#and this is with me blocking so many bots omg
strayklds · 1 year
thank you guys for 1.5k 😳😳😳😳
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d4isywhims · 1 year
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hello friends! 🤍✨
lots of words. click at your own risk!!
i’m back from my trip/short hiatus!! i didn’t go on tumblr that much during my trip because i was having too much fun hehe so i was basically MIA 😵‍💫 andddddd i JUST realised that my cas challenge posts didn’t go up because my dumbdumb ass saved it as draft instead of queue 😭😭😭😭😭😭 omg i’m so sorry to everyone who looked forward to seeing those posts ;_; they’ll be up all throughout next week tho!! ✨ alsoooo i wanna talk about a few things 👀
1. youtube
as some of you might know, i started a youtube channel and am about to post my first ever vid!! so excited!! 🤩 i’m also thinking of moving one of my tumblr gameplays to youtube but i’m kinda stumped on which one :/ i’m already on gen 2 of my family dynamics challenge and i feel like it would be kind of awkward to start filming from there lol so this leaves me with my globetrotter household and tjol legacy household. or maybe start a brand new lp!! i would greatly appreciate your opinion on this matter if you have any :D
2. 1000 followers!!!!!
guys. guys guys guys. GUYSss. had to block a HANDFUL of 🌽bots but YOU GUYSSSSSS
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i am truly speechless 😭 i made a promise to myself that if i reached 1k followers on tumblr i would start a youtube channel and here we are!! i love you guys so much and thanks for sticking around 😭♥️ absolutely no words can describe how much i appreciate everyone on here :’) i’ve made SO many talented friends on tumblr and i hope to make even more! i have no idea what my follower gift would be this time (i haven’t even started with my 900 followers gift 😵‍💫) so please if you have ANY suggestions, feel free to comment below or send me a message! :DD probably gonna come up with a poll sooner or later hehe
aaahhh it feels so good to be back on simblr!! i’ll spend the rest of my night responding to tagged games, asks/messages i’ve gotten while on my hiatus and just catching up with the community :)) i’ll go back to posting gameplay pics on monday! :D starting off strong with family dynamics!!
thanks sm friends!! ✨ have a great day/night ahead!
- gem 🤍
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13eyond13 · 6 months
Hii for the fandom ask game I'm shooting two of your questions right back at you because when you asked me them they made me immediately wonder about your answers, 23 and 25! Also: 1, 8, and 16!
omg thank you for so many asks!
23. The fandom you're curious about because of a mutual:
@stvlti posting on my dash about the new Scott Pilgrim anime got me curious enough to start watching it recently! I read those comics back in college and thought they were pretty great, as was the Edgar Wright movie. And the anime seems like a very good adaptation of it so far. Can't explain how funny it is as a Canadian to see Canada as the setting for an anime, either... I just feel like we have such a bland normie country to set things in, hahaha
I'm also getting very curious about a ton of different manga thanks to the recs I've received on my blog recently! (X)
25. A piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces:
I think the main thing I get people asking me about here sometimes is how to make more friends in the fandom, especially when you're new and don't know anybody. I think the main bits of advice I have on that front is:
So follow a bunch of other bloggers in that fandom and interact with their blogs first! Like their posts, send them polite/friendly asks looking for their takes (this is especially easy to do when people reblog ask memes), and be brave enough not to go on anon when you do it so they can see your lovely face and actually potentially make a connection with you! Most people LOVE getting asks and are flattered when somebody else asks for their thoughts. If you're genuine with your interest it shouldn't take long for other people to start taking interest in you back.
Which leads to my second point of:
(2) MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY ARE POSTING THINGS ON YOUR BLOG ON A SEMI-REGULAR BASIS! People will probably click on your blog once you start interacting with them, and they will most likely only follow you back if you actually have stuff on your blog that shows your interests/personality/the kinds of things they can expect you to be posting on their dash! You can easily stock up a bunch of posts into a queue if you're worried about spamming the dash or don't want to be online 24/7 too, so it will keep your blog active without you actually having to be there all the time.
ALSO DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH SHAME TO LITERALLY ASK YOUR FOLLOWERS TO SEND YOU ASKS. Reblog fandom ask memes, it's a great way to give people a template of questions to bug you nicely with, and answering one ask often leads to receiving another ask!
(3) DO YOUR OWN THING WHETHER OR NOT ANYBODY IS CONSTANTLY PATTING YOU ON THE BACK. First and foremost I'm usually making myself laugh here on my blog and hoarding all of these posts for myself, so even when I'm not getting constant feedback from others I'm still having a good time and posting on the regular! I'm SUPER glad that other people get something out of it too, but I think when it comes to blogging you should treat your blog like your own personal little kingdom where you are making the rules, and other people can follow or unfollow as they please.
And finally:
(4) YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LOSE A FOLLOWER OR TWO, BUT SO DO I AND SO DOES EVERYBODY ELSE. Try not to obsessively check your follower count or to take it as a huge calamity if your count goes down instead of up once in a while! It WILL eventually go back up again, and you genuinely have no idea why it dropped most of the time (it probably wasn't anything majorly personal - maybe somebody just is no longer in your fandom, maybe Tumblr is clearing out some porn bots, maybe a follower is deactivating their blog - or maybe you DID post something that somebody didn't like, but that's ok, it's probably better if they aren't following you anymore anyways!) And you should ALSO block/unfollow people freely if they're really making your blogging experience uncomfortable - at the end of the day you don't really know them and they don't really know you, and you will both probably move on and forget about it not too far down the road.
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s):
(1) Genuinely extremely chill and cozy, and almost always has been in my experience!
(2) People have the best sense of humour here. IDK I think I took it for granted that all fandoms were like that but anytime I venture into other ones I find myself being a bit disappointed that people just aren't as funny in general a lot of the time
(3) OMG thank you everybody for all the delicious fanfic and fanart, and for continuing to still make it steadily even in 2023
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc.):
I'm gonna advocate for a ship I don't even have a ton of personal investment in and say meronia! God, stop sleeping on this pairing already and/or acting like it's way more problematic than it actually is, you silly ancient fandom you (no, they are not basically related, they simply went to the same school in their childhood for a bit). These two definitely deserve to have their relationship a bit better explored!
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate:
Watari had an entire-ass family of his own, apparently!
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Isn't that weird to think about? There is actually SO MUCH unanswered stuff about how his relationship with L actually was set up, especially if you are just going by the original manga serial and aren't using the one-shots or the anime or LABB novel to flesh out L's backstory or any Wammy's lore. And sometimes I think it might be neat to see people exploring it in totally different ways that would still be 100% plausible based on what little we know!
[ask meme]
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Hello there! This is my first time requesting anything, but I’ve read through a lot of your transformers hcs and I absolutely love your work! You attention to detail and the easy flow of your wording makes for a very comfortable read. <3
My I request Ratchet, Rung, Rodimus, and Fort Max with a sweet yet spunky mini-bot field-medic friend? They take self care very seriously and are always pushing for others to take better care of themselves.
Asdfghjkl omg that's so incredibly kind of you thank you so much!! I often worry about flow so hearing I'm doing a good job makes me so incredibly happy!! The story I wrote came out quite long so I went with just Fort Max and gave reader a lil jetpack to talk at optic level ^^
Fort Max
The ship's ramp closed slowly on the alien rainstorm raging behind the hulking mech as he stumbled into the cargo hold, cutting out the din of thunder and pounding rain to leave the two of you in comfortable quiet. One servo gingerly cradling his side, Fort Max looked quite worse for the wear. Dripping and exhausted, he didn't even seem to see you as he limped forward, making steady progress to the control panel instead of the small side room you utilized for repairs. Never one to sit idly by, you fired up your jetpack and zoomed in front of his path before he could get too far.
"Wait, Max! I need you in the medical bay!" you instructed, pointing to the door as you hovered at optic level. A quick glance at his injury revealed energon bleeding from beneath his servo, cementing your dedication to get him looked over and patched up.
"It's fine, Y/N..." the big mech sighed, sounding thoroughly worn out. Grimacing after another step, he didn't even bother putting effort into making his excuse believable, the pain of his injury evident in every syllable. "I can tell it's just a scratch."
"I'll be the judge of that." you retorted without missing a beat, crossing your arms to signify your displeasure. Zipping about to block his path, you refused to relent for even a moment, hovering like a displeased wasp ready to sting. Fort Max fixed you with a look too exhausted to be read as the warning he intended.
"I need to get the ship moving or we'll be late..." he said with another sigh, the first hint of surrender evident in his tone.
"I'll write you a doctor's note! Now; march!" you commanded, pointing to the doorway and puffing out your chest for maximum authority. For a moment you saw the big mech consider his options. While he definitely had the physical strength to push past you and take the controls, he certainly didn't have the mental strength to deal with the fallout. You saw the war wage in the depths of his optics before resignation swept over him.
"You're impossible, you know that?" he grumbled before doing as you told. Limping into the tiny medical bay, he sat down heavily on the edge of the berth, wincing as his injury protested every little move. Despite all of your frustration, you couldn't stop your spark from aching at his suffering. Primus, curse the soft spot you'd developed for this mech... Keeping your feelings to yourself, you flew in after him, hovering beside his injury as he laid back for you to inspect it.
"You're one to talk." you said as you started checking him over with your scanner, keeping the conversation going to distract you from your worry. Whatever he'd fought had torn off a sizable chunk from his chest and left the rest of his frame thoroughly battered. "Do you know what happens if you die? I'm too small to fly the ship, so I'll be stuck wherever your frame decides to give out. You don't want to leave your favorite minibot stranded, do you?"
"My favorite minibot, no." he replied casually, pretending it didn't hurt when you tenderly traced the edges of the wound with your digits. Looking down at you, he managed a tired smirk before he spoke again. "You, on the other hand..."
"You shouldn't sass the bot patching your sorry frame up. Not many would want the job." you replied with a wag of your digit before transforming it into a welder. Biting back your own smile, you got to work sealing up the worst parts of the injury, moving with precision to avoid any unnecessary pain. Max tensed at the sting, his powerful frame going rigid beneath your touch as he focused on keeping still. As always, your careful mending closed his wound and slowly lessened his discomfort. Within a few minutes he was more relaxed beneath you than when you'd begun. You took a lot of pride in being able to bring him even a small measure of peace.
When the last open part of the wound was sealed, you took a moment to consider what kind of patch would best encourage healing. In the time it took you to decide, Fort Max offered another rebuttal, his tender tone conveyor all the gratitude he knew you were owed. "There's no one else I'd accept. What other minibot is brave enough to boss me around?"
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shibesky · 8 months
omg thank you guys for 8000 foloowers!!!
5000 of which are bots that appeared two days ago and are still over running me as we speak!
ive blocked so many but i feel like a cartoon character plugging holes in a dam with my fingers
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crystallinestars · 18 hours
FR I feel that if you tossed the Genshin guys into a romance sim, it would actually be pretty legit-looking. Now if only there were some sort of actual Genshin otome game 😭 (if I could romance Kaveh in such a game, I think I would die and go to heaven)
Yeahhh I feel that there is such a pattern among male and female characters. Like for female characters, I guess that the ones who are kind of more… “male-gazey” are less likely to be popular with women? Like in terms of both appearance and personality. Though even this is difficult to define. Ladies like Beidou and Dehya seem to be REALLY popular with girls, at least in the west (if I am wrong tho plz correct me). Even Navia (whose design I suppose shows a lot of skin) seems to be well-liked by guys and girls alike, I follow a girl on here who is absolutely crazy for her (and tbh I am no different 😭). To me I guess that for these three, they’re good role models for girls so that contributes to their appeal to women players? Cos they have strong, confident attitudes and kick hella ass, but they’re also kind + beautiful… so I suppose they’re like, people you could admire on an aesthetic and personal level but also you could aspire to be like them.
To be fair I like Lisa as I remember running around as her a lot when I first started playing (and chatting with her cai bot gets wild sometimes cos she’s always calling me out for like low self esteem, bad mentality, etc 😭😭), in general I like all of the girl characters ahahahah though for Lisa and many others I could def see how they’d have more appeal to guys.
And for guy characters, I’ve seen guy players admire Diluc and Alhaitham ! Like they have a sort of “masculine” appeal, aspirational for guys I think. I’ve even seen some guys on the Alhaitham subreddit start to hit the gym to become buff like him 😮 Sorry for digressing so much with this topic ahahah just that it is very interesting to consider.
My BF has been fueling my Kaveh love AHAHAHA like when I’m using his computer he lets me run around as Kaveh as I haven’t been able to pull for him yet. Now I have much more Kaveh merch than before but I think that I will try to amass even more…
Ooooo that makes sense, yeah cons do get pretty crowded esp in the areas like the artist alley where people are crowding around booths. And maybe it’s for the best that you avoid cons cos (TMI in advance) the con stink is REAL 😭🤢🤮 Though some of them apparently distribute deodorant or soap for attendees, hopefully it alleviates the smell…
Yeahhh Touhou is hella old, like the franchise is older than I am (I was born shortly before the first windows OS game in the series came out 🫡). I know that ZUN is still producing new official games about every 2-3 years, and for merch I see that there are fumo plushies for the newer characters coming out, a pleasant surprise. But I think the barrier of entry is much higher due to the nature of the games so it’s less “mainstream” for young people compared to Genshin, as Genshin you could easily download if you have phone, iPad, non-mac computer, etc. But from what I’ve seen, you could encounter stuff of the most popular characters at cons if you keep your eyes peeled.
On the topic of merch (crazy complaint incoming!!!)… so I posted a pic of my Kaveh haul somewhere and someone made a comment alluding to that ship. This was the first thing I saw this morning, and OMG I was so irritated that I straight up blocked this person 😭 Sadly I can’t remove their comment (this would be more ideal). I guess this is rather extreme reaction as the comment was harmless… though in the description I literally put some unhinged stuff about “oh me and Kaveh are gonna get married” so I was wondering how they did not get the hint that “oh, this person doesn’t care for that ship.” I am bewildered that the shippers are everywhere, feels bad cos in the community I’m in, most of them are so so sweet but majority of them are also shippers of that ship.
Like when I see an arbitrary pic of [any Genshin guy] or Aventurine, I don’t go “ooooh la la Lumine’s gonna get that” or “hehe Stelle or Topaz is gonna enjoy this” respectively… ofc this is first world “problem” but still… they tether Kaveh to feeble scholar so much 😭
Also I was on a small yumejoshi community and I found a girl who is also Kaveh enjoyer, and who also feels uncomfy with the shippy stuff. It was a pleasant surprise that there are other Kaveh likers with a similar POV to us, since from my observation I see that many of them like that one ship along with him.
This got so long and convoluted, I hope it is not difficult to read !!! It does not help that I am currently running on some 3 hours of sleep and a can of green tea (it has no effect on me). If there is anything that needs to be clarified plz let me know !
Genshin girls in general are quite good, both on a design and personality level. Many of them are popular with women because, as you said, they look pretty while being badass. It also helps that the writing for female characters has improved significantly over the years, making them more fleshed out and complex.
I didn’t like Lisa’s flirtatious attitude at the start, but I have grown to love her a lot, and got excited whenever she appeared in events. I wish there was more of her, tbh. Navia is also my favorite Fontaine character overall! I saved for her so much.
I adore most of the Genshin ladies, actually. The only ones I dislike are Ei and Yae Miko.
Yeah, I think the cool and stoic type of male characters are more popular with guys. And I remember seeing that one guy on the Alhaitham sub! I wonder if he reached his goal?
I… never even thought about how stuffy and smelly cons would be. Lord, that makes me want to go even less. Ew 😣
I looked up when the first Touhou game came out, and it seems like it released the year I was born. So yeah, the franchise is hella old… But I thinks it’s nice that it still has fans even to this day. Even if it’s become harder to find fan content of it 😔
I’m so sorry you had to wake up to a comment alluding to That One Ship, especially since you simply wanted to share something you enjoy. The way a lot of shippers post obnoxious ship comments under art depicting a solo character is a serious problem. It’s very annoying to constantly be reminded of a ship you dislike, plus ruins the enjoyment you could have derived from the post itself. For whatever reason, I only see it happen for m/m and f/f ships.
It’s not wrong of you to block the person. If they make you uncomfortable, then the best thing to do is quietly block them. The Japanese and Chinese fandom communities often recommend to others to block liberally so they can create a safe space for themselves online and not see things they dislike. It’s all about protecting your mental health and having a comfortable space.
I am also sorry to say that a lot of people don’t check bios, or simply don’t care about your boundaries. Once, I had a few shippers of that ship follow me on Twitter despite my bio saying for fans of that ship to not follow me. Even after I made a tweet saying I’m uncomfortable with such individuals following me, one of them left a like and continued to follow me 😐 They knew but disrespected my boundaries, so I removed them.
It might seem harsh to block or remove people over ship differences, but in our modern era of toxic ship discourse and harassment, I don’t blame anyone for feeling triggered by certain ships or their fans. It’s much better to block a stranger online than subject yourself to psychological torture. The other person will forget about it in time, if they ever even find out you blocked them at all.
lol trust me when I say there are a much bigger number of Kaveh-lovers in the yume community who also don’t like his ship with a certain Scribe! I’m friends with a few of them. In fact, my entire social media circle is of Kaveh fans who like him exclusively with girls.
I feel like the Japanese and Chinese yume communities are better on that front compared to the English yume community. I try to stay away from English communities in general…
Sorry that my response also got so long. I hope you can get more than 3 hours of sleep tonight! The weekend is almost here, so here’s to hoping you can sleep in!
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throwback to when I stumbled upon your (lovely) account at 2am one day and was binging sparkling scarlet until i passed out. Then, when I woke up that morning and tried to continue, I found out you had blocked me. I tried to continue reading logged out but tumblr wasn’t allowing that (age restriction measures I think), so I created a whole new temp account just to ask you to unblock me and continue reading. You then unblocked me and said you thought I was a bot because of the notification pattern (it was the time of many porn bots).
Such good times because I was reading Sparkling Scarlet for the first time, but not good times because of the situation and could have been the reason I wouldnt be able to see all the amazing anon banter on your account today.
(for those who get salty about not respecting blocking, I knew it had to be an accident and said that if it was on purpose I would stop)
OMG i remember that!!!
Yeah I was kinda new to actively posting on Tumblr and I was blocking like hella porn and blank blogs so i must've just not seen ur age or something hahaha.
I remember thinking it was really sweet that you made a whole new account just because you liked my stuff!! Like omg you actually cared about my fic!!! I was really happy about that and I felt really bad about accidentally blocking you LOL.
I'm glad you're still here as one of my first fans and that you're enjoying the anons today ♡
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rakishhellion · 1 year
hi!! advice for tumblr etiquette: there practically is none. with a few exceptions do what you want. like on insta if you like someone's post from a year ago you're a stalker but there are posts on tumblr that are still endlessly circling from 2011. tags are only ever used accurately on the original post. even then it doesn't happen much. tags are for writing random shit you want to say without getting reblogged into oblivion. follow whoever. block whoever. you don't have to prove that someone is problematic or "cancelled" to block them. if you're sick of seeing ninja turtles on your dash you can just block. also this isn't tiktok where everything is sterilised into hell. you can say kill. you can say fuck. also it's still an issue in some places but generally queer culture is a hell of a lot less sterilised here than elsewhere. people tend to be more mature about discourse compared to other apps and sites but that's not saying much. there is the odd terf but this is the transgender webbed site so we bully them. also block them don't bother arguing they're stubborn and will just drain you. goncharov is a real film. do not go on the "radqueer" tag it's not what you're hoping it is trust me. every single person I have ever heard IN MY LIFE say that queer is a slur has been a terf. if someone says queer is a slur, they are a terf. "queer is a slur" is a terf dogwhistle /srs. don't bother looking into any point they have. it's all just to lure you in. block block block. terfs are pretty rare but when you find them in the wild oh my god they are insufferable. mutuals are your best friends. you do not need to speak to them. don't use post+. ko-fi links however are fine. don't have a blank blog or default pfp. if you have a blank blog or default pfp people will assume you are a bot and block are report you. oh and another thing, the sexy girlbots haven't been too bad these past couple of weeks for me but generally the only thing sexy about them is their bio and pfp. don't report them for sexually explicit content. tumblr won't do shit. report them for spam. there are a lot of inside jokes. but not like the twitter ones where they come and go in 2 week phases based on recent popular posts. these are years old inside jokes that we beat into the ground. also you don't have to explain why you're posting or what kind of post it is. we don't post for views and likes here. you can literally post kfjd rjhwhrb fhtfk? and that is normal here. literally do what you want. twitter is like 1984 big brother type shit compared to here. also no one cares how many notes or followers you have. we are blogging for no reason other than blogging. the check marks aren't like the twitter ones where you pay a greedy billionaire. they're 7.99 instead of 8 literally just to make fun of Elon and you get 2 for 1. this website isn't run by some embarrassingly stupid greedy hundred-billionaire. it's on its last legs. basically having check marks on twitter will get my fist rapidly approaching your face but check marks on tumblr are like. yeah whatever. also the crabs
omg thx, pretty comprehensive list, also i was aware of the whole queer is a slur bs but i didnt know terfs were using it as a dogwhistle wtf
also i know about the about the the i like your shoelaces thingy yeah im so smart
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keikotwins · 1 year
You know how I track the DNAngel twitter tags daily? You know how people will spam whatever thought on there with no filter?
For no other reason but fun and making you realise how chill your Tumblr life is, a few users I've seen there:
People who call it That Cringe Anime (derogatory)
People who can't remember a single thing about it apparently??
People who call the author names for taking long to finish
"The nostalgia...!" So many. Sooo many.
People who say some local voice actor ruined the anime for them
People who call it Gay
the same 3 french fans who want it translated and will catch any occasion to mention it to pros. They don't know each other.
Artists who won't tag their art and can be found bc someone commented "omg dnangel"
People who regularly bump that 1 petition to have the manga translated in "the west". No one knows what they are planning to do with this petition to this day.
lgbtq+ people who had an awakening via DN
The kpop fans who flood the tag for days with comparisons when a group drops an angel-themed PV or something
Rabid spanish readers who won't let any professional go away with anything and only make hateful comments under their posts
"Why did no one tell me DN has ended??"
Similar to ^, people who complain that DN content never appears on their dash
People who spread the info that the manga ended in 2003/2008/2011/2013/2023/etc.
People who still don't know and won't look up that the manga ended at all
jp artists who will block you or go private if you like their post
The anime quotes bots (rip) that regularly spit that fake "Risa is a bitch. -Krad" quote to the indifferent void
People who use that ONE flashing gif of Dark spreading his wings that gives me eyestrain. A lot.
eng speakers who make fun of Krad for being called Krad. Also eng speakers, but less, who make fun of Dark for being called Dark.
People who @ the author with questions and comments despite her being a cryptid (she never responds obviously.)
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thedreamlessnights · 3 months
🌿 !!
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity omg yes. so many things! for writer's block:
try to keep your writing space clean, if you can. having a clean space to work in does wonders for clearing up distractions in your mind and allowing you to write!
brainstorm with friends. a lot of times, i'll get stuck on something and have no idea where to go. bouncing ideas off of other people helps me get out of my head and get new perspectives, and helps so much! sometimes, when my writer friends are stuck, i'll even do a 'send me the last sentence you wrote, and i'll write the next sentence for you to kickstart you' and then trade off!
writing sprints. this is a huge, huge, huge one for me! it's where you set a timer, usually for 15 minutes, and during that time, you write as much as you can. don't worry about editing, don't worry about it being bad, just get whatever you can onto the page for those 15 minutes. discord has an amazing bot for this called sprinto.
get what you can on the page. no one else is going to see it when it's in those early stages, so don't worry if it's terrible. it doesn't matter. it is always easier to fix something that's there than to attempt to work with nothing at all!
i've often heard the concept that motivation inspires action, but in all my experience, it's the opposite way around. sometimes you're not feeling it, but you push through, and you get into a flow. sometimes you start, and it's just not happening - you're tired, or burnt out. either way, it's okay! i like to strive for 300 words. just those 300 words. if i happen to want to continue, great! if i don't then i at least got those 300 words on the page, and that's 300 more words than i had before (and sprinting really helps with this!) for low creativity:
take care of yourself. this is another huge one! your brain needs proper food, rest, water, and recreation to function. you wouldn't run your car without any gas and expect it to drive, so don't do the same to your brain! your body is a machine, and it needs fuel to function properly. once the foundational requirements have been met, then your brain can start to worry about things like being creative.
this may not be helpful for everyone, but it is for me, so i wanted to mention it: read other books/fics. seeing incredible stories play out almost always inspires me. i believe that stories have a magic to them, and seeing that magic always makes me want to replicate the feeling i've experienced. it's like receiving a baldur's gate 3 inspiration - my mind shoots to a hundred, and i start having so many ideas about how i can make my fics extra special. i know this won't work for everyone, especially if you're liable to fall into the dreaded comparison trap, but i'm at the point where i'm alright, and seeing someone create a masterpiece makes me want to push that extra mile to make something amazing.
this is another one that might not work for everyone, but: give your brain the time and space to think. go on a walk without any music. sit with yourself in the quiet of your room. let your brain be without any distractions, and have the space to start spinning ideas. if you've ever wondered why you're suddenly motivated to write fic when you're about to sleep, this is probably why! you're finally letting your mind be still and process things, and that can often lead to creativity starting to flow.
this is a hard one, i know, but still: try very hard not to be self-critical. comparison is the thief of joy. telling yourself you're shitty won't actually make you a better writer. it'll just make you miserable, and leave a negative connotation attached to the act of writing. creation is an art! you have a story in your brain, and you're putting that down for other people to enjoy. we can always improve, but try to approach that need for improvement from a positive space, because all self-deprecation does is immediately shut down all the joy of making art ♥ you don't need to punish yourself for not being perfect. you don't need to apologize for being a beginner. start with where you are, and as long as you keep at it, you will always grow and learn along the way.
thank you so much for the ask! sorry if this got really long, i just had a lot to say lmao <333
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regencyofhell-if · 1 year
OMG YES IT’S SO ANNOYING! I thought it was just me dealing with the p*rn bots again 💀
And they’re so many 😭 I’m getting maybe 4 every day like DAMN PEOPLE give me a break 🥲 I try to block them all but they are persistent 🙄
Anyway, just wanted to share this, have a nice day ☺️
Hope you have a nice day, too. And may the bots stay away from us both!
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sucharide · 5 months
im such a sad dumbass dawg i finally finished setting up my tumblr account after ages of only using it to read only to find out you messaged me asking if i was a bot and when i didn’t reply i got blocked (i don’t blame you at all i understand completely) but i was like NOOOO clawing at the bars of my enclosure… pls unblock me @hippotooth666 i promise i’m real i itch and crave for your stories 😭
Let this be a lesson for ye new users with no evidence of humanity on your blogs lmao
You have been reinstated, welcome back. 🩷🩷🩷🩷
(Though I havent written much publishable stuff over the past .. many months. but if you like Raphael from baldurs gate 3, i did publish a Raphael x Tav fic yesterday!)
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hypnotic-kink · 1 year
More of a comment than an "ask"
I'm one of the survivors of the 2018 crash and burn my whole page went down and I don't want to lose it again so I mostly reblog I find it safer and less prone to getting images banned or my whole page getting banned again by the Tumblr bots. Glad that you're sharing your work again. So many people lost their pages when that take over occurred and for the next year.
Don't worry I'm not here as a fapper image collector I'm a photographer and retired and did get the photograph seamless steel xxx toy stuff at a factory that was the source that supplies most of the websites. I thought I would submit a good bill and get a good job for a good 3 days wage I got about half of my wage and 30 kg of medical grade stainless steel toys which I've been giving away to friends for the last 5 years !
Lol thanks for making your statement great page keep up the good work
I don't know why, when tumblr decided to create the 'mature" label, they didn't have a pop up on login when it went live, so everyone would choose what they wanted to see. Instead they make the change and more than half the people don't even know about it. Which if anyone is reading this, DM me if you want instructions on how to change it so you can see all my posts. PSA over lol The bots, omg, they are getting bad, I'd say about 10-20 per day now for me and I can't keep up with blocking them. I give up. I have a backup page, and upon creation they took messaging away. smh. DM me I'd love to see your photography anon!
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Omg I almost automatically blocked you because I'm so used to my followers being bots
Well, thanks for not blocking me. I was just in the middle of one of my many short-lived projects.
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un0vian · 1 year
I was scrolling through your blog with the intention of following you when I was done looking but I just got to the Romeo and Juliet posts and I almost screamed from excitement and followed you immediately!!! I'll still keep looking but I needed you to know that I'm obsessed with that (and your art <3)
Omg thank you so much anon!!! That makes me so happy to hear :)
And I hope you accept this apology because I believe I accidentally impulse blocked your blog thinking it was going to be one of the bots (I was distracted watching a show and going through my notifications, AND I’ve had to block so many of them today you don’t even know) 😭 I AM SO SORRY!
But anyways, it’s always great to see another Shakespeare fan, I’m so happy that you sent this, thank you!!! :D
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
Get to Know Me
i have 2 sideblogs that have nothing that isn't here @afraid-to-jinx-it @thepretentiouspoet
if you haven't watched the new black panther movie, please block the tags 'black panther wakanda forever spoilers', 'wakanda forever spoilers', 'bpwf spoilers', 'black panther 2 spoilers', and 'black panther spoilers'. i'll use all these tags so you can do only one! but these are the ones i've noticed many people use
actual post under the cut
favorite books: six of crows, crooked kingdom, king of scars, rule of wolves, the ballad of never after (currently)
favorite authors: marissa meyer and leigh bardugo
what do i post: fandom stuff (so mainly grishaverse), lots of taylor swift stuff, funny reblogs, and rants
my MAIN fandoms:
taylor swift (like very prominent in my blog)
grishaverse (also very very prominent)
riordanverse (i post/reblog at least once a day, or not)
the lunar chronicles (i post sometimes and i love basically any marissa meyer and I HAVE YET TO READ CURSED)
keeper of the lost cities (i still haven't finished stellarlune please tag your spoilers <3)
once upon a broken heart (i reblog but never post but i love ouabh and tbona so much i swear)
i have read other books but these are just the ones that i really, really love and hold a very special place in my heart and what i made a tumblr account for)
you are welcome on my blog unless you aren't
what do you put on these things
my favorite characters ever are Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Zoya Nazyalensky, and Nikolai Lantsov in no particular order (i do have in other fandoms but in my life currently, it's them)
i should tell you what i post/reblog about but i myself can't even count them. but if i had to give a generalization, 85% of the things i post are either about six of crows or taylor swift. but i post a lot more so, should i write that down??
okay so. taylor swift. six of crows. rants. percy jackson. the lunar chronicles (i never post but i reblog, i don't know why). keeper of the lost cities (i liveblog reading stellarlune and its been *counts on fingers* a few weeks since i actually made progress help). short short essay rants. mbti. once upon a broken heart (only reblog because i don't think a lot of my followers have read it lol). trying to get haiku bot's attention. humor or stupid posts (its subjective, you tell me). omg wednesday now too.
please send me asks. i am bored. everything is still and unmoving. literally say or ask anything. just ask. please.
i also have a knack of making six of crows x taylor swift songs lyric analyses because so if you like that great
Renegade and Kanej
All Too Well and Kaz Brekker
Hoax and Kanej
also a ton of other ones that are just a lot. dwoht with kanej and zoyalai. ciwyw with zoyalai.
and some that aren't analyses but treacherous is kanej. new romantics is the crows. mirrorball is nikolai lantsov.
(and a lot more in my drafts and probably some i forgot)
(you can find them better in @afraid-to-jinx-it than in this account if you want to search my blog for them)
i tag queues with "tryna block queue out cause i'll never impress you"
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