#anyway scarlet violet is so much fun
jodefrostwallart · 1 year
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Pokémon Scarlet/Violet has been on the brain, have a little Katy
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mawguai · 2 years
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Four friends, four treasures.
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randomminty · 1 year
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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Quick... screenshot redraw? background study? idk, but i just wanted to do something for the sake of Doing it, instead of trying to create a finished piece. Starting a painting without intending it to be a finished piece, ironically enough helped me start it in the first place, and also get as far as it is.
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relicsongmel · 3 months
Tell me the Pokémon music thoughts??? :000
TWO whole Pokemon music asks WOOHOO!!!!! These past few days I’ve been on a kick of listening to Scarlet and Violet’s OST and downloading my faves (since I wanted to wait until the DLC had been released and then play through it fully before doing so) and it might be one of my favorite soundtracks to date. That being said here are the tracks I’m currently the most feral about:
Battle! (Team Star Boss)
The loop for this one is almost SIX MINUTES LONG which is a smart choice for how long and difficult some of these fights tend to be—and it’s six minutes of pure unadulterated musical goodness. Obviously the killer synths and guitars are a highlight here, but what really makes this theme (and the rest of the Team Star themes) special is how the harsh instrumentation is contrasted with sections containing emotional melodies and harmonies that give a sense of determination and hope—which fits in with Team Star’s storyline as former victims of bullying and doing their best to persevere in spite of that. All their themes are also composed by one of their bosses in-universe which is a fun lore detail (shoutout to my boy Giacomo I love him <3)
South Province
This one basically functions as the theme of the Paldea Region—this leitmotif (composed by our beloved Toby Fox) appears a LOT in various places within the soundtrack, particularly in cutscenes. It’s a great theme for exploring out and about in the game’s open world, and the sunny A major is a great key choice which is always a win in my book. I’m also a big fan of the piano version that plays while you’re walking in the overworld (as opposed to using your mount Koraidon/Miraidon) as well as the beautiful arrangement used at the end of the main story (if I had a nickel for every time a piano theme at the end of a Pokemon game made me cry I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice).
Showdown! (Champion Kieran)
I haven’t had a lot of time to get myself acquainted with much of the DLC soundtrack, but I wanted to include at least one in this list because there’s a lot of quality stuff worth shouting out. This is the last of Kieran’s three battle themes (technically there’s four but the final one isn’t a full battle and is mostly comprised of Terapagos’ motif as opposed to his own so I’m omitting it here) and there’s an interesting transformation that happens across each of them—it starts out mostly with traditional instrumentation and only mild chromaticism (which almost all battle themes have at least a little of) but transforms into something harsher by adding electric guitars/synths and more dissonant, darker harmonies (this one makes heavy use of Phrygian and Locrian elements—Phrygian is a mode that’s very similar to the minor scale but uses a flat 2nd scale degree, so for a piece in E minor like this one that would mean using an F natural as opposed to an F#. Locrian is the same as Phrygian but with a flat 5 added as well, meaning B♭ as opposed to B natural. These flat notes serve to darken the overall sound), which corresponds to Kieran’s arc of becoming bitter and resentful as he suffers repeated losses at the hands of the player. I’m also tickled by the fact that his battle themes are all in E minor which is the softest and gentlest minor to my ears—you can hide under those edgy guitars all you want Kieran but we all know you’re still baby :3
Area Zero
And we’ve saved the best for last because this is hands down my FAVORITE theme from this game; it’s not even a contest. I have such a vivid memory of playing through Scarlet for the first time a year ago and being incredibly intrigued about what was hiding in the massive crater at the region’s center (I tried flying/leaping in with Koraidon and lurking outside the Zero Gate yelling “LET ME INNNN” more times than I can count lmao)—and I was not at all disappointed when I got there because this is straight up one of the prettiest areas in the whole game. However. HOWEVER. NOTHING could have possibly prepared me for the breathtakingly beautiful music that accompanies this place—I remember stopping in my tracks as soon as I heard that low brass kick in, and then the chanting. Oh my lord the CHANTING. Honestly I was sold right then and there but WE’RE STILL NOT DONE MAKING THE MUSIC OF THE GODS BECAUSE SWEET MOTHER MARY THAT SYNTH????? TOOK ME THE FUCK OUT—I lose my everliving shit at anything even resembling an erhu in music because its voice-like timbre is so…raw and emotional in a way I really don’t know how to describe; all I know is it rocks me to my core to the point that I have to watch my breathing when I listen to a piece that has one lest I start hyperventilating (because it’s powerful enough to literally induce a physiological response out of me). Needless to say I was frozen in place for at LEAST ten minutes just to take it all in; that initial experience was utterly magical and I wish more than anything I could go back in time to live that feeling again.
But that very long preface aside, there are a couple other things about this piece worth noting—the first being that E♭ minor is an IMMACULATE key choice in my opinion. In my synesthesia it primarily represents what I call “the crushing black weight of despair,” but it also functions very nicely in any intense, high-stakes situation, which fits beautifully with the circumstances surrounding Area Zero in-game. It’s a walled garden filled with invasive wildlife from the distant past/future that poses an imminent threat to Paldea’s ecosystem should they find a means of escaping to the outside; in fact, we learn from the professor that some species have already managed to do so. I also quite like how the instrumentation is vastly different from every other piece of music you’ll hear in Paldea’s overworld, which has primarily been orchestral arrangements up to this point—but here, it’s a blend of primal and futuristic sounds that perfectly captures the collision of the present and the past/future. So yeah if you couldn’t tell I am so so so so unhinged about everything this theme represents and I fully expect to be just as mentally unwell about it YEARS down the line (because believe me, I’ve certainly got the track record for it).
Scarlet and Violet’s music is just so so good—and again, obligatory “this is just the tip of the iceberg that is everything I love about this soundtrack” but I hope you enjoyed my insights into what makes this music so special!
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
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Ik I never talk abt Pokémon on here but this is literally my fav battle theme of all time and yet I rarely see ppl talk abt it!!
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doubleddenden · 4 months
The topic of Palworld is pretty charged, but often times I see people be shamed for liking it because the CEO tweeted stuff about NFTs and the company using AI art in a separate game. Acting as if that's the most damning thing ever for a gaming company in an industry filled with similar people.
Make no mistake, I dislike both AI art and nfts, but do you realize how many gaming companies have involvement with that?
To begin with, Pokémon used AI art in a promotional piece for Pokémon Go in September, and nobody gave a shit because uwu Pikachu. The Pokémon Company also put a job listing some months back seeking an expert in NFTs. That's not quite damning evidence, but if I were a betting man, no "NFT expert" will willingly say "yeah nfts suck are bad for the environment, man, I'll take my paycheck and fuck off now." There's also a strong argument to be made that Pokémon has stolen ideas from fakemon artists (Finizen and Palafin, Scovillain, Dipplin, etc) and other franchises (kaiju movies, Dragon Quest, Megaman, final fantasy, western cartoons and food mascots, etc), a dubious legal statement that claims they own all fan art from the remixes and fakemon made on youtube to the pikachu your kid drew at breakfast; they have yet to apologize for the state of Scarlet and Violet while charging full price to millions of paying customers for a clearly unfinished and barely functioning game (which i did enjoy, but you can't tell me it was finished baking when it struggles not to shit itself just to run), and a bunch of other things people shit on Palworld for, but A. It's Pokémon so people don't care and think it's fine, and B. That's not the point of this post.
You know who else does NFTs and AI art? (Yes I heard Muscle Man from Regular Show in my head just now, too, moving along)
Square Enix sold several of their IPs for NFTs and claims to have used AI art "a minimum amount" in Foam Stars, yet I see nobody yelling for boycotts of Final Fantasy 14, 16, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Life is Strange, etc etc etc.
Sony has invested in both, they want to implement AI into gaming, and has a patent for nfts to be used in games and consoles, yet there's no movement to throw out your playstations.
Bandai Namco- you know, that company with a hand in pretty much most anime games on the market and popular games such as the Dark Souls games? They have a game called RYU that's essentially a virtual pet game that uses the blockchain, and its AI driven, among other projects. Yet there's no outcry to stop playing the many, MANY games they brand with. This also includes quite a few Nintendo games (btw they just partnered together to form a special studio quite recently) like Smash Wii U/3ds and New Pokémon Snap. Nobody gives a shit though.
Android, Microsoft, Google, Apple- I don't even need to explain those, they have whole teams dedicated to both. Even popular VPN companies accept crypto.
I'm just saying an awful lot of you guys that scream and shit bloody murder about Palworld's company being involved with that shit are either the biggest "It's okay when my favs do it" type of hypocrites, or you're sorely ignorant to just how evil and greedy most corporations are. You'll be hard pressed to find a game company with popular AND fun games that DOESN'T have some interest in either, let alone movie and show studios. That's the awful reality we live in.
You have 2 options
1. You basically stop doing anything involving most modern tech, including throwing out your pc and smart phone. You could probably live a comfortable life with tech circa 2010, but you have to be aware that any thing you buy may go towards a cause you don't like.
2. You accept that people can enjoy a product while not necessarily agreeing with the CEO of said product. Most CEOs tend to be jackasses anyway, that's kind of the shared trait they all have. You can also discourage companies from using them while understanding it is everywhere.
Palworld at the end of the day is just a toy, that's it. From the looks of it, it's not even actually hurting anyone, and it seems like the company at least treats their employees pretty decently- at least according to a few things I've seen here and there that seems rather progressive for a Japanese studio (with room for doubt obviously, it's a company after all and as we've established, they're all evil). At the least its not like when people supported Hogwarts Legacy and directly put money into JKR's wallet so she can openly hurt more Trans women. In fact, the only people seemingly hurt in all of this Palworld drama are obsessed Pokémon stans that can't accept a parody, or the Pokémon Company themselves, who rightly deserve some punching up tbh.
You can just say you dislike the game, that's fine, I totally get that. Even though I personally think The Pokémon Company deserves a few nut shots after the way they've treated fans these last few years with the state of their games (and you know, stealing ideas from fans without credit), I can see why someone would be turned away from a parody that's literally meant to be Pokémon with guns. I can totally understand all of that, personally I'd prefer if the game was MORE like Pokémon with turn based combat.
But if you're going to defend Pokémon because you think its perfectly innocent because of Wooloo or something like that, just be sure you're aware you're defending the World's Richest Franchise and their own attempts at AI and NFTs while calling out an indie company (a real one thats learning as they go, not the fake "We're totally indie" franchise that hasn't been indie since gen 3) for having a ceo that also seems interested in the same stuff. And remember, you don't become number 1 without hurting people somehow (we could dig up receipts about certain partners Pokémon has teamed up with, such as Tencent with Unite, but I'd rather not right now.)
Just saying. I don't think you're an irredeemable person for still liking Pikachu, cuz I do too believe it or not. I've been a life long fan and still have fun with the games despite the clear scummy business practices towards their paying customers. Just maybe extend that courtesy to the millions of players just trying to have fun in this awful, putrid, shithole planet that just keeps getting worse and worse with each passing day.
Plus... you know, think about it. Do you think Pokémon would ever get around to making a gunless Palworld? Probably not. Do you think Palworld would exist if The Pokémon Company and Nintendo were the slightest bit chill about Pokémon fan projects like SEGA is with Sonic? Also probably not. From what I've read, the devs just wanted to make a fun game that happens to mostly be ARK with Pokémon adjacent monsters. That's not really a bad thing, all things considered, and it seems like the worst they've done is reference official Pokémon when making their own models.
Palworld being successful is actually beneficial to Pokémon fans, as well. It'll never really truly compete, but it has outsold Legends Arceus in terms of units sold (not as much financially because Palworld was only $30 plus a sale recently, but still impressive), and it is enough that Game Freak is aware of its existence. Let Palworld light a fire under their ass, and maybe GF will actually finish their next game before releasing it for full price (and no, we're not bringing up the tired imaginary ball and chain game devs, game freak owns 1/3rd lf the franchise and can easily take methods to get more dev time, they just haven't because money). Just saying, at least the Paldevs were honest enough to sell it in early access for half the price.
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so-bitya · 1 month
Ciel would still be attempting to learn more about Derrick by getting closer to his house's prefect and their fag. Here's my thoughts how those scenarios would go:
Ciel goes to Violet Wolf
Ciel enters emo wolf school (rip)
He has to get closer with Violet and Cheslock (double rip)
One is even more introverted than him, and the other one bullies people he likes
either Ciel attempts to be Cheslock's fag (difficulty 5 stars) or he kicks him out of the school (lol) and becomes Violet's fag
which seems super difficult to pull off, since Violet is hard to butter up and already seems to be on Ciel's tail
tension would be so good though, between Ciel investigating Derrick in the house (can't seem to find him anywhere) and the purple students on edge with outsiders
horror house levels of fun
Ciel goes to Scarlet Fox
very lively cause Ciel gets way more involved with so many characters in this arc: Redmond, Maurice, Joanne, and Soma.
attempts to become Mauric's fag? immediately backfires in his face, since Maurice is worried he'll steal his spot.
yknow, way too easy if he does, let's make it so Soma helps reveal the bullying, Redmond finds out, decides Soma is the right fit for his fag instead cause of his judge of character, Ciel is flabbergasted
Ciel now has to be Soma's fag (rip rip destroyed explosion 💥💥💥)
i didnt put Green Lion cause i know they're gonna lose. also don't care. but i'll tell you what would happen if Ciel went there anyway
because Edward is there (secretly happy Ciel got into the same house) i would assume Edward would be willing to introduce him to the prefects.
and i think Edward would be more willing to take him as his fag once he proves himself worthy (he wants to be fair, but i think he likes to support Ciel when he can).
ironically the easiest route so far in getting closer to the P4?
Ciel hanging out with all those jocks at the house becomes a mob psycho 100 situation
he's gonna get bullied into having a better psyche and a healthy diet, he hates it (good for him 😔)
in the cricket tournament, Ciel doesn't have to do much so he just takes it easy
but because the whole house wants to support their little buddy, they keep trying to give him the spotlight, aka sport feats he's in no way capable of, so he's being tortured out there
actually lowkey this is the funniest scenario, i would vote for it. too bad :p
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Could you make Yandere Platonic Nemona?
Sure! I hope you enjoy the yandere rival :) Sorry for the long wait! Tried to keep it in character, so don't expect random murder... she just isn't the type.
Yandere! Platonic! Nemona
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Jealousy, Subtle threats, Subtle yandere behavior, She really is tame and just clingy/competitive, Possible gaslighting, Dubious companionship.
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Nemona is a very energetic and sunny person.
She would start as a guide to you like she does in the game.
Nemona's intentions towards her obsession are probably the same ones she has towards the player in Scarlet and Violet.
She wants to model you into a rival of her level and help each other improve.
She views your rivalry as something fun, she does it because she cares.
She wants to see you both succeed.
However, as this is a yandere concept, it appears she takes such a goal too far.
Nemona always seems to be where you are and is very insistent on making you two rivals, regardless of what you think on the matter.
She never seems to take 'No' for an answer.
It's actually a bit unnerving sometimes when she somehow manages to guess the next Gym you're going to.
... is she guessing?
Nemona just always seems so happy and aloof that it's hard to suspect her of anything bad or malicious.
If she did have a darker side, she certainly knows how to hide it.
When you're unaware, Nemona probably stalks you and tries to predict and set up meetings with you.
Oh she's just in this town by pure coincidence.
Anyways... Pokemon battle?
As this is platonic, her obsessive behavior is just because she wants to try and make you her perfect rival.
She doesn't mind too much if you have other friends as long as she's your rival.
Hopefully even your only rival....
I can't see her as violent, just overly obsessive over the idea of you two helping one another prove.
Others slowly begin to see the red flags before you do.
To you, Nemona just seems to be your friend who wants to make a friendly rivalry with you.
Although... maybe someone else alerts you to her darker behavior?
Perhaps you have a friend or another friendly rival who notices how Nemona clings around you.
When you're with her, she often hugs you or has a hand on your arm.
For a rival she's awfully affectionate.
That or when you're away, she's watching you, following you, stalking your socials to figure out where you may go next.
Nemona is never far from you.
Don't you find it a little weird that she seems to be where you are at all times?
When you start to suspect such behavior, Nemona would try to manipulate you into not trusting the person you heard it from.
She won't hurt them... She isn't that type of person!
Threats, however... They may come out with a small smile so they'll leave you alone.
Perhaps they're just jealous of what you have.
Maybe they just don't like her.
But... you like her, don't you?
Then you should trust her!
She's definitely subtle and not very volatile in the slightest.
Even when jealous she hides it or clings to you more.
She's persistent and clingy, but never violent.
Nemona promises that she's merely trying to help you improve.
You'll see you need her... after all, you aren't getting rid of your biggest rival, are you?
She won't let you go that easily... you're her friend and rival... and she plans to be your one and only rival in your journey no matter what.
"What do you mean I've been following you? I'm not! I was just... checking out the shops... want to come with me!? You might as well since you're here now!"
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heinousactszx · 4 months
In your opinion how did the open world format work for pokemon legends of arceus? Is there anything you would have changed about it?
TLDR, i think it worked fantastically. but in order to get into why, i think i need to get into why the open world of SV (and to a lesser extent swsh) did NOT work.
It's practically one of my mantras at this point, but an open world game can have an explorable space as big as the real world itself; it's not going to be fun to play if it's not worth exploring. that means having interesting locales, secrets and new abilities to find, and exciting challenges to seek out.
Scarlet and violet... Don't really have that. the only thing you can really find in the game are, well, pokemon. Yeah yeah I know there's trainers and the treasures of ruin and maybe a raid battle, but overwhelmingly what you're finding in that big open world is pokemon. And the fun of discovering them sort of pales when really all you can do with that discovery is add them to your team or your dex. Plus, unlike classic pokemon games, the removal of random encounters means there's no real reason to even engage with the pokemon you see once you're at a high enough level and have them in the dex. seriously, once you realize how much of SV is just walking around pokemon in the open world, you'll never unsee it
you could argue that having the choice to complete the 3 stories in any order you like is one of the things you can find. But when all of those events are tied to a structured level scale that doesn't change, your "choice" comes down to either running into fights that are way too hard and then abruptly way too easy, or playing in the exact order they want you to. not exactly enticing either way. Scarlet and violet probably would have just been better off as a more linear pokemon with typical hallway routes instead of spending all this time on an open world that rarely enhances any part of the experience (though i will admit running around with a friend in union circle is really fun)
ANYWAY to get back to what you actually asked, Legends arceus sidestepped this issue by making interacting with pokemon the entire gameplay loop. it was a stroke of genius to make completing the pokedex the main goal of the game, because unlike in the regular series, catching a pokemon does not tie the bow on it. No, in order to advance in the game and truly fill out the dex, you have to complete research tasks related to that pokemon. Hitting it with certain attacks, using items, number caught, number stunned, using certain moves, and so many more. some of them even have side-quests associated with them!
all of this encourages you to do more with the entirety of the world you're exploring than SV offered. switching up your team and trying new things to fill out dex entries is encouraged and gives so much variety to the actual experience of playing the game like you usually would. While there's actually less pokemon to find than in SV or swsh, improving the way you actually engage with all of them makes legends much more exciting to run around in.
not to mention, the game feel in legends is just better, flat out. walking around feels better, the ride pokemon are more fun, pokemon running from you or attacking you feels more immersive than the way they mostly just exist waddling around in the other switch games. It helps that legends, while having some performance issues, is nowhere near as bad as SV has it.
of course, the truth of the matter is that legends arceus is not truly an open world game. It's a series of large and open but disconnected areas accessible from a main hub, rather than one large contiguous gamespace. remoraid to my head, i think i'd pick the former every time. it gives the game more focused central game design and cuts out a lot of extra transient elements that don't really add that much. Running around a true open world is fun and all, but legends arceus would not have been a better game just because you could walk directly from one area to another, much in the same way that Scarlet and violet really aren't better games for it either
as for what i'd change? honestly? nothing. the gameplay loop of legends was so addicting that i did almost nothing but play it for weeks when it first came out. it was and is the best pokemon game in over a decade. in some ways i can't believe it's actually as good as it is. i remember being so anxious with a friend that it was going to be a disaster when it ended up being a masterpiece.
no, wait, what i'd change is game freak's awful habit of adding cool new features, like this entire game, and then never touching them again. make a sequel. pokemon legends kyurem. call me mr iwao i can make this work
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diabolikpersonals · 3 months
kanato cl endings!! this is my new favorite kanato route!! and for once, I think the good ending is more satisfying than the bad one lol
euphoria end:
in the church, kanato concludes that he just can’t ignore the sakamaki brothers. he has all kinds of feelings for them, including jealousy and contempt, and because of that, he won’t be able to part with them easily. (thats the most backwards way to say you love them I’ve ever heard, but I’ll take it!! good job, kanato!!) but outside, the scarlet and violet families are arguing over who gets to go inside and steal eve. ayato and laito are standing guard, and even though they’re SO outnumbered, ayato declares that they’ve got no choice but to stop em. and laito says it’s for his oniichan’s sake ^^
kanato… [wiping tears] …wants to go save ayato and laito. he can’t leave them, because they’re brothers who have been together since before they were born.
before he goes, he and yui stand at the altar and yui comments that it feels like a wedding, but kanato refutes that they can’t possibly have a wedding without wedding cake. they have a ring, though! because kanato bit yui’s ring finger earlier and it left a scar. so, because it might be their last time, they exchange vows and kiss.
…which is, of course, the key to leaving this place. everything goes white and they’re back in the real world. yui thinks ayato and laito are dead for a sec, but theyre just snoozin. karl heinz shows up, explains the whole thing, and gives kanato a pat on the back and tells him it’s time to inherit his powers.
kanato says, no way!! I won’t be king. I once thought that I didn’t care about those other guys, but I’ve just realized I have all these complicated feelings about them, and I don’t know what I’ll do if those guys are gone. so I won’t be all alone like you, father.
karl heinz is like “lmao…I’ll give u a little more time” and he disappears. time to go home. kanato jokes that they can leave ayato and the others behind, but he’s not serious >_> so they get to work waking em up. kanato says that he never thought such a day would come, but he misses how noisy the sakamaki house is. (awwww…!!)
back at the sakamaki house, the triplets + yui are studying together for a makeup exam. ayato and laito start goofing off after ten minutes, but kanato is SERIOUS because reiji hid all his sweets so he NEEDS to pass. he kicks his brothers out so he can focus, then grumbles that he should’ve left them at the miniature garden (LMAO) but yui’s like “aww, you’re totally having fun.” they make out and kanato says he loves her no matter where they are, and all’s well that ends well!! good for them!
labyrinth end:
yui confidently tells kanato she’ll trust whatever his decision is, and he’s like “okay. I want to murder everyone.” yui is all UMMM anything but that, please??? but he’s not listening. he sucks her blood till she loses consciousness
it suddenly cuts to carla whipping ruki and shin till they pass out, which is awesome but very unexpected. it’s the first we’ve seen them since they got captured lol. subaru arrives to tell carla that eve is at the church, so off we go!!
at the church, ayato and laito have gotten their asses severely kicked by scarlet fam. yuma also collapses and shu’s like “yuma….!” which is enough otp crumbs to keep me fed all week, thank you very much. carla arrives on the scene and starts shittalking with reiji, but then…!!
………..when yui wakes up, she sees kanato is covered in blood and she’s like “oh god we have to treat ur injuries!” and of course kanato’s like “dont worry, it’s not my blood ^^” he happily tells her that he’s almost finished taking care of things here, and he continues his unspeakable violence. he’s killed everyone and they’re the only ones left. he hugs her, and the blood he’s covered with is still warm.
well it doesn’t work; they don’t go home. (not that this would work anyway, but aren’t ruki and shin still alive in the violet dungeon? am I wrong…? did carla kill them? whatever.) yui faints and can’t speak, so kanato moves her around like a doll. they’ll live forever in this world, then, just the two of them. it’ll be awfully quiet.
back in the real world, karl heinz is like “my friend. did u get my sons killed” and socrates is like “sowwy :( I just didnt think it was worth it to lose my best friend to some immature adam.” karl heinz says it’s ok, and socrates suggests reversing time. karl heinz is like sure, yeah, let’s reverse time and have them try again. (EXCUSE ME???? EXCUSE ME????????????? COULD U DO THAT THIS WHOLE TIME. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING) so I guess they, uh, reverse time and try again????.?.??
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shovelbug · 10 months
Hello! Could you please write something about Arven with a s/o who works as a librarian at Naranja/Uva Academy and helps him do research on the Herba Mystica to heal Mabosstiff and then they fall in love? I headcanon Arven as a young adult (he's canonically about to graduate) so I think it'd be really cute! Bonus points if he sees her interact cutely with some of the younger students or infodump to him and he just swoons.
Thanks so much, have a great day and drink lots of water! I'm so happy to see people writing for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, so thank you for your service!
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this is a very cute request, and i had so much fun writing it. i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i liked making it.
Arven x Librarian! Reader
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The first time you met Arven, you were honestly a little taken aback. It's not rare for students to come into the library looking for something in particular, either for their studies or the treasure hunt, but you don't think you've ever seen him outside of the culinary courses.
You don't miss the note of desperation in his tone, but you choose not to comment on it.
Regardless, your job is to help, so you locate a book on the "Herba Mystica", a rare herb that can help with all sorts of ailments.
You have your partner pokemon fetch it from one of the higher shelves, and he thanks you and quickly goes on his way.
The next time Arven is at the Academy, he stops by again to get your opinion on something in the book. He'd really rather do it himself, but he'd hit a wall.
When he sees you, surrounded by a group of younger students sitting around you as you read a storybook to them, complete with silly voices and all, he finds himself smiling.
Oh, you're cute.
You brighten up when you see him, and let the kids pass around the storybook as you go to talk to him.
Why does he feel so warm all of a sudden?
Putting that aside, you happily help him with what he was having trouble with. You've been doing your own research, and you're a little curious. So, you ask.
"Hey, Arven... what's all this for, anyways?"
Arven winces. He could just lie and tell you it's for cooking, but...
He pulls you aside and cautiously takes out Mabosstiff from his poke ball.
Understanding dawns on your face as you see the weakened pokemon's form.
Arven is mentally preparing him for a barrage of questions, but instead you just lean down and gently pet Mabosstiff.
"Oh, sweet thing..." you murmur softly.
You think you understand, now. You get up and face Arven with a determined smile on your face, declaring you're gonna help him and Mabosstiff.
A part of him thinks you're a bit of a maniac to help him so readily, but he's too grateful to really care.
He leaves the library once again, this time with a warm feeling in his chest.
The two of you go on your way and challenge the Titans and get a couple Herba Mystica (during which Arven finds out you're a skilled trainer as well as crazy smart)
After one of your escapades, both resting after defeating another Titan, you start rambling about some of your discoveries while Arven fixes the two of you some sandwiches.
"So I was digging through some information on the Herba Mystica, and apparently the Bitter variety can help circulation and body temperature regulation, isn't that amazing? I wonder how that works..."
Arven's back is to you when you trail off, and he turns to you, puzzled expression on his face.
"Why'd you stop?"
You feel warm. "Oh! I just didn't want to be annoying, i guess?"
He huffs. "Don't sweat it, little buddy. It's more helpful than anything." And hands you your sandwich.
Really, he just likes listening to you.
When you guys get the final Herba Mystica and Mabosstiff recovers, you smile as you see the duo's happiness.
You were trying to give them space, but Mabosstiff knocks you down and barks happily, nuzzling into you as his tail wags excitedly.
"Haha, it looks like Mabosstiff wants to say thank you, little buddy!"
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scarvi-tealdisc · 5 months
Heya! So this is my first time writing a fic for these characters! Pokemon Scarvi has become one of my favorite games to date, with the latest DLC igniting a love for the BB E4 cast. Especially Drayton, seeing that he reminds me of another white haired character (Friede from Pokemon Horizons) that I love haha
This fic is inspired from this ask response by @cheemken! It's a self indulgent piece mixed in with doses of self projection, and I had fun writing it! I'm hoping to get a better handle of their characters as I write more stuff about these characters in the future!
Series: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Indigo Disc DLC
Characters: Drayton, Crispin
Warnings: Plot involving food, eating food, intentions of feeding someone food
Crispin knew it’d be tough going into this but someone had to do it.
“C’mon Drayton, we gotta move all of this to the storeroom or else Lacey’s gonna flip!” Crispin stated in exasperation. He had his hands on his hips, trusty frying pan set aside for once. Narrowed eyes settled on his friend, who barely moved beyond lifting their head. 
“But there’s just so much of it. Can’t we just pile it in the corner and call it a day?” Drayton whined, sporting a cheeky grin that got Crispin’s blood boiling. 
Argh, why can’t he understand that they should have done this yesterday? Crispin wasn’t keen in seeing Lacey’s angry, disappointed frown even if it wasn’t directed at him! Drayton should know that she’d be on their case again for slacking off!
“Nope! These boxes needed to be moved yesterday but you wanted to nap first! No napping now! Move first, nap later!” Crispin’s insistence eventually led him to straight up grab Drayton’s wrist, tugging him to his feet.
Drayton wasn’t expecting this so they had no choice but to get up lest they faceplanted on the floor instead. While his friend rubbed the back of their neck, grumbling about feisty peppers or something, Crispin stared quizzically at his hand.
Why was he able to…?
“If you’re gonna make me get up for this, don’t zone out now.” Drayton’s voice snapped him out of the brief trance he was in. Right, they had stuff to do now. He should focus on completing this task first.
Hours later, Crispin still couldn’t forget it. He stared at his hand, fingers curling and uncurling around an imaginary wrist. He gently circled his own wrist with a thumb and forefinger, frown deepening.
Crispin didn’t realize how skinny Drayton actually was. Was it their attire that gave them the illusion of looking more filled out? He supposed the jacket hid their upper torso, while the cape wrapped around their waist made it seem… fuller or something. He wasn’t sure the right terminology to use, only that it didn’t sit right with him.
With how often Drayton snacked in the clubroom, the idea that he wasn’t eating enough never crossed Crispin’s mind. Sure, Drayton laziness rivalled that of a Slakoth but he didn’t think his friend would be too lazy to eat… unless there were other reasons? 
It made his head hurt a little when he tried to think too deeply on it. Crispin can’t just go out and ask them anyway. Knowing Drayton as well as he did, they’d probably wave of his concern, claiming that he was seeing things or something. Yet Crispin just can’t forget how thin their wrist felt. He hated the idea that one of his friends might not be eating enough.
After a brief brainstorming session that would’ve caused smoke to leak out of his ears, Crispin came up with a plan. He wasn’t as good as Drayton when it came to sneaking around and cooking up schemes but he was good at actual cooking.
Let's see what he had in his recipe book…
When Crispin poked his head into the clubroom, his eyes quickly landed on Drayton's slouched form by the desk. They looked to be munching on some snacks, which was far from nourishing in his opinion.
“Hey Drayton, are you busy right now?” Crispin piped up, entering the clubroom properly. In his hand was a small box wrapped up in a checker patterned cloth.
Drayton paused in his chewing. Slowly raising his head, he cocked an eyebrow, lips set into a faint grin.
“Nope. I'm pretty busy right now quality checking these snacks.” 
Crispin playfully rolled his eyes at the response. Drayton's teasing tone meant exactly that so he simply took a seat on the other side of the table. Placing the box in front of his friend caught their attention at least.
“So I've been doing some recipe testing. I wanted to spruce up common sandwich fillings, see if the taste can hold up even hours later. I tried them out and it's tasty but I want a second opinion,” Crispin explained while he unwrapped the lunch box. Upon taking off the top, it revealed various sandwiches with the crusts cut off, shaped in rectangles.
“What, so you want me to be your test Morpeko?” Drayton asked, arms now loosely crossed over their chest. They seemed interested at least with the sandwiches, which Crispin took as a small win.
“What, like I'd feed you bad food? Spicy food doesn't count!” Crispin quickly added before Drayton made a sassy remark. “But yeah, I could really use a second opinion and I do trust you so…”
Someone once commented that he had ‘eyes that were hard to resist’, which Crispin took as a compliment, thinking that it was his fiery spirit coming through. In actuality, he looked more like a pleading Lilliput more than anything.
Drayton locked eyes with Crispin for all of three seconds before they turned away, sighing.
“Alright, I'll give it a try. Geez, you'd think that should be classified as a weapon or something…”
Crispin ignored the rest of Drayton's mumblings, simply pleased as pie to watch his friend pick up one of the sandwiches. Looking at the color of the filling, that one had smashed eggs with a sprinkling of curry powder to give it an extra kick of flavor.
Drayton took a bite of the sandwich, chewing slowly before swallowing. The brief silence genuinely made Crispin sweat a bit but eventually, he got some feedback.
“This one's not bad. I'm getting hints of… some kind of spice.”
“It's curry powder! Specifically a blend that's pretty popular in Galar. Figured it would add a bit of a kick.”
“It's tasty. Adds a pop of flavor to the eggs.” Drayton took another bite of the sandwich. “I'm getting like different textures too. Smooth and a lil chunky. I like it.”
“Oh that's from adding some soft scramble with cut up pieces of boiled egg before I mixed both together in the sauce.” While Crispin beamed at the positive review of his creation, he also took note of Drayton's comment to file it away for later.
He seems to like contrasting textures.
Once Drayton finished their first sandwich, Crispin wasted no time in encouraging his friend to taste the next one. There was a bit of mild grumbling but Drayton did pick up the one that had shredded Klawf Stick next. 
This went on until Drayton finished tasting all the sandwiches in the box. Swiping off a bit of crumb from their bottom lip, Drayton flashed Crispin a lazy smile, leaning back against their chair.
“I suppose being your test Morpeko wasn't all that bad. You've been upping your seasoning game. There were all home runs, no strikeouts.”
Crispin tried to suppress a goofy smile. “Heh, thanks! I really appreciate the feedback too. Out of everything you've tried, was there a favorite?”
“Hmm… guess I liked the first one the best. The curry flavor added a lot to the filling.”
He seems to like curry flavors. Should look into making actual curry.
“Noted! Say, mind helping me out again tomorrow? I want to try out more fillings, maybe switching the bread up too.” Crispin tried to keep it cool, gazing at Drayton with his fiery eyes again.
“... sure, guess I don't mind.” Drayton’s eyes flicker to the left, one hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sweet! I'll see you tomorrow then!” Crispin gathered all his stuff before exiting the clubroom. With the door closed behind him, he pumped his fist triumphantly, hissing out a delighted yes.
Success! Drayton seemed none the wiser to his plan from the way they ate all the sandwiches he made. Crispin got some good information out of it too. It was important for him to take note of Drayton's potential likes and dislikes. Making food more tailored to their tastes will make things much easier down the road. 
Now he needed to come up with more enticing sandwich fillings for tomorrow. With a pep to his step, Crispin made his way back to his dorm room, where he will test out new flavor combinations for the rest of the day.
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archie-the-menace · 5 months
Seems like all Pokemon fans do is complain and complain but here’s something I’ve really enjoyed about Scarlet and Violet:
We have enough diverse pokemon to build entire, specifically designed ecosystems.
There’s pretty much a perfect pokemon for everything now. We have savanna pokemon, we have arctic pokemon, we have volcanic pokemon and Pokemon you’d find in cities.
Instead of just finding 4 different species in an area, you’ll find 10-15 unique species. It makes it so much more fun to explore.
I wish we had more programmed behaviors for the wild pokemon though, imagine how cute it’d be if they could interact with one another more.
Anyway, my point is I guess that it feels more like you’re out in nature and surrounded by wild animals. It’s really cool.
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csolarstorm · 6 months
There's a part of the Pokemon fandom that says Scarlet and Violet are the worst Pokemon games, and I get it. Everyone knows how bad the quality control is. It's been embarassing, and GameFreak knows it. What the will or won't do about it is another story.
On the other hand - when it comes to content, GameFreak is firing on all cylinders. There is so much care put into the characters, the story, the setting, the mysteries. The player character has a huge friend group - Nemona, Arvin, Penny, Carmine, and Kieran, and the fandom actually likes them, and talks about them, and each of them has fans. That's because they have actual character arcs. The friend group in XY can't hold a candle to them.
GameFreak is giving the story in S/V so much care that they're actually releasing an Epilogue on January 11th. They're actually giving the story an epilogue.
The gameplay is close to its peak in S/V, right behind the breath of fresh air that is Legends: Arceus. The abilities the character has to ride, climb, fly, send out Pokemon to do quick auto battles are fast, simplified, and freeing compared to older Pokemon games. It's fun to just pick up the game and mess around. Ride around randomly, pick up items, watch the Pokemon around you and how they act, and casually send out your own to KO some of them. This is even better in the DLC when you get Blueberry Quests, bite sized tasks that reward you for the random stuff you're doing anyway.
This does get to another significant problem that drags S/V down, and it's an issue with Pokemon on Switch as a whole. It's really expensive. Without the DLC, Scarlet and Violet don't have a third legendary, Koraidon and Miraidon can't fly, and the player doesn't experience the true conclusion of the story. The whole game with DLC is $93 together.
Does this nullify the quality of the game? It should not be this expensive, especially with the known problems with quality control and rushed graphics. I think the writers, artists, and game designers are objectively doing good work, but The Pokemon Company is definitely milking the games in a way that makes it hard for them. In the end, the overall quality of the end product with its compromises is ultimately up to each person to decide. For me, the content is getting overall better in each Pokemon game, and that definitely keeps Scarlet ane Violet from being the worst Pokemon game.
I mean, BDSP is right there.
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tealmaskmybeloved · 4 months
My Unorganized Thoughts About Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC: Part 2 The Indigo Disk
The Story
It was fine. There were some moments I enjoyed (especially Kieran) but I just thought it was fine. I do have some complaints, though.
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So.... is this tree ever going to be explained? Or at least will we find out why they hyped it so much in the trailers? You can't just hype something up and NOT expect us to be disappointed.
Oh well, I'll add it to the list of "Things that will not be explained"
Another thing. (Getting kinda serious here)
While, yes, I've seen some people who are glad that Kieran wasn't possessed by Pecharunt in the DLC, and who are glad that it was his own toxicity that made him the way he was without lifting him of the blame. I get that, and if you do like how the DLC went, more power to you! It's fine for you to enjoy how things went in canon, I'm not trying to be like "OH YOU CANT ENJOY IT BECAUSE I SAID SO". I'm not that kind of guy. I'm just a guy who likes ramble about stuff I like or dislike. I may not like how things were handled, and I may prefer a certain theory, but I'm open to hearing your opinions and discussions at any time. (My ask box is always open for a reason.)
I do not condone any kind of harassment to others who have differing opinions about the DLC and how Pecharunt was handled. It's fine for you to like how things were handled, it's fine for you to disagree with me. It's not fine to go after people who do like canon. Just respectfully disagree with them, and move on.
Anyways, moving on.
I was hoping that we'd get some toxic chain shenanigans.
(I won't go too in depth here because we still have the epilogue to get through)
I just feel like it makes more sense and is a nice parallel to the Loyal 3.
Okidogi wanted strength
Munkidori wanted wisdom
Fezandipiti wanted beauty
And Kieran wanted power
Kieran would have let his desires get the better of him, to the point where he'd be willing to do anything to get it, even if it involved a certain peach Pokémon.
That scene where Drayton calls Kieran "Ex-Champion", I thought that would've made Kieran bring out Dokutaro, and be like "Help me get revenge on the Player! I don't care how you do it!"
And BOOM, Kieran gets possessed and Dokutaro gets to have fun
(Granted, I'd have to work out how Terapagos fits in with all of this, but bear with me here)
Which reminds me
Terapagos was kinda underwhelming if I'm being honest. Like they hyped him up but shoehorn him in at the last minute.
(Kinda noticing a pattern here.)
Like we have this turtle that has all the types and stuff and is the Hidden Treasure oooooh
But then they just.... shove him in at the last minute.
Terapagos deserved better in my opinion
The Music
Bangers as always. If there's one thing that Pokémon does not disappoint, it's the music. (Kieran's Champion theme is my favorite although it keeps making me cry)
Plot: 6.5/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 1000/10
Pokemon Lore: 3/10
Overall: 6/10
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