#anna nardini
jessmmariano · 3 months
I think I’ve finally pinpointed why I dislike the later seasons of Gilmore Girls (and by this I mean after season 3/4). I just hate how much it resembles a soap opera. All of the ‘dramatic’ scenes and plot lines are overplayed and just don’t seem realistic anymore. Before the show was charming and semi-relatable but, in the later seasons, it just feels like the writing was out of touch. The whole Luke’s secret daughter plot line really adds to this, too. All the characters started acting strange just for the dramatic effect, or at least that’s what it felt like. Maybe this is just me, but the later seasons just feel…off.
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sapphirebluejewel · 3 months
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annairaleigh · 3 months
Anna says that April built her list of potential fathers from reading Anna's journals from the time so perhaps when Luke asked why she didn't tell him that he had a daughter she should have said because she didn't know if April was his or not. Absolutely nothing against being open sexually and enjoying yourself but to put the blame on him? That he didn't like kids? Was trash. They wanted to tank her character but they reallllllly tanked her.
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frazzledsoul · 3 months
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humansofstarshollow · 2 years
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[wlw] Lorelai Gilmore & Anna Nardini
-endless possibilities: Anna and Lorelai's is, in the simplest of terms, a Love Story: they met, fell helplessly in love, and lived happily ever after since that serendipitous day.
or: canon who? sorry, wrong number.
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Rory- the new Lorelai/ the new Luke???
Okay, I just have this crazy theory after reading a post on Dean being Rory’s Max. Well, ASP clearly put parallels to make Rory the new Lorelai, in terms of her romantic interests-
Logan = Christopher
Jess = Luke
Dean = Max
But.... what if... she’s paralleling someone else, say- Luke? If you think about it, Luke has always wanted to honor his father’s legacy as evident from the hardware-turned-diner Luke’s. So is Rory if you think about her graduation speech in S3′s finale. And if you take Luke’s romantic interests in the OS, you’ll find that-
Dean = Nicole (s3-s4)
Logan = Rachel/ Anna Nardini
Jess = Lorelai
What are your thoughts? Agree or disagree?
Comment, Like and Reblog!!!
PS. Rory’s Jess could be Doula, because in a way they can be pitted against each other in terms of Jess’s happiness as a goal! Just a thought!
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friedsaladalpaca · 1 year
Controversial opinion but I actually get Anna Nardini getting mad at Luke when he asked Lorelai host the April's birthday party. She obviously hasn't met her, she knows nothing about Lorelai (like she was a single mother or that she's great in the community or whatever) and probably Luke hasn't talked about her at all (the same way Lorelai doesn't know a lot about Anna beyond her being April's mom). I think maybe as the divorce daughter of an ass of a father get Anna not trusting Lorelai because I saw the way his gf behaved with me and my mom, but yeah, it pretty much was Luke fault.
Anna met an specific version of Luke that couldn't trust him as a father, while Lorelai knew another one. If Luke had actually kept that growth from a few seasons before April, we would have avoided all the mess that was season six and seven with their relationship.
Not defending them tho, there are moments were I really disliked both of them, but the party and all the things that went after it was pretty much justified in my eyes
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springfox04 · 20 hours
STOP BLAMING APRIL HERSELF FOR THE APRIL STORYLINE!!! She’s just a cute smart little 12 year old girl why are you hating on her??!?! Leave her alone!!! If you wanna hate somebody hate Anna or hate Luke for keeping April from Lorelai. Luke and Anna are to blame for the poor handling of the situation, keep the sweet little girl out of it! It’s not her fault her parents are stupid!
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tisdae · 1 year
sherilyn fenn who played “ginger” on friends are on gilmore girls too!! ahhh i love her!!
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jessmmariano · 2 years
I think it’s so funny that ASP gave Sherilyn Fenn (the actress who played Sasha and Anna) not one, but two roles in which she was a ‘cool’ single mother. It’s even funnier considering that Fenn was who ASP wanted to cast for Lorelai originally instead of Lauren Graham.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 5 days
Pros and cons of every Gilmore Girls season
Season 1
Pros: cozy vibes, everything is new, some of the best episodes of the show, Christmas episode, Lorelai and Luke's sexual tension,
Cons: boring love stories, Tristan, The Damn Donna Reed episode, Rory ending up with Dean in the end and the show trying to brainwash us into thinking it's romantic
Season 2
Pros: still cozy vibes, Jess is introduced, finally some good love interests and love stories, Tristan leaves, Lane discovers her love for drums
Cons: Rory is with Dean the whole season and they argue in almost every episode
Season 3
Pros: still cozy vibes, Rory and Jess are together, some of the best episodes and town events are in this season, Thanksgiving episode, Lorelai gets an okay love interest, Lane forms a band, Dave is introduced, Lane and Dave are together, Rory gets into Yale, Rory's graduation, Lorelai and Sookie finally decide to open the inn
Cons: the stupid student government storyline, Luke is with Nicole, Rory never gets the chance to have sex with Jess, Rory and Jess don't go to prom with Lane and Dave
Season 4:
Pros: no Christopher! This is the only Christopher free season on the show! Also Rory starts Yale and the separation from Stars Hollow is handled well, Lorelai opens the inn, Jess is in this season a few times, Luke can see her face, Luke and Lorelai finally kiss, Lane becomes independent
Cons: Rory sleeps with Dean, Dean is too much in this season and has a stupid haircut, Paris dates her professor, Dave leaves and breaks up with Lane for a stupid reason, Richard's stupid mustache
Season 5
Pros: Luke and Lorelai finally together, Rory tells Christopher to leave them alone, Emily and Richard separate and get back together, Paris and Doyle
Cons: we are subjected to Rory and Dean round 3 for the first eight episodes, Lane starts liking and dating Zach out of nowhere, it's also unclear why exactly Rory likes Logan, no Jess, soap opera-esque drama starts happening all the time
Season 6
Pros: Jess comes back a changed man, the second Thanksgiving episode of the series, Rory's 21st birthday, The Friday Night's Alright for Fighting episode
Cons: soap opera-esque storyline continue happening all the time- it is revealed that Luke has a secret long lost kid, Rory and Lorelai don't even talk for the first 8 episodes of this season, Luke and Lorelai don't get married, Rory and Jess don't get back together, Lane and Zach get married, Lorelai sleeps with Christopher, Anna Nardini
Season 7
Pros: Luke punches Christopher, Rory's graduation, Paris's speech about how Rory is a great person, Richard's speech about how Lorelai is a remarkable person, Lorelai writes the character reference for Luke
Cons: for more than half a season Christopher is there all the time, Christopher and Lorelai get married, Lane gets pregnant, Marty turns into a horrible person, no Jess, new writers and it's evident
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scotianostra · 1 month
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Happy birthday actress Daniela Nardini born 26th April 1968 in Largs.
Nardini was educated at Largs Academy school, then trained as an actress at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. Her parents owned Nardini’s, an ice cream parlour and restaurant in Largs. She was on the point of giving up acting and training to become a drama teacher when she was offered the part of Anna in This Life.
Other roles for Danniela have been in Taggart, of course, Big Women and Waterloo Road. as well as Bob Servant, we last saw he in Sunset Song with Peter Mullen. Nardini currently lives in Glasgow with her partner, Ivan Stein, a former civil servant-turned-chef, and their daughter. She had previously lived in Notting Hill in London, but moved back to Scotland after the birth of her daughter.
Daniela has been a bit quiet on the acting front, apart from a couple of shorts in the last couple of years, we have to look back to 2015 and Bob Servant for anything regular. I poked around further and found she is narrating Priest School, a documentary on BBC Scotland that follows a group of seminarians for a year as they train at the Scots College in Rome. It’s the first time the college – Scotland’s oldest overseas institution – has opened its doors to TV cameras. The best part of the filming however has been left out. The footage featured the Holy Father Pope Francis accepting a bottle of Oban malt from some students and proclaiming it “the real water of life”
Following a feud, the big Art Deco Nardini’s ice cream shop on the prom in Largs is no longer run by the family. It was founded by Pietro, her great-grandfather, who came to Scotland from Barga in Tuscany. He ended up in Paisley and then moved to Largs to open the shop that still bares the family name, I think anyone who has visited Largs will have visited it, at least just admire the shop itself.
Daniela had a health scare a couple of years ago when abnormalities showed up following a mammogram, she said in an interview in The Sunday Post;
“It was a huge shock to be told I had breast cancer, and it was another shock to learn I needed to have a mastectomy. All these decisions that have to be made come at you, like whether or not to have reconstruction at the same time as the surgery.
“I was in shock. After all of it is done, you can get over the physical side, but mentally, well, you are just a bit off. Now I look at it and think I was very lucky. After the treatment I’ve had nothing – no other symptoms – and I’m in the clear.”
She admits to seeking professional help after the death of her father, and her divorce, but has come out of it and is now embarking on her own journey into counselling. She says it’s always been something that interested her, so she completed an HNC during lockdown and is now studying for a diploma.
In 2022 Daniella teamed up with fellow Scot David Tennant to play Lady Macbeth, David playing the title role.for the play, which was aired on BBC Radio 4. That's about all I could find of her recent work online unfortunately, Nardini currently lives in Glasgow with her partner, Ivan Stein, a former civil servant-turned-chef, and their daughter
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frazzledsoul · 5 months
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that-rabbits-dynamite · 9 months
The whole April Nardini thing could have actually been a really good thing for Luke and Lorelai's relationship.
After Luke learns about her, he has a new found understanding about how important it is for Christopher to be in Rory's life. The whole phone call thing from Chris to lorelai, makes them get in to a huge fight, but when Lorelai actually goes and meets him, and then Rory accepts his help paying for Yale, Luke is totally cool. He goes on and on about how a father should be in his kids life. He clearly is thinking about himself, and understands, why Chris will always be in Lorelai's life, and why he should be in their lives.
If Luke would have been open about April, it would have been a shock. But, Lorelai is great with kids, and would have been okay. We saw how she wanted to be a part of April's life. How great she was when she had the chance.
If Luke would have been upfront and honest, it would not have been an issue from his end. Any problems may have come from Anna, but they would have handled them together.
The difficulties with Chris from Luke are taken care of. The difficulties with the Lorelai and April relationship, that were pretty much completely because of Luke, would have been significantly less. The reasons for them breaking it off wouldn't have been there. They would have talked through together when to set a wedding date. They would have been dealing with things together.
Lorelai and Luke had a lot of communication issues. Being able to talk about Chris, and April, would have been important to their relationship. And I think would have prevented the break up.
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hero-adjacent · 1 year
Richard & Emily Gilmore aren't necessarily "good" parents but the Huntzbergers are worse, the Kims are worse, the Gellers are worse, the Marianos are worse, the Haydens are worse, Anna Nardini not telling April for 12 years who her dad is then trying to forbid their healthy bonding is worse.
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missroller15 · 2 years
I know you said you probably won't want to watch Season 7 again, but what are your overall thoughts about the season so far? What is it that you don't like about it in general? (It's not a favorite of mine either, but I'm curious!) Is there anything you HAVE liked about it so far?
Hmmmm, I think I'll state what I wasn't a big fan of first and then what I did end up liking to end off on a good note.
Warning, my memory sucks so this will probaby be a bit inaccurate or off when I'm recounting these but I'll try my best!
Let's do this Rory Gilmore style ;)
I'll state off the bat, no Jess. Automatically, not a big fan but I can work with it so it's not the biggest thing that sorta made me like this season so much less. (Still made me kinda sad but I get it, it's fine I guess.)
Rogan. Yup, I said it. There was something so sugary, so artificial that wasn't really there to me before that frustrated me and honestly, I found certain aspects of them so strange. And I think one day I'll get fully in depth about it in a post but to sum it up: The rocket was an interesting gift but it wasn't very romantic to me at all, the whole 'Logan has great hair' thing was also.. um, that? The "Hi." "Hi." in the episode where Logan visits SH set me off too. And I'm 100% biased when I say all this as it felt like they almost ripped off Literati with that and the hair thing. There I said it, I'm sorry.
Rory's character was particularly strange too because I've noticed before that I always found her love for Logan frankly strange/obsessive but s7 had a really big goal to make her life pretty much revolve around him. I mean, I'm pretty sure at one of the Friday Night Dinners, Emily actually asked her what her summer plans are and she responded that Logan was gone so.. Yeah, I dunno. As well as her jealousy over that woman that worked with Logan at that dinner (Which was another part that I didn't really like b/c Logan pulled the same thing he did back in s5!)
CHRISTOPHER AND LORELAI, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT- I can't even wrap my head around how much that ticked me off. I just couldn't believe it too.
Anna Nardini. Need I say more? :|
Marty just disappointed me so much as well. So much for that friendship Rory had.
Those are just what I immediately thought of off the top of my head. I promise, I did enjoy certain parts too!
Luke in Dad mode. Look, I understand completely how much the April storyline could bug people and to be honest, it bugged me too since it was so clearly used to split up Lorelai and Luke but I actually don't hate April as a character. I think she's pretty good and her interactions with Luke were rather cute.
Lorelai's letter to help Luke was EVERYTHING. I genuinely enjoyed it, and the way the scene was shot as well where it was read out loud then it panned to Chris reading it as well with Lorelai's voice. Ah, just so good.
The final episode was done wonderfully, regardless of what the writers may have done, they did know how to tie the show up nicely.
(Just because I'm a bitter emo person, the moment Rory and Logan split was also kinda relieving BUT it's not something I'd officially add to the pros b/c the other side of me really did not care. Christopher and Lorelai could be added to that category as well.)
There's probably more that I add to this but yeah, these are my thoughts. I totally entered rant mode, sorry but yeah my general thoughts! Thank you so much for the ask, it was nice to actually get these thoughts and feelings out.
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