#aph New Jersey
ask-nyc-boroughs · 26 days
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Some Hudson Valley holidays that occur in May ft. my idiots. Just wanted to draw some costumes ngl 💀. Anyways I’ll give some explanation to each of the little Polaroids cause ik most of these holidays aren’t well known.
Just a drawing of Emma celebrating Pinkster. I haven’t drawn Emma in years lolllll & I don’t work on her much anymore, but I thought she’d partake in the festivities. In this region, Pinkster is a Pentecost celebration brought over by the Dutch, but became more associated with the traditions brought over by enslaved Africans especially as their enslavers would allow them to travel and see their families and celebrate during this time. European settlers also partook in these festivities as well, but it just became more associated as an African-American holiday within New York & New Jersey.
Elise & Jennie being nice for a moment and taking a photo together lol, they probs went back to bickering after this cause they have issues 💀. Jennie is there cause this is her state capital, Elise was probably just invited cause she’s Jennie’s sister and both were alive during the Dutch colonial area. But anyways this is supposed to be them at Albany’s Tulip Festival. Tulip Fest began about 76 years ago celebrating Albany & Nijmegen’s friendship especially as the citizens of Albany raised significant funds and sent much needed supplies to Nijmegen following the Second World War. Also many Dutch-Americans in this area can trace their ancestry back to Gelderland. The Anyways Tulip Festival is a celebration of that friendship, but also of Albany’s Dutch heritage. The particular costumes Elise & Jennie are wearing is associated with the street sweeping ceremony + these costumes were only introduced to Albany 76 years ago. These are new here. Actually Emma & Will’s costumes are older.
Ok just a little silly doodle of Lynn giving Will a kiss during Pinkster.
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timomoe · 2 months
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Hetalia without crack ships is like an angel without wings
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notsoniftyfifty · 1 year
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Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey
Heights are wack don’t pay attention to them
Sorry for still not answering those asks GAHH, I wanted to focus on the remaining designs b/c I’m so close to finishing all 50
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spidertalia · 1 year
my iteration of new jersey is such a fun, silly guy. one of his favorite hobbies is complaining about things. he jaywalks for fun. he has a personal vendetta against traffic laws and other drivers. he knows over 300 recipes. he starts fights with new york, pennsylvania and delaware just because. he's insanely proud of his culture, his musicians and his food. he has a superiority complex. he can speak 18 languages fluently outside of his indigenous languages. he's jewish. he's a phenomenal cook. he makes friends very easily despite his quick temper. he's hispanic. he's surprisingly stylish and cares more about his appearance than he lets on. he fights with his hair every morning (and loses). he's quite short but will kick your shins if you mock him for it. he complains vocally if he has to drive more than half an hour to get anywhere. he's surprisingly happy to get down and dirty, despite his love of keeping his appearance up. he's part of a groupchat with massachusetts, pennsylvania, new york, virginia and connecticut where the sole purpose is to make fun of england. he bonds with connecticut over judging people.
he's just a very funny and silly guy. also i've loosely taken inspiration from one of my favorite characters who's said to be from new jersey- danny williams from hawaii five 0.
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buttmano · 2 years
have these general hcs for aph PA, NJ, & NY.
rating: fluff, crack, thirst
Aph Pennsylvania (Broderick aka Brody) is a built firefighter
Like one of those thick ass first responders
Goes viral for responding to a call and standing there at 6'4, yanking the hose like it weighs nothing
Aph NY (Victoria aka Vic) was probably the one recording
Aph New Jersey (Giovanni aka Gio) as an EMT, CPR certified and making all the hunnies faint
Brody is similar to Ludwig in that he just Puts Up With the other two
Though Vic and Gio are so much more chaotic than Feli and Kiku
They say the most out of pocket shit and Brody just -_-
Gio has such a small state that whenever Vic is by NYC or Brody is by Philadelphia he's hopping in his car to come meet them
"Brody, you don't have any beaches, come visit mine~" "you're just bored, aren't you?" "...yes."
Their instas have the best pictures
The pics where you see them and go "damn thats an aesthetic"
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Ohio: How long do you think I could survive in a refrigerator?
New Jersey: I- I actually don’t know the answer to that one. Wanna test it out?
Ohio: Yes!
Delaware: Hey New Jersey have you seen Ohio at all?
New Jersey: *Looking at their phone* Yes, exactly 1 hour 34 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Delaware: Why did you do it to the last second?
*Muffled thump of something hitting the inside of the refrigerator door*
New Jersey: 1 hour 34 minutes and 12 seconds is the answer!!
*Delaware opens the door and Ohio falls out*
Delaware: …
Delaware: I’m telling America
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hipsofsteel · 2 years
Living in the free world, we're so fucking blind - praying we'll be fine. (Yes I stole a lyric from a song. Sue me.)
for this ask prompt
living in the free world, we're so fucking blind - praying we'll be fine
Elijah wishes he could say he's surprised as he watches the world change for the worse around him. He and Fatima always talk about places they could go if things get worse. If they become more dangerous, or more frightening.
But he worries. Will they really know when it's time? Will it be enough time to get out and away? To find safety elsewhere? And how will they stand what they have to leave behind? Their lives and friends, their pets, and above all else, their family.
They talk about leaving practically every night now. Fleeing for another hemisphere. But they don't book the flights, or look at visas. They just fall asleep, wake up, and go to work. Rinse and repeat.
Living in the free world has never felt so much like being trapped in a cage.
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cass-yes · 3 years
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different times of the day!!
excuse my inability to draw shoes
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Vermont: I know what's going on in your head.
New Jersey: Well then, welcome to the terror dome.
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apollo11fangirl · 3 years
North East: AAAAaaaaaaaaaaa
Confederacy/South US/CSA/South: Can you keep it down hon. If you don’t I’m Fixen to fight all y’all.
America: please don’t, they will only get more angry sis
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missmagicandlight · 3 years
“Are you blushing?” Nicky and adam ( I miss them)
fluff 27. “Are you blushing?”
Nicky has been acting odd all day, avoiding kisses and cuddling, and maybe it’s just anxiety but it makes Adam wonder if he’s going to be dumped soon. 
Adam completely tosses out the idea of a breakup that night when Nicky pulls him closer, resting his chin on Adam's head. Surely Nicky wouldn't do that if he was going to break up with him, right? ~ The answer hits him in the morning when he wakes up. Nicky's cheeks are flushed, and laying a hand on his forehead just proves what Adam just realized. Nicky's sick. He runs his hand through Nicky's sweat-damp hair and sighs. Of course, Nicky would rather suffer in silence than ruin their week together. Adam gets out of bed slowly, careful not to wake up Nicky. He's going to take care of his sick boyfriend if it kills him. ~ Chicken noodle soup should not be this hard, Adam thinks sadly as he stares at the current disaster of a batch. "What's burning?" Adam glances over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Nicky, who's yawning in the kitchen entryway. There goes breakfast in bed. 
Nicky raises his eyebrows. “Are you blushing?” 
Adam doesn’t dignify that with a response. 
Nicky pads over to examine the pot, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Why are you trying to make soup at," he glances at the clock on the wall. "Nine in the morning?" "Because you're sick." "I'm not sick." The statement is slightly contradicted by the fact that he's still flushed from his fever, his hair is sweat-damp despite the house being air-conditioned, and that he has a hand on the counter to balance himself. Adam crosses his arms. "Really? Let's go get the thermometer then." Nicky winces. "Okay. Maybe I'm a little sick." "A little?"
Nicky shrugs. 
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 4 months
Spring 1775
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This is from a scene in a fiction piece I’m writing called “To Prevent Consequence.” Anyways this scene occurs in 1775, basically Jennie/ New York State is being more or less threatened by Arthur due to the rebellious activities her relatives like Elise/ New Jersey and Will/ Albany, NY, and neighbors like Henry/ Massachusetts and his cousin, Alfred.
Now at this point in time Jennie DID NOT want to partake in what was becoming the revolution (they were not quite here yet). She was still perceived as too Dutch (and Sephardi) by her peers as she used to be a Dutch colony so she didn’t really receive all that much respect from them other than her business expertise. Jennie didn’t want to rock the boat too much and risk her businesses, and she saw these rebellious activities especially from Henry & Alfred as just another inter-English conflict.
The 13 colonies were becoming difficult to govern following the French & Indian War (North American theatre of the Seven Years War) because this was the first time Arthur would’ve actually had a chance to properly govern them hence why the operated under salutary neglect. It’s not that he didn’t care to govern them, but other than his first colony Rich/Virginia, he never got a chance to spend much time with any of them because he was either in his own civil war or he was in non-stop European wars (which also dragged his 13 colonies in as well). He also began to show up because Rich had forced his hand into the French & Indian war and he realized it was time to like get these colonies under control. Initially, he tried to be like maybe a stern uncle, or teacher when he first got a chance to properly meet all of them. However he had let them all essentially do their own thing for so long that they all had separate cultures and ideas*, and he knew he had to start ruling them with heavier hand hence why he started taxing them more, and made some attempts at state religion. Simply put, the colonies were not fond of this, especially the New Englanders like Henry/Massachusetts & Alfred who saw this as another attempt to suppress their “rights to be new Englanders.”
ANYWAYS her younger sister, Elise & cousin, Will on the other hand saw the brewing conflict as a chance to assert their Dutch-ness. A lot of American ideas about plurality of religion and ethnicity can be traced back to the plurality seen in the New Netherland colony (which was mostly New York & New Jersey- Pennsylvania also had these ideas but that’s cause of the Quakers lol). Meanwhile, her long-time neighbor, and frenemy Henry/Massachusetts & Alfred were starting shit with Arthur mostly cause they just didn’t want to be ruled so heavily by him. Henry & Jennie have a complicated relationship, but one thing you can count on is that Jennie annoys / enrages the ever the fuck out of Henry for just being there; and she gleefully antagonizes him enough that sometimes he just stops. Arthur generally likes Jennie, but he still wasn’t the biggest fan that she was still rather Dutch despite being a colony of his for a little over 100 years at this point.
Arthur was hoping by threatening Jennie with like y’know harming her relatives that Jennie could placate both her relatives and Henry and Alfred somehow. And this worked for a time at making Jennie even more hesitant to partake in the Revolution. Jennie does also have a good poker face normally, but like lol her boss is threatening her in this scene so.
I’ll save this for another post, but Jennie does of course eventually participate and she goes hard for these assholes. She starts off as an “outsider” amongst these English colonies and quickly becomes a vital player and honestly a trusted confidant of Alfred’s.
Little tidbits
- Alfred IS NOT Arthur’s son in this AU. Actually they don’t develop a meaningful relationship until much later on. I do see their relationship that of like an uncle/teacher nephew/student. But this post isn’t about him lol. I will say that, I see his early character growth being really developed by his interactions with states and cities and indigenous nations rather than with European nations
- I heavily rely folkways a lot to inform my Nor’Easter verse lore because I really enjoy US history, but I personally don’t like:
1) shoving everything into one character (Alfred) hence why I make use of states and cities (they’re not all related to him nor are they all necessarily friends with him).
2) I like US history, and I really love the social and regional discourses within it. So having states and cities represent perhaps “outsider” groups (ex not WASPs) allows me to do that whilst also explaining the history of that state / city in relation to US history.
- *SO these colonies DID DEVELOP DIFFERENTLY. I’m using the regions put forth by Albion’s Seed to inform the more “English” areas of the nation- so basically the “root” culture of these regions are
17th century East England = New England
17th century English/Scottish borderlands = Appalachia
17th century southwestern English gentry = tidewater south
Quakers are deadass their own thing + 17th Century English Midlands
Everything is regional in my understanding of the world. Modern English national culture was being created and also being enforced in the colonies, and these colonies had developed from different regional English cultures and wanted to continue their traditions within those so to a certain extent the American Revolution was sort of an English civil war and these colonies wanted to assert their right to be English (or whatever else) in their own way.
I look at other cultures, but this is all a case by case thing, my main focus is New York, which is uniquely Dutch.
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*sometime during the American Revolution*
NY: Thats... a horrible plan. Terrible. Like... I don't know what to even do with that.
MA: well, rn its the only plan we have. The southern colonies are doing what they can, but there's only so much they can do.
NY: NJ and me, tho? Really?? I don't want to deal with that tosser.
NJ: I mean, same. But, MA is right - it IS the only plan we have.
NY: ...
NY: fine. But if I die, its your fault, and im coming back to haunt you.
DC, a small tyke, looking up from his toy soldiers: can we really die??
NY: ...
NY: alright, not only did I not like how curious he was about that, but why are we in charge of him? Isn't he VA's charge?
MA: VA wants him somewhere safer -and yes I know how that sounds - and he's at that age where he only has one thing on his mind.
NJ: bedtime?
MA: death.
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Is New Jersey's hair natural or dyed? Either way, I love it!
It’s natural!
Along with looking absolutely fabulous, New Jersey takes great pride in his flaming red hair and for good reason.
It’s brought him no problem, because despite the whole ginger = witchcraft thing, that’s pretty much a myth.
If you’re curious about where I got that from - you can check here!
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spidertalia · 11 months
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Meet my boy New Jersey !!
His human name is Daniel Burr, but he exclusively goes by Danny and will knock your lights out if you call him Daniel. He's physically 23 and is the 14th oldest state.
Danny has quite the personality. He's proud, hot tempered, confrontational, dramatic, sarcastic, loud, lively, sassy, blunt, good-humored, passionate, impatient, a jokester, hardworking, diligent, sociable, intelligent, quick-witted, sharp, snarky, fiercely loyal, honest, slightly cynical, pragmatic, analytical, industrious, outspoken and opinionated. He actually makes friends surprisingly easily and loves chatting up strangers, but he also loves starting fights and arguments with some of the other states. He lives for drama. He's very proud and has a very short temper as well. He will not hesitate to speak his mind on anything or call people out when they're being idiotic or irresponsible without regard for their feelings.
Some fun facts about him:
He's 5'5 or 165 cm in height. He's the third shortest male state, being taller than Rhode Island and Delaware.
He has roughly 3A hair
He speaks 18 languages fluently outside of his Indigenous languages, and is learning a further ten languages.
He can fluently speak English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Tagalog, Gujarati, Korean, Arabic, Polish, Greek, Haitian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian and French. He is currently learning and speaks some Yoruba, Ukrainian, Japanese, German, Lithuanian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Turkish, Tamil and Telugu.
He's Hispanic. Specifically, mixed white and Indigenous.
He is pretty much constantly fighting with New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania. He also on occasion fights with Massachusetts and Connecticut.
He starts drama and fights on purpose, for the sheer fun of it.
He's surprisingly very competitive and loves to prove himself by being good at things. However, his confidence isn't unfounded; he's a genuinely hard worker who throws himself wholeheartedly into learning new skills and things. He may like to brag, but he absolutely earns the right to.
He is the second best cook of all the states, behind Louisiana. He knows 2-8 recipes from over 80 countries, and he has well over 500 recipes under his belt. Similar to how New York loves learning languages, New Jersey loves learning recipes.
He's actually an insanely skilled driver with impeccably fast reflexes, and is quite possibly one of the very best drivers. He just has a personal vendetta against every single traffic law and driver out there. He can make death-defying turns in the blink of an eye, and will absolutely cut people off on the road for simply looking at him wrong. He has negative patience on the road and gets road rage very easily.
He's a very skilled and very hard worker. He's great at getting things done and getting them done on time.
Despite his argumentative and hot tempered nature, he actually makes friends very easily. He genuinely enjoys chatting up random strangers on the street and having hour long conversations over any topic they can think of. He's a great listener and an engaging conversationalist.
He likes spending time outdoors and in nature.
He jaywalks on occasion for fun.
He cares more about his appearance than he lets on
He's naturally very stylish. He especially loves jean jackets and jackets with pins on them.
He will complain if he has to drive more than half an hour to get anywhere.
He's very skilled at machinery, engineering and mechanics. He can fix up cars, repair wiring, repair machinery and make home improvements.
He talks fast and works faster
Despite his pride in his appearance, he's generally unafraid to get his hands dirty or jump headfirst into nature.
He's actually good friends with Romano, despite what one might think. The two bond over hating people and loving pasta and pizza.
He has a New Jersey accent
He's also, strangely enough, friends with Florida. Any of his insults just roll off of Florida's shoulders, and the two eventually became friends thanks to their shared loud, lively personalities. Danny still likes to play bicker with him, though.
His hobbies are cooking, listening to music, tinkering and complaining
He will complain about pretty much anything and everything.
He played a big part in the Industrial Revolution, like Pennsylvania, and remains his skill with machinery and mechanics to this day. He's not nearly as into it anymore as Pennsylvania is, but he does find joy in fixing up old cars.
He collects old cars.
He is very sarcastic, snarky and quick-witted. He has a nickname for pretty much everyone.
He converted to Judaism sometime during-after the Revolution and has stuck to it since. He's very proud of it.
He's the 11th oldest of the 13 colonies, and was physically 14 during the American Revolution.
He stole one house from England during the Revolution.
He will fight England nearly on sight. It's best to not have the two in the same room.
His likes include: Music, bagels, pizza, Italian food, pasta, diners, Dunkin, hoagies, subs, pork rolls, dancing, drive-in theater, tomatoes, saltwater taffy, Wawa, wine, blueberries, cranberries, corn, cooking, latino food, latino music, Springsteen, Bon Jovi, machinery, engineering, Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra, 70's music, partying, complaining, classic movies and old cars.
His dislikes include: New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, England, slow people, slow drivers and traffic laws.
I will be including more/posting more about him later on !! This is just what I have so far :))
I lowkey took loose inspo for him from one of my favorite fictional characters (who's from New Jersey), Danny Williams from 2010's Hawaii Five 0. If you want some idea of NJ's energy, watch clips of Danny Williams sdfghj. (Them sharing a first name is a total coincidence)
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buttmano · 5 years
Aph England: Do not fear death. Fear the state in which you die.
Aph America: *shudders and whispers* New Jersey...
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