#anyways back to the topic of blaine
nicoise · 4 days
klaine + “kissing them to shut them up” would be so fun!! <3
thank you for the prompt !!!! <3 saw you were thinking about klivorce lately, so:
After another unproductive session of marriage counselling they were attempting to work together on dinner like the counsellor suggested. Kurt was chopping the vegetables with unwarranted aggressiveness. He was trying to bring up divorce again without actually saying the word. Blaine was pretending not to get the hint.
"I just mean, it feels so crowded like this. Don't you think it'd be easier if we weren't - stuck breathing down each other's necks?"
Blaine continued to stir the soup with a calmness he did not feel. "If you really need the space we could always look at bigger apartments."
This was a bit egregious. There was a frigid and judgemental silence during which Kurt was probably thinking up some cutting retort. Blaine waited.
Kurt dramatically stopped chopping. There it was. The knife thudded to the cutting board to punctuate his frustration. "You're doing it again. Dr. Gallagher said you avoid difficult topics because you can't accept that things aren't as perfect as you pretend they are. You know what I mean. You're doing this on purpose. Stop."
"Then say it. Tell me what you want from me." Blaine turned away from the stove and saw that Kurt had abandoned the vegetables and was staring at him witheringly. So he relished it when he said, "Tell me you want a divorce."
He saw Kurt's expression change at the word "divorce,” almost a flinch, surprisingly a little guilty. It was the guilt that did it. It didn't matter if Kurt was sorry if he was going to do it anyway.
"I love you," Blaine said, to hurt him. "I have and I did and I will love you. Probably more than you love me."
"That's not true," Kurt started to say, but Blaine talked over him, vehement like he hadn’t been at the counsellor’s office, where he’d sulked in silence. His voice was starting to go thick with tears but he couldn’t stop. “You still haven't said it. It's not hard. Haven't you always said you’re not a coward? If you really don’t - if you don’t love me anymore why don’t you - ?” 
The rest was lost in a fierce kiss. Kurt had closed the distance between them in one step and pressed their mouths together, inelegantly. Their teeth kind of clacked and Blaine was reminded of their teenage overtures with their friends on the other side of a doorway. 
But they were alone. Kurt put a hand on Blaine’s jaw and adjusted the angle and then it was good, as good as ever, good like he’d almost forgotten. Blaine kissed back like he knew he always would, even if it hurt him to do it, just to take what he could get. Kurt’s eyes were just as furious as they had been moments earlier and he stared Blaine down even as his fingers cupped Blaine’s cheek with heartbreaking gentleness. There was something imploring in it, a message he was trying to kiss into him, but Blaine didn’t know what it was.
It was overwhelming. Blaine shuddered with a sob that was never realized and Kurt kissed him through it, smothered it with his tongue, and when the tears finally escaped Kurt didn’t move away even though he probably had things to say about how the salt was terrible for his skin.
They were interrupted by the hiss of the soup boiling over. Kurt cursed and Blaine rushed to turn off the stove and then the only sound was the drip of the soup on the floor. 
They looked at each other. The soup dripped steadily. Without knowing who started it they burst into hysterical giggles.
“Sorry,” Kurt said through his laughter. “It’s my fault - I distracted you.”
“No - I salted it too much anyway.” A pause. “On purpose. I was mad at you.”
“That’s stupid. You’d have to eat it too, you know.” 
“Oh my god, I know.”
And they were off again. When the laughter left them Blaine went to get a rag to mop up the spill.
Kurt followed him into the hallway. “It’s not that I - it’s hard for me to say because - “
The hostility all day left Blaine exhausted. The fatigue made him honest. “If you really wanted a divorce I’d let you. I just don’t want you to want it.”
“That’s the problem,” Kurt said, sounding upset again. “I wanted you to want it. So you’d give up on me and prove me right.”
Blaine turned to look at him. Kurt was soft-eyed and vulnerable in the bad lighting. There was the same imploring look from earlier, only Blaine was starting to understand what it said. It spoke of an insecurity so sharp it turned in on itself, and alongside that a question that wanted to be answered without being asked. 
Blaine stepped forward and hugged him. It had been a while but they slipped into the familiar posture, Blaine’s face tucked into Kurt’s neck, Kurt’s arms coming to rest on his back. He could feel Kurt’s ribcage expanding with his breaths, Kurt’s heartbeat against his chest.
“I’m never giving up on you,” he said into Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt held him tighter in response. It was enough.
prompts if anyone wants to send any !!
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thnxforknowingme · 6 months
Christmas Eves (1/21)
Summary: Blaine makes a quick trip to Ohio to see his parents over Christmas. He certainly doesn't expect to run into his ex-boyfriend Kurt, or to reexamine every aspect of his life, but this Christmas Eve is full of surprises.
Rating: Let's say T? G or T.
Notes: I desperately wanted to participate in the December Klaine Fanworks Challenge this year, but have had no time for writing. This weekend I had a dedicated writing session with some friends and managed to complete chapters for 9 of the prompt words, so I think I have the momentum to actually write the whole story. Will it be done by December 21st, or even by Christmas? Almost certainly not. My quasi-reasonable goal is to get it all written and posted by the new year. Anyway, enough of my rambling - I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Plead
Blaine slept in on Christmas Eve, groggy from travel and still accustomed to Pacific time. He woke up with the winter sun streaming through the window of his former bedroom, long turned into a generic guest room since he moved West for college. His mother had a passion for redecorating, and the room currently had a nautical theme - everything in shades of blue or white, boat motifs abundant, and a sign above the closet door proclaiming that You cannot control the wind, you can only adjust your sail.
He glanced at his phone, the calendar widget reminding him it was Christmas Eve, forecasting Christmas tomorrow and his scheduled flight back to LAX on the 26th. It was a short, perfunctory trip home for the holiday.
There was a knock on the door. “Blaine, honey!” His mother called. “Are you up yet? I need to run out for a few things, I’d love if you came along!”
Blaine dropped his phone onto the bedspread and squeezed his eyes shut, little starbursts appearing behind his eyelids.
“Just a minute!” he replied, and then rolled out of bed.
“Oh, this is nice,” Pam said, pausing by a display of velvety bathrobes in the department store they were exiting the mall through. “But I’ve already gotten you something cozy.”
Blaine resisted the urge to squeeze the cup of to-go coffee in his hand. His mother’s quick errands had turned into a trip to the mall, which was complete chaos as desperate shoppers searched for last-minute gifts and bedraggled parents lined up for hours to get their kids’ photos with Santa. Blaine was already nursing a headache and his mother’s words set off his internal alarm bells. “Please tell me you didn’t get me pajamas,” he said.
“It’s a tradition,” she replied simply, feeling the lapel on one of the robes and then continuing forward.
“Mom,” Blaine pleaded as they walked outside. “I told you this last year - I don’t need them. I don’t wear pajamas, and flannel is way too warm for Los Angeles anyway.”
His mother paused on the sidewalk curb, turning back to face him with an unconcerned smile. “Darling,” she said, reaching up to cup his cheek, “Let me have this, okay?”
Blaine took a deep breath. Arguing was apparently futile. “Fine,” he muttered, and set off towards the car.
Christmas Eve dinner was an elegant affair, but small. The next day they’d make the 40-minute drive to Blaine’s grandparents’ house, where other extended family would congregate, but tonight just he and his parents gathered around the dining table.
After saying grace and passing around dishes and complimenting the food, Blaine’s dad turned to his favorite topic of conversation - the importance of networking.
“Did I tell you my old classmate Andrew is going to be in LA next month?”
“Yes,” Blaine replied, “You copied me on an email to him.”
“Have you reached out to try and set something up? He owns a rental property somewhere out there so he might know someone useful in the industry. And he’d be a good connection for you to cultivate even if he doesn’t know anyone in film, if you were ever interested in changing directions.”
The only direction Blaine felt like going in now was far, far away from this conversation. He put on a polite smile and said, “I’ve been busy with the holidays, but I’ll make sure to reach out once I get back.”
“Good,” his father said. “Andrew was in my fraternity, we lived together my junior year. Have I told you the story about the Michigan game that year?”
Blaine had heard the story multiple times before, but he let his dad tell it again anyway, making sure to laugh and gasp in the right places. He had the wry thought that at least he was getting some acting practice, playing the role of an engaged, doting son.
At 10pm, Blaine grabbed his mother’s keys from the hook by the door and drove her car into town, parking outside the Watering Hole.
Blaine had never gone to bars much in Ohio - he’d moved away before he was 21, and had visited infrequently since. Sam had taken him to this place over a Thanksgiving break in college, and it seemed the kind of bar that would still be open on Christmas Eve. He just needed to be out of his childhood home, away from his parents and their expectations for an hour or two.
He went in and found it unexpectedly busy. Not crowded, but far from deserted. He ordered a beer and perched at an open table against one wall, where he could people-watch or stare at the TV behind the bar.
“Excuse me?”
Blaine turned towards the voice, and when he saw the man standing behind him, he felt like he’d taken a punch to the chest. It wasn’t pain so much as shock, the air temporarily knocked out of his lungs as he beheld the older - but definitely very recognizable - form of none other than Kurt Hummel.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
I'm doing a project for school, and I need to have some stories from real people to back up my point. My topic is representation in media and how it affects mental health. I was wondering if you had any stories about a movie/show that has helped your mental health or educated you on something? I know media and representation have really helped me to figure myself out and made me feel seen, so I wanted to do this topic because of that. I really need more stories from real people, so I'm asking people online and hoping some of the them reply lol. Thank you!
Hi! This is such a cool idea!
Okay so...keep in mind I am old (I mean not actually. But I'm an adult.) So I was young when Glee came out.
I am SO hoping everyone here knows what Glee is.
Anyways, I was still a kid then, and I lived in a very conservative town with like...one gay person.
So when Glee aired, I watched it because like...I liked musicals, you know? And then it was so gay. And it really like...opened my mind I guess? Not only to the idea that being gay was normal, but that (this sounds so stupid now) anybody can be gay? I also shipped Kurt and Blaine so hard. They were my first MLM couple I was OBSESSED with.
But I think the fact that it was so up front about being gay that made me so happy. And that was huge, at the time.....of course, I was still FIRMLY in the closet then but it was my first introduction into the lgbtqia+ community so it was pretty amazing to me lol.
I know now, looking back, there's a lot of problematic stuff with it and it's very cringe. But at the time, it was hugely important to me.
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
5 Times Kurt Talks About Sex and 1 Time He Doesn't (Part One)
A/N: So, this was inspired the other day by a Nonny who was asking about how Kurt interacts with others on the topic of sex and this little idea popped in my head.
It's a little mini-series, and I'll post one part a day, then I'll get it up on Ao3 after it's complete.
It's set in a post-canon-ish world when they're all living in New York. The whole thing takes place over the course of a day.
Conversation One: Tina
There’s a banging on the door.  Kurt hasn’t even had a sip of his morning coffee yet, and reluctantly regrets even getting up in the morning as he makes his way through the kitchen to the living room.  The pounding intensifies.  Good, god, what is so important this early in the morning? 
He opens the door, and in stumbles Tina.  “Blaine!” she calls, without even a hello.  “Blainey!! Blaine, get out here, I need to talk to you.” She pushes past Kurt, in a frenzy, and goes straight for the bedrooms, as if it’s normal for someone not even invited in to do so.  
“He’s at rehearsal,” Kurt grumbles.  He shuts the door and heads back to the kitchen, not even bothering to stop Tina as she races around the apartment in search of Blaine.  
“It’s Saturday,” Tina cries, as if that’s some sort of argument against Blaine being gone.  The apartment is small enough that it takes less than a minute for Tina to confirm that Kurt is, indeed, alone.  
“People still have to rehearse on Saturdays.”  He pours himself a mug of coffee, taking in the deep, rich smell of it as he waits for Tina to inevitably join him.  
She’s grumpy as she enters the kitchen.  “Well, that would explain why he’s not answering his phone.” 
He stares at her blankly.  “What do you want, Tina?” 
It’s then that she stops in her tracks, as if she’s suddenly aware that Kurt’s really the only one there to talk to.  She’s unusually hesitant before she speaks again.  “You know what - it’s fine.  I’ll just see him later.” 
Kurt raises an eyebrow at her. “What did you need?” 
“Really, it was nothing.” 
“I should have waited for his text,” Tina insists.  “Totally not an emergency.  You don’t even need to mention that I was here.” 
“You’ve already crashed my morning,” Kurt says, waving his mug around.  Sure, it’s annoying to be interrupted during your morning routine - but at least whatever Tina’s backing away from is probably better than anything on TV at the moment. “You might as well just tell me.”
“Well…” she’s hesitant again as she slides into one of his kitchen chairs.  “It’s just that you and I, uh, don’t really talk about this stuff.”  
Okay, so now his attention is piqued.  “What stuff?” 
“You know…”  her voice grows soft.  “About sex stuff.”  
She’s not wrong.  Tina will gossip about other people’s sex lives until the cows come home, but she’s rather tight-lipped about her own. 
“Try me.” 
“I should really wait and just talk to Blaine.” 
“Do you really think Blaine won’t tell me eventually anyway?” 
Kurt’s not sure what is more bitter - his coffee or the expression on Tina’s face.  
“Fine, Kurt Hummel.” She takes a deep breath, composing herself. “So, you know how Artie and I are beginning to see each other again?  Well, it’s been going great.  Or at least I thought it had been going great.  Until yesterday… So, I was going down on him.  And, I mean, it’s not my favorite thing.  Do all men have that weird smell down there? Or do I need to get Artie some kind of genitalia perfume for Christmas? And I mean, I can’t do it for very long because my mouth dries out but anyway…ever since I’ve known  him he’s gone on and on about how much he just loves blowjobs.  I swear, I have heard about every single woman who has thought it wise to give him one.  And, god, he especially wouldn’t shut up about Brittany -- who apparently gives the most magical blowjobs.  Sam used to go on and on about Brittany, too, now that I think of it.  Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, god, don’t tell me you agree with Brittany’s mind blowing oral skills.” 
Kurt throws up a little in his mouth.  “Do you really think I’d let that woman near my dick?” 
Tina waves off the comment, continuing on with her rant.  “Anyway… it takes him forever to come and he just seems barely into it.  And I am trying all of my best moves.  I am not bad at blowjobs.  At least, Mike never complained.  And remember that one guy I dated a few years ago? Greg? He said I was the best he’s ever had.  I may have been the only one, but that’s not the point.  The point is I wanted to talk to Blaine so he could give me tips on how to give a better blowjob.” 
“Wait, is this really what you and Blaine talk about when I’m not around?” 
“This is serious, Kurt!” 
Kurt smirks into his coffee as he thinks it over.  “I mean, if you want to talk about someone who gives magical blowjobs…”
Tina lets out a frustrated grunt.  “Look, it’s not even because of this one time, either.  I tried to wake him up this morning with a little surprise and he just kind of shoved me away.  It was hu-mil-i-ating.  My best friend and would-be boyfriend doesn’t like my mouth on him.  Maybe this was just the worst idea I’ve ever had and we should have never gotten back together.   I just need to accept the fact that I’m going to die alone.” 
Wow.  That escalated quickly.  It’s Tina, though, he’s not really surprised. 
“Okay, Tina.” Kurt sets his coffee mug down and folds his arms across his chest.  “Let me get this straight.  Did you at any point ask Artie about his weird reactions?” 
She sits there silently for a moment.  “Well, no…” 
“So, to recap your morning - you had a bad sexual experience.  And instead of talking to your boyfriend about it, you came to the conclusion that you’re terrible at sex, that you’re going to die alone, and then rushed over here to ask my husband how to properly suck a guy off?” 
“You know, this is why I don’t come to you about these things,” Tina scoffs.  “You don’t have to be judgy about it.” 
Kurt refrains from rolling his eyes at her.  “I’m not-- whatever… Tina, Artie’s an idiot.  You know you have to hit Artie over the head with a brick in order to get his attention.  I think it’s a different set of oral skills that may be more beneficial to your relationship.” Kurt chuckles at his own joke.  “If you want, though, you could just say you’ll be refraining from using your mouth on any part of him until he can use his mouth to give you an orgasm. I mean, if you’re not having fun - why would he be?  And, god, do not buy him some weird genitalia perfume - I’d be happy to recommend a decent manscaping kit instead.  Also, for the record, dying alone isn’t the worst thing in the world - at least you’d have peace and quiet. And god knows I wish I had more of that in my life.  But I mean, please feel free to still talk to Blaine.  He does know how to do this thing with his tongue that gets me there faster than when we were teenagers.  Absolutely magical.”   
For the first time since he’s known her, Tina sits in a complete silence, utterly at a loss at how to respond. 
Kurt picks up his mug and grins as he sips. 
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 11 months
Any fics where they slow dance at their wedding? Or just fics that feature their wedding(AU-ish)?
A popular ask - there are about 55 links on our library tab for this topic! Find them here. A lot of au stories also feature weddings, some are listed.
Here are some one shots or short stories, that expand on canon, most have some dancing! ~Jen
At Last by maanorchidee - @forabeatofadrum
Kurt and Blaine don’t get married when Brittany asks them to. That doesn’t mean that they won’t get married at all.
Four times Kurt was a groomzilla (and one time Blaine was) by etextraordinary
Kurt is a bit of a Groomzilla, but so is Blaine.
Time after Time By @wowbright
Before Kurt and Blaine can get married, they need to travel back in time to take care of a few technicalities. Brittany is their guide. Reaction fic to Glee 6.08 “A Wedding” – I saw time travel all over that episode, so I decided to make it explicit. 
Sweet Surrender By @quizasvivamos
Part of the "With A Cherry On Top" series: After being happily engaged for nearly two years, their big day finally arrives, and Kurt and Blaine are prepared to exchange vows. The time they’ve spent together as a couple has been filled with the highest of highs and even some lows, but it has been an experience that neither will ever regret. During the reception, Blaine can’t help but surprise Kurt with a throwback to the origin of their relationship.
My Happily Ever After By Fettucine_ Anderhummel
A one-shot that happens in season 6, episode 8 (A Wedding).
Brittany, Santana, and Sue offer Kurt and Blaine to make this a double wedding. Blaine seems to be on board but Kurt is hesitant. How did he finally decide to go through with it? Kurt’s POV. Canon compliant.
Missing Pieces By @spaceorphan18
Set during 6x08 (A Wedding). A reaction fic. Little snippets that happened in the spaces of the episode.
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story by @spaceorphan18 Chapter 94: The New New Directions (A Wedding)
The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story. (this one + season 6 newbies)
Everybody Clap your Hands and shout by Killerqueen80
Kitty wakes up the day of Brittany and Santana’s wedding to a threatening text from Unique. She better be live texting this wedding. Title comes from "On Our Way" the New New Directions last real group number.
Just Married! Surprise! by Canttalkgrounded
A few months ago, someone on twitter was like "what if kurt and blaine showed up to the wedding already married" and that has not left my head since.
I remember when we first met by tnystrk3000
Inspired by #42 of 101 Ways to Say I Love You by emswritingprompts on Tumblr: "I remember when we first met."
Summary: During their wedding reception, Kurt and Blaine find a moment alone to reflect on where they started and are now. They sit outside, looking at the stars, as they talk about their journey.
Takes place during season 6 episode 8, the only difference is that it’s nighttime.
Thirteen Moments we didn't see by @Flaming_muse
Thirteen moments for Kurt and Blaine we didn’t see in Glee 6x08.
While my heart's still beating By @misqueue
Sometimes it doesn't make sense, but you can find the perfect moments anyway. A 6x08 reaction fic in three small pieces: 100, 200, and 300 words.
Let's go Crazy by @flowerfan2
What exactly did Blaine mean when he said "This is crazy... But..."?
Almost at forever   By @wardo2796
The coda to Courage and Cake, all the wedding stuff y'all asked for!
Chapter One - Proposal
Chapter Two - Planning
Chapter Three - Wedding Day
Chapter Four - Wedding Night
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WIP Wednesday (or Thursday?)
I am taking advantage of @bitbybitwrites saying the water is fine,so here I am. (Also I love doing this. Please tag me too. Cause I need some motivation).
The month of December has been very lucky for me in a way because I actually wrote something with the reason of challenges. What am I working on ? I am going to debut into Red,White and Royal Blue fandom. I had signed up for 2 fanfic events and I am working on one. The other one is gonna be hard with the fact that I have to start from the scratch.
What's happening with Klaine? @ericdooley 's second part of the secret santa gift is on list as of now. If I complete the 2 rwrb fics,that's the thing I should work on.
What am I working on apart from gift exchanges? I should make a new year resolution (which is not gonna happen anyway) that I should write some multi chapter fics. I already have one,I should complete it 😭
So,I have a bunch of oneshots that I'm working on. Here is an excerpt from one of them:
“Hey,” Kurt greeted back in low tone,” Go, take a shower and come back. I've made dinner.”
What happened to him? Blaine would usually expect him to yell at him to shower first before touching him because hygiene was important. Also, the low tone was suspicious. Anyway, Blaine just nodded and left for a quick shower.
They sat down for dinner and started their dinner.
“ So how did your day go?” Blaine asked as he self-served some Mac and Cheese.
“Nothing. Just a normal day.”
It was still in low tone. And Kurt was visibly sniffing and clearing his throat. Something was wrong.
“How was your day?”
Change of topic before getting down with the thing that was troubling Kurt. Great. Blaine went through his day, recalling everything that happened including interesting cases he dealt with, the seminar, a little gossip and stuff.
Kurt didn't hear any of these. Don't get him wrong. He was usually a good listener but now the thing that was bothering him was blocking his ears and brain. He didn't know.how to ask him. He didn't know how to let him know that they were also connected in some other way , way before they met.
I love hurt/comfort and angst/comfort and I can't stop writing them someway. Do you think I should be posting soon? I don't know.
cc: @kurtsascot @rockitmans @cryscendo @forabeatofadrum
Tagging:@fallevs @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @kirakiwiwrites @cerriddwenluna @hkvoyage @little-escapist and anyone who wants to self invite just like myself!!
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
I'm kinda glad this chapter is softer like as a break haha. If it's even more angst I would die.
Just kidding, it was still ANGSTY
I can see where Prez outburst is coming from. Because while Tori made some good points, it's still bad. Thing is, people need safe space to actually heal. So both Tori and Prez is correct, just different perspectives. Tori believes that cursed people should make an attendance in the world, not hide. While Prez is making a hidden safe space for them. They're both kinda correct, ya know? (I'm sorry for really bad wording). There's nothing wrong with hiding from the world, but you can't do that forever. But how are you suppose to heal and grow, if you don't have any place to do it?
So, Prez, don't shut the place down. It's a really important place, despite the circumstances.
Anyway, I really feel for Curtis here
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I remember using glitters for arts and crafts on elementary school. Needless to say, it was a disaster.
These are all sad, but you know what breaks my heart the most and makes me feel kinda guilty in this chapter?
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The fact that all these times, I've been thinking that Maria is crying because Blaine betrayed him. But she's actually crying because Gwen which just, damn ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
The Pastel siblings really do love and care for each other ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Gwen saying she's fine and telling Maria not to worry HURTS like damn
Lambcat is showing more of Becket's personality and I'm here for it. It's kinda like when she showed Frederick nerdy personality haha. It's taking some times but I'm already starting to warm up to him. And while I haven't moved past Blaine and Maria's relationship completely, I guess I'm kinda rooting for Becket now. I like his "straight to the point" personality. I wonder how Maria will handle the situation now.
Getting into another topic, Agatha, oh shoot. Seems like we were right about the apple going to be used after the gala. But who's going to eat it? Judging from Lambcat's post and that one scene in chapter 107 (having Gwen asleep/fainting), it's probably Gwen. But will it be only Gwen, or will her siblings eat it too?
Back at the cpc, Whitney came and showed his face to Prez. And looking at his face, there's no more of those bloody red stuffs.
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Aight, that's all I gotta write.
So from this, I can say, that he probably went to the Monastery. Because first of all, there's no reason for him to go back to his kingdom. Second, the people at the Monastery was the one who took care of Whitney and they seem to know things about curses. So maybe Whitney went to them to ask about the curse and for advice, perhaps?
About my statement regarding Tori and Prez, please do not take it too seriously. I was merely making an opinion based on my perspective. If my opinion is wrong or rude in any way, please do correct me politely so I can improve myself and be better. I absolutely do not want any arguments or fights under my blog.
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backslashdelta · 1 year
Hi tumblr user backslash delta. What fob song would you assign to each of your fav glee ships
Hi tumblr user twinskeletxns. What an excellent question!
Relatedly, you might be interested in the time I assigned each album to a Glee character, or I picked a FOB album and assigned every Glee character to one of its songs, or my thoughts on Puck as a FOB fan.
I feel like I should do this without using the songs I've already giffed lol, that feels like cheating. But since it's on topic, I do definitely see Kurtbastian as Fourth of July and Klaine as Disloyal Order.
But let's suppose I can't use those, just for funsies. I'm gonna do 4 ships but if you have questions about a specific ship not included lmk! I also didn't have any of these in mind ahead of time, so I figured this all out just now flipping through FOB's discography. I reserve the right to change my opinions at any time lmao
Kurtbastian: Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
This is from Sebastian's perspective. And I'm obsessed. Sebastian talking about how Kurt doesn't know the real him, and if he did then he wouldn't want him. They ARE making out (maybe not inside crashed cars, but whatever)!! He never really cared about another person, he just wanted to live his life, but now there's KURT and that's all he dreams about now. Sebastian is definitely bad at talking about his feelings but he can definitely show Kurt how he feels about him ayyyy. He will NEVER be the same, not after Kurt. And Kurt is kind of untouchable - not in a literal sense obviously, but he's so strong, all of the things about Sebastian and his life that he thinks might deter Kurt, though don't, they can't touch him.
Actually, on further thought, I think FUTCT might be a Kurtbastian album... going to resist the urge to make a gifset series because I don't have time but it may happen eventually
Kelliott: The Last Of The Real Ones
You know I feel like this is very much a "everyone is fake but you're not, you're real, I was kind of alone in this big world and then I found you, other people might see you and think they need you but they don't really get you, not like me" vibe and that feels very them? Like they're both really unique and special and they see through people's bullshit. They are real ones. Even the "you were too good to be true, gold plated" I feel like is Kurt seeing Elliott for the first time and being like "ugh no this guy cannot be for real" but like he IS. And then Kurt SEES that finally and is like oh shit what was I thinking.
Klaine: Miss Missing You
This is very specifically season 6 breakup Klaine. "Sometimes before it gets better the darkness gets bigger, the person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger" HELLO????? Kurt breaks Blaine's heart and Blaine is CRUSHED and they go through HELL but they had to go through those dark times to come back together and be better!!! Literally it's just them. It's them!!!
Klaine (but happy this time): Heaven's Gate
Literally this song is just talking about how much they love each other and they would give everything to each other and they will keep coming back to each other always, anything other than being together would just feel like a substitute, like a placeholder for each others' love. Anyway. Yeah.
Pizes: Favorite Record
This is very Puck just wanting Lauren, you know? "You were the song stuck in my head, every song that I've ever loved, play it again and again and again and again" which I feel like is very him just going after her and her being the only one for him even when she was making it difficult for him, you know? "And I spin for you like your favorite records used to" honestly she kinda has him whipped lmao but like not in a bad way! He'd just do anything for her. "And when you ask me, 'How I'm doing?' Like you know how much better off I am," like she knows he is a better version of himself with her, you know? And he knows. They both know. He can't remember how to forget how he feels when he's with her.
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
Did one time you say you related to Blaine?
yeah, i said i relate to him in the sense that he’s sensitive/needy (not derogatory) and how he acted in ‘puppet master.’
also i know what you’re thinking, but just bc i relate to certain aspects of characters doesn’t mean they have to be in my top 5
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: Look Once
Klaine Spring Fling: inaugurate
Words: ~1350
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Kurt and Blaine converse on the bus ride home from English group.
This is part of my Mormon!Klaine universe. It takes place immediately after the scene I posted yesterday, Let’s Talk About Love.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost. (More recent posts are in bold.)
“I liked what you said today,” Elder Hummel said on the bus ride home. “About how loving things in little ways makes it easier to learn to love things in big ways. I've never thought of it like that before. Though I suppose you could've guessed that.”
“How so?”
Elder Hummel half rolled his eyes. “You haven't noticed that I'm jaded?”
“You're not jaded. You're just...” Blaine tried to think of the right word. The images that came to his mind were of a delicate garden hedgehog that had caught him by wonderful surprise when it wandered out of the bushes of an investigator's garden during his second month in Germany, and again of prickly pear fruit with its sweet pink flesh. “Protective. You love things. You just don't announce it as loudly as I do. Anyway, I don't think I’d ever thought of it that way before, either. Not consciously.”
"Well, then. We both learned something new.”
“Multiple things,” said Blaine, a vision of Chandler jogging down the stairs and out the door at the end of class coalescing in the back of his brain.
“Oh? What else did you learn?”
Blaine stared at his companion, willing him to remember. It didn't seem possible that he would've forgotten. “Chandler? He's actually kind of hot?”
Elder Hummel suppressed a smile and ducked his head. The slightest tinge of pink appeared around his ears. “Kind of. Maybe.”
“Oh, come on. You could ignore it during the discussion, but after?” Blaine wasn't stupid. He had seen Elder Hummel’s face when Chandler stood up, stripped off his hoodie to reveal his fitted T-shirt and ridiculously toned chest, stuffed the hoodie in his gym satchel, and announced that, since he hadn't finished his workout, he might as well jog home. Blaine had heard Elder Hummel stammer when he said goodbye, and had watched Elder Hummel’s eyes involuntarily follow the rippling muscles of Chandler's legs as he had disappeared out the door. “I saw the way—”
Elder Hummel let out a frustrated groan. “OK, fine. I noticed. But it doesn't change anything. I might look once because I'm a man, but I'm not looking twice, because I'm a missionary.”
“I looked twice.”
“It doesn't count when you look.” Elder Hummel scrutinized the headrest of the seat in front of them. “Can we drop this now? It's so embarrassing.”
“It's not embarrassing. It's natural,” said Blaine. He really didn't want to drop it, for some reason. There was a part of him that wanted to know more, wanted to ask Elder Hummel who else he had looked at ‘once.’ He sort of wanted to know if he had ever been one of them.
But Blaine wasn't a jerk. He changed the topic. “So, Doro and Stefan. That's exciting, right? Married andbaptized? They're inaugurating two new phases in their life all at once.”
“They're not baptized yet. They still have to be interviewed by Elder Clarington. He might not approve them.”
“How can he not approve them? You heard their testimony.”
“Yeah, but you know how he is. Besides, the decision isn't only based on their testimony. You know that.”
It was true. It had never come up for Blaine before—mostly because he'd never baptized anyone before—but he had read the interview questions plenty of times in their mission handbook. Most of the questions were focused on faith and the person's willingness to obey God's laws. But there were three questions that delved into the person’s past: “Have you ever committed a serious crime and, if so, are you now on probation or parole? Have you ever participated in an abortion? Have you ever had a homosexual relationship?”
Blaine had heard stories about the previous mission president barring anyone who answered “yes” to these questions from receiving baptism, which made no sense to Blaine—what was the atonement worth it couldn’t apply to everyone, and for things that weren't even necessarily sins? The church allowed abortion in some instances, and they kept saying that being homosexual wasn't a sin, only breaking the law of chastity was—and homosexuals could have relationships without breaking the law of chastity. Holding hands and kissing wasn't a sin.
The rumor was that President Steele was more lenient, guided by the Holy Spirit instead of zealotry. But even so, a positive answer to any of these questions would require Elder Clarington to pause the baptismal process until President Steele could counsel personally with the candidates. And from their frequent phone interactions, Blaine had a feeling Elder Clarington would take a certain glee in administering these regulations.
“Well," Blaine said, “I’m pretty sure Stefan and Doro aren’t criminals. The missionaries have been working with them for two years and it's never come up, right? And something like that would've come up. And they're straight. And Stefan was Catholic, and they’re against abortion even more than we are, so … Besides, Elder Clarington wants the district’s baptismal numbers to go up more than anybody. Even if he doesn't like a candidate, or doesn't like us, he'll approve them just because he wants to boost his statistics, right?”
“You're probably right. Doesn't mean he won't scare them off though. If he talks to investigators the way he talks to us, Doro and Stefan are in for an unpleasant surprise.”
Blaine thought over the things he knew about Elder Clarington. He was from Utah, he loved hierarchy, and he had baptized a ridiculous number of people in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. That last one was an argument in Elder Clarington’s favor. “Considering all the people he's baptized, he must turn that part of himself off when he isn't talking to other missionaries.”
"I hope so.” Elder Hummel absentmindedly twisted his CTR ring around his finger.
"Anyway, I don't think one jerk can destroy their testimony at this point. Has he destroyed yours?”
Elder Hummel’s smile was small, but real. “No. I mean, maybe he's even strengthened it? I don't know. When he's a jerk, it makes me want to learn to be less of one. To be more like Jesus.”
It was such an Elder Hummel sort of thing to say, self-aware and endearing. Blaine fought the urge to reach out to him—to squeeze his arm affectionately, to rest his palm on the back of Elder Hummel’s hand. Blaine wanted to say that he sort of liked it when Elder Hummel was a jerk—that when he got short with people, it was usually for a good reason. He wasn't like Elder Clarington, whose ego drove his irritation. Elder Hummel’s anger was born of righteousness. Jesus had experienced that kind of anger, too: bristling when the authorities scolded him for healing people on the Sabbath, chiding his disciples for treating kids as if they were less important than adults, flipping over the tables of the moneychangers at the temple. Anger over injustice was as important a part of Jesus’s ministry as embracing people in love. To every thing, there is a season.
But Blaine said nothing. He just looked at Elder Hummel and smiled fondly.
“What?” Elder Hummel asked. His tone was somewhere between curious and defensive. “You don't think I can learn not to be a jerk?”
“I don't think you're a jerk at all. I think you have so much love inside you that it's hard, sometimes, living in a world where people don't always operate from love. I think you get frustrated when you run up against that, and maybe you get short with people and maybe you get angry. But it comes from a place of love. You want people to see beyond themselves. You want justice on this side of the veil. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.”
“Wow, that’s—” Elder Hummel turned to look out the window. Blaine could see his face reflected in the glass, his eyes blinking rapidly. “I mean, sometimes I am just a jerk. But, yeah. Those are definitely things I want.”
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
Barking Up The Wrong Bakery (12/16)
Well. Fuck. This is awkward. And of course Kurt had to wear an outfit that reveals a lot of skin. Look, he’s always dressed to impress and this hot Los Angeles weather gives him a lot of opportunities to be a bit slutty if he wants to.
This isn’t even his final outfit!
Yet, he can see Blaine gulp.
Kurt decides to change topics. He nods towards the direction Tim and Kamelah went to.
“So, they’re together?”
“Yeah. I don’t understand it either, but they’re happy. Being forced to work extra hours apparently gave them more time to… uh… confess their feelings.”
“Right.” This isn’t working. Better to rip-off the band-aid. “Look, Blaine-”
“I’m sorry!” Blaine cuts him off. “I shouldn’t- I mean, Cooper was just really pissing me off and I didn’t mean to say that. I can understand if you don’t feel the same about me.”
Wait a second? Isn’t this Kurt’s line?
“I meant what I said. I would never try to just hit on you, especially since you’re practically my boss,” Blaine continues, unaware of Kurt’s confusion, “I thought I could be professional through the entire ordeal, but no, Cooper made me say it because he was angry when he found out I wanted to buy his share and it escalated! I understand why you ran away. I also would freak out if, I don’t know, Faarax suddenly admits to having feelings for me-”
“Blaine, shut up! What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I…. uh…”
“I ran away because I thought you said you’d never ever like, or love, me. I felt rejected!” Kurt exclaims.
“Who in the right mind would reject you?” Blaine blurts out. Then the skin above his mask turns red. “I never would and- wait.” Blaine’s eyes widen. “You like me?”
“Yeah!” Kurt says, “Why do you think I showed up every day. I wanted to be around you.”
“Oh. Huh.”
Then Blaine’s eyes light up.
“Cooper was right, you know. I did have an ulterior motive. I wanted to see you too.”
“Really?” Kurt breathes out.
“Really. I accepted a ludicrous assignment and I made all my employees work longer hours in order to have you around.”
Kurt can’t believe what he’s hearing. Maybe he shouldn’t have run out earlier today, because he now definitely missed some context. He leans closer. It’s not as if anyone here is keeping a six foot distance anyway.
Fuck, if he’s really daring, he might take off Blaine’s mask to finally kiss him. He might-
Both Kurt and Blaine turn their heads. Artie is rolling towards them.
“Uh. The guest of honour has arrived.”
“Right. Shit,” Kurt mutters. He lets out a shaky laugh. “I have to go.”
“Of course,” Blaine says, sounding disappointed.
“But, uhm, maybe you can go home, get changed into something fancy, and come back?” Kurt suggests. He looks at Blaine, who is wearing his bakery jacket and there’s some fondant on it. He still looks gorgeous. “After all, I can invite a plus one.”
“Y-yeah?” Blaine asks.
Kurt squeezes Blaine’s hand.
Blaine practically runs away to get changed. Kurt smiles and he feels hopeful.
Then he calls his assistant.
“Tell James Charles that I have to cancel and please replace his name on the guest list with Blaine Anderson.”
It’s not like Kurt wanted to ask James. James’s team insisted on it for PR purposes. Kurt doesn’t care. Fuck James.
This is all working out for Kurt.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 3 years
okay but on the topic of glee fandom, since we seemed to be in different parts of that fandom (I was more on the femslash side) what was the craziest glee fandom drama that you personally witnessed
Part of me just wanted to say "Canniblaine" as a one word answer. But like the real answer is that it was never NOT crazy, honestly. But if I had to answer......well, let's talk about s2 in a nutshell.
(Don't worry, Canniblaine will be explained).
So, in summer of 2010, Puckurt (my beloved) was the most popular Kurt ship on ff.net, the fics then were all sweet and fun and normally had a lot of just pure Glee bonding. And Kurt fans were excited since Ryan Murphy promised repeatedly that Kurt would get a jock boyfriend and the two of them would be crowned Prom King and King. Eventually, Jane Lynch said in some interview that they casted a blond boy to play a kid named Sam who would be Kurt's love interest. I can't remember for sure if she was also the one who confirmed that there would be a love triangle with him, Kurt, and Quinn.
But RIB—Ryan, Ian, and Brad, the original and only screenwriters until s3—were NOT fans of their cast leaking spoilers. And eventually they say, no, that's not happening, Chord and Dianna have too much chemistry!!! We're not doing that plot anymore.
But they had been known to lie about certain plots happening when people guessed things correctly. When Idina Menzel was cast in s1, everyone was like "oh she's playing Rachel's mom". They denied it and, wouldn't you know it, she was cast to play Rachel's mom. So, keep that in mind.
Anyway, s2 premieres, we meet Sam. He seems fun, he's cute, there's even a gay joke in his very first scene where he gets actual lines. In the third episode, he gets injured at the football game, whatever.
Then the glorious episode 2x04 "Duets" happens. Truly a magnificent piece of television with some of the best performances. Santana and Mercedes doing "River Deep/Mountain High"? THE MOST FUCKING ICONIC THING. Kurt doing "Le Jazz Hot"? PERFECTION. Tina and Mike doing "Sing!" from A Chorus Line? THE BEST FIRST SONG MIKE COULD'VE BEEN GIVEN AND SO CUTE! Ending with Rachel and Kurt doing "Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy"? BEAUTIFUL. And, yeah, the Finchel verison of "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" is cute and I guess Sam and Quinn doing "Lucky", while not making sense in terms of their relationship, was sweet.
But, despite what RIB said, it was clear that "Duets" was meant to introduce this love triangle with Kurt, Sam, and Quinn. You canNOT tell me that this was NOT both of them flirting with each other. They have amazing chemistry, I'm sorry, you can't deny that. So, that means either RIB were lying about changing the plot, or they waited to change the plot after 2x04.
Then 2x05 happens and that's "The Rocky Horror Glee Show" and we don't talk about that mess.
Anyway, I joined tumblr for Glee fandom literally the day before episode 2x06 came out. And season 2, episode 6 was..... "Never Been Kissed".
And that's when all hell broke loose.
Because NBK, as fans called it, introduced us to Blaine fucking Anderson played by, of course, Darren Criss.
The. Heaviest. Of Sighs.
I remember I was so excited for that, though. I was a Klainer before the ep even aired because I lOVED him. It was only a 3 episode guest arc, but I was sure they'd keep him, and I believed RIB was telling the truth and they were really done with the Kurt/Sam plot. And, evne looking back at it, while I say "Duets" is the last GOOD episode of Glee…NBK is honestly a good episode. And in 2011 especially, it was kind of a big fucking deal.
But the thing about NBK was that, not only did it propel Klaine into existence, it also created Kurtofsky with one kiss in the locker room.
So, now there were THREE ship possibilities arguing all over the place. Klaine shippers who rejoiced as Darren got offered more episodes as a guest actor (his original version of "Teenage Dream" was and I think still IS their best selling single on iTunes, so of COURSE they wanted him around); Kurtofsky shippers who wanted to see this scared, tortured jock redeemed (some of these shippers I know for sure were Puckurt fans, since, yeah, some dynamics were similar enough); and Kurt/Sam shippers who believed RIB was lying as they had in the past (the whole Idina thing).
Btw, there were already arguments over the fucking name for Kurt/Sam because fuckyeahgleesecrets wouldn't let people submit secrets that said "Kum" because it was "obscene"—but having "fuck" in their blog url was fine. I can't find it but once someone sent in a weirdly worded secret that supported Klaine, but then you looked at the first letter of every sentence and it said like "Kum At Me" or something, which was hilarious and got deleted.
Anyway, there was a SHIT TON of fighting. Klainers would say it was the "Klaine Train" but Kummers, as they called themselves, would call it the Klaintanic, like Titanic, saying the ship would fail, and they'd be safe on the Kum canoe. I'll admit I was on that canoe eventually because I hated Klaine by the time it became canon lmao. And I also believed, like other Kummers, that it would still be canon. After all, Dianna and Chord having "too much chemistry" was obviously a lie and they even broke up Sam and Quinn a few episodes into the second half of the season! Oh, and Kurtofsky became pirates based off the sea/ocean thing. I accidentally created the Puckurt centaur, it's a long story.
Anyway, so s2 was wild, with those three mentioned ships constantly fighting. Klainers saying they'd be canon (we all been knew, honestly), Kurtofsky shippers excited over the "Prom Queen" episode being spoiled by an extra, and Kummers holding onto the hope that it would still happen. They'd say something I can't remember like.... "Kum quick on our tittsana faithfully" or something, basically the idea that the endgames were Kum, Quick (Quinn/Puck), Brittana, Finchel, and they'd also often mention Tartie.
Also, did I mention that b3achd3ath aka peyton, who wrote that terrible YA novel everyone was roasting recently, was one of the loudest Kum canoe members?
Did I mention that gr@ceebooks was, like, the Kummers' leader? As in the person who eventually created The JohnLock Conspiracy???? Also led people into believing that another slash ship would become canon????!!!! THOSE WHO DON'T LEARN HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO FUCKING REPEAT IT!
The funny part was that Grace admitted it wasn't going to happen before the s2 finale that was like everyone's final hope that Kum could possibly happen.
The not so funny part is that it's clear, imo, that Chord WAS hired to be Kurt's love interest and they cut it off since Darren made them a shit ton of money with "Teenage Dream" and the whole Warblers thing (I will NOT get into that, this post is long enough), and they clearly didn't know what to do with him after that. Hence why they got rid of him after s2 only to bring him back after enough backlash I guess idk why, and that's also why there's a gifset of Chord kissing every single original Glee girl because they LITERALLY did nOT know what to do with him once they took away the Kurt love interest thing. And it's a shame because the idea of Quinn and Kurt both going after the same guy sounds like SUCH a good plot. Dianna and Chris were two of the strongest actors, and Chord is actually really underrated as an actor, too—good on him for being the leading male against Lindsay Lohan in her comeback movie, I want him to have success after all the shit he went through on Glee. I want all of them to have good things, really (well, not L3a but lmao ya know, and obviously not fucking Bl@ke Jenner, I'm so mad he's still in that Merrily We Roll Along movie adaptation), since they all went through so much.
Oh, and many Klainers started to ship "Criss Colfer" (Darren and Chris, obvi), and claimed PR was keeping them from being openly a couple. As if they WOULDN'T WANT that PR????? Of their same sex couple falling in love on set like wtf PR would want that more than anything??? And, in classic fashion, that led to people sending death threats and harrassing Darren's then gf, now wife, on social media and them stalking any guy who got close to Chris. Chris has been dating the same guy since like at least 2012 I think, and, as said, Darren got married, and some people are still convinced they aren't real relationships, like they're more insane than the fake baby 1ders.
Oh, and of course, Canniblaine.
The Glee Kink Meme—gkm—is a place I wish I never went to, honestly. Like, I was 18 when I first found it, and it fucked me UP. I have said it before and I'll say it again, I'm so concerned for anyone hwo found it under 18. Not in a clutching pearls way, because, yeah, read smut, idc, but this stuff was FUCKED UP. People MADE UP TWINS just to write tw*ncest. Like, literally, there was a trend of Kurt having a twin named Cameron, and eventually people would use like, Chris' character in Struck By Lightning (the movie he wrote and starred in), as one. I remember finding another kink meme for another fandom and like braced myself only to find like…normal fucking smut prompts. No beastality, no gore, no mpreg, no boypussies—and, no, it wasn't that Kurt was a transman, it was that he just had a vagina for some reason, sometimes he WOULD have a cock, too, though, so…Idk.
And I definitely didn't see vore prompts.
And definitely not FILLED vore prompts.
But before Klaine had even sung "Baby It's Cold Outside", someone filled a vore prompt. Wherein Blaine ate Kurt alive.
…This was supposed to be a show the whole family could watch…
There were various memes of the 2010 variety, the best being, of course, the one of him saying, directly from their first duet, "Gosh, you lips ARE delicious". People were daring others to read it.
I made it about a sentence in, realized I was eating a pizza hot pocket (say you were a freshman in college without saying you're a freshman in college, am i right?), and put it down, closed that tab, and I have yet to eat a hot pocket since.
I have to admit this gif still cracks me up though:
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So.....long answer, but I hope an enjoyable read on some fandom drama on the Kurt/slash side of fandom.
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
Miles To Go (7/12)
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Written for the Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang 2022, art by @datshitrandom
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: Mature
Notes: More info about the fic here.
All Chapters | Read on AO3
Chapter 7: Utah
While Kurt and Blaine were ostensibly traveling together, they still had to drive separately. Before leaving Wyoming, Blaine had the brilliant idea to buy a pair of walkie talkies. It meant that they could stay in contact while on the road, either to coordinate logistical things (“I’m dying for a coffee, can we stop at the next town we pass?”) but also just to talk. 
They only planned on driving a few hours that day, but it was the most entertaining leg of Kurt’s journey so far. Suddenly the isolation of driving was completely abated. He and Blaine would talk over the radios any time they had something to say, whether it was a simple observation or a full-fledged conversational topic. It reminded Kurt of sleepovers in high school, lying in bed in intermittent silence until someone asked a question and started a new discussion.
Blaine mentioned something about college, which prompted Kurt to press down the button on the side of his walkie talkie and ask, “What are you studying, anyway?”
After a small crackle of static, Blaine replied, “Psychology.”
Kurt raised an eyebrow at the back of Blaine’s truck, ahead of him on the highway. “Interesting. I didn’t picture you as a psych major.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Blaine asked. “What do you picture me as?” It was a little hard to read tone over the radios, but his voice sounded light and teasing. Kurt didn’t think he’d actually offended him.
“I don’t know,” he answered. “I guess I hadn’t thought about it. Why psychology?”
It was a moment before Blaine replied. Their conversations over the radio could be a little erratic, since they sometimes needed to focus on the road. A sedan changed lanes in front of Kurt, separating his car from Blaine’s U-Haul.
Finally, Blaine’s voice emanated from Kurt’s center console, where he’d set down the walkie talkie. “My mom works in psychology,” he said. “She’s a cognitive psychologist. That’s not really the kind of work I want to do, but there are other jobs in the field that interest me. Following in my dad’s footsteps would have meant accounting, which I definitely don’t want to do.”
What about everything else? Kurt wanted to ask. What about not pursuing either of your parents’ careers? Instead, he picked up the radio and asked, “So which jobs do interest you? What do you want to do after college?”
While he waited for Blaine’s answer he glanced out the driver’s side window. The landscape on this stretch of highway was particularly uninspiring - the road was hemmed in by hills, everything painted in dull shades of gray and brown.
“I want to be able to help people,” Blaine said. “I want to work in a clinical setting, be face-to-face. I just hope to make an impact, I guess, to see that I can make people’s lives better.”
It was a more personal, profound answer than Kurt had been expecting. He bit his lip, squeezing the steering wheel for a moment before grabbing the radio again. “That’s very noble of you,” he said, and immediately he worried that it would sound insincere. “I mean, going into the world just trying to help people is - I admire that. On the other hand, I’ve chosen probably the most narcissistic career path,” he said, hoping that humor would relieve any tension.
“-s not true, Kurt,” Blaine’s answer came so quickly that he must have started talking before Kurt had taken his finger off the button. “Being a performer is important, it brings good things into the world.”
Kurt shifted in his seat, unsure how to respond. “I guess so,” he said. “But it still seems like - I don’t know, it’s a little selfish to decide that my job should be all about people paying attention to me, while you’re out there trying to improve people’s lives.”
The car in front of him finally grew tired of Blaine’s slow pace and moved into the left lane again. It was still a little disconcerting to hear Blaine’s voice come from beside him when Kurt knew he was in the truck ahead of him. Using the radios felt like creating this sort of extra-dimensional space where their conversation occurred, their voices passing invisibly between them. “I don’t know what I would have done in high school if it weren’t for music,” Blaine said. “The artists and songs that I love got me through some of the hardest parts of my life. Sure, maybe the world would be kinder if more people decided to be social workers, but you’re not selfish. You’re going to create or contribute to art that makes people’s lives better. No question about it.”
Kurt felt warmth bloom in his chest at Blaine’s earnestness. He thought about the way he felt when he was performing, sometimes as though that was the truest way he could express himself, even though he was using someone else’s words. He thought of how much it had impacted him every time he’d seen himself in a fictional character, how movies and musicals had shown people feeling and thinking and existing the same ways he did, and how it made him feel like it was okay to be who he was. If he could provide that for other people - then yes, certainly, he would be doing something worthwhile, something good.
He lifted the walkie talkie up to his mouth. “Thank you, Blaine. That’s…a good point, and very kind.” He took a deep breath. “You haven’t heard me sing, though. You don’t even know if I’m any good.”
As soon as he’d let go of the button Blaine’s voice burst from the speaker. “I’m taking that as an offer for a private concert,” he said. “I can’t wait. You wouldn’t have gotten into NYADA if you weren’t incredible.”
Kurt blushed, but he couldn’t deny he liked the idea of singing to Blaine. He wished suddenly that Blaine was next to him, sitting in the passenger seat, so they could play loud music on the stereo and sing along, so Kurt could serenade him with cheesy pop songs and Broadway standards.
Kurt shook his head, banishing the daydream. The hills around the highway were becoming more mountainous, and they passed a sign for the interchange with State Route 65. All the state highway signs in Utah were in the shame of a beehive, which puzzled Kurt. “We’re almost in Salt Lake City,” he said into the walkie talkie, feeling the need to move to lighter subjects. “What should we do for lunch?”
As he and Blaine bounced ideas back and forth, he stared ahead at the graphic on the back of the U-Haul, advertising the Right Equipment, Lowest Cost of the truck, and he felt a spark of gratitude that he had someone to argue over meal plans with.
“No,” Kurt said. “Nope, no way.”
They were standing on what could generously be called a beach, a few dozen yards from where they’d parked off of I-80. The shore of the Great Salt Lake was visible in the distance, but between them and the water was a gauntlet of unpleasant terrain. The ground beneath them was an odd texture, the sand so dense with salt that it felt crusty and solid. The air buzzed with flies and gnats, growing thicker closer to the water, forming an undulating black cloud ahead of them. A sulfurous smell infused the air around them, which caused Kurt to use a corner of their intended picnic blanket to cover his mouth and nose.
“Isn’t this, like, a tourist attraction?” Blaine asked, seeming lost as he stared ahead of them. He was holding a plastic grocery bag full of the food they’d bought for lunch, which they’d planned on having in a picnic near the lake. “I’m pretty sure people go swimming in it.”
“We are not getting any closer,” Kurt insisted, speaking up to be heard through the blanket. “This place is vile.”
Blaine took a hesitant step forward, eyes narrowed as though he was trying to get a better look at the landscape. He paused to slap at his elbow where a gnat had landed.
“Oh my god, Blaine,” Kurt hissed, pointing at a dark lump on the sand. “Is that a dead bird?”
Blaine made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat. “Okay, yeah, we’re going.”
They hurried back to their cars and retreated into Salt Lake City, finding a park more suited to picnicking. They set up on a pleasantly shady patch of grass not far from the parking lot and unpacked their store-bought sandwiches and snacks.
“Most disappointing part of my trip so far,” Blaine said as he unwrapped his sandwich. “What about you?”
Kurt popped a blackberry into his mouth, savoring the burst of sweet juice. While the lake had been a rather repellent surprise, he didn’t mind the letdown so much. He’d spent certain points on this trip crying in his car and being trapped in random towns in Kansas and doubting his whole plan while exhausted in a Missourian forest. At least this time he had Blaine along with him, to share in the disappointment. “Yeah, definitely,” Kurt replied.
They ate and chatted, enjoying the agreeable weather. It was still plenty warm, but the lack of humidity meant that the heat was easily dismissed with every mild breeze. There was a Little League game taking place at the baseball diamond in the park, and they could hear the cheers and applause of the crowd.
“God, this is impossible to open,” Blaine said, struggling with a bag of almonds.
“Let me,” Kurt said. He took the Swiss army knife on his keychain and pulled out the tiny scissors. Blaine gave him the bag. Kurt easily cut it open, but just as he was finishing his hand slipped, and one of the scissor blades sliced across his left index finger.
“Shit,” Kurt muttered, dropping the almonds and knife onto the blanket and examining the cut.
“Woah,” Blaine said, leaning towards him. “Are you okay?”
Kurt poked at the tender flesh between his first and second knuckles, blood welling up. “Yeah,” he reassured Blaine. “It’s shallow. I have a first aid kit in the car.”
Blaine scooped Kurt’s keys off of the blanket and hopped up. “I’ll get it,” he said, already heading for the parking lot.
“Wait,” Kurt called, clutching his finger as he stood up and followed Blaine. “You don’t even know where it is!”
“Then tell me!” Blaine shouted over his shoulder. “You’re injured, you should be sitting down!”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “It’s practically a papercut,” he argued as Blaine reached the Navigator and unlocked it.
“Is it in the back seat?” Blaine asked, opening the back door on the passenger side. “That’s where my mom keeps hers.”
“Wait,” Kurt said, terror shooting through him. “Blaine, it’s not -”
He was close enough now to see into the car, to watch in panic as Blaine reached for the cardboard box placed halfway underneath the passenger seat and said, “Is this -”
“No!” Kurt yelled, too loud and hysterical, but he couldn’t stop himself. “Stop!”
Blaine froze, then turned around to look at Kurt. His eyes were wide, lips barely parted, his expression some mix of concern and confusion and hurt.
Kurt cleared his throat. “It’s not in there,” he said, low and shaky. He reached forward to grip the edge of the door, and Blaine stepped out of the way so he could shut it. Wordlessly, Kurt walked around to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He could feel Blaine’s eyes on him as he retrieved the small white first aid kit. He stood there and sanitized his cut, the Neosporin stinging slightly, and then wrapped it securely in a band-aid. He could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
He didn’t want to do this. For the past few days he’d actually been able to enjoy himself. He’d felt happy and normal for the first time in months. But now he was going to have to tell Blaine the truth, and it was going to ruin everything.
He took a deep breath and turned to face Blaine. “I’m sorry,” he said. “For yelling.”
“It’s okay,” Blaine said, but he kept his distance, as though Kurt was some wild animal that Blaine didn’t trust not to bite him. “Are you - is everything alright?”
Kurt stared upward for a moment, blinking forcefully. “I, um. I didn’t tell you before, but…” It was so hard just to get the words out, knowing that there was no taking them back. He’d had sex with Blaine, for god’s sake, but somehow this made him feel even more vulnerable. “My stepbrother, Finn. He - he died, a few months ago. And. He was supposed to come to LA, for this show choir competition, because he was helping to coach. But he couldn’t come, because he was dead. So I’m - I decided to go to LA, to scatter his ashes there. That’s why I’m really on this trip. And it’s - that box, that’s where his ashes are. So I freaked out. I’m sorry.”
He gathered the courage to meet Blaine’s eyes, and found him closer than expected. “Kurt,” he said softly. “I - can I hug you?”
It wasn’t the response Kurt expected, but he nodded. Blaine stepped forward and wrapped his arms around him, and Kurt gratefully surrendered to his embrace.
“I’m so sorry,” Blaine said, and Kurt could feel the soothing, rhythmic swipe of Blaine’s thumb against his back.
“Yeah,” Kurt sighed. “Thank you.”
He had expected Blaine to recoil, to run away. He’d signed up for a fun, flirty companion on a carefree trip, not someone with the kind of baggage Kurt had. But instead, Blaine stayed. He held Kurt, and comforted him, and didn’t look at him with pity or scorn when they broke apart. Once they returned to their food and Kurt had a better hold on his emotions, Blaine asked gentle questions about the situation. Kurt told him a little more about Finn, and Blaine listened with interest and compassion.
That night, they stayed in a motel, but they didn’t have sex. Blaine held Kurt close under the sheets, and Kurt let himself cry more. Something had changed between them - Kurt’s confession and Blaine’s reaction made whatever relationship they had deeper, and more profound. Blaine wasn’t just affectionate, but also safe, and Kurt didn’t know what that meant for them, but he was thankful all the same. 
“I would understand,” Kurt said as they got breakfast at a coffee shop the next morning, “if you wanted to split up.”
Blaine looked up from his breakfast sandwich. “What?”
Kurt shrugged, nervously tearing pieces off of his croissant. “It’s just, you didn’t know that I was on a funereal tour when you agreed to travel with me. I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to stick with such a…dour companion.”
Blaine’s features softened, and he reached his hand across the table to place over Kurt’s, stilling his nervous fidgeting. “Kurt, I…I understand why you didn’t tell me before. But this doesn’t change anything for me.”
Kurt exhaled in relief. He just - he had to give Blaine an out, if he wanted one. He didn’t want them to be doing whatever it was they were doing because Blaine felt beholden to him. “Okay,” he said.
“Now hurry up,” Blaine said with a grin. “We have a lot of ground to cover.”
The trek from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas was their longest single-day journey - heading south along the mountains, clipping into a corner of Arizona, and then emerging into the Mojave Desert. Kurt wished, more than ever, that he and Blaine could drive in the same car, but he wasn’t willing to trust rented moving equipment and hitch the Navigator up to Blaine’s truck, so they remained separate.
They still had their walkie talkies, though. As soon as they were on the road, Kurt held down the talk button and said, “So tell me about this brother of yours in LA.”
Before the previous day, Kurt had studiously avoided asking Blaine about his family and home life, because he feared having to answer the same questions in turn. Now that Blaine knew about Finn, though, Kurt was eager to learn more about Blaine’s life.
After a moment, Blaine replied, “He’s…Cooper.”
Kurt waited for more, but nothing came. “And how did Cooper end up in LA?”
“Well, he moved there to be a big Hollywood actor,” Blaine said. It was hard to tell over walkie talkie, but Kurt could imagine that Blaine was rolling his eyes.
Kurt was intrigued by this. He wondered if Blaine’s knowledge of NYADA or interest in the performing arts had been influenced by his brother. “Has he been in anything I would’ve seen?” Kurt asked.
“No,” came Blaine’s emphatic response. “He hasn’t been in much of anything. His confidence level has not dropped, though.”
“Well, that’s good,” Kurt reasoned. “It’s important to stay driven and self-assured if you’re going into the arts.”
Kurt slowed down to accommodate a car merging from an on ramp, dropping the walkie into a cupholder to put both hands on the steering wheel. Blaine’s voice reverberated strangely when he finally said, “I guess so. You’ll see when you meet him.”
Kurt blinked down at the radio, snatching it up to reply. “I get to meet him?”
“Well, yeah,” Blaine said. “I kind of assumed that you’d stay with us, while you were in LA. If you want to.”
Kurt glanced in his rearview mirror, where he could see Blaine’s white-and-orange truck a few cars behind him. They hadn’t discussed what would happen when they actually arrived in Los Angeles. Kurt knew that Blaine was planning on staying for a bit before flying back to his parents’ house in Ohio, but he hadn’t been sure if he would be part of that equation, or if they’d part ways once they got to their destination.
“If that’s okay with your brother,” Kurt said into the walkie talkie, “I’d love to.” It seemed that Blaine was planning on them staying together, and Kurt was more than happy to stick to that plan for as long as he could.
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honeysucklepink · 2 years
Anyway, Here's Wonderwall (12/?)
Day 12: Invisible (also on AO3)
“Well well, look who’s still alive this morning!” Elliott exclaimed, as Kurt and Blaine came down the stairs and stepped into the pub, which was now buzzing with a mix of hungover patrons and helpful guests.
“Yeah, both of them,” David added. “Come down here and help us with breakfast preparations.”
“Breakfast prep? Why?” Blaine asked.
Adam stepped in. “My staff was sharper than I was last night, I’m afraid. Rodney and Sharon usually do our breakfast shift, but they asked to leave early last night ‘cause they have kids at home. I should have listened to them.”
Elliott continued, “So, we offered to pitch in and help. Turns out Wes here makes a mean fry-up.”
“I may have spent a semester abroad and learned a few things,” Wes added, spinning a spatula.
Kurt looked around. “Where’s Dani?”
“Sleeping in. She took the pull out sofa in my office. So, ready to help?”
“First, coffee,” Kurt said. He turned to Blaine. “How do you take yours?”
“Black, two sugars, thanks.”
As Kurt headed to the coffee pot, David leaned in to Blaine. “Glad to see no one joined the Choir Invisible last night. Neither do you look worse for wear, though I’m disappointed you aren’t scandalously disheveled. I guess you guys just did the boring thing and sleep?”
“Well, slept and talked.” And cuddled, Blaine left out. “I think maybe we just got off on the wrong foot.”
“The wrong foot for four damn years,” David snarked. “It’s a start.”
Kurt came back with two cups of coffee and gave one to Blaine, who took a sip. “Perfect, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” They looked at each other for a moment, long enough for David to make a grunt. “So, what can we do to assist?” Kurt spurted out.
Since Adam, Wes, David and Elliott had taken on cooking and serving duties, that left Kurt and Blaine on dish duty. Blaine offered to wash so Kurt could dry, and they fell into a rhythm at the sink. They talked about NYADA– for the first time without malice or jealousy. Blaine, it turned out, had loved Kurt’s performance of Ernst in Spring Awakening: “I thought your solo in ‘Touch Me’ was revelatory.” Kurt’s observation was correct; June Dollaway had in fact tried to suppress some of Blaine’s creative instincts, leading to a falling out. They talked about Ohio and show choir and the missed connections. And they bonded over handling the whirling dervish that was Rachel Berry.
Dani finally appeared, grumpily taking over the dishes with a piece of bacon hanging from her mouth, and the two grabbed plates and heaped them with eggs, more bacon, toast, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Adam brought out an extra plate of kippers, and they found a corner of the pub to continue their conversation. It was then the topic of that fateful band audition came up.
“I was so mad at you that day,” Kurt explained, “but I guess I should have been more upset at the subway. And frankly at Santana for not waking Dani up sooner, otherwise we wouldn’t have run late.”
“Well, if I’m being honest, your attitude did put a damper on the day. I was so happy and all of a sudden, I’m getting death glares?”
“I did sort of make a bad impression,” Kurt agreed. “But seeing you up there with your bandmates sort of cemented something for me, something that I was never going to get.”
“What do you mean?”
Kurt took a swallow of his coffee for courage. “I’m sort of ashamed to say this, but I think one of the reasons I resented you was that you pass better than me. I mean, playing opposite Rachel, Melchoir? You’re like the pinnacle of the cis straight Broadway lead. Casting directors would have no problem picking you as a Tony or a Danny Zuko. Me? If I’m lucky I’ll get Damian in Mean Girls.”
“It’s funny you say ‘passing.’ I was always annoyed by that.”
“Yes, but not for what you think.” Blaine shifted in his seat. “You know why I call my grandmother ‘lola?’ It’s a term of endearment in Fil-Am families. Mom’s Filipino, dad’s white. But obviously I inherited dad’s eyes and tendency to sunburn. You know how much it sucks to be out at a store and people think your mom is actually the nanny? Anyway, I know it gets me opportunities that I wouldn’t get if I looked more like my mom’s side of the family, which feels a little unfair. And for the record? I don’t really see myself as passing straight. I’m hyper aware all the time of it. And I personally would love to see your Danny Zuko. You sell yourself short.”
“Well, thank you. I’d like to think my Danny would be a little more Aaron Tveit than John Travolta, though.” Kurt remembered something. “Hey, back to the audition; how did your band do at that venue, anyway?”
“We didn’t,” Blaine said. “The venue was sold and the new owners wanted a ‘different vibe.’ We were replaced with an all-girl Guns and Roses tribute band.”
“Way to break the stereotype,” Kurt raised his cup in a toast, to which Blaine met him with his own glass. “To upending expectations.”
“And to second chances,” Blaine added.
“Yes,” Kurt smiled. “To second chances.”
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Five Times Kurt Talks About Sex and One Time He Doesn't (Part Six -- FINAL)
A/N: So, this was inspired the other day by a Nonny who was asking about how Kurt interacts with others on the topic of sex and this little idea popped in my head.
It’s a little mini-series, and I’ll post one part a day, then I’ll get it up on Ao3 after it’s complete.
It’s set in a post-canon-ish world when they’re all living in New York. The whole thing takes place over the course of a day.
Non-Conversation One: Blaine
Kurt sits on the edge of the bed swaying back and forth, attempting to keep his balance, as he holds a glass of water.  He’s supposed to be drinking the glass of water, but his stomach feels a little full, and not like it wants anything additional in it.  Still, he tries to sip anyway as he watches his husband -- his beautiful, sexy husband - come into the bedroom.  
“Santana went out like a light,” Blaine says.  He undoes his watch and puts it on the dresser.  “She’s on the couch and snoring.  I think she’ll be fine for the night.  Just how much did you guys drink?” 
Kurt hums happily.  “Ten shots.” 
“Jesus, Kurt, how are you still functioning?” 
“She had ten, I had nine, I won.” He snorts into his water, attempting another sip.  
“You both are ridiculous,” Blaine says, coming up to him. “Drink the water - I don’t want you vomiting on me in the middle of the night.”  
Kurt pulls at Blaine’s hand, catching him off guard, and draws him in for a kiss.  It’s sloppy and Kurt, admittedly, is probably using too much tongue, but he really doesn’t care.  He wants his husband.  
“You taste like raspberries…” Kurt coos as Blaine pulls away.  
“You taste like vodka,” Blaine laughs.  
“I want vanilla ice cream,” Kurt’s eyes are wide with desire.  
Blaine gives him an odd look, though, not getting it.  “How about we try the water first, and save the ice cream for when you’re sober.” 
“Noooo,” Kurt cries.  He reaches out to grope at Blaine’s dick through his pants.  “Ice cream,” he says quietly.  His own dick twitches with interest but with that much alcohol in his system, he doubts he’s going to get anywhere.  Stupid Santana.  Stupid shots.  He could have ended his night by fucking his husband.  And now he’ll have to settle for falling asleep.  
His bed does seem nice.  
Blaine laughs it off, and kisses his forehead.  “Maybe if you drink the water and make it through the night, you can have ice cream in the morning.” 
Kurt lets out a quiet, delighted ‘yay’ as he takes another sip.  
“We can take a trip up to the grocery store tomorrow,” Blaine says.  Kurt eyes him suspiciously - but there’s a twinkle in Blaine’s eyes that tells him Blaine’s being obtuse on purpose.  “You guys finished all my Cheetos.” 
“No Cheetos!” Kurt vehemently protests.  “No, no, no!”
Blaine’s eyes grow wide.  “Well we’re definitely going to come back around to that tomorrow.”  
“I’m not ever going to have Cheetos again!” His brain is indignant about it - but at the moment, he can’t figure out why.  
Blaine just smiles sweetly as he takes a step back to change.  He’s out of his shirt first, revealing a layer of glistening sweat on his skin.  Blaine always works so hard during his performances -- leaving his muscles firm and toned.  He then undoes his belt buckle and the pants go.  Followed by the underpants.  He’s not making a show of it, even if he is aware of Kurt’s eyes on him.  Not helping it, Kurt bites his bottom lip as he watches… Even flaccid, Blaine’s dick is the best dick of all the dicks.  He laughs at the thought, wishing his brain wasn’t so fuzzy so that he could play with that dick.
In the mirror, Kurt can see Blaine’s ass - so round and scrumptious.  See, Santana! He calls out in his head.  The mirror was a good call!  He could bite that ass if he wanted to.  Blaine would let him.  He has bitten it before.  
“No!” Blaine playfully scolds.  
“Kurt, no.  You need to sleep first.”  
Kurt scrunches his nose, letting out a protesting little grunt, as he attempts more water.  
Blaine puts on a clean pair of boxers, then heads back towards the bed.  “Okay, let’s get you ready for bed.  Sleep first.  Then I’ll wake you up with whatever you want.” 
Kurt grows excited.  “Even vanilla and caramel?” 
Blaine gives him a strange look, not quite following.  “Even vanilla and caramel,” he gives anyway.  
Blaine takes the glass and puts it on the nightstand.  Then gets him to stand, helping him out of his own pants, followed by the sweater (which takes longer than normal because it has a bunch of buckles on it).  Blaine’s hands are warm and soft and he doesn’t seem to mind when Kurt falls against him as they get him out of his clothes.  
The duvet is pulled back, and Blaine helps Kurt onto the bed.  “You are really, really pretty,” Kurt says, not able to help gazing into those honeyed eyes.  
“You are really; really drunk,” Blaine says amused in response.  
Kurt pulls him down into another kiss - this time a little smoother.  Blaine indulges, allowing for a little, light making out.  Kurt closes his eyes and relaxes into the bed, feeling warm and buzzed and loved and cared for.  He feels so good that he doesn’t quite mind when Blaine pulls away.  
“I’m going to finish up in the bathroom - are you going to be alright?” 
“MMmm-hmmm,” Kurt murmurs.  
Blaine pulls the covers over him, then kisses his nose and his cheek and his forehead.  “I’ll be back in a little bit, then we can snuggle, okay?”  
Kurt’s eyes remain firmly shut, but he grins as he thinks about Blaine getting into the bed next to him, moving in close so his arms will be firmly around him, and he’ll feel Blaine’s dick snug against his ass.  That’s just as good as sex anyway… 
“Love you,” Kurt says softly.  
Blaine gently kisses his lips.  “Love you, too.” 
Sleep is taking him quickly, but there’s one last lingering thing…
“Hey, Blaine?” 
“I have a message for you?” 
“What’s that?” 
“Tomorrow - after ice cream and Cheetos you need to call Tina and let her know how to properly suck a penis.”
Kurt drifts off to sleep before Blaine is able to respond. 
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raleighcarrera · 3 years
foreign affairs | m!blaine hayes x mc (kennedy monroe)
a cut scene from chapter 4; after dionne’s party, blaine and kennedy work on their project a little bit and then not at all.
catch up: knockout (E) / on the ropes (T)
tagging: @pixeljazzy ; @zigtheeortega ; @pixelsandkink ; @writinghereandthere ; @choicesarehard ; @natesewell ; @flyawayboo ; @withbeautyandrage ; @blainehellyes
~3.3k words | T
it would be easier not to be seen together if not for the fact that they’re no where near done with their project. in fact, they’ve barely even started.
there’s also the added complication of their less-than-platonic relationship; they’re far from just classmates, or even friends. 
everything feels like it’s gotten out of control so quickly.
but he hadn’t planned for this. he’d agreed to go to vancross because it was that or the campaign trail; when he’d first arrived on campus, blaine had expected to coast through his classes, party until he forgot how pissed off at his parents he was and wait out the boring political drama unfolding back home with a few more years of school.
he hadn’t expected her. 
to their credit, his father’s advisors had done their best to warn him. still, he’d slept through so many briefings before packing up and heading out that he lost count -- going to vancross was supposed to be a reprieve from being blaine hayes, a chance to get out from under his parents’ noses. the first daughter of rutherland was a nonissue, hardly part of the equation at all.
...then he’d met her, and she’d called him a jackass with that cute little challenging sparkle in her eyes, and a part of him that had long since been quiet slowly stirred awake again.
and now he’s here: playing it so cool that kennedy is clearly starting to doubt whether he even likes her at all, fidgety and tense where she’s doing her very best to pretend to be engrossed in her textbook, sitting right beside him on the couch in her suite. 
her bodyguard is definitely glaring at him, too. 
blaine looks away, clearing his throat and nudging kennedy with his shoulder. “hey,” he murmurs, voice purposefully low, “i think i found something.”
it’s only when she blinks at him curiously that he realizes he has absolutely nothing at all to offer her and only wanted an excuse to break the silence between them. he points to a random passage in the book in his lap. “we can use this for our argument.”
kennedy looks down at the section he’s indicated and then stares back at him as though he’s one of the dumbest people she’s ever had the displeasure of talking to. rather than wilt under the disappointment in her eyes, he only smiles charmingly back at her, until she heaves a sigh and says, “maybe you should just work on our citations.” 
god, no. anything but that. panicked, he grabs for the book she’s holding before she can retreat silently into its pages, burying her nose in the spine and refusing to look at him like she has been for the last hour. “look,” he starts, tongue darting out to wet his lips. the sudden spike of nervousness that flares up within him is... new, to say the least. he needs a plan. “can we talk privately for a minute?”
she looks past him, quirking an eyebrow at her bodyguard. there’s a beat or two of silent communication between them that makes him feel uneasy and a sharp twist of her mouth before he hears the front door open and shut, and then they’re alone.
blaine exhales, jumping to his feet. “okay -- come on.” 
he crosses the room without waiting for a response from her, prying open one of the windows in her kitchen. his head leans out to judge the distance to the cobblestones beneath them; it’ll be a bit of a jump, but he’s had worse. when he looks back at kennedy, she’s still blinking at him owlishly. “uh, what are you doing?”
“we’re ditching your bodyguard,” he grins, more confidently than he feels. it is kind of funny how she’s looking at him, like he just suggested a bank heist. “come on. he’ll be back any second.”
kennedy glances at the front door, then rushes over to meet him at the window. “but -- why -- we’re supposed to be working on our project.”
he arches his eyebrows at her, unimpressed. “and we’re obviously not making any headway. plus, i can tell you’re distracted, and since i’m pretty sure that’s my fault... i want to fix it.” well, those are words he’s almost definitely never said to anyone before. to cover up his own surprise at himself, and how uncomfortably true they ring, he widens his grin and asks, “don’t you trust me?”
as soon as she leans around him to peer down at the length of the drop, he knows he’s won. “not enough to go first.”
blaine winks at her before deciding to hell with it, leaning out the window and jumping down to the ground, wincing when his shoes slam against the pavement. fuck. that probably wasn’t worth a shot at impressing her.
though it is worth being in the perfect position to catch her, when she slips from the windowsill and straight into his arms, windswept and adorable. her trip down had been clumsy and imprecise, with all the grace of someone who had probably never snuck out of anywhere before. 
before he can stop himself, he lifts a hand to her face to brush her hair back behind her ear. she smiles at him, as his fingertips graze her temple, and for a moment it’s like they both forget who and where they are.
it’s terrifying. 
he sets kennedy down on her feet as quickly as he can, reaching for her wrist to tug her through the courtyard. “come on.”
“where are we going?” she asks, stumbling to catch up with him, “and -- slow down, jesus. i can’t run in these shoes. no one’s chasing us, anyway.”
right. he knows that. he’s done this plenty of times -- evaded his own security detail so frequently he could probably do it in his sleep. he’s snuck plenty of pretty girls around behind guards, including this pretty girl just a few days ago. there’s no reason he should be off his game now.
blaine shakes his head at himself and then slows to a stop, finally dropping kennedy’s wrist back to her side. “well, you can’t ever be too sure,” he muses, pleased to find that they’re definitively alone, no other students or faculty or wayward paparazzi following behind them. “but you’re off the grid, now. how’s it feel?”
kennedy pauses, then unleashes a blinding grin that’s a little bit dazzling. “i see why you do this all the time.”
he hums his agreement, trying not to stare at her smile. “we’re not even at our final destination yet.”
she makes an interested noise that he tries not to find sexy and fails. no one ever said he didn’t have a one-track mind. “where are we going?”
“you’ll see,” blaine promises, his own smirk sharpening as soon as they reach the gate and his hands find it unlocked. some state-of-the-art security.
kennedy falters beside him as he holds the wrought-iron out wide for her. “we didn’t fill out any paperwork.”
that’s true. but it would’ve been impossible to ask for permission when the plan was still only half-baked in his mind, sprung into being just twenty minutes ago. “we’ll be back before anyone notices,” he assures her, “except maybe your shadow.”
kennedy rolls her eyes, but his teasing does the trick. she saunters out of the gate with him without a glance back. “tatum’s just doing his job.”
“right,” blaine scoffs, “that’s all he’s doing.” 
there’s a pause that feels just a touch too long before kennedy carefully asks, “what do you mean?” 
“i mean --” he adopts the most casual tone of voice he can muster. it still feels like not enough, making him instantly regret dancing around this topic of conversation. “it just seems like there’s something else going on between you two.”
yep. kennedy smirks wide, as obviously delighted as any one person can look. he should’ve seen that coming. “is that so?”
“don’t be smug,” he mutters, hunching his shoulders in when a group of random strangers walk past them on the sidewalk. 
“no, i’m going to,” kennedy argues, looking unfairly cute as she does the same, mimicking his movements. god, he hates her. “tell me, what do you think is going on between us?”
“only if you tell me why you’ve been so quiet,” he fires back, leading them off down a side street. “you’ve been weird ever since we got back from pavadena.”
“i have not,” kennedy insists immediately, though when he looks her way again while they wait for the light to change so they can cross the street he sees she’s biting down anxiously on her bottom lip. “i’m not even supposed to be seen with you.”
“i know.” he’s not, either. yet here they both are, in broad daylight together, in the middle of town. “so?”
“so, i’m risking a lot, and it’s like, for what? you didn’t even -- you’ve barely spoken to me, too.” she looks embarrassed by the admission, avoiding his gaze while she stares at the sidewalk instead. “when other people are around, you act like... it’s nothing. me and you.”
blaine frowns. it’s unexpected, how hurtful it is to hear her say that in the soft tone of voice she’s using, uncertain and uncomfortable. she shouldn’t sound like that. “isn’t that what you want?”
she sighs, hesitating for a moment before opening her mouth again. “i --” kennedy cuts off abruptly, leaning to the side to peer around his shoulder. with a sheepish shrug, he realizes they’ve reached their destination, and that kennedy’s stopped talking because of the music playing, trying its best to lure them across the street and into the carnival. “oh my god,” she laughs, her whole face transforming from shy to excited so quickly it makes his head spin, “how did you know this was here?”
her reaction is worth any potential disaster waiting for them back on campus. it might even be worth the ass kicking that’s definitely heading his way from that surly bodyguard of hers, too. “doesn’t matter. come on.”
they jog across the street with their heads down, though as soon as they’re actually on the fairgrounds he realizes there’s no need to look over their shoulders; it’s the middle of the day and the carnival is pretty much empty, a wayward toddler being chased by an au pair the only other sign of life on the premises besides a few bored looking workers hanging out of their booths. 
“god, i haven’t been to something like this in ages,” kennedy gushes, already dragging him over to a big table marked tickets. “this is amazing.”
the thing is -- he knows exactly what she means. growing up like they did, being who they are, it’s impossible to do anything normal. he can’t remember the last time he had an afternoon out that was as mundane as this one, either. even date night with his last girlfriend had become a production; nothing was ever just dinner and a movie.
instead of acknowledging her gratitude, he shoves her out of the way with his shoulder and opens his wallet for the most tickets the teenager behind the counter will give him. kennedy completely ignores him while he pays, twisted around to look out over the fairgrounds, cataloging every offering with wide, overeager eyes. somehow she makes this traveling carnival that’s absolutely seen better days feel like a luxury destination, and as he passes the tickets over to her blaine finds that his smile is tough to dampen, despite his best efforts to keep his expression contained.
they burn through a good chunk of the tickets throwing baseballs at milk bottles -- mostly because kennedy insists she can knock down more than he can, and that simply won’t do. he refuses to stop until he’s won her the biggest prize they have available, an obnoxiously pink stuffed elephant with giant, floppy ears. 
fortunately, there’s still enough tickets left for the fun house and the photo booth and every other stupid thing she wants to do that he pretends to hate but doesn’t, until eventually the sun’s starting to set and he knows their afternoon out is coming to an end. 
“we should head back,” blaine suggests regretfully, watching her pick her way through the giant cotton candy he probably shouldn’t have bought for her with a mix of disgust and pride. “we’ve been gone awhile.”
“have we?” kennedy blinks, as though she’s only now noticing how late it’s gotten. “ugh. one more ride -- i have to finish this.”
“you don’t,” he remarks with amusement, noting the tips of her dyed-blue fingers even as they walk off indulgently towards the only ride they’ve yet to approach. “you can just throw it out.”
“that’s quitter’s talk,” she says through a mouthful of melting sugar, chewing with her cheeks bulged out while blaine uses the last of their tickets to get them onto the ferris wheel, which is completely abandoned except for the two of them, as far as he can tell. 
once the door is shut and they take off it’s the most alone they’ve been in awhile. the last time they were this secluded was in the kitchen in pavadena, when he’d licked frosting off her fingers and she’d looked at him like maybe she wanted him to kiss her, too -- like maybe she wanted even more than that.
sort of like how she’s looking at him now, doe eyes wide and nervous, the cogs of her mind very clearly turning into overdrive behind them.
it seems so obvious, now, staring at her in the cart. of course she’d wanted him to kiss her on dionne’s birthday. she’d dressed up, searching for a sincere compliment that she hadn’t gotten and invited him to dance in the hopes that if she made the first move he’d make the finishing one, like they’d done before. and he hadn’t even realized it.
so -- he probably is as stupid as everyone thinks he is. 
the ferris wheel creaks around them as they slowly ascend to the top, old machinery groaning while they climb higher and higher. it feels like it takes forever for him to sort his thoughts into a sentence that’s actually passable, but for once, he wants to be careful about what he says. “i didn’t mean to make you think i don’t care.”
he hears her inhale. kennedy flicks her gaze out at the view behind him, then bravely looks back at his face. “no?”
“no,” he confirms, shrugging helplessly again. “this is new to me.” even this conversation is beyond him.
but judging by the look on her face, he’s yet to colossally fuck up. that’s good. “me, too,” she admits, leaning in a little closer across the metal bench they’re both sitting on. “it’d be weird even if we weren’t... us.”
except that who they are has nothing to do with why this is so strange for him. kennedy could be from antartica, and he’d still be the unlucky bastard who finally met someone he thinks understands him and has botched talking to her about it at every opportunity. 
well, there’s one thing he knows he can still execute perfectly. as the ferris wheel glides to a stop for them to take in the view, the setting sun streaming in picturesquely through the little window in the cart, he leans in and kisses her, hands fanning out low over the small of her back.
kennedy tastes like cotton candy and her hands are sticky when they cup his face -- sticky like they would have been if he’d seen the signs for what they were and kissed her in pavadena like he’d wanted to, if he’d taken advantage of the rare moment alone in the way he was now, crowding her back into the corner of the cart with a grip that he knows is probably too tight.
but she kisses him back just as urgently as he’s kissing her, dragging him in closer and biting at his mouth. she’s kissing him like she’s been thinking about this, too -- like she’s found it even a fraction as all-consuming as he has, late at night when he can’t get to sleep and he’s staring at his ceiling cursing the absurdity of it all.
the moment is gone in the blink of an eye. the ferris wheel lurches back into motion with a sound that would be alarming if he wasn’t so distracted, the cart swaying in the wind as they slowly come down the other side of the circle.
she pulls away despite blaine’s best efforts to keep her in his personal space, his hands still firm on her hips. “blaine,” she murmurs, so prettily he actually has to shut his eyes -- just for a second -- just to catch his breath -- 
light spills into the cart as the door is wrenched open. they’re on the ground again, and there’s a line of kids waiting for their turn on the ride. going up had felt like forever, but the descent was done before he could even figure out what he wanted to say. 
they make their way back to the street silently. blaine is so lost in thought it takes him a minute to realize kennedy is on the phone, wincing and rushing to promise the world to whoever she’s talking to -- that they’d only run out for a little, that she was perfectly safe, that she’d be back soon. tatum, she mouths at him as soon as he catches her eye, though as she talks he finds it hard to do anything but stare at the blue corners of her mouth, where she probably still tastes like cloyingly sweet artificial sugar.
he half expects an ambush to be waiting for them at the vancross gates, but it’s quiet when they head back across the quad. after a few steps in the direction of kennedy’s dorm, blaine’s horrified to find that he’s dragging his feet, reluctant to let what was probably one of the better days of his adult life come to an end.
this is going to be a problem.
they stop on the side of her building, out of sight from any students who may be using the main entrance. kennedy clears her throat, then announces, “well... this was fun. consider me -- fixed. i think i’ll be able to get my head in the game, now.”
he should make a joke. she’s lobbed up the spike perfectly, all he has to do is hit it. he’s done it a thousand times before -- it should be as easy as breathing.
instead, he finds himself staring at her. blaine ignores what she’s said. “it’s not nothing.”
kennedy blinks. “huh?”
well -- saying it once was one thing. repeating it is something else entirely. he shoves his hands deep into his pockets, shuffling his feet uncomfortably. “you. this. it’s not nothing... to me.”
she’s smiled at him a lot since they’ve met, in pretty much every way imaginable: exasperated, fond, excited, alluring. none of them compare to the way she’s looking at him now, her whole face lit up with joy.
the kiss she presses to his cheek is soft, yet still so heavy. there’s a promise of something that makes him feel off-kilter weighted beneath it, and his stomach unknots as he realizes he’s said the right thing. “me either. goodnight, blaine.”
she disappears around the corner, pink elephant tucked up under her arm, half-finished bag of cotton candy dangling from her free hand. he watches her go, shaking his head at himself again and running his fingers through his hair once she’s out of sight.
ideally she’d be out of his mind, now, too, but he’s starting to realize there’s just about nothing that can make that happen and, if he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t really want it, anyway.
you just went on a date, chirps an annoying little voice in the back of his mind. 
so he did.
for the first time since he came to this stupid school, blaine whistles on the way back to his room.
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