brookreader · 8 months
Mutanl bingo please :) 🐢
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quillsinkwell · 1 year
For the ask game, I'll send a few!!
for one you don't know much about: Arcee, For a AU Character: Swap Bendy or Joey, and for a cannon character you do know: Allison!
1, 2, 3, and 27
For Swap!Bendy:
1: My first impression of them
'oh you can fit SO much trauma in this boi'
2: When I think I started to like/dislike them
I always had a soft spot for the little guy, mainly because before we worked out the full extension of the AU, the mental image of the little guy following you around while you run errands sounded wonderful :]
3: A song that reminds me of them
I already screamed about 'Catabolic Seed' in our DMs, but another one that I kinda think a lot is 'The Chattering Lack of Common Sense' by Ghost! I see it as kind of a summary of his character development, realizing he can't hide away on the sidelines and that he needs to take action!
27: If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most interesting for them to meet?
Hmmm this might seem odd but I think Toriel Dreemurr from Undertale! Both of them hid themselves away from their society because of twisted things that were going on that they couldn't stop.
For Swap!Joey:
1: 'oh he and susie are gonna fucking maul each other'
2: I started to like him once we developed him more and made him kinder and more caring about his employees.
3: House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco! It really represents Ghost!Joey and him reflecting on the hand he played in the tragedy Susie caused and blaming himself for it. (This song also works for Canon!Joey but that's a post for another day)
27: I think Asgore Dreemurr, again, from Undertale, would be pretty interesting to see with him! Both of them chose a heavily flawed solution in the name of trying to help the people to care about (plus there is the dilf vibes-)
For Canon!Allison
1: hmmm I was kinda intrigued by her when I first saw her in the game!
2: I started to like her when the game showed more of her character! Though I have to admit she lost a bit of favor when I realized that she could have freed Henry using her sword but for plot reasons didn't.
3: I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead from The Count of Monte Cristo! This came to me when BATDR came out and showed us that Allison was actively trying to save Susie. It represents, again, Allison trying to help Susie and get through to her and Susie resisting her efforts.
27: You know, it would be kinda poetic if I said Asriel, but it don't fit, haha. It's kind of a mix between Tess from The Last of Us and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney.
...ok, I swear I can explain-
Tess: Badass survivor with a partner and an ambiguous relationship with said partner. I think they'd have an interesting relationship.
Phoenix Wright: Ok, this makes sense I swear. Both of them (Phoenix in the first game) are trying to save someone who's done some messed up junk because they know that person can be better.
Plus Phoenix deals with supernatural shenanigans on the regular and I kinda wanna see his reaction to ink people.
Ask me stuff about random characters!
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
thank you for the tag @havenshereagain!!
here's your music taste:
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(granted other than heathers on that list i only listen to like...one or two songs. also i dont often listen to too much beetlejuice but i do i should have crossed it off...too lazy. sorry!!)
Annnnd mine!
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im so sorry my taste in music is godawful
tagging @jackie-shitposts, @lesbiansayaishii, the other @animaestr0 haven, and @angler-camnden
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(OOC: it’s the angler-camnden person, I’m making a role play blog but can’t frikin figure out how to do asks through it without it defaulting to my main blog, sorry I’m working on that—-)
you know I honest-to-the-allspark didn’t know those attack coordinates. You didn’t have to kill Tailgate. He was my friend. My only friend at the time.
I miss him a lot. But who I don’t miss is you, Con.
How could I be certain? No-one gave me a cortical psychic patch; I couldn't glance at either you or Tailgate's minds. And you know, we were at war. What was I supposed to do once you gave me the coordinates, let you leave with only a few scars? Or did you assume our fights to be merely playground quarrels~?
I didn't know he was your only friend, and frankly? I couldn't care less. People deactivate during war and they never get back up. That's the reality, Arcee. I think it's time for you to wake up~
(OOC: It's completely chill, don't worry! However, sideblogs can't send asks or submissions. The best you can do in send a post in character and clarify that it comes from a RP blog, typically by signing off your ask with your account's URL. It's dumb, but you gotta do what you gotta do.)
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brookreader · 1 year
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Pick one for me to explain and only one; the rest you must come up with 1 sentence explanations for yourself. This is your final test
(Can you tell I’m frikin’ bored)
Oh shit I did not take notes
Ok first one. Uhh. Not the season that didn’t happen I don’t think bc they lost that season. Uh.
Lloyd does this weekly. Tea with gramps
Ohhh that was the sad ghost right? He deserves better I think. Or was that the tournament season where Zane went missing?
I do remember that! He eventually aged up into a kid, then eventually went back to normal I think
Some villain in disguise cursed them?
No idea but real of him tbh
I don’t think I even remembered there being more than one dragon? Explain this one pls
Omg cabinet man real not clickbait
Oh im gonna get such a bad grade in ninjago
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brookreader · 1 year
For bingo, Lucy, Johnny, nastya, and maybe someday Allison if you’re interested in the fic lol
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Have not read the Allison fic yet 😔
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brookreader · 1 year
Hi I’m sad, and coping though art. So… wanna see what you’d look like as a Navi?
Hey, sorry I never answered this! Haven’t looked through the inbox in awhile. What is a Navi?
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brookreader · 1 year
Hi Seph!
💛 Do you have any piercings?
Nope, none! Might get my ears pierced at some point, but then again my hair almost always covers my ears xbxvxgxf
😉 (I assume meant to be 🙃?) What’s a weird fact you know?
Hmm. There are three types of zebras which all have different numbers of chromosomes. They’re not much more closely related to each other than they are to horses and donkeys.
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
Definitely chocolate, though I do like cheese.
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brookreader · 2 years
Rouge but platonic
<3 right back atcha /p
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brookreader · 2 years
fire the bloeblos thing Rex or Lucy, and Carmen or Carmella!
Ok I’m not putting pictures cuz it’s a pain to do on my phone and I have confidence in y’all’s reading abilities
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brookreader · 2 years
♪ please :)
And if you wear your wedding dress
For that charlatan in red
Then you’re already lost, lost, lost
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brookreader · 2 years
For the character game…. Anastasia, Carmen and if you’d be interested, Dia (lol)
Nastya Rasputina
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Carmen Sandiego
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Dia… what’s Dia’s last name?
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brookreader · 2 years
i might have already done this but to be sure....
Sorry for taking a bit to answer! Seph, you’re an incredibly talented seamstress like holy shit!! Have y’all seen the stuff this person has made? Maybe not. Just trust me, it’s INCREDIBLE. Your creativity and motivation when it comes to stories is inspiring, and you care very much about other people. I’m glad we’re friends :)
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brookreader · 2 years
For the ask game: 2, 20, 21
2. lighter or matches?
Lighter! With matches the fire feels too close to my fingers for comfort
20. do you say soda or pop?
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
My old stuffed dog, Roxy :)
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brookreader · 2 years
lemon, carmine (respectfully in a platonic way), raspberry
💕💞💓💗💖💘💝❣️❣️💍 /p
Ofc, we can take em
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brookreader · 2 years
But the thing that’s unendurable about being so adorable is
No one believes you know your mind
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