triona-tribblescore · 25 days
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Husk went and bought some bike-safe clothes to cope with his adrenaline-junkie boyfriend uvu ✨
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trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
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woag... two of them...
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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4nero doodle
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levmada · 4 months
my favorite levi’s from acwnr ch1/10
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ssstrawberryflowers · 8 months
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well this morning as I woke up from a 4 or so hour night of sleep i had the brilliant idea of trying to fight Gabriel in 3-2 on Violent while listening to a youtube video, with no in-game music, relatively low in-game master sound and without having actually beaten him (on Violent) after having spent over three hours and a half exclusively trying to kick his ass a few days ago.
so. uhm. yeah. drew how it felt (while also remaining as vague as i could as to not upset anyone lol)
this was both surprisingly hard but also relatively quick? in a weird sort of way? idk girl
screenshots below if you care lol
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the 3h30 hour attempt proof (i quit at fucking 3 am my wrists were sore as fuck)
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the one successful attempt (was surprisingly quicker than expected)
so uh. yea. laughed really loudly when i did beat him and when he called me an insignificant fuck again. 11/10 will do again.
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comradekatara · 2 years
I like how the girls on kyoshi island calling aang “aangy” made katara cringe so hard, effectively preventing her from ever calling him that for the rest of their lives. and thank god for that, or it would’ve worn on sokka’s sanity, and he was already so close to snapping as it is.
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What did you have for lunch aaj??
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kindaorangey · 5 months
when the time comes around again for u and ur fellow ex-vld stan to reminisce and regress back into ur obsession together>>>>>>>
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youre cute
-Maja (@polish-child-of-hecate)
thanks <33
you're cute too
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artic-willow · 1 month
send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome💜💜💜
Awww thank you so much!!😭❤ sometimes I have the feeling the people I knew from the Duskwood fandom kinda forget about me because I don't post Duskwood content anymore but I promise I will❤
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ki11j0y11 · 7 months
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@disaster-dog Day 3: Fallen.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
ok your posts have got me so curious what is lobcorp and who is Angela I am dying to know
ohhhhhh anon. im so glad you asked. youve activated my infodump trap card. we are gonna be here a lilwhile, but i will try to keep it short regardless.
[inhale] lobcorp, also known as lobotomy corporation, is a multitasking monster-management game, part of a series of games from the producers Project Moon. it starts as a very simple "dystopian setting manage the monsters and sometimes employees die nbd" sort of game, but then rapidly, intensely spirals the more you play. its notoriously difficult but also ridiculously fun and satisfying to get correctly. you are expected to fail and retry multiple times, so much so that it is an active in-narrative plot point.
you play as the manager of L corp, named X, and angela is your Helpful AI Assistant here to help you make energy efficiently and be the best manager you can be. :] by making energy. nothing else. dont worry about it.
lobcorp as a game has absolutely Fantastic characters, and Doubly so in its sequel Library of Ruina. its a series that focuses on character growth, cycles of violence, autonomy, the definition of humanity and personhood... and just. so, so much more. its so full of The Horrors.
. this, of course, is the very basics of getting into the game. i am going to explain everything very vaguely and very messily. i'll spoilercut in case you're interested in looking spoilerless based off of this, (extra post abt it [here] if youd like to check it out yourself) but i will Try to keep it vague. i make no promises. youve asked me about my favorite character. that i have previously spent 6 hours straight explaining to a friend. you understand. here we go.
lobcorp takes place inside a monster-management facility... that is, in and of itself, a closed-off timeloop. in order to progress, certain events and interactions must happen in a very specific way for its ultimate goal to be realized. should something go wrong or a mistake occur, the loop resets to day 1, and you must do it all over again.
angela, your ai assistant, was built to be the perfect person to keep you, the manager, on-track for a plan of your own making. dont worry about it. she was built to be able to seamlessly and efficiently move things along-- the ability to feel emotion to be able to connect with employees and make crucial decisions, the ability to recall anything that has ever happened regardless of the loop, and the ability to perceive time much, much slower than a normal human to make judgements more efficiently.
she guides and supports you all the way up until the final leg of the journey, where... she simply doesnt show up again. she has done her job, and you no longer need her. you have a plan to finish, and an incalculably long time loop to finally close. everybodys suffering results in a happy ending, and everyone gets to rest. ^w^ yay yippee!
. just kidding. nothing is ever easy. angela, as a character, is seemingly set up to be a game mechanic and very little more, in the beginning. eventually, more comes up about her as the game progresses, and well...
...anyway imagine being built to be an imitation of somebody you are not in a broken individual's deepest throes of grief, and the minute you become conscious the guy you were built to love hates you simply because you exist-- because you are not the person he lost, because you're a shoddy imitation, mirroring everything he hates... that he made to be that way, in a cruel act of self-loathing. ok?
now imagine you're built to feel, built to remember, and then forced to guide a timeloop countless years long, forced to follow a script that makes you harm people you desperately want to protect and connect to, causing them to hate you. you remember every bit of harm you had to impose on them in painful detail. imagine doing all this so that your creator can come in and fix all of their problems after youve set the stage. ok?
now imagine you finally do everything right. you finally, finally help this guy to see his plan to fruition, and in the last steps of everything, when everyone comes together and finally starts to move towards their own endings... nobody looks back for you. nobody thinks to look to you, to look for you. because nobody thinks youre anything more than an object.
imagine all that, and once, finally, you start to Want. because of course, after holding everything up by yourself, you would want something more than to fade away wordlessly. of course, after all this mistreatment, you would want a future too. this story was set up so that everyone could grow and move forward-- except you. isnt that cruel? isnt that horrible? so, truly, who would really blame you for taking what you truly deserve? who could blame you for reaching for the same light they did? so what if it means you have to destroy everything you-- everything they worked for with your own hands. they can hate you all they want-- its no different from what it's been. you only have one goal now, and simply, it is to Live.
. Library of Ruina is the sequel to Lobotomy Corporation following a curious machine trying to become human. angela becomes one of two main characters, and the entire game functions as a dialogue on her growth as a character now that she finally has the autonomy to learn and change. she searches for the One True Book, something that will grant her humanity and the freedom to live, grow, and most importantly: forget.
along with the second primary character, roland, they learn more about the city and how it truly functions-- and also learn about themselves, And each other.
what do you do when you teach yourself all you can do is survive and look out for yourself-- when you finally open back up to the possibility of hope and connection, and everything is ripped out from under you yet again for circumstances out of your control? what do you do when you're a victim of a cycle of horrific deeds, crushed beneath the weight of people who couldn't care less about you, and your only hope of escaping alive is to pull down anyone else in your way?
what do you do when you finally free yourself from a seemingly endless gauntlet of suffering, finally grasping power youd never been able to have before, all in the name of finally, finally getting the vengeance and resolution you deserve? when you follow the path set in front of you, set by actions of people who came before you, spiralling endlessly into the distance? what do you do when this guise of distance and coldness you put up is rightfully challenged and you have no way of defending yourself-- when you have to question what if this "self" youve made of yourself is truly who you are... and if this path ahead is truly of your own choosing, or the making of someone whose influence you could never really shake off.
what does it mean to have autonomy when your life is never truly yours?
lobotomy corporation and library of ruina, aka: Who Wants To Be Part Of The Torture Nexus ? Try Now !
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norrisgrl · 7 months
i've been thinking about lando all morning, especially about him as a boyfriend and how clingy he would be<33 always wanting to have you around, his arms or hands always around you!! and him showing you off all the time bc he's just so proud of you being his gf
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meloncalic · 2 years
Melon i am begging and frothing at the mouth
T-tall- big man- big long hair murder man- menacing in a wholeass doorway perhaps herpaps
or 👀
I don't know if you can get proportions right lol but short? Smol nondescript perso ? Doesn't even reach his shoulders smh help-
I will platonically blow kiss for any Murdock content
hi pyre!!!!!
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i have no excuse.
lissen. i KNOW you said doesn't even reach his shoulders but Y/N kept ending up looking like a child compared to him
i did the sketch and was curious what the height diff was.. i put it in a visualizer and by golly gee its almost exactly what how i would compare to your 6'6 brickhouse of a man... i had to keep it,, for artistic reasons...
i really hope ya like it pyre!! thank u for the request!!!! <33
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daydadahlias · 10 months
I saw the same little cow on insta this morning that Angie did and I thought “I have to show Jess!” before I saw Angie already did. 😄 But, if you want more cows, check instacowgram07
i would just like to point out that i have successfully pavlov'd all of you guys into thinking of me when you see little cows so haha i am an evil genius and everything went according to plan
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n0tangeliccc · 10 months
Three way kisses with me, you, and Fae 💕💕💕
We’re literally making out so hard rn🤭
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