#apps that pay you free paypal money
vierjio · 2 years
Earn $200 Every 5 Mins Into (Earn Money 2022)
Make money online Got any Product online
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giveawaycard2024 · 5 months
get $750 to Your PayPal
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daggers-drawn-returns · 4 months
Please Help Homeless Trans Women Serving Our Homeless Squatter Community Raise $110 to Refill Our Water Tanks and Propane Tanks
February 13th 2024
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My girlfriend and I are two transgender homeless women living in Slab City, a homeless squatter town in the middle of the desert.
We live in one of the poorest communities in the United States. That means no water, electrical, or gas utility -- even if people had the money to pay for them.
Our camp is dedicated to helping our neighbors and our community. As such, some of our services we provide are fresh water and free propane for heating and cooking.
Our water tanks are empty and cost $40 each to fill. Our propane tanks cost $25 per each two and $15 for the ride to the exchange.
We need $135 to pay for everything we need.
We don't have an income outside of whatever donations we raise and so if we can't raise money, we can't help people.
Please help us raise $135 to fund us buying water and propane for our community!
💕 Cash App: $ThistleDD
💕 Venmo: @ThistleDD
💕 PayPal: PayPal.me/ThistleDD
If you can't donate please like, reblog, and share. Every bit of help counts!
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butchmiles · 5 months
At this point what else is there to do?
On a mandatory medical leave that won’t pay me for the going on 2 months and counting of missed pay. The forms and test that need to be done and submitted for the medical leave processing cost money that we just don’t have.
Food assistance was cutoff a while ago and all applications submitted after for re-approval have been denied along with rent assistance and medical assistance 🫠
Looking for remote work in hopes of having a job that doesn’t cause a panic attack at the very thought of being there since ,not surprisingly, having anxiety and a security job don’t mix.
Our current attempts at raising funds is not at all sustainable and our hope going forward is that we can finally raise enough to help with the medical bills that could never fit in our budget even with 2 incomes because of the lack of health insurance, cover rent during the current job searching, and help with the never ending battle of keeping food and medicine in the apartment in the meantime until i’m successfully settled in a new job.
As always anything and everything helps and is so very appreciated!
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snoopybutch · 1 month
Autistic butch lesbian e-begging pt 2
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Remaking my post bc I haven’t had anything sent since 4/8/24, but hello, I’m unemployed and waiting for the start date of my job offer to be announced, been unemployed since October despite applying to (counted) around 200 or so jobs, I have $120 to my name and am asking for anything anyone can spare as I don’t know how long I have to wait to get my first paycheck.
Pls reblog, thank you very much :)
TLDR-> autistic butch lesbian w/chronic pain has been unemployed for way longer than I’d like, has job offer and needs to get to my first paycheck-> asking 4 $175
[Plain text and image descriptions: Autistic butch lesbian e-begging pt 2.
[Two stock photos of a person in formalwear or their knees in begging posture.]
Remaking my post bc I haven't had anything sent since 4/8/24, but hello, l'm unemployed and waiting for the start date of my job offer to be announced, been unemployed since October despite applying to (counted) around 200 or so jobs, I have $120 to my name and am asking for anything anyone can spare as I don't know how long I have to wait to get my first paycheck.
Pls reblog, thank you very much :)
TLDR [rightwards pointing arrow] autistic butch lesbian w/chronic pain has been unemployed for way longer than I'd like, has job offer and needs to get to my first paycheck [rightwards pointing arrow] asking 4 $175
So my start date is 5/14 and I think l'm starting right as the pay period ends and won't be paid for another two weeks (will update if wrong)
Looking for more money as it will be a 50 min commute (altogether not one way thank god) and I need money for gas n my car is from 2007 so not great gas mileages
$60/210 \End descriptions]
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l-na · 1 year
local guy gets fucked over by UPS and needs to pay rent
hi. my names luna. im a physically disabled low-income schizo blasian that needs help.
i just sold something big and important of mine to pay rent, but my local ups fucking obliterated it. ebay is demanding i send back the money, but if i do i wont have enough for rent and utils. or transportation.
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im suing UPS right now as we speak, and that costed about $100 all together. i cant afford this shit, i needed this money so bad and of course ups was incompetent and blamed it all on me (they even lied and said i was the one who packaged it)
this has been super stressful and ive had to go back on propranolol to deal with my heart palpitations. i really cant handle yet another financial burden on top of rent, trying to get on disability ssi, etc. etc. oh yeah and the stress from this gave me an actual fucking seizure LOL???
i was this close to being financially stable, and now this is coming to fuck me over right before im going to move, bc rent is outrageously expensive next month. please help me.
^this one is my girlfriend's paypal because i no longer have a paypal. cashapp is preferred
thank you for reading, please boost even if you cant donate. every donation helps!
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elekid · 4 months
Sorry to keep asking for help...living in a tent creates costs that arent always able to be anticipated, even if we try our best. That being said we dont..have any money for food, and do not have a reliable way to cook many things. Overdrew my account already getting us meals, food stamps got taken to $23 a month. You would be surprised how much one has to eat when for example every day going to shower means a 2hr trip across the city :/ other payment links under the readmore, thank u if you read this and bless yall if u donate.
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princechorus · 3 months
So I lost my job due to a mental health breakdown and I’m in need of some help.
If you can spare anything links are below if you can’t then please reblog and spread around? I have bills coming up and have no money for food and I could really really use the help until I find a new job.
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harumscarumcos · 2 months
I am once again coming to ebeg cause I have bills to pay and work to go to and my check is not stretching far enough so if I can just get $200 I think I will be set
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/SChapman14
Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/HarumScarumFunds
CashApp: https://cash.app/$pwussywillow
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weirdoonthebus · 8 months
We need a little help...
We're WeirdoOnTheBus system, a plural system of trans girls who are really struggling financially right now. We do sex work for a living but trauma makes that difficult and we just got out of the mental hospital and have not been able to make any money. We've not been able to pay rent and are in danger of becoming homeless again. We've applied for disability but that will take time to start.
We need help at least getting our basic necessities this week, if you can spare anything we'd be very thankful. I'll include PayPal and CashApp links below but also want to point out we make music on Bandcamp you can buy if you'd prefer. Our most recent record was a compilation of remixes made to help raise money for rent as well, you can check that out here.
We appreciate whatever you can spare, every little bit helps <3
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butchmiles · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone that helped us with our last goal! We were able to pay rent and utilities as well as our miscellaneous household bills!
Currently I’m set to start my new job on the 15th which is great news but unfortunately with this start date my first check will be on the 26th well past the due date for household bills, particularly the payment to our lease guarantor, and it will only be $439 leaving a very large gap in funds for rent and utilities due May 1st.
In addition to pay links we also have a fundraiser setup as well as a gift registry for a few day to day things needed around the house that would eat into funds raised otherwise!
Thank you to everyone that’s helped us both through sharing and donating. We appreciate your support so much!
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cloudsbiwife · 4 months
Happy black history month, I'm in need of some help. My sister are moving to an apartment on the 12th and while we've been able to cover most of the downpayment with help from our dad, we still need to cover the cost of moving and I'm gonna be broke for the foreseeable future. I'm also not going to get a federal tax return this year following my mom's death back in August so that's cool👍🏾. Please help if you can
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l-na · 10 months
>_> can i get some help here please
please dont tag as d.0n4t.ion!
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hi!! i'm luna and life as a disabled person fucking SUCKS!!!! im blasian, trans, autistic. i also have POTS and a brand-new heart condition i have no fucking clue how to get under control and am currently being terrorized night and day by.
i recently moved out of state to get into affordable housing, and had to give up my previous setup where the state gave me money for disability. according to my case manager, im about three months minimum from getting money that i need to survive.
i havent been able to pay rent in three months, and im falling behind on my bills. ive been working my caretaker to the bone and havent been able to pay him anything. i literally owe the person whos in charge of taking care of me money.
as of right now, im currently bedbound and unable to focus, much less hold down a job of any kind. everyday i struggle to feed and clothe myself.
please help me out! im already dealing with several debilitating conditions, i really dont need to be worrying about being in the negatives!!!!
here is my boyfriend's paypal!! i got banned from paypal for not using my deadname. if you donate, please mention you're donating to luna. thanks.
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elekid · 4 months
my husband and i would please like to ask for $100 in order to submit our apt applications..please help us get off the streets!!! we are ALMOST there!!!
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Credit and Credit Cards
Understanding credit
Dafuq Is Credit and How Do You Bend It to Your Will? 
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
Ask the Bitches: Should I Get a Loan Even Though I Can Afford To Pay Cash?
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Ask the Bitches: What’s the Difference Between Credit Checks and Credit Monitoring? 
When (And How) To Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?”
Buy Now Pay Later Apps: That Old Predatory Lending by a Crappy New Name 
Using credit
How to Instantly Increase Your Credit Score…For Free 
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt 
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt 
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?” 
Season 3, Episode 2: “I Inherited Money. Should I Pay Off Debt, Invest It, or Blow It All on a Car?”
Season 2, Episode 2: “I’m Not Ready to Buy a House—But How Do I *Get Ready* to Get Ready?”
Credit cards
A Hand-holding Guide To Getting Your First Credit Card 
63% of Millennials Are Making a Big Mistake With Credit Cards
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
Credit Card Companies HATE Her! Stay Out of Credit Card Debt With This One Weird Trick 
Season 4, Episode 3: “My credit card debt is slowly crushing me. Is there any escape from this horrible cycle?” 
Here’s What to Do With Those Credit Card Pre-approval Offers You Get in the Mail
We’ll periodically update this masterpost as we continue to write tutorials and answer questions on credit. So if there’s anything you’re confused about, keep the questions coming!
And if we’ve helped you increase your credit score or pay off your credit card debt, consider tossing a coin to your Bitches through our PayPal. It ensures we can pay our lovely assistant and keep bringing you free articles and episodes like those above.
Toss a coin to your Bitches on PayPal
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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If you have the means, Yousra is desperately helping to raise money for two wonderful young Sudanese women to finish their university studies abroad and restart their lives. You can use any of the donation links below to help:
Sudan has been named as one of the worst places to be a woman 💔
This episode is a testament to the unwavering strength of Sudanese women amidst the backdrop of war, where they stand tall as pillars of revolution and resilience. In this episode, we hear from two such women - they are on the ground in Sudan, in the midst of war, fighting for the truth, and for their homeland.
⚠️Disclaimer: This episode touches on themes of suicide, sexual violence, and violence that may be triggering to some individually
Host: Cadar Mohamud Guests: Yousra Elbagir & Omnia Mustafa Episode and Lead Producer: Hanna Adan @hannaadan_
Writers: Maaheen Khan-Bashir and Fareeda Baruwa Graphic Designer: Aya Mohamed @illustratedbyaya Production Manager: Maaheen Khan Sound Designer: Youssef Douazou Marketing & Design Team: Sawsan Abdillahi, Wasima Farah @vvsima , Khadija Musa, Mariya Shan
Paypal: http://Paypal.me/hometax
Bankak: 1582083
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