#anyway. big sleep. unclear why or what affect it will have on my day lmao.
six-of-ravens · 1 year
well, accidentally "napped" not just in the evening but all night so I slept like 12 hours total.
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lilover131 · 3 years
Chapter 55 Thoughts
It’s been a while since I’ve taken the time to actually write down my reactions and thoughts about a chapter, but after a agonizing 3 month wait for a new chapter, I had a lot of time to think about a lot of things. The final day was certainly the most difficult, and I slept horribly trying to wait for this chapter to come out (it’d be nice if companies could regularly list like....a release time on a certain date so people aren’t literally refreshing the page every 5 minutes to see if it’s up. Or at least have some consistency!). My lack of sleep and constant thoughts about CCS though did manage to stir another CCS related dream, which I will talk about in a separate post. 
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But hot damn was this chapter worth the wait! It certainly wasn’t what I expected, but it was really great in a lot of ways! 
ANYWAYS, I’ve rambled enough. My thoughts on this chapter are below the cut! 
So I will start off by praising the hell out of Sakura for her quick thinking in using SIEGE. That was definitely a wow moment for me and really shows her growth as a magic user and as a person honestly. This action not only spoke to her skill but also to how quick thinking she is in such an uncertain situation. Surely, having never had any reason to doubt Kaito or question his abilities before, It is almost unbelievable that she managed to think of that and do that in the mere seconds she had to respond after Syaoran made his accusation of Kaito. I’ve noticed as of late that her instincts in particular seem to be really really on point. She starting to trust herself and her feelings, and because of this, she is able to act without hesitation, and I have a feeling that is  going to be extremely vital later on. 
Sakura starts off by asking the real important questions and things I would ask myself in her shoes having just met another magic user, especially one with unclear intentions like Kaito. She seemed like she was studying him to gauge him and the reasons for his actions or what he might do. What intrigues me about this part is she first asks him if he knows about her being able to use cards. He answers with a simple “Yes”. But when she asks about if he knows about Syaoran, his answer is far less simple, and that might potentially be telling. Kaito stated that he knows Syaoran to be a “extremely gifted sorcerer” and “the next head of the Li clan”. Now, perhaps I’m overthinking this, but he could have just answered ‘yes’ like he did with Sakura, but instead he listed specific details about him that shows Sakura he has done his research and knows a lot about him. Now, we already knew that he had this information of course, but why does he want Sakura to know this in that moment? I’m fascinated by this and what he was trying to tell Sakura by telling her he had this sort of knowledge. Additionally, why is it that when it pertains to Syaoran, Kaito behaves so much differently than he does with anyone else? I’ll probably delve into that in another post, but I have some theories on that. 
After making this statement, Sakura and Kaito exchange some meaningful looks, though it’s unclear what the both of them are thinking in that moment. Sakura turns to look back at Akiho and Syaoran and appears nervous, like she’s concerned about something (I have a theory to that as well, but I’ll leave that for another time). Then, Sakura mentions Momo and asks where she went, indicating that she has not forgotten about the other person around earlier. Sakura seems to really be evaluating her situation with these questions she’s asking, but unbeknownst to her, Momo has been cut off from her tv drama and is pouting in the mansion. hahahaha! 
Momo, while upset that she can’t see what’s going on anymore, praises Sakura for her for her quick thinking and mentions that neither she or Akiho’s mother accurately predicted how powerful Sakura would become. The implications of this are unknown as it is unclear what they are trying to stop to begin with. 
The scene changes back to Kaito and Sakura’s ‘standoff’, and Kaito states that Sakura cannot stay hidden in SIEGE’s field forever. I believe he was trying to stir a reaction and speed things up as probably the longer he has his time spell up, the more it affects his body, so he cannot afford to waste any more time. In what appears to be his way of showing desperation (at least in my opinion), he points his staff in Syaoran’s direction and threatens Sakura by stating that “He will make the first move” if she won’t. My jaw dropped a this, and though I don’t believe he actually had any intentions of hurting Syaoran, just the implications and threat of it was enough to make my blood boil. Lmao. 
BUT ONCE AGAIN, SAKURA IS QUEEN and reacts ridiculously fast to protect her man and uses one of her newest cards, TRANSFER, to switch places with Kaito and....well...she put him in a box. Hahahaha!! Seeing Kaito all crammed in that small space inside of SIEGE was honestly so satisfying and it was nice to see him on the losing side for once. I can’t imagine he was happy about it either. He’s used to things going his way, and in this particular venture, it has been anything but. 
However, this unfortunately also becomes Sakura’s downfall. By switching places with him, she put herself out of the protection she had before and was now affected by Kaito’s time magic. She managed to take a few steps, running towards Syaoran, before she ultimately was stopped. Kaito makes mention of her progress. When you think about it, she’s gone from being able to move a pinky to moving as far as she did this time, so it’s a significant growth. 
He goes on to talk, though it’s unclear if Sakura could hear him at all, about a phrase Akiho had learned in her Japanese dictionary one time about “growing leaps and bounds”. He seemed lost in a memory where Akiho spoke of how she wished to improve her Japanese so she could become even better friends with Sakura and the others, and how happy she looked when she spoke of this. Honestly, this sentiment from Akiho is super relatable and resonated with me. I am fortunate to have so many friends in so many different parts of the world, and I absolutely love learning about their cultures and words of their native language so that I can become closer to them. But what also makes this moment so meaningful is that in this particular moment, Kaito is thinking about Akiho and her smile. One may wonder “Why is he saying this right now?”, but it really does display how much Akiho is on his mind and how much he cares about her and his reasons for doing all of this. 
Shortly after saying this, he seems to be in pain again, showing once again the deterioration of his body the more he uses time magic, and it seems clear that he really is getting closer to his own demise. He even says as much when he pleads to Sakura to please make the card he needs soon, before he runs out of time. I don’t think he’s necessarily displaying a will to live or anything yet, but more a “I have to get this done before I perish, or it will all be for nothing”. 
Disappointingly, time is rewound once again, and he takes it back to before he and Akiho decided on a location for their outing. @meimi-haneoka​ mentioned this, and I agree with her, but he could have rewound to any point in time and could have completely undone their entire day, but he chose to still have that outing with her anyways. It was a conscious choice he made, though he quite casually made sure they changed the choice of location (for obvious reasons). Lmao!!! 
Now we get to the really exciting part. So after Kaito rewound time, I gave a big sigh and thought “Well, here we go again”, but something was very different this time. Sakura’s serious expression standing in her hallway said it all, and she suddenly grabbed her phone from her purse and called Syaoran, saying “We need to talk. It’s important”. 
So Syaoran, being the most adorable worried boyfriend he is, runs into her house literally in the next panel and immediately asks if Sakura is okay. I can imagine that he probably ran the entire way to her house too, and it’s just so wholesome I can’t even. It’s crazy how well CLAMP shows the strength of their love just through small actions like these, and it really is a work of art with its subtleties. 
Kero and Suppi have not been told why Sakura’s behaving so seriously, as she was waiting for Syaoran to get there first, but soon enough she tells them all at once about how she remembers using SIEGE at the botanical garden. This understandably confuses Syaoran, since in his mind they haven’t even gone there yet. But, she goes on to explain that she remembers using SIEGE, but more importantly that she remembers seeing Kaito using magic. This is HUGE. Not only is this progress (have we finally gotten out of rewind hell?), but this means that Sakura likely will not be nearly as affected by any time magic in the future. And if Kaito cannot make her forget about him using magic, that makes every action he does in the future very precarious. It’s unclear what the implications are of this revelation, but it’s going to entirely change how she reacts around Kaito, perhaps how she reacts around Akiho, and the dialogue she has with Syaoran. Syaoran should theoretically be able to talk to her now about Kaito and what he’s done so far and what they know, and I’m so so curious to see what Sakura will do with this knowledge. Will she be upset? Will she be mad? Certainly she won’t be happy to know that Kaito’s been forcibly keeping Syaoran silent, but Sakura is a forgiving person in nature, so it’s hard to say what she’ll do. 
Anyways, this chapter was incredible and I cannot wait to see how this develops from now on. I have a feeling things are going to get real intense here soon now that Kaito can’t control things like he’s been doing a majority of the series. Things are definitely different now, and honestly it’s about fucking time. 
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rain-of-time · 5 years
How to get a significant other
Are you looking for a girlfriend? A boyfriend? A significant other with no particular gender? Well, here’s a guide on how to (hopefully) find a nice, loving, long-lasting relationship, written by yours truly (Rain)!
DISCLAIMER: This is based entirely off of my own experience(s) as well as maybe some of my friends’. This is not meant to be a literal guide, but it may help you. Please take this with a grain of salt if you wish.
Please always remember step 1. Always.
(steps are below the break!)
No, seriously. Stop. Stop looking. I don’t care how much you say you want a s/o. I don’t care how much you say you’ll die without one - no, no you won’t. And saying that you will is a sign that you are not ready for a relationship in the first place, because you can’t rely on your s/o to provide you with everything.
And the more I hear someone say “man I wish I had a girlfriend!” or “where is my boyfriend? I should have a boyfriend” or whatever, the more I want to just yell at you to stop. I’m sorry if this is sounding rude right now, but god. You do not need a s/o to survive. Sure, it’ll be helpful, but you do not need one. Stop saying that. Learn to be more independent first, please.
To be truthful, this step worked for me. In middle school and in the first couple of years of high school, I didn’t care about finding a s/o. I was like, “it would be nice if I had one, but it’s fine if I don’t!” and now look where I am! If anybody knows me they’d know I’m going almost nine months strong with my girlfriend who I did not actively search out at all. So maybe that means something.
The reason why you don’t want to actively search for a s/o is because if you do, you are more likely to rush on certain parts of the relationship that are crucial to your relationship’s stability and foundation. Like, what if you search for a girlfriend and she seems really nice and generous at first but then after a couple months of dating her she turns out to be manipulative and disrespectful? Just stop actively searching for one.
But what about friends, you ask? Well, that’s where step 2 comes into play.
Step 2: Make some friends!
I know this can be hard. I know this isn’t always a step that works for everyone, but really? This is another important step to follow. Whether it’s online or in real life, making friends can always lead you to strong relationships in the future - whether it be platonic, familial, or even romantic. Your future s/o could be anywhere (JUST REMEMBER STEP 1)! In fact, I found my girlfriend through voice acting auditions for my fan Danganronpa when I initially wanted it to be voiced (which you should totally read by the way it’s called Faux Danganronpa and it’s on Wattpad).
That aside, making friends can be a wonderful thing. Getting to know someone as a friend can allow you to fully understand a person, which can make becoming their potential s/o much easier. And, if a romantic relationship does form from that friendship, then chances are it will be stronger and longer-lasting! It has even been scientifically and statistically proven that marriages between best friends are around twice as strong as others. (Note: This is not to say you can’t marry a total stranger. It’s just something to consider.)
Step 3: Support your friend as often and as much as you can.
Basically, just be there for them constantly! Offer them help or advice if they need it, maybe some words of encouragement; if you can see each other in person, maybe even give them some hugs or other forms of physical affection if they’re comfortable with it! Even if you don’t know how to help them directly, just tell them that you’ll always be there for them (and you gotta really mean that!).
Remember: Take care of yourself, as well. Don’t smother them with your support if you can’t take care of yourself. A relationship has both a give and a take - you can’t just give, and they can’t just take. If your friend keeps relying on you for everything even though you can’t support them, maybe take a step back from that relationship to give both of you a breather.
Key words: as much as you can. If you can’t, then don’t do it. Don’t stress yourself too much.
And, don’t move on to the next step if your friendship is still rocky.
Step 4: Fall, in love?
This is the stage where you start to realize that your platonic love and support starts to become a little bit more than just platonic. This is also the step where you can kind of ignore step 1, because at this point you probably understand this person really well and are ready to take a step further in your relationship together. Give it a couple days to see if you’re really in love, maybe! Just to make sure this is really a thing and you’re not just imagining things.
To avoid massive heartbreak, also please confirm that their sexuality/romantic orientation is compatible with yours. Trust me. I know a couple of people who have felt this. One of them is probably reading this lmao.
Do not fret if they are incompatible, though! Even if they are, the next step fits for both unrequited and requited loves.
Step 5: Confess!
THE BIG MOMENT! Tell your person of interest that you love them, in however way you deem fit! Some people prefer it in person. If you’re internet friends, maybe over text is fine. Or a video/voice call! All of these work, but choose what you feel most comfortable with.
Even if your love is unrequited because of sexual/romantic incompatibility or they just have a s/o of their own, I still advise you to tell them about your feelings! It helps to get over your emotions faster (although times may vary from a week up to a year or even more).
I know this can be a daunting step for a lot of people. Heck, even I was nervous and I’m more of a go-getter! If you’re lucky, maybe your friend will confess instead! But if not, I will still advise you to try anyways. What’s the worst that could happen? If they decide not to be your friend anymore because you liked them romantically, then they weren’t a good friend in the first place. So whatever.
But, hopefully, they will return your feelings and... congratulations! You have achieved significant other status. I did all of these things - my internet girlfriend and I have known each other for almost three years and we’ve been going strong for almost 9 months now. Do we plan on stopping anytime soon? Hell no.
Afterword: I hope this post will help you (in some extent) with getting a s/o! Just don’t forget step 1, and the rest will fall into line.
Please feel free to reblog or send this post to any friends, if you want! Thank you for taking the time to read this :D
(Also please forgive me if some things are still unclear, I am so sleep deprived and its kinda late)
(this post was dedicated to @shockvaluable and @femmewaffle, two wonderful lesbians I know! the former being a hopeless romantic who I feel like could use something like this and the latter being the one who made this post possible 💜)
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