#anyways yeah i love sammy he shouldn’t be allowed to look so beautiful
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✨the duality of man✨
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softboywriting · 4 years
Fight For You | Part 1
Summary: Your whole adult life you’ve dated mixed martial arts fighters, it comes naturally with working and living in and around the fighting circuits. After a fallout with your now ex-boyfriend you find a new place to start a new life where you find someone who is willing to fight for you as much as you are for him. Will you be able to build something beautiful or will your past come back to haunt you? [fighting] [asshole ex]
Word Count: 13k
Authors Note:  None of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics on any platform.
|Masterlist In Bio|
Moving to a new town in a new state is a fresh start for you. After a rough year dealing with an asshole boyfriend, leaving said boyfriend and losing your job, you have to find a new place in life. The world is a clean slate for you and Red Lake is where you’re ready to put down some roots and start over. Your best friend Jodi and her wife live there and they’re the closest thing to a real family you have left so choosing Red Lake was a no brainer.
"So, how's the apartment?" Jodi asks as she unlocks the back door of the gym where she works. Her wife Harlow is the owner and a former female MMA fighter. "It's not too shitty I hope."
"Oh I didn't get the apartment. I got the house on Garden Plaza. The one Harlow said her friend was renting out."
"Oh yeah! Fuck, I totally forgot." Jodi holds the door open for you and you wander into the back storage room. It's full of old mats and various pieces of equipment in need of repair. "When does the truck arrive with your stuff?"
"This week. The drivers said tomorrow but I'm not counting on it."
Jodi pushes open the door to the main hallway to the gym floor and nearly smacks into someone. "Holy shit!" She leans on the door and you step forward to see who she hit or just got scared by.
"Are you okay?" A voice says from beyond the door and a head pops out. "Sorry Jodi."
"God! Why are you here so early!" Jodi asks, ushering you out into the hall. She closes the door and you see a guy in a fitted black shirt and a pair of grey sweats standing behind the door. He's oddly familiar.
"Harlow asked me to come in and...wipe down the mats." The guy stares at you and you stare back. You know him. Those chocolate curls, soft eyes, and sharp jawline are unmistakably familiar. You just can't put your finger on it.
Jodi waves her hand in front of his face. "Shawn? Earth to Shawnie boy!"
Shawn Pierce. Shit, yeah it's coming back to you. Tate trained with him about a year ago when he was trying to get into the western region MMA championship circuit. You were never properly introduced but you did talk a few times. Tate didn't bring you by the gym a lot, he claimed you distracted him.
"You're Tate Greyson's girlfriend right?"
"Ex." Jodi snorts and you shove her shoulder. Shawn raises his eyebrows.
"I was, yes. We're not together anymore." You chuckle and shake your head. "Not that we were ever that together in the first place."
Shawn narrows his eyes at you and you shift uncomfortably. "Did he hit you?"
"What?" Your eyes go wide.
"The bruise on your collarbone."
Jodi leans in and pulls your shirt aside a little bit. "Oh shit, what happened?"
Suddenly you remember the bruise in question. You had fallen off the step ladder in your apartment back home while taking down your plant hangers. "I fell while packing up my apartment." You pull your shirt back to show Jodi more of the yellowing bruise. "I swear Tate never hit me. It's been months since I've seen him."
"Oh thank God." Jodi sighs and pulls out her keys. "I'd kill him myself if he touched you."
Shawn steps back and rubs his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything."
You lean against the wall as Jodi walks up the stairs to her office door. "No, it's fine. Tate is a bit of a loose cannon, but he never hit me."
"Yeah, he was a tough one." Shawn folds his arms, stretching the tee across his chest and you can't help but stare. He shakes his head. "He never did like to listen, always just wanted to swing hard and fast, no finesse."
"Should have seen him in bed. Same tactic."
Shawn's eyes widen and you realize you didn't really need to tell him that. You flush and he just laughs. "Man he must have pissed you off if you're out here dragging him like this."
"Yeah he did." You roll your eyes at the thought of Tate. Everything he did pissed you off. Silence falls between the two of you and you push off the wall. "I'll see you around?"
"I'm here just about every day." He puts his hand out for you awkwardly and you take it, giving an oddly formal shake. "Are you going to be here a lot?"
"Dunno. I got a job at Dixie's down the street but I work nights. So I might come around a bit."
Shawn drops your hand and runs his hand over his hair. "A waitress?"
"Bartender." You smirk and he grins. "You can stop by, I make a good gin and tonic. I'm allowed discounts for family and friends."
"I'm a friend then, eh?"
"Oh I'm sure you'll be a friend." You look him over and bite your lip. "Maybe more."
Shawn grins and you can't miss the pink that spreads across his cheeks. "You're bold. I like that." He steps back and turns to go out to the main floor. "I should get back to those mats now."
"Mmmhmm." You wave him off. "See ya."
Jodi clicks her tongue and you steps out of her office. "You are so predictable." She says from the top of the stairs.
You jog up to meet her and give her a look. "What? Because I think he's hot?"
"No, because he's a fighter." Jodi rolls her eyes and sinks into her chair as you follow her into the large room. "You only date fighters."
"Says the woman who married one!"
"Hey, I don't count. Harlow is the only fighter I ever dated and I didn't even know she was a fighter when we started going out."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever. So I got a type. Whoopty do."
"At least Shawn's a good one."
"You saying I have poor taste?"
Jodi picks up a few large envelopes and stares at you over them. "You're joking right? Tate? Remember that hot garbage of a few months ago?"
"Yeah but Chase before him wasn't garbage."
"Chase was a two month fling while you worked the circuit with me. Was he ever anything?"
You flop down onto the couch under the window that overlooks the gym. "I guess not. So what, Shawn's a fighter and I like fighters. Maybe he'll be a keeper."
"Ex fighter."
"Shawn's an ex fighter." Jodi types aways at her computer and you wait for her to continue. "He doesn't fight anymore. What?"
"He doesn't? Why? He looked healthy."
"Personal choice. Harlow has been trying to book him on the circuit for years. He keeps in shape and trains other fighters for Harlow but he's not getting in that ring for anything. It's a shame, he was a two time champion."
You look out the window to where Shawn is running along the mats on the far side of the gym with a towel. You wonder what made him stop competing. A guy like him could take out anyone his weight. No doubt. You'd seen him spare with Tate once when he trained with him. Shawn has the skill, what would drive him to waste it?
Dixie's is a hole in the wall kind of place. Definitely a local spot and everyone in town goes there. It's a bar and restaurant that serves your classic American staples, burgers, fries, steak and sandwiches. Nothing fancy, but the food is good and homemade. The day time crowd at Dixie's is mostly families, regular customers on their lunch breaks or afternoon meetups, occasionally a truck driver or two since it's on the edge of the town. The night time crowd at Dixie's is much different, very adult orientated. They didn't let kids in after eight since that's when most of the drunks and party goers start showing up. Most people know to avoid Dixie's for a late dinner lest you be caught up in a fight or have to listen to some guy babble on about the good ole days for four hours.
You work the night shift at the bar. You don't mind, you tended places much worse. Hell, you lived in Vegas for a year after graduation and that's where you learned to bartend. When you're raised in hell, the rest of the world doesn't seem so bad.
"Hey! You made it!" Carrie says from the door to the kitchen. "I was worried you wouldn't come back after last week."
"What? Greg? Please, I've dealt with a lot worse then having a drink thrown at me and being called a raging bitch." You place your purse under the counter behind the bar in a little safe. Carrie didn't fuck around when it came to safety and personal belongings in her bar.
"Oh thank God. Greg is an asshole but if you made it through the night with him I think you'll be alright."
"I worked in Vegas, Carrie." You grab your apron off the wall beside her. "I've seen shit. Greg, ain't shit."
Carrie looks incredibly relieved. "I've had four bartenders walk out because of him."
"Yeah, well, they weren't me." You wave to one of the waitresses, Sammy, coming in for her shift. The two of you hit it off really well last week so you're excited to work with her tonight."Besides, I'd like to stick around."
Carrie pushes open the kitchen door and you follow her in. "Oh yeah? Find a love interest?"
"I don't think I'd call him that yet. But I'm definitely interested." You grab a few plates off the warming table to help Carrie serve them. "We've met before."
"Oh wow, coincidence huh? You just moved here right?"
"Yeah. It's so weird, but he's a fighter who trained with my ex boyfriend a year ago. I guess I'm bound to meet people from the same circuit."
Carrie chuckles and leads the way with her arms full of plates. "You like those fighters huh? We got a lot of those type around here."
"I do." You fall silent as you help Carrie serve the large group of middle aged people at the front of the seating area. As soon as you're done Carrie walks with you to the bar.
"Anyway, those fighters are always coming in here. I don't mind the business of course, they eat a lot. But some of them also drink alot and bar fights between fighters is a nightmare."
"Don't worry, I can handle them." You wipe out some glasses on the drying station and Carrie starts going through the liquor stock to see what she needs to bring out of the back for the night. "I swear, I'm sticking around."
Carrie pauses and looks over at you. "You seem pretty set on it."
"Yeah, I am. Things are good here. I have my own place, I'm near my best friend, there's a hot fighter who I wanna get to know. It's good. A fresh start."
"I'm happy for you dear." Her hand comes down on your shoulder and you look over at her. She's smiling, her big round glasses sitting too low on her nose. She blows a stray curl out of her face and pats your shoulder a few times. "You're a good kid."
"I try to be." You chuckle. "Anyway, looks like it's kicking off early tonight." You point at a group of guys who have just walked in, some fighters by the looks of them. Out of circuit fighters, the kind who drink too much and let their bodies get weakened by alcohol. You scoff to yourself. Frat boys with too many muscles and big dreams but no dedication. A bunch of Tate Greysons'. It's gonna be a long night.
"Pierce! Focus!" Harlow yells from the office doorway at the top of the stairs. Shawn is standing in the ring with his client for the day but he keeps looking over at you where you're talking to Jodi near the bathrooms.
You look over and bite your lip, knowing you got him in trouble. "Anyways, as I was saying," you turn back to Jodi and she's grinning. "What?"
"Harlow is gonna kick his ass if he doesn't stop gawking at you." She looks up at her wife through the window and she's pacing the office, watching Shawn like a hawk. "You're quite a distraction."
"I don't mean to be. I'm just standing here for fucks sake." You gesture to your jeans and plain tee shirt. "I'm not even dressed up!"
Jodi laughs. "Shawn's just soft, he's got your attention and he doesn't want to lose it. I don't know the last time he had a girlfriend."
"Really?" You look back. "A guy like him has been single for-" Shawn gets clocked in the head. "Oh shit."
Jodi sighs. "Moron."
You jog over to the ring and hold onto the cage, staring at Shawn on the ground. "Are you okay?!"
"Dude, you went down like a sack of bricks." The other fighter says, kneeling on one knee beside Shawn. "Dude?"
"Is he knocked out?" You ask, walking along the ring to climb the stairs at the open entryway. "Shawn?"
"I haven't been hit that hard in years." Shawn groans, eyes closed. "Good left hook, Connor."
"Thanks, but for real are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Shawn sits up and holds his head. "Y'know no matter how many fights you're in, and how much training you do, getting hit hurts worse when you're not expecting it."
"Getting hit hurts in general." You laugh and help him up on his feet. "And you would have expected it if you weren't staring at me."  
Connor snickers.
"I was not staring." Shawn stretches his arms and shakes off the hit.
"Yeah? Why'd you get hit then?"
"We're sparing."
"Uh huh." You look to Connor. "Did he seem distracted?"
"Mmm thought so." You turn and walk out of the cage with a glance back with a small smile.
Shawn calls out to you as you cross the gym floor. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!"
"Stop staring at me and actually talk to me is what it means!" You laugh and meet up with Jodi outside the office. "God he's ridiculous."
"He hasn't asked you out yet?"
"No! It's been a week since we met. He just stares at me when I'm here and occasionally says no more than four words to me." You glance over and Shawn and Connor have changed positions so Shawn is with his back to you. "I think he's shy."
"Shawn? Nah. He's sweet, always has been. I think he's just cautious because he knows you just got out of a relationship, and one with a former trainee of his too. I'd be cautious."
"Well light a fire under his ass for me will you?"
Jodi gives you a thumbs up. "I'll get right on that boss. Matchmaker Jodi Price is on the case!"
"Oh shut up. Just talk to him?"
"I will." Jodi grabs her keys from Harlow as she steps out of the office. "We'll be back later honey."
"I'll pick up dinner." Harlow looks out at Connor and Shawn. "If I'm late it's because I've got two man-children to deal with."
"Easy on him. He's got feelings for our girl here."
Harlow rolls her eyes. "I don't pay him to have feelings."
"You're such a hardass, Harlow." You laugh and she smirks. "I promise I'll try not to stop in too much when he's training Connor."
"Yeah yeah." Harlow waves you off. "Get out of here, go have fun."
"Picking up furniture at Ikea isn't fun." Jodi says in annoyance.
"Mmhmm. Sure its not. Bye bye." Harlow walks toward the window to the gym floor and you wave goodbye.
"Come on." You put your arm around Jodi's shoulders. "Let's go build some skeptical furniture and relive the good ole days."
Jodi laughs. "Yeah, the good ole days of duct taped chair legs and book balanced tables. God I hope these Ikea things will be better than our crap back then."
"I'm sure it'll be fine."
Building furniture is a nightmare. You and Jodi spend an hour putting together a dresser that you end up abandoning in favor of Chinese take out and a rerun of Chopped you hadn't seen before while sitting on the boxes for your nightstand and kitchen cart. You still have both of those items plus your bed frame to build. You'll get to it eventually.
Eventually leads to three days later and you still have the boxes propped against the wall of your living room where you and Jodi abandoned them after dinner. Every day you walk past them and think, maybe that day, but then you keep going. It's not until today, Friday, your day off, that you might actually get them built.
"Hey, what're you doing tonight?" Shawn asks as he steps down out of the cage. You've been watching him spar with one of the other trainers for an hour now after stopping by to help Jodi read over some paperwork for the gyms lease.
He grins. "Yeah, you."
"Building furniture for my house."
He chuckles and sinks into the chair next to you, observing two fighters now sparing on the mats nearby. "Sounds like a wild time."
"Oh it will be. I'll probably decide to get drunk halfway through and just say fuck it again." You laugh to yourself. "Drunk lonely furniture building on a Friday night. I've reached my peak at age twenty four."
"Need some help?" Shawn looks over and you raise your eyebrows. He is really making a move. Finally.
"You sure you don't have some floors to clean or something?" You ask, referencing the last time he tried to get out of your attempt to instigate a date. He is a weird one, definitely interested but hesitant for some reason. You get what Jodi said, about him being cautious because of your past with Tate but it's been almost five months. You're ready to move the fuck on. You gotta make it clear to this man you're ready.
Shawn smiles and looks away. "Okay, fair enough. Just call me out why don't you?"
"Yeah? You realize you've been dragging this out?"
"Yeah yeah. So can I come over?"
You grin and cross your arms. "I guess. What do you drink?"
"Tequila?" He says with a smirk as he starts unwrapping his hands.
"I'm not buying tequila. I don't know about you but tequila fucks me up and I will make some bad decisions."
"Me too, maybe we should go for it then."
"Absolutely not." You reach over and grab Shawn's hand as he picks at a piece of the fabric that's tucked too tightly under another. "How about we just start with some hard lemonade or something?"
Shawn smiles and closes his big hand over yours. "It's a date then?"
"Is it a date?"
"Could be."
"Let's just call it hanging out for now." You place the coiled up wad of wrapping fabric in Shawn's hand. "Now, I'm going to get lunch at Dixie's. You want something?"
"Nah, I brought lunch." Shawn looks over at the sitting area where Harlow has set up a refrigerator, a stand with a microwave and a few little tables with chairs. "Leftover chicken and rice."
You stand and Shawn stands with you. He flexes his hand a few times to work out the stiffness of it being bound too tight in the wrapping. You head for the office stairs to see if the ladies want lunch too. "I'll let you know when I'm heading home so you can follow me."
"Works for me."
"Oh, and don't wrap your hand so tight next time." You point at his hand. "You should know better."
Shawn grins sheepishly. "Maybe someone else should wrap it for me?"
"Maybe." You smile and he just grins.
"Hey Jodi have you seen- oh." Shawn leans against the door as he looks between you and Jodi on the couch in the office. It's almost seven and you had completely lost track of time.
"Whatcha doing?"
Jodi holds her half wrapped hand up to show Shawn. "Teaching her to wrap."
Shawn smirks. "Your ex never taught you?"
"Tate didn't like having me around too much when he was fighting. He said I distracted him. So I didn't get to wrap his hands but once or twice."
"What a dick. Well I'm done cleaning up for the day, are you ready to go?"
Jodi raises her eyebrows. "Y'all have a date? And you didn't tell me?"
"It's not a date." You roll your eyes. "He's just going to help me with the furniture."
"So he's gonna be at your house with you alone?"
"Yes." You stand and Jodi unwinds her hand. "Now don't say another word missy." Jodi just snickers and you grab your purse. "Let's go Shawn."
An hour into furniture building and you're sure you're going to combust. Shawn is so big and thick, and close. He's in a pair of tight black jeans and a black tank top, having forgone his shirt almost as soon as you started working. He is just...he's too much. You thought Tate was big, you thought Tate was ripped and he was but not like Shawn. The way Shawn is built and the way he moves so fluidly is just...it's enough to stop your heart.
"Hey, hello?" He waves his hand in your face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine?"
"Did you hear me?"
Shawn chuckles and leans back on his forearms. "What'd I say?"
"Nope. I asked you if you wanted to get dinner."
"Oh." You push your hair back out of your face and look up at the clock over your kitchen table. "It's almost eight. Shit."
"So? Do you work tomorrow?"
"Yeah in the evening, but I didn't mean to keep you this late."
"It's not late?" Shawn laughs. "It's no big deal. I'm off tomorrow. I'll order something and we'll keep putting together this bed frame, sleeping on a mattress on the floor is bad for your back."
"Mmmhmm. Sure you don't just want to stay late to get me on this bed after we put it together?"
Shawn sits up, leans forward onto his hands and knees, face close to yours as he pushes himself up off the floor. "Oh I'll be much more upfront when I wanna do that." He pulls out his phone and you flush hot. "What sounds good? Pizza? Wings? Chinese?"
"Don't you need to eat healthy?"
"I do." He smiles over at you. "It's alright to indulge now and then."
"None of this is going away because I eat some pizza now and then." He gestures up and down himself. "I know that sounds incredibly pretentious but I worked hard for this strength. I'm having pizza." He puts the phone up to his ear and walks around the room aimlessly as it rings.
"Tate never wanted to get dinner. He said it'd ruin his diet." You stand and look around at the scattered pieces of the bed frame and your stomach rumbles loudly.
"Yeah because he was an idiot." Shawn says softly before answering the phone and placing an order for a medium taco pizza.
You raise your eyebrows and he grins. How did he happen to know your favorite pizza? There was no way he could have known or guessed. Taco pizza was not an every day order.
"Thank you bye." He pockets his phone. "Anyway Tate was obsessed with his eating habits. I remember sitting him down and explaining that he actually needs to eat real food and not protein shakes and supplements for every meal. He didn't ever listen though."
"Yeah he was an idiot, okay, but how did you know I like taco pizza?"
"Wild guess."
"Uh uh. Who told you?"
Shawn holds his hands up. "Honest to God, you want the truth?"
"Yeah. Who was it?"
"No one. Seriously, it was a wild guess. I like taco pizza and I noticed you have little taco magnets on the fridge and a taco pillow on your couch so I figured maybe you like them too. Seriously, it was a shot in the dark."
You stare at him slack jawed. He had been in your house for an hour and he noticed your taco magnets? That was...just so...weird? What else did he notice? You look around your room suddenly very self conscious of everything you have sitting on the dresser and nightstand. "I...I don't know what to say about that."
"About what?"
"About how observant you are."
"Oh. Should I not be?"
"N-no, I mean, it's fine? I've just never had someone pay attention to my stuff I guess."
Shawn chuckles and gets down on his knees to start taking the rest of the bed frame pieces from the box. You definitely don't miss how his ass is perfectly accentuated by the dip of his jeans. "Well, I like your place, it's interesting and cozy. Sorry if that's weird, I don't mean it to be."
"It's fine." You get down next to him, eyes still on his butt and he hands you a bag of screws. "It's just different. You're different." He leans forward to grab a bar from the frame and the way his back curves makes you want to grab his ass so bad. It's perfectly round and you just want to feel it so badly.
He glances over with a smile as he sits back on his knees. "Is that good?"
"W-what?" You feel a flush on your cheeks. Was he talking about your staring? Was he good? Because yes, a thousand times yes he was.
"Is it good that I'm different?"
"Oh! Yeah, very good." You smile and look down with a chuckle as you dump the bag of screws into a little Tupperware bowl he hands you that you've been using for small parts so nothing gets lost. "I like different."
"Me too." He grins and you meet his eyes. "Let's get this bed together so we can relax when the pizza gets here."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Busy night?"
You look up from the back of the bar and see Shawn sitting a few seats down from you. He's smiling, hair pushed back looking like a damn angel in his white tee. The bar has been crowded for two hours now, a huge bachelor party of some sort taking up most of the space in the building. You and Sammy have been working double time to get food and drinks out as quick as possible. Big parties of guys meant big tips, keep them happy, keep that tip growing.
"Yeah." You glance over to the loud crowd nearby. "Bachelor party."
"I see. Must be fun?"
"For me or them?"
You chuckle and walk down to stand in front of him. "Is it fun making drinks? Yes. Is it fun watching a bunch of twenty some year olds get hammered while getting hit on by every one of them? Not so much."
Shawn waves off a drink offer as you gesture to the bar behind you. "I just came by to see how you were doing. You haven't been by the gym in a few days."
"Oh, you noticed." You lean back and smile. "I've been working doubles. Carrie has had a cold and I didn't want her to push herself. I'm a lot younger, I can't handle a few days of work."
Shawn cracks open a peanut from the bucket on the counter for customers. "You're a sweetheart." He grins and pops the peanut in his mouth. "Glad you're alright though."
"Did you think I was avoiding you?"
"Nah. Well, a little?" He chuckles and hangs his head. "Honestly I thought I fucked up the night we put together your bed."
You step forward and fold your arms on the counter in front of him. "I'd tell you if you fucked up. Trust me, you haven't done anything to put me off."
"Good. What do you say to lunch Wednesday?"
"I'd say I hope you like Dixie's pulled pork special because that's where I'll be."
"You work dayshift again?" He shakes his head.
"Yep. My last double."
"Okay, alright. I'll stop by?"
"I'd love it."
Shawn looks over at the party of guys getting loud again. "I'm gonna head out before that gets too wild. Stay safe honey."
"Bye Shawn." You roll your eyes at his ridiculous pet name and he waves as he heads out.
"How's Connor doing?" You ask as you watch the young fighter spar with one of the other guys while Shawn is taking a break in the office.  
"The kid is insane. He's fast, strong, smart too. He reminds me of myself when I was nineteen."
You look over and Shawn is tossing a stress ball up at the ceiling casually. "Connor is nineteen?"
"Yeah." He looks over with a grin. "Why? Thought he was cute?"
"Shawn! God, no. I'm just surprised Harlow took on a guy that young."
"I was too. I remember when Connor walked into this gym. He was a short little sixteen year old with no intention of doing anything but bulking up a bit."
"He didn't wanna be a fighter?"
"Nope." Shawn chuckles. "He came to take some HIIT classes and some CrossFit bullshit Harlow had let a trainer do for a few months. I think once he saw me and Mike in the ring he caught the bug."
You watch as Connor takes down his opponent, pinning him to the mat. Shawn's right, he is fast and strong for his size. His practice opponent is easily twenty pounds heavier than him and he is taking him down like it's nothing. "You think he's gonna make it to championship finals?"
"He going to make it to nationals if I have any say in it. He has what it takes, he's got the heart and soul of a fighter. You don't see that everyday. I've trained a lot of guys in the last few years and they just don't have what Connor has."
"Has any of your trainees made it to the championship circuit?"
"No. Not yet." Shawn looks over and you chuckle. "What? You think I'm not good at training?"
"Not that. I'm just laughing because your last trainee was Tate right?"
"He definitely didn't have what it takes."
"He didn't. He couldn't listen, just wanted to do what he thought was right. You'd think when a two time western champion and two time national finalist takes the time to train you, you might try and give a fuck." Shawn sits up and squeezes the shit out of his stress ball. "Tate honest to God pissed me off like no other."
You raise your eyebrows and giggle. How funny it was that the two of you shared the same distaste for Tate. "He was something."
"No. He's nothing and he's never going to be until he gets his head out of his ass."
"You think so? I'm sure you've thought the same thing."
You smirk. "I've definitely thought worse."
"And I'm harsh?"
"I haven't said it out loud." You scoff and lean back in Jodi's chair. "But someone should."
Shawn stands and walks over to the desk. He leans forward and smirks. "I'd tell that sorry piece of shit every single thing you wish you could say to him. I'd hand deliver it to him right in his smug fuckin jaw."
"Easy tiger." You run your hand up his arm, fingers curling against bicep and he drops his head. "No need for the violence. Fighting is an art not a brawl."
"I'm using your own words against you?" You smirk and stand up, checking a message on your phone from Sammy about stopping by for tips from last night.
Shawn straightens up with a grin and shakes his head. "You remember me telling Tate that?"
"It's the first thing I ever heard you say to him."
"Tate is a dumbass for losing a woman like you, y'know?"
"Yeah." You walk around and past Shawn toward the door. "But if he wasn't, I wouldn't have ever found a man worth fighting for."
Wednesday afternoon is a shit show. For some reason there are a couple day drinkers in at the bar and they won't stop bugging Sammy. She's covering a shift for one of the other waitresses, Megan, since it's her birthday and she's seriously regretting it. Day shift is supposed to be easy. The worst part being an occasional kid throwing food around. Poor girl.
"I just can't do it," Sammy hisses as she stands beside you at the end of the bar at the wash station. "That guy over there has been harassing me non stop. I've tried everything to get him to fuck off."
You take a look over at the end of the bar and you know exactly which guy it is. He's in his thirties, probably an insurance broker or real estate agent by the looks of his tailored suit and gray temples. He looks older than he should. There's a glass of whiskey in his hand that you served him about ten minutes ago. He's the one you were about to cut off and send packing anyways.
"Want me to make him leave?"
"Do you have a bouncer?" Sammy glances over your shoulder. "Because I don't think he's going to leave so easily."
"Well, how about we make him realize you're not into him?"
"By doing what?"
You smirk and set down your dirty glasses into the sink. "I can stage kiss you. I used to do it all the time with my friends back in Vegas." You look down at the guy. He'd definitely fall for it, he was too drunk to see straight. "We'll make a show of it."
"I don't know." Sammy twists her hands in her apron. "Maybe he'll just leave?"
"Sammy. He's not gonna leave if he thinks he has even an inkling of a chance." You pull Sammy down the bar closer to where the creep is sitting. "It's up to you. He's watching us right now."
"Okay, okay." She shakes her hands out and puts her hand on your shoulder, going up to your neck. You can see her glance over at the guy. "It's working he's watching intently."
"Good." You cup her cheek and bring your other hand up to here jaw and cover her mouth with the side or your palm as you pretend to kiss her. "Is he looking?"
You pull back and give Sammy a hug before going down the bar to the creep. "Do you need a refill on that?" You ask, pointing to his nearly empty glass. You weren't really going to give him a refill, he'd had more than enough.
"No." He grumbles and stands up. "I'm going home." He passes you his credit card and you settle his tab. "Thanks."
Sammy beams from her spot by the liquor shelves. "I can't believe that worked!"
"Almost every time." You walk over and hand her the ones the creep had left as a tip under his cup. "For you dear."
"Thanks." Sammy pockets the bills and smiles. "I wish I had you years ago."
"Well I'm here now." You ruffle her hair and she ducks away. "Do me a favor?"
"Keep an eye out for Shawn? He is supposed to be coming in for lunch."
"Ohhh." Sammy smirks. "You got a little crush on the big boy?"
"Obviously." You toss your bar rag over your shoulder and head for a lady who's just walked up at the end of the bar. "How couldn't I?"
"He's a good one!" Sammy laughs and heads off to check on her tables while you get back to bartending.
Shawn never showed up for lunch. You can't say you weren't a little disappointed since you had made plans, but you understand that he may have gotten busy at the gym. Things happen. It isn't a big deal.
You stop by the gym the next day to help Jodi with registration for the fall championship circuit for the western region. She had to have all of the fighters from Harlow's registered and ready to go by Monday. It is a ton of paperwork and you know what to do, so you volunteer to help out before work.
"Can you go get Jack for me? I need to talk to him about getting me a copy of his physical."
"Yep." You push away from her desk and head out the door. The locker rooms are to the right of the main floor of the gym and you head there first.
"Dude, I saw her kissing Sammy."
You freeze and listen to the conversation you've walked up on. It's clearly Shawn.
"So? What's the big deal?" It's Connor.
"I thought she was into me. We've been flirting and stuff and then I walk into Dixie's for lunch and she's kissing the waitress! I thought she was into guys!"
Connor laughs and sighs. "I dunno dude."
"I can be into both." You say, stepping into view and getting a good look at Shawn in nothing but a towel. He's dripping wet and it's so hard to focus on the conversation at hand, you have to look away. "Maybe if you wanted to know what was going on, you should ask me?"
Connor's eyes go wide and he looks between the two of you before ducking his head and squeezing around Shawn to make himself scarce.
"I know you can like whoever you want...I just thought..."
"Shawn." You walk over to him and lay your hand on his chest. He's warm and damp and oh Lord when he shifts you can feel the muscle flex. "Relax. I pretended to kiss Sammy so a guy at the bar would stop harassing her."
"Is that why you didn't show up for lunch?"
"Yeah." He rubs the back of his neck. "I walked in and saw that kiss and I didn't know what to think. I'm sorry, I should have asked you."
"It's fine. I probably would have been really confused too." You look him over and he smirks. "I swear I'm still very much into you."
"Yeah? Enough to go on a real date?"
"Mmm I think it's time we did. Any plans?"
Shawn grins. "I have a few. How's this Saturday night sound?"
"I'm off. What time?"
"Six? I'll pick you up. Wear something comfortable and not too fancy."
You raise your eyebrows and he just keeps smiling. "Alright. I'll see you then. In the meantime, have you seen Jack? We need a copy of his latest physical for the registration."
"He's probably out on the floor. If you didn't see him, check the backroom because he might be resting on the spare mats."
"In the storage area?"
"Yeah." He chuckles. "He likes to meditate and listen to his audio books back there to relax."
"Oh. Well thanks." You pat Shawn's chest and he traps your hand under his, curling his fingers around yours. "Yes?"
He bites his lip and shakes his head before releasing your hand. "Nothing. Go on."
"See you in a bit."
"Do you still do photography?" Harlow asks you Friday day while you, her and Jodi sit in their living room while going over travel plans for the out of state fights in this year's competition.
"A little bit. I don't do anything professionally anymore."
"But you have your camera?"
"Yeah of course and my lenses. Why?"
Harlow grins. "If I hire you, will you do the photography for the website? I need pictures of all the guys for the brackets this year."
"Sure I can do that. I think I have a my backdrop stuff still as well."
"You'll probably get to photograph Shawn too." Jodi pipes up from where she's typing away at the laptop. "You could take a few just for yourself."
Harlow groans and shoves her wife's shoulder. "I'm hiring her for a professional shoot, quit teasing her."
"Yeah yeah."
"What time do you want me to stop by? I'm free this weekend and next Thursday all day. Otherwise I work after six."
"Stop by whenever you want. I'm sure it'll take a few days to get all the fighters done and we have a few weeks before fights start. We'll start with Connor when you do get set up. He's my headliner. I'm banking on him hard so I want his photos to be really good."
"Yes ma'am."
"So you're doing photos for Harlow?"
You look over at Shawn from the passenger side of his truck. He'd picked you up at a little after six and still wouldn't tell you where you're going. He did make you change into an old pair of jeans instead of the black skinnies you had on and promised you wouldn't regret it. You're almost convinced he's taking you mudding outside of town because you've been driving for twenty minutes and you're still not sure where the hell you are.
"Yeah, I'm doing photos for her? Why?"
"No reason, I was curious."
"You want me to take pictures of you too?"
"I'm not a fighter in the circuit."
Shawn looks over and raises his eyebrows. "So why would you take pictures of me?"
"Because you're gorgeous." You look out the window away from him, heart racing at your admission. "I'd die to photograph you in action. You're a rarity, perfect from every angle. It'd be a treat."
"I had no idea you were so into photography. That's awesome." He bumps your leg and you look over. "I'd love to see what kind of photos you take at matches."
"I've taken some good ones. But like I said, I really want to photograph you."
He chuckles. "Sorry sweetheart. I'm retired." He turns the truck down a dirt road toward a big sign that says Pierce Ranch.
"You have a farm?"
"No, my uncle does."
"Why are we going to your uncle's farm?"
"Because I'm taking you horseback riding."
"What? You're serious?"
Shawn turns the truck into a long driveway in front of a big sprawling house. "Dead serious. My uncle is out of town for a few days and he said we could come out and spend some time out here."
You sit stunned in silence. Horseback riding as a first date. Who thought of that? It's so off the wall and incredibly romantic.
"Should we go back?"
You snap out of your thoughts and look over at Shawn as he kills the engine in front of a set of garages. He looks worried. "No, why?"
"You're really quiet. If you don't want to do this we can just go to dinner or something. I know it's kind of different and-"
"I want to go horseback riding."
"Oh." He smiles big and you can see the relief on his face. "Okay good. I'm really looking forward to having you meet my favorite horse."
You put your hand on the door to get out. "I can't wait."
An hour later and you're set up on a horse named Butters, his favorite, and you're strolling along side Shawn on a well worn path around some trees behind the barns. You were nervous at first, needing Shawn's help to stay on the horse but eventually you got the hang of it.
"So, you must really like horses then?" You giggle, looking over at Shawn during a lull in conversation.
"Yeah. I used to spend every summer here with my Uncle Carlos. I still come out here pretty often when I need to relax and get away from it all."
"Ahh, I can see why. It's nice." You bite your lip and glance over. "Can I ask you something?"
"Yes?" He chuckles. "Usually that's how dates go."
"Why don't you fight anymore?"
Shawn is quiet. You know it's a sore subject, seeing as no one really wanted to get too in depth when they talked about Shawn's past. You're curious though. A man like him with his skills and experience could still be in the ring.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."
"No, I-I knew you'd ask eventually." He sighs and guides the horses to a clearing in the trees. He slides off and hitches his horse and then yours to a tree before helping you down.
"Seriously, you seem uncomfortable to talk about it. We don't have to."
Shawn stuffs his hands into his pockets as the two of you head for a bunch of rocks. There's a stream nearby and you can hear the water trickling along the rocks you're walking toward. This place is incredibly serene and you feel bad for bringing up such a tense subject when the date has been going so well.
"So, three years ago I won my second championship." Shawn drops down onto a large flat boulder. "But, the fight was so intense I almost killed my opponent. Now I know, fights get rough and tension runs high in the ring when there's a lot of money and a title at stake. It wasn't about that though. I kicked my opponent so hard he dropped, he just went down, lights out. It wasn't until after everything was said and done I found out he had serious brain trauma from the fight, particularly from my kick."
You sit down next to Shawn and grab his hand. He rubs his thumbs over your fingers gently before continuing.
"I found out he had a newborn baby. I accidentally almost killed this man and took him away from his child because of a sport. I had to stop after that. I couldn't do it anymore."
"Oh Shawn." You squeeze his hand and he looks at you. "You didn't kill him though. He's fine, he's alive and with his child. It is part of the risks you take as fighters."
"I know. I just couldn't deal with that sort of thing happening again. I've made my peace with it and with fighting."
"I understand." You scoot a little closer and he runs his free hand over his hair. "You're a great trainer. Maybe being a fighter isn't for you anymore, but your skills aren't wasted this way. Do you want to fight?"
"To be completely honest, yes. I want to fight every single day, I itch to compete and I think that's why I push Connor so hard. I'm living vicariously."
"Maybe you could do some small time stuff? Not such high stakes?"
"I can't." He shakes his head. "When I'm in the ring I don't stop, I fight hard until I'm out or I win. It's all or nothing."
"Yeah. But anyways, I'm happy training." He smiles, soft and small but genuine nonetheless. "I'm proud to be training a fighter like Connor."
"Good. That's what matters." You bite your lip and giggle to yourself. "I much rather see you like this then all beat up anyway."
"Oh yeah? Not into the black eye and busted lip look?"
"Not on you." You reach out and tenderly turn his face to you. "You're too gorgeous to see damaged."
"I'm gorgeous?" Shawn smirks and runs his hand over your hair. "I think you're mistaken. You're the gorgeous one here." He cradles your face in his hand and just stares at you lovingly.
"No, definitely not." There's a moment where you're both staring at each other's lips and you both know that you want to make a move but it's too soon. Or is it?
Shawn's hand slides away from your face and he stands, offering to help you up. "Let's go back. I've got stuff to make dinner."
"You're making me dinner?"
He hauls you up against him. "Mmhmm. You can help if you'd like." He holds you steady by your hips. "How does spaghetti and meatballs sound?"
"Really good."
"Good." He puts his arm around your shoulders and starts walking back to the horses. "Because when we both have garlic breath the rest of the night won't matter."
You laugh and he just beams at you. "You're something else." You run your hand over his back and he leans his head on yours. "I like it, I like you."
"I like you too."
Wednesday night comes around again quicker than ever and Dixie's is crawling with people. All the fighters from Harlow's have showed up to celebrate the announcement of the western circuit championship bracket. Shawn shows up a little after nine and you can't help the smile that spreads across your face. He smiles back and makes your heart beat faster. Things have been going incredibly well with him since the date at the ranch. You're falling hard and fast and you don't really want to stop.
"Hey darling," Shawn says over the loudness as he leans against an empty spot at the bar. "How's it going?"
"Packed! Harlow brought all the guys and their friends and families in! It's crazy."
"Good for business though."
"Very. Carrie is moving faster than I've ever seen her go. We've had to pull Dave from the kitchen twice to help me catch up with drinks. We're gonna need to restock." You laugh and point back at the bar. "My tips are racking up fast too."
Shawn looks you over in your required black tee and apron. It's nothing special, but you know it looks good on you and so does he. "You deserve every dollar you get tonight. You're working hard."
"I am. Can I get you something?"
"Just a diet coke is fine. I'm taking it easy in case anyone needs a ride home tonight."
You turn around and fill a glass from the soda guns attached to the counter. "Enjoy yourself, you got most of these guys to this competition after all."
Shawn raises his drink to that and smiles. "I'm going to go hang out with Connor and Jack. I'll check in later?"
"I'll be here."
Two hours later and you are pushing through the kitchen doors to find Carrie. There's a guy who's harassing you and he's way more wasted then he should be, you've only served him three drinks and they weren't that strong. You suspect he may be taking something along with his drinks and Carrie won't have that sort of activity in her establishment.
"We've got a problem." You state angrily, gripping the doorway to the walk in cooler. "It's that asshole who's been trying to get my number since he sat down."
"Yeah?" Carrie turns to look at you as she hauls out a box of burger patties for the cooks. "Is he tweaked out?"
"I think so. He just grabbed my chest when I leaned over to hand some drinks to a guy beside him."
Carrie is livid, her eyes look like she could kill a man with her bare hands and possible has before. "Oh he's gone, I'm gonna-"
A loud crash from beyond the kitchen stuns you both and not a second later Dave, the line prep cook, throws open the door to the backroom and says there's a fight in the front area. Carrie drops the box of burgers in the cooler and closes the door as she hightails it to the front with you on her heels.
The scene before you is not pretty and immediately you think that it's one of the fighters involved. You're right. It's a fighter. But not a current one. It's Shawn and he is standing in front of the bar squared up with the drunk grabby handed guy. There is an overturned table and chairs and you think Shawn's already knocked the asshole down once, or he stumbled into the table and fell.
"Shawn!" You try to yell over the crowd but it's way too loud.
Carrie pushes past you and shoves her tiny frame through the crowd. You decide to go around to get behind the bar and as soon as you do you see a mess of shattered glass and ice on the floor.
"Shawn!" You shout, hands cupped around your mouth. "Shawn stop!"
He isn't listening or he can't hear you. Either way he's swinging at the drunk guy again in defense and before anything can get worse, the cops show up. You watch as the crowd separates and drunk grabby hands gets cuffed while Shawn tries to talk to the cops. It's no use and you watch them walk Shawn out of the bar as well.
You lean on the counter with your back to the door as the two guys get escorted out. Great. You can't help but feel like this is your fault. Shawn must have seen the move grabby hands pulled and approached him. You run your hand over your hair and look to Carrie as she steps behind the bar.
"God damn fighters. This is such a mess!"
"Yeah it is." You chuckle dryly to yourself. "It sure is."
You didn't think you'd ever be waiting in the lobby of a police station at three in the morning but here you are. Harlow was going to come with, in fact she was going to go alone and bail Shawn out but Jodi was absolutely trashed and you know she needed to take care of her over Shawn, so you said you would go. Besides, you wanted to talk with him one on one about the fight and why it happened.
You hear Shawn before you see him. He's coming down the hall behind the check in desk. "What do you mean my girlfriend came and-"
"Hey," you wave and he walks over to you quickly and hugs you tight.
"Thank God you're okay."
"Of course I'm okay. What would have happened to me?"
Shawn pulls you back and holds your face. "I couldn't find you after that guy put his hands on you. I was worried you left Dixie's or he did something."
"Shawn, he was wasted. What was he going to do to me? He could hardly stand."
"I don't know. I approached him after I saw what happened and he was talking all this shit like what he wanted to do to you. God it was disgusting, and then I didn't see you around and I panicked."
You cup his face and he has a bruise blossoming on his left jaw. "So your instinct was to fight him?"
"He came at me. I was just going to get some of the guys to help me escort him out but he started swinging as soon as I said he needed to go."
"Well it's done and over with now." You turn and head for the doors. "I'll take you to get your truck at the bar."
The ride to Dixie's is quiet. The dark streets are empty, illuminated only by the soft yellow street lights that have been there for far longer than they should be. Seriously the light is so dim it hardly lights up the road. You turn down the street you live on to take a shortcut to Dixie's and as you pass your house you glance at it instinctively.
You slam on the breaks just past your driveway. "What the fuck?" You put the car in park and squint at your darkened front door, or lack thereof. The door is open, gone by the looks of it.
"Don't get out of the car." Shawn warns, flipping the lock button. "Someone could still be in there. Call the cops and back up out of sight."
You fumble with your phone and put it up to your ear. You report the break in and your street name. As soon as you're done you reverse down the street until you're a few houses away.
Shawn reaches over and lays his hand on your shoulder. "Do you know anyone who might have done this?"
"No. I have no idea. I don't even have anything worth stealing!" You lean your head on the steering wheel. "I don't understand. Could this night get any worse?"
"Don't say that." Shawn rubs up and down your back. "It's not the end of the world. We'll find out what's going on."
"What if I had gone home from Dixie's? What if I didn't come pick you up?" You look at the darkened house. "What if I was there?"
"You weren't. That's what matters. Look," he points to a police car coming down the street. "Here comes the cops."
"Will you go in with me?"
"Of course. You think I'm gonna just stay in the car?" Shawn grabs your hand and kisses it gently. "Come on, let's go talk to the cops."
An hour later and you've filed a full report with Officer Jones. There was nothing stolen as far as you can see. The house is fine, completely in order except for your room. Your dresser had been torn through and your closet emptied out, bed sheets and blankets torn apart too. You have absolutely no idea what someone was looking for and Officer Jones kept asking if you were completely sure you didn't know who could have done this.
It's nearly five in the morning and you are exhausted. The sun is coming up and the sky outside is getting brighter by the minute. You need to sleep and you don't feel safe in your house with the door broken and your bedroom torn apart.
"Grab some clothes, I'm gonna take you to my place." Shawn says, walking around your mess of a bedroom. "We'll take care of the broken door frame and stuff later."
"You're sure?"
"Yeah. Come on. I know we're both exhausted so I'll drive and we'll pick up my truck tomorrow. We need to rest, it's been a long night."
You grab a tote bag from your closet and throw a few shirts and jeans in it with some underwear. "I could stay with Jodi."
"I really would feel better if you stayed with me." Shawn takes the bag from you as you grab a pair of shoes and socks by the dresser. "Are you okay with it?"
"Of course Shawn." You join him by the door and lay your hand on his shoulder. "I trust you. We'll go to your place. If you want to take that stuff to the car I'm going to grab my camera gear. I told Harlow I'd start doing photos tomo- today." You sigh. "Well, I'll try and get everything set up after we get a few hours of sleep."
"I'm sure she'll understand." He rubs your back and you lean your head on his shoulder. You're absolutely at your limit, body ready to collapse on the next available soft surface. "I'll be in the car. Don't take too long."
"I won't."
When you wake up you have no idea what time it is. Shawn's room is bright and you look around for some hint that he is there. He had insisted you take his bed and he'd sleep on the couch. His bed smells so good, like fresh laundry and his cologne. Warm and spicy, it is absolutely perfect. You reach for your phone on the nightstand and see it's just after noon. There are three missed texts.
Harlow: are you coming by to do the shoot today?
Shawn: I'll be at the gym, take it easy and help yourself to the fridge.
Harlow: nvm please rest I talked to Shawn
You close your eyes and flop back onto the pillows. You promised Harlow you'd be by to take some photos, at least some of the ones for the gym website. You turn over and curl up with Shawn's spare pillow, pressing your face into while opening Shawn's text to reply.
You: is Harlow mad I didn't make it?
Shawn: no. I explained the situation and she's more worried about you than anything
You: tell her I can still make it in to set up at least
Shawn: okay. If u are coming by bring me an extra shirt? I forgot to bring one for post workout.
You: okay no prob.
You glance over at his dresser and then back to the window opposite you that over looks the tree line behind his house. It looks like a nice day, it'd be a shame to waste it but you aren't feeling like going out. You just want to stay curled up in his bed forever. Yesterday was so draining with everything that happened and you don't know how much you can handle without snapping at someone. Rest had definitely helped but you still feel uneasy about the break in. It just seemed so targeted like Officer Jones said, but you can't imagine what someone would want from you.
Eventually you get up and make your way down stairs to the kitchen. Shawn's place is beautiful, it truly is. It's very much like a modern cabin and you're not surprised since it's just outside of town in the woods. He's got a few neighbors but it's not like a usual neighborhood setting.
You grab a protein bar from what you assume was once a fruit basket. It looks good enough and you grab your purse from the living room, stuffing one of Shawn's tees into it before you head out. You pause, looking down at the white shirt hanging out of your purse. You go back into the bedroom and take a blue shirt from Shawn's dresser before stripping off your top and pulling the white tee on over your head. It's a little big but it fits well enough and you smile to yourself in his mirror. You grab your purse and head for the front door.
The drive into town is quiet, a little long, but it's nice. It's one long road that winds around the woods in a circle and then turns out on to Main St that you take all the way into town. It's basically a cul-de-sac but in the woods. The whole time you wonder if you should stop by the house and check on it, or if you should call Officer Jones and see if they have anything to go off of. You're really banking on one of your neighbor's having a security camera or something that spotted the intruder. Though your street is so dark at night it's hard to see anything anywhere.
You turn into the lot behind Harlow's and park beside Jodi's Jeep. You unload your backdrops and stands, carrying everything in the back door. You're met with Connor whos grabbing some tape for a mat from the storage room and he offers to help.
"Look who I found," Connor announces as you walk out onto the gym floor with all your stuff in hand.
Shawn walks over from boxing with a stand up bag. "Hey darling," he takes your camera bag and stand case. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yes." You smile softly. "Your bed is very comfortable."
"I'm glad." He rests his hand on your lower back. "Is this my shirt?"
He grins and kisses your cheek. "It's all yours now. Looks good on you anyway. Any word from Officer Jones?"
"Not yet. I'm sure he'll call tonight or tomorrow."
"You can stay at my place as long as you need to."
You stand up on your toes a bit and kiss his cheek. "Thank you."
"Alright love birds break it up." Jodi says loudly, clapping at the two of you. "Before you start getting set up I wanna talk to you about what happened, I need to know who I'm going to skin alive."
"We don't know anything yet Jodi." Shawn says with an eye roll. "I told you that."
Jodi snorts. "I'm still going to kick someone's ass."
"I promise I'll let you know who to hunt when we hear back from the police." You say softly and Shawn gives you another kiss on the head before heading back over to the cage with Connor. Jodi puts her arm around you and the two of you head to the backroom that isn't full of old equipment to set up your camera.
Photos go well, you manage to get all the guys done in a few hours. You'll go home later and look them over to decide if you need to reshoot anything. But for now you are finished and starting to pack up.
"Hey, you forgot one."
You turn and look at Shawn standing in the doorway to the backroom where you're set up. "I did?"  
"Yeah. Me." He grins and steps in, closing the door behind him. "I thought you couldn't wait to get photos of me."
"Well, I figured I could get them any time."
"Oh? You think I'll pose for you whenever you like?"
You smirk. "You might, but I want to take candids of you."
Shawn wraps his arms around you and you lean back into his chest. "Candids huh?" He noses against your ear, hand going over your stomach. "Like private candids of me in my bed, laid out on the sheets holding my-"
He chuckles deeply and you can feel your body get warm, heat pooling between your legs. "Is that not what you want?"
You turn around in his hold and run a hand over his hair. "I want so much more from you then a couple of photos."
"Yeah? Tell me what you want."
"Oh you know...all the good stuff."
"The good stuff?" He walks you back against the backdrop and you bring his head down, foreheads rolling together. "This kind of good stuff?" He asks lowly before he kisses you softly.
"I know why you came in here." You whisper between kisses, hands going up and down his back. "You're jealous."
He lets out a growl as he kisses along your jaw. "You think I'm jealous of my fighters?"
"Your fighters hmm?"
"Mmm. I'm partnered with Harlow." He pulls back to look down at you. "I own the gym with her. I thought you knew?"
"No, I had no idea. She seems so bossy and it's called Harlow's so..."
Shawn plays with the ends of your hair, twisting his finger around bits of it. "She already had the place, I just bought in with championship winnings to keep it open. She runs the business side with Jodi and I run the gym floor as you can tell."
"Wow. So Connor and the other guys in the circuit this season is a huge deal for you."
"Yeah. A win from one of them could mean we expand Harlow's, new equipment, more fighters. With four guys going this year we have a good chance, and with Connor, we have the odds in our favor, I think."
You grin and shake your head. "Our first kiss and here we are talking business. Y'know if you were anyone else I'd have left by now."
"But I'm not anyone else." He leans in and bumps his nose to yours. "I'm special huh?"
"Oh you're special alright."
Shawn gives you one more kiss before he laughs and pulls back. "Let me make it up to you. I told Connor I'd go to dinner with him at Dixie's to talk about his first fight and what to expect. We can go a little early and have some time to ourselves first. How does that sound?"
"Sounds like a date."
"Oh it's not necessarily a date, but it could be."
You smile and he just holds your hips looking down at you. "Come on, enough staring like weirdos. I'm hungry."
Dixie's is packed when you arrive but you manage to get a table near the bar that's a small two seater. You see Carrie running around like a mad woman and two of the day time waitresses are running around behind her. The place is popular this time of year with fighters and their crews moving into town and nearby during the first part of the western circuit. That's what Carrie told you anyway during her briefing on what to expect and how she deals with the increased number of fights during this time of year.  
"Is that Connor?" Shawn asks, pointing to a table behind you. "What's he doing here so- oh I see."
You turn and look over at where Shawn is pointing to a corner table where Connor is and leaning on the table in her work clothes is Sammy. You smirk, it's about time they talked. Sammy has been eyeing Connor for weeks but she's hesitant because he's a fighter and she knows what the lifestyle entails.
“They’re kids, leave 'em be.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sammy is a good girl. I’m not worried about it.”
“She is. She also knows what it’s like to live with fighters. She told me her brother was a fighter.” You shake your head. “I think she said he went north to try for the canadian championship but he didn't win and ended up settling down up there”
“I knew her brother Devin, we fought a few times.” Shawn smiles over his drink. “The guy was really good, he gave me a run for my money.”
“Oh yeah? Did he train at Harlow’s?”
“No, no it was way before then. When I was nineteen he was twenty one, we went a few rounds in my first championship entry. I didn’t win that year, I got too cocky and big headed. He was a tough dude though, if Sammy is anything like him she’ll keep Connor in his place.”
You chuckle. “Sammy is very shy, I’m not sure she’s like her brother at all.”
“The shy ones are the ones you gotta watch out for.” Shawn smirks and you roll your eyes.
"Anyways, you said I could stay at your place again?"
"Mmhmm." Shawn smiles and chews on his straw. "I definitely don't mind."
"Good. I'm nervous about going home until we find out more from the police. It's feels like such a personal attack since they went through just my bedroom and didn't even take anything." You shake your head and lean you chin on your hand on the table. "They didn't even take jewelry. Someone wanted something from me."
"Maybe they thought it was someone else who lived there?"
"I don't know. I hope there is video footage from one of the neighbors that shows us something."
"They're gonna check with the neighbors for you?"
"Yeah, Officer Jones called while I was photographing Gauge. He said they're gonna canvas the area, ask for surveillance from anyone nearby and see if they can't get a suspect or even a car or something."
Shawn leans back and crosses his arms. "Y'know I was actually thinking, do you think it could be Tate? I didn't want to say something about him to the cops but is there something you have of his?"
You raise your eyebrows. You hadn't thought of Tate being a suspect. Hell, you were two states away from him now and it's been months since the break up. "I don't think I have anything. I gave him everything back, all his clothes and anything he ever bought me. I left it all in a box in our apartment."
"It was just a thought."
"No, it's a good one. He is crazy enough to do something like that." You roll your eyes and flag down Carrie to pay for your drinks. "Maybe I can call him, or I could try his sister Maggie."
"I'd try Maggie if you have a good relationship with her. If it was him he probably won't want to talk to you."
Carrie stops by the table and hands you your bill. "Have you seen Sammy?"
"She's over there with..." You look around for her and Connor but neither are at the table in the corner anymore. "Well she was here. Is she working tonight?"
"Yeah. Her shift starts in five minutes." Carrie takes your cash and you wave her off for change. "You say you seen her?"
Shawn chuckles. "She was with Connor."
"The fighter?"
"Yeah, my champ." Shawn stands and gives you a look and you nod, letting him know you don't mind if he goes looking for the two of them. "I think I know where they are."
Carrie raises her eyebrows. "Well if you find her, tell her to get her ass to work."
"Yes ma'am." Shawn smiles. "See you at the house." He squeezes your shoulder and heads for the front door.
A minute later Sammy comes walking in very flushed and you can't help but smile to yourself. She's got a flower tucked into her hair and you think her and Connor must have been sitting out on the patio since the flower is definitely from the pots out there.  
You get to Shawn's place a little after eight. His truck is in the driveway so you know he's there. The sun is starting to go down and you are tired from working on photos and stress from the break in. Your brain is absolutely taxed. All you want is some dinner and a soft bed. You turn the handle to the door and walk into music blasting from the kitchen. It's some eighties hair band and you chuckle to yourself as you walk across the living room to find Shawn around the corner shadow boxing at the stove shirtless.
"What's for dinner?" You laughs and he looks back around with a grin. "Smells good!"
Shawn turns and shuts off the music on his phone. "It's chili. I figured it's pretty easy to throw together since I got home just a few minutes ago."
"Why not order something?"
"Eh, I like homemade." He stirs the pot around. "I haven't had it in a while, I thought it'd be nice."
You walk around the island and take a look into the pot. It's not chili. Well, it is, but it's not what you were expecting. "What kind of chili is this?"
"Chili Verde. My dad's recipe. Wanna taste?" He spoons some out to cool in a little bowl on the counter.  "I promise it's good."
You smile. "I'm sure it's very good. What's in it?"
"Pork, onions, green chilies. I cheated and used a bottle of premade chili verde salsa for a starter since I don't have time to stew tomatillos and green chilies for hours." He spoons some up for you and you take a bite. "Good yeah?"
"Hot." You cover your mouth. "It's kinda spicy but I like it. It's good."
Shawn beams and scoops out two bowls to cool. "I'll finish getting dinner ready, go change and relax."
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for making me dinner."
"Of course." He kisses your nose and your heart skips. "Go on."
Post dinner you're sitting on the couch with Shawn watching some ghost hunter show. He's got his arm around your shoulders and you're tucked into his side snugly. It's comfortable, being with Shawn feels incredibly natural. He's warm and safe.
"What're you doing next Sunday?" Shawn asks as he tucks his feet against yours where your legs are outstretched on the ottoman. "I was thinking if you're available we could go out."
"I work the late shift but I can see if one of the guys can cover for me."
"I don't want you to miss work. We can go another day."
"No, I want to go. It'll be a nice escape from the stress around here." You run your hand down his forearm and slide your hand into his. "Are we going to go horseback riding again?"
Shawn squeezes your hand. "Nope. I have another idea."
"What is it?"
"I'm not telling." He grins at you and you narrow your eyes at him. "I can surprise you again can't I? It's more fun that way."
"I'd like to see what tops horseback riding."
"I have a few ideas. Don't worry." He glances at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. "I should go to bed, I have a seven o'clock session with Jack tomorrow." He scrubs a hand over his face and sighs. "Do you mind if I take the bed?"
"Nope. I don't mind sharing."
"Sharing? You're ready for that?"
You push off of him and stand up, putting your hand out to him. "I'm ready for anything with you."
He takes your hand and stands, pulling you against him. "Anything huh?" He runs a hand over your hair. "Falling a little fast aren't we?"
"I don't mind." You wrap your arms around his middle. "We work well together. I've never felt this comfortable and free around someone before."
He hums. "It feels natural. I completely understand."
You scratch at his back gently and he smiles down at you. "Let's go to bed. You need to be up early."
"Mmm I could always reschedule if we wanted to stay up late." He runs his hand down your back and over your butt. "I'm sure Jack won't mind."
You shake your head and laugh. "No, you're not cancelling work because of me. We can sleep together any time."
"Well don't make it sound like we're an old married couple, jeez."
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss him quickly. "Maybe it's good practice for the future."
"Wh- oh." He grins. "First kiss and you're planning our future all in one day? Damn."
"Oh shut up." You pull away and head to his bedroom. "Come on, chop chop. The bed awaits."
You wake up in the middle of the night and you're freezing. It doesn't even feel like there is a heater on in the house. You roll towards Shawn and slide your arm around his middle, spooning him from behind. He shifts. A soft grunt followed by a mumble of incoherent sleep laden words. He's like a furnace, body radiating into yours.
"You okay?"
"Mmhmm." You press a kiss to his hair. "All good now."
"I missed this." He places his hand over yours on his chest. His heart beats in time with yours, a cadence of comfort in the night. "I missed being held."
"It's been a while?" 
"A long while. I didn't like to date when I fought. I only wanted to focus on my work." He chuffs. "I'd deprive myself to be the best. Stupid huh?" 
"No. You thought it'd help. It must have, you did win." You flex your fingers against his skin, blunt nails scratching him lightly. "Do you like being the little spoon?" 
"Love it. There's something about having someone smaller than you curled up and wrapped around you that I just love. I do like being the big spoon too, but I really enjoy being held sometimes." 
"I'll hold you any time." You give him a squeeze and he tangles his legs with yours. "You're like a big teddy bear."
He chuckles and that's the last thing you hear before you fall asleep to the sound of his soft breathing and the beating of his heart under your fingertips. 
End Part 1
Thank you for reading! Part 2 will be out sometime in the future as I have to write the ending still, but it’ll be another 13k at least. Thank you all again.  - A
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omniscientoranges · 3 years
Set Things Right
Another 15x20 fix-it. Vaguely inspired by the theory I saw that maybe… maybe Dean’s speech to Sam was actually originally written to be 2 different speeches. Who’s to say? 
They're standing outside a barn, ready to take it easy and decapitate some vamps. 
"Here, man, you'll need this," Dean says, holding out a worn machete to Cas.
It's only been a few weeks since Dean pulled Cas out of the empty. Since they found the ultimate loophole and cut out his grace. Because after all, the empty's in the business of housing angels and demons - not humans. Cas is still getting the hang of it again, the brushing his teeth and needing to eat and needing to sleep and needing to change his clothes more than once every 4 years. Though on days like these, hunts like these, the hardest adjustment for him is that he can't just press his fingertips to whatever monster of the day it is and be done with it. He takes the machete Dean offers him, and looks away awkwardly when his fingers brush Dean's. 
They still hadn't talked about it. What Cas had said, what Dean didn't. The first day it was because Cas was knocked out cold from the shock of coming back from the dead - completely reasonable reason. The next few days it was because he needed to recover, which Dean also saw as another completely reasonable reason not to say anything. Don't wanna lay too much on the guy all at once, let him get his bearings first. There's plenty of time. For the next several days, that bled into a next few weeks, Dean had a harder and harder time finding completely reasonable reasons. But still, they hadn't talked.
Dean swallows, "Right, well, let's get to it."
There's a massive bar piercing between Dean's shoulder blades, because of course there is. Happy ending my ass, Dean thinks hysterically, is this really how I'm gonna go?
"I'll go get the first aid kit," Sam runs out of the barn. Cas moves to follow before-
"Cas, wait. Wait," Cas meets Dean's eyes, and Cas feels like he's the one run through for a second. Looking at Dean, he's scared. He's so scared. Dean's spent his whole life pretending he wasn't, but all the walls are down now - and he's terrified, "Stay. Don't leave me."
Cas keeps his eyes locked with Dean's like he's done a million times before, and he realizes he's scared too. "Okay," he nods, "Okay, I'll stay."
"Could you come here, man."
Cas takes a few hesitant steps forward. 
"Come on, come here," Dean holds his hand up a bit, and when Cas steps close enough he lays it over his heart. The same place I stabbed him when we first met. Ironic, looking back. "There he is, hey, there he is."
"You're going to be okay, Dean." Cas says, with such certainty that it's like he's trying to convince the universe of it. Like he's trying to force it to be an inarguable truth. Dean Winchester will be okay.
"So are you."
Cas shakes his head, face scrunching up and tears welling over his eyes, "Don't- don't say that."
"I'm so proud of you, you know that? You know, you said you changed for me, but you changed for you, Cas. Because it was the right thing to do. You always do the right thing, or-" and Dean cuts himself off with a shaky laugh, "you try to. And that's- that's the part that matters. You try."
"I can't heal you," Cas chokes out, "the one time, the one time you really need it, and I'm useless."
"No." Dean says firmly, he needs Cas to hear this, because it's feeling like it might be the last chance he gets to say it. "No, hey, you're not useless, Cas. And we don't keep you around- I don't keep you around to be useful anyways. I want you around because I want to be around you."
"But if I could-"
"But you can't. And that's okay. It's okay, Cas."
Cas shakes his head harder, refuses to take this, refuses to accept it. "Don't leave me, Dean. Please, I can't do this without you. Don't make me do this without you," and Dean moves his hand to wipe away the tears that track down Cas' face.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm always gonna be with you, got it? Always."
Cas lets out a quiet sob, and moves forward to press his forehead to Dean's, "Please, please, Dean. Please don't do this. Don't do this to me. We're so close, so close to a normal life, don't do this now."
"It was always gonna be like this."
"No. We won, Dean. We beat this ending. It shouldn't happen like this."
"Some things you can't outrun. And that's okay, sometimes you gotta know when to quit."
Cas sobs louder, can't stop himself. Dean sees his face turn red, and he wonders, fleetingly, if Cas has ever cried like this before. 
Cas takes a deep breath out, "I love you, Dean."
Dean nods his head slightly, last chance, "I love you too, Cas."
It's unclear who moves first, how it happens, but in a moment they're pressing their lips together. It's a soft thing, anything more and they might break under the weight of it. The grief that this is all they'll get. All they were allowed to get. 
They pull apart, only a few centimeters, only enough space to take a breath in. Cas feels it. He feels Dean start to slip away. Deep in his chest, where his soul would sit if he had it, and for a moment he thinks he must have one. Must have grown one for this moment, just to feel it hold onto Dean's. Cas blinks hard at the tears burning in his eyes to push them away, he wants to take it all in. He doesn't want to miss a second of looking at Dean, not if these are the last ones he'll get. 
"Don't do this, Dean, please don't do this- please don't go."
"It's okay, it's okay, Cas. I'm right here. I'm here." And at that Dean's head drops forward, lands softly on Cas' shoulder. He doesn't have to check Dean's pulse to know. 
"No," Cas wraps one arm around Dean's waist and one around the back of his neck, pulling him in. "No, please, please don't do this. God, please, please don't." And he buries his face into Dean's hair, grasping at him, like if he pulls hard enough he can put him back together like he did before. "God, please don't."
Cas doesn't hear it in his heartbreak, but it's there. A brief flap of wings.
"Cas?" Jack asks, laying a hand on Cas' shoulder.
Cas lifts his head and turns, "Jack! What, what are you-"
Before Cas can finish he watches Jack reach his hand around Dean's back and pull him forward, putting two fingers to Dean's forehead at the same time. 
It's sudden. It's the most beautiful sound Cas has ever heard.
Dean takes a breath.
He breathes in hard, panting, "holy- holy shit. What-" and Dean's eyes fall on Jack, "Jack?"
"Hi, Dean," Jack smiles, still looking every bit the kid that he is, despite the godliness.
Dean smiles back, and shakes his head in disbelief. "Thought you were taking the hands-off approach?"
"The Winchesters always get an exception," Jack asserts. There's that inarguable fact, Dean Winchester will be okay.
Dean reaches his hand up and pats Jack on the cheek, "Thanks, kid."
"Dean," Cas whispers, and takes Dean's face in his hands. Dean lets his arm fall away from Jack and drops it around Cas' hip.
"Hey, Cas. Guess you can't get rid of me that easy, huh?"
Cas answers with a kiss, one more firm than the last one they'd had, but free. With the knowledge they've got a lot more where that came from. 
Sam bursts through the barn doors, "Okay, I'm back. I got the-" he looks up to take in the scene around him, eyes finally landing on Jack. "Jack, what-"
Jack turns to Sam with that same calm smile on his face, "Just here to set something right."
Sam looks at Jack in awe and slowly steps towards Dean. Timidly raises his hand up to grip his shoulder, moving like he's afraid it'll just pass right through. When it doesn't, he asks, "Dean, hey, you okay?"
Dean lifts his head up with an easy smile, "Just fine, Sammy."
Sam huffs out a small laugh in return.
Jack breaks the moment then, "Well, I should go."
Cas finally turns his eyes away from Dean, "No, Jack, stay," he says, both a question and an insistence, "Surely you can't be that busy?"
"I-" Jack pauses, looking around at everyone in front of him. Looking at his family. "I guess I can stay for a little while."
Dean claps Jack on the back, "Great, because I know the best burger joint about 15 miles from here, and you've earned one," Dean says, with his patented goofy smile plastered on his face, pointing a finger at Jack.
"I think we've all earned one," Jack replies.
"Yeah, kid, I think you're right."
With that, the Winchesters start to walk out of the barn. Sam falls in step next to Jack, starting up a conversation about what could only be assumed to be either cosmic god stuff or the latest episode of Riverdale (that Sam 100% did not start watching after Jack left. 100% did not). As can be expected of them, Dean and Cas gravitate next to each other like they were built to walk shoulder to shoulder. Dean elbows Cas softly in the ribs and shoots him a smile. Cas smiles back, and threads his fingers through Dean's. 
The burgers actually weren't half bad.
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Lights Out
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: cursing, Y/N and Dean acting like utter children, some minor injuries.
Summary: When the power cuts out in the bunker, Y/N devises a plan on how to pass the time. (Consider this a crack!fic)
A/n: for once, I wrote something fluffy and not full of angst. Arnt y’all proud of me? Anyways I hope you enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated! ( Also this is a hot mess, and definitely not my best piece  but idgaf.)
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It was one of those rare Saturday nights. One of the few times where no one was working a case, and the residents of the bunker were practically free to do whatever they wished. Sam had taken Eileen out for the night, Dean was probably having a horror movie marathon on the TV in Sams room, and you were curled up in one of the massive chairs in the library, nose deep in a book you had bought months ago, determined to finish it.
But like so many times before, it was as if the universe saw you with your guard down and decided to spice it up a little bit.
Just as you were beginning the final chapter, the power shut off. All the fucking power just shut off, drowning you in darkness as the bunker became eerily silent.
You half expected the warning lights to flash on, igniting the room in a deep red hue, but it never came, meaning the power shutting off was from a purely normal cause and nothing supernatural.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” There was a shout from down the hallway, and you couldn’t help the grin that crossed your face.
Dropping your book down on your seat, you stood up, naturally moving across the room. You had lived in the underground palace long enough to know where everything was, which made maneuvering through the dark that much easier.
But apparently Dean hadn’t gotten any better, because as you rounded the corner towards your room, you slammed into a solid wall of muscle, and then tripped, collapsing onto the harsh tile floor. Dean going down with you.
The hunter let out a sigh, “Ow. You could have given me a warning.” Dean groaned, untangling his body from yours as he tried to sit up. Even if he squinted, he still couldn’t see shit.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” You joked, voice thick with sarcasm, as your hands flew out to find the wall. Unfortunately they did not meet the intended destination. There was another yell from Dean, and you recoiled.
“First you trip me and make me fall, and now you’re slapping me?! What the hell did I do to you?” He exclaimed.
Pushing yourself up from the ground, you sucked in a breath, “I’m so sorry! I swear I didn’t mean-“
You shouldn’t have been waving your hands around because one of them came into sharp contact with Deans jaw, sending the hunter stumbling back in the dark, clutching his face.
“Ow! What the fuck?!”
“Oh God, I did it again! I’m sorry, I so so sorry!”
This was just going downhill at an alarming speed. You needed to fix this, and quick. Before you accidentally found a way to kill Dean.
“I think I have some flashlights in my room.” You breathed, trying to calm yourself.
“Good idea. I’m right behind you.”
But he wasn’t.
As you took a step forward, the two of you slammed together again, Dean hitting his nose against your forehead with an alarming amount of force as yours connected with his chin. You both let out another yell, followed by a couple groans as you nursed the bridge of your nose.
“Oh god, oh fuck. This is a train wreck.” You mumbled, suddenly desperate for the light the bunker was currently lacking.
“Good god, woman. Your sense of direction is terrible!” Dean breathed, “here, c’mon.” His hand shooting out to find yours, only to hit something else, (that was most definitely not a hand.)
A puff of air escaped your lips as you gasped, doubling over in pain “Dean, did you just punch me in the boob?”
“I swear I didn’t mean to. I was trying to grab on to your hand.”
“Well, you almost grabbed something else. You do that again and I’ll kill you.” Bringing your arm back, you threw a punch in the general direction of his arm, finally hitting your intending target for the first time that night as your knuckles connected with his bicep.
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry. Can we just go get those lights you were talking about?”
“Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.” You nodded, sliding your hand down Dean arm and tangling his fingers with yours. A rush of heat went up your body and you were glad the lights were out so Dean couldn’t see the blush on your face.
What you didn’t know was that Dean was glancing down in the direction of your intertwined hands, suddenly surprised by your action but not daring to let go.
“Also, my room is in the other direction, Dumb ass. You’re the one who needs to work on their sense of direction.” You quipped, pulling Dean through the dark with ease as you navigated the corridors towards your room.
Dean ended up sitting on your bed patiently as you dig through the drawers of your desk, waiting in almost complete silence. Almost.
“Are you humming Metallica?” You mused, haphazardly discarding a pile of folders on the floor as you continued to search for the object you needed.
“. . . Yes. Don’t judge, I don’t really have anything else to do at the moment.”
“Aw, poor baby.” You teased, throwing another folder over your shoulder.
“Shut up. I was on the last five minutes of the movie when the power shut off. I’m a little bitter.”
“Oh, whatever shall you do Dean Winchester?”
Dean purses his lips, twiddling with his thumbs as he continued to wait, “Your obnoxious, you know that?”
“Yes, but you love me, so quit your whining.”
There was another thud from across the room before you let out laugh, finally producing what you had been looking for.
“You find something?”
There was a small series of cracks from where you knelt, and then your face was illuminated with a neon glow, giving off enough light to show Dean your proud grin.
“I thought you said you had flashlights.”
Crossing the room, you dumped a collection of glow sticks into Deans lap, giving him any array of colors.
“Yeah, well I lied. Plus, these are so much more fun.” You shrugged, pulling open the door to your closet as you went in search of the next item on your list.
“But why do you just have glow sticks lying around?” He questioned, flipping a bright pink one in his hand as he looked over at you.
“I was at the dollar store. It was a box of fifty. I couldn’t just walk away.”
“You’re so goddamn weird.”
Looking over your shoulder, you shot the older Winchester another grin, dragging an old cardboard box out from the depths of your closet.
“Watcha got there?”
“Well, seeing as we don’t know when the power will come back on, I thought we could do something to pass the time.” Throwing the box onto the bed, you snatched one of the glow sticks from Dean, flipping open the lid.
You hummed a response as you tilted the box in Deans direction, allowing him to peer at the contents.
“Are. . . Are those nerf guns?” An amused smile taking up his face as he reached over to grab one of the harmless weapons.
“Yes. Yes they are. What do you say we have a nerf gun battle in the middle of a power outage?”
*. *. *. *. *.
“Why the hell are all the lights out?” Sam yelled, taking cautious steps down the bunkers stairs, quickly flicking on the flashlight on his phone as he and Eileen slowly entered the war room.
The power was never shut off like this in the bunker. Ever. There was always at least one light on, even when nobody was home.
Suddenly there was a soft whistle as something shot past Sams ear, hitting the wall behind him with a light tap before landing on the floor almost silently.
“What the fu-“
“Sammy? That you?”
“Yeah Dean. Want to tell me what exactly is going on?” Sam questioned, walking across the war room towards the electrical box and flipping it open. There was a series of clicks and just like that, the power flickered back on, illuminating every inch of the bunker.
Dean stood at the bottom of the library step, a bright orange nerf gun clutched in his hand, and a couple of glow sticks tucked into his belt loops. Beyond that, the floor was littered with foam darts and even more of the neon glowing objects. It looked like some party enhanced battlefield.
“Dean, what the hell happened?” Sam spun, eyes taking in the state of the bunker.
The hunter opened his mouth to answer but was cut short when he saw you step out of the doorway behind Sam. Without hesitation the two of you were raising your weapons in unison, firing at each other. Quickly stepping out of the way, Sam and Eileen watched with surprised eyes.
Your aim was perfect as the dart whistled past the confused duo, hitting Deans forehead dead center. His was a little more off and you paid the price as his shot hit you in the throat, making you free hand fly up to your throat as you coughed, eyes wide with surprise.
“Oh god, Y/N I’m so sorry.” Dean dropped his gun, taking quick steps towards you.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” You waved him off, stooping down to pick up the dart, “but I did win.”
When you popped back up, your eyes widened along with Dean, finally getting a thorough look at each others face.
“Oh my god.” The two of you speaking again in unison. Dean had a small cut on his lower lip, along with a red welt just beneath his eye, no doubt from your hand when you accidentally hit him. As for you, you had a bruise across the bridge of your nose and a tiny cut on your chin indicting that he had slammed into you much harder than he originally thought.
“Did I do that? I’m so sorry, Dee.” You stepped forward, thumb lightly grazing over his busted lip. God, you were a hot mess, and Deans beautiful face had paid the price.
“Hey, hey it’s fine. I should be the one apologizing.”
“Oh, and why is that?”
“Because I should have watched where I was going.” He smiled.
*. *. *. *. *.
Digging through the freezer in the kitchen, Dean produced a bag of frozen vegetables, wrapping it in on old dish towel before walking back over towards you. He still felt guilty for accidentally plowing into you earlier, and it made his insides churn.
“I could have gone and gotten ice myself.” You sighed, Dean sinking down in the seat next to you and pressing the bag softly to the bridge of your nose.
“I know. But it’s the least I could do. I did punch you in the boob earlier, and slammed into you . . Which I am sorry about by the way.”
“It’s okay. It happens.” You chuckled, moving to press your hand on top of Deans, holding the bag in place. There was a small stretch of sudden silence as the two of you got lost in thought, eyes softly locked on to one another.
“I had a lot of fun with you tonight. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.”
“Me neither.”
Though your face was partially covered by a bag of frozen vegetables , Dean could see how bright your eyes were. You still looked so happy despite being slightly battered by him.
God, he felt like a little kid with a crush. This was so weird.
“why are looking at me like that?” You slowly questioned, lowering the bag of veggies from your face.
oh god, had he been staring again? Damn it.
“Oh, uh. . . You’re just really pretty that’s all.” He stuttered, suddenly fidgeting in his seat, the words practically falling out of his mouth. He couldn't contain them anymore.
That got you to fall silent. And you definitely couldn’t stop the scarlet tone your face was taking. Dean thought you were pretty? The Dean Winchester thought you were pretty?”
“I’m really not, but thanks?”
“But you are.” Dean spoke, eyes never wavering from you as he tilted his head. And then, a sudden as the light coming back on earlier, he was leaning forward and capturing your lips against his. It came out of nowhere and sucked all the breath from your lungs.
And You froze. You don’t mean to, but you froze, which only made Dean pull back, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-“
“Shut up.” You sighed, grabbing hold of the collar of his flannel and tugging him back to you and firmly planting your lips on his.
This time you kissed him. This time you were prepared. This time it was perfect.
“Are you trying to tell me you like me?” You mumbled against his lips.
“Yeah, I think I am.”
Sometimes it takes a few tries, but eventually what’s meant to happen always finds a way.
The End.
SPN Taglist:
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​​​​​ @callmekda​​​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​​​ @orphiceseum​​​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit​​​​​ @amendoise​​​​​ @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​​​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​​​​​ @neerness​​​​​ @totallyluciferr​​​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​​ @horrorstreet​​​ @imabitch4jensen​ @minneapolis-harry​
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dlwritings · 4 years
Call Him Hers | Dean Winchester | pt 2
series masterlist found here
general masterlist found here
pairing - Mark-of-Cain!Dean x plus-size!reader word count - 2,930 warnings - language
summary - (Y/N), Charlie, and the Winchesters arrive in Dewey, and (Y/N) ends up introducing Dean to one of her high school bullies. Despite (Y/N)’s protests, they make plans for the night. It’s all part of the job.
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Thursday came around, and it was time to head out to Oklahoma. Sam and Charlie were planning to stay at the same hotel as (Y/N) and Dean but in separate rooms. They would pose as FBI agents in order to talk to the police and victims’ families, but they also found out who was catering for the reunion and decided to go undercover as caterers during the reunion in order to get in undetected. (Y/N) and Dean were going to take the Impala and get to the hotel around 3:00, and Sam and Charlie were going to take Charlie’s car and get there about a half hour later so they wouldn’t raise suspicion.
The others were loading the cars as (Y/N) was finishing up packing in her room. There was a knock at her door, and she looked up and saw Dean. “Hey,” she said with a stressed smile, still dreading the trip she was about to be going on. “What’s up?”
“Well,” he said, walking into the room with his hands behind his back, “since we’re married and all, I figured we should probably wear these.” He moved his right hand from behind his back and showed her two different gold bands. She smiled a more genuine -but still small- smile and reached out for them. “Ah, ah,” he said, holding his hand back. “But first,” he said, “you should probably have this.” He showed her his left hand then, and in it, he was holding an engagement ring. Her shoulders dropped a bit and she took in a sharp breath.
“Wow,” she breathed out. “That’s really beautiful.” She looked up at him. “You found that at a pawn shop? How much was it?”
“Actually,” he said slowly, sitting beside her on the bed, “the bands are from a pawn shop. This-” He twirled the engagement ring between his pointer finger and thumb. “-was my mom’s.” She snapped her head up to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“What?” she said. Dean smiled softly before looking up at her. He noticed her shocked expression, and his own smile dropped.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I can’t wear that,” she said.
“Why not?” he asked.
“I, it-” She stuttered. “It was your mom’s. Shouldn’t you give that to, like, your actual wife?” Dean shrugged and looked down at the ring again.
“I never planned to,” he said. “Guess I never really thought about it on anyone’s finger but hers.” She shook her head at his words.
“Dean, I-”
“Come on,” he said, his usual smile returning. “I have a feeling it’ll fit perfectly.”
Dean took her hand in his and slid the engagement ring on. Just as he said, it was a perfect fit. She hoped he didn’t notice the way her breath caught in her throat when he got it on. He put the wedding band on next before sliding on his own. They were both quiet. She hadn’t taken her eyes off her own hand, and Dean was still staring at it as well. “There,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Perfect.” She quietly twirled the wedding band around her finger. Before she could say anything, Sam appeared in the doorway and cleared his throat. (Y/N) and Dean both looked up at him.
“Charlie and I are all ready,” he said. “Figured we should give you your head start.”
“Right,” (Y/N) said, standing up from the bed. “Thanks, Sammy.” Sam nodded, and she grabbed her suitcase and purse. She looked at Dean and gave him a smile. “Let’s hit the road.”
The drive to Dewey was filled with the usual music. Driver may’ve picked the music, but (Y/N) never let Dean switch out the cassettes. She took the term both hands on the wheel very seriously, and after many car fights, Dean officially gave up trying to argue about it. She was the only person who was allowed to touch and switch out his cassettes. It was a fact that made her quite proud.
Five hours and a bit of Metallica, AC/DC, Def Leppard, and Led Zeppelin later, they pulled up to the hotel. (Y/N) hadn’t even realized Dean turned off Baby until he cleared his throat. She turned to him and gave him a forced smile. “I can see it in your eyes,” he said. She raised an eyebrow. “The panic,” he clarified. “What’s got you so scared?” She sighed and nibbled her lower lip, staring out the window to avoid looking at him. She jumped when Dean reached out and squeezed her hand.
“This place just holds a lot of memories for me,” she said. “Some bad, some-” She hesitated. “No. Nope. All bad.” Dean chuckled lightly, and she turned to look at him. ”It’s just what I said to Charlie,” she continued. “High school wasn’t rainbows and butterflies for me. I didn’t have a lot of friends and-” She cut herself off. Dean didn’t know about how abusive her dad was or the excessive bullying she encountered in high school. She didn’t exactly talk about her time before the boys very often, and he never wanted to pry. She sighed again. “I just never wanted to come back.” Dean gave her a smile.
“Well, you’re not alone,” he said. “I promise to be the best husband ever. I’ve got your back.” He leaned over and placed a kiss to her cheek before getting out of Baby. She took a deep breath and let it out through her mouth.
“You got this,” she muttered to herself.
She and Dean made their way into the hotel and walked up to the front desk. “Hi,” (Y/N) said. “We’re part of the Dewey High class of 2005 reunion. We should have a room under (Y/L/N)-”
She winced, put on her biggest smile, and turned around to greet Jennifer. How was it that after ten years, she still knew the sound of her voice? Granted, Jennifer still knew the back of her head. Maybe people didn’t change as much as she thought. Jennifer greeted her with the same smile she grew up with, all plump lips and pearly whites. She was pretty, but she knew it, which made her act ugly.
“Hey Jennifer,” she said as she walked up to her. Jennifer pulled her in for a hug which she unwillingly accepted.
“And who is this tall drink of water?” Jennifer asked, squeezing Dean’s bicep. (Y/N)’s stomach lurched as Dean gave her a smile. He surprised her though by casually stepping out of Jennifer’s grip and putting his arm around her waist.
“I’m this lovely lady’s husband,” he said. Dean stuck out his free hand for Jennifer to shake. “Dean.”
Jennifer’s smile grew wide as she looked at (Y/N) and laughed, giving her shoulder a playful shove. “What spell do you have him under? You must’ve worked some sort of voodoo on him.”
“Yeah,” she laughed awkwardly. “Some days I still don’t believe it.”
“Well I don’t blame you!” she said. “I still can’t believe you managed to bag Shawn, and that was eleven years ago! Hell, and you haven’t changed a bit.” Her stomach lurched again at the name of her high school ex-boyfriend, and before she could find a way out of the conversation, Jennifer added, “Oh, and he and Savannah checked in about an hour ago. They’ll be so thrilled to see you. Well-” She laughed. “-Savannah anyway. They had a bet going whether or not you’d actually show. Frankly, I’m glad Shawn lost.”
All (Y/N) wanted was to get away from Jennifer. As if reading her mind, Dean reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’ve got our key right here, sweetheart,” he said. “Room 201.”
“Great,” she said, coughing a bit to hide the break in her voice. “Jennifer, I’ll see you la-”
“Oh, you should come out tonight!” Jennifer said, reaching out to squeeze (Y/N)’s arm. She always was such a touchy person. “A bunch of us are grabbing drinks down at Rocco’s.” Rocco’s was the local bar downtown. Before she could come up with an excuse, Dean spoke.
“That sounds great,” he said. “We can meet you there.”
“Perfect!” Jennifer cheered, practically bouncing on her feet. “We’re thinking 8:00.”
“Awesome,” Dean said. “Catch you then.” Jennifer waved goodbye to the two of them as they made their way to the elevator in silence. (Y/N) didn’t dare speak until they got into their room and Dean shut the door behind them.
“What the hell are you thinking?” she snapped, throwing her suitcase on the ground. “I’m not going out for drinks with her!”
“(Y/N), you gotta think of the job,” Dean said, putting his own bag down. “I know this blows, but it’s all for the job. Everyone spills their secrets over enough liquor. We couldn’t ask for a better cover.” She groaned as she threw herself on the bed and buried her face in the pillow. Dean laughed and jumped into bed beside her. She rolled as far away from him as she could. “You don’t even want to sit by me?” he asked with an exasperated laugh.
“No,” she mumbled. “I’m mad at you.”
“Come on, sweetheart,” he said.
“You remember when I used to hate when you called me that?” she mumbled, her face still against the pillow. “Why did I ever change my mind?”
“Because you love me,” Dean said.
Damn. He was right.
(Y/N) could feel the bed move until suddenly, Dean laid on top of her. “Dean!” she shrieked, trying to wiggle out from under him.
“What?” he asked.
“Get off me you doof!” she said, unable to bite back a laugh.
“Are you still mad at me?” he asked.
“I’m always mad at you.”
Before Dean could say anything else, there was a knock at their door. “That’s probably Sam and Charlie,” Dean said.
“No shit,” she said. He climbed off her, and she finally was able to breathe normally. He rolled his eyes at her with a smirk and went over to answer the door.
“Hey,” Sam said as soon as he and Charlie came in. “You check in okay?”
“Yeah,” Dean said. “We’re getting drinks tonight with some of her old classmates. Figured we could start asking questions about the disappearances.”
“You know, I don’t even drink,” she said. “What am I supposed to do all night?”
“Rock it out as DD,” Charlie said, sitting beside her on the bed. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest with a huff. “It could be fun!” she said. “You can make up an entirely fake awesome life and show off your hot hubby!”
“Yeah,” she scoffed. “Sounds like a blast.”
(Y/N) and Dean both decided not to worry about creating a concrete fake life with each other. After ten years on the job, they had become exceptionally good at improv. Planning it all out was boring. What was the job without a little risk?
They had a few hours of down time before they needed to head out. They all decided to turn on a movie, and after a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Dean won out and had Charlie find Caddyshack online. (Y/N) and Charlie threw themselves on the bed while Dean sprawled out on the couch and Sam pulled up a chair that was at a table in the little kitchen. When the movie finished, Dean offered to go out and get some food. Even though she had no appetite, (Y/N) asked Dean to pick her up a burger, knowing he would eat it when she didn’t anyway. He came back with the food, the others ate, and when 7:00 rolled around the boys left the room -per Charlie’s demand- so (Y/N) could get ready.
“I don’t understand why they can’t be in the room while I get ready,” she said when Charlie closed the door on the boys.
“Because,” Charlie said as if it was obvious, “we have to get you all sexy so there can be a grand reveal when Dean comes back.” (Y/N) raised her eyebrows at Charlie, and she laughed. “Come on,” she said. “You think I don’t know you’re crazy about him?” (Y/N)’s lips parted and her shoulders dropped.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, turning her back to Charlie to go to her suitcase.
“Please,” Charlie laughed. “Sam and I talked about it on the way here. He’s sure you’ll break on this trip, what with having to share a room and everything.”
“Sam knows?” (Y/N) said, turning to face her. Charlie smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Well, you’re both full of shit, because I’m not breaking.” She said the last word sarcastically before she grabbed her make-up bag and curling iron out of her suitcase and headed into the bathroom to get ready. It took her about 45 minutes to look the way she wanted to, and once she was as content as she’d ever be, she walked out of the bathroom and over to her suitcase again. She pulled out some jeans and a black t-shirt to put on, but Charlie stopped her.
“That’s what you’re going to wear?” she said.
“Yes?” she said. “What’s wrong with this?”
“You wear that when you’re hunting,” she said, “not when you’re going out to a bar with your high school classmates and the guy you like.”
“Charlie,” she whined. “It’s not like I packed anything nice.”
“What were you going to wear to the reunion?”
She shrugged. “Jeans and a flannel?”
“God,” she said with a roll of her eyes, standing up from the bed. “And I’m the lesbian.” (Y/N) scoffed at her as she walked over to the duffel bag she had brought in the room earlier. She opened it and tossed her a romper. “Wear this,” she said.
“What the hell is this?” she asked.
“Well,” she said, “I know you, and I know you don’t wear any of the clothes I buy you even though I have exceptional taste in clothes. So I took it upon myself to raid your closet and pack all the outfits you should be wearing.” 
Charlie had a tendency to buy (Y/N) outfits that she would never wear. It wasn’t that they weren’t cute. They always were! (Y/N) was just too self conscious about her body to wear them. Charlie knew this and thought it was ridiculous, so she ignored (Y/N)’s protests and would buy her whatever she thought she’d look good in.
“I’m not wearing this, Charlie,” (Y/N) said, looking at the romper.
“If you don’t wear it,” she said, “I’ll start screaming.”
She sighed. “Charli-”
She didn’t even finish saying her name, and Charlie started screaming. (Y/N) lunged at her and put her hand over her mouth. “Okay!” she said. “Okay, okay, shut up!” Charlie smiled victoriously as she got off her with a huff and grabbed the outfit she wanted her to wear. Just as she went over to the bathroom, there was a rapid knock at the door. Charlie went over and opened it, revealing a panicked looking Sam and Dean.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked.
“We heard screaming,” Dean finished.
“Oh,” Charlie said with a laugh, “I was just helping (Y/N) get ready.” Sam and Dean shared looks of annoyance and both put their guns away. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom to put the outfit on. As soon as she did, she sighed and looked into the mirror. It practically showed off her entire back which meant she couldn’t wear a bra, so she didn’t think her boobs were doing her any favors. She knew she would be nervous all night, but for Charlie, she bit her tongue.
(Y/N) walked out of the bathroom as Charlie, Dean, and Sam were talking. Sam, the only one facing her, stopped mid sentence when she came into the room. She felt a blush creeping on her cheeks, so she ignored his gaze and went to her suitcase to grab some shoes. When she stood up again, Sam, Dean, and Charlie were all staring at her. Dean’s gaze -dark eyes, slightly parted lips- made her want to run back in the bathroom and never come out.
“See Charlie!” she suddenly said, throwing her hands up in Dean’s direction. “Even Dean hates it! I’m not wearing-”
“Whoa, whoa, don’t go and put words in my mouth, sweetheart,” Dean said, chuckling lightly and walking over to her. “I never said I hated it.” She was embarrassed as his eyes kept looking her over.
“You didn’t say anything at all,” she mumbled, folding her arms across her chest.
“I was speechless in a good way,” he said, his signature smirk still on his face. “I’m proud to call you my wife tonight.”
Dean, as expected, looked insanely sexy, though it was odd for (Y/N) to see him without a flannel or FBI monkey suit. He was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black denim jacket that she knew would likely get discarded at some point in the night. It was Oklahoma in August. Even at night it nearly hit 70. The thought of Dean in a plain white t-shirt that hugged his chest so perfectly almost made her shiver.
Yeah. There was no way she’d survive the night. But she wasn’t breaking.
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spnwriter · 4 years
Maybe he doesn’t want to take the chance.
AN: there is a slight sexual theme to this one, it’s talked about but nothing graphic. just a warning. <3
I  should have known better. Hunters don't get the apple pie life. We don't get a happily ever after. Dating isn't something hunters get to do. I was only hunting part-time, trying to get out of the life but it's never easy. I grew up in it, my dad had me hunting as soon as I could hold a gun. After he died, I killed the werewolf that killed him. Unfortunately, the whole pack came after me so I didn't end up getting out. I slowly started to taper off how often I took cases. So I figured I'd try to date, have a semi-normal life...it wasn't working. I had been seeing this amazing guy, Mikey. I hadn't told him what I do on the side but, I have a feeling he'd take it well. Things were going swimmingly. I really thought that he could the reason I get out of the life. No such luck, I got home from a hunt and found a skinny little blonde on top of him. And just like that my happily ever after goes up in smoke. He said it was because I was never around. He had needs that I couldn't cater to so I broke his nose before getting in my car. I drove as fast and as far as I could before the tears started blinding my vision. I pull over on the side of the road allowing the sobs to take over my body. I actually thought he loved me. He said he did but then again, everybody lies. I just so happened to be on the other side of one this time. I suppose it's some kind of cosmic karma for lying as much as I do in the hunting life. I slam my hands against the steering wheel as anger fills my body. How dare he? We were together for a year tomorrow. I didn't hunt that often, in fact, I was hardly gone at all. Maybe a couple of days once a month. Dear God why me? Why can't I be happy? A sob wrecks through my body. I tried to hard. I tried to have a 'normal' life. I wanted that, why can't I have that? My thoughts drift, I wonder if it'd be uncalled for is I went back and shot him? I mean like in the knee or something...
. “Maybe a little.” a gruff voice says from behind me. 
  I jump turning around to stare into familiar ocean blue eyes. 
  “Cas! You scared the shit out of me!” I snap at the angle in my back seat as I wipe the tears from my eyes. 
  “My apologizes, I heard your prayer and wanted to check on you.” Cas explains looking at me through the rearview mirror.
“I didn't pray.” 
  “Not in the normal way no but I did hear you.” Cas sighs placing a hand on my shoulder before we arrive at the bunker. 
Sam and Dean are sat at the library table. They both look up at us when we appear in the room. 
  “What happened?” Sam asks standing quickly to rush over to me. He inspects my body for injuries, gently cupping my jaw in his hands as his eyes scan my body. I reach up grabbing his wrists. Sam and I had always been close. Since I met him the younger Winchester and I got along well. Alright, alright I may have a small (massive) crush on the tall hunter but who wouldn't? Sam is such a sweetheart, so caring and eyes on the eyes. I know he'd never like me back so I settle for being his friend. I'd rather have him in my life in a  platonic way than not at all. These three men around me have always been there for me. They're my family. This is where I had planned on going before Cas zapped me here. I knew this was the place I could get my head back on straight. Heal and not be judged for it. 
  “I'm not injured Sammy.” I whisper as his eyes soften at the notice of the dried tears on my face. 
  “Mike cheated on her.” Cas exclaims “She was in her car crying, she prayed.”
“Cas!” I sigh “Come on.” 
  Sam is quick to wrap his arms around me, holding me tight. He places a gentle kiss on my cheek before whispering “You deserve so much better. I'm sorry he did that you.” 
  “I'm going to kill him.” Dean exclaims loudly before grabbing his gun and walking towards me. 
  Sam lets me go as I say “Hey if anyone gets to shoot his ass it's me.”
Dean is quick to replace Sam. He wraps his arms around me. “I'm sorry Kid. I know you loved him.” Dean whispers kissing the side of my head before walking back to the table. The thing is, I didn't love him. I liked him but, I could never love him the way I love Sam. No one could ever hold a candle to the younger Winchester. I suppose that's why I was with Mikey in the first place, to get over him but, it didn't work. I just kept comparing them and I ended up getting heartbroken anyway.
Sam takes my hand in his, leading me to his room. He shuts the door behind us as I flop on his bed. He laughs lightly before taking the spot next to me. He turns his head towards me asking “Do you want to talk about it?” I frown looking at the ceiling. 
  “I'm starting to question my choice in men. I ended up being destroyed physically, emotionally and I don't understand. Love is supposed to heal you but it doesn't do that for me. I've been cheated on more times than I can count, I've been replaced with someone better, I was lied to by the person I love. He said he loved me. He didn't though. Love fucking destroyed me. In the end I'm left wondering if I'm good enough. Maybe I too blind to see the real me. What if the real me isn't good enough? Maybe love does heal but I'm just not good enough? Maybe I'm the reason he cheated and chose someone better, prettier, thinner. Maybe I'm the reason he didn't love me. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's all my fault.” I vent, allowing my insecurities to show. 
  “Y/N, look at me.” Sam says voice gentle
. I turn to face the hazel eyes I love so much. He frowns at me placing a hand on the side of my face. 
  “You are not the problem. It isn't your fault he cheated. You didn't do anything wrong. You are an amazing woman. You are a beautiful, kind strong woman. He just didn't see it. It's his fault, not yours.” Sam whispers. “As for him picking someone 'better' I don't think it's possible. Yeah, she may have been thinner than you but, that doesn't make her better than you.” “He said he did it because I was gone too much. He had needs that I couldn't meet...” I hesitate not wanting to voice what I was actually thinking about what Mikey had said. Yes, Sam and I were best friends and yeah we had talked about sex before but never alone. It's always been with Dean present. Mostly because he's the one who brings it up. I really don't want to have this conversation with him but at the same time, I really need to voice this stuff. I can't let it sit in my head and overwhelm me. 
  “Was he trying to imply that you didn't meet his needs...” Sam asks, confusion in his voice. 
  “I think so...I don't know I really didn't stick around to hear an explanation.” 
  “A  relationship isn't all about sex Y/N. If you weren't meeting his needs he should have talked to you about it not cheated on you. I mean if he got off he shouldn't have any complaints.” 
  “By that logic I should have been the one having complaints.” I joke, not thinking that I just admitted that Mikey never got me off in our entire almost year relationship. 
  “Wait, you're telling me he never got you off? “ Sam sits up suddenly causing me to follow his actions turning my body to face him. “Like ever?”
“Kind of an awkward conversation Sammy.” I blush
“No, no, you brought it up. I want to know.” 
  “If you really must know no he never did,” I admit.
“You guys were together for a year.” Sam utters, obviously trying to wrap his head around the new information he'd just been told. 
  “Believe me, I know.” 
  “Did he never go down on you or something?” Sam asks, unashamed of how personal of a question that was. 
  “Come on, we've known each other forever. We can talk about sex. Especially when it's bashing you ex douche bag.” I give in, knowing I can't really say no to him. I sigh before bringing my legs to sit with them under me. 
  “Once and I didn't...you know so he figured I didn't like it...truth is it was awful.” 
  “So foreplay consisted of what?” Sam asks moving to sit against the headboard. 
  “Nothing really. Some dry humping, light fingering but only enough to make sure I was ready for the main event.” I shrug. 
  “You're kidding me right? Did you ever give him head as foreplay?”
“Yeah, all the time.”   
“And yet he wouldn't go down on you.” 
  “I don't know, the sex was never amazing.” I sigh 
  “Yeah sounds like it.” Sam huffs “So what? You had to finish yourself off?” 
  I nod “Usually after he'd gone to bed or in the shower.” 
  “So you haven't had an orgasm that wasn't given to yourself since you've been with that asshole?” 
  “Hum, I guess not.” I hadn't really thought of it like that to be honest. 
  “How did you survive?” 
  “A bit dramatic Sam but, I had toys to help. Was quite fond of my vibrator for quick but if I had the time...I dragged out the Bruce.” I admit, not knowing why I couldn't stop the word vomit coming out of my mouth. Sam's eyebrows shoot up as he observed me. 
  “And Bruce is?” Sam asks licking his lips. 
  “Oh that's my nine inch dildo.” Was I really about to talk about my toy collection with my best friend and secret crush? Guess I am.
  “And it was bigger than Mikey?” He asks eyes not leaving mine
“Oh yeah by a lot.” I don't look away from his eyes. What the hell is going on? 
“So he was small and bad in bed?” 
  I nod still not looking away from the hunter before me. Something in the air as we stay looking at each other. Something in his eyes I haven't seen when he looks at me. No one says anything as we just openly check out each other. 
  “So...why did you stay with him?” He asks, voice soft.
  “Honestly?” I pause finally breaking eye contact, eyes trained on my hands in my lap. “I was trying to get over a guy that'd never feel the same.” 
  “How do you know he'd never feel the same?” 
  I looking up  “I'm not good enough for him.” 
  “Maybe he thinks the same...and that's why he never showed any interest?” 
  “Why would he think that? He could have anyone he wants?” I ask understanding we're dancing around our feelings. 
  “Maybe the woman he wanted was with someone else and he thought he'd never get his chance.” 
  “Maybe the guy she was with messed up and he does get his chance after all.” “What if he's scared to take that chance?” I can see the hesitation in his features as he eyes me. I smile slowly crawling over to sit in front of him. 
  “Maybe he doesn't have to be the one to take the chance.” I smirk before climbing in his lap, legs on either side on his slim hips. His hands grasp my hips quickly. “
Y/N.” Sam starts looking down at me. 
“D-did did I read the situation wrong?” I ask suddenly insecure at my bold assumption that it was, in fact, me he was talking about. “Not at all...I just want to make sure that we are on the same page here.” The fear leaving my mind as I understand he wants us to be opened about our feelings rather than continuing to dance around them. “I'm in love with you. Have been since that salt and burn two years ago.” I smile “Dean was hurt and couldn't go with you, it was the first hunt we did just us.”
 Sam smiles “Yeah, I remember that hunt. I dragged it out so that I could spend more time with you, but when I realized I loved you is when you almost died on that werewolf hunt...If Cas wasn't there...” 
  “Don't think like that Sam. I'm alive.” He doesn't respond instead he presses his lip against mine. We both smile into the kiss before he pulls away resting his forehead on mine “I love you.” “I love you too.” 
  “Be mine?” 
  “I always was.”
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specialagentrin · 4 years
Day 7 – On the seventh day of Christmas, Wincestmas gave to me: the second part of the fluffy fairy tale AU
Warnings: Underage, Fairy Tale AU
Dean smiled at Sam and Sam’s stomach filled with butterflies. How could a boy be so handsome and stir such intense feelings inside him? Sam remained in silence then, just looking at Dean.
“Wanna eat something?” He got up, stretching, his shirt ridding up, showing Sam a bit of the bony hips the boy had. Sam nodded, unable to speak.
Dean prepared some eggs for them, and when they sat down to eat, Sam couldn’t help but ask him things to get to know him better.
“Where’s your dad?” Dean laughed at that, and he shook his head.
“Cas isn’t my dad. My parents passed away when I was very young, so he took me in. He used to be a monk in the kingdom, but after he adopted me, he decided to come live here, so he’d have more time to care for me.” Dean explained, blushing a little when he noticed he was dumping all this information on the boy he met barely twelve hours ago. “I mean… I don’t call him dad, but I guess he kinda is?” Dean frowned and then sighed, annoyed with himself. “He’s usually an early bird, but he might be sleeping still. Yesterday was very taxing on him.”
Sam nodded, smiling sweetly at the boy. It was nice to have someone his age to talk to, and apparently it was the same for Dean.
“How old are you?” Sam asked next. He could tell Dean was a bit older, but he didn’t know how much older.
“Twenty.” Sam gaped at that. Dean was much older than he expected. He guessed that it was probably due to the fact that Dean was too thin, probably even underweight, but he had a spark in his eyes that made him look much younger. “You?”
“Sixteen.” Sam pouted. He knew it was only a matter of time for him to grow older, to probably marry a princess and then rule the kingdom, but being considered a child was something he loathed. He wanted to be respected as the young prince that he was, and not as just another spoiled brat – although, here he was, in the middle of the woods, in the house of some strangers. Maybe his family were right in treating him as a child – but that didn’t mean he was going to change.
“Any big plans for when you come of age?” Dean asked and Sam sighed. Technically, his parents had big plans for him – for his whole life. Sam, on the other hand, had no plans, so he shook his head. “Are you of royal blood? You could try becoming a knight!” Dean added, enthusiastically.
“How… How do you know—” Sam spoke, eyes widening. Had the boy found out he was the prince?
“Your clothes. They are from a very fine fabric, so I guessed. Sorry.” Sam shook his head, cursing himself internally for not realising that.
“It’s okay. Yeah, I’ll start the training to become a knight once I turn eighteen.” That was actually a lie. As the prince, he had started training since he was thirteen, but Sam didn’t want Dean to know he was the prince for some reason – maybe he worried that Dean would treat him differently if he knew, or, a more obscure thought occurred to him, Dean might not fancy him.
“That’s awesome!” Dean said, enthusiastic smile coming back at full force. “I’ve always wanted to be a knight.” He commented a little sadly, but his smile was still in place.
“Oh?” That was unexpected. Sam wondered why anyone would want to be a knight – and maybe die to protect the King, Queen and Prince. “Why don’t you come back with me, then?” Dean’s eyes widened and he chuckled a bit nervously.
“My parents were nobodies. I can’t even apply to be a knight. Not to mention that I don’t have any skill useful to be a knight. I don’t even know the names of the parts of the armour.” Dean rambled and Sam couldn’t help but giggle, which made Dean pout. “What? I’ve lived my whole life here. I can’t be a knight.”
“What if I told you,” Sam started, mischievous smile on his face, “that I can help you? I know the royal family. I’m sure I could put in a word that you’re someone worthy enough to be a knight.” Sam was sure that, once his family knew that this boy had gone into the rain to help him, they would instantly invite him to be a knight, so it wouldn’t be such hardship.
“I…” Dean frowned, considering, probably wondering if Sam was speaking the truth. “Truly?”
“Yes!” Sam nodded, smiling widely, making Dean blush in the process – and wasn’t he even more gorgeous with a blush on his face? “Besides, it would be nice having someone to hang out sometimes. And when I start my training, you can help me out too.” Sam knew that he’d probably have to tell Dean he was the prince before that, but for now, he chose to keep this secret.
“Thank you. I…” Dean was speechless, and that made Sam even happier, the butterflies in his stomach dancing around – and by the Gods, he was completely besotted with this boy. “Thank you.” Dean said again, smile the brightest Sam had seen so far, and he couldn’t help but feel accomplished to have made Dean this happy.
“So… What do you do for fun?”
Sam helped Dean clean the kitchen and then they sat down on the sofa, each with a book in hand. Dean had few books – he had said he had read them multiple times already, but it wasn’t like he could buy new ones. Sam was surprised Dean could read – many peasants didn’t know how, but Castiel, who had been a monk, knew how to read and write and taught Dean.
They spent a couple of hours reading, the rain falling even harder outside. Dean then decided to prepare lunch, since Castiel hadn’t risen yet, and Sam pretended to continue reading as he watched Dean cook, humming a soft song under his breath.
Sam wondered what could happen if he decided to stay here.
His parents would freak out, of course, but now that he had met Dean, he knew that it would be impossible for him to marry a princess. He knew he only knew Dean for less than a day, but he was already in love, and he wouldn’t let anyone dictate his life.
However, not going back meant that Dean wouldn’t be able to become a knight, and Sam had promised him that he’d help him become one.
Sam decided that, when it stopped raining, he’d make his decision. For now, he’d enjoy this beautiful boy as much as he could.
Castiel came out of his room as Dean was setting the table, and they ate together, Dean guiding the conversation, talking about the book he was rereading for the twentieth time – one of his favourites, but he didn’t read as often because he enjoyed forgetting some parts and then being able to get surprised all over again. Sam promised to himself that, if they did go back to the kingdom, Sam would give Dean all the books he wanted.
“Oh! And Sam told me he can help me become a knight!” Dean said enthusiastically, and Castiel’s eyes widened for a second before darkening. He looked at Dean with reprimanding eyes and Sam felt a knot in his throat, suddenly anxious.
“You know you’re not allowed to go to the kingdom.” Dean lowered his head, frowning a little. “You can’t be a knight and you’ll only be a problem for Sam if you go.” Sam was ready to defend Dean, to tell Castiel that it would be okay, but the older man hadn’t finished speaking. “You’re forbidden to go. In fact, once it stops raining, I’ll be the one to take Sam back. I need you here.”
“Yeah, sir.” Dean said, not looking up from his plate. He finished eating in silence and then started cleaning the dishes. Castiel continued eating and Sam, feeling irrationally angry, forced himself to finish – he couldn’t throw these people’s food away when they already had so little.
But once Dean was over, he went back to his room. Sam followed suit, not waiting for an invitation.
He tried to convince Dean of going anyway, but Dean wouldn’t have any of it. They sat on the bed together, Dean looking at his hands and Sam looking at Dean. Sam wanted to stay, and that was one more reason to do so.
However, he hated when adults tried controlling their children’s lives, and he made up his mind: He’d find a way of taking Dean with him back to the kingdom and make him a knight, even if it was the last thing he could do.
Sam couldn’t sleep that night. Dean had gone to the sofa to sleep, but Sam felt guilty for the day’s events. He sighed and tossed and turned on the bed, until he realised it had stopped raining. Standing up, Sam went to the window, opening it enough to check that yes, it had indeed stopped raining.
Slowly, and as quietly as he could, Sam made his way to the living room. Dean was asleep in the same position as he found him the day before, and Sam had to take a moment to admire the boy. It was highly unfair for someone to be this beautiful, though Sam had been lucky enough to have met him and seen him.
After saving the memory of Dean’s body, Sam kneeled next to him and shook his shoulder softly.
“Dean?” Dean frowned before blinking his eyes open. He looked at Sam and smiled, eyes already closing again. “Hey, wake up.” Dean’s eyes shot open then and he almost fell out of the sofa as he tried to stand up.
“What—” Sam could see that Dean was blushing and he smirked to himself at the thought that it was him that made him so embarrassed – so maybe Dean fancied Sam just as much as Sam fancied Dean.
“Come to the kingdom with me. Castiel is asleep.” Dean seemed to still be grasping what was reality and what was a dream, and he looked around before settling his eyes on Sam, sitting properly on the sofa. Sam sat beside him, eyes conveying all his yearning for the boy to come along.
“Sorry, Sammy, but I can’t.” Sam felt his heart skip a beat by being called Sammy. He had been called that growing up by his parents, but ever since he hit puberty, he had loathed that nickname. But Dean saying it sounded right, and he didn’t have the urge to tell him he shouldn’t be calling him that.
“Why not?” Dean just looked at him, looking miserable, and Sam turned on his side, getting closer to Dean. “You told me it was your dream to be a knight. Are you really going to let Castiel dictate your life? You’re an adult, you should do what makes you happy. And I can help.” Sam hesitated for a moment before adding, “Besides, we’ll keep in touch if you come with me.”
“I… Sammy… Castiel has taken care of me my entire life. I don’t want to be ungrateful. He said he needed me here, so I have to stay.” Sam was saddened by that. He already disliked when adults did that, but it seemed like Castiel was trying to guilt trip Dean into staying.
“I understand, but he’s an adult too. Shouldn’t he be able to live his life on his own? And when will you start living yours?” Dean looked at him, a hint of hope in his eyes, and Sam grabbed both of Dean’s hands. “Go back with me.”
Dean looked at their joined hands for a long moment, then to Castiel’s closed door. Sam could tell that going went against everything Dean believed, but the boy wanted to follow his dream, and he wanted to go with Sam.
After a moment, Dean nodded, looking at Sam with determination, a smile appearing.
“Alright. We should go, then. We can reach the kingdom by sundown.” Sam had to hold himself back, because the urge to kiss this wonderful boy was driving him insane. Maybe he’d be bold enough to kiss Dean one day, if he was sure the boy also wanted it. But for now, he was happy – he’d have Dean as a friend and a knight.
To be continued…
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Title: Serendipity (part two in the ‘Buried Secrets’ series) Summary: Now that Dean is feeling better in himself, he’s coming to terms with his feelings for you. The only problem is - Sam has feelings too. Would they still feel the same if they knew the secret you were keeping? Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (love triangle !!! also fem pronouns) Warnings: a smidge of angst at the end Word Count: 1,900ish
note; yay here’s part two, thanks for all the love on part one! hope u enjoy!
Part One 
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When Sam woke up to a most unexpected sound, he had to blink a few times to make sure he was really awake. Was that… Dean?
Rubbing his bleary eyes, Sam stumbled to his feet and plodded sleepily to the kitchen, catching sight of a clock on the way. Six am. Since when was Dean Winchester awake at six am? But he must have been, for the corridor already smelled of fresh coffee, and Dean’s cheerful tune only grew louder as Sam approached.
When he opened the door, he was greeted to the sight of Dean flipping pancakes over the stove, whistling and humming to himself between wide grins. Sam hadn’t seen him like this in… He paused and wracked his brains, but found nothing stored away in his memories. He’d never seen Dean this happy before.
“...hey,” he said cautiously. “You’re up early.”
“Mornin’, Sammy. ‘Bout time you were awake!” Dean greeted cheerfully, handing him a stack of chocolate chip pancakes that Sam warily accepted.
“You’re… happy,” Sam remarked, accepting the mug of coffee Dean passed his way. “Did you have someone over last night, or..?”
Dean laughed, a real, genuine laugh that had Sam almost reeling in surprise. “Nah, just had a good night’s sleep - it’s done wonders, I feel great!” he exclaimed. Sam nodded cautiously, taking a sip of his coffee before putting his food down.
“Are you having some kind of mental breakdown or something?” he demanded. “Since when are you a morning person?” Dean chuckled.
“Since I realised the value of a good night’s sleep!” he said. “Hey, I should go wake Y/N up. No, wait! I’ll bring her breakfast in bed!” Dean enthused, leaving Sam wide-eyed as his brother bounded down the hall, radiant with joy. Not entirely sure that he wasn’t hallucinating, Sam sat down and took another sip of his coffee. Maybe Y/N would have a better idea of what was going on.
“Mornin’, sunshine!” Dean announced, storming into your room and flipping on the lights as he went. You shot upright at the loud disturbance, hand fumbling for the gun you kept on your dresser as your body slowly began to awaken. Dean held up his hands in surrender, as high as he could with the stack of pancakes and cup of coffee in his grip.
“Hey, sleeping beauty, take it down a notch,” he warned. “I come bearing gifts.” He nodded towards the plate, and after blinking a few times, you slowly nodded, placing down your gun with a quiet clink of metal.
“Uh… thanks. Y-you seem like you’re feeling better than last night,” you remarked, stifling a yawn as you accepted the laden plate and mug. Dean sobered a little.
“Yeah, I was meaning to tell you… I’m sorry about that. You were right, I was in a bad place, but… I had a great sleep, and I think I’m back on the right track,” he said firmly. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
You sipped your coffee, shaking your head. “No, don’t- don’t even worry about it. I’m glad you’re feeling better,” you said with a small smile. Dean’s gaze held yours, his eyes softening as he nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah, I really am.” The two of you were quiet for a moment, before Dean cleared his throat and disrupted the silence, following with another happy declaration. “Well, eat up. Cas brought us some more lore to read, maybe it’ll have something about Amara,” he said brightly, and you snapped back to reality, nodding.
“Right. Amara. The Darkness. Imminent doom. Great,” you muttered, and Dean made an amused sound tinged with sympathy.
“Hey, you’re the one who’s always telling me we’ll work it out. Maybe today’s the day,” he suggested, and you nodded slowly.
“That’s very optimistic of you,” you observed, and Dean grinned, shrugging and holding out his hands in nonchalance as he began to walk backwards from the room.
“What can I say, Y/N? I’m a new man!”
You blinked as the door fell shut behind Dean. Well, obviously your hex bag had worked. Maybe even a little too well, but at any rate, Dean being a little too happy was far preferable to the mental state he’d been in only the night prior. You allowed yourself a tiny smile - you were right. Being a witch wasn’t all bad.
After finishing your breakfast, it didn’t take you long to dress and search out the boys, who you eventually found in the library. The two of them were engrossed in the new mass of texts and scrolls spread over the desk.
“Cas bring more stuff?” you asked, running your fingers through your hair as you took a seat across from Sam and next to Dean.
“Yeah,” Dean replied. “He’s been diggin’ into an old stash of pre-Biblical lore. If we’re gonna find anything, it’ll be here.” He got to his feet, walking over to another pile of texts splayed out over a nearby table and rummaging through them.
“Not that we’ve had any luck so far,” Sam muttered, and you shot him a sympathetic smile that he eventually returned. “Have a good sleep?” he asked, and you shrugged.
“Nothing special - nothing compared to the sleep Dean apparently had, anyways,” you said, shooting a glance to the eldest Winchester, who was now pacing as he read, seemingly full of energy. Sam’s nodded incredulously.
“I’ll say. I mean, it’s great he’s feeling better, it’s just…” he trailed off.
“Just unexpected?” you finished, and Sam sighed, nodding. You shrugged. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Sammy,” you said, lips tilting in a smile. “It’s about time the tide turned.”
Sam chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so,” he allowed. “Still, doesn’t make it any less weird how… jubilant he is.”
You shrugged again, resting your head in your palm as you opened a scroll and a dictionary, beginning to translate it into English. You were waiting for another headache to crash over you - they always seemed to be worse in the mornings. But, the longer you waited, the clearer your thoughts seemed to become. You frowned. That was weird. Good, but… weird.
Sam seemed to notice your confusion. “You okay?”
You nodded quickly. “Yeah. Yeah, fine, just… no migraine today,” you told him, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. The boys were used to you going to lay down every few hours, rendered a slave to the throbbing in your skull.
“Well, good news all ‘round, then,” he said.
“Yeah. I guess so,” you murmured, shaking off your doubts as quickly as they arrived. Dean was happy, and you were happy - that was good enough for you.
“Alright, I might head on a grocery run - fridge is getting pretty low,” you declared from the kitchen, but Dean was quick to interject.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll go!” he called. “It’s my turn, anyways.”
You shrugged, going back to the library with another cup of coffee in your hands. “Fine by me,” you said. Sam glanced at you for a moment, before looking to his brother.
“I’ll come, too. I wouldn’t mind stretching my legs,” he announced. “Besides, you never buy-”
“I refuse to eat your organic rabbit food, Sammy,” Dean snapped, though there was a playful glint in his eye. Sam rolled his eyes.
“It’s Sam,” he reminded his brother for the umpteenth time, but Dean airly waved away his protests.
Leaving you behind to research, the boys headed to the grocery store. Between the two of them, it only took them fifteen minutes or so to stock up on supplies. When the full bags were packed away in the Impala’s trunk, Dean grabbed Sam’s arm before he could slide into the passenger seat.
“Hey. There was, uh, something I wanted to talk to you about,” he said, and Sam immediately noticed the dissipation of Dean’s playful atmosphere. It would’ve been concerning if he hadn’t expected it - Dean’s cheerful demeanour couldn’t last forever.
“What is it?” he asked, moving around to lean against the glossy Impala door. Dean copied him, crossing his arms as he ducked his head. If Sam didn’t know better, he’d say his brother was… nervous.
“So, uh, it’s kinda about Y/N…” Dean stammered. “No, it- it is about Y/N.”
Sam looked at Dean expectantly, and the eldest Winchester exhaled sharply before continuing. “So, remember this morning, you asked if I’d had someone over last night…”
Sam’s eyes widened so dramatically Dean was shocked they hadn’t popped out of his skull. “You and Y/N?!” he exclaimed, and Dean quickly shook his head.
“No, no, of course not! Nothing like that. Well, something like that. Kinda that. But- no. We didn’t sleep together,” Dean eventually clarified, and Sam’s pounding heart slowed as he relaxed infinitesimally.
“Okay…” Sam said warily. “So… what about her?”
“Well, that got me thinking, and, I, uh… well, I’ve kinda been thinking of asking her out,” Dean said slowly, and Sam felt his stomach drop. He swallowed hard, keeping his expression neutral.
“Right. Okay. Is this… really the best time? I mean, with Amara out there…” he trailed off. Dean sighed.
“I know, I know… and I know I have some weird connection to her, but…” He sighed, an almost dreamlike smile sloping his lips. “I really care about her, Sammy. But she’s my best friend, and, well, with how I’ve been feeling lately… I never really thought I’d have a chance with her. But now... I haven’t felt this good in a long time, Sam. Maybe ever. And… I really think she and I could make it work. You gotta shoot your shot, right?”
“I thought you said you’d never get involved with anyone, in the life or not,” Sam said stiffly, memories panning back to the conversation he and Dean had shared in Baby one night not too long ago. Dean shrugged.
“Well, I guess you’re the one who put the idea in my head that night. You were the one saying it might be nice to find someone, someone who gets the life, gets what we do. And for me… I think that’s Y/N,” Dean confessed. Sam swallowed.
Yeah, but… that’s who I was thinking of, too! his brain protested, but he shook off the thoughts. “It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind,” Sam muttered. “Why are you talking to me about this?”
“I know you and her are close, too. I just wanted to check you guys don’t have some kind of… thing that I don’t know about,” Dean responded. “I mean, I wouldn’t wanna make things weird.”
Sam chuckled dryly. “No, we… there’s nothing going on,” he said, forcing a smile despite the aching in his chest. Dean grinned, clapping him on the back.
“Didn’t think so. Just had to check.”
Sam smiled tightly, but Dean seemed too thrilled to notice the pain in his brother’s eyes. The car ride back to the bunker was quiet, interrupted every so often by a cheerful comment from Dean. It was over quickly, and when they arrived home, Sam busied himself with the groceries.
Dean shot him a wink, heading to the library to seek out Y/N. Sam returned his smile weakly, and with a heavy heart, he watched his brother leave.
Read part three here!
Buried Secrets Tags: @clarinette07 @demonsofhunting
Forever Tags: @babygirloreo @calaofnoldor @stealingheartsswift13 @lmpala97 @sebastianshoe @81mysteriouslyme @castieliswatchingoverme @spnlovr73
Dean Tags: @polina-93 @justagirlinafandomworld
Sam Tags: @sammys-dimpless
If you’d like to be added to any of my tag lists, just shoot me a message!
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x17 “Game Night”
this was not 45 minutes of Dean playing Twister with Cas :/
if this isn’t 45 minutes of team free will 2.0 having a happy time in the bunker with all their alive hunter friends and family, playing board games, everyone whistling and whooping when cas takes off his coat to play twister with dean, i will be sorely disappointed
it’s meredith glynn
so maybe it won’t be the pure, fun, gay plotless fantasy that i have in mind, but it’ll probably be well-written and emotional, which is aaaalmost as good
[distant “soN OF A BITCH”]
yeah mousetrap is like that
we have one exactly the same, it’s from the 60s or something, it sometimes functions but mostly doesn’t
when the ball hops into the bucket and rolls down the slope, that’s my favourite part
ahhh thank you ms glynn for immediately answering my question
she knew!!! she knew the only question everyone would be asking at that exact moment when nobody mentioned cas is WHERE IS CAS
and then she’s like “here have some cas”
i want a gag reel of danneel and misha trying to do this scene
we don’t have anywhere near enough content of them together, interacting
cas getting earrings for anael/sister jo is so intriguing to me and i really like it for some reason
“lightly cursed”
paused and screenshotted because in this exact moment she looks uncannily like my doctor
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jo: the winchesters don’t know you’re here, do they?
cas: “why do you say that?”
jo: “i don’t know, just a general reek of ill-conceived lone wolf desperation”
i love this script, danneel’s delivery, and also describing cas as a lone wolf, i find that both attractive and accurate... kinda makes me feel better about the fact he disappears for weeks at a time, i guess it’s just a personality trait of his that he likes being alone after socialising a lot
mary: “i can be... closed off... hard”
dean: “yeah? :) that’s where i get it from”
aw yeah cuties talking about their feelings
while dean and mary talk, i think the music is that soft piano theme they use when dean and sam are having emotions, and i’m not 100% on that because i haven’t heard it in AGES, like maybe two seasons, unless i just missed it
either way it just makes me think of all the times they DIDN’T use that music with dean and cas
at least not since season 4 or 5 (sic), this music definitely reminds me more of that era than the recent eras
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cas in that big silver pickup truck
i wonder what dean thinks of all his car choices
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mary telling sam she’s proud of him eyyyyyyyyyyy <3
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the doll cas blows dust off reminds me of that weird lil doll danneel keeps in her and jensen’s house
laughing because how is nick even close to being jack’s father
jack is biologically the president and the presidential aide’s/first lady?’s son
and team free will are his nurturing dads, who did the actual job of parenting
lucifer is his angel father since he was possessing the president
but like
nick is the body lucifer wore, was nowhere near the president, wasn’t a vessel at the time, hasn’t physically been allowed to be near jack in all the time jack’s existed, has had almost no interaction with him, and is also a douchebag murderer
family don’t end with blood and all, sure
but like
jo/anael: “look, i just stepped in a rat, so”
oh god that reminds me of--
*trigger warning: very gross, animal death*
reminds me of that time my cat brought in a mouse and ate half and then because it was dark i stepped on it in a bare foot and skinned it with my foot and it was cold and horrible
also that time i stepped on a spider, also in bare feet, and it crunched
and that time i stepped on a lizard but it was fine and it was SQUISHY
i went back a bit and anael throws the doll, first it says “ma-ma~?” and then it hits the pile and goes “mhmhj!!” and that’s both cute and upsetting
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cute lil horned skull, i want one. seriously it’s adorable, i don’t think it’s meant to be adorable but it is
rock hit sammy’s face and i cringed
of all the wounds to the head
finally one actually did some damage
feels weird but right that dean called an ambulance like real people
edit: what did he tell the EMTs though, now sam is all healed up
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beautiful and terrifying
nick: “make me strong again, make me you”
he’s gonna die isn’t he
dean: “count with me”
sam” “you always put me first”
noo sam !!!!
and then the cut from sam, dead, to nick, dead
oh gdjfgdjg help dhfgdf
mary: “you need help, we’ll help you”
oh now i’m worried about mary
jack you better not hurt her
black screen
jack’s whisper “mary”
oh no
i have no thoughts
i can’t think, i’m just
i freaking loved anael, and i loved how cas interacted with her, he’s comfortable and knows her well and is just aware of her strengths and fears and likes and needs, and anael knows him just as well, well enough that she knew his real motivations for trying to contact god
i love that this was all about jack, but i also hate it because oh no our sweet baby nougat boy is a chocolate cake now
i love how much love the winchesters have for him, how they’re not even questioning whether he belongs there or not, even when lucifer and nick are trying to claim kinship. team free will are his three dads and everyone knows it
i adored seeing mary again, it feels like it’s been ages. and i hope dearly she’s okay at the end of this, we’ve all had enough of fridging and she doesn’t deserve that to happen to her again, none of us want that
meredith glynn writes good female characters with relatable positive and negative traits and i am so pleased to see that!! i do kind of think anael was the best part of this episode, and she was written so much better here than in the previous season. that stuff she and cas talked about, her doing everything for money vs. her trying to fix suffering, but also clearly enjoying the money along the way, that was my favourite part of the episode
i think my least favourite part was the fact it was basically two stories, cas doing stuff for jack, and then dean and sam and mary doing stuff for jack. i know it’ll match up later, but i disliked the lack of contact there. at least on screen, cas wasn’t informed about all the drama the others were going through, and like anael said, they didn’t know where cas was or what he was doing.
and also given this all happened apparently around the same time, and the episodes’ air dates (maybe) coincides with when they’re set, where WAS cas two weeks ago when he left dean and the bunker and dean said he left early in the morning? i assume he was going to meet anael, but how much time passed between then and this? idk
i loved that cas picked up earrings for anael though. and knew enough about them to know they were valuable. either he’s an jewellery expert or a geologist, or dean or sam are, and all of those possibilities thrill me
didn’t like sam getting hurt but the wORST PART was jack’s downfall here
oh no
dean’s relief after sam was healed, where he had to step back and turn around, that was... something. no matter how many times he almost loses the people he loves, it never gets easier for him, and it never will
damn that rock from the middle of the road that probably shouldn’t have been there
but also. how much of lucifer’s personality was just nick? because he’s basically the same person without lucifer. i’m really curious who lucifer is, because we don’t really know, do we? i mean, actions aside, the quirks of his speech and personality were seemingly all nick’s. (i think when sam was in the white suit, that was non-nick lucifer, except that was in an alternate timeline so who even knows.)
one more thing. a tip for the non-anxiety-ridden, non-autistic people out there. when a person is stumbling away from you with their hands over their ears/eyes/head, muttering about wanting the conversation to stop or the noise to stop or for you to go away, please, under no circumstances, go after them and yell at them and grab them
not saying jack should’ve done whatever he did, but mary definitely reacted in the worst possible way to a panic/anxiety attack, especially when jack is clearly dangerous to other people, not just himself
anyway. 06:21pm.
10/10, but would not recommend unless someone really wanted their heart ripped out
would have preferred dean playing mousetrap for 45 minutes and cas coming home early to find everyone had the correct amount of soul, and then letting dean teach him how to play twister, actual twister, not this twisted goddamn fuckery directed at my stupid emotions like this actually turned out to be
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tiny-smallest · 5 years
the language of flowers
Rating: T Characters: Sammy, Susie, Susie-Alice/Malice, Henry Warnings: dead people, but nothing out of the pale for what was seen in-game Description: On a wall in the studio, a poem is scrawled. There are lots of poems scrawled on the walls, and they all have a story-- pieces of a fractured mind, coming together for brief moments in flashes of memories stolen from him, in flashes of other memories he shouldn’t have to bear the burden of.
He’ll forget these things as soon as his poem is written, but for now...
Also on AO3!
I had a burst of poetic inspiration and decided I wanted to incorporate that poem into an actual one-shot, so enjoy this collection of memories. Yes, it’s part of an au, but that doesn’t have any bearing on the content here.
"Delivery for you, Miss Campbell!”
“Thanks, Wally, but I told you, Susie’s just fine,” she said with a smile, accepting the vase of flowers with a look that quickly turned curious. As Wally tipped his hat and left the room, she grabbed for the tag, face turning sour. “Ugh...”
“Mmm? Don’t tell me there’s a bug on it?” Sammy said, turning the rest of the way around in his chair to look. One hand went for the nearby fly swatter. He hoped it wasn’t a bee.
“No, no- it’s- just-” She sighed, setting the vase down. Sammy’s hand retreated from where it was groping for the fly swatter. “It’s probably a little rude of me, but I just- I did tell him I prefer sunflowers...”
“Sunflowers?” Sammy looked from the roses, the sight of which made his chest clench, to Susie. “Him?”
“An old flame. Few days ago he asked me out for coffee, talked about maybe getting back together.” She pursed her lips at the vase, folding her arms and looking down at it as if not quite sure what to make of it. “I broke up with him because- he’s nice enough, but he just doesn’t listen! I was hoping maybe he’d worked on that but... I mean I did tell him every Valentine’s Day we were together that I liked sunflowers and daisies best and he still got me roses and he’s still doing that.”
Sammy rested his chin against his hand. “Oh, he’s that kind of person who you talk to but nothing sticks.”
“Exactly- well, maybe not exactly, because it’s not even like he’s forgetful? He remembers things just fine, usually. It’s more like...” She gestured, seeking to pull the words she needed from the air. “When I broke up with him I asked him a number of questions about me. You know, my favorite flower, my favorite smell, how I like my coffee, favorite movie, favorite animal... little things like that? He only got a single one right!”
“So it’s more like he just didn’t care about you.”
“Yeah, that’s the impression I got.” She shook her head. “Well, if he thinks I’m going to settle for just plain ‘nice,’ he has another thing coming. Nice is a bare minimum requirement. You have to try harder than that!”
“And you deserve someone trying harder than that,” Sammy said quietly. When she turned to look at him, he blinked, face growing a bit warm. “Anyone does. I don’t pretend to know much about this love thing, but I’m pretty sure caring about one another’s favorite interests is just a given.”
“Exactly.” She went to move the vase, then stopped with a sigh. “Poor things; they didn’t ask to be sent by a no-try nice-guy. I’ll leave them until they wilt on their own. It’d be a shame to just chuck them.”
“Why not give them to Norman?” Sammy said suddenly, and Susie looked at him in confusion. “Norman’s husband loves roses,” he explained. “I heard him mention that once, around Valentine’s. Take off the tag and maybe charge him a bit of money if his pride demands it, and the roses go to someone who actually likes them, they’ll be out of your hands, and you won’t have to be the one trying to carefully transport them home. Or leaving them in my office. Easy.”
“Gooooood idea.” She smiled, picking the vase up. “Thanks, Sammy!”
“Of course,” he answered, turning back around in his desk as he returned to his music. Thump thump thump, went his heart.
“It was nothing.”
Sammy shifted his grip on the precious package, hesitating outside the theater. One hand reached for the doorknob, gripped it tightly, then let go.
God damn it. Pull yourself together, Lawrence.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. He grabbed the knob again and turned it, entering the room.
It was dark, as he’d left it, Susie sitting with a rigid back in a seat at the very front. Little sniffles filled the room and Sammy felt his stomach clench a little even though he knew they were joyful tears.
Calm down. He was about to make her cry more, anyway, so there was no point in letting himself get all flustered by the sounds of her stifled weeping. He cleared his throat and walked over, pivoting on his heel once he reached her to stand in front of her. She looked up at him with a wide, teary smile that turned into a look of confusion when she spied what lay in his arms.
He held it out to her.
“Congratulations.” He smirked. “Told you that you’d knock it out of the park.”
“Oh- Sammy!” She accepted the bouquet from him with a watery laugh. “Oh Sammy, you shouldn’t have!”
“Of course I should have. You did amazingly. Incredibly.” He folded his hands behind his back, willing himself not to duck his head. “Everyone’s going to love Alice, and you’re the one who brought her to life.”
“You even got me my favorites,” she laughed, rubbing a fist into one eye as she glanced down again at the sunflowers and daises so carefully arranged in their paper wrapping.
“Of course. Presents shouldn’t be half-assed! You said those were your favorites.”
“I did.” She smiled at him, the bubbly surprise melting into something softer, sweeter. “... You know, you really are sweeter than sugar underneath all that grouchiness.”
His face flushed hot and all thoughts whited out as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
His head filled with cotton, staring at her as she leaned back, able to count most of the teardrops on her long lashes, the lashes that framed those eyes, those eyes-!
She smiled at him again.
“Now let’s go find water for them.”
He nodded, dumbly, stumbling along with her in a daze as she took his hand and pulled him from the room.
So this is what it’s like to float on cloud nine, he thought. I hope I never come down.
The pipes sang, the wood creaked, the ink dripped. Try as he might, the wood protested hideously wherever he stepped. This was a particularly bad area, apparently.
He halted, tilting his head for a moment before looking up.
Humming floated around the room like dust motes in sunlight, interrupting the steady stream of tinkling song that he always heard calling to him in the Ink.
It called to him. Not the same way the Ink did, but it did. It called, tugged, and the empty hole in his heart responded. A deep, aching longing, a need, filled the core of his being right to the brim.
Suddenly his chest seized and he gasped, fingers clenching against the inky shell, beneath which was his heart.
No. No, this was not the only world he’d ever known. There was once something else, something else besides just a body that didn’t hurt, didn’t look wrong- there was once light and- and- joy! Safety! And-
Oh no, no no-! As soon as the images burst before his mind they were fading, and-
No, he had to do something to stop it! He had to! He couldn’t forget again-!
The humming grew in pitch and his head ached, the ache suddenly spiking into sheer agony. The world went sideways for a moment as he pitched into a wall, staggering into it.
The agony lifted, leaving him breathing heavily, leaning into the wall.
Ah... what was he so upset about again? He blinked.
That voice. Wasn’t he thinking about that a moment ago? He struggled to recall. Yes, he was, wasn’t he? What was he thinking about? He tugged absently on his hair, wincing as a small chunk of it gave easily under his hand. He let the inky hair fall to the ground. Something about the humming...
The creature- the angel! It was an angel, singing. Did the Ink tell him that? He wasn’t sure, but the word ‘angel’ remained burned into his mind in lines of fire and longing.
He needed to go find her.
“Forgive me, my Lord,” he said aloud in a whisper, casting an apologetic glance at the whispering, singing pipes that would surely lead him back to his god if he followed their song. It always did, after all, even if in a roundabout way. “But I need to seek this out first...”
The voice was closer now. He was closer!
Tired though he was, the sound put a pep in his step. That beautiful voice, that sound like rang like church bells...
He was so close now. Almost there. 
The hallway ended in a door and he tugged it open, noting the pentagram on the wall directly next to where the door opened. The mark of his Lord, by which all things in the Well could return.
As grateful as he was for that gift, he hoped he’d never have to use it. But that shouldn’t be a problem.
The humming stopped for a few moments and his heart dropped, only soothed when it began again. He closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of indulgence, before shaking it off and stepping forward again, one hand adjusting the old rope that kept the banjo on his back secured.
He was going to find the angel, and... something was going to happen. His heart swelled. Something great was going to happen.
He hopped down the steps and across the room, and up the ones that led to a pair of metal doors that were open. A quick glance upwards made him pause and squint.
Yes, she is.
As soon as he thought it, it was gone. A quiet noise left him, and he looked down and back to the doors, slipping through.
The hallway beyond wasn’t very long and had a couple kinks in it, but at the end, a light from above illuminated a long-haired woman, her back to him, humming.
His heart was pounding now. And... his face ached?
Oh. Because he was smiling.
She moved about, working on something, clearly. He stepped forward. “H-hello! I was wondering if- if I could- maybe- play for you...?”
She turned around and, at the same time, he caught sight of what else was in the room
Piles... and piles... of...
The world came to a halt, discordant screeching in the back of his head, a broken halo bobbing as she stepped forward.
There were no more thoughts.
He ran.
Calloused fingers traced the letters, Henry’s face tugging down in a frown.
He was used to seeing less than uplifting stuff written on the walls. You really didn’t get much more down than “WHO’S LAUGHING NOW” on the wall of a room where the corpse of your dead child lay on display.
Runner ups included such lovely phrases like “I DON’T WANT TO WORK HERE ANYMORE” along with a handprint that dragged down the wall and “THE SHEEP WILL COME TO SLAUGHTER”. Another honorable mention to “DOWN HERE, WE’RE ALL SINNERS.”
Oh, and “I STILL REMEMBER MY NAME.” Two smeared handprints. God. Just remembering that made him sick all over again. He found that in one of the Lost Ones’ safehouse and threw up, again.
He was getting used to repeatedly feeling sick.
But what he wasn’t used to were poems. He’d seen a few, scattered around--and he’d never forget the first one, located in Sammy’s sanctuary.
And, speaking of which, he had a good idea who wrote this one. Sammy did so love his poems. “A song is poetry with music,” he once said, and Henry never forgot that. Anytime he saw a poem, he remembered.
As he was remembering now.
Sammy wrote this. He was almost certain. But what was in his head when he wrote it?
Well... he’d say that only a god would know that, but Henry had long been sure there probably wasn’t one.
He reached for a nearby bucket of ink and a brush, and began to draw. After a few minutes he stopped, put the things down, and stared at it for a few minutes as if standing at a grave before walking away.
A drawing of single flower now lay beneath the poem.
16 notes · View notes
spnjediavenger · 5 years
Chapter 5: Man, Myth, Legend? Girl, Warrior, White Wolf
Disclaimers: I do not own Supernatural, any of its characters, or the lines from the episode I use in this.
Time frame: set mid S5
Notes: Big thanks to @sarimaposthumous for proof reading my fic as always!
Not gonna lie, i got UBER emotional writing this XDDD
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! And much love to those who have liked and/or reposted!!! <3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
To say that Elliana was overwhelmed would be a drastic understatement. Since her less-than-perfect reunion with Sam and Dean, she and the boys had a mini catch-up session covering the following:
·      Sam and Dean ended up on a path before meeting Ellie that led to Lucifer, the freaking devil, being set free from a cage in hell (the boys thought it best to keep Elliana out of that mess until it became necessary)
·      Gabriel was trying to get them to play their roles as vessels for Lucifer and the archangel Michael so they could fight
·      The boys, along with Bobby, Cas, and two other hunters, Ellen and Jo tried to kill Lucifer but they failed and Ellen and Jo died in the process
o   This ended in Lucifer setting the four horsemen free, bringing the coming of the Biblical apocalypse
Along with this information, you could only imagine how the now 14-year old took to fighting one of said horsemen, coming across real-life zombies in Bobby’s hometown, the boys dying, dealing with a false prophet, and meeting the boys’ half-brother only to see him be abducted by angels.
Not well.
Not that she let it show much, but Ellie was definitely freaking out on the inside. If a teenager fighting plain old monsters was normal – this was abnormal for her; like a whole new level.
Given this fact – it was understandable that there hasn’t been a chance to slow down lately; hence the arrival at another motel.
Elysian fields.
It was dark and it was pouring rain like no one’s business, so Sam, Dean, and Elliana (Anaya sticking close by her side) ran into the building, trying and failing to shield themselves from the downpour.
Once inside, the trio took a moment to catch their breath, shake the water from their hair, and froze at the motel’s appearance. Their jaws slightly dropped at the higher-end furniture and décor, not used to places that nice.
“Nice digs for once,” Dean commented, looking around.
Sam could only nod his head in agreement, still a bit stunned from the shower outside.
Sam and Ellie stood together as Dean was checking in. Anaya let out a low growl at Elliana’s side as the hotel worker leaned forward a bit, examining Dean. He pointed out a small cut on Dean’s neck and handed him a tissue; Anaya kept her eyes locked onto the man and stepped a little closer to Ellie.
Ellie took the behavior into consideration and also eyed the man. He noticed this and simply smiled over at her.
“Beautiful dog. Siberian Husky, yes?” he said pleasantly.
Ellie narrowed her eyes a bit and nodded, also finding herself wary.
Dean finished signing paperwork and looked back to the receptionist. “You wouldn’t happen to have a coffee shop, would ya?”
“Buffet,” the man said. “All you can eat.” He leans in a bit an continues, “best pie in the tri-state area.”
Dean adopts a bit of a wonderstruck expression and smiles. “You don’t say.”
The group looks around the corner where the man had pointed and was indeed met with one amazing buffet layout. Ellie grabbed Dean’s arm before he could run in.
“Can I have one of the room keys?” she asked, eyes scoping out the place before resting on the boys again.
“Why don’t you grab something to eat first? You ok?” Sam was quick to jump in with the ‘worried older brother’ face.
“Yeah,” she said. “I just want to relax a bit before digging in,” she said, not wanting to ruin Dean’s eagerness yet.
Sam sighed but Dean handed her the key. “Stay out of trouble, then,” he said, smirking lightly. “We’ll be up soon.”
As Ellie and Anaya passed the front counter, Anaya leaned into Elliana once more and pricked her ears, lowly growling again as she looked to the receptionist.
Soon, they made it to the room and Ellie couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Compared to every place else she had stayed, this was like a 5-star hotel. She closed and locked the door behind her and jumped onto one of the beds, allowing herself to enjoy something for a moment. Anaya jumped up and lied next to her reluctantly, still wary of things.
Curled up next to her dog on a plush bed, it didn’t take long for Elliana to fall asleep.
“Who are you? Are you an angel?”
“I’m more of a…guardian if you will. Technically, sure, I’m an angel; but more of a rogue. Just someone that heard your prayer and came to help. Speaking of which – not to put a damper on the already dampened mood, but I need you to go pack your normal and your hunting things and we need to go because that demon will come back for you.”
“Wait – how did you know I hunt?”
“Guardian,” the figure said, shrugging a bit. “Now, things, go, no pressure but we should kinda hurry.”
 “Ok, Ellie, you’re doin’ great, kid. We’re gonna stop here for a bit,” Gabriel says, sitting down on a bench with the girl. “I can’t stick around much longer. I have a lot of things to attend to,” the archangel explained. “There’s a motel not far from here. You go in and tell them your parents dropped you off and told you to check in-“
“Like in Home Alone 2 when Kevin checks into the Plaza Hotel?” Elliana said a bit excitedly, despite the things she just witnessed.
Gabriel chuckled a bit. He knew there was a reason he answered this prayer.
“Exactly,” he said, a small smile on his face. “Avoid the workers as best you can but leave the moment you wake up. Don’t give them a chance to ask questions or see much of your face if you can help it. You’re young and they’ll find out something’s up and probably call the police or social services or something.
“You’re young. You shouldn’t have to live like this but you do. But I’ve watched over you for a couple months and know you can handle it.”
Elliana was scared, of course; but she knew this was coming for a while. And she was determined to make it work.
So the girl nodded her head at the man and he smiled again.
“Now, I won’t be there every second with you, but if you really need me – just pray for me, ok? And take this with you.”
Gabriel handed the girl a small necklace. She took it and laid it over one of her hands and examined it. It had a silver chain with a silver crescent moon, a circular pendent with a white wolf hanging in its center.
“Wolves are strong and tough and smart. Just like you. I believe in you, White Wolf.”
Elliana smiled and looked up at him. “Thank you, Gabriel.”
 Elliana was woken by Sam gently shaking her shoulder. She had only been out for maybe an hour while the guys were downstairs and they found her asleep when they came up.
Dean, like Ellie, was in awe of the room but Sam looked as uncertain as Ellie had felt earlier.
“Isn’t this place kind of in the middle of nowhere?” he asked.
“Yeah?” Dean replied, trying not to care.
“So what’s a 4-star hotel doing on a no-star highway?”
“And as much as I hate to admit it too, Sam has a point. And not only that, but Anaya was acting on-edge in the lobby with the receptionist. She’s only ever like that for a reaso-“
Ellie is cut off by the couple in the room next to them being particularly loud with their activities. Dean starts to smirk before Anaya lets out a bark before the wall between the two rooms is pushed in with a bang.
The trio goes to check out the room to find it trashed, and Dean catches a glimpse of an engagement ring on the floor. They all look at each other, eyebrows raised, when Dean suggests they do some digging.
“Ellie, Sammy and I are gonna head downstairs to see what the bellhop creep knows about this. Why don’t you and Anaya sniff around the room a bit then head back to ours? We’ll meet you back up here in a little bit.”
Elliana nodded and they split ways.
She turned back to Anaya and drew two fingers out towards the room; “Search, Anaya,” she commanded lightly before taking a look at things as well.
Upon finding nothing of significance, Ellie and Anaya returned to her and the boys’ room. She waited a little while before texting Sam to see if they found anything. After a few minutes, Ellie started getting suspicious, as the boys usually responded to her almost right away (well, Sam did anyway).
“Come on, Anaya,” Ellie said, opening the door but stopping in her tracks when she was met with the receptionist. “What are you doing here?” Ellie said, a challenging tone in her voice..
“Sorry,” he said. “It’s best if you stay up here.”
“Where are Sam and Dean?” Ellie challenged again. Anaya stalked over to the two, lowering her ears and snarling at the man before her. He looked at her with a certain look in his eyes that made Elliana want to shoot him. “I wouldn’t do that, if I were you. She’s fought werewolves and vampires and other monsters like you. She won’t hesitate to fight you too. And neither will I,” Elliana threatened, pulling a knife from her jacket.
The man flicked a wrist and sent Elliana and Anaya flying back a few feet onto the floor and he shut the door, warding the room to keep them inside.
“Hey!” Ellie yelled, running forward to grab the doorknob, pounding on the door when it wouldn’t open. She pulled out her phone and tried texting and calling Sam and Dean but she no longer had service. And unknown to her, the boys were downstairs being used as bargaining chips to a room full of deities.
           Ellie rakes her hands through her hair and turns around, only to let out a surprised scream when she sees a figure sitting on the couch across the room. Out of instinct, she throws her knife at it but it’s stopped in the air just inches from the figure’s face.
           “Jeez. A ‘nice to see you’ would’ve been better, I think,” a cheeky voice said. Elliana finally focused to find Gabriel closing her knife and tossing it on the ground as he stood up and walked over to her. He smiled and opened his arms expectantly but was instead met with a fist to the cheek.
           A shout of pain was let out but not by the archangel.
           Gabriel looked down with a raised eyebrow at Ellie, who was bent over, fist pulled into her chest.
           “Ok, 1: you know that does pretty much nothing; and 2: what was that for?!” the archangel said, extremely confused at the moment.
           “What the hell, Gabriel?!” Ellie yelled, standing up now but still clutching her hand. “Why would you take Sam and Dean and not even say anything to me?! You knew I was with them! You didn’t think it right to even give me an explanation when I left?! I thought they abandoned me, you jerk!! I was hurt!”
           Ellie looked angrily at Gabriel, but had tears in her eyes remembering how bad she felt thinking Sam and Dean had left her. Gabriel saw this in her eyes and sighed, feeling a little guilt start welling up in his chest.
           “Ok, E – I really am sorry. I was stupid and didn’t think about how taking them would affect you. And I know this isn’t an excuse but I had to figure some things out once they left and I got side tracked from you. Now, I admit I still don’t like those idiots,” this earned a glare from Ellie, prompting Gabriel to hold a finger up for her to be patient. “But, I know they’ve taken good care of you and should have remembered that. Can my ladybird forgive me?” Gabriel took Ellie’s hands and, though he was serious in what he said, gave her his best puppy-dog eyes that would rival Sam’s.
             “Come on, kiddo,” Gabriel begged the teenager, who had her back to him.
           Elliana had just finished a hunt; it was just a simple salt ‘n burn but one of the victims had ended up in the hospital. Because I was too late, she though sadly. Gabriel had ‘the talk’ with her about how you can’t save or keep everyone completely safe. And she understood that. At least that’s what she said. But the girl still beat herself up over it.
           So here was Gabriel, an archangel for Chuck’s sake, begging a teenage hunter to ‘turn that frown upside down’ (yes, he actually said that).
           Gabriel sighed and appeared in front of Elliana, taking her hands in his, making her look at him.
           “Come on, little wolf. I know you know you can’t blame yourself. And think about it – if you hadn’t been there, that person could have died. But you were. And they didn’t.” Gabriel saw the corners of her lips tug a bit. “So, please don’t be so hard on yourself. For me. Pwease?” he added with a childish voice, pushing his bottom lip out and giving her puppy-dog eyes. Ellie giggled as he did this, making the archangel give a triumphant smile and gave his little wolf a kiss on the head.
             Elliana, of course, couldn’t help but smile a bit at that (it was a curse that she almost always gave into that look, and even more of a curse that Gabriel knew it). She sighed a bit, looking over at Anaya, who was wagging her tail enthusiastically at the archangel, and looked back up.
           “I guess so,” she said with a small smirk.
           Gabriel chuckled a bit and hugged her. “That’s my girl.” He bent down to greet the overly excited dog next to Ellie, turns out she had a soft spot for the archangel too, then stood up to look at Elliana seriously again. “Ok, down to the reason I’m here. You guys have driven into a big trap, as I’m sure you’ve already deduced. Your boys down there? They’re currently in the hands of a bunch of gods who want to use them as game pieces in the Lucifer’s-apocalypse-and-Michael-wants-to-fight-him game. Now, before you freak out,” he continued, raising a finger again when Ellie’s face dropped in shock. “Give me two secs to save their butts and I’ll be back.”
           With a snap of his fingers, Gabriel vanished.
           Elliana looked over to Anaya, eyes wide and jaw slightly dropped. What the heck is happening? She thought.
           Not a minute later, Sam and Dean appeared on the other side of the room, both looking thoroughly confused.
           “Ok, what the – holy crap!” Dean said, looking at Sam.
           “Guys!” Ellie called, running to hug them both.
           They hug her back and Sam looks at Dean. “By the way, next time I say let’s keep driving, uh…let’s keep driving,” he said.
           “Ok, yeah. Next time,” Dean snarked.
           “Alright, guys, enough,” Elliana huffed, getting their attention. “You can have your dumb brother fight later,” she continued, earning a double bitch face from the Winchesters. “We’re in kind of a big situation right now and we need to figure out what to do next. So what’s our play?”
           “Well, there’s gods in the ballroom and a bunch of people in the kitchen freezer,” Sam filled Ellie in.
           “Alright so…I-I…I don’t know,” Dean started, wracking his brain for what to take care of first. “I guess we grab those poor saps outta the freezer, bust ‘em out? Gank a few freaks along the way if we’re lucky?”
           “And when are you ever lucky?” Gabriel’s voice cut in.
           The trio looked over to see him sitting on the couch again, amusement in his eyes.
           “Ok, you know what? Bite me,” Dean snapped. “You know, I should’ve known. This had your stink on it all from the jump.”
           “You think I’m behind this? Please. I’m the Costner to your Houston. I’m here to save your ass,” Gabriel defended himself, though keeping his usual humored façade.
           The guys looked at him confused.
           “You want to pull us out of the fire?” Dean said, still the only one to speak.
           “Bingo. Those gods are either gonna dust you or use you as bait. Either way – you’re uber-boned.”
           “Wow, ‘cause a couple of months ago, you were telling us that we need to ‘play our roles’. You were uber-boning us.”
           “Ohhhh, the end is still nigh,” Gabriel said, tilting his head pointedly. “Michael and Lucifer are still gonna dance the lambada,” he continued, dancing between the brothers a bit. “But not tonight. Not here.”
           “And why do you care?”
           “I don’t care…but…me and Kali, we uh…had a thing,” Gabriel forced out a bit awkwardly, but composed himself as he continued, “Chick was all hands.”
           Sam and Dean threw him a look.
           “What can I say? I’m sentimental. And I’m here for this one too,” Gabriel added, pointing over to Elliana.
           Now both guys narrowed their eyes in confusion.
           “Ellie?” Dean said.
           “Elliana, you know Gabriel?” Sam asked, finally speaking.
           Ellie’s cheeks burned just the slightest bit from the sudden attention. “He uh…he was the one that saved me from the demon.”
           “Him?” Dean said incredulously, pointing at the archangel.
           “Yeah, poke fun all you want,” Gabriel said, rolling his eyes. He didn’t expect the Winchesters to credit him with anything of the sort. “If it wasn’t for her, I would’ve let you guys down already.”
           Sam, Dean, and even Ellie rolled their eyes at his remark. But they continued talking, trying to form a plan to escape, and to try and free the people stuck in the freezer as well. Gabriel was going to try and break the blood spell on the boys while Sam, Dean, and Ellie would let the guests out. Before they temporarily parted, Gabriel snapped Anaya into the Impala to keep her safe because he said ‘one of the gods downstairs wouldn’t give a passing thought to eat her in front of you’ – that was more than enough of a reason for Ellie.
           The group snuck downstairs into the kitchen; Sam began to pick the lock on the freezer while Dean and Elliana tried and failed to stop the men that came in to stop them. So once again, the Winchesters (with Elliana now) found themselves surrounded by the deities.
           Soon enough, Gabriel was brought in by Kali.
“Well well well,” she said, looking vaguely betrayed as she stared down at him. “Looks like the trickster has tricked us.”
“Kali…don’t…” Gabriel said, lightly pleading with her.
“You’re mine now.” The goddess of destruction sat herself on Gabriel’s lap. “You have something I want.” She ran her hand down his chest, moving it into his jacket to pull out his angel blade. “An archangel’s blade…from the archangel…Gabriel.”
Elliana’s eyes widened and Dean had to put a hand on her shoulder, silently communicating to her not to do anything drastic just yet.
“Ok! Ok! So I got wings. Like kotex,” Gabriel said in a ‘who cares’ tone. “But it doesn’t make me any less right about Lucifer.”
Kali now stood, looking down at him again.
“He’s lying. He’s a spy.”
“I’m not a spy. I’m a runaway,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’m trying to save you. I know my brother, Kali. He should scare the living crap out of you. You can’t beat him. I’ve skipped ahead – seen how this story ends-“
“Your story,” Kali corrects him. “Not ours. Westerners, I swear” she shakes her head. “The sheer arrogance. You think you’re the only ones on earth? You pillage and you butcher in your God’s name. You’re not the only village. And He’s not the only god. And now you think you can just rip the planet apart? You’re wrong,” she continued, voice breaking. “There are billions of us. And we were here first. If anyone gets to end this world…it’s me.” Kali leaned down and caressed Gabriel’s face. “I’m sorry.” She slid the angel blade through Gabriel’s abdomen, causing light to stream from his mouth and eyes.
“Nooo! Gabriel!!” Ellie shouted, jumping up from her chair, only to be pulled back by Sam. “No!” she cried, fighting against the younger Winchester, who only held her tighter. She eventually stopped fighting but stared at Gabriel’s body as tears streamed down her face.
“This is crazy,” one of the room’s occupants commented.
Kali simply stood there, also staring at the dead archangel. “They can die,” she said in finality. “We can kill Lucifer.”
Discussion continued and Dean stood up, bargaining with the deities. Sam bypassed the shock at Dean’s actions to quietly comfort the girl in his arms. Elliana felt like her heart was ripped to shreds; as if that blade went through her heart instead of Gabriel’s. That angel meant the world to her.
Once Dean was able to convince the deities to allow him to set the hotel’s other inhabitants free, he walked over to Sam and Ellie, telling them to follow him. Ellie reluctantly followed the brothers to the kitchen.
As Dean was ushering everyone out of the hotel quickly, a hushed voice called his name from the Impala. He looks over and his eyes go wide as he sees Gabriel ducking in the backseat, motioning for him to get over there.
  “Ellie, I really wish you’d wait in the car. I know you want to stay with us, but this is headed in a much different direction than we thought, ok? Lucifer is going to be here. And we don’t want you getting caught in any crossfire,” Sam said, looking desperately into Elliana’s eyes.
“Sam, please,” she whispered, eyes still holding tears from earlier. “I just lost Gabe…I won’t lose you guys too; I can help you.”
  “Well good luck with that. Me? I’m blowing Jonestown. Those lemmings in there wanna run off a cliff, that’s their business,” Gabriel said in his conversation with Dean, sold on wanting to leave this whole situation.
“I see right through you, you know that? The smart-ass shell, the whole ‘I could give a crap’ thing? Believe me, it takes on to know one,” Dean said, narrowing his eyes at the archangel.
“That so?” he replied, tilting his head as he nonchalantly pet the dog sitting in the back seat with him.
  “Not that I doubt you, because I don’t – but are you sure you can handle this?” Sam asked, searching the girl’s eyes in front of him as he placed his hands on her shoulders.
Ellie sighed and looked down. “No,” she whispered, then looked up at Sam. “But I couldn’t handle that demon either.”
  “Yes. And maybe those freaks in there aren’t your blood but they’re your family.”
“They just stabbed me in the friggin’ heart!”
“Maybe. But you still give a crap about them, don’t you?” Dean continued, knowing he was starting to hit close to home.
“They’re gonna die in there without you.”
“I can’t kill my brother,” Gabriel said, defeated.
“Can’t or won’t?” Dean challenged. Gabriel cast his eyes to the side, remaining silent. “That’s what I thought.” Dean went to open the car door but turned back to the archangel. “Elliana is in there too, ya know. And she’ll die without you too. Me and Sammy may never get it, but the kid loves you. And I can tell you care about her too,” Dean continued, trying one last time.
Gabriel felt a tug at his heart; he had been hoping Dean wouldn’t mention Ellie for this very reason.
At Gabriel’s continued silence, Dean sighed and got out of the car.
Dean rejoined Sam, Ellie and the others in the hotel. Most of the deities fanned out, leaving Kali and Baldur in the ballroom with the trio. Like Sam, Dean had tried to convince Elliana to wait in the car, only to receive a sad chuckle.
“You don’t get it, do you? I’m with you guys. Through everything. I’m in this mess by my own choosing and I’m not letting you do it without me,” she told him, raising an eyebrow with a light smile. Her smile faded soon as she continued, “And I want to do it for Gabe too…”
Dean was about to tell her Gabriel was still alive when the lights began to flicker violently.
“What’s going on?” Baldur said, glancing around the room.
“It’s him,” Sam said, unconsciously pulling Elliana closer.
“How?” Kali asked, not expecting Lucifer until they removed the enochian symbols from Sam’s ribs.
“Does it matter?” Dean spoke up. “Shazzam us outta here, would ya?”
“We can’t,” Baldur said, fear lacing his voice the smallest bit.
“Of course you can’t,” a voice instantly grabbed everyone’s attention. Their heads all snapped up to the figure standing in the open doorway. “You didn’t say ‘mother, may I?’”
Lucifer lightly smirked as he took account of who stood in the room before him, of course stopping on the Winchesters.
“Sam, Dean. Good to see you again. And who’s this with you?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head in curiosity as he looked at Elliana. “New travel buddy? I’m Lucifer - though I’m assuming you already knew that,” he continued, talking directly to her now. “What’s your name?”
“Go to hell,” Ellie said coldly, not showing the slightest bit of intimidation.
“Oh, I just got out of there, sweetheart,” he easily countered.
“Don’t call me sweetheart,” she spat, taking a challenging step forward. Sam and Dean pulled her back, causing Lucifer to smirk.
“I like her,” he said to the boys. “Feisty.”
Kali muttered to Baldur, who had started walking towards Lucifer with a dominant gait. The boys took a few slow steps backwards with Elliana as the deity gave a short, angered monologue to Lucifer, ending with him consequently ripping Baldur’s heart out.
As Lucifer threw his body to the ground, Kali became enraged and threw a fire attack at him. At the growing physical conflict, the boys and Ellie jumped behind one of the overturned tables in the room to duck in cover.
“You guys ok?” Sam asked his brother and Ellie.
“Not really,” Gabriel’s voice replied before either got the chance. All three looked behind Dean to face him – Dean being shocked Gabriel came back and Sam and Ellie shocked that he’s alive. “Better late then never huh?”
“Gabriel?“ Elliana said, tears welling up in her eyes again. “What- you…you were-“
“It’s ok, E. I’m here. Hang tight ok?” Gabriel turns to Dean, handing him a DVD. “Guard this with your life.”
Gabriel went to stand up, but Elliana moved around Dean and quickly grabbed his arm. “Gabe, no. You’re not doing this by yourself,” she said, voice shaking.
The archangel let out a quick sigh; he was hoping to make this a quick exchange to avoid a conversation like this, but of course had no such luck. “This is the only way for you guys to escape. It’ll be ok-“
“No!” Ellie said again in a harsh whisper. “I’m not leaving you here!”
Gabriel fought back the sting in his eyes and he looked over at the brothers. “Please,” he said. “When it’s time, make her leave,” he continued, staring at them determinedly, though his own voice shook a little. “You make her leave.”
They nodded a bit sadly and held a struggling Ellie when she went to grab Gabriel again.
The archangel gently took her face in his hands and planted a kiss on her forehead, making her freeze in her struggles. “I love you, little wolf.”
Gabriel got up and struck a hand out, throwing Lucifer across the room, into the far wall before he could stomp on Kali.
“Luci, I’m home,” Gabriel said as he stepped into view. “Not this time,” he stopped Lucifer’s advance, holding up his angel blade as he helped Kali up. “Guys! Get her out of here,” he called to Sam and Dean over his shoulder.
The boys walked over and did as he said. They and Elliana headed towards the door, Gabriel standing in front of them protectively as he kept a hard stare on Lucifer. As they neared the exit, Ellie stepped out to Gabriel again.
“Gabe, please, please come with us,” she begged quietly.
“Guys,” Gabriel said again, unable to keep his voice from quivering and tears from stinging his eyes.
Sam took Elliana’s arm but she pushed him away, running back for the archangel so Dean moved up, grabbed her, and threw the girl over his shoulder, leading the rest of the group out of the room.
“Gabe, no! Nooo!! Gabriel!!” Ellie screamed hoarsely as she tried to free herself from Dean.
Gabriel closed his eyes and twitched his neck to get his head back in the game and confront his brother.  Though he supposed it wouldn’t make too much of a difference. This was a fight he knew he wasn’t going to walk away from.
Sam, Dean, Ellie, and Kali got outside and to the car – the goddess in the front seat with Dean, and Sam in the back with Anaya and Ellie once Dean set her down. The girl made one last, albeit weak attempt to go back to the hotel, but Sam pulled her into his side.
Elliana stared out the Impala’s window for as long as she could, hoping for any sign that things would work out for the better, but was only met with a bright white light flashing from the ballroom windows, forcing a sad cry from Ellie. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth and she squeezed her eyes shut. Dean looked in the rearview mirror at Sam, both boys hurting to see her like this.
“Come here,” Sam whispered, pulling Ellie into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. Soft cries and whimpers escaped Ellie as she clutched onto Sam as if he was her lifeline. Sam quietly shushed Elliana, one hand rubbing calming circles on her back, the other gently cradling her head. He had helped her at least slow her breathing, but tears still flowed from her eyes and a soft cry escaped her lips every now and again.
All the emotions had been eating away at her energy and she started becoming tired. As her eyelids drooped, her head slowly fell against Sam’s shoulder. And everything she had felt before was amplified now, since she knew Gabriel definitely wasn’t coming back this time.
Chapter 5.5 ->
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masksandtruths · 7 years
Never Normal: Part 2
A/N: This was done for @revwinchester's Y1K Challenge, and in typical “me” fashion, I got a bit long winded. This one isn't going to be a big series, but there will be 2 3 parts, the last of which will explain a few things, including the story behind the reader’s post-it note. Anyway, congrats Rev, and I hope y'all love it!
If you want to catch up: Part 1
Summary: When the Winchesters found Y/N the moment after her world fell apart, she never expected they’d be the ones to help her put it back together--but that’s exactly what they did. From friends, to brothers, to the possibility of something more--their lives together were far from normal, which was exactly how she liked it.
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader (Romantic) ; Sam Winchester x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Swearing, Fluffy (Sam is such a sweetheart), a tad Angsty (Maybe? If you look really closely?)
Word Count: 2600-ish
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A bottle of red wine, a heaping plate of food, and a slice of pie later, and you were ready to pop. “Okay, I’ve got to quit. My jeans are starting to cut off my circulation,” you admitted sadly, sitting your fork on your plate and pushing it away from you.
“Well, you could always take them off.” Dean looked up from the pie he was inhaling, meeting your eyes, a wicked grin lazily turning up one corner of his mouth. Before your brain could form a truly witty and amazing comeback—something other than, “I wish you would,” which was the first thing that popped into your mind—Sam leapt to your defense.
“Jesus, Dean, could you maybe not start with the cheesy pickup lines?”
“Who’s starting what, Sammy? I simply offered a solution to Y/N’s problem.”
You let out a sarcastic snort and rolled your eyes. Sam just leaned back in his chair and gave Dean his best, little brother bitch face—complete with crossed arms, a raised eyebrow, and “you’re so full of shit” practically blinking on his forehead.
“You know what? Screw both of you,” he swore laughingly, shoveling another forkful of pie into his mouth and smiling widely.  “It’s my party, and I’ll do what I want to.”
You sent Sam and Dean off to other parts of the bunker to watch a movie or catch up on Game of Thrones or something so you could clean up the aftermath of Dean’s dinner in peace. Half an hour later, you had all the leftovers put away and were just finishing up the dishes when you heard heavy footsteps behind you.
“Hey Y/N, almost done?” Dean asked as he approached.
“Yeah, just about. Just gotta finish drying these bowls and put them away.”
“Need any help?” He was bent over, elbows resting on the counter, looking up at you with a dopey grin, and you felt a very strong—though definitely not unfamiliar—urge to lean down and kiss him. Such a simple thing—a tilt of your head, a press of your lips—and yet, you just couldn’t bring yourself do it. A relationship wasn’t in the cards for you, and you wouldn’t risk your friendship with the boys for a lone night in bed with one of them—even if one of those aforementioned boys happened to be looking extra scrumptious in a certain maroon shirt of his. Nope, you just had to get your hormones under control, maybe find a random dude to take out your pent up sexual frustrations on, and keep pretending you didn’t want to do very un-sister-like things with the man standing right beside you.
“Hello...earth to Y/N?”
“Uh…y-yeah…sure. Here,” you stammered with a jolt, shaking your head slightly to clear your thoughts and shoving a bowl towards Dean. “You dry. I’ll put them away.”
He plucked the towel out of your other hand and started working on the job you assigned him. You spun around to put up the bowl you had already dried, and when you turned back, he already had the next one finished and held out towards you.
“Thanks.” You latched your hand around the dish, but Dean didn’t loosen his grip. Your eyes went to his, and you knew immediately he could tell something was up.
“You want to tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours or am I going to have to play twenty questions?”
“It’s nothing, Dean.” He released the bowl but didn’t drop the subject.
“Uh huh, and I guess you assume that even after living with you for over half a year, I’ll just buy that  answer. You’ve been acting weird all night. What's up?”
Shit. How were you going to get out of this one? It was no secret Sam was good at reading people, but what most folks didn’t realize was that Dean was just as good—hell, maybe better—especially when it came to his family. You feigned confusion, flipping your hand in the air casually, “I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t have mixed wine and liquor. I think it made me a little loopy.”
“Nice try,” he flipped the towel over his shoulder and took a step towards you, “but I call bullshit again. Want to go for strike three?”
You turned your back to him and reached up to place the bowl he’d handed you on its proper shelf, effectively buying yourself a second to come up with your next answer. A straight up lie didn’t work, but maybe a half-truth would. You sighed and slowly faced him, lifting your y/e/c eyes to meet his concerned, green ones. “You know this is something I used to do with my little sister?" You made a circling motion with your finger. "The whole big fancy birthday dinner thing?”
You watched his expression soften at the mention of your sibling. You rarely mentioned her—or anything about your past life really—so any time you opened up the tiniest bit, they were more than willing to listen.
“No—no I didn’t know that. Shit, I’m sorry. You didn’t have to do this for me, Y/N." He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and down the underside of his jaw. "I never want to see you hurting. Ever. For any reason. But damned sure not because of me.”
You slowly stuck your hands in your pockets and lifted your shoulders in small shrug. “You didn’t know, Dean. Besides, I wanted to do this for you, and I don’t regret it one bit. There’s just a lot running through my head tonight, that’s all.” You felt the note in your pocket pressed against the palm of your hand, and it sent a wave of comfort through you. You pulled your hands from your pockets and slapped them together like you were dusting something from them.  “Alright, titty baby moment is officially over. Don’t you have a show full of battles, boobs and fire breathing dragons waiting on you in the other room?”
He dropped his head with an amused snort, and you couldn’t stop the smile that tugged up the corners of your mouth. When he lifted his face back up, his amused expression mirrored yours, and it made your breath hitch in your chest. He really was perfect. For a second, neither of you moved, content and happy in each other’s presence—enjoying the warmth of a light-hearted moment and shared smiles.
When the second was up, you stepped forward, intending to brush past him and continue your task of cleaning up the kitchen. But when your right shoulder lined up with his, his arm shot out, blocking your path and halting you in your tracks.
You felt the pressure of his arm across your body first—then the heat of his strong fingers tightly gripping your left hip—and finally, the subtle weight of his gaze. The air in the room suddenly felt thicker. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, silently reminding your lungs and heart that they did, in fact, know how to function properly.
Although it was barely above a whisper, the sound of your name falling softly from his lips in that perfectly husky voice of his somehow managed to echo through your entire body, sending a shiver down your spine and a ball of heat to your core. You squeezed your eyes tightly against a flood of images threatening to invade your brain—ones you knew would show you all the beautiful, wonderful, normal things you no longer allowed yourself to daydream about. You blocked them before they ever got the chance to turn into anything other than unfocused and blurry outlines of childish wishes from another lifetime. Before you started confusing “is”s and “never would be”s  with a bunch of “if”s and “maybe it could be”s.  The only thing that did was open you up for heartache and disappointment, and you’d had enough of that to last you until forever.
When you finally forced your eyelids open and met his gaze, you immediately saw the love and hope and numerous unasked questions swimming there in his eyes. You could read everything in them as well as you could read any book sitting on one of the shelves in the other room—and as his continued to search the depths of your own, you couldn’t help but wonder if he could read the emotions in your eyes just as clearly as you had in his. “What?” you breathed.
“What do I need to do here, Y/N? Am I supposed to be your brother or your friend…or…or something else?” he asked softly.  Well, that wasn’t what you were expecting. He didn’t come right out and say it, but you knew from the way he phrased it which answer he was hoping for—and you just needed a minute to process that. Everything in your heart was screaming at you to open your mouth and form the words he wanted, but your brain just couldn’t figure out how that would ultimately end well for either of you…so you stayed silent.
“It’s your choice, sweetheart, and I’ll still be here no matter what you decide. But please, decide soon because I can’t keep doing this back and forth thing. It’s giving me friggin’ whiplash.” When the last word fells from his lips, he released his hold on your hip, pressed a gentle, lingering kiss to your temple, and then quickly moved past you and through the door leading out into the bunker’s garage.
Holy shit balls. You’d told yourself that there was no way he could possibly be interested in you. That he flirted like that with every woman. That he was just protective because he thought of you like a sister. That you were imagining things. Now you realized you’d probably told yourself all that crap because it was much easier to ignore your own feelings if you thought there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell they’d be reciprocated.
“Sam!” you yelled. You were still standing there by the sink looking sort of shell shocked when he came barreling into the kitchen seconds later.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked, hastily glancing around the space for any sign of what caused the panic he heard in your voice when you called his name.
“Dean…I…” You didn’t know how to start.
“Oh no. What did that shit bag do now? I told him to lay off the booze. Where is he? I swear to—"
“No…No…just stop,” you interrupted. “No, that came out wrong. Everything is just all wompyjawed right now, and I don’t know what to do. And I probably shouldn’t even be talking to you about it. I just don’t know who else to talk to. And you’re like my brother, but he actually is your brother, and—what the fuck.”
“Whoa, slow down, Y/N.” He stepped forward and wrapped you in a big bear hug, squeezing tightly and pinning down the arms you’d just been flailing about wildly. “Just calm down and tell me what happened.”
You inhaled deeply and then loudly blew the breath through your lips before stepping out of his arms and hopping up to sit on the counter. You rested your elbows on your knees and dropped your head, your temples resting between the palms of your hands. Sam waited patiently for you to get your thoughts together. “He told me to decide.”
Sam nodded knowingly, stepping backwards and resting his back on the island counter opposite of where you were sitting. “And what’d you say?”
“Not a fucking thing. I froze. Hell, I didn’t know he felt that way. How did he expect me to take in that little revelation and then give him an answer two seconds later?”
“Because most girls wouldn’t have to think about it.”
Your head shot up. “Well I’m not most girls.”
“Yeah, you’ve made that abundantly clear,” he said with a snort and a smirk.
You playfully swung your leg out towards him, acting like you were trying to kick him. “Shut up, turd.” You were silent for a minute, lost in your thoughts of Dean and the horribly confusing situation you’d gotten yourself into.
“What’s stopping you?” Sam asked quietly, finally breaking the silence.
“I don’t know. Just after everything I’ve learned, I don’t really see how it’d be possible for me to have something as normal as a relationship. I’ve lost too many people in my life already, and if I go down this road with Dean and then lose him, I don’t know if that is something I could survive. Besides, I made a promise to my sister that I’d never be normal anyway, so...I guess this is me keeping that promise.” You shrugged, giving him a sad, half smile.
“Well, let me ask you this…you love me, right?”
“You know I do, Sammy.”
“And you’d be absolutely devastated if something happened to me, right?” he continued with a wink.
“Of course, I would,” you answered dramatically, placing a hand over your heart.
“And you have already let yourself feel that kind of love for my bone headed big brother too?” You nodded your head in agreement. “So then if you’ve already let yourself love us enough for it to hurt if you had to live without us, why not go ahead and dive in head first with Dean? Yeah, it'd suck if you decided to try with him and it didn't work out, but wouldn't spending the rest of your life denying yourself a true shot at happiness suck worse?”
“Ummm…” Sam quirked an eyebrow up at you, and you shook your head in disbelief. “I don’t know why I’d never really thought of it that way before.”
“Because you aren’t as smart as me,” he teased. “Now, what’s your next lame ass excuse?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a small chuckle. “Well you're sure handling this well. You seem mighty proud of yourself and not the least bit surprised.”
“Because I’m not. Unlike you two, I figured out a longggg time ago that y’all were made for each other,” he joked. “I’ve been telling him for months to quit being such a pansy and just say something to you about it, but you know as well as I do what a stubborn ass he can be when he sets his mind to it.”
“You ain’t never lied,” you laughed in agreement.
Sam crossed the small space between the two counters, stopping beside you and playfully bumping your shoulder with his. “Seriously though…just go for it, Y/N.”
You dropped your head sideways with a groan, resting it on his shoulder. “What if I screw it up? Or he screws it up? Or we both do? I don’t want to have to walk away from the life I’ve built here with y’all because we couldn't get our shit together,” you admitted quietly.
“You won’t ever have to do that,” he said, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “Promise.”
“How can you be so sure?” You straightened, lifting your face from its resting spot on his shoulder so you could see him when he answered.
“Because I, for one, think you two idiots belong together and are just hardheaded and contrary enough to make it through anything.” You punched him lightly on the arm for that one. “And because, you’re family now—whether you like it or not—and that means something to us. Sure, we may get crossways sometimes, and things might get a little messy for a while if y’all’s deal happened to go south—but that will never change the fact that this is and will always be your home.”
You twisted your body on the counter so that you could wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him to you tightly. “Thank you, Sammy. I love you.”
He reached up with a giant hand and patted one of the arms you had locked around him. “Love you too, kid,” he chuckled. “Love you too.”
Read Part 3 -->
Tags: @wheresthekillswitch @trexrambling @escabell @arryn-nyxx @pinknerdpanda @deanssweetheart23 @-lovepeacenhope- @dancingalone21 @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @kathaswings @roxyspearing @shutupiminlooove @donnaintx @ginamsmith @goldenolaf25 @duherica @revwinchester @kbl1313 @hannahindie @emilywritesaboutdean @emmazach @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @winchesterprincessbride @atc74 @avc212 @messy-buns-and-shotguns @sofreddie @triciareh @horsegirly99 @ultimatecin73 @michellethetvaddict @nostalgic-uncertainty @akshi8278
125 notes · View notes
Beauty and the Beast- Part 5
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 1,558
Warnings: Sam fluff, alternative universe, sassy reader, sassy dean, language(?), maybe that’s it?
Author’s Note: I DO NOT own anything from Beauty and the Beast. All credit goes to their respective owners. I DO NOT own the rights to the lyrics, dialogue, or any of the characters. I am so excited for this series and I hope you are too! I do, however, only have this first movie written and am trying to work on the second movie. 
So, if you want to become a Queen or part of the Sam Fam, shoot me an ask. If you want to be tagged for this series, I am also accepting those as well. 
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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“You know, you’re a wonderful dancer. I don’t know why you don’t do it more often.” You said with a smile.
“Oh, yeah, let me just dance my way through hunts.” He said with a laugh. You giggled and held his hand, running your thumb through the soft fur.
“You know, I never got to thank you.” You said, looking into his eyes.
“Thank me for what?” He asked.
“For always taking care of me. For being there for me even when I didn’t want you there. You’re an amazing friend, you know that?”
“Friend, huh?” He asked. You so badly wanted to kiss him but that would have to wait until the end of the movie if he wanted to kiss you, too.
“You want to check out Dean?” You asked suddenly with a smile.
“Oh, come on, you know the magic mirror the Beast has?” You asked, slowly grinning.
“This is going to be fun.” He said with a chuckle, getting up and taking your hand. Sam led you to the West Wing, in the place where the rose sits. You saw the rose had fewer pedals than it did before and sighed.
He handed you the mirror and grinned, letting you do the honors.
“Show me Gaston.” You said to the mirror and, in an instant, Dean’s face appeared instead of your reflection. You laughed and showed Sam, seeing how he was flirting with a bar girl, trying to get her attention.
“Oh, my God, that is so like him. Even in a Disney film, he is trying to hit up women.” Sam said with a shake of his head.
“Unfortunately for him and fortunately for us, there is no sex allowed in a Disney movie. So, at least be thankful of that.” You said, chuckling.
“So, I know this is the part where you let me go because I see my father and blah blah blah but I think we can just skip all of that, don’t you think?”
“How are we going to get them to come over here then?” Sam asked. You looked at the mirror and asked to see your father. What you saw was him running into the bar that Dean was in and started talking all kinds of crazy about a Beast and how it captured his daughter.
Of course, no one believed him, but instead of you going down there, you had a different idea.
“Sam, you gotta roar.” You said, looking up at him.
“Roar?” He asked, not understanding.
“Yeah, loudly. Which shouldn’t be a problem for you since you have a loud voice anyway.”
“Roar to attract their attention?” He asked. You looked back at the mirror and saw them trying to get rid of your father.
“Yeah, and do it quickly, okay?” You said, looking at the mirror. He didn’t want to argue with you and did as he was told, walking to the balcony and taking a deep breath. You covered your ears, expecting it to be loud and damn, were you right.
Sam roared as loud as he could and since the little village wasn’t that far from the castle, you knew they heard it. When Sam was done, he walked back to you and both of you stared at the mirror, watching as Dean and the rest of the townsfolk reacted the roar.
“I say we kill the Beast!!” Dean yelled, cheers and roars came from the crowd as they agreed.
“Sam, you’re going to have to kill Dean or else we won’t get to be able to go home.” You said, looking up at Sam who held a look of worry.
“If that is what I have to do, then so be it.” He said. Without another word, he left the room. You sighed and bit your lip, realizing that towards the end of the movie, one of the brothers had to die. But you had to keep reminding yourself that this was just a movie and Dean wouldn’t really die.
So, this is the part of the movie where the mob comes trying to break down the door and the furniture attacks and all of that. But to spare you the details, we’re going to skip all of that and go right to the big fight scene. I think this is more interesting to see Sam and Dean try and kill each other than a bunch of pots and pans try to outwit dumb towns people.
You were trying to get some weapons to try and stop Dean and his crew when you heard glass shattering. You dropped what you had and ran to the noise, gasping when you saw a big hole in the glass door, as if something had been thrown through it.
You opened the door, careful to not step on any shards of glass despite wearing shoes. You ran out on the balcony and peered over the edge, seeing Sam and Dean fighting. They both circled each other, trying to attack one way or another.
You just hated seeing them try and kill each other. In the real world, Dean would be protecting his brother, making sure no harm came to him. However, that wasn’t? the Dean you saw here. You knew when you woke up in this world, you would gain the personality and characteristics of the character you were but you didn’t think Gaston would win.
Suddenly, Sam picked Dean up by the throat, holding him over the edge of the castle. If Dean were dropped, he would fall to his death. Dean won’t really be dead. This is just for the movie. Dean won’t really die and he will be okay. You had to remind yourself that Dean will come back and you will wake up in the Bunker with both brothers by your side when this was all done.
“Please, no, Sammy, it’s me. It’s your big brother.” Dean pleaded, knowing that if Sam dropped him, he would die. Sam stared angrily at his brother, but realized that this was in fact Dean, and he couldn’t kill him. His features softened and he pulled Dean to safety, getting in his face with a growl.
“Get out.” Sam growled and Dean nodded.
“Sam!” You yelled, catching his attention. He looked up and a smile returned on his face. He did his best to climb the tower to where you are, taking your hand when he did.
“You know what needs to be done now, right? You won’t die, Sam.” You said, pain etching your features.
“I know.” Sam said, getting emotional.
“He’s going to come back. Dean won’t die.” You said, more to protect your feelings but also to reassure Sam. Suddenly, Sam roared in pain when Dean had snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the lower back. Dean brought his arm back, ready to stab Sam again when Sam stumbled back.
You grabbed onto Sam’s shirt that he was still wearing from the dance you two shared so that he wouldn’t fall. Dean, on the other hand, lost his balance and disappeared from sight, falling to his death.
Your eyes began to burn with tears as you thought about Dean, heaving Sam back over the edge of the balcony where he thumped to the ground.
“Sam, please, you’re going to be okay. You’re going to come back, you know that.” You said, taking his hand. Sam was weak, and he was dying.
“I love you, Y/N, and it’s always been you.” Sam said, taking his last breath.
“No, Sam, you can’t leave me. I love you. I should have said it when we were dancing and I should have said it when we were back home. Please, I love you so much, Sam.” You said, gathering him in your arms.
“This isn’t fair. I know it’s just a movie but please come back.” You whispered into the night. Suddenly, Sam was enveloped in a cloud of light, lifting off the ground. You smiled and moved back, letting him transform. Sam began to spin and as he spun, he started to change back to his human self.
Sooner, rather than later, he was set back on the ground as a human. He opened his eyes and groaned, sitting up. You wasted no time in jumping in his arms, pressing your lips against his. He smiled against your lips and wrapped his strong arms around you, kissing you back just as passionately.
You pulled away and stared into his eyes, smiling widely.
“I love you so much. It’s always been you, Sam. Even back home, it has.” You confessed.
“I love you, too.” He said as he got up with your help. He was dressed in his prince clothes and you grinned, hugging him tightly. One by one, the dishes and other objects began to change back into their original human forms.
“We can go home now, Sam.” You said, smiling up at him.
“Yes, we can.” Sam said, leaning down once more and captured your lips with his, making sure you knew that he loved you.
As much as you loved playing in this movie, you were happy to get home where you can officially start your new relationship with Sam.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1​ @ginamsmith​ @mogaruke​ @whit85-blog​ @inlovewithbja​ @spn67-sister​ @kdfrqqg​ @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes​ @roxyspearing​ @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose​ @cobrakai1967​ @essie1876​ @innernightwerewolf​ @wishedworld​ @justanotherdeangirl​ @crispychrissy​ @laqueus-ludovicus​ @nostalgic-uncertainty​ @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel​ @potterhead1265​ @starswirlblitz​ @untitled39887​ @ta-n-ja​ @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi​ @tahbehonest​
The Sam Fam:
@elma-shay​ @xxno-wayxx​
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bealg23-blog · 7 years
What’s In The Bag? (Part 1)
Summary: Sam finally finds out what’s in Amarus’ bag.
Characters: Amarus, Sam, Dean, Amber Ashley
Word Count: 1697
A/N: My first attempt at writing a story please let me know what you think.
Part 1
Ok, so how should I begin this? I have been around for a very long time and I have seen a great deal of many things come and go. I am, at heart, old fashioned. Some may even say eccentric.... er.. nevermind I'm getting side tracked. I tend to do that quite often, or at least that's what I'm told. I think most people just don't pay attention.
I've been told that I need to write a story about myself and how I've come to be in the current predicament that has been bestowed upon me. Personally, I think it's just the story of my life as it were, but then again, that's what I'm doing isn't it? Plugging away at these terribly small buttons or keys or, whatever. Why are they called keys anyway? They don't unlock anything. Or maybe they unlock everything. Never really thought of it that way. I fear that I'm losing your interest with my drabble but, I implore you to bear with me, for behind all the, some might say, silly, pointless, and often times randomness that is my entire existence there is an absolutely brilliant story full of mystery, suspense,  love, loss, yada, yada, yada.
"Amarus, this sucks!" Sam stated as he painfully tries to make it through the about me portion of Amarus's newly formed social media account.
“Sam aren’t you the one who suggested that I should do all of this in the first place?” Amarus stated with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Yeah but….” Sam started before being interrupted by Amarus’s pointer finger pressing on his lips.
“Great! Then there's no reason why I shouldn't post this then.” He replied with a smirk on his face.
“Heya Sammy, Amorous.” Dean greets the two, walking through the door of the motel they’re currently residing in with a little pep in his step and a beautiful young lady accompanying him.
“Dude, you said that you were going out for a bit to track down leads on the Muskgraves estate.” Sam responds, grasping at the chance to get away from Amarus.
“What? I tracked down a few leads. As a matter of fact that’s where I met….. Amber right?” Dean turns to the girl with both fingers pointing at her.
“It’s Ashley” she replied with a scowl on her face.
“We had lunch together and as it turns out, Amber…”
“Ashley” she interjected.
“Ashley happens to be a tour guide at the Muskgraves estate.” Dean answers with a smirk on his face.
“Dean it’s almost midnight…” Sam begins to state the obvious.
“Yeah.” Dean answers with a grin on his face as Ashley begins to blush and hides her face with her hands.
“You said that you and Amber… I mean Ashley, sorry, we're having lunch together.” Sam continues.
“Sam, my dear boy. Dean is trying to hide that fact that he tracked down leads for about a hour or so which lead him to the closest watering hole, met….. Ashley, and they spent the remaining, oh I would venture to say, ten hours or so conversing amongst each other about how she just got dismissed by her significant other and drowning her sorrows in pints all the while Deanna here has been filling her head with flights of fancy leading her to believe that he is truly in fact God’s gift to women. Ah, lest I forget….” Amarus begins to rifle through his bag. “I went to the apothecary...er, pharmacy, and got the medicine that you requested.” Amarus pulls out a pill bottle from his bag with Valtrex written on it.  ”The man behind the counter assured me that the nasty business should clear up in a few days oh, and Deanna? A personal suggestion…be more mindful in the future of where you're poking your popsicle my dear boy.” Amarus ends his rant with a childlike grin on his face. At which point Ashley begins to make her way to the door with a disgusted look on her face.
“Thanks, Douchebag!” Dean responds, quickly trying to catch up with the young tour guide.
“It was my pleasure Deanna.” Amarus replies as Sam hides his face with his hands.  
“You take great pleasure in making his life hell, don't you?” Sam states, looking out the window at Dean pleading Ashley to stay. “You know she's probably our only shot at getting in there.” Sam states with a sigh.
“I could get in there.” Amarus responds rifling through his bag.
“What are you looking for now?” Sam states watching comically.
“My laptop!” Amarus responds perplexed.
“Well did you check the library?” Sam jabs, knowing that Amarus take great pride in the boasting of his bag of wonders.
“This is not the time for jokes or puns about my awesomely astounding bag. How would you know anyway you've haven't even seen my library or even asked about it. You know, I could have a moldy tomb or something in there. To be frankly honest, I don't even know what's in there.” Amarus responds harshly.
“There's a kraken in there.”  Sam quips, at which point Amarus scoffs and disappears, his bag falling to the floor. Sam began to chuckle a bit knowing that he can so easily get under Amarus's skin when others cannot. Sam turns back to the window to continue watching Dean and Ashley and pauses for a moment looking at Amarus’s bag. A smirk grows on his face as he reaches for the tarnished buckle. “Finally” He whispers to himself reaching for the buckle.
“Holy fucking mother of what the fuck!” Sam screams trying to pull away from the bag but is being held in place by a giant tentacle. “What the hell? Dean?! Amarus?!” Sam yells for assistance as the slimy tentacle draws him towards the bag. The whole world begins to go dark the closer to the bag Sam gets drawn before there's just a void of nothingness. As Sam comes to he's puzzled by his surroundings. In front of him is a desk with one lone chair and some dusty scrolls and a few well worn books.
“Wha… where am I?” Sam asks himself, taking in the surroundings.
“Oh, my dear boy, why did you have to touch my bag?” Amarus states holding his head in his hands.
“Where am I?” Sam asked looking around puzzled.
“My library.” Amarus responds.
“How did I..” Sam started.
“You touched my bag without my permission.” Amarus cut him off clearly upset. “I only had one request when we met: Do not touch my bag unless you ask first.”
“Amarus seriously, where am I?” Sam asked gathering his wits.
“Sam you touched my bag. So my kraken did what it does best.”
“Transports people inside? That's kinda pointless Amarus.” Sam cut him off in a smart tone.
“No, the kraken was going to eat you. Thankfully, I decided that…. that wouldn't be the best of options for anyone.” Amarus responded with a smirk on his face.  
“Your library?” Sam asked again.
“Yeah, books, tables, display cases, what did you think it was?” Amarus asked comically thoroughly enjoying Sams bewilderment.
“All of this is in your bag?” Sam asks starting to grasp the reality of his situation.
“Of course, where else would you keep things?” Amarus asked with a now serious tone.
“You know what…… nevermind. How do I get out of here? We don't have time for this. We have the Muskgraves case and Dean's dealing with Amb…”
“Ashley” Amarus interjects.
“Whatever, we have more pressing issues.” Sam continues.  
“Pressing issues? The issue at hand here is that you're in my library.”  Amarus responds now with his eyes skittering around the room.
“Amarus we have to go like right now.” Sam states not knowing exactly where to look. “Come on just zap me out of here.” Sam begins getting quickly frustrated with his predicament.
“Oh, of course! Just zap you out like I'm some magical genie that can do that.” Amarus answers walking off clearly very frustrated.
“Amarus, oh come on really? I didn’t mean it like that.” Sam replies watching Amarus continue down the hall. “How do I get out of here?” Sam asks himself aloud.  
“Hey Sam,” Sam nearly jumps out of his skin after hearing the whisper from behind him only to find Amarus standing behind him pointing at a ladder. “Hey Sam” Amarus goads.
“Don’t you dare.” Sam warns.
“Need a ladder?” Amarus replies, laughing hysterically while starting back down the hall. Sam groans a bit at the terrible joke that he saw coming from a mile away and then oddly enough looks at the ladder, clearly seeing that he would need two or three of the 15 foot ladders to even reach the ceiling of the vast room. So he decides to look for a better solution.
Amarus’s library was a vast rotunda with several halls branching out with a massive tank in the center to house his kraken. While deciding which hall to start down first, Sam notices a bust on the desk with the lone chair.
“What is that?” Sam asks himself noticing a familiar pendant upon the bust. He quickly goes over to the bust and eyes the necklace upon the bust and quickly realising that  it was the Samulet.  “You’re not supposed to be here.” Sam says to himself while carefully removing it from the bust and placing it in his jacket pocket.  “Well I’m not going to get anywhere just standing around.” Sam says to himself looking upon the several different halls that made up the library.
“Hall of the Winchesters?” Sam asks himself, beginning to head toward the hall when Amarus pops back up in front of him this time.
“Of all the halls in my vast library how did I know you were going to choose this one?” He states excitedly. Sam stares at Amarus suspiciously.
“Amarus, I’m a Winchester. If anyone would be allowed to enter the hall of Winchesters, it would be a Winchester, wouldn’t it?” Sam asks.
“Now’s not the time to be rational, Samuel.” Amarus quips with a smirk on his face. “Wanna go inside?”  Amarus asks pulling the door open.
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/supernatural-season-13-hits-park-rising-son/
'Supernatural' Season 13 hits it out of the park with 'The Rising Son'
The second episode of Supernatural’s 13th Season kept up the momentum we began with the season premiere. There was a bit more exposition than I might have liked, and a bit of that jumping around that sometimes jars me, but there were also some intense and emotional scenes – which is what I like the most about this show. This is a one-time-viewing review thanks to being away on a family mini-vacation, but it was a memorable episode. So what did I enjoy? Once again, I really appreciated Alex Calvert’s portrayal of Jack and the way the character has been written (and in this case directed by Tom Wright). I haven’t been so captivated by a new character in a long time, and much of that is due to Calvert’s fine-tuned and never over the top acting skills. He shows us a vulnerability to Jack that makes it impossible not to root for him, even when he loses his temper or jumps to conclusions like a toddler having a tantrum in a grocery store. The character shouldn’t work as well as it does – we should be skeptical of what almost seems like it could be a ‘jump the shark’ move, introducing the main characters’ much younger neighbor or brother or whatever. Of course in this case, the main characters are still hot like burning so Calvert may be younger, but the hotness factor is now just spread over more people. Still, it might have been seen as a jump the shark move, but it’s too well done and Calvert is just too good to let that be the case. Case in point. Jack trying to be just like Dean broke my heart. Imitating his every move. Wanting to watch Scooby Doo (nice reference to the upcoming crossover, Show).  Dean starts to get drawn in – his caretaking instincts kick in momentarily as he questions whether Jack is old enough to drink a beer – and then he pulls back, reminding himself who Jack is and telling him to knock it off and stop imitating him. Dean tosses Jack the Bible instead, where he reads about Lucifer, his actual father. Jack: And that’s a bad thing? Dean: Damn straight. Jack: And God, is he famous or something? You might say that. Poor Jack, so earnest and so confused. Both Alex and Jensen were phenomenal in those scenes – and so was Jared Padalecki. Sam watching with such a fond look on his face, no doubt remembering when he was doing the same thing, trying to be just like his big brother. When Dean admonishes Jack that his food isn’t going anywhere, Sam is incredulous, reminding Dean that he’s the same way. I mean, basically everyone just wants to be Dean Winchester. Which is totally understandable. The constant back and forth between Dean and Sam about just how human Jack really is worked for me too,  Sam keeps referring to Jack as ‘him,' while Dean sticks to depersonalizing Jack, calling him ‘it.'  Their disagreement about Jack also allowed the show to inject just the right amount of humor into what was mostly a serious episode. Dean trying to get Jack to teleport out the door to their motel room was hysterical, especially as Jack responded to ‘get to the other side of the door quickly’ by getting up and calmly walking across the room and through the door, then knocked. The smile on his face was priceless, as was Dean’s eye roll. Every scene of Sam and Jack together was a treat. There is so much depth to their relationship already, mostly due to what we know about Sam’s own history of feeling like a ‘freak’ who Dean might just have to kill if he can’t control his powers. Jared’s nuanced acting and his ability to show us Sam’s vulnerability invest every scene of Sam and Jack with so much emotion. Sam clearly has empathy for Jack. Not sympathy, but empathy. He can put himself in Jack’s shoes because he has BEEN in Jack’s shoes. Trying to win Dean’s approval, trying to be just like Dean but fearing he never can be – that’s exactly where Jack is right now. In recent interviews, Jared has talked about how satisfying it is to have a storyline for Sam that he can really did into. Jack is forcing Sam to relive some of the most difficult times of his life, and probably pulling some of those old doubts to the surface as well – especially when he can’t convince Dean to see Jack as he does. Which brings me to another thing I really enjoyed in this episode – Sam and Dean sitting across the kitchen table or wherever they happened to be and really talking. Sam being honest, trying to convince Dean. Dean listening and being honest back, even if that means both of them acknowledging that they’re having a disagreement. But they’re not fighting and they’re not tuning each other out. They’re valuing each other’s perspectives even when they don’t agree. And let’s face it, I’m always going to be a happy fangirl when the brothers are having a serious conversation, anytime any place anyhow. Period. Sam knows his brother. And I love how well he knows his brother. He knows that the unimaginable losses they’ve just endured have pushed Dean past the breaking point, that Dean is shutting down in an attempt to deal with all the pain. He also knows that he is the only one who might be able to help Dean through that kind of grieving. Sam: We’ve been down before. We find a way; we fix it. Because that’s what we do. That right there? That is my Show! The blank, almost dead expression in Dean’s eyes nearly killed me though. What I missed most about last season was being able to see and feel the brothers’ relationship. That’s what makes the show special for me, and if I don’t see it, the sense of specialness fades. So the focus on Sam and Dean and how they’re feeling, about Jack and about each other, feels really good – it feels like my Show. I love love loved the scene where Jack retreats outside to the alley to hide after witnessing Sam and Dean arguing about him (in a perfect depiction of every child of fighting parents who feels to blame and caught in the middle).  Also, oops, turns out that Jack can teleport after all! Jack looks up at Sam and asks plaintively ‘Is that why Dean hates me?’ My heart breaks for him, and then in a flash I’m both smiling and sobbing at the same time because of what Sam says and the tenderness with which he says it. Padalecki nailed this scene, as did Calvert. And Sam shows us all just how well he knows his big brother. Even though they don’t agree, Sam understands why Dean is reacting the way he is. Sam explains that Dean’s wires get crossed when he’s afraid – that he feels like it’s his job to protect everyone. Not just Jack, but to protect people from Jack too. I don’t know why, but that scene just gutted me – in the best way. Sam isn’t angry at Dean, not at all. He understands why Dean is so vigilant about Jack and he understands how that ties into the messages that were ingrained in Dean from the start. The protector – of Sammy, and now of everyone else. My heart. Jack questions whether he’s worth caring about, breaking my heart again, but Sam reassures him. Sam: Your mother thought you were. So did Cas. So do I. God, I love Sam. He later tries to explain to Dean how Jack is feeling, ghosts of the Winchesters’ past once again coloring his words. Sam: Jack is scared to death of who he is, and he's scared of you. I don’t always love what Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner write, but I loved some of these scenes so much. Thank you for the Sam and Dean conversation, and for remembering how well they know each other. I was also happy to see the return of Donatello, since I like the actor who plays him. Also he has a great entrance line. Donatello: Sam? Dean? Is God with you? Only on Supernatural would that sound totally normal. I don’t think Donatello entirely appreciated the view, but if I ever end up flat on my back unexpectedly, I hope this is what greets me when I look up. I kinda love Donatello’s resourcefulness. Had your soul sucked out of you by the Darkness? Just keep asking yourself ‘What would Mr. Rogers do?’  I feel like if more people asked themselves that, we’d be in much better shape right now all around. Also, that moment when Donatello tries to get paternal and puts a hand on both Sam and Dean’s shoulders – and they shrug him off totally in sync? Perfection. What else did I like? Oh yes, the tattoo scene! It was a big week for tattoos in the Supernatural fandom, since the day before Jensen Ackles got his first one. The suspense and anticipation waiting for it to be revealed had fans on the edge of their seats for over 24 hours and then gasping in delight when we finally got to see it. When Ackles decides to do something, he goes all in. Tattoos are no exception. The fact that it was for his daughter (and was also strikingly beautiful) just made it more awesome. Anyway, it was tattoo week for SPN, so Sam and Dean also take Jack to get the protection sigil tattooed. Too bad getting a tattoo hurts (props to Ackles but I’m sticking with my one small one, because OUCH), and that means Jack involuntarily throws the artist across the room. He perseveres, and Jack manages to allow it, only to have them disappear as his Nephilim body instantly heals itself. Oops. I also liked Sam’s explanation and the fact that the showed off his own. Sam: We’re brothers. It’s kind of like a family crest. Yeah, it is. Glad to see Sam still has his! One last thing that I really appreciated about this episode. Rob Hayter, the new stunt coordinator, has really been pulling out all the stops this season so far. The fight scene in this episode, mostly between Dean and a demon, was friggen’ amazing. Once again, I think it’s pretty clear that Jensen did the scene himself – those are definitely his thighs wrapped around that demon as he tries to fight it off. I mean, not that I know for sure, not like I’ve looked that closely or anything, but….yeah, I’m pretty sure. I’m not sure that other actor really appreciated the logistics of his situation, judging by the face he’s making. Pity. I loved the all-in fight scene, I loved Sam rushing in and saving the day (and his brother), and I loved Dean being totally badass and throwing an angel blade down the hallway to take out another demon.  Damn boys! Love me some badass Winchesters. The other two things that happened in this episode – because A LOT happened in this episode – were the introduction of Asmodeus and Michael. Asmodeus, the fourth prince of hell, is determined to find Lucifer’s son – and sway him to evil doings. Apparently back in the day Asmodeus tried to curry favor with Lucifer by freeing the shedim, very big bad things that even scared Lucifer. Their disagreement is how Asmodeus ended up scarred – and loyal to Lucifer. (And all that means that Asmodeus had a hell of a lot of exposition).  I understand why they need someone to replace Crowley who can go back to being a really bad guy instead of the bad guy we all ended up loving, I do. And Jeffrey V Parise did a good job investing the character with personality and menace. But I’m still grieving Crowley and Mark Sheppard and having a hard time stomaching his replacement.  I just…I miss Crowley, okay? Asmodeus is able to take whatever form he wants, which is handy for him and inconvenient for the Winchesters. First, he pretends to be a bartender chatting with Dean (and thank god he didn’t hit on her, which would have made zero sense in the context of the story) and then pretends to be Donatello getting info from Sam. The most suspenseful scene of the episode was Asmodeus/Donatello trying to convince poor Jack to free the Shedim after feeding him some BS about how it’s the right thing to do. I was actually screaming at my TV, NOOOO Jack, don’t do it! As Sam and Dean and the real Donatello raced there in Baby, I wanted to yell at Dean that it wasn’t Jack’s fault, he didn’t realize what he was doing! Jack comes close to opening a hell mouth and setting the Shedim (who are a very big bad and whose almost-introduction was super creepy) free. Luckily Asmodeus makes the mistake of attacking the Winchesters, and that lets Jack know what’s right and wrong in that moment. He zaps Asmodeus out of there, accusing him of “hurting my friends”. Now I’m screaming at my TV, did you hear that, Dean?? Of course, Sam brings that up later, but it doesn’t necessarily change Dean’s mind.  He tells Sam that they aren’t on the same page, not at all. But Dean is clearly conflicted, and Ackles plays that, ever so subtly. As Dean heads down the hall to his bedroom, he hears noises. Jack stands before a mirror, stabbing himself repeatedly, his white tee shirt torn in multiple places, the blade red with his blood even though he’s healing instantly. Dean, clearly distraught, grabs the blade away from Jack. Again, his instincts to protect kick in, and then he fights them. Jack: What am I? I can’t control whatever this is. I will hurt someone. Dean says that if he’s right and it comes to killing Jack, he’ll be the one to do it. Ouch. Such a powerful call back to what John wanted Dean to do to Sam, if it came to it. That scene totally broke my heart. The other new character – well, not exactly new character but new version – is Michael (Christian Keyes). Again, I have to say that Keyes did an excellent job portraying Michael, and gives him both charisma and gravity.  But again, I flinched a little because it’s not Matt Cohen. (yes yes I know, Cohen is busy on General  Hospital – doesn’t stop me from wishing he was back on Supernatural!) The show jumps back and forth between the main story and what’s happening the AU, where Mary is trapped with Lucifer, and that also threw me a bit. I never like it when we jump back and forth between (as of now) unrelated stories, and this episode was no exception. That takes nothing from Samantha Smith’s or Mark Pellegrino’s performance, they have a good snarky (him) and eye-rolling (her) vibe going on between them, but I kept wanting to get back to the Winchesters. Eventually in the AU they encounter Michael, who in his world has vanquished Lucifer. The two archangels tangle, and it looks like Michael can best Lucifer in this world too. At least for now. So mostly a “YES!” review for this episode. While John Winchester wasn’t explicitly mentioned in this episode, the theme of fatherhood was all over it. Lucifer and Castiel as Jack’s father figures, the Winchesters as Jack’s “two dads,” even Dean’s conversation with Asmodeus-as-bartender about always wanting to please your father. That makes me excited to see where we’re going, and to watch Sam and Dean (and eventually Cas) struggle with what it means to “parent” someone, let alone someone like Jack. Also, the Show gave me Dean in a single layer (Henley alert!), so I’m not in the mood for complaining. I’m excited to chat with the cast next weekend at the New Orleans convention now that the show is back on and I can ask show-related questions. Here’s to Episode 3 Patience and the Supernatural trailer is just above for it.
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hekate1308 · 7 years
Home Base
Part of my Season 12 Destiel AU. Enjoy!
To say his life has significantly improved, Dean things waking up next to Cas one morning, would be an understatement.
He smiles and snuggles closer to his boyfriend – no harm in morning cuddles – when he suddenly realizes things feel... off.
Not bad. Just... off.
And as soon as he raises his head, he knows why.
This is not the cheap motel room they went to sleep in.
The furniture is way too expensive, it’s light and airy, and is that a freaking lake he can see outside?
He sits up abruptly, causing Cas to grumble in protest.
“Cas – wake up!”
His lover shoots up from the bed, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings.
“This is not our room” he states.
Dean nods as he calls Sam.
Despite everything, he smiles when he hears his brother sleepily grumble “Dean?” The little nerd likes to sleep in these days, too.
Sam immediately becomes more aware.
“What – where are we?”
“So I take it you’re not at the motel anymore either.”
“No, I – is that a lake?”
“My thoughts exactly” Dean breathes.
“We seem to be in the same house” Cas says, having stepped up to him to listen to their conversation.
That’s something, at least.
“Alright Sammy, best we try and find each other.”
“My duffle bag’s here” Sam tells him.
“Ours are too” Cas points out.
They’re not without weapons then. Good.
They arm themselves with guns and silver knives before exiting the room they found themselves in.
Dean almost takes a step back in surprise when the door next to theirs opens and Sam comes out, looking as good as he did yesterday.
“Gotta say, if this is some evil scheme, it’s starting off really nicely.”
“We do not appear to have been drugged” Cas muses. “So whatever brought us here, they must be strong.”
He nods.
Their best way to search this place quickly – how huge is it, anyway? The corridors go on forever – is to split up, despite his ingrained instincts not to let his little brother or anyone else he loves out of his isght.
“Be careful” he instructs them both, pressing a quick kiss on Cas’ lips and clasping Sam’s shoulder before ducking into the next corridors.
Stairs. Taht’s something, at least.
He makes his way downstairs.
And this, right there? It’s a freaking entrance hall with marble.
It all looks nice enough, he supposes. Expensive. Like someone wanted to show off and be comfortable at the same time.
He hears movement in a room to his right and makes his way there, weapon ready.
What he didn’t expect was Crowley sitting in another huge room next to a pool table, leafing through a book while sipping his usual glass of Craig.
He looks up.
“Squirell. How do you like the new home base?”
“Home base? Where are we?”
Crowley shrugs.
“As good a place as any.”
“So and this is...”
“Like I said – new home base. You let me deal with the more psychopathic of the British invasion army, and it was certainly a lot of fun” Dean probably shouldn’t enjoy hearing that as much as he does, but Ketch has done nothing to incite his sympathy or pity in any way, shape or form, and he can’t bring himself to worry much about it “but it also means their little club is up in arms, so I thought you might want to have safe quarters.”
“So you... built us a mansion.”
“There was a dilapidated structure that might once have been a house. I only added to it.”
Dean takes out his phone and sends Sam and Cas texts to join them.
They both arrive quickly, Cas a bit quicker than his brother.
“Aw, Cassie, don’t worry, your toy boy is as safe as ever.”
He shoots him a somewhat disgruntled look that’s still not without a certain fondness – that’s how crazy their life has gotten, and Dean wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Have you seen the library yet?” Crowely asks Dean just as Sam stumbles in.
“Nah. Good stuff?”
“Remember when you powered down the wards of the bunker so I could get in while we were dealing with Amara?”
He does. And he also remembers not putting them up again because – well because even back then, he and Crowley were barely enemies.
“Thanks for that. I made sure to get anything the Men of Letters could use.”
“Thank you” he says honestly.
“I also made sure you had your beloved “memory foam” in case you felt like complaining about your back again – and your personal effects are in boxes in the dining room.”
Oh. He hasn’t thought about the things he used to decorate his room with in months. Sounds nice, though; Cas can get some stuff of his own, too –
Sam clears his throat.
“Do you have your own room?”
It occurs to Dean that he just thought of that as a given. Crowley hates Hell, and now that Lucifer has been dealt with, he has even less of a reason to hang out there, apart from short visits to make sure the demons are still behaving.
But for Sam to ask – that’s actually a pretty big step, now that he thinks about it.
Cas’ hand slips into his.
“As a matter of fact, yes. Now, in case you have – “
It’s the first time he’s seen Crowley speechless since Cain literally took his voice away.
They spent the rest of the day exploring their new home. Give it to Crowley, he really thought of everything, and it’s all brand new, nothing outdated like in the bunker.
There’s even a garage for his baby – next to the dungeon because, well, it’s Crowley. Nice he even included that in the first place considering their history with it.
As Dean and Cas soon find out, the water pressure in the showers is fantastic.
Plus, Crowley hasn’t just filled the library with the lore of their ancestors, but several works they love – at first glance, Dean sees the complete works of Vonnegut and Asimov. Jackpot.
And, okay, maybe Jane Austen is there too. Damn demon knows him too well.
And that kitchen.
“We’re going to have pancakes every day from now on” he announces, looking over the new equipment.
“Dean” Sam interjects.
“Alright, you can get some omelette with spinach. Figure I can do that if I try.”
His brother shakes his head, but he’s smiling.
“Where’s Cas anyway?” he asks. “Did he need some rest after your...”
“Shower?” Dean prompts with a grin.
“Yes. That.”
But once again, there’s no fire nor true annoyance behind Sam’s words, as there might have been, once not too long ago.
As Dean walks back to his and Cas’ room – funny, back when he only allowed himself to dream of them in half-slumbers shortly before waking up at dawn, he often pictured them in his room in the bunker – Crowley appears in front of him.  
Naturally, we are still too important to walk.
“I wasn’t sure if I should put these in your boxes as well” he says, holding out a few pictures.
Dean knows them. The ones he left behind the day he turned his back on the bunker and their legacy, preferring to make his own path.
Their own path.
After reconsidering the pictures, he takes those of him and Sam.
“That’s all I need”.
Crowley understands and vanishes with the rest.
Idly, Dean wonders what Mary is thinking now, in the empty bunker. She might not have noticed their absence much, but the knowledge and weapons the Men of Letters collected is valuable.
He’s not worried about them investigating the theft. Crowley certainly left no traces.
He expects to find Cas napping, but instead he’s –
He’s painting their walls.
There is already a whole forest stretching itself towards the lake, green leaves shining, sun kissing small flowers underneath –
“Cas” he breathes.
He knew Cas likes to draw, of course. Ever since Cas fell, he’s liked to have something to do with his fingers (in moments when they aren’t... otherwise occupied, that is) and it was Dean who bought himk his first notebook. Things only spiralled from there.
Cas has sketched almost everyone they knew at this point and once made him sit completely still for a whole evening because “I need to find the right shade of green for your eyes in that angle.”
“Dean!” he stands up so quickly Dean cringes in sympathy for his spine.
“I – this – I wanted to surprise you.” He fiddles his fingers in the late afternoon light coming in from the windows, his arms covered in paint, and Dean has never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
“Do you like it?”
“Like it? I freaking love it, man.”
He draws Cas into a deep kiss.
“Wait – You’ll get dirty – “
“You’ll have to clean me up, then” he whispers huskily.
“Why so much green?” he asks later, much later. He thinks it will be time for dinner soon, but he can’t be sure.
Cas is tracing patterns up and down his chest and he’s way too comfortable to move and find out.
“You know why.”
“Yeah” he says, blushing, “but why so little blue? Come on, this is our room...”
“You haven’t seen it, then?”
Dean frowns and looks at the forest again.
And he sees.
There’s blue everywhere, stronger and lighter shade mixed in with the green, until it becomes impossible to say which is which.
The message is pretty clear.
He attempts to pull Cas even closer. At the moment, he couldn’t care less about the Men of Letters.
When they enter the kitchen at eight pm, Crowley exclaims, “A miracle! We might get dinner after all.”
“You don’t need to it” Cas reminds him while Dean tells Sam, “You could have started dinner.”
“Your cooking is much better than mine” Sam says. “Always has been.”
Dean remembers another occasion, when Sam was surprised he even knew what a kitchen was, but dismisses the thought.
They have both changed a lot since then.
Crowley has stocked the fridge full to the brim.
“What do you – “
“Burgers” Cas says immediately.
“Alright then, burgers with salad it is.”
Crowley groans.
“You like Dean’s burgers” Cas reminds him.
Crowley grumbles something that sounds like “Doesn’t mean I have to eat them every day” but still digs in once dinner is done.
“So you’re saying it’s shielded like the bunker too?” Dean asks while they’re eating.
“No one will be able to tell where you are calling from while you’re here.”
Sam’s text alert rings out.
Dean’s surprised this didn’t happen earlier.
“What does she want?”
“Are you behind this?” Sam reads out loud.
“Tell her it’s the demon she despises so much” Crowley says. “I’m sure Mummy would love to hear that.”
“I don’t answer her texts anymore. She knows that.”
Sam puts his phone away.
“She’ll have to find another way if she wants to keep manipulating me.”
He’s never called it that, before.
Dean, he knows now, actually suspected pretty early on something was wrong, only that he didn’tb want to admit it to himself.
At least now they’re all on the same page.
Mary sends another text.
Only this time, when Sam reads it, he blanches.
Then, with a blank expression on his face, he throws his phone against the wall.
“That wall is brand new, you know” Crowley remarks mildly, but his hand has tensed around his glass.
“I’ll need a new phone” his brother says. “And we’ll have to tell our friends.”
“Yeah, of course. Sam, are you okay?”
“Yes. Mo – Mary just said something about – you, that’s all.”
“What did she say?”
“I don’t want to repeat it” is all Sam says.
“Good” Crowley comments.
Dean swallows. Knowing that Mary accused him of something – that she probably sounded like John – and that Sam would react this way – it has to have been bad –
And then Cas draws him close and kisses his forehead.
He relaxes.
He has Cas, he has his family, he has a new home.
Everything else can wait until tomorrow.
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