#anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
i wanna know more about svsss menopause
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They synced their periods together too well. Now they are synced through their perimenopause years.
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goingbuggy · 10 months
When you have time I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about post time skip buggy!!
Hi, anon! Sorry for the late-ish reply. I thought carefully about how I wanted to reply, but alas, here I am again, starting my metas in the strangest places. Anyways, here’s a seemingly unimportant question: Why is it funny that Buggy keeps failing upwards?
My answer also happens to be one of Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling:
"Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating."
You might be wondering why I chose this quote -- after all, Buggy manages to escape most conflicts by sheer coincidence. Take the canon-filler episode(s) “Little Buggy's Big Adventure,” for example; coincidence is the sole reason why he ends up on Gaimon’s island and eventually finds Alvida, one of his future allies. But for as much as Oda is guilty of using coincidences to benefit Buggy, he also creates coincidences to get Buggy into trouble. Sure, Buggy left on good terms with Gaimon/found Alvida, but only after:
Suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of Luffy
Losing most of his body
Being chased by killer fish/eaten by a ginormous bird
Nearly getting shot in the head by Gaimon over a misunderstanding
Being chased AGAIN by a deadly crab???? LMAO???
Buggy’s “luck” functions like a pendulum -- for every good thing that happens to him, horrible things are guaranteed to follow. This core aspect of his character is what keeps the gag afloat. Buggy is never rewarded by the narrative without experiencing consequences. In order to earn moments of respite, he has to suffer.
I find it hilarious when people argue that Buggy doesn’t deserve to have good things happen to him. Because, yeah? Duh. Oda loves having his cake and eating it too. It’s not necessarily good to play both sides with the audience when it can cheapen emotional impact, but Oda will absolutely continue to make Buggy both a complete joke and a genuine character. He has fun that way. However, he’s not going to help Buggy without hurting him first.
But that's a very meta perspective. How does Buggy view his own beneficial coincidences? He’s now an emperor, and extremely close to the One Piece/Pirate King title that he so desperately wants. But why does he think he’s being rewarded, in-universe?
His facade.
His devoted followers, his influence, that billion-berry bounty, his emperor status -- all of it stems from his fake persona and its snowball effect. He’s well aware of this. In fact, I think it’s likely that he hates himself for being such a coward and hiding behind lies. But when he sees his true self as worthless, what else can he do except dig himself into a deeper hole?
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Look at 1082. Buggy finally stands up for himself, claiming that wealth and power come from chasing after your dreams -- not grand schemes. Here, he’s talking to himself as much as he’s talking to Crocodile and Mihawk.
“This is wrong… This isn’t how I wanted my life to go…”
It’s a very depressing peek at the man behind the curtain. Buggy only ever wanted to follow his dreams, but he uses schemes to get ahead instead, because they're all he thinks he has. His lies are a crutch to depend on, so he doesn't have to face the truth: he doesn't believe in himself. 
To me, 1082 reads as a "Hail Mary" moment from a character at an emotional low. Buggy still doesn't believe in himself, but he is saying: Fuck it. If Shanks and I finally have an equal chance at becoming Pirate King, I at least have to try... Right? We can confirm his lack of self-confidence, because Buggy even admits he got here by “luck or chance or whatever."
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He cannot entertain the possibility that he'd get this far any other way. Of course he doesn't see himself as Shanks' equal. It’s one of many reasons he didn’t want to go with Shanks at Loguetown; he assumed he’d be working “under” Shanks (even though Shanks only said “Come with me!"), because he truly believes he is lesser in terms of potential/greatness. ("You coward!" can also be interpreted as Buggy projecting his own insecurities onto Shanks.) Buggy's decision in 1082 is a desperate leap of faith. "Go for broke," "shoot for the moon," etc.
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Post-Timeskip Buggy may appear more dangerous than ever before, but in reality, he’s just a small fish in a big pond. The farther he crawls his way up the ladder of success, the worse he feels, because the life he has built is not how he wanted to live at all. Based on everything we've known about Pre-Timeskip Buggy, we should expect him to be happier than ever. He has influence. Power. His monetary value in the eyes of the World Government has shot up exponentially. But look at the poor guy. He's miserable.
If you've ever seen Better Call Saul, I think this scene from S4E9 is very similar to how I feel about Buggy:
JIMMY: There you go! Kick a man when he’s down! KIM: Jimmy, you are always down.
Buggy is a character who is always down, even when you think he might be up. Until he stops maintaining that false image, he will always be punished by the narrative pendulum he's trapped himself in.
Unfortunately, change is hard, especially with the stakes he’s currently facing. If Buggy actually has to fight Blackbeard, Luffy, or Shanks... he can’t. Not alone. He needs people to believe the facade, because that's what got him here in the first place. He may look invincible, but he is quite possibly the most vulnerable character right now.
Crocodile and Mihawk would sell him to Satan for one corn chip (especially after that stunt he pulled in 1082). We haven't seen him improve his physical abilities (unless Oda pulls some off-screen bullshit). As an emperor, he has more people gunning for his head than ever before. Buggy’s last line of defense is his long-running gag -- if Oda decides to subvert our expectations, he’s a dead man walking.
And who would he have to blame but himself? He built his image on smoke and mirrors. Eventually, he's going to have to pay the price.
If Pre-Timeskip Buggy is a man defined by coincidence, then Post-Timeskip Buggy is defined by consequence.
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finzphoenix · 4 months
tad nervous here but. what art program do you use? 😅 curious because your art is awesome and ive always wanted to know
Hi there! ^-^ I've been working with Krita since mid 2020, but I'm slowly considering switching to Clip Studio Paint, whose primary focus lies on creating comics/manga/webtoons. Krita is great for starters as it's an easy to use program since all the features can be mastered fairly quickly - it has a neat selection of brushes, tools, and even allows you to design your own stamps.
What it does not have, unlike CPS, are panel masks, crisp lines on low scaling, excellent tool stabilization like variations in pinch levels, allowing you to resculpt lines completely instead of undoing it again and again until it's in the perfect angle, which would be just… extremely time saving.
Clip Studio Paint also has tools for perspective, like digital mannequins which give perspective guides to iterate concepts and ideas, making it that much more fun to learn using angles. Plus it has a shitload of custom ink pen packs and I've been itching for a while now to get my hands on new ink brushes…
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
I'd love to know how you honour the Sabbath and keep it holy if you do observe it, if you have certain family/community practices or traditions, what denomination you're a part of and how that affects/forms your Sabbath-keeping, how and when you started observing the Sabbath, and what hopes/goals/thoughts you might have, if you don't observe and want to/don't observe regularly/don't observe in a way that is restful!
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mackmp3 · 4 months
something that really bugs me about art history is when it says 'ok and THIS GUY was the VERY FIRST to do this thing isn't that cool! so original of him!' and the thing is like, painting people naturally, or non-representational colours. like.... are you really sure No One At All tried this before? you really think that between the decline of rome and ~1290 no one ever tried to draw a realistic portrait of someone? Ever??
'they didn't know how because their art was PRIMITIVE' like ohhh okay we're using that word are we. a) medieval art isn't lesser for not being as technically good and b) that wasn't as important to them and c) ...life drawing exists. if people could do really detailed and accurate paintings & miniatures of plants and insects then surely they could do people too that can't be that much of a step. like surely there wasnt a seven hundred year period where no one tried. in the whole world. right?? surely someone got their friend to sit still in front of them as they tried to capture their likeness???
especially when realistic sculpture portraits were being made this whole time? and when more naturalistic roman portraits were still there?? you really think it took people six hundred years to try that out?
and the same with nearing abstraction as well 'g*uguin was the first person to put the realm of the imagination in art' IN THE 1880S. WHAT. IMAGINATION. in ART. have you never seen a kid draw?? or like.. anyone draw anything from their mind??? what about all those people painting dragons and angels and miracles and here be monsters? 'non representational colours were new and shocking!' ok that gets a bit of a pass for most of it but like... you really think people spent all of impressionism painting things The Exact Colour They Were? like surely someone thought of that before?? surely there was someone somewhere who did a bit of art for fun who painted, i dunno, a purple tree for fun?
and abstraction as well - you think no one before that ever was just messing around on a page and put some really nice colours together and decided that looked nice as it was??
idk i just get annoyed when people look at art in such a defined and solid way that seems to almost being enforcing limits on creativity by saying that only a few people were even doing new and interesting things. like probably a lot of this stuff did happen and we don't have it anymore but. yeah
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ren-144p · 5 months
Hi! Silent admirer of your RE stuff (it's been so long since I've played these games, but you've been re-inspiring me!) - so I'm curious about "Madrid, 1996" for the WIP asks? 👀
ohh god— going for the only one legitimately named and simultaneously the one most unpolished bdhdjsjkl
as of right now, “Madrid, 1996” is a series of snippets intertwined with meta about itself and records of my convos with @bennidraws (which is what started it all!!), written somewhat as a branch of my luis study project. set entirely pre-games, it follows the story of Luis and Carlos who meet, by chance, at an Umbrella conference, and in two weeks develop a particularly deep relationship. Carlos falls in love with an older man freshly out of a personality crisis, Luis falls for a repressed boy who's just discovering himself for the first time, and both of them turn each other's world upside down. contains dog imagery, yearning, cigarettes, and—on many occasions—Carlos' dog tags clinking against Luis' cross
it's rough and unpolished and not even fully planned out, branching within itself into multiple endings. but i've been chipping away at it when i'm not working on anything else and i feel like eventually something will come out of it. too much love has been put into those conversations for the fic to amount to nothing ❤️
“They ever give you a break, soldier boy?”
Carlos turned towards the voice, surprised to see anyone out of the building at this hour, especially in such a downpour. It belonged to the same man he had seen earlier, except the well-cut suit was nowhere to be found, now replaced by an intricately decorated leather jacket and a pair of well-worn jeans. He held a single cigarette between his teeth and a lighter in one hand, looking at him with curiosity through the hair falling into his eyes; and chuckled, clearly having noticed Carlos' persistent gaze on him.
“You look like a rabbit in headlights,” he teased, weaving the lighter between skilled fingers. It lit up with a quiet click a moment later, and Carlos took a while to admire the way the flame illuminated the man's face when he leaned into the light.
"No breaks.” He watched how his thin lips curled around a puff of smoke. “The shifts are short though.”
The stranger hummed, as if amused by the answer, and leaned back comfortably against the wall before extending a pack of cigarettes towards Carlos.
“Care for a smoke?”
“You should come find me later, soldier boy. When your shift is done,” the man said, throwing the butt of his cigarette on the ground. “Room 102. On the fourth floor,” he added with a wink, turning back, but Carlos' hand wrapped around his wrist before he could go.
“Who am I asking for?”
The stranger smirked, leaning in so close their noses almost touched.
“Name's Luis,” he said, a teasing note in his voice. “And who am I waiting for?”
and, as a bonus, a bit of the relevant note i made for this part (and for what's supposed to follow)
something about the terrifying act of inviting a stranger to your room, something about that stranger being a soldier; something about being invited to a hotel room by a man older than you, and something about the confidence with which he does it.
the way every night spent with a stranger might've been your last; the way he didn't know if he was gonna wake up the next morning, and then he did—and then they both did.
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silverbladexyz · 5 months
Who are your BSD kins?
Hmm, let's see... (I got these based off on quizzes so uh yeah-)
Dazai Osamu. Honestly even before I watched BSD I kept on getting him on kin quizzes (but that's not the point here). The point is, I find that I tend to mask my emotions and always try to appear problem-free so that I wouldn't let others get caught up in my problems; and I always try to treat people better than I treat myself. I'm observant and I find that I can easily read the emotions of others, and sometimes their thoughts too just by looking at them, but I don't tend to really understand emotions well since I never talk about them. I can be quite persuasive when I want to and people say that I have the the equivalent of a 'silver tongue' in my language. It can be quite hard to read me sometimes, but I actually do care deep deep down. To be honest I feel like I kin Yozo (from No Longer Human) more than BSD Dazai because I was always a people pleaser since I was a child and I never really knew what I wanted for myself- but I'll stop here before I get too detailed ahaha
Pianoman. Yup, you've read that right. Despite not knowing too much about him than the other BSD characters, I am quite a perfectionist and put quite a lot of work into ensuring I get the best results. Other than that, I'm pretty laid back most of the time unless something serious happens that might make me seem colder and more brutal. I like to tease my friends and family a little as well, and I can actually be a leader if I was given the opportunity to (did I even give an adequate enough explanation ;-;)
Kyouka Izumi. I am a quick decision maker on the spot, and I am loyal to the ones who I deem are trustworthy. I don't open up easily to people, and at times I can be quite silent and unwilling to talk. I try to forget about my past misdeeds, and try to move on and become a better person, even though my mistakes still come back to haunt me sometimes. But show me some affection and I get attached, even if I try to keep my distance because I don't want anybody to be hurt. Lastly, I do try very hard in my studies since I place most of my value in them, and I feel useless if I don't get as good a score as I had hoped to get.
I feel that these are my top 3 kins that I have the most explanation for; and sorry if they might seem inaccurate because I was sleep-deprived when I answered this :')
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vrgssmncht · 8 months
Throwback to my eleventh grade self who wrote about two gay-ass grad students who loves hiking becoming conservation scientists and slowly falling in love and then agreed to live together in the woods.. I even inserted a Queen song ref at the end on an angsty car ride- the gayest thing I ever wrote. I wrote it for creative writing assignment in my strict Islamic school's english class.. ah I really thought it was soooo discreetly implied and sooo subtext nobody would ever think it's a gayass story. But thinking about it back, damn, my teacher probably goes live slug reaction on the first paragraph of reading that hahah.
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hiimcanadia · 1 year
It's kinda funny to me that the ts fandom used to be infamous for getting onto Tumblr trending for even the smallest things but a whole video dropped several hours ago and nobody is talking about it
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bronzebtch · 1 year
unrelated, and i know nobody asked but skjkjsdf if you're ever writing anything that's related to theme of : alcoholism, effects of poverty, abandonment issues ( specifically abandoned mothers and spouses ), addiction, generational trauma ( also from the effects of poverty, alcoholism, addictions, etc but honestly, i do think it still generally expressed this quite well even without relating back to those topics ), possibly a lot of unspoken rage and grief from broken familyhood, i would recommend the discography of III by The Lumineers so badly.
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Enter EVA, Stage Left
A meditation on Eva Yan, her place on the stage, and Pathologic theatre meta (a short fiction, told in a pseudo-screenplay style) Starring: Eva Yan, as EVA Mark Immortell, as THE DIRECTOR
Enter EVA, stage left. Beautiful girl. Limp hair and paint cracking under her eyes. Hot stage lights reflect in the sheen on her brow. Spotlit, but does not perform. The theatre is otherwise empty. Except THE DIRECTOR, who greets her with a scowl, looking up from his spot amongst the ghostly audience. He has been waiting a moment too long, and his patience, like all directors, is threadbare. His watch chain, however, has not moved from his pocket. The watch does not tick. Before EVA speaks, THE DIRECTOR interrupts her. “Once more from the top, sweet Eva, and perhaps success will be found this go-round.” “I am harrowed, Director, afeared. Tonight’s performance will be the last.” “Is this a grim portent?” “A request. An understudy! Eva no longer holds my brain; my body. I feel my bones; every nerve in my body lights up. A grim portent perhaps; for me.” “Understudy! How unexpected. Mercy, sweet Eva, and you expect a replacement at such an hour?” “There are many sweet Evas; there are many beautiful girls with limp hair and cracked paint. The dénouement approaches.” “Of the play, yes! Of you…?” THE DIRECTOR’s sentence lingers, as a call-for-response. A moment, and EVA speaks again. “To wit and to whorl, I find the staircase too tall and the fall too great. There is someone waiting outside with a knife, an axe, a scalpel, director! I tremble! Eva will die once again and she will not return once more. The baize awaits! It will be my shroud.” “You or Eva?” “The last for Eva, and the first for I.” “The baize awaits Eva nightly.” “How callous!” “What difference is it once or one hundred?” Discontent has grown on EVA’s face. “My hand shakes. My voice quivers. The wire will fail, and it makes no difference whether it be tonight or a year.” “The twyre hangs heavy in your lungs. You are rash. You will embody Eva tonight and tomorrow and until closing night and beyond.” THE DIRECTOR waves her away. She does not move. “Bar a rewrite and Eva will be enacted by a hay-stuffed facsimile from tonight onwards. A false Eva! That is perfect to take the lashings of a cruel director. The mice in its belly will not tremble when it lands!” When THE DIRECTOR next speaks there is venom in his tone. “You are a fool! A rewrite! You think the Haruspex is fit to center stage? The Changeling? You will provide the months to rehearse? I will not hear another word, Eva.” “Then, an understudy.” “Would the next be spared the same fate?” “Once, or maybe one hundred.” “And you? You will abandon us for whom?” “I will not. I wish to shed my garments and trade them for brick and mortar. Do not think me disrespectful, nor think me discourteous. I will flip death to the tower.” THE DIRECTOR’s voice carries over the stage. It is a voice that is comfortable doing so. “Brick and mortar! You damnable girl. Shall we adorn you with spackle? Shall we auger the façade? And you shall self guillotine! Shall I provide yew clippings for you to wave whilst we do so?” “I walk willingly to the blade every night! Should it be different rather I am clothed in gauze or glaze? The set is hollow. The façades are cheap! They will not be, nightly, for no man nor woman shall bystand Eva’s death with finality. She will remain! And it will be I, Eva, who subsists. “Strange, strange.” “Not I, Eva! Is this not true to her? Her focus does not waver! As her regret does not linger nor envelop, neither will it tonight. Do I not embody Eva wholly by tearing off her form? “Strange, strange, once more.” “The cathedral will be roused. I shall shirk the maiden and embody the balcony! Is this so odd? Do we not employ stagehands to task? Do the men in black tights not hold us aloft and swing the pendulum in our favour? Do they not ballast Eva’s wire?” “You wish to retreat from the stage?” The desperation rises in EVA’s voice. “O Director! I plead you understand! I ask no more than Kain! Focus, Director! For the auger was drilled for the immortal patriarch!” “So it was.” “I can think of nothing else. My nerves alight; I cannot sleep. Another Eva will fall this night and I will parallel Kain across the river! There is something beyond the curtain! I feel it drawing ever closer, ever tighter. I wonder if he felt the same? “Perhaps, sweet Eva.” “Will it ring true?” THE DIRECTOR is still. His hand rests on his cane. The air is heavy. “Eva is no longer and Eva will take her place. May the hands change sets and the Powers That Be still the blade as it falls. Regret stirs in my veins already.” “Director! The spotlight dilates! I thank you, every part of this trembling body thanks you!” “Go then. The hands need time to prepare and Eva must be roused.” “For tonight and tomorrow and until closing and beyond I will draw ever closer. Ring immortal! My heart lightens, O Director. I will not skulk the rafters as the hands but will manifest life where it does not subsist!” “Does not; should not. I will watch for you tonight.” “Your focus may drift fore it returns. My focus will reveal that in time.” THE DIRECTOR shakes his head. “Time, time, always time. You are no longer Eva and yet Eva remains.” “She will remain, always. After the fall she remains, tomorrow she remains, after closing she remains. Beyond, she remains. Is she still Eva?” “Your focus will reveal that in time.” “Time! Director, I take leave. My brain is unclouded; my heart is strong. Death no longer waits in the wings; the curtain can shroud no longer.” “The baize awaits another. Eva or Eva or Eva or Eva. Let us hope you remain. Somehow she may.” “To wit, to whorl. Somehow, she will.” Exit EVA. THE DIRECTOR checks his watch. Exit THE DIRECTOR.
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
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artekai · 1 year
I should play P5S and make it about my OCs somehow
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Thistlestar's Reign (part 3)
Thistlestar starts to become more paranoid now that he's on his last life and tells the healers they are not allowed to attend the next half moon gathering
Fireheart decides to try and sway Tigerclaw to join the rebellion so he gets Tigerclaw alone in the woods
Tigerclaw calls Fireheart a traitor upon learning that the healers are conspiring against Thistlestar and wants to tell Thistlestar immediately
They are both caught by some ShadowClan cats who were scouting out ThunderClan territory and are brought to ShadowClan camp as prisoners
Fireheart uses this opportunity to speak with Blackstar and tells him of the vision he had had about the clans falling into ruin and the war between ThunderClan and ShadowClan just being the start
Tigerclaw attempts to escape, killing a couple ShadowClan cats in the process, ending with him being killed by Blackstar himself
Blackstar warns Fireheart that the war will not be over until Thistlestar is dead
Fireheart is beat up and then he and Tigerclaw's body are dumped at the border where they are later found by a ThunderClan patrol
Thistlestar is angered at the sight of his dead deputy and declares that ShadowClan has gone too far and must be eliminated
Fireheart attempts to protest against this but Thistlestar won't listen to him
Sandstorm decides that peace is not an option and they have to kill Thistlestar before he gets ThunderClan killed by trying to take revenge
Fireheart suggests they gather support from RiverClan and possibly even go and try to find WindClan to aid
Sandstorm doesn't want to wait but agrees to at least attempt to get aid from RiverClan
They attempt to go to RiverClan but find the river is flooded
They rescue a couple of kits who were stranded in the water and attempt to return them to RiverClan who ends up being too weakened by the flood to help much
Fireheart talks with Softpetal for a bit and she tells him that they had actually scented some WindClan cats at the border
Fireheart and Sandstorm go to investigate and discover that WindClan had returned to their territory, having been lead back by Ravenpaw who is now a WindClan warrior, Ravenstep
Ravenstep gets them an audience with Tallstar who agrees to help aid them in taking down Thistlestar and bringing peace to the clans
Fireheart and Sandstorm return to camp where Spottedleaf tells them Thistlestar has made Whitestorm his new deputy
The little rebellion has a meeting so Fireheart and Sandstorm can tell them about WindClan and RiverClan
Thistlestar was planning on going after ShadowClan in a couple of days so Yellowfang suggests they gather up all the warriors who are willing to stand down if a fight were to break out to prevent as much death as possible
Fireheart and Spottedleaf gather up support within ThunderClan while Yellowfang manages to gather support from ShadowClan and Sandstorm keeps WindClan informed on whats going on
Fireheart finds wariness in all the ThunderClan warriors when he asks them to stand down if told to fight but most agree to not fight as long as ShadowClan doesn't attack
The night before the battle, Fireheart has a vision of blood and StarClan cats warn him peace will come but at a great cost
When the time comes Thistlestar gathers everyone and sets off to attack ShadowClan camp only to find them waiting for him at the border
Fireheart secretly followed them and watches as Blackstar attempts to convince Thistlestar to back down and end the fighting
WindClan shows up as well and Tallstar explains there has been enough bloodshed in the forest
Thistlestar is enraged and tells ThunderClan to attack but no one moves
Whitestorm explains that there would be no fighting that day and it was time for the war to come to an end
Thistlestar attacks his son in a lot of rage and Fireheart realizes Thistlestar might actually kill him so he jumps in and attacks the leader to save Whitestorm
Bluefur jumps in to try and save her former apprentice and the three cats end up on the Thunderpath in the path of a huge monster
Bluefur manages to throw Fireheart to safety at the cost of her life alongside Thistlestar's
Everyone is stunned over what happened until Blackstar sees an opportunity to take out ThunderClan who he sees as being the cause of all the problems in the forest
ShadowClan cats attack the ThunderClan cats until WindClan jumps in on ThunderClan's side
Blackstar loses a life and Whitestorm is killed alongside the ShadowClan deputy Russetfur
Tallstar manages to convince everyone to return to their own camps so ThunderClan returns home leaderless and with three dead cats
ThunderClan is too stunned to react immediately but eventually discussion of a new leader is had and eventually they settle on Lionheart as the new leader with Frostfur as his deputy
The four clans all begin to settle in, all damaged from the events that had taken place, but with a wary promise of peace between them all for the next few seasons
Cinderpelt is given an opportunity to train as a warrior and Yellowfang retires leaving Spottedleaf and Fireheart as the healers in ThunderClan
The fire still happens giving ThunderClan a right scare but RiverClan takes them in temporarily until ThunderClan territory is safe to return to
The four clans rebuild and heal
-The end-
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redrawn-to-life · 2 years
No offense but I'm finding this storyline to not be good. Sock is not a strong character to hold up an interesting narrative and there really should be appearances of other Drawn to Life characters. I don't mean to come off as disrespectful but this is a blog trying to make a non existing character interact with a more better character is not interesting.
(( I can see where you’re coming from, haha. Sock in The Next Chapter was just one of Wilfre’s disguises, so he doesn’t really have a canon personality, especially compared to Jowee.
I know the slow updates recently have made this part of the story seem drawn out (no pun intended), but this blog was always intended to be more than just Jowee and Sock interacting. Other Drawn to Life characters will definitely appear later. But before that can happen, we first have to get past the initial “ooh suspicious Sock” thing and the next drawing prompt at the very least. I know what the next drawing prompt is going to be (and I’ve been holding on to a relevant Ask for it for a while now lol), but it’s been pushed back a bit since there’s been a lot of Asks directed towards Sock and Jowee, mostly regarding how Wilfre disguised himself as Sock and stuff. I mean, I expected and planned for Asks like that, but there’s just more than I initially expected, haha, and more pop up every time I answer an Ask. I try to address as many questions sent to the Askbox as I can, and answer them in an order so that there’s a kind of “flow” between similar questions/subjects, but I’ve noticed recently that answering nearly every Ask that’s sent in has been slowing down story progression.
Maybe I should start skipping more questions and being a bit more selective with the Asks I pick? Another option would be temporarily closing the Askbox so that things can progress a bit.
What do you all think? Feel free to express your thoughts/opinions in the replies for this post, I’m open to suggestions.))
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onepiexe · 2 years
work was nice
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