#archibald the eccentric of the healing church
katyspersonal · 1 year
I know everyone loves (and hates) Archibold’s cut dialogue’s *exagerrated lip-licking* bit, but I think it is worth just as much attention that he tells you things like ‘Stop this unkindness’ and ‘You are not a decent now’ on the occasion that is 99% when you attack him XD I feel he would be a kind of person that like... miraculously dodges a bullet that was meant to kill him and his only reaction is ‘Stop being mean! :(’ sdfhfhsdh Definitely worth to elaborate in his portrayal xD
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val-of-the-north · 2 years
So hm you like Antal ?
Want to talk about him a bit ? I’m curious to see what you thoughts are on him.
Yeah! He is one of those weird little character that you randomly grow attachments to... there's just a lot of potential for the guy, and a lot of juicy poetic justice to be dished out to him, not to mention stories of regret and redemption. In general I think the concept of his character is very slept on in the fandom, which is a shame.
He is like, the only Yahar’gul Hunter that decided to defect which is already noteworthy, but he ALSO still hangs around the Hidden Village, since you can summon him for both the Paarl fight and the One Reborn fight. This is why I kinda imagine he escorts some of the prisoners that want his help or trust him. Adella did NOT trust him in the slightest, but he did try to help her out initially.
I also like to imagine he was friends with the Yahar’gul Hunter found inside the jail cell in the Hunter’s Nightmare, and that they were defecting together and seeking the secrets of Mensis and the Church. He had to leave his friend behind to save his life and he never forgave himself for this. It’s just one of the many regrets that tug at his concience, like all the kidnappings he helped with. With the years it’s become harder and harder to justify himself for the pain he enabled and caused.
He also had a sort of friendship with Archibald, as the eccentric found him to be one of the few Yahar’gul Hunters with whom he could have a more intellectual conversation. That said, Antal isn’t really the most cultured person in the world either, but he is very curious which is a quality Archibald respects above many others. Antal owns a Spark Badge himself, but he doesn’t wear it while out in the open.
He knew Damian personally too. They weren’t exactly friends, but they had a sort of boss&underling dynamic. Had Damian not known how to fight in a terrifyingly effective manner, he could have been considered a bodyguard of his.
His job when he is trying to make people escape from Yahar’gul is to keep Paarl occupied in case it awakens while they escape into Old Yharnam. Djura is aware of the strange influx of people and usually escorts them to the newer part of town. Antal had never killed Paarl off, maybe due to his knowledge that the beast used to mean a lot to Archibald. Usually he just escapes with his life once the people leave, but thanks to the Good Hunter’s effort he finally manages to destroy his old enemy too.
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fantomette22 · 8 months
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5. Spark Hunter Badge
Badge crafted in secret by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church, for his friends.
Archibald was fascinated by the blue sparks that emanate from the hides of the darkbeasts, and dedicated his life to its artificial reproduction. in a style of inquiry that, incidentally, closely followed the methodology of Byrgenwerth.
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katyahina · 3 years
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I am trying to contribute to Bloodborne fandom but I am not sure if I am doing it right
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bellringermal · 7 years
is it even possible to do all five for NPCs we only know by name/reputation? IS IT? Archibald or Izzy, or both if you're feeling it~
It is indeed :P
Archibald: was a member of the Church workshop with a peculiar interest in Dark Beasts. He was fascinated by their ‘blue spark’ and found a way to replicate it through artificial means. Bolt Paper, Tonitrus, and Tiny Tonitrus were all invented by him.
Izzy: a Hunter who crafted a special weapon from the living bones of a Dark Beast and found a way to channel the ‘inner’ beast and let out a beastly roar.
Archibald: was a formidable but eccentric weaponsmith from Byrgenwerth that joined the Healing Church after the Old Hunters disbanded. His peculiar weapons weren’t favored by many hunters (with the exception of the always popular bolt paper) but the members of the Choir and the School of Mensis were aware that mist beings directly connected to the Great Ones (kin) were extremely weak to the Blue Spark and treasured his knowledge.
Izzy: first of all, I headcanon Izzy as a she. Secondly, she is one of the few people who understood the nature of beasthood and found a way to use it to her advantage. Her theories were harshly opposed by the Healing Church but at the same time, it can be speculated that her knowledge also served as the foundation of the Healing Church (Beast Embrace Rune) and that she had her own group of admirers and followers.
Heartcanon: The two of them were partners in crime. Izzy was one of Archibald’s ‘friends’, those for whom he crafted the Spark Hunter Badge and they carried on their research together for many years, Archibald trying to understand the origin of the Blue Spark and Izzy dwelling in the secrets of human nature. When the Church branded them as heretics, they turned to the School of Mensis that allowed them to continue their studies and even offered them the chance to experiment on human subjects. The Suspicious Beggar is probably one of those unwilling patients.
“Have you got a screw loose? Or is it your… animal intuition?”
“You call ME a beast? A Beast!? What would you know? I didn’t ask for this!“
Soulcanon: Izzy at some point obtained such control over her inner beast that she was able to transform at will and keep her mental faculties when in beast-form. After witnessing what Izzy had accomplished, Runesmith Caryll was able to craft a rune that will allow others to do the same (Beast Embrace Rune) but the Church swiftly deemed its use forbidden and declared Izzy and Archibald as heretics. Welcomed by the School of Mensis, their experiments become more and more gruesome until something went horribly wrong and the Yahar’gul hunters were forced to put down Izzy while in beast-form.
Mourning her loss, Archibald went full-on Victor Frankenstein and resurrected her as Darkbeast Paarl (Paarl being an affectionate nickname he used for her, meaning ‘Pearl’). Some say that Paarl slaughtered Archibald or that he fled once he realized what he had done to the woman he loved. What is certain, is that the Dark Beast is still around, patiently waiting for her friend to come back of for someone to put her out of her misery.
Crotchcanon: They were a lovely, crazy couple. Think Milo Thatch and Kida from Atlantis but BETTER. He was nerdier and crazier, she was fiercer and foul-mouthed. I love them.
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pvthudson01 · 7 years
Decided to finally get Tonitrus even though it really doesnt match my build. "A unique trick weapon contrived by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church workshop. Striking this peculiar iron morning star flail like a match generates the same blue sparks that blanket a darkbeast. Unfortunately, for reasons untold, the hunters of Archibald's time did not fully take to the device." #bloodborne 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡 #xbox #xbox360 #xboxone #microsoft #xb1 #ps4 #playstation #videogameaddict #youtube #twitchgamers #twitch #xboxlive #darksouls #pcgaming  #ps4pro #videogames #videogaming #Steam #gaming #games #gamer #callofduty #pcgamer #FromSoftware #gamers #twitchstreamers #twitchtv #pcmasterrace #instagaming
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katyspersonal · 1 year
I want to know moooore about Archie, so 5, 6 and 9 for him!
( Asks from this ( x ) meme)
Whew! Funny that you asked about him now of all times, because just today I finally got to HIM in my list of Bloodborne characters' face refs, so I can even show him! (Yahar'gul hunters are next)
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Wellll... I did draw him before, but only in a meme xD
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To think of it, I do not have too much stuff about the guy to write down, the vibe I get from him is rather intuitive, but I'll try!
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
Archibald tends to measure a person up very quick upon first meeting them, almost unmistakeably knowing whether they're smart, have potential, are reliable, all that. Not that he never been wrong, but usually his esteem is right, and he ends up forming contacts and investing only in people he considers "worthy" - be it them being useful in time of need, good helpers in his research, or even just good debate opponents to sharpen his mind with! All this is to say, he chooses his friends carefully and knows to not invest time, trust or emotion into "wrong" people. Him being involved with Healing Church was a calculated risk though, seeing how Laurence is "ends justify the means" person, but being under his wing while it lasted would benefit him.
He takes advantage of the impression of 'an eccentric weird guy who is better not distracted from his research' he gives to people, to not attract unwanted attention and instead observe others unnoticed. He knows about what's going on around him more than it seems, but his behaviour can fool even ones like Brador!
From how Archibald speaks of his connections, people often assume that he is a callous person without morality that will simply join the winning side during any conflict, but that is not entirely true! He often bends and adapts, yes, believing that 'he is more useful alive', but he has his limits and honorable values he will defend. In my story, he dies killing a very bad person devouring the already tormented Yharnam after Laurence passed away, after all! But Archibald won't reveal his vulnerable side, values and even people he cherishes easily, in fear of being easily manipulated over them.
Archibald is not relationships person at all, albeit able to fall in love. But instead of forming anything akin to functional relationship, he will simply look for someone equally curious, active and inventive to share a bond with. A type to only date a colleague, which in his case would be someone entirely caught up in research - a shared one or their own. But the idea of putting his best effort into 'feelings' and not inventing another mad thing is absolutely unspeakable for him!
He is, however, rather insensitive to things like peer-pressure and moral control unless abiding by them benefits his goals; he is an independent person. Thus, moral pressure Healing Church caused on "fearing the beasts" did nothing to him when he saw potential in studying them more. Again, him having 'just a little guy' public image helped him to avoid problems for that for a long time.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Archibald appears to be rather reasonable in emotionally charged situations, sometimes even pissing other people off by being "too calm" when he should not be, but the truth is, he is able to grip and control his anger very well. That though... applies to his other strong negative emotions too - staying a person who simply "tries to understand the situation uwu", he might be absolutely boiling with rage inside, or experience bone-chilling fear, but the only true hints will be his sweat or twisting an object in his hands nervously. When he plans to ACT on his negative emotions, he will probably not tell even to his closest friends, as he doesn't want to worry them. Like, the fucker will return all bloodied after having committed act of revenge and just write it down as falling into a blood puddle left after a hunt, and so on.
Acting on emotions IS easier for him than sharing them, yes. Talking about how much someone upset him with a close friend? Nahhhh. Go in complete secrecy to beat the hell out of that person, ranting out his frustration for their ears and their ears only? Hell YES!
He is very focused on his work, to the point of abandoning a lot of potential social activities and emotional needs, living in permanent fear that he does not have enough time in this world to complete all his plans and invent everything he is capable to. Archie has a strong fix on being productive and making his time 'count', but this is a hard tension. Even before the whole 'Yharnam is hardly real anymore and the world is doomed' turn, he missed out on many important events in lives of his friends and failed to be there for his friends when they needed him. You know, the whole 'you wasn't there when my child was born / you wasn't there at funeral of your friend' struggle? In a way, it counts, however; I headcanon that there are many unseen inventions and discoveries Archie made that we could never see within the game. We only find the weapons he invented, but there are many things that could advance the humanity back in his lab! If only times peaceful enough to reach and use them will EVER come in Yharnam, of course...
In regards to the previous paragraph, he does experience permanent hidden guilt and suffering for being 'a bad friend'. Occasionally, he even curses the fate for burdening him with the curse of "brilliant mind" that he feels obligated to use, unable to live normally.
It is kind of plain, but he IS a very smart person, IQ certainly goes further beyond 120. He also has extremely good orientation in the space once he figures even a minimal about it; once he saw a map of the area, he will never get lost in it again.
He gets rather impressed and at times even flustered by big, strong, masculine men that might squeeze him into a pulp with one hand even though he himself is a rather capable fighter; like something naturally balancing him being more brain than brawl. I think Micolash was one exception Archibald can recall in his entire life; Mico IS a twig, but his passion and madness were the strongest ones Archibald ever seen in his life, and that was enough.
9) Headcanons about their past
Archibald is a foreigner, however, not very far from Yharnam culturally - his family moved into one of the off-brand European countries even before he was born, hence British name! One of the things I like about Bloodborne is how history in that setting went different from our world's, while saving all the metaphors and social commentary. We get plenty of evidence that Yharnam is way more middle European than UK-inspired; however, I can't help but feel like Archibald DID come from off-brand UK!
He showed being gifted and developing faster than his peers since childhood, yet funny enough, the pressure to 'fulfill his potential' was not inflicted by him on parents or teachers. Instead, the development of his anxiety and obsession to use the gifts of his mind was triggered by being rather neglected as a kid. EXCEPT for the times when he was demonstrating his ahead-of-age mind capacity... That is not to say it is just the internalised lack of recognition that ended up driving him. In fact, a bigger reason is that as neglected kid, he had opportunity to stand aside and observe the society... with it's flaws and the obvious things they were lacking. That realisation that he could help and change things on larger scale is a more crucial motivation. Lack of acknowledgement was the battery, but wish to help is the charge stored in it.
Like I hinted previously, in the periods of being especially caught up in studying and research, he'd end up not being there in important events in his close people's lives. The life-turning ones, even. That guaranteed a long chain of getting friends and losing them a few years (or sometimes months) later. He lived his life known as 'a reclusive prick who ONLY cares about studying! :/' and departed in Yharnam without even having someone who would miss him! On the more positive note, the friends he would GET to keep were found in Yharnam!
He is the most 'had education and degrees prior joining Yharnam' character out of foreign ones I got, with Eileen being the second! My version of him is rather young but he had the capacity of skipping classes, thus having a bit more scientific knowledge under his belt than his peers.
Archibald was never an artistic person, nor he was able to have a pet. Thus, he tended to fill the emptiness by cooking, cleaning, patching ruined clothes and fixing broken furniture often. Sometimes he'd even ruin a thing himself just to check whether he could fix it! As result, he has fantastic practical skills. He might be caught into experiments and research, but is never in a bad physical shape or poor hygiene because of it!
Like Edgar in my 'official' timeline, Archibald arrived in Yharnam a little too late to join Byrgenwerth - something he resents deeply, because it seems like it was a PERFECT place for him to fit into. That only further cementer his permanent, instinctive fear of 'running out of time' - what could be a bigger hint that his life was turning the wrong way than being too late for an institution basically CREATED for him and how he approaches things? There was no way news about large monsters who naturally produce electricity could have travelled to him faster tho.
Maybe not that much, but I think you get what the guy is like by now! Thank you for the ask! <:3 I needed a reason to put my ideas on him together in verbal form, haha
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Bloodborne starter pack (in case if I’ll need one)
+ - Rom is a she/her, as confirmed by Miyazaki in interview!
+ Doctor Iosefka is replaced with Impostor Iosefka after you *enter the Cathedral Ward, so there are two characters in her clinic. Impostor’s name is not revealed. According to data and art book portraits they look identical, however! (upd: in first post version I made a mistake, saying Impostor replaces after Amelia dies)
+ Gascoigne has TWO daughters, not one! His older daughter is only met if you follow questline with little girl accurately, though.
+ Besides Gascoigne's older daughter, characters more or less easy to miss by players are Old Hunter Henryk, Crow of Cainhurst, Afflicted Beggar, Djura's Apprentice, Queen of Vilebloods and Martyr Logarius. Also never getting to see Lonely Old Dear, Suspicious Man and Arianna in person might happen. Basically the cast is wider than it appears!
+ Very obscure characters you might never learn about unless you get a specific item include: Graveguard Dores, Irreverent Izzy, King of Cainhurst, older Madaras Twin, Archibald the eccentric of the Healing Church, Caryll, Gratia... They are not just "popular OCs", nope!
+ According to the figma creators, Lady Maria is 6′7 (204 cm) and the Hunter is 5′11 (180 cm) ( x ) - they explain it from 6:40 to 7:05! Very useful information, especially considering Gascoigne’s model is taller than Maria’s, and Gehrman’s is EVEN taller than Gascoigne’s.
+ Most NPCs have face data mined by Zullie the Witch and available here: ( x )
+ Characters without canon design:
fully obscure: Izzy, Archibald, Caryll, King of Cainhurst
only their clothes are known: Gatekeeper, Eileen, Crow of Cainhurst, Dores, several NPC hunters using ‘default’ model (Yharnam one in Nightmare Frontier, Bone Ash and Cainhurst hunters in dungeons, a Yahar’gul hunter fighting next to the one with a shield and a Tonitrus, Izzy’s Admirer, Gremia, a hostile tomb prospector hunter in Isz
not seen as human / alive: Laurence, Ludwig, Adeline, Logarius
+ Eileen is drawn as black in most cases inspired by her English voice actor, devs alas just put default face data on her though
+ The cute girl wearing the same outfit as Micolash you see in fanarts is in 95% of the cases an interpretation of Rom before she became a spider, since Micolash saying 'as you did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes' implies right away she is ascended Great One, not born.
+ THE most popular ships are Mariadeline (Lady Maria x Saint Adeline), Valtmura (Valtr Master of the League x Yamamura the Wanderer), Holyvicar (Laurence the first Vicar x Ludwig the Holy Blade) and Alfhunter (Alfred x the hunter)
+ Micolash might be drawn with brown or blue eyes, Yurie might be drawn as blonde or brunette, Edgar might be drawn as blonde or redhead... The reason for Micolash is difference between his cutscene model and hunter one; meanwhile Edgar and Yurie are redhead and blonde according to face data but do not have obvious colors from found screenshots, that's why variety of colors in fanart!
+ Annalise is depicted as a redhead in concept art and on one of the Cainhurst portraits, however, hence why she might be not ‘blonde’ in fanart.
+ Stuff like 'Church spread Ashen Blood to motivate citizens to use blood ministration', 'Ludwig merged with his horse', 'Mergo is son of Oedon and Queen Yharnam is his wife' and 'Edgar infiltrated Yahar'gul and got stuck' are just the most accepted theories - they work, but canon also provides enough base for alternative takes.
+ Many people dunking on Gehrman snowballed from localisation errors such as 'Even the Doll should it please you' and 'his curious mania' + the fact he made a Victorian grieving doll of his dead student.
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val-of-the-north · 2 years
Honestly, last post happened because of a silly idea. Me and @katyahina share the headcanon that Archibald designed the Mensis Cage after he was banned from the Healing Church Workshop and Micolash asked him to help him make a device. So I just randomly thought...
What if Archibald scammed Mensis by making useless cages that they think are the coolest shit because he was nodding to all of their absurd questions while he was working on them? And everyone was too insane to notice it was all bullshit because the second they put it on they were already believing in the arcane proprieties of a bunch of steel bars lol
Can't blame Archibald tho, he did it for the free rent
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Some Bloodborne connections I made up
Micolash and Archibald - They worked together at some point, I like to imagine that Archibald helped Micolash to construct Mensis Cages as someone more familiar with engineering. Archibald was around a bit too late to have a chance to enrol in Byrgenwerth, so Micolash, believing to be qualified to follow Willem's ideas in his weird way, offered 'something just as good'... In a way Micolash saw his younger self in Archibald - eccentric, slightly callous genius whose drastic ideas are often misunderstood and rejected.
Micolash and Rom - Brother and sister mentioned in the description of the first brain fluid you collect! Both were orphaned and separated for life, having only met in Yharnam as Rom was looking for a single family member she got a hunch about. She loves him a whole lot, but things sure became complicated after he saw an opportunity to use her as gateway to real enlightenment through traumatising her and seized it.
Simon, Yamamura and Gratia - The detectives squad! Simon and Gratia were friends even before, both not using guns and Gratia acting overly protective when someone laughed at Simon's weapon in her watch. Simon and Yamamura were quickly able to recognise 'behaviour of a person that knows more than they let on' in each other though so sharing their suspicions about Healing Church was only a matter of time. Essentially Simon is the guy that can sneak everywhere unnoticed, Yamamura is 'the seer' and Gratia is the power!
Iosefka and Fauxsefka - Actual twins. They were children of affair between a Cainhurst noble and a witch from Hemwick, nonetheless both were welcomed in Cainhurst as legit family. Their fates were foreshadowed as Fauxsefka showed more of 'vampiric' signs at birth than her sister; she was also named Miriam to line up with more foreign influence in Cainhurst, as opposed to Iosefka having more 'local' sounding name. Miriam was mostly growing in Cainhurst around her father, meanwhile Iosefka stayed more with her mother, learning various unique skills from her and other witches, such as purifying blood that she'd later use with her vials. They were never close, however, both ended up falling for brainwashing of the Healing Church and deserting each her sinking ship. Iosefka was working with School of Mensis and is still terrified of Micolash to the point of not daring to peep a word about Mensis' secrets even if he is long time ago gone. Miriam remained a faithful Choir member though, but eventually despair led her to attempting turning anyone in a blue alien so they don't have to become beasts instead, and her sister was the first to be "saved".
Maria and the Doll - In a way, they are the same person - dolls do not need to sleep, and Doll mentions having a grudge left her after you kill Maria. So I headcanon that when Doll is asleep - she is awake somewhere else, likewise us finding Maria napping means Doll is awake meanwhile, although neither has recollection of her other self or what happens in another 'plane'. Think of it like DID of sorts.
Henriett and Alfred - The detectives squad... 2! Both started off as simple hunters of Healing Church, having missed its "prime" chronologically and left to dig up its legends and maybe secrets on their own, as friends. They ended up as enemies though - Henriett becoming avid fan of the Old Hunters and resenting entire Church's narrative and Alfred falling into insanity, romanticising Church's past days and developing obsessive idea to finish Logarius' quest.
Henriett and Damian - They share the solidarity of people who ended up resenting their previous factions yet still having signs of having once belonged there openly - Henriett still using weapons of Healing Church for 'poetic justice' and Damian not changing his clothing as means to wear what he used to do on his sleeve (even if not many people even know of School of Mensis...). A lot to talk about.
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bellringermal · 7 years
well, I had a few things regarding irreverent izzy and archibald (one being that his family might been from loran way back when, where there are supposed to be a lot of darkbeasts? hearing all the stories might've first stirred his interest?), but mostly I just wanted your opinion as to whether they might've worked together (somewhat like gascoigne and henryk-) and if so how well they might've managed ^^
I absolutely believe that they were partners in crime. Their research involved the same creature and both Archibald’s tools (Tonitrus, bolt paper) and Izzy’s weapons (beast claw) are found in Yahar’gul or used by the Hunters that guard the place.
It’s pretty plausible that since the Church considered Archibald an eccentric and all Beast-runes were forbidden making Izzy’s research heretical just like the ideals of the Powder Kegs, the two of them found a safe place to continue their research in Yahar’gul under the wings of the School of Mensis. (that was already scheming against the Choir at this point.)
Paarl, who is one of Archibald’s friends and supporters as stated here:
“Badge crafted in secret by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church, for his friends.” [Spark Hunter Badge]
…escaped from the Hypogean Gaol where he was probably kept prisoner before his transformation. It’s possible that the School of Mensis experimented on him after the first symptoms of the scourge surfaced while keeping Archibald in the dark or perhaps Paar volunteered for his friend’s research.  After all:
“Archibald was fascinated by the blue sparks that emanate from the hides of the darkbeasts, and dedicated his life to its artificial reproduction. in a style of inquiry that, incidentally, closely followed the methodology of Byrgenwerth”
And we all know that Byrgenwerth’s methodology isn’t adverse to human experimentation at all.
In partnering with Archibald, Izzy would’ve gained access to Dark Beast’s bones and could carry on his/her studies as well.
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pvthudson01 · 7 years
Decided to finally get Tonitrus even though it really doesnt match my build. "A unique trick weapon contrived by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church workshop. Striking this peculiar iron morning star flail like a match generates the same blue sparks that blanket a darkbeast. Unfortunately, for reasons untold, the hunters of Archibald's time did not fully take to the device." #bloodborne 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡 #xbox #xbox360 #xboxone #microsoft #xb1 #ps4 #playstation #videogameaddict #youtube #twitchgamers #twitch #xboxlive #darksouls #pcgaming  #ps4pro #videogames #videogaming #Steam #gaming #games #gamer #callofduty #pcgamer #FromSoftware #gamers #twitchstreamers #twitchtv #pcmasterrace #instagaming
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