#artist: chombo
shizuostrans · 4 months
happy birthday shizuo!
Title: KHS
Circle/author: chomBOX./Chombo (+Guest fanfic by Puppy/Aoi)
Characters: Shizuo and Izaya
Pairings: Shizaya
Summary: Izaya buffets Shizuo with kisses for his birthday. (that's it that's the book)
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I'm going to be working on another Orihara+Heiwajima sibs doujin for February but I might do a poll for the scanlation after bc I have four different books I started but never finished. Oops.
HQ Download here.
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inlocusmads · 2 years
The Adventure of the Counterfeit Coins
In order to prove a museum isn't in fact, a museum at all, Nora and Trystan must go on a little "date" to scavenge for counterfeit artefacts. As usual, disasters ensue.
Featuring: Nora Rose, Trystan Thorne from Crimes of Passion
Word Count: 1.8k | No Warnings/Teen | References to Crimes, Book 1. Very mild spoilers ahead.
A/N: More case fics are on their way! This is the first of many, many such short stories. Written for @choicesficwriterscreations's "Naughty or Nice" event. I went with "museum dates" as the prompt.
🎵 Listen to Crates of Books as seen/heard on Sherlock.
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“Museums. Museums. Museums. Museums. Museums.” Nora jabbered. 
She continued. “It doesn’t sound like a proper word anymore. There’s the -- oh, look. At. That. Mediaeval vases! Traditional, looks stolen and -- that one is a definite fake. You’d assume museums actually put up genuine artefacts, but you’d be wrong. There’s a whole fraction of them there, behind those veiled glass cases and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between papier-mache and actual mud, unless--”
She got a pocket torchlight from her back-up purse and shone it against the vase. “Rigid, a bit -- erm-- what's the word, ah porous! Porous! In some places, the material’s quite-- different compared to ordinary clay, there’s a lot of choppy paint work, as if they couldn’t be bothered to make it believable. Most definitely a fake.”
The Calloway Museum, an institution funded by the Hallow Group, were a bunch of liars. Sure, they had an exquisite art gallery, but most of what they mentioned in their Start Here! Tour pamphlets were all wrong. The vase, ambiguously named Chombo hicho and its origins dating to East Africa, didn’t actually exist.
Firstly, vases didn’t exist in 9000 BC, because it wasn’t until 6000 BC, vases travelled from China to Africa and had their use popularly widespread. Either the editors of the “Start Here!” pamphlets assumed that “9000 BC” was somehow older than “6000 BC”, or that it was really just a big old scam, milking money from viewers, casual-passersby and philanthropists at the same time. 
“And the coins! God, I’d love to get one and test it under a microscope. Look at them! Look!"
“Appears that the edge milling isn’t even properly raised. There’s also the stamping issue and the detailing. It feels like a shabby piece of work; as if they manufactured them in a machine after casting a coin in a silicone mould. It is, arguably, cheaper to work that way. Perhaps they could’ve digitally made them. You’ve got 3D printers. All it takes is a skilled graphics designer to carefully study the coin from images, draw it up exactly as it looks like, with some alterations here and there and--”
“Oh, yes. It appears that I’m -- doing that thing again. Sincere apologies.”
“Yes. It is supposed to be a casual outing.” Trystan shook his head, quite frankly a little exhausted. “An outing is defined as when two or more people decide to go to an interesting place, without bringing in their work. You know-- like a date.”
It was odd seeing Trystan Thorne be a voice of reason, but it was warranted. It was usually Nora being the "No! Don't lick the gravestone!" person and granted, it was a miracle the universe hadn't promptly collapsed under the Role-Reversal Effect, as many romantic enthusiasts had put it.
Nora had been going on and on about counterfeit coins ever since the Matthew Bauman case, which involved a truck load of fake Euros and what appeared to be several tiny packets of a white powdery substance, chemically known as methamphetamine (also known as “N,α-dimethylbenzeneethanamine” or “the happy fast thing”) hidden cleverly inside two astutely engineered sides of a coin. Nora hadn’t stopped talking about the absolute genius and it had already been three days. 
It was also equally odd seeing the two dazed and confused “friends” walk about in a museum where, a few months ago, a wonderfully talented artist was brutally silenced by a man with a Morrigan Mask, who’d severed her heart. The place held trauma and was not at all optimal for “casual outings”. However these two had a very good reason to be there.
Due to Sonja Dormer’s murder case, the Calloway Museum was under a lawsuit regarding monetary compensation by Sonja’s parents. It went like this: Since Sonja was murdered in the museum’s premises and especially given that she’s a high-profile (was) artist and was given no security whatsoever, the Hallow Group were initially charged with paying a hefty damages fee to all the immediately affected parties; namely Sonja’s family for causing emotional distress under Tort Law.
The problem was, everything went fine. Too fine.
Considering Sonja’s family directed their lawsuit towards the management for organising and hosting a party, involving Sonja and no proper security regulations; referring to the Hallow Group as a “business” in several legal documents, with a “business management” that was callous in the smooth operation of their festivities. And this was a golden opportunity to take advantage of.
The defendant quickly made the claim that the Hallow Group was not a business institution, because it was a "not-for-profit organisation" that managed other non-for-profit organisations, the Calloway Museum being one of them. They held the proof of the Gala being a massive fundraiser to support local artists. Thus, the debate on “what qualifies as a business?” thus began and the trial hadn’t concluded since then.
“They closed down the Concession Stand.” Trystan remarked. 
Sonja’s parents approached the Ginovesi Agency a couple of days ago, after all that endless emotional turmoil they’d undergone and they wanted immediate proof that the Calloway Museum was indeed a for-profit business enterprise. Hence, these two showed up practically every other day; making a note of everything.
If, suppose, the Concession Stand handed out receipts and bills, it would be easier to prove that the Calloway Museum was indeed, making some profit from all the snack bars and the peanut brittle. And that was the intended plan. Unfortunately, it went down like a lead balloon after the Stand shut down. (Sonja’s parents didn’t have very good attorneys, anyway.)
“How do you prove something’s a business?” Nora asked the question.
“Well, you look into their records. And unfortunately in terms of records, we don’t have any records.” Trystan shook his head. “Just because an institution hires people, employs them, gives them a salary and so on and so forth, it doesn’t mean it is a proper, legally-backed-up business. And even if we do look into their records, find some -- bills, it won’t be enough. They have really good attorneys and enough personnel to fudge, swindle, lie, cheat and steal.”
Nora tilted her head, eyebrows raised, the wheels cramming and shrieking inside her mind.
“What? I brushed up on some legal reading. Museums don’t qualify as business enterprises, anyway. They’re often registered under non-profit organisations.”
“Perhaps--” The wheels in Nora’s head turned. “Perhaps we need to prove that the Calloway Museum isn’t a museum at all. Think about it. The vase we just saw was clearly a fake. A replica, even. But it went unmentioned. Museums would have that sort of thing. This is a replica of the blah-blah-blah thing. Perhaps we can prove that this museum isn’t a museum, because it doesn’t specify the true nature of the artefacts it displays. In direct violation of some -- code or whatever. The ICOM code, yes! That!”
“Great! How do we prove that? Maybe the vase is real.”
“Let’s take a look at the coins for a change.”
“This is supposed to be a date, Detective.” Trystan huffed, exasperatedly.
“And you’re giving up on your friend, Sonja? Not a good look.”
“I’m not! I’m just-- it is best if we stay out of trouble for a while.”
“What? One stabbing incident and you’re now a big old -- softie? You have to be joking.”
“Detective, this is--”
“Let’s see--” Nora bent down to see the glass case filled with ancient Chinese coins. Being a part-Chinese herself and having been expertly schooled by her mother on numismatics at a very young age as a substitute for bedtime stories, Nora could easily identify nearly three fakes. She couldn’t take a picture, but she wrote the details down, including what the Calloway Museum claimed to be the “true origin” of the coins. 
The coins in question were Ban Liangs, the first unified currency, minted under the emperor, Qin Shi Huang. They were curious little things with square holes in the middle. (As square-ish a circle could be). The date on the placard put the date of issue of the coins somewhere during the year, 221 BC, but the work was too perfect. (The "221B"C being just a lovely little coincidence)
Now, it was quite impossible to look at a coin and determine its legitimacy. Any ordinary human would break under the pressure. Like Trystan, for instance, who was now visibly sweating, turning around with his hands glued to his pockets, as if he was ready to throw a punch at any armed guard. Nora didn’t catch onto the danger just yet, because she was incredibly dense that way. Ridiculously smart, an insufferable genius, a calculative mastermind but also a proud resident of the City of Obliviousness.
Common characteristics among the residents included, but not limited to, obliviousness towards flirting, a blatant disregard for danger and otherwise perilous situations and possibly, in possession of the stupidest mind one could possibly have.
Detective Nora Rose had really good eyes. She knew colour saturations, studied ancient lettering for fun and knew, for certain, that such a neat job was impossible back in the olden days. In the olden days, freestyle lettering was a lot more common and this one looked straight out of some Nerdy McNerdy’s 3D printer. Upon close examination Nora concluded, in the span of six minutes, that the dimensions were off, the metal quality was frankly terrible and she doubted it was actually bronze. Even further examinations later, she observed that there were no grooves.
“Why do you have a metal detector in your purse?” Trystan deviated from his worries to enquire a stupid question.
“Pocket metal detector. Every woman and man has one. Ever since Brooklyn experienced this -- weird surge in -- these robot dates, dubbed one’s Perfect Match, there’s been quite a bit of panic in the dating field. Nobody knows if it is some rumour that the kids cooked up or if it actually holds true.”
“Robot Humans. I’ve seen this before. And I don’t feel so good.”
“Yeah-- just hold on a bit. This can penetrate through glass! I spent a lot on getting this, to the point where I haven’t gotten new clothes in the past-- six years. Shining.. Shining.. Aha! Not bronze! Gotcha.”
“Now, I’ll just have to report my findings to the..”
“DETECTIVE! I believe we have a situation here!”
The two of them turned around to face a fleet of armed guards with guns pointing directly at them.
“If it is worth mentioning now, perhaps--” Trystan began, slowly raising his hand. “The Calloway Museum and its subsidiaries receive a portion of their funding from several Cultural Ambassadors from this very tiny European country. Very tiny, actually. Not the biggest. Just up in the Baltic -- mountains. I might know them.. You know, from other places.”
Nora let out an audible sigh. “And you didn’t think to mention it earlier?”
“Of course not! I just happen to love getting killed in various dumb ways, actually!” Trystan said. 
“Nice to meet you, Prince Thorne. Now, please get down while I attempt my very best to kill you with this wonderful AK-12. Thank you very much for cooperating!” Their leader stepped forth with a massive rifle of his own.
“I have a plan. But we might not make it out alive. It’s a very slim chance, actually. Around 30-70, with the seventy being our odds of not making it out alive.”
“That isn’t a plan!”
“It is a very good plan! Just -- trust me on this, Detective.” Trystan looked determined. 
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A/N: And that's it! I'm ending it there! Now nobody would know what Trystan's superb plan really was all about. Hahaha (evil laugh)
Now I'm not a legal expert. I asked a bunch of different people about "suing a business party on accounts of distress" and many people had different answers. So I'm just going to leave it at that and not address it further, because I spent so many hours going through it, I'm physically sick and distressed myself. If anyone's an attorney or a law student here, please help me with this!
[I remember in Extraordinary Attorney Woo, there was this case where a daughter's family sued a hotel's management for a wedding dress slip-up. I'm operating under the same assumptions, even though South Korean laws and United States laws can vary)
Did you like that Perfect Match reference? :)
This is the coin, the Ban Liang, that the Calloway Museum faked:
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I'm not a numismatics expert either! So some details might be ambiguous, wrong, vague, etc. If you happen to know something about the general manufacturing of these coins, how they were smelted, sculpted, etc, please reach out. I want to include some details!
Okay that's all. Thanks for reading!
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Tag List
Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged for my works. Since I lost a majority of my works & my tag list in my "reboot", I have a hard time recalling things. You can always DM me, send an ask, reblog or comment or get the info to me any way you like. Currently there are 4 lists: Perma, Crimes of Passion only, Open Heart only & Wake the Dead only.
Perma: @ofmischiefandmedicine, @quixoticdreamer16 @tessa-liam
Crimes only: @aallotarenunelma @ao719 @trappedinfanfiction
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9jabam · 2 years
El Chombo - Dame Tu Cosita Ft. Cutty Ranks
El Chombo – Dame Tu Cosita Ft. Cutty Ranks
Download El Chombo – Dame Tu Cosita Ft. Cutty Ranks Mp3 AUDIO | MP4, Lyrics & Skull 320kbps + [Instrumental] Music On 9jaBam A talented Panamanian reggaeton artist and producer Rodney Sebastian Clark Donalds Professional Known as El Chombo Recently dropped a new song on 2 April 2018 titled Dame Tu Cosita you will also get the Mp4 and lyrics here. El Chombo – Dame Tu Cosita Mp3 Featuring the…
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celeboftea · 5 years
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KAROL G RELEASES OFFICIAL LIVE PERFORMANCE OF "PINEAPPLE" - Vevo and Karol G announce the release of the official live performance of "Pineapple." Vevo live performances is a very special series that connects artists to their audiences at scale. Through close collaboration with the artist, Vevo creates visuals to give fans a unique take on the original songs. Khalid, Future, 5 Seconds of Summer and Miley Cyrus and more have all worked collaboratively with Vevo to produce new and original, visually stunning video content offering fans a different retrospect on their music. Enjoy this video stream below after the jump and please share this with friends. Please Reblog!
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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List 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and tag 10 people to do the same!
tagged by 🦇 @white-enamel-ts3 🦇
✤ As I tend to listen to many songs by one singer at the time. 10 songs are too few.  I wiill include 20 ROCK songs, 5 bonus NON-ROCK songs, no tag, instead.   I’m a rebel and rocker  🤟 🤘 *strumming my guitar* ✤
❖ Top 10 ❖
 FLESH JUICER (血肉果汁機) -  Crazy Capsa (瘋狂大老二 ) *
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE - I’m Not Okay + Helena (bonus Gerard’s screaming)
DIVIDE - Kala ***
EDANE - Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya ***
Knuckle Bones - Phantom
CHTHONIC ( 閃靈 ) feat FLESH JUICER ( 血肉果汁機 ) -  Turn The Sun Off ( 關閉太陽)LIVE CONCERT *
Larry’s Pizza - Smile (微笑 )**
Machine Gun Kelly - Papercuts 
Chevelle - Self Destructor
Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up
Good Charlotte - Predictable
LINKIN PARK - Blackout
Yellowcard -  Rough Landing, Holly
Paramore - Emergency
Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine Fix
The Pretty Reckless - Going To Hell
(KIT-I) "После дождя", рок-версия
Avril Lavigne - Deja Vu 
Bowling For Soup - 1985
* = song in Hokkien language (regional Chinese language from Southern China & Taiwan) . Capsa = one of popular card games in Hokkien language 
** = song in Mandarin Chinese language 
*** = song in Indonesian language. Kala = When at the time. Kau Pikir Kau Segalanya = You Think You’re Everything
And as my promise, 5 non-rock songs 
Andrew Tan ( 陳勢安 )- Rebel **
5 Seconds of Summer - Youngblood
Pale Waves - Easy 
El Chombo - Chacarron
Grimes - Shinigami Eyes
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louis-in-red · 2 years
hii!! :D do you have spotify? if you have, who were your most listened artists from this year?
Hola bestie 🥰
I do use Spotify! I’m ashamed because Louis wasn’t my top one so I’m a fake Louie 😭😭
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But I’m happy with my top artist because I’m Arctic Monkeys trash always and forever and even before I listened to Louis so they deserve the number one spot 🥰
Number 2 was Zayn and Number 3 Louis 😄 number 4 was El Chombo who is a very old music producer with the best reggeatone music from early 2000s 😂 and 5 was BlackPink 😊
What about yours? I’ll go ask you 😍
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getmybuzzup · 5 years
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KAROL G RELEASES OFFICIAL LIVE PERFORMANCE OF "PINEAPPLE" - Vevo and Karol G announce the release of the official live performance of "Pineapple." Vevo live performances is a very special series that connects artists to their audiences at scale. Through close collaboration with the artist, Vevo creates visuals to give fans a unique take on the original songs. Khalid, Future, 5 Seconds of Summer and Miley Cyrus and more have all worked collaboratively with Vevo to produce new and original, visually stunning video content offering fans a different retrospect on their music. Enjoy this video stream below after the jump and please share this with friends. Please Reblog!
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Listed: Horse Lords
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Baltimore-based Horse Lords have been forging their own take on experimental rock music since 2012. The quartet, Andrew Bernstein (saxophone/percussion), Max Eilbacher (bass/electronics), Owen Gardner (guitar) and Sam Haberman (drums) weave together pieces drawing on divergent sources that include everything from 20th and 21st century classical music to just intonation tuning to African and Appalachian musical traditions to intricate polyrhythms and studio experiments. In a recent interview, Gardner talked about their approach to putting pieces together. “We generally write right up to the edge of our abilities. And sometimes slightly beyond. We’d had to scrap quite a few songs because they proved to be basically impossible to play... It keeps it interesting.” Ian Forsythe covered their newest release, The Common Task, noting that “Their nearly ten-year core pivots rhythmic and tonal ideas athletically, and their ability to pull elements from anywhere and everywhere is seemingly more fluid with each record.”
For this Listed, the four members runs down a list of live shows, recordings, blogs, movies, and books that have been on their minds.
Gleb Kanasevich plays Horațiu Rădulescu’s “Inner Time II for seven clarinets (Op.42b),” Baltimore. 2018 (Owen Gardner)
A near-hourlong ear workout, combining impressive sonic and structural brutality. The interaction of what these close dissonances do inside your ears with what the clarinets do in space (Gleb played live with 6 recordings of himself, meticulously arranged around the audience) is a haunting experience, celestial but with no concession to human music.
Maryanne Amacher — Perceptual Geographies, Philadelphia 2019 (Owen Gardner)
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So much revelatory material has come out of the Maryanne Amacher archive so far, and particularly these loving reconstructions of her instrumental music. A lot more attention seems to have been given to “Petra,” which is certainly gorgeous and shows fascinating symmetries with the spatial/timbral concerns of her electronic music, but “Adjacencies” struck me as the Major Work of 20th Century Music. She wrote the damn thing in 1965 and it sounds fresh half a century later, which we can say of no previous piece of percussion music and not much written subsequently. I am slowly losing my mind waiting for Amy Cimini’s book on Amacher to come out, craving a deeper dive into her theory and methods.
Sarah Hennies, Bonnie Jones, Lê Quan Ninh, and Biliana Voutchkova at the High Zerofestival, Baltimore 2019 (Owen Gardner)
One of at least three great things Sarah Hennies did last year (Reservoir 1 on Black Truffle and the 90 minute cello/percussion duo “The Reinvention of Romance” being the others) was to take part in Baltimore’s High Zero festival, four mind-frying days devoted to free improvisation. This set was one of the highlights of 2019’s festival; each of the four performers having at least one foot in composed music (Ninh is a long-time Cage interpreter and Biliana has collaborated with Peter Ablinger) seemed to lend it a certain sureness and serenity, but ultimately their combined strength as improvisors (fastidiously captured by High Zero’s crack recording team) is what makes it such an engaging listen.
El Chombo — Cuentos de la Cripta (Owen Gardner)
A relentless tetralogy that nicely balances the rawness of ‘90s proto-reggaetón productions (the first volume self-identifies as “Spanish Reggae”) and the slicker, synth-oriented sound and settled genre conventions we’ve come to enjoy (or not) in the 21st century. This was helpful when working on “People’s Park,” not least for its insistent connection to Jamaican music. I can understand very little Spanish but I'm guessing the lyrics are not unproblematic; signifying language always disappoints.
Wallahi Le Zein! (Owen Gardner)
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An invaluable resource for anyone interested in African music, much more consistent and informative than the often yucky reissue market, which seems to prioritize awkward (and marginal) attempts at Western musical fads—as if what was available was not an impossibly rich and heterogeneous network of self-sufficient musical cultures but merely a broken mirror facing America. The archive of Mauritanian music alone makes this the most worthwhile stop on the information superhighway. There’s plenty of goofy drum programming and appalling sound quality if that’s your bag, but the rich variety of traditional musics is what keeps me coming back.
Miles Davis — On the Corner (Max Eilbacher)
Some might say Stockhausen serves imperialism but he did his little part to help cook up some of the most twisted American Jazz/funk jams ever. Davis only kept one cassette in his convertible sports car during the On the Corner sessions, a tape of “Hymnen.” He would take each member of the band on highspeed joy rides with the car’s stereo system on full blast. That same energy was channeled in the arrangement and editing. The convergence of a lot of different elements keeps this record on my top 10 list ‘til the end of time. The little detail of Americans taking concepts from European Neu Musik and making something incredibly funky and pleasurable is the cherry on top.
Olivia Block & Marcus Schmickler at Diffusion Festival, Baltimore 2018 (Andrew Bernstein)
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This was an amazing pairing, with both artists playing in 8-channel “surround sound.” Marcus’ set was incredibly intense. Pure synthesis with a lot of psychoacoustic inner ear tones and unending overlapping melodies. It felt like the sonic equivalent of watching a strobe light at close distance. Olivia’s set was a slow creep, laying samples to create lush textures that were truly immersive. This was the kind of concert that reminds you of the awesome power of music.
Blacks’ Myths at the Red Room, Baltimore 2019 (Andrew Bernstein)
Blacks' Myths II by Blacks' Myths
I’m there for anything bassist Luke Stewart touches (see Irreversible Entanglements, his solo upright + feedback work, frequent collaborations with too many people to name). Blacks' Myths, his bass and drumset duo with Warren Crudup, is loud, noisy, and intense, and this set at the Red Room last year was particularly transcendent.
“Blue” Gene Tyranny — Out of the Blue (Andrew Bernstein)
Out of the Blue by "Blue" Gene Tyranny
I have probably listened to this record more than any other the last few years. Perfectly crafted pop songs segue into proggy funk jams and then into stream of consciousness drone pieces based around the doppler effect. I’ll put it on over and over again, an experience with an album I haven’t really had since I was in high school.
Bill Orcutt — An Account of the Crimes of Peter Thiel and His Subsequent Arrest, Trial, and Execution 2017 (Max Eilbacher)
Legendary underground American guitarists from the most important American rock band also makes top notch conceptual digital audio art. Years ago I thought computer music lacked a certain sub cultural attitude. While this was/is not true, this 2017 release feels like it exists in its own world. High and low brow are in perfect harmony for this patterned enjoyable hellride of a listen. What if Hanne Darboven had to make art while working a full time job and dealing with mild substance abuse?
Lina Wertmüller — Seven Beauties 1975 (Max Eilbacher)
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By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=42000553
During this pandemic I have been talking film shop over emails nonstop. I went through a big Wertmüller phase in 2018-2019 and as people are trading recommendations I usually try to recommend something by her. This film is the one that I keep reaching for. The email recommending this film usually starts as a draft with “this is really intense” and then I try to hearken back to my film school days and write about the male gaze, patriarchy, communism or something of that nature. I end up writing a bit, feeling like it’s way over the top for a casual email and then I end up deleting everything except “this is a really intense and beautiful film.”
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill (Sam Haberman)
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The last book I managed to check out of the library before it closed. Though it in some ways resembles works of conspiracy theory, Tom O’Neill is always straightforward in telling the reader that, though the official story of the Manson case is almost certainly not true, the actual details don’t cohere into any kind of Meaning. Every new discovery is its own digression that points to a new unknowable truth or unverifiable claim. This really inverts the normal thrill of conspiracy theory, which invites you to either buy into the story being presented or reject it all together, either path offering its own sort of comfort. Chaos offers no such comfort.
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amerivisionblog · 5 years
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09) Panama || Tea mangrove
Artist: El Chombo ft. Cutty Ranks Song: Dame tu cosita
¡Buena suerte!
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djgoodblood · 5 years
Best of 2018: Urban Latin Music
It seems I skipped Latin music in my 2017 end-of-year lists. Here’s a list of Latin tunes I played a lot in 2018. It was a mad year for artists such as Ozuna, Bad Bunny, Becky G, Natti Natasha. Reggaeton legends Daddy Yankee and Nicky Jam also stayed on the top. Also some new Cuban songs produced by DJ Unic and DJ Conds sounded dope in 2018. I think there was a lack of hits from genres such as salsa, salsa choke, merengue. One of the most peculiar things was that the old Chombo song ‘Dame Tu Cosita’ was re-released and it became a huge hit. The biggest Urban Latin-related international hit of the year was obviously Cardi B’s ‘I Like It’ with dope verses by Bad Bunny and J Balvin. 1. Becky G & Natti Natasha - Sin Pijama 2. Nicky Jam & J Balvin - X 3. Daddy Yankee - Dura 4. Nio García feat. Casper, Darell, Nicky Jam, Bad Bunny, Ozuna) - Te Boté (Remix) 5. Bad Bunny feat. Drake - Mia 6. Maluma - Mala mía 7. Natti Natasha - Quien Sabe  8. Ozuna & Manuel Turizo - Vaina Loca 9. El Taiger feat. El Negrito, El Kokito & Manu Manu - Verdaderamente 10. El Taiger, El Kamel & DJ Unic - La Win2 + Ozuna feat. Cardi B - La Modelo Natti Natasha feat. Bad Bunny - Amantes De Una Noche DJ Snake feat. Selena Gomez, Ozuna & Cardi B - Taki Taki  Marc Anthony, Will Smith & Bad Bunny - Esta Rico Thalía feat. Natti Natasha - No Me Acuerdo  Ozuna feat. Romeo Santos - Ibiza Ozuna feat. Akon - Coméntale Ozuna feat. Lunay, Rauw Alejandro & Lyanno - Luz Apaga Ozuna - Devuélveme  Romeo Santos feat. Ozuna - Sobredosis Shakira & Maluma - Clandestino Raymix - Oye Mujer Jennifer Lopez - El Anillo Becky G & Paulo Londra - Cuando Te Besé Reik feat. Ozuna & Wisin - Me Niego Sebastian Yatra, Mau & Ricky - Ya No Tiene Novio Lalo Ebratt feat. J Balvin & Trapical - Mocca (Remix) Dj Luian & Mambo Kingz feat. Anuel AA, Prince Royce & Becky G - Bubalu Anitta & J Balvin - Downtown Bad Bunny - Estamos Bien El Taiger, El Kamel & DJ Unic - La Win2 El Negrito, El Kokito & Manu Manu - Ojalá Chocolate MC - Bajanda Bad Bunny - Amorfoda Relevant songs from 2017 1. Maluma - Felices Los 4 2. Natti Natasha feat. Ozuna - Criminal 3. Jowell & Randy feat. J Balvin - Bonita 4. Ozuna - Síguelo Bailando 5. Becky G. feat. Bad Bunny - Mayores
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shizuostrans · 8 months
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Illustration from Roomshare ②LDK by Chombo
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prismmarketingco · 2 years
Though Alkaline, Masicka, Vybz Kartel and Skillibeng, among others, continue to dominate local streams, Sean Paul remains undefeated internationally and is still the most popular dancehall artiste on the planet. Only days ago, on YouTube, the dancehall superstar achieved his third billion views song with his 2016 release "No Lie." featuring Dua Lipa. Among the most commercially successful Jamaican artists of all time, the Grammy winner is one of only a select group of dancehall artists whose YouTube videos have garnered more than one billion views. 'No Lie' currently has more than 1,000,200,973 views. Island Records released the infectious dancehall pop single on November 18, 2016. However, the official music video was released almost two months later. The video currently amasses approximately 500,000 new views daily based on current momentum. Meanwhile, with 1.7 billion views to date, Sean Paul and Sia's "Cheap Thrills" threatens the 2 billion mark. While "Rockabye" featuring Clean Bandit, currently boasting 2.6 billion views since its October 2016 release, it remains his most popular song. Cutty Ranks, who collaborated with El Chombo on "Dame Tu Cosita," is another Jamaican artist with a song that has been viewed more than a billion times. Since its release in April 2018, that video has received 3.9 billion views. The 2015 classic "Cheerleader" by Jamaican reggae-pop singer OMI has 1.1 billion views. (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccp1VKVuWjU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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historyisthehype · 2 years
From Reggae to Reggaeton: The origins of El Género Pt.1 (SPOILER ALERT)
Hi everyone!
So I didn’t post last week without any kind of warning or explanation. The end of the Spring semester is coming up and I really just got caught up and overwhelmed.
Things are really wrapping up and I am preparing presentations, and speeches, and reports, and whatnot. But it is all very exciting if you’re the type of person that likes to be challenged.
For this week I’d like to share some stuff I learned through a podcast that I found called LOUD: The History of Reggaeton. I guess you could say this is turning into a sort of music history blog, but I won’t officially change any labels because I can’t guarantee that I’ll permanently stick with it.
Born in 1995 in Puerto Rico with young uncles and a hip mom, I grew up with Reggaeton around me. It was popular on the island during the short time that I lived there, and it was popular in Central Florida, specifically Kissimmee – One of the most concentrated Boricua communities in the region – when I arrived in 2000.
As a kid, I was under the impression that reggaeton music had been around forever, like bomba y plena, even salsa, and merengue, or something. But it was really only just starting to define itself from its roots as a genre.
While many, including I, have mistakenly believed that because Puerto Ricans have dominated reggaeton since its inception, it also finds its origins there. Though the influence of Jamaican reggae is obvious in its sound and name, its journey to the Puerto Rican, Latin American, US American, and global mainstream, isn’t that direct.
It all goes back to 1904 and the construction of the Panama Canal when English-speaking islanders from the Caribbean islands, especially Jamaica, were hired to build it. After its construction many of those workers settled down in the “Canal Zone”, a suburbanized ‘little piece of America’ around the Panama Canal, controlled by the U.S and fenced in from the rest of Panama.
In 1973, when the region was given back to the Panamanian government, many of the West Indian families that lived in the Zone, moved to Río Abajo where the pioneers of Reggae en español, Renato, Reggae Sam, and Frankito (better known as, El General) met and began dabbling in music together.
Inspired by their shared love of Jamaican dance hall and reggae, and understanding of Patois, English, and Spanish they started by hyping crowds and covering songs in Spanish, initially integrating the two languages. The trio extended their exposure through local bus routes, giving their mixes to the drivers and even customizing tracks just for them. They quickly gained recognition and popularity.
Eventually, one of Renato’s tracks, “La Chica de Los Ojos Café” (Brown Eyed Girl) based on a novela (Spanish-language soap opera) by the same name, made it #1 in Colombia and spread like wildfire throughout Spanish-Speaking America. Until this point, Spanish speakers wrote the music off as “Black people music”, but with usually more degrading language. One of the most encompassing symbols of the group’s thoughts on that attitude is the brown-eyed-girl who played the female lead and love interest in Renato’s video. Rather than the fair-skinned, Euro-inspired beauties of the novelas, Renato cast a gorgeous black, Panamanian woman to play La Chica de Los Ojos Café. Other’s in the genre had less subtle ways of celebrating their blackness, like El Chombo, who took the word “chombo”, a slur directed at west Indian Panamanians, as his artist name, empowering himself through his reappropriation of it.
I was hoping to get through more of the story in this post but today I am doing a short introduction for my professor whom I am interning for in front of a large crowd and I need to go get ready and practice the nerves away. Plus, this one is running long, and I want to cover this history well because this is already a condensed version of a condensed version of the history of Reggaeton music and I want to do it justice.
Thank you for reading along !
To hear the full story check out the source:
LOUD: The History of Reggaeton
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honeybonnies · 6 years
Get to know me meme
Rules: answer these 30 Qs and then tag 10 blogs you want to get to know.
I got tagged by @pamyuu  ♡ ♡ ♡ thank u
Nicknames: bonny, bon-bon, bonithan 
Gender/pronouns: girl (she/her)
Star sign: virgo...libra.. cusp? 
Height: 5′7″! (170cm) . i never thought i was really tall but y’all out here like... 4′9″ ... 5′3″... 
Time: 2:40pm
Birthday: september 22nd
Favorite bands: none
Favorite solo artist(s): the weeknd, janelle monae, gabriel royal, sza, 
Song stuck in your head: dame tu cosita - el chombo
Last movie you watched: avenger’s infinity war
Last show: i don’t watch a lot of tv. 
Why did you create your blog: i was like, 12 idk.
Other blogs: @honeybonnies is my art blog.
AO3: i don’t write or read fanfic so............ 
Do you get asks: one like every 5 years.   
How did you get the idea for your URL: i stan widowmaker. 
I follow: art blogs, aesthetic blogs, video gayme blogs, you kno.. 
Followers: like, maybe two if im lucky.
Average hours of sleep: .. four ? five hours? 
Lucky number: five
Instruments: i played the clarinet in 6th grade
What are you wearing?: pajamas. 
Dream job: comic artist, or a concept artist....... bof...
Dream trip: travel the world, bih.
Significant other: i, hm, hm... ! none !
Last book I read: ??? people still read books? wrow
Top 3 fictional universes: overwatch, gehennam. ig?
i’m tagging @ssombra, @pharrah, @sapphicidiot, @bunbian, @eukarythotic, @pharahsgf, @dykemeka @symmturrets @newbordeau
i tagged newish mutuals 😞 feel free to ignore this, im too scaredy to actually talk to yall lol
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babadupdates · 3 years
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Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Habari, Utamaduni, Sanaa na Michezo Dkt. Hassan Abbasi amezisisitiza Taasisi za Sanaa kutumika katika kuendeleza sanaa na sio kuwa chombo cha kuonea na kukandamiza wasanii. Dkt. Abbasi amesema hayo Juni 24, 2021 Jijini Dar es Salaam alipomuwakilisha Waziri Mhe. Innocent Bashungwa kwenye Hafla ya Ufunguzi wa Jukwaa la Elimu ya Masoko na Mabadiliko ya Matumizi ya Kidigitali kwa Kazi za Muziki Nchini (BOOMPLAY ARTISTE FORUM), iliyoandaliwa na Kampuni ya Transsnet MusicTanzania “Taasisi zetu zinatakiwa ziwe sehemu ya kukuza Sanaa na si kugeuka kuwa Polisi ama Mgambo, tuzitangaze kazi za sanaa na tuwasaidie wasanii wetu kukua badala ya kuwakandamiza” amesema Dkt. Abbasi. Ameongeza kuwa ni wakati sasa kwa wasanii kufanya kazi bora zaidi kwani jamii imeikubali Sanaa, wasanii watumie vipaji vyao na ubunifu kufanya kazi bora na kujifunza namna ya kuuza kazi hizo kwa kutumia njia za kisasa kama Boomplay. Dkt. Abbasi amesisitiza kuwa Serikali ipo tayari kushirikiana na wasanii kuboresha kazi zao na pia kuhakikisha wanapata namna tofauti za kuuza kazi zao kwa njia ya mtandao huku akiongeza kuwa imejipanga kuboresha maslahi ya wasanii kama ilivyoahidiwa na Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan, kuwa mwisho wa mwaka huu itaanza kutoa mirabaha kwa wasanii. Kwa upande wake Meneja Mkuu wa Kampuni ya Boomplay Tanzania, Natasha Stambuli amesema wako tayari kushirikiana na Serikali kukuza Sekta ya Sanaa nchini kwa kuwawezesha wasanii kuuza kazi zao kwa njia ya mtandao. Bi Natsha amesema kuwa Tanzania ina watumiaji milioni 11 hivyo kupitia kampuni ya Boomplay wanaweza kufikisha kazi ya msanii kwa watu wengi zaidi na kwa kutumia njia za kisasa. Kongamano hilo limehudhuriwa na wasanii mbalimbali wa muziki na watayarishaji. (at Baba d updates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQiX5oMr_jN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cliggomusic · 4 years
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Listen to El Chombo for free: https://music.cliggo.com/artist/690727-El_Chombo
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