#answers; eponine.
whorejolras · 3 months
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dost thou have eposette fic recs
anon I am SO sorry this ask is from literally so long ago lmfao, some of these were very long and I took my damn time getting around to them lmao but all are great and well worth your time!!!
Temporary Hold by standalone- a classic college fake dating fic, what more could you ask for?
Angels and Ghosts- Shitpostingfromthebarricade- This one has some amazing characterisation, with Eponine who just wants to be pretty and girly and feminine but doesn't have the means to live that way. It's a version of her I'd love to see more of
Falling in love, and other things to do at a coffee shop (merelydovley)- dom Cosette and sub Eponine my gdamn beloved
Dress (areyoumiserableyet)- very enjoyable porn
always find me floating on oceans ( RsCreighton/samyazaz/SomethingIncorporeal)- pirate captain Eponine got me feeling some kind of way
One (standalone)- very funny curse fic in which Cosette has a curse where anyone who kisses her automatically falls in love with her
blood red fruit and poison's kiss (samyazaz)- Snow White AU featuring lots of found family, it's a great time
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granhairdo · 6 months
2, 5, 9, 12 for eponine? and 26 (add whatevery you want, i want to hear your opinions)
2: favorite canon thing about this character? it gives me immense joy to think about her canonical love for theatre and the fact that gavroche takes her to go see shows just... MY HEART. just let her sing her little songs let her have SOMETHING
5: what is the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?: wrapped in piano strings by radical face. it attaches to full on ghost au lore i have in my head but ARGHHHHHDHJDGHJh. also the entire album its one is so fitting for her. just listen to all of "ghost" with her in mind and it makes the album even more incredible.
the whole theme of leaving behind a legacy no matter your insignificance and terrible life is just so fitting for her. like out of the characters she's the one who leaves behind the most, like she's the whole reason the plot happened towards the end.
9: could you be roommates with this character? i think so. and we could be cry besties
12: whats a headcanon you have for this character? she's embarrassed about it but she gets quite jealous of the kinda high femme fashion of the time. she hoards little advertisements and catalogs of all these dresses and shoes and bows she wants. it makes her kinda sad to look at them, but sometimes she'll get so deep into daydreaming, it becomes an escapism for her.
26: i'll take this as an opportunity to dump some thoughts and headcanons about her
in a modern au she would constantly watch classic musical films likes singin in the rain because she grew up watching them and they distract her mind
maybe her general sort of constant daze comes from her struggling to be... present. like while she's trying to hold a conversation she's so used to kind of accepting things and trying to blur that out with daydreams and a general sense of just blacking out a lot of what she's experiencing. when she gets used to constantly working to forget things, she might appear sort of distant because she mentally is
she's a pretty passive person but gets very aggressive when you try to mess with her things. she doesnt have a lot so the few things she does have are HERS
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charl3ss · 2 years
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This entire scene makes me so unwell, but this part in particular… A WOMAN LIKE ME. She hates herself so much! Pain, pain, pain.
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emisirrelevant · 10 months
Me deciding to watch the Les Miserables TV show with Ellie Bamber and Erin Kellyman in it since I just watched Red White and Royal Blue recently (which Ellie Bamber was also in).
I am so glad I have my emotional support cat and emotional comfort snacks because EVERY TIME no matter WHAT iteration of Les Miserables I watch, I lose it when we get to the barricade and well, if you know you know.
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
the eponine x cosette x marius ot3 anon is back !!
check back with me in a few days anon and hopefully i'll have something more substantial for you
don't mind if i do :3 but also, i thought i'd tell you that you've mildly inspired me to start writing fic again. i'm not sure i'll ever actually finish, but there's that!
that makes me so happy!!!! fic is such a fun and glorious thing <3 i took a two-week break from writing because of a family trip (and then depression kicked me in the ass) but i'm coming back to it today and i am very happy about that :D
since we last talked, i have outlined the fic!! i have a pretty good sense of where it's going, which makes me happy. (there are still LARGE chunks of this fic that are not outlined -- notably the resolution, lmfao -- but i'm hoping those sections will take shape as i get a better feel for the fic as a whole)
also... i wrote one of the most important scenes :D
“Dearly beloved-- well, now I sound like a priest.” Eponine sighs. “You’re thinking about it too hard.” She lets the pen drop. “You have to think about it-- listen, Marius is going to know who you are as soon as he gets the letter. This isn’t about introducing yourself in the usual way. You’re trying to avoid a WhatsApp romance, aren’t you?” Cosette crosses her arms, watching her. “So how would you do it?” “I’d lose the self-consciousness,” she says, bluntly. “This only works if you commit fully.” Cosette shakes her head. “I can’t just stop being anxious. I’ve never talked to him, I don’t even know what his voice sounds like!” “Marius is a romantic,” says Eponine, firmly. “He’ll love whatever you write for him. Look, let me--” She scribbles something down, more focused on displaying relaxation than the quality of her writing. Marius-- I want this to be more than just a summer fling. I don’t know what your voice sounds like, but I know what it feels like to have you live in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life. Will you start this experiment with me? Will something bloom through the pages of our letters? When she glances up, Cosette is staring at her, awed. Belatedly, Eponine says, “Something like that.”
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shadows-of-1832 · 2 years
gin rickey and manhattan for gwen for the ask game ^_^
(Sorry, this has been in my asks for awhile.)
𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 〜 what does your oc consider to be their best feature? alternatively, what’s something they’re most self conscious about?
Gwen feels she gets a lot of compliments for her eyes, which match the stone blue of her father's. In the right moments, they're bright and welcoming, but in serious/tense moments, they make her cold and harsh. Especially in her teenage years and then on/off in her adulthood, she does have some concerns about her body in general, including her height. She's a few inches taller than her mother, which wouldn't bother her so much if she was considered to be of average height instead of rather tall for the 19th century.
𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗻 〜 what kind of people does your oc hate the most?
Gwen has a tendency to dislike anyone who sees her only for her looks, and not for the person she really is.
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guttersniper · 1 year
@jondrettegirl said: i can't think of anything more bourgeois. 
when we were young and unafraid.
mutt's eyes are dry with that certain flinty fierceness when he glances back up. " there's always going to be a new low with that lot. " his voice is scraped-hoarse but steady with his conviction.
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jeena-says-hi · 3 days
Eponine: Grantaire isn't answering his phone
Enjolras: I'll call
Eponine: Marius and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Grantaire: Hello?
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artfulacrostic · 1 year
some of my favorite moments from the 1995 10th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables bc it's BARRICADE DAY and thus tis the season:
the convicts during Look Down all being Valjeans from different countries
the bishop M is baby faced and has an angelic voice
the clips from the fully staged show that they insert whenever there is too long of an instrumental/to explain things
colm wilkinson and philip quast's confrontation makes me want to chew on my laptop screen. so good. so crisp
baby cosette gets spooked by a balloon popping during castle on a cloud but barely flinches and keeps singing
the entire cast in the background of master of the house bopping back and forth in time. they are so here for it and it's amazing
philip quast's stars. he's so fucking good. i'm insane about him
michael maguire as enjolras's little happy dance when gavroche tells them that lamarque is dead
michael ball as marius somehow gives himself literally heart eyes whenever he talks about cosette. i can see them. it's so funny
during a heart full of love, colm wilkinson and philip quast are so invested in the background. they're leaning over to whisper to each other. they are besties
lea salonga as eponine delivers "i know this house i tell you, there's nothing here for you. just the old man and the girl, they live ordinary lives" like a GODDESS she is EVERYTHING
michael ball surreptitiously wiping his sweat on lea salonga's hair during her death scene. mans is dying a little
drink with me features anthony crivello as a fucking stellar grantaire, and after his verse, enj comes over and puts his hand on his shoulder to comfort him for a very long time. complete with a lingering touch on the arm and everything. fantastic exr crumbs 👍
the clips from the full show of the final battle are hilarious. completely different cast (though only obvious to insane people like us.)
highlights include one of les amis right on the middle of the barricade doing like. a backwards worm he's so into his death throes. he always has me losing my shit
empty chairs at empty tables includes the fucking cruel choice to have the entire les amis cast of actors line up on each side of michael ball and just a step behind so that they're in shadows, all staring sadly at him for the whole song. gives the impression of all the ghosts of marius's dead friends looking on from the afterlife and demanding answers. heart wrenching. THIS IS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE A CONCERT, WHY ARE U DOING STAGING LIKE THIS
beggars at the feast has everyone in the background clapping/tapping along again. love seeing the thenardiers get their due appreciation
the 17 valjeans from other international productions enter after the finale and they all have their gavroches holding their country flags it's so fucking cute
and of course final encore with all the additional valjeans and the whole cast is fucking ACES
ANYWAY if ur looking for a production to watch that is good af this is the top of my list even though it isn't fully staged. it's sooooo. it's some good fucking food. happy barricade day!!
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sluttylittlenewsboy · 3 months
@eponine-thenadier You said dead newsie, I give you: dead newsie
Race was whistling Spot's favorite song as he crossed the bridge into Brooklyn. It wad his favorite time of the day, time to see his boyfriend. Race went to their usual meeting place, but Spot was nowhere to he found. Race also took notice of the fact that no one was out selling like they usually were.he shrugged it off and decided he would try the lodging house.
Race needed to visit the lodging house anyway, he had a new deck of cards to give to HotShot, and she was always the one to open the door.
When he arrived, he knocked three times, just like he always did, but no one answered. Race immediately knew that something was wrong.
He cautiously opened the door to the devastated faces of several newsies. Some of the toughest boys he knew were cuddled together under blankets, trying to hide their tears. Race's stomach turned, he needed to find Spot immediately.
He ran directly to the roof and began searching. It didn't seem like anyone was up there, but Race knew better. He kept searching until he heard a small stiff come from under a pile of boxes.
"Spotty?" Race asked quietly. The pile hiccuped. Race quickly moved the boxes to find his boyfriend sobbing in fetal position.
Race's mind filled with questions. What had Spot so upset? Why hadn't Spot sent someone to get him? Why wasn't HotShot there to comfort him like she usually was? And then, it clicked.
"HotShot" Race whispered under his breath. His eyes welled with tears.
"Oh Spotty, I'm so sorry," he whispered.
The two spent the rest of the night crying on each other's shoulders. They knew in their hearts that nothing would ever be the same again.
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cossiefauchelevant · 6 days
I think it's so important to acknowledge that Cosette had a ton of trauma that would have affected her her whole life. It really annoys me that I've talked to people who have sympathy for Cosette as a child, but when she grows up they have none and it's just like ???? Trauma doesn't just go away overnight, especially since there were no psychologists back then.
Cosette experienced 5 years of constant abuse, she was put into child labour from when she was 5 years old, she was beaten and starved and told she was just a bastard child whom no one would ever love or want. She watched other children her age (Eponine and Azelma), get lavished with love and attention while all the while probably wondering if the Thenardiers were right, if she was unlovable.
She wasn't as afraid of literally meeting a strange man in the dark woods at night as she was of Madame Thenardier.
She experienced the loss of her mother at eight years old
She was moved around so much, she never got a chance to settle anywhere and she never knew why her father was so secretive. The poor girl just wanted answers.
She nearly lost the love of her life, she lost her father and she would have lived the rest of her life with complex PTSD.
I adore Eponine, she was an incredible person who deserved the absolute world and unfortunately suffered so much, but please don't use Eponine's experiences to demean Cosette's. Cosette is a beautiful person too and she deserves love too. Just because Eponine didn't get the life Cosette did doesn't mean Cosette didn't deserve that life. I guarantee that if Valjean knew what would happen to Eponine, Azelma and Gavroche once Cosette left, he would have taken them too in a heartbeat.
So yeah. Just think before hating on Cosette, because she went through a lot more than people often realise.
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secretmellowblog · 6 months
Oh! Ask game! #20, Ideal Best Friend, for Valjean, Cosette, and Javert each?:D
(for this ask game) Thanks for the ask!! Ideal friend for Jean Valjean: Literally anyone, he needs more friends XD. But specifically I think Mabeuf, Myriel, and Combeferre would be great options.
Jean Valjean is very shy and nonconfrontational, and I think he'd be able to bond well with quiet thoughtful people who could garden or read with him. Mabeuf's poverty would also be an excuse for them to interact-- if he tried to break into Mabeuf's house to give him money, and Mabeuf caught him in the act, it could lead to a whole beautiful friendship adventure. It would be a fix-it for both of them-- Jean Valjean's money saving Mabeuf, and the friendship saving them both! I think Combeferre is a good medium between "someone who is thoughtful and bookish enough not to frighten Jean Valjean" and "someone who could validate his anger and help inspire him to find solidarity." Especially because they do have a lot of similar feelings around violence and pacifism that could build some common ground between them. It would also be great for Jean Valjean to bond with anyone else who had ever been to the galleys with him, like Boulatruelle or one of his old chainmates. Ideal friend for Cosette: Anyone, she needs more friends. But specifically I think Courfeyrac! Someone bright and social and bubbly, like she is, who could introduce her to a wide social world outside of what she knows. I also think she could bond a lot with Eponine, largely because it would allow her to explore the parts of her past that everyone else is so determined to hide from her at all costs. Ideal friend for Javert: anyone. he needs one (1) friend. I don't think pre-seine Javert could ever have "friends" because it's just not what he does. But I do think Post-Seine Javert could really hit it off with Sister Simplice, and they could bond over breaking their vows of "honesty" for Jean Valjean. In addition to that. Post-Seine Javert is in a weird emotional state because he's an authoritarian who's lost his faith in one authority, and is now desperately searching for Something Else to obey. He'd be desperate to find someone else to be his new Overlord. But who would be the best "new overlord" for him? My answer is, whoever is the funniest worst person to put in that role. I think an "ideal" friend for Javert would be some extremely normal regular guy who does not want to be Javert's Authoritarian Overlord and is just perplexed by it all. Like--Javert trying to make Theodule his new authoritarian overlord would be great. And those are my hot takes!
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pilferingapples · 11 months
(only answer this if you're in the mood for it of course) If you had to choose one colour and one single object for each of the five books in Les Miserables, which ones would you choose and (optionally) why?
oooh what a fun complicated question, I love this question! SHOCKINGLY I got long-winded about symbolism in the Long Winded Symbolism Book:
Tome 1: Fantine Color: Gold/ yellow gold for Fantine's hair, and also as a color strongly tied to wealth; no other volume is going to focus quite as much on finances as this chapter, from the Bishop and the wealth he rejects, to Valjean and his rising economic status, to Fantine and the commodification of her life to gain a few gold coins here and there. Object: a cart-wheel. I thought about the candle-sticks, and jet beads, and ships, and even teeth,but it's gotta be a cart-wheel. The wheels that carry the passengers and drivers of society but have no energy of their own; the wheels that crush anyone who falls underneath them, that take enormous force and energy and even demand the risking of life to move, break and splinter when needed to right injustice, and block all progress when stilled. The cart-wheels that stop when the horse dies, block off all hope of success at the Waterloo Inn, crush Fauchevelent and almost stop Valjean from saving his own soul. Frigging cart wheels.
Tome 2: Cosette Color: Black the color of a night in the dark forest, the inside of a grave or sunken road, Paris in the silence of a dark chase, a nun's habit. The color of despair, sure, the color of imprisonment, yes, but also the color of concealment, meditation, the unknown, peace. Object: I also considered: a water-bucket, a broken chain (for Cosette and Valjean both in this Book!), and Catherine the doll-- but it has to be a coffin. I'd say a tomb, but a coffin is more visually iconic and , of course, more immediately relevant to JVJ . LM is full of tomb and coffin imagery, but this is THE Tome of Tombs and coffins -- the impromptu tombs of the sunken road of Ohain, the chosen symbolic tomb of the convent itself (the nuns have to symbolically die and be reborn to fully enter!), the literal and ironically lifesaving coffin that Valjean is buried in. Tome 3: Marius MAN THIS ONE WAS SO HARD
Color: Green I REALLY AGONIZED ON THIS , it was Green or Blue though ; but the only real strong Blue imagery here is it being part of Marius' vision of Cosette
Green though! the color of growing things and spring and little seedlings just starting to grow, and flowers and Flora, and of Marius' secondhand coat , which looks black at night. New beginnings hidden in mourning , despite the losses of the past; flowers and growing things as signs of loss and loss as a beginning! It's what this Tome is all about, growth from grief and loss, and the grief and loss that comes from growth. Object: a piece of paper, folded into a letter. We won't get Marius' Epic Love Note until next Tome, but letters have enough of a starring role here as is! The letters Gillenormand burns to keep Marius apart from his father; the letter that doesn't burn that sends Marius to his father's deathbed; the note from his father that becomes his talisman (until lost); the letters that Thenardier sends to beg (and extort?) money, that connect Marius to Eponine and then Cosette again; letters as proof of status, proof that " we weren't meant to be like this--" ; letters as proof of identity, as love, as warnings, as traps. Letters as connection across time and generations and class and death. Tome IV: The Idyll and the Epic Color: Red Object: The Barricade look maybe both these options are stereotypical here but they are also correct. There's a whole song and years of Tumblr jokes about everything Red symbolizes and it's all in play here. It's desire and dawn and wine and warmth and death and revolution and warning and blood and fire and flowers and love. Especially love.
And the barricade is not just the single biggest Symbolic Object in the novel, it's especially the symbol of everything together, every loaded Symbolic Object in the whole book, wagon wheels and windows and doors and letters and stones and carts and yeah, probably coffins, the way this part of the novel is everyone's storylines coming together. A heap of joy and a heap of sorrows, all coming together to fight desperately for something better. Sometimes things are iconic for a reason.
Tome V: Jean Valjean Color: White White for dawn that's not the hour of waking; for Cosette's wedding gown; for a bottle of ink; for untouched marble and stone after the writing is washed away. Object : THE CANDLESTICKS I almost went with these for Tome I but no!! they belong here! in Valjean's Book! HIS symbols, that he finally gets to pass on , and oh geez if I get going on that I will NEVER post this, but you get it anyway right? you get it. It's gotta be the candlesticks, here at the end.
Thank you ! this was very fun to think about!!
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euphraisette · 3 days
Valjean is autistic but he thinks he’s broken
Fauchelevent is autistic and he hasn’t the slightest clue
Fantine’s only exposure to autism was when her friends would call her slurs
Cosette doesn’t know what autism is but she knows she has something to hide
Marius doesn’t think he’s autistic because he’s never been vaccinated
Javert doesn’t know what autism is and would arrest you for trying to explain that he has it
Èponine just thinks she’s ugly and evil and people secretly hate her by default
Grantaire jokes that he’s autistic and has no idea he’s right
Prouvaire researches his own autism obsessively and will infodump about it to anyone who will listen
Combeferre was diagnosed when he was two
Bahorel is basically just riding out gifted kid burnout with his parents’ money
Joly is afraid to get diagnosed because what if it’s actually ADHD or bipolar or NPD or schizophrenia or a tumor or something like how many tests does he have to pay for
Bossuet got misdiagnosed as neurotypical when he got evaluated because he answered some of the questions wrong
holy shit this is actually actually perfect wtf
the girls are so sad and true esp cosette and eponine
and also marius... im fucking cackling
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Asking you 6, 15, 19, 28, 40, 50, 62. If you don’t want to do them all, then just whichever you like 😊
6: in my day to day I fall into an girly Granola Artsy aesthetic. think: black converse, birkenstocks, or my pink strawberry vans, long skirts, jeans, oversized sweaters oversized button-ups, tote bags, satchels, handmade/dyed, and embroidered dresses.
But I LOVE dressing up in formalwear at any chance. I’m the person who wears the same thing to a touring broadway show as an evening wedding. If I have the slightest reason to, I will.
I also wear kinda sleek “that girl” on days that I don’t want to think about an outfit. I just throw on black cargo pants and a black ribbed tank top and hit the road. It’s so easy and always makes me feel confident.
And I dress mid-century vintage inspired sometimes. Not nearly as much as I used to but I still do.
15: shoot, just like that I forgot every book I ever read for school. I loved An Old Fashion Girl by Louisa May Alcott. It’s been a handful of years though so I don’t remember much of the plot. Also Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis was really enjoyable. It’s a retelling of a Greek myth and is heartbreaking.
(19) sleeping position: sleeping on my stomach with one leg curled up on top of a pillow and the other pillow shoved under my head and chest and on top of my arm.
Kinda like this: (not trying to make it newsies related that’s just legitimately the only visual explanation I’ve ever scene😂)
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28: five songs to describe you. This’ll be hard but I’ll try (i’ll do non-musical, and non-Christian for the sake of this)
•beautiful stranger -Laufey
•painter -aimee carty
•I’m learning how to swallow pills -julianne
•firebird -Owl City
•the thought (tomato version) -Holden Miller
•little life- Cordielia (extra one cause I forgot and this one resonates with me deeply)
I’m gonna go with that cause if I try to make it a perfect representation of me I’m be trying to decide for hours
(40) weirdest thing to happen at my school?: i was homeschooled so 😂 idk probably all of it?
50: a few years ago someone did an impression of someone I know and it was so spot on that I laughed so hard I had got a headache. Something else happened recently but I can’t remember what it was😭 OH Jeremy Jordan performing newsies in 10 minutes had me laughing really hard but not near like the impression
(62) seven characters I relate to:
-Jo March
-Peter Pan in the Heirs of Neverland duology
-Racetrack Higgins
-Anne of Green Gables (books specifically)
-Frank Anbagnale Jr (Catch me if you can the musical)
Hopefully that was fun to read and answered some questions 😂 it probably made a bunch more though😭
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