only-by-the-stars · 1 month
for the Choose Violence ask game:
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
*deep breath*
like. please. please. everyone is so quick to dismiss Mipha as "her story is only about Link", but what is Revali's story about? that's right, a ton of his focus is his rivalry with Link. even in AOC we don't meet any of his friends or family, anyone with a personal tie to him in his own era. and when he's not focused on dissing Link, he spends most of the rest of his dialogue spouting arrogance and that "I need to be the BEST!!!" stuff you can see in countless animes. he's not as unique as people think, and there's little to suggest any of the vulnerability his fans ascribe to him. even in his diary, where you'd think he'd open up more, he acts arrogant and makes a snide remark referring to Zelda as "talentless".
but. you know. he's a guy. so of course he has more potential than the Champion who has family and friends and a whole community that we meet, who gets Zora Monuments and diary entries talking about stuff to do with things other than Link (like her reactions to Vah Ruta, her birth, the moment when Dorephan agreed to let her pilot Ruta, her ghost speaking to her loved ones after her death), who was both a healer and a warrior and thus has that duality in her, who wants to see her father one last time as she stands atop Ruta after being freed, who got some really nice scenes with her family in AOC, because you know. she's a girl, and she fell in love with her childhood friend, and she's kind to people. so boring!
I actually would argue that she is the best-written Champion, because of all that. they're all underwritten, but Mipha gets more depth to her than the others, I think, because of the reasons mentioned above. we don't get any direct connections for any of the others. but because she's a girl and she had romantic feelings for Link, she's dismissed, and the snide arrogant guy gets touted as the one with the most potential. fucking typical of fandom, to fawn over the underwritten man and lavish fanon on him while dismissing the woman as not worthy of the same. I know I'm swinging a bat at a hornet's nest with this, but I'm just so tired of this happening across fandoms and so tired of it happening to my beloved Mipha, specifically. fandoms PLEASE care about fictional women. this is not a request.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
see above: Revali. I came out of his portion of SoaC with more of an interest in him because I enjoyed doing my own interpretation, but it's still a fucking Struggle when I see his more obnoxious fans being Like That.
ditto BOTW/TOTK Zelda. like. there are legit criticisms to be made about her writing, such as how her arc in BOTW would've greatly benefited from a deeper exploration of certain beats, a linear storyline, and please I hate how her interest in science is treated as just a silly quirk that serves no purpose and Rhoam Might've Been Right About It, but either way amounts to nothing as she just needed to fall in love and BAM! powers! and I hate how a lot of the people who dislike her will accept all this uncritically and criticize this interest of hers and hold her solely accountable for the Calamity, and I really hate how TotK not only flattens her into the Perfect Princess who does everything well and everyone is disturbingly blindly loyal to, but again doesn't let her do anything but sacrifice herself, with her interest in science again being relegated to a minor quirk.
(AOC I love you for making her love of science actually matter to the plot. I am kissing you on the mouth for this and so much else, you don't deserve all the hate that's directed your way just because people wanted a grimdark rehash of BOTW's backstory.)
but. also. her fans are so weird and annoying about her??? and they try to have it both ways??? like according to them she's THE MOST NUANCED CHARACTER EVER for being awful to Link, but also she did nothing wrong and she only yelled at him ONE TIME, YOU GUYS, there was nothing shitty about the rest of her behavior and couldn't have made him that miserable or put him in danger of royal reprisal if one of her attempts at ditching him went badly (like it very nearly DID in the Yiga cutscene). and also you're a misogynist if you don't think she's the bestest ever and ship her with Link, but it's okay if they make hateful comments about Mipha, or other female characters in the series that people DARE to ship with various Links. only z*link allowed!!!
... as you can see, it is a Struggle for me with her too. I don't hate her, I see her (sadly wasted) potential and hate how she was treated in TotK, I enjoyed her a lot in AOC and have had fun writing her in certain AUs of mine, but also. the fans. eugh.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
this... soulmates/fated lovers thing that z*link shippers live for? a hard no from me, buds. hard no. it basically robs the characters involved of their agency and turns each version of them into puppets who will inevitably fall in love with the same person in every lifetime (and this doesn't even make sense because Zelda's not a reincarnation??? she's a DESCENDANT of the other Zeldas and Hylia???), and that... is horrifying to me. that's a curse IMO, and not romantic at all. The Good Place remains the only take on the soulmates concept I'll accept:
"If soulmates do exist, they're not found, they're made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship."
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artisticzaati · 8 months
I love it when you're in your Ocarina of Time era. All of your art is so cool! Can you tell me more about the OCs who are the king and queen of Harkos?
Well, here is the secret: I am always in the OoT era. My main Dominis siblings are from the OoT era. It is my favorite Zelda game ever. So I cannot help it!
Especially when it comes to the OG Phantom Ganon and Ganondorf. 👌✨️
And thank you very much! 🙏
And of COURSE. I'd love to share!
Adam is the King of Harkos.
The Kingomd of Harkos is smack down in the middle of Glacia and Isla. They are like a Colosseum-esque kingdom with gladiators and such. Very Roman inspired.
Iris, the Queen of Harkos, is the true leader of the kingdom. All choices and such come from her. She talks to Adam, and he gives the word for her (with her permission. We love strong, powerful women in this house).
Adam has the strength to fight a lynel without weapons. The people all gather around to watch Adam and other brave warriors face monsters in the cololsseum.
While Adam is brute strength, Iris is complete skill and endurance. She can kick ass just as much as Adam can in the battlefield.
Also, just as a bonus, Adam is the Dominis siblings' uncle.
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lordsooga · 1 year
Ask game!
4 - Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
13 - what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
56 - What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
From this fic ask meme!
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Ohhh with fic, most of my ideas are usually something I think canon didn't explore enough or something I wish had happened or a character I think deserved more attention. Just whatever canon didn't totally satisfy for me.
Other than that, I think it just comes randomly from all over. Hate to admit it, but they were onto something with that "take a break from your writing/art/whatever when you're feeling frustrated and struggling with ideas" thing XD Annoyingly, ill think of a lot of things in bed and will keep having to roll over to get my phone out to write it down (you WILL NOT just remember it when you wake up)
Also would 100% recommend embracing your cringy teenage self and creating AMVS of your favorite characters in your head, lmao. sometimes you just gotta sit there and imagine it
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Just use "said" for dialogue and the character's name or pronouns when you're referring to them most of the time. Otherwise it's distracting. There’s definitely a time for switching it up, of course! Just, it can also be over done too.
Also idk how this one was worded exactly, but that your characters will, a lot of the time, not say what they ACTUALLY feel or think. It's gotta filter their their own insecurities and their preconceived notions and social etiquette and whatever else is going on, and it's gonna come out quite different than what their true feelings are, if they're even aware of them.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
asfjasf okay that one is hard. i would NOT say i am the most confident writer and don't often think about that. characterization, perhaps? I do always appreciate it when someone comments that i got a character right or convinced them of something about them
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ranger-kellyn · 1 year
I feel you on the games. I haven't been able to play BOTW since AOC came out. The loneliness and the ruin and desolation just hit so much harder once I saw what Hyrule looked like when it was thriving. And now every time I see the last cutscene with the ghosts looking down on Link and Zelda and just vanishing before the two turned around to see them... I just get this awful ache in my chest.
genuinely, it's kind of incredible that basically just a spin-off/au game can add so much to the original game.
i just finished freeing ruta, and mipha's ghost was enough to make me feel the same way, so i can only imagine how i'm going to feel during that cutscene as well ;~;
i never played the original hyrule warriors but i really do believe age of calamity was a brilliant
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deiliamedlini · 2 years
Laughing Zelda
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@arkon-z I have STRONG DOUBTS THAT THIS WAS WHAT YOU MEANT! But from the second I read your idea, this was all I could think of lol! Idk why tumblr wants to get rid of the whites of her teeth and eyes that’s not a me problem bahahaha!! Anyway, this was maybe too fun just because 😂
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narbevoguel · 1 year
Tagged by @arkon-z
3 ships: Believe it or not, I don't really ship characters much, I prefer the friendship dynamic way more, but I'm not immune to it, so besides Anju x Kafei (because my beloved idiots) and my current brainrot of Shiver x Frye (my precious lesbian cephalopods), I'm struggling to find a 3rd ship, so let's throw in Luigi x Daisy in there.
First (friend)ship: One of the aforementioned.
Last song: As of typing this: Never Let you Go by Waldeck.
Last movie: Glass Onion, it was pretty neat actually, and I'm very picky with stuff these days.
Currently reading: Nothing besides a couple fanfics, dunno if those actually count lmao.
Currently watching: Honestly, nothing? Sorry I'm boring, lol. But most recent stuff I did watch was Sonic Prime. But besides that, back to watching nothing.
Currently consuming: Water, still gotta drink plenty and I keep forgetting :C. Take care of your kidneys, people.
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swoodthis · 2 years
@tesseractrave @arkon-z @marshiestars @will-o-weeb
CHAPTER 5! Progress!
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sleepysheikahtortl · 2 years
So lately, I’ve been feeling extremely grateful for those on the server, those that I follow, etc.
So I’ve decided to do a quick tribute to the five people that got me started on Tumblr. That made me join just so I could compliment their work.
First, and you were literally THE first (like, you were the blog i started looking at first) is the amazing: @arkon-z !!!!!!! I love your blog so much, your posts make me so happy, and you make me happy on the server. Thanks 🥰
Next up is the second person I joined for. The second blog I bookmarked and payed attention to. The wonderful @artisticzaati . I know I just said this, but I have to say it again: your art is so, so amazing. It brings me so much joy. Never stop arting, friend, or being the amazing person you are. (People, get to his blog rn and reblog/like at least 1 of his things if you like it. don’t just say, “thats cool” or “i like that” and move on. HE CARES ABOUT THE LIKES. So please, please support him if you enjoy his content. He needs a morale boost 🧡)
His blog led me on to discover two incredible and inseparable people’s blogs: @purahstechlab and @akkalatechlabs . You guys make me so, so happy, and everything you post does too. Love you guys 😊
And last, but not least (nor are any of these least!) is the blog that helped me work out my own ideas of a Malice!Impa fic, and provided me with wholesome (and deliciously angsty) content. @lady-impa , step forward. Your writing is some of the best ever. I looooove all of your AU’s. Keep on writing! 🧡
Y’all, you’re the best! And don’t think I forgotten about the rest of you on the PuRobbie server. I love you too 🧡 (And my followers, like thanks so much, frankly I’m surprised that I even have followers lol)
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red-gekkouga · 3 years
I love seeing your renders of the Sheikah gang! I'm interested in learning how to do it myself, but I don't know where to start. Do you have any suggestions for where to learn how to do it, like tutorials or something?
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying them!
I use Sourcefilmmaker, it's free on Steam! I ported the gang over from Gmod using this website: https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ (Don't worry, it's safe. I've used it a few times now and I don't have a virus.)
So, once you have SFM downloaded, go to the Garry's mod workshop on Steam.
Once there, find the model you want to port from Gmod, I'll use this Phantom armour model for this tutorial. Right click and click on copy page URL.
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BTW It's easier to find models when you check the "Model" box on the workshop.
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Go to the website I linked and place the link in it, then click download.
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Once it's done, go to your downloads and right click the file. Click "Extract here" if you want the files extracted in your downloads folder, or "Extract files" if you want to choose a different place.
After extracting them, go to the folder it created and grab the models and materials folders, then put them in the usermod folder in your SFM directory.
So for me it's This PC>Windows>Program files (x86)>Steam>SteamApps>Common>Sourcefilmmaker>Game>Usermod
Once you've placed the folders in usermod, open SFM and create a session, load a map by right clicking and choosing "Load a map" and go up to the little + icon and click "Create animation set for new model."
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Type the name of the model and it should show up like this. (Some models won't work and will be invisible, but not every model you port will be like that.)
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Click on it and then press enter or the open button and voila! The model is now in SFM and you can make your own renders! (Some models that were in Gmod don't always have bones for moving everything, like Impa's model doesn't have a way to move her hair. And the bones they do have can be funky on some models.)
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You can find lighting and other SFM basics tutorials on YouTube! 😄
There’s plenty of models in the SFM workshop for other stuff, so this is mainly a tutorial for ones that aren’t ported to SFM yet.
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iloveyou-writers · 2 years
Do you ever write fanfiction? If so, what are your fandoms?
I have written fanfiction in the past, but the closest I've gotten recently was writing a fanscript for Is it Cake with my characters as the host, contestants and judges. ^_^
🤍 H
No. I wrote a couple fanscripts back in 2020 for The Vampire Diaries to further my skill in screenwriting but that's about it.
— D
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hatenotechlab · 3 years
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Oh, you like incorrect quotes?
I LOVE THESE TOO... These are amazing.
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only-by-the-stars · 5 months
For the character impressions ask, what are your thoughts about Daruk?
First impression: my first time seeing him was in the same memory where I first saw Mipha (Lanayru Road), so there wasn't much of one except that he seemed nice and I knew his plan was doomed :/
Impression now: he's fun! not my favorite or the deepest character, but he's a good guy, and I like his friendships with Mipha and Yunobo in AOC
Favorite moment: those moments with Mipha! it's so cute :3
Idea for a story: something that explored his connections with the other Champions/the characters from the future would be fun!
Unpopular opinion: he's powerful in battle, sure, but too slow for me ;~;
Favorite relationship: I like all his interactions with characters, I wish there were more
Favorite headcanon: I think he definitely has a more serious side that he doesn't often show around others, especially in times of crisis, because he feels the need to be the one bolstering everyone's spirits and keeping morale up
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artisticzaati · 11 months
About a month ago, you posted that this day would be your birthday. I remembered, so happy birthday!
Thank you so very much!! I truly appreciate it!
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lordsooga · 1 year
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A couple of friends’ OCs I made as holiday gifts! Cherry belong to @strawberry-science and Meron belong to @arkon-z and I ADORE both of their girls so much
[ID: Two pictures of two different Legend of Zelda OC’s. The first shows Cherry. She’s a Hylan with cherry-red hair, green eyes, and a gentle smile. She’s wearing a green, ruffled shirt with the Sheikah jacket on top. In her hands is a loaf of bread on a plate, steam rising up from it in the shape of a heart.
The second shows Meron. She’s a buffer and older Sheikah with gray hair. She wears a Gerudo sash under her belt and a Geruda hair clip in her hair. She’s raising one hand to her head with a wide smile and eyes closed. \end ID.]
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ranger-kellyn · 1 year
You got art for your fic? Of your favorite ship? That's awesome! You must be over the moon!
i was literally in a meeting when i got the email saying i had been mentioned in a post, and when i saw just a small snippet of the dialogue i. had to FIGHT. to not be like "okay goTTA GO LET ME OUT OF THIS MEETING NOW PLSSSS" like........over the moon over the sOLAR SYSTEM ;v;
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lady-impa · 3 years
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@arkon-z yesss.
I have this headcanon that Purah is constantly calling Impa silly nicknames just for the sake of being *embarrassing.* Imps, Impy, Simpa and Impidimp are among a few that Purah calls her in my quarantine au.
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