#anyway i like these ship they're so cute imo
kopifurann · 1 month
Idk how much you care about history but I just learned this
In 1806 Napoleon incorporated Liechtenstein in the Confederation of the Rhine and made it a sovereign state. At the Vienna Congress the sovereignty of Liechtenstein was approved. Liechtenstein became a member of the German Confederation in 1815. This membership confirmed Liechtenstein's sovereignty.
And now I can't help but imagine some noble school AU or something where Liechtenstein is getting kinda pushed around by other students as "not a real noble" or whatever, only to be swept off her feet by France as he tells everyone to back off and respect her as one, and she's just there thinking "oh god, why does my face so hot and heart so fast all of a sudden"
Also uh yeah any ideas on France and Liechtenstein's relationship?
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SOBS THATS SO FUCKING ADORABLE also tagging @lunartexan since u have been asking for it lol
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Honestly i was going to draw a small comic about that scenario but i don't have too much time as i start working so ill just add things about them!!! For me FraLiech is so cute in Cardverse but i want to add a bit of Shoujo spice in it so, ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Francis is a crown Prince of Diamond, known for being this playboy lil shit who got himself to lots of problem because, well, considering he will become a King one day, he just though his freedom to fool around would end as soon as he's crowned (alas he would just say he found things boring because being melancholic seemingly would become out of character for the image he have in the public)
But despite this 'imperfect' behaviour of his, he's still adored by the peers and girls in this royal school since he's very good being this charming playful Prince that's kind.
Though it need to be known he's not really favoured by the nobility because of his 'image' since the motto of Diamond is like, "A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures" so he do got lots of whispers, gossips and the likes despite how hard he tried to be perfect. Basically this Prince always pushed to strive more than just enough because as he's going to be a King who represents the richest, flamboyant and vain Kingdom, he better be suited to carry the burden. (So ye you get why he can be a very mischievous and a huge playboy to cope)
Liech/Elise is a low born nobility who got pushed around by the high society in school. Though the school itself implemented how once students set their foot in the premise tittle should be shed, it's honestly can only be seen as suggestion often by the high rank nobility.
So one day she were bullied by her peers at the secret garden away from people to see , however, Francis just happen to be around to take a smoke (it's not allowed in the school premise, that's why he went there because nobody really go there) and helping Elise shoo'ing em away. Francis wasn't really care about Elise problem, though he do play around that he found those ladies who's bullying her were vulgar and foolish. Elise, being young and naive ofc fall for the Prince, albeit she also aware that there's no chance for them to be together because of their status. In the end though, i don't think something significant would happen between them when they were in school (at least not something to really progress their relationship romantically because at this age Francis don't really crave a serious relationship since he was aware how messy it is to pick a girl that one day would become a Queen so he pretty much just leave it his Father's vassal). Though Francis would help her around if things happen to her (Because it's would suit his 'kind and charming' image) but Francis graduate a year later and Elise stay as she's a first year. Years later Francis crowned and marrying Joan Who also used to be his personal Knight so she's also were in school. I would like to think she and Elise would have platonic friendship for a while and it's continue once Elise reach adulthood after graduating. They would have small tea parties from time to time, though Francis not often involved when the ladies have their own time. Years later, suddenly, Joan died. Struck with heavy grief, Francis mourn by himself while ignoring everything. His vassals beg for him to came out so he can quickly find a replacement for the Queen. Francis, out of spite, picking Elise, a woman with a very low status and have not much power in her family name to be his Queen.
So yeah, if im going to do RP about these two, i would probably have these as the premise lol.
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draconic-distress · 4 months
since you’re doing pokemon, have you ever heard of��.
Greyskyshipping, the beloved ship of hugh and nate????
..if you’re fine with drawing that i’d be super happy. don’t have to if you don’t want to though!
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GREYSKY SHIPPING YAAY :) they're silly i like them
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morningmarionette · 2 months
im currently writing an atsugawa (I hate the name shin soukoku or whatever I'm sorry but I'm actually not. also I cannot pronounce soukoku {this is the real reason I don't use soukoku}) and I don't even ship it lmaoo
#maris bsd 🗞️#like its not a bad ship for my personal tastes#I like them alot more in trios tho I've realized#absolutely adore anytime atsu aku and kyouka are together#two disaters and a teenage girl going through the inexplicable horrors#my favorite#I also desparately wish more people saw the atsulucygawa vision.....#anyways the fic is actually more like before an establish relationship but you can read it as romantic if you want#you'd have to work extra hard though because their bickering isn't like#romantic bickering they're actually kinda getting on each others nerves#but then they have a cute moment talking about their respective agency co workers and realize they do have common ground and that's how muc#they love their lil found dysfunctional families#actually its mostly akutagawa talking Abt port mafia (IM SICK OF PPL SAYING HE DOESNT CARE ABT THEM IDC I wRITE CANON NOW TY) and atsu#realizing that akus never rlly been in a position where he could safely and openly show his affection for anyone#and the one time he did they left (dazai) (this is how the conversation starts)#(aku says smth Abt gin and atsus like “awhh you care alot :3” and akus like “no I don't” and then atsus like “ykw its okay to care Abt ppl”#and akus like “:(( but what if they leave again” and atsus like “but what if they stay?” and basically lists all the reasons why they'd sta#and then akus gets all soft and has a nice moment of caring about everyone he works with#(except maybe chuuya I cant rmb any times they've interacted and i cant think of anything fun or like core memory things they'd do together#and then aku is like “what Abt you and your family? how are they?” and then it's atsus turn to be all sappy about their family#and so then they end up having a way better day than expected AND they walked away from it with a new friend and an even better#understanding of each other and stuff#yeah#reminder I don't even ship atsugawa but wow I feel deeply abt them both.#maybe Id like them as like QPR??#I can see that alot better#but man atsulucygawa....#even they'd probably be QPR though imo#anyways pushing my “aku doesn't feel like he can allow himself to share his affection for people because he doesn't want them to leave”#agenda ty for coming to my Ted talk
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Nowen is probably the most healthy Noah ship imo
They're cannonically best friends, and their dynamic is literally opposites attract. It's a perfect ship imo
Don't get me wrong, I still love other Noah ships (Noco, Alenoah, Nemma) but Nowens gotta be the healthiest
Plus Nowens literally so cute just by itself?? Like forget ab how healthy it is they're literally adorable and the (VERY LITTLE) fanart of them is so cute 😭😭
Anyways Nowen>>>Literally any other Noah ship
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nilboxes · 5 months
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Light cone art so powerfully homoerotic someone (me) furiously pumped out a 6k word fic in 2 days. They're going to kill me. 🔗 : AO3
Extensive notes/ramblings below!
I have not recovered from the mental power I had to pool to write this lmao I couldn't do anything at work except figure these two out and why Aventurine looked so BESOTTED but the absence of the little white dots in his eyes in the light cone and in the leaked models made him look like there's such an edge to him (someone on twitter pointed out that he has no light in his eyes!) and it really fanned the flames like what the fuck is this GUY ON and why is it directed at Dr. Ratio LMAO (I mean why not Ratio is so pretty)
So then I thought, there is NO WAY Ratio is going to react surprised or scared for Aventurine he's going to be ANNOYED lmao. There are possibly 2 more chances in that cylinder before it's 100% in there and I was looking at the probabilities on Wikipedia and I was laughing at myself at how a gay ship was going to make me STUDY probability when I hated this type of stuff in university and I was like yeah Ratio will probably be like hey, you can't stop there, and pulls twice lmao
And I was thinking they would make eyes at each other homoerotically while doing so because wow sexual tension so potent you can taste it through the screen in the LC art and everything just went from there I really cannot get over how Aventurine seems so... sooooooo in love with Ratio and in my head Ratio is like this man is insane what is he on but he gets a taste of that and it's like wow it's actually a little good but Ratio is also cautious so he won't ride that wave too hard but Aventurine looks really down bad for a man who seems like he doesn't care
So initially I really wanted to wait until Aventurine came out before I start my hyperfixation train because we know so little about him other than key facts I have formed in my head-- -he's perpetual smiler (confirmed by a leak of the loading screen blurbs) and like, idk from his design it just suits him and even in his voice cameo with Topaz his VA sounds like they are smiling while they are talking ALLL the time idk at least I got this one right -mr gambling gambler who is very self-assured about his luck, mr smug man. when I wrote he'd win 99.9-0.1 he believes this and if he dies I think to him it would just mean his time's up for realsies anyway and whatever idk man is not very sane -there's some really weird leaks and I'm not sure if it's confirmed but he was invited to be a Masked Fool which made him ALLL the more interesting for me because as a Sampo Mr Scammer fan it doesn't mean if he joins the Masked Fools he wouldn't be able to amass money but this guy seems to really like the thrill being an IPC senior manager provides then which is like this guy is a lives fast dies young kinda guy -I HC from that neck tattoo he could have been an indentured servant (cough slave cough) or a prisoner of some kind, but eitherway it says he wasn't privileged in any sense of the word but the way his character design is so decked out in rings gold watches and even a bracelet it means he's climbed very far, so he is an ambitious man, lots of "material pleasures" as Dr Ratio puts it in my fic and he still wants more. That kinda guy makes for a very intense lover imo very "I get what I want" type, and I really wanted to balance that with his attraction to Dr Ratio and how he doesn't want to drive Dr Ratio away with his crazy but he's also very horny... Anyway I also totally underestimated his height difference with Dr Ratio I really should have pulled up that leak of them side by side but ahh being a short king dom top is so cute on him
As for Dr Ratio I really cannot see him top unless Aventurine power bottoms why but he's so "diligent" in all aspects but I see him being a pillow princess in bed
I also feel a little bad that I wasn't able to write more bickering between the two of them but I also feel like the normally talkative Dr Ratio keeps HIGH HIGH walls around Aventurine because it's hard to tell what this guy is thinking so he's thinking so hard trying to make sense of it all and he says little as not to give away anything that might be wrong
I feel like adding "all is fair in love and war" in Latin omina iusta sunt amore belloque was a little gratuitous but I also want to subtly sprinkle in that Aventurine is so obsessed with Ratio, so down bad for him, that he reads stuff about Dr Ratio a lot enough to come across a translation of the quote and I'm like no yeah way Ratio can deal with crazy-eyed Aventurine saying/declaring love while he's still computing the electric exchange they had so he's definitely like picking up on Aventurine's obsession/infatuation with him and he's like NOPE DON'T SAY IT and would rather kiss him to shut him up than hear it lmao
I honestly despaired at how I was going to start closing the scenes because it was like nighttime and I wanted to finish it already because they're killing me, so like, making Ratio fall asleep while Aventurine pours his heart out (I asked a friend who read it what he thought Aventurine said and they got it spot on so I figure it was conveyed properly on my end and I was really proud of this bit) seemed like a cute way to do it. The narration lied, Dr Ratio heard it but he got selective hearing and totally did NOT want to reply/acknowledge it. Poor Aventurine, but it's not as if he won't try again
I have waaay more ideas about them and I wonder if I can hold off until Aventurine releases or we get more crumbs idk but I want to write some kuudere Ratio (with a bit of tsun hehe)
Special mentions other than the lightcone art that fueled me: this art from Twitter that and this post that kinda made me think long and hard...
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currantlee · 8 months
(I didn't find this cutscene by itself on YouTube in English, so y'all are gonna have to deal with a link to a specific timestamp in the video - anyway, here's the Japanese version sans subtitles)
Okay, but can we talk about the Revelation ending cinematic for a second, please?
Like, I know this game is several years old at this point, but this cinematic is still so perfect, like, come on!! Apart from the strellar video quality that all of the 3DS games have, there is so much love and detail in just this one scene.
You have eight characters in the scene, and none of them are standing around and doing nothing. This is obviously not counting Corrin, who is really more of a stand-in for the player in this scene - also, funfact!
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Theoretically, you should see Corrin in this shot since in the end of the cutscene, when the little sisters drag Corrin to the rest of the siblings, they're running in the direction of the trees in the background, indicating that this is where Corrin should stand. But they're not in this shot.
Regardless, having eight characters in one scene and each of them not just say something, but do something (rather than just standing by idly until it's time to say their lines) is impressive! Even more impressive is that the things they do are not just standard / repetitive motions, but rather small details that are easy to miss, yet so in-character. I put some of my personal highlights under the cut - what are yours?
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Right before the little sisters run towards them, Camilla smiles and gives Corrin / the player a little wave, and it's the sort of smile that we rarely see from this character - a very sincere smile that reaches her eyes.
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Very easy to miss, but I love how just before the little sisters run to Corrin, Takumi (and, less obviously, Leo too!) look lovingly at their little sisters (whom both of them are shown to have a close relationship to in the supports, it's such a nice touch IMO!), while Camilla and Hinoka are looking at Corrin, and Xander and Ryoma are looking at the scene unfolding in front of them.
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There is also this cute interaction Takumi initiates with Leo, which I find especially cool because after Ryoma and Xander make their vow to keep peace and Elise cheers that Sakura and her can be friends now, Takumi remarks how he wishes it were that easy to forgive, and Leo responds by saying that healing can only begin with trust - which is not only very true in my experience, it's one of my favorite lines from the entire game. If you take anything away from Fates as a story, it should be this.
So anyway, Takumi seems to think about Leo's words a bit before he nods and agrees. So regardless of whether you ship Leokumi or not (I do, and this interaction is definitely a bonus to me), you can kind of see this interaction as an extension to Takumi's agreement from earlier, where he specifically decides to trust and befriend Leo.
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The next part of this interaction is a bit harder to see because the camera pans to the sisters. Camilla and Hinoka have a little interaction with Sakura and Elise. Hinoka even bends down so they're on the same level (cool aunt character indeed), and it looks like they're moving their lips to actually say something, even though that's not part of the dialogue. Xander and Ryoma also watch this unfold (while Leo gets shoved in a friendly way by Takumi).
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Leo, judging by his expression, did not expect this and is not exactly happy about in the first second of surprise. You can actually see him breathe heavily directly after stumbling forward, indicating that he was indeed startled by this. However, he then goes on to laugh it off, like "haha, you got me". Meanwhile, Takumi does not instantly turn around to Corrin again, but actually takes a step towards Leo and even turns to him for a bit, as if to make sure he's okay. The other siblings (safe for Elise) also turn to them briefly.
By the way, at the end of the scene, Takumi's hand is still on Leo's back. Also, Camilla is actually the last one to turn around to face the camera / Corrin. Instead, she takes a long look at the united families until her gaze lands at Corrin when the screen already fades to white.
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
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Ok @fluffydice, sorry for the lateness on this one but as anyone following this blog for over 5 minutes probably knows, I think Aiura x Saiki x Akechi makes so much sense and it is insanely compelling to me. I've posted so much fanfic about it already and that's only like 20% of the Thoughts™ I've had about them tbh.
But when you're doing an analysis of a triad, you have to breakdown 3 different ships and also how they would work simultaneously, so I needed time to write it all up. Buckle in!
Let's talk about Saiki x Aiura first since they had the most screen time together and they're the most "canon". I was genuinely shocked to see how rare this pairing is in fandom when they're literally canonically soulmates and also actually prove it on their every interaction.
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From their very first meeting, Aiura and Saiki work together flawlessly to save Yumehara's life many times in a row + the life of the truck driver. Aiura then figures out how to hang out with Saiki without having to deal with his tsundere rejection, which he can leave at any time (unlike with Teruhashi) because she knows about his powers and won't stir up trouble if he leaves. Saiki keeps allowing her to schedule 1:1 dates and is basically like "don't bother asking me, you know I'll go" about the dessert buffet date lol.
Even when they disagree and neither of them will back down, they still work wonderfully together and they both end up learning and growing from it. Saiki trusts Aiura to help him, and Aiura always agrees to help him just because she cares. That's HUGE considering how hard it is for Saiki to ask for literally anything!!
Aiura also respects Saiki's boundaries more than anyone else imo. She only joins him when he's out in public, she tries her usual heavy-handed flirting at first but quickly adjusts when she realizes he's not into it, she puts her clothes back on immediately after realizing that she misunderstood the situation, she starts asking him out instead of just joining him, she asks for a kiss and respects his "no", and she hugs him anyways because they both really need it after the stress of the day.
And Saiki responds to that, opening up more with Aiura than he has with anyone else in way less time. Aiura had under 2 years with Saiki while Saiki's core friend group had like 6 years, and yeah, she benefited some from his character growth over the past 4 years. But still, the way he banters with her shows how comfortable he is– he's more open with her than with anybody else, and not just with his annoyance like he is with Toritsuka lmao.
Also, come ON, there's just no one more deserving of an epic husband/wife local god with transformation powers than Aiura. She works so hard with her powers to help everyone and convinces Saiki to help others more and she helps him get the best outcomes for everyone. Let her get her hands on her soulmate who can make her bi dreams come true, who can give her third eye a break from constantly seeing auras and death marks, who can grow big fluffy wings to hug her with, etc etc etc!!!!! LET HER HAVE SOME FUN FFS!!
There's wayyyy more people forcing Aiura into the platonic bucket with Saiki than I've seen with Teruhashi (even though Aiura has way better chemistry with Saiki), which forces me to wonder whether it's because Aiura is more overtly sexual and "lowbrow" than Teruhashi, showing more cleavage, getting bad grades, putting stickers on her face because they're cute, showing pride in her sexual escapades. None of those make her a bad person, but a lot of people seem to think it does.
Some people more reasonably point out that if Saiki is very asexual and Aiura has a high libido then that could cause trouble for them. Well, first of all, while Saiki is pretty much obviously somewhere in the asexual and aromantic spectrum, his belief that boyfriend is the next level after best friend shows that demiromantic / demisexual is a strong possibility for him. And honestly I'd argue that whatever he has going on with Satou is at least partially sexual, though I'm not going to get into that in this already long-ass post lol.
But basically, I think there's a lot of room for a demiromantic and graysexual interpretation of Saiki and considering that Aiura has apparently stopped going out with other men for at least 2 years with no ill effects that we can see, it's quite possible that they'll be very compatible in bed after all. And if not, that's where consensual non-monogamy comes in lol. But genuinely I think that the fact that they're soulmates means that there probably aren't any major incompatibilities between them, otherwise the term would be meaningless.
So yeah, makes sense and really compelling because there's so much room for stories on how they actually got together, how they work together as their powers continue growing, and what their future looks like!
OKAY, now it's time for the Saikechi essay lol.
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Actually, I don't think Saikechi needs a ton of justification, because it's kinda standard extrovert x introvert childhood friends to lovers lol. Saikechi only isn't more popular because Akechi appears for like 5 whole minutes in the undubbed second season of the anime and he was annoying for 90% of that time hsfjdlshfks rip.
But yeah, Akechi and Saiki are quite perfect together, as shown by the horse gambling episode. Akechi can see right through Saiki's tsundere facade and Akechi is extremely open about his wants and needs, which is important since Saiki can't properly understand his thoughts most of the time and is very bad at figuring that stuff out even with telepathy.
They're both some flavor of ace. Akechi offu's at Teruhashi and comments that she's the most beautiful women he's ever seen, but does not express wanting to date her, which is big ace vibes, plus he's one of the few characters that doesn't have anything to say about Aiura's boobs lol (even Teruhashi can't shut up about them). They're also similar flavors of highly intelligent + neurodivergent. Consider Akechi's analysis skills vs Saiki's ability to come up with dozens, if not hundreds of plans in extremely short notice.
Akechi is also great at making accommodations for Saiki's powers, even without knowing about all of them, and coming up with activities they can do together that will be equally fun and challenging for both of them! And I still love that it was Akechi showing Saiki what a fun low-stakes game can be like that basically repaired Kusuo's relationship with his brother (see: manga, as this was cut from the anime 😩).
It's a very nice and straightforward ship that still leaves a lot of room for fun stories. I've been dying to write a Saikechi frogboil (plotted but needs writing) just because Akechi would be so perfect at it and he would be very likely to approach Saiki that way to get around all the tsundere bullshit lol.
OKAY, now for the third leg of the triangle lol, Aiura and Akechi!!
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(couldn't find an anime gif of this moment which is SO SAD)
Let's be real, Akechi and Aiura only share 5 moments on screen: the intro with all the chibis, when Aiura checks out his aura, when Aiura & Toritsuka kidnap him, the competition to find Saiki's hanky, and Akechi pestering Aiura about dress code violations in the every-character-appears episode. And 3 of those scenes are from the same chapter lmao.
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Actually I think this ⬆️ scene is kinda cute because Akechi's teasing Aiura lol, I think he's being friendly in his little freak way <3
HOWEVER, if shipping was only about what we saw on screen, then it would be way more boring. So let's think about it!
Aiura and Akechi actually share a lot of similarities: they're both extroverts, they're both incomprehensible, they are both almost immune to lies, they have both have a drive to help other people including strangers, and they're both seeking someone who will love and understand them as they are.
They would just make a really great fit! Akechi could help with Aiura's fortune-telling by prompting better questions for her to ask, and Aiura might actually make Akechi's mystery-solving TOO easy, so she probably holds back on that one lol. Akechi would throw himself wholeheartedly into working against a death mark on a stranger.
They're so fun to think about too because neither of them is embarrassed easily at all and they're both completely in touch with their own feelings so they are going to be SO lovey-dovey, no matter how cringe it seems on the outside lmao.
Akechi seems like he'd love doing traditional courtship if given half the chance, and Aiura seems like she's mostly had one-night-stand kind of situations until now, so what a perfect opportunity to indulge! What a change for Aiura to date someone who respects her and isn't just after her body! What a change for Akechi to date someone who actually wants to hear what he has to say and isn't put off by his frankness around taboo topics!
They'd pick up phrases from each other and develop so many ridiculous in-jokes that become their own sort of language, which makes them both even more incomprehensible.
We do also run into the allosexual x asexual problem here but Akechi is so unbothered by bodily functions and so quick to find compromises and enrichment that I genuinely think he'd kind of turn that into a game lmao.
And I think Akechi would be down to start a family and give his kid(s) the kind of loving home he never really got to enjoy with his parents' ongoing domestic turmoil. And their kid(s) would be sooooooooo incomprehensible, bless. 🙏🏾 Raised by 1.5 psychic parents and sprinkling both terminally online lingo and academia-level terminology into their speech from day 1. Imagine...
So Aikechi definitely gets the A+ on making sense and being compelling here!
Which FINALLY brings us back around to the main question... Does Aiura x Saiki x Akechi make sense, and is it compelling?
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Well, obviously I think so, since I've posted so much about it lol.
I think the main question for the viability of this ship is whether Saiki would be comfortable with polyamory, since Aiura and Akechi are unconcerned enough with social norms that they'd probably have no problem with it.
After some time getting used to the thought that he will never have the veneer of normal he's always wanted to project and that the pleasures of living authentically far outweigh the pains of being different, I think Saiki would actually love having his best friends as lovers and not having to choose only one person.
After all, most of his struggle is about lack of connection and his alienation from humanity. Well, here are Akechi and Aiura, who respectively mirror his lonely childhood and growing up with uncontrollable powers. They're both clever enough to see through his tsundere bullshit, they're both happy and able to help him with his powers & duties to save others, and they will both stand up to him if he's wrong or letting something slide to avoid conflict.
They're both perfect for him! And Akechi and Aiura would be much happier sharing him than trying to make him choose between them since they also get along so well. And let's be real, Saiki definitely deserves to be loved by the two people who know him the best. 💜
There's also a lot of story potential for how this ends up happening. In Extra Love Stories of Psychics, Saikechi and Saiura are basically happening in parallel and the Aikechi will close in the loop in a few chapters. But in Didn't see this one coming, I wanted to focus on Aikechi, so they get together and are basically ready for Saiki to finish his character growth and join whenever lmao.
You could also have them as like a hero team of lovers if you want more action-y plots, though tbh it's really hard to come up with situations they wouldn't immediately solve lol rip.
Another nice thing about Aiura, Akechi and Saiki being together is that Aiura and Akechi get a chance to help each other overcome some of Saiki's limitations, and the stuff they can't work around, Akechi and Aiura can do together.
An easy example is hand-holding. Changing Saiki's gloves to another texture is all well and good but sometimes you want to touch skin to skin, and it's much more overwhelming than calming for Saiki to do that. Akechi and Aiura can hold each other's hands without gloves though, and while it's not the same as holding Saiki's, it helps a lot to fulfill that desire.
Also, it's almost impossible for Aiura to surprise Saiki because he can read her thoughts, but while Akechi can probably figure out that she's planning something in general, she would have a much easier time surprising him. And similarly, since Saiki can't properly read Akechi's mind and doesn't have too much emotional intelligence, Akechi has to openly communicate his needs with Saiki all the time, which isn't a problem for him. But it's really nice when Aiura can tell from his aura or from her own emotional intelligence what Akechi wants/needs without having to explain himself. And even if Saiki can literally hear Aiura's thoughts, Akechi is still better at responding to her feelings because he's not tsundere and he actually understands feelings and what to do about them.
Additionally, Aiura has said she wants to be a mother, and while Saiki's affection for kids indicates to me that he wouldn't mind having kids, I think that he would be VERY opposed to passing on his genes due to how much trouble his powers have caused him. And Aiura's genes also are probably loaded with psychic powers! But if Akechi is there, then he can knock up Aiura no problem since he doesn't seem to have any psychic powers, and then the three of them can have their own family <3 Plus all the shenanigans that comes with having 2.5 psychics (and maybe more!) under one roof!
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In conclusion, they're perfect, your honor!!
Also I probably should've been writing more fic of them instead of writing this novel XD XD
Thanks for the ask!!
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directdogman · 1 year
i have a genuine question thats been like. eating my brain. well more like 2 i guess
-whats your opinion on olandy???
-would olandy ever be in the slightest in some weird form and fashion ever be canon?
i just think about when the oliver plush was hinted at and how the randy was blushing and just kinda. "hrm"
I think Olandy's a cute ship. I've enjoyed seeing cute ship art between them. Olandy is definitely one of the most obvious ships given that Oliver + Randy seemingly know each other well but never exactly reveal HOW they met in-game or even how familiar they are with each other. They're also romantically compatible. The ship occurred to me long before DT was released and imo, it's the strongest (off the top of my head, anyway) DT ship that doesn't involve Gingi.
There was a cut easter egg idea that involved asking Randy out, then asking Oliver out BEFORE you go to meet Randy, only to show up with Oliver as normal. Since Oliver + Gingi take the subway (which Randy cannot afford to use), Randy arrives late and sees that Gingi has *already* decided to go with someone else while Randy was getting there. Oliver and Randy awkwardly meet before the date begins. I was really busy putting the game together, so I just added a line of code to disable the option to ask Randy or Karen out BEFORE Randy gets there. The more I think about this idea, the more I wanna go back to the game and add it as a free update.
Oh, by the way: the thought of an Olandy DLC route is actually pretty tempting. It'd be up there with, like something involving the unfortunate Ticket Jerry, or perhaps a fuuuull Roger route?
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mari-am · 9 months
I'm bored and it's way too hot to go outside so I'm going to rate Saiki K ships as someone who ships pretty much anything :) (Ships under the cut bc it's a lot lol)
Kubokai: Classic, 7/10. Would rate higher but there's just more interesting ships imo.. Saiura: It's alright, 8/10. I just like Aiura's dynamic in ships, she's so fun!! I like the hugging scene after the volcano. Terusai: Same as Saiura, 8/10. I like Teruhashi. My favourite scene with these two is when Saiki steals he milkshake LMAO Kaisai: 7/10, don't really have an opinion on this one. I like the dynamic. Saikechi: 8/10, I like this one. I'm a sucker for childhood friends to enemies :) Torisai: 8/10, I think this one is fun. Toritsuka is an interesting character to me. Kubosai: 6/10, I'm sorry :( I WANT to like this one but I just... don't like it very much.... Satousai: 5/10, Eh. Average, like Satou. I don't really care for it either way. Totally didn't rate it 5/10 instead of 6/10 just for that joke haha
Teruimu: 10/10, yes!! Women!!!! Sadly there isn't that much content for them, but I really enjoy them!! Yumekai: 8/10, I just love the awkwardness in the relationship LMAO.. Yumehara's simping will never not be hilarious to me. Aiura x Yumehara: 9/10, Yeahhhhhh!! Women part 2!!!! Couldn't remember their shipname... Makokuu: I like it, 8/10! Ideal date destination is therapy. Nensai: 8/10, honestly I didn't ship this until I read the light novels. 100% would reccomend reading those though, they're very cute!! Even if they're a bit cringe sometimes... Anyways, you can read the light novels here :) Saisai: 6/10, that's a fucking weird name... But I don't really care for it.
Nendou x Hairo: 8/10, cute! Nendou is pretty fun in most relationship scenarios imo. Forgot the shipname again... Aikechi: 8/10, would never have considered this one if it wasn't for Nopsi, but I like this one now!! Torikechi: 7/10, not much to say about this one. It's alright. Might reblog this later with any other ships I can think of :)
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thebeeskeys · 21 days
This is me pressing you to elaborate on why zutara is the superior ship please
I mean, if you feel like it. No pressure. But yeah I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts
No worries! This is super exciting because this is my first ask. So excuse me for being nervous!
So to give some context, I was 6 when ATLA came out for the first time. As a 6 year old, I didn't really care about shipping yet, but I wanted Zuko for myself, lmao. I rewatched the series right when Nickelodeon rereleased ATLA with the little info cards at the bottom. I believe I was a biut older then, maybe like 9? 10? Anyway, as I rewatched the show, I noticed that Kataang didn't really have as much chemistry imo. Don't get me wrong, there are some really cute Kataang moments and if Zuko wasn't right there I'd be happy. BUT! I always saw Katara as mothering Aang, which, is fine because that's the role she has been for her entire life. But there didn't seem to be much more to it. To me, it read like, a little boy having a crush on his babysitter and his babysitter finding it cute/adorable.
I originally started shipping Zutara because "Oh she's water and he's fire! thats cute!" But they are so complimentary in the best ways. Like, he's Tui to her La. They are seemingly forever in a song and dance, tip toeing around each other but never merging, not quite. And that suspense, that sense of passion that both drive them, is engaging for me. They both love their people, and want to do what's right. Even if Zuko's right, at least in the beginning, is wrong.
Plus they're the grumpy sunshine and gloomy cloud partners trope, how could I not love that lol
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namimikan · 3 months
finished cursed princess club!!!! SO wholesome!!!
-imo, i still really like all the arranged marriage ships, so my headcanon is that even if the engagements are broken, they get back together at a later date anyway, once blaine resolves his issues and maybe visits a certain monastary. i do think lorena/lance/suzie happens.
-i still don't really like leopold/jamie as a ship? i really tried, and i just... don't see it working out, even if i like jamie falling for leopold! i still can't figure out why i don't like leopold returning those feelings??? all of princesses' romances had such fun manic energy to them, but that was also them finding common ground... whereas jamie's fun manic energy kind of just... worked negatively on leopold, so from leopold's perspective, yeah, i can see him loving jamie as a friend, but more than that, i'm just... not convinced.
-i'm still v. surprised that leland didn't declare his unrequited love for jackie tbh??? to me, he's been in love with jackie for such a long time, marrying isolde only because jackie/lilyth were going to get married too. whatever, i'm still v. charmed by them, and i think they could work it out after some relationship councilling or whatever, what's a couple of revenge schemes among friends and potential incest implications with the whole plaid/pastel marriages happenings.
-i imagine prez/whitney get back together. he may not be rich, but she bears him four children anyway, and they're beautiful together.
-not sold on aurelia/cronis. i liked aurelia's redemption storyline, and her reading the diary when prez told her not to. but... didn't care about her dating life. i do kind of wish she had more panels with her bestie tho.
-monika/orson cute as hell!
-thought i was going to get some syrah/saffron declarations of love, and well... so sad that didn't happen!!!!! oh well, at least i get them both admitting that they had crushes on each other at different points of the story!
-loved the witch having a friendship with lilyth!!!!! so cute!!!!!
-lobsters are eternal in their love for each other!!!!! super adorable that he went and got himself cursed too bc he missed her so much!!!!
-i do love that gwen is gwen's true love. she broke the curse. she learned to love herself whole again. and sure, she has days that she struggles, but... she is surrounded by people she loves.
-i'm so glad bozart did nothing wrong in his life, ever. and went on to live happily ever after with his clown posse.
-i love how intricately plotted everything came to be!!! it was so well done!!!
-i'm gonna miss the chaos. it got so chaotic and so fun so quickly!!!
-truer words have never been said with live, laugh, love, laverne.
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yuri-official · 4 months
give me a pitch for korekiibo!!! i wanna hear! :)
Korekiyo's whole deal is being obsessed with the beauty of humanity, right? Studying how different people behave under different circumstances, sort of observing from the outside. Despite the love xe feels for humanity, there's this sort of alienation. Xe ends up watching everyone else from the edge of the room during class events, xyr this kind of tall, dark, unnerving presence with greasy hair and a mostly obscured face and unconventional interests. In a lot of xyr interactions with the rest of the V3 cast, xyr classmates seem really uncomfortable or even actively distrusting of xem.
And Kiibo's matches up really well with Korekiyo's, their through line is how disconnected they feel from humanity despite being like. The ultimate reflection of everything humankind is. Kibo aspires to be more human, and feels outright offended when their classmates insinuate that they're less than human, or that their life doesn't have the same value as any other person's. They feel like they need to be useful or provide something of value to their friends in order to deserve a place in their circle
(side note I am Not going to use he/him for either of these characters ever. transfem Kiibo + nonbinary Korekiyo supremacy. these are mostly the versions of them i’ve made up in my head anyways so who cares that's all shipping is anyways)
Korekiyo would be the perfect person to affirm Kiibo's value as a person and humanity imo, while Kiibo is a good in-point for Korekiyo to start socializing with more of their friends. I won't take this as an opportunity to shill for my Korekiibo fanfiction, but I have a whole speech from Kiyo written out talking about how Kiibo is the culmination of humanity's desire to share the experience of sentience etc etc
Robotlover Korekiyo Shinguji, you can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands. What's more human than something created by humanity the way they were created in the image of 'god'? etc
It's really cute!! Korekiyo Does Not Shut Up but thankfully Kiibo loves listening, and there's a lot of substance in what xe says. Even if it rambles for an hour on end, there's information to be gained there, and that applies especially to Kiibo. I think xe would be really interested in the ways Kiibo tries to be more than just the ‘Ultimate Robot’, how they strive to be as close to humankind as they can despite being a robot.
I think Kiibo and Korekiyo would find comfort in each other's shared distance from their peers, too. Korekiyo clearly has a very non-traditional or even distorted view of intimacy and relationships, and likely an extreme discomfort with feeling like xyr out of control. Xe likes to be the person who has information and knowledge to give in xyr relationships, kind of taking up the role of teacher in most conversations in canon.
Kiibo is sort of new to the whole idea of interpersonal relationships, but still goes out of their way to seek out that king of intimacy, as shown in their free time and love suite events. They seem like the type to be eager to learn, which fits perfectly with Korekiyo's affinity for teaching. I can imagine them cuddling while Korekiyo infodumps for hours on end about the entire history of fortune telling or something lol
And now: Things I Just Think Are Really Cute About Their Dynamic
- Consider that Kiibo could probably pick up Kiyo and have xem perched on their shoulder like a weird bird if their strength limiters were turned off. That beast probably weighs about as much of a stack of paper cups wearing a military uniform, xe’ll blow away like a napkin if you roll down the windows of a car on the highway
- Korekiyo is Wife Guy: Evil Edition in my mind. Xyr the type to send xyr partner flowers and the first unlucky person to upset that partner a pipe bomb. Kiibo finds this very reassuring but is working on helping xem find ways of expressing affection that aren’t also felonies
- Korekiyo says things like ‘I think if I were to eat you you would taste like strawberry shortcake’ and Kiibo is just. Okay ❤️ Yay ❤️ All of xyr compliments are incredibly unnerving but Kiibo finds them endearing anyways
- The visual contrast between the two is just. Augh. Tall and flowy and gorgeous and a little terrifying and 5’3 robot with spiky white hair and chunky armour and shounen protagonist demeanour. They are so Connecticut Clark and Malfina to me
- Korekiyo is a BDSM aficionado and Kiibo does not know what sex is
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i have. more
so much more
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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I absolutely hate these kinds of posts so I thought I'd do it to see first hand how many people actually like it and care about other people's opinions on their ships so...
my arbitrary ratings of non canon pjoverse relationships and why I think they would never work (or would) (scroll down for canon)
perachel: 3/10 nothing but platonic vibes, their brief stint felt more like an experiment than genuine romantic feelings or attraction; they both deserved better
percico: 1/10 a reiteration of an earlier post: their relationship would get bogged down by unshared feelings and grief, plus nico's crush was just a crush, and percy never had feelings in the first place
perlypso: 0/10 their whole interaction was percy being half dead and calypso being manipulated, not to mention she cursed him
pereyna: 2/10 any het relationship with reyna feels icky to me, she just seems so queer coded (which makes sense cause she literally joined an ace club), and percy was so focused on annabeth when they first met it just doesn't seem fair to either of them
pipercy: 4/10 this is a FRIENDSHIP I wanna see them figuring out they're bi together so much platonic potential
jercy: 7/10 honestly if I had to put these two with anyone else, I would choose this ship solely for the tension in mark of athena and that an alternate ship name is person
percypollo: 0/10 icky, pedophilic, and honestly kinda homophobic. percy would never enter a relationship with a god anyway
percy/literally any god: 0/10 see percypollo
lukercy: -1/10 imo there is no way to write this in a way that's not abusive, predatory, and just bad in general. i will not take the "enemies to lovers" storyline for this one either because there are some things that just aren't redeemable, and i consider luke's actions irredeemable. plus both their histories with annabeth make this ship very, very icky
pipabeth: 9/10 favorite non canon pairing, I can totally see a threesome with Percy, these two have such a great dynamic, only minus a point because I love percabeth too much
lukabeth: 0/10 sexist, icky, just all around a red flag
jasabeth: 2/10 nothing but platonic vibes
reynabeth: 4/10 they would be so powerful together, but feelings and emotional skills would be their undoing
jeyna: 0/10 see pereyna
leyna: 2/10 sibling vibes and see pereyna
theyna: 8/10 see reynabeth, but also I would love to see their similarities come to a head when they actually have to confront their feelings
apollo/reyna: 0/10 this is a thing?? ew???? reyna has such a huge issue with authority and the gods in general, it would never work, and see pereyna and percypollo
pipeyna: 7/10 would be good, but I need more info, though I think it would bring piper's jealousies to a nice full circle, especially if it was used in a way that helps piper figure out her sexuality
liper: 3/10 sibling vibes, I do not like
jiper: 5/10 that's right y'all, this isn't canon anymore! cute while it lasted, but they were completely made up and forced together by hera. that does not make a good, trusting relationship where one party is missing crucial details and the other remembers things that didn't happen, honestly i would have much rather they just ended it in lost hero when they realized hera was manipulating them
thaluke: 3/10 so much complicated history, I see them as ross and rachel from friends only worse
valgrace: 6/10 platonic mostly, but I can see it turning into something; I think they could definitely be good for each other; would love to see some healing centered stuff for them
valdangelo: 0/10 they barely interact, and their personalities are not the cute "opposites attract" it is straight up "we are both intensely traumatized, but in different, incredibly clashing ways"
haleo: 4/10 I can see it, but with sammy, it's just too complicated
fraleo: 5/10 I like the tension, but ultimately their personalities would clash too much
frazeleo: 10/10 this might be the only non canon ship I really wish was canon. separate, they are boring and clash with each other so much, but I think having the three of them together would provide a buffer when necessary while also keeping things fun and interesting
jasico: 3/10 very much a sibling relationship, seems to me like they were just shoved together because they were there
tratie: 10/10 floors me that they aren't canon
sally/poseidon: 2/10 sure it would work but she is an independent woman who wants less a man and more someone to love her and be there for her that isn't her son
ruegard: 8/10 would 100% ship it if i didn't love beckengard so much, plus i love the patrochilles parallels here
canon ships in order from least favorite to favorite:
zeus/hera: -10/10 sucks ass, their relationship is built on mistrust and a forced marriage, hera is quite literally shackled while zeus does whatever the hell he feels like while hera takes her anger out on anyone but him
god's/any of their affairs: 0/10 there's a reason none of them lasted
piper/shel: 4/10 another reiteration: ig it could be something, but it was literally a few paragraphs, and we know piper is experimenting with her sexuality, so it could be anything, not just a permanent romantic ship
caleo: 4/10 calypso needs some time to figure herself out and not be chained to a person or place; maybe they can try again after they both have some more life experience
frazel: 6/10 cute, but they're still pretty young, even by pjo standards, and compared to the other canon ships they're kinda dull imo, but i do love the awkwardness
beckengard: 9/10 absolutely love it, wartime romance, tension, dying for each other, trying for elysium for each other, only minus a point because one of them was a spy
sally/paul: 9/10 i love it, i'm so glad sally finally found a decent man, only minus a point because...adults
gruniper: 9/10 very cute, would be 10/10 but the start of their relationship felt kinda wonky to me like rick just wanted to pair grover with someone
solangelo: 10/10 adorable, checks all my boxes - opposites attract, healing from trauma, one extrovert one introvert, there is absolutely no downside
percabeth: 11/10 the OGs, the ship i use as a standard for all of my other ships no matter the fandom, still my absolute favorite ship, there was not a single bad track, they are so good for each other
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juneviews · 1 year
GMMTV randomized shipping wheel pt.2
here we go again, I had too much fun with part one & a few of you wanted a part 2! so like last time, I put the current gmmtv cast on a virtual spinning wheel, spun it 20 times to create 10 random couples & rated them!
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I SWEAR I DIDN'T FAKE THIS LMAO 😭 so um... I did write a seandan not me fic & simply adore both of these babes, so... yeah of course I'm into this lol. I think they did have great enemies to lovers chemistry in not me, and them being work out buddies irl was adorable! they're also kings of having chemistry with literally anyone so I know given the opportunity they would absolutely SLAY 😌 also they would be such an attractive couple lol, sorry I need to mention that since both of them are two of my absolute ultimate celebrity crushes 🥰 and lastly since I've always wanted to see off in a ship with a guy who's taller than him this would be *chef's kiss* 9/10
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hmmmmm... I don't really see it but to be fair, I didn't see force & neo either and that didn't keep them from absolutely eating each other's faces in the only friends mock trailer 😂 and I ABSOLUTELY didn't see pond & nanon together and that didn't stop pond from being so good at flirting with him in dirty laundry! so all of that to say that both force & pond have very flirty energies and are good actors so while I wouldn't pair them together out of my own volition, if it were to happen, I'm certain they would 100% make it work! 6.5/10
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so I love both of these babes individually and they're both the king & queen of ig imo, but together on-screen? I'm gonna be honest, I can't really see it :( I do think if it were to happen they'd make it work bc they're both great actors, but idk why I feel like their chemistry wouldn't be great. 3/10
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I... ain't mad at this in concept, but also can't see it at all?? I think it might be bc I've literally never seen these two interact before & they feel like they are just part of two very different worlds, but as a side ship?? maybe. I mean jj was really cute paired with neen in my gear & your gown and that was pretty random, and aye literally has chemistry with everyone, so... 4/10
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lmaooooooo I know this is probably some people's wet dream, but for me I'm like 😶😶😶 the nepo baby & the homophobic bully together?? to be fair, the visuals, acting & chemistry would probably be great, and honestly these two do have a common point: they both disappointed me on different levels lol 😬 4/10
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so fun fact I am posting these pairings in the order they were chosen lmaoooo, this timing truly reminds me of that one very good fanfic that put sarawat, tine and fong together :'))) so anyways, I love khaotung & think he's an excellent actor who has chemistry with everyone, but... I think even him couldn't pull it out of bright lol. like bless bright's soul but even in 2gether it was a struggle trying to see him portray a queer character, and imo he's just one of these straight actors who is just too straight... 3/10
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girllllllll 💀 be fucking for real lmao, I love pluem a fucking lot, bless his heart, but it's clear he struggles to portray good chemistry with another guy, and even dunk's good chemistry couldn't save it 💀 also physically they would look a bit weird together, idk I don't see it at all, 1/10
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NOW we're getting somewhere!!! so love & ciize would be amazing together imo, even though obviously I love milklove more. first of all, both of them have had queer roles before, love in bb and the upcoming 23.5 & ciize in my tee and waterboyy, so I know they'd do great! and also physically I think they'd be an adorable couple bc they're both pocket sized but look quite different which is great for on-screen couples imo! overall I will give it an 8/10!
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lmaooooo, krist be collecting the fluke's of gmmtv at this point 😭 so as many know I love fluke pusit so fucking much & think he's an excellent actor who has amazing chemistry with everyone, but... even he can't save this trainwreck 💀 2/10
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now THIS??? random yet interesting 😌 love them both, think they're both way too underrated & deserve a lot more, and I seriously think they could do a good job together! I also think physically they complete each other well & would look good together, and I could see them in a push & pull, enemies to lovers type of show. I'm sold! 7/10
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this one is obviously a bonus pairing bc they're gonna be a ship in both cooking crush & only friends haha, atp the wheel is getting too smart 😭 I'll give them an 7.5/10 bc I liked them from the trailers but I also do deffo still prefer neolouis
part 1
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kimwarris · 3 months
The real Sokka/NWT love story (contains spoilers)
So I think we can mostly agree, that the Yuekka love story in the live action was rubbish. Luckily they came up with somethingone better.
If you are not into non-canon ships, just scroll over this, because these are just my thoughts as an incorrigible ATLA shipper.
Netflix proved that they are able to show a believable love story in the new live action (looking at Sokka/Suki). Whatever they did with Yue and Sokka was not it. However, I am convinced that there was a love interest for Sokka at the Northern Water Tribe.
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Uh-huh. Combat advice. Sure my dude. That's why you're looking at him like that.
Yes, I'm talking about Hahn. I just love the changes they did to his character and I am convinced he had a serious crush on Sokka in this (and vice versa).
I loved the meet-cute scene, because Hahn seemed so excited to meet Sokka and Sokka seemed so surprised but also flattered like: Wait a minute, does this guy like me? And then Hahn's 'Would you like come and talk to them' totally gave me the 'Would you like to do... an activity?'-vibe from the original series.
Look how they look at each other:
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And that little relieved exhale 'Great' when Sokka agreed to come with him. Totally convinced me that this was solely for combat advice and no other reason. Even Arnook seemed amused when they left, despite the seriousness of the situation.
Cut to Hahn telling Sokka that he's anxious about the upcoming fight and worried for his comrades.
Sokka: I'm sure they'll do great. Especially with you leading them.
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He's embarrassed about it, but look at Hahn:
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Which leads us to them talking about Yue and about the fact, that she broke off the betrothal. The way Hahn talks about her makes it seem like, yeah it was awkward but actually he doesn't seem sad or devastated. When Sokka asks him if he would have gone through with it and married her, Hahn says nothing but he looks super uncomfortable. Which, for me indicates, yes he would have but he wouldn't have liked it. Also, Sokka looking at him like he's thinking: Please say no, please say no.
After that, we get Sokka talking to Yue about Hahn, and when she says that Hahn is a great guy and that any girl would be lucky to have him, to me Sokka's expression translated to: Not only a girl, sis.
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And then they give us that scene just when the battle is about to begin, the emotional goodbye. Did you see their eye contact? Hahn was solely looking at Sokka when he told him to take care (of her), but he didn't even spare Yue a glance. They just looked at each other and then that dramatic, romantic music in the background?
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That's where they should have kissed.
I don't know about you, but the whole Hahn/Sokka story line held much more tension and chemistry than anything we got with Yue/Sokka on screen. I really didn't get any vibe that there were feelings between Yue and Sokka. There were a hell of a lot of feelings between him and Suki in the earlier episode (and with Hahn in this one imo).
Conclusion: They're in love your honor. And the producers were cowards.
That being said, I also love the height difference.
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I like this new ship and I hope that more people will get in on it. *Hoping for fanfics and fanworks* But what should we call it? Sokkahn? Hakka?
Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED-talk.
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kiisaes · 1 year
Hey, i’d like to hear some of your bakudeku/katsudeku headcannons since i saw some and they’re so cute😭💞i love your art so much, it’s amazingg keep it up!!
ty !!! 🙏
I'll be honest I don't really have any headcanons off the top of my head. I have to think really hard about those I like but usually I can point at a preexisting one and go "haha yes I like this one" without thinking of it myself =v=
I think my biggest hc rn - and it's kind of controversial bc ik ppl have different opinions on it - is that deku is just flat out gay. like that's his sexuality, he only likes men. I used to hc him as bi and I campaigned pretty hard for it, and regarding fandom ships I still don't mind shipping him with girls. (tbh with fandom ships, I kind of just disregard a character's sexuality hc entirely bc I'm a multishipper who thinks crack ships are fucking great.)
but vibe wise, as well as putting canon into perspective, he just feels so gay to me. he screams comphet. he's got some vague internalized homophobia where he's totally supportive if u're gay, but HE'S not gay. and there's no way he can be even though he very well could be. like just think about it. he was really only so shy and nervous around girls bc he's literally never interacted with one casually before high school. and after he got close to 1A and could, you know, talk to women, he lost any deeper attraction in them. literally what happened with him and ochako. that's just how I feel anyway, but he won't admit his natural drift towards men (bkg) and his emotional hangups on men (bkg). he hangs out with men (bkg) way too much for him to have any serious interest in women imo
anyway this is just my take, you can hc deku as whatever sexuality you want!!! I still think bi deku has so much flavor like yass be the disaster bi u were meant to be!!! but gay deku just speaks more to me nowadays, I guess
ok upon thinking long and hard, I have come up with these silly hcs as well:
they are both bad at verbalizing their feelings. dk is overall horrible with emotions that pertain to himself so he just doesn't dwell on his very obvious crush on bkg. he just thinks that it's normal to be obsessed with another man. like lol hes been doing it since he was a baby. it's not anything more. he is NOT gay. straight men can appreciate everything about another man and more! just bestie things! and bkg has accepted in his heart that he is gay for dk but u are NOT going to hear him say it. sorry but that man does not know how to even start a convo about this. he'd probably want to, but knows he'd fuck it up and dk would miss the point. he'd probably just tell dk to fight him and then make out somewhere down the line bc it's easier and less embarrassing to him. little does he know, HE'S embarrassing and I hate him.
so u know the whole "bkg is an early bird and dk is a night owl" hc? and how it's technically canonically wrong? yeah. I'm obsessed with how wrong it is. bkg going to bed early and waking up late is so real of him. he just really fucking loves to sleep, and dk is the exact opposite. man goes to bed late and wakes up at 5 in the morning. he gets like 3 hours of sleep maximum and he's functioning perfectly. god I wish I were him
that one adhd vs autism meme but it's bkdk. u get to choose which ones which. maybe they're both
dk has dimples, one on each cheek! maybe bkg has one too. who knows
this is one I just thought of right now but it's like. part of the fandom bible that bkg can cook and dk cannot. however. I think dk can cook ok - fine enough to sustain himself - but bake REALLY WELL. bkg can cook bc he's "a natural" who can easily figure out exactly how to cook and spice foods. he doesnt need to follow a recipe to a T, he can just figure it out himself. dk can bake bc I'd imagine baking, with their meticulous recipe requirements, are easier to comprehend for him. he takes a shitton of notes on the daily, u can't tell me he'll eagerly read and jot down shit so his pastries turn out well. he'd prefer following step by step than winging it. does this make sense. words are hard
I always like drawing bkdk pretty close in height. ik lots of bkdks like a height difference but I prefer when rivals are pretty equal, and that includes how tall they are
dk's hands are coarser than bkg's, except around the palms, where bkg canonically has thick skin (so I'd assume there's some callouses there)
I like to think that bkg is good at basically anything, considering how he's a perfectionist. give him something to do and one week to do it, and he'll have a new skill under his belt. but there's a few things he can't do that trip him up so bad and make him so angry. like to me he definitely doesn't know how to whistle or roll his Rs. he just physically cannot. they're such pointless abilities but he hates how he can't do them. especially bc dk can definitely do both
dk keeps calling bkg "kacchan" bc it reminds him of a simpler time :') it makes him feel more connected to bkg than he initially is, and tacitly tells the class that he knows bkg best. also bc bkg never told him to stop so like ... why should he stop now. lol. and ALSO bc he's waiting to see how far he can go before bkg snaps. little does he know, bkg never snaps about "kacchan" bc that's dk's name for him. it reminds him that dk is always there, always calling out for him. and recently, it's a reassurance that he's still here, against all odds
ending this list with a classic but dk's favorite food is katsudon bc it reminds him of kacchan's name (KATSUdon vs KATSUki)
hope this is a good enough hc list anon!
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