#anyway i am unwell about them and rambling
haunted-pool-noodle · 15 days
DISCLAIMER i have not worked my way through all the eris dialogue yet so if she says something that contradicts all of this uhh. ill explode or something idk
anyway i feel like eris and hypnos actually have the potential to become besties when you think about it! like at a glance it does not seem like they'd vibe (and maybe wouldn't for a while) but i absolutely think they could
they both stand out to me bc (and honestly are both my faves bc) they don't really follow the same adherence to rules and responsibility that p much every other god does, particularly in the nyx family. hypnos constantly slacks off at work in hades 1, and the only reason he starts putting in effort is basically bc he wants approval from than and nyx. eris criticizes mel all the time for being so uptight, as well as nyx and than for being such strict rule-followers. they could both really connect over having someone else who is similarly opposed to that workaholic mindset (worth noting for eris, she refers to than as "brother number i dont even know anymore" and specifically doesnt care about him bc he's uptight like everyone else iirc, so i think she'd really appreciate having someone in the fam who isn't that way)
also, like. yes eris can be pretty cruel to mortals but hypnos is also pretty callous towards them most of the time? like he's pretty comfortable with the topic of death (which does make sense, given his job) but he just doesn't take it very seriously at all, like with natural causes he's just like "wow! sucks to be a mortal lol." plus that whole bit when he just suggests that thanatos just kill everyone all at once so they can hang out more like his ass does not care 😭 so i dont think he'd really care about eris tormenting humans, and in turn i think she might really like someone finally just being chill about it rather than looking down on her basically for being strife. also she'd probably find it funny how nonchalant he can be abt this, and in turn hypnos would enjoy her particular brand of chaos lol
thematically though, part of eris' whole thing is about how she feels ostracized from the rest of the fam bc strife is literally in her nature, while hypnos is shunned bc of his constant sleeping. both are pushed out bc of their very natures. but where they differ is hypnos prioritizes his relationships to the rest of the family and is willing to fight against his nature in order to do his job at the House and thereby impress/appease nyx and than, restoring his relationships to them at the cost of his personal happiness. meanwhile eris believes in being true to herself above all else, and if that means severing ties, then so be it. she mentions at a few different points that she's not going to change her nature for what anyone else wants, and that they shouldn't be surprised at how she acts, given that she's literally strife incarnate (an argument I've seen plenty of people give wrt hypnos sleeping at the job while being sleep incarnate). i think if they interacted more they could actually learn a lot from each other and maybe both move closer to the middle of that spectrum
also hypnos is usually seen as the childish one throughout hades 1 but eris is specifically stated to be one of the youngest in the nyx family so i would love to see some older brother hypnos content 🙏
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happi-tree · 7 months
midnight (close to you)
Taylor ❤️‍🔥                  just now u up
Lincoln grimaces at the 03:27 in bold numbers across the top of his screen before swiping on the message and unlocking his phone to type out a quick reply. 
Me                  Yeah. 
Lincoln is no stranger to seeing Taylor up at weird hours, but as he glances at past messages (filled on Taylor’s part with lots of exclamation points and cutesy little emotes), he suddenly feels a bit more awake. 
A chat bubble appears below, animated dots appearing and disappearing as he waits. 
Taylor ❤️‍🔥                   🕯️?
Me                  On it.
Or: Taylor has a bad night, and Lincoln tries his best to make it more bearable.
Swiftli time, lovebirds!!! Here’s my fic for day 5: demons/nightmares. Like days 1 and 3, this is part of the supernatural au @llumimoon, @kaseyskat, and I planned out together. Hope you enjoy!
(Title taken from "Sleep-walking" by Dreamcatcher).
Lincoln Li-Wilson is tossing and turning in a vain attempt at sleep when his phone buzzes.
Blearily, he wipes at his eyes as he focuses on the screen, wincing at the sudden brightness.
Taylor ❤️‍🔥                  just now
u up
Lincoln grimaces at the 03:27 in bold numbers across the top of his screen before swiping on the message and unlocking his phone to type out a quick reply. 
Lincoln is no stranger to seeing Taylor up at weird hours, but as he glances at past messages (filled on Taylor’s part with lots of exclamation points and cutesy little emotes), he suddenly feels a bit more awake. 
A chat bubble appears below, animated dots appearing and disappearing as he waits. 
Taylor ❤️‍🔥                  
On it.
Lincoln pushes himself out of bed, making his way over to turn on his fairy lights (a joke gift from Normal, tiny pairs of butterfly wings casting the room in warm-tinted pinpricks of light) and opens one of his dresser drawers, pulling out the components he needs.
Next to go is the area rug, rolled up and pushed to the side to uncover the large pentagram painted into the floor, encircled by runes Lincoln had checked and double-checked, written in Taylor’s steady hand. 
He places the red taper candles in the direction of each of the four winds, scatters coarse salt atop the inked circle (a formality at this point, but he can never be too careful). He fumbles with the lighter, trying a few times before remembering to shut off the ceiling fan. 
Lincoln makes sure to crack the door open (the increasingly invasive questions from both of his dads had been downright embarrassing the last time they did this and he is not in the mood for a repeat experience). They won’t mind, he knows.
Besides, there are many worse things a teenage boy like Lincoln could be doing than ritually summoning a demon. Half-demon. Whatever. 
At each point of the star, he places small offerings: an unopened box of strawberry crunch Pocky; a Garfield plush (which he deeply hopes Taylor will give back to him, since it’s one of his favorites); a room-temperature Ramune; a sparkly sticker; a homemade charm bracelet (no iron or silver, of course, warded for protection and serenity). 
In the very center of the pentagram, Lincoln carefully places the Hatsune Miku keychain Taylor had lent him for this exact purpose.
Lincoln pricks his finger and lets a drop of blood fall to the outer edge of the circle, lets the sizzle of it drown out the soft mutterings of the incantation.
Five pinpricks of flame flare higher, brighter, and brilliant ribbons of fire spread outward to conjoin in the center of the circle. Lincoln watches warily as the ball of flame grows and grows, expanding outward and beginning to color with the reddish-magenta hue of his friend’s aura, casting the room in stark maroon shadows.
Before his eyes, the blaze grows brighter, burns hotter, practically pushing at the bounds of its ink-carved confinement, and Lincoln feels the heat lick at his face, warm against his cheeks.
As suddenly as it began, the light is extinguished, revealing the hunched pajama-clad form of Taylor amidst the embers and smoke, the faint cerise glow around him fading until he’s backlit by Lincoln’s fairy lights.
It’s an enchanting sight, normally, one that Lincoln cherishes, but not when Taylor’s glancing down at the painted floorboards with glossed-over eyes, trembling slightly.
“Hey,” Lincoln says, breaking the line of salt with a nudge of his socked foot, crawling forward until their knees touch.
A single, long strand of Taylor’s fringe is still aflame, so Lincoln leans inward and pinches it gently between his thumb and forefinger and extinguishes it with a hiss.
“Taylor,” Lincoln calls, voice hushed in the night but hopefully loud enough to get through to him. He tucks the midnight-dark strand behind the delicate, reddened point of Taylor’s ear.
When he doesn’t respond, doesn’t look up, worry settles further in his stomach, a leaden weight.
His hand cups his best friend’s face, carefully guiding upward until Taylor meets his gaze.
Glazed-over and deeply tired, Taylor stares blinkingly at him for a moment, eyes welling with tears.
“Hey,” Lincoln tries again, “what’s going o-” The air is knocked out of him in a quiet oof as Taylor lunges forward into his chest. He’s uncomfortably warm to the touch in such a way that would burn most people but only leaves Lincoln with a tingling sensation, kind of like sitting by a fireplace for a bit too long. He can feel the fabric of his sleep shirt growing wet where Taylor’s buried his face into his shoulder, and his arms come around to encircle his friend instinctively. 
“You’re burning up,” Lincoln frets as he touches the back of his hand to Taylor’s forehead. It feels like stretching his hands out over a bonfire rather than a candle, like usual, and he frowns at the way the heat pushes angrily against his wardings, making his hand glow a barely-perceptible gold. He frowns even deeper when Taylor only wriggles further into his arms, making a sad, distressed sort of sound.
Lincoln notices the way Taylor presses his ear into the left side of his chest, pushing against him like he’s searching out his heartbeat, and something in him twists a little. 
This floor can’t be comfortable for him, especially not when he’s shaking and breathing unevenly. 
Lincoln looks behind him, opens more of the salt circle with his bare foot, knocks over a crimson candle in the process.
Whatever, he’ll clean it up in the morning. 
“Gonna pick you up now, okay?” Lincoln murmurs, ducking his head so he doesn’t have to speak too loud and making sure to keep his voice slow and steady and reassuring.
Taylor nods against him, and Lincoln allows himself a shadow of a smile. 
“Good,” he says, and adjusts his hold, sliding one arm under Taylor’s knees and another along his back (beneath his shoulder blades, just in case). Something thin and warm coils itself around his forearm and squeezes, and Lincoln doesn’t need to look to know that Taylor’s wrapped his tail around him for support as his clawed hands scramble for purchase on his upper back. The fabric of Lincoln’s shirt shreds a little, but as always, Taylor’s scratching doesn’t manage to break through the latent magic just atop his skin. 
“Up we go!” Lincoln says, and Taylor clings to him even tighter as he holds his smaller friend aloft, carrying them both to his twin XL bed and depositing Taylor as gracefully as he can.
Which isn’t very graceful at all, since Taylor refuses to let go of him.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Lincoln soothes - or at least tries to. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I just need you to let me go, ‘kay?”
Taylor shakes his head, mumbling something almost inaudible into his chest.
“What was that?” he says, even though he knows he heard the muffled no, not again the first time.
“Can’t,” Taylor says instead, leaving Lincoln leaning awkwardly over the edge of the bed, feeling oddly cold despite the feverish boy in his arms. 
“Okay,” Lincoln mutters, shifting his hold a little (because while Taylor is relatively easy to pick up, soccer has, admittedly, not done much for his arm strength). “Can I move my hand so you can hold it, maybe? So I can be next to you?”
Taylor hums in the affirmative, so Lincoln slides a hand from beneath his friend’s back, and Taylor takes it the second it’s offered, clutching it with clawed fingers like a lifeline as Lincoln climbs into the narrow bed beside him.
That doesn’t last long, though, because Taylor is quick to throw an arm across Link’s shoulders and drape his leg across Lincoln’s own in a strange, full body half-hug. 
Lincoln hums a little in concern, worry pulling at his brow. Taylor really must not be feeling well with the way that every point of contact between them burns the tiniest bit, despite the layers and layers of enchantments and wards and immunities that have woven themselves into Lincoln’s cells.
Taylor’s head buries just below Link’s jaw, the way Normal tends to do when he’s feeling needy or sad and wants their pack’s scent around him. His horns, still growing by the day, clip against the side of Lincoln’s face harmlessly as he shuffles into him. 
Lincoln takes a minute to marvel at the close bond he has with his friends that defies human description. To go from having nobody his own age to talk to, much less be around, to having three people who care about him - despite rocky introductions - who love him enough to call him family, to be pack, to choose him, to come to him for comfort and camaraderie, to want him… it’s a lot.
 Sometimes, if Lincoln thinks about it too hard, the way his friends give him affection so freely - the way Normal nearly tackles him to the ground with the force of his hug and calls him by Name when the world gets to be too much, the way Scary leans into him without hesitation, the way Taylor curls into him now without reigning in his infernal traits - he could almost cry.
Taylor’s tail wraps around Lincoln’s waist, steadfast and needy, the spaded tip of it thumping irregularly against Lincoln’s side. 
They rest like that for several moments that seem simultaneously like an instant and like they stretch on into eternity, eons passing with each movement of Lincoln’s fingers through Taylor’s sleep-mussed hair.
Since Lincoln can’t really look at Taylor without craning his neck awkwardly, he chooses a spot on the ceiling to stare at, reveling in the feeling of Taylor cuddling up against him and taking obviously deep, slow breaths so that Taylor can match them. The heat at his side slowly abates from almost-singeing to a comforting warmth, and just as slowly, Taylor’s breath evens out from where it fans against his neck.
Lincoln lets the relative silence wash over him, waiting.
“Link?” Taylor asks, voice slightly muffled. 
(Taylor’s lips brush against the side of Lincoln’s throat in a way that makes his breath catch, sends his heart fluttering in his chest, but that’s not something he wants to think too hard about right now.)
“Yeah?” he responds quietly, and thankfully his voice doesn’t sound too strangled as he whispers.
“Thanks.” Taylor doesn’t look up, doesn’t let go, but he’s relaxed more fully into Lincoln’s side rather than grasping in a desperate panic. 
“Anytime, man.” It’s amazing, the way Taylor’s presence can warm him from the inside out without even trying, without even factoring in his demonic abilities.
Lincoln doesn’t press for answers. 
At this point, he doesn’t really need to. It’s become something of a routine for them over the past few months - whenever Taylor is left in an empty house and craves company, whenever Lincoln is feeling a little too cold, whenever sleep eludes them, the summoning circle is there, just to the side of Lincoln’s bed, and suddenly, things are a little less lonely.
Sometimes, Taylor wants to talk. Sometimes, he keeps to himself, and Lincoln tries not to let it worry him too much.
Anxiety meds are great for that, but the haunted look in his friends’ eyes is an unknown that Lincoln can’t protect them from, can only try his best to understand, fumbling and human as he is. 
“I, uh. Had a bad dream,” Taylor starts, tucking his head out of Lincoln’s neck to face him.
Ah. Tonight falls in the former category, then.
“Yeah?” Lincoln hears himself say, though he had figured as much.
“Yeah. Really, uh. Really bad.”
Taylor’s voice sounds so small in the mostly-dark quiet of the room. 
Lincoln squeezes their hands, still conjoined, a tiny, wordless reassurance.
“You’re safe now,” Lincoln tells him. “My dad’s warded this entire house like crazy.”
Taylor scoffs. “Yeah, like I could forget after the first time you snuck me in.”
“I thought we agreed we would never talk about that again,” Lincoln responds, mock-shuddering.
“You begged me not to bring it up, I promised nothing. Not the same thing.”
Lincoln likes seeing Taylor’s smile again, even if it’s just the barest flash of fang glinting in the soft glow of his distant fairy lights. Even when it fades a few seconds later.
Taylor’s tail squeezes around Lincoln’s middle, and Lincoln brings a hand to rest on his shoulder.
“Hey,” He murmurs. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, I won’t let anything hurt you.”
Taylor laughs again, but it’s a shaky, mirthless sound, this time.
“I know you wouldn’t,” He says quietly. Then, “You didn’t, in my dream. You, uh, died.”
“Oh,” Lincoln says.
“Didn’t wanna bother you with it, but you were awake, and it’s stupid, but…” Taylor’s voice trails off.
Lincoln exhales, holds his friend closer.
“I wouldn’t wanna lose you, either,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, just between his horns.
Taylor’s warmth flares in his hold, just a little bit, and the corners of Lincoln’s lips turn up a fraction. Even despite everything, his best friend is incredibly easy to fluster. 
“There were… hunters,” he mumbles, looking down at Lincoln’s orange-and-black striped comforter, grasping for his hands and fidgeting with their loosely-locked fingers to distract Lincoln (and maybe himself, too) from the way his shoulders still tremble. “They were coming for us - Norm, Scary, Hermie. Me.”
Something in Lincoln’s stomach feels like it just twisted, and pressure builds behind his eyes - half-exhaustion, half-sorrow.
“Taylor - hey, Tay, look at me, please?”
Lincoln sees the way that Taylor’s downturned, red-tinged mahogany eyes brim with tears, threatening to spill over onto his cheeks.
Lincoln gently extricates a hand from Taylor’s grasp, brings it to rest under his chin, tilting it upward until they are face to face again and he can peer into his eyes.
Taylor’s eyes have a fire lit behind them, one he’s always noticed in the back of his mind before either of them were aware of his demonic heritage. It’s captivating, the way that they catch in the light, spark to match the bright burn of Taylor’s convictions. Again and again, they’ve drawn Lincoln in like a moth to a flame, crimson-brown-black and enchanting in an entirely different way than anything of the fae.
Lincoln thinks he would jump into the fire and set himself ablaze if it meant that he would never have to see the light behind his eyes shrink to the pinpricks that he sees now.
Hot tears stream down Taylor’s cheeks, silent except for the small hiss the droplets make as they hit the fabric of Lincoln’s bedspread.
Lincoln thumbs the rest away as Taylor leans into the affection, catlike, and the thing in Lincoln’s stomach writhes again.
“Taylor,” he says again, “Look at me.”
Dark eyelashes flutter open, and Taylor looks so, so tired, so haunted.
(Lincoln’s seen that look before on the face of someone else he loves, and he’d give anything to never see it on either of them again.)
“I need you to listen to me.”
Lincoln has… a hard time making eye contact, sometimes, but this is important, so he stares into his friend’s eyes, doesn’t back off or let his gaze slide away. 
“You know my family wouldn’t let that happen. That - my dad - it’s his whole thing, you know?”
“Your dad wasn’t there,” Taylor says. “Just you.”
“Then I wouldn’t let that happen. You know I wouldn’t, if it came down to it.”
“I know,” Taylor replies, miserably. “That’s the problem.”
“The jackass - in my dream, y’know - the guy that shot you, you know what he said? He said that it was a shame that he had to waste a silver bullet on a pesky human. That it was sad that we’d, like, magicked you into siding with us. Which was so fucked up and I - I couldn’t move, I was so angry. And scared, god, I was terrified, and Norm and Scary were, too, and then it all went black, and-”
“And you woke up?” Lincoln guessed.
“Yeah,” Taylor says. “Nearly melted my phone trying to text you.”
Lincoln frowns, scooches closer to him. Rests a hand on Taylor’s cheek, leans in to press their foreheads together.
Taylor’s horns poke uncomfortably against his skull, but Lincoln ignores it - besides, with all of the immunities he’s built up, the pain barely registers.
“I’m here,” Lincoln says.
“I know,” Taylor responds, and his voice is hoarse.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You - Link, you can’t just say that. I know you’ve got some weird, fucked-up magic shit protecting you, but you’re human, and I’m -”
“Half-human,” Lincoln reminds him, not unkindly. “You didn’t ask for this.”
“Well, you didn’t, either!”
“I know,” Lincoln responds. “We’re both new to this, and there’s horrible people out there that have it out for us, and we just gotta… live with that.”
“It’s not fair,” Taylor groans, resting his face in the crook of Lincoln’s neck again.
“It isn’t,” Lincoln agrees as he begins to card fingers through warm, dark hair. Taylor makes a soft, whispery sort of sound like the crackling of a campfire, resonating from his chest in the demonic equivalent of purring. 
“You’re right. I’m human, even if I’m harder to mess with than most,” Lincoln says. “But I chose this, at least a little bit. I chose you, all of you. And I’m not gonna back out. We’re in this together, dude. As long as you’ll have me?”
“You say that like it’s a question. I’ll always want you. I’m a selfish bitch like that.”
“Hey, don’t talk about my best friend like that,” Lincoln teases, and presses another kiss to the top of Taylor’s head for emphasis.
He chuckles. “You keep that up, and people are gonna think we’re more than best friends.”
“Pretty allonormative of you, Taylor,” Lincoln snipes. “Plus, I don’t see anyone else here…”
“Well, then, I guess I can retaliate without an audience,” Taylor responds, and Lincoln can hear the familiar mischief in his voice.
“Retal- ah,” the air leaves Lincoln’s lungs as Taylor presses his lips against the side of his neck, purposefully lets a fang graze against the delicate skin there.
“Mm,” Taylor hums. Lincoln can feel the vibration of it against his throat, and the sound goes straight to his head, warm and sleep-fuzzed and more than a little deliriously dizzy.
“Sorry,” Taylor says, not sounding the least bit apologetic as he pulls away after a moment with a soft popping sound. “You were saying?”
Taylor’s tail sways back and forth behind him, giving him the appearance of a predator ready to pounce.
“Guh,” Lincoln responds intelligibly, trying to get his brain back online. “You’re the worst, sometimes, you know that? Like, I was going somewhere with that, and then - you -”
“I am pretty insufferable, huh,” Taylor says with a close-lipped grin, sounding far too self-satisfied.
“Guess I’ll just have to suffer you, then,” Lincoln replies with a small grin of his own, dragging Taylor down into his arms.
Taylor gives in easily, tail brushing against the side of Lincoln’s leg affectionately.
“Taking one for the team,” Lincoln says. “I’m pretty good at that.”
“Too good,” Taylor says, looking up at him from the circle of his arms. “I don’t need you throwing yourself into the, like, line of fire for me when I’m immune, yeah?”
“The dream wasn’t real, you know.”
“Could be, someday,” Taylor muses, and though the tear tracks have evaporated from his face, there’s still a twist of uncharacteristic melancholy in his expression. 
Lincoln hums. “Well, in the meantime, maybe we can protect each other? And the others. That sound okay?” he asks. “Because I’m not gonna stop having your back anytime soon.”
“Same here,” Taylor says. “You’re ours, and anyone who comes at us can take you away over my dead body.”
“Possessive,” Link notes, pointedly ignoring the way his heart jolts. “And kinda morbid.” “Eh, it’s a demon thing, I think,” Taylor shrugs. 
“I dunno, I think it’s kinda hot.” 
“Taylor, you’re part demon. Being hot is your thing.”
“Oh, so I’m attractive to you, huh? What are you gonna do, kiss me about it?” There’s a single fang poking out of Taylor’s smile, and Lincoln fails not to think about the way it felt brushing over his pulse.
“Maybe. If we both go to sleep after this.”
Taylor blinks lazily at him. “Sleep sounds nice,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Think you could keep the nightmares away?” His eyes, as tired as they are, are so deep and dark and beautiful.
“I’ve got a few charms for that,” Lincoln answers, pointing around the room at bundles of herbs and twine and rune-inscribed parchment that Marco had strung up along corners of the ceiling.
“Link, I was trying to be flirty.”
“Oh,” Lincoln says. Then, “So if I kiss you, you’ll go to sleep?”
“Mm, that can be arranged,” Taylor agrees, his tail snaking around to tap against Lincoln’s nose affectionately before wrapping around his waist.
“Good,” Lincoln breathes, and he leans in to meet Taylor halfway. 
In the end, Lincoln loses count of how many lazy kisses they exchange in the faint glow of the fairy lights before they succumb to slumber, but when he wakes, Taylor is still in his arms, a faint smile on his face in his sleep.
Lincoln can feel his face mirror the expression as he wipes a bit of Taylor’s drool away with the back of his hand. He leans down and ghosts his lips over Taylor’s temple, tucks a stray lock of hair behind his ear, filled with an uncomfortable-yet-comforting warmth wherever their bodies overlap.
Lincoln basks in it as he closes his eyes again, resting against the pillows, and knows that whatever dangers lurk ahead, they’ll face them together. 
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nyaoi-warrior · 3 months
Hiii, your ace attorney post are intriguing. Hoow does one start with the series? There's are like bazillion games 😅 And do you need an older ds to play? Or are the games on switch?
There's 6 mainline games and few spinoffs. I reccomend starting with the mainline games. They are originaly DS and 3DS games but all of them have been remastered and packadged into collections and rereleased on steam and switch.
The first three are the Phoenix Wright trilogy and they are the og ones. They are released as one game on steam and switch and include Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice for All and Trials and Tribulations (AA1-3) and they just altered my brain chemistry.
Then there's 3 sequels that recently got released in the Apollo Justice trilogy, also packed into neat bundle that includes Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice (AA4-6). I will admit I don't know much about those bc I have just started playing them.
Then there's few spinoffs, the one I am currently playing is The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, which is also bundled rerelase of the two Great Ace Attorney games which are sorta prequel from 19th century which follows Phoenix's ancestor Ryunosuke Naruhodo who I love and adore. I am nearly at the end and they may be my favourite Ace attorney games honestly. But I do reccomend playing those maybe after the first trilogy. Like you don't need to, but there’s cute nods to the older games.
That being said there's currently Capcom Steam sale so if you are thinking about grabbing them on your pc there's: Ace Attorney Tournabout collection, which includes the first trilogy and the chronicles games for like 19 eur which is honestly steal I feel like.
I am SO sorry for rambing so much but the Ace Attorney games have done something to me and they are near and dear to my heart. If you ever feel comfortable to come off anon and maybe shoot me a dm or something I will always be happy to ramble more. I am also terribly sorry for not tagging spoilers and I can start of you want me to.
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yandereshingeki · 7 months
work was. interesting today
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moodymisty · 9 days
It's 1:30 AM and I have Konrad brain worms that I need to share with someone so I'm just gonna toss this ask into your inbox.
I've always liked the idea of Konrad makings little bits of 'jewelry' for his beloved out of the bones of people he's killed. Bc gifting jewelry is normal way to show affection, right, so he sees it as perfectly acceptable. And also if his beloved's jewelry collection also functions as a secret trophy cabinet for him, well that's just a lovely bonus.
Ive always thought the piece de resistance of the collection would be a choker collar necklace with the Night Lords emblem, where the skull is carved from human bone.
But then I had an even more fucked up thought: what if, for that specific piece, instead of carving the skull pendant out of the bones of one of his victims, he used *his own*? What if, in a fucked up display of devotion and ownership, he carved out part of his bone to put on a necklace for his beloved? He'd heal fast enough it probably wouldn't cause much of an issue for him, and what better way to mark a person as *his* than to literally have them wearing a collar with a piece of him on it?
Anyway yeah sorry to bother u with my batshit ramblings, I am unwell about this man.
The idea of Konrad giving his beloved secret or not so secret trophies in the form of jewelry or other such is something he would do lol. Not only does he get to participate in the time old giving tradition that 'normal' people do, he also gets to have his beloved act as a trophy case that shows how he's willing to kill, and kill for them.
As for the second half Konrad would totally do it, and would do significant mental damage to his beloved as well. I mean how do you refuse that? The man carved up his rib/arm/thigh for you, and you know he is not capable of communicating normally. Refusing might mean pain or god knows what else.
Konrad oftentimes mistakes obsession for possession so staking a claim over his beloved is a big deal to him. The idea of them leaving his life would literally destroy him.
Just don't tell anyone else what your new necklace is, and why it's very tight.
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hornystiel · 1 year
fics about bruce and harvey? 👀 i am so very intrigued, please tell me more
ok SO. (sorry i'm still excited so this can be long) i read the comics ones (while devouring the gist about them in different comics through tumblr osmosis and memes and relying on my previous dc knowledge) aand they are..very interesting. the thing about them is that they are bitter exes (who may or may not really hooked up in the past but were very close and now are definitely divorced) but who still care about each other. well bruce def still cares about harvey and two face. harvey is...reluctant (the whole thing with harvey not thinking he deserves to be saved, yes). and his dark side mostly hates both bruce and batman and doesn't trust them. which is another interesting thing about them and their 'other sides'. there are basically FOUR different relationships going. batman, two-face (harvey's criminal side and his personality), harvey and bruce. because in half the cases two face doesn't know batman's identity. and all of them have beef and tension. both the angry one and sexual. so it's really interesting how they can coexist and do shit with/to each other. one of the tags i saw was Romantic Face Punching and yeah. yeah.
ALSO there's one fic where bruce is undercover as another criminal dude named matches (i'm a bit all over the place with the comics) and basically hires himself to help harvey in his criminal activities to check on harvey from time to time. and like!! basically bruce isn't either truly himself or batman and harvey, who's instantly figured him out, is like huh. i have angst with bruce and rage with batman but he's neither rn. sure i'll bite. and they communicate by PRETENDING they don't know who they are. and two face is..mostly quieter when matches!bruce is around and harvey is like ??? and this is so good because all the layers of pretending and not being themselves is so them. and harvey doesn't use a coin when deciding things about bruce! twice! also harvey is so vulnerable when he strips for the first time in front of him help
the fic if you're interested
the other fics (i read only explicit fics sorry) were like 'ok we hook up ONCE and it's not PERSONAL' and then well :) it's angsty and too personal anyway
also this happened
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two face was like 'if harvey can't say he has a thing for choking and gay thoughts about batman i may very well do him a service while said batman tries to choke me in an alley'. harvey once he's in charge: 'god fucking dammint'. sorry i know it's evil but it was funny gdgdh
anyway i didn't read much (i was doing it at work rip) but they are so unwell and also sad drama queen puppies
i was never interested in other batman ships except for batcat so i think i've finally found my niche thank you misha collins and jackles. again. the first thing i saw with twobats where i thought 'hmm very fruity' was a cartoon with jensen voicing bruce and him and harvey being very cozy with each other <3 when they still worked together and harvey didn't know who batman was
ANYWAy thank you for coming to my insane rambling ted talk i will probably be insane about them in the foreseeable future
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mochiwrites · 5 months
“The plan has changed. I’ve hired someone to do what you couldn’t do the first time.”
He knows what he has to do, what he’s meant to do. It’s the role he’s been cast to play. 
Secret life parallels oh lordy lord. i am SO UNWELL. no. NOOOOOOO. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i legitimately dont have any words. the only way i can properly express how im feeling right now is just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
He’s not naive and hopeful like Grian is, or as kind as Mumbo can be. He’s selfish and cruel, and his loyalty is fickle. 
this is legitimately one of my favorite parts of scar's character actually. i don't have the brain power to properly analyze this, but something about how honest he is about this is so. augh. this trait is what's ultimately going to be his demise (at least, he thinks so). he'll lose grian and mumbo (possibly through death) because he chooses tubbo over mumbo and grian. he knows and he's not proud of it but it's vital to his survival anyways so he does nothing to fight it.
i dont think i make sense at all and theres a great possibility ive mischaracterized him entirely (it wouldnt be the first time, sadly) but i love it regardless. i love how flawed he is. how flawed they all are. i love how tragic their stories are. grian with his unwavering hope and optimism that gets constantly tested (and possibly crushed at some point) and scar with his insistence to not get close that eventually stabs him in the back and mumbo with his guarded but oh so big heart that he's tentatively given out only to get hurt in some way. please correct me if any of this is wrong, btw, id rather be corrected than live in ignorance of the truth
No amount of rope can pull him out. It’ll snap apart under the weight of his actions, so why try? There’s no real point in it. 
this is why you need a grian, scar. sigh.
He needs to stop being Scar and start being the Grim Reaper. He sucks in a breath, throwing Scar away.
oh this is fantastic because scar cares so deeply for them and would do just about anything to protect them, because as much as he tries not to, scar cares and loves. but that's exactly the problem because he cares for and loves tubbo so much he'd do just about anything to protect him, including sacrificing grian and mumbo. but scar couldn't possibly do that when he cares for them so much. so he weaponizes the grim reaper, who doesn't care for anyone or anything besides getting the job done.
im genuinely just rambling here there's zero coherence to be found in any of this
“We figured we should take advantage of the peace while we can,"
wow youre really just pulling out all the stops to make this hurt as much as possible arent you
But even then… surely it wouldn’t take this long to heal. 
“Maybe we can come back tomorrow earlier.” 
i have you say you are incredible at setting the mood. having an idea of what's about to happen as a third party, watching it all unfold. grian and mumbo being right there and nearly getting to the truth, but not quite getting it because they trust scar. BECAUSE THEY TRUST SCAR!! grum and jrum being there adding to the innocence of it all and amplifying how unsettling scar's actions are. "maybe we can come back tomorrow" when there's not going to BE a tomorrow for them (assuming scar succeeds). it's so tense. it's so anxiety-inducing. it's such an intense sense of foreboding and it has my heart rate genuinely going up. infinite props to you.
He aims for Mumbo’s shoulder.
might be overthinking this but i hate that this implies the possibility that scar informed this assassin with ways to make the killing easier
He grits his teeth as he pulls another glyph from his pocket. He slams it between his hands, vines wrapping up around his arms.
“Did you get hit at all?” He does a quick scan of the changeling for any injuries.
you're really making this hurt
“Dad!” the two boys cry, the word not registering to any of them in the moment. 
Blood splatters on the ground in thick drops, spilling in the grooves of the cobble path. 
i havent read ahead and i swear to god if this is grian sacrificing himself for mumbo and he turns around and sees grian's body on the pavement and screams "GRIAN!" and that's what the teaser was and that's how it ends my brain is going to be filled with unspeakable screaming until it gets confirmation that he's okay.
reading through all of this with a big grin because excitement and Also knowing what happens next >:3c I'd apologize about the teaser thing but I am Not sorry WHEEZE
but in regards to the scar stuff, you're 100% right, yeah, along with grian and mumbo. they're all flawed characters just trying to do the right thing with the cards they've been dealt. their best qualities are Easily their greatest weaknesses. and none of them realize it but y'know. that's what being human is all about! :D
aND THE GRIM REAPER YEAHHHH. I talk about it all the time but I genuinely love scar being the grim reaper. weaponizing it in this chapter. he's such an interesting character to both study and write
but !!!! very glad to see that the first bomb of three has landed appropriately! :D
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curious-sootball · 7 months
I have been thinking about Victoria's interactions with the main cast and I have a lot to ramble about
Customary deadlands campaign spoiler warning
First, just how much more Victoria knows about the main cast than she lets on? Croyd's Wrath is established as a very small town, there's no way she missed everyone's shenanigans there unless she put active effort into ignoring those – in particular, Delacy shooting No Security Deposit Bill in the knee and Silas scaring Arlo into cutting down the bribe(also the bartender from the town saloon to the lesser extent - he got away unharmed, just terrified beyond reasoning). Like, those people live right there, in town, and the gang stayed there for at least a week and a half, most likely a little more – between Silas having a messed up shoulder after a sasquatch fight, Delacy getting non-fatally shot in Dead Man's Worth and Edie resting and healing after both her bounty hunting trips. General store visits would've gotten pretty awkward. Imagine Victoria politely, but firmly establishing house rules on things like not casting Infest or checking if the Coup is working inside of her house.
I know the packed lunch bit was mostly for laughs, but rewatching it with the ending(and the Q&A) in mind turns it genuinely heartbreaking. On one hand, Victoria at that point is established as unfailingly polite, if a bit distant - so, her making packed lunch for her tenants/hired bounty hunters when they ask for it sounds like her being polite. On the other hand - Edie mentions that she expected to receive snacks, not a full-on packed lunch, and Silas goes straight to polishing off the pot of homemade hummus that he was given: Victoria clearly given them more than what they've expected to receive. Also, Silas sounded like he was joking around when he asked for packed lunches - implying that he either expected snacks, like Edie, or didn't expect anything at all(which isn't illogical; most people in such circumstances would either make their own packed lunches or skip a lunch altogether, not ask someone to make one for them), and then Victoria went ahead and made packed lunches for them both anyway without saying much about it. This hits very different after both "I came to consider you my friends" and "The other Horsemen were her family": this bit reads like a genuine moment of kindness to me, because Victoria already gave the gang one hell of a motivator to work with her at that point(2000$ for each bounty), she didn't really need to keep convincing them. Also, note that the second person who asked for packed lunch is Edie – who has shown compassion to Victoria when she shared her backstory. Think about it: from Victoria's point of view, she's reliving the greatest failure of her entire existence – failing to properly start the Apocalypse, getting betrayed by people she considered her family(as much as such concept can be applied to them) and having her powers sealed away; then, Edie, at the moment basically a stranger, swoops in and says "you say you aren't strong, but for surviving all this, I think you are pretty strong". I am unwell about this scene.
And when (almost)all is said and done, during the final confrontation, Nate drops this line: "Never make friends with people you're paying; they will not respect you". I know, Delacy's "We already killed four horsemen. We can kill a fifth" while making eye contact with Victoria is iconic, but I think it was Nate's line that emotionally destroyed Victoria, though Edie's monster hunter speech and "She wants you to become [a monster] as well" "That's even worse!" are close contenders. Think about it: she thougt she finally found strong, capable candidates to replace the original Horsemen(who had betrayed her), she considered them friends, and one of them just up and said that it never was the relationship she assumed it was. That it had no chances of becoming that relationship from the start.
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loemius · 2 years
each day that goes by, i find more and more that it is the small things that bring me even closer to the theoi. these small, intimate acts of devotion that show care and thoughtfulness to the gods and their feelings. it’s waking up and greeting apollo as the sun rises through my window and telling him goodnight as the sun sets. telling artemis good evening as the moon’s light pours onto my altar. thanking demeter for the food i eat and making sure i offer the steam to the theoi. it’s washing my hands before each offering to be clean for theoi. it’s offering incense in the morning and praising them for another lovely morning when i wake up and get ready for my day, offering as soon as i come home from my daily grind to thank them for a good day or ask them for comfort on a bad one, offering every night before bed. offering as much as i’m able. it’s goodnight prayers every night, whether its a long winded ramble about my feelings or brief praise for the day’s blessings before i pass out cold. it’s thinking of them at every step, even when i am unwell and don’t have anything to offer but a simple prayer and my devotion. i am always enough for them, no matter the size or scale of my worship. i find that the smaller, intimate gestures make me feel closer to them anyway. nobody has energy to do a full blown ritual every day, myself included, but i always have a little bit of energy to spare for the theoi to at least think of them and thank them for all they do.
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vtforpedro · 10 months
life and whatnot
It's not very good but I wanted to say I'm managing. Barely. Thank you for your comments on my last post about Isis. I appreciate them more than I can say. And a huge thank you to @thoseveganelves for a beautiful drawing of her that is my lock screen on my phone <3 thank you again. I'm having problems with Lilly now. I truly hope she'll be ok and they're more behavioral than something actually wrong but there are a few concerning things. Moreover, me and my mom's relationship is shit. She did something yesterday involving Lilly and I'm not sure I can forgive her. Or anything that's happened since the lumbar puncture I wish I never did. It was supposed to be an easy procedure to get a diagnosis and treatment but it ruined my life to such a terrible degree lol wild. I'm exhausted. My head gets pretty severe and then I'll have a break. Enough now that I have been able to watch some shows for the first time in years! They have to be easy and relatively calm shows with not much action or fast camera movement but the fact that I can while my head is in a respite is pretty great. I was working on art like crazy too but shit happened and my creative bug disappeared for a while. I'm writing in another fandom and started up more recently again after a short break. It sucks not to be creative b/c arting/writing is still about all I can do. I do miss bagginshield quite a lot right now. My neurologist is still an asshole. I cry every time I have to interact with him in some way and when I tried to switch within the same group, they wouldn't allow it. They had to talk to him about it so now he knows I'm trying to escape him lmao but thankfully the next time I see neuro is with his PA and I'll get a break from him. It's insane how they can do this to patients and not give a fuck. I lied out my teeth tho when I was trying to switch and said he did right by me, with absolutely no problems (totally didn't leave me in excruciating pain for five entire months). Oh well! My mom and I are supposed to start family therapy soon but they're not calling me back which is strange. My therapist is trying to get them to move on it. It was pulling teeth to get my mom to agree and took a massive fight for that to happen. She used to be my number one. Now I can't trust her with me or my fucking cat. My entire body tenses so badly when she is here. I love my mom with all my heart but I do not like who she has become. I'm so tired. MH is in the tank. I miss Isis severely. She was my soul cat and what happened to her was awful. But her spirit is here. I was never a spiritual person before but too many things are happening that are distinctly Isis™ so I know she's here. Beyond what may be a medical issue, Lilly has blossomed into a different cat, most of it good, but she has seemed very unsettled at times and it hasn't calmed down much since mid-May. Keeping an eye on her. Her vet gave us a prescription for gabapentin and it fucked Isis up so much that I'm nervous about it. But Isis was weird like me and cats usually respond well to it. I hate to make Lilly sedated in any way too but she may have some tooth pain rn and it'd help that. I have pretty bad nerve pain in my face and gaba is a lifesaver for me. Anyway this is rambling like usual. I'm tired and I'm unwell and just want to be well enough to be by myself with my cat again. I have a long road ahead of me to get there. Thanks for listening. 💜 Love you all very much. I am thankful you're here and I'm sending as much warmth as I can. You are all amazing people. Thank you.
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bylerisc4non · 1 year
i'm the worst at thinking of things to send asks about, so what is your most favorite topic to ramble about? feel free to get into ramble territory rn i am here to listen >:)
Okay, allow me to take the mic real quick--
So. Mike Wheeler. That's what I want to ramble about right now. This boy is on my mind constantly and I'm genuinely terrified for him. But also there's a very real reason I kin him and I'm always being reminded of it because this boy is damaged. So is Will, which is why I kin them both. Anyway- Michael is so damaged for real. Emotionally and mentally damaged. I'm talking this boy has so much trauma and has me crying over him 24/7. The self sabotage? The internalized homophobia? The loyal/protective friend behavior? The little regard for himself? His eating disorder? His s*icidal tendencies all because he cares more about others' safety than his own? Guys. Come on. This boy is so selfless. He does not deserve all the hate he's gotten and I'm sticking to that. So what if he's flawed? It only makes him a more relatable, human, and realistic character. Obviously he cares about (*cough cough* is in love with) Will and would do absolutely anything for him. He came to Lenora trying to be normal and cool, but he dropped the act real quick because he just wanted his friend back tbh.
Will is his best, best friend (and the love of his life) and he cares for him deeply. He never wanted to hurt Will, it just happened because of the fact that he has a problem with accepting himself and self sabotage. He's a struggling 14 year old. What 14 year old do you know that hasn't gone through that? He's angsty and moody and i just want to love on him because he's got middle child syndrome and he's been a bit neglected. Not saying his parents are bad, obviously, just saying that Nancy and Holly were a lot more loved on because they were probably more open to their parents, unlike Mike who was more open to his friends and found himself identifying more with the party. Also, this boy has so much bottled up and I just need it to come out and be addressed in st5 or I will explode. #mike wheeler needs a hug.
Whenever people say Mike's been a jerk/asshole for the past two seasons, well, I can't exactly argue with that, because it's true. But you have to try and wedge your way into Mike's brain past his immediate appearance. He's really just misunderstood. He's dealing with a lot, like any kid his age. He's struggling with finding and accepting himself. He's losing himself in El because it's easy to do. He's trying to identify himself in her and be what he thinks he should be instead of what he actually his. So, in the end, I hope he leaves El and learns to accept and love himself.
Ugh. I'm sorry. I'm unwell. I'm just a broken record at this point but I love Mike Wheeler, he's misunderstood, he needs love. Thank you for your time.
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goremet-chef · 1 year
just found someone who makes monster hunter lego builds do NOT speak to me im. this. GRGRGRG
anyways heres some gifs i have of monsters cuz im in love with this series forever and always (super long ramble SFJKS ive been writing this for hours)
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odogaron + ebony odo is like.... you dont understand. thats me i kin so many monsters from MH its insane like.. thats literally me nothing reflects me better LOOK AT THEM. rathalos, odogaron, nargacuga like any red scary thing i resonate with deep in my soul its insane
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this one is one of my headmates favorites. shrieking legi really came thru when he was having a bad time and i love this for him. ITS JUST LIKE... so many of the monsters resonate with us on such personal levels, that its hard to even explain. i am selfish, and i do view monster hunter as my game (got that autism special) like these are my creatures they were made for me
REAL TALK THO, these two were genuinely actually made for me look at this shit
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unknown (black flying wyvern) and valstrax my beloveds. fucking god tier
the fact that i already resonate with the rathalos so hard, and it turns out theres a black and red edgier cool version of it/????like are you insane when i discovered this thing i was. SO UNWELL IN MY CHANNEL ON DISCORD i literally rambled about it for AN HOUR STRAIGHT. then when i found out about valstrax i rambled about that one for an hour too SKFJS like wow they are so cool. autism is real
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also have this one, xeno'jiiva is so. MHW was my first MH game (say what you will) and god damn. im gonna be real idk if id be so into it if it wasnt for MHW, cuz like.... the main appeal of the entire game series to me is the monsters themselves. like im. when i first started i was TOO SCARED TO FIGHT THE GREAT JAGRAS (yknow. the first large monster you fight 😭😭 like the 3rd quest. insane) because ive never been into fighting games and having something large PURSUE ME didnt sound pleasant
crazy that i went from being too scared to play it again to LITERALLY playing for 72 hours almost STRAIGHT with minimal pee and sleep breaks, and giving myself carpal fucking tunnel cuz i was just. obsessed. AUTISM IS REAL
went from couldnt stand 10 minutes of it to 400 hours in game SKFJSD
and i would do it again bitch!!!
so what im SAYING. alright. is that im not a fighter in games (well NOW i am, but before i super wasnt) but what drew me in was how i could just.. watch. how i could see all the big scary monsters sleep and eat and walk around and fight eachother. how i could get their tracks, listen to their sounds, ETC. like it was so. IT WAS THRILLING and ive never been more in love
like for context my first special interest is fnaf and i wouldnt be anything like myself if i never got into fnaf like life changing shit. but i gotta say, i mean. ive played the fnaf games and i love the story and EVERYTHING this is not a diss on my first home!!!! but i played MHW to the point of exhaustion, to where i needed to have an arm brace and even then despite the HORRIBLE PAIN in my wrist, i still kept playing
i played so much i literally managed to rub the s and w letters of my siblings keyboard KSJFSF like it was for real. i miss that, like a lot. i dont play as much anymore because i mean. i have it on my laptop. my laptop is a gaming laptop and it can run!! but its better for my
yknow i dont think i have an actual reason and im literally about to cry thinking about it SKFSFJ the good computer with the good graphics and running is my siblings and id need permission, yknow how it is. PLUS im a bit stuck? i need an urugaan ruby for my barioth mission lmao but ill get there
monster hunter world is so beautiful. the environments are fucking stunning, the visual upgrade for the monsters was INSANE and just watching them be animals? it brings me so much joy KSJSJSJ
one of my favorites is the rotten vale, which is funny cuz i remember the first time i ever went there i was so. PARANOID. i use sound with pretty much everything i play since my eyes might not track everything thats happening, so hearing the ambience for the vale freaked me out so much, i stayedat the camp for SO LONG and good thing too cuz the radobaan makes its way down that path and i was shook SKFJSF
also the big fucking dalamadur skeleton in the vale is so. UGHHHH
i love horror and rot and decay!!! its frightening its unsettling but even still the vale is such a necessary part of the ecosystem!!! like wow monsters come there to DIE? are youINSANE
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(dalamadur is like one of the biggest monsters for reference. the whole upper part of the vale is made of its skeleton cuz its a big snake its so UGHHH)
also the???? STOMACH ACID POOL?
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they were cooking bro,,,,, such a gorgeous and unsettling environment goddd
like GOD i cant think of anything better, the story for MHW is so good man. the tracker said "its an ecological marvel" and i took that personally (i repeat that so much about random shit its not even funny how long ive been doing that for)
or how like... any of the docile monsters (tobi kadachi, banbaro, kulu ya ku, ETC) i genuinely if i go on expedition, and i see theres a docile monster in one of the locales, ill go there and just follow them around the ENTIRE TIME SFKSFS
heres SEVERAL pics of me with banbaros at different times KSJFS
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that isnt even all of them with JUST banbaro 💀💀💀 its my favorite activity
and sometimes i get hit with the banbaro / nightshade paolumu / coral pukei combo!!!! thats a triple docile whammy!!!!! thriving
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also heres a cute viper tobi shot :] love viper tobi
also also i cant believe i never said anything yet but VAAL HAZAK??? my actual liege look at this mf
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MY LORD!!! vaal is so fucking cool man. and the KICKER??? DOCILE
whenever i do this quest i do just follow it around for a while (which. ive had to do this quest A LOT cuz i thought i get vitality crystals from it (yknow cuz i got some from it) so i have probably 100% killed more vaal hazak than any of the other elder dragons SKFJSF
vaal hazak is so cool cuz its covered in rotten meat and uses the effluvium (corpse gas) as its like. life source. it pulls excess effluvium from the vale into itself and expels it when theres not enough, so its keeping the ecosystem tame its so cool UGHH
also one of its moves it plays dead its so fucked up itll fall over like you've knocked it over and then just lay there but you hear its inhale and it looks up and BLASTS YOU with its effluvia gas beam (WHICH. THAT THING HURTS!!!!!! for real the effluvium attack is so. plus it also halves yr health? like if vaal hits you with that shit itll give you miasma or whatever and it HALFS YR HEALTH BAR and you gotta eat a nulberry to negate it
im not one for switching shit around in my like item bar tho (MAINLY cuz most the time ive played MHW was with my siblings mouse and its scroll bare was broken so swapping items was hard) so i just put on like 3 effluvia resistance gems and it cant give me miasma. problem solved SKFSJF
i did get so tired of fighting it cuz yknw its a hard fight its an elder dragon, but i will say like the MUSIC? thats one of the things like. when we fought megan in the forest, they gave us battle music and THAT is why i kicked ass and abandoned all my fear, monster hunter instincts kicked in and i tanked alright like it was NOTHING, battle music just hits different
vaal hazak theme is so fucking good!!!! "keeper of hades" ARE YOU INSANE? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND????? i cant believe this shit!!!!!!!!
monster hunter stop being the coolest franchise ever challenge KSFJSF
i did do vaal hazak fight with no music before cuz i was trying to see and. THE MUSIC DOES SO MUCH? literally there was like no adrenaline without the music it was just. :| oh. im in the vale. thats the dragon. hes gonna breath attack. okay LIKE IT WAS SO LACK LUSTER IT WAS INSANE
i never realized how much the music did for fights but its so.. vital bro like it gets you in the fighting mood it compliments the monster and the area its !!!GRAAAAHHHH
monster hunter soundtrack is literally so fucking good. BANGERS back to back literally every song is so fucking cracked its epic
dont even get me STARTED on "proof of a hero" that song makes me stim so fucking hard man it makes me feel so fucking good. my sibling made his ringtone for me that song and AUGHHH crying sobbing
like yeah this is proof that im a hero!!! literally makes me feel so proud and FOR WHATTTT
idk im such a firm believer in the importance of sound design, sound design is EVERYTHINGGG and MH does such a good job with that shit, the monster roars and environmental ambience, audio cues to what attack is gonna happen, the music its all. perfect 10/10 godtier shit
anyways this is my monster hunter ramble, it most likely will happen again. love this game with all my heart
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kosmo-politan · 8 months
Hihihi Kosmo. I can’t play more bg3 for a while (ran out of space on my puter, need to order an external hard drive and move it onto there <\3) and I’m going through Hyperfixation Withdrawal. You know how it is. So MY POINT IS in the meantime you should tell me about your tav I wanna hear about your tav please tell me about your tav. Also I’d like to hear how the games going for you and all that, if you don’t mind sharing :)
HIHIHI ARI :) sosorry about your puter </3 stay strong in these tough times soldier!! also i do know The Hyperfixation Withdrawal 🤝 i need my daily dose of Guys From My Computer to keep me going youknow. ANYWAY I DONOT MIND SHARING I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THINGS AND HEARING ABOUT THEM ALSO !!
as for gameplay i havenot. gotten far. </3 i keep remaking my tavs because i came up with something better. but so far i keep failing checks and getting blown up and catching on fire and falling and dying and so on <3 its so funny. to me. its like a recurring gag on a sitcom. shadowheart keeps befalling the same fate as my tavs as well. go girl give us nothing ! (said lovingly)
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^^^^ my main man Amari !! only one picture because i may have made them in august and. forgot about him. so sorry king
he/him . or they perhaps... heart <3
high half elf and. a bard. <3
romancing astarion (
also his name means eternal in hebrew because well. i think thats funny. guy named immortal dating a guy who is immortal. anyway.
the most i got lore wise is that their background is urchin. perhaps learned instruments and whatnot to make money.
i wish i had more worked out but. alas. melchior and those damn old men (aldente) plaguing my mind.
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^^^^ MELCHIOR... MANDATED DARK URGE TAV. YOU KNOW.. more pictures because i made him the other day. theen remade him again today which is why this took so long so sorry </3
he/him <3
seldarine drow and. a rogue .
romancing that damn vampire also. because i kept hearing things about durge and astarion. no other reason <- lying
picked melchior because. seems like something a weird little guy would name himself.
okay. i am a poser i havent played much. however i know durge lost memories and so on. but i was making this dude before i decided to make him my durge tav and. i donot want to change his lore
he was the worlds worst conman. grunkle stan style. warrant in 25/50 states youknow. doesnot remember any of this. when asked about his background hes too prideful to admit he doesnt remember anything and lies each time. horrible at keeping up with these lies however and everyone is so painfully aware (but he doesnt realize that).
also i think its funny to imagine these guys Adventuring and whatnot and coming across various wanted posters for their questionable little buddy. and each time hes soso close to remembering something but brushes it off as an equally charming and beautiful and great at everything stranger you know. do you get me <- is unwell
got that good. that good for nothing. dude is SHIT at EVERYTHING. ive rolled a critical failure on damn near everything with him. i like to imagine this annoys astarion to no end because. well im normal. im about to get ill about that vampire. so sorry.
gets to the point where astarion starts doing things for him because he cant do anything. melchior is beyond amused and begins to fail horribly on purpose to annoy him. everyone in the party hates these two. two guys dragging their party down <3 love loses !
horrible at reading social cues also. because i heart projection. cannot tell when hes being made fun of. or flirted with. astarion cannot win with this guy. makes a catty comment and melchior goes "thanks dawg!" and daps him up so hard he gets a spinal injury.
gofd theres so muchmore about these two and their ddynamic that ive made up in my mind but this is getting long and my fear of being cringe is winning. you know how it is. ANYWAY THANKYOU THANKYOU THAN K YOU !!!!!! YOU SHOULD ALSO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR TAV(S) . IF YOUD LIKE. OR ANYTHING BG3 RELATED REALLY I LOVE HEARING ABOUT THINGS !!!!!! <3 also i intend to draw these two. at some point. i make no promises however you know how it is another note... been thinking about making a third dude for gale or perhaps karlach. but these two r enough fornow.
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rowavolo · 7 months
i am offering you a leaf as both a thank you and a preemptive apology. it's me again and i'm so normal about lucifer obey me /lie
he's the guy ever. hitting him with The Beam. the entire scene where we make a pact with him is…. “i can’t have you lumping me together with everyone else. that won’t do.” going crazy. if you hug him after he says "this is good enough for now" and i'm supposed to be SANE??? he cares so much for his family, he literally broke his core ideals to protect them (technically an hc but i’m correct about it). he notices so much about the people he cares for—he could tell the bottle of golden syrup was empty before levi did without ever touching it himself. his gift was a brooch that "caught our eye." he cried when we had to leave, and- “after you went back to the human world, did you ever think of me? not of my brothers, but me? tell me you did. tell me that i’ve been on your mind since the day you left. i don’t think i could handle it otherwise.” what else can you want in a man!!!! catastrophically unwell. would you believe me if i said this was half the original length of my talk about him because it is.
yearning aside, your vision of the celestial realm is clicking in place in my head like a lego brick, especially the tower design. very interested in the metal caste system you mentioned, and i am also Staring at your s/i’s lore. i’m a sucker for heaven/holy beings turning out to be bad/oppressive. an outcast from heaven finding a safe space in hell? in an arranged marriage on top of that? putting him in the microwave to watch him spin on the dish.
— blue anon (<- for no. particular reason /silly)
omg please PLEASE there is no need to apologise at all, I really enjoyed reading this and i feel like you summarised a lot of what i like about his character too! I feel like his individualism and want to be seen as separate to his brothers is a really integral part of his character, but hes also so intertwined with his role of looking after his brothers (insert some ramble about him being like someone in the parentified eldest daughter role) ANYWAYS im shaking you thank you so much for this big ramble and i would absolutely believe that theres more to this because its just like !! raah i can just feel the vibe and it's just !! im really happy you shared it with me because i liked reading it so much !!
ALSO thank you, i had so much fun working on this sort of original angel-inspired species a few years ago and im glad to be able to reuse some aspects of it in a way that im able to interact with and write about tangibly!!
AND THANK YOU i just vibe SO MUCH with this particular s/i, theres something so special about his vibe, and his arc of slowly realising that maybe the way he grew up wasnt so healthy after all and eventually settling into this space full of other outcasts (and i feel like a lot of the way you see Lucifer is displayed in how he is with my s/i in this particular AU (and the alternative version of it, in which my s/i was another 'brother', but one that fell for michaels manipulation and stayed behind in heaven)).
Like, the whole trope of finding a group that's like... theyre not just like you, but the way that theyre different from the others is compatible with the way that you are. youre playing different songs on the same wavelength. if that makes sense.
just something about my s/i finding that and learning to be at home and happy with it all
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sadlonelyvillains · 10 months
Insane ramblings
Hi i never made a post on tumblr and i might never do it again, but i need to put the thoughts swarming my brain into writing and i think if anyone's gonna see this it should be tumblr people cause they will understand.
The fact Good Omens 2 was already fully out kind of whooshed over my head so i binged it only last night. And i am unwell.
Now that that's out the way, here's what i'm actually here for:
So, at first i had a theory that crowley has probably been in love with aziraphale for a loNG time, and aziraphale probably cought feelings in the 40s when crowley saved his books (you know that scene with the romantic i'm actively falling in love with you music in the background). But nOW, i think aziraphale might have been in love with crowley since crowley was an angel.
And i mean, angel crowley was when he saw crowley being reALLY happy, creating beautiful, wonderful things, and then crowley fell but he stiLL kept doing good, so i don't think it's that aziraphale can't accept him as a demon i think it's that aziraphale believes he belongs up there, creating and doing good without being restricted or punished for it. And he wanted them to be together and make a difference, maybe so that they wouldn't need to hide, or run away somewhere far away. And maybe he thought crowley wanted that too. But of course, he's a stUPID LITTLE DUMB DUMB and can't saY IT PROPERLY. Or he just absolutely doesn't realize they're in love/that he also loves crowley, in tHAT way, but that's debatable cause when gabriel and beelzebub got together aziraphale was looking at crowley like :0 we can do that??!! so he's just really shit at feelings.
So, crowley hears that and takes it as "i'm a demon you'll never love me you'll never choose me you'll never choose us i'll never be good enough for you" because, of cOURSE he does. And i mean he kNOWS heaven is corrupt asf and they don't care about aziraphale aND tried to kill him, but in his eyes he's still choosing them over him.
And maybe he is, maybe aziraphale has a toxic relationship with heaven and is naive, or maybe he's fully aware and wants to change things when he's in charge, who knows.
Either way, none of this is getting through to either of them, and especially not aziraphale my boy i love you so much i know you meant well but yOU IDIOTT.
So, in conclusion, miscommunication absolutely ruins everything and leaves me feeling hollow inside,,,aGAIN.
Anyway, i'm not sure if what i just vomited out even makes sense cause i'm not gonna read it over again whoops, and all my interpretations might be completely wrong but who cares.
Thank you and goodbye
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curioussubjects · 2 years
fic rec time!
There was this fic I wanted to read, but hadn't yet because it was a wip and, generally speaking, I don't read wips (adhd reeeally doesn't like it). That said, the concept of the fic was really good, and I'm a little obsessed with the other pilotfic the author has written, so I decided to take a peek at the last posted chapter to make sure it didn't end on a cliffhanger from hell -- it didn't. So, this week, I finally relented.
Y'all. Y'all. This fic....this gd fic...I'm on the floor. I read it in a little over a day because life keeps happening (rude), and I haven't stopped thinking about it yet. Probably won't for a while !!
Anyway, it's a good ol' bsg finale fix-it (and we sure love those yes we do). I found the author's solution to be compelling and completely cohesive with the other themes of the story. Unfortunately, while what is posted of the fic is enough that you can kinda fill in the rest, I still can't help but wonder what the rest of the journey would've been. I can imagine multiple endings, as things are, but all, ultimately, hopeful if not happy (or as happy as you can be after genocide and war).
At its core this is a story about breaking the cycle of violence, but not only against the Other. Crucially, it's about ending the cycle of violence against the Self, too. This theme sprawls over not only the human/cylon conflict, but all the interpersonal relationships we'd followed throughout the show. It's achingly and beautifully done with Lee and Kara, in particular.
Speaking of pilots, the author takes some liberty with what happened pre-mini, though they do follow the flashbacks. I have to say that while I don't fully share their interpretation of key points in Kara and Lee's relationship (UB flashback being the real point of contention for me), their take is entirely cohesive within the story and feels true to Lee and Kara just the same.
I don't want to say more because spoilers, but feel free to insert an image of me crying screaming taking a walk to calm down because oh pilots. I know I always want to hug them, but I super need to hug them. Just. Make believe, pears and jail (iykyk). I am severely unwell and emotionally compromised.
Y'all go read it and then come back here and sit with me.
pennyante, idk if you're still out there or if you ever think about this fic, but...if you ever want to finish this fic and you need a hype person hmu.
Here are the specs:
Title: In the Whole World Author: pennyante Rating: Mature Pairings & Characters: pilots (duh), but it's an ensemble fic so canon pairings and many familiar faces Chapters: 23/? (last updated in Sept 2013 /sad) Summary:
The Cylons aren't quite human, and the humans haven't quite forgiven them. Political stability is less certain than ever now that the war is over:  Lee Adama finds himself up for re-election, where being defeated will mean a Gemenese theocracy puppeteered by Leoben Conoy. Meanwhile, Kara Thrace has nothing but questions about her death and destiny. The only answers available come in the form of the vision of a temple, and from her hybrid/comatose husband's cryptic ramblings about a sister artifact to the Arrow of Apollo.
There's violence in the air. Civil war looms. Can Lee and Kara save each other, and keep the fledgling colony whole?
Read on LJ Read on FFN (with extras!)
She had seen the leash he kept on his self-control, had seen it slacken and tauten. But he never dropped it altogether. She heard, faintly, the sound of an elemental yell erupting over a dark hillside on New Caprica, welling up from a deep pocket of her memory. Almost never.
Testing his control had long since become a favorite pasttime, because where Lee couldn't let anyone see him want, Kara couldn't let anyone see her care. Naturally: forcing him to let on that he wanted her had been the perfect way of showing she didn't care. It was so tempting—all of the pleasure, none of the guilt. The temptation of temptation—to be in his proximity, to draw deeply on the pleasure of goading him, but to not give in to it. She could feel the blood pounding in her throat and wrists, suddenly. Suddenly, she felt alive again.
"Mmm. I don't think you're gonna like renting from me, Apollo. First month's rent is three years continuous service on a battlestar."
A raised eyebrow, as if he were saying, What's your game, Starbuck?, and damn if that wasn't good for a heart she hadn't realized was lonely for it. "Paid it," he offered.
"Perfect. Security deposit's a daily hot oil massage for your landlady." Reckless grin never faltering, she watched him, watched the quick gleam flicker across his eyes before he smothered it, felt her first flash of electric heat in weeks. "Garbage pickup is never. Oh, yeah, and heat and electricity are definitely not included."
He didn't crack a smile, this time, which, predictably, made her laugh. God, what was it about him? When was the last time she'd laughed? "On the flip side, the place is an absolute steal; I have a feeling property value around here is about to skyrocket."
Lee lowered himself heavily to the cot, and she noticed, as he did, just how tired he seemed. Had he just come from speaking fruitlessly with his father, coming up against the Old Man's utter withdrawal? From meeting with the ship captains, whose talk of scattering was already sweeping the camp? From looking at the sky and remembering when the arrow of Apollo had let them see earth from Kobol and they'd dreamed of days like this—days they hadn't known would be like this—wordlessly, uncertainly, together?
Was he realizing that life on Earth, like everything else they'd ever shared, had turned out to be both more and less than the prospect of it had been?
When he spoke, it was a riddle—or perhaps it only seemed that way to her, because she was so used to hearing the riddes underlying the things he said to her. They had had their own code for far too long.
This was one she was terrified to decipher.
"Kara. I'm staying with you. Until I can't anymore."
The laughter died in her eyes. Oh, gods, what did I let slip? What did he see?
And then she finally took the time to think about what it meant that he had brought his pack with him, had rolled out his sleeping bag. About whether she wanted him to stay. The answer—the potency of it—jolted her. I should make him go, she thought. Anything else is selfish.
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