#and you cant get mad bc thats illegal
esompthinfics · 10 months
Rip me I am so sorry loves :(
Today's chapter will have to come out this weekend! Had a few surprises pop up today and to be fully honest, I forgor
But I can guarantee this next chapter will (hopefully) be worth the wait!
K thnx luv u bye
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starfxkr · 10 days
im back with thoughts moony… thinking ab tp!reader snooping around jj’s stuff while hes at work or doin chores outside bc she enjoys crossing his boundaries as well as being nosey (she also thinks he shouldnt hide anything from her bc shes been incredibly vulnerable with him) :3 she comes across the illegal guns shes heard so much about thats stuffed into the couch cushions or deep in his closet, its the first time shes ever seen them nd it solidifies the type of person jj is (was?)! she doesnt dwell on it too much bc shes tryna find her phone so she can take cute selfies w it :P shes too geeked out to hear jj coming home nd opening the door… now shes a deer caught in headlights nd hes got veins popping out of his forehead (my fav hc youve made is that finger twitch tic he has when he gets really angry… like oh! thats hot…)— you cant tell me she doesnt get a crazy spanking bc he flips out as a father would, aint shit funny like !!!!!! i like to think hes as strict as trap!jj, both for different but similar reasons ofc, tp!jj’s just freudian so its more icky :3
— 🦢
jj may be living a more peaceful life but he's always slightly paranoid his past will come back to haunt him hence why yeah the guns are "stashed" but they're still around! and yeah you look around in his shit because why shouldn't you! when he was still coming over your mom's house he would mess with all your stuffed animals and trinkets and long discarded dolls from each phase of your life like really you're just putting yourself on equal footing.
but when he comes in to see you waving the gun around taking selfies he's beyond pissed. he's fucking heated because now your finger prints are all over them and they're fucking loaded you coulda hurt yourself and he' yelling "the fuck is your problem? you coulda blew your brains sky fuckin high are you crazy?" and he's snatching it from you, putting the gun to your head while he says it because since you wanna play he's gonna show you how dangerous it is.
jj tears your ass up, fuck the hand he spanks your ass raw with his belt until you're bruised and teary eyed and by the time he's calmed down he's still mad but he's holding you while you sniffer and whimper saying he didn't wanna do that but you're stubborn and you don't listen when you need to :(
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yatgb · 3 months
Okay well i GUESSSS i can ramble about agent 8 🙄 if i mustt
He/She Eight forever and always ^-^ people (including herself) default to she/her but she doesnt mind! Either prns are fine any time. Also doesnt label her sexuality he's just balling
Aside from all the sanitized kamabo bullshit i think hitting her head after the fight with agent 3 actually did give her some Lasting Brain Damage, and she has problems with forgetting things. Her and Agent 4's apartment is PLASTERED with sticky note reminders, even for stuff like "close the fridge" "turn off the stove" because she WILL forget to do that part
Agent 4 made her a little cookbook that step-by-step tells her how to make her favorite foods with those menial reminders to turn stuff on and off and close doors
AND she and Agent 4 have made what they call Eight's Brain Board, whoch is a crime board style corkboard that lays out all her memories and how they relate to each other just in case she forgets again. Proudly on display in their room
Likes wood-and-metalworking just to make little trinkets, most of the time Octivus or Squidmas gifts. The definition of Hobby On The Side that keeps her hands sharp. The first one she made on the surface was a little Salmonid keychain she gifted to Agent 4 ^-^
Still writes poetry too. She doesnt mean for it to be 8-8-8 syllables they literally just. Happen like that. She'll write a poem about literally anything. she wrote one about Agent 4's freckles
I know Donny is the shopkeeper in-game but Eight is the actual store manager for the Ammo Knights in Inkopolis Square. Sheldon hired her before he moved to Splatsville and she proved to be a VERY good employee so he let her take over the store
She and Sheldon often have friendly races between who can take apart and put a weapon back together the quickest. Eight's record is less than 2 minutes for a Hydra Splatling
Eight takes her job SUPER seriously and absolutely Will Not Budge on anything like prices or weapon availability. No "i left my ID at home" or "i'm basically level 10 cant i just have that one" she does NOT care. Rules are rules and by jove she will not only follow but she WILL enforce them
^ that being said she also HATES Grizzco. She doesnt like their shady vibe and has heard many horror stories about the actual work from Agent 4 (who works there to pay off his student loans) and she really really REALLY despises how they illegally modify weapons for golden rotations. Every time she finds a modified weapon she instantly confiscates and dismantles it. It's like a spit in the face to her entire career and she will not stand for it
Very good with teenagers! Mostly bc thats the majority of who comes into the shop. She loves hearing about their battle tales and has been jotting down little plotlines that unfold in her store (like a kid trying a new weapon to impress their crush, or someone climbing up the ranks in Clam Blitz, that type thing)
She has a reputation for being super nice to everyone but really its because she just has a really long fuse. It takes a LOT to get her mad
Charger main! She's amazing with any charger you put in front of her and she's an absolute MENACE in an inkbattle. Her favorites change but "you can never go wrong with a good and standard Splat Charger"
Her favorite battle mode is Tower Control!
She also Is crushing on Cap3 but she will literally never make a move. Partly bc they live across the ocean in splatsville now but also It's Agent 3. The Legendary Agent 3. Theyre Too Cool For Me (Agent 4 has been trying to wingman them together ever since they started hanging out. the pining is mutual theyre both just flustered. Hes suffering)
Idol relationships!!!!!!! Since she is genuinely good friends with Agent 3 she's frienda by proxy with the squid sisters. They dont really have a lot in common and dont hang out much but she and Marie like being menaces in inkbattles together because theyre both cracked with a Charger and love causing problems. Imagine 2 E-Liters on the Brinewater ledge. Hell. She finds it easy to chat with Callie and they'll talk about literally anything. Callie just has that effect on people i think
She sees Pearl and Marina as cousins, partly bc Pearl started calling her Cousin as a nickname but they really are like family. She lived with them for a solid month learning the language and etiquitte before they couldnt put off their Idol Jobs any longer, which is when she started living with Agent 4. They check in with each other every day and fuckig. LOVE EACH OTHER. She always gets front row tickets to their shows
Has only met Deep Cut very very briefly while being a roadie for OTH's world tour. They indimidate her but she'll take Marina's word that Big Man is chill at least. She's also heard good things about their heroism in Alterna from Cap3 so at the moment theyre vaguely Okay in her book
Also besties with Acht ^-^ initially bonding over Side Order bullshit but she finds their practical blunt nature to be really refreshing and calming. They mostly parallel-play when they hang out together. Like cats. She really likes their new music (can't listen to any Kamabo songs without feeling Bad after :( trauma and all. Acht respects this)
Shelly and Donny absolutely LOVE HER. She always entertains their kiddie ramblings and helps them out if they need a hand at their store, and theyre always welcome to work at her store if theirs is slow and they want something to do. She teaches them more about the weapons in a hands-on way so they have more to tell the customers rather than just parroting Sheldon
Speaking of, she's also great friends with Sheldon! Technically he's her boss but hes a very chill boss and she's been invited to family gatglherings outside of work and such. A good friend to the Shellendorf family!
"Hey eight how are you so cheerful all the time you have a very busy job and lots of friends to keep up with! Whats your secret!" Shes literally just in love with life. Thats it. After dealing with so much shit underground and nearly losing everything in Kamabo she has a huge appreciation for life itself. She relishes in the good and accepts the bad because at least she has a choice to experience it all. That being said can trauma responses go away she doesnt quite like those
(Hiiii :3 watch out here comes the extremely thought out backstory i made under the cut)
The reason shes so good with Chargers is actually because she was training under a Special Forces unit in the Octarian Army
She was known in her class for being super smart and quick on her feet but she just CANT build up any muscle mass, and the wasabi supply unit were already thinking of allowing Certain Octolings to use Chargers and Splatlings without being Octocommanders or Octosnipers, so they decided to guinea pig her with a Charger along with a smattering of other similar Octolings
She became like. SUPER good at using Chargers and a lot of her peers would call her The Next Marina because she surprised everyone with how cracked she was at like everything they threw at her. She never liked this comprison due to wanting to just Be Herself
She was also known for being extremely caring and empathetic, which landed her in hot water for speaking out against the way she and her fellow colleagues were treated as faceless soldiers, and wondered if plotting against the Inklings was even worth it st this point. She famously got in MASSIVE trouble for insinuating that they let The Great Zapfish go and was in Detention/Jail for like a While and nearly lost all her progress climbing up the ranks
Alsooooooo :3 in my personal canon she was part of the squad to escort Callie into Octo Canyon. It was her first time ever on the surface and once she got a taste for the real sun she needed more of it
(I know Octo Expansion is likely happening the same time as Splat2 Hero Mode but it makes sense for my canon for it to happen After)
Also she's 18 st the start of Octo Expansion just to tie back into the whole 8 thing they had going on
The whole hypnoshade thing was also thrust on Callie as a surprise and like. It's not fun to be Surprise Brainwashed so of course she fought back before the hypnoshades took effect. Eight still has a scar on her shoulder from where Callie dug her nails in. That experience was also the final nail in the "i gotta get out of here" coffin
Even though she had made up her mind to run away to the surface, it still really hurt to leave her life behind. She had real friends and even something romantic going on with someone special, as well as having actual good standings in the army with a bright future ahead of her, but the surface was more worth it in her eyes. being able to have her own life instead of one she was forced into was so appealing. Her friends think she's selfish and definitely resent her now (even though theyre fuzzed and barely remember her in turn)
Oh and also her name used to be Maia Idachi :3 but since she doesnt know her old name she can't find her file in Cap'n Cuttlefish's dossier. She doesn't want to go by facial recognition in case she mistakes her fime for someone else's and remembers something that never happened to her yknow (got Maia from amai, the japanese word to describe something sweet to tie into her being caring and empathetic, and Idachi from Idako which is the word for a species of Octopus)
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anon who doesnt have aspd and taught myself empathy here yet again! i am Now Thinking and remembering that a huge part of why i've never tried to go to therapy or anything is coz like i Know i'd use what i learn to like, manipule ppl better and shit. i enjoy playing w ppl Too much and coz Fun Childhood i've been good at it all my life, but cognitively i recognise its bad so it would be bad and not fair for me to go to therapy and get even better at it and manipulate ppl i love for my own fun. and like even i dont do illegal shit or even like drink alcohol or smoke coz then i can keep the moral high ground in arguments w ppl and i can say whatever i want and call em out on shit and create a fuss for them and stir the pot and they cant call me a hypocrite. like so much of what i do is about making sure i have a level of ability to manipulate and control ppl and situations. so many behaviours which arent explained by autism, idk why i've just brushed all of them aside except that i've gotten bored by overthinking abt them, and ive mostly gotten to a point where they're under control and im content w life
but back to remorse and empathy i honestly just think they're not really necessarily useful things and ppl place so much importance on "oh im such a good person i have so much empathy" but will also use their empathy/remorse to control ppl? like i know ppl w bpd who use their genuine guilt and worries and stuff to get ppl to feel sorry for them and indulge them instead of confronting and working on it. like even ppl w/o mental illness will sometimes try to use the fact they feel bad abt smth to erase their culpability instead of actually fixing their mistakes. it can be confronting for them that some ppl can be like "oh shit i made a mistake. fuck. oh well" (and sometimes fix their mistake/take responsibility) w/o remorse or other emotions to it coz i think it makes them realise their emotion doesnt absolve them
thanks to listening to me ramble!
man i feel that, im also obsessed with having the moral high ground, except i think my view of morality is the best one and everyone else is stupid. also i'm a hypocrite. i also hate hypocrites! yes this in of itself is hypocritical i am aware. do something morally reprehensible? shame on you! doesn't matter that i do the same thing with no intent to stop. its over anakin i have the moral high ground!! i have Standards and Morals and also i'm correct all the time. if i had the death note there would be no story and everything would be okay. i simply would not go mad with power and i'd only kill people who are deserving of it
also yeah i hate the empathy = morality thing i hate it so so so so much. i do think cognitive empathy is a useful tool and remorse can be useful as like, the emotions equivalent of getting spritzed with a water bottle and also you are a cat. do something shitty? feel remorse? my cuck ass is NEVER doing that again!! because remorse felt so bad the first time, why would i risk doing it Again and feeling remorse Again? its just not worth it. but then again if you get more and more used to its presence it wouldnt work all that great and also would suck balls
and i've known a dude w bpd who was like that, and ive known people with good ol fashioned Anxiety Disorder that were like that- worse, even! they thought that bc they had anxiety, they were these cutesy little waifs and anything they did could be rebutted with "but i have anxietttyyyyyy" and everyone was just expected to pity them because of it- no matter what they did! people put too high of an emphasis on emotion as the standard of morality- if you're a scared abuse victim, thats Moral and you are Pitiable, which is Good. however if you fought back, you are Immoral and you are Secretly Probably The Aggressor, which is Bad. (consequently, if you're too scared, that's Moral, however you Didn't Fight Back, which means you were acting Illogically, and Had It Coming, therefore you are Bad) which is hypocritical as fuck! ive taken responsibility w/o remorse and i've takne responsibility with remorse and remorse is Not the important part of this argument, it's emotional intelligence.
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blxetsi · 3 years
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modern eren jaeger dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!eren jaeger x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of p*rnhub
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- firstly, this man is CONVINCED it was love at first sight (he ALWAYS tells you this too)
- "babe when i met you i just KNEW you were gonna be mine" "no you didnt" "yes i did- hey dont stop holding me 😣"
- you guys met because you were tutoring him. (he was failing history 😔💔)
- after weeks of shy touches and shared giggles he FINALLY brought his grade up and didnt need you anymore
- that didnt mean he didnt want you tho ;)
- asked you out on a date (and by that i mean to a party smh 🙄)
- and the rest is history 😌✨
- hes the kind of guy that flirts with you even though youre together
- "so uh,, you come here often 😏"
- "eren youre in my apartment 😐"
- he tries to invite you everywhere that he goes with his friends
- like,,, EVERYWHERE
- jean and reiner wanna organize a boys night ? hes pulling out his phone getting ready to text you and saying "oh is it okay if y/n comes ? i didnt get to see them much this week i miss them 🥺" like mf this is for The Boyz 😡😤🥶🥵🔥‼️
- youre weirdly close with sasha, shes just really cool
- eren will call you at the most inconvenient times for the stupidest reasons
- one time he called you while you were doing an INTERVIEW for work and you wanna know what he called you for ? to tell you he bought a bunch of silly string to use on jean.
- bitch im trying to get PAID. rn . trying to make a LIVING. so i dont end up below the POVERTY LINE. tell me about ur silly string after i secure the bag 🙄‼️
- is very touchy. like very touchy.
- but also respects bounderies
- hes NEVER mad when you have something to say about him or your relationship together
- you dont feel comfortable with the pda ?? He Wont do it Again
- you think you two could work on communicating better with each other ?? hes already googling ways to do that
- he cares and cherishes you and the bond you two have created together, hes not gonna try and ruin that
- is a fucking lightweight. dont go with him to parties.
- but if you asked him to hold his drink he will NOT forget about it.
- a couple times he broke the plastic cup he was gripping it so hard 🤩
- is also the type of guy to just protect others ?? like for no reason
- he sees a guy trying to get close to a girl who had made it abundantly clear that she didnt want that ?? hes going over there and playing bf to protect that stranger
- he can thank first year drama class for his superb acting skills 😌✨
- will literally help anyone he sees in a bind
- also his brother is weirdly cool ??
- his parents live far away but his brother only lives like,, 40 minutes away from the university
- hes like an older brother to everyone 🤩
- if you like reading classic literature zeke is your guy to talk to. has so many ideas and opinions on those stories and stuff, and will NOT hesitate to lend you a book of his
- eren has led lights in his room. he ALWAYS has them on the colour red
- he doesnt understand why ppl think hes horny bc of the red lights ?? his eyes just adjust better to the red lights compared to the blue 😔
- he has stretch marks all over his body 🤩 like on his biceps, tummy, back, thighs, etc. etc. doesnt really think about them anymore but he used to be SO self conscious of them in highschool. he saw berty (bertholdt) with his shirt off once during his freshman year and saw how he had stretch marks too, and immediately thought they were cool
- he likes to play with your hair and scratch your scalp, but he likes it when you braid his hair because he thinks it makes him look pretty
- will get you weird things because they remind him of you
- one time he came to pick you up for your date and before you could even KISS HIM hes pushing you away and pulling out a tiny ceramic frog 😐
- "no you dont understand zeke took me to a thrift store today and i found this and it reminded me of you-" "i look like a frog to you ? is that what youre saying ?" "NO ! its just so cute, and youre so cute so i had to get it. do you like it 😊"
- doesnt like most meats, his only exceptions are chicken,
- thats it 😐
- you guys were having a picnic and you made sandwichs (with the sliced turkey meat) and he took one bite out of it, looked you in your face, and spit it back into the baggy without breaking eye contact
- likes just laying in bed with you. has a playlist of songs like arctic monkeys and shit like that, just sitting in the dark with a song on low volume, whispering whatever he wants into your ear is like,, the DEFINITION of love in his book
- also can and will recite lines from shakespeare plays to you ?? will be at the most randomest times. you could be sweeping and he'd just wrap his arms around you before whispering "two households, both alike in dignity. in fair verona where we lay our scene. from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
- okay mf this isnt english class 😐‼️ but thank you 😁👍
- will always try and do new tiktok trends and make funny videos so he can "blow up"
- he gets on average like 20 views 🤩
- he likes seeing you and his friends get along, it just makes him so happy that you love mikasa and armin just as much as he does, and hes so thankful that youre all friends
- likes to help you reach whatever you cant, and if youre taller (even by an inch) hes making you grab things for him
- he doesnt have a major yet, and he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life, but being a hairstylist sounds cool
- whenever youre having a bad day mentally, he'll just give you your space unless you say otherwise
- he doesnt know if its the best idea, but he knows when he gets into a bad headspace he wants to be alone
- if you do say you want him with you, he'll lie right beside you in bed and spoon you, and if you want he'll put on the arctic monkeys playlist and whisper about the project he worked on for his business class
- he doesnt like sharing, BUT will steal your shit all the time 🙄
- "oh hey heres that thing i borrowed from you" "oh my fucking god eren i thought i lost that months ago"
- may not understand everything he learns in class, but he always tries bc this is his education !! his parents saved up a lot of money for him to be able to go to university !! hes gonna try his best to make the most of this
- i feel like he would play baseball at university. he asks that u wear his jersey to every game so "everyone knows that the most beautiful person attending this educational establishment is MINE" like,, k ill wear the jersey 🙄🤚
- has a list of the best websites to use to illegally stream movies, anime etc.
NSFW ! -------
- also hates pornhub. knows about all the controversies and shit about the website and doesnt use it. supports smaller porn companies that respect their workers 😁👍
- his parents love you. Im Serious
- carla asks about you all the time (hey mommy 😏) and his dad wonders about you too even though hes more lowkey about it
- always has to open the door for you or pull out your chair for you. no matter what setting youre in he Has to do it bc hes a gentleman
- bohemian rhapsody is his comfort film
- i think eren thinks that Youre the One for him, and this idea is solidified when you two graduate together 😍
- he takes you back to the library where he first met you, gives you a promise ring and just asks you to move in with him, hes not ready for an engagement and he knows you arent either, but he knows that youre it for him, and he just wants to be with you for as long as youll allow it
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GAH this felt all over the place and very mediocre but i hope you enjoyed !!! remember asks are open so feel free to request something 🤩
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onyxoverride · 3 years
Im still sitting here, thinking about Twitch Streamer! Zeke. He gets really, really hypercompetitive even if it’s one of those really complex first person shooter games or a challenge with a wholesome game. Its pretty self explanatory when it comes to ranked games but for wholesome games... maybe maximizing profits in a farming game like Stardew Valley or a speed run of who can make the most aesthetically pleasing island in Animal Crossing between him and his twitch friends in a set amount of time. They’d stream for a set amount of time so their audiences get to see their progress (twitch streamer!Pieck wins every time and he’s always salty about it. Swears that they should have blind judging. They do and Pieck still wins).
I can see him also doing a lot of strategy and skill games that require a lot of skill honing. He’s ridiculously good at shooting games from years of COD and the like. I can see him doing Pokemon nuzlockes and gets super attached to his team. He computes his chances and researches everything so they all survive, cocky and a bit too confident. He even shows off the spread sheets he’s made and he’s way too proud of them. He gets so mad when he gets KO’d by some attack that was less likely to happen. One time, he had to take a long break and end his stream early after his starter died. He’s known for his contained rage and rants about how things were supposed to go HIS way, not some numbers programmed into this machine box. (It goesnt help that he throws back his head and groans with that deep voice of his 😳)
But he’s chill too. He plays Animal Crossing noncompetitively and just chats with his, um, chat. He even tries out some games his chat tells him to. I don’t think he’ll play very story heavy games but his chat loves his blunt and dry comments about the plot and the in-game logic. His chat once convinced him to play Hatoful Boyfriend and you can see him visibly TORTURED by the plot and its nonsensicalness but his audience LOVES it (“how does a bird be a waiter? Hm? First of all, he had no hands to do labor such as handle and send out orders, second, isNT THAT A HEALTH VIOLATION?! Like it or not, birds can carry pathogens harmful to humans- I would never go to this cafe.”). But another bird related game he actually enjoyed was Untitled Goose Game. He loved the chaos he brought the townsfolk while his little goose had a little cute bow on. He never extends his stream but does it JUST for Untitled Goose game.
He does give in and goes for games like What Remains of Edith Finch and while his audience knows him to be this cynical, realistic, blunt man, he showed that he had a sensitive side to him as well. He’s not a dick when it comes to sensitive material and acts serious and does a little PSA of what he knows and encourages everyone to do more reseach on sensitive topcs. His audience can at least rest easy that he’s not one of those assholes.
He shows off this more soft, sensitive side when his s/o drops by. They know when he gets kind of worked up from a game while in stream so they just bring him coffee or a lil snack to brighten his spirits. Chat goes ‘huh’ when they see Zeke smile genuinely for once, saying “Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart. Just what I needed.” in a really sweet tone thats a far cry from his usual demeanor. He immediately recovers and does another round of whatever it was he was playing. He gets boastful when you bring him up a slice of his favorite cake, telling the chat “if you guys would hate on me, hate on me for scoring the jackpot in romance. I have the best damn s/o in exsistence, it should be illegal. Illegal.”
He gets carried away once, wanting a kiss after you’d bring him his coffee for the stream. For a split second, you show up in frame and the chat goes nuts, asking if they could finally meet you. Zeke has fun with this, teasing his chat with stuff like, “oh? Please, you wouldn’t be able to handle how gorgeous they are.” and “you’d all combust in front of your screens from how hot they are.”. It’s really more on if you’re comfortable showing your face to his stream and he respects your decision. He’ll happily tease his chat about it going, “wow, a lot of you are s*mps for my s/o and you’ve literally only seen their hands and maybe their hair- you guys got it bad.” But does address it seriously if it gets out of hand.
When you do agree and show yourself, Zeke has you sit on his lap, a hand on your thigh and another one on your waist. It was like he was boasting some sort of trophy while you wave shyly to chat and how enthusiastic they are to finally meet you. You appear in some other streams, playing with him in competitive games sitting next to each other. Chat expects him to snap at you or something but he takes any defeat with grace, a slight frown on his face but will smile widely as you taunt him jokingly. There’s this one playstation co-op game i cant remember the name of where you have to use the same controller to win. It’s just a light hearted stream of the two of you egging on the other for not reacting fast enough or complaining about how bad the other is. Chat gladly becomes third wheel as enjoy yourselves. Truly one of twitch’s solid couples.
Scrolling up and seeing the amout ive written is disgusting (bc i sent this in as an ask) feel free to delete im just here to share with with u 👉👈🥺
Pls never be disgusted with how much you send, I love getting asks like these because it's obvious you're enjoying yourself and I love that!!
I can imagine you bringing him coffee and he stands up to hide your face a bit and kiss you but he kisses you a bit to long and too heated so you say "Dont do that, you'll get me riled up" and he goes red because "babe that mic can still hear us..."
Even though it's a bit embarrassing you laugh, "Well now they know you're good at other things besides video games," you leave him with a kiss.
When he goes back to streaming he's red as hell and scratching his ear a bit, completely flustered as he tries to continue nonchalantly and ignore the chat for a second.
He does fawn over you on stream. Chat asks about you and he's immediately looking a little softer, more in love. Teases them, "I don't know, maybe i want to keep them for myself, my little secret."
If they ever get go meet you it's a whole event, Zeke teasingly hypes you up and the chat goes crazy because wow, you're beautiful. He's like "This is my beautiful wonderful secret now not-so-secret significant other!"
Then you start playing together or him coaching you through. Which gets frustrating because he tries to be in control and you just got to say "Zekey I know you love to be in control but if you try to backseat game me like that I will hurt you," and he backs off and says sorry.
Chat teases him for being called "Zekey" and even his Streamer friends tease him but he's like "only they can call me that."
If he ever meets pushy fangirls that are bound to go "Zekey!" Even though he's made it clear only you can call him that he immediately is eyebrow raised, "who are you talking to? And don't flirt with me." Very blunt about it.
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justironqrowthings · 5 years
Headcannons !!
-qrow sits on james' shoulder in crow form during any time james has a meeting. he figures james easily gets upset during them so he can stop it at the source
-qrow thrives on compliments. james can look at him and call him beautiful once and qrow turns into a tomato
-james absolutely hates hurting qrow in any way. hes always been scared of it and qrow constantly has to remind him its okay to cause a little pain sometimes but even then, if james even pinches qrow at it stings, its cuddle time.
-if qrow is doing anything remotely self destructive (drinking, insults, isolation, etc.) james picks him up, brings him to their room, tells him to change into pajamas (if qrow refuses to change, james will change qrow for him) and its cuddle+compliment time to the fucking max
-like qrow thrives on compliments, james thrives on physical affection. qrow is always holding his hand, leaning on him, etc. in public because he knows it makes james happy. you can easily imagine how happy they both are during cuddle time because james doesnt know how not to compliment qrow
-qrow is always embarrased to train in front of/with james (ESPECIALLY in tight workout clothes) because he knows exactly what james is staring at
-james as videos upon videos of qrow doing really stupid/silly stuff (with his nieces included) and has them copied onto like. every device.
-qrow is usually the one to initiate intimate time, but is most certainly not the one who finishes
-qrow cannot top james to save his life
-james has always had illegal amounts of patience for qrow, even more than ozpin ever did, so it always confused qrow when he was rambling about something (like weapons or games) and james just sat and actually listened without telling him to calm / slow down
-thats actually how qrow fell for james in the first place. not even summer had that kind of patience for him when he went off on a tangent and he absolutley loves the fact that james actually listened
-james fell for qrow a lot later, but the a lot later was when james lost his right half and qrow still treated him like a person. he treated him like he had just had a super bad injury and would be alright eventually
-james 100% thinks qrows semblance is bullshit. he hates it and what it does to qrow.
-nicknames are so very prominent. qrow usually stays on the jimmy, jim, etc. train, but will call james by his name or other traditional pet names (honey, baby, etc.). james, however, goes all out. my qrow, my darling, my love, everything starts with 'my' in front because he knows how special qrow feels when james calls him his. qrow loses his mind the most at 'my darling beautiful qrow' because of how soft james always says it + oh-so-casually being claimed as both james' AND beautiful
-qrow learned to dance just for james. he secretly always wanted to be invited to a fancy atlas ball and hoped james would ask him to dance, so he had summer teach him. you can imagine how happy he was when james invited him and only danced with qrow
-james will pay people out of pocket (purely his money, nobody elses. his hard earned cash.) to make qrow laugh/smile super bright. he loves seeing qrow happy to the point where he just zones out while watching him
-james can and will take pictures of qrow in both comproming/scandalous moments or just when qrow is being soft/gentle. his multiple folders of photos james has ranges from completley naked to drinking hot chocolate while watching the sunset. he has no method to his madness.
-qrow knows he cant do literally anything that james could stare at during work because james will stare
-qrow is a little spoon this is cannon
-james is easily the more protective one. if you even look at qrow with ill intent he can and will hunt you down
-james get super jealous super easy. qrow can be joking & laughing with a random guy and for the rest of the day james is just at qrows side holding his hips and glaring anybody that might like qrow down
-as much as james loves having qrow under him & literally begging, he wont do anything qrow is even slightly hesitant about. he drinks respecting boundaries juice.
-qrow was actually hesitant to do anything past making out at first but now hes basically addicted to james
-it 100% breaks james heart when qrow wont allow himself to be even picked up but qrow always eventually apologizes and lets james hold him
-james almost constantly wants to hold qrow. just. pick him up with one arm or sit qrow in his lap. he loves it.
-james purposefully watches qrow train because he knows it gets qrow flustered and he loves it
-they both know exactly what theyre doing when it involves teasing the other when others are around. they know and do it anyways bcs they know the other wont act on it unless its them in their bedroom
feel free to add!
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yyxgin · 3 years
have 😡 you 😡 had 😡 your 😡 first 😡 day 😡 yet
bar i thought i told you i was a libra 😭 oh well we can have it here officially 🥺 yesterday my manager pointed out that the barman is a libra and we were having a giggle at his expense about his new hair and how she thinks he thinks he’s impressing the girls (i don’t think he does but we move) bc we all talk to him (she was in a good mood) n i saw him today from a distance (i took a couple of my friends to try the food on my day off) n wow he’s so cute i wanna squish (i also accidentally sprayed cleaner sanitizer in his mouf yesterday 😩 he fuckin coughed and i was like OH MY GOD DID I— IM SORRY OH GOD)
no bar… bar, oh god, oh fuck… oh my god im so, so down bad it’s almost illegal.
i have to explain my next train of thoughts so here goes: my driving instructor rang me while i was out today and told me he isn’t going on holiday (awh) so i can use his car for my driving test (yay) unless he books a country on the green list that’s relatively cheap for short notice but he would still help me find an instructor who’s car i could use if he manages to get a holiday (yay for me and him). the next part of the story is now im thinking shit i gotta start saving my money and stop spending it on drinks bc then i can buy a car n insurance n stop worrying about missing the g o d d a m n bus! and then my next train of thoughts happens when me and my friends were walking back through our home town through the dodgy area that thé barman lives in after catching the train home and i was just thinking about how i can give him a lift home legit every day bc we both going to the same place and it’s like a two minute drive away from my house… my thoughts be going wild i have more than enough motivation to save my money now
i offered to stomp on a girl who argued w my supervisor (supervisor got sent to a different branch bc they have a lack of staff n one of their staff is supposedly moving n joining our branch) and i was v serious. my airforces are good for stomping people. i’m from the ghetto (compared to the other girls) and i will squish this girl like a fly if she were to come to our branch n disrespect literally anyone on site 💗 my supervisor threatened to get me on one of the other girls as a joke afterwards bc she came back for a day to get some stuff n go back… i think i made it 🤩 then i offered we get the barman to run her over w his electric scooter (this convo sounds familiar, have i already told you?) i’m so giddy right now as i went through a real-time realisation literally minutes ago.
i also think i made one of my friends mad bc i friend zoned him (i think???? i mean i called him bestie n he stopped talking to me 😅😭) this is how i find out about all the boys who have crushes on me. i’m so frickin oblivious you basically have to tell me you like me i’m AWFUL for things like this n i always feel bad afterwards bc i don’t see what i’m doing until it’s too late. btw this is the same friend i thought i made a dick appt w n we just went drinkin instead. my head rn is spinning. i don’t know what else to say?? i’m laughing so much at myself i’m so stupid sometimes 😭 oh well coochie go 🦋🦋🦋🦋💕🦋💕🦋💕🦋🦋 over muster jungkook instead n call it a day ~🌻
I CAN NOW PROUDLY SAY I DID HAVE MY FIRST DAY TODAY 🎉🎉🎉it was kind of weird ngl but at the same time it was okay so me happy ??
ALSO YES I REMEMBER NOW 😭😭 WE ACTUALLY DID ESTABLISH THAY U ARE A LIBRA I JUST FORGOT FOR A SEC. crying why are the two of you so cute you are so in love i cant 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 my new otp also how did u manage to spray a sanitizer into his mouth thats-
aaah i hope you pass your driving test !! i actually went to learn to drive w my dad for the first time today and it didnt go as bad as i thought. he even told me i did a good job so i am feeling very satified even tho i ran over a tire and scraped the bottom of the car a lil but oh well he should have expected that.
XHSJSK i actually friendzoned one (1) !! guy before and it felt weird. i was 15 and he didnt even talk to me irl even tho we were literally classmates and i was lowkey a lil bullied and he confessed to me over facebook messenger🥰🥰 also i kind of "friendzoned" a guy or so i thought the moment he asked for my german homework and when i said no he acts like he doesnt know me now in the school halls so thats fun too. good to know what i was worth of !!! 🥰🤩 also he is now into my best friend insecurities go brrrr
are we talking about black hair all tattoos out jungkook bc if so then same bestie, same.
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dylshoney · 5 years
Im trying very hard not to be annoyed with shawnmila.... like, they can do what they want, but I cant help but feel like its fanservice and a way to get press. Plus, if it is genuine, she literally just broke up with her bf and moved right on over to shawn. Idk. Its hard not to cringe whenever i see them bejng lovey and i have to remember theyre celebs and it doesnt effect my life but i dont much respect them for it i guess idk. Just already sick of seeing all the paps photos and staged pics
i was planning on not commenting but this entire situation has pissed me off so much. not just shawn’s side but the entire response. i havent been able to scroll down for three seconds without someone bringing it up and its hard to be on here. people have even left because of it (karla,,, if youre reading this.. get me out!!)
but here’s my personal opinion:
i do not care if they are dating or not. literally couldn't give a single fuck. however. it looks too much like pr to not be. and its done in the most messy way possible. you’re going to spend years breathing down my neck about how you guys are just friends and now in just three days, you’re together?? huh?? getting a photographer to come to a private party (which is usually illegal ayyy) and have them perfectly photograph a supposed kiss? hm. and then rolling your eyes when people are curious? shawn. my baby you know i love you. but please, what did you think was going to happen? it looks so messy when he’s preaching about honestly and transparently and then getting mad at an innocently curious question (im surprised he didnt get more.. bc he must know how much uproar he’s caused). and then a day later he’s holding her hand and twirling her around in la. it’s literally making us look dumb. what do you want us to think? because we all think you're together, so please dont make us feel dumb when you're literally leading us to that conclusion.
i hope he's happy. i hope for his sake they're together. but i dont think they genuinely are. which sucks because this whole thing is just bringing more bad publicity than good.
and one more thing. if you're mad at people and making posts about how people are idiots and invading his privacy. please stop. as a fan, what else am i supposed to do when seeing a dating pic, ignore it? because thats literally hilarious. we all want him to be happy, that's not an issue. but this is legit a forum for people to talk about things and research together, and if you're getting salty over it - then maybe tumblr isnt for you.
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pirate-kid2k19-blog · 5 years
Opinions on things that might make people mad
Hunt pedos and rapists and murderers, not poor innocent animals, its a lot more fun. And it shouldnt be illegal because in my opinion those people have done things that are punishable by death.
Yall who say meat and dairy industries arent that bad are wild just do some goddamn research before you get mad at me for stating facts 👀
It should be illegal to have weapons anywhere near schools (unless you are a cop and are required to have them, but you should be very careful and guard them to keep them away from students AND TEACHERS at all times). I figured by now people wouldve learned how kids who are gonna shoot up a school or have weapons act before they use them, and those are the people who need to be checked and talked to. Having clear bookbags is not a good option because some people have comfort items theyll get picked on for and people who start their period early get picked on (i know from experience, trust me).
The voting age should be 16. People can form full thoughts by the age of 16. Enough said.
Thenwarning on cigarette boxes shoukd be bigger and more noticeable on the box, and you should be warned before buying them. So many people die from smoking, and 2 people in my house smoke, one of which as already had cancer and refuses to quit, and the other is too fucking stupid to realize he should quit if he doesnt want to end up like the other.
people should not be "cancelled" just because they said something was bad. They should be cancelled if they are a rapist, murderer, pedophile, etc.
ALSO the first one is half joking half not. I believe those people should be sentenced to death by law if and when they are caught but thats not always the case and that pisses me off
Add on number 1:
Hey just a reminder that when animals get harmed or slaughtered they do not understand why it is happening and they did nothing to deserve it but they dont reslize that. So yeah.
Dont be rude to people just because they dont eat like you do. Some people have to be vegan or vegetarian for health issues. And some people cant go vegan or vegetarian for health issues. Not everyone can be one way.
Dont be rude to people because they dont believe what you believe, unless their belief is IN ANY WAY harmful. Everyone has the right to believe what they want.
Add on number 2:
Scene kids and emo kids arent cringey, you guys are all just cowards.
You dont need dysphoria to be trans but taking a random object and somehow calling it a gender is really fucking weird and i have NO FUCKING CLUE how people turned autism into a gender but its disgusting to me im sorry. Though i am open to learn about this some more, so if you want to teach me about this stuff feel free to message me or send me an ask.
Otherkin isnt cringey or a mental disorder, its just people being people.
Shady jeff was only good whenever he sung in hu songs (literally once in scene for dummies and pretty much just background vocals) but everything else about him fucking sucks
Furries that dont harm anyone and dont fuck animals are not cringey.
Idc if you live in the most redneck area out there: being up at 5am blasting country music from your truck and playing beer pong when you have neighbors that are trying to sleep is extremely disrespectful. Same goes for roommates who play video games real loud at 3am. Its disrespectful to the people who are just trying ro sleep. This ones more so a rant abt my personal life and whats happened since moving to georgia.
-having the child will kill them or the child, they cannot financially afford to take car eof the child, they were raped, its an inbred baby (this could give it a deformity that could hinder its life, but if it doesnt get to live to begin with then it wont have to suffer), the mother cannot take care od the child for whatever reason.
-she just wants to have a kid to abuse it in any way for any reason
In ANY arguement, understand all sides first! Especially whatever side you take! It makes it s lot easier and keeps you from looking like a fucking idiot when you know what youre talking about and dont just use the same 1-3 points over and over.
Healthy food shouldnt cost so much just because its not junk food. A lot of people buy junk food because they cant afford to eat healthy.
Will add more as time goes on
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trickstarbrave · 5 years
unethical businesses exist and if u think walmart will just let u contact HR for being wrongfully fired thats pretty shitty
honestly im not here to judge what ppl do or do not need (trans women can face violence trying to buy makeup that they need to try and pass so they dont get assaulted on their way home from work, some people may steal pens and pencils so they can do work at home, or may steal toys so their child can have Something nice to have without starving to death for it) but also know the risks that are faced when you do so. a lot of retail workers probably dont give a shit and are in a good enough place they will look the other way. other people losing their bonus at the end of the year may find it hard to move to a safer location, or will fall behind on rent and food.
the point isnt that i think people stealing are being held personally accountable for it bc frankly it is capitalists fault and im always going to be mad at the greedy scumbags who think it is more fair to punish the lowest tier workers. but also stop acting like “no one gets hurt ever if i personally steal from stores and if you think so you’ve fallen for capitalist propaganda” because HAVE these policies been made to pit poor people against other poor people? yes. its a win/win situation for capitalists. however your acknowledgement that those are what those policies have been made for does not make them go away. support people trying to protest this abuse, remind ppl it is fundamentally their bosses abusing them who will just look for some other excuse to rob them of their more than well deserved money even if all stealing stopped, but stop acting like it just. doesnt happen and is all made up bc you said it was stupid nonsense. 
of course its stupid. money itself is stupid. landlords lazy and just collecting money from ppl who need a place to live and constantly buying and selling needed resources and have a vested interest in keeping ppl homeless bc it makes them more money. that doesnt mean i suddenly do no have rent payments to make or can tell other people to stop paying rent. because it doesnt work like that. 
both “its your boss’ fault that you are illegally fired or made miserable bc other ppl stole from the store” AND “it really sucks that you lost your job bc of that and people should not act as though you are making it all up and cannot hate it when people do so” because the people complaining about this are not complaining because “someone stole and now i cant buy a video game” they are complaining because “my boss decided bc a 99 cent pen was missing i do not get to fucking eat for 3 months while i have to go looking for another job and what else am i gonna do? call the cops on walmart?” 
if you do not have to steal dont do it. if you do have to steal at least keep in mind that other ppl are also being harmed in the process bc this is a machine that chews up poor ppl and spits them out. 
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blueclearcloud · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 4,445 times in 2021
78 posts created (2%)
4367 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 56.0 posts.
I added 824 tags in 2021
#ace attorney - 356 posts
#dgs - 66 posts
#boost - 61 posts
#the great ace attorney - 60 posts
#phoenix wright - 53 posts
#miles edgeworth - 53 posts
#tgaa - 51 posts
#resident evil village - 46 posts
#narumitsu - 39 posts
#lady dimitrescu - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#can't have jack fucking shit thats good in america even the things we have are good only have the option of being the least comically evil
My Top Posts in 2021
Ppl mad at narumitsu and Capcom acknowledging it and nonshipping related memes: "WHY ARE YOU GUYS RUINING THE GAMES!:
Narumitsu shippers and cool ppl: "When Capcom gives you crumbs, we make a FUCKING FEAST OUT OF THEM!"
61 notes • Posted 2021-10-13 12:38:23 GMT
I dont get ppl mad about Herlock Sholmes's name in the English translation for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Like how it happened is definitely terrible with how old properties are blocked from public domain by copyright holders being greedy and persnickety assholes.
But just not liking how silly the name is feels so odd if you're an ace attorney fan. Like, where have u been, bro??? U play games where adult lawyers ask teenage girls for advice on murder cases after randomly meeting them and some of them happen to be psychics. How is THIS your line?
I remember seeing one article where they called The Dance of Dedution "feels like fanfiction" and what does that even mean??? Call it weird for a mystery crime game or smth, dont pretend this isnt par for the f*cking course when it comes to the entire franchise where the main character's hair looks like a scared porcupine.
And I didn't even bring up Frank Sawhit, Dick Gumshoe, etc.
64 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 01:45:53 GMT
Random mini rant here
I'm not coming after ppl who dont ship narumitsu, peace be with u. But all the ppl saying they wouldnt get together bc they're on opposing sides so the law wont allow it sound like they're reaching too hard and have forgotten what it's like to actually play in these kangaroo courts.
Were you not there, when a parrot took the stand?
Were you not there when a prosecutor was prosecuting his own adopted child?
Were u not there when a convicted felon was a prosecutor?
Were u not there for when 90% of all witnesses lied on purpose and only some of them went to jail for perjury???
The concept of mainline ace attorney games following any kind of logic or sense or court decorum like in real life boggles my mind. Like it's ok for u personally not to like it and find it uncomfortable, but even in real life is not illegal for that to happen as long as the clients are aware and agree to it.
Like a real life lawyer looked at Mia's outfit in 1-1 and said she'd be kicked out of a courtroom in a heartbeat (from that one buzzfeed video) and u wanna tell me gay ppl cant be rivals in court cause of legality????
70 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 22:57:03 GMT
I swear to God I will dropkick anyone who tries to tell me Mariam is the real villain of the show.
92 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 01:23:28 GMT
Hades gaaaaaaaang, polyam and bi rep discussion in hades in article.
140 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 00:56:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shadowed-moonrise · 6 years
ooc: elia and ashka chat logs
[ooc comments supposed to be removed but i might have missed some. there is a Lot of logs bc we forgot to post until now]
oh my god what is WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE
i got some horrifying anons!!! theyre so horrifying!!!!!!!
hang on let me turn off my blacklist for a moment
quick question: what the fuck
(not directed at you!)
i just
they sent me a followup ask like 'didnt you read what i said, my gf likes it'
and............... i dont....... think she does
like that does not sound like a healthy relationship and i hope they just made it up to creep on me
"hi i'm a rapist"
"no but she likes when i rape her"
i just
*what the fuck*
i was just talking earlier abt how i dont actually like that anybody can read my hyper posts but i make them on publicblog for like Awareness right?
and i thought i meant like abstractly, like maybe theres somebody reading them and cackling bc they dont agree w/ my politics or whatever?
people will send me creepy asks about raping their hyper gf
some people are just really terrible?
i guess?
what are they even getting out of this?
i think some people just........ enjoy making other people suffer????
or maybe somehow they thought i would be like "i think this is hot or a good thing to do or whatever, thank you for your service to the hypersensitive community"
i dunno what goes on in these peoples head
maybe tumblr just hates hypersensitives or something
it would explain a lot
like, okay, but what would you hate hypersensitives for
like theres somebody who hates hypos (and IS A NAT THERAPIST, AUGH) for.... not hating pollution enough, i guess
but hypersensitives are boring? we dont go outside much bc the outside is fully of scary?
maybe tumblr is just weird like that?
or maybe we're easy targets?
oh yeah that makes sense
most meso folks don't have a button they can press to get a reaction out of us
if you wanna make somebody suffer its so easy to target people with a big 'make me suffer' button
ugh im sort of regretting making it public
i could have just not mentioned it and had a really good blacklist
most of the time people aren't that bad
and then there'll be a week or two
where people send you nothing but asks about pollution
i blacklist some stuff but im generally okay talking about pollution if its like, abstract, so i dont do it that aggressively and then........ sometimes............. people take advantage of that
i wish you could like, have vulnerabilities without people just randomly deciding to fuck with you for no reason
hang on
i just scrolled down
>i’ll put my foreign object ;;;;) in your body ;;;;) ;;;;)
***what the fuck***
oh GOD
i just got
oh no
how bad is it
bad enough im not sure i should tell you what it says
my brain is helpfully providing suggestions
why is it like this
are you okay
im.... probbly going to be in a minute
"the last "person" to hide their caste on this hellsite turned out to be red. i bet you aren't even hyper, you're just pretending so people won't suspect. i know what you really are."
thats what it says
what the fuck
why would anyone send that to you
i dont know
i dont know
what did i *do*
i don't know
i guess if they think you're red that would explain why they hate you?
but seriously
what the fuck
i'm so sorry
why would anyone say that
anon hate doesnt usually get to me like this but
the fuck
i dunno if they even really think that or they just want to upset me
i don''t
i don't know
fuck i'm so sorry
are you going to be okay
yeah. yeah.
is there anything i can do
i dont
think so
other than not be the sort of terrible person who would send those messages
thamk you for not being htat sort of person!
im so glad most people arent
it's really not hard
oh i can... go take some eytelia right now
it will only help in 40min but i might still need it then
ok back
anyways what the fuck
someday i will have coping mechanisms other than "get high in a way that coincidentally also helps"
i mean if it helps
then that's a lot better than nothing
yeah it is
im gonna go curl up and not look at the Fuckening Internet, i guess
seems reasonable
ttyl <3
ttyl :)
hiiiiiiiiiiii im back im not sad anymore because im so high
i got another horrible anon and i dont even caaaare
i'm glad you're feeling better
sorry about the terrible anon
also did you know art is pretty
its so pretty
i saw a video of a yellow playing the yellowest instrument ever and i wanted to send it to you but tumblr messages werent working on my everything
maybe i can find it again..........
http://theyre-a-geeky-witch.tumblr.com/post/138457594516/ here
that's actually really pretty
anyways what's up
i gotta work in a couple hours
by which time hopefully i will be able to handle it
idk i dont HATE it but its hard on the badbrains
i can imagine
like i feel ok now bc hiiiiiigh but im not very excited about leaving the house and going places
there will be a green party where im supposed to just pretend to be green tho!
i like those
that part sounds nice
at least
ive been thinking & writing a lot about how thinking-on-drugs works and greens always wanna talk about that
one time a client had me go to a thing pretending to just be green and it was nice and then she *told everyone she hired me* while i was in the middle of talking about my cs paper (my actual cs paper, which i actually wrote, and she implied i didnt even though i CLEARLY THOROUGHLY UNDERSTOOD IT)
why would she do that??
i wish i had just walked away but i didnt know what to do
some people....... have a humiliation kink
and like, okay, ill do that if you WARN ME, but you cant just spring it on me???
i am super not a sex worker but "tell people in advance" seems really obvious
i didnt really say anything at the time bc i was so shocked but later i like messaged her and was like 'thats super fucked up'
she didnt really get it but she agreed to pay me extra for like, i didnt know what service i was providing beforehand & thats more costly
but she only engaged with it in like, super businessy terms
how does she not get it
this does not seem particularly hard to understand
i think she was like 'im paying you for both sex work and going to a party so i can just like do whatever, right?'
and there was also some like 'greys are toys'
fucking blues
i do not usually go in that much for caste solidarity because im so bad at grey + greys are not great about that but in that moment if somebody asked me i would have supported a military government
i could explain 'pay people for services and also lay out terms beforehand' but not 'greys are.... people..... dont be a fucking asshole'
i don't think i've ever actually talked to a blue
at least not to say more than "excuse me, can i get through" or "the soap is in aisle five"
there... exist blues who are okay
there even exist blues who are okay and hire sex workers and do kinky things about castes with them
i believe you
like 80% of the people who hire me are entirely fine?
they can't possibly all be terrible
otoh a terrible blue can screw you over a lot more than a terrible purple
im not sure what i would do if a blue client did something illegal to me because...................................... im not sure what i CAN do
probably depends on how illegal
and who they are
there are supposed to be reporting systems in place if they try to pay you to kill someone or something
idk if they actually do that
nobody has tried that and i havent heard anybody talking about that but im pretty niche and a lot of my family is green, idk
i feel like if somebody wanted to pay a grey to kill somebody theyd pick one who has ever held a gun
but yeah, i'm guessing if you made an important blue mad they could screw you over pretty badly
ugh sorry ive been talking about my shit this whole time
it has been kind of A Day i swear i am usually better at conversation
it's totally fine!
how is your day anyay
it's been okay
mira and i went to check out that social-dancing place
what kind of dance is it?
i guess i might not know purple dances??
i don't know if the name will translate
it's mostly the kind you do in a group with other people that's really traditional
group dances are great
if you have... similar amounts of motor skills to the other people
i haven't done anything like it in years and i'm really bad at it but it's still fun
and i'm not bad at it in a stepping-on-feet way
which is probably good, idk
im pretty sure not stepping on feet is strictly better than the alternative!
omg babybro is home <33
he is so good!!!!!!
he taaalks and he plays with me and ive been teaching him abstract concepts bc i find it really exciting when he knows abstract concepts
tell me more about this baby
he can do numbers up to twelve and circles and triangles and 'many' and 'other' and i asked him what one plus one was and he said 'two ones' which means he *actually understands what it means*
he has adooorable curly hair
and a little nose
and he will boop my nose with his nose if i ask him to
and he loves my weighted blanket
what a good baby
i guess at this point he might not 'technically' be a baby anymore? but hes a baaaabbbyyy
[lemme edit a picture of my irl little brother to have green hair]
baby!!!! <333
second picture featuring Grey Grandma
he's so smol
so small!!!!!
and smiley!!!!
happy baby!
i hope he is happy foreeeeever
his lil nose is tan bc it gets in the sun more than the rest of his face
bc he has a little baby face!!!!!!!!!!!
little baby face on the little happy baby!!!!
he's so good
hes next to me playing with my blanket
i looove him
what a good baby
i told him i was talking a friend and he says hi
although im not sure he really gets the idea of the internet yet
he seemed kinda confused
hi baby-sibling-of-ashka
he's such a cute baby
his name is avidik
we keep arguing about whether to use avi or idi as a nickname
hi avidik!!
oh no he spilled water on the carpet
its alright its a pretty waterproof carpet
he ran at me and jumped in my arms
so!!!! good!!!!!!!
good baby
oh also have you seen this yellow violinist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGhPGH2YROA
seems like your kind of thing
wow that's pretty
oh i could take a picture of avi with my violin
he is not green, technically
although he also does not know how to play even a little bit
do you play violin too?
a little
im not like good at it
but it is fun
rn i am mostly actually learning to sign but i dont understand how notes correspond to mouth sounds so if i need to sightread i play songs on the violin first and then once ive heard them i can sing them
violin is great
it is!!!
i always felt like i should learn piano bc its easy but i like violin so much
one of my other brothers writes a lot of synth music
its really good
he plays it without telling us it's his to get unbiased answers and then he tells us and were like HOLY SHIT
that's really sweet
ok i’m not really online but I TAUGHT AVIDI A LETTER
i’m so proud of him
hi hi
a letter!
what a good smol!
which letter is it?
i guess it might not be a letter orvaran has
it's [forcetranslate]a[/forcetranslate]
or uh
idk if that worked
we have that sound but it's written differently
it's the last one in my name
[preservecharacter] a [/preservecharacter]
i wonder if its always the same sound
i think it can make a couple sounds in anitami
just one in orvaran
maybe two
i'm not sure if they're technically separate sounds
and then there's accents and things
idk if i should try to teach him to read in valtaz
he speaks some but tbh there is just no situation where you even need to be able to read valtaz
maybe someday he'll want to swap to yvalta
for some reason
.............i really doubt it?
i guess if he wants to retire in the Old Country
i hear older people sometimes swap for the weather
or something
there are apps to machine translate physical signs and stuff but i guess theyd be annoying to use all the time
if he knows valtaz he can learn to read it if he ever wants to
i'm not really sure how this works
'how to teach your family foreign languages' wasn't really covered in purple school
i think i should probably teach him the alphabet but not like focus on it
yeah my parents swapped out of yvalta with some retirees who wanted to go there for the weather and were unaffected by the horrible contract system bc they were too old to have more kids anyway
i can't really think why else you'd want to live there
lineality maybe
but there are other matrilineal countries
arent most countries matrilineal?
i think historically matrilineal was easier because like..... there can be ambiguity about who the father is if you dont have good genetic testing (and a database, in some cases), but you can always tell which person a baby literally just came out of
that makes sense for why
we're matrilineal
maybe someone who lived in ceredan would swap to yvalta for lineality, ceredan does permissions anyways
except for blues i think
how do blues even have kids in permissions countries
"ashka your family is from a permissions country" its not like they talked to blues a bunch
i think they have to impress other blues
probably they don't let you give yourself a permission
because then everyone would just do that
.....how many kids does the most important blue get to have tho
no idea
i think it varies by country
the one with the bears and no greys makes a big deal about the monarch only getting two
i guess with blues its always more "how many kids is it a good idea to have so that they can give them all a good inheritance" than "how many kids can they literally afford"
aww thats kinda cute
if i lived in a country where the king had like six kids i would be pretty pissed
good inheritances might be less important in permissions countries
i bet the way you impress people is with politics
or maybe real estate if you're bribing people, idk
it’s impressive that most permissions countries basically function okay
cuz like it seems like blues having to care so much about impressing other blues would mess with things
i don't think they function as well as most places
but that could just be propaganda
yeahhh idk how to tell the difference between “permissions countries kind of suck” and “permissions countries are usually small, often ex-oahk, etc, which makes stuff harder on them” and “our governments just don’t like them”
i’m low key impressed that blues in auction countries don’t make too many blue credits so they’ll be cheaper, tbh
i guess they super don’t make those decisions in spring + the international community would not be too happy about it
everyone i know from a permissions country says they suck but that's like two people
and if you increase blue credits everyone who isn't blue gets mad
my parents say yvalta sucks and i believe them but like idk how much it’s yvalta’s *fault*
i think the big thing is if for some reason a blue hates you a permissions granting blue can screw you over way more than a credit country blue
yeah that’s a big deal
idk a credit country blue can probably get you sterilized if they try really hard but it would take them more trying
yeah maybe
i've never heard of that happening in a credit country but that doesn't mean it never does
anitam is trying out a first child subsidy
which is neat i thin
are they subsidizing the whole credit?
or just some of it
noooo theyre starting with like 4%
and increasing gradually
bc you know how changing laws goes
sooooo sloooowwwww
i guess 4% is better than nothing
but eventually it will be a substantial fraction of the credit i think
but probably good not to do it all at once
i know there's some countries where everyone gets one and the rest are auctioned
first kid free just seems so much more humane? like i understand why credits are useful and stuff but people *just not getting a kid at all ever* is awful
summary bank says alavet, av valdin, celenta, fnr, ochero, qoloc
maybe some random tiny countries that no one bothered to include
on the list, i mean
and yeah, i see what you mean
i wouldn't want to live in a voan country because i like knowing that if i work really hard i could get three
but it makes me sad to think about people with zero
i mean probably some people should get zero, like child abusers, but an auction's not going to stop them
hm i bet in voan/first kid free systems there’s probably a lot of four and five year olds impulsively having kids that they’re not entirely ready for but idk like maybe that’s just something they get to do
okay i'm looking at the summary bank article about the voan system
and the age when the most people have their first kid is five
but that's not most of the people
if that makes sense
i know when i was almost-four they made a big deal in school about how we should all get long-term all-spring birth control
i bet they do that in voa
i guess i don't know for sure
i saw someone on tumblr talking about how they usually get the long term birth control and they get went on vacation to the southern hemisphere and just didn’t remember that they didn’t have the birth control and got pregnant
(they were asking if you can still get aftermarket credits in the *fall*)
that must suck
i hope they managed to get an aftermarket credit
i bet they're cheaper in fall
since most people aren't getting pregnant
i definitely wouldn't want to have a kid with anyone i dated when i was four but maybe some people get really lucky there
yeah that’s a lot of what i’m thinking about like.... most people don’t know people who are definitely good coparents for them when they’re four
because it just takes time to figure that out
i'd've also been a really bad parent when i was four but some of that is me-things
yeah that toooo
i’m four and i’m super not ready to be a parent!!
i feel like i know how to be a good parent in THEORY but in practice i don’t like have the energy or emotional stability
avidi was born the spring i turned four, which was really good <3
that's so good
when i was four i was living with a friend rather than my parents
but if someone had dropped a baby on me i'd have been so unprepared
and my friend was living with their parents
so there were actual responsible people in the apartment
fall/winter when i was three i was spending a lot of time with friends in other cities and stuff to get awaaay but then they there suddenly like “you know what, we’re having another baby this spring” so i came back
there are some upsides to the fact that my green mom has grey babies.......
i have a little sister
i've never actually met her
maybe someday i'll be able to make myself
oh wow i’m so sorry
it's not your fault
if you want to talk about it, or be distracted from it, or whatever-
if you want the story today's a good day for me to tell it
otoh it's definitely pollution-adjacent and i don't know if it's a good day for you
i think i can handle it, it is a good hypersensitivity day for me
so during the voan food crisis we couldn't afford clean food past the first couple months
you'd think living on a farm would help but it had been a bad year the previous year and none of our crops were coming up that season
oh. oh.
and i tried to force myself to eat the polluted food but i couldn't even make myself touch it
that's not the thing yet
so i was at risk of starving to death
and my mom got one of the neighbors to give her a super sketchy probably-illegal loan
because otherwise i might literally die
fast forward to 3423, the neighbor comes and asks for the money back
actually he'd been doing that for a while but she'd been able to put him off
we were super not going to be able to pay it back
and the loan was sketchy enough that she wasn't really sure what would happen if she didn't
just that it would probably be worse than normal
i told her i thought it would be okay
when she asked
if she
people remember fall 3422 as the introduction of the orvaran system
that was just lathande
spring 3423 was when they rolled it out everywhere
even small farming towns need someone to collect garbage, and the jobs paid really well
they had to, if they wanted to find enough people
i thought i'd be okay
i was really really wrong
so wrong
......yeah wow
that's why i wound up moving in with a friend, if i'd stayed there a week longer i'd
it wouldn't have been good
they didn't try to stop me
which is good
would've been silly for them to go to all that work just for me to end up dead anyways
hey you survived
i did
it was super worth it for them to do it becuase you survived
i know intellectually she's clean
but trying to be in the same room as dad or my older brother is about the same as lighting myself on fire, brain-wise
and if it's her it's worth
can you talk to them online or does that not work either
not really
they have my email address
they tell me things like 'you have a sister now'
she tried leaving the job once she had enough money to pay the guy back
to see if it would help, you know
it. uh. didn't.
i was born in 23, which. is good. because if i found out i/my parents had eaten polluted food when i was a baby
colorjustice says that almost all unverifiable food was actually not polluted but
well maybe if i payed them enough i could go through the like fucking six month cleaning process? and maybe after that it would be okay?
but im not sure it would be enough
i know what you mean
if i'd been a year younger and they'd told me it was clean i'd've believed them
if i'd been a year older i'd probably just have killed myself
one of my friends from the treatment program
didn't make it
i had a friend in school
who was hyper, worse than me
way worse
he was *going to school* but just barely, he had to take a bunch of meds with a bunch of side effects to get out of the house at all
and he was a year older than me
oh no
so their class learned about the food crisis? and he left school that day like normal and he took the train home and he got in the shower with his clothes on and took all his meds at once
oh no
they told me he killed himself but nobody would *tell me why* because like i was hyper too and they were worried about copycat stuff
i stayed in touch with his mom, she told me later
she FOUND him
i'm so so sorry
i cant imagine
finding your dead child
it was pretty hard on me but she was really never the same
i don't really have words
:( :( :(
he was an only child
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
i think they were sort of saving for another credit but they ended up spending a lot of money on like, building a room for him where he would feel clean, and stuff
and afterwards, it's not like she was going to have another kid after what happened
they wanted to take me out of class for the segment on the food crisis for, you know, obvious reasons, but that was winter when i was three and i’d already found out from like being online and reading stuff so i guessed what it was? and they freaked the fuck out when i was like “are you just worried about me finding out about the voan food crisis”
were they hoping to just ... pretend it never happened? forever?
it's not like it's easy not to learn about, if you use the internet
i guess i was going to Find Out When I Was Older
or something
i mean i understand the thinking there, like the last time was horrible and i could really just have found out later
the last time being my friend
i see where they were coming from
my school kept me out of class for anything pollution-related but obviously they weren't going to stop me from finding out about the food crisis
i am so sorry you had to live through that
my parents thought about having me do online school while it was happening
it was like really really irresponsible to just tell my friend and i’m like not sure what happened there
i don't know
mesosensitives can be really bad at guessing what's going to hurt us
part of it is just that grey schools aren’t that well equipped for..... dealing with....... disability, i guess?
i had a classmate who thought it would help me not starve if she vividly described what it was like to eat polluted food
i mean, i guess it’s good that they tried to help
but. WHAT
our teacher moved the seating chart so i wouldn't have to sit next to her
and gave me permission to not go to the cafeteria during lunch
but yeah, i am really not sure how she came to that conclusion
yeah wow
i guess if she thought i was going to starve to death unless she did something
sometimes i wish i could just live in a hyper colony
even though like i’m sort of a weird hyper? they might have called it sensitivity disorder nos if i didn’t take so many decontam showers for no reason
but it would still be BETTER
there would be a lot of nice things about that
on the other hand sometimes i hear about a hyper person thinking something is polluted and my brain decides 'oh, they must be right'
even though it was fine before
and i bet that would happen a lot more
oh no
if we all thought that the UNION of the things we thought were polluted were polluted.......
we would die very quickly, i guess
“oh this one guy (MADE UP) said water is polluted so uh goodbye cruel world i guess”
and even without that we'd need robots or something
to take care of garbage
i think robots are more of a political problem than a technological one, maybe we could get away with “look we’re a hyper colony we can’t even TALK TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD most days much less murder anybody”
i think it's like
if people spent a decade developing them then they'd have them
but they aren't mostly, because of the politics
right that makes sense
i'm fine with mesosensitives most days, but then *sometimes* it's like they decided to figure out how to be maximally terrible
honestly so many jobs should be automated not bc pollution but just bc they could be and those people could then do a more skilled job or live in the country and make art or whatever but we can’t build robots at all bc of the political thing
like assembly lines could go a lot more automated than they are and then we’d just be richer and fewer as a society
i feel very Solidarity with hypos but sometimes..... they too........ are the worst
maybe we could get nice hypos for our colony to take care of us
there are totally nice hypos but there are also hypos who do things like put untagged photos of pollution on the internet
yeah it really varies a lot
sometimes talking to hypos is calming bc mesos are like “but MY pollution instinct says this isn’t polluted” and that doesn’t help me at all but i have an amateur theologian hypo friend who can just talk me through the theological position and that helps a lot more
it's good that you have that
and we're not perfect either
there are hypersensitives who think orvaran system workers need to all be executed
or that if you don't do [insert absurdly specific thing here] you're not really hyper
like i can't handle being around mom but i don't want people to murder her
i definitely like
think that there’s an objective position on pollution
and it’s probably not exactly the theological one but it’s closer to that than to my paranoia
and honestly like... i *get* it but it just takes an insane amount of arrogance to be like, “of all the billions and billions of people with pollution instincts, mine is the objective truth and everybody else, including an entire scientific field, is wrong”
oh i also saw this one person saying everyone alive during the food crisis needed to be executed
that one was "fun"
oh my fucking
fuck that person so much
also how are they planning to run society after they’ve killed everyone over four???????
i don't know???
also i feel a lot of people with proposals involving doing lots of murder........... fail to account for the fact that corpses are polluted
how's life been
a WONDERFUL PRETTY NICE blue hired me and i might maybe have a crush
eeeee congratulations!
i don’t know how to approach this tho
“hey baby...... i would have sex with you for free (on a good day)”
if they've hired you a couple times you could ask? or something?
i am kind of bad at relationship advice
yes i think that i will actually do is like
wait a while and see if he contacts me
and then maybe ask him out or something
good luck!!
how’ve you been
also, i saw you post an out of stock green and purple scarf and i could try to make you something like it
i can’t do literally that but i’m thinking like getting some white silk and waxing designs on it and then dyeing it one color and then drawing on the designs in the other
this might be totally the wrong way to go about it but it sounds fun
gosh, that's really nice of you
if you ended up doing this i'd have a couple of sensitivity-related materials requests but i don't think any of them would actually make the project impossible
i think that kind of project would be fun rn, what are your materials requests?
the main one is not from [link to list of countries that have done cleaning and integrated ex-reds]
or eles decontaminatable
but i think that might mess up the dyes?
ok i can do that
yeah i think it’s probably easier to just buy from not those countries than to try to... decontaminate..... dyes
like most commercial clothes are decontaminatable and........ have colors but they know what they’re doing and i do not
now i want to do something nice for you, help
umm i really like [space shoenberg], you could record yourself playing one of his pieces? although idk how much you can do that on just violin
i'll try my best
maybe i can find an arrangement or something
that’s so nice of you
you don’t have to, i’ll like, enjoy the project anyway
i’m not sure how to make green and purple work well as a color combo, do you mind if there’s other colors?
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hcbgoblin · 4 years
ok i wanted to watch the full day4 of mma but its only being uploaded at 4am for me and i caved in and watched the lq bts performance and i just
why   do you enjoy making me C RY 
so stream of crying consciousness first impression...... stuff 
a black swan intro A BLACK SWAN INTRO i mean i kinda wanted them to perform the whole song too but hey
it was way too fucking beautiful to be REAL i am LIVING i love love LOVE how much they leaned into classical and contemporary for black swan its more than i ever expected and i just cry every night into my pillow- 
first off i love tae and hoseok as a pairing it doesnt happen often and of the dances black swan could parallel i did not think dna would be one of them but it fucking works and it looks breathtaking 
the HEIGHT of taehyungs jump
swan namjin is just majestic and their postures were rly good, jins port de bras was a+; they over prepared a little for the pirouette but it somehow looks rly cute im whippedajfldkf
ok so. OK. oh   . jungkook,   jimin,    oh wow. oh WOW. jikook has had a lot of dance duos over the years and not to be dramatic but it was all leading up to this MOMENT ksdjn. no but ok the water dance was gorgeous and how delicate and yet midly terrifying they manage to look when theyre being carried (amazing sound direction too ) by the backup dancers is so entrancing, and when they finally come together to dance their FREAKING PAS DE DEUX. (bts danced a straight up pas de deux i cant get over it they really did THAT im losing it) anyway when they dance together you can see it even better!!
that bullet was getting too long so, ok, pas de deux is usually danced by a man and a woman (its more common for this to switch it up in contemporary, but still) , and even though it takes a lot (like a fucking lot) of strenght to maintain the various poses and steps while youre being lifted(usually women), in ballet  its a Thing to not let it show and appear as delicate and effortless as possible. so a lot of people who dont dance get the impression that whoever is lifting is doing the most work, but! thats not true, aND. jimin somehow manages to portray all that strenght while still being tear inducingly delicate. the sequence is sharp, delicated, jagged and desperate and jikook are PERFECT for it, bc their individual dance styles have always been so good at balancing sharp/delicate and intense. 
jimins extensions are, as usual, absolutely thight and in full display. their position for the lift turn was perfect. it was so gorgeous
the final swan pose was so so so so beautiful i loved that formation. bts rly has some of the best designed (like, idk how to say this in english, but literally ‘desenhada’ ‘drawn’) transitions formations and poses. their choreographies are so teatrical, every stop is a painting and i love it. jin just delivers the final blow w the final arms and releasing the bird... mercy
speaking of which the stage design here.................. exquisite
and last but suddenly not least, the backup dancers did the MOST, mad mad props. that bridge drop before jimin first appears might genuinely war with ot7s dancing for most beautiful part of the intro
so. like.      i really love black swan idk if it is noticeable. 
their STYLING. insane.
ON you beautiful bitch i missed you . you deserved to have been so BIG UGHSJDFN
is it just me or does on feel simultaneously shorter and more INTENSE 
the purple mappp :((( and armys making up bts photo oh my GOD:((( ;;o;;
since its very unlikely they would have released anything outside of mots7 this year were it not for covid, their final performances would probably be n.o, black swan and on, maybe with wabte. im kinda sad now 
but now for long, quarantine savior life goes on is here 🥺🥺🥺
life goes on is so good live its ... ugh 
how SOFT their faces went in yoongis verso tho
its a bangtanarmy world
they did the PAH
dynamite quarantine bop lets go
uhHHHhhHh hoseok?? this VELVET FIT. JHSRKDKJS 
taejoons talk the talk that was SO CUTE. ILLEGAL
they look so happy and energetic i love to see it
dynamite has such a fun choreo. its their simplest one since.... just one day, probably, but they make it SO engaging 
also the way their suits change color is MAGICAL
jin air kisses into the dance break? yEs
THIS DANCE BREAK. ITS PURE DISCO OH MY GOD OH My GoD DISCO QUEEN DYNAMITE!!! U DID THAT . the vibez are absolutely exquisite , dare i say........ GROOVY
super fast footwork and their delivery is so suave and cool holy shit im hypnotized ; that little HEAD BOP on the suspended kick - . like this dance is brimming with personality i love it so much 
hoseoks subtle roboting just adds that Something to it , 
his style is so interesting to me bc like, usually street styles use a lower posture, heavier/sharper finishes, and are visually bolder styles of dancing, highlighting the impact of the steps (i wish i could explain what i mean better but im not super familiar with street styles ughfgfd ) . as opposed to contemporary/jazz/ballet etc but hoseoks style is like a hybrid lately, its very light, almost like hes floating across the stage (voguings a street style that has that lighter higher disposition, but hoseok doesnt rly vogue afaik.... someone once noted, that, interestingly, thats also the core logic of classical dancing and that creates such an interesting contrast in a way that is different but parallel to the way jimin also likes to create that type of contrast in his dancing?? ugh yes.) 
 and anyway, he manages to be so fluid and light and still so sharp and this choreography highlights that soooo well. his footwork and his extensions when hes leading the dance line- chefs kiss . also that hat and that suit   . thank you bh
their linesssssss cries
jimins high kick tumble cries the 70s just kicked me in the face + the synced jump the others do just as he kicks a+++++
they are so synchronized . like they usually are, but it looks even more satisfying here
this dance break..... i didnt think dynamite would do this for us, but its among my favorites 
taehyung is made for This
2seoks suits are driving me feral
was just talking to a friend today abt how i thought back in 2016 that no one could top that mama performance, not even bts themselves......... ha . hahahah ha. 
bangtan. never. disapoints. 
0 notes
werewolf-fucker · 7 years
Is a kiss considered cheating?
- oh hell yeah 
Have you ever faked orgasm?
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
- i think its going to be a miracle if im alive in 7-8-9 years 
Tell us some funny drunk story.
- one time i got too high and i tried to pass the bowl to a frog beside me 
Why are you no longer together with your ex?
- ah she cut it off but i was respectful of her decision 
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? 
-oh shit i would love to be blasted into space 
Do you like someone?
- we shall see 
Who was the last person to disappoint you?
- my damn self 
Do you like your body?
- depends on the dysphoria 
Can you keep a diet?
- nah stoned me has no rules 
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
- ditch the white people! 
Do you work?
- sadly 
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
- anything alyssas mom cooks 
Would you get a tattoo?
- i have two! 
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
- my friends and trasnition
Can you drive?
- im the only one of my friends that does 
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
-all of my friends are saps so we say it all the time
What was the last thing you cried for?
- uh we ran out of skim milk at work and i just lost it 
Is life fun?
- can be with the right people 
Is farting in front of people irrelevant?
- u just gotta know how to pull it off 
What’s your dream car?
- small truck/ something with room 
Are grades in school important?
- hell yeah if u want to do more stuff with ur life 
Describe your crush.
- listens well, affectionate, funny, idk im an easy date man 
What was your last lie?
- im gonna go to bed early 
Dumbest lie you ever told? 
Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
- for me yeah but not for other people
Something you did and you are proud of?
- i did a still life a little while ago and i really like how it turned out 
What’s your favourite cocktail?
- whiskey ginger! 
Something you are good at?
- fuckin up lol 
Do you like small kids?
- I hate babies but i love hanging out with 3+ yr olds 
How are you feeling right now?
- could be better 
What would you name your daughter/son?
- im naming my next cat Beau
What do you need to be happy?
- good friends, my plants, my animals
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
- dumbasses at work and jazzercise lady 
What was the last gift you received?
- someone gave me a cookie today lol
What was the last gift you gave?
- i sent u a package!!
What was the last concert you went to?
- tbh havent been to one in forever 
Favourite place to shop at?
- i like thrift stores and little unique shops 
Who inspires you?
- anyone who knows what theyre doing 
How old were you when you first got drunk?
-16 i think 
How old were you when you first got high?
- like 15-16
How old were you when you first had sex?
- 14
When was your first kiss?
- 8
Something you want to do until the end of this year?
- idk if i get this one 
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?
- legit just erase years 9-15
Post a selfie.
- in a separate post 
Who are you most comfortable around?
- probably @wild-wild-wonder or @gnomepapi
Name one thing that terrifies you.
- heights, fuckin hate them
What kind of books do you read?
- as cheesy as it sounds i like good ol YA novels 
What would you tell your 12 year old self?
- boys aint shit and just talk to people 
What is your favourite flower?
- bearded irises! 
Any bad habits you have?
- use weed as a coping mechanism so i do that wayyyy too much 
What kind of people are you attracted to?
- anyone whos into me tbh 
What was the last thing you cried for?
- skim milk and my parents kicking me out (its all good now) 
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?
- fuckin hate eggs and tomatoes 
Are you in love?
- im an ENFP and a sagittarius dude im always in love 
How long was your longest relationship? 
- 2 years 
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
- rampant misogyny, toxic masculinity, violence in general 
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? 
- straight women
What are you saving money for?
- to move out soon 
How would you describe your bad side?
- whiny bitchass who cant deal with shit like a normal person 
Are you actually a good person? Why?
- idk if truly good people exist but ive done too much bad shit to be one of them 
What are you living for?
- a new easel and the opportunity to use it 
Have you ever done anything illegal?
- LMAO yes 
Do you like your body?
- i love some parts of it and some parts i dont 
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?
- oh hell yeah
Ever sent nudes?
- yep
Have you ever cheated on someone?
- yep, not proud but yep
Favourite candy?
- kitkat!
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!
- i follow over a thousand people on this hell site man idk what’s even happening 
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
- i play OW on pc a little but i suck at it lol 
Are you religious? Does God exist?
- oh god exists, he fucking hates me 
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
- its cool just dont be preachy about it and get pissed when others arent 
How long have you been on Tumblr?
- like 4 or 5 years 
Do you like Chineese food?
- fave kind
McDonalds or Subway?
- subway but only from the one near my highschool where the dude gives me free food 
Vodka or whiskey?
- both 
Alcohol or drugs?
- both
Ever been out of your province/state/country?
- i try to make it canada once a year! my dads family is up there so i like to see them 
Meaning behind your blog name?
- it might be bc i fuck werewolves but idk 
What are you scared of?
- my boss cutting my pay to 2.25 bc she’s mad at us 
Last time you were insulted?
- today lol
Most traumatic experience ?
- yeaaahhhhh thats not happening 
Favourite app on your phone?
- tumblr consumes my life as always 
What colour are the walls in your room?- white man i live in an apartment 
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
- i love cryaotic! his voices puts me to sleep 
Share your favourite quote.
- i cant remember anything my dude 
Do you like horror movies?
- i like horror i just fucking hate jump scares 
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
- yeah i told her i was gay 
Do you feel lucky or special in a way?
- i love my friends and i feel incredibly lucky to know them 
Can you keep a secret?
- idk can i 
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xseniaxgorex · 5 years
yesterday fucked me up
i spent my morning panicking then bein handcuffed on my bed to be taken to my fuckin living room & these cops had the fuckin nerve to be a dick and ask me “why are you crying like that?” bc im panicking asshole, they handcuffed me bc i wasn’t talking while i was having a whole ass panic attack , if you literally kno me i cannot TALK if im having a panic attack my mind is all over the place i hear you i can’t process what’s going on my mind goes stupid I shut down ive had so much bs happen to me bc i can’t talk & ppl take it the wrong way
& this only happened bc me & my mom we’re going at it in the mornin bc last night i asked her if she could move my sisters car literally jus move it forward while i get myself in the garage & she pretty much told me go look for parking somewhere else who gives a fuck if there’s an empty garage that no one is using go park far as fuck. & i parked in the red & i told her if i get a ticket im not going to pay for it.
& the only reason why i wanted to park in the garage was bc i didn’t want to wake up in the morning to move my car i wanted to sleep in i worked that day i was off the next day i wanted to sleep in ive been sleeping like shit lately so i was mad I knew if i left my car in the red she was going to bug the shit out of me in morning bc it only mattered to her bc i said she would pay for the ticket if i didn’t say that she wouldn’t have bugged me as she did in the morning so of course i was passed & talking shit & my stupid sister decided to get in it. pretty much tried to talk shit on me bc i lost my car but i came back at her & said atleast i got a new one without mommy’s help atleast i can drive & move a car out of the garage driveway & she got mad bc i literally told her off she started crying & she decided to call the cops to feel on top of this whole bullshit. i got mad & said she’s acting like my mom bc i got mad that she were both surrounding me room door to talk shut while i was inside but i came put & she closed herself in the room i don’t take shit talking behind doors behind a fuckin computer screen ect. I wanna talk shit SAY IT TO MY FUCKIN FACE. She got mad because i got in her face & was louder & was saying the fucking truth if this was the other way around & my sister came home & saw my car in the drive way & knew there was NO ONE using the garage she would told my mom & she would’ve bugged the shit out of me until i got up to move my car for her i kno that for a fact.
earlier that day too i saw that tweet of the whole kidnapping shit & i got paranoid bc i was on my lunch in my car & there had been a van parked behind me my whole lunch he wasn’t waiting for a parking spot he was parked behind me so i panicked & left my car earlier to wait for my lunch to end inside my jobs break room & i realizes that in a panick i locked myself out the car & luckily my manager was cool with me trying to open my car after i clocked in from my lunch so like anyone the first person you wanna call is your parent for help especially since i live with my mom inexpected her to help me out i asked her to bring my spade & she hits me with go ask your boyfriend to. So i hung up & i felt like shit i expected help bc i know if it was my sister she would’ve got her spares & dropped them off no hesitation so bullshit remarks. So i panicked again & bc of my manager she gave me an idea to take a hanger & it worked but i had a reason to panick about that guy in the van he took a picture of me he was in his van with his phone out & i saw his camera on the screen. The whole time i was trying to get into my car he was there & it sucks cause i made myself feel worse i made things worse for myself. So me going home that night after that it made me feel like shit for my mom to continue to pretty much not give a fuck about me. & it sucks bc it was my sister who posted that tweet.
like it fuckin sucks bc if it was me & i heard my sister & mom arguing to move my car i would’ve came out to shut them up & to help my sister out bc i wouldn’t want her to park far. But it only shows how much my “family” cares.
all this was avoidable if they jus let me in the garage my sister called the cops for no point she tried to bring up the past to the cops on the phone so i was talking shit & saying but are you saying i get mentally abused & that I’m clinically diagnosed with depression & anxiety??????? that the only time I ever talk back & yell back is if im being treated wrong & being talked to in that tone??? Bc i want to defend myself?
like i literally was panicking in my room & the cops were trying to open my door.
before they came i almost started cutting myself bc i had enough of my mom & sister not giving a fuck when i heard the cops outside my room i panicked so bad i called my dad but he wasn’t picking up the only person i was on the phone with was ricky & when the cops came they took my phone way & hung up on him. the only thing keeping me from getting worse was ricky telling me he was on his way.
I was so scared i was in a ball hugging my cinnamonroll i didn’t want to fucking talk to the stupid cops my mind was to busy trying to understand why my own blood would do this to me make me the bad person when all i fuckin wanted was to park in the stupid garage no one was fucking using. They handcuffed me bc i was panicking & not talking they were trying to force me to talk when i could barely even breathe & they pulled me off my bed to handcuff me to jus walk me to the living room??? like why handcuff me to jus walk me to my sofa? i was not resistin at all i jus could not talk i could barely breathe. So then they started asking me if i had depression & if i take medication so then they called an ambulance bc i wouldn’t shut up & they told me that if i went with the abundance & take the medication they would give me they would remove the handcuffs so i panicked even more bc i can’t fucking even afford my own medication rn i can’t afford a fuckin ambulance so i was scared bc i felt like i had no choice i was still in panick bc i was still trying to process this whole bullshit situation
when the ambulance came im glad they showed up bc they were the only ones giving a fuck about my breathin & my hyperventilating.
& they were talking to me & i told my mom calls me crazy when i panic & pretty much everyone was on my side bc they knew i had a mental issues & that i don’t jus get like that for no reason i was triggered by my mom after me & my sister were fighting i went to the bathroom to pee & i heard my mom telling my sister calm down she’s jus crazy don’t bother with her.
like that’s what set off my panick attack bc im tired of this bullshit i can’t stand up for myself without being called crazy.
The paramedic lady went to my mom & told her not to say that to me.
when ricky showed up he was the one who calmed me down he got me a water he hugged me he does this cute thing where he breathes with me so i follow his breath taking & everyone was jus glad he showed up bc i calmed down he knows how to help me with my panic attacks
the same lady asked me if i still wanted to go & i said no, i really thought i had no option.
they also told my mom for permission for ricky to stay with me bc he’s keeping me calm. bc the whole time when he showed up she was telling them she didn’t want ricky in the House & even tho she said yes i didn’t want to be in this stupid house we left.
but then i decided to do laundry so i came back home bc that’s what i wanted to do yesterday that was my plan to sleep in & then do chores at home till ricky was off. but he decided to ditch work to come see me when he heard everything happening.
we spent the rest of the day snatching & drawing at the beach for like 4 hrs & then went to go get pizza.
i thought we were going to have the rest of a good day but we ended up getting pulled over while leaving down the street for not having the headlights on but my car is weird bc it’s a 90s car so we thought they were on. they handcuffed ricky & let me stay in the car & i started crying again bc i was completely sick of cops the rest of the day & for us to be dealin with one again jus triggered me again so i was crying. i was scared they were gonna take ricky they were trying to find illegal shit on us. When they stopped us i was asleep in the back bc panick attacks are draining so when i woke up i woke up bc i heard the cop on the speaker & noticed the lights behind us & they started flashing the light in my face & that’s when they told ricky to get out & handcuffed him. i was really gonna panick if they put handcuffs on me again.
i have a bruise on my left wrist from the unnecessary handcuffs they put on me yesterday mornin
& now im drinkin & smoking bc i feel depressed af & i don’t want to physically hurt myself i cried typing this shit out but fuck my mom & sister they are canceled I KNO I CANT COUNT ON THEM FOR SHIT.
my dad called me while i was getting my laundry stuff ready at home & i told him everything & he could not understand why they took it to the extreme & whythey did not jus let me use the garage for my car when it was empty. he then told me & this hurt to hear he said i don’t know why both gang up on you & why they treat you this way but know im always here for you you can’t count on me for anything , im going to talk to them jus calm down’ & i kept saying i kno that thats why i called you. My dad was the only who protected me from my mom when she would mentally beat down on me
i can’t stop crying i feel like shit
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