may say well how does this older adult view their investment opportunities? For starters the age of these stealth hunters ranges from 28 to 68. From "Rich Dad-Poor Dad" book series to Trumps magical presence on "The Apprentice," the young real estate entrepreneurs are making their dreams happen to the tune of 3-5 acquisitions a year! Got your attention now? The typical Investor has good to great credit scores. Excellent cash reserves or hidden resources of partners with cash, and a willingness to make the deal happen at nearly any cost. The best kept secret of all is that these investing beasts travel in packs. Where you see one another is very close behind. In other words they know the people that you need to know to grow your investor database even larger. If the real estate professional does a good job the happy clients are likely to refer many of their fellow-investors. Not just investor clients but their regular every-day real estate business. Face it, if you can demonstrate to your clients how adept you are with their largest personal purchase of real estate, then wouldn't you suppose they will be over their "trusted real estate advisors" opinion on buying a basic home, condo or beach house?
So what if you haven't been focused in the real estate investment sector. And you are thinking this all sounds pretty good, let's give it a try. First question to ask yourself is who have your clients been working with or exploring their options of real estate investing with over the past 3-4 months. Statistically 6 out of 10 clients have considered investing in real estate or have already begun doing so before their realtor even has a chance to blink an eye. Got your attention now? How about the fact that in less than one year I increased my annual commissions by 30% by just positioning myself within my primary data-base of clients. All I did was let them know that I was ready, willing and able to begin assisting them with their "Investment Realty" needs. What I learned during the first year was that if I could create an environment for my clients to learn more about real estate investing that they would thank me in a variety of ways….Most importantly they would call me before writing a contract and would make sure that I was involved in every contract that wanted to make a real estate purchase. Before long 30% went up to 45% and further. Even if you aren't interested in expanding your client database, at least consider protecting the turf you have for so long spent tireless amounts of time and financial resources to maintain their allegiance. On the other hand if you are looking at your real estate career and are wondering how to reposition yourself for market growth certainly to go well into 2025, here are a few known facts about how real estate investors can improve your business.
Real Estate Investors are literally everywhere. Successfully tapping into your current database could increase your annual commissions by 20-30%.
Real Estate Investors will be loyal to the professional that helps fill the gap of their investment education. Workshops, mentoring groups, finding the "golden deals" in your market makes a huge impact!
Investing in Real Estate Investors doesn't have to mean that you lose your "typical" residential realtor position. Being a real estate investment specialist means you are smarter than the average realtor in the market.
Mortgage professionals are struggling to provide real estate investors with property deals, so when you can place an investor into a good deal the referrals will begin to flow even more.
Real Estate Investors tend to be more conscientious about your personal time away. Investors also like to shop Monday-Friday for their deals before the "Weekend Warrior" investors get out into the competition. This translates into more normal hours and days of operation for you and your business.
Real Estate Investors buy-sell cycles are shorter than primary home purchasers resulting in more transactions in shorter time-frames.
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mojamoza · 1 year
Shopify's Game-changer Announcements
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At the beginning of the Covid-19, Shopify increased their trial period from 14 to 90 days, giving its merchants more time to try the platform before committing for a paid plan. Everyone thought that was the most generous offer from shopify, but these new ones are game changers! Now more than ever, it’s very beneficial and profitable for the entrepreneurs to align on Shopify’s mission of making commerce better for everyone—no matter how quickly the world around us changes.  That’s why today, the eCommerce giant ran Reunite, its first-ever broadcast event for business owners on its platform. It was an opportunity for the Shopify merchants, partners, and entrepreneurial communities to come together with the founders of the company where new features were unveiled, major announcements shared, and more insight were provided into the future of commerce.  Here six major features were discussed. These include Money, Online store, Omnichannel and marketing, Back office, Shipping and Performance. But in this post I’m only going to provide details on the first feature-Money, and the rest will follow in the coming posts. Money Something which is always on every merchant’s mind is Business cash flow, and especially now in these uncertain times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Having financial support goes a long way when starting and growing a business. “We’re releasing new products and features aimed at helping small business owners manage their finances.” Posted Shopify on their official news website. a) Shopify balance The larger part of ecommerce is about banking and other financial services, yet today’s banking products aren’t really satisfying the needs of independent business owners. That’s why Shopify says that they want to change that by empowering merchants with tools that help them take control of their business finances. For this reason, Shopify has come up with a new product known as Shopify Balance; financial products built for business owners and entrepreneurs.  Shopify Balance will give merchants access to critical financial products to start, run, and grow their businesses. Shopify Balance will include: - Shopify Balance account. A one-stop-shop within the Shopify Admin where merchants can get a clear view of their cash flow, pay bills, track expenses, and make decisions about the future of their business, with no monthly fees or minimum balance. - Shopify Card. Physical and virtual cards that merchants can use to access their money faster, when spending in-store, through mobile, or online. - Rewards. Shopify is working with its partners to offer cashback and discounts, designed for everyday business spending. Shopify Balance is another piece of the entrepreneurial puzzle, and will make running a business simple and accessible to as many people as possible. It will be launched in early access later this year to merchants in the U.S. Later it will expand to other countries in the future. Consider how you can join Shopify and help make managing money simple, smart, and hassle-free for independent business owners. Learn more about Shopify Balance.  b) Shopify Capital Shopify Capital is a program that helps small businesses easily access financing. Merchants in eligible countries can apply for funding within their Shopify account and, when approved, will see funds in their bank account within a few days.  Shopify issues financing amounts that range from $200 to $1,000,000, and doesn’t focus on personal credit history. They don’t a condition that they should own a percentage of the merchant’s business before issuing the financing.  Shopify stated on their official news website, “To help merchants stay afloat, we recently expanded Shopify Capital outside of the U.S., to include the United Kingdom and Canada. We’ve also committed an additional $200 million to the program and have already provided $1 billion in capital to our merchants.” Learn more about how Shopify Capital can help your clients. c) Shop Pay Installments This is now a gamechanger! It’s not just merchants who are struggling with cash flow right now; their buyers are feeling the pinch, too since the pandemic has negatively affected everyone. To help, Shopify announced the launch of Shop Pay Installments, coming to merchants and buyers in the U.S. later this year. “Shop Pay Installments allow buyers to pay for purchases in four equal payments over time, with no interest or fees. Merchants will receive the full purchase amount upfront, and Shopify will collect the remaining installment payments, meaning there’s no risk to merchants. This flexible payment option will allow buyers to stretch out their payments, making purchases more convenient. This, in turn, will help merchants increase cart sizes and overall sales.” “Installments will be fully integrated into the Shop Pay accelerated checkout, meaning merchants can continue to offer buyers a seamless checkout experience.” Announced on shopify news site. Your clients can join the waitlist for Shop Pay Installments now. There has never been a better time to join Shopify than now. They’ve made everything super easy both for merchants and buyers. Plus, there are more great news coming from Shopify in the upcoming posts right here. Shopify merchants have been the biggest winners since the start of the Covid-19. If you haven’t joined Shopify yet, do so now and start enjoying all these privileges. Read the full article
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Things to Remember While Launching a New Online Shopping Store
In modern times, purchasing things is almost synonymous to online shopping. People of all age groups especially the young generation including college students and young office workers prefer this latest method of shopping. There are many shopping stores that are available online and they seem to be far simpler to access rather than purchasing necessary things from shopping malls or open markets. Needless to say, the concept on online shopping has drastically changed the way people buy and sell things around the globe.
Most of the online stores are found selling goods of all types that satisfy all sorts of our necessities. There are different kinds of categories like men's apparel, kid's apparel, women's apparel, kitchen and food appliances and other fashion accessories like belts, stylish hand bands, jewelries, watches and many more. Many online shops also sell electronic gadgets like mobile phones, tablets, computers, laptops and a lot more including electronic stuff like televisions, instruments to enjoy audio and visual entertainments etc. The suitable accessories for those electronic gadgets such as headphones, pen drives and chargers etc. are also available in these online stores.
Launching a new website for selling goods needs untiring efforts and solid planning. A new online store means creating a new electronic commerce, in brief, e-commerce site which will largely be used for business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) transactions relating to various types of business dealings which are conducted on the internet. When a firm launches a new website for selling multiple types of products, they must hold conveniences which are offered by other online stores. If they do so, their new website will also gain fame and Games continue enjoying it for long.
All types of products must have more than at least four or five vendors so that the consumers can get enough options to choose their product from. Moreover, each and every customer will get the opportunity of comparing the prices of the products with other sellers too. Online websites have made modern shopping far easier just by allowing users to order things from any part of the world and at any moment without needing to leave their office or house. The round-the-clock availability is what the busy people of modern times look for.
The online shopping stores that sell products at reduced prices quite naturally fetch more customers. Hence, before launching a new website, the firm must keep in mind that it must sell products at the most competitive prices. Apart from that, the ordered articles should also reach their consumers as quickly as possible. In this fast-paced life, all buyers want their purchased products to reach them faster. The online store should also entertain the facility of easy payment options like payment through credit, debit cards, and internet banking along with the cash-on-delivery system. To make the launching of a new website a grand success, the firm must do everything unique and nice.
This way, the above-mentioned points and guidelines may be of immense help to all those who are willing to launch their online store desiring for a grand success in the online world. One is also suggested to take the help of any reliable and competent digital marketing specialist before proceeding further. These days, various professionals are working as freelancers who can help you plan an effective strategy to launch an online shopping store. What's more, these freelancers are more affordable than those companies that can give you a shock with their quotation. You can browse the internet to have a quicker access to these freelancers. Discuss each and everything with them in greater details so that you can actualize your dreams of having a flourishing online business.
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buziness101 · 2 years
Better Way of Gift Giving Using Online Shopping
Because of the numerous advantages and advantages can we get, there’s a lot of people say they are more on favor of online shopping rather than conventional shopping these days. The consumers’ decision-making process has altered radically in recent years. Purchasers are leading widespread research online before ever speaking to a sales person. They likely making more direct purchases online and just using their smartphone, most of them are never trying to stepping foot into old-style way of brick-and-mortar locations. Because of the enhancement of internet, it is more easy of doing a business and faster to gather a consumer plus easy branding by doing advertisement. It’s controlled to changes in the way people doing business with a quickly rising worldwide trend towards online shopping or e-commerce.
A lot of people everywhere prefer to shop online and buy products from numerous brands and companies that they cannot discover or are not available for purchase in their area. Currently, with the help of the new technology and the support of the internet, consumers or buyer from all around the world began to purchase items online by only sitting in their homes. Purchasing an items and commodities using the power of Web is a very easy chore to do. It is now live an essential role in everyone’s life especially elderly people, as well as people with a very busy life schedule.
Reasons why customers today prefer shopping online
a. Convenience: It is known as a biggest perk of online shopping. There are no lines to wait in or shop assistants to wait on to help you with your buying, and you can do your shopping in just a minute. Consumers give us opportunity to shop 24/7 by using Online shops, this can give a big reward to all consumer to get with a less pollution of shopping experience. There is no healthier place to buy informational merchandises like e-books, which are obtainable to you promptly, as soon as the payment goes through.
b. Ablet to send gifts more easily: Sending gifts to relatives and friends is easy, no matter where they are. currently, we don’t need to make distance an excuse for not showing a gift on altered occasions.
c. Price comparisons: Measure up and researching products and their cost is easier to be done through online. As well, we have the capability to share facts and reviews with other shoppers who have firsthand experience with a product or retailer.
d. No crowds: If you are like me, you hate crowds when you’re shopping. Particularly throughout festivals or exceptional events, they can be such a massive headache. Likewise, it inclines to be more muddled when there are more gatherings out and this from time to time makes us feel urgency or hurried. Irritable, irritating, and stinking people also irritate us when about to shopping. In addition to, parking space turn out to be a huge issue. All of these problems can be dodged when you shop online.
e. No need to travel: People don't usually like to move a lot to get what they want. Of course, nothing can contend with experience of accepted to a material boutique and buying what you want, but generally people just wasn’t able or want to travel. Consumers don't regularly leave near the shops they would want to visit, but nowadays they have an choice to visit the shop online.
Best online shop in US
1. Amazon: you can buy anything with this shop, they are known as topmost online shopping in the US.
2. eBay: they are available on use and new stuff with a low price. There are some instances that you can see a product on their website that cannot be found elsewhere. 3. Walmart: they are more on household like groceries stuff. They owned credit card that allows to buy using installment. 4. Kroger: same with Walmart they are more on groceries stuff, but they are good on offering discount codes and coupons every week. 5. AT & T: They are more on mobile phones, tempered glass and more about smartphone accessories. Known as second biggest mobile network in USA. 6. Verizon: one of the largest mobile communication provider in USA, they specialize to offer variety of connectivity at your smartphones and some accessories. 7. T- Mobile: they’re good on expensive smartphones and matching plan, they offer great discount on online shoppers.
Using a platform for your online shop can be more easy to get a lot of consumer, USA is the largest country that has a lot of perspective consumer can get. You just need to be knowledgeable about selling your product directly so this can help to increase your reach. You can sell across towns, states, and even across borders, removing all geographical limitations.
Need more information about expanding online business? Visit our website at https://www.markettplace.net.au for more info and exciting deals!
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gameguides · 2 years
FTL: Faster Than Light Galactic, Guide & Download
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Welcome to our FTL: Faster Than Light Galactic, Guide & Download guide. We're working on a modpack called "FTL: Galactic Fever". This guide will tell you everything you need to know about it. "The universe is a vast and mysterious place, and you never know what you will encounter." #FTLFasterThanLight
FTL: Faster Than Light Galactic, Guide & Download
This guide will tell you everything you need to know about it. "The universe is a vast and mysterious place, and you never know what you will encounter." 28/10/2022 Update 0.3 - A New Hope
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FTL Faster Than Light Galactic, Guide & Download List of the most notable changes: QUESTS -Added "NEW_HOPE" event where you interact with unpopulated planets: -Extract resources in many different methods with different consequences. -Explore the planets and face a multitude of different events including natural phenomena, ancient ruins and much more. -Added the disease "Galactic Fever" with 13 possible outcomes. -New 3 Part Quest "INTERGALACTIC_CUSTOMS": -Ship both legal and illegal cargo across the universe -Get in countless different altercations depending on your choices and shipment. -Rebel Fleet Delay at start lowered to -33 -Store option in event "SLURM_PARTY" replaced with wormhole. CONVERSATIONS -Slugs can now invite you for a free Slurm when interacting. -New event when conversing with AI: "SEAT_SETTINGS" -3 new conversations with Mantis -3 new conversations with Lanius -3 new conversations with AI MISC -Fixed a typo in CE default tips (TIP: Sector Names - "whhich" -----> "which") -Added a symbol to the Main Menu to identify that you are playing Galactic Fever -Repaired a part of the Federation Base -Added img/Galactic Fever Images that contains promo images. List of all currently featured mods: - FTL: Captain's Edition - Infinite Space - Additional Events and Texts - Inconvenient Incidents - Extended Pursuit Indicator - 4 Weapon and Drone slots on all ships - No Banner (Clean Main Menu) - Exclusive content made by me Full credits can be found in: "metadata.xml~" List of Galactic Fever Exclusive Content: List of the most notable features: -Rebel Fleet is delayed 33 steps at start to give you time to explore, but it's not disabled. -Unlock infinite gameplay and enter Hyperspace by upgrading your reactor to level 25. -Fight 12 Bosses in Hyperspace Exit Beacons including The Rebel Flagship!! -You can now buy "Slurm" from slugs all across the universe. (Slug ships can now drop Slurm on destruction.) -New events: WORMHOLE, SLURM_FACTORY, NEW_HOPE, INTERGALACTIC CUSTOMS, and much more! - 8 new conversations with Human - 5 new conversations with Slug - 4 new conversations with AI - 3 new conversations with Engi - 3 new conversations with Mantis - 3 new conversations with Lanius - 1 new conversation with Rock -Simple but unique menu screen. -Fixed some bugs from other people's mods -Added img/Galactic Fever Images that contains promo images. Captain's Universal Guide
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Even tho i've put this pack together, there isn't a whole lot i can do to help you on your journey, you just have to get out there and figure it out. Just like life in general. But there are some things i feel like you should know: If you don't upgrade your reactor to level 25 before The Final Stand, (Last Sector) the game will end after facing The Rebel Flagship. So if you're going for a Hyperspace run you should optimally not upgrade your reactor to level 25 until right before the The Final Stand sector due to easier difficulty events and no bosses. The player ship "Man of War" has a couple extra weapons and augments you can sell to get a good amount of scrap for a quick start. If you're struggling you can also make a copy of "continue.sav" in: This PC/Documents/MyGames/FasterThanLight to save your progress! Hot Tips - Each Hyperspace sector has one wormhole. - Real world chance to find the golden bottlecap is 1 in 100. - Rewards for some shipments is lower, but also the risks. - "Everything you say can and will be used against you." - Giant alien spiders are no joke. You may find more useful tips if you search online for the name of a specific mod. Read the full article
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