#anti mako
daughter-of-water · 5 months
its funny that you get mad about kataang ( a ship that is actually supported by the show andcharacters) while trying to defend korrasami a last minute retcon that requires making korra ooc because you have that level ofirrational hatred for mako and over reaction to him daring to have flaws emotionally immature teenager ( makos flaws were always acknowledged as such since b1) mako didnt need to be punished by ending the show single (asami got hurt and that sucked for her but its irrelevent )
ROFL, you know nothing about this blog, Mako apologist if you think I've ever defended the Korrasami ending as legitimate. I know it is hard for you to believe but thinking that Mako and Makorra are horrendously written and send the wrong message because regardless of your assertions, Mako's character flaws were not even tackled with the gravity the deserved until the final season and one cannot help but believe only done so because of rightful fanbase outcry, DOES NOT MEAN I am a Korrasami shipper. If it is irrational to have a hatred for lying and people who disregard the feelings of others for the sake of their own comfort then I am guilty as charged and glad to be so. But while we are on the subject of irrationality, you are literally getting your underpants in a twist over the fact that someone dares not to love your precious Mako or thinks his shitty behavior warrants a redemption arc where he grows as a person, apologizes to the people he wronged, and goes forward into a new relationship with someone new where he does not do that kind of shit anymore. Why are you so afraid of character development, man?
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Mako is like if cardboard were a character
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hecat-draw · 11 days
i think one of the stupidiest take i've ever seen on zutara is that makorra is the zutara ship and that it showcase why they wouldn't have worked . Like, they aren't anything alike .
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More Toxic Ships That Ruined A Show
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I just had to add more ships that have become infamous throughout the fandom.
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wilcze-kudly · 12 days
Was Mako really willing to end his friendship with Korra, to be with Asami? Was he gonna make Bolin, break off his friendship with Korra, because he believed that she’s too jealous?
Honestly, no. I don't think he would cut her off completely.
I know it's very easy to criticise Mako for how he handled the love triangle, but it was a very complicated situation and Mako was just a young man who grew up with very little proper social interactions.
I think Mako, in his own way, just wanted everyone in the group to be happy. He liked Asami, and even if she wasn't his true love, since when is being an 18 year old and wanting to go out with a pretty girl unheard of?
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Korra very clearly liked him though, and he also had feelings of his own that he didn't know how to deal with.
What you must remember is that Mako grew up in a very difficult environment, where displeasing someone could mean literal death. Naturally, he'd stray from conflict and trying to figure out his feelings would bring such conflict.
Also, he was incredibly grateful towards Asami for all her support of him and his brother. She was also the safer option. Asami is less combative than Korra and Mako got along with her easier, so if he looked at his choices through a purely dispassionate lense (something he'd be used to after his time on the streets) it would make sense to stay with Asami.
Korra's very direct attempts at pursuing him might've also made him nervous, due his previously mentioned aversion to conflict.
I do think he liked her a lot, and cared for their friendship. I don't think he'd try to cut off their relationship, unless Korra continued to (as he perceived it) put pressure on him.
In short, Mako was trying to keep the peace. He didn't do it well, because he's bad at socialising and he was under a whole lot of pressure, but he was trying.
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asura22zoro · 3 months
In Mako's defense, I don't think we should blame the whole love triangle fiasco solely on him
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www . reddit . com/r/legendofkorra/comments/j42qua/in_makos_defense_i_dont_think_we_should_blame_the/
A lot of things came into play for that triangle to happen but it just so happens that Mako's need to NOT disappoint anyone (but ending up disappointing everyone) is a huge factor.
Let me just point out that whenever Mako initiated a kiss to either Korra or Asami, it was never while he's "officially" dating the other. If anything, it was often the girls who would kiss him first while knowing he's dating the other, which they both know that it is their fault too.
In Book 1, he just simply confessed his feelings for Korra while also pointing out the fact that he couldn't act on those feelings because he's dating Asami (whom he also has feeling for but possibly not to the same degree as with Korra). But Korra kisses him anyway.
In Book 2, Asami kissed him first at her warehouse when the guy is simply cheering her up and saying he believes in her even when she doesn't believe in herself. At the time, he just broke up with Korra. Sure, it was pretty recent and he's trying to not dwell too much into that by busying himself with police work but can you blame the guy for giving up trying to put up with Korra's spitfire?
Then of course, we know what came after when Korra and Mako saw each other again and Korra's memory was wiped.
Now, notice how Asami pretty much didn't try to make a move on him again after that? Even after he and Korra broke up the second time (for good)?
I think Asami pretty much realized that Mako's too not into disappointing anyone and too emotionally awkward to pursue a relationship with again. Because not only would it be awkward but going from one girl to a other twice could ruin their dynamic as a team as well as her friendship with Korra, both of which she cherish.
So, yeah, both girls ended their romantic relationships with him. (Or in Asami's case, the possibility of it.)
And this sets up to what I like most about their relationship with each other after, especially in Book 3.
Now in Book 3 starts between three of them with Korra and Asami witnessing how Mako treats their interactions like a land mine, like any moment some hard feelings might come up, and how much he wants to avoid that from happening.
Hence why he declined Korra's offer to have him live in Air Temple Island and both ladies' help with the investigation.
What Mako doesn't realize is that there's zero to no hard feelings between the two because they pretty much had an idea that both of them made a move on him while he was dating either one of them.
Asami for sure knows that Korra kissed Mako in Book 1 and Korra probably had an idea that something happened between Asami and Mako while she was away and felt embarrassed that she kissed Mako right in front of her and everyone who knew about their break up. Probably why she laughed when Asami admitted that she DID kiss him.
Because both women knew they had feelings for Mako and that the dude also reciprocates those feelings and thought "Yeah, that was awkward but maybe we can bond over that fact instead of being at each other's throats because we're also at fault and if there's a female version of bros before hoes, Mako is that emotionally awkward hoe and we won't let his people-pleasing ways get between our vibe."
( or I would put
So they both poke fun at Mako's awkwardness to loosen him up. None of that "you hurt her and you hurt me, and now you're gonna pay for it" revenge plot. I guess Mako picked up on that during their airbending performance because he wasn't uncomfortable around those two since. And I guess Mako finding out that they got away safely from the Earth Queen's airship and out of the dessert reassured him their team dynamic is still intact.
The Korra-Mako-Asami love triangle is not exactly what I would call toxic.
Fucked up? Yes. Messy? Yes. Toxic? No.
Maybe it would be toxic if, say, Mako actively pursued both women while he was in a relationship with either of them without any inhibitions or conscience to stop him from acting out his feelings for both. Like, literally cheating on them.
Instead the canon love triangle is just a clusterfrick of three developing young adults emotionally stunted by dead parent/s, becoming a parent, parental issues, and basically being sheltered for more than a decade in the middle on an icy nowhere with limited contact to the outside world.
reddit comments
Ngl I chuckled at "Mako is that emotionally awkward hoe" lmao.
After reading some of the comments... people still don't get it. The point isn't that Mako is innocent, he is far from it. But so many people just pretend like the girls didn't have an active part in the drama, especially Korra. ALL three are to blame, even if we say not equally, then Asami is still the one carrying the least of it.
If the writers had given more spotlight to Mako or at least equally as much as they did to Bolin, it would've been more apparent but I think Mako's core flaw was that he was often very indecisive in anything that wasn't bending related (he was acknowledged as talented af by Amon), or keeping his brother's ass alive. We see him mostly going with the flow, which is a problem.
But in the end he without a hesitation decides that he is willing to sacrifice himself to bring Kuvira down by overloading the spirit bomb.
As for his stick in the butt. It's for a reason. He watched his parents get killed by a firebender (missed opportunity to make him conflicted about his talents as a firebender imo). He and his brother were oprhaned and became homeless and he sacrificed a lot to keep Bolin alive. They joined a gang and I would assume that he carried most weight there, since he wanted Bolin to retain more of his innocence than he did. Their life, for Mako, didn't start turning upwards until they got to leave the triads and move into the probending scene. He shielded Bolin from a LOT in those years more than likely, just to allow him to remain his cheerful self.
So basically, Mako sacrificed his own innocence so Bolin could have his. Him being less animated, more no nonsense and more serious, makes sense because he HAD TO BE to keep themselves alive.
( I edited a few parts that I disagreed with out
so people wouldn't assume I agreed with those takes
to be frank the b2 breakup was due to their mutual flaws not incompatibility neither of them were ready for a relationship with anyone. it was asami and korra who were incompatible with each other while makorra overcame those mutual flaws
I never really thought of korra and asami as becoming friends until b3 ( before you go but asami said she liked korra you dont need to be friends with someone to like themq
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hopefullythingspanout · 7 months
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fruitydemogorgon · 4 months
(with cleo and lewis from h20 just add water)
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with borax and glue:
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Re the fascist/cop post, I'm still pissed about the careers they gave so many characters because a cop doesn't fit any of the cops. Except Lin.
Like Toph, for example. In AtLA, she hates authority so much and in LoK she hates people and the idea of leading them. In the AtLA comics, she's shown to enjoy being the authority in being a teacher or partner in Earthern Fire Industries, but it's repeatedly shown she likes the title over the job. If I were in charge of her adulthood, she'd keep being a teacher, go to the wilderness earlier, or maybe be a politician.
Mako and Bolin have similar reasons for this being stupid. They were orphaned at 8 and 6 respectively and turned to a life of crime to survive for 8-9 years before becoming athletes. They know why most criminals exist, out of desperation. And Bolin is only a cop for like a week because Mako was. I think it would make more sense if Mako either never joined the police or left to be a PI/bodyguard for hire because B4 Mako is best Mako. Similarly, it doesn't make sense for Bolin to join and stay with Kuvira because while he's daft, he's not that daft and I think he'd realize what's up
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makoxxlip · 10 months
Korrasami's shippers think that this
"like yes, korra is literally the most powerful person in the world, but the second asami uses her angry voice, she fears for her life. ( and rightfully so )"
- is a good thing... yikes yikes. why the fuck the Avatar would be afraid of Asami 🤦‍♀️
Oh man I hate that one scene with so much passion but these people making it about " Korra only scared of her lol " is the worst like- you don't care about Korra if that's your only thought.
Literally Korra just came back from years of physical and mental health struggling, which Asami perfectly knew since she's the only one who got a letter cuz Korra felt enough comfortable for her to be her only confident, but still she got screamed at while she was just trying to help her.
While on the other hand, Korra get criticized or even hated for the hell out of it when she did the same with Mako in the beginning of b2 while it was more understandable with how much she was going through at that time. Also she was a 18 yo teenage girl with the responsibility of the world on her shoulders, not 22.
Also in that same reunion scene, Mako got mad at Korra too, but him it was bc it didn't get any news from her for years making him dead worried but still.. look how gentle he is with her without knowing her condition beforehand? And his feelings were legit (both Mako's complain and Korra's self isolation are legit btw- how they're confronting it afterwards is the only thing which can be 'judged') but still, Korra didn't replied back to him too, understanding his feelings and even actually blaming herself for making him feeling bad. While we know how these two react when they're disagreeing and are genuinely angry., but here it wasn't it. But guess who got hate for literally reacting like a caring friend? Mako.
Anyway, if that scene was just taken like that and not romanticised I wouldn't care but it's just sounds wrong how people trying to turn it out.
You prob didn't asked for a rant, but there it is hoping you wouldn't mind 🫶🏽
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opalsiren · 1 year
ultimate #hatermoment but i can't stand rikki's costuming in mako mermaids
why is my tomboy queen flitting around in 1950s-esque sundresses and high heels with perfectly styled hair. where are the androgynous silhouettes, the near refusal to wear any colour that isn't red or black, the vaguely alternative-inspired chic. why does her hair look Like That.
as a femme stereotype i will say there is nothing wrong with adhering to a certain standard of feminity, how and ever rikki has never been the most femme girlie in the room. she likes to dress up from time to time but mostly prefers to look edgy and punk-adjacent than typically feminine
yes it has been years since we've last seen her by her stint on mako mermaids, and personal style can change, i just think a few small tweaks could make this woman look more like rikki. if her dresses were red or black and her hair was a little frizzy, she would actually look like the rikki chadwick we know and love, not some girlboss in a flowery dress
the implicit message seems to be that any style that isn't 100% feminine is something you 'grow out of,' that young people who like to dress mildly tomboy-ish will eventually and inevitably end up dressing like the ideal of hegemonic feminity. dare i say a freezing cold take from a so-called 'girl power'-oriented franchise
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daughter-of-water · 5 months
I have to be honest you claimed that mako was portrayed as inthe right in b1/b2 he wasnt mako not being specifically punished for his mistakes in b1 and b2 and having something good happen to him afterwards isnt the same as being treated as in the right   the notion that mako needed to be specifically punished for his mistake is bs . a character making a mistake not being specifically punished for that mistake and having something good happen to him afterwards isnt being rewarded for that flaw or being treated as in the right. mako was treated as in the wrong .
Thanks to the fact tumblr has shown me the email you are using to submit the slew of posts you’ve been bombarding me, I now know you are one singular Mako stan. Look, as I’ve stated numerous times before, I haven’t watched or cared about Legend of Korra in years nor do I really care about your precious cinnamon roll. At this point, the only reason I even bother with you at all is because you keep attacking ships I do care about, comparing your poorly written character with characters with actual depth and continuously telling me what he did in terms of romance is not bad and that I ought not feel that this scumbag is being rewarded for his shitty behavior when said scumbag does not suffer the natural consequences of it. I don’t care if you think I am unfairly vilifying Saint Mako nor WILL I EVER change my mind about him. Actually your constant flood of submissions has only served to make me more resolved in my hatred towards your favorite character. If you are sane which I suspect you are not, you will cease submitting this bullshit to me in my inbox and accept you have failed and will always fail to convince me in the righteousness of Mako let alone in his likability.   
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jetaangxx · 6 months
Jetaang could pull a Korrasami in some AU but you're not ready for that conversation yet..
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charlotterenaissance · 11 months
if season three was gonna spend all this time on will instead of Bella (who deserves it) why not just make him the new merman and get it over with
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hotgirlkorra · 3 months
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How to test a friendship: Tolerating your friend for being a Swiftie and a Wuko bitch.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
Bolin only became interested in Opal after Mako directed him to, which is very in line with the brothers' unhealthy codependent relationship where mako feels the need to micromanage Bolin and his choices because that is what kept them safe and happy. While Bolin feels the need to allow himself to be directed and mold himself into what people want him to be, which is also propagated in his relationship with Opal where their relationship starts to fall apart when he stops behaving like she wishes him to. In this essay i will...
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