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@jchrismoonlitshineworld @antos23 @yoko13swiftie @chillingonacloud @idontknow0096 @coldnessinsidepsycho @ryderedword @iamgastongoity @cray4tayy @anonymousdreamerdrifter @sensitiveromanticheart @pearl-of-the-pacific @aquariusfangirl @taylorswiftmeowqueen @ilumi-nara @swiftie6999-blog @monicalovestaylorr @almasollar @willowskysworld @thesadtarot 
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robinskey · 4 years
Congratulations to 500 Followers! Also here's my emoji for the ask thingie: 💓
thank you!!
in season four, i would love to see robin get a girlfriend. in an ideal world, that girlfriend would be nancy. (i am here for bi! nancy!!) but any girlfriend is amazing. robin’s coming out scene was so powerful, and i think having a wlw couple on such a major tv show would be really powerful, too.
also, related hot(?) take: i don’t think steve should get a girlfriend. yes, i want him to be happy, but i don’t think he needs to be in a relationship to do that, you know? i saw a post about how he started the series with plenty of girls vying for his attention and then started dating nancy wheeler, but he had really crappy friends and an even crappier attitude. season three ended with a single af steve harrington with a wonderful best friend and a much better set of morals.
so, yeah. the st4 of my dreams has a happy pair of girlfriends and a happy single steve. :)
join my celebration!
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royal---rose · 5 years
Hello. May I get a ship pls? I'm 5"3 tall , skinny, I have long mint dyed (natural dark brown) wavy hair and light blue eyes. I'm super shy at first. Very kind and nice. Also I can really be sarcastic some times. My zodiac sign is Aquarius. I am a proud Slytherin. I love reading, writing, taking a walk (preferrably at night since its really calming) and listening to music. I am afraid of heights and spiders.
I ship you with… Robb!
He’d feel magnetized by your shyness, but on the other hand he’d want you to feel comfortable around him soon and he’d hope for you to open up more, already knowing what a kind person you are.
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Hope you like my choice, sweetling! ❤ @aquariusfangirl
Although ships are closed at the moment, I felt inspired by description you wrote so I made an exception :)
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faeseawitch · 6 years
PASS THE HAPPY💜 When you see this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications
1) criminal minds - it SO deserves a 14th season
2) engaging books
3) face masks, general beauty products
4) doing research on various stuff
5) puns, puns, and more puns
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aquariusfangirl · 4 years
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Super happy with my nightstand :)
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storybookhall · 4 years
Check back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for updates ❤️❤️
The Journey
Part 1- The Calm Before The Storm
Part 2- The Beginning Of The End
Part 3- Ashes to Ashes
Part 4- Survive
Part 5- Through Open Eyes
Part 6- In Sickness And In Health
Part 7- Come Back To Me
Part 8- Home”
Part 9- “safe haven”
Part 10- New Life
Part 11- 143 (I love you)
Part 12- The war.
Part 13- Life After You
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xgardensinspace · 4 years
Yo! I’m sketching and this is usually when I can complete these tag game thingies I get xD This one is OLDE! And I am so very sorry for barely completing it xD Ahhhh! There’s older ones I’ve left behind, but my notifications don’t let me go below 130 days of old material ;-; lmaoooo! #kill me. ANYWAYS
tagged by @aquariusfangirl Thank you so much for the tag! I always love learning more about you :’) I find you so interesting xP
Rules: tag 10 followers you would like to get to know better
Name: Deyanira (Deya or Dy)
Gender: Genderqueer xP
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual c:
Hogwarts House: Tots a Ravenclaw
Favorite Animals: Bats, Cats, Ravens, Spiders, Moths and Octopuses :b Holy cow :U If that doesn’t make me a Halloween baby...I don’t know what will xD
Current time: 2.19 a.m.
Cats or Dogs: Cats :’D Sorry...I mean I like dogs fine, but I do prefer cats.
Dream Job: Music video director :’) Or being in a rock band :’D Or taxidermy and/or mortician *star eyes*
When I made this blog: Oh gosh xD Ummm...back in like 2012 I think? xD But I wasn’t very active then :’) Until 2018 or 2017 did I become super active xD
Reason for my URL: I love plants and therefore gardens...I also love outer space :b Could you imagine how cool and pretty it would look to have gardens in space? xP
I...don’t feel like tagging anyone xD I mostly wanted to respond to Joey over here xP Cheers, mate! You’re lovely c:
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robinskey · 4 years
♡ follower celebration ♡
hello my dears! in case you didn’t see the post i made about it last week, i just want to take a moment to say thank you for 500! i wanted to wait until after the holidays to do a little something to celebrate. but now, the new year is upon us, and school will be starting back up for me soon. so, while i still have a bit of extra time on my hands, let’s do this! 
all you need to do to participate is to be following me. i’d also appreciate if you’d reblog this post to spread the word, but you don’t have to! :)
send me up to three of the following:
💘 + a description of yourself (hobbies, interests, appearance, etc.), up to three fandoms, and gender preference for a ship
💖 + a url (can be yours or someone else’s) for a blog compliment
💝 + a name (maybe your name? idk) for my favorite celebs/actors with that name
💗 + a character for a random headcanon
💞 + a ship (canon or non-canon) or character for a short playlist that reminds me of them
💓 + a hope/wish/theory about stranger things season 4 in exchange for one of mine
💕 + a fun fact, random thought, or something interesting about you (basically, whatever you want) for a wild card answer
any posts related to this will be tagged #nats500, so if you’re not interested in seeing them, blacklist the tag. 
tagging some mutuals:
@baizencarter @ronance-dingus @ayybtch @n0rdicstar @bitch-banshee @daisyxbuckley @siriusly-a-gryffindor-chaser @flanneled-dingus @aniskywalkers @lacrymosadiesilla @ahoyfandoms @billysgodcomplex @aquariusfangirl @petals-to-fish
i’m so sorry to be annoying, and honestly feel free to ignore this post. i just wanted to shoot my shot so this doesn’t flop oop
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Tagged by @aquariusfangirl thank you!
Rules: tag 10 followers you would like to get to know better
Name: Laura
Sexuality: queer
Gender: female
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Favorite animal: probably a cat or a fox (don't know why tho)
Current time: 12:31
Cats or dogs: both!
Dream job: idk maybe therapist or something
When I made this blog: uhhh I don't really remember I think it was like last September or something
Reason for URL: earth sucks
I'll tag: @ronance-dingus @demonintheclouds @uh-oh-spooky @cherishable-material @hsmtmts-stranger-things-stan @spooderman7 @stuck-in-hawkins @its-not-captain-america @aliceofscarletflames
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merakiaes · 5 years
The Other Dondarrion - Sandor Clegane
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Pairing: Sandor Clegane x Dondarrion!reader, Beric Dondarrion x sister!reader
Requested: No
Prompts: None
Warnings/notes: Angst, just lots and lost of angst because I’m in that kind of mood today. Death
Wordcount: 1249
Description: You’re in love with him, and he’s in love with you, but he refuses to admit it to himself until it’s too late.
“We might die tomorrow.” You spoke as your brother had finally left you and Sandor alone at the table at the feast, scanning his face slowly.
Sandor shrugged, shoveling another spoonful of food into his mouth. “Anything’s better than being stuck up here in this fucking cold.”
You glared. “Is that really everything you have to say to me on what might be our final night alive?”
He looked up at you, a glare to match your own resting on his face. “If you were waiting for a love confession now would be a good time to open your eyes and get it through your head that it’s not coming.”
You looked at him, not even being able to wrap your head around the fact that he, after everything you’d been through together, was still able to keep up this act to push you away. 
You had been in love with him ever since the start, and he knew. He hadn’t returned your feelings in the beginning, but as time went by, you noticed the changes in him. And he knew you did. 
But still, Sandor Clegane would ever admit that he had feelings for you. Not to you, not to himself, not to anyone. 
”I won’t wait around for you forever.” You told him, your tough facade slowly coming tumbling down. “There might not even be time for me to wait any longer. Don’t think it’s time to drop this bad guy act now?”
”I never asked you to wait for me.” Sandor scowled at you at that. “There isn’t even something for you to be waiting for.”
“Why?” You pressed. “I see the way you look at me. It’s the same look I have when looking at you. I know you feel the same.”
“You don’t get it!” Sandor finally snapped, slamming his cup into the table.
“Then explain!” You exclaimed. “Stop treating me like a child!”
 “That’s the problem! A sweet little bird like you isn’t supposed to be in love with a killer like me!” 
“I don’t believe in evil people! I believe in people who do evil things. And you’re not that man anymore!”
”It makes no difference, you stupid bitch!”
”Yes it does!” You cried out, thankfully being drowned out by the noise around you. 
“No matter how much you think I’ve changed, I’m still the same killer I was back then. You shouldn’t be in love with me. You should be afraid of me.” He almost threatened, glaring at you harshly.
”I’m not afraid of you.” You scoffed, adjusting in your seat. 
”Then you’re an idiot.” He deadpanned. 
You looked at him, face falling, and for a moment, his hard front faltered at the sight of your broken gaze. “Why don’t you just drop this?” You asked, not being able to keep up your strong face anymore. “You know you want me like I want you. I love you.”
He scoffed, turning back to his food. You could slowly but surely feel your heart break in your chest, as you finally whispered out the very question you didn’t want to hear the answer to. 
“Do you love me?”
Sandor halted, stopping his hand as he was about to put a spoon of stew into his mouth. His eyes glazed over for a moment as he looked into the table, heart beating hard, before he finally dared to look at you.
Your breath was shaking slightly as you awaited his answer, trying to prepare mentally for the heartbreak that was sure to come, although finding you had failed miserably as he spoke. 
”Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.” He finally answered you, voice and face equally as cold. 
You swallowed thickly, not even trying to hide your feelings as you slowly pushed yourself off the bench, reaching to put your hand on top of his, to for the first and last time ever, caress his skin. 
You smiled softly at him, the best you could as you were in reality about to break, telling him a quiet: ”If I were you, I wouldn’t love me either.”, before walking away. 
Beric returned just then, trying to talk to you as he saw the tears threatening to fall from your eyes, but you just brushed past him, leaving him to walk back to Sandor.
Sandor had his eyes stuck to the table as he thought of the conversation that had just happened, ignoring your brother as he returned.
“What did you do?” Beric asked as he sat down in the spot you had been sitting in just seconds before, taking in the quiet and moody state of his friend. 
“Told her the truth.” Sandor only huffed back, although his heart was screaming at him to go after you and tell you how he really felt. 
“Did you?” Beric asked, doubt lacing his words.
When he didn’t get an answer, he spoke again. “It doesn’t make you weak to let someone in, to let someone love you and love them back.” 
”I’m better off alone.” Sandor wasted no time in answering, but they both saw right past the act. 
But Beric didn’t question it anymore, standing up and squeezing his shoulder. “Famous last words.” He only spoke, before walking off to find you, leaving Sandor to sulk in his lonesome as the feast continued around him. 
The next day you didn’t spare Sandor a word or a glance during the whole day, something he found himself missing greatly. 
The battle started sooner than anyone had anticipated, and when seeing Arya being chased into the castle, you, your brother and Sandor had followed, leaving you all in a rather compromising situation.
As you collected Arya and ran through the halls to get away from the dozens of dead that were currently hot on your heels, Beric had fallen behind, being left to fight them off by himself. 
But with the strong bond the two of you shared, you instantly felt his absence, turning back without a second thought to help him. 
Arya was grabbed by a wight and Beric threw his sword into its skull, leaving him defenseless and vulnerable. 
However, as Sandor yelled at you to come on as he picked up a struggling Arya to keep going, intending to leave your brother to fight the Others off by himself, you pushed your sword into Beric’s hands and pushed him out of harm’s way, wasting no time in grabbing your knives and fighting back. 
Beric and Sandor both made move to get you back, but as you took the first of many stabs to come, they realized you were already too far gone for them to do anything. 
You knew that this would kill you. It was killing you. But you also knew that you were the only thing standing between them and a certain death. 
So you stood. And you bled. And you broke. Because for them, you would do anything. 
You would bear any pain. You would die any death. You would shatter every bone in your body and scream until your lungs burst. 
You would.
And as your eyes finally met Sandor’s for the first time since the night before, letting you see the feelings you had so long begged for him to stop pushing away, you did.
Sandor watched along with Arya and your brother as you took knife after knife to your heart as you shielded the doorway, allowing them to get away unharmed.
Only then did it dawn on him how stupid he had been to not listen to you. But now it was too late, and he would never forgive himself for it, coming to realize he would never again come across another human being in this life who would love and care about him as much as (Y/N) Dondarrion.
Tagged: @horanxtbh @edarene @anephemeralwoe @witch-of-letters @starkbelova @well-aint-that-strange @aquariusfangirl
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martastories · 5 years
First line tag!
Thak you so much @kenny-d-juice for tagging me!
Rules: post the first line of your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the quote (I'll try).
This is the first line of 02/02/2222, my distopian novel:
"Fin da piccola ho sempre pensato che, in un modo o nell'altro, sarebbe stato un libro a salvare la mia vita"
Translation: "Since I was a child I have always thought that, in a way or another, it would have been a book to save my life"
Tag: @mademoiselleink @medievalle @missguided-ink @paladin-andric @nemowritesstuff @no-imbaby @naqwrites @nycartscene @aquariusfangirl @blueblood-rose @badass-rebel-babe @leave-her-a-tome @lecronachedellacongregastuff @cookiecuttercritter feel free not to do it!
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untangle · 5 years
Dead dash?? Not anymore 💫
These blogs are amazing! And super active, follow the blogs that correlates to your fav color 💕
Green: @hotel--california | @glowrifying
Black: @luxx-life | @uma-letrologa | @absolutelyyunsuree
Purple: @thelovxrs
Pink: @qhlow | @illbeokay
Teal: @bartab | @wiildness
Red: @llunairey | @markpellegrinoshand
Blue: @mollimai
Grey: @yourgirlyspot
Mint: @aquariusfangirl
Thanks for participating! Brought to you by @cosmosnetwork !
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beauhte · 5 years
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SUMMER: mooonlightbabee \\ xx-metanoia \\ circlinq
AUTUMN: proditionesamator \\ rottenlittlefairy \\ aquariusfangirl 
WINTER: across---theuniverse \\ fadesofcool \\ peach-iish
SPRING: hotel--california \\ whitewillowsx
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aurigolds · 5 years
Shuffle Music Tag:)
I was tagged by the lovely @aquariusfangirl
1. In a week - hozier
2. Kick it - verzache
3. Can’t go back - Dennis Lloyd
4. My love - josh mosier
5. Tous les mêmes - Stromae
6. Good vibes - fuego and Nicky jam
7. Privilege - the weeknd
8. The formula - Russ
9. Pretty little fears - 6lack
10. Tidal Wave - Portugal. The man
I tag @depressed-twin, @canadianbabe, @moonbaeb, @galactic-supernova, @samiixx, @trapped-in-monochrome, @chry-sanths and @rick-n-snorty
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24weepingwillows · 5 years
Shuffle Music Tag
i was tagged by @aquariusfangirl
1. 311- Beautiful Disaster
2. The Smiths- Shakespeare’s Sister
3. Earth Wind and Fire- September
4. City Calm Down- Burn Slow
5. Jack’s Mannequin- Kill the Messenger
6. Chevelle- Well Enough Alone
7. Temples- All Join In
8. AFI- 17 Crimes
9. Duran Duran- Girls on Film
10. Karnivool- Goliath
i’m tagging @gaykeira @stormfriend @moon-and-gardens @itslacroixsweetiedarling @femalecodedobject @strawberrystorms @bitchaikovski @pea-green @parasite-life @randompersonwithoutlife @what-a-nerd24
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merakiaes · 5 years
Everyone’s A Whore - Bronn
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Pairing: Bronn x reader
Requested: No
Warnings/notes: Mentions of prostitution, swearing.
Wordcount: 1474
Summary: You come with your brother Euron Greyjoy to King’s Landing and he makes you go with him to a whorehouse, leaving you by yourself. Bronn sees you and attempts to chat you up. Keyword being: attempts.
You weren’t surprised when Euron had left you on your own in the tavern for his own pleasure’s sake, to keep yourself company. But you were angry nonetheless. 
The room was bustling with drunk men and naked girls, and you found yourself to be the only woman in there who weren’t a whore, which didn’t leave you much company other than your own. 
Coming to King’s Landing with your brother hadn’t really been your choice. Or, it was. But it’s not the one you would have chosen if you would have had any other option. 
You weren’t one to take sides. Not in any war before, and certainly not in this one. Give no fucks, take no orders, smash the prisons and the borders, were the words you lived by. 
Cersei was crazy, and the Dragon Queen didn’t seem much better. Which left them both to be unfit rulers in your eyes. 
But family was important to you; Theon was important to you. But unfortunately, you had been with Euron when shit hit the fan and he sailed to the Capital to bend the knee to Cersei Lannister, leaving you to follow. 
Like you always did, you just went with it, hoping that the security of Cersei’s army and Euron’s ships would keep you alive long enough until the day came when you would get the chance to run away and go North. 
But until that happened, this was where you would be stuck every night. Alone. In a whorehouse. Drinking away your misery while your brother was off sticking his cock in anything breathing. 
But despite your bitterness about the situation, you preferred being alone. 
People would call you arcane; secret, mysterious, understood only by a few, and everyone knew of (Y/N) Greyjoy’s temper. But when getting even a drop of alcohol into their body, the men of King’s Landing seemed to forget this in less than a second. 
Luckily, your resting bitch face was most times enough to remind them and keep them away. But then there were those rare cases where they would be stupid enough to ignore the seething glare on your face, and approach you anyway. 
And this seemed to be one of those days. 
“My whole life I’ve only met naked whores.” A man’s voice suddenly came from somewhere in front of you. “But here you are, fully clothed.” 
You let your head raise slightly at the sound of the teasing tone, unbothered eyes coming to rest on a man approaching you. 
You took in his stance, not needing many seconds to recognize him to be Jaime Lannister’s friend slash sellsword. 
You glared. “Was my facial expression not enough for you to take the hint to back off?” You asked him as he came closer. 
He pulled out a chair, coming to sit in front of you, throwing his legs onto the small table between you. His heavy legs caused the table to shake slightly, which in turn caused some of your wine to spill out onto the wood. 
“Saw you sitting over here all by yourself, looking really easy to the eyes, thought you could use the company.” He grinned, taking the flagon of wine from the table and filling up a cup of his own. “Name’s Bronn. And what might yours be?”
You scoffed at him, never taking your narrowed eyes off his form. “I can hardly see how that is any of your business.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you a whore? Cause you don’t look it. And if you’re not, I don’t understand what a girl like you is doing in a place like this.”
You twirled the wine in your cup, arms coming to cross over your chest. “Everyone’s a whore at the end of the day, aren’t they? We just sell different parts of ourselves.” 
He leaned forward. “And what parts are you selling?” 
“My fist in your face if you don’t walk away.” You answered without hesitation, giving him a blank stare. 
But your cold attitude only seemed to make him even more interested. 
His grin widened. “I’ve never been a bottom before but if that’s what you like then sure. Just tell me what you want me to be and I’ll be that for you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, smacking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. “You’re a dumb one, aren’t you?”
“I can be that.” He nodded. “Whatever you want.” He shrugged, the grin never leaving his face as he leaned back into his seat. 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re a pig.” You said, drinking lazily from your wine. 
“Like every other man in here.” He stated, crossing his arms over his chest to imitate you. “Why are you here if not for fucking?” 
“Waiting.” You drawled. 
His brows shot up. “For your shift to start? I’ll gladly have you in advance, I’ll pay you extra.” He offered mockingly, thinking to himself. “I bet you’re really flexible, you look flexible.”
“I’m not a whore. I’m waiting for my brother.” You rolled your eyes again. “And I’m about as flexible as a stag’s antler.”
“Well, you don’t need to be flexible to have a good fuck.”
You looked at him. “I’m still not a whore.”
“I didn’t say you were.” He raised his eyebrows, taking a sip from his cup. “You just look like you could need it, sitting over here like a depressed fuck. You’ve got real pretty lips, I’m sure I’d be able to shut them up for an hour.”
Your lip curled up in disgust. “Fuck off, will you?”
He inspected you for a moment, before finally holding his hands up in surrender. “Well, don’t say I didn’t try when you won’t get it from anyone else with that prude attitude of yours.”
You scoffed, shooting him an unimpressed glance. “Criticism about my personality don’t hurt so much coming from a man who just tried to seduce me.”
He narrowed his eyes at this, realizing his mistake. “Fair enough.” He nodded, lips turning up slightly. 
He slid down in his seat, getting comfortable. “I still haven’t gotten your name.”
“(Y/N).” You answered simply, hoping he would leave you alone if you gave him what he wanted, but to no luck. 
“Well, (Y/N), are you fighting for the good or the bad side?” 
You looked him up and down. “Define good.”
His lips turned up in a suggestive grin, eyes not once leaving your face as you scanned your eyes over the room, looking at the people in the room with a bored look plastered on your face. 
“I like you.” He told you, accent thick. 
You turned to him briefly, giving him a fake smile before turning back to look out over the room. “Wish I could say the same.”
“Well.” He raised an eyebrow. “Not everyone can have good taste.”
“So it would appear.” You gave him a distasteful look, luckily, being saved from any further conversation when your brother re-entered the room, a girl under each of his arms. 
“(Y/N). We’re going.” He told you upon arrival, causing Bronn’s eyes to shift from you to him. 
Euron left through the front door before you had the chance to respond, or even think about it, and Bronn laughed, suddenly realizing who you were. 
“(Y/N) fucking Greyjoy.” He looked at you, amusement clear in his face. “I should’ve known. Now the bitchy temper and ability to resist my charms makes sense.”
You laughed, mocking him. “You must be really delusional if you think of yourself as charming. I’ve had nineteen year old boys succeed better than you in getting me into their beds.” 
You put down your cup on the table and stood up, chair scraping against the floor in the process. 
Bronn couldn’t deny that his ego was slightly wounded by your words, but quickly put on a confident smirk to cover it up, checking you out without even a drop of shame as you stood. 
You didn’t spare him another glance as you turned around from him and headed for the door, saying nothing more as you left him to follow your brother. 
Bronn’s eyes traveled further south as you walked away, watching your ass move around under your breeches with each taken step. 
”Have a good day!” He called out after you, smirk still as wide as ever on his face. 
You snorted as his voice yelled out after him. “Don’t tell me what to do!” you only yelled back, raising your hand over your shoulder to give him your middle finger. 
Bronn chuckled as he watched the door slam closed behind you, wasting no time in standing up to following you, taking your immunity to his ways as a challenge rather than a warning. 
Despite the fact that it would most likely be something he would come to regret. 
Tagged:  @edarene​ @anephemeralwoe​ @witch-of-letters​ @starkbelova​ @well-aint-that-strange​ @aquariusfangirl​
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