#argyle sweater comic
aunti-christ-ine · 9 months
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72 notes · View notes
hkayakh · 7 months
Oh my god
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2 notes · View notes
breezingby · 6 months
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0 notes
bippot · 8 months
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Summary: Obligatory Professor Reid fic but without the weird age gap. When an artist takes one of Spencer's courses for research for her comic book, he's astounded by his lack of self restraint.
Tags: Professor Spencer Reid, Teacher-Student, Relationship, Smut, Fluff, Secret Relationship, Mutual Pining
Criminal Minds, Dr Spencer Reid Masterlist - here
Apparently, the librarian look was all the rage these days. At least, that's what Reid deduced when the most stunning woman he had ever laid eyes on strolled into his lecture hall, looking like she had just stepped out of one of those hilariously cheesy 'sexy nerd librarian' pornos he had stumbled upon during one particularly lonely night on a case.
She was a vision in her sweater vest - an argyle one that happened to be a dead ringer for the one he was currently sporting. The hem of her shirt peeked out from underneath, adding a touch of casualness to the otherwise preppy ensemble. Her blouse, a delicate shade of lilac with dainty white flowers adorning the cuffs, flowed effortlessly over the waistband of her jeans. It was a perfect blend of polished and carefree, and to Reid, who had never considered himself to be a fashion-forward individual, she exuded cool.
But it was her smile that truly captured his heart - wide, radiant, and undeniably goofy. And the best part? It was directed right at him. Reid couldn't believe his luck. He quickly scanned behind him, half-expecting to find someone else who might be the recipient of that captivating smile, only to find empty space. Odd, considering he was quite certain there was no one else in the room. He would have noticed. His brain struggled to comprehend that such a smile could be directed at him, of all people.
In an instant, Reid was on his feet, his body reacting before his mind could fully process what was happening. He took a step forward, greeting her at the door frame. It was a good thing she was the first to arrive; otherwise, his hasty reaction might have seemed rather incriminating. He had never been particularly subtle when interacting with someone he found attractive, so this was just another addition to his ever-growing collection of awkward encounters.
But, man oh man, he wasn't the only one feeling the heat in that moment; she was just as flustered as he was. He couldn't help but notice her fidgeting, those nervous twitches that gave away her own jumbled emotions. And in that split second, he found himself wanting to reach out to brush away a few stray strands of hair that had fallen over her face. He didn't. But he so desperately wanted to.
"Hi," he squeaked, cringing at the high-pitched sound that escaped his lips. In a desperate attempt to save face, he coughed loudly, hoping to drown out the embarrassing squeak.
Was it just his imagination or did she blush? If so, he had to admit, he kind of liked her face a little rosier.
"Is this Profiling 101?" she asked, a glimmer in her eyes that instantly put him at ease. Her easygoing expression made him feel less ridiculous for losing control over his own reactions.
"I was gonna call it 'Noticing the Minutiae of Deviant Behaviour for the Development of a Baseline Hypothesis'," Reid responded automatically, his words tumbling out in his characteristic rambling style. He realised that he had answered her question, but perhaps not directly enough for her to pick up on it, so he quickly added, "Yes, this is. This is Profiling 101. Yeah, uh, welcome... You're the first one here."
Sweater Vest's eyes widened as she took in Reid's appearance, giving him a casual once-over. "Oh! You're Doctor Reid?" she exclaimed, surprise evident in her voice. He nodded in confirmation, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness at her reaction. "I was expecting some wizard-looking man with a big bushy beard for some reason. And you're not like that... at all. I should've done more research."
Reid couldn't suppress a chuckle, a delightful blend of amusement and embarrassment sweeping over him. It wasn't uncommon for people to underestimate him and mistake him for someone older - that had been the story of his professional life. But, in this moment, he found himself not minding one bit as she saw him as an equal, not a mentor.
"I was actually considering growing a beard," he playfully pondered aloud, his hand instinctively reaching up to stroke his chin as if taming a wild thicket of facial hair. Her quiet laughter filled the air, a deep and melodious sound that was like sweet music to his ears.
Surprisingly enough, he felt a tiny flicker of his awkwardness fade away as he conversed with her. It wasn't a complete transformation, mind you, just a small chip off the iceberg. Perhaps it was all in his head, a figment of his imagination. After all, it would be pretty bizarre to feel more at ease with a stranger he'd just met than with the people he'd known for years and considered close friends.
"I think you'd pull it off."
As the words left her lips, a cascade of students flooded into the room, effectively putting an end to their conversation. Reid's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected compliment, but he quickly regained his composure, not wanting to draw any suspicion from his class. He couldn't afford to let anyone know that he was smiling like a love-struck fool at the mere mention of one of his students.
The sudden influx of people served as a timely reminder that she was, in fact, his student. The boundaries between them were crystal clear, and Reid's thoughts had ventured far beyond what was appropriate for their relationship. He knew he had to rein in his wayward feelings, but it felt like trying to stop a freight train with a pebble. It was an uphill battle, but it was a battle that had to be fought.
So, he made a conscious effort to suppress the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach every time he stole a glance in her direction. He couldn't let his attraction get the better of him.
Instead, Spencer shifted his attention to the eclectic group of people filling the room, hoping to shake off the distraction. Approximately twenty-five students occupied the space, a lively bunch with most of them with very obvious aspirations of becoming top-notch agents. Their wide-eyed enthusiasm and incessant questioning about the practicality of profiling in the real world gave them away as the eager rookies they were. However, amidst the crowd, Spencer noticed a handful of outliers, mysterious individuals whose motives and ambitions were yet to be deciphered.
One of those was the woman in the sweater vest. She was hanging onto his every word as if it were the most captivating story ever told. Her eyes were wide with curiosity, and her pen danced across the page, effortlessly capturing every detail. But what caught his attention, much to his chagrin, was the elegant script adorning the front of her notepad. It read, "Noticing the Minutiae of Deviant Behaviour for the Development of a Baseline Hypothesis." He couldn't help but smile to himself, appreciating it. It was a brief moment of amusement before he cleared his throat and continued with his presentation.
From what he could gather, she was like a breath of fresh air in the classroom filled with wannabe agents. She didn't fit the mould of those typical heroes, strutting around with an obnoxious sense of pride. No, she was different. She had a kindness that radiated from within, the kind that made you believe she would rescue a stranded kitten without a second thought. But she wasn't the type to go charging into danger, kicking down doors with reckless abandon. Oh no, she had a whole other vibe about her.
Seated beside her was one of those wide-eyed spooks, his eyes fixed on her notes so he could copy them. It was crystal clear that she would become the ultimate nerd that everyone would try to copy from as the term went on. Ah, the passing of the torch. Once upon a time, Spencer had held that title, but now, he had ascended to the rank of the master. Thank goodness he no longer had to worry about pleasing his peers by sharing his hard-earned work.
Sweater vest didn't seem to mind one bit, though. In fact, she went above and beyond, tilting her book towards him so that he could read it with ease. Now, that's what you call considerate! And boy, was he starting to notice all the little things about her that he found so endearing. He hadn't even known her for that long, but she was already capturing his admiration. There was just something about her that made him want to learn more, to unravel the mystery of who she truly was.
As the lecture carried on, Reid's enthusiasm for the course seemed to bubble over. He couldn't contain his excitement as he delved into every detail of what the rest of the course had in store. The subjects he planned to cover were as diverse as the colours in a rainbow, as were the case examples he would be using to illustrate each topic. He even made sure to add trigger warnings, because hey, who wants to be startled by a decapitated head or a crushed femur at nine in the morning?
Reid was also on a mission to secure some impressive guest speakers for the course. His top choice? None other than the charismatic Derek Morgan. But as Hank began to grow and talk and do all the exciting milestones that children do, Derek was a busy man who wanted to spend as much of his free time with his son. He wanted to be present for every precious moment and soak up every bit of knowledge and opportunity he could at what being a parent was like. And to give his son the experience of having his good ol' pa around was definitely a priority.
"My old mentor - his name was Gideon, uh, Jason Gideon - he used to offer his students time after class if they wanted to hear about any of his old cases and, yeah, if any of you are interested I can start doing that. Is that -" Going off their faces, he felt the need to cut himself off. "Oh, most of you look interested in that."
Giddily, he stole a quick glance towards Sweater Vest. She caught his eye, offering a nod of encouragement before redirecting her attention to her own notes. Oh, Spencer, you sly dog. The adorable girl (who, yes, happens to be your student and the boundaries must be respected) just practically declared her desire to be in your company more often. Talk about a major breakthrough!
"Yes, okay. I can do that. That's something to consider for next week."
He found himself babbling away, but truth be told, he was mostly entertaining himself at this point. The lesson was drawing to a close, and boy, was Spencer feeling the exhaustion creeping in. He had covered all the essential points, and now he was just left with the remnants of his scattered thoughts. And we all know, when Spencer's mind starts to wander, it becomes a barrage of information.
Some of it was useful. Most of it was not.
As the professor glanced across the room, he couldn't help but notice some of his students' attention beginning to wander. He knew it was time to wrap up the session. With a warm smile, he announced, "Alright, folks, I think we've covered enough for today. Time to call it a day. But fear not, my dear scholars, for we shall reconvene next week, at the exact same time, in this hallowed hall of knowledge."
The words hung in the air, eliciting a chorus of enthusiastic nods and affirmatives from the students. With a small smile and a nod of acknowledgement, they began to gather their notebooks, pens, and bags, their excitement palpable. As the lecture hall slowly emptied, Sweater Vest found herself among the last of the stragglers. Of course, being the diligent student she was, she had chosen a seat all the way at the end of the first row, farthest from the exit. It seemed she was destined to be the last one out.
Before she'd made it through the doorframe, Spencer called out, "I like your outfit, by the way," and tugged at his vest with a hooked thumb when she turned to look at him. A soft chuckle escaped her lips, causing her nose to twitch with amusement. Her face lit up like a thousand fireworks, her smile stretching from ear to ear, as if the whole world suddenly became a stage for her joy.
"I like yours, too, Doctor Reid."
She glanced down at her shoes, her brows furrowing in deep thought. It was as if a little debate was playing out in her head, her expression a mix of uncertainty and determination. But then, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she shook off whatever reservations she had. With a playful wave, she breezed out of the room, leaving him standing there, his eyes fixed on her retreating figure.
"Oh boy, we've got a situation," Reid muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. With a heavy sigh, he plopped down onto his chair, his forehead finding solace on the cool surface of his desk.
And boy, oh boy, did he have a problem. A real whopper of a problem, in fact. Every single lesson, like clockwork, he couldn't help but find himself lingering and pacing near her seat. She was always early, snatching up that prime spot in the front row like it was her own personal throne. Can you believe it? The nerve! But hey, who could blame him? It's like a magnetic force pulling him in, making it impossible for him to resist.
After class, Reid would play tour guide, leading his eager students from the bustling lecture hall to his cosy office. Directly after his class, the lecture hall had been hijacked by an astronomy class for the next time slot, leaving Reid with no choice but to retreat to his own little sanctuary. His office was far from extravagant and was filled with remnants of its previous occupant still lingering. He'd added a few things, which mostly consisted of framed photographs of the BAU hanging prominently on the wall behind his desk.
As for seating, well, Reid had managed to squeeze in a total of six options. There was a comfy little sofa, two chairs on one side of his desk, and a snazzy armchair reserved just for him. Sure, it wasn't the most spacious or luxurious setup, but it was enough to get the job done. After all, it's not the size that matters, but the quality of the discussions and the connections made.
Two weeks passed and it seemed like a magic trick had been performed - poof! The number of students that attended the after class sessions had suddenly been cut in half. It was as if they had all disappeared into thin air. And if that wasn't enough, by the end of the third week, only a grand total of four brave souls dared to venture into his office on a regular basis.
Sweater Vest - or as he'd come to know her as, Y/N - was one of those students. He'd been correct in his first assessment of her: she wasn't a FBI wannabe. She was a comic book artist that had somehow swindled her way into getting the date of her new graphic novel pushed back because she was busy with her research, a.k.a. his course.
Spencer had only found out when he caught her sketching a crime scene photo as he was talking through it. He had waited until they were walking out to the parking lot to get in their respective cars to actually ask her about her talents.
"Yeah, I doodle for a living," she laughed, her words indicative of someone who'd explained their job more than they'd like to and had gotten really tired of the (sometimes belittling) questions people would ask about it. "I've been pushing out comic books one after another after another for I don't know how long, so when I told my publisher I needed some time to do some research for my new story, they decided that I deserved a break. Not that I'll complain about that, it's a nice gesture."
"You're doing an FBI course for 'research'?"
"When you put it like that, it sounds kind of silly. I tend to write a lot of crime stories so why not have them be a tad more realistic? That's what I think anyway."
"No, no, it's not ridiculous at all." Spencer replied sincerely. "It's actually pretty impressive, honestly. That's admirable."
His compliment seemed to fluster her and he was surprised at how quickly it seemed to turn her red. When she opened her mouth to respond, though, it was interrupted by a loud buzzing coming from somewhere in his satchel.
"Sorry, it's probably my work - other work. My boss. Yeah, I should - I mean, I should get this," Spencer said awkwardly as he pulled out his phone to answer the call. He looked to her apologetically before excusing himself to go take care of his business.
Y/N stood there for a moment, wondering whether or not he spoke to everyone with the same amount of enthusiasm. In the few one on one interactions they'd had, he was sweet. Very sweet, really. His smiles were genuine, and yet the awkwardness surrounding him only seemed to amplify whenever she was around. Was that normal? Or was he just shy?
Whatever his reason, Y/N found it hard to keep herself from grinning like a schoolgirl over him. The thought sent her cheeks flushing an ever deeper shade and, as soon as she got into her car, she turned the AC on just to cool them down before driving off. She found herself humming, but who knows why?
Professor Reid thought about cancelling his class since he was on a case. And despite how much he disliked the digital world, Garcia had managed to convince him to try out doing his lesson over the Internet. And, well, if he went through with it, maybe he could see his students' faces (faces plural and not one face in particular - no, no, definitely not) without flying halfway across the country to have to return to do his job.
Just as he'd expected, he wasn't very good at the whole technology thing and had to get Penelope to help him out on a couple of technicalities, but once everything was going, the professor figured he might as well give it a shot.
He was more bumbling than usual. It was the cutest thing Y/N had ever seen. He was like a technophobe grandpa - a super hot grandpa - stumbling over every step he took. To top it off, it didn't help that the professor kept running his hands through his hair, messing it up even more than usual. His clothes were wrinkled and creased and his tie was missing, but, still, he appeared completely and utterly adorable.
In the comfort of the front row of the lecture room, the only people who got to see Y/N's expression were the people to her left and the good doctor himself. Thanks to everyone's cameras being on, anyone on the call could see the literal hearts in her eyes as she watched their lecturer fail to pull up PowerPoint without asking, "Can everyone see this or is it just on my screen?"
Obviously, there were other students that were hot for teacher. How could they not be? Y/N was a little older than the FBI wannabes and she knew what it was like to be young and have a crush every now and again, but whatever she felt towards Reid felt more mature than that. More grown up, almost.
Her smile grew wider and broader at his clumsy attempts as he attempted to carry on with his lesson, his glasses crooked on his nose as he tried to figure out which button to press because he'd accidentally muted himself.
"Press the picture that looks like a pill capsule in a fancy holder," she informed him. Reid blinked at her before his eyebrows shot up, a hint of surprise in his eyes as he clicked on the microphone icon.
"Y/N?" he asked tentatively, trying not to sound too hopeful and failing miserably. She shook her head in amusement, leaning forward on the edge of her chair.
"That's me."
The professor smiled softly, his gaze darting briefly between hers and the screen in front of him. "Wow, uh, thank you for that information. As you all can tell, I'm not quite used to this technology thing...but I'm making a real effort here!"
Throughout his lecture, he tried. He really did try to seem competent on the computer, but when it came right down to the core, he was clueless. The poor guy never really used anything technological - books were his whole thing. But, luckily for him, the audience seemed to find his clumsy attempt amusing rather than insulting. He was just glad he managed to survive until the end of the class.
"Thank you for your attention," Reid stated simply. "I'm sorry that I haven't been able to deliver a more, uh, seamless presentation. And I further apologise that there won't be an after class discussion today, but I guarantee that everything will be back to normal next week."
Before he logged off, Spencer managed to write a little message and he'd worked out how to send it to only one person. It simply said, 'Thanks for the help today, Y/N. I'll see you next week?"
'See you next week, Doc. ;)'
A winky face? How could she be so bold?
The video call ended with Spencer letting a quick breath escape through his lips, feeling a light tingle travel down his spine at the sight of that emoticon. He stared at the empty screen blankly for a moment before closing his laptop, taking off his glasses, and smiling to himself.
"Why does your face look like that?"
Penelope had been sitting at the desk across from him, and, judging by the look of astonishment in her features, she had noticed his blush before he had even realised he was doing it.
"Look like what?"
"I'm not-"
"You so are. I saw you smiling at your screen. So please, don't play innocent with me." The smirk on her lips was obvious as she leaned forward to loom over him intimidatingly - well, as intimidating as the bright and bubbly Penelope Garcia could be. "So, who is it?"
The genius man groaned loudly, burying his face in both his hands as he mumbled into them, "My student."
"Ew, Reid."
"Exactly!" he exclaimed, looking back up at her and shrugging his shoulders helplessly. "Nothing can happen. That would be a serious breach of the university's rules, and the power dynamic would be a nightmare to deal with."
There was another question on the tip of Pen's tongue. She didn't want to assume anything bad about her friend, but the typical age of people in college implied certain things. They'd heard and witnessed countless stories or age-gap relationships that were less than healthy, so she had to ask, "How old is she?" curiously, her worry barely hidden. Reid gave her a flat stare.
"Late twenties."
"Oh thank God. I thought I was going to have to discourage a middle-aged man from making advances on a barely legal teenager."
"Hey! I find your lack of faith disturbing."
"Sorry," she apologised sheepishly. "You just have to be careful with these kinds of situations, okay? Don't push your luck, Spencer Reid. I mean it."
"Fine." He huffed. "I promise I will behave myself."
Pen rolled her eyes with a chuckle, shaking her head as she got up from her chair. "You better wait it out, big boy. Otherwise, you'll pay the consequences." Then she turned and left, leaving her friend alone at the desk. The genius chuckled to himself as he stared at his hands, his heart still beating rapidly.
'Wait it out' That was the sentiment that swirled around his head constantly, and it had become such a mantra lately. It became his new motto - the hope that pushed him onward every day. Even though he couldn't do anything about it yet, there would be a time when he could.
In his mind, there were three ways it could go.
Option 1 seemed the most unlikely. Eventually, his affection for her would fade away, his feelings would dissipate, and he'd move past his initial attraction to perhaps even become friends with her someday - even though, in his opinion, it would be impossible to forget how pretty she was (mostly because it was impossible for him to forget anything).
2 would be the best-case scenario. He'd wait until the end of her course, then be very suave and have planned an incredibly charming speech that would have her swooning and agreeing to a date with him. The romantic side of him believed that would be the magnum opus of his entire dating life, and that part of him was sure of it.
Or 3 - he'd wait to ask her out, and she'd reject him, and they'd be strangers from that point on, forever, which would suck. In fact, he'd rather not think about it at all - especially since, despite all the possibilities, that was also the one scenario that contained them never interacting again afterwards. Not that he wouldn't still enjoy seeing her in passing every now and then, but he didn't know how much he wanted to risk the possibility of getting his hopes up.
So, he planned to continue on without changing his behaviour all that much, he decided. No matter what happened or how things went, Spencer kept all his interactions with Y/N friendly but not too friendly, helpful but not giving in to his favouritism, and supportive but not overeager or pushy. He figured that it was enough.
It certainly seemed to be.
For a while.
Then, one lecture, she was a little late. That had never happened before. She tried to creep in silently, hoping he hadn't noticed, but of course he noticed. Spencer Reid noticed the second she walked in his peripheral. How could he not? Especially since she was far more dressed up than usual.
As Y/N entered the lecture hall, she couldn't help noticing how many heads were turning towards her direction as everyone stared at her. It was embarrassing, but she did her best to ignore it. Instead, she looked around for a place where she could sit down and pretend she wasn't completely and utterly mortified. Her eyes landed on Spencer's first, and she smiled shyly at him. He waved a little as a greeting, which she responded to with a small wave of her own hand.
Finally finding a seat at the end of a row, Y/N shook the coat from off her shoulders and let Spencer get a good look at her outfit. For whatever reason, she was wearing a tight fitted Morticia Addams-esque gown that accentuated and hugged every curve in a perfect manner. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, with strands falling down either side of her face gracefully. Spencer gulped when his eyes fell upon her cleavage, and he quickly averted his eyes before Y/N or anyone else could notice him staring.
For the next hour and fifty three minutes, he avoided looking in her direction altogether. It wasn't that he wanted to avoid eye contact, no, no...but he knew if he glanced over at her, he wouldn't be able to keep it together for even a minute longer. His cheeks would flush and he'd stop breathing and he had this fear of having a complete cardiac arrest. This had to stop, because he was becoming pathetic - and he hated to admit that.
That problem only increases tenfold during the after class session because there were significantly less students to divert his focus to. Obviously, Tina and Oliver would notice if he completely blocked Y/N out. Well, he hoped they would - he'd been lecturing them about the importance of eye contact and if they missed such a thing, either they didn't listen or he was a shitty teacher.
Fingers crossed they didn't listen.
The three students and their lecturer retreated back to the dingy old office that Spencer called his own, taking up residence on the beat up sofa opposite his table whilst he sat on top of the desk criss-cross applesauce. There was an awkward silence hanging in the air between all three of the students as they waited for Spencer to start talking. He took a deep breath and blurted out, "Y/N, what's with the dress?"
"My friend's a photographer and I was helping him out with a Halloween shoot. I'm lucky I had time to wipe off all that makeup and get my wig off or there would've been a bunch of sleepy college kids wondering why the hell Elvira was walking around campus at nine in the morning," she said nonchalantly. Yet, she was fiddling with one of her earrings, twirling it round and around, like some kind of nervous habit.
Maybe wearing a gothic floor length gown when the people around you tend to wear sweatpants and jeans was causing her more anxiety than she was letting on. Or maybe it was something else - maybe it was because she felt so overwhelmed by the attention he was paying her and it caused this repetitive motor movement.
"Well, you look very nice."
Shit. Too direct. Way too direct.
What the hell had he done? Oh my god. He couldn't believe he said that! What the hell, Spencer? What are you doing?
He cleared his throat nervously, looking away for a moment to hide his embarrassed expression. He felt like a fucking idiot when the words escaped his mouth, but thankfully Y/N didn't say anything other than a soft, "Oh, thank you," and they moved right along like it had never happened. The tension eased considerably once they got into casual conversation about an enucleator that Reid helped catch back in 2009 named Earl Bulford, or as the media called him, 'The Eye Snatcher'. It was an interesting topic, to say the least, and they spent the next twenty minutes discussing and dissecting the nitty gritty details of the case.
Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your opinion, the moment of peace ended rather abruptly when Tina glanced down at her watch, clutched at Oliver's forearm and interrupted, "We've got to get to our next lecture. Sorry, Doctor Reid."
"Oh, I had no idea I'd been talking for that long." Spencer said with an embarrassed laugh. "Sorry."
Both Tina and Oliver pulled their bags over their shoulders and said their goodbyes to him, before making their way to the door with an eager pace. Spencer watched them leave until the door clicked closed behind them, sighing softly as his fingers drummed against the wooden surface of the desk. Because Y/N hadn't gone with them. She stayed put. She remained seated, her bag still laying beside her foot, and was eying him eagerly.
"Do you mind telling me the rest of the story? My curiosity has been peaked." The girl asked as she leaned forward slightly. "I wanna know the whole thing."
Spencer hesitated, glancing at his door momentarily, before agreeing. In all honesty, he didn't trust himself. They were in a private room in one of the more secluded parts of campus, and she was acting all interested in what he was saying, and was wearing a dress with a cut out in the leg, and those legs were just the sort of temptation that he found himself unable to resist.
Other than that, he had promised to share, hadn't he?
Fiddling with a pen that he'd plucked from a mug on his desk helped keep him somewhat on track as he launched into his story with great enthusiasm. So much. Too much, some would say. Especially since the biro launched itself out of his fingers at one point, flew straight at Y/N's ankle then dropped to the ground with a soft 'thunk'.
"Whoops. Sorry."
And since the distance between the sofa and the desk was more than an arm's length, once Y/N bent down and retrieved it, she got up and moved closer to the doctor, who was frozen in position, watching intently as she examined the clumsy mug he kept all his stationary in. It was a simple white hunk of clay that had wonky words along the side.
"Pretty Boy Swag," she read, barely able to say the words out loud without breaking out in laughter.
"My friend, Derek, his wife got him to go to a pottery class with her and, uh, he made that mug for me."
"Your friend thinks you have Pretty Boy Swag?" she teased, chuckling as she placed the mug carefully back on the desk.
Almost to herself, Y/N mumbled, "Yeah, he's got a point, " and that was the breaking point. It was a simple little comment that set Reid on a path he couldn't come back from.
All pretence of professionalism was shattered, leaving behind an adorable, flustered mess in its wake. But, despite his sudden change in hue, something- something bold and daring and uncharacteristically brash - suddenly took control of him and, before he really quite knew what he was doing, he was shooting to his feet and capturing her lips on his own. Her surprised gasp was almost instantly replaced with a hum of contentment and she pressed herself up closer to him, one hand pulling him even closer by the waist and tangling her hands further into his curls.
When they finally broke apart, he felt dazed as he tried desperately to understand what exactly had just transpired.
"I probably should not have done that."
"Probably not, no."
"But you did anyway."
"Okay then."
For a second he believed he'd totally fucked it - this interaction, the romance, his god damned job - as she made her way to the door, but she didn't leave him hanging. No. The lock on the door that he'd never really had the need to use before clicked into place, and within seconds, she was standing directly in front of him and draping her arms around his shoulders, coquetting, "We shouldn't do it again, then?"
"Probably not, no."
"Good. Good."
With a slight grin, he pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face, his eyes glinting mischievously as his fingertips trailed lightly down her jaw line and rested gently at her chin, tilting her head ever so slightly and closing the gap between their faces once again. He kissed her - sweetly, tenderly, reverently - as though his life depended on it. As though her lips could heal his soul, mend his heart and take everything away from him - his worries, his anxieties, his loneliness - if she let them linger on hers.
He pulled her close, savouring the warmth radiating from her. It was a strange moment of physical intimacy, yet neither of them backed down - neither of them wanted to back down, and they certainly didn't want the other to back down either. It was intoxicating. It was wonderful. It was all so different to him. hadn't kissed anyone in so long, and he couldn't seem to stop. Couldn't seem to pull away, couldn't seem to make himself stop kissing her. The longer the kiss went on, the more desperate and needy the both of them became, hands roaming everywhere except where it really mattered, where they needed it the most. Where they wanted it the most. Where it burned.
A part of him hoped that she'd push him away and he wouldn't be able to touch her anymore. They'd quit while they're ahead, and then maybe it'd be easier to forget about her. Maybe it'd be easier for him to move on. For her to forget about him. It was better to end things sooner rather than later, right?
But, unfortunately, their emotions seemed to have other plans, and he held on as tight as possible, refusing to budge when small moans began to slip out of her mouth, sounding like begging, pleas that he barely heard above the roaring of blood in his ears.
"I don't want to get you in trouble, are you sure about this?" Y/N breathed out shakily through parted lips, pulling back only enough to speak. Her breath tickled his cheeks, sending a wave of dizziness through his body.
"If you don't want to then-" he started but she cut him off quickly, grabbing his hand and moving it to rest on her breast. "Oh. Yeah. Okay... my hand is, yeah, definitely on.... you." He murmured against her mouth, trying and failing miserably to suppress the goofy grin threatening to split his face.
He couldn't hold back any longer. He'd been bottling it all up inside of him for far too long now, and it was becoming impossible to resist anymore. It was as though the dam had broken, because all of a sudden there was no holding back any longer, and Spencer lost his shit, kissing her, pushing her against the desk and gripping at her hips possessively.
"I thought my head was going to explode when you walked in wearing this." He pinched at the fabric of her dress at her hip. "And each one of those thoughts have been improper," he added, his tone darkening with a hint of playful irritation. “So, so inappropriate."
Y/N didn't know what to say. There was no response left inside of her, because she was completely taken by surprise when he nudged her to sit on his desk and got to his knees on the floor in front of her. His gaze fell upon her, full of desire and hunger, and she felt her throat tightening with emotion. How she'd loved being here, alone in his company and under his watchful eye. He looked at her like she was the world, and every word he spoke brought an inexplicable thrill to her veins. A rush, a surge, a spark. The world melted away as she focused solely on him and on his lips.
"I want you to know that I've never done this, uh, this dynamic before - student/teacher thing. I'm not one of those professors. Oh no, maybe I am now. What I'm trying to say, is that you, uh, you... there's this pull to you, that pulls towards me, and... jesus," he muttered, bumping his forehead against her shin as he struggled to find the right words, "Y/N. Help me out here.”
"I get it. I understand what you're trying to say."
"Thank God."
The doctor relaxed visibly when he heard those words, releasing a relieved sigh as he leaned forward and kissed at the side of her knee, letting the hand he'd been resting there trail slowly upwards to her thigh. "Can I...? Please?" he murmured against her, lifting his head to look at her again with wide, hopeful eyes. She nodded.
Carefully, gingerly, almost as though he was afraid to break whatever fragile bubble they were floating in, he lifted her leg onto his shoulder to position himself firmly between her legs. He brushed his nose against her skin, his hand sliding to find the waistband of her underwear and slowly, teasingly, he began to pull them down over her hips until they pooled at her left ankle. He looked up, meeting her gaze and smiling shyly.
"You still want this, huh?" he whispered. "I don't want to do anything that -"
His eyes lingered, taking her in, absorbing every single detail of her features, committing them to impressive memory. Her rosy lips, bitten red with the remnants of his kisses. Her eyes, hooded with lust, watching him hungrily. The beautiful, soft skin of her thighs, parted and invited him to touch.
"Okay, okay... Do you have anything else on your schedule this morning or can I, how do I say this, take my time? Obviously, we can't be too long as that would be highly suspicious, but -"
"I'm all yours. For as long as you want."
That stopped his rambling short. It was all he needed to hear.
So touch, he did. He began tracing his forefinger across the crease at the top of her thigh, drawing shapes against her in an upwards trajectory until he brushed the tip of his index finger against her clit, delighting in the way her breathing picked up. His fingers began rubbing and stroking and swirling slowly, steadily, rhythmically, and she squirmed underneath him, biting down on her lower lip in order to stop herself from making any noise.
After all, they were in an office surrounded by other offices. Offices, in which, might have other people in and those other people would surely have seen them walk in through the door together, and if someone happened to hear her moans and remember who was inside, well, that was a sure fire way to get Spencer in a lot of trouble. And she would never forgive herself if something like that happened to him - he was a really good teacher. So, for his own good, she would have to keep quiet, and try to control her breathing.
It wasn't easy, however, especially when he decided to add his mouth into the mix, nipping lightly at the inner part of her thigh with his teeth and licking at the sensitive flesh there, causing her to arch her back instinctively. He smiled against her skin because, damn, he was having a great fucking time and if she decided that they'd never do this again (which would suck but he'd go along with it), he would have this moment forever in his mind. Because she was just too fucking hot and too damn responsive and she tasted so fucking good, and he wanted more. Needed more. More of her.
He trailed his tongue up and down, lapping up the juices of her sex until he reached her clit, sucking on the nub gently and swirling his tongue around it to cause her to arch her back and whimper. He sucked harder and faster, wanting nothing more than to feel her come apart beneath him. To see the pleasure, the bliss on her face.
Despite how little noise Y/N was making, moans could be heard. Spencer couldn't seem to keep quiet, though, even as he slid two fingers in her. She was warm and perfect and he couldn't stop all the groans and praise that was being murmured against her.
When she came, it was with a silent cry, her walls contracting and her nails digging deeply into his shoulders. His fingers continued to pump and swirl inside of her until finally, after what felt like ages, he pulled them out slowly and placed a harsh, slow kiss on her inner thigh, marking her as his.
As soon as he withdrew and got back to his feet, her hands were fiddling with his belt buckle, tugging at it in need. Once he nodded at her to undo it, she obeyed and unzipped his trousers.
"Do you have a condom?" she asked, although she already guessed what his answer would be.
"No. I don't make a habit of bringing contraception to work with me."
"Okay, I'm on the pill... but if you'd be more comfortable for me to blow you instead, that'd be totally understandable."
Spencer's big ol' brain took a while to comprehend what she was saying, but as soon as it did, though, he was pushing his boxers down and pulling her hips closer to his. His cock hit the warm entrance of her pussy, and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent, taking in the comfort and safety it gave him, before slowly pushing inside of her. He paused once he was fully seated, his gaze locked onto hers.
"Is this okay?" he asked quietly, his voice rough with the effort to contain himself.
"Yeah," she managed to mutter weakly, feeling him fill her so perfectly. He began moving slowly in and out of her, stretching her body to accommodate his, loving the way she arched herself further into his clutches.
"Oh, god, Y/N. You're so tight."
He bit down on his bottom lip, and she swore she saw a glint of desperation flash in his eyes. But he kept moving slowly, deliberately, taking everything he could and giving back as much as he could. The tension built within her body, coiling tighter and tighter until he could feel the beginnings of her orgasm beginning to build.
If it was hard for him to not make a sound when he wasn't even the one being given head, actually getting some stimulation was impossible. Every move he made was accompanied by a groan and another whimper, and she didn't need him to tell her how much he enjoyed each one of those sounds, but they were getting a little too audible.
Tapping on his shoulder so he'd remove his mouth from her collarbone, Y/N took the opportunity of his momentary pause to swipe her underwear from her ankle and push it into his mouth.
"Sorry, handsome, you were making far too much noise. We don't want to get caught."
The fabric muffled most of his groans, but she could tell he still liked what she had done. His hands found her hips again and began caressing them softly while he worked his way inside of her, his movements picking up the pace as the sensations intensified. Y/N's hands, meanwhile, moved to grab handfuls of his hair as she pressed her lips against his throat, mouthing at his jawline and nipping playfully, trying to drive him insane with the need to make her come, to feel her body tighten around him, to taste her, to fuck her and watch as she came undone around him, to love and be loved by her.
And as the tension had built up, she let out a high, breathy sigh and exploded around him, her hips bucking involuntarily against him as a wave of pleasure washed over her. He followed closely behind her, his own release crashing violently through his body as he held her tightly to his chest, both of them panting heavily, their foreheads resting against one another. He closed his eyes as he allowed his arms to relax around her, feeling completely drained but satisfied.
When he opened his eyes again, he found her gazing at him, her fingers smoothing his hair away from his forehead. A wide smile stretched across her face, and he grinned in response as he leaned forward to press a light kiss to her lips.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"Oh god, just awful," she teased, her smile giving it away that it was, in fact, just a joke. Her hand left his hair and moved to cup his cheek, running circles on the stubble there. "We can't do this here again, okay?"
"But, we can do this again?"
"Maybe we should wait until the end of the course? It's four weeks, which isn't all that long when you think about it. After that? Whatever this is between us won't get you fired or anything. Just give us some time?"
That made the most sense to Spencer, and it would mean less risk and no questions from anyone else if they started seeing each other outside of classes. That way they wouldn't have to worry about being caught and could just push their eventual relationship back a few weeks.
No biggie.
"The second you're not my student anymore, I'm taking you out on a date," Spencer said, smiling widely at her and leaning his forehead against hers.
"I'll hold you to that, Doctor Reid."
They parted with a kiss, then that agreement kicked into gear. They exited the building from separate exits and got in their separate cars to drive to their separate homes with the promise that they'd see each other again at the next lecture.
Lecture 1 of four went well and without a hitch. It was only when Y/N was about to leave his office with Oliver and Tina did a bump in the road emerge. Not a big bump, not one that was obvious, but one that made the following weeks more difficult to get through.
"Y/N, would you mind staying for five more minutes? I need to go over something with you."
Well, that didn't sound suspicious at all.
"Sure. You two go on without me," she responded casually, not looking at either of them as she closed the door after them. "What can I help you with, sir?"
"Come on, don't call me sir. That's not going to help my withering restraint," Spencer whined, a high pitched, pitiful sound coming out of him as he leant his hand back against the wood of his desk and gestured for her to get closer. She looked from the door to his direction for a short moment, before walking towards him.
"Withering restraint, huh?" she smiled mischievously, her hands finding the end of his tie and fiddling with it, rolling it between her fingers and watching his Adam's apple bob with each gulp of air he pushed down.
"Don't start something we'll have to finish," he warned playfully, his hand trailing down her side and squeezing her hip softly before releasing her to sit down on his sofa. "How was your week? Did your friend send you those Halloween photos like he said he would?"
Y/N eyed him curiously.
"What? I want to know what your life is like. I want to know you outside this campus. I just... I just want to know you. That's all," he rushed to say, the words tumbling hurriedly out of his mouth and sounding desperate even to his own ears. She seemed to understand what was happening because she sighed and moved to sit next to him on the couch.
"He did send the photos. Do you want to see?"
For the next hour or so, the pair sat side by side as they examined the photos, each adding a bit of commentary and going off on so many tangents that within the first ten minutes, they were talking about something completely different than their previous discussion. About halfway through the conversation, Y/N's elbow had drifted to rest against the back of the sofa and her fingers were gently twiddling one of his curls that always fell over the corner of his eyes, while she was listening intently to whatever Spencer was explaining to her.
It was the most natural conversation either of them had ever experienced, and it continued and deepened and grew closer to a point where neither wanted the conversation to stop, it became harder and harder for them to break free from each other. Having physical attraction was one thing, yet they seemed to mesh so well together in almost every way that it scared them a little.
Unlike their first romantic encounter, this one was calm and peaceful, full of soft laughter and teasing remarks. They didn't need sex, nor did they crave it at this point in time, but rather they craved each other.
By the end of it, both Y/N and Spencer knew they could never get enough of one another. It was something they felt, even though they couldn't put into words exactly what it was.
"This is crazy, isn't it?" she whispered, a shy look on her face as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear.
"A little," Spencer replied, his voice equally hushed. "But I'm okay with crazy."
"So am I, actually."
Her fingers trailed for his hand, wrapping her small fingers around his and interlocking them. He placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles, letting out a contented sigh as he squeezed her hand slightly.
"I'm getting kind of hungry... Do you think I could buy you lunch?"
"Do you think that's a good idea?"
Spencer thought for a brief moment before shrugging. "No. But I want to do it anyway. I really, truly do."
"Then yeah, I could eat."
With that, Y/N got up from the couch and offered him her hands to pull him to his feet, tugging him towards her as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Okay," she said with a grin. "Let's get going then."
Lecture 2 was torture, it seemed, as Y/N tried her hardest not to stare at Spencer during it, but he wasn't doing much better. He kept glancing in her direction, a small smile forming on his face whenever their eyes met, and she swore he winked at her once or twice, which was wildly irresponsible of him.
At one point during the lecture where he got the students to discuss among themselves, he was oh so bold and leaned on Y/N's desk, mouthing, "You look really pretty," to her and attempted to hide it behind a bunch of papers.
And once she'd glanced around to check that nobody was watching, she replied, "You look so sexy in your glasses," and he dropped his gaze instantly to his shoes, biting his lip in an attempt not to smile like a loon.
Luckily, the pair managed to get through the lecture and the after session without a slip up. But, as Y/N was walking away from his office with her peers, she patted her pockets and realised she'd 'forgotten' her phone back in Dr Reid's office.
"Left my phone. See you guys next week," she called to her friends as she turned round and headed in the opposite direction.
As soon as she reentered his door, she bumped straight into his chest since he was on his way to give her lost item back to her. "Oof! Sorry," she said quickly, attempting to step backwards but was quickly pressed against the door. She blinked up at him from underneath her lashes and let his hands travel up to rest against her hips.
"I forgot my phone."
"Did you now?" he asked, a smirk slowly stretching across his lips. He brought his hand to cup her cheek before pulling her forward for a passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen their kiss, trying her best not to moan into his mouth. She didn't quite succeed, but neither did he.
When they finally broke apart, he chuckled breathlessly before dropping a soft kiss on her nose. That sweet, innocent action was all it took for Y/N to cave in. She reached down and clicked the lock into place before pushing Spencer until he was firmly seated on the sofa. She allowed herself to be tugged onto his lap and they, once again, engaged in debauchery on school grounds.
Then lecture 3 of four was tense. The class was silent as the students took their final test. Spencer couldn't show his favourite student any type of affection or extra help in this moment as not only would it be glaringly obvious what was going on between them, but that was seriously against every academic bone in his body.
So, he decided to do some of his own research instead. He hadn't been on that many dates in his life and had no clue what was a good venue close by. There was a good coffee shop on campus but that would be unsuitable considering the nature of how their relationship had begun. That was a little too close to home for Reid's liking.
It was a lot to think about. He needed it to be absolutely perfect because what if the moment the taboo part of their relationship disappeared, she was no longer attracted to him and he'd ruined everything before he even got a chance to make progress?
Eventually, he was brought out of his self induced reverie when someone placed their test on his desk, causing his head to shoot up immediately. He gave the student an enthusiastic thumbs up and flashed a bright smile at him. Soon, student after student after student was coming up to his desk to put their finals down.
Y/N had finished. She finished a while ago but was still sitting in her seat, one hand holding up her head, the other drawing on a scrap bit of paper. Not wanting to be the first person to get up, she'd prolonged her time by sketching a certain professor and got carried away, completely missing the multiple people who'd finished and exited the hall after her.
By the time she noticed, Dr Reid was calling out, "5 more minutes." She snapped out of her trance and looked up to see him grinning at her, his finger pointing to the portrait of him with such a teasing flourish that she had to fight the urge to roll her eyes.
With an inaudible giggle, she packed her stuff and stood up, taking slow careful steps towards the man waiting for her near his desk. Spencer's expression softened as she placed her test down, then slid her drawing right in front of him. Just below his portrait, she'd written, 'You’re sweeter than π' and a chuckle slipped past his lips and fell into the mostly empty room as he picked up the picture and gazed at her talent fully drawn artwork.
All he could do for now was mouth, "Office?" and hope she understood what he meant by it. Officially, his office drop ins had concluded the week before, but he'd make an exception in this instance. After all, he wanted to keep her with him for a little bit longer.
Understand, she did. Spencer opened his office door and was greeted with the sight of Y/N reading one of the books from his shelf, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the machine next to his desk, and two fresh mug fulls on his desk.
"The Disappearing Spoon is for total nerds," she remarked jokingly, placing her book back on the shelf and turning towards him, leaning against the edge of his desk as she looked up at him expectantly.
"Well, you were the one reading it. Nerd."
"It was in your library. Nerd."
After giving her a little shrug, Spencer walked over to where she was standing and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head. "How'd you find the test?" he asked, kissing the side of her head lightly.
"Oh, it was easy as pie." Her smile widened and she wrapped her arms around his waist to return the hug. "I had plenty of time to waste doodling."
"Is that so?" he murmured against her hair. "Oh, by the way, not that it will change much because I'm sure you'll do great regardless, I was planning on sending your test to one of my professor friends because I'm very very biassed."
"Damn, I did this to get my grades up and it was all for nothing," she jested, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes.
"What a shame."
Spencer smirked, cupping the back of her neck and planting a gentle peck on her lips. He hummed contently, smiling into the kiss as he nipped on her bottom lip softly before pulling back with a sheepish expression.
"You are joking, right?"
"Yes, Spencer. I am."
"That's good."
He smiled softly at her before pressing another quick peck on the corner of her mouth and pulling away, letting her go as he walked towards the coffee, which he so desperately needed right now, and added so much sugar to it that it might actually melt his teeth. With his mug of coffee in hand, he made his way to his seat where Y/N was already sitting cross legged in his chair, her hands resting on her lap and a big grin on her face.
Okay, he was no stranger to sitting on his desk so he hopped right up there, placing his mug on her table, before reaching for a piece of paper and pen. He'd look at her for a moment then begin scribbling then look at her, repeating this process a few times before she caught on.
"Do you want me to pose?"
"No, just make sure you're looking at me," he mumbled, barely able to keep eye contact with her as he stared intently at his masterpiece. His lines were both wibbly and wobbly, he'd made her teeth absolutely huge, her head was the size and shape of a television screen, and her hair, oh, it was like a literal bird's nest. She loved it.
"Very surreal, Dr. Reid," she whispered, leaning her chin on her hand as she moved in for a closer look at what he'd produced. She knew his style wasn't for everyone and possibly could come across as rude to those who didn't know him well, but she honestly found it adorable. "I love the crazed look in my eyes, looks like I just killed a man."
"Hope not. I'd have to catch you if you did that."
"If you could catch me."
"I've faced tougher foes than you. I could catch you." He clicked his fingers together. "Catch you like that."
"Hmmm...I don't think you could."
She watched as he turned back to her, a small crease forming between his brows as he braced his hands against the desk, holding himself up as he dipped down to catch her lips in a loving kiss. Once he drew back from it, he mumbled, "Caught you."
The drawings of each other soon turned into self portraits, which turned into their favourite animal, that turned into just random objects around his office that they could see. They were constantly making comments to each other on their works, giggling, arguing and generally enjoying themselves immensely. It was like a new routine, it was a game; it was something special and unique for just the two of them, especially since she was in need of some fun after the test she'd been through.
But all good things have to come to an end. Disrupting Spencer halfway through a fact he was gushing about, his phone rang. He jumped slightly and cursed silently as he tried to hide his disappointment in seeing who was calling at this hour. A slight frown settled onto his face as he picked up the call, glancing apologetically at Y/N as he listened to Garcia give him the details.
His other job was in need of doing.
"FBI business?"
"Yeah... I have to go."
"Knock em' dead, Sir," Y/N cheered, standing up from her desk and stretching lazily. She hadn't even taken five steps when she felt strong, firm hands wrap around her waist, tugging her against Spencer's chest. She tilted her head backwards slightly to look at him, unable to help the smile that broke out across her face as he planted a long kiss on her forehead.
"I gotta go," he murmured, more to remind himself than anything else, against her temple before pulling back to gather all the stuff he needed, which included her self portrait.
After giving her what was supposed to be one last kiss, he pulled back from her once again, straightening out his tie and jacket as he made his way to the door. But instead of leaving right away, he turned around to face her again and gave her the last last kiss before saying goodbye. He waited until she shut the office door before them making his way down the stairs.
Lecture 4 didn't exactly go to plan. It was another online one, which would've been fine since he wasn't going over anything new and it was more of a way for Reid to say goodbye to his students, but he wasn't there in person to do the extra curricular activities that he'd planned. The case was all the way up in Alaska, so he was on the other side of the country and had missed his chance to finally take Y/N out on the date she deserved.
Reid apologised profusely to his class that he'd gotten held up on a family annihilator's case that, in the grand scheme of things, was vastly more important to solve than to say his adieu's to college kids. There were lives to save. He still hoped he'd get another chance to make up for it later.
Still, he privately messaged her as soon as he had the chance to. It read, 'I'll make it up to you as soon as I get back.' and was quickly followed by his phone number. 'Later tonight?'
Watching her camera feed, he saw the moment she typed in his number on her cell, her thumbs concocting a text that he was sure was so witty and entertaining. Another student was talking at the moment - Spencer knew he should listen - and that gave them perfect cover to start texting.
Unknown: Hi <3
His cheeks flushed. It was simple, but so very effective.
Pretty Boy Swag: Hi :) I miss you.
Her heart swelled and she couldn't stop the giddy smile that spread across her face. He took note of it, of course. She was so expressive, so easy to read, so easy to know.
Mistress of the Dark: I miss you too. How's Alaska? How many fingers have you lost to frostbite?
Pretty Boy Swag: Too many. Far too many. I'm wearing two shirts, two cardigans and a sweater and I'm still shivering.
Throughout the zoom, they continued to use any bit of free time they saw to start messaging back and forth. If anyone thought that Dr Reid was distracted, they'd be correct. He had to ask people to repeat what they'd said more times than he should've, and then blamed it on the weak WiFi signal he was getting out in the cold. The WiFi was atrocious, but there was a more distracting factor in play.
Eventually, the case was solved. It had taken a week and a half or so to be solved, but it was solved nonetheless, and Spencer couldn't wait for it to be finished. Obviously, he didn't want more people to die, he wanted to avoid that at all costs, but his reasons for staying up for the past 72 hours to get the job done were for less than honourable means.
Pretty Boy Swag: My flight should arrive at 12 tonight. Thank God! I'm so tired. I promise to see you tomorrow.
Mistress of the Dark: I can come and pick you up if you'd like me to?
Pretty Boy Swag: No, I'm okay. You don't have to do that.
Mistress of the Dark: What if I want to do that? I don't mind helping.
Despite the fact he was surrounded by his very good friends who were all masters at reading his every move, he still smiled to himself like he was in his own little dream world. Ring the alarm bells, technophobe Spencer Reid was caught giggling at his smartphone.
Pretty Boy Swag: Only if you're sure you want to.
Mistress of the Dark: Trust me. I want to <3
Pretty Boy Swag: <3
And he was using emoticons? Who had he become?
Hotch eventually had to tell everyone on the plane to stop teasing the resident genius, though a few comments by Garcia did slip through the cracks in Aaron's usually stoic expression. By the time they got off the plane, however, they were all too focused on getting home to notice that Spencer had already slipped away without joining in on the group complaint session about how late it was.
It took no time at all to find Y/N's vehicle. It was the only one in the entire parking lot that had a light on the driver's side. Spencer didn't mean to creep up to the window, but he could be rather light footed without realising it, and scared the living shit out of her when his knuckles lightly tapped against the glass by her head.
Y/N yelped, startled enough to jump out of her skin, before turning in her seat to look at him. When her gaze met his, her shock was replaced by a wide, goofy grin, her eyes sparkling. As he smiled right back, she rolled down the window to lean over and kiss him quickly, before sliding the passenger side door open and motioning him to come inside.
"Do you always let strange men into your car?"
"Only if they're cute." She gave him a once over. "Your place or mine?"
"I'll give you directions to mine."
The moment Spencer stepped into his house, he was making a beeline for his coffee machine. Y/N slapped his hand away as soon as she realised he'd turned the device on.
"Coffee? At this time? Really?"
"I want to spend time with you."
His eyes were big and brown and pleading, his brow furrowed, and his lips pursed like he was trying not to pout. She stared at him for a second, just admiring the sight before her, before chuckling, rolling her eyes, and taking ahold of his hand.
"We can spend time together tomorrow morning. Now, where do you slumber?" she asked, her words definitive but playful.
Spencer couldn't believe his luck. He practically skipped along the hallway to his bedroom, pulling her with him so enthusiastically that he surely used up the final remainder of his energy just on that movement.
"Strip," she demanded.
Who was he to deny her? He was down to his underwear in one sluggish minute, and although he'd typically be self conscious having a lack of clothes on in front of a pretty girl, but thanks to his exhaustion, he didn't have enough energy to care.
"Do you wear pyjamas to bed, Doctor Reid?" He pointed in the general direction of his dresser, towards one specific drawer, where his pyjamas lay neatly folded. She took some off the stack and began pulling them onto his body. "Aw, you've got Tardis pyjamas. You're such a nerd. Do you mind if I borrow a pair?"
"Go ahead."
He shrugged while he watched her pull on her pjs, completely unbothered by the fact that he was very obviously entranced by every move she made. Every single movement, every curve or dip, even the slight imperfections in her skin that he loved so much. They were all so fascinating. So utterly captivating.
"Do you sleep on the left or right side of the bed?"
"Middle, it is."
She crawled under the covers on her side, pulling him in after her, before snuggling her body close to his. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, feeling him breath in and out deeply beneath her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head.
"Are we together now? Properly?" he murmured into the quiet of his room. He felt his cheeks turn slightly pink as he asked, unsure why he was asking such a question when he could be sleeping and not worrying about such a thing.
"You still need to take me out on a date first," she chuckled, rearing back to catch his eye. After a quick peck on his lips, she returned to her previous position to hum, "But, yeah, I'd say we are."
A contented sigh escaped from his lips and, after a moment, he relaxed into the embrace, relaxing into the gentle touches of her hands stroking his bicep until his breathing slowed and he fell asleep. For that night, he was perfectly content just being around her, knowing that they would both wake up and be one hundred percent ready to face the day - their first - as a duo.
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sereinpetrichor · 3 months
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weaving on our ends | Mature | 37.6K
Author: @sara-smiling | @sereinpetrichor | serein95 on Twitter/X
Artists: @strawberrysh0rk & @hawkinsleather | hawkinsleather on Twitter/X
Beta/Sensitivity Reader: @upallnightogetloki
In the era after Vecna and (hopefully) the end of Upside Down-related chaos, Steve Harrington picks up a hobby passed to him with love and care, honoring a found family tradition.
He finds peace in the art of crocheting: making things with his hands and sharing them with those he loves. From the adults who became the parental figures he never really had, to the kids who thrust themselves into his life and will likely never leave, along with the gang of misfits he calls his friends. Especially the one who is unexpectedly stealing his heart.
With each new crocheting project, Steve shows his love for them in all the ways he knows how and slowly learns how to receive it in return.
Or, the 5 crochet projects Steve gives to everyone + the 1 project he makes just for Eddie.
Project 287 | Fic on AO3
Digital Art & Photography/Crochet:
🖼 Prologue Comic: Learning to Crochet by @strawberrysh0rk
📷🧶 Steve's First Crochet, Eddie & Sue's Dishcloths, and Erica's Scarf by @hawkinsleather
📷🧶 Eddie's Dragonscale Gauntlets and Eddie's DM Dice Bag by @hawkinsleather
🖼 The Duality of Crochet by @hawkinsleather
📷🧶 Eddie's Sweater and Eddie's Bat & Blanket-in-progress by @hawkinsleather
🖼 The Steddie Blanket by @hawkinsleather
Bonus 🖼: Buckingham in Crochet by @hawkinsleather
Fic Information
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Side Pairings: Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Wayne Munson/Claudia Henderson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Sue Sinclair, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler, Wayne Munson, Erica Sinclair, Jane "El" Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, The Party, Hellfire Club, Barbara Holland
Trigger Warnings: none
Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Canon Fix-It, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Crochet, Steve Harrington Crochets, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Chronic Pain, Idiots in Love, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson Are Best Friends, Steve Harrington Has Absent Parents, so the Sinclairs unofficially adopt him, Steve Harrington Deserves Love, Steve Harrington's Love Language is Gift Giving, and Gift Making, 5+1 Things, Eddie Munson Lives, Unintentional Hand Kink, Eddie Munson Has a Hand Kink, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Single Nancy Wheeler, Moving In Together, Sharing a Room, Sharing a Bed, Coming Out
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coderfortourette · 1 year
WTTT Artists. I have a little thing for y’all if you need inspiration. 
I have this day calendar thing with different punny comics. And I was just looking through it because ADHD. When I cam across this one
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[Image Description: A ‘The Argyle Sweater’ comic on a day-by-day calendar. The comic feature 4 state outlines, each one with their initials. The Florida (FL) outline is laying on the ground next to a ladder with swirls and stars coming from their head. The California (CA) outline stare at Florida. Behind then the Texas (TX) outline says “Do Something!”. The Maryland (MD) outline responds “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not a doctor!” End ID]
Being a Table fan made the comic so much sillier. So I thought I would share it. And if any artists are in need of an idea here you go. If not- it’s still a funny comic
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kyanitesaphire · 1 year
Lightning In A Bottle chapter 7
Éclair sat in her usual seat by the window in the coffee shop, munching away on her namesake sweet, waiting for Dr.Deschamps to arrive. Just as she washed down the last bite with her hot chocolate, the door opened and her psychologist entered.
“Good morning Éclair. You seem to be in high spirits today.” Dr.Deschamps greeted her pleasantly as he took a seat across from her.
“I sure am! This week has been a big one for me. I have so much to tell you!” She said emphatically, trying to keep her excited squealing to a minimum.
“Is that so? Well then. Do tell.” He said as he pulled out his notes and a pen.
“Well, remember that guy I told you I met last week? Turns out he’s a genius who works for the FBI. We went on a date yesterday and now he’s my boyfriend!” She divulged her personal gossip while practicing bouncing in her seat.
“Oh my! That is a big deal!” the doctor was thoroughly invested in her tale and made a few notes in his file. “Not to sound skeptical of this man’s claim, but are you sure he’s actually part of the FBI and he wasn’t just making that up to impress you?”
“ Lurch looked him up and he’s the real deal. Also he just got back from a case. While he was away he had to do a press statement and I looked it up to see him. Oh and they can vouch for him too.” She explained pointing to Nikki and Tyler.
“I see! Well then, sounds like you found yourself quite the catch.” He said making a few more notes. “ Tell me, how does being around him make you feel?”
“Really happy! He super sweet. And really cute!” she gushed nipping at the rim of her cup.
“That’s all well and good, but that’s not quite what I meant. I’m asking in regards to your…urges. Do you find them difficult to control?” He tried to explain himself as delicately as possible.
“Oh! Yeah, I would say they become uncontrollable, but well when I said he’s really cute, I mean he’s like really, really, really,…right here!” she cut herself off and waved her arm up high towards the door where Spencer had just walked in. She beckoned him over frantically , and he couldn’t deny her with her brilliant smile that brightened his day.
“Hey! I hope I’m not interrupting.” Spencer said as he approached the table. Éclair jumped up from her seat and embraced Spencer tightly.
“ I was just telling DD about you!” she announced gleefully. “Your outfit’s cute! It makes you look like Blathers!” She giggled while examining Spencer’s brown argyle sweater and brown tweed suit ,to which he bashfully smoothed out his clothes before addressing DD.
“Dr.Deschamps! It’s good to see you again.” Spencer greeted with a wave.
“Yes…I’m sorry, you seem so familiar yet I can’t put a name to your face.” Deschamps set his notes down and focused his attention on Spencer.
“That’s alright. I’m Dr. Spencer Reid. We met briefly at a conference a few years back.”
“Ah! Dr. Reid! I remember now. Academically brilliant, not so much comically if memory serves.” Deschamps reminisced with a pained grimace.
“yeah, I’ve been told humor isn’t my strong suit.” Spencer laughed.
“ Éclair had requested her files to share with someone she’d met, I presume that was you?”
“Yes, and I’ve gone through all of it.”
“And I have no doubt you understood everything.” Deschamps pulled out one of his cards from his breast pocket. “Normally I wouldn’t ask this, but I’d like you to take my card and call me if you notice any unusual or alarming behavior with Éclair.”
“ That’s an unusual request. May I ask why?” Spencer asked as he examined the card and pocketed it.
“ I’m sure Éclair has mentioned her reservations regarding Dr. Jericho.” Spencer nodded. “ Well I have my own. He’s not very forthcoming with her scans or her treatments. This makes my job difficult. Herald Lurch also gives me updates and Éclair is aware of it. As her…romantic companion… you may see different facets or manifestations of her known conditions that may need to be monitored. If it helps, we can discuss this request in further detail later.”
“ I think I’ll take you up on that.” Spencer agreed.
“ Hey lover boy! How many sugar are we doing today?” Tyler hollered out to Spencer holding a paper cup in the air for demonstration.
“Just two today, thanks.” Spencer answered. “I should be on my way, I don’t want to be late for work. It was nice seeing you again Dr. Deschamps, and you too Éclair.” He pressed his forehead to hers affectionately. She closed the gap between them and kissed him quickly on the lips before they parted ways.
“Isn’t he sweetest! Back on Friday, Lurch told him I was having a real bad time after my visit with Dr. Jericho and that he should bring me some comfort food. He remembered my I love eclairs and got me a whole box of them!” Éclair raved as she watched him hustle past the café through the window.
“How did his visit affect your mood that day?” Deschamps asked pulling up his notes again.
“I felt better. A lot better.” She replied, doe eyed in reflection. “I slept a lot better next to him too. It’s like when two otters hold hands so they don’t drift apart. I never had that before, but with him I finally feel like I’m tethered in one place.” She pulled out her phone and opened up her photo gallery for Deschamps.
“Interesting. I see you’ve taken a selfie here. That’s new.” Deschamps observed as he scrolled through the camera roll.
“ Spencer said it was odd that I didn’t have pictures of myself especially since I was keeping a photo journal of myself. I had never thought of that before. The selfie I took last night on our date, he took this picture of me the day we met.”
“I can see he makes you very happy. This is good, for many reasons.” He concluded returning her phone.
As he hastily boarded the elevator, Spencer offered Tara a cheerful greeting which she happily returned. She kept looking over at him trying to figure out what seemed off about him. When he turned his head to look at her, feeling her lingering gaze on him, she noticed what it was. A subtle sparkling shimmer upon his lips. She debated saying nothing and letting him walk into the bullpen like that but decided to spare him the embarrassment. She quietly pulled out a pack of makeup removing wipes and held them out to him. He looked at them with confusion.
“I don’t think you woke up this morning and intentionally put on shimmer lip gloss.” She explained gesturing to her mouth. Spencer furrowed his brow and glanced at his coffee cup. Then he noticed evidence of what she was referring to on the rim. When Éclair kissed him earlier at the café, she had been wearing lip gloss and some had transferred onto his lips. He gratefully and hurriedly accepted the wipe and frantically scrubbed his lips and cup rim with it.
“ Did I get it all?” He asked desperately with embarrassment.
“Yeah. You’re good.” She replied with a chuckle.
“Thanks. Can…can I trust you to keep this incident between us?” He pleaded.
“ My lips are sealed.” She assured. Spencer was about to heave a sigh of relief when she spoke up again just as the elevator doors opened. “Not sure if I can say the same for Anderson though. Pretty sure I noticed him do a double take when you walked in.” he let out a whining groan of anguish as he disembarked from the elevator.
Upon arriving at his desk, Spencer discarded the wipe into his trash bin as discreetly as possible. Before taking another sip of his coffee he inspected the rim to ensure the fine glitter was completely removed.
“ Don’t think you’re gonna get off that easy kid.” Derek called out from his desk startling Spencer. “We all saw you leave here in a rush yesterday. You’re almost never in that kind of rush to get out of here, and now three times in one week you do so. Ever since you met Princess Mononoke.” Spencer took a deep breath to collect himself.
“You mean Éclair? And what exactly am I not going to ‘get off that easy’ with?” Spencer said trying to delay the inevitable.
“ Come on Reid. We’re all dying to know. How are things going with you two.” Derek prodded smugly.
“Your need to gossip is as bad as Garcia’s sometimes, you know that?” Spencer replied trying again to dodge the question
“So satisfy it.” Derek urged as he got up from his desk and strutted over to Spencer’s so he could further his inquiry more quietly. “You two getting’ cozy or what?” Spencer rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair ,but Derek wasn't backing down. He glanced around the bullpen, taking stock of who was where. Garcia and JJ were chatting by the kitchenette while Tara poured herself a cup of coffee and both Rossi and Hotch were in their respective offices.
“We went on a date last night.” Spencer relented in a hushed tone. “ We had waffles at a diner.”
“Alright, alright. Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Derek said with his signature million megawatt smile. “ So tell me how did it go? Did you get a little extra sweetness last night?”
“You could say that… not the way your thinking though.” Spencer continued to indulge his comrade while fiddling with his pen.
“ Oh? How so?”
“We made things official. She is now my girlfriend.” He explained, still clearly in disbelief.
“ I knew it! My man!” Derek beamed with pride and gave Spencer a congratulatory pat on the shoulder and began sauntering over to the kitchenette.
“What are you doing?” Spencer asked trying to conceal the concern in his voice.
“To tell the others.” Derek answered as though it were the most obvious reply.
“What! No, I don’t want the others to make a big deal of it right now.” Spencer was hoping to dissuade him from relaying that information to the rest of the team to no avail.
“Too late for that pretty boy! I got money on this!”
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plentyofoystersshop · 3 months
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honeycove-crossing · 10 months
— Bonbon —
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Hello my friends, it's Bee again! Here to tell you all about this peppy brown rabbit. Iiiiiit's Bonbon! Let me introduce you to her!
Bonbon is a brown rabbit with blonde hair. She has light pink paws, cheeks, and eyeshadow with a yellow nose. If you look closely she also has dark brown shoes with straps that go over her ankles.
Upon initial meeting, Bonbon sports a mint sleeveless tunic. Her catchphrase is "deelish." And her favourite saying is "Hindsight is always 20/20." I wonder what happened in her past to make her realise that!
Bonbon is described as peppy - she is quite stubborn, forgetful, and has an interest in sugary snacks. That must explain her sweet name! She can be seen holding a comic book, chocolate popsicle, classy purse, cup of coffee, or a smoothie!
Her favourite styles of clothing are cute and elegant! Her favourite colours are yellow and aqua. It is described in the Happy Home Paradise DLC that Bonbon wants "the best house on the block!" Bonbon's birthday is March 3rd which makes her a Pisces.
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Gift Guide
As always, when trying to level up your friendship with villagers it is important to keep their interests and hobbies in mind. Here's some recommendations on gifts for Bonbon to get you started:
Any flower crown
Star shades
Dotted Raincoat
Blossom Tee
Lacy Tank
Moroccan Dress
Peasant Blouse
Sailor's Tee
Argyle Sweater
Flight Crew Uniform
K.K Reggae
Elegant mirror
Cute floor lamp
Floral wreaths
Any gyroid
When in doubt, you can always gift any villager any kind of fruit as well!
Fun Facts
Bonbon appears on the album Aloha K.K
She shares her birthday with Pavé!
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 months
Diana Ross BOTD  March 26, 1944, Detroit, Michigan
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joomma · 2 years
Middlesbrough Fc Santa Hat Ugly Christmas Sweater
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Middlesbrough Fc Santa Hat Ugly Christmas Sweater
It’s a Middlesbrough Fc Santa Hat Ugly Christmas Sweater kid’s movie that adults can enjoy. The only bad language is done in a cutesy way, with unintelligible sounds, kind of like the adults always talked in Peanuts cartoons. Ralph gets his mouth washed out with soap for it. The only violence is a scene where Ralph, while being picked on by a bully, snaps and fights back. It isn’t overly violent, and it isn’t glorified fighting, it’s just a couple of kids fighting in the snow like kids do. Ralph is crying throughout, so it is not some kind of ‘Aha, the victim has turned the tables with violence!’ I think the only other scene of violence is where Ralph fantasizes that he defends the house from burglars in the backyard with a BB gun. The scene is in black and white and sped up like a funny silent movie, and the burglars wear comical, old timey burglar outfits – striped shirt and black masks, like the Hamburglar. I think Ralphie shoots them in the butt as they try to climb back over the fence to get away.
buy it now:Middlesbrough Fc Santa Hat Ugly Christmas Sweater
Santa Claus With Reindeer Cow For Unisex Ugly Christmas Sweater
Plymouth Argyle Fc Santa Hat Ugly Christmas Sweater
Classic Christmas Tree Pattern Xmas Gift Sweater
Homepage: liDashing Through The Corona Cute Gift Ugly Christmas Sweater
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popewearsprada · 7 years
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One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple Papal Eater.  “I can only dream.”
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dr-whoopsie-daisy · 3 years
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The Argyle Sweater
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I’m rereading my Calvin and Hobbes collection, and I forgot how good this comic was!  There has never been anything quite like it, before or since, which is surprising to me.  Surely somebody would have tried to ape off its success.  There’s a comic called the Argyle Sweater which is just the Far Side with the serial numbers filed off; it’s not bad, but it doesn’t even try to hide the fact that it’s a ripoff.  I’m surprised there has never been a really popular Calvin and Hobbes knockoff, though I’m sure countless people have tried.  Maybe it’s impossible to catch lightning in a bottle twice.
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labradoritedreams · 5 years
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fox-guardian · 2 years
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[ID: A comic of Tim and Danny Stoker. They are both Latino men with light brown skin and short hair. Danny is tall and beefy while Tim is shorter and less muscled. Danny has brown hair, a cut in his brow, dimples, and small gold hoop earrings, and is wearing a plain black suit with the white shirt partly unbuttoned and the tie undone, and he is holding a yellow bowl of popcorn. Tim's hair is dyed lilac apart from his sideburns, he has a cut in his brow, a small goatee, purple rectangular glasses, ear gauges, and painted nails, and he is wearing a lilac button-up with purple stripes with the sleeves rolled up, and an aqua sweater vest with a purple argyle pattern on the chest.
Transcript: Danny, smiling: I got a new job! Tim, smiling, hands outstretched: That's great! Danny, now smiling nervously with his eyes shadowed, sweating: At The Magnus Institute! Tim, emphatically, now frowning with his eyes shadowed: You what.
end ID]
i am LATE but i still DID IT therefore Look Upon It
for day 3 of @tmaappreciationweek i took the prompt Alternate Universe so feast your eyes upon the comic form of a favorite bit from my Stoker Swap AU (which i am writing but maybe wont post idk) in which danny doesn't go back to the opera house and instead ends up applying for an institute position instead of tim. despite the fact that he. doesn't have a degree. in anything. he completely made up his qualifications. cue tim_distress.png
this scene is directly after danny did his interview with elias and got the job, hence the suit and celebratory popcorn.
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