#and therefore influences its practices and mission goals
oflgtfol · 1 year
the idea of a catholic based mental health clinic just gives me the heebie jeebies. like one of the very first things that made me start losing faith in the church due to its institutionalized cruelty, is the catholic view of mental health, by which i mean the whole idea that committing suicide is one of the worst sins you can commit and will automatically land you in hell is just so utterly heinous and unsympathetic.
i was 11 years old and my only mental health problem at the time was my childhood anxiety, which surprise surprise, the catholic church definitely took advantage of in a way that i know fucked me over even worse than my peers going through the same religious education classes. so even though i didnt really consider myself mentally ill at the time, i was definitely subconsciously sympathetic due to my own struggles, and also just, i mean it’s fucking common sense and basic human compassion, when someone takes their own life then that’s the ultimate sign of suffering, i was 11 and even then before i truly developed my own moral backbone it just seemed so fucking cruel to victim blame people who are literally fucking mentally ill and going through such shit that they’d rather die by their own hand than continue living. it’s one thing to say oh its a sin :( dont do it :( and it’s another thing to say YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY GO TO HELL AND SUFFER FOR ALL OF ETERNITY IF YOU DO IT. like as if someone who is already suffering in life enough to kill themself, now deserves to continue suffering even worse, even longer for all of eternity, in the flames of hell? what exactly does that solve? it’s just so fucking cruel for no fucking reason.
and the thing that really made this my breaking point with losing faith in the church and the religion as a whole, is that i tried to poke holes in the logic of this rule, find if there was any leniency at all in it, due to aforementioned cruelty. i asked my teacher, what if someone killed themself as a sacrifice to save other lives? what if killing themself saved literally All Of Humanity? (my inspiration here was robin williams’ character in the movie independence day. lol.) and my teacher said. i actually dont know, let me get back to you on that when i ask the church higher ups. which the fact she was UNCERTAIN and needed to ASK already filled me with doubt. and then she did get back to me the next week and she said. yeah actually you would still go to hell for that. because you killed yourself. and it was just the most, utter absolute outrage and injustice that filled my 11 year old body. you hate people who commit suicide so much that even if you do it for some higher noble cause, literally saving the entire fucking human race, you still go to hell.
and i must stress this, because this is what the church stressed to me: hell is Hell. you will be burning. in excruciating pain, because burning alive is one of the worst pains imaginable. and you will be burning alive for all of eternity. not one hour. not one day. not one year. not five years. not fifty years. not a century. but forever. forever and ever with no end in sight and you will suffer for your sin, your sin of committing suicide, because God gave you the ultimate Gift Of Life and you had the audacity to throw that away. dont you know God loves you? He gave you life and this is what you do with His gift? you make Him sad when you sin like this. so you have to suffer for it. for all of eternity.
it is just. so fucking heinous and so fucking ableist and actively hostile to mentally ill people, and because this applies even to people who kill themselves as a sacrifice, frankly just hostile to human life in general. i mean you want someone to let the entire human race die? because the only way to save the entire human race is to kill yourself? how is that at all sympathetic to humanity as a whole? its just indicative of the ironclad control the church has, the godfear it relies on to keep people in line, the way it wields the idea of hell to scare people down to their very bones. and i mean godfear is a problem in all denominations of christianity but i think this aspect of it is uniquely catholic, or maybe thats just because i was raised catholic and dont know other denominations’ take on the whole suicide thing.
and again i must stress this uniquely targets mentally ill people! because humanity-saving-suicides do not happen often but mentally ill people committing suicide is! so when catholics have such a heinous, unsympathetic, absolutely hostile view of mentally ill people, i just do not enjoy the idea of a CATHOLIC MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC. i do not trust that they are approaching their services in a truly compassionate way. it just sounds like yet another front where they can do a charity case and say oh look at us, we’re such good christians, helping our fellow human beings, by preventing them from doing SIN!!!! which is just NOT the way to approach healthcare!! you should want to help people because they are sick and suffering and deserve to feel better and recover! NOT because you view them as potential sinners and you’re trying to like, rehabilitate these sinners! its like, a missionary mindset, not an actual healthcare mindset, of viewing these people not as patients in need but as sinners. and maybe im projecting like maybe there are catholic mental health clinics that are able to separate religion and healthcare, but the idea is still just so fundamentally skeevy to me that i wouldnt trust any catholic based clinic
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thebusinessmagnate · 1 month
Tekedra and Dmitri: Trailblazing Co-CEOs Leading Autonomous Driving Tech at Waymo for Efficient Transport
We all must have thought about this at least once in our lives. Driverless rides. How it would feel to sit in a car and to be driven to your destination without a driver behind the wheel. Like in the fictional movies, where they used to show rich businessmen traveling in driverless cars, fully autonomous, and voice-activated even! Well, once just a dream and fiction, is now a reality. 
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Presenting autonomous driving, manufacturers and engineers around the globe collaborate with experienced professionals in other brands and organizations in bringing out projects envisioning a world that could one day start having autonomous driving technology, and it would become the ‘new normal’. 
Sustainability initiatives, Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), and environmentally conscious practices are being adopted by organizations with a mission aimed toward achieving zero carbon emissions, decreasing pollution levels and greenhouse gases, and reducing the reliability of fueled vehicles. This transitional shift towards a more clean, green, and renewable-powered source is already taking place with electric vehicles. The next step in technology innovation is being targeted towards manufacturing and engineering fully autonomous cars that are driverless. 
Autonomous driving technology integrates both hardware and software systems to achieve its mission. With machine learning (ML) systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensors, processors, and algorithms, these cars are engineered to map out and store details of their environments and surroundings, using high-definition mapping and radar imaging, decision-making technology, and environmental perceptions. The common aims that automotive manufacturers and engineers who work on autonomous driving technology projects are to accomplish certain goals, such as – reducing road accidents, eliminating man-made errors, reducing traffic congestion, improving mobility and transport, and encouraging sustainability initiatives and practices. 
Therefore in this article, we will be sharing insights into the explorative story behind one such company – WAYMO, which was founded in 2009 in California, USA. The Co-founders – Anthony Levandowski and Sebastian Thrun initially led Google’s self-driving car program as part of Alphabet. The present co-CEOs – Tekedra Mawakana and Dmitri Dolgov took over and are now together leading Waymo, in its mission – “to make it safe and easy for people and things to get where they’re going using autonomous driving technology”. The trailblazing duo is paving the path for efficient transportation and mobility with self-driving cars for future generations to experience on their roads. 
About Tekedra and Dmitri – co-CEOs at Waymo:
The co-CEOs at Waymo are – Tekedra N. Mawakana and Dmitri Dolgov. Both of them came into office and were appointed in the year 2021. The headquarters of Waymo is established and located in Mountain View, California, USA.
Tekedra Mawakana’s education was a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Political Science, Economics, and Women’s Studies from Trinity Washington University. She also has a Doctor of Law Degree from Columbia Law School. Tekedra has a career working in various companies in leading positions such as – Associate, Board Director, Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, and Advisory Council. Joining Waymo in 2017, she climbed the professional ladder quickly and worked as the Chief External Officer (CXO), Chief Operating Officer, and Board of Directors, and then was promoted to co-CEO alongside Dmitri, in the year 2021. Leading the company with years of experience in leadership, technology, automotive, mobility, and entrepreneurial sectors, Tekedra has been a powerful influence in the industry. 
Dmitri Dolgov is the co-CEO alongside Tekedra Mawakana at Waymo. Having a Master’s Degree in Physics and Maths from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and a Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Michigan. After being Google’s distinguished Software Engineer heading software in the company’s self-driving car project and the Chief Technology Officer, Dmitri was appointed as co-CEO at Waymo. 
These two influential pioneers and co-CEOs are successfully leading the “World’s Most Experienced Driver”. 
About WAYMO:
Waymo was originally co-founded by Anthony Levandowski and Sebastian Thrun, as a project and program in self-driving cars under Google’s Alphabet. Waymo was founded in the year 2009 and is established in California, USA. 
Waymo One is “The World’s First Autonomous ride-hailing service.” Available all day and night to pick you up and drop you at your destination, Waymo One meets you at whichever part of the city you are in, such as – San Francisco and Phoenix. This self-driving ride-hailing service provided by the company offers people the needed convenience, consistency, and safety. The autonomous car is completely electrically powered which is sustainable to the environment and the ecosystem. 
Waymo shares that there have been over 1.35 million recorded vehicular deaths where drivers have crashed, out of which around 36,096 road deaths were recorded in 2019, in the United States alone. The company states that 94% of car crashes are due to human-made errors. Hence with the commitment to safely take care of the passengers inside and outside the cars, Waymo has provided the people with safety and ease in getting them wherever they want to go. To reach and engage more with the people, and to be available and easily accessible, Waymo has developed an app downloadable on the Apple Store as well as Google Play. Therefore with Waymo, “the future of transportation is here”.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/tekedra-and-dmitri-trailblazing-co-ceos-leading-autonomous-driving-tech-at-waymo-for-efficient-transport/
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divyaastro-ashram · 3 months
Numerology Techniques for Self-Realization
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Numerology, deeply rooted in wisdom, serves as a sacred bridge between the cosmic energies and the individual psyche, offering profound insights into the journey of self-discovery and realisation. Through the exploration of core numbers, which act as mirrors reflecting our innate qualities and life's purpose, individuals gain a deeper understanding of their unique path. Additionally, delving into the planetary influences associated with each number provides a rich tapestry of symbolic meanings, guiding us towards harnessing the elemental energies that shape our destiny. Moreover, by embracing sacred practices such as meditation, mantra chanting, and ritualistic ceremonies aligned with numerological principles, we can cultivate a harmonious resonance with the universe, unlocking our inner potential and charting a path towards holistic fulfilment.
Exploring Core Numbers
Moolank (Birth Number)
The Moolank, or birth number, is a fundamental aspect of numerology that reflects an individual's innate qualities and life purpose. Calculated by adding the digits of one's birth date, this number unveils the foundational nature and tendencies of a person, offering insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and natural inclinations (e.g., 1982 = 1+9+8+2 = 20, then 2+0 = 2).
Bhagyank (Destiny Number)
The Bhagyank, or destiny number, is derived from the numerical value of one's birth name. It reveals hidden talents, aspirations, and potential life goals. By calculating this number, individuals can gain clarity on their soul's mission and the opportunities that may unfold on their life path (e.g., TRIPTI: 2+9+9+7+2+9=38. Therefore, the Destiny number of ‘Tripti’ is 2.)
Life Path Number
The Life Path number, also known as the Destiny Path, is a combination of the Moolank and Bhagyank. It represents the journey of life and the challenges one may encounter along the way. Calculated by adding the digits of both the birth date and birth name, this number offers profound insights into the overarching themes and lessons of one's life journey.
Understanding Planetary Influences:
Correspondence with Planets
Each core number in numerology corresponds to a specific planet and its unique qualities. For example, Moolank 1 is associated with the Sun, symbolising leadership, vitality, and individuality. Understanding these planetary influences allows individuals to gain deeper insights into their inherent traits and tendencies.
Deciphering Strengths and Weaknesses
By recognising the planetary influences behind their core numbers, individuals can decipher their strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges. For instance, Bhagyank 5, associated with Mercury, may indicate adaptability and communication skills but also a tendency towards restlessness or indecision. This awareness enables individuals to harness their strengths and navigate their weaknesses effectively.
Karmic Lessons
Numerology also reveals karmic lessons associated with each core number and its planetary influence. For instance, Life Path 7, linked with Ketu (the South Node of the Moon), may signify spiritual growth and introspection but also detachment from material pursuits. Understanding these karmic lessons empowers individuals to embrace personal growth opportunities and evolve on their life path.
Leveraging Numerology Charts
Namavali Chart Analysis
Utilise the Namavali chart, which assigns numerical values to Sanskrit letters in your name, to delve deeper into the vibrational significance of your name. By decoding the numerical vibrations of each letter, you can uncover hidden meanings and insights into your personality and life path encoded within your name.
Dasha System Exploration
Explore the Dasha System, a predictive tool in astrology, to gain insights into the various cycles and phases of your life journey. This system divides life into nine-year cycles, each ruled by a different planet, influencing different aspects of your life. Understanding your current Dasha period allows you to navigate life's challenges and opportunities more effectively.
Consultation with a Numerologist
Seek guidance from a qualified numerologist who can create personalised numerology charts based on your birth details and name analysis. A numerologist can provide deeper insights into your life path, strengths, challenges, and karmic influences, helping you make informed decisions and align with your true purpose.
Mantras and Affirmations
Alignment with Core Numbers
Associate specific mantras and affirmations with your core numbers to deepen your connection with their corresponding planetary energies. For example, if your Moolank (Birth Number) is 1, chanting the mantra "Om Surya Namaha" aligns with the energy of the Sun, fostering qualities of leadership and vitality. Similarly, affirmations tailored to your Bhagyank (Destiny Number) or Life Path Number can reinforce positive traits and intentions associated with these numbers.
Power of Chanting
Engage in regular chanting sessions to harness the transformative power of sound vibrations and resonate with the frequencies of the planets represented by your core numbers. Chanting mantras not only purifies the mind and body but also aligns your consciousness with higher cosmic energies, facilitating self-realisation and spiritual growth. Experiment with different mantras and observe how they affect your mood, mindset, and overall well-being.
Integration into Daily Practice
Incorporate mantras and affirmations into your daily meditation or mindfulness practice to amplify their effects and cultivate a deeper sense of connection with the universe. Set aside a few minutes each day to recite your chosen mantras or affirmations with focused intention and sincerity, allowing their vibrations to permeate your being and guide you on your journey of self-discovery and realisation.
Rituals and Practices
Numerological Rituals
Embrace numerological rituals tailored to your core numbers, such as fasting on specific days or performing pujas dedicated to the planetary influences associated with your Moolank (Birth Number) or Bhagyank (Destiny Number). These rituals serve as potent tools for invoking planetary energies and harmonising your inner and outer worlds, fostering spiritual growth and self-awareness.
Journaling and Reflection
Engage in journaling practices to reflect on your numerological insights, track your personal growth journey, and set intentions aligned with your core numbers. Regular journaling allows you to gain clarity on your goals, challenges, and achievements, empowering you to make conscious choices and navigate life with intention and purpose.
Meditative Practices
Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to deepen your connection with the cosmic energies represented by your core numbers and cultivate inner peace and clarity. Set aside time each day for silent meditation, focusing on your breath or repeating your chosen numerological mantras to quiet the mind, centre yourself, and access deeper levels of self-awareness and realisation. 
Unlocking Self-Realization Through Numerology
By embracing the rich tapestry of numerology, individuals can embark on a transformative journey of self-realisation and personal growth. Through the exploration of core numbers, planetary influences, and sacred practices, one can unveil their true essence and navigate life's journey with clarity, purpose, and profound wisdom. As you delve into the depths of numerology, may you uncover the hidden treasures of your soul and embrace the radiant path towards self-realisation.
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sociallyinsmmagency · 5 months
Is Community Management Difficult? Unraveling Challenges & Strategies
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In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, community management has emerged as a central strategy for fostering brand loyalty and enhancing customer engagement. We aim to delve into the intricate world of community management, focusing on its importance, challenges, and practical strategies. We will look at whether community management can be tricky and the skills required to master it. From understanding community managers' distinct roles to social media's importance in this field, we will cover all the bases. 
Stay tuned as we unravel the complex layers surrounding the question, "Is community management difficult?"
What Is Community Management?
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Community management has become a cornerstone in the digital world. It refers to building, managing, and nurturing an online community around a brand or cause. This involves engaging with members of the community through social platforms. Anyone can reach them for questions, comments, or compliments. This combines public relations, marketing, and customer service to create a positive brand image and build relationships.
In the digital era, word-of-mouth spreads quickly and affects how people think and act. A well-managed community can support a brand valuable brand advocate. Therefore businesses and organisations globally realize the need for efficient community managers to bind their audience into a loyal community daily.
Importance Of Community Management In The Social Media Landscape
Social media is essential for communication. And community management is crucial for a positive image, brand loyalty, and handling crises. Brands can connect with customers, influencers, and experts. They can interact with them and maintain control over their online presence. 
It helps identify and handle PR problems quickly, which is very important in today's fast digital world. Ultimately, strategic community management can lead to increased business growth, customer satisfaction, and brand reputation, making it essential to any successful social media strategy.
The Purpose Of Community Management
Creating a community management is to build, grow, and manage online communities for a brand or cause. Community management strives to create and facilitate engaging user experiences, a pivotal function within any successful business. The goal is to make members feel like they belong and accurately represent the brand's values, mission, and culture. An excellent community management strategy also significantly influences customer retention by adroitly handling customer queries and issues.
Yet its importance goes beyond that. It also acts as a bridge between the brand and its audience. The community managers collect feedback, opinions, and insights from the community and communicate them to the brand. Companies can learn from customers, adapt strategies, and enhance products or services through two-way communication.
Is Community Management Difficult? – The Essential Skills Required
Community management can be challenging but fulfilling and rewarding with the right skills and mindset. Community managers must communicate well, understand community needs, and collaborate with others. For the community to continue to grow, it's important to be able to solve problems and adapt. To make the community grow and succeed, it's crucial to have good problem-solving and adaptability skills.
Communication Skills: The Backbone of Community Management
Effective communication skills are essential for successful community managers, who are responsible for building and maintaining strong relationships with their audience. They must be able to convey the values and goals of the group while also listening to its members. Doing so can create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
Creativity and Adaptability in Community Management
Community management is an ever-evolving field that requires consistent innovation and flexibility. When we look at the most important characteristics of a community manager, creativity and flexibility are always on top. Creative community managers can develop new and engaging strategies for delivering material relevant to the group, keeping its members interested, and resolving potential problems. On the other hand, adaptability is equally crucial for managing the fluid dynamics of a community.
Analytical Skills: Interpreting Data for Better Engagement
In today's data-driven world, strong analytical skills are crucial for better engagement with your target audience. This involves collecting relevant data and interpreting it effectively to generate actionable insights. You can develop more effective strategies by understanding patterns and trends. By analyzing the traffic on your website, you can identify popular content to create and attract more visitors.
Community Management vs. Social Media Community Management
While they share several similarities, Community Management and Social Media Community Management fundamentally differ in their approach and objectives. Traditionally, community management involved overseeing physical communities and devising ways to ensure cooperation and harmony. Social media management focuses on how brands are perceived online. This involves generating dialogue, engaging audiences, and, most importantly, voicing the brand and playing a persona on digital platforms.
In community management, it is important to promote a feeling of belonging and uphold the values of a community. However, in social media community management, the focus is primarily on the brand. The administration creates content that connects with the audience, encourages engagement, and fosters interaction among members and the brand.
Social media community management focuses on online activities, while community management usually focuses on offline interactions. This field constantly changes and requires monitoring to stay up-to-date with new trends and audience preferences. Both roles demand a clear understanding of their physical or digital communities. Understanding both will help managers to build strong and engaged communities.
Exploring Types of Community Management
Various types serve different purposes and cater to unique community needs. These types include Support, Product, Acquisition, Contribution, Engagement, and Success. Each category holds significance in building and maintaining a thriving community ecosystem.
Support: The community managers' mandate is to collect the opinions and feedback of members. They communicate them to the brand, leading to a two-way communication stream. This feedback helps businesses better understand customers, adjust strategy, and improve products or services according to insights gained.
Product: Aligning the client's needs with the organizational product strategy is essential to community management. This requires knowledge of the technical aspects and a deep understanding of the community's needs. Community managers need to adjust their strategies for product improvement based on community feedback to ensure customer satisfaction.
Acquisition: Community managers also expand a brand's community by engaging with potential customers on various social media platforms, forums, and blogs. These interactions increase the brand’s online presence and generate more organic traffic for the website. This is a great way to acquire new customers.
Contribution: Aside from being a point of communication, community managers also mediate disagreements within the community and address the issues. This creates an environment that is inclusive and positive for everyone.
Engagement: Community managers must be in tune with current trends and practices to effectively engage the community. They must create a culture where people are comfortable sharing their opinions and ideas. Strong communication skills form the basis of community management. They make a more engaged community that meets members' needs and promotes belonging.
Success: Successful community management depends mainly on the skill set of the community manager. To manage a successful community, the manager needs to understand the members' needs, work with them, solve problems, and adapt as conditions change.
Managers can create and use strategies to help the community grow and feel connected. This knowledge comes from understanding the different types of community management. By implementing these strategies, managers can foster a sustainable and peaceful community.
Key Challenges in Community Management
Attracting and Engaging Diverse Members
Ensuring Smooth and Efficient Communication
Moderating and Addressing Conflicts
Providing Relevant and Valuable Content
Maintaining a Balance between Structure and Freedom
Nurturing a Sense of Belonging and Community Identity
Encouraging Participation and Collaboration
Retaining Active and Long-term Members
Continuously Adapting to the Community's Needs and Interests
Measuring and Evaluating Community Success and Impact
Challenge #1: Attracting and Engaging Diverse Members
Building an inclusive community remains a critical task. It's not enough to expand demographic outreach. You need a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels valued and heard. Tailoring activities to cater to various interests can aid in sustaining their engagement and ensuring they don't feel alienated.
Challenge #2: Ensuring Smooth and Efficient Communication
Open, clear communication is at the core of a successful community. Efficient communication implies delivering information in an organized, timely manner with clarity and concision. Difficulties may arise due to distinct communication styles, cultural misinterpretations, or use of jargon. Comprehending the audience's needs, using direct language and regular feedback can help in averting potential issues.
Challenge #3: Moderating and Addressing Conflicts
Disagreements are natural within a community of diverse individuals. Effectively moderating these disputes and addressing them promptly is key to maintaining harmony. Skillful conflict resolution includes: active listening, fostering an open dialogue, finding common ground, cultivating a positive atmosphere
Challenge #4: Providing Relevant and Valuable Content
Communities thrive on valuable, relevant content that meets their needs and sparks discussion. It's essential to understand what interests your audience. Analyzing user behavior and feedback can help tailor content that stimulates engagement, fosters knowledge sharing, and maintains community interest.
Challenge #5: Maintaining a Balance between Structure and Freedom
To operate efficiently, communities need a structure. But more must be done to suppress creativity and engagement. It's crucial to maintain an environment that is balanced and encourages team members to innovate, interact freely, and communicate.
Challenge #6: Nurturing a Sense of Belonging and Community Identity
Fostering an environment where members feel a sense of belonging enhances engagement and loyalty. This involves recognizing contributions, endorsing mutual respect, and highlighting shared goals. Promoting activities that evoke collective pride, facilitate collaboration, and celebrate community milestones can strengthen community identity.
Challenge #7: Encouraging Participation and Collaboration
Active participation and collaboration make a community vibrant and productive. Encouraging dialogue, group projects, and rewarding active contributors can foster involvement. It's also crucial to reduce barriers to participation, ensuring the community is accessible and inviting to all.
Challenge #8: Retaining Active and Long-term Members
Retaining members is as vital as gaining new ones. Consistent engagement, recognizing contributions, maintaining trust, and providing avenues for growth can help cultivate long-term loyalty. Regularly reviewing members' needs and preferences will help retain their active involvement.
Challenge #9: Continuously Adapting to the Community's Needs and Interests
It's important to be flexible and adapt to the community’s changing needs and interests. Regular feedback, surveys, and data analysis can provide valuable insights. Proactively adjusting plans according to user input enhances the community's responsiveness and relevance, ensuring its long-term success.
Challenge #10: Measuring and Evaluating Community Success and Impact
Critically measuring and evaluating a community's impact provides data to validate its effectiveness, guide future strategies, and justify resources. Utilizing analytics to track engagement, growth, and member satisfaction can offer a tangible measure of success. Periodic evaluations keep the community focused on its objectives while illustrating its value to stakeholders.
The Importance Of Social Media Community Management
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The Importance of social media community management is undeniably crucial in today's global digital era. Businesses, both small-scale and large, have tapped into the immense potential that social media platforms offer. It's about more than just creating profiles and posting content. It's about nurturing and managing online communities.
Social media community management allows you to establish a strong brand presence and communicate both ways. It encourages interaction, engagement, and dialogue between the brand and its audience. Businesses now prioritize community management to enhance customer loyalty and brand trust. By regularly interacting and resolving their queries, brands can make their customers feel valued and heard.
It provides businesses with the opportunity to continuously improve and innovate, as well as receive feedback from consumers. A successful community strategy can prove instrumental in amplifying brand visibility and reputation and establishing a loyal customer base in the competitive world.
Community Management Tips for Social Media
These tips will make your social media community more interactive and rewarding for your members. These strategies can boost the effectiveness of your social media campaign and foster a more interactive online community.
Understand Your Audience: Identify your target audience and understand their interests, behavior, and expectations. Utilizing social media analytical tools to derive actionable insights about your audience would guide your posts' content and schedule.
Establish a Consistent Voice and Tone: The voice and tone of your social media posts can help establish your brand's identity. Use a style guide to ensure consistency, even when different team members manage the accounts.
Engage with Your Community: Active engagement fosters an interactive community. Respond to comments and messages promptly. Initiate conversations, ask questions, and solicit feedback to create a two-way communication channel.
Share Quality Content: Sharing valuable, informative, and entertaining content is essential. Content should be tailored to the interests and needs of your audience, further positioning you as an industry leader.
Promote Community Interaction: Encourage your community members to interact with each other. You can ask open-ended questions, create polls or surveys, or host live chats and webinars.
Handle Feedback and Criticism Constructively: Negative comments and criticism are inevitable in social media management. Address the issues raised professionally without getting defensive. Use such instances to demonstrate your brand's values and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Monitor and Moderate Your Community: Use social media management tools to monitor your community and content. This can help detect inappropriate behavior or content violating your community's guidelines.
Schedule Regular Analytics Reviews: Review your social media analytics to understand your posts’ effectiveness and your community's engagement. Use the insights gathered to adjust your content strategy.
Show Appreciation: Show your community members that you appreciate them. Acknowledge their contributions, celebrate their achievements, and provide rewards or incentives for active participation.
Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Social media trends evolve rapidly. Stay updated and adapt your community management strategies to retain the community's interest and relevance.
These practical tips on community management will help to enhance your online presence and create an active, vibrant community.
Community Managers: Catalysts For Business Growth
Community managers role is crucial to an organization's success and growth. This includes cultivating relationships, creating interesting content, building brand loyalty etc. These professionals are the main link between a business and its community. They create a sense of belonging and promote the company's values and products.
Community managers are the key to connecting businesses and their customers in today's competitive market. Their role is now a key component in the business strategy. They are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction, increasing positive word-of-mouth, and boosting the likelihood of repeat business.
To ensure effective communication and engagement, community managers must keep updated with the latest trends. Social media, online forums, and other tools can help businesses reach their target audience more easily.
Real-World Examples Of Community Manager Impact On Businesses
In a digitally driven world, community managers play a crucial role in strengthening brands and cultivating customer loyalty.  Community managers create a positive image for businesses by interacting with customers online, addressing their queries, and enhancing their overall experience.
Let's consider Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, as an example. Starbucks' community managers excel at fostering a sense of belonging within the community by creating personalized responses to customer feedback and concerns. This strategy enhances consumers' trust in the brand and builds a bond with them.
Another evident example is Sephora, a French multinational beauty retailer. It has efficiently used a community management strategy to drive its customer engagement strategy. Sephora's 'Beauty Insider' community allows customers to share reviews, recommendations, and beauty tips, engendering a feeling of community engagement and driving repeat business.
Similarly, Adobe employs community management to expand its customer engagement. Adobe's 'Community Professionals program' recognizes and engages with its most passionate and helpful advocates, enhancing the sense of community and building brand loyalty.
Finding The Right Community Manager
Remember, the ideal Community Manager would not just manage but also inspire your community. A natural influencer who has a magnetic personality can capitalize on this opportunity. There are various platforms where you can find community managers, including:
LinkedIn: This professional networking site has plenty of users with various skills, including community management. You can search based on the "Community Manager" job title and filter by location, industry, and more.
Indeed: This site provides a platform for employers to post job offers and for job seekers to find and apply for these jobs. You can specify your search for community management roles.
Glassdoor: Similar to Indeed, you can search specifically for community management roles or for companies that hire for these roles.
Freelance platforms: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr have freelancers for hire, and you can specify your search for freelancers who specialize in community management.
Social Media Platforms: Twitter or Facebook can help find community managers. Many professionals list their job titles in their profiles, and a simple search could lead you to a potential community manager.
Networking events or meetups: Events for professional networking, like Meetup, Eventbrite, or industry-specific gatherings, are great places to find community managers.
When searching for a Community manager, ensure that the person is qualified and experienced to manage and grow your community.
Measuring Success in Community Management
Setting Clear Goals
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Data Collection and Analysis
Assessing Community Health
There are several key points to measure success in community management. Establishing clear goals, tracking the right metrics, and utilizing data effectively are essential. Here are some focal aspects:
Setting Clear Goals
Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for the community. These goals will serve as a foundation for determining success in community management.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Identify KPIs that align with your goals to track and measure. These could include:
-Engagement: Monitor comments, likes, and shares to gauge member involvement.
-Member growth: Track the number of new members joining the community over time
-Retention rate: Measure the percentage of active members who continue engaging with the community over a period. 
-Influence: Assess the community's impact by monitoring discussions, decision-making processes, and resulting actions.
Data Collection and Analysis
Use data from social media platforms, web analytics, community platforms, and other sources to determine how the community is performing about the goals and objectives set. Analyze the collected data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.
Assessing Community Health
Evaluate the overall health of the community by considering the following:
-Member satisfaction: Survey community members to determine their satisfaction level, their needs being met, and whether they feel connected.
-Responsiveness: Determine the community management team's responsiveness in addressing member queries and feedback. 
-Diversity and inclusivity: Assess the community's representation of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and ensure it fosters an inclusive environment.
Compare your community's performance with similar communities or industry benchmarks to position yourself in the broader landscape.
By focusing on the key points and regularly reviewing the performance of your local community, you will better understand how to manage a community and make data-driven decisions geared toward long-term growth.
Best Practices for Effective Community Management
Engage with Your Community Regularly: A community behaves like a living organism, continuously growing and changing. Daily engagement is necessary for a community manager to keep a pulse on the group's discussions, trends, and sentiments. 
Promote Open and Respectful Dialogues: Encourage your members to express their thoughts and ideas openly. However, ensure mutual respect and that all conversations are held courteously and respectfully. 
Enforce Community Guidelines: Create clear, comprehensive guidelines for your community. Strictly enforce these guidelines and ensure every member is fully aware of them. This will help in maintaining decorum and positive interactions within the group. 
Create High-Quality, Relevant Content: Content is king, especially in community management. Ensure that the content shared is valuable, engaging, and relevant to the interests of your community members. 
Be Transparent and Honest: This builds trust between you, as a community manager, and your community. Be open about your strategies, rules, and decisions. Transparency promotes a sense of integrity and reliability. 
Measure Success and Adapt: Regularly assess the performance of your community management strategies. Look at metrics such as engagement rates, member growth, and satisfaction levels. Use these insights to adapt and improve. 
Prioritize Member Recognition: Recognize and reward active members and contributors. This boosts their morale and encourages other members to contribute more actively. 
Resolve Conflicts Swiftly and Fairly: Conflicts will inevitably arise within your community. How you manage them is key. Address disagreements quickly, impartially, and with absolute fairness to prevent any escalation.
Community management is an ever-evolving field; successful community managers continuously learn, adapt, and grow with their communities.
Final Thoughts and Future Trends in Community Management
As we close our discussion, it is vital to recognize the key emerging trends in this field. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies are revolutionizing how community managers interact with members. This will make it easier to identify needs and better serve them.
This will increase the level of personalization for users. This, in turn, will improve the connections between members.
Another crucial development to look out for is the rise of virtual and augmented reality technologies in community spaces. These innovations hold the potential to radically transform the way people interact within these spaces, opening up opportunities for richer, more immersive experiences. In the future, virtual spaces will allow community members to engage with each other, participate in events and meetings, and have genuine social interactions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to become a community manager?
Becoming a community manager requires solid interpersonal skills and a profound understanding of brand services and customer needs. Key steps include:
Acquiring relevant education and experience.
Developing practical communication skills.
Understanding various social media platforms.
Continuously learning about community trends.
Networking and learning from experienced community managers also aids professional growth.
What does a community manager do?
A community manager plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between the company and its audience. They're responsible for building, growing, and managing the online communities related to a brand, product, or service. Main tasks involve fostering engagement, answering queries, addressing issues, and monitoring feedback. Their goal is to cultivate a positive community perception and encourage active participation.
How to become a social and community service manager?
To become a social and community service manager, one must pursue a bachelor's degree in social work, urban studies, or a related field. Further, obtaining relevant experience through internships or jobs in social services agencies is essential. Strong skills in program management, problem-solving, and interpersonal relations are also key. Lastly, obtaining a master’s degree could significantly enhance your career prospects.
Is community management a skill?
Yes, it is a skill. It requires exceptional interpersonal communication, the ability to build relationships, and an understanding of online behaviors.  A community manager must be capable of nurturing a positive environment, addressing individuals' needs, and fostering engagement. It often demands problem-solving abilities, strategic thinking, and a knack for promotive interaction. Thus, community management is indeed a robust skill set.
Is community management a good job?
Yes, it is a good job. It offers an opportunity to enhance one's organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills.  As a community manager, you encounter diverse situations requiring strategic handling. It provides a chance to work closely with people, which can be rewarding. However, its perks and challenges depend on the inclination towards people-oriented roles and problem-solving tasks.
Maximizing Brand Potential through Social Media Community Management
To wrap up, our specialized social media community management service promises to revolutionize your brand's relationship with its audience.  SociallyIn aim to help your brand create thriving online relations that reflect and enhance your brand's values. By entrusting your social media community management to us, you choose an innovative, flexible, and diligent partner prepared to weather all the challenges the rapidly evolving digital landscape may present. 
This post first appeared on Sociallyin Insider, please read
the original post: Is Community Management Difficult
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astroxplore · 7 months
Who is the best career astrologer in India?
Concept of Astrology
Astrology is the concept that the alignment of stars and planets impacts each individual's mood, personality, and environment based on the time of birth. Astrology is a science of frequency, vibrations, and cosmic forces that affect human life because the human body is also made up of five cosmic elements, and we are only a part of this cosmic cosmos.
When it comes to finding the best astrologer for career guidance in India. One can rely on the astroxplore website as they have one of the highly educated astrologers to guide their clients.
Their vision and mission is to encourage and promote the practical application of all disciplines of astrological science so that it can benefit all persons, whether they are regular people, industrialists, businessmen, celebrities, or anyone else. And in today's advanced, contemporary, and altered world, this practical approach is in high demand. When things change, the survival of the fittest is always the case. If one does not accept the change, she will be unable to fit into the dimensions of her surroundings and will be discarded by them.
Why choose the best career astrologer in India?
One should choose the best astrologer in India if they want any kind of guidance for their career. The reasons are as follows:
Finding the finest astrologer is critical when it comes to obtaining career assistance through astrology. With so many practitioners to select from, it might be difficult to find one who can deliver precise and reliable insights. Therefore one should just visit the astroxplore website. One will get the best astrologers on this website from whom career guidance can be obtained.
The best astrologer for career guidance is someone who has a thorough understanding of astrological concepts and methodologies, as well as years of experience in interpreting birth charts and assessing planetary effects. They should have a track record of assisting individuals in making educated career decisions based on astrological insights.
Furthermore, the greatest professional astrologer should have outstanding communication abilities, allowing them to properly express complicated astrological principles in a straightforward and intelligible manner. This assists clients in understanding the insights and using them realistically in their professional life and personal life as well.
The career consultation astrology astrologer must keep a high degree of expertise and integrity. When giving personal information for career assistance, trustworthiness, and secrecy are critical. Individuals can obtain significant insights into their professional strengths, shortcomings, opportunities, and future obstacles by picking the finest astrologer for career advice. This helps individuals to make educated professional selections that are in line with their genuine potential.
Kinds of courses in Astrology
There are various kinds of courses in astrology as well. They are as follows:
Predictive Astrology
Nadi Nakshatra Astrology is another name for this field of astrology. This is also known as "Phalit-Jyotisha" "Sateek Jyotish Ganana" or "Accurate Predictive Astrology." This is a clever use of Vedic astrology principles and combinations. This science, as the name implies, acts as a tool for predicting future occurrences. This science is predicated on the principle that "the combination of houses yields a result." According to Vimshotari Dasha Paddhati, it operates on the power of Dasha's world, Bhukti, and Anatar Dasha's planet.
In its most basic form, numerology is the study of numbers. But why should one study the NUMBERS? Each number has its vibrations and frequency, which when spoken links to the cosmos around us and has an influence. Each number represents a planet in the solar system and is associated with his Lord planet. We may discover a person's strengths and weaknesses with a Numerology Course. The goal is to experiment with and improve the strength parameters using numerical energy. This study of numerology may explain occurrences in one's life by using numbers that are associated with or linked to him.
Ramal Astrology
Ramal Astrology (Jyotish) is a means of communicating with the world through intuition and the perception of symbolic suggestions through the subconscious mind. These indications appear as pictures (faces) on Ramal dices in Ramal Jyotish (Ramal Astrology). Ramal Dices are made in a certain ratio of various metals, in a specific Nakshatra and Tithi. Ramal is a symbol-based language. It is a topic of heavenly benefits. It is not in our power to affect the future, but we can forecast it to some extent. The benefit to us is that we may prepare ourselves properly. If the event is not beneficial, we can lower its frequency.
Many people suffer financial difficulties at some point in their lives. One may also be concerned about a lack of a decent job or a troublesome marriage. However, individuals are hesitant to approach a skilled astrologer to discover solutions to their difficulties. Based on the birth chart and planetary configurations, a qualified astrologer can forecast your life's results. Astrologers cannot modify your fate but if you visit one of the great astrologers, they can predict future issues and recommend astrological solutions to solve them. Acharya Neetu Sharma is one of the best astrologer in India provides popular online or offline astrology course & consultation at best price with certification.
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ayejayque · 1 year
Performance, based on pre-defined competencies & their behavioral indicators
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Modern times have seen ever-evolving and diversifying business challenges. With these, the tactics of human resource management have also undergone countless paradigm shifts. We live in times of cutting-edge technologies. The competitive advantage attained via technology, new products, and information has a small lifespan and is vastly vanishing. One distinguishing feature still remains. That is the skills and the influence of the employees. Organizational leadership, therefore, plays a vital part. It directly influences the performance and the people of the organization. A distinct and standard competency framework is the first step when going towards a planned approach to the human resource management of the organization. There is a continuous necessity to intensify efficiency and to create and deliver value in every transaction. Therefore, it is imperative that a more scientific approach like competencies be used. This is done to describe and comprehend the knowledge, skills, and attitude that are prerequisites to performing a job successfully. Appraising an employee’s performance based on pre-defined competencies along with their behavioral indicators is known as competency-based assessment. The initial condition for a competency-based assessment is a well-defined competency framework. This is essential to have within the organization. This competency framework should be in line with the long-term organizational goals and the vision and mission of the organization. These competencies are then understood as per the background of the tasks that are performed by the employees at different levels. This means that a competency defined for a senior leader would be defined differently compared to someone who is lower in the hierarchy. The competencies are the standard for the organization. This is especially true for senior leaders. They act as an endless check for the employees to direct and readdress their energies to yield specific results. Competencies can always be assessed and analyzed. This way, they give a fairly impartial assessment of the performance of the employee. Competencies can be learned. This is unlike the personality traits which are unique to all individuals. When the organization identifies criteria critical to its success, it is in the form of core competencies. These competencies can then be cascaded down to the whole organization. A well-defined competency framework and assessments that are based on it, provide a complete picture of the skill map of the organization. It also tells one about the development needs, and future potential leaders to be. With this in mind, one can define the methods of effective talent management. From the employees’ perspective, they get an improved comprehension of the potential progression of their careers. This in turn, further enhances their engagement with the organization that they work for. With a competency-based assessment method, organizations can discover a structured model. This is extremely important for the integration of their management practices too. Organizational priorities need to be defined clearly. These priorities need to be aligned with human resource strategies. These strategies are then used to create and build on key behaviors which are looked for and would eventually be rewarded too. Accountability and responsibility for individual employees are created too. The employees are made responsible for their performance as well as learning and development. This is done against a backdrop of a transparent culture. Last but not the least, competency-based assessments help to know the individual and organizational fit. This results in proper and correct hiring. This is the starting point of the employee’s life cycle within the organization. Read the full article
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susancallender · 1 year
The Role of Strategic Goals in Business
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Strategic goals are an important part of the business planning process. They involve a step-by-step and deliberate approach to handling business operations efficiently and effectively. Strategic goals help achieve the business vision and should have qualitative as well as quantifiable results. The goal must be something that the business can track and measure using data such as improved productivity rates, increased sales numbers, or better financial returns, among other metrics.
A company’s vision and mission often contain some degree of vagueness. A key role of strategic goals is to eliminate the vagueness or ambiguity and translate it into specific, concrete, and quantified targets.
For example, your cosmetics company may have an overall mission to provide quality personal care products, while a specific strategic goal might be to open five new outlets and increase profits by 25 percent in two years. Such a concrete strategic goal allows everyone in your company to agree on exactly how or what needs to be done to achieve that goal.
Setting strategic goals, therefore, can significantly impact your team’s productivity and success. The goals influence where and how a team’s resources and energy are used or channeled. Also, the strategic goals provide your team with concrete objectives that keep them motivated and focused.
Well-formulated strategic goals also unify the activities throughout the company. Departments and employees don’t pursue their own agenda or work at cross purposes, but instead collaborate and move in the same direction with the larger picture in mind. In addition, because the strategic goals are specific and concrete, your managers and employees can measure progress and review ineffective practices for improved efficiency.
Strong strategic goals must not only be linked to your long-term mission, but also actionable. Your goals should have milestones that your teams can complete on the way to reaching the longer-term mission or vision. For that reason, your strategies should help the business improve its operational efficiency and not simply fix or improve what you are already doing.
Therefore, when formulating strategic goals, consider the operational goals that might fall under them. Operational goals are objectives set for different departments within a company or organization. For example, ask yourself whether the operational goals have actionable steps that your team can implement toward realizing your overall company’s strategic objective.
Depending on your situation, strategic goals can be either “hard” or “soft,” that is, measurable or not. However, both should be clearly defined for your various stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and communities.
You can, for example, have strategic goals that focus on customers. They can help increase brand trust or break into a new market. Possible metrics for such strategic goals can include reducing customer churn and boosting the customer base by 25 percent in one year.
Also, you can have strategic goals that are pegged to your internal operations. For example, an employee-based metric can be to achieve an employee engagement score of 85 percent or higher within one year.
For strategic financial goals, a good metric to measure business success might be to move the company from the current levels of profitability by a specific percentage by a certain date. The strategic goal might be to enter two or three new markets by a specified date to realize that financial goal. You can also set the target of a 15 percent market share in each of the new markets in two years.
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salesraintt · 1 year
Call Center Productivity & Flexible Serviced Office Designs
Today, we have learned to appreciate the fact that good design has enough power to influence the way we think and act. When I finally understood the value of the employees working for me (a great example of encouraging certain patterns of thought and behavior), I finally realized that more attention should be paid to the overall design of the office. Environmental psychologists are masters of design in the scientific community. They are people who pay attention to sensory experiences, psychosocial factors, and psychological impulses, and how they affect the effects of being in one space or another. Scholars are translating what early scientists learned about how people experience space into design practices that help improve people's lives. Among the factors they focus on is the impact of design on mood. Through a series of psychological chain reactions, mood influences employee engagement. In short, a positive mental attitude leads to higher levels of engagement and productivity. Therefore, to create an engaging environment, a BPO organization must create a workplace that exudes a positive atmosphere.
Call center agents working in such offices tell their colleagues that their employer values ​​their presence within the team and their contribution to the organization. Sure, coming up with a mission or vision statement is easy. It details how much the person who pays the expert appreciates the expert. Instead of paying attention to these declarations, they focus on interpreting the messages sent by their environment. BPO organizations spend huge budgets to lease their call center seat leasing. So, it's no surprise that what they tell their employees carries more weight than easily generated sentences.
Workspaces honor users by supporting their work. Employees want to do their jobs well, and this has a huge impact on their self-image.
Designers talk to people working in that space about their work and how it can be designed to optimize its performance. Unfortunately, the offices that emerge from such discussions often disagree. It is often designed to look clean and resemble the workspace the CEO saw in the magazine. Rather than duplicating another aesthetically pleasing space, the primary goal of your design should be to help employees create a well from which they can contribute to their business. Most workers need acoustic access to perform certain tasks that are difficult to achieve in cubicles or in a sea of ​​faces sitting at long tables. It's a good idea to use the power of color. If people do tasks that require a lot of mental work, the environment should be relaxing, and if the work is relatively simple, stimulating spaces are needed. People feel relaxed with colors that are not very saturated but relatively light. Moderate visual complexity works best, meaning the room should have few colors and patterns.
Another suggestion is that call center organizations give their employees enough space to manage both their environment and their workday. Employees can influence the lighting and temperature of the workplace. In addition, professionals appreciate companies that provide the opportunity to use different workspaces according to their needs. Design has enough power to improve employee productivity. Additionally, today's workforce values ​​open spaces that reflect their needs and concerns.
A good example of this is the growing number of professionally managed offices, such as call center seat tenants and flexible individual offices. Although the movement has received a lot of criticism, it cannot be denied that modern professionals prefer working conditions that help them achieve their goals. In addition, it offers a lot of space for leisure, so that they also take good care of their private life. These are the environments that interest you.
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auction-12 · 1 year
Call Center Productivity & Flexible Serviced Office Designs
Today, we have learned to appreciate the fact that good design has enough power to influence the way we think and act. When I finally understood the value of the employees working for me (a great example of encouraging certain patterns of thought and behavior), I finally realized that more attention should be paid to the overall design of the office. Environmental psychologists are masters of design in the scientific community. They are people who pay attention to sensory experiences, psychosocial factors, and psychological impulses, and how they affect the effects of being in one space or another. Scholars are translating what early scientists learned about how people experience space into design practices that help improve people's lives. Among the factors they focus on is the impact of design on mood. Through a series of psychological chain reactions, mood influences employee engagement. In short, a positive mental attitude leads to higher levels of engagement and productivity. Therefore, to create an engaging environment, a BPO organization must create a workplace that exudes a positive atmosphere.
Call center agents working in such offices tell their colleagues that their employer values ​​their presence within the team and their contribution to the organization. Sure, coming up with a mission or vision statement is easy. It details how much the person who pays the expert appreciates the expert. Instead of paying attention to these declarations, they focus on interpreting the messages sent by their environment. BPO organizations spend huge budgets to lease their call center seat leasing. So, it's no surprise that what they tell their employees carries more weight than easily generated sentences.
Workspaces honor users by supporting their work. Employees want to do their jobs well, and this has a huge impact on their self-image.
Designers talk to people working in that space about their work and how it can be designed to optimize its performance. Unfortunately, the offices that emerge from such discussions often disagree. It is often designed to look clean and resemble the workspace the CEO saw in the magazine. Rather than duplicating another aesthetically pleasing space, the primary goal of your design should be to help employees create a well from which they can contribute to their business. Most workers need acoustic access to perform certain tasks that are difficult to achieve in cubicles or in a sea of ​​faces sitting at long tables. It's a good idea to use the power of color. If people do tasks that require a lot of mental work, the environment should be relaxing, and if the work is relatively simple, stimulating spaces are needed. People feel relaxed with colors that are not very saturated but relatively light. Moderate visual complexity works best, meaning the room should have few colors and patterns.
Another suggestion is that call center organizations give their employees enough space to manage both their environment and their workday. Employees can influence the lighting and temperature of the workplace. In addition, professionals appreciate companies that provide the opportunity to use different workspaces according to their needs. Design has enough power to improve employee productivity. Additionally, today's workforce values ​​open spaces that reflect their needs and concerns.
A good example of this is the growing number of professionally managed offices, such as call center seat tenants and flexible individual offices. Although the movement has received a lot of criticism, it cannot be denied that modern professionals prefer working conditions that help them achieve their goals. In addition, it offers a lot of space for leisure, so that they also take good care of their private life. These are the environments that interest you.
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The classic approach of Strategic Personnel Planning, or SPP
What is strategic workforce planning (SPP) and why is it so difficult to successfully implement SPP in practice?
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We started working on this challenge a few years ago. Not only to find answers, but especially to arrive at an SPP approach that actually works! Because the benefits of a good analysis are widely supported.
In this blog we look back at our search. What has more than 10 years of experience brought us? This with the intention of providing you with the insights you need to shape SPP in such a way that it really works in your organization. Strategic personnel planning requires close cooperation between MT and HR The seeds of SPP were sown in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s under the name 'Strategic Workforce Planning'. It gained international momentum after the credit crisis, when the economy rebounded and the first employees of the Baby Boom generation retired.
Companies and organizations discovered that it was becoming increasingly difficult to find enough well-qualified personnel. HR was given the responsibility to solve this problem.
That is the most important mistake you can make with SPP: seeing SPP as an HR problem. Of course HR plays an important role. They are in charge and have the knowledge and skills to facilitate SPP.
But the initiative and ultimate responsibility for strategic workforce planning should lie with the board and management. The management determines the direction of the organization based on the goals and strategy. And to achieve those goals, personnel is the most important success factor.
Thinking about the impact of strategy and policy on the crucial factor of personnel is therefore decisive for the success of the organization. And that is something that every management should feel responsible for. In short, a successful SPP policy requires close cooperation between management and HR.
What is Strategic Workforce Planning: SPP Definition? All kinds of definitions have been published about what exactly SPP entails. In the United States, the most famous of Evers and Verhoeven is: 'SPP is the continuous preparation, design and implementation of policy regarding the inflow, throughflow and outflow of personnel, so that the people with the right qualities, costs and flexibility are present at the right time in the right place in the organization to carry out the activities. can carry out, which are necessary to achieve the strategic goals.'
An American definition is a bit shorter: Strategic Workforce Planning ensures that a company has the right amount of people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time and at the best cost. Freely translated, you could say: SPP is a way of always having the right employees in continuously changing circumstances, so that the organization can achieve its strategic goals.
This is more relevant today than ever. Because the labor market is so tight that the historic fact recently occurred that the number of unfilled vacancies was higher than the number of people available.
The UWV reported that in the second quarter of 2022 there was a shortage of people for all professional groups for the first time. And that in a period in which we expect a recession. How does the traditional Strategic Workforce Planning approach work? Every described SPP approach that I come across uses a step-by-step plan to determine the difference between the current and future personnel composition. These steps are often derived from the strategic planning cycle, which broadly (it often differs per organization) consists of five phases:
Formulating mission, vision and objectives. What is your raison d'être and what do you want to achieve? Where are you now? What's coming your way? What is the impact of that? A plan to influence all kinds of developments, so that you benefit from it yourself. Actual influence on all developments through actions. Measure the effect of your efforts and adjust if necessary. How exactly does Strategic personnel planning work? SPP works just like the strategic cycle, only it is not annual, but every three years. In the following paragraphs we will explain the five different phases in more detail.
SPP starts with a clear vision for the future The classic SPP approach starts with the goals and ambitions of the organization. What does the company want to achieve now and in the future? What are the strategic developments that the organization will respond to? And how do they relate to the existing situation? The intention is to formulate a joint ideal, on the basis of which the impact on the composition of the workforce can be determined. This impact has a quantitative and a qualitative component. In other words: how many people do you need and what knowledge and skills should they possess?
To find out, we analyze the current workforce composition using two commonly used techniques: Scenario thinking: all developments are reduced to a few scenarios that we use to push the boundaries and understand their impact. Trend analysis: identify existing trends and extend their impact into the future. By merging trends, we get an ideal picture of the developments. In both cases, the intention is to make a prediction based on the strategy about the impact of future developments on the current composition of the workforce. Strategic personnel planning requires the collection of HR data With the ideal image of the organization in mind, you can analyze the existing situation. We want to map out what the existing occupation is. This involves collecting and interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data.
Questions we want to answer include: How are current employees performing? What skills and competencies do they possess? What is their growth potential? What do they find important when it comes to remuneration, work-life balance, freedom of work? How have they developed? What are their interests? And so on. Also make an inventory of the inflow of personnel, throughflow and outflow. It is not difficult to ask these questions. The big challenge is to get the answers, the right data, on the table. It is often thought that HR can conjure up all personnel data at the touch of a button. And that the result is presented in a kind of dashboard with relevant numbers, so that managers only have to push the right buttons to always have a perfect staff composition. That is actually never the case. So we have to look for information within the organization. Then you run into two things:
What data do you need exactly? Where can this data be found? These so -called HR analytics are a crucial part of strategic workforce planning. But it is difficult to estimate whether you have all the important data. And HR spends a lot of time collecting the right information, also because a large part of it has to come from the line. So they have to go after that. Then you have to make good overviews. Many projects fail in this process. Smart systems can largely overcome the problem. That is also the reason why we developed the Team Navigator. In this HR analytics solution, HR can put all relevant information and then share it with the line.
Get more -  360 degree performance appraisal software
For example, the focus is on the user and not on the method or tool. That is also the strength of HR: conducting a conversation with and between management, managers and employees about the direction of the organization and its impact on employees in the teams.
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laoyangtutor · 2 years
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老Yang教员组今天为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Master of Business Administration,文章讲述生活充满挑战和机遇,我当然乐在其中。因此,我认为担任GPA学生的责任��到3.6 / 4。令我非常高兴的是,我得到了同学的赞赏,因为很难在我的大学获得如此高的GPA。后来,尽管当时我要处理很多工作,但我还是帮助一家公司完成了90笔交易。当每个人都处于松散状态时,我会忙于实习,并思考将来我应该去哪里职业,以及什么样的素质可以对我的成就有所帮助。经过沉思后,我决心获得工商管理硕士学位,继续追求充满惊喜和希望的生活。
同时需要essay润色查重、辅导代写、托福GRE考试保分、网课全方位包课的家人们可以联系老Yang微信(Wechat ID: ymf2531)进行咨询喔~
  Master of Business Administration
Life is full of challenges and opportunities and I certainly enjoy it. Thus I assumed the responsibility for acting as a student with my GPA reached 3.6/4. Much to my delight, I was appreciated by my classmates, because it was difficult to gain such a high GPA in my college. Later on, I helped a company complete over 90 deals, despite that I had a big load of schoolwork to handle then. When everyone was at a loose end, I was busy practicing internship and reflecting on where I should head for professionally in the future and what kind of qualities could contribute to my achievement. After much meditating, I resolve to purse a Master’s degree in business management, proceeding with my quest for a life saturated with surprises and hopes.
 As a matter of fact, I am a business management major already. However, I have developed a keen interest in it over time, so I often sat in on related courses such as Performance Management, Organizational Behavior and Labor Law to hone my skills. Now, I have finished learning the rudiments of business management and thus got a general idea of its circle. Besides, I also read numerous pertinent books such as Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler, Organizational Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins and the MBA by Harvard University. Through reading these books, I have not only consolidated my field knowledge but also channeled the advanced ideas stated in those books to my management of the student organization. For instance, when I was a student in the college of our school in my freshman year, I recognized that there were some problems in our secretariat, particularly the lack of cohesiveness and ambiguity of duty. Fledgling in MBA as I was back then, I took on the mantle of planning and hosting several activities and  festivals as well as the Freshman Evening Show. I knew we would be unable to complete our missions perfectly unless we overhauled our department. Therefore, I then used the theory of management by objectives to set the specific goal and broke it down afterwards. Meanwhile, I distributed assignments according to everyone’s unique traits and strengths. I also invested emotionally in my teammates to motivate them based on the original assessment system. Moreover, I organized a series of convivial group activities to reinforce the bond between one another in the college. Thankfully, these activities and festivals went off well due to our concerted effort. Much more to my pride, everyone gave me a big hand for my dedication and performance. This was the first time I successfully applied my knowledge to practical issues and it has firmed up my determination to keep on exploring the world of MBA considerably.
 In the next few years of my college, I have started to work at my parents company as an intern related to MBA officer successfully, which provided me with an opportunity to learn MBA techniques from beyond the campus. And of course, the background and cultural atmosphere of my family influence my choice of college. I am willing to continue to help my parents on business in the future which comprehensive and professional knowledge is needed, thus, I can do my parents a favor when it comes to business management. After all, I am the only hope for them. In fact, the training given by the company and my parents did not live up to my expectation at the very beginning. Thus I shared my ideas with my director and pointed out that the training system was not sound enough and feedback was not timely, along with some suggestions, which earned me praise from my superior in return. Through this work placement, I picked up the skills of formulating schedules, screening candidates and communicating efficiently with my co-workers as well as superiors. During the process, I would first try to win the workmates confidence by introducing my abilities in detail. Then I would show my different techniques according to my own characters and job expectations. Not only did I get the hang of management job and training new employees after the internships, but I also refined my communication skills and coordinating capacity. From then on, I laid particular stress on deepening my theoretical knowledge and breaking through my theoretical plateau in practice. I know well that I must have a more systematic study of MBA, and this is why I have been longing to take a Master’s degree program in business management.
 In my opinion, your XXX Program will suit my needs, so I am looking forward to studying at your university, where I can deepen my knowledge of business management and acquire a bigger repertoire of MBA techniques. Hopefully I can join a renowned headhunting firm after graduation, looking for the right employees while helping them realize their potential to the full at the same time. To attain my end, I need to first gear myself up through studying at your MBA program,. For all the reasons outlined above, I sincerely hope you will give me a chance to continue my pursuit at your university.
老 Yang 为留学生提供靠谱隐私的留学学业服务,亲们可以进入主页了解和获取更多优秀范文,有需要可以咨询老Yang微信(WeChat ID: ymf2531)。
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
“The Hunters’ Lodge, which organized these Patriot raids, was a secret society that resembled the Freemasons, with its Grand Lodge in Cleveland, Ohio. Given the secrecy that surrounded the Hunters’ Lodge and the Whig biases of those who reported on it, we know little of the individuals who organized the movement and less yet of the social and cultural context that might have led them on such a quixotic mission. For example, the 70 unknown delegates from five states that attended the secret, week-long “Patriot Congress” in Cleveland in September 1838 appointed a provisional Canadian republican government that included president A.  D. Smith, “chief justice of the peace at Cleveland”; vice-president Colonel Nathan Williams, “a wholesale grocer”; and the commander-in-chief of the Patriot Army of the West, General Lucius V. Bierce, “an attorney at Akron.” 
These sparing biographical details obscure the larger, multifaceted Owenite socialist movement within which, I will argue, the Patriot War should be located. Using the leadership of the Hunters’ Lodge to define a cohort, I provide here a prosopography, or collective cultural biography of the founders of the illusory Republic of Canada and of the institutional and discursive world of this wider movement. This technique has been used “when the main problem is political” but a web of purely social and economic ties existed that “gave the group its unity and therefore its political force, and to a considerable extent also its political motivation.” The method was used to similar effect by Charles Beard to explain the class interests of the Founding Fathers in shaping the American federal constitution, as well as by Bryan Palmer to explore political protests by pre-Rebellion working-class mechanics against the Kingston Penitentiary. 
This mass popular movement to wage a foreign war against the British Empire came together in a relatively short period across five states despite the concerted efforts of the US government to repress it, an accomplishment begging explanation. Craig Calhoun argues that “preexisting communal relations and attachments to tradition are essential to revolutionary mobilizations” in this period, highlighting the necessity for the collective biographical approach taken here. A comparative cultural study of this cohort’s biographies decentres the Patriot War and the military actions on which most historians have focused and instead places that focus on the sets of preexisting discursive practices that shaped this social movement and hence encouraged the cohort’s participation.
[A key component of this movement was] Owenite socialism in Britain and America, [which] sought to influence a number of radical social movements engaging with its core educational mission, some of which drew the movement into the labour politics of the era. It is important to underscore, given the well-known early communitarian emphasis of the Owenites, that they never proposed the redistribution of property as the means of ending social inequality; that inequality was produced, they argued, by unequal education. They proffered a series of educational initiatives, including the “village of cooperation,” as the means of overcoming that social inequality, not inequities of wealth; their stated goal was to mold a “new moral world” by shaping the ethical character of impoverished children so that they could identify their “own happiness with the happiness of society” as a whole. In the 1830s, after the collapse of the New Harmony experiment, the Owenites, with their educational concerns, thus found themselves drawn into such disparate movements as the freethinkers, phrenology, the Working Men’s movement, and its successive political parties. The social movements at the core of this study – freethought, Freemasonry, and free banking (Locofocoism) – were all associated with the emergence of Painite civic republicanism and the labour politics of the early republic and have parallels in similar movements behind the Upper Canadian Rebellion.
The Hunters’ Lodge had four degrees, of which non-commissioned officers held the second, “field officers the third, and commissioned officers of the highest rank the Patriot Mason’s degree.” The cohort considered for this article consists of the American members of the Hunters’ Lodge of the second degree or higher, or who held executive roles in the provisional government, and who were not killed in action or transported.17 I have excluded those transported because an analysis of the six exiles, generally of the first degree, who returned to write their defenses is available.18 A focus on the American leaders of the Lodge facilitated a later comparison with the Upper Canadian Rebellion leadership, including William Lyon Mackenzie and Dr. Charles Duncombe. Finding detailed information on many remained difficult, hence this sample is biased – as is typical in histories of this period – towards elites, for whom the documentary record is fuller.
As the aim of this prosopography (or collective biography) is to underscore the cultural and institutional context of the Hunters’ Lodge, and not individual motivations, I start with an examination of the life of a figure central to that context, Isaac S. Smith, who played no known role in the Patriot War. The point of this study is to decentre the military narratives of the Patriot War and to refocus debate on the underlying discursive network of networks that tied the Patriot Hunter leadership together. Smith was a pivotal figure linking the freethought movement, free banking, and Freemasonry movements in the Great Lakes region; tracing his life gives a snapshot of this network of networks and its economic basis and allows us to see the moments at which Patriot War leaders were brought together through their pre-existing relationships and shared outlooks. The Patriot leaders operated in the context of these broader networks, the transnational basis and scope of which needs to be underscored. The Great Lakes basin – or “Niagara corridor” – “is the real cradle of North American radicalism, a radicalism nurtured by movements of peoples and flows of ideas, by commerce, contacts, exchanges and transactions across and between races, classes, and local and national communities. The Niagara corridor became a transnational matrix of radicalism all through the nineteenth and well into the twentieth century.”
Isaac Slocum Smith (1792–1860) was born into a very large New Bedford, Massachusetts, Quaker family with ties to the shipping industry; he followed his older brother Stephen to New York, where they became supercargoes for Quaker merchants sending wares to England, France, and Spain. Having acquired some wealth, Stephen Smith moved to Syracuse, New York, where he operated the Onondaga Salt Company, which was to become one of the largest salt producers in the United States. His younger brother moved even farther west, to Buffalo – the terminus of the newly constructed Erie Canal – about 1825, where he soon lost his job as an insurance agent because of his loudly proclaimed deistic views. Isaac S. Smith then became partner in a forwarding company and canal boat line, primarily shipping salt from his brother’s company at Salina westward, over Lake Erie, thereby enabling the cheap return transport of western salted pork and beef to the East Coast. 
The salt trade evidently made him a millionaire. By 1835, the partners co-owned the Erie Canal transportation company running between New York and Buffalo and sole-owned a shipping line running between Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, and Detroit on Lake Erie; he soon invested in key real estate assets in the port lands of each of these new settlements, which were the termini of canals running deep into Ohio. Smith established his adopted son Archibald in Cleveland; Archibald Smith operated a barge line on the Ohio Canal to Akron. Isaac S. Smith speculatively hoped to repeat this success in Toledo – the terminus of the new Miami and Erie Canal – through the co-purchase of 700,000 acres of “Ohio Canal lands” and by investing in the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad, which was to connect Toledo with the Kalamazoo River onward to Lake Michigan and Chicago, bypassing Detroit and the upper lakes. Lastly, he partnered with several other Buffalo shipping companies to develop Black Rock (near Buffalo) as a secondary port terminus for the Erie Canal. It was this last investment that would prove to be his downfall, leading to the collapse of his empire in the general financial crisis of late 1837 when the bank he co-owned could no longer cover the interest charges on his increasing debts.
Over a decade-long period, Smith had thus established a transportation network that spanned both shores of the Great Lakes, siphoning off freight and traffic from the St. Lawrence and Montréal to the Hudson River and New York. Similar transport linkages tied other Patriot War conspirators to this network. Henry S. Handy, Patriot general, had helped build the Chicago harbour in 1834, allowing access farther west to the Mississippi along the Illinois and Michigan Canal. He was in Toronto with his brother-in-law Judge Orange Butler in 1837 to meet with reform politician Marshall Spring Bidwell; it was from Bidwell that Handy first learned of the Rebellion before organizing military aid in Detroit in the Secret Order of the Sons of Liberty. Butler was the contractor for Smith’s Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad. He and Handy were seeking to influence the routing of the Great Western Railroad through Upper Canada to link to theirs, allowing western traffic to avoid the slow passage by boat through Lakes Michigan and Erie to the Erie Canal or a longer and slower planned rail route along the south shore of Lake Erie.
Similarly, Judge John Grant Jr. of Oswego, New York, who was to become president of the Patriot bank, was a partner in two shipping lines on Lake Ontario – one in partnership with the American-born Canadian Reform politician and merchant Abraham Truax of Kingston. Truax was also the Kingston agent of the Toronto-based Bank of the People, a Reform institution intimately connected with the organization of Mackenzie’s Rebellion. With the opening of the Oswego Canal link to the Erie Canal, Grant and his partners hoped to draw Upper Canadian traffic away from the St. Lawrence, through Oswego to New York. The opening of the Canadian Welland Canal also opened Lake Erie to their line, providing another alternate route to Detroit in addition to the Erie Canal or the railway. Truax was to flee Kingston and join the Hunters’ Lodge after the Rebellion.
While Smith would clearly appear a typical speculative frontier capitalist, he – no less than the paradoxical factory owner and communitarian Robert Owen – was engaged in a series of related progressive political and social movements on the Owenite labour fringe that spanned concerns from common education to freethought to phrenology. Although there is no mention of Smith in relation to the Patriot War (unsurprising, given the business crisis he faced at the time), he appears repeatedly in connection with the later leaders of the Hunters’ Lodge in other contexts. These activities illustrate the institutional intersections that brought future Patriot leaders together. Smith’s more easily recovered biography thus makes the hidden cultural and institutional ties among those leaders more visible and provides a more vivid individual portrait of the confluence of what have otherwise been treated as disparate and unrelated cultural and political movements.
Smith took a first, unusual public political stance shortly after arriving in Buffalo, when he organized a Masonic procession on behalf of a Mordecai Noah, co-editor of the National Advocate and a prominent Grand Sachem, or leader, in the Tammany Society, a bulwark of the Democratic Party in New York. Noah had been Smith’s travel companion in Spain and, in 1825, had turned to Smith when purchasing 2,555 acres on Grand Island, in the Niagara River at the mouth of the Erie Canal, as a “refuge for the Jews.” The planned city of Ararat – its name indicating, perhaps, a new instantiation of Solomon’s kingdom – never got much further than the full Masonic procession in August organized by Smith to lay the cornerstone. Smith’s association with both Freemasonry and the Democratic Party placed him at clear odds with the antimasonic-evangelical alliance behind the emerging Whig Party....
Roberts had articled in the law office of Erastus Root, a radical Democrat nominated for governor by the Working Men’s Party, a fringe of the Jacksonian Democrats, in 1830. He had also been co-editor of the National Advocate with Mordecai Noah and went on to edit a series of newspapers, most pertinently the Masonic Craftsman in Rochester (1829–31) and in Detroit (1838–40). The Rochester Craftsman was founded specifically to defend Freemasonry from crippling antimasonic attack, but the paper was equally vocal on Working Men’s Party issues such as imprisonment for debt, the use of prison labour, and a lien law for the protection of labourers in the building trades. Roberts was also a vocal supporter of the freethought Friends of Liberal Principles and Equal Rights, a group that staged meetings in opposition to tract and missionary societies and their Sabbatarian campaigns in the midst of Charles Finney’s infamous Rochester revival meetings. Roberts’ political activity thus intersected with that of Smith, with whom he came to work.
Smith was first elected as an alderman in Buffalo’s first city council, in 1832, and again in 1834; Roberts moved to Buffalo in 1832 and served as clerk of that council before moving to Detroit. The two men had helped organize the Buffalo Mechanics Society to further Working Men’s Party issues, making Buffalo the location of the largest branch of the party in the northeast. In 1833, Smith was nominated for lieutenant governor of New York by the Owenite faction of the fractious party. As the Working Men’s Party transformed into the Equal Rights Party (or Locofocos), Smith was again nominated, this time to stand for governor in the 1836 election....
Isaac S. Smith was also central to the parallel development of the freethought anti-evangelical movement. He had lost his first job as an insurance agent in Buffalo in 1825 because he had been distributing the pamphlets of the Free Press Association, a freethought Painite organization. Later, the wealth his transportation company generated allowed him to pursue this grievance to greater effect, becoming co-publisher of the newspapers Priestcraft Exposed and the Plain Truth (the latter subtitled Devoted to the Defense of Primitive Christianity, and to the Exposing of Frauds Committed under the Garb of Religion). These papers had ties to Roberts’ Masonic newspaper the Craftsman in nearby Rochester – which shared their anti-evangelical, Working Men’s Party involvements – as well as to Underhill’s Cleveland newspaper, the Liberalist. Smith was also the Buffalo agent of the Owenite newspaper, the Free Enquirer.
Politically, then, Isaac S. Smith was at the centre of the Owenite labour movement as it moved beyond its communitarian phase to infuse and fracture the Democratic Party in the early 1830s. Many of those within his personal network in the Locofocos were also prominent Freemasons, which, like their affiliation with the Democrats, placed them in opposition to the emerging antimasonic-evangelical alliance in the Whig Party. As Palmer has argued, such alliances bred a hybrid radical discourse accenting social and cultural “oppositions” in a “theatrics of discontent” that was not an explicit part of political platforms. This radical discourse thus also aligned itself with the freethought movement, which had its own roots in Owenite thought, in opposing evangelicalism. These cultural, religious, and political social movements made common cause against the Whigs, those held responsible for increasing economic inequality and the financial crisis that it spawned for common producers. 
This schematic description of the institutional development and Owenite ties of the Freemasons, freethought, and free banking movements is meant to highlight the network of networks shared among the Patriot Congress conventioneers. It is an attempt to demonstrate the specific points where their life trajectories crossed and where a shared secular republican culture was developed....
- Albert Schrauwers, “Tilting at Windmills: The Utopian Socialist Roots of the Patriot War, 1838–1839.” Labour / Le Travail 79 (Spring 2017): pp. 58-60, 62-64
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amendthe13th · 3 years
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The “Amend the 13th: Abolish “Legal” Slavery in Amerika Movement” is an all-inclusive, coalition-based national campaign and community-based organizing effort which is determined to remove the “legal” and social basis for the dehumanization of those subject to the judicial machinery of the United States – and finally abolish slavery in Amerika once and for all.
The movement has three basic aims:
To amend the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to remove its “legal” slavery provision for all persons: including those found guilty and sentenced for a felony offence.
To abolish and/or repeal all “civil death” and social containment statutes and ordinances which do not afford prisoners, ex-offenders and their communities full human, political, economic and participatory rights in social life in Amerika that derive their power from the 13th Amendment.
To develop and implement as quickly as possible autonomous community-based economic, political and social infrastructure capable of eliminating, mitigating or diminishing to the greatest degree the negative impact of mass incarceration, criminalization and “legal” slavery on our communities.
We will seek to accomplish this end via a three-pronged strategy designed to raise social awareness of and public opposition to the continuation of “legal” slavery in Amerika, while simultaneously undermining its basis.
Organize a national petition drive to amend the 13th Amendment to remove its “legal” slavery provision at the federal level, and a corresponding petition in each state to rescind all “civil death” and social containment “laws” which derive their powers from the “legal” slavery provision of the 13th Amendment.
Carry out targeted demonstrations which highlight both the negative social impact and continued existence of “legal” slavery in Amerika. We intend to organize these annually in California and Texas, and elsewhere depending on volunteers.
Promote and seek formal authority for the implementation of community-based parole, pardon and clemency boards based on the concept of “strategic release.”
The structure of “Amend the 13th,” in keeping with its aim to forge a national coalition inclusive of every group, activist and individual opposed to “legal” slavery in Amerika in all its guises – i.e., criminalization, mass incarceration, disenfranchisement, “civil death,” involuntary servitude, the deliberate applications of poverty, etc. – will seek state coordinators from already existing organizations and/or activists in each state.
These state coordinators will be responsible for creating their own state coordinating committees reflective of the activists, organizations and affected communities in their state. They will also be responsible for recruiting city coordinators to conduct signature drives, organize community participation in development and stability initiatives, organize demonstrations, garner support for community-based parole, pardon and clemency boards – and “strategic release” – and expand political and material support for the movement nationally.
Each state coordinator will coordinate their efforts with the “Amend The 13th” national coordinating committee, which will include founder Joka Heshima Jinsai and an executive director, deputy director, chief inside coordinator, deputy inside coordinator, secretary, national treasurer, community development coordinator, national spokesperson and executive legal consultant.
The primary function of the National Coordinating Committee is to see that the three basic aims of “Amend the 13th” are realized via its three-pronged strategy, and ensure sufficient human and material resources are available to state and city coordinators to realize these goals.
Building a successful movement begins with developing a competent and effective structure capable of being the living counterpoint to the existence of the prison industrial slave complex. We understand conditions and points of resistance differ from state to state.
The struggles being waged in Georgia and Alabama in the 2010s were successfully waged in California and New York in the 1970s. However, what is constant across every state is the “legal” and political basis for all the various forms of abuse, exploitation and dehumanization experienced by those subject to the judicial machinery in the U.S.: the “civil death” and slavery provisions of the 13th Amendment.
Striking at these as one will undermine the entire dehumanization rationale of U.S. penal policy and jurisprudence which stems from the conscious preservation of the slave system in its modern, punitive form. Social attitudes flow from social conditions, and social conditions are influenced by social attitudes; as such, the minds of the people – your minds – are the primary battleground for social progress.
The unfortunate truth is that most U.S. educational institutions teach what to think, and rarely how to think. “Amend the 13th” seeks to provide the people with an opportunity to not only explore critical thought, but to also confront the hate which continues to cast a pall over social relationships at every level of Amerikan society. It allows us to not simply alter the basis for inhumane “laws” and codified hate, but to also alter the institutions and social life in the most desperate and besieged communities in such a way that it strikes at the very origins of crime, criminalization and human misery.
If we can agree the disproportionate distribution of wealth, privilege, access and opportunity in a society is the origin of all crime and the gateway to enslavement in the U.S., then the most prudent course is to invoke its opposite – to create independent wealth, access and opportunity in those communities which enjoy so little of it. Stable and prosperous communities produce stable and prosperous people.
Therefore, “Amend the 13th’s” intent is to empower the modern slave socially, politically and economically in the social interests of society as a whole; conversely, opposition to it would run contrary to those interests.
In the final analysis, the complete abolition of slavery in the United States is a historical imperative. It is our responsibility as principled people to finally end this willful hate, this intentional social containment and the tissue-thin façade that it is not willful and intentional. The U.S. state must be held accountable by the people – and the world – for preserving the vilest practice in the history of civilization in the body of “the supreme law of the land.”
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taanisha862-blog · 3 years
Blog - Sage University.
Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational (SAGE) University Bhopal with its impeccable academia, colossal campus, leading-edge educational framework and extensive façade in the beautiful city of lakes Bhopal has created a world-class setup for transforming passion into a profession. With its thought-provoking learning and exceptional infrastructure, the university offers the best-in-class facilities for students to secure their future. Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational (SAGE) University,Bhopal strive to achieve the goal of providing students with a world-class education and bringing them into accord with the fast evolving society. The education innovation for which we have a drive is to make Sage University, Bhopal the top university in MP, Central India.
It aims and visions to eflect on their pedagogy which highlights the overall development of every individual.They aim towards nurturing their talents through excellent and innovative academia to foster their all-round development. We want to shape India’s future with extraordinary talents and uplift our society from giving the best education possible.
The vision of the Sage University Bhopal resolves to help learners to assiduously pursue and achieve goals. We have the vision to provide the highest quality education to the seekers, nurture their talent to promote their intellectual growth and serve the community through the creation of skilled and socially responsible global citizens.
The mission of SAGE University is
To create globally competent graduates and postgraduates who are fully aware of their roles in the quest for a better tomorrow for their communities, countries, regions, and the world as a whole.
To condition a mindset for addressing local, national & global issues and to felicitate humankind with better livelihood, while impacting the society in a transformative way.
To cultivate an environment that will welcome and support students and scholars from all over the world and contributes knowledge and expertise locally, nationally and internationally to produce global leaders by inculcating leadership and innovative abilities.
The great revolutionary Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” My perspective is highly influenced by similar views. The world we live in today has been modeled such due to the diligence of our visionary ancestors. They have paved the way for raising the beacon of research in the fields of Management, Science, Arts, Humanities, etc. Our endeavour at SAGE is to pass the baton of educational brilliance sagaciously to ignite young minds. We as a university take great pride in doing something for the future of our country, for the younger generation. Education is one of the key tools that shape and change the way of one how thinks, behaves, and acts.
At Sage Group, we focus on grooming young minds as the pillar of advancement of a nation and hope of the future. Every member of our group aims to promote education and culture in all aspects in order to achieve and fulfill the mission statement that we believe in. We try to maintain the academic standards which help our students to achieve remarkable and excellent results. As a Sageian, we believe in humanity, discipline, punctuality and regularity. We nurture our students to become world-class professionals who can achieve the affirmed purpose of our great late President, Honorable Abdul Kalam, to make our nation a "SUPERPOWER".
They build their students for the future.”
Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational (SAGE) University Bhopal has reached many milestones and is emerging as an institute of quality education with integrated academic programmes in central India. The University in pursuance of its vision works in the direction of academic expansion and diversification for widening the academic canvas. By now, we have developed a deep understanding of the current industry to fulfil the intellectual requirements of the society in the areas of Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Commerce, Management, Journalism and Mass Communication, Designing, etc. Our University puts in innumerable efforts to create brand equity by way of divergence in all its cognitive pursuits. The prime focus is on developing of the contemporary curriculum; meeting and beating various benchmarks of quality; developing healthy and happy academic governance.
On behalf of our every individual at Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational (SAGE) University Bhopal, we welcome you to enter the new era of learning with us. At SUB, we are making collaborative efforts to integrate a high level of education competence to a dynamic, yet resource environment. We are preparing the future of our country by harnessing the maximum resources through innovation, entrepreneurial zeal and efficient technology. SAGE has a simple mission, which is to nurture excellence and promote leadership quality in every student. We strive to achieve eminence in every endeavour by modelling knowledge, imparting and augmenting the practice through experiential learning. We understand that flexibility and responsiveness are the two most important skills required to lead. Therefore, our mission embodies dynamism. We are building skilled professionals who can rise and shine in the midst of uncertainties.
Why join SAGE University?
Sage University Bhopal, ranked as the best university in central India, is the hub of educational innovation. Here, they are passionate about grooming future leaders with the best of academics. We imbibe not only wisdom but values as well. Their each and every student learns both professionally and culturally. This is just one of the many reasons, why our alumni are consistently getting placed in various private and public-sector giants.
They are working diligently to become the benchmark of quality education with a world class infrastructure. Their experienced faculties are imbibing the global standards for laying a strong foundation for learning. We know the importance of providing talented students with the right platform of learning. Thus, we have several workshops, seminars, events, and functions going on throughout the year. They have infrastructure and amenities equivalent to the international standards.Ranging right from apple labs to an amphitheatre, from air conditioned classes to a well-housed library, we have a very conducive atmosphere for a student’s overall development. Their advanced labs and well-maintained sports ground will help groom student’s personality on the whole. We believe in enabling our students to live the university life to the fullest. Thus, they have invested in building a campus, which is packed with facilities and is also a power-house of knowledge and opportunities.
Salient Features of our University:
A world-class education in research/real-world environment.
Best academic set-up promoting student-driven course choice.
Advice, guidance, support and mentoring for its students.
Well-defined academic programs and assessment.
Attractive scholarships and financial support.
An up-to-date framework for study, learning, and research.
Respect & contribute to the SAGE community as well as the society.
A wide range of co-curricular activities to choose from with appropriate infrastructure.
Highly scrutinized, clear and fair academic regulations, policies and procedures.
That's why, in this way, SAGE University has become one of the most emerging Universities in the Central India.
By :- Taanisha Mukhopadhyay
#CollegeTips #SAGEUniversity #SUI
#CollegeTips #internship
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basia2002ib · 3 years
Profile & summary of my CAS
Learning outcomes
All in all I can say I achieved all learning outcomes. 
1. I identified own strengths and developed areas for growth. I got involved in activities that based on my prevailing skills but opened new ways to develop. Language can be deepened without limits; although I have got a certified C2 level in German I can still develop my skills and I continued to do so throughout my CAS.
2. I have undertaken a range of challenges, for instance passing a C2 exam in German seemed outlandish at first but then I got used to the idea and focused all my efforts to pursuing this goal. And I did it, even though it might seem abstract. I wanted to challenge myself to spice up my life a little bit and grow personally from the process. Now I can see a difference - my German language skills developed to such degree that when I am reading literature in German now I see an immense difference - now I can easily spot nuances and extract the deep meaning.
3. I initiated and planned CAS experiences thoroughly. I am a pragmatic person who tends to stick to the plan because it gives direction. CAS stages came naturally to me, I did not have to force them because they are inherent parts of planning process. My intellectual challenges undertaken in German - 2 competition and one language certificate required detailed planning for adequate preparation. Also my internship in the foundation required planning and time-management skills as I had to combine it with my various initiatives and rigorous IB programme. CAS stages were useful to plan my CAS project as well - I was in MUN staff, which means I coorganized WawMUN 2019.
4. Commitment and perseverance are prerequisite for success. I understand it therefore in every action I take these factors resonate. Otherwise I would accomplish my goals such as honours in German, I would not be able to play volleyball in the first-line up or I would not fulfill my demanding duties throughout my internship effectively. These are only examples of actions where I used my commitment and perseverance to succeed.
5. I saw benefits of working collaboratively during the WawMUN 2019 conference, which I organized as my CAS project but also in my internship in the foundation and my service as a student goverment vice president. In the student government we need to rely on one another and have each other’s back. We do share responsibilities to make sure nothing is neglected. We help each other and in case of emergency may replace one another either during a debate or while discussing issues with the head mistress. Throughout my internship I served as an assistant therefore I needed to adjust to the current responsibilities. I was instructed by more experienced employees all the way and assigned tasks. WawMUN conference is the biggest MUN in Poland therefore the organization process is complicated and required the division of tasks. If we did not trust each other and if we did not share responsibilities, the effect would not be so spectacular. The results showed the benefits of the team work from its best side.
6. I engaged with issues of gloabl significance throughout my CAS project which was co-organizing the MUN conference. Practising debating skills is crucial in today’s world and new generations of politicians have a chance to challenge their capabilities on the conference. The topics discussed in individual commitees touched upon issues of global significance. It is great to give my peers a chance to gain skills, delve into controversial subjects and defend their position. Some of them would probably pursue politics further in life; MUN conferences are truly inspirational in this respect.
7. One of the ethical issues I adressed during my activity as a student government vice president was the animal consumption. To relieve the environment, make my own step to reduce cruelty against animals, at least at the local level, I negotiated with the canteen supervisor to introduce vegan food. Unfortunately it was not possible to serve vegan dinners because of technical diffuculties but vegan sandwiches appeared in the canteen soon after our proposal. This is the way to satisfy needs of people on a plant-based diet but also a way to promote environmentally friendly food, with no associated cruelty.
I love literature and foreign languages. Throughout my CAS, I combine this two effectively to follow both of my passions simultaneously. I read and write a lot in German and do far beyond what is required in my school. My goals in German are wide-ranging and not confined to my German B classes, but I challenged myslef to take part in competition and to read German literature. Once I have read “The Sorrows of Young Werther”, “Faust”, “The Visit”, “The Trial” in original and it commenced my relationship with German literature. I was captivated by it to such extent that I made a German classic “The Magic Mountain” the center of my Extended Essay. I also chose “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka to use in my oral exam. Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka are one of my favourite writers of all time and they allow me to trace different nuances of German language. Close analysis of these works of art should involve in my opinion delving into the original work. A valuable experience might be to compare it with the translation, which I did throughout my independent study.
My tangible achievements in German (the evidence for my skills) were: a C2 certificate in German, a disitinction in the translation contest “Juvenes Translatores” organized by the European Commision and a finalist title in the National German Olympiad. I reached my aforementioned goals in 2020. They involved CAS stages. 1. I investigated the area I wanted to deepen my skills in and specific aims I wanted to pursue and these were competitions in German. 2. I prepared my strategy, researched the most respectable competitions and exams I wanted to take part in, signed up for them and planned preparation which was necessary because of huge amounts of school work and limited free time. 3. I took specific action, exposed myself to the language days before the exam and throughout multiple months I was doing practice papers, reading and watching a lot. 4. I realized that by pursuing my passion in German and going beyond the curriculum I freed myself and could really delve into the language. The experience provided me with the sense of purpose - my life was not only concerned with my Diploma syllabus but I could get acquainted with literature and recognized the power of translation in terms of its strong influence on the reception of foreign texts. 
From then onward I worked to maintain my German on the same high level. I should not take it for granted - I am not a native speaker. My accomplishements required huge amounts of work and also talent but might disappear if not cared for properly.
In the course of my CAS journey I have been active in many disciplines. Sport is one of my few ways to unwind and stop stressing about reality. I think that the limited possibilities to practice sport were one of the major obstacles during the pandemic. I was deprived of my only way to switch off and relax. Before the pandemic I used to swim and play volleyball in a school team every week plus I attended 3 Physical Education classes per week. Now my prefered activities are not possible to pursue because of lockdown which entailed school, sport halls and swimming pool closures. Moreover I am concerned with the virus. At the start of 2020 we managed to take the fouth place in district-wide volleyball competition. My team and I wanted to improve next year but the pandemic unexpectedly shattered my plans. I am grateful, however, for having been given a chance to represent my school in the first line-up. Moreover, I would attend volleyball practice every Saturday.
My PE classes give me a chance to play volleyball, football or do fitness. I enjoy almost every activity that is physically demanding. And I am also great in sport which boosts my motivation. Beyond school, I used to exert myself a lot in swimming and have difficulties to find enjoyment in it. However, I am a really good swimmer and it strengthens my determination, improves posture and health.
Throughout the pandemic, I have been practising sport independently, as it is an extremely important part of my life. However, in the first lockdown in the spring I used to overexert myself doing long and intensive workouts every day on an empty stomach to the point when I got health problems. I had to give it up and switched to another physical activity, less demanding but equally fun: walking. Never before have I taken walks so often as during the pandemic. Now, in the winter lockdown I also go for a walk sometimes.
I began my CAS journey in 2019 with giving tutoring to a primary school student from a underprivileged background. Teaching subjects I am comfortable in (English and German) and his improved grades were reasons for my satisfaction. It required a lot of patience and perseverance as it was extremely difficult to teach him something because firstly he lacked motivation and secondly he had difficulties memorizing. This made it a huge challenge but turned out to be rewarding.
The second half of my first IB year (2020) I sacrificed for my internship (voluntary work) in a foundation.  My scope of activity consisted in the cooperation with the Fundraising Director and the Spokeswoman of the foundation; I had duties related to fundraising and media such as: preparing summaries of the reports from humanitarian missions for fairs in Dubai, translating posts for English social media profiles, collecting data for media reports, translating official requests for the sponsorship, gathering contact details of potential sponsors i.e. big companies and Presidents of the biggest Polish cities, monitoring press mentions.
Throughout 2020 I have also been fulfilling duties of the student government vice president. My team was elected in February 2020 and until now (beginning of 2021) I hold this position. I resolve current problems with the head mistress, co-organize and participate in events e.g. open days, control social media, coordinate logistics. In March we attended an event for student governments across Warsaw. I also tried to organize the Physics conference with my 2 friends in my school but it was cancelled last-minute due to imposed school closure, one week before it was scheduled to take place. Everything had been arranged with lecturers and we had to cancel feeling miserable.
My wide range of CAS activities - other examples
Apart from my core activities which I described, I got involved in numerous other CAS experienced described on this blog. One of the most enriching ones was my participation in the process of creation of a book. I wrote my own essay to a book published this month by my former class teacher. I entitled my work: “School is people: about sparking authenticity and breaking patterns”. I also cooked a lot and published some of my recipes on the blog, wrote to my school newspaper, took part in environmental protests, wrote some poems, some diary entry, practiced Frech, including writing, took many beautiful photos on my trips abroad,... 
I also co-organized WawMUN2019 conference as my CAS project.
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letsmustafa · 4 years
I) Introduction :
“Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively”  - Theo Gold (Author of Positive Thinking)
The very vital ingredient of life is to share feelings, expressions, to be get heard and add meanings. In fact, the key to life is means to communicate. In other word, we can say, only through communication can human life hold meaning. The process of understanding each other, express ideas, sharing opinion and passing of information or facts. And therefore, it’s imperative to be potent with effective communication skills and techniques in order to enrich the communication process more meaningful and efficient, eventually to be successful in any desired aim or task. We all are bind in relationship whether at home, workplace or in social affairs. Base of successful relationship is communication, and to do it effectively we have to be master in the art of effective communication. To communicate effectively, one must understand the emotion behind the information being said. Understanding communication skills such as; listening, verbal and non-verbal communication, and managing stress can help better the relationships one has with others.
“Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers”  - Lee Brown (American politician, criminologist and businessman)
For many, communication seems like a gift. In reality, it is a skill that can be learned through education and practice. Thus, I strongly believe that, each and every individual can grow and become successful in their respective filed and achieve their desired goal if they are championed in effective communication and eager to learn and adopt it as their essential skill set.    
II) About Me :  
Born and brought up in defense area, a town in India, my upbringing has great influenced of military culture. Being retried naval personnel, my father has always given utmost important to disciplined life be it in education, sports or workplace. My mother, a housemaker, truly believe in freedom of open thinking and expression. She has been source of inspiration for us as siblings to pursue our dreams and has her immense support in every manner to achieve it. I, being the youngest, had more privilege to be with her and get nurtured under the shadow as the wife of warrior, a tough warrior in real life. 
As a defense ward, I was fortunate for having had my schooling in military school throughout and chance of meeting and interacting with colleagues coming from different part of the country. Spending my early life with friends, each one with special personality may it be their language, culture, living style, faith etc., was actually the great learning. I must say, defense kids are breed apart. They can adjust everywhere and has ability to manage life with everyone because of their wide exposure in their initial days. They are really blessed with skills to express themselves quite effectively and bond easily to create value network in life.      
Post completing my graduation, I moved to metro city New Delhi. City with full of scope and hope. Opportunity in every field and avenue to fulfill our dreams. I did my post-graduation (PG) here with an ambition of successful career in corporate world, and hence PG in an MBA with finance and marketing as specialization. Since then I’m a working professional in different sectors namely IT/ITES, HR Consulting and Real Estate respectively. My work domain largely involved; business development, marketing communication (MarCom), client relationship (CRM) and event management. My key result area (KRAs) also involved the part of database management (DBMS), management information (MIS) and team handling. 
With having experience of 12 years in different sectors and domain altogether, I always find a scope of learning, improvement and areas to challenge myself to upscale a level ahead from where I was last standing. Upgrading the communication tactics and strategy is organization demand to align with sophisticated corporate purpose and achieving core objectives. Sometime rejection and disapproval are obvious outcome. However, answer to all is keep on brushing and strengthening the communication strategies, keep it effective and nurture leadership quality with dynamic approach simultaneously.
“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret”  - Shannon L. Alder (An inspirational author)
III) Communication strategy and leadership:
Taking role as senior executive level, it’s important to quickly establish or elevate communication skill sets or program. I understand that, the higher we go, more people within the organization would want to know about what we are going to do and how will we do it. We may have inherited hundreds of staff distributed across the world, to whom we may need to communicate regarding our renewed mission, strategy or brand objectives. Furthermore, there may be numerous other stakeholders outside the company that we have to communicate to, like investors, banks, customers etc. Disciplined communication strategy is essential to get across the critical message to key stakeholders without it being drowned by the noise or lost in translation.  
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It is crucial to implement excellent communication strategy for success in business world. To encourage members of a company to work together effectively. How team and team members within a company interact determines whether projects will run smoothly or be fraught with challenges. This is where leadership comes in. Good leadership and effective communication go hand in hand. Leaders interact with every team and a large number of employees, how a leader communicates sets the tone for the rest of the organization. Good leader should able to motivate, persuade and encourage others to work towards a common goal.
“When the conduct of men is designed to be influenced, persuasion, kind, unassuming persuasion, should ever be adopted. It is an old and a true maxim, that ‘a drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall” - Abraham Lincoln (Statesman, lawyer and former US president)
It’s essential to identify the leadership style for better understanding on how we must interact with, and perceived by, employees across the organization. Irrespective of the position, we need to develop our individual leadership style and cultivate the essential habit of self-awareness. Even before entering the managerial position, leadership qualities are required depending upon the context and situation. It may be goal oriented, action based, people centric, behavioral etc. Excellent communication skills are required to manage a team at workplace or to manage organization efficiently. And communication gets affected by different leadership styles. To conclude, effective communication and leadership together gives an effective leadership communication. Communication makes a leader effective who develops better understanding in teams. These understanding bring a sense of trust in employees on the leader and on each other, work together, which further reinforce congenial relations with team members and creates an excellent work atmosphere. This enhance the dedication towards work and eventually helps to achieve the desired targets. Conceptual model of effective leadership communication can be explained as below –
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Strategic Narrative -
There has been a tangential shift in the way communication is being approached in organizations today. This tangential shift from a formal directive method of communication to a more engaging and inclusive conversational style. The distance between the sender and the receiver is getting shorter and the need for inclusivity and relationship building through communication is getting stronger. One of the major reasons for this shift is the evolution of the workforce and the relationships they hope to make in the workplace. Formality and hierarchy have made way for equality and a flatter organization structure. It’s a common refrain in executive suites these days: “We need a new narrative.” Therefore, story telling is very effective way to excite, attract customers, to engage and motivate. A story that is concise but comprehensive.
“Storytelling can be described as the art of communication using stories and narratives”
When a person needs to be motivated or action is desired out of him/her, communication in the form of stories will generate a stronger reaction when compared to passive data given to him/her.
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Active Listening, Receiving and Implementing Feedback –
“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen” - Ernest Hemingway (An American journalist, novelist, short-story writer, and sportsman)
Effective leaders know when they need to talk and, more importantly, when they need to listen. employees’ opinions, ideas, and feedback are valuable. And when they do share, actively engage in the conversation—pose questions, invite them to elaborate, and take notes. It’s important to stay in the moment and avoid interrupting. It’s critical, though, that you don’t just listen to the feedback. You also need to act on it, to build up the faith, trust and transparency. By letting your employees know they were heard and then apprising them of any progress you can, or do, make, they’ll feel as though you value their perspective and are serious about improving.
IV) Conclusion :
Communication is the core of effective leadership. To influence and inspire the team, we’ve to be championed in transparency and practicing empathy. Need to understand how other perceive one’s perspective basis on verbal and non-verbal cues. Figure out the scope of improvement and development process and align the plan to guide and track progress.
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