#and thought Carmen would look great in that power suit
2deadkat · 8 months
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Someone was looking at those old Barbie catalogs too much…
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carmenxjulia · 3 years
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Another Duane interview transcript, coming at you! This one was from a smaller Carmen Sandiego chatroom. There were several interviewers, so that’s why the name of the question asker changes. Get the details below the break! Stay tuned, more interview transcripts coming soon.
Duane Capizzi:
Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the way haha. Then got lost trying to change my PFP
Thanks for gathering! Shall we get started? Let's do some Q&A!
(as long as they are not geography questions haha)
What characters or plot points were cut from the final product?
Duane Capizzi:
Ooo, starting with a right hook to the jaw!
Let me think about that for a moment: I'm hesitant to give too much away because I'm really hoping we can tell more stories in this world at some point
Which is to say, we tend not to waste anything: if we don't use it when we originally planned, we usually find a way to use something later - and there's usually a "karmic" reason that we waited.
I'll also preface by saying this: I know season 3 was more of a mini-drop and some felt season 4 was rushed. But I wish EVERY season were longer. Season 1: ideally, i wanted the Pilot to be its own event and 10 more episodes after that (but we had to tell the post-Pilot story in 7. At the end of the day, that had its benefits: we got to the Shadowsan turn earlier and I think that's when a lot of viewers realized the ride they were truly in for). Season 2: we initially figured we'd need 5 episodes to have Carmen doing the ACME dance with Chief, and wound up doing it in 3 - mostly because it quickly became clear that Rio needed to be a 2 parter, and the Zack and Ivy backstory a rough 2 parter. So we squeezed 3 episodes worth of plot into 209. It was exhilarating!
So, we had hoped to have more episodes for Season 4 of course. We had a ton of ideas and had to compress things a bit. But honestly in many ways it was for the better. I know we all wanted to live in this world longer, but I think sometimes the flip side is true - when you have big ongoing storylines, it can get frustrating when some things drag out too long. But, we got all the "story" we wanted to tell in Season 4 - we just lost some "incident" if that makes sense. We would have taken longer to get there.
So, all that preface to answer the question: we wanted to do more musical numbers! We had a Bollywood dance sequence in a return to India caper with Paperstar. We wanted to do a famous Elvis suit theft in Las Vegas during an Elvis impersonator convention (Shadowsan's an early elvis guy; Brunt likes the Vegas "jumpsuit" era). We also wanted to do a thread where Gunnar gets captured by ACME so that Julia could interrogate him and he could play mind games with her a la Hannibal Lector and Clarice. CAVEAT TO ALL THIS: these were some ideas that were bouncing around, that may not have seen the light of day if we couldn't get them to work. But they were on our wish list.
re: "other stories" - I could live with these characters for another 32 episodes easily and there have of course been discussions. But alas, that is up to the powers that be. Let's keep fingers crossed - and keep the Carmen love alive online so that someone up there takes note
There is more of course, but those are some things that spring to mind.
Were there any scenes cut for time that were your favorite?
Duane Capizzi:
Not much springs to mind: our directors were amazing at getting everything in the scripts to fit naturally (and in fact, I was the one who was usually suggesting trims to let other things breathe, etc). We were limited to 22 minutes of episode time, NOT counting front and end credits so a little longer than the average show. We have a pretty good idea when the SCRIPT is too long, so the cutting usually happens at script stage before it gets to the board crew so that they don't waste efforts over-boarding material that won't be used.
We had hoped to build out Chase and Carmen teaming up for the first time, meeting at Carmen's hotel lobby etc for more scenes of them together; but had to reduce that to get that all to fit in the VERY packed episode 406. But again, tighter was fine considering. That's one area that leaps to mind. (note that when I say packed, I don't mean that in a bad way: we spend a lot of time pouring over details in editing to make sure everything gets its due).
If I think of anything, I'll circle back at a later point. But the simple answer is that scenes were usually trimmed or compressed at script rather than board or animatic. So nothing comes to mind. I know it's hard to believe, but "shorter is usually better."
except for my answers to fan questions of course
We saw that in s4 episode 6 that Julia's mother(?) is wearing a necklace remarkably similar to the one Julia wears all the time. Is this the same necklace and if so, why was it given to Julia?
Duane Capizzi:
Just when I thought I was detail oriented! Wow! You guys blow me away
I can't take credit for that: it was either the board artist or director who added that. They do slip things in! As I've said before, EVERYONE on the crew really brought their A-game and were as deep thinking and as passionate as I was/am about the show.
It's a nice detail and I would say your interpretation works!
It took me three or four reviews before noticing that the team had slipped in baby Carmen near the play set in Mom's front yard at the end of 408. When I caught it, I was like: bravo!
When they first met, Zack and Ivy said to Carmen that they were the only family they had, do you know what happened to the rest of Zack and Ivy's family?
Duane Capizzi:
I don't. At least, I don't yet until such a time that I might have the opportunity to explore that. It was important to their relationship with Carmen that they be orphans, so they had that common bond (aside from being "thieves who steal from bad guys" - even if it was only gonna be one time for Zack and Ivy).
I know there are writers out there who like to do entire bio's for characters up front but i'm not one of them. It could be a trap in many ways. I like to have a general idea but be open to the demands of the ongoing storyline. You discover things along the way - it's like you're taking a journey with the characters by writing them, and the longer you spend, the better you get to know them (that was not a prepared statement by the way - I just made that up but I'll have to use it again :). So in Z/I's case it wasn't important to the story or Carmen's relationship, we felt. Conversely, we STARTED with Shadowsan's family backstory with 203, but more important to me was that we use it as a platform to explain why he stays with Carmen and crew. He really has no home at that point, so it was relevant to the present ongoing story. Which is what made that especially powerful to me.
Also, there's always a push-pull between telling character back stories while balancing them with ongoing episodic plots. You have to service both. If you just tell back story, then you're writing a biography
What was the biggest challenge when designing these characters, especially the pre-existing characters from the series in the 90's?
Duane Capizzi:
This is probably more of a question for Chromosphere, re: challenges. But from my standpoint overseeing that process, the first thing I'll say is that we weren't necessarily trying to be "true" to those characters since we reinvented nearly every one from the ground up. (with the exception of Carmen of course - her trademark red hat/coat weren't going anywhere! But mostly the update with Carmen was in the styling of her "outerwear"
ALTHOUGH: I will admit that I was pushing for Carmen to have shorter hair as Carmen. I thought it would be a cool update. Chromosphere were really passionate about giving her long full hair and I have to see that they were right. The short tomboy cut worked so well for Black Sheep anyway. We had a different hair style for each of her ages.
So about the reinventions: Gunnar is in spirit a similar character to the original (old colleague in Vile and an early mentor if I remember), but his presentation completely different. We weren't trying to be "in canon" with the original. The beauty of CSD is that every incarnation has been its own entity so that freed us to reimagine the characters. THE CLEANERS, for instance: gimme some Cleaner love! There were a pair of janitors from the original game named RICK AND NICK ICK. They were literally janitors, it was too silly for our purposes. But, it's one small step to make them "Cleaners" (in the sinister hit men sense) - and lo, our reinvention.
So to summarize the answer to your question, they weren't really challenges to me so much as FUN to creatively reinvent the original characters (many of which were from the game, so not really "characters" per se with dialogue and inner lives). Whenever we could, we tried to use character names from the originals and update their looks and personalities. Where we couldn't find an equivalent for what we needed, we created characters from whole cloth. For instance, it seemed a miss to do a heist show without a tunnel guy and a high rise climber guy. Hence, LC & ET, everyone's favorite taco truck vendors!
(yes, i've seen some short hair carmen fan art on Twitter - someone did a great one recently!)
Are there plans to give us more of the characters in, say, novel/graphic novel form?
Duane Capizzi:
I know HMH has done a bunch and no doubt have more in works. There's currently a novelization of the Pilot with some additional material if anyone's interested. I consulted on the second one, Clue for Clue, because it falls in the timeline while Chase was still Interpol/pre-Acme so was tricky.
And depending on whether another series in this canon makes it to air, I may just approach them about writing one or two myself to get some "further adventures" our there. Anything is possible!
If you could go back and change anything about the series, what would it be?
Duane Capizzi:
File under anecdote, but there was what I felt was an important expression on Gray that kept me awake at nights, from his graduation ceremony at Vile. When we revisited those flashbacks in the Gray arc in Season 4, I had them change his expression there (to be more evil less innocent). We had it corrected in 404 so was able to get permission to have Netflix "fix" the Pilot by adding that shot in. I am tenacious!
We really poured over everything, it's the series that I have virtually zero complaints with the end product to be honest. But the simple answer is: I would have gone back to 106 and "un-greek'd" Gray's nametag. It's sort of a rule for international that we scramble signage (which is weird for a show that takes place in many countries/languages, I know I know). It's mostly for localization/translation reasons. And I'm sure there are some countries where Gray's name might be spoken differently. But as a proper name, I think we could have made an exception and seen "Gray" on his name tag. See? Details! But that's about the worst of it
there's also like one small line from Chief in 208 where she indicates she knows Carmen is a good guy (something to that effect) which I felt was too absolute and would have tweaked the line to temper it a bit. It's tiny, but looking back it sort of bugs me and I kick myself for not catching it. But this is absolutely the series I wanted and couldn't be happier.
How did Carmen know she could trust Julia? As far as we know, she has not seen or heard Julia defending her, and in the Fashionista Caper, Julia even held up her gas gun to her, saying she was under arrest. Do you have any opinions on this? Was it just intuition?
Duane Capizzi:
I'm gonna go with intuition
Carmen was raised on an island with some hardened criminal types. I think she's a pretty good judge of character. Poor Julia, trying to be tough with Carmen didn't suit her.
But, great observation! I'd have to mentally step through everything to see if Carmen had any earlier indication but i think you're right there.
Yes, sometimes you just gotta follow your heart
Are there any characters that didn't actually interact that you think would get along well?
Duane Capizzi:
Amazing question! First, I'd have to think more about who DIDN'T meet - you're asking the hard questions haha. But "get along well" is very specific! Hmmm, care to volley anyone?
I'll also add that so many smaller moments get lost in the "binge" of it all, but I am surprised how few fans have noted the first meeting between Player and Julia. THAT was a good one IMO! Very sweet!
Before getting back to your question, I also want to add that we were originally going to find a way for Carmen to lose her earring in Stockholm so that Julia could pick it up and be communicating with Player. BUT, I cut it at treatment stage because I knew we didn't have room in that episode to service it. Circling back to questions 1 & 2, another case where it turned out better saved for later IMO (saving Player meeting Julia, not to mention the earring business in 402 with Ivy).
Oh of course, Julia and any of the other Vile members. It would have been Gunnar for my vote, as mentioned earlier. We probably would not have had Julia meet anyone else and mixed it up more. I like that Cleo sort of became J's personal nemesis.
YES, SONIA & XIFENG (and LUPE PELIGRO, if I can add). The intent was (and is, if we ever get to revisit) to see them again in Carmen's travels. We started to expand Carmen's world but when we finally learned the finite number of episodes we had to finish the story, we drilled back down into the essentials. Would love to see them some day!
I'm hesitant to share too many things I have in mind in this forum for hope that they will see the light of day one day. You know, "spoilers"
Do you have any opinions on Zari? Just in general? Some thoughts on her backstory would be nice if possible
Duane Capizzi:
I love Zari! I really don't have any back story on her at this point. She was originally just "Agent B" but when the need arose to give story points to another agent, we chose her because she looked so awesome! And Sharon Muthu gave voice to her so wonderfully.
I love when we finally teamed her with Chase. Hopefully the anticipation was that she would give him a hard time. I love that we defied expectation (organically, of course) and had her respect him by the end of that episode (for believing that he foiled Carmen!)
Do you have any thoughts on small facts about any character, major or minor, that you think are fun/interesting to think about, but don't necessarily add to the plot itself?
Duane Capizzi:
Bellum, like myself, likes cats. But you knew that!
I try to put everything pertinent on screen, doing double duty to service any given episode's story but also the overarching story. That "journey" thing I mentioned earlier - we had no idea Chase falling on his own car would be a thing when I first came up with it. But as other characters refer to the incident, it took on a life of its own and made the characters feel more real.
Sorta kinda related to this question and some earlier ones, I will say that I DO think there's more to learn about Shadowsan's past vis a vis Lady Dokuso: it's clear to me that they have a history together, and it's something I hope to explore someday soon (maybe in a book if not another series
Are the Carmen Sandiego books a part of canon?
Duane Capizzi:
I only consulted on the first two or three (too busy with series!) and have not read them, so hard for me to answer in a definite way. They are definitely in the universe we've created, but not in the timeline that I know of (which would have been too hard to pull off with our script development running concurrently). But do know that the book team at HMH pays close attention to the series and world so they should be perfectly compatible. Look no further to their clever social media on the series for example.
We saw in season 4 that Julia and Carmen helped each other mid to long term; would there ever be a possibility that Julia would permanently or semi-permanently join team Red?
Duane Capizzi:
Of course there's a possibility. But in a sense, with ACME now finally on Carmen's side, in a sense if Carmen were back in the game Julia, Chase, Zack and Ivy would ALL be an extension of Carmen's crew. But, would J remain with ACME or literally come to Carmen's team at her HQ? As they said in an old radio show: "Only The Duane Capizzi knows ..."
Where do you see Carmen in her retirement (if she retires)? Do you think she would still travel the world or settle down somewhere? Similarly, do you have any thoughts on what some other characters could be doing years down the line?
Duane Capizzi:
That is a big question, and one difficult to answer without some potential future spoilers (and yes, I really want to tell more Carmen stories if you can't tell But I'll answer by giving you one "read" on our open-ended ending as seen in 408 (read no further if you haven't seen it - yeah, right haha). The ending suggests to me that Carmen settled down for a spell to forge that relationship with her mother, to make up for lost time. But, if that is indeed Carmen that we see on the rooftop, I think the ending suggests that Carmen doesn't stay still for very long. If Vile is back, there is work to be done! Carmen has a life mission - she's one determined lady.
But of course, it's deliberately ambiguous: "anyone with your heart, wisdom and courage can be Carmen Sandiego." Is it Carmen? Sonia? Someone we haven't met? I think both endings resonate: Caroline and I always said "Carmen is bigger than a person, Carmen is a movement" would be a great message to end the series on. And I think our ending resolves this chapter of Carmen's journey as a person, but also elevates her to mythic status. Which is why I love it!
And, that seems to me a pretty perfect question and answer to end our chat on. Thanks everyone! Again, I cannot tell you how moved I am to see that we have such a passionate, intelligent and talented fan base. THANK YOU.
Take care guys, thanks again for having me! 'night!
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lost-in-interwebs · 3 years
Unique weapon or outfit for the ask game?
oh god thank you so much my mind is brewing. Outfits are so much easier for me to design than weapons but im gonna really think about it. Just gonna do my fallout nv ocs for now.
Bunny - I think her gift weapon would be a pearl grip throwing knife along with her old collection of throwing knives. She'll even teach you a knife trick to get it to spin and land. As for an outfit, I was thinking she hands you off an old fur shoulder cape she had been saving. It's not her great grandmother's one. That one is too precious. Her grandmother's on the hand...
"You look awful, let me fix you up. I can't be caught dead walking around with someone looking like that."
13 - Now depending on which route you take with her, she can be the gifted weapon or she gives you a ripper that mysteriously finds its way back into your pocket, fully restored after it breaks or if you drop it. Another weapon I thought of was a a pair of spiked knuckles that does ungodly amount of damage. 13 only has a few easy to carry and conceal weapons and the rags on her back so I don't think she has an outfit she can give you.
"Hey... Thanks for everything you've done for me... I want you to have these... to stay safe."
Carmen - I haven't talked about Carmen a lot due to lack of research I have for her background. She is my independent Vegas courier. I think she would give you a really cool hat. A fine black leather with a copper band accented with large turquoise stones. It would give you Charisma with locals, but none with politicians or big players in the Mojave. Thinking if a unique weapon for her is hard because I haven't fleshed out her story enough to really figure out what she would feel more comfortable using. Maybe a cool pistol or rifle.
"Never forget the little guy. I hope this helps you remember that from time to time..."
Monika - Monika's outfit gift would be a pair of ballet slippers and training that would help the Courier with their stealth. I also cannot think of a unique weapon for her as I haven't fleshed her out yet. She's very intelligent but very sheltered so her weapons handling isn't proficient in the beginning. She's much better with getting you into places with her clout or stealth skills.
"1, 2, 3... Bring your knee up higher. You really gotta stretch before these sessions if you want to keep up. 1, 2, 3..."
Camille - She's grown up around weapons and gold all of her life. Her outfit has to be custom grills. A nice pair of gold teeth for dazzling the Mojave. As for the weapon, she gives you this special plasma caster that shoot concentrated bullets that seep into your targets skin and disintegrates them into goo from the inside. Its terrifying. She loves it. Obviously didn't make the formula (she beat up some gun runner geek for it), but the gun is all her, babey!
"They won't see this coming, I can tell you that!"
Cornelia - Legion priestess turned spy turned courier turned spy. I really have not fleshed her out and maybe make a new Legion character all together, but she's wiggled her way into my brain. I think her gifted weapon would be a serrated Machete. I don't think she would have an outfit to give. She has nothing frivolous like that. Maybe she could give you something that was tied way way back to her village before Caesar came, but again she needs research.
"Inspiration from Mars struck me in the night and I was compelled to make this for you. A weapon for Caesar's mighty purpose. Use it well."
Shiloh - I never thought Shiloh would be a companion. They always struck me as an NPC you would talk to so a weapon for them would be hard. Probably a switchblade called Lover Boy. However, Shiloh is a proficient tailor. He can probably sew concealed armor rigging to fancy and casual clothes with upgrades. You just need to bring them the materials like bulletproof vests and other armor pieces. Shoulder pads made of old power armor on this suit? You got it. A fancy rattle snake bullet belt? You got it? Nightstalker cap? You got it. I think if you did a series of quests for him you could get a really high end outfit for yourself to go into Vegas. Maybe they even offer you to wear something nice of theirs the first time you go in to show off their handiwork.
"This looks lovely... Lift your arms a little? I want to see how it bunches. Tch. I know it will be hidden by the armor piece, but what if you take it off? I won't have you go out looking like a mess in one of my originals."
Cantil - Finally!!! A name for the Viper oc! Maybe it will stick, maybe it won't. Absolutely first off the bat is the weapon. She will offer you a choice of a bow and arrows laced with potent poison (Aptly named Elder Killer) or a machete laced with venom. As for the outfit she will give you a leather jacket adorned with bones. You've been more kin to her than her old Viper members.
"The Vipers are dying... You don't always have to use them, but... Keep the tradition alive for me. Teach your children so that they may teach theirs. Never let the Vipers die out in memory."
Poppi - A placeholder name that I actually really like. She was also supposed to just be an NPC that was friends with Monika and Camille from old school days. I really cannot think of anything for her yet as I need to expand her character, but I figured I'd announce her anyways. Maybe she gives you the special suit her and her father wears with the poppy flower?
Damarcus - A placeholder name for Monika's twin brother. It just struck me as I was making this. He is my other NCR courier. So for his outfit I think he would make you a special kind of leather armor that has spike adornments and is more powerful than leather and metal armor, but keeps you quiet. But that's really all I can think of for him
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Blessing in Disguise
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader
Warnings: Hospitals, Explosions, depictions of pain, allusions to mania and depression, self harm/unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of death and the dead, gambling, potential underage drinking, theft, guns, gun violence, depictions of bullet wounds, and drunk people. 
Word Count: 3.4k
Songs: All the kids are depressed- Jeremy Zucker, Everywhere- Chloe x Halle, Middle Child- J. Cole, She Knows- J. Cole, Breezeblocks- alt-J, Pussycat Doll-Flo Milli, It’s Been So Long- The Living Tombstone, Take me to Church- Hozier, Good Kid- Kendrick Lamar, Death of a Bachelor- Panic! At the Disco, Them Changes- Thundercat, Detention- Melanie Martinez, Recess- Melanie Martinez, Something for your M.I.N.D- Superorganism 
A/N: I actually hate this chapter because I feel like the writing doesn’t flow. I feel like it’s to jampacked with things that don’t do anything to push the story forward. Anyway I hope you still read it anyways. 
Series Masterlist   Previous Part   Next Part
I did the hand sign stating I’d stand. I knew I won for sure this time because I had a perfect hand of 21. The two other people playing against groaned as I was declared the winner yet again. 
Swiping the chips for the 3rd time since I’d been at the casino. I decided to take my wins and make my way to the bar that our “target” was residing. 
I had a hunch on where Carmen was but had no actual idea. I’d just text her. In the meantime I had this grown ass man to make a move on. 
I was like 97% sure I had the right guy anyway. I looked much older than usual tonight due to Carmen being a makeup goddess and I gotta say flirting can get you a long way. 
“Hey,” I spoke, sitting on the bar stool next to the man.
He looked up at me mumbling a quick hey.
“You expecting someone?” 
“Nope,” He popped the ‘p’ “What about you?”
“Same as you,”
“Now I don’t believe someone as beautiful as you is here alone,” He moved his arm that much closer to mine. I pushed out a smile and giggled. 
“I could say the same about you,” We made eye contact for a second “But no seriously, I’m just here with a girlfriend. It was my birthday yesterday but she wasn’t free so we came out today,” I lied. 
“How old did you turn?”
“Twenty Two,” He nodded seemingly content with the answer. 
“So you’re not around here are you?”
“Either you’re a genius or I’m just very bad at blending in, no I’m from New York,” 
“Ah, I have some friends in New York, which part?” 
“Harlem actually but I recently moved to Queens,” I lied again. 
“Oh I don’t many from those cities,”
“If we're being honest I don’t know many people from Queens either my life’s been more hectic ever since I moved,”
“I hear you,” He informed me, leaning on the small backing the stools had. 
We talked for about 15 more minutes, him explaining the switch between New York to Nevada. Then Carmen walked up to me and feigned drunkenness signaling she was done with her job. I made my way back. To the man who’s name I still hadn’t learned. 
“As much fun as I was having talking to you, my friend is way too drunk to be out in public so we should probably head back to the hotel.” I sat back on the barstool turning my legs towards the man batting my eyes 
“Could I possibly use your phone to call an Uber mine is dead?” 
“Yeah of course you can…” His sentence fizzed off at the end in place of where my name would be.
“Ciara,” I filled in “And you are?” 
“Jim” He started handing me the phone.
I used his phone for an entirely different reason than I’d claimed. The project Carmen had been working on was melting the wires together to fix the flash drive that works inside of phones. It hadn’t worked in years.
It took about a minute to duplicate the phone's data. I stuck the flash drive in my bra before going to give the phone back. 
Just as I started moving a loud argument broke out, by the drunk accents I could tell it would soon get violent. Seeing as I had many experiences with an aggressive drunk. I wasn’t going to take my chances and began turning towards the main exit.
 I heard the first shot echo followed by another. Soon everyone was shooting. Including Carmen who I think just wanted an excuse to shoot at people passing it off as “protecting her friends”. 
She was closer to the exit than I was so she slid me the gun and I was able to ward off anyone shooting in our general direction. Not for long though. A bullet lightly grazed my dominant arm’s shoulder; it still dug in enough to do some sweet damage. 
What’s up with me? I haven’t been on my A game lately. 
We were also out of bullets. Mostly because we weren’t actually expecting to have to fucking shoot at people. I ducked back down behind the bar trying not to get caught on the broken glassware. 
“I think it would be a good time to do that thing?” I asked. 
She rolled her eyes 
“You know I hate doing it,”
“Well I’m literally bleeding out,” I dramatized pointing to my shoulder. “So if you want to get out of here not in body bags, do the thing,” 
“Alright, just this one time,” She begrudgingly made her way out from behind the bar and away from me. 
I covered my ears and closed my eyes as the glass around me rained down and the bar shook. I could slightly hear the cries from beneath my hands. Once she moved back over to me 
“See that wasn’t so bad, birdy,” I scrambled up to my feet ignoring the pull in my shoulder. 
I made my rounds grabbing Jim’s phone, cash, wallets, watches, and anything else that looked expensive from pockets and the ground. 
I stood awkwardly staring at my feet as I slid from side to side with my butt planted on my skateboard. 
“Hi,” I heard squinting my eyes looking up revealing a equally nervous looking Peter
“Hey,” I nodded at him. 
The conversation wasn’t as awkward as I thought it’d be he’d apparently asked Liz to prom and he said yes. Which I was definitely super happy about because why wouldn’t I be? 
Anyway who cares about that anyway. Props to Peter for not bringing up the whole ghosting everyone thing for like a week thing. Because if he didn’t bring it up I was going to act like it never happened. 
We talked about everything and anything. From favorite candies or colors to our beliefs about life after death. I’d found out his favorite candy were skittles, favorite color: red and that he was Jewish but not necessarily religious and didn’t believe in heaven or hell but he believed in the eternity of a soul. 
I’d told him that my favorite candy was F/C, my favorite color being pink and that I didn’t know what I believed in. I believed in a higher power but not that they were inherently good because of all the suffering on earth. I’d told him if they weren’t good and had abandoned us while alive. Why would they care or have any plan for us into the afterlife? I think that part is up to us, and what we believe. I’m trying not to think about death.
Then like clockwork he had to leave before 9 which is funny because it’s like he wasn’t even trying to hide his secret identity. He’d told me he lost the internship and normally his excuse to leave was the internship. 
I just guess that means he no longer has Stark’s backup. He only had it for a while anyway he’d be fine without it again. Actually when I think about it,  from his behavior he’d exhibited as Spiderman in the short few months I’d had the displeasure of knowing him as ‘Thorn’ he’d be weak. He was unconfident, relied on his tools far too much. Couldn’t see himself without the suit. So maybe he was really just going home. So he’d be fine. 
I’d also be fine. No matter how much it didn’t look like it at the moment. I’d be fine. I was always fine. I was fine without my mom, without Rose, without my dad, without Olivia and any one else I’d ever been stupid enough to get attached to. I’d bounce back. I always did. 
It’d taken Carmen much convincing to not sit around and babysit me 24/7 because of my shoulder. She was sure that I’d do something dumb and it would get infected. 
 I was sitting on MJ’s bed getting ready for homecoming. My neck jerked again as Bri attempted to detangle and braid my hair. 
If I hadn’t spiraled into the Vulture, Kingpin and SHIELD, rabbit hole I probably would have taken better care of myself and my hair. 
“Stop moving,” She tsked.
“Stop trying to rip my head off my neck,” I hissed back. 
Bri did my nails back when we were still at her house waiting for MJ to pick us up. She actually did pretty good. I think she would do great at a cosmetology school. She's pretty much into everything: hair, nails, makeup the whole nine yards. She did all of that for me. 
The make up was very simple, but I was still able to get my signature winged eyeliner. Winged eyeliner is something very dear to me mostly because Rose was the first to put me on it and I wore it everyday since. It kinda felt disrespectful to stop at this point.
The only thing left was the dress MJ had gifted me. Her mom bought her a dress but she still refused to wear dresses so she returned it for this one, she opted for a very nice pantsuit she already had. Then Bri's outfit of course matched her boyfriend’s. 
I’ve never really liked school dances they’re always so overhyped, but I go to them all anyways, because then I get in on all the drama. It helped me build up my arsenal of knowledge about everyone. 
I was sitting at one of the round tables near the entrance with MJ, Bri, and Olivia. We had a bottle of “Gatorade” open and out for anybody who wanted to drink it. I was about to drink from it when I saw Liz enter alone. 
I made my way over to her.
“Where’s Peter? I thought he asked you?” 
“I don’t even know he just ditched me,” She let out a deep breath. 
“Aw I’m sorry,” I wrapped my good arm around her shoulder.
 “Well don’t think about that asshole, you’re way out of his league anyway,” I assured her to which she let out a weak laugh. 
“Come sit with me and my friends,” 
 A girl with knockers dancing all along her head came up to before speaking 
“Why are you crying?” 
I sniffed pulling my head from my arms. 
“I miss my mom,” 
“I miss my mom sometimes but I like my grandma too,”
“Where’s your mom?” I asked.
“I don’t know my grandma says she’s sick,” She shrugged. “Where’s your mom?”
“Well my grandma says she’s in a better place now but I know that just means dead,” 
“Yeah my dad is dead too so I know what you mean, I’m Rose. What’s your name?”
“Y/N, that's a pretty name,” She smiled. “You wanna come sit with me and my friends Y/N?”
I jumped a bit at the voice before matching it to MJ
“What?” I asked in a harsher tone then necessary.  
“Jeez sorry,” She reeled back “Someone is asking for you named Carmen. They said it’s important,” She waved her phone around. 
My face dropped and I hoped no one caught it. 
I grabbed the phone exiting the auditorium.
“Okay what’s up?” 
“You know Liz’s dad whatever her name is but yeah, He’s gonna rob that plane that’s moving everything from the Avengers tower,” She rushed
Holy shit 
That must be where Peter’s went. So he figured it out too. Kid’s smarter than I give him credit for.
“I’ll send you the location on your phone,”
“Why didn’t you just call me from there?”
“Because you never answer it,”
“Y/N?” She whispered.
“Be careful,” 
“Always,” I smiled. 
I rushed out of the building not thinking about how I could get caught. Near the buses there was the new Shocker lying unconscious. 
I took the webshooter I found next to him. Then made a run for it. Stopping to hot wire the nearest car, I sped to one of the locations that I knew Vulture’s team kept their weapons at. I was throwing everything in the same pile. Getting ready to destroy them. 
Then the door creaked open.
I felt the bed dip as my brother sat next to me. 
“Are you coming?”
I pulled the cover off my face 
“Why should I?”
“Because you’ll regret it if you don’t,” 
“No I won’t leave me alone,” I pulled the cover back over my head. 
“You gotta eat something,” 
“No I don’t leave me alone,” 
I knew what he was going to say and I didn’t wanna hear it. 
“She would want you to eat something,”
“Fuck you! How would you ever know what she would've wanted? No one here knew her and now one will ever get the chance to again so just leave me alone,” 
“Don’t Y/N me, get the fuck out of my room,” He sat there for a second, stunned “NOW!” 
As soon as the door closed and I flipped back over
I was shaken back into the present only to find that I was pinned under the man who’d entered the room before I zoned out. He reached for the nearest weapon. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Which is rare. I have a whole weapons catalog in my brain. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t grab it without giving me leeway to get from underneath them. 
Unfortunately for me I put too much pressure on my arm in the seconds I took to grip my shoulder recuperating myself. The man had fired the weapon he had at the pile of weapons that I stumbled back towards. 
The weapons then emitted purple light before exploding leaving me caught under some wood and concrete as the ringing in my ears only got louder and louder.
The fire around me crackled loudly and I bit my lip.
The smoke was only getting more plentiful.
I started coughing which only got more and more painful.
When I came to myself, I wasn’t choking anymore and the fire around me had died down. I was able to push myself from underneath the rubble holding me down. Not without lots of pain though.
The dress I was wearing was torn completely, holes big enough to see what I was wearing underneath it already. 
So I just took it off.
It wasn’t like I was completely naked I was wearing boxers. Not like I haven’t left the house in a bra and shorts before. Also who gives a fuck I just almost died. 
It was like 35° but I wasn’t cold in the slightest. I was actually kind of hot.
If my phone was accurate the plane had already made it near the edge of Queens and Staten Island. Rushing there I was seconds late as I saw the plane crash after I saw two figures fighting along it. 
There was fire everywhere but I wasn’t thinking. I was just running because I couldn’t make out Peter’s shape and if he was dead- 
I swear to fucking God if he was dead. Not again. I couldn’t handle another death.
Peter was saying something. No, pleading as the Vulture stood tall with his wings still intact. He was talking about how it was a nice try and he doesn’t know what he’s messing with.
Peter might not but I knew what this was. I also knew I wasn’t letting him get away with it. 
The wings started producing visible waves of heat. Then it hit me, what Peter was trying to say. The wings were gonna blow.  I got a head start and lunged towards the man. The element of surprise was on my side. That was until he used the wings to lift himself off the ground. 
Now I was fine with parkour and other activities, but being lifted off the ground by someone else, someone who’d never interacted with me ever, is where I draw the line. Then Peter was shooting a web at the wings. To which Vulture dropped me to go after him.
Oh hell no.
“Give it up Peter,” He continued to get closer and closer as the webs were continuously cut through. 
You know how people say they see in red when they get angry? Well the opposite of that happens to me I just see black. Remembering very little to nothing.
Last thing I remembered was fire just fire. From my fingertips, arms, head. It destroyed the wings in seconds, before they had a chance to blow up on their own. 
Peter webbed up the man before moving out of my sight. 
How the fuck do you get fire coming from your body. 
 Literally what the actual fuck. 
I couldn’t breathe. 
That’s what it was, I was dying, I was probably in some coma and this was a weird hallucination my brain pushed out in its final moments.
Okay this is it. I was dying suffocating in some coma.
Or even worse this wasn’t a coma and I was going to die with my body lit on fire literally.
“Oh my God,” I gasped trying to get air into my lungs. 
I closed my eyes and when I opened them Peter was in front of me in a torn up ripoff suit. 
“Y/N,” He moved trying to catch my eye.
“Y/N, Y/N breathe…”
I couldn’t really process his words. My mind was clouded with fear, fear and anger. 
Before I knew it I was hitting my head so I wouldn’t hit anyone or anything else. It’d been a coping mechanism I used ever since I was 3. 
Peter reached for my arms reeling back after his hands came into contact with my boiling skin. 
“Y/N you have to calm down,” He moved in front of me.
I stopped moving my hands but it was still difficult to breathe.
The monitors beeped all around me and if I closed my eyes  and concentrated hard enough. I could convince myself they were birds. 
I could tell from the patter of the knock on the door that it was Rose. 
“Come in!” I called out.
She picked up the clipboard examining it. As she did every time she visited. Luckily for everyone there was no nurse she could bombard with questions and criticism. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked. 
“Itchy, like my guts are on fire,” 
To which she replied by singing the chorus to Girl on Fire. 
“Anyway,” she brought us back after our laughter. “I got you pizza today since I’m sure you’re tired of McDonald’s,”
“I don’t mind McDonald’s actually, anything is better than hospital food. Well actually, their chicken strips aren’t that bad,” 
She placed the box down on my lap. I lifted up the lid and was hit with the smell of the many herbs. I pat by my legs signaling she could sit down. She wiggled into the spot that the bar of the bed allowed. 
“What are we watching today?” 
“Uh…” I clicked on the TV “Vampire Diaries?,”
“That show is still going?
“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll ever end,” 
Somehow the show turned into us dancing around the cramped hospital room.
We spun like the ballerinas in the broken jewelry box I got from my mom. Arms flailing around. The air conditioner made a rattling noise and a half eaten pizza on the bed. The situation was probably extremely weird or unpleasant from any other perspective, but because it was her it was perfect. 
It was like the moment in rom coms where the camera zooms into the main characters dancing as the rest of the characters are put out of focus and they stare into each other’s eyes. I closed my eyes. 
When I opened them I saw Peter’s eyes above mine. 
His hands were immediately on my face making my look straight at him. 
“Are you okay?” He breathed out. 
I sat up feeling a pounding in my head and a pull in my lungs. I was met with the fact that I was definitely not on the ground. I was actually very far from the ground on some ride on the pier. My mouth was dry so it took me a minute to get the words out and when I did it hurt my throat.
“Yeah ’m okay jus’ tired,”
“Okay, well don’t go back to sleep because I think you have a concussion,” 
“You’re acting like I died or something, how long was I out dang,” I joked I always hated when things got too serious. 
“Uh probably...30 minutes? I don’t know I don’t have a watch,” He sniffed and that's when I realized he’d be crying. 
“Were you crying? I knew you cared about me,” I smiled “It was only a matter of time before you fell in love with me, I’m irresistible” 
He laughed weakly wiping his eyes “This isn’t funny,” 
I looked up at him and started uncontrollably giggling. Soon Peter was laughing too.
The moment was interrupted by a squad of police cars pulling up. I absolutely did not want to get down but my tired muscles betrayed me. I was extremely exhausted.  I literally could not move. I just had to go wherever Peter decided to take me. I honestly think I might have a few broken ribs. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before though. We stood off to the side watching as Vulture was stuffed into the back of one of the cars. 
“So Spiderman?” I smirked.
“Uh.. no?” He said as if he’s questioning himself. 
“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone I’ve known for a while now,” I twisted my body to face him hissing as a sharp sting shot through my body “You're not very good at hiding it,”
“Hey!” He cried out “But seriously you can’t tell anyone,”
“I already said I wouldn’t, but if it makes you feel better I’ll pinky promise you, and everyone knows you can’t break a pinky promise,”
“Alright,” He sighed.
I tried to move closer again and was stopped by the pain in my sides. 
“Okay well, the offer still stands, you’re just gonna have to come over here,”
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Rafael x Reader (Short Story) - Chapter 4- Final
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"It's been a full week, are you telling me we're still no closer to finding out who's trying to off me? It shouldn't be that hard. I could name a few that are probably plotting my demise as we speak. "
Olivia was used to his little outburst, but this one was different. "Calm down Barba, we're working on it. We don't have very much to go on. The one guy who can give us anything is sitting in jail comfortably. I think he's just stalling until the trail. " Barba took a seat, letting out a long breath. Olivia tilted her head at the way he was rubbing his face in slight frustration. "But something tells me this has nothing to do with the case, wanna talk about it. " She was always good at reading his moods.
"Liv." The vulnerable way he said her name made her worried.
She moved to his side, taking both of his hands. "What's the matter, did you get another threat?" He shook his head. "It's (Y/N)." Now she was confused. As far as she knew, you and Barba were getting along really well. Especially considering your introduction was so shaky.
"What's the matter, I thought you both were finally becoming friends."
"That's the problem." she released his hands, and stayed there quietly, waiting for him to clarify what the actual problem was. 
"Liv I...I can't stop thinking about her. It's driving me crazy."
"Oh...Oh!" The way Olivia lit up made him groan. Why did she have to look excited.
"Well I'll be damned. ADA Barba has a crush."
"It's not a crush!" he groused.
"I'm a district attorney for goodness sake. I don't have time for this. Especially under these circumstances. "
"I don't really see the problem. We'll wrap up this case, and once she's no longer working for you, just ask her out." Barba stared at Olivia like she'd grown an extra head. 
"You can't be serious."
"I'm completely serious. If I'd known this would have happened I would have introduced you both sooner. To think I could end up being a maid of honor at the wedding." The joke made his cheeks tint red. "Don't go getting any ideas. As far as I know it's strictly one sided. Besides she's dedicated to this job, I'm sure a relationship is the last thing on her mind. "
"I know. You guys make a perfect match. Both overachievers and workaholics.”
"Liv." this time it was a warning, and she just let out a quiet laugh. "Fine, I won't meddle. But when this is done if you don't make a move I will. " the look on her face assured him it wasn't a baseless taunt. She was being serious. 
"Liv don't you dare-"
"Have a nice day Counselor. " She was out the door before he could get in another word, and Carmen walked in. She didn't even need to be told anything, she just handed him a bottle of ibuprofen. "Thank you Carmen." she smiled politely, exiting. Most of Olivia's visits left him with headaches. This was somewhat of a ritual now.
**** "How is the food? I know it's not as fancy as what you're accustomed to, but it should keep you for the time being. " Barba had already been digging into the take out noodles you ordered. Chinese was your favorite, apparently it was his too. "It'll do." he muttered with a little grin. You reached for the box of fried shrimp the same time he did, and your fingers brushed. 
You pulled back mumbling an apology. Why did these kinds of situations keep happening? For some reason you were having an awful lot of physical contact with him.
The unplanned increase of your heart when you accidentally bumped into each other in the morning. The fleeting touches when your hands brushed walking through the streets of New York. It was getting ridiculous. Then there was that one time you saw him shirtless coming out of the shower. 
Boy did that send you spiraling. That night your dreams of him were a little less than virtuous. You knew he hadn't intended for it to happen. He was still adjusting to having another person in his house. Everything he did was starting to get to you. The way he played with his tie when he was sifting through documents. The playful biting of his lip when he gave a smart ass comment. Even those damn suspenders. Geez. When were you going to catch a break?
"Everything okay?" he looked up from his meal. "Yeah everything's fine." you just kept looking down at your noodles. Suddenly you didn't have much of an appetite. 
"If you're bothered by how long this is taking don't be. In a week you'll be free. Won't have to worry about escorting me around. And I'll finally have my couch back." you giggle at that, and his eyes shone a little at the sound. "I just might take the couch, it's really growing on me you know. I think it's the least you can do."
"I'm sure I can do better than a piece of furniture."
"Really? I can't see how."
"How about dinner. "
You were quiet for a moment. Was he honestly asking you out? Here you thought your attraction was one sided.
"I apologize, I guess that was a bit inappropriate. " 
You could tell he was probably about to take back his words. You supposed now was as good a time as ever.
"Dinner sounds great Rafael." his eyes darted up. Both at your agreement and the use of his first name.
You laugh at his disbelief. "I feel like if it were anyone else, I probably would have said no. But you aren't like anyone I've ever met Barba." He was sitting right next to you on the couch, and you took the opportunity to lean closer, hand resting on the side rest next to his thigh. 
"I've always been good at keeping my personal life separated from work. It's why I'm so efficient at my job, but lately being professional has been increasingly difficult, and you're to blame." 
It was at this point Barba realized that there were far more important things in the world than noodles. He placed down the box cautiously, eyes never leaving you.
In a matter of seconds you pounced on him. He barely had time to adjust before you were straddling him, pushing him into the couch. He groaned at the urgency you let off, sinking your hands into his dark locks. He lost count of how many times he'd imagined this scene in his head. Your lips were ten times better than any of his lucid dreams. 
You were so strong and demanding, you took what you wanted. He supposed that's what was most attractive. You weren't afraid to make the first move. His hands gripped at your waist, forcing you down into his lap, and you complied willingly, hands running over his body. Those damn suits, you could never get enough of them. No matter what he wore it always looked good on him. Color or pattern, he wore it so well. How could mere formal attire drive you completely mad.
"Rafael.." you panted out when you finally pulled back to get a breath. He was breathing just as unevenly as you were, eyes opening to meet your clouded gaze. You were a little disappointed in your lack of control, but it was sort of his fault for baiting you with his looks and words. He must have known how much you wanted him. This was so crazy. The enemies to lovers tale always sounded so cliche.
So how did you manage to get suckered into it.
"As your boss I demand that you kiss me again." 
He was smirking, and you just wanted to wipe that look right off his face. You pushed him back this time, and he looked a bit surprised when his back met the cushions, and you pinned his hands above his head. 
"I think you're confused on who has the power here." you grind your hips into him and he's a mess. He fights back the moan that's about to break free. Oh, you were going to enjoy this. "Don't move." you instructed. He couldn't do much but submit. Damn, where had you been all his life?
"I'm beginning to understand...why you're so good at your job." he huffed out. You leaned down, pressing a kiss to his neck, sliding one of your hands down, you loosened the tie around his neck, pulling his collar open to get better access. When the tie was completely undone, you tossed it over the couch. One of your hands still kept his wrist bound, and Barba was stunned how much he was enjoying being dominated by you. You were leaving kisses all over his skin.
"You taste good..." Your words made him quiver in pleasure. 
"Y-You're really enjoying yourself...aren't you.."
You grinned against his flesh.
When you finally came up to face him, he swallowed. That look in your eyes did wonders to his body. "Who's the boss now." you taunted. Barba licked his lips, desperate to feel your lips again. His eyes shifted to your eyes. 
"You are." It's all he could get himself to say.
"That's right." you leaned down, claiming his lips.
Your tongue invaded his mouth, and he welcomed it, determined to taste you. Your hand tightened on his wrist when he bucked into you. You moaned this time, and something in Barba snapped. He rose up, taking you with him. You squealed at the sudden action, and his hands kept a hold on your thighs, lifting you off the ground. The darken of his green eyes had you breathless. He didn't say much, just headed in the direction of his room.
Now that it's come to this you realize that you really have no control over all that you feel for him.
There was certainly no way you'd let anything happen to Barba. That was for sure.
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excelsi-or · 4 years
21/12/19 - dance (woozi)
to a boy i love right now
w.c. 1.4k
A/N: Please forgive the Christmas fic in June L O L. I’m posting as I edit and this is just...... where we are. Also isn’t time an illusion? especially right now. Stay safe. Stay educated. xx
Black Lives Rec: Check out these IG illustrators and support their work! Amina Aly is a Muslim Somalian Canadian artist who works in gouache. Her pieces are so vibrant. Awuradwoa (pronounced uh-ra-ju-uh) Afful is a Ghana Canadian digital illustrator. She does a lot of character design. Her pieces remind me a lot of Pixar animation style or Carmen Sandiego. Abelle Hayford is a digital illustrator. Their designs range from character designs to background illustrations. I love the movement in their lines. Their characters have so much life. Bianca Xunise is a comic illustrator. Her comics are about black lives and what it’s like to be black. She has a very simplistic style, which is pleasing to the eye. Her words are also very powerful. Brie Henderson is currently a Netflix and DC colourist. I originally found her work through her Good Omens fan art. She’s currently running a character design mentorship for the month of July for black artist. 
December 3, 2019
December 21, 2019
“Ji!” she calls from the front door, slipping out of her heels. “Are you ready? We’re going to be late for this party!”
“I hate this idea.” Jihoon’s bedroom door opens to reveal the man in a three-piece black suit. He’s working on tying his tie, but keeps fumbling with it. “Do you know how to tie a tie?”
She snorts as she crosses the room over to him. “You’re hilarious. No. Let’s just find a video.”
Jihoon looks up, his eyes immediately skimming over her. 
She looks down at the forest green dress. “Nice, yes?”
He chuckles and pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Even if I said no, you wouldn’t care.”
She leans over to peck his cheek. “Good answer.”
Once his tie is tied and he tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear, they head downstairs where the car she rented is parked out front. She tosses the keys to him and he stares at her, confused.
“I hate driving in heels.” She climbs in.
Jihoon rolls his eyes, a smile on his face, as he slides into the driver’s side. She has the venue already inputted into the GPS. Seatbelts on and after checking all the mirrors, he signals left and starts en route. “You know, when you asked me to meet your family, I didn’t expect to be wearing a suit.”
She shakes her head in dismay. “My family likes fancy Christmas parties. And while we have dressed fancy before,” she motions towards her dress, “this is over the top for us.” She reaches over to adjust a piece of his hair that’s fallen into his eyes. ”I honestly think it’s because you’re coming.”
“So they’re forcing me to look like I’m going to get married?”
Laughing, she looks out the window. “Maybe. They probably want you to be impressed with them. I wouldn’t put it past my dad.”
“You brought a change of clothes for the way back, right?” Jihoon glances over at her as he turns left.
She nods. “It’s in the trunk.”
“Good. Last thing I need is you sitting in the passenger seat in your underwear because you hate the dress.”
With a smirk, she rounds on him. “Really? You wouldn’t like that? For an hour and a half?”
“We’d get in a car crash,” he answers honestly.
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While he is nervous, Jihoon wins over her parents in an instant. Her grandmother adores him after a first meeting, even more so when they start talking about old songs from when she was a teenager. She has to physically drag the man away from her grandmother, who likes to chat.
Her siblings are already seated at a table closest to the dance floor. There are two seats vacant for them and she sits Jihoon next to her younger brother’s girlfriend rather than right next to her older brother. As soon as he sits, the grilling starts.
She can’t do anything about it, but Jihoon takes it in stride. He tries his best to not give typical Jihoon answers, elaborating where he can. He doesn’t overshare, but she doesn’t want him to. She wants Jihoon to be as comfortable as possible. Her hand finds his under the table when her sister asks him if it was love at first sight.
Jihoon hates talking about sentimental moments like that with other people. Their first kiss, first time, first (proper) date, most of it has been locked away. She’d watched Jihoon tense as soon as her sister asked the question.
“No,” Jihoon answers slowly. His eyes dart towards her two brothers flanking him on either side. “It wasn’t at first sight,” Jihoon’s fingers wiggle nervously between hers, “but I fell in love pretty quickly.”
Gently, she squeezes his hand as the girls all awe loudly around them. His hand has gone cold and she rubs it between both of hers. She glowers at her younger brother before he can roll his eyes, already knowing her older brother is smiling.
When the music comes on an hour later, their table gets up to join the rest of their family and friends on the dance floor. She and Jihoon twist in their seats to watch. 
“I think you did alright,” she chuckles.
Jihoon pulls her hand into his lap, toying with her fingers. “Thank god.”
One of her cousins comes over to them, laughing. “Come on! You can’t just sit here all night!” 
Sighing, she gets up. When she tugs on Jihoon’s hand, he shakes his head. Not wanting to push him any more tonight, she lets go.
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The second a slow song comes on, she walks back towards the table where Jihoon has been sitting all night. She’d checked in on him between songs, worried he was bored. Luckily, a few members of her family had sat with him and everyone else twirled her around to tell her how great they thought he was.
She offers a hand out to him now.
Jihoon tugs her closer, his hands resting on her waist.
“I wanted you to come dance,” she says.
“Jagi, I don’t—”
“Please. You’ve been sitting all night. I feel bad.”
“Your family is nice and I want you to enjoy yourself. I’m happy watching.”
She shakes her head. “One dance with me, please?” She drops a hand from around his neck to one of his on her waist and tugs him towards the dance floor. Jihoon glances around at the other couples swaying to the music and then back at her.
Her hands are already playing with his hair. Smirking, she asks, “Do you not know how to slow dance?”
“I’ve never had to slow dance before,” he hisses.
Snorting, she takes his hands from his sides to place them on her hips. She then sets her hands on his shoulders. “This is how people dance their first dance.” 
They sway like this for a while and Jihoon naturally pulls her closer to him. 
“Fast learner,” she hums, her fingers once again toying with the hair at the base of his neck.
Jihoon taps out the rhythm of the music on the small of her back with his fingers. She can’t help but stare up at him, watching his facial expression change as he gets into the song. He’s on high alert though, aware that her entire family is likely watching them. Using his chin, she guides his gaze back down to her.
“Hi, remember me?” she teases.
Jihoon’s breath is shaky. “Sorry.”
“Your dad is watching us.”
She sways them in a circle so that she can get a look at her parents. She catches her dad’s eye, her smile disappears and her gaze hardens. With a grin, her dad’s attention returns to her mother.
“My mom heard I was coming and she asked when she gets to meet you in person,” Jihoon says.
When Jihoon calls home, sometimes she’ll jump into the call briefly. His mother is always sharing recipes that Jihoon liked as a kid. 
“It definitely won’t be like this.” His eyes go around the elaborately decorated dining hall of a hotel. “Your family go all out.”
“Only for today,” she promises. “It’s not usually this extravagant.”
“Well, if we did go visit my parents, it would be just us. Likely dinner.”
She nods. “That sounds great.”
Jihoon leans down to rest his forehead against hers. “It really can’t just be us, can it?” he murmurs.
Their swaying has slowed a lot, as Jihoon has them nearly pressed together. But she can tell Jihoon’s getting tired. “Sorry, Ji, no. But back home, it’ll just be us. Gyu texted me and said he’ll be home in the morning.”
Jihoon’s eyes widen a little as he pulls away form her. “Why?”
She shrugs, pecking his lips. “I just asked if it’d be possible if he could stay at Wonwoo’s for a night.”
Jihoon smiles and hugs her around the waist as the song ends and spins her around. “You’re making breakfast then.”
She rolls her eyes with a smile. “Sure, Ji. Whatever you want.”
Jihoon’s eyes narrow as he pulls her towards the table. “Why are you being so nice?”
“I thought I’d say thank you for coming to this.”
A glint in his eye makes her want to take back her words, but he doesn’t often look smug. Normally, it’s her. She has to admit, it’s kinda hot.
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Next: January 10, 2020
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched “spy kids 4″ exactly twice and i plan to keep it that way. here are my thoughts
i had the volume up from the last one because it was SO QUIET and now my ears hurt. not a great start
i used to think that was carmen and i was so disappointed because i wanted to see carmens kids 😔
tik tok????? oh no
i thought tick tock was matthew lillard for most of the movie
you cant do that in the SIMS
why are you shifitng gears. you dont need to shift gears
shut up wilbur have YOU given birth?????
wait it sounds like ive given birth i havent i assure you
a pregnant belly wouldnt make that sound
yeah alright whatever shaggy youre high
isnt she from girl meets world??????
itd make a better sitcom honestly
hahah funney because shes a spy
birth is NOT that short
i would be great at cinemasins
oh!!!! disabled character!!!!
who approved this show
oh like its HER fault
youre watching the clock speed up why are you not suspicious
roll credits
argonaut. my english teacher would like that
its 5 o clock somewhere
have you not been watching the show??????
there is a serious lack of floop
i feel like ive seen the boy before too
guess not
also i guess this one had a smell feature?????? ig thats why the baby farts so much
dont say stepmother its creepy
ooh tinker toys!!!! real ones this time!!!!
girl its dyed blue youre gonna stain your carpet
oh God she wants to be FRIENDS
epic????? No
these pranks can all be used for smellovision
aromascope ig??????
because you pulled the prank?????
power move
those are really your worst fears?????
i have almost that exact clock
youre looking for SPIES not VILLIANS
i kinda want a clock hand sword
cecils so chill
it looks like the slime from floops castle..... i miss floop
felix has been replaced??? by a computer voice????
oh mood
hahah carmen said that
is that ricky gervais
oh!!!! they broke gender binary!!!!!! took the other chair!!!!!
worlds smallest camera!!!!!!
yeah hes right theres no invisibility powder
its not a SPACESHIP theyre not IN SPACE
hey can we maybe not put that in a movie thanks
yeah i hate this one
that fall was awful
C A R M E N!!!!!!!!!!!
wilbur youre so boring
spy week???? dont you mean shark week?????
i watch these movies too much
except this one this one sucks
7 years ago????? when game over came out????? nice
why does she still have that
HOW does she still have that
take that giggleses
JUNI!!!! only video tho ://
your baby is your back up????? Bad Idea
did you not name your child????
why did they pause for a label????
stop making time puns i hate you
i really hope those are floops. like the cereal
stop calling her stepmother like its her name its CREEPY
stop WASTING them
just say youre marissas kids?????? they know who she is
oh God piss joke
oh God POOP joke
right its the bombs that make him cool not the fact that hes literally ricky gervais
and a fart joke????? i hate this movie
silent but LETHAL???? awfyl. i hate it
toot??? stop making fart jokes
OH THEYRE GETTING CHASED CUZ THE SAPPHIRE i need to pay attention more. i blame buzzfeed
its not working btw. i hate this movie
oh look. a butt joke.
oh yay disney acid trip
uh yeah???? hes ricky gervais
yeah except shes WHITE
i kinda wanna go to the cheese shop. wisconsin instincts ig
thats not a WORD
no the red ones the second hand do you know anything?????
how does she know how to army crawl???? shes EIGHT
there are 42 minutes left im suffering
oh no he died
is she wearing twinkle toes??????
did they.... teleport???? was that an awkward cut???? did they straight up travel through time????? im so confused
yknow as an OBVIOUS choice for the next doctor, floop should REALLY be in the movie centered around time
im gonna punch this dude
hes the hulk
oh dear he referenced a meme
he just called the google lady annoying im gonna punch him next
n i c e
yeah theyre gonna flip youre STALKING THEM
that seems like a Bad Idea
try harder rebecca
dude you look like youre on crack
youre gonna divorce her because she wasnt allowed to tell you?????????
no???? ofc not???? you have no weapons??????
and i feel fine~
J U N I!!!!!!!!!!! FOR REALS!!!!!!!!
oh shiitake mushrooms he got kinda cute
you can???? reach into the garbage can???????
i love the sound of clockwork. so soothing. that doctor who episode with the time robots???? a fave
oh no they all have died
M A C H E T E!!!!!!!!
why did juni freeze if he didnt really freeze???? thats some buzz lightyear level stuff
oh hey i just realized that junis hair is back!!
oh no now argos the hulk too
the baby looks like dora
hahah funney
and diaper lady???? Stop
nice censorship
can hearing aids work that well???? im no expert but i dont think they can do that?????
taking his hearing aids???? i hate this guy
R A L P H!!!!
oh!!!!!! sign language!!!!!
Even Evil Has Standards
are they trying to make me cry?? im not
you can travel through time youre just not COOL ENOUGH
oh worm????
side note i figured they were the same guy but i was so disappointed when it wasnt matthew lillard
please let this be over i need to mindlessly scroll the spy kids wiki
stop being philosophical youre wearing twinkle toes
roll credits
us???? wouldnt that be me???? or is us right??? clones are wack
oh no he died
why did he float???? did they run out of gravity?????
he moved before he touched the watch
yeah but hell see his dad again and thats the point of this whole thing????
oh no he died. for reals this time
this time???? you have 6 months
i cant raise my eyebrow😔
thats hot
yes bc youre a robot shut up
oh thank God its over
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lostinthewinterwood · 4 years
Chocolate Box Letter 2020
Dear Chocolatier…
  Thank you for writing for me!  I hope you find inspiration, if you need it, somewhere in this letter, but either way, good luck with your writing!
(some of the prompts are… rambly and disjointed; the lengths vary wildly, but dw I love them all.  I hope the rambly ones still make sense; this letter is uhhh almost 3k and my brain is Tired.)
General DNWs:
Rape/non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death*; smut/graphic sex scenes; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; graphic depictions of deliberate and methodical self-harm**; graphic depictions of suicide;  gore; heavy gender dysphoria; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg; full setting AUs (canon-divergence, even significant canon-divergence, is fine); graphic eye trauma; graphic and/or permanent hand trauma (unless the setting can provide a more-or-less fully functional prosthetic or equivalent); issuefic.
*exceptions noted below.
**I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
  General Likes:
I like family/friendship stories, things that play with canon in interesting ways, honestly… a lot of things.  I don’t know. articulating things I like is hard.
I’m an absolute sucker for identity porn/secret/mistaken identity drama, as well as non-sexualized/non-fetishized crossdressing (either direction, and especially if for plot-relevant disguise purposes!) and if you combine them, well, I’ll be a very happy camper.
Other things I like include wriggling into canon and exploring something left unexplored by said canon, what-if stories featuring some sort of canon divergence, and plotty fic, if you want to write something long enough for that to be relevant.
  Order of fandoms:
·        Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
·        Super Powereds – Drew Hayes
·        Tortall – Tamora Pierce
·        Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019)
·        The Dragon Prince (Cartoon)
·        Frozen (Disney Movies)
·        Little Women (2019)
·        Original Prompts
·        Crossovers
    Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy)
So uh I may be having a slight case of Feels™ over these two, though tbh I’m not entirely sure what those feelings are exactly.  I don’t know what exactly I’d most want, though I’d be interested in explorations of their evolving emotions in relation to each other, especially through Kylo Ren/Ben’s whole death/rebirth thing.  What-ifs are another thing; what if, say, Ben didn’t die?  What happens, then, since they’d have to actually deal with what he’s done?  Feel free to retcon the kiss (which I thought was rather devoid of chemistry; in general their dynamic came across to me more as weirdly sibling-ish, especially after the Death Star duel) to a hug or something, if you want.
If you want to go to a lighter place, I can also see all sorts of shenanigans emerging after they discover their Force-teleportation skills.
Also feel free to retcon Rey’s parentage, if that is where your heart takes you: might she be Luke’s secret child?  Leia’s?  A descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi and, say, Satine Kryze?
Apart from that I’d prefer no full-setting AUs; canon divergence is fine, and if you go that route you can pick a divergence point as far back as you want.
Feel free to include whatever other characters are necessary for the story you want to tell.
(And also do keep in mind that you can absolutely cut off someone’s hand here, or for the Star Wars crossover farther down; in this franchise it is a goddamn motif.)
    Super Powereds – Drew Hayes
Adam Riley & George Russel | Relentless Steel (Super Powereds)
I’m utterly fascinated by the relationship these two have; the interplay of Adam’s… vendetta, maybe?  I’m not sure what the right word for it is… and the fact that George also serves him as a mentor/almost-parental, in some ways, figure.  And, you know, that Adam (maybe) kills him.  We don’t actually see that; for all we know he made a different choice.
Consider this an exception to my “non-canonical MCD” DNW, since it’s deliberately ambiguous in canon; you can kill George, if that’s where your muse takes you.
  Alice Adair | Legacy & Vince Reynolds | Jack of All (Super Powereds)
Their friendship/cousin relationship is Wholesome and I love it.  Any point in the timeline, post-canon, all of it is Good and Welcome.  Do they form a legacy children/villains’ kids club? They’re secret cousins; untangling the mess that is the past; so much juicy juicy stuff to work with!!
  Phillip Adair | Globe & Charles Adair | Alchemist (Super Powereds)
Brother vs brother! O the drama! But also, they grew up together; they were once best friends; and Charles grew hard and it all fell apart—give me their childhood, maybe, or HCP years or young heroes before Shelby’s powers grew too much for her, or lean into the tragedy of what comes later…
    Tortall – Tamora Pierce
Numair Salmalín | Arram Draper & Varice Kingsford (Tortall)
Numair Salmalín | Arram Draper & Varice Kingsford & Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe (Tortall)
Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe & Numair Salmalín | Arram Draper (Tortall)
Varice Kingsford & Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe (Tortall)
I love these kids, okay?  And I wish they could all just… be okay.  But of course they won’t be; we already know what becomes of them, after all.
There’s a lot to explore here, with these three in their varying combinations of course.  Right now I’m most interested in the pre-Wild Magic timeline—what was Varice and Ozorne’s dynamic before Arram came along? what little snippets of things happen offscreen during the timeline of Tempests and Slaughter? how does Arram gain his black robe; how does Ozorne feel about that? Varice? how does Numair end up in exile, and how do the others feel about that whole affair?—but really I’d also be interested in something set during or around the time of Emperor Mage, from any of their POVs.  We get all the story there from Daine, who is great! but she doesn’t know the history between the three of them, not intimately as they do, and I’d love any of their emotional reactions to being together again under such strained circumstances, so many years after everything fell apart.
  Numair Salmalín & Myles of Olau (Tortall)
He was on a mission, was he not, when he became that hawk at the beginning of Wild Magic?  (please ignore if I am Wrong there.)  So how did they meet?  Why did Numair become an agent?  All sorts of questions, here…
  Prince Stiloit Tasikhe & Varice Kingsford (Tortall - Pierce)
Stiloit seems so… calm, and level-headed, especially when compared with Ozorne who is not.  And he clearly finds Varice interesting, and her company valuable.  So maybe tell me something about that—what does he think of her?  She of him?  What if, perhaps, he didn’t die when he does?
  Keladry of Mindelan & Nealan of Queenscove (Tortall)
They have a BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP and also ye gods when I reread First Test at like 19 (having first read it at 10) I was struck by how very, very fifteen Neal is in that book and it’s hilarious.  But more seriously—Neal’s PoV on things would be fantastic, since we only see him through Kel’s eyes and he doesn’t let her see everything about himself.
  Keladry of Mindelan & Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak (Tortall - Pierce)
What a beautiful mentorship relationship, I love them.  Also, how does Raoul feel about this open girl page?  Who’s so determined, and has such potential in how she could become more, in an area he knows about (that being military command)—how does he feel about her, living her best life; how does he contextualize it in his intimate knowledge that Alanna could not do what she is doing—and yet it was Alanna, with her deception, who allowed this to be.
  Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & Numair Salmalín
The renowned lady knight-healer-mage and the black robe on the run from Carthak! How did they meet, anyway?  They’re something like the same age, I think, or at least he’s no more than ten years her junior.
  Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & Thom of Trebond (Tortall - Pierce)
My poor Important Destiny Twins… Look I just, I want some content with poor Thom, right?  I’d rather here that we set the story before his death, or that we make it an AU where he gets to live.
    Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019)
Shadowsan & Hideo (Carmen Sandiego 2019)
There’s… so little of this stated or shown overtly, really, but I’m fascinated.  I can’t get over it.  Just tell me about the brothers, please.
    The Dragon Prince (Cartoon)
Runaan/Ethari & Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
Family fluff!  Or angst!  Or turn round and give them a reunion!  All depends on where in the timeline you pick, really.
(there’s a fic on ao3 with the tag “this fanfiction written by the ETHARI LOOK IN THE FUCKING WATER gang” and honestly that is just such a mood.)
  Amaya & Sarai (The Dragon Prince)
…I don’t have much to say here really, just that I love me some sibling dynamics.
  Callum & Ezran (The Dragon Prince)
A king by birthright, a prince only by adoption, who by age/maturity would probably be better-suited to ruling… look idk just, bros okay???
Maybe something when they were younger, or canon-era, or… idk I love them.
  Callum & Ezran & Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
Friendship! Angst! The gang’s all here!  If you want you can include rayllum but for this prompt at least I’d rather it be lowkey.
  Claudia & Soren (The Dragon Prince)
I am heartbroken over these kids and just—I need more content with them.  Even if it makes me sad.
  Callum & King Harrow (The Dragon Prince)
There are a lot of complicated feelings I have about them—how clearly Harrow loves his stepson, and how even after more than a decade, Callum still isn’t quite comfortable with his stepfather.
    Frozen (Disney Movies)
Agnarr/Iduna (Frozen)
How did they get together?  Why does Iduna stay with Agnarr; why doesn’t she just go home?  How does that revelation conversation go—when does it happen?  How do they come to decide to block Elsa’s powers; when/how do they decide to sail for Ahtohallan?
  Kristoff & Ryder Nattura (Frozen)
Reindeer bros!!  What did Kristoff do while Anna and Elsa were off doing the plot stuff?  Does he go with the Northuldra?  I love the dynamic between these two; it’s adorable and there’s so painfully little of it.
  Yelena & Mattias (Frozen)
So clearly they know each other, right? It’s been thirty-four years, and they clearly have some sort of sniping thing going on but they don’t seem to be actively antagonistic towards each other.  How do they feel about each other, really? How have they interacted in the past?  Is there anything there?  What about after Mattias goes back to Arendelle?
  Anna & Elsa (Frozen)
There is just.  There’s a profound tragedy here—they’re best of friends till they’re five and eight or so, then they don’t interact for thirteen years, they have three years together, and then they go off together to the Enchanted Forest and Elsa doesn’t come back to live in Arendelle, while Anna must return… I don’t know.  Tell me about that, maybe.  Or give me sweet fluff about them as children.  Or something.
  Anna/Kristoff (Frozen)
They’re adorable and I love them and I really just want more.  Maybe something from between the movies—how do they navigate forming a relationship, when he was raised by trolls and she’s been so isolated?
    Little Women (2019)
Amy March/Theodore Laurence (Little Women 2019)
…I don’t know, they’re cute, Laurie is a disaster, I love seeing Amy grow up, I hunger for moar content with them.
  Beth March & Mr. Laurence (Little Women 2019)
This has a lot of potential for cute/sad father/daughter dynamics, I think!  And I’d love more of it.
  Friedrich Bhaer & Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
Friedrich Bhaer/Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
I just want cute content with Jo and her dynamic with this man who actually respects her and her writing okay?  Maybe something like, I don’t know, navigation of boundaries around Jo’s writing and his criticism thereof… I don’t know.  Have fun with them.  And I really don’t care if it’s shipfic or not.
  Theodore "Laurie" Laurence & Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
Theodore Laurence & Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
Laurie is still a disaster but I love him anyway, and their friendship is sweet, and I need more content™.
    Original Prompts
In general: I’m not super picky about how shippy the shipfic gets; most of the ship prompts here would, I think, work as well for gen, excepting the suitor and the princess (which is not to say I’m asking that it be gen, obviously I’m not, but if your muse takes you that direction then go for it).  Likes I put up top still apply down here.
In terms of settings, I especially like high fantasy, space fantasy, or, if relevant, Classic Superhero City Setting, but I’m open to just about anything.
I’m also not tremendously picky about the genders of the characters involved; if it isn’t stated within the prompt, go wild, but please do stick to standard English pronouns; I have a lot of difficulty reading things with neopronouns.
Most of these pairings are prompts in and of themselves, but I’ll add in some bits of commentary for each one.
  Disgraced Vampire Queen Moonlighting As A Barista/Exhausted Vampire Hunter In Search Of Caffeine
Okay, so I just think this has great potential for absolute hilarity, and identity shenanigans aplenty.
  Dragon & Human Child (Original Work)
I love dragons.  I love playing with dragon-lore, though here I’d appreciate it being a relationship wherein the dragon is not evil, at least not to the child.
  Female Crossdressing General/Female Crossdressing Enemy General (Original Work)
So uh from my general likes, it should be… fairly obvious what called to me here lmao.  But there’s such potential here!  The drama!  Do they know each others’ real gender?  Do they know that they’re on opposing sides?  How does this romance across the battlefield work?  Is it even across the battlefield—are they at war, or just generally enemies?
  Female Failed Chosen One & Female New Chosen One
Such delicious depths to delve here… why did the first one fail?  What’s her relationship with her successor?  What have they been chosen for?  The setup of this makes me think that the failed chosen one is an adult of some age that’s distinctly older than the new one, who I’ve been imagining as an older child or young adult, but you should follow your muse there.
  Female Ship's Captain & Grumpy Stowaway Orphan Rebel
What kind of ship are they on, anyway?  Sailing ship?  Spaceship?  What’s the orphan rebelling against—an Evil Empire?  The Man?  Something else?
  Female Suitor Sent As An Insult To Ruling Monarchs/Princess Uninterested In Male Suitors
This seems like… I don’t know, there’s just such potential for dancing around each other and Misunderstandings™ about what’s going on.  Is this the princess’s Gay Awakening?  Has she known for a while why she’s not into the male suitors?  Why was this female suitor selected for the insult?
  Injured Male Superhero/Male Supervillain Who Saves His Life
I love superhero identity shenanigans, and ambiguous morals, and I’d love to dive into the emotional turmoil that results from this rescue decision—why does the supervillain do it?  How does the hero feel about being saved by his enemy?
  Musician/Dancer with magical powers (Original Work)
Another trope I love that I didn’t mention before is magic music and magical arts in general, so this here is right up my alley.
  Portal Fantasy Protagonist & Their Mentor In A Trade Useful In Both Worlds (Original Work)
…Look, idk man this is just sweet and wholesome and I Want.
  Retired Male Superhero/Male Supervillain Who Keeps Seeking Him Out Because He Misses Him
Is this not just the plot of Megamind?  In all seriousness, though, I feel about the same here as I do in the injury situation; I love me some hero/villain dynamics in general.
  Witch & Witch's Apprentice
Mentor and student!  Always a fun time.  I’m picturing this as some pseudo-historical or straight alternate-world setting more than modern, but follow your muse here.
  Wounded Werewolf/Female Apprentice Witch who Begrudgingly Rescues him (OW)
Honestly I feel like the dynamic here will probably scratch the same itch that the hero/villain pairings do.  Clearly I have a Type.
Oliver Queen (DC's Arrowverse) & Matt Murdock (Daredevil(TV))
Local Vigilante Man With Many Issues Meets Counterpart From Another Universe would be the headline here, probably.  I don’t know.  I think they’d be fun to bounce off each other.
For reference though I haven’t watched all of either show: I’ve seen the first four seasons of Arrow in their entirety and some of what comes later, and I’ve seen the first two seasons of Daredevil.  You can reference later events, I’m not currently really following either show and am not particularly worried about spoilers, but without some degree of context I’ll be fairly lost.
  Shmi Skywalker (SWPT) & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (SWST)
How do these two meet?  Is it time travel nonsense?  Shmi as a Force ghost?  Both of them in the afterlife?  And if it’s before Ben’s redemption but after his Fall, I do rather hope she’s Disappointed™ in him.
  Vince Reynolds | Jack of All (Super Powereds) & Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia)
Look.  Look.  All I have ever wanted since I started watching My Hero Academia (which… I haven’t seen much of, but don’t worry about spoilers I legitimately do not care) is to see Vince meet with the character who I immediately internally dubbed tiny green Vince.  How did this happen? Frankly I neither know nor care.  I just want to see it happen.
Thank you for writing me fic!!
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bailesu · 5 years
One Day in Paris (Haruka / Michiru Fanfic)
This is for a Haruka / Michiru exchange thing for @amrynth.  
I’ve put the story behind the cut as it’s kind of long for a tumblr post.
One Day in Paris
By John Biles
For the Haruka/Michiru stuff exchange.
Some days, Haruka loved being a detective. A good, challenging mystery.  High speed chases on high mountain roads where one wrong turn meant going off a cliff.  Shootouts in a Monaco casino.  Romance under the stars.  Finding yourself tied up the next morning and your wallet stolen.  Being arrested as a homeless person and…
Okay, her last job hadn’t *ended* well, but the start had been awesome.
“But Saaaaaam,” Makoto wailed into her cellphone two desks down.  “I’m a detective!  I can’t just let criminals rampage even if we did plan this for a week!”
Detective Minako had legs which wouldn’t quit.  Wouldn’t quite *kicking her desk to a beat*, that is.  Detective Rei, who had the desk behind Haruka, was starting to crumple paper and make grunting noises, and this could not lead to *anything* good.
“So you’re saying it’s Lupin,” Detective Zenigata said, four desks down into his cellphone.
It’s never Lupin, Haruka thought, sighing; she was busy checking her email to make sure she hadn’t missed a summons from their boss. The last time she’d done that, Head Detective Setsuna had somehow gone back in time and wrecked the best date she’d had in high school.
Petty, yet powerful.
I need a mission, Haruka thought as Rei now rose and began heading over to Minako’s desk.
Also, I need to convince Head Detective Setsuna that this open office arrangement is a *bad idea*, she thought as Makoto now babbled to Sam; no one was sure if Sam was male or female; Haruka was pretty sure Sam was a woman, but whatever Sam was, Makoto was headed for another crash and burn.  Haruka would have felt sorry for her but now Clippy rose from the grave, occupying half the screen on her monitor.  ‘Do you want help with your resignation letter?’
‘I want a damn mission to get me out of this office,’ she typed in.  ‘Also, I thought you died.’
‘That is not dead which cannot die, but with strange aeons…’, Clippy began.
Not another cult case, dammit, Haruka thought.
“If it’s a woman, it’s not Lupin, it’s his confederate Fujiko,” Inspector Zenigata said into the phone. “Be very careful; she is nearly as cunning as Carmen Sandiego, who *still* has my Betamax, dammit.”
A coffee mug slid onto the desk, and Haruka started, then saw it was Detective Usagi.  “I thought you were on the Osaka Jewelry case,” she said to Detective Usagi.
There was a crashing sound as half of everything on Detective Minako’s desk (six figurines of Sailor V, five of various idols, four pictures, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth, and a stack of books Minako would never read but claimed she would) all fell off it because Rei and Minako were engaged in either a fight to the death, foreplay, or probably both, Haruka assumed.
It had been kind of sexy the first three times but after Minako had accidentally somehow knocked Haruka’s favorite racing trophy into the toilet (which was fifteen meters away, an act which was *never* clearly explained to Haruka), Haruka now wished they would keep it at home and be professional at work, like *her*.
“I want to explain it to you, but the Kingdom of D was involved and Umino had to pass himself off as the princess and I just don’t want to think about it,” Usagi said, looking haunted.
“If those two weren’t separated at birth, I will be stunned,” Haruka said, then tried her coffee.  She took Usagi’s hand and squeezed it.  Usagi turned a little red. “You are a master of coffee.  Did you catch the thief, then?”
“It was all a trap to kidnap the princess, and we barely rescued Umino from the deathtrap when they realized they had the wrong person,” Detective Usagi said, trying to sit on Haruka’s desk.
Makoto sat at her desk, clutching her head, while Detective Ami patted her shoulder over and over, trying to help but not knowing what to do.
“I think I have to help Makoto,” Usagi said.
“Drop by any time,” Haruka said.
Salvation had arrived.  A mission, so she could get out of this madhouse before…
“So is that your gun, or are you happy to…” Minako began.
“It’s my gun,” Rei said irritably as she tried to pin Minako.
“That joke only works with Detective Conan or Inspector Zenigata,” Ami pointed out.
Minako sighed.  “Ami, the straight woman’s job isn’t to ruin my jokes.”
The mission was to investigate the break-in at Renate Jewels in Paris.  Ahh, gay Paris, Haruka thought with satisfaction.  A city of beautiful buildings, great food and drink, love, and… hopefully not another chase through the sewers.
“No one in this place is straight except maybe Conan but he’s too young for us to think about that,” Ami said.
“Ami, you made *me* the straightwoman,” Minako said mournfully.
Haruka fled to get in her car and drive to Paris.
******************* Haruka then remembered it was not in fact possible to drive to Paris, so she got a plane ticket and arranged for a Lamborghini to be waiting for her in Paris.  When she arrived, she got it and… immediately fell asleep from jet lag in the parking lot of the rental place.
The next morning, she woke up, went to her hotel, took a shower and headed off to investigate the case, hoping the trail had not gone cold.  She felt alive; she needed her missions to give her purpose after she’d been banned from racing, even if it was all that freak Dirk Dastardly’s fault!
Then she headed out to Renate’s Jewels, a beautiful boutique near the Seine; a superheroine and a villain were fighting on a roof nearby, but Haruka ignored them; they had no jewels and were not part of her very important mission.
Renate was a middle-aged redhead who looked oddly familiar to Haruka, but Haruka didn’t worry about that, since it probably wasn’t going to be relevant.  “So she seduced you, tied you up, and then stole everything.”
“I wouldn’t have minded being tied up if she hadn’t *stolen* everything,” Renate said, then swooned.  
Haruka caught her and put her up on her feet.  “You should probably loosen your corset so you can breathe properly,” she said very seriously.
Renate said, “I’m going to need your help, detective.  Why don’t we go upstairs and you can help me do it.”
“Sorry, fair lady, but I’m on a *mission*,” she said, kissing Renate’s hand, then quickly adjusting her corset without taking it off.   Soon, Haruka headed for the Regal Arms, as the thief, who Renate had identified as the notorious Jewel Thief Michiru from a photo, had left behind a pack of matches.  The place was huge and grand, exactly the sort of place for an exciting showdown.  Every piece of furniture was worth two years of Haruka’s salary.
That would make her triumph cooler.  
She paused to adjust her suit in the mirror.  When confronting your nemesis, you have to have everything *just right*.  If your tie is out of place, it ruins the moment.
She then went to the front desk, presenting her badge and a photo of Jewel Thief Michiru running out of a shop with a bag full of jewelry.  “Have you seen this woman?”
The clerk adjusted her glasses.  “Yes, she was lounging around… our lounge… all night last night, looking increasingly cranky, then finally her friend dragged her upstairs with the help of the night concierge.”
“Can you describe the friend?” she asked.
Hotel security footage showed Michiru, clutching a wine glass in one hand, unconscious and being dragged onto a luggage cart by a dark haired man in the hotel uniform and by a dark haired woman who was ambiguously teenage and wearing a black blouse, black knee-length skirt, black high stockings, black boots, black nailpolish and a pink rose over her heart which looked lost, but certainly stood out.
Haruka said, “Can you get a printout of that?”
After some tech fumbling, she and the desk lady got the footage sent to Detective Ami for analysis.  She also got the desk lady’s phone number, the address of a good chicken place, and the room number of Jewel Thief Michiru.  
And the advice to never eat at Francois’ near the Arc d’Triomphe.  Or however you spell it; Detective Haruka never sweats the details.
The elevator took her to the twenty-third floor and she made her way down the hallway to 2307.  She pulled out the keycard the clerk had given her and unlocked the door.
“I’m going to have to steal the crown jewels,” she heard Michiru say; she flattened herself against the wall inside the little atrium; to her right was the changing area and a hanging closet; beyond that was the bathroom; she pressed herself against the left-wall, then realized it left her visible, so she slipped into the hanging closet, where a half-dozen dresses were hung up.
The burgundy one was the best, but Haruka wasn’t sure if it really matched Jewel Thief Michiru’s hair.  As she contemplated high fashion, she heard a woman she did not know.  “I’m sure she’s coming.  The Fox told us that her plane arrived last night.”
“Then why didn’t she come to the hotel?” a despairing voice said from the bed.
“Why do you *want* her to find you, anyway?  You’re not the Riddler’s sister, right?” the woman asked.  “I need the money to get Father exorcised, but if I go to jail, I can’t help him!”
“What good is stealing things if there is no one to recognize my skill?” Jewel Thief Michiru said.  “I am in this for the sport, to pit myself against the best.”
“Then why are you worried about this bozo?” the other woman asked.
“I am not a bozo!” Haruka said, coming out and throwing the finger of accusation at the other woman, who turned out to be the teenager from the photo, holding a short fighting staff.
Which she now flicked and it somehow extended into a glaive.
“Don’t bring a glaive to a gunfight,” Haruka said, drawing her gun.
“Now, now, Detective Haruka,” Jewel Thief Michiru said, getting up off the bed and striding closer, gracefully. “Point the gun at me and make empty threats.”
“They’re not empty!  I’ll shoot!” Haruka insisted.
“We both know you won’t shoot us,” Jewel Thief Michiru said, gliding closer. “Why didn’t you show up last night?”
“Jet lag,” Haruka grumbled.
Jewel Thief Michiru stopped, then said sympathetically, “I forgot to take that into account.  My apologies.” The other woman, still unnamed, frowned.  “Okay, what is *actually* up with you two?”  She had turned her glaive back into a staff and put it in her black purse.
“Oh yes, Haruka, this is my new assistant, Hotaru.  She’s a cyborg assassin from the future.”
“I’m not a cyborg *or* from the future,” Hotaru insisted.  She pinched her arm. “This time, anyway.”
“I’m from the future!,” another teenage girl said from the balcony; she wore what looked like a Star Trek uniform to Haruka.   But she was armed with something like a lightsaber.  The big heart on the end did make it stand out.
“No!  You’re going to ruin our sexy confrontation,” Michiru said angrily, pointing at her.   The glaive vs. Heartsaber battle began wrecking the hotel room, so Haruka said to Michiru, “How about if we check out this chicken place I know about until they’re done?”
“My plans… in ruins…”
Then the scented oils caught fire from a parried Heartsaber blow and the whole suite went up in flames.  Haruka picked up Michiru and ran.
“So I got docked two weeks pay because Paris caught fire and it wasn’t even my fault,” Haruka groused to Usagi later as they ate okonomiyaki which Makoto had made them since they both had, as usual, no money.  
Makoto flopped down on the other end of the couch with her pork okonomiyaki and put on Netflix.  “Did they riot?”
“Don’t let the boss know or I’ll lose even more pay,” Haruka said, shaking her head.
“He doesn’t know I sunk Atlantis, either,” Usagi said conspiratorily into Haruka’s ear.  Then she began stuffing her face.
I thought *I* sunk Atlantis, Haruka thought.
Makoto would never ever tell them it was the result of her trying to date a brother and a sister at the same time without either finding out about the other.  Never, ever.
So don’t tell Haruka now that you know.
Iris Out.
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carisi-dreams · 6 years
afternoon delight | Barba x reader
this is a commission based on a prompt where Sonny sees a mysterious woman leaving Barba’s office. an unexpected house call the next day reveals who she is... to commission me send me a message!
[for commissioned fics I create a .pdf for you and send you a link to download so that you can have the story in a pretty format. all commissioned fics come with banner art that I make as well. this one originally had the name of the person who commissioned it embedded into the fic as well as personal traits and interests to customize it for her.]
commission price list & FAQs
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Sonny greeted Carmen with a smile and cup of coffee as he got to Barba’s office. The lieutenant had needed someone to drop something off and he’d jumped at the chance to get some fresh air and leave the squad room. It was a long day, strangely not very much going on, an it felt like he was never going to get to go home and unwind for the weekend.
“If it isn’t my favorite person in the A.D.A’s office,” Sonny greeted her with a wide smile as he thrust the cup in her direction. She regarded him skeptically as she slowly reached out to take the coffee.
“Bribery doesn’t really suit you, Sonny,” she said drily and he threw back his head and laughed.
“Bribery? I bring you coffee because I know Barba has you working too hard and you accuse me of bribery?” he asked with faux indignation as he gestured to himself. She shook her head and took a sip of the coffee before pulling back in surprise and looking at the cup. Sonny gave her a smug look and just raised his eyebrows as he bit back a smile.
“How did you know what kind of coffee I like?” she asked suspiciously and he smiled at her now as something caught the corner of his eye. He glanced up and saw a woman laughing with Barba and walking towards his office door before looking back at Carmen and replying.
“I’m a detective. I’m naturally observant,” Sonny replied smugly just as Rafael was opening the door.
“Bye!” the woman with red hair was saying with a small wave over her shoulder to Rafael. He returned her wave and Sonny could have sworn he saw him wink before he turned to look at Sonny. His expression changed to something unreadable and he took a look between where he was hovering over Carmen’s desk.
“The city pay you to harass my staff, Carisi?” Rafael asked with a raised eyebrow and Sonny rolled his eyes as Carmen hid her laugh in another sip of coffee. “To what do I own the…pleasure of your company?” Sonny shared a long suffering look with Carmen and a small nod her way before following Rafael back into the office to discuss what Olivia had sent him for.
“Who was the woman leaving your office?” Sonny asked out of curiosity as he stood to exit Rafael’s office.
The conversation had gone more or less like he thought it would, Barba needed more evidence and no amount of pushing from Olivia or himself was going to change that. Rafael was already engrossed again in paperwork and he looked up absently with that unreadable expression from before.
“A better use of your time is getting me more evidence, not inquiring about my personal life,” he replied mildly and Sonny smiled knowingly and nodded his head. That was more or less the response he had expected, but curiosity got the best of him.
“Nice to know you have a personal life, Raf,” Sonny replied with a wry smile as he pursed his lips before heading out the way he had came.
It nagged at Sonny the next day, but he knew it was a waste of his time. Barba was nothing if not closed lipped about his personal life and the likelihood of Sonny ever getting a straight answer from him was slim. Sonny groaned when the phone rang and he looked at the lock screen that was illuminated with Olivia’s name for a long moment before answering.
“Hi lieu,” Sonny greeted as he picked up the remote to mute the television.
“Hey, sorry to call you on the weekend,” Olivia said immediately. “We think our rapist struck again. Need you and Nick to come down to the crime scene. We’re hoping we find enough to convince Raf to press charges so we can pick this bastard up today before he strikes again,” she said in a steely tone. Sonny nodded and stood immediately, already headed back to his bedroom to change into something more work appropriate than the sweats he currently had on.
“No problem, lieu. Send me the address. I’m on my way,” Sonny said in a reassuring tone and Olivia sighed before rattling off the address and bidding him goodbye to end the call.
Sonny had barely ended the call before a text message was coming through from Nick.
[from Nick 12: 42 pm] it’s your lucky day Carisi
Sonny shook his head before responding and tossing the phone on the bed to get dressed and head out the door.
[from Sonny 12:43 pm] must be
Several hours later and they were back at the squad room looking over the new evidence.
“I think this is enough,” Olivia said with a shrug and Sonny bit back his response. That’s what she’d said the last time he went to Rafael’s office and he’d almost gotten his head bitten off for his trouble.
“I don’t know, Liv. I think Barba’s going to poke holes all through this. I mean the guy—” Nick started with an unconvinced look as he readjusted his belt.
“We need to try. We cannot let this guy roam the streets any longer. If Rafa says no, we arrest him for something else. Littering, jaywalking, I don’t care!” Olivia interrupted with a sharp gesture of her hand. “We just…we need to try.” Before anyone could respond her phone was buzzing and she glanced at a it to read a text message. A frown crossed her face and she licked his lips in concern before glancing back up at the table.
“Everything okay?” Nick asked with a concerned look.
“Uh…not really. Noah threw up at lunch. Lucy thinks he may have a stomach bug. I, we need to get this over to Rafael to see if—” she started in a distracted voice as she looked back down at her phone as it buzzed again.
“Sonny and I will go. We’ll talk to Barba. Convince him. Don’t worry about it. You go be with Noah,” Nick interrupted. Olivia opened her mouth to contradict him and he shook his head firmly and gestured to the door. “Go. We’ve got this. Go take care of Noah.” She gave him a grateful look and rushed to grab her coat and bag before heading out of the precinct at a half run as Nick turned to Sonny.
“I wonder if Barba wears a suit around his house,” Nick mused as he turned to Sonny and they exchanged a long suffering look before heading to the elevators to head to Rafael’s apartment.
Nick and Sonny exchanged a look as they paused in front of Barba’s apartment. He had buzzed them into the building so they knew he was expecting them, but it was still nerve wracking. Bothering him on a Saturday at his apartment? Nick was glad he had sent Olivia home, but he was dreading being eviscerated.
Sonny pursed his lips and shrugged before rapping on the door twice with a sharp knock. There was rustling on the other side of the door before it opened and whatever they had been expecting, it wasn’t this. An attractive young woman opened the door and recognition dawned on Sonny’s face as he realized she was the same woman he had seen leaving Barba’s office the day before.
“Hi! Sonny and Nick, right?” she greeted as she waved them inside. The two men exchanged looks as they followed her into the apartment and nodded.
“Yeah. I think I saw you yesterday at Bar-Rafael’s office! So great to meet you…” Sonny trailed off expectantly. She stuck out her hand to shake his before shaking Nick’s as well.
“(y/n),” she filled in as she walked further into the apartment. She gestured towards the couch and smiled as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Sonny was struck by how nice she was in contrast to how…to the point Barba could be.
“Raf! They’re here. You can’t hide in the bedroom!” she called out with a small eye roll and just then he came down the hall towards them.
“I’m not hiding, I just thought I’d make them wait since it is a Saturday,” he answered with a small amused grin. She shook her head at him and gestured to the kitchen.
“Can I get you guys some coffee and cake? It’s apple and it should be cool enough to cut,” she offered politely. Barba looked back at her with an incredulous expression and shook his head.
“Who said anything about sharing cake? I’m sure these gentlemen will be in and out in no time since I have a feeling they have no more evidence to share with me than Carisi did yesterday,” Barba replied dismissively as he sat in a chair in the living room. Nick and Sonny took the couch as Lydia ignored him and headed into the kitchen.
“Be polite, Raf!” Lydia scolded from the kitchen and they could hear her opening and closing cabinets in the kitchen.
“Is she your personal chef?” Sonny asked finally. That was conceivable considering Barba was a busy man.
“My personal chef?” Barba spat with an incredulous look. “I thought you were a detective. Boy your powers of observation are failing you. She’s my wife,” he answered with a pointed look. Nick opened and shut his mouth before opening it again.
“Wife? Since when are you married?” he asked.
“Since I asked her to marry me, she agreed and we had a wedding. Liv was at the ceremony. She never mentioned it?” Rafael asked with a smug and knowing look. They booth shook their heads as she came back into the living room with slices of cake on plate on a tray.
“This tray finally came in handy,” she seemed to tease Rafael as she carefully deposited the plates on the coffee table. “Coffee will be done in a few.” She went to exit the room and Rafael caught her wrist, bringing her hand up to his mouth to press a gentle kiss to it and looking up to give her a grateful look.
“Thank you, my love,” he murmured to her and she gave him a smile and leaned down to kiss the top of my head.
“Of course. Eat the cake while it’s still warm, gentlemen!” she encouraged before slipping out of his embrace and heading back into the kitchen. Rafael cleared his throat and reached for a plate.
“Now, where were we?” he asked with an expectant look.
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jennibeultimate · 5 years
Personal recap GPF 2018 - Ladies FS
My day is blessed! In both Juniors (Kostornaia was amazing!) and Seniors those won that I wanted!
Congratulations to Rika Kihira for winning the GPF! ❤️🎉🎉🎉🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
Rika slayed the competition! 👏👏👏
She has grown so much in every aspect. The best being able to maintain her jumps even when the 3A don't work as planned. Back in Juniors she always had a mental problem that she let go after mistakes. But she improved her stability in seniors. What a great achievement! And I am so thrilled that her PCS also rose fast to Alina's level, because she is definitely not weaker than her. I love everything about her program. The details in movement, the music, the costume, the choreography and she skates with so much flow! 😍😍😍
Kaori was amazing! 👏👏👏 ❤️❤️❤️
This program is my favorit FS. I love how each movement goes into the next. Her jumps are so powerful! That fall was really unnecessary though and probably costed the Bronze. But anyway 4th place is a good achievement in this field. 👏
Liza I applaud you for being the biggest fighter out there! 👏👏👏Congrats for the Bronze! 🥉
I may not be the biggest fan of her skating in general, but her attitude and drive in this years programs are amazing! These suit her so well! And I admire her for fighting to get back to the best level and bringing herself in good contention for the big competitions! Go Liza, you deserve the world!
Congrats Alina on 2nd place! 🥈
I was quite surprised that she made such a costly mistake. She managed to get everything else together. I think the jumps looked tight and I am not sure that all landings were all round but it is hard to judge from a video perspective. I like her Carmen better everytime I see it, it just isn't an innovative or memorable program. But she interpretates it better each time. I just still think this program is too busy and there isn't much flow in it due to raising legs here and there and this extra move and this.
In general I think Alina looked stressed. Even when she was done there was no relief on her face. She was always winning with the TES department, now she experienced that two skaters had more TES than her. This is a tough position for her.
Worlds is going to be so exciting with Rika and Alina in it! (I just assume they qualify for it) I am already looking forward to it!
Sofia Samodurova should get more recognition. She skated clean in all her GPs including the GPF. She has a fun program and she is very lovely to watch. I think she might not really have a chance for big teams but she did the best she could and performing clean everytime out there deserves respect! 👏👏👏
Satoko Miyahara is my fairy. She's grown on me in the past year and this FS is such a masterpiece. It is so well done. But her jumps stay an issue. Even if I like her a lot now I just wish she would not jump.*sigh* She got better with her rotation but still far from ideal. Her spins are in a league of their own, Satoko should receive a new level 5 for them. 😍 It is a bit comical that she never receives the highest PCS, because in this area she is not worse than Alina or Rika and I mean Rika is looking up to Satoko's skating skills and learns from her, yet here Rika received more. That just shows again that PCS are a bit of a joke judging, because it doesn't really awards what is done. It mainly stays what name you have and how high your TES are. Higher TES better PCS most of the time...well I am used to it now... I just thought it was a bit funny that Megan Duhamel said on the ISU Instastory that both TES and PCS are equally important for judging...well maybe on paper but irl??? 🙄 (ok that turned out to be a rant about PCS judging...sorry...I mean I am not upset about Satoko's place at all, that was deserved)
Thanks Ladies for a good interesting competition! Very well done! 😊
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woodwind-sensei · 5 years
2019 Worlds: Ladies’ Singles
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There we have it! After two days of intense competition, Alina Zagitova (RUS) has won her first World Title! After a disappointing Worlds debut last year, I’m sure this is a redeeming moment for her, especially after the rocky season she’s had. I’m going to talk about the Top 10 here, as I have some (a lot) of thoughts.
Alina Zagitova (RUS) put up a solid effort to win the gold here. It’s not my favorite program by a long shot, but what matters is that she hit the jumps, which have been a problem for her all year after a growth spurt in the fall. Also, some questionable component marks for Composition and Interpretation of the Music. For me, Carmen should be approached with a little more subtlety. Anyone can play the brazen gypsy woman, but a true interpretation can also bring her more subdued qualities to light. With the frantic pace and somewhat messy music edits and lack of flow between certain points, it’s safe to say that Alina doesn’t really accomplish that.
Elizabet Tursynbaeva (KAZ) made history on multiple fronts today. She became the first senior lady to land a quad jump in competition (the third after Miki Ando (JPN) and Alexandra Trusova (RUS), both juniors at the time of their quads) and is also the first Kazakh woman to win a World medal, and the second Kazakh skater in general, after the late Denis Ten. Did she make history? Yes. Do I agree with the scores? Oh God, no. Again, these component marks are super inflated. Granted, so were everyone’s at this competition, but Elizabet’s boost was the highest (about 7 points higher than her season average of 62.5). She received a components score close to Satoko. SATOKO. Satoko Miyahara is one of the best skaters in the world in terms of the component marks, because she always performs programs that are beautiful and interesting, as well as having the skating skills to back it up. Elizabet is simply not there yet, and I highly disagree with what the judges are giving her. (Check out my Program Components breakdown to see a more in-depth look at how I view PCS marks) Also the GOE for the quad was high for me: that was not a super controlled landing, and the preparation was quite long. According to ISU Communication 2168 (Adjusted GOE Guide), the judges should have given around -3 to -1. 
Evgenia Medvedeva (RUS) had the best comeback of the season after not being in the initial selection for the World team. With a strong win at the Russian Cup Final, she replaced Stanislava Konstantinova as an athlete for Worlds. This was her best performance this year, hands down. She looked like she was ready to fight for every single point. And it worked. She won the bronze medal here. It’s still not my favorite program from her, but with a little more work with David and Tracy should help her find a style that suits her skating well. I’d be interested to see her do a program like “Orange Colored Sky” again. I thought it was a lot of fun and made her seem more like a young ingenue. This heavy stuff doesn’t really lend itself well to her personality.
Rika Kihira (JPN) did her classic free skate comeback, but was not able to land on the podium this time. Even though she finished second in the free skate, her low short program score ultimately enabled other skaters to place above her in the standings. She has such raw potential, much like Mao Asada in her younger years. With such athletic and artistic ability, the right programs and the right mental toughness will get her to where she needs to be next season. She should be proud of this season, as she dominated the season that looked like it was going to be Zagitova’s to win or lose.
Kaori Sakamoto (JPN) was a popped triple flip away from a World medal. If that combination were successful, she would have amassed at least 150 points and a spot on the podium. The judges seemed to have backed Kihira all season, giving her higher PCS marks than Kaori during the Grand Prix season and 4CC. But here at Worlds, Kaori definitely received a little bit more help in the PCS. But to me, this is more justified than Tursynbaeva. Out of the 5 components in the free skate, Kaori won skating skills (Zagitova won the other 4). Even watching it on my laptop, I could sense the power and flow of Kaori’s skating in those first few crossovers. I could tell how much of the ice she was able to cover in just a few strokes. It was a breathtaking skate, and she definitely rose to the occasion in her Worlds debut. A top 5 finish is incredible!
Satoko Miyahara (JPN) finished off the podium after a bronze in Milan last year. She was able to overcome a lot of the technical issues like underrotations. An unfortunate error on her last combination caused her to miss out on moving up higher than she did. Satoko is still one of the most beautiful skaters in the world. I think what needs to happen is a readjustment of her jump technique. It’s obvious that she’s been trying to get more height and power in her jumps, which has caused a little dip in her consistency. Maybe she should spend a whole month jumping doubles, but the highest doubles possible, and then rebuild her triples form there. 
Bradie Tennell (USA) had the skate of her life in Saitama. She has some wonderful jumps and definitely has room for artistic improvement. The one issue I have is that she is so tight. You can tell she’s a hard worker and that she has the will power to be a powerful athlete on the ice. But that tension can also translate to stiff knees and some jumping issues, which she had in the short. She went clean in the free skate. Benoit Richaud is a choreographer known for using more angular movements, so it works for Bradie, but I’d be interested to see if she works with someone like Shae-Lynn Bourne, who can give her the freedom to own her power while also providing variety to Bradie’s movements. One of Benoit’s faults is that his programs can sometimes be too one-note.
Sofia Samodurova (RUS) had a serviceable free skate for a Top 10 finish, as I predicted. Burlesque is not the music for a 16 year old (but then again, nothing will ever be as bad as Trusova’s “Big Spender” program). However, she did it with verve and definitely looked like she was having fun on the ice. She could work on transitions (Mishin’s camp tends to be “transitions? Who is she?” anyway), since the arrival of the Tutberidze juniors next year could mean no World Championships for any of the current Russian squad, so working on components could be a key difference for a young skater like Sofia. 
Mariah Bell (USA) had a great competition, making the top 10 in her 3rd appearance at Worlds. She is really lacking a triple-triple. Without it, she’s not going to push past the 7-10 range at Worlds or Olympics. It’s also hard to talk about Mariah or the next skater without mentioning the drama in Saitama (I’m a poet and don’t even know it). I personally believe it was an accident, but we should not let the accusations from KSF and All That Sports go un-investigated. 
Lim Eun-soo (KOR) made some mistakes in the free, moving down from 5th to 10th. There is a lot on her shoulders, as the KSF wanted two spots for next year. She also was injured after Mariah hit her with her skate blade. To be honest, Mariah’s pattern was a little too close to the boards than in the past, but still I believe it was an accident. But all the pressure from KSF and then to deal with all this press bullshit probably led Eun-soo to make some uncharacteristic mistakes in the free. She also has a free skate that is too old for her (Chicago, with choreography from Akiko Suzuki). She’s such a great skater with star potential, so as long as she keeps her nose to the grindstone, she should have some landmark performances down the line. Keep your eye on her, she might be the skater of the future.
The men’s free and free dance are tomorrow. I’m excited to see if Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron (FRA) can continue their dominant streak. With an unbelievable World Record in the rhythm dance, it’ll be hard for any team to get even close. The ladies’ event was so high octane and was an absolute joy to watch. Figure skating has raised the bar this year, and Im so excited for the Olympic cycle this season has set up. 
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wickedgamesfanfic · 6 years
3-WAY Snippet
Chapter 1- ‘Cause 2 Heads Are Better Than One
"Stop fussing over yourself." Carmen said pulling my arms to the side from just behind me. "You look great." 
"You really think so?" I asked turning my head to the side attempting to take my appearance in once more. 
"Yes I do. Derrick is going to shit bricks when he gets a whiff of this." The mention of Derrick's name caused me to roll my eyes lightly. I looked on a bit longer into the mirror. And decided I needed this night out more than I originally thought, I couldn't continue to sit in the house moping over a love lost. It was time for me to put myself back out there. And what better way to do it then to attend a Hollywood movie premiere. 
There had to be something cute, successful and single there I'd be able to push up on. Or at least attempt to. It had been three years since I had been off the market so to speak. Three years wasted. Derrick and I started off great. However our promising relationship quickly turned into something toxic. I endured as many lies and as much cheating as I could in hopes that he'd come around and see in himself what I saw in him. But he never did. Years of emotional abuse finally caught up to me and I started to lose myself. My confidence had been diminished. And my peace of mind had long run off. 
Pretending to be happy was tiring. And one day I finally found the courage to leave. It's only been a couple of weeks but thanks to my bestfriend Carmen they've been fairly manageable. I'll admit the first week was all tears, ice cream and romantic movies. But Carmen was right there by my side literally sitting on my cellphone so I wouldn't reach out or respond to Derrick's text or calls. And at the threat of physical violence I had made sure to keep my word not to return to him and his manipulative ways. Everything in me believed her when she told me she'd beat my ass if I tried her again. 
"C'mon Chica or we're going to be late." She said playfully slapping me on the ass. I glanced over the red bodycon dress that hugged my body ever so nicely. It was mid thigh length and had a long drop in the front that dared to reach my belly button but fell just short. I ran my hands over my asymmetrical feather cut bob and decided that my light makeup was indeed a great choice. My hair and body in this dress was already a mood. 
"This is not what we agreed to." I squeezed through clenched teeth as Carmen continued to drag me towards the red carpet. 
"Trust me." She snarled in identical fashion. Next thing I knew we were being ushered down the carpet and carefully placed for photos. The paparazzi had no idea who I was but of course they were happy to see Carmen. She managed talent and was very good at her job. She was well known and respected in the Hollywood community. 
I smiled and wrapped my arm around Carmen's waist as she had mine. It was a lot to take in. The flashing lights and strange people yelling at you to turn your head in different directions. But also mildly flattering  hearing them call you beautiful and many other complementizes. Any doubt I had about my appearance quickly faded. 
We were ushered further down the carpet and I made sure to mouth thank you and wave friendly as we made our way. As I attempted to pose for the next set of pictures a few loud screams from just behind us caught my attention. "Michael!" They all screamed trying their hardest to get his attention. Meanwhile he had all of mine. I was star struck. Michael B. Jordan  was only a few feet away from me and he was even more handsome in person. 
He was placed in the same spot we had just stepped away from. He smiled and my eyes roamed over the way the navy blue suit he wore hugged his body. I don't exactly know how but he managed to look even taller and bulkier in the flesh. My eyes roamed over his chest, his shoulders and down his arms. And I felt my clit twitch. 
"Michael look to the left!" One of the paparazzi closer to us yelled. And he did. His eyes landing directly on me. I quickly looked away in fear that he had caught me staring. But who wasn't. I could feel the thin hairs on my arms rise. That feeling you get when someone is watching you quickly swept over my body. I was frozen and afraid to move. A few more flashes and Carmen was pulling me away with her towards the Creed 2 movie premiere entrance.  I followed closely behind but my body was still on fire. And against my better judgement I looked back for the source of the flame. And our eyes locked. My knees instantly became weak and I accidentally stumbled trying to keep up with Carmen. A small grin crept across his face as he took his bottom lip into his mouth.  
"Please excuse me." I said pardoning myself from Carmen and a group of others. I had noticed a restroom sign not to far away. I hurriedly made my way towards the entrance. 
"You okay girl?!" Carmen yelled behind me. I held my hand in the air behind while managing to nod my head yes but never looking back. I was okay. Or so I thought. I wasn't absolutely sure. All I knew was that I was on fire. I quickly made my way into the restroom. Taking a handful of paper towels into my hands and dampening them. I dabbed them over my face and the part of my chest that was exposed. All the while managing to take a couple of deep breathes. I tossed them into the trash and softly hand fanned myself for a moment. My soul was a blaze. How had this man managed to eye fuck me so quickly. I literally felt violated but in the best way. 
"Calm down bitch." I whispered to myself challenging my own stare in the mirror. I was making a big deal out of nothing. And it was frustrating the hell out of me. It was a meaningless interaction and here I was about to stroke out. "You good?" I asked myself subconsciously. I nodded my head up and down before glancing over my appearance again. I managed to calm myself enough to return.
I walked out of the restroom and began to search the crowd for Carmen who was assumingly mixing an mingling with the other attendees. I spotted her and as I expected she was looking for me. I smiled and began to take longer strides. "Scarlett I want you to meet somebody!" She yelled excitedly. Just then I noticed his shoulders only inches from hers. He turned his head first and his body slowly followed. 
I felt a lump form in my throat. I couldn't breathe so my long strides became short steps. He didn't smile as he had before. He simply focused his attention on me. His stare was intense and unwavering. My eyes fell to the floor for a moment. That heat was back. That raging fire I had just attempted to put out was four alarm again. I managed to look up again. I found him still focused on me. But this time his eyes roamed over my body. He placed his hands together just over his crotch quickly adjusting himself. Causing me to swallow the lump caught in my throat. 
"Michael." He said extending his hand for me to shake once I was near. 
I hesitated for a moment unsure if I was capable of with standing the amount of power his actual touch could inflict on me. Or my little girl for that matter. "Scarlett." I said cautiously placing my hand in his. To my surprise he gripped it firmly taking it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on it. I melted beneath him. He winked and a small dimple formed just beneath his hooded eye. 
"The name is fitting." He said removing his lips from my hand slowly. 
"What?" I quizzed out of curiosity. 
"It's sexy. Almost as sexy as  you." He admitted finally releasing my hand. I could feel the blood rush to my face as others around us giggled at his charm. He stayed a moment longer conversing amongst the group before he was pulled away by his managers. He made sure to thank everyone for attending and assuring us all he'd chat with us again later. He placed his hand on my lower back. "Nice meeting you." He said before walking away. I nodded as to say the same. 
I watched him walk away and resisted the urge to follow him. My body yearned to be next to his. And in its absence felt lost. "I think he likes what he saw." Carmen said nudging me in the side with her elbow. I shook my head dismissively. There was no way in this room full of beautiful women I had managed to get underneath his skin. The doubt in my mind was quickly hushed as he managed to turn his head around and smile at me once more before disappearing into the crowd. "He most definitely likes what he saw." Carmen teased pulling at my arm. 
"Stop." I said brushing her off. 
"I knew I should have worn that dress. She said playfully referring to the dress I had worn. Which she had let me borrow for the occasion. We both laughed as we made our way to the theater. 
The movie was amazing to say the least. Everyone had done such a good job. I was glad I had the honor of attending. I stood to clap as everyone else had as Michael, Tessa, Sylvester and the director took the podium just beneath the screen. They thanked everyone for attending and took a few questions from interviewers. 
I smiled to myself as parts of the movie crossed my mind again. Tessa was stunning in person and I thought to myself how cute a couple her and Michael would be in real life. They complimented each other very well. And shared a natural compatibility on and off screen. 
"That was fun." I admitted as everyone began to exit the theater. Happy that Carmen had talked me into attending. 
"We ain't done." She said with  laugh. I was confused and my face read of it. "Two words. After Party." She said looping her arm in mine. I didn't know how to feel. A part of me wanted to go home and hop into bed. Maybe touch myself to thoughts of Michael and pray to the man above that I dreamed about him. Another part of me was hoping to see him at the party. I looked over to where he stood and to my pleasant surprise his eyes were already on me. 
"This is nice." I admitted taking a seat on the lounge sofa next to Carmen in the VIP area. She nuzzled her head into Steven's neck and I lightly rolled my eyes. She had been carrying on an affair with him for quite sometime now. I didn't approve of her being so messy but who was I to judge. I knew far to well what it was like to be lonely and crave the presence of another.  
And to be fair they had actually been a thing for far longer then he and his wife had. Carmen was just as strong willed and career driven as he was. And somehow the thing that brought them together had managed to pull them apart. He needed a woman who could play the background roll. Be his support when he needed it. And Carmen wasn't that exactly. She wasn't a beck and call girl. She was a boss. A queen. And could never simply fade into the back ground. She needed a man who could except her as his equal. A man she could proudly stand beside and reign with. Steven wasn't that. I just wish she could see that. But who was I to talk.
I scooted away when I noticed the servers bring over bottles and finger food. I quickly made myself a drink and plate. I took the time to glance around the club. It was a very nice establishment. High class but the DJ made sure to play the hottest music. I scanned the room and was a bit disappointed that no one else from the cast seemed to be there. 
I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. I picked it up and noticed it was Derrick texting me. I skimmed over the text and rolled my eyes. He was going on and on about pictures of me he had saw on IG and how it made him realize how much he missed me. He was so full of it. I took this time to pour myself a shot. I turned my phone off and placed the shot glass to my lips. Quickly swallowing the entire thing. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the heat the liquor left in my chest.
Upon opening them I noticed Michael making his way into the VIP area. He no longer wore the navy blue suit he had at the premiere. He stood before me dressed casually in a white t-shirt and distressed jeans. I mowed over his gold chain and the Jordan's that adorned his feet. He still looked delicious and I found myself licking my lips. Our eyes met and I once more felt my clit twitch. I instinctively tightened my legs. He noticed and smiled. At that moment I realized his left arm was behind him. Tessa's hand was in his as she walked in right behind him. A feeling of disappointment quickly replaced my excitement. 
I watched as the two greeted Steven and Carmen before taking a seat. Looking more like a couple than co-stars. A few others joined us and soon after lots of meaningless chatter filled the air. I noticed how he handled her and quickly became annoyed. Or jealous for that matter. I wasn't sure of which. All I was sure of at that moment was that I needed another drink. I took a deep breath and stood to my feet. Annoyed further by the fact that the only remaining bottle of liquor was closely located near the two. 
I made my way over hoping that Michael was too deep in conversation to notice me. To my disappointment he wasn't. He noticed me right away. Although he continued to speak his eyes were dead set on me. I tried to squeeze by his legs and quickly fill my cup but he grabbed me just as I was finishing up. 
"Scarlett." He said pulling at my arm. I tried to wave him off but he quickly pulled me down into the seat. Exactly between him and Tessa. My hips rubbed against the fabric of his jeans and the sequence of her dress as she moved aside. I smiled nervously at him wondering if he was tipsy or if it was just me. My face slowly turned towards Tessa who I was sure had found his gesture disrespectful. To my surprise a smile adorned her face. He placed his arm around my shoulders and swiftly pulled me back. "Tessa this is Scarlett. Scarlett this is Tessa." He said placing his face into the crook of my neck. The warmth of his breath against my neck had my faucet leaking. 
"Hi." I managed to utter. 
"Michael you didn't do her justice." She said placing her hand on my knee. She rubbed her hand over it before softly digging her nails into me. If this was his bitch I didn't want any smoke. I had my own problems. I softly shook my head before attempting to move. To my surprise he placed his forearm against my chest quickly pulling me back down. "She's gorgeous." Her hand managed to make its way up my inner thigh. And to my own surprise my body reacted. I wasn't sure if it was the lack of being touched. Or simply being touched by such beautiful people. 
"She is." He whispered into my ear just as 3 Way by Teyana Taylor filled the air. I froze beneath them. And I wasn't sure if it was just me or did the time do the same. I closed my eyes for a moment as they both closed in on me. I could feel them both on each side of my neck. Their heat. Their breathes. I could still feel Tessa's hand slowly moving up my inner thigh. While Michael's hand roamed over chest and down my stomach. I quivered as the lyrics and melody consumed me. 
Threeway, I couldn't wait to have with you
'Cause I know it turn you on, so let's do it' babe
'Cause two heads are better than one 
Threeway, I couldn't wait to have with you!
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terraclae · 7 years
The Battle for Paramo
Lore Pinglist: @yuushanoah-fr @cityofinoue
This is the first time for me writing a big battle like this so hence it took a little longer. Also warnings for blood and body horror, this is a rather long piece too. Otherwise, enjoy. 
There was a long pause shared between Arodan and Atlas in which the wind howled between them. Just the vaguest flit in the distance marked the approach of an enemy from a far away land. Against the dark grey and ominous sky as if it was about to snow, they looked almost alight, in a fashion too ethereal compared to what people would want to view their enemies as. Arodan threw a quick look at Atlas who in his draconic form towered over him easily. He hadn’t quite seen imperials look so stricken with a fear of death and Arodan feared what would come after if that happened.
‘I’m really scared. Terrified.’ Atlas finally said, and he bumped against Arodan’s side. It was the skydancer’s initiative to extend his wing in a gesture of assurance. It didn’t do much but Atlas appreciated the gesture nonetheless. ‘Is it bad of me I wished I was to be the one? That I had to tell you everything was going to be alright and not vise versa?’
‘No. Not at all.’ Arodan’s feathers bristled and he nudged Atlas’ side with his snout. ‘To echo what you want to say… Everything is going to be alright Atlas.’
‘... Okay.’ Atlas murmured. His brow furrowed into an unattractive dip that pinched all his features into something feral, for only a moment. It dropped slowly once Balam joined the pair. Balam towered over Arodan in similar fashion to Atlas but he was smaller than the Imperial. ‘My liege?’
‘Sorry Atlas, I have no speeches.’ He peered into the distance and watched a wide fleet of ships drew closer and closer with the minute. This caused his face to harden in a similar fashion to Atlas’ And Arodan wondered if it was a Paramo thing. ‘I only have a decisive want to win this.’
‘All the same my liege.’ Atlas responded, his voice breaking a little. Epoch and Carmen had trailed by, still in their bipedal forms and Arodan could see them exchange worried glances. They shifted to their equally towering draconic forms and settled next to Balam without an awkward word. ‘Are you certain taking out the boats will throw them off balance?’
'It takes the edge off.' Balam responded. He looked over his friends standing besides him and raised his voice. 'Does anyone want a brief refresher of the plan?' No response came but he saw Arodan hesitate for just a moment. 'Arodan?'
'We wait for the boats to land, right?' He asked, and Balam nodded. 'Then we flank the incoming army from two sides, and close off their exits. If Kassa's strategy is right…' He threw a brief glance and spotted Kassa looking over the edge of the cliff. They expectantly looked back at the group once they noticed they were being watched. 'Their swordsmen should be first, so we send our lancers.' He held up his claw and counted on his fingers, trying to remember the last part of the plan. 'If that fails… We fire Carmen's magical cannons. If it succeeds, then it's the case of driving the army back into the ocean.'
'Aye.' Epoch said, his ears dropping flatly against his head. 'Generally it's more favorable to last longer since we have better stamina, so we need to avoid being blitzed.' He looked out over the battlefield. The cliff was a fairly large flat area that got more jagged the closer it was to the bunker. The cliff itself was quite steep, but not unclimbable with proper equipment or functioning wings that most had.
'Sound idea.' Arodan quietly said, hearing agreeing hums from the rest of the group. Kassa was now speaking to Caer he could see and there was just the vaguest hint that they would be opting to retain their bipedal forms. The full width of king Alexander's fleet now spanned the horizon, as did the glow of what could only be cannons. Mild unsettled fear grew into full blown dread and Arodan attempted to not give it a second thought, focusing on the crispness of the snow beneath his feet. He turned his head to look at the bunker once more.
On the roof of the building rows of cannons were ready to fire, smoking with a fiery orange magic that trailed lilies along the edges of them. Soldiers only could wait for their signal, their only command being to light the fuses when told to do so. After that they were expected to reload it with regular ammunition. On the left and right side of the plateau stood battalions ready to spring into action at any moment.
That moment came too soon. A flash enveloped the horizon, and as soon as it faded Epoch has been first to spot the bolts of condensated light rocketing through the sky into their general direction. Carmen and Epoch bolted from their place, forward with zero doubt in their actions. 'Cover!' They cried out in unison and their claws rose with cold precision, orange magic sparking at their fingers. Around Epoch countless and countless of dragonflies flared into being, flocking around Carmen briefly before they flew along the flow of her hands on flower petals blossoming from them. The seemingly calm manifestation of magic flew forward and whirred into something far bigger, shining, flat, like a bubble around the bunker and its inhabitants. Carmen held on tightly to her brother's hand and together they held up their new shield. Seconds later, a sound like the sky shattering ripped the silence apart, the projectiles crashing onto Epoch's and Carmen's shield with great fury. It held, but cracked and creaked at various sides. Light seeped through in fluid shapes that rained to the ground and evaporated. Epoch and Carmen turned back to the other, Carmen showing signs of a red strained eye and Epoch's nose suffering from bleeding. They looked odd smiling like this and exchanged glances, turning back to their opponent. They rushed to a rock closer to the bunker where they surveyed the approaching army, turning to Balam.
Balam gave them a curt, quick nod and reeled around towards the cannons. 'Return fire!' He commanded, and turned to Atlas, picking up a second halberd that Atlas held out to him. Above him the air crackled with magic and Carmen and Epoch had flown over to the ridge just to make sure every cannon was aimed and fired properly. For cannons the projectiles made a staggering lack of sound upon being fired and it sounded as if a wildfire that trailed bright fiery petals had been shot into the sky, a hyper saturated color against its greyness. They moved slower and just before they found their target, there was the hint of a similar shield being thrown up by the enemy. Something more unexpected happened however. Balam peered into the distance and could see the distinct shapes of dragons diving from the ships and forward into flight just before the shields fully lowered. The fire hit the shields, and as supposed, it imploded in a massive carpet explosion that sent an immense shockwave roaring across the waves in all directions. Arodan had to cover his eye to not be blinded by the sheer intensity of the explosion and it felt as if his head was going to explode from the high pitched screech it created.
The dragons that had jumped seemed to move twice as fast towards them however and the ships, a sizable chunk of the fleet, left the sunken ones behind quickly by riding the waves. They were dressed in lightweight armor, and Arodan could only guess they were the fast infantry, bolting right at them at a terrifying pace.
Arodan watched in utter awe once his eyes adjusted to the light again, and it seemed as if in seconds, the initial standoff devolved into complete chaos. 'What…?' The first dragon landed, a very sizable guardian in shining gold colored armor, who was first to charge into the fray with the rest of the Lux Laterna soldiers that had already left the ships following suit. One battalion of lancers was sent forward by Balam to fend them off and the first organic sounds of steel clashing rang across the battlefield. Swords hit halberds and shorter spears and the first blood on earth fell from the chest dripped from the chest of a Paramo soldier. 
Arodan ran another direction as if his life depended on it. Not away from the fights, but onto a higher rock Carmen and Epoch had just used as vantage point to keep a close eye on the quickly approaching ships that were about to land. He settled on the rock, creeping behind a point in it. Although his mind was blank he found it in himself to remember his spells and maneuvers, fumbling with a small pouch attached to his belt. From it he retrieved a yellowish crystal. He had collected the stones from around the castle and knew full well what he should use them for. 'Gods, I hope this works.'
Above his head a Lux Laterna soldier soared past, hitting the ground with a dull thud on a distance. It didn't move and soon Kassa was balancing on the rock above him, holding a crossbow. 'Get out there magic boy, you don't want to get yourself killed now, do you?'
'I wasn't planning to do so!' Arodan yelped, and steadied his breaths. Kassa was a breath of air at the moment he much needed, they made sure to fend off the current attackers. Finally golden magic flourished and bubbled in his claws, rising in dainty clouds, powered by the crystal which soon lost its luster. The crash of ships on rocks effectively shook his control however and he barely held onto his shred of light, peering around the rock with a swift and cautious glance. The front line of Lux Laterna's fleet had crashed upon the cliffs, no, it was almost as if the ocean floor had risen to breach the hulls of their ships. Epoch and Carmen who had somehow found their way back to the cannons again were aglow with a dull orange aura, their hands reaching forward with their palms facing upwards. It must have been their doing then.
'Okay, time to go.' Kassa commanded and Arodan followed them suit. They lead him across the battlefield and cut down any new attackers with a short sword, Arodan noticed, that was segmented as to be whipped and swung flexibly. Even large dragons went down quickly to Kassa's sword. He took the opportunity to aim his steady hand at a small group of Lux Laterna soldiers currently climbing out of the beached ships. He fired, and the sweep of magic knocked them clean from the boat and into the water below. When Kassa safely managed to run the two of them across the field with Arodan firing more bolts at landing soldiers they left him by a rock by the door to Paramo, at the very center of the building.  Without another word they dashed into the fray again. Arodan immediately readied another bolt of his magic, and caught himself thinking of Atlas. Suddenly it occurred to him, that there were no imperials on Lux Laterna's side and that it didn't make sense to him.
'Arodan, help me out will you?!'
Arodan whipped around and threw a quick glance around the rock before calling forward another bolt of magic and blindly firing. Three soldiers were knocked off their feet, right around Atlas who had called for Arodan's help. 'Atlas, you alright?'
'Thanks to you yes!' Atlas called in return and he turned to Arodan, knocking over another soldier with his tail to give him some time to thankfully nod. 'Danny, give me a hand will you?' Atlas said, and he held out his hand. Arodan caught on to what Atlas meant quickly and fired another bolt, aimed at Atlas, who bent sideways, caught the bolt in his extended claw, and threw it with a portion of magic of his own, the bolt flying for a boat currently not impaled by a rock. It's front was torn to pieces and the people left on it scattered onto the cliff. Arodan ran over to Atlas and joined his side as new Lux Laterna soldiers started to charge them again, looking equal parts furious and fearful. Arodan felt a sliver of doubt again but his fear ruled out any further thoughts for the moment, readying another surge of magic. Atlas however was ahead of him, grabbing the bolt from Arodan's hand and throwing it to blast away the approaching soldiers. 'You know, these dainty little bolts of you don't do a lot of damage to them Dan.' Atlas said, shooting Arodan a concerned look.
'They're short use, just give me a moment.' Arodan said, sounding out of breath. His gaze shot across the battlefield as he searched his bag, spotting Balam had taken to whacking whatever came his way with a hammer in his now bipedal form. Caer stuck to his side as if her own life depended on it with Kassa hovering on but a short distance. There was always a fair distance between Balam and the enemy, and as they were moving along with Paramo's soldiers, it seemed like they were heading in into a strike to Lux Laterna's back. Only one boat remained behind the fleet and what soldiers there were had already disembarked and headed onto land to charge Paramo's army. Their troops remained in their set groups, outnumbering Paramo's forces. Arodan yanked a red crystal from his bag, and the color drained from it. Red, glassy and spiked magic sparked on his claws. Half of the shards that formed were thrown at an approaching squadron. 'Arodan, incoming!' the other half was thrown up just in time, colliding with an incoming ball of arcane magic that sent Arodan and Atlas flying backwards.
'Listen, there's no time for you to lie in my arms right now.' Atlas said, his voice breaking with a twinge of fear halfway. When Arodan's head stopped spinning it first occurred to him he was no longer in his draconic form but in a bipedal form, as was Atlas, whose temple bled. Arodan barely noticed his own left arm was bleeding with how he focused on Atlas. 'We should regroup, we might be running around but Paramo's army hasn't broken formation yet!'
'Should we stick to Balam or find Carmen and-Duck!' Arodan jumped Atlas as another blast of magic soared overhead and hit the wall of the bunker which seemed undamaged. 'This is… Awful.' He said through grit teeth, and willed his shaking legs into motion again, taking Atlas with him. Atlas held on to his hand as if it was his tether to reality.
'Carmen and Epoch, Balam is holding up fine!' Atlas yelped in return, and took the lead again. 'Arodan, don't give up on me now.'
'I'm not, it's just-' He interrupted himself to blast a squadron which seemed close to overpowering one of Paramo's squadrons. 'It's gonna be fine, we'll be fine-'
'Yes! Yes, we'll be okay alright, I promise!' Atlas yelled, mimicking Arodan's words. They dove behind a rock, sticking close to the bunker itself. 'Focus on holding out until they can no longer fight!'
'There's something wrong though.' Arodan said, his heart hammering painfully against the inside of his chest. He was sweating buckets at this point. 'W-Where is King Alexander?'
'Why would you ask that?!' Atlas yelled, and shook Arodan, the calm he just found evaporating in an instant. He knew full well what Atlas meant but didn't want to think of it. 'L-Listen, if Alexander was on the field, we would have seen him already.'
'No, this is-' Something clicked in his head and he could see Atlas was already preparing himself to dash into the fray again 'Atlas, why did they run their boats into the cliffs if they anticipate terrain so well?'
'I don't know, maybe they made a mistake and Carmen and Epoch did raise the rocks below.' Atlas responded. He saw Carmen and Epoch were standing on the bunker's roof again, this time firing off their own magic. 'They didn't anticipate that.'
'No, I'm asking you to think about it.' Arodan responded. He pulled another crystal from his bag, a magenta one this time which had thick, snaking magic inside of it. 'What if they did anticipate it?'
'Then that means they intend to stay already, which is a very risky move if you ask me.'
'It means they have something up their sleeve Atlas.'
Atlas quietened, and without another word created a sword out of light in his hands. It didn't seem very wieldable and Arodan guessed creating magical constructs wasn't Atlas' strong point. He slowly crept up, and peered around the rock. 'Okay… If that is true, then what?'
'We find Alexander and figure out what it is that might pose a massive threat.' Arodan curtly said. 'Switch.' Atlas switched places with him immediately so Arodan could actually see around the rock with his good eye. 'I know you said stamina is the key to survival but I don't want to stick around to figure out what has gotten Alexander so assured of victory.'
'Boys, stay behind that rock for a bit!' Carmen leant over the edge of the roof near Arodan and Atlas. She gestured at a cannon Epoch was preparing on a distance. 'Brace yourself!'
'Got it!' Atlas yelled in return, and he pulled Atlas to him, watching Epoch light the fuse. The shot would be intended for a squadron further ahead that was currently not surrounded by Paramo's soldiers.
That shot did not occur.
Arodan watched in horror as the cannon which was aglow with Carmen's magic backfired and sent a blast of flames across the roof. Two cannons flew right off with one crushing a Paramo soldier under it's weight on only a small distance from Arodan and Atlas. Carmen was thrown backwards from the roof, landing next to Arodan and Atlas. Atlas lost a hold of his constructed sword which evaporated immediately. She didn't make a sound, and Arodan's first panicked thought was that she was dead on impact. That was, until she started screaming and grasped at her right arm which looked barely functional. It wasn't pain she bellowed, it was a name. 'Epoch!' She screamed it a few more times, frantically clawing at everything around her so she could move back onto the cannon perches above, willing her wings into being. 'Epoch, answer me, something, please!'
'Carmen, calm down!' Arodan said, wrestling his way under Carmen's arm to lift her. He gestured at Atlas to lift her at her other side. 'Please don't-'
'Let me go, that's my brother up there!'
'We're going, we're going to check on him okay?' Atlas said, stopping her from further struggle. His own wings unfolded, as did Arodan's and in a spur of the moment team effort the ascended with a dual flap of the wings, landing onto the roof of Paramo's bunker. Only the cannons had been significantly damaged, with none being able to be used. 'Epoch?!'
No answer came. Arodan scanned the roof, and saw soldiers that hadn't survived the blast. He spotted something that vaguely resembled Epoch second, sitting up in a shambling and wheezing manner. His face was half seared off and his chest certainly hadn't survived the blast and yet he was alive, and staring right at them, muttering something over and over again.
Arodan guessed it was Carmen's name.
Arodan held Carmen back for just a moment as she was attempting to scramble towards him. Something wasn't right about this, not Epoch, not the air around them, it was the Paramo soldier that had crawled onto the roof and was walking towards Epoch.
'Arodan, you jackass, I have to help him-'
'Arodan, what are you doing?' Atlas asked, his voice laced with unamused confusion. 'Let her go, let her see her brother.' Atlas only reached to stop Carmen from clawing Arodan's face off in an attempt to free herself.
'Him. It's him.' Arodan said, in a quiet monotone. The soldier arrived by Epoch, who was still reaching for Carmen and now fell against the soldier's legs. His gaze drifted between her, and the soldier above. The currently unknown figure lifted the visor of the helmet they wore and Epoch, despite lacking the features that were so recognizable to him, was overcome with terror and scrambled away from the figure, who responded in kind by taking his sword, and driving it through Epoch's chest. He wore an armor adorned with blood that couldn't possibly have been his but that of whoever its former wearer had been, and as soon as he turned and looked at Atlas, Arodan and Carmen, the three of them couldn't help but freeze.
They had found Alexander, and by the way the skin by his eyes wrinkled just a little, Arodan knew he was smiling.
Epoch breathed his last looking at Carmen mouthing a quiet apology to her. It was quiet, it was unremarkable, and achingly unfair. Alexander withdrew his sword and Epoch dropped to the floor limply. Alexander didn't move quite yet, beyond a coy head tilt that said enough about the reason for the cannons malfunctioning so fatally. It was when Arodan was first to move, shakily and slowly raising his hands to take a shot, that Alexander immediately ran to his right and dove from the roof of the bunker into the fray.
This time, Arodan let go of Carmen who rushed over to her brother's body crying and screaming, and he knew she must have hated him for not letting her make an attempt at saving her brother. 'Atlas, we should go find Balam.' he said. No answer came. 'Atlas?' He looked at Atlas and he saw he was standing besides him crying, not even noticing that he was. Atlas shook his head and looked at Arodan with something of a scattered stare. '... Flee inside. You might be safer there.' Arodan continued.
'No.' Atlas quietly said, and he walked around Arodan towards the edge of the roof. Arodan had to jump him again so a bolt of lightning only just missed him and it singed part of his hair. 'Let's go help Balam.' Atlas said, even quieter this time, but he was looking at the battlefield as he said this. Lux Laterna's army was being besieged from the back by Paramo's forces, but Arodan could full well see that their strength in numbers was returning the blow and driving back Paramo's forces towards the cliff, into what essentially had become a large wooden death trap at the bottom of it, if they weren't going to fly. The sole vessel that had remained before the coast was shimmering with the linings of cannons, ready to fire if this occurred. The battle now stood at a fifty-fifty chance of winning but Arodan knew full well that wouldn't be enough for them, and it most certainly wasn't for him. 'He's in trouble Danny.'
'... Yes.' Arodan said, and he brushed gently over Atlas' head in a moment he didn't know what to do. In the next he felt his hand rise to his chest, then forcing it under the lining of his armor to pull out the necklace as if it had compelled him to do so. He could see Balam, still accompanied by Kassa and Caer. He looked desperate and at the end of his wits. Arodan could also see Alexander, making his way through the forces, that parted like a curtain for him as if they instinctively knew it was him despite wearing the armor of his opponent. Lux Laterna's forces drove Paramo's remaining soldiers to the edge, and the battle came to a halt with Alexander boldly stepping to the front of his defense, a row of lancers in bipedal form forming the first row with two draconic rows of casters behind them.
'King Balam, I presume?' Alexander said, in a voice that boomed across the field now that everyone had gone quiet. One Paramo caster took the standstill as a sign to attempt to blast Alexander, and three of Lux Laterna's own casters were quick to shield him. He continued as if nothing had happened. 'I must say, you are quite the formidable fighter, my compliments to your army.'
'Spare me your compliments.' Balam grunted, grasping his hammer just a little more tightly. 'You murder my men, assault my castle, and you have the gall to talk to me like that?'
'Oh, there's no need to get so defensive your majesty, that's war. We kill, we compliment. You can have admiration for the things you hunt if they put up a formidable fight.' Alexander hummed, dusting off his armor. Even from where Arodan was, Alexander looked like he genuinely believed his own words. 'It's sad, but you lose. It's really less painful if you accept it.'
'Come at me coward and I will show you what I think of that.' Balam said, staring Alexander down who looked up at him with a cat like smile that would suit better on a young child than a grown person in stolen, bloodstained armor. 'I challenge you to fight me one on one, how does that sound?'
'I don't know your majesty, that sounds like a gamble.' Alexander said, cheerfully lifting a finger to his lips. He turned to his army. 'There are an awful lot of people for me to disappoint here, what would be in it for me, beyond what I was already going to do?'
Balam couldn't answer that it seemed, and Kassa putting a hand on his shoulder finally seemed to get him to realize what a stupid idea must have seemed. He shook, and fell into a defensive stance. 'What do you have to lose?'
'Well...' Alexander said, turning back to Balam. 'Healthy bones, friends, loved ones, my army.' He threw a quick glance at his army and they seemed to nod in agreement and with a rare trust to their agreeing mutters. He smiled, and rose his sword. 'Surrender, king Balam, and perhaps we can arrange something in trade for your head. Really, this is the best I can offer you.'
Don't, Arodan thought from where he sat. He had retrieved the soul ruby from beneath his armor and it threatened to drop from his hands. Don't you dare do it, he mouthed. By the way Balam moved, he was contemplating it.
Don't do it, he heard Atlas mutter beneath him.
Kassa was looking right at him, with a piercing gaze from behind their shattered glasses. Without another doubt in his mind and a clear head Arodan rose and held the ruby above his head waiting for something to happen. For what felt like an eternity nothing out of the ordinary occurred. So long Arodan assumed it might as well be useless and he could also toss it at some Lux Laterna soldier so someone could shoot him already.
Alexander however, whipped around, and immediately yelled for his forces to scatter. Seconds later something the size of a trading vessel descended upon Lux Laterna's forces like a piece of a starless night sky had come down to devour them, their blood coating the snow below. Sachairi was immense and unrecognizable, and above all incredibly dangerous. He shredded Lux Laterna soldiers indiscriminately, but just as well what soldiers of Paramo hadn't gotten away and whatever arrows and blasts were fired his way barely scratched him.
'What have I done?' Arodan asked himself, and he sank back down to his knees, finding Atlas had disappeared. Even Carmen had disappeared with Epoch's body and he wondered if they had abandoned him.
'Darling, are you just going to sit there and wait 'till you're dead or what?'
He turned slowly and saw Kassa was standing behind him, grinning maniacally with their hands on their hips. How they had gotten to him so fast was a mystery but Balam wasn't in the rampaging Sachairi's general area anymore either. 'You did well kiddo, look at him go.' They hummed a tune and helped Arodan to his feet. 'Of course he'd come if you held it.'
'Kassa, where is everyone?' Arodan asked, wrestling loose from their grip. 'Are they safe, are they unhurt?'
'They've ran into the cave system dear. You'll know where it is.' They pat his head and gave him a little shove into the other direction. 'Now let me do my work.'
'... Work?' Arodan asked, and turned around. 'No, shouldn't you make a run for safety-' Arodan stopped talking as soon as Kassa took off their gloves, revealing blackened hands. The skin on them seemed to swirl with darkness and and lacy patterns. 'You're shade afflicted. Of course.'
'Do you want to see what I do best, Danny boy?' Kassa asked, raising their hands.
'Too bad.' Kassa said, and one hand clenched. Sachairi's massive form buckled and gasped, his body seemingly locking up. Kassa's hand opened slowly and they pointed towards one of Lux Laterna's cowering squadrons. Sachairi shook, and then started to fearfully move the direction Kassa pointed, swiping at the squadron and killing a large chunk of it. 'This only works on Shade beings like me, but dang if it isn't handy.'
'Handy!?' Arodan exclaimed, grasping Kassa's shoulder and turning them around. 'This is horrible! You can't just control him!'
'Honey, don't let your righteousness get in the way of safety.' Kassa shoved Arodan away and now controlled Sachairi with their free hand. 'I'm doing this to protect us. If you let him rage, he's going to kill us too and he'll thank me later.'
'He won't! He's...' Arodan gestured wildly, and raised a fist to Kassa. 'He's conscious, he isn't just a mindless being in there, I can't explain it!' He started to pace towards them again. 'Kassa, I will not hesitate to forcefully move you if you don't relinquish control of him right now.'
Kassa gave Arodan a long hard look, turned towards him, and then raised both hands in his direction. His insides seemed to suddenly toil and clench and his limbs stiffened completely, the very fluid between his eyes stirring. 'Arodan, you will leave and head towards the cave system immediately. I'm doing this for all of us.'
'You can't do this-Agh!' The Shade that had been dormant in him for so long now burned and raged in him and it tore him apart mentally. 'K-Kassa, it-it hurts-Stop!'
'Stop struggling then!'
'Sorry Danny, but if you don't stop fighting my order, your own body is going to tear itself apart.' Kassa said through grit teeth. 'Don't make me hurt you. Please.'
'You're choosing t-this.' Arodan responded. His spine bent backwards at an angle it would near break. He could feel blood rising in his throat and he hacked to not choke in it. 'K-Kassa, let go-' He saw it too late, the dark form of Sachairi descending upon them both. 'Look out!'
The dark washed over Arodan, and for a brief moment, he felt at peace, and in control, closing his eyes.
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hopewielding · 7 years
hopewielding’s RP Cheat Sheet
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Rachel OOC Contact: Asks please. I’m not a great fan of IMs and I keep my other contact information private.
Who the heck is my muse anyway: Kitty Pryde is a self-described mutant rights activist who was one of the youngest mutants to ever join the X-Men. Her powers emerged when she was thirteen and a half, when she phased through the floor of her second-level bedroom. The X-Men and Emma Frost both tried to convince her parents to let her go with them, with Emma kidnapping the X-Men in the process and Kitty working to save them. She joined a fractured and hurting X-Men team immediately after the death of Jean Grey, and her quick wit and terrible costume choices provided a welcome distraction from their woes. Despite her young age, she joined the X-Men on many missions, including fighting the Brood and Skrulls in space. 
The first time she tried to leave the team, heartbroken over Piotr Rasputin, she was possessed by the ninja demon entity, Ogun, and was imbued with all the technical martial arts skills his mind offered. She returned to the X-Men, only to be injured in a battle with the marauders that left her permanently phased and in danger of dissipating from existence. After some time, with the help of the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, she was returned to her natural state. However, the X-Men were soon killed, and she fled to England with her remaining friends, Rachel and Kurt, where she formed the British superhero team Excalibur with Brian Braddock and Meggan Puceanu. With Excalibur, Kitty traveled through time and across realities, and fell in love for a second time with Pete Wisdom. Some time after learning the X-Men were alive, Kitty returned to the United States to rejoin the team.
The second time Kitty left the team, it was to mourn the death of Piotr Rasputin and his sister Illyana to the Legacy Virus and the death of her father, killed on the mutant island Genosha. Wishing for a chance at normal life, Kitty moved back to her home state of Chicago and enrolls in college. But, there was no escaping the mutant life, and Kitty was forced to fight bigoted humans, mandatory therapy and Sentinels for the opportunity. Once again, she returned to the X-Men in their time of need, accompanying the team into space once more and sacrificing herself to save the Earth by phasing a giant bullet through the planet. She was lost in space for some time, before finally being saved by Magneto, while the X-Men were living on an island off San Francisco. However, her powers were once again broken and she was forced to wear a special suit to remain solid, until she was killed in a Breakworld plot and resurrected, her powers healed.
Following Schism, Kitty followed her old mentor Logan back to Westchester, where she co-headed the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning. She took no part in the fight between the Avengers and the X-Man over the Phoenix Force, and was devastated when Charles Xavier was killed. When the original X-Men were brought to the future, she decided to mentor them, eventually fleeing to Canada to be with Scott’s team. There, she began a relationship with long-time friend Illyana Rasputin, and the two rescued then adopted the mutant child Bo. Eventually, both teams were united once more, although the school had to be moved to Limbo to avoid the Terrigen Mist brought to earth by the Inhumans.
Points of interest:           Physical Appearance: Kitty is rather small in stature, both short and slight in frame. She has long, dark brown hair usually pulled back into a high ponytail, and deep brown eyes. When not wearing her uniform, her outfits fit largely into the simple jeans-tee-sweatshirt combo. She is usually confident in her mannerisms and behaves with purse. She isn’t afraid to take up space and give loud, inspiring speeches when she needs to.
          Powers: Kitty is able to phase through material objects and elements such as fire and lightening. She does this by passing the molecules of her body through the molecules of the object in question, with the process being largely subconscious. In a similar way, she is also able to align her molecules with other objects so that she cannot pass through, which gives her the ability to walk on air. She is also able to phase other people with her, as long as she remains in physical contact with them. While intangible, her thoughts are perceived as erratic by anyone who tries to read them, and any electronic devices she phases through are instantly short-circuited. A less utilized aspect of her powers is her ability to blend into the shadows and be practically invisible.
          Personality: Kitty is best described as a self-righteous, stubborn, kind, and passionate young woman. She is talkative, witty, sarcastic, and constantly trying to make light of her situation with humor. She has dedicated her life to the mutant cause and seen many friends die as a result, with this experience often lending itself to bitterness and regret. However, she is also fiercely determined to do her best by the next generation and eliminate prejudice against mutants so that others will be able to live a normal life. She is sometimes prone to bouts of insecurity, stemming mainly from body-image issues. 
          Skills: Kitty is a self-described genius and polymath, with prowess in physics, engineering, and computing software and hardware. She is also a  highly skilled hand-to-hand and armed martial artist, has trained in dance, and is a competent Earth and interstellar aircraft pilot, capable of speaking a wide array of Earth and alien languages.
          Heritage: Kitty is a third-generation Jewish-American, her grandparents having fled Warsaw, Poland prior to the Nazi occupation. Her great aunt is known to have been killed in Auschwitz. Kitty’s father, Carmen Pryde, fought in the Vietnam War with Charles Xavier, having volunteered when he was still underage. He was divorced from her mother, Theresa Pryde, by the time Kitty was fifteen, and devoted his life to helping others in any way he could, and even when it got him in trouble with the Japanese mafia.
          Canon Divergence: My Kitty diverges from canon at the point where she meets Peter Quill. On this blog, there was no romantic relationship between them and Kitty never joined the Guardians of the Galaxy in space.
What they’ve been up to recently: Kitty has recently returned from Chicago, having taken her third break from the X-Men following their war with the Inhumans. She now leads the team and heads the school now located in Central Park. Her aim is to increase mutant visibility in order to foster harmony between humans and mutants.
Where to find them: Kitty is currently operating out of New York, specifically in Central Park. However, she frequently travels around the United States and other parts of the world, answering distress calls from new mutants and battling threats to the planet.
Current plans: Currently, Kitty is adjusting to being the leader of the X-Men while juggling her responsibilities at the school and her relationships with Illyana, Bo, and other members of her mutant family. With Illyana, she is also working on expanding her abilities in order to phase through magick, which she has never been able to do before. However, she’s fearful of breaking her powers once more, and is largely keeping her experiments a secret from the rest of the team.
Desired interactions: Right now, there’s nothing specific I’m looking to write with a partner. However, I would love to explore more of Kitty’s canon relationships and do some mutant rights-related threads.
Offered interactions:            Teacher/Headmistress: Kitty is a lot of fun to writein a mentoring role, though this kind of interaction is more-or-less exclusive to mutant characters. Whether it’s guiding your character through mutant life or helping them with her powers, Kitty is a really compassionate, inspiring teacher.
          Teammate: I enjoy action-orientated threads as much as dialogue-orientated ones, and this goes doubly for when the other character is a X-Men or mutant and they’re working together on some mutant-related issue. Rescuing young mutant children from terrible situations, dealing with monsters, stopping members of the new Brotherhood, or just training together in the Danger Room -- it’s all on the table.
          Friend: Above all, Kitty is a great friend. She’s a great listener for when your muse is down, needs someone to talk to, or needs someone to beat their head against a wall. She’s reliable, loyal, and won’t shy away from some hard truths. But, she’s also a great person to just hang out with in general, whether your muse wants to go to a crazy nightclub or have a picnic lunch on the lawn.
Current open post/s: I don’t have any current open posts, but I welcome everyone to send in memes or chat to me about making a starter or plotting out something more in-depth.
Anything else?: I am currently working on a PhD in social psychology, am attempting to get two research papers published, and am running tutorial classes at my university. I usually set up my queue to put out one reply per day, with the queue restocked on the weekend. 
Tagged by: @alterphase -- thank you! Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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