#and then they disrespect me like this??? making me skip around all the dialogue in my DIALOGUE-FOCUSED PIECE????
c!beeduo dynamic has me by the throat but absolutely refuse to let me write even a single line of dialogue for them. if they didn’t have a son i’d take both of them by the ankles and individually send them down an industrial-size paper shredder because i am at my fucking LIMIT i have a JOB to do
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ceruleanwhore · 11 months
As someone who has never liked Jin since I first started ikepri, I recently was convinced to attempt to make my way through his romantic route after reading @randonauticrap’s wonderful and very compelling fanfic about him and now, as I finish his story, I wanted to take a very long minute to talk about it. I’d like to start with a bit of context before really getting into things, though. (Major spoilers for Luke and Jin’s routes below the cut.)
A few months ago, I saw a post somewhere on here that mentioned what, for me at the time, was a massive spoiler, that Jin killed Luke’s sister. At the time, I was in the middle of another route so I immediately took to YouTube to find a playlist of Jin’s route because my thought at the time was that I wanted to read it. However, I very quickly decided that I hated it, and then I kind of just flipped through some of the following chapters, kind of scanning for the stuff with Luke’s sister and not finding it, so then I just ended up skipping to the last 8 chapters and slogging through those. It is also worth mentioning that the only ending on YouTube was his dramatic ending.
Now, that whole experience sucked beyond belief and I came out of it deeply, passionately hating Jin because really all I saw was his awful, disrespectful behavior at the very beginning and that horrid shit he pulls both in ch 19 and then in the actual ending. A while after this whole ordeal, I did get around to reading Luke’s route, which made me hate Jin even more because, in the part where Jin is finally explaining what happened on Bloodstained Rose Day and we get his own flashback, there’s no dialogue, like he pulls this injured little girl from the rubble and then just slices her throat without her ever saying anything. Between that and what sure seemed like sexism from what bits and pieces of Jin’s route I’d seen, it gave me this idea that Leyla was straight up unconscious and he just decided to slice her throat like that because, in truth, he just wanted her out of the way and didn’t want to have to deal with her during the fighting but obviously he’d tell himself that it was for her sake or some shit. There’s still a bunch I’m missing with that but I’m about to get way more into this shit so I’m not concerned, but tldr I fucking hated this guy and I thought he was the worst kind of scum coming out of Luke’s route, especially since so many other people in the fandom have talked about how much he gives them the ick.
So now, at the end of his romantic route, I still don’t like him and I really think I was just bewitched by the beautiful things that @randonauticrap has written about him, but I don’t truly hate him anymore. I think I’m going to just list off my issues with his character as quickly as possible to just really show how much there is that I take issue with here without going on about it for an eternity.
First is the way he talks about women (i.e. comments about how he’s never seen such an impressive “rack” before.) More importantly, there’s how he’s sexualizing women in totally inappropriate contexts where there really aren’t any women present, like when he’s training his troops or when he goes to deal with that issue on the border and is addressing those kids from Obsidian. This particularly is disturbing to me because there’s already a longstanding history of men conflating sexual violence with the violence of war and for Jin to, however unintentionally, draw that direct of a connection between fighting in war and having sex with women is something I cannot abide by.
Also with his lack of respect of women is how he demands and abuses Emma’s time at the start of his route. It’s bad enough to put her in that god-awful position in the first place with Sariel and all that, but to then drag her away from the hard work she has to put in because of him just to make her spend an entire day watching him go around hitting on other women is beyond disrespectful. The other thing that really irks me is how he continues to hit on Emma after she’s made it super clear that, unlike the women he has relations with, she truly believes that such relations exclusively accompany real feelings. He acknowledges that she’s a true romantic and then is out here like “where’s my hug” and it makes me feel violent. I originally wasn’t totally against how he talks to women, since in canon all those faceless nameless side characters he fucks seem to be into it and I thought he was a consent king who stops if the woman clearly isn’t interested and only ever pursues women who are really into what he’s offering but apparently not.
Then there’s everything with Clause 99. First off, him putting in the clause basically reflects that his biggest fear is history repeating itself with his parents’ relationship and Clause 99 puts ALL of that responsibility on the women who will serve as Belle in the future. Secondly, this is backed by his hypocritical behavior throughout the different routes. In Luke’s route, he outright encourages Luke to pursue Emma in spite of making this clause and he easily yields to his other brothers when, in their own routes, they decide they want to revoke the clause, and yet Emma herself gets Clause 99 looming over her head throughout all of the routes. The conclusion which I believe is actually meant to be canon with this is that women are fragile little flowers who need extra special protection from the big, bad men and they need a fucking man to provide that protection. Rather than putting in any amount of effort at all whatsoever to make himself and his brothers and future generations of their family better, he’s putting all this serious, overwhelming pressure on the women. Also, the clause does jack shit to help mitigate the development of such emotions, so it literally just serves to put pressure and responsibility on women about things beyond their control while accomplishing nothing other than turning them into scapegoats.
Okay so then I really need to talk about Luke’s sister. So, as I started to talk about before, I now know that the flashback in Luke’s route was incomplete and that Leyla did actually beg for death, but even with that being the case there are still some major ethical issues here. For example, can a ~8 year old child have the bodily autonomy to actually request assisted suicide and should they? Does said child have enough knowledge of pain and injury to know when they’re actually about to die or not? Should a grown ass man actually heed a child’s request for death without even so much as having a doctor spare said child a glance first? But then after he killed her, he went and stole her body to go bury her in the woods, clearly just deciding that her dead body should go to him to use to try and make himself feel better. Those graves that are hidden where only he can find them do nothing for Leyla or for Luke; they exclusively exist for Jin. They are there solely for him to use to try and alleviate his guilt over time, like props. 
Then, there’s the part in Luke’s route where he discovers the truth about Jin, so Jin takes him on a walk to those graves and tells the story of how he killed Leyla before he then tries to get Luke to kill him. Once again, this has nothing at all to do with trying to give Luke justice or closure and it has everything to do with Jin making everything about himself. There’s even a bit in there where Jin basically phrases it like he’s asking Luke to do him a favor and hear him out, making it clear that this is not at all for Luke’s benefit. Likewise, if he really cared about Luke getting real, meaningful justice and closure, he wouldn’t be trying to get Luke to murder him, putting all that blood directly on his hands, giving him further pain and trauma, and also ensuring that Chevalier would then kill Luke because of course he would.
Another thing I want to add, going off of that, is how very badly Jin sucks at conflict resolution, which we see multiple times between his route and Luke’s, whether it’s his conflict with Luke or how he handles shit so utterly fucking terribly with Emma or even that bullshit at the border with Obsidian at the end of his route. This man isn’t just shit at conflict resolution, he’s thoroughly proven that all attempts he makes at it are just variations of the same shit: self sacrifice fueled by ego dressed up to look like it’s heroic and really meant for the benefit of others that only actually harms those it’s supposedly meant to protect.
So I think my final takeaway with his character is that he is inherently very selfish but he has no self awareness about that selfishness and genuinely believes everything he’s doing is for other people. Another thing I want to talk about is that I saw a video the other day that also has softened my overall feelings about Jin, and that video was talking about the lack of self awareness of male feminists. This video talke about how some of these men who are out here making online content around ‘educating’ other men about feminism and respecting women will sometimes share this sentiment like “women have all been traumatized by the bad men out there so you just need to be patient with them” and how condescending it is. The issue here is that, when men say this, they are refusing to acknowledge that even as a good ol feminist ally, their own behavior can come across as sexist and they themselves can give us the ick or make us feel unsafe. 
I bring this up because, with Jin, I originally thought he was a sexist dick hiding behind a very thin facade of “but I love women,” but now I think it really is just a complete lack of self awareness where, like the men that video talked about, he sees himself as a feminist who loves women, so he doesn’t see how his words and actions can make it seem as though he’s violently sexist. So, to sum everything up, when I first found @randonauticrap’s stuff and then subsequently decided to read Jin’s story, I genuinely hated him because I saw him as dangerously sexist and selfish but now, as I finish his route, I don’t like him but I no longer hate him the way I did. Now I see him as capable of change and I think that like after the end of the story, a good person like the one he’s in a relationship with could successfully help him grow and change into a better person.
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kuboism · 3 years
Bleach Canon Vs. Studio Clown Episode 1
Intro to the series
WARNING: Long read but theres plenty of pictures
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The first deviation we’re greeted with is what the anime presents as the arrival of hollows into the human world. With a likely artistic rendition of them forming from the shadows of Hueco Mundo and dripping/bleeding over into the human world like splotches of ink, after which they disappear - unable to be perceived by humans.
A/N: Which, kubos to the anime, is rather neat.
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The anime also decided to incorporate the first volume poem which is the thematic beginning and a great establisher of the mood/themes of Bleach, which roughly translates to: 
我らは 姿無きが故に それを畏れ
“We fear that which cannot be seen”
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And then they curiously add a line to this poem? 
”We revere that which cannot be seen"
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A/N: Which, initially seems on brand with the spiritualism of that “which is not seen” - the shinigami, DEATH itself if you will. However, unlike the themes of “fear” and “fear of death/the unseen”, “reverence” is not really a theme prevalent or definitive for bleach. Reverence is not particularly reserved for death or death gods, but antagonists with themes of divinity/the Soul King himself, but I digress.
Next off the bully scene has a couple of missing/reworded lines, as well as some of the delivery changed, but overall it’s not significant enough to mention.
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I also wish they’d kept Ichigo’s shit yourself scary face from this moment right here, since it really underlines how serious and personally invested Ichigo is in bringing small justice to the souls of the departed, but I can only pray a future remake does include it.
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^ I am disappointed in y’all :/
v Karma delivery, bitch
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Then for some reason the next scene is changed significantly:
In the manga, it builds up slowly to Ichigo’s reveal of supernatural abilities with the iconic TM character profile intros (which I can see why weren’t recreated in the anime, but I sure wish they put them in....)
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with him spooking the bullies off with the ghost girl right behind him
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Versus his scary face doing the job instead.....
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It’s a small change, and I can see why it would be opted for - we don’t really know if they even saw the ghost in the first place (then again you could argue that would spook them anyway). There is a tonal difference in the long run though. The manga emphasizes once again *why* ichigo is scolding them in the first place - he sees the people disrespected by them knocking down the vase, he wants them to acknowledge their actions *because* in his mind, there are real victims he knows from it. While in the anime, since the ghost is not yet introduced, it feels more like “you are disrespectful to the dead” in a more generalized way vs. him actually being acquainted with the dead and treating them like the living. 
(Again, not sure why change it so much at all........the suspense and reveal are in the manga just the same.... but ok)
As well as cutting off this small moment where you can see Ichigo’s very human (and cute!) interactions with the ghosts. To him they’re just as real as the living, and he lends them a hand whenever they ask for help.
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Also lmfao this 4kids level of censorship.....
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It goes on rather faithfully for a while, no significant omissions, then Pierrot decides to randomly replace Yuzu’s lines with Karin??
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Which is an odd choice, given that not only does Yuzu sense ghosts just fine (albeit at a much lesser level than her family) and that later comes into play with Fishbone & Grandfisher, but Karin literally later admits that she doesn’t even want to acknowledge their presence, so why the change....?
They also cut short Karin’s little talk about Ichigo’s stats, which is a fair change for screentime’s sake, but mentioned for the record.
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There’s a bit of a divergence with Yuzu lore, when the manga explicitly states she sees them, but not “clearly”, the anime focuses on her barely sensing them. I guess it doesn’t matter that much in the long run, since she is not that prevalent in the story, but it’s here for the record nonetheless.
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Also this next bit was removed, probably for the sake of pacing (which, totally fair!!), but it’s funny and I love the Kurosaki family so here it is:
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It does make the flow a bit better in the manga, since this talk of selling his talents distracts Ichigo and creates an opening for his father to strike, in the anime, the same is done with Ichigo just randomly saying 
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and thats where his father attacks him, which isnt really an issue, just kind of funny of how the manga is like:
Ichigo’s distracted by his sisters plotting to sell him out and hence Isshin has his chance to strike back
vs the anime being like:
Ichigo randomly thinks about dinner mid convo about ghosts and thats what distracts him from play-fighting with his dad 
gfdkhlgfdg okayyyy....moving on 
In the manga this scene is interspliced with Ichigo’s inner monologue about the nature of his powers (with hip jargon like “for real” courtesy of Viz ) 
(but my beef with Viz translations are for another day)
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Also the line about “He told me more ghosts than ever have been haunting me” has been given to Karin for some reason, probably to make her feel more included in the scene/Ichigos life.
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Notably, Isshin’s response is changed from “What?! He talks about stuff like that with you (Yuzu, singular)” to “What?! He talks about stuff like that with you guys?” as well, again probably to include Karin more into the dialogue. (Mmmm ok....)
Minor detail, but Karin’s lines has been changed to more “boyish” speech structure in the Japanese dub, which may seem insignificant, but ...... that is for later. 
This little exchange
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 is replaced with: 
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Which, seems innocuous adaptation differences, but Yuzu’s lines keep decreasing and it’s a short enough moment to like....include and establish how motherly Yuzu is acting towards Ichigo.....but ok...huh. 
And now we get into the big boy changes.
So, probably for the sake of grounding the supernatural element of the series, the anime decided to skip time to the next morning and introduce the hollow attacks with a news report.
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Which.....is an interesting choice. I am assuming this is addressing how the real world perceives the hollow attacks, which Bleach doesn’t put too much effort into addressing, but very soon after this we learn about stuff like memory replacement and other various technology to keep things under wraps so this is either redundant or implying that shinigamis have not been doing their job, which hm......
Next off is the bizarre choice to paint Isshin out of the picture for the night
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Not sure why, but ok
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Again, where’s the shinigami with their Kikanshinki (memory replacement devices)??? Pierrot where’s the lore coherence......
Anyway, Ichigo goes to replace the girl’s vase, but suprise-surprise she’s gone-zo. Wonder what happened to her.....
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(And....again, people vehemently don’t want a reboot when the anime looks like this? )
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So Ichigo hears a scream and a hollow scream and follows the sound (Ok?).
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Totally random hollows attack. Which Ichigo somehow has never seen so far? Mind you, this isn’t like in the manga, where Fishbone was sent by Aizen specifically after Ichigo to make him aware of it. These are random-ass hollows attacking people, so how come Ichigo suddenly sees them. Ya coulda played it safe Pierrot, and stuck to the book, but we got plot inconsistencies episode one so let’s party.
The girl is, of course, not eaten and they run away.
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She trips at the most inconvenient moment. (can ghosts trip? Ghost don’t even have legs in japanese lore and Kubo draws them floating around so okkkkkkkk)
(ok ok, im just being petty, bUT YKNOW)
(convenient tripping on deadass levelled ground is convenient)
(also God I really want that bag Ichigo’s got on his shoulder, it looks so nice)
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Random-ass hollow closes in and 
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(Now, if the rest of Bleach and the manga didn’t exist I would like this moment. We get a glimpse into Rukia’s abilities, into shinigami as a concept and we don’t really get to see her slice and dice hollows that much overall so the moment itself is rad in isolation.
Now, unfortunately for Pierrot’s screenwriters, Bleach manga exists and so does it’s lore, which again, would not be inconsistent with each other if the adapation was faithful. Now, Ichigo sees a shinigami, for some reason, for the first time in his 15 years of life. All of a sudden. 
You could argue, that much like in the manga, this is all part of Aizen’s plan TM, but like, she literally leaves right after leaving Ichigo gaping in awe ghfkjgdf. Why’d Aizen give him an appetizer, I really don’t understand how this change is benefitting the narrative in any way. It’s ....dare I say....generic.)
Rukia yeets the hollow
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(why is this kid suddenly not wearing shoes?)
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and goes off on her merry way, leaving Ichigo shooketh
ALSO RUKIA MA’AM THERES A FUCKING STRAY GHOST RIGHT AT YOUR RIGHT????? ISNT IT YOUR LIKE....JOB.......... TO HELP GHOSTS MOVE ON??? i know killing hollows is the fun part, but like ghjkfdlgfd ??? are you gonna ignore her???
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( his fucking face ghfjdkgdlfgfd)
So after this wholeass pointless detour (you’ll see why it’s pointless in a moment)  we timeskip again (the filler is strong in this one. These 6 minutes were worth not coming up with something cohesive and removing scenes that actually make sense ah yes)
Ichigo is in deep thought TM about who tf is the stranger he’d just seen. Likely mulling over the monsters and how this person was able to slay said monsters. Probably thinking how unusual they are.
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and as if on cue
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the stranger makes their presence once more
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(my God these faces gfhgkldfg)
Now let’s briefly address what happens in the manga instead.
Instead of the whole timeskip scene with the fight, Ichigo simply returns to his room on the same day, and oddly enough recognizes the species of the butterfly he sees? (nerdy boi! nerdy!! boi!)
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rukia arrives much the same
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(With the little text emphasizing how he’d never been aware of soul reapers, which is unsurprising given their secrecy, and makes sense in the long run since their first meeting is specifically orchestrated by Aizen. Two species that werent meant to interact brought together by his schemes.)
Back to the anime:
Ichigo pauses to ponder who tf they are and why the fuck they’re there.
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and then the anime has the gall to suddenly revert to sticking to the manga, which like.... Ichigo kicks her for no reason? I guess because she isn’t answering? Even though Ichigo knows she has a sword and can wield it? Reckless boy.
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Manga Ichigo thinks she’s a burglar, therefore, unsurprisingly, is comfortable kicking her outta his house. It’s a silly moment, but it also shows how accustomed or stupidly brave he is with the supernatural.
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In the anime Ichigo asks her who she is instead of all that, and she responds pretty similarly to the manga
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(Ichigo and Rukia addressing the pointless filler, this leads nowhere)
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Rukia check him out like she’s checking if the oranges on sale dont have mold on them 
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slapstick ensues
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and Rukia decides to answer his question.
Vs. the manga in which Isshin doesn’t leave his children home alone for some random conference and is actually used very efficient for two reasons:
1) building up on the burglar gag with actually funny slapstick that is based on a previously established joke
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2) Instead of Rukia just saying “oh usually people can’t see me”, we get an actual demonstration of it, the reader gets to see “oh Isshin can’t see her - she must be a spiritual entity,” which further clicks with her surprised reaction at him being able to kick her in the first place.
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The next scene is the classique Pierrot censorship.
Ghost girl runs away from what I’m assuming is Fishbone.
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Aside from not showing her get eaten, the scene is pretty much delivering the same message, 
UNLIKE THE MANGA, where Rukia arrives the night before and is specifically seeking Fishbone, therefore having no time to help this girl pass away, 
This vvvvvvv
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(I rest my case. Thank you Pierrot for making Rukia either negligent or an idiot. Awesome, And mind you, these changes were unnecessary. The manga’s pacing is fine. They could’ve extended scenes. But nope, had to go for making them meet beforehand.)
Anyway, we get to see some actual stakes in the manga
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The next scene which is this in the manga 
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has two changes to it. Firstly, obviously Isshin being consoled by Yuzu isn’t included since he isn’t home in the anime, and even if he were, I can see why that would be removed, cute as it may be.
And secondly, due to them having met prior Ichigo asks two additional questions:
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And Rukia nods at both, which means she acknowledges that she had seen the girl the hollow was after and yet did nothing to help her pass on. 
(Reminder the Bleach anime was in production WAAAAY past the first 4 volumes, which gave a good general idea of the series, which y’know, was fine to adapt as is.
You’ll see these changes add up into becoming inconsistent with further Bleach lore. There’s a reason people call Bleach a hot mess, and I’m afraid Kubo ain’t really it.)
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(Volume 14 Note from Kubo where he talks about the anime being announced)
Back to the series
Pet peeve time: Wish the anime was half as expressive as the manga
These scenes are supposed to represent
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This panel:
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(Nitpicking? Perhaps, but idc)
So uh, this scene is odd
Again, because of the addition of that filler with the hollow
Ichigo has seen her in action
And they even added Rukia trying to convince him 
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even though, yknow???
LITerally the previous day???
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Anyway  in the manga, where Ichigo has reason to be distrustful of her and her claims since y’know hes never seen her or a shinigami in action, but has enough proof that she’s a ghost bc his dad didn’t see her, he simply dismisses her before she can reply, and instead of just getting angry for being called a pipsqueak
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she shows both Ichigo and the audience proof of her spiritual powers by binding Ichigo and forcing him to quietly listen to her explanations.
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(To reiterate - Anime Rukia  has to verbally try to convince Ichigo WHO SAW HER FIGHT A HOLLOW THE OTHER DAY that shes no ordinary ghost. And because of that, she has no other reason to use Sai on him other than that shes mad she was called a pipsqueak bc she just tried to verbally convince him shei is a shinigami. When they could just adapt the manga and have her both demonstrate her powers and put him in his place at the same time. Wild.)
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Also the subs may not show it if you’re watching it on Netflix, but anime Rukia says “I am not allowed to lay my hands on humans outside orders,” which like, you ARE LITERALLY DOING THAT. Manga Rukia is fine with bullying Ichigo, but she draws a line at killing him, but man Anime Rukia, you give no fucks about the laws huh.
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why so cheerful?
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(also Rukia be right tho)
(specifcally compared to hell you could say Soul society is a resftul place lmfao)
Also anime salary man gets to rest in peace, even like, pray and shit
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Meanwhile the manga
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(also notice how we’ve been robbed of ichigo’s silly socks
I swear the anime knows how to suck the soul out of the manga 
Get it? Soul! haha ....moving on.)
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Really Rukia? One of your jobs?
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(Again pet peeve but look at how ugly this screen is COMPARED TO THE MANGA)
(What have they done to you, queen)
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(also they never mention the name Konso ( or as Viz calls it here -”soul funeral”, thanks Viz)
Next on, not a pet peeve, but an observation:
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Anime Rukia keeps her sketchbook in her kimono
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Manga Rukia keeps it at the titty
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Yep, which you neglected to do the day before,
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she literally says “With the konso I did just a  moment ago” like she used the word before. Like you can contextually get it, but why cut that line out of the dialogue if you don’t change the next line it’s referenced in?
There’s also a dialogue change from the manga’s well, Viz uses “vaporize” which is not a bad choice given the specific wording Kubo uses, but the original says 
昇華 • 滅却
sublimate/convert • extinguish
which is a clever little nod/foreshadowing to the nature of souls in bleach and that they can be “converted” in and out of a hollowfied state. 
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While the anime just says “to slay hollows”, and albeit it lacks the little nod the manga has to offer, I can’t see how they’d include it in the anime at that stage so I’m fine with them simplifying it to like, an exorcism.
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A better question then Rukia - WHY DIDN’T YOU SEND OFF HER SOUL????
also WAIT THE GIRL IS STILL ALIVE?? she’s dead-dead by this point in the manga.
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Anyway, Fishbone almost grants her the priviledge of escaping this God-awful anime, but is suddenly stopped?
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wait WHY DOES FISHBONE TALK?? GHFJD isnt this supposed to be  a juicy reveal for later when Ichigo realizes “hey theyre not actual complete monsters - but used to be humans!” Hm, ok.
Also leaves her alone? Damn ok...
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Moooving on...
Speaking of the manga, this little moment is missing:
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Since there is no pointless filler that would make him ask about the ghost girl therefore exposing Rukia’s slacking off of her duty, Ichigo realizes that there must be a hollow nearby bc in the manga he actually has braincells to spare. 
Also wiping off the Baron’s moustache moment is gone 😢
Missing and dearly missed is also this moment, which consolidates how protective Ichigo is of his family. He only needs to hear Yuzu scream to click that the hollow is nearby and his family is in danger. I feel like anime Ichigo should be even more worried since his sisters are alone but ok??
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Also foreshadows their dynamic of Rukia trying to stop his reckless attempts at pushing himself to protect his family, bc yknow....she has her own Kaien trauma to process.
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Next off....
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This is .... a choice....
They were very eager to give Yuzu’s lines to Karin just a couple of moments ago but now this whole exchange:
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Where we see a very pragmatic yet soft side of Karin
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She doesn’t know what is happening, and doesn’t expect her brother to fight it - he just wants him to be safe, because she loves her family. At least warn him before it gets to him and hurts him.
is replaced with this:
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Yuzu, sweetie, what do you think he can do to achieve that.
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I guess at least Anime Ichigo tries to get Rukia to do her job as she looks down on Yuzu in silence. 
But compare it to the manga:
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#MyRukia stops by Karin to check for a pulse and reassures Ichigo that his sister is alive.
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Manga Ichigo is NUMBER ONE oniichan in town and doesnt have time to call out to a stranger to save his family - HES BEYOND READY TO GO FIGHT, RECKLESS AS IT IS, EVEN THOUGH HIS OWN FAMILY BEGS HIM TO JUST RUN. because he cant let himself be unable to protect them. He cant live with himself if he doesnt try his darnest to protect them.
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*elevator music playing as ichigo tries to get rukia’s attention but she fucks off downstairs, but instead of doing shit he just does the worm on the floor*
which I guess is more realistic for a teenage boy, but Ichigo is literally traumatized by being unable to protect a family member. Y’all think a ghost he’s never seen before is gonna stop him? 
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Yooo, pathetic. #NotMyIchigo
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lunarsaga · 3 years
EPISODE 5: The Band of Seven, Resurrected
WELCOME TO EPISODE 5! So far, episode 6 is up on my Patreon already, and episode 7 is in progress. Support me on Patreon to see stuff first!
IMPORTANT: I am starting to integrate the art into the story a little differently! Instead of just visualizing a moment in the scene, the image will replace the lines it's depicting. It'll work more like a hybrid graphic novel, that way it'll flow better. (So don't skip over the art, read it like you would a western comic!)
Reminder: [Dialogue like this is English!]
EPISODE 5, LESSGO! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
It was a bit of a long flight between the bone-eater’s well and the spot where Luna last left her sister and her friends.
They were still headed northeast, still trying to find Naraku. But Luna’s supply of ammunition only lasted so long, and she decided she probably needed more medical supplies if they were all gonna make it past this war with Naraku. So she’d gone back to the modern era for a few days, and called Alice to get her connections with other Hunters in Japan—so Luna could make more Sacred Salt rounds without having to explain to international customs why she was getting a bunch of empty shotgun shells, non-native herbs, and a few other assorted (weird) things she needed.
So she’d gone home for a few days. Thankfully, she didn’t have to walk; Airisu (who still objected to Luna calling her ‘Alice’, but agreed to the simple nickname ‘Ai’) in full demon form could fly pretty fast, but she ran out of steam after about an hour. It took them a full day (including rest time) to get back to the village, and the same on the way back.
But before they joined back up with their friends, Luna had a stop to make.
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It ain’t hard to miss, she thought snarkily, he’s like a damn homing beacon.
Finally, among all the green of the forests, she spotted a speck of white. Easy. “There they are!”
Ai set them down just behind the little group of travelers—Rin, the little imp Jaken, the big horse-dragon (Ah-Un, Luna believed?), and heading the line was, of course, Lord Fussy Britches himself. Rin spotted them before they touched down, and greeted delightfully:
“Miss Luna!”
The Hunter’s arrival brought the others to a halt, and for some reason, Luna found a very smug satisfaction in the incredibly irritated, over-the-shoulder side eye she got from Sesshomaru. But she paid him no mind; she was here for Rin.
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Luna held out her hand, unfolding her fingers to reveal three beautiful pearls, strung on a little leather cord. Each of them glinted with an odd pink sheen and were warm to the touch; anyone with any sort of spiritual senses might’ve picked up on the soft energy radiating from them.
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Luna tied the cord tightly at the ends and moved to slip it over the little girl’s head.
“As if she would ever need such a ridiculous thing!”
Luna swore one of these days, she was gonna drop kick that little frog. “Look, dude—”
“It’s Jaken, insolent human!”
“—I’m just looking out for her. No need to burst a blood vessel.”
“What is she to you?”
Luna was actually shocked to be addressed by Sesshomaru himself. He was still giving her the side eye, but there was less irritation and more of… something Luna couldn’t place. Maybe she was flirting with death, but she couldn’t resist.
She stood tall, chin high, and responded: “What is she to you?”
There was the anger: contained, but frigid and harsh as the Arctic behind those amber eyes. Sesshomaru did not answer her, but Jaken sure did.
“How dare you, human! Your nerve is surpassed only by your stupidity to speak to Lord Sesshomaru that way! Surely you wish for death!”
Only sometimes. “Can it, Kermit!” She snapped at him, “I ask because he’s always leaving her alone, with nothing but you to protect her! You, who are half her size and don’t have much in the way of defense!” She moved her challenging gaze to Sesshomaru again, steadfast. “So I ask again, what is she to you, if you leave her with barely any protection so often? Because to me, she’s a friend and I care about her, so I brought her these as a last resort option, in case you’re not around and she needs help.”
There it was, that unreadable expression again. Sesshomaru was definitely incomparable at hiding his true emotions—something Luna could absolutely not stand. Tense silence hung in the air for a moment, before Luna shrugged, holding her hands up.
“Hey, think of it this way,” She said, trying a sly little smile, “You’re a busy guy. It’s one less thing you have to worry about. And if she never needs them, at least it’s a pretty necklace.”
Man, this guy was good at keeping quiet. But now, the icy glare was gone. Luna swore she could see just the tiniest arc of a silver eyebrow before the demon turned back around on the path they’d all been heading.
“Jaken, let’s go.”
Flabbergasted, Jaken tripped over himself trying to follow. “Y-yes milord!”
Grinning, Luna got back down to Rin’s level. “You take care, okay kid?”
“I will! And thank you so much for these— I don’t think I’ll need them because Lord Sesshomaru always comes to save me, but I’ll wear them anyway!”
“That’s all I ask,” This little angel was definitely gonna need it at some point. “But if you do need me, I’ll always be there for you, okay? I promise.”
The smile on Rin’s face could’ve melted the ice caps. “Thank you.”
Luna stopped her as she started to leave. “Hold on, one more thing. Each one only works once before it shatters, so you gotta save them for when you’re really in trouble, okay?”
“Okay, I will! Bye, Miss Luna!” Rin grinned, waving at her friend before hurrying after the demons.
Luna chuckled, turning back to Ai for a second before something occurred to her. “Hey, Sesshomaru!”
He didn’t turn to look at her this time, but he did pause in his walking.
Good enough. “I heard there was something going down in the Northeast—direction of the Ox and Tiger. Something to do with Naraku. Thought you might like to know.” She didn’t wait to see if he heard or registered what she said; she just hopped back on Ai’s back, and the two of them took off.
“I hope you know conflating bravery with stupid pride is more than likely to get you killed one of these days.” Ai said as she lifted into the sky.
“Oh most definitely,” Luna laughed. “But as much of a pompous man-child as he is, you can tell he cares for that girl more than he’s willing to admit.”
“That may be, but he’ll definitely kill you if you keep disrespecting him.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take, for Rin’s sake.” Luna’s voice was soft, carried off by the wind. “That little angel’s been through enough, she deserves someone in her corner.”
~    ~    ~
Finally catching sight of their friends again was a bit of a relief for both Luna and Ai. It had been a long couple of days, going all the way home and coming back. Part of Luna hoped they’d get just a little bit of rest before whatever shit hit the fan next, but another part knew the odds on that were pretty low. Still, it was nice to be back.
Kagome was the first to spot them as they flew in. “It’s Luna!”
“Luna’s back!” Shippo proclaimed joyfully.
“Hey, y’all,” Luna greeted as Ai touched down. She hopped off the demon’s back as her friends offered their greetings. “What’d I miss?” She asked.
Miroku was the one to answer. “Quite a lot. It seems that we may encounter a new enemy: the local villagers recently informed us of a group of mercenaries called the Band of Seven. The villagers believe these ruthless killers may have been brought back from the dead.”
With a grin on her face, Luna shrugged at the idea. “Undead mercs, huh? Nothin’ we can’t handle.” She held up her fist for her sister to bump it, and as Ai changed back to her human form, Luna noticed their little group was smaller than it should’ve been. “Where’s Sango?”
Kagome bumped fists with her sister, smiling at Luna’s nonchalant comment. “She went off with Kilala. I sensed a Jewel Shard nearby earlier… so I think she may have gone to look for Kohaku.”
Luna didn’t have time to respond. Off in the distance, she heard the distinctive echo of a sound she was all too familiar with.
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Inuyasha hopped up onto a tree limb, hoping to get a look at what was happening. He couldn’t see it, but he sure as hell could smell it. “And it ain’t from just a handful of people, either.”
So much for a second to rest, Luna chuckled to herself as she tightened the straps on her backpack and immediately kicked into gear. “What’re we waiting for, then?”
And off they were, charging headlong into danger as always. Luna could sense something was up; more so than usual. The stench of blood was never a good sign in the first place, but there was something else setting off warning bells. Something she couldn’t put a finger on.
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The smell got stronger and stronger, until… they reached its source. Despite the amount of nasty shit she’d seen in her ten years of hunting supernatural monsters, there were some things that still turned her stomach, and seeing a single human being standing in a veritable ring of blood and gore was definitely one of them. His black hair was pulled into a twist; his lips were painted red, he had blue tattoos like tear tracks under each eye, and one side of his kimono was tucked up under his belt. The dude was just squatting in the middle of the carnage, eyeballing the barrel of a matchlock gun like it was his first time seeing one (which, hell, it might be, she thought to herself; in this time, they would’ve only recently been invented). He seemed completely unbothered by the dozen and a half bodies of freshly murdered warriors and their horses surrounding him.
Inuyasha was the one to get to the scene just ahead of the others, calling back over his shoulder: “Stay back! Don’t come over here!”
Instinctively, Luna remained in front of her sister, her arm out to try and block her view. Her stomach was churning, and her hand was poised to pull her gun if needed. No way this guy could be human… right?
“Did… that one person do all this?” Kagome’s voice was a shocked whisper.
It was then that the guy in the middle noticed them. He stood, his sword over his shoulder and his head cocked slightly to the side.
“Are you the one I’ve been looking for?” He asked, a grin on his face as he shielded his eyes from the sun. “Are you Inuyasha?!”
“Got a bad feeling about this.” Luna mumbled, “That guy isn't a demon, is he?”
“I don’t think so,” Kagome uttered back to her, “I don’t sense a demonic aura….”
“How’d you know my name?!” Inuyasha demanded.
He got no answer out of the guy with the sword. Instead, the guy squealed: “You’re adorable!”
A dumbfounded silence fell over the group. Luna glanced around at the others to make sure she didn’t just lose her mind—but no, the general consensus among her friends was along the lines of ‘what the actual fuck?’
“I especially love those fuzzy ears of yours!” The guy continued, licking his lips. “I want them~”
Alright, so this guy was nuts. Luna had had enough of ignoring the bad vibe she was picking up from him. She dropped her bag next to Kagome’s bike and readied herself for a fight: detached the ammo bag and shotgun holster from her pack and slung them over her shoulder, slipped her short sword through one of the belt loops on her jeans, and pulled her shotgun to make sure it was in hand and loaded. She kept her eyes moving back and forth between Inuyasha and the dude with the sword during the next exchange:
“Who are you?” Inuyasha demanded, “What are you after? You don’t smell like a living person, you reek like corpses and graveyard soil!”
No answer.
“Inuyasha,” Miroku said in realization: “Could he be—?”
“Yep,” Inuyasha confirmed, before calling out to the guy with the sword again: “Some villagers were talking! They said some disgusting specter rose up from the grave. That’d be you, I presume!”
Right, zombies, Luna thought to herself; if he really is undead, the Sacred Salt won’t do as much as it would a demon… It’d sting, but what I really need is-… She smirked and holstered her gun again, grabbing a different weapon from the bottom of her bag.
“Are you one of the Band of Seven?!” Miroku asked of the specter as Luna was tuning back in. “Answer me!”
After a long pause as the specter seemed to size the monk up, his response was even worse than before. “Inuyasha really is good looking, but you’re pretty sexy yourself~”
Luna snorted so hard she thought she was gonna eject her brain through her nose. Ai whacked her in the arm as a warning.
“No one minds if I suck him up, do they?” Miroku grumbled.
“No.” Inuyasha said, flatly.
“Hold on!” Kagome said, “He’s got a Sacred Jewel Shard! He must’ve been revived with the power of the Shard!”
“So that was what I was sensing,” Luna mumbled, “but why does it feel off...?”
“Where’d you get the Jewel Shard?!” Inuyasha once again attempted to pose a question to their opponent, only to once again receive a weird, adoring response:
“You know, you’re cute when you’re angry~!”
“Shut up!” Inuyasha shouted, jumping forward and drawing his sword. “Alright, dead man, you’d better start talking to me, and I want real answers!”
The expression on the specter’s face shifted from one of reverence to one more sadistic as he regarded Tetsusaiga. “That’s an interesting sword you have there… let’s see whose is stronger.” He lifted his own sword, making an odd motion around his head and shoulders with it as if he were gearing up for something. “Yours or mine?!���
When he brought his arm down, something that looked almost like a bolt of silver lightning shot from his blade. Inuyasha barely had the chance to block it as it cut an arc through the air toward him.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome called out in surprise.
“Stay back!” Miroku threw his arm out in an attempt to shield the others. “It’s some kind of trick sword!”
“That’s my cue!” Ai shifted into full demon form, jerking her head at the sisters and the little fox. “All aboard!”
Kagome climbed on no issue, but Luna glanced at Miroku, who made no move to follow them. “You coming?”
“I’ll be alright, you keep them safe.” Miroku said, resolute. Not about to argue, Luna climbed on the demon’s back and Ai leapt into the air above the fight.
“You gonna be okay holding all of us after that long flight?” Luna asked her friend.
“I’m fine, it’s the same weight as you with your pack on.” Ai sassed back.
“Yeah well, fuck me for being prepared,” Luna laughed, starting to prep the other weapon she’d brought.
Kagome managed to tear her eyes from the confrontation below to try and see what her sister was doing. “What did you bring, Luna?”
Luna grinned as she clicked the last accessory into place, then turned back to show her sister. “This? This is my baby.” She held up her favorite weapon: it was a fully-customized folding compound crossbow as long as Luna’s arm. She pressed a release on the side, and the arms shot into place, making both Shippo and Kagome jump.
“Whoa!” The fox demon exclaimed, “What kind of a weapon is that?!”
“It’s a crossbow, Shippo,” Kagome explained, “It’s kind of like my bow, but the arrows are smaller and it’s easier to fire.”
“Self-loading, too,” Luna smirked as she strung it up, “The ‘arrows’ are called bolts or darts. This thing can shoot way faster than a longbow, and since we’re dealing with Zombie Harley Quinn down there—” She grabbed a bolt from her ammo bag to show it to them, “—we’re gonna need these. They’re tipped with pure silver. Great for dealing with Vampires, Werewolves, The Undead, and The Unholy.”
Shippo reached out to touch it, but Kagome stopped him, shaking her head rapidly. “It’s safe to assume you shouldn’t touch anything Luna has in her bag, Shippo.”
The kid swallowed nervously. “G-got it...”
Below them, the fight continued. Inuyasha could barely avoid each strike of the snakelike sword, and his opponent only seemed to be having more and more fun.
“What do you think of Jakotsu of the Band of Seven, huh?!” He shouted as he swung the sword once more.
“Not too much!” Inuyasha came back at him with Tetsusaiga, but to no avail.
Kagome gasped. “He needs help!”
“That’s what this baby’s for,” Luna grinned, patting her crossbow. “Ai, can you stay out of reach of the sword but get me close enough to shoot?!”
“It’ll take a miracle!”
“Better start praying, then,” Luna lined up the shot, finger still as stone on the trigger. There was a familiar voice in the back of her head; she could hear her father saying: “Aim for where they’re gonna be, not where they are.”
I know, dad. She tried not to sigh audibly as she managed to get Jakotsu’s head in her crosshairs and pulled the trigger, quick as a viper.
And… almost missed him.
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The consecrated silver bolt seemed to burn through the air as it shot just centimeters shy of the specter’s nose and grazed his arm, burning a hole in his kimono. He whipped his attention to the woman who shot it.
“How dare you interfere?!” He snarled, rearing his arm back and whipping his blade toward them.
Luna felt her stomach drop.
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“You idiot!” Ai snapped at her, trying to fly out of range of the sword as Kagome and Shippo both clung, screaming, to Luna’s back. Just as the sword arched toward them, there was a familiar cry of:
And Jakotsu’s blade was then tangled around the aforementioned boomerang. All three riding on Ai’s back sighed in relief when they saw Sango swoop in on Kilala. Ai touched down just as Kilala did, transforming into her human form and unceremoniously dumping the sisters on their asses.
“Are you all okay?” Sango called over to them.
“We’re fine!” Shippo answered.
“Perfect timing, Sango!” Kagome said.
“Some weapon, Luna!” Ai huffed in the Hunter’s direction. Luna just stuck her tongue at her.
Jakotsu was practically red in the face, shrieking in frustration: “What is with all you vile women?! Can’t you see I’m trying to battle Inuyasha?!” In the same breath, he whipped his sword again, toward Sango this time. The movement freed Hiraikotsu, and ended up leaving a small slice on Sango’s arm as Jakotsu pulled it back.
“Stay out of this!” He continued, “None of you will interfere!”
But their “interference” had served Inuyasha well enough: it gave him just the opportunity he needed to rear back and punch the specter in the face.
“Shut up! I’m tired of listening to your pointless babble!” Inuyasha growled.
Jakotsu grunted as he tumbled back, then rubbed his cheek and pouted like a kicked puppy. “That was cruel…”
“Oh, get over it!” Inuyasha snapped, “Now tell me who gave you the Sacred Jewel Shard before I have to seriously hurt you!”
Kagome and Miroku rushed to see if Sango was okay, but she assured them that it was just a graze; she was fine. Her attention was more on the subject at hand.
“I have a feeling that the shard came from Naraku,” She said, somberly. She looked at Kagome. “When you sensed a Jewel Shard earlier… it was Kohaku. I saw the Saimiyosho around him as well.”
“That means that your brother is still under Naraku’s control…” Miroku said. Sango nodded.
Luna had set her weapon down next to her backpack, and came back with a bandage for Sango’s arm. Her mind was going at a million miles an hour, trying to figure out how the hell they were gonna handle this—first an undead band of Ronin, now they have something to do with Naraku. What was Naraku playing at...?
“Gotta wonder what the hell is next…” Luna mumbled sarcastically.
Seconds later, she would regret asking. A cloud of black smoke poured over the cliffside, drifting right toward them.
Like he knew what was happening, Jakotsu got up and collected his sword. “Inuyasha! You should get out of here while you can! Bye!” And with that, he was just… gone.
“What the hell—” Inuyasha broke off with a startled yell when the cloud reached him. “Its poison!”
“But where’s it coming from?!” Miroku wondered.
“We need to move.” Luna reassembled her bag in less than thirty seconds—side effect of doing it so often. “We can figure out what the hell is going on when we’re safely away from here!”
Why do I feel like we stepped into something huge here? Luna thought to herself as the group of friends moved away from the cloud of gas.
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akria23 · 3 years
Understand that none of this will make sense - Ive been up since 3am & I’m depressed. I’ll do an actual thought review later - Lets just have some fun.
You didn’t know who he would choose? Bish say what?! Do you mean between her or you didn’t know if he would follow you in general. This is not who we raised you to be Fiat. The writing lost me right there 😂 Someone explain in a way that will make me happy.
I’m sorrrrrrry but did he say that this man can tie him up and lock him away…is this an unlocked k!nk orrrr?
No being serious though I’m surprised by this comparison between Leo and Fiat’s mom - not because it’s not valid but because I didn’t think the show would care to make the comparison.
Fiat out here trying to be the best Cinderella he can be while Leo’s confessing to be the beast.
I’m a bad fan - I skipped all the side pairings scene. I’ll rewatch later im too anxious right now.
I wanna talk to whoever filmed this s€x scene 😌 I wanna talk with my hands. Who the freak told you filming beside that art piece was the thing to do?! They kept hitting it and grinding on my nerve.
It’s only cause I don’t feel well that im saying this because I normally never talk Ill about the actors looks but when King was hugging and puffing in that locker room…he looked like a pen!s with hair. I had to pause the show just to stop laughing. No disrespect to the actor 🥲 it’s just his neck muscles in that moment…
I don’t think they should give the tape to the referee I think they should give it to the cops butttt ok.
I also skipped through the game to the last shot. It’s the lackluster cheering for me 🙃
Who filmed the jump shot…I just wanna talk also…their worst kiss to date but okkkk happy energy cause they turned around and said bish we just playing and gave the Ult
Did they just have them stand here and jump for an hour for this celebration scene?! The filming for this episode really annoyed me but it could be cause I’m already not in a good headspace idk…I guess I’ll wait to see if everyone else was bothered.
I’m really happy with this particular dialogue. Them both just apologizing for their own mistakes, pain they’ve cost each other - old and present. That they are both conscious that perfection might not be obtainable but that doesn’t mean their love instead real and steady.
The ball rolled away and didn’t say marry me 🙃 Just kidding I wasn’t expecting a marriage proposal and I sure as heck didn’t want one with a dang basketball. I would’ve been VERY upset with that. I can see a proposal maybe happening in the special however. Speaking of the special they didn’t sub a word of it 😒 I mean not much was said but still!
Did I love the finale? Did I hate the finale? I’m not really sure to be honest…I skipped like 15% of it so I def have to do a rewatch. When I really wanna like something I become anxious about it the anxiousness makes it hard for me to enjoy it so it’s a nasty little pointless feeling. So I def will do a rewatch.
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bellakitse · 3 years
fic writer questions!!
tagged by @reyesstrand (thanks dear!)
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
I have bounced around and I think I have like 12 different fandoms I have written for on ao3, but the ones I have written the most is 911 Lone Star, Teen Wolf, Skam (OG), Roswell New Mexico, Terra Nova, The 100
What are your top five fics by kudos?
(4 are Sterek, one is Stucky)
Sticky Notes and Silent Words
Nurse Rogers
Quiet on the Set!
Number Twenty-three
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
For sure ‘A Drop in the Ocean’ for Terra Nova, it is the only time I have ever written Major Character Death and it broke me to write it.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Lol. I mean, like 99.9% of my fics have happy endings cause I don’t like sad endings. So like all of them?
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I never have.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, now. Tarlos is the first couple I have written explicit stuff for. But, of course, it’s always romantic smut cause I’m a sap.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to answer all of them if I can.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I’m sure I have in the beginning, but it’s been a long time since I have gotten hate.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Unfortunately, yes, and it’s infuriating when it happens, and I am not remotely nice when it’s happened. I have no patience for thieves.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few. It’s always a great honor when someone wants to take the time to do so.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I have always wanted to give it a try, though. It would have to be another writer I’m very close to and have a similar writing style.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
It’s a tie between Tarlos and Sterek.
What’s a wip you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I hate your face, it makes my heart skip a beat (evak) It hurts that I can’t seem to finish it even though it’s two chapters away from being wrapped up.
What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue and expressing emotion are where my strengths lie. I wish I was more descriptive with settings.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I speak Spanish exclusively at home, and I love sprinkling that part of my life into my writing. If it was another language that isn’t my own, though, I would try to reach out to someone who is fluent. The last thing I would want is to be disrespectful to someone else’s culture or language, especially because I don’t like it when people are disrespectful to mine.
What was the last fandom you wrote for?
911 Lone Star. It has my main focus, though I am outlining some Teen Wolf/Sterek stuff.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
The ‘It takes a Village’ Series. My baby and the works I’m most proud of because I actually wrote all I wanted to write and didn’t stop halfway.
tagging: @iboatedhere @mtnofgrace @reyescarlos @manesalex @lire-casander @sunshinestrand
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
Part 2 of the response to this ask:
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Part 1 was about where I think Geten’s story is going, and if I think it’s likely that Dabi will kill him; it dealt mainly with how those characters are set up in canon. Part 2 is far more about the fandom, and the assumptions people make that lead them to theories like the one above--specifically, the assumption that the League was always planning on bailing on the PLF. Hit the jump below with me and I'll go over why I think the common arguments for that are misguided at best, and willfully misreading the text at worst.
WARNING: Contains some generalizations about parts of the fandom that I have mostly taken steps to avoid seeing on my dash, so some of my characterizations may be out of date. I’ve tried to desalinate this post as much as possible, but as an unapologetic fan of the MLA and of Spinner (who I do not bring up incidentally), this is a topic I feel particularly strongly about. Apologies, but I Have Seen Things.
DISCLAIMER: I like Geten better than Dabi. I don't think he's better developed; I don't think he's a better character--I just like him better. This is largely down to the fact that I find the MLA fascinating from a worldbuilding perspective and its members compelling personally, whereas I’m less interested in Dabi personally than I am the Todoroki Drama on the whole, and have been tired of Fanon Dabi for approximately 83 years. I’ll also be the first to admit that my take on Dabi is pretty mercenary--hardly the irredeemable psychopath the Hero Stans on Twitter see, but nothing close to Secretly Soft Big Brother Touya, either. If that’s not your bag, you may want to skip this one.
So, here's a bullet point list of the reasons I have personally seen on why the League was always planning to turn on the MLA:
Dabi and Toga mention "getting started early," and Shigaraki mentions a plan, suggesting that the League had a plan in place independent of the one they arranged as the PLF.
Shigaraki says he won't forgive the Liberation Army for messing with peoples' feelings, so he would never really mean it when he forges an alliance with them.
The MLA is quirk supremacist, like Endeavor, so Dabi would never work with them.
Dabi is just using Skeptic against Skeptic's will; it’s not a willing partnership.
Mr. Compress rejects the PLF moniker for Shigaraki, ergo Mr. Compress didn’t genuinely associate Shigaraki and the League with the PLF.
Toga hated Curious, so she wouldn't want to work with the MLA either.
Twice would never forgive them for what they did to Giran.
[Error: argument about Spinner's opinion on the PLF not found.]
So, let's go over those, shall we? Note that a lot of what I'm going to lay out below isn't conclusive. What I want to establish is simply that the canonical evidence isn't conclusive, certainly not as much so as the people who support this view espouse.
|| Dabi and Toga mention "getting started early," and Shigaraki mentions a plan, suggesting that the League had a plan in place independent of the one they arranged as the PLF.
In responses to my recent Overhaul post, I defended Viz’s official translation as an accurate rendering of the dialogue in question. In general, I feel like Caleb Cook is pretty reliable in his translations, if sometimes kind of stiff or dry in localization. However, there are times he makes assumptions about lines--as indeed a translator for a currently-running series will sometimes have to--and sometimes, those assumptions don’t pan out. This is one of those times.
Dabi's line, "Shall we get started early?" is based on an assumption Cook made about a line that doesn't have an actual subject. In the original dialogue--Hayame ni hajimaru ka--there is no “we,” not even in the form of some implicit collective in Dabi’s grammatical inflection, nor is there a question of "should." All Dabi’s doing is musing that the start (again, there’s no subject, and so no indication of the start of what, or the start as initiated by who) is happening early.
Toga's line communicates much the same, save that she does specify that the schedule/plan/arrangement is happening earlier than expected--which is totally true, since her line is in response to Dabi observing that Machia moving must mean Shigaraki's awake, and Shigaraki was supposed to be down for another month.
Shigaraki's line, like Dabi's, lacks a subject to describe what exactly is supposed to start as soon as Shigaraki wakes. He's saying something that would, in a more stilted way, be, "I wake up and then it's the start, right?"
None of these lines suggest that the characters are necessarily talking about any plan other than the one the PLF laid out. Yes, it looks somewhat damning that Shigaraki's first action (after getting himself a cape, anyway) is to have Machia bring him the League, but heck, maybe that was always the plan. Just because Shigaraki wants to rejoin his comrades doesn't mean the rest of the PLF didn't already have machinations that they were supposed to set into motion the moment Machia left. After all, the plan as Hawks understood it did involve simultaneous attacks on major cities--maybe the League was going to be spearheading one of those attacks. Further, Shigaraki knew something was wrong from the moment he regained consciousness, and we don’t know how that knowledge affected the call he made. Hell, maybe the original plan was for the League to be brought to meet him somewhere in a chartered limo; we don’t know.
It's telling that this idea that the League had a Secret Plan to screw over the MLA rarely seems to account for Mr. Compress and Spinner being confused over the suddenness of events. The response to questions about this seems to be that the "villain trio" knew about it, so the ignorance of the rest of the League can just be handwaved--the important members knew, and that's enough. This is ungenerous towards both Twice and Mr. Compress, but I have got particularly little time for Spinner, the narrator of MVA and guy who decided to devote his all to Shigaraki, being disrespected in this fashion. More on that later.
|| Shigaraki says he won't forgive the Liberation Army for messing with peoples' feelings, so he would never really mean it when he forges an alliance with them.
Shigaraki does say he won't forgive the MLA, but consider what he did to the MLA and its leader. He destroyed most of their stronghold, killed scores of them, is directly responsible for Re-Destro losing his legs, and saw that vaunted descendant of Destro about six inches shy of full forehead-on-the-ground dogeza. The League Shigaraki commands killed a great many more of them, including one of their inner circle. He commandeered the Liberation Army, its resources, and its grand cause. I think it’s safe to say he’s more than responded in kind!
I'm not saying Shigaraki feels for the MLA the same way he does about the League, far from it, but I do think he's practical enough after two hundred chapters of character development not to throw them away out of spite. In Chapter 246, he tells Ujiko explicitly, "When someone offers me something, I take it," and, "I'm done taking the heroes lightly. I'll use everything I've got to obliterate the dregs All Might left behind." From a purely practical standpoint, if he intends to throw everything he has at the heroes, he has no reason to throw the MLA under the bus, and 116,000 reasons to keep them around. I'm altogether sure that, so long as they stood to be useful to his plans, he would have kept them around.
|| The MLA is quirk supremacist, like Endeavor, so Dabi would never work with them. + || Dabi is just using Skeptic against Skeptic's will; it’s not a willing partnership.
I hadn’t seen the second point in the wild, but I suppose it must be how the “The League will betray the MLA” theorists are getting around Dabi and Skeptic’s clear collaboration and how that collaboration totally scuttles the first point, huh? Hilarious.
Anyway, setting aside the fact that Dabi showed up to the one planning session we were shown when even Geten didn’t, there’s evidence in the canon that Dabi was working with Skeptic since even before the raid. Consider that Dabi’s video was filmed at the villa (the wall paneling and the style of the couch both match) and ask yourself where the camera he used came from. Once the filming was complete, where was the video stored such that Skeptic could access it from his laptop? If Dabi’d had it on an SD card and Skeptic was seeing it for the first time, why didn’t Spinner, Compress and Toga watch it alongside him? Surely Skeptic would need to watch it through at least once to know when to splice in the footage of Jin’s death for maximum dramatic impact? On that note, by far the most telling piece of evidence is this: if Dabi wasn't already working with Skeptic, then why was he wearing one of Skeptic's body cameras during his confrontation with Hawks?
Further, Skeptic's protest when he’s pulled onto Machia isn't that he doesn’t want to be with the League; it’s that he doesn’t want to leave Re-Destro behind. Once he's resigned that it's going to happen, though, he's cocky about his talents and complimentary of Dabi's big reveal, even if he is exasperated about the League's antics. It's ambiguous, I admit, but given that Dabi's wearing his cameras, he had to have known Dabi had a reason for them--and given that he is both abrasive and mouthy, I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have demanded to know what that reason was.
Hell, Dabi even thanks Skeptic for his editing work, which is more direct positive approval than he's ever shown anyone in the League (give or take the high-five with Twice, which, genuine or not, he would have known he was doing on camera). That much-vaunted panel of Spinner telling Toga to come back to the League? Dabi's grinning, which in isolation you could read as a certain rueful affection, but with the full context of the chapter, it becomes apparent that Dabi is grinning at Skeptic's laptop, seconds after telling Skeptic to "hurry up." Skeptic is, at that moment, probably gearing up the video to project nationwide, and Dabi’s more focused on that than he is Toga’s crisis, even when Compress directly appeals to him for aid. He tells Compress he doesn’t care, the same way he told Hawks he doesn't give a damn about the League.
Let me be clear here: I'm inclined to take Dabi at his word. I think Dabi hangs around the League because, for all that he says one man's conviction can shake the world, he also knows his own limits, and the League offers safety in numbers and an avenue to pursue his revenge. Maybe he finds them acceptable enough company, maybe he even does like them a bit despite himself, but I think any affection he might have for them is entirely incidental to his views on their usefulness. In the same way, while he's willing to bail on the MLA when the heroes attack, I don't think it was his plan to do so, especially not given his apparent immediate regard for Skeptic, as seen in the deleted scene here. Sure, he dislikes Geten, but ultimately, Geten is a stupid kid too tied up in his care for Re-Destro--who's now worshipping the ground Shigaraki walks on--to really be getting in Dabi's way.
Maybe if the MLA really were as quirk supremacist as Geten makes them out to be, Dabi would be actively looking for a way to see ‘em burn, but as I’ve said countless times before, Geten is not a reliable narrator vis a vis the MLA's doctrine. Now, obviously I don't expect Dabi to give them an unearned benefit of the doubt,(1) not after what he heard Geten say, but if Dabi has been working with Skeptic, it doesn't take a genius to realize that while Anthropomorph is a perfectly good quirk, it is categorically not what primarily defines Skeptic’s "worth" in the MLA societal microcosm.
Nothing that Skeptic does reflects the way Geten talks about "elevating one's ability" or "sheer strength" in the way that HeroAca fandom tends to understand as referring to flashy and offensive quirks. And yet, Skeptic is a ranked advisor warranting an introductory panel with RD's inner circle and Geten is not. Perhaps, just perhaps, this might have led Dabi to reevaluating his initial assessment just slightly?
|| Mr. Compress rejects the PLF moniker for Shigaraki, ergo Mr. Compress didn’t genuinely associate Shigaraki and the League with the PLF.
So, this one's pretty wild, because, in the same chapter that had people crowing about Mr. Compress's dialogue, Mr. Compress's actions show the exact opposite of the conclusion this theory would demand. Specifically, if it was always the League's plan to ditch the MLA, Mr. Compress would have darted right past Skeptic, ignoring the man's cries for help. He doesn't--he picks Skeptic up on the way past and (at least in the volume corrections) deposits him safe with Dabi in Spinner's scarf. Of course, Skeptic still stands to be useful, but if one acknowledges that Skeptic's usefulness is reason enough not to abandon him, then what exactly is the argument for leaving 116,000 perfectly useful warm bodies behind?
But let's set aside Compress rescuing Skeptic and focus on the actual point, because that point in itself is still flawed. Mr. Compress's thoughts on the PLF in the specific talk bubble in question are somewhat ambiguous. It's another case of the Viz translation making a couple of assumptions that are just that--assumptions.
Compress's words in the Japanese are as follows:
Chōjō Kaihō Sensen.… Viran rengo no Shigaraki Tomura ga…
Viz then renders the line like so:
The Paranormal Liberation Front's… No, the League of Villain's Shigaraki…
Note that in the Japanese, the possessive no is only included once, to indicate Shigaraki's association with the League. Further, the original doesn't indicate any negation in Compress's thoughts. Yes, he could be rejecting the PLF association for Shigaraki, but he could as easily be narrowing his scope to Shigaraki as the figure he represents to the League, rather than the figure he represents to the PLF--not rejecting wholesale, but rather becoming more specific. Compress might also be thinking first of the PLF as a general organization, then narrowing down to Shigaraki specifically.
Rather than reading this line as an indication that Compress regards the PLF as temporary, I was heartened by the fact that Compress thought about the PLF at all! If the League really had been planning to discard them this entire time, then there's no reason for Compress to have ever taken the Front seriously enough to have thought about them in that moment of crisis. You can carry this back further, too. In Chapter 258, when Twice is asking Hawks for help, he says that Spinner and Compress have been in meetings for days. Coupled with Compress's first thought about the entity that will carry out Harima's desired reformation being the Liberation Front (or possibly "the Liberation Front's Shigaraki"), this indicates to me that Compress was taking it seriously, not just gorging himself on sushi on the MLA's dime.
Indeed, back in Ujiko's lab, when it was just Shigaraki talking about his backstory and his dreams of destruction, Compress looks the opposite of impressed; we know from his narration in 294 that he liked the League because they didn't place any importance on one another’s pasts. Yet, at some point, his view shifted to believing that fulfilling his ancestor's ambition, his bloodline’s duty, really might be back on the table. We as readers don't quite know when that shift happened, but given, again, his initial mental invocation of the PLF, I think we can assume that it's tied to that alliance, those resources. And sure, when the moment of crisis happens and he's really defining who and what Shigaraki is to him, and where his values and priorities lie, it's with the League and Shigaraki as the leader of the League. But that doesn't mean he never had his hopes for the PLF at all, or was partaking in plans to ditch them.
Also too, this is a man who was lamenting the loss of their partnership with Overhaul, a man who personally maimed him, on top of killing a comrade. You're telling me the guy who shrugged off his animosity towards Overhaul would willingly allow the League to plot sabotage against even wealthier collaborators against whom he has even less reason to hold a grudge? Come on, guys.
|| Toga hated Curious, so she wouldn't want to work with the MLA either.
This one's easy: Toga pretty explicitly hated Curious, but she's even more explicit that she likes the MLA because she thinks the world they want to create is wonderful. She says this verbatim at the end of 225, after Curious has spent the entire chapter hounding her with explosions and intrusive questions. What turns her animosity on Curious is not some reveal that the MLA's world would be terrible after all, but Curious calling Toga's "normal" miserable and tragic. Essentially, she doesn't object to the world the MLA wants to bring about; she objects to being turned into a martyr for that world, especially when that martyrdom requires that the things that make Toga happy be characterized as horrific misfortunes.
Toga doesn't like Curious; she kills Curious. And then she comes into a position of leadership, and we don't know a lot about how that position takes her, but she seems delighted to be walking out onto the stage to be announced as such, and she makes active contributions to the discussion of the PLF's plans in Chapter 245. We are, again, given no indication that her lethal response to Curious means that she's planning to ditch the MLA on the whole.
Incidentally, Curious asserts what she does about Toga only in the context of the world as it stands. The world's rejection of Toga's normal, and the extremes that rejection drove Toga to, are what Curious considers tragic and miserable, not Toga's fascination with blood in and of itself. She clearly believes that, in the world the MLA envisions, Toga's life would not be so miserable because she would never have been oppressed to the degree that she snapped. And frankly, Curious isn't wrong. The only reason she is a villain in that scene is that she's willing to murder Toga to project that tragedy to the world. If she'd been willing to sit down and have a civil interview with Toga to print it in a relevant magazine, she would have been fine.
|| Twice would never forgive them for what they did to Giran.
You know, this is a totally fair point. It is, however, somewhat complicated by the fact that Giran himself never left the PLF. Now, there’s almost certainly something to be said about Giran’s whole information broker shtick being terminally compromised by his capture, his maiming, his client list being hacked, etc. He had a bunch of identifying items strewn all over the country that were covered in the national news, items that people who associated with him closely certainly would have recognized. Maybe he’s laying low for a while?
I don’t know why Giran was still around by the time of the raid. I can theorize about his pragmatism or what have you, but the canon really doesn’t give us anything to go on. Still, if he really hated the MLA all that much, as he would be totally justified in doing, it’s pretty bizarre that Horikoshi showed him twice in PLF crowd scenes post-Deika looking nothing worse than kind of confused and uneasy. Heck, you’d think he would at least have merited a better seat in the crowd for the big merger announcement.
Giran aside, the fact that Twice never does hit it off with anyone in his regiment is, I think, telling. If there’s anyone in the League that intentionally kept himself at a distance from the MLA because of hard feelings, it’s likely Twice. After all, if he had befriended anyone, he presumably wouldn’t have needed to go to Hawks for tutoring almost an entire month after Deika. That said, the fact that Twice does go running to Hawks for tutoring shows that he’s at least doing his best to act in accordance with what he thinks Shigaraki and the rest want. That doesn’t preclude the League having a secret plan that he’s either in on and playing along with, or hasn’t been told about because he might not be able to stop himself from vocalizing about it. Still, while absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, obviously absence of evidence is not evidence of presence. So, lacking any sign that the rest of the League is planning treachery, I’m not inclined to assume Twice’s lack of forgiveness is indicative of anything other than his own feelings.
|| [Error: argument about Spinner's opinion on the PLF not found.]
This is the one that really gets to me. I have never seen an argument that the League is planning to betray the PLF that convincingly explains the fact that Spinner, to all available evidence, threw himself wholeheartedly into trying to make the PLF succeed. To be more precise, I have seen one explanation, and that explanation is that the plan to ditch the MLA was a secret that only Shigaraki, Dabi and sometimes Toga knew about, and to reiterate, that is bullshit.
In my experience, this is an explanation proposed by people who care about Spinner only insofar as he can be a Soft Gaymer Boyfriend or score them rhetorical points, but have little to no interest in his ongoing--and, indeed, increasing--importance to the League generally and Shigaraki’s arc specifically. The dude who talked about how Twice’s home was the League, who got through to Toga while still respecting her choice when no one else could, the guy who recognized the hollowness within Shigaraki but also bonded with him over video games, the man who Mr. Compress said was Shigaraki’s most devoted follower(2)--this man did not do all of that for people in this fandom to say, “Oh, well, the others probably just kept it a secret from him because they thought he’d be bad at lying.”
Really? “Bad at lying?” And that’s an adequate justification, is it, for Shigaraki letting Spinner toil for months under false pretenses? For lying to the man who adores him the most? Of course it isn’t, but the people who theorize this don’t really care about Spinner’s adoration for Shigaraki, or the fact that Shigaraki rewarding Spinner’s feelings by allowing him to dedicate himself unstintingly to something Shigaraki was planning to discard from the beginning would be a blatant abuse of Spinner’s trust.
I have never seen anyone try to argue that Spinner was in on a plan to betray the MLA all along. That’s because it’s patently obvious that Spinner--forthright, direct Spinner, who named the merged organization with Re-Destro, spends all his time in meetings, has a direct exchange with Re-Destro about the state of their plans, and is probably the reason RD started wearing polka dots--went all-in on the PLF. But for the people who propose the “the League was always going to bail” theory, Spinner and his labors are an afterthought.
Spinner is not an afterthought. Where Mr. Compress has been captured, Toga could hypothetically be peeled away from the League via Uraraka, and Dabi almost certainly will be peeled away via the Todoroki plot, Spinner’s driving motivation at this point is Shigaraki himself. He connected to Shigaraki’s nihilism, his hatred, but also his humanity--the humanity in Shigaraki Tomura, not in Shimura Tenko. His empathy didn’t spring from contrived psychic glimpses of crying 5-year-olds, but from long months of observation, doubt, and gradually deepening wonder. He’s the only person currently with Shigaraki that I can see caring enough about Shigaraki’s welfare that he might sacrifice his own goals and desires to help Deku save him.
Spinner is not an afterthought, and I refuse to build or entertain theories that treat him that way. So as to his opinions on the MLA? Despite having his own reasons to be leery of them based on how shabbily Trumpet treated him, he was obviously trying to make the Paranormal Liberation Front succeed, which means he must have believed that Shigaraki wanted it to succeed. Therefore, unless you’re prepared to assert that Shigaraki (and everyone else who was in on it!) was cruel enough to lie to Spinner about something he was devoting so much time and energy to, the inescapable conclusion is that Shigaraki also wanted the Front to succeed.
(Note: After letting a friend pre-read this, I have been informed that there is, in fact, one explanation offered for Spinner knowing the League was going to abandon the PLF but working his ass off on the venture anyway, and that explanation is, “Something something wants to prove himself because low self-esteem.” This is so ridiculous I can’t even bring myself to edit this post accordingly. Low self-esteem! Because nothing would alleviate Spinner's low self-esteem like toiling for months over something that holds no worth to the people he actually cares about, right? Right?? Bah. Humbug!)
And but so, to wrap all that up: I fundamentally disagree that the League viewed the Paranormal Liberation Front as a temporary arrangement, at least to the extent that they were actively planning to betray their newfound--new won--allies. The fact that I don't think the League intended to discard the MLA out of hand does, thus, influence my opinion that, whatever Geten's fate will be, I'm pretty sure it's not going to be, "He gets murdered in a way that resembles nothing so much as a sick revenge fantasy dozens of chapters after the last point when such a death would have been remotely tonally appropriate."
Thanks for the ask, anon! Sorry about-- *waves at all of this*
(1) Not that Mr. “Burns Random Delinquents Alive For Not Measuring Up To His Standards For Villainy” has any moral standing to criticize others for how they determine the value of peoples’ lives, mind.
(2) Other translations for the verb in Mr. Compress’s Japanese line of, “You are the one who ____s Shigaraki the most,” include yearn for, long for, pine for, miss, love dearly, adore, idolize, and revere. “Most devoted follower” is accurate enough, but considerably less homo than some of the things we could have gotten there.
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slxybabyy · 3 years
‘It’s me, Billy: A Black Christmas Fan Film’ opinion post
Mentions of murder and ptsd don’t read if haven’t watched or can’t handle slasher stuff
First opinion post btw I’m sorry if it’s not really good 😅 I don’t want to offend anyone either so I’m sorry if I did in any way shape or form ❤️
So I finally watched it and it was good but I feel could’ve been better tbh. I’m not trying to shit on it because I really did like it and I see the hard work put into it but felt with more time and details captured from the original it would’ve been like it was the true sequel to Black Christmas. Like over all it started off good it made sense that Jess would write a book about her experience and make money off of it on top of that move away to avoid the interviews, reporters, and all that but I’ll start my opinion based on when the phone call came in not the first one but the second one, it didn’t hit exactly like the original calls from Billy did.
It definitely sent shivers down my spine but in the original it was said Billy would make it seem like it was more than one person talking but it was just him the whole time. The phone calls would be like random noises, dirty talking, and dialogue but it wouldn’t overlap each other so it was really like finish one thing then shift to the next voice quickly so it was really like, ‘wow that was just one person ??’ But for this one it sounded like random noises overlapping each other voices at random and everything mostly just overlapping so it seemed more like it was pre-recorded noises and Billy was just sitting there hitting the noises all together jumping back and forth between the buttons so definitely wasn’t like the first and then it was more murderous and scary not really dirty and funny like the original was. I understand you can’t copy from the first which is good but if your gonna do something that’s more like a sequel to the original then you should really capture every detail right so it can hit like the original did. But I understand also Billy is older here so he could’ve ‘matured’ more but I feel it was mostly like the Billy from the second movie rather then the first idk just gave me more that vibe instead.
The part when Billy came out and went for the hunt that definitely was good I love how it wasn’t just jump scares one on top of the other but it actually created that suspense and make that chill go down your spine when waiting for the strike to happen. I would say the moment when Billy grabbed the knife that part could’ve been better like obviously they did that moment based off the original which I loved but it definitely needed more work on it to be better like the first one was. I’ll show it to just so you can see better what I mean.
Tumblr media
So you can see like kinda the rest of his face but not quite.. and the light around his eye is more bigger and you get to see part of his nose and more of his cheek as well. But in this film the light is smaller and the rest of his face is completely just hidden. Again I understand you can’t copy straight from the first but still i love it but could’ve been a little more better. And for some reason I saw like he couldn’t or didn’t really move his other arm making me assume something happened to it not to sure though.. but would’ve loved if he did the same Billy stabby pose too...
Skipping over to the part of the attic the girl (who’s name I really didn’t give the effort to even try to remember) she discovers the body of one of her friends who she came there with. The crying or whatever that was begins and honestly I laughed at first but then I was like ‘omg yeah no shut her up’ it just sounded more like random wheezing noises or however you would describe that... I’m not used of hearing someone cry like that tbh I never met someone have that type of cry or even close to it tbh so if you have that cry I’m sorry it just caught me off guard and I didn’t really know how to feel about it I just wanted it to stop just to see more Billy time..
So the girl runs off which automatically makes me assume she’s an escaped victim the slasher has lost, but no. Again I get caught off guard and tbh I forgot all about that Lady from the beginning. The moment she says her name I automatically just went ‘oh shit I know you lol’. When she strikes I’m not surprised but what surprised me was when she called out to Billy upon dragging out the body of the unconscious girl (the poor girl in the back seat omg lol) so notice the way she yelled back out at Billy to get his ass out there made me mad but also made me think about poor Thomas Hewitt and Bubba Sawyer how they get mistreated by Hoyt and Drayton but still are loyal and choose not to disrespect them in any way not like they have anyone else ..those poor babies I swear.. Nah but going from the original again during the phone calls Billy mentions Agnes but it mostly heard from him mimicking his parents saying ‘Where’s Agnes’ ‘Where’s the baby’ ‘Billy what did you do?’ So I would only assume from there that Billy did something and hid away Agnes or just hid her away it’s not like it was mentioned what he actually did to her after all atleast not in the original.. I choose not to listen to the second movie it just was a no for me.. but anyways there’s the moment when Billy says “Shh Agnes it’s me Billy don’t tell them what we did” when he killed Barb then when Jess discovered him behind the door. He killed Barb and in the book it was shown he would kill but in his mind he’s just putting them to sleep like he’s not really recognizing what he’s doing. I would only assume that he most likely killed Agnes tbh or if she alive then I would picture her more as a person with like ptsd or something like more afraid of Billy then out of no where demanding towards him. Even in the second movie it was really Agnes listening to Billy and following his lead tbh. So definitely made me feel weird when Agnes in this film just shouted back at him like that.
The ending was good though wasn’t expecting it but I did quickly assume Jess was down there as well so when the girl said her name I already assumed it would make sense to be her tbh. Overall the movie was good this is just my opinion though and like I said I know they couldn’t copy off the original of course but just maybe a little more time and really focusing on the details from the original then most definitely it would’ve been perfect.
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The fate of a nun (Finan x OFC); part 7
GENERAL A/N: Hi there! This story is my first attempt to write a fanfiction. English is not my first language, so feel free to let me know how to improve my writing/language skills 😊 I will try and post a chapter per week, let’s see how it goes! The story takes place in season 3 and you will notice that I have used some of the sequences and dialogues from the tv series, changing them to include my OC. I did try not to be too colloquial and informal with my writing -giving the time of the story- but I preferred to make it more enjoyable and “readable” than realistic, same goes for Finan’s accent. I’m nervous and excited to share my work, hope you enjoy! Bacini, Cate.
A/N: Hiiiii! Sorry for the long break, I’ve been veeeery busy with uni :( Happy New Year and I hope you like this chapter, cause I love it!
Summary: The life of the young novice Aoife completely changes when the Lady of Mercia arrives to the Abbey of Wincelcumb. Oaths, battles and love will turn her in a warrior.
General warnings: Violence, Blood, Strong Language, Smut, Fluff, Graphic description of violence
Chapter’s warning:  Blood and little of Finan in this chapter.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven: Cenric
Abbey of Wincelcumb, Mercia, five years before. The harebells brushed against Aoife’s ankles, leaving an itchy kiss on her soft skin, and she laughed lightly. She had few memories of her mother, but every time the breeze moved her hair, it felt just like her touch. “Quick, quick, child!” Sister Aeskel mumbled patting her back lightly “Always so distracted! God really takes special care of you, I’m surprised you haven’t fallen into a ravine yet.” she growled in her thick Northumbrian accent, but she was trying to suppress a smile. “But you wouldn’t let me die, would you, Sister?” “ Course not! I wouldn’t waste precious help!” Aoife’s cackle was covered by a drumming of hooves, so close that the ground under her naked feet trembled. A beautiful black horse was galloping up the hill, right towards them. “I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.” Sister Aeskel cried terrified, but Aoife was not scared, nor believed that the horse was an omen of the apocalypse. As a punch on her stomach, a memory came: a young Aoife was running her small hands on the smooth coat of a horse and her mother was begging her to be careful, a worried look on her ripe, sweet face. “Aoife!” the Sister screamed, pulling her aside just moments before the horse trampled the ground she was standing. It did not stop, running straight towards the Abbey. On its back, a body lay pathetically, like one of those rag dolls sprawled in the corner of her room. “Sister, ‘twas a person!” “I know child, I’m old not blind! Come, quick! Try not to harm yourself until we’re at the Abbey!” There was a library in the nunnery, a square room with the four walls covered with books from floor to ceiling. When she was six, the Abbess forced her to read each of those books. “Books clear your path to Heaven. A full mind is a full soul” she used to say, and at the time Aoife was too scare to disobey; little by little, she started enjoying reading, which pleased the Abbess greatly, and many months before her fourteenth birth she had already read every book in the room. She especially liked the pictures, she would run the tips of her fingers on the lines, her touch light as a feather, careful not to ruin the thin parchment. There was one particular image that intrigued her: a deposition of Christ, his body covered by a thin cloth. The man, lying on the infirmary bed, reminded her of that image. He was sleeping, his breath shallow and heavy. A sheet covered his waist, and a wide and deep wound run down his chest. When Aoife and Sister Aeskel reached the Abbey, the horse was neighing loudly and banging his hooves on the ground. The man had fallen down its back and was now laying on the stairs, a puddle of blood widening under him. Four sisters had hurried him in the nunnery, where Aoife, frozen in horror, had watched Sister Aeskel trying to save his life. “He will live, Aoife.” Sister Aeskel approached her with a motherly smile “Can you please wash him?” She still had his blood under her nails, pressing uncomfortably again her skin and she tried to brush it away on her smock. No matter how hard she tried, she could not take her eyes off the man. He had red hair, messily falling to his broad shoulder, harsh skin burnt by the sun and strong features, with a wide jaw and high cheekbones; she had met men before, bishops, priests and farmers from the village, but no one as handsome as him that even now, passed out and covered in sweat, resembled an angel. She dropped on the chair next to his bed and without thinking about it, took his hand in hers. She knew then that he would be her despair. “Are the ropes tight, Aoife?” She felt weak and feverish, her fingers trembling on the knots. “Aoife!” Sister Aeskel insisted “I need your head to be clear for once.” “They’re tight, Sister.” The nun nodded, gripping nervously the iron poker and pulling it out from the fire. Its red, angry spike made Aoife’s stomach turn. The man’s wound had infected and poking it with burning iron was the only remedy Aeskel knew. “Keep his head still, Aoife.” she ordered. They had moved him on a wooden table, and he was lying unconscious, ankles and wrists tightened with thick ropes. Aoife stuck between his teeth a thick piece of leather, then, with a hand on his cheek and one on his forehead, she kept him down against the wood. “Pray for him, child” Sister Aeskel whispered and pushed the spike in the open wound. There was a moment of celestial peace, then the man squirmed in pain, an animalistic scream exploded from his throat and Aoife was crying, shouting her apologise over his shrieks and she had to push him down with the entire weigh of her body, Aeskel prayers a distant noise in her ears. It lasted not more than a minute, but at the end Aoife was exhausted. Her limbs were shaking violently but she forced herself to pat a fresh cloth on his face, cleaning the sweat and tears from his eyes and skin. His eyelids quivered under her touch and his breath was short but deep, and she smiled gratefully, thanking God for the miracle. And then, she met the palest eyes she had ever seen. The man was awake, for the first time in days, and a weak smile cracked his harsh features. “Are you an angel?” he whispered and passed out again. She entered slowly, careful not to drop the tray with ale and food, while keeping the door open with her hip. “Sir?” she called “I bring food.” He was sitting with his back against the wall, legs stretched and a book on his thighs. He has been awake for a couple of days now, healing faster that she would have expected. Aoife had brought him food since the day he had woken up and he still hadn’t addressed her, and each time she grew more annoyed with the ungrateful man and his surly attitude. He shot her the usual glance, followed by a nod and she stepped closer, putting the tray on the table. She smoothed the creases of her skirt and stood, right in front of him, with her arm crossed. She could not stand ungrateful people, even less being ignored. She felt like she deserved a word of thanks, or at least some kind of acknowledgment. And her sisters too. “Why are you here?” He looked up, an amazed grin on his thin lips “You should change your tone, nun.” She gestured her unveiled head “Clearly, I’m not a nun.” “Why are you living here, then?” “I do not own you an explanation.” “Neither do I.” “I saved your life!” He chuckled coldly “You did not. I clearly remember your pretty face right in front of my eyes, you could not be the one pushing the iron against my flesh, lady.” “But I was the one who took care of you afterwards.” “You expect me to thank you?” Aoife raised her arms exasperated and, with a last venomous look, she left the room. “I apologize, lady.” Aoife did not look up from the herbs she was grinding. She was being difficult, of course, the man’s attitude was annoying, but he had not offended her seriously, not enough to deserve her silence. But, in that world that had stripped her of most of her freedom, her voice was the only power she still owned, and she was allowed to decide who deserved her time. He had not offended her seriously, but he had still been disrespectful and she would not waste another moment being kind to him. “Lay down, lord.” she instructed, and still pushed him down before her words could reach his ears, just because she felt the urge to treat him like a child. God would forgive her, he would even laugh, she was sure of it. Despite her prideful thoughts, she could not help but admire his pale bare torso, the soft blonde hair covering his chest and the bright red line of the healed wound. He had a mark on the base of his neck and the desire to press her lips on that area shook her to her core. “Yeah, just skip this part of the story, would you?” Finan mumbled, eyes fixed on the dancing flames. Aoife blushed, both for the cold breeze and the embarrassment of her words, and nodded quickly. Somewhere, deep in her soul, she acknowledged his jealousy and the small, sinful fairy in her, who enjoyed Finan’s attention more that her Christian education would allow her to, smirked viciously. At some point while she was talking, his hand had dropped in her lap and she had held it since and with every stroke of his rough thumb on the back of her hand, she felt her heart rate speed up. “Of course, yes. Where was I?” She spread the poultice all over his irritated skin, careful not to hurt him. “It shall fasten the healing.” she explained coldly, all her attention fixed on what she was doing. Still, she could not help but look up when his hand closed around hers. The man was already watching her, with a tentative smile, and when he noticed her attention, he retracted his hand quickly and she found herself missing the warmth of his touch on her skin. “Lady, I must apologise for my previous words. I did not intended to offend you.” She scoffed, getting back up and stepping away “You did offended me, lord. You can or cannot tell me who you are, it is not in my powers nor my intentions to force you to tell us what you might desire to keep a secret. And I apologise for demanding it.” She was rushing her words, afraid that if she would stop, she would not find the courage to keep going “However, you own words of thanks and an explanation to my Sisters that had sheltered and took care of you, only with kindness, but you’ve been patronizing us and treating the people that are healing and feeding you with arrogance.” she collected her mortar and pestle “You could be the king of Northumbria, for all I know, but this is the house of God and before him we’re all the same.” she smiled coldly and with a little bow, she walked to the door. “I am no king, lady.” he raised his voice to hopefully stopping her from leaving. She turned around slightly, watching him with her eyebrows raised. “I am no king, lady. I’m just a man and you can call me Cenric. If you’ll allow me, I will tell you my story.” Under his hesitant gaze, she smiled tenderly “Thank you, Cenric. I’d be honoured.” It was a cloudy, calm spring day, but the summer was coming, she could smell it in the breeze. The lord was walking slowly, carefully leaning on a wooden stick she had grossly carved during the night. Sister Aeskel had asked Aoife to take him for a walk and she had more than gladly obey, she was craving any piece of information over the man. He was breathing heavily and Aoife asked him many times if he wanted to rest somewhere for a while, but he was as stubborn as a bull and every time she pointed out his fatigue, he sped up his pace, so she stopped asking, humouring him to prevent his wound to open again. They walked for a while in silence, and she patiently let him enjoy the clear air and peace; wherever he came from, she was sure there was no place as restful as the gardens of the Abbey. Somehow, they ended up in the stables. Cenric’s majestic black horse was the only one in the stalls and was chewing hay slowly. “Poor thing” Aoife said lowly “It must miss running.” She could feel his gaze on her skin “She sure does, she’s always being restless.” he stepped closer and the horse pushed her face against the palm of her owner. Cenric caressed her with long, slow strokes and gestured Aoife to approach them. “Put your hand under her nose, let her smell you.” The horse sniffed her deeply, tickling Aoife’s wrist with her warm breath. She couldn’t help but laugh lightly and the sound amazed the animal that shot her a wary look and then pushed her long face against the girl’s shoulder. The strong, affectionate touch took Aoife by surprise and she stepped back, losing her balance. She felt Cenric’s strong touch against the small of her back, sending shivers down her spine. Aoife held her breath, careful not to break the perfection of that experience. No man had ever touched her before, not even a brush of fingers, and the pressure of Cenric’s hand on her was secure and strong and made her head spin. It was just a moment, though, then he drifted away to run his fingers through the mare’s coat; she mimicked him and it felt like the most precious velvet under her fingertips. “What’s her name?” she asked then timidly, she hoped he would not notice the shortness of her breath and the blush on her full cheeks. She could hear him smile through his words “Godiva.” “Godiva!” Finan turned around shooting a knowing smile to the black mare that was grazing grass a few steps further. “Ye’.” Aoife smiled fondly at the creature “A valuable gift.” “He must have loved you dearly.” Finan noticed, watching her through his thick eyelashes. Aoife could not meet his eyes, fearing that she would break in tears in front of that stupid fire “Shush, let me talk.” “She must have cost a fortune.” “She was gifted to me.” Cenric answered and his amused smirked appeared under Godiva’s neck “You’re a curious little thing, aren’t you?” She smiled brightly “You promised me you would tell me your story.” He chuckled, watching her intensely “Indeed I promised. What do you want to know, lady? You can ask me freely.” “I have to ask?” He raised his eyebrows, a blank expression on his face, and with an exasperated groan she pointed at his chest “Who hurt you? And how? And why?” “So many questions…” “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” He rolled his eyes “I will, you eager woman, but I’m tired and sore. I say we rest for a while.” The sun had begun peeping out from the clouds and its warm kiss tinted Aoife’s face of a dark pink; she took of her shoes and settled her long skirt to cover her naked feet while she sat on the soft grass. She had dragged out from the stables two hay bales, for him to sit on, and was now waiting patiently for him to answer her questions. Knowing exactly, and enjoying greatly, the effect his secrecy had on her, he took his time to get comfortable and enjoy the warm sun, a rarity in his lands. When he reopened his eyes and they got used to the light, he found her already staring at him, with her pretty, fresh face on her bent knees that she was hugging tightly. He smiled again, impressed to still be able to do it; he had tortured her enough and, as hard as it was for him to open up, she had treated him much better that he deserved and, for reason he could only associate with the attractiveness of that young peculiar woman, he was eager to guide her through the lighter path of his dark past. “There’s not much to tell, lady.” “It won’t take long, then.” He was playing with the wood stick and Aoife waited patiently while he collected his thoughts. “My father gave me Godiva.” he finally said, eyes fixed on the grass. “I was seventeen at the time, ready to leave for my first battle against the Danes. He gifted me his best horse because he was certain I would die in that battle and he wanted my last friend to be that majestic horse. I would never forget the surprise on his face when I returned home, alive on Godiva’s back. I left for battle many times after that and I returned each time. I’ve been a warrior for the past seven years and I am certain I’ll be a swordman for the rest of my life.” he patted his chest lightly “And this wound is nothing more than a misunderstanding between swordmen in the ale house down in the village. Warriors are proud people, especially when ale is involved.” he raised his eyes to look at Aoife “I’m sorry if you were expecting a compelling story, lady. My life is not worthy of songs.” She knew he was lying, or at least he was not telling the entire truth, no one would be that much secretive about such normal life. Also, she was just a nun, but she knew that no tenants could afford a horse like that, and she was quite offended he would think she was fool enough to believe his simplistic explanation. Yet, she accepted what he was giving her, hoping that time would also heal his wary soul. “Thank you for talking to me.” He looked up to her, astonished “You’re a peculiar creature, lady.”
“Aoife.” “Pardon?” She shrugged timidly “You keep calling me lady, but I am not. Just call me Aoife.” He tilted his head, in a caricature of a bow “Well then, Aoife. It was a pleasure to walk with you.” “I do not trust him, Sister.” The Abbess was standing at the window of her room, watching, if not spying, young Aoife and that ungodly man. Even from distance, she could see that their hands were brushing against each other. Months had passed since his wound had completely healed, but he had asked permission to extend his stay. “I need God’s forgiveness, Mother” he had said, and the Abbess was in no position to refuse, but she knew, without the slightest doubt, that his soul’s redemption was not the reason of his stay. “I’m not blind, Aeskel, nor a fool. They think they’re outwitting us with their sneaking around during the night, but I’ve seen them.” She turned around, and looked Sister Aeskel with her sternest glance, the other nun nodded cautiously. “We’ve always known we couldn’t force her into becoming a nun; it is not the path God had planned for her.” she reached her Abbess and they watched in silence the shy lovers laugh under the sun of the hottest summer Mercia had experience in a long time. “I’m aware of that, Sister.” the Abbess then broke the silence “But she’s our responsibility and she won’t leave this Abbey with less than the most respectful and god fearing man she deserves.” Aeskel sighed sadly “I do not trust him, Mother.” she admitted “There is something under his perfect appearance that does not convince me.” “You’re freezing, my love.” Cenric’s hands run up and down Aoife’s arms, trying to warm her up; with the sweetest smile, she held his hand, stopping his frantic movement. “It is weird, isn’t it? How hot the days and cold the nights are here.” “You balance it, though.” He trapped a strand of her hair with his long fingers “Cold during the day, the warmest during the night.” In the holy house of God, their love was blossoming like the most beautiful, strongest rose in England; every step was new for Aoife and she had blindly entrusted her soul and heart to his experienced hands. She knew he had known other women, in deeper ways that she had allowed him to know her, but she preferred not to wandered too much around those thoughts, knowing way too well that she could not compare to the beauty and wit of women outside that Church. “You’re insulting yourself, Aoife.” Finan interrupted her again sternly, squeezing her hand “I’ve known my fair number of women…” “Not interested to know those stories…” “Let me finish” he scowled her and she silenced, and his harsh features softened in the tiniest smile “I’ve known my fair number of women and your beauty exceeds every man’s desire.” he tapped her temple with two fingers “And your more brilliant than any man, king, priest or warrior, I’ve ever met.” he patted her blushing cheek sweetly “There’s still work to do on your innocence, though. But we’ll get there.” he smirked smugly “Go on with your story.” “You know why I am distant in front of the nuns, Cenric. If the Abbess find out what is going on between us, she will separate us forever.” she caressed his cheek, and his stubble tickled the palm of her hand “She has the power to do so.” “Then come with me!” he exclaimed fiercely, gripping her hair tightly “We shall escape this miserable place and ride back to Wessex, where we could get married.” he embraced her hips, pulling her body against his “And birth children.” “This miserable place is my house.” she protested lightly, yet she could not hide how torn she was. “Do you love me, Aoife?” he whispered on her lips. She did, how can she not love the man, who held her with passion and promised her the freedom and family she had ever longed? And yet again, how could love be such a selfish feeling, was she in love with him or was she tricking herself into believing she did, only because he was the key to the life she had always aspired? Her response to his offer would change forever her path, and she should have reflected more than she actually did. But she was young and hastier that she would have like to admit. So she kissed him, with such force to make him stumble backwards, and whispered “I will come with you.”
“I’m in love, Sister.” Aeskel looked up from the herbarium “Are you now?” “I am.” “You’re just a child, dear.” “Girls younger than me have already birthed children!” The nun stopped what she was doing and sat on a chair “Come, child.” she patted her knees and Aoife chuckled lightly but followed her silent order and sat on them, careful not to hurt the nun. Years had passed since the last time she had been in that position, yet wrapping her arms around the nun’s shoulders felt natural and familiar. Time was leaving its mark on her face, but, behind the deep wrinkles and the patches on her skin, she still was a beautiful woman, with big doe eyes and a pretty nose. “Listen to me, baby.” the woman said, caressing Aoife’s back and hair “Cenric is a good person, but you’ve known him for less than a butterfly’s life.” Aoife’s looked up to heaven, trying not to cry. She knew she was stubborn, and it was too late for the Sister to try and change her mind, she was to leave with Cenric. And yet, her heart was breaking in a million pieces, because escaping that place also meant leaving behind the only family she had ever had. “I cannot explain my heart, Sister. I wish I knew the words to describe such a deep feeling.” She kissed the nun on her forehead “But I leave this place with a burden on my soul.” Aeskel stiffened “Are you to leave?” The girl smiled and stood up “I will forever cherish our time together, Sister.” and left. She had packed her bags too soon. Cenric had instructed her to meet him at the stables, when the moon was at its highest spot in the sky. At dinner, she had excused herself early, as the emotions swirling in her stomach would not let her eat, and at the last lights of sunset she had already packed her few belongings. Surrounded by the silence of the dark, she had watched her feet scrape the wooden floor and waited, long enough for fear to overcome excitement. Luckily, when she was about to reconsider her choice, the moon touched the top of the dome of the sky, and she left, with her light sack and heavy heart. When she reached the stables, the cold had already pierced through her mantle and into her bones and she gladly welcome the warm of the horse’ breath. “Hello my love.” she greeted Godiva, patting her on the neck, “Are you eager to leave?” The horse neighed and pushed against her hand; Aoife grew fonder of Godiva every day and the animal too seemed to prefer her attention to those of everyone else. And so she waited her lover, patting his horse and listening to her heartbeats and the noises of the animals in the night. At some point, she slipped down to the floor and, when the first lights of the day brighten the stables, she was still laying there. No sign of Cenric. “That’s it? He was just gone?” Aoife smiled sorely “Just like fog. Nobody saw him leave or had the guts to tell me that he did, but he was gone.” she chuckled bitterly “The coward took his time to go to my room and leave his weapons as a gift. How generous of him, right?” “I really don’t know how I should answer to that, Aoife.” “You shall not.” she brought her hands to the fire, grazing the flames with the tips of her fingers. “Did you love him, Aoife?” Finan asked, before realizing that he didn’t want to know the answer and the more she thought about it, the more he wanted to pretend like he had not asked anything. She noticed his discomfort and put a hand on his face; her skin was hot and welcoming, and he relaxed under her touch. “Don’t take my silence as uncertainty, Finan. It’s hard for me to interpret my feelings at times, but I’m sure about this. He was handsome and I desired him, but I know now that love is something deeper, it is longing a body as much as a soul and a heart and a mind. I craved his body and the freedom he promised me, but when I closed my eyes and pictured a family and a happy life, he wasn’t part of it.” she shrugged, unsure “Sometimes I wonder where I would be now if he hadn’t left.” “Well, we’ll never know. And I’m glad about that.” Finan smirked smugly, then the sound of footsteps made him turn around. Two companions were approaching to replace them on guard duty. Finan patted Aoife on her back “Come on. Time to sleep.” “Thank God, I’m freezing.” she stretched her limbs and got closer to her friend, to enjoy the warmth of his body until they reached the tents. She hit his hip with hers “Thank you for listening.” He wrapped her shoulders with his strong arm “I have to say, I preferred you when you were quiet, you blabber wee thing.”
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thesassenachswiftie · 4 years
Chapter 2: “You Need To Calm Down)
Read on AO3
Chapter 2 is here! It's time for Claire and Jamie's first fight but that also it's time for their first make-up sex. This is my first time writing Smut but @statell assures me I did a good job. If that's really not your thing (I mean you are reading OL fanfic so it probably is), it's all the big paragraph near the end and the two dialogue paragraphs after you can easily skip to the last 3 dialogue paragraphs without losing the plot. Big thanks to everyone following along on this journey and all the kudos and comments on the last chapter.
This chapter is not only inspired by "You Need to Calm Down" but also by "The Reckoning" any quotes borrowed from either of these works belong to their respective author whom I am indebted to and admire greatly.
First of all, I’m on Twitter now @sassenachswifty.
Second of all, There was a short lived comment on AO3 about Jo's pronouns on my last chapter. I genuinely think the commenter realized their mistake and deleted it before I had a chance to respond--which is fine and good, heaven knows I've made mistakes with pronouns and felt weird and caught of guard about them and all of that. Basically they were saying the they/them pronons were not grammatically correct and were distracting to the reader. I get that, I totally do, it feels uncomfortable because we were never taught about the singular they in school and it looks/sounds weird if you're not used to it. However, the sigular they has been recognized by APA, MLA and I believe Chicago style and is, therefore grammatically correct. It's something I'm getting used to as a writer and it's something we can try to get used to as readers as we move forward into a more progressive society. Our grandkids are going to make fun of us someday for struggling with pronouns. I just wanted to say it's ok to struggle, it's not ok to dismiss (which I genuinely believe the commenter was not doing). Jo came to me as a nonbinary character, and while it is a good exercise in pronoun usage for me as an author, that is not their primary function in the story, they are there to be Claire’s friend first and foremost. They/them are Jo's pronouns and I cannot and will not call them anything else because that would be disrespectful to them. My only other option would be to use "Jo" in every instance where he/she/her/him would come up which would be annoying, repetative and frankly, bad writing. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, now on with the show!
Chapter 2: “You Need To Calm Down”
Claire awoke in Jamie’s bed early on Saturday morning.  It was graduation day, but she was definitely not walking the stage.  Still laying on her side, she picked up her phone off the nightstand and began mindlessly scrolling Facebook, stopping at a collection of photos from an end of semester happy hour the night before.  Frank was there as well as several of their mutual friends.  Were they still friends? Probably not anymore, who knows if they ever were.  Claire tapped from the photos posted by Gillian to the tag that took her to Frank’s profile.  She scrolled down his feed to see if there were any new updates. Other than the pictures, it was the same barely cryptic statuses that were clearly throwing shade her way to anyone that knew.  In a tweet? That’s a cop-out. Taking shots at me like it's Patrón, she mused to herself, recalling the pictures from the night before. Claire began swiping through Frank’s photos going back further and further.  Her and Frank in front of the house with the “sold” sign in the yard.  A candid picture she took of Frank in a coffee shop one day.  Brilliant, smiling faces of them and their friends all dressed up at their New Year’s Eve party--many of the people pictured in the photos from last night. Frank proudly standing with his arm around her, Claire beaming and angling her hand just so a few days after they got engaged.  Claire was so engrossed in these images she didn’t realize Jamie had awoken behind her.  He leaned over to plant a kiss on that spot just behind her ear, pausing when he saw what she was looking at, “Damn Sassenach, it’s seven AM for Chrissakes” he hissed.
Claire’s face flushed immediately. She had been caught.  She didn’t even know why she was doing what she was doing, but she felt ashamed, defensive, embarrassed, and justified all at once.  She swiped out of her Facebook app instantly but it was too late.  He had seen and the damage had been done. She couldn’t speak, she didn’t have any good excuses, and she definitely couldn’t turn to look at Jamie. She set the phone back down on the nightstand and burrowed her curly head under the pillow trying to avoid his gaze.  She couldn’t see his face, but she knew Jamie was watching her intently waiting for an explanation.
“Hey, are you ok? I dinna mean to snap at ye Claire, It’s just early and I dinna expect to see ye looking at pictures of your ex after what I thought was such a satisfying night. Am I not good enough for ye Claire?”  His tone started gentle and caring, but his veins were pulsing with jealous rage and his voice got more angry and frantic as he continued.  “Look at me, Claire!”
Claire didn’t like being told what to do, especially not with the newfound feminist energy Jo had ignited in her.  She hoisted herself out from her cocoon, and sprang up to face him. “I don’t have to do what you tell me to. You need, to calm down, you’re being too loud!”
 He made a distinctly Scottish noise--“Hmpph. That’s not what ye said last night Sassenach” he growled.  He couldn’t help flirting with her even in his anger. She looked so bonny, bare-breasted with her curls splayed every which way, the fire of her anger alight in her whisky eyes--frightening and sexy at the same time.
Claire wasn’t amused by his quip, or by the tone of voice in which he said it, “you need to just stop, like can you just not? I don’t like it one bit!”
“Not what, Claire? Not want ye only for myself? Not feel jealous seeing pictures of that rat bastard with his smug grin and his arm around ye to be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning? You do belong to me, whether ye like it or not. Why are you mad? I’m the only one allowed to be mad, Claire! Yer mine, damn ye Claire! Mine, and I wilna share ye, with a man or a memory or anything whatsoever”
Her glass face broke before his eyes as he raised his voice louder.  Her anger had turned to something fragile, something Jamie was afraid he would break.  Even still, she spoke softly, but confidently, “I don’t belong to you or anyone, I’m my own person. You need to just take several seats” She glanced away from him, trying to keep her composure.  
Controlling his urge to scream, he replied “I know that, that’s not what I meant.  I ain’t trying to mess with who you are or your self expression, I mean that I am yours just as much as you are mine”
Damn, he’s good, thought Claire as she met his gaze again.  His passion, even when directed towards anger, was still sexy.
“Claire, I see you over there on the internet all the time, this isn’t the first time you’ve done this is it?”
She nodded in agreement, embarrassed, but somehow she felt safe admitting it to Jamie.  She was beginning to realize just how much he truly cared about her.  As strange as it seemed, through this small fight, their relationship was moving from simply mutual, passionate attraction to something deeper.  It might have been there all along beyond the urges of the flesh, but she was just now truly seeing it.  It was exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
“Listen, I’ve learned a lesson that stressing and obsessing about somebody else is no fun.” Jamie disclosed, trying to restore the peace. “He’s not worth your time if he let a girl like you go on the drop of a hat like that.” This made Claire wince internally, hoping he didn’t see, there was more to it than that.  He didn’t seem to notice and continued, “What we have is like sunshine, but you act like you would rather be in the dark.”  He reached for her arm, caressing it gently.
“You’ve figured me out.  You’re right, I don’t know why I keep checking on him. I guess I’m hoping I’ll find out something horrible has happened to him; but I promise, only you have me.”
“I mean to have you Claire, I am your master and you are mine. It seems I cannot possess your soul without losing my own.”  Both of Jamie’s hands were on Claire’s arms now, gripping her more firmly now. They were drawing closer to each other, the passion of their anger still surging in their veins. “I want you Claire, I want you so much I can scarcely breathe. Will you have me?”
Their lips met with a fervour unlike any they had experienced before, hands caressing everywhere. Claire moaned into Jamie’s mouth as his hand cupped her breast, stroking her nipple vigorously with his palm.  His lips moved to her neck, that spot behind her ear that made her giggle and squeak.  He was ravenous, consuming her flesh with his lips, making his way down to her other breast, sucking her nipple as he ran his tongue around it, willing all sorts of noises to emit from her mouth.  She was straddling him, grinding against him, feeling his wanting against her in just the right spot. She thrust her hands into his boxer briefs, tugging at his hips to bring them even closer.  He responded in kind, slipping his hands into the lace waistband her cotton panties and grabbing that arse he loved so much.  He moved one hand around to her front and started stroking her most sensitive area and slipped a finger inside her.  “Oh, Jamie” she moaned as she began to ease his waistband down.  She allowed herself to let him go for a moment, releasing him to remove his underwear, as she did the same.  As soon as they were fully exposed to one another, she was on top of him again.  She moved herself up and down his length, feeling him rub against her, igniting a euphoric sensation in her core. When neither of them could take it anymore he slipped inside her, and she took him in to the hilt, riding him almost violently.  All the anger and shame she had felt moments ago had transformed into a primal lust unleashed on him. He responded in kind, kissing her vigorously across breasts, neck and shoulders until she shoved him back on the bed to gain a better angle.  Pushing her hand to his chest for leverage, she rode him harder than she’d ever ridden anyone before--not even the vibrator she used to experiment with in college. She could see he was close, his face contorting as he resisted the urge to finish before her.
“Sassenach, you’ll be the death of me” he groaned.
“Just a little more, Jamie” she panted, just before crying out, “Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh”. Seeing her satisfied, he allowed himself to finish as well.  Claire gently detached from him and collapsed beside him, breathless, resting on his chest, hair sprawled across him.
“Oh Sassenach, ye keep that up and I’m liable to pick fights with you more often” he sighed.
“You better watch out before you start something you can’t finish” she quipped in response.  
Jamie simply made a Scottish noise in reply, staring at the ceiling stroking her hair, wondering if he had, in fact, done just that.
End Note:
I try to slip in as many lyrics from each song as possible and make it still "work", occasionally changing tenses or adding/subtracting words to make them work. Claire's orgasm moans are the "oh oh's" in the chorus of YNTCD and I'm simultaneously proud of myself and ashamed.
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mrsleopoldfitz · 3 years
Writer Meme
I was tagged by @eclecticmuses ages ago (I'm so sorry I'm trash) and I'm just getting around to answering.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Right now, FitzSimmons. They're the ship I'm most ride-or-die for. I do love Mulder and Scully from my XFiles days, Harmony, and Katniss/Peeta from The Hunger Games.
How many works do you have on AO3?
130! But I think the fact that I write so many series and shorter fic has helped bump those numbers up.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
I need to say though, not all of those words are mine. I have quite a few co-authored fics up there, so credit where credit is due.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm going to go with two lists, one with co-written works and another solo.
Another Door Opens (301)
For Science (254)
La liaison parisienne (238)
An Altruistic Endeavor (223)
Begin Again (208)
180 Days (247)
Five Times FitzSimmons Were Nearly Caught, and One Time They Were (169)
Fives Times Interlude: Aggression (123)
Five Times Fitz Would Have, and One Time He Did (122)
Five Times Simmons Wished He'd Make a Move, and One Time She Did (115)
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I just don't have the brainpower and they sit, and then I feel bad and that delays it even further.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Seriously angsty? Stasis. It's a follow-up to a fic where Jemma dies and Fitz struggles to go on without her. Generally angsty is probably Alone With You which features Academy FitzSimmons, which might be my favorite type of FitzSimmons to write.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
This may be cheating, but probably my Hour by Hour series is the fluffiest, happiest ending. That or Two Blue Lines, depending on if you like quasi-kid fic.
Do you write crossovers?
Nah. Not my thing. I like focusing on one universe of characters at a time.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Eh, a few negative comments, but never anything that has really gotten me upset or bothered. I've been incredibly lucky that way. Folks were way worse on ff.net, so I pulled nearly all of my fic from them ages ago and saved it on Drive.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, yes I do. Mostly M/F, but I've dabbled in threesomes and foursomes. I've written a range of stuff from soft and vanilla to some hard kink. Fic is a place to experiment and play with stuff like that, and I do enjoy letting that side come out to play.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, thankfully.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? It'd be cool if it happened. I'm all for fic making its way as far as it possibly can.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! @eclecticmuses and @engineerleopoldfitz are my two biggest partners in crime (and I couldn't ask for better ones!). They're fantastic to chat about ideas with, too.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oof. Where to start? There's a Fitz/May fic that's been percolating for a while that I'd like to get to one day. (A pre-canon take on something that might have happened with them.) I have another Scis & Spies idea, too, and a few more FS AUs. I just need to find the time (and energy!) to get to them.
What are your writing strengths?
If you need an answer, I'm going to say characterization. I like getting into characters' heads. I like to think I don't leave many plot holes lying about either, but no promises I suppose.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Never getting anything finished. Skipping on exposition at times. Jacking up commas like my life depends on it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't like to do it unless I'm comfortable in the language just so I don't mess things up. Google Translate has gotten much stronger in some languages, but it's not perfect. I wouldn't want to be totally off base or disrespectful, so I'd likely avoid it unless I had a beta who was fluent in said language.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I was and still am Harmony trash. (Don't @ me. I've been this way for two decades and I'm not changing my mind now.)
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I'm going to say Count (rated E, so mind the tags!) from my Working Out the Kinks series. I'd previously only written FS from that angle with @engineerleopoldfitz and finally got brave enough to branch out and try it on my own. I think because I was willing to take a risk, that's what makes it near and dear to my heart.
I'm going to tag @libbyweasley @tomatobookworm and @springmagpies, as well as issue an open invitation to anyone who'd like to complete this. Just please tag me with your answers if you do it (and I apologize if you've been tagged already I know I'm late on this one).
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xenophanatic · 4 years
In Depth Quasi-Analysis of Ramo: 'If the show was called Neco.’
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Okay, so after seeing so many posts about this show, I thought “yeah, need a new addiction... and the guy looks hot.’ 
Sadly, I came to the realisation that the guy I found attractive wasn’t the main lead ‘Ramo’, but a side character name Neco. When I found the plot dull, I decided to skip the ‘main’ plotline and instead skip to Neco scenes - which all the posts were about anyway. So be aware that when I’m criticising the show, I haven’t watched the whole thing to deeply analyse every aspect. It’s like what The Witcher’s critics did. Also, I’m reading subtitles so things may get lost in translation.
Saying that... Ramo isn’t a good show. By the end of every episode I was fuming with distaste for the show. Ramo, as a character, is glorified to the point of irritation. As GRR Martin has stated, 
“It irritates me when I'm watching a movie and/or reading a book and the hero is going through incredible dangers, him and his six buddies, and none of them die.”
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What I get from this quote, and other interviews from Martin, is that - as an audience - it gets annoying when each week Ramo is in danger, but we know he will get out of it - because he’s the main guy. He revokes on deals made with bad guys, sets up traps, shoots men down, and dodges all the consequences. Then the audience is forced to listen to others making speeches about the greatness of Ramo. “Ramo will die to save us!” - But don’t worry cos that won’t happen and Ramo will get everything he wants and win by the end of the episode. There may be a little setback here and there - which makes the episodes drag - but Ramo will win. Ramo is a cliche character that you have seen multiple times and therefore, isn’t engaging to watch. 
A moment to reflect on the comment made above about all characters praising the awesomeness of Ramo. The issue with the series, I found, is that everything is said. The exposition is down poorly and makes me cringe when characters just describe how they feel or their opinions about the situation. 
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My brief summary of the show: Mob/Revenge Story - Ramo and his family/neighbour hood are members of the Pumper Gang, stealing and selling diesel illegally. Ramo also works for a richer gangster, Cengiz, who had killed Ramo’s dad. Cengiz and his father-in-law killed Ramo’s dad and Ramo wants revenge. Episode one pretty much ends with Ramo killing Cengiz. 
At first, I thought this was a good premise. Most revenge dramas begin with the act that thrusts the character on the path of revenge and ends with them achieving their goal; however, by ending the episode with the revenge coming to an end - the show has a chance to explore the implications and consequences of revenge. The tales similar to Monte Cristo, end with the character achieving their revenge - but what happens after. Do they feel content? Are they able to have a ‘normal’ life? What about the victims of their revenge? 
Going off track.... 
In the Indian verision of Hamlet, Haider (2014), Ghazala (Gertrude) tells Haider (Hamlet) that ‘revenge does not set us free’, ‘revenge begets revenge’, ‘violence only results in violence’, and that there is no end to this cycle, but Haider, who is bent on revenge, ignores these warnings. 
During the shootout of Ramo and Cengiz - Cengiz’s son, Neco, runs away and survives. Neco is then motivated to kill Ramo. This beautiful depicts the above statements. Ramo getting revenge for his father’s death, has now put Neco on a journey to avenge his father’s death. Will this cycle ever end?
However, sadly, this is not the story and the focus is on more on Ramo and Sibel’s (Cengiz’s daughter and Neco’s sister) love story. I’m sorry - I don’t care what excuse your lover gives you for killing your father - but it ain’t okay. The mafia plots are repetitive and the love story is cliche at its worse. 
So... let’s talk about the Lament of Neco
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Neco is introduced, from the start, as spoilt rich boy player - who is only handsome, and doesn’t have the intelligence nor the cunningness to lead his mafia family. This is nicely shown through Ilhan Sen’s (Neco) acting and the dialogue that others have around him. 
We can see, in scenes, that Neco not only looks but feels out of place in mafia meetings. The way his father, mother, and sister talk and move is different from his. He is out of place and shocked when others (Ramo) include him in the conversation as the future heir of the empire. You can see his eagerness to prove himself, as it comes off sincere, optimistic and naive. The meeting scene is a great demonstration of Neco’s character and relationship with his family.
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His father is in the middle. Neco’s sister is on the right side of her father - depicting how Cengiz sees his dauther as his right hand. The left said is Neco’s mother. The three are close and are able to have an intimate conversation. Neco is further away from them. Ramo is standing and his body is facing forward - talking to the three family members. He needs to turn to address Neco and include him in. No one else looks towards Neco. When Ramo mentions Neco being the head of the family, Boz (another goon) holds in a laughter. Neco is visible upset and gets up. 
One could see this as a childish gesture on Neco’s part, however, I saw it as a sign of Neco’s insecurities. Neco has been seen as inferior by his father, mother, and sister - all his family, who should be supporting and helping him, and whom he cannot fight against. But a servant is looking down at him.. Neco can’t stand that. This is not explained in words, I inferred all this from the scene and was happy that it was proven in later episodes - even if it was in direct exposition dialogue by Neco.
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As revenge for laughing at him, Neco disrespects Boz in front of others - not only putting him in his place, but making Boz feel what Neco feels all the time. Boz then beats Neco up and runs. Neco was defeated by a servant. Neco’s dad wants Boz dead, and Ramo decides to save Boz and kill Cengiz. Neco, before so smug seeing Boz so close to death, runs away when he sees/hears gunshots - It’s almost comedic. They catch him, but Neco pleads and begs for his life. He tells Boz and Ramo that they can use him. This presents Neco as a coward juxtaposing him against the ‘awesome’ Ramo. 
Long story short, to end the warring families, Ramo has to marry Neco’s sister and Neco has to marry Ramo’s sister Fatos - who is in love with Boz. 
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This is where I put my critical, feminist, and logical hat off and start dancing to the hymns of fangirling. I love this romantic trope in all it’s glory. You have:
enemies into lovers
constant bickering
forced marriage
badboy/plaer is in love and shows softer side/changes
love triangle
girl realising that difference between first love and true love.
I love it!
But they did my Neco dirty. And therefore my hat is back on.
Ramo, through it’s writing, has also ruined this for me. Remember, Neco is a minor character - so his and Fatos’s scenes are very minimal and not enough to exploit these tropes. 
Fatos and Neco, in my opinion, never bond. They never have moments were it allows them to fall for one another. There was one scene, which I believe is where Neco falls for Fatos, but Fatos’s character is so cold that I don’t understand how he fell in love. 
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Before I discuss that underwhelming scene, let’s talk about the great scene that came before it. Neco’s grandfather takes him to an abandon place and makes him shoot a random guy - execution style. Granddad yells at Neco - pretty much saying ‘be a man’, ‘your sister has more balls than you’, ‘You will never kill Ramo and avenge your father’, ‘you’re worthless’. Again, the acting is better than the script. Neco’s face shows that these words are not  the first time he has heard them, but these words have also been constantly going through his head. Neco is also distressed at the act of killing a random guy - Neco isn’t a killer and, because of the family he’s in, that is connected to whether or not he is a strong man. 
I wish, I WISH this was explored more. Neco representing this idea/notion of masculinity and toxic attitudes of societal expectations. We see this earlier on, when Sibel is grieving over her dead father and Neco says that it’s worse for him because he saw it happen. She bitterly mentioned that he ran away like a coward and begged Ramo for his life. Neco, angrily, asks her what she would have done. She replies she would rather die than be a coward like him. This angers Neco. Again, moments like these allow us to sympathise with Neco and I wished we could explore not only that event from Neco’s point of view but also the relationship he had with his father..
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Anyway, Neco - after killing the man (it seems) - comes home destroyed. He is physically shocked from the events. He goes to his room to find his ‘wife’ - both have been fighting up to this moment - and lies in her lap. She is shocked by his behaviour and actions. He begs her not leave. I have no major issues with this but one. Fatos needed to show a little more compassion or gesture for it to make sense that Neco is now in love with her. She doesn’t move as he lies in her lap. If she simply put her hand on his head or through his hair, and Neco took the simple platonic gesture as love - I would be here for it. But no.
And then this moment is ruined by other scenes. This will show my bias, because when a Neco scene is good - I give credit to the actor. And when a Neco scene is the worst - the writers are the victims of my anger. 
So, you know this character you’re going to fall in love with - against all attempts by other characters and writers to make you hate him - well... he is a rapist?
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OMG! These sequence of events. So, Neco has killed a guy. He is upset and finds solace in Fatos. FLASHBACK! Remember the time that Neco was held at gunpoint because he was forcing himself on a girl who has said no? Sibel and Ramo come and Sibel slaps Neco - disgusted by her brother’s action. BTW Neco doesn’t feel guilty about his actions. Back to the present, he is now flirting with Fatos and pretty much telling her he wants to sleep with her. 
She is scared (remember she was forced into this marriage and loves another). He makes a move to kiss her and she slaps him. She is so scared she gets a gun and points it at him.
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This is would have been amazing if done right!
Why it is bad? The audience was just shown a scene were an unremorseful Neco was held at gunpoint for trying to rape another girl. Therefore, this makes the audience, through the codes and convention of storytelling, think Neco is capable of doing the same thing to Fatos and makes Fatos decision and actions justified. This makes Neco, a character I enjoy and want to keeping enjoying, a ‘problematic’ character. This scene is an affirmation of Neco’s despicable acts. The flashback isn’t shown as a misreading of the events, it is shown as fact and this scene is shown as a confirmation. 
Could this be good? YES! Neco just had a traumatic experience. He had to shoot and kill someone. He struggled to do so and hasn’t gotten over it. Then he sees Fatos holding a gun at him. He, knowing how he felt, thinks she wouldn’t shoot because how could someone do that. But she does. This scene should be an exploration about human nature to shoot and kill someone. What goes through our head and how do we deal with it after. But atlas, she shoots him, he survives and this is barely talked about again because the main plot comes and rears its ugly head. 
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What this scene could of been? When I saw this I thought about a similar scene from Siyah Beyaz Ask. Asli is forced to marry assassin Ferhat. Fearful, she keeps a knife under her pillow. When Ferhat, in anger, pushes her to the bed, she stabs him. Ferhat then challenges her to finish him off, Asli cries that she can’t and Ferhat has a lovely speech on what makes a murderer and how she is no different than him. These sequences is what, I believe, should have been produced between Neco and Fatos, minus the crying. 
So, elements that needed to go: rapey Neco. No one wants it nor needs it. The scene should have explored the characters. Neco inability to hurt others, and Fatos courage to protect herself against Neco. Like she is ‘powerless’ in front of other, or she can’t hurt any one else, except Neco. And I don’t know about you, but after trying to kill someone, there could be moments between the two characters to talk and heal one another. Maybe Fatos freaking out that she could pull the trigger. Neco being envy of her. So much CONFLICT!
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Now let’s talk about NecFat. The ship that made me want to watch this series. I don’t know whether it is the subtitles or writing but... eh. Like the gifs, fanvids, and acting makes this look amazing and everything I need right now. But it is so poorly done. 
So, Fatos and Neco meet when Ramo, Fatos’s brother, keeps Neco as a hostage. She’s there to give him food and water. The two bicker and Neco asks her to do him a favour and at least call his mother who must be worried about him. We see Neco caring for his mother and Fatos feeling sympathy for him. This is their only scene as Boz doesn’t like the two meeting. In a funny scene, Fatos sarcastically tells Boz how handsome Neco is and what girl wouldn’t want to keep seeing him. She laughs and says she was joking, but - I think the lady protest too much. Off topic, I love how every character agrees that Neco is super good looking. Even when Neco is kidnap and looking in the mirror, the kidnapper is like ‘Hey Handsome, stop looking in the mirror’. Kidnapper has taste. 
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Anyway, they needed more scenes with Neco as a prisoner and Fatos as the one who brings him food, maybe even bandage some wounds. As mentioned earlier, this show should have been about the never ending circle of revenge. Neco, while hostage, promises to kill Ramo. 
The show goes with the mafia/gangs saying the only way this feud will end is if  Ramo marries Sibel and Neco has to marries Fatos . Okay, so love the plot, not the execution. In the series, the two barely have any scenes until Fatos shoots him and then the families decide... ‘hey there this thing called... a divorce?’ And now the couple are separated. So, the show failed to take full advantages of the marriage plot. At the moment, up to Episode 11, Neco is in love with Fatos , she is pregnant with Boz’s child and has no feelings for Neco. Neco is obsessed with Fatos and his love comes off as childish and selfish. 
And that’s the thing, the actors and their chemistry is what is making NecFat, because the script and series give them nothing. I mean, Neco gets kidnapped and you think this would be a good moment for Fatos to be worried about Neco, but nope - nothing. She is in love with Boz and currently has no feelings for her husband. 
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The last time we see them is when Neco, after putting doubts in Boz’s head about the father of Fatos’s unborn child, tells Fatos that Boz shouldn’t have asked the question about the paternity.  He says he would never had asked such a question. He tell her that he accepts her and is willing to do anything for her. His love is so big that he will look after both her and her unborn child. Neco states ‘you and the baby could be my family”.
Awww... I love this. This is an awesome moment - when isolated. Neco is in this 110%, while Fatos is not even on the same wavelength. So his declaration isn’t shown as earth shuttering to Fatos . That’s where we end with them. She isn’t seen reflecting on it and it doesn’t seem she will be Team Neco any time soon. Also, the episode/season ends with Neco setting a trap for Ramo so don’t think Fatos is jumping into Neco’s arm anytime soon.
If the series was called Neco.
This show would have been my jam if the whole Ramo/Sibel story was cut. Have Ramo already married - I don’t care. The first episodes ends with Ramo killing Neco’s father. Wow, a revenge story where the revenge has been accomplished. What’s next? 
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Now Neco - the coward, womanising, good-for-nothing, son must take his father’s place. Same as the original where he tries to run and gets caught. He gets bargained back by, now, the granddad. There is a scene, in the original, where Neco is at his father’s funeral and has his head down low. His grand-daddy reprimands him - saying he is now the head of the family and his head should be held high. Boy can’t even grieve at his own father’s funeral. Explore that!
Have the plot about ending the feud with marriage. Have Neco and Fatos against it. How can they marry into the family that killed their fathers? Also, have it that when Ramo finds out that Boz and Fatos are in love, Ramo makes Boz promise to let Fatos go. Pretty much a ‘you owe me for all the things I’ve done for you over the years.’ Fatos begs Boz to runaway with her, but he can’t go against Ramo. Boz chooses Ramo over Fatos . Fatos is heartbroken. This will also show Ramo as a complex character and allow Fatos to see the cracks in her relationship with Boz (which I will mention later). 
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Also, Neco needs a sidepiece. Again, they say he is a player but we never see it. Have a sidepiece which he promises that won’t end because he is married. It will also give jealousy moments for Fatos. We see both characters coming into this marriage with no intention to fulfil it. Fatos is there to find out/spy if Neco’s family plans to attack, and Neco uses Fatos as a bullet proof vest, so Ramo won’t kill him.
So, like I mentioned about his conversation with Sibel about how he ran away -have the conversation with grand-daddy or mum, but then have Neco have nightmares about that day his dad died. In his dreams his father says Neco is the reason he died. If he was a better son, Boz wouldn’t have laughed, Neco wouldn’t have insulted Boz, Boz wouldn’t have beaten him up, and Ramo wouldn’t have killed Cengiz. He calls Neco a coward for running that day.
Pretty much, Neco subconsciously blames himself and believes by killing Ramo he will be the son his father needed. You could also have Ramo have similar dreams in the first episode with his father about getting revenge. This would show that the characters are haunted by their fathers and revenge.
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When Neco and Fatos share a bedroom - obviously after bickering who has the bed. Fatos wakens up from the floor by Neco night terrors. He keeps saying ‘baba’ and ‘sorry’. Fatos , insensitive to Neco, wakes him up. Neco, trying to hide his insecurities leaves the room - instead sleeping on the couch in the living room or something. Fatos therefore gets to see a broken Neco and sees the consequences of revenge.
What I love about how Neco’s character is protrayed in the show is how awful he is as a gangster, but wants to prove he is capable. This needs to be explored more and should the basis of NecFat. 
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Neco’s family, and society, expect him to be this masculine macho man, but the series presents him as this broken child, just wanting his family to say ‘I’m proud of you’. Neco has a desire to succeed where others say he would fail. And in the show he fails a lot. 
What I would love to see is him succeeding in something that is more ‘feminine’, in something that his family doesn’t recognise. I’m not trying to stereotype gender when I say feminine. In contrast, I want to see them challenge gender roles. So what do I mean by this? 
Like, have Neco have a hobbie that is incredible ‘unmasculine’ or just simply cute and adorable. A contrast to the ‘masculine macho man’ image he so wants to project. These could be writing poetry, painting, playing a classical instrument; but my personal favourite (I’ll explain why later) - baking. 
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(Author’s Note: I’m ashamed/proud of the time I spent making the above image)
Maybe it is the fangirl in me, but I would love to see ‘badass’ Neco stress baking. But why do I think a hobbie is needed for Neco? It shows softer side to him, and that he is good at something. But his family had never supported him and instead puts a gun in his hand and forced him to kill someone. 
Also, this would allow an opportunity for a scene where Fatos smells something delicious and gets out of her room. She goes downstairs to see Neco stress baking - maybe he has gotten up from a nightmare or something. Fatos, realising it’s Neco goes back, but Neco tells her to eat something, because he’s going to throw it away anyway. While eating Neco’s baked goods (hehe...), Fatos and Neco converse - obviously ending in a fight. Fatos leaves. Neco leaves some baked goods at Fatos’s door and throws the rest away. 
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Why is this important? Well, when Fatos goes back home, whenever she eats she thinks about Neco’s food. She misses it and you can have cute moments when Neco gifts her his baked goods. Also, there could be a moment where Fatos compliments him and either says “you’ve done good’ or ‘I’m proud of you’. Awwww... 
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But the main reason is this...
Back to what actually is happening on the show. So, as mentioned earlier, the cracks in Fatos’s relationship with Boz. When the aunt finds about Boz and Fatos, Fatos says that, after Boz almost getting killed, she wants to marry him and have a safe life. The aunt says that can never happen. When you marry someone from this lifestyle, death is always lurking around. 
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We see this come up later on when Fatos says to Boz that when they get married they can be a normal married couple. Boz says that this is normal for them. He will continue to risk his life but that they will continue to love each other until death does them part. Through these scenes we see that Fatos doesn’t want to marry into the life of crime. She wants a ‘cookie cutter’ marriage.
Therefore, Neco by not fulfilling his families wishes will actually be accepted by Fatos. While Neco doesn’t belong in the life of crime, Fatos doesn’t want to live in one. In short - they will leave the crime world and Neco can open a bakery in the country side, or something, with his wife. 
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Pretty much, ‘Neco’ (if the show was called Neco) would go on a journey of Neco -  the coward, womanising, good-for-nothing gangster - trying to get revenge but realising that this revenge won’t end. His dad killed Ramo’s father, Ramo killed his dad, Neco killing Ramo would lead to someone killing him. Fatos, and their love, will show him he can be something else and that he chooses his destiny. 
Overall, Ramo isn’t a good show and I am way too obsessed of what this show could of been than what it is. Though I love the actors and NecFat, the chemistry is good and it is using one of my favourite tropes, the relationship is losing potential through bad writing and plotting. 
Don’t know when we will see this show back on air, but when we do, I hope NecFat becomes less ‘forced’ and more mutual.  
Thanks for reading another one of my rants! What did you think about Ramo and everything I have written. Let’s dicuss!
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feminetflix · 4 years
De atracos y ab*rtos - Of heists and ab*rtions or How women are being robbed.
⚠️ this contains major spoilers for LA CASA DE PAPEL / MONEY HEIST season 1, specifically episode 3!
Personally, I have experienced the series la casa de papel (original title) or money heist as progressive, realistic and not afraid to deal with certain topics like domestic violence which I will be commenting on in posts yet to be published, female trans representation and occasionally peppered with numerous feminist parentheses (see characters like Nairobi and dialogues around/involving her opinion).
However, there are certain aspects I did not enjoy to watch / do not support. That is normal and every show has its flaws, those resulting all the more dangerous however, as money heist is not just any show. The series is thanks to its popularity by now a relevant aspect of people’s opinion-forming and plays into the perception of many people all around the world, coming from different cultures and having experienced all kinds of upbringing. The target audience is not specified, yet crime drama (the genre) is estimated to target both females and males aged 15-40 years old. Means, also targeting minors and adolescents. Again, all cultures / religions / races / classes etc etc included.
I am fully aware that this kind of range was not expected and therefore not taken into account by producers, talking about the first two seasons that were solely meant for a Spanish audience, not an international one. (The series was initially intended as a limited series to be told in two parts. It had its original run of 15 episodes on Spanish network Antena 3 from 2 May 2017 through 23 November 2017. Netflix acquired global streaming rights in late 2017). The analysed / discussed scene is indeed part of this maybe not so carefully crafted content. Cough.
Let’s get right into it.
Characters interacting: Mónica Gaztambide (Esther Acebo), one of the hostages who was also Arturo Román's secretary and introduced as his mistress and “Denver” (Jaime Lorente), one of the robbers participating in the heist [Denver is an alias, all robbers being referred to with city names]
Context: Mónica has an affair with Arturo Román (Enrique Arce) -hostage and former Director of the Royal Mint of Spain- which leads to an unwanted pregnancy. Numerous factors influence her (for now) final decision: she doesn’t want the child. Shortly after, the robbery unfolds and she’s taken hostage among other people. She then requests an ab*rtion pill, which at some point arrives in the mint alongside other medical supplies. The scene analysed: one of the robbers (Denver) is supposed to hand her mentioned ab*rtion pill. Before that he holds an emotional speech on the subject, morally risen forefinger, accusations and tears included.
Here the dialogue without comments:
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————Now my opinion / the actual post:
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“You need money, right?” One might think that the amount of money seen in this frame (20.000,-€ approx. $21.701,50 according to Denver) is an exaggerated, way too generous gesture. Let me tell you, it is not.
According to a 2017 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average cost of raising a child from birth [to] age 17 is $233,610. If that made your heart skip a beat, take a deep breath before you read on. Incorporating inflation costs, it will be more like $284,570. Since that’s based on 2015 numbers, we can expect the cost will be even higher, babies born since then.
[…] This average includes everything from housing, food and transportation to healthcare, education and childcare to clothing, personal care items and entertainment.
Let me now remind you that Mónica is a secretary, so she likely earns (barely) enough money to be financially independent herself (taking into account that she lives near or maybe even in Madrid, her workplace, the Royal Mint situated there, so housing alone is hella expensive) and can’t really expect reliable support coming from the potential child’s father, Arturo Román, either, who initially denied support himself, their relationship a secret to the family and wife he already has. Phew.
Btw: A University of California at San Francisco study found that women who were turned away from ab*rtion clinics […] were three times more likely to be below the poverty level two years later than women who were able to obtain ab*rtions. 76% of the "turnaways" ended up on unemployment benefits, compared with 44% of the women who had ab*rtions.
“Enough to get the kid diapers until he graduates.” The problem or let’s say points raised above are now also being ridiculed or not taken seriously to say the least.
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She takes the money, sticking to her decision however. “So, what’s the problem?” Or “Then, what is it?” A million additional things, Denver, believe it or not a potential child is a big deal. That and none of your business.
Also, see the reaction? How he stares at her in disbelief (and possibly even disgust, see the risen corner of his lips?). How he looks at her as if she were heartless, selfish, a monster – the picture often painted in this debate when it comes to women who decide to terminate a pregnancy. How he doesn’t respect her “no, thanks” and continues. Continues influencing her, later on even starts to mansplain his way into her stone cold heart. Okay, then let me continue as well.
“That he’ll f*ck up your life? […] Your son. Better to have your life f*cked up by your son than any of these sons of b*tches. Or me.” Call it ‘f*ck up’ or not – that is entirely her perception, her decision and I’d dare to say…she knows best.
First, because regardless of the fact that she is a woman and you are not – well it is indeed her life and, uhm, excuse me Denver, you’re no sibling, no friend, no acquaintance, quite the contrary, you have known her for what? Three minutes and already jump to conclusions?
Take the privilege of explaining her how a child would f*ck or not f*ck up her life?!!
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Secondly, what makes him assume the gender of this cluster of cells, this potential future life, this basis for a potential life that may later on develop into a life (it is not a walking talking baby boy already, my friend!).
Personhood begins after a fetus becomes “viable” (able to survive outside the womb) or after birth, not at conception.
Does it provide a smooth transition for that awfully funny and figurative “son” – “sons of b*tches” (org. Hijo – hijos de p*ta) line or is it literal propaganda?
Why does he say “your son”, although he cannot possibly know? I’ll tell you. In order to distract the audience from the fact that he is referring to a pea-sized basis for a potential life by painting the picture of an already existing male human being. Mónica, do you really want to murder your son? Mónica, does that cute little doe eyed baby boy really f*ck up your life? Yeah, propaganda at its best.
Also, another example for ridiculing the point “a child would destroy my life” by comparing an unwanted pregnancy to a literal robbery at gun point. Great one.
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“This f*cks your life up. A kid doesn’t.” Do you see that raised gun, that is quite literally an extension of a raised index finger? Wow, the drama. On a different note, did you notice the symbolism? A weapon stands for death, murder and guess what is also often equated with murder.
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“How do you know what f*cks up my life? What do you know?” Finally. Exactly. He doesn’t know her, like at all. He doesn’t know her situation and no, he’s also not the pregnant one or anyone who would have to worry about that.
What do you answer to that, hmm? Let’s make this whole dispute even more emotional and dramatic. That ‘a cute little son isn’t as bad as a robbery’ didn’t convince her?
Let’s try with an extraordinary f*cked up and tragic life story, nobody asked for. Its goal? Showing the oblivious, naive, little secretary what real ‘f*ck up’ means, despite the evident lack of any sort of knowledge when it comes to her life (story). Again, conclusion-jumping and wallowing in prejudice at its best.
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Have a look at his expression while ‘lecturing’ her. How disrespectful, how belittling. ‘Oh please, what do you know about life?’. On a wider scale: ‘How could we possibly trust women to rationally and with a clear conscience decide such things for themselves – concerning life and death, if they have not the slightest idea, living in their bubble of security and stability and no real problems’ etc. This is everything but taking women and their reasoning abilities, their judgement seriously.
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“My mother was going to ab*rt me.” Now the audience doesn’t only have the mental image of a potential cute little son, it is furthermore provided with the image of a living, breathing human being standing right in front of them. Just look at him and his pleading puppy dog eyes. No actual child actor could have done it better.
Thank god she did not go through with the ab*rtion, right? Oh thank god she was not allowed to.
Taking advantage of this frame to remind you of the fact that we are still talking about a POTENTIAL future life, not an existing one that is nevertheless put above the mother’s already existing life in this impudent, low and unfair debate.
“But first…she inhaled the heroin she had to sell to be able to pay for the ab*rtion. Then she was caught by the police. Between jail, drugs and the police, I was born. What do you know?”
1)Adding even more emotions, subtle accusations and drama to that oh so rational dispute? Check. Making his situation seem two thousand times worse than hers (which he, again, has no clue about)? Check. Subconsciously painting the picture of reckless, irresponsible drug addicts/ “lowlifes” or generally female members of “society’s margins” usually being the ones to abort and make it seem like the state’s or whoever’s responsibility to prevent them from deciding for themselves? Check.
2) Then he even tears her valid ‘what do you know (about my life)’ out of the initial context of being confronted with endless assumptions and prejudice and blows it way out of proportion in order to demonstrate the insignificance of … everything concerning her? Her background, her life, her reasons. Everything.
And FINALLY *drum rolls* the wild theories and hypotheses and presumptions she was dying to hear because since he, I repeat for the twelfth time, has no actual clue about her life, let’s make up one.
“Because it seems that you don’t have a very exciting job. And maybe outside of work your life is not that great either. Or what is it that you do? ‘Kilates’? And Friday night drinks, right? What a f*cking drag. Another plan ruined by the kid[…]” That and the entire following paragraph. Wow. All accusations thrown at women who decide to abort in one.
Because OF COURSE a middle aged, down to earth, intelligent, responsible woman like Mónica Gaztambide has no other reason for terminating a pregnancy than not being able to drink alcoholic beverages or party anymore. Because OF COURSE it is valid to assume a woman or any person for that matter one has known for half an hour and interacted with for literal five minutes has a boring enough life that would not be affected in any way by a pregnancy, birth and ultimately being forced to raise an unwanted child. Because OF COURSE Denver would know how much a pregnancy can affect somebody, especially one that is forced upon a person. Quite frankly he has no idea and no right. The audacity.
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“Do [your friends who are also mothers] seem f*cked up? / Do their lives look f*cked up? No, right?” Because you know best. Not only regarding her life but on top of that also that of her friends. Because those pregnancies or motherhood in general did under no circumstances end a career or prevent them from pursuing one in the first place or cause the end of a relationship or force them to stay in a toxic or even abusive relationship or change their financial situation completely or rob them of their fragile financial independence and/or free time altogether or cause any (mental) health complications or … you get the point. Oh, and because their situations are completely identical to Mónica’s situation, that is additionally not half as dramatic as your life story. Of course, Denver.
Seeing the ‘rational’ argument doesn’t really work, let’s add yet another dramatic, emotional rhetorical question. As a precaution.
“Do you know how much a child can love you?”
How could she, being the heartless, cruel, selfish, irresponsible, ridiculous and impulsive murderess you’re ‘exposing’ her as?
⚠️ Another spoiler warning for seasons 3 and 4 and still 1.
Would Cincinnati - that’s her sons actual name, not alias – really love her like he does now?
Friendly reminder: his biological father (Arturo Román) let her know - right from the start - that he wouldn’t take on any responsibility whatsoever, regardless of his later statements about doing so. Why those statements don’t matter? Despite his awareness of her state, despite knowing she was pregnant he shortly after urges her on to steal the cellphone she is caught with right after the analysed scene, ready to risk her life and the potential life of his unborn child. Literally, because as soon as she is caught with it, Berlín orders Denver to execute her.
So to those of you who will now say “but- but Cincinnati is okay and has an amazing life and does love her” etc etc, first think certain things through. If Denver wouldn’t have spared her, if she didn’t just happen to get together with him and if the heist didn’t just happen to work out like that, what then?
Cincinnati would have a different name. What else? Well for one, he wouldn’t have a father (that is now Denver) like at all, resulting in possible daddy issues / issues in general. How I know Arturo, the biological father, wouldn’t be there for them, wouldn’t fulfill all his empty promises?
Did he canonically care about his son? Was he devastated that he was not given the possibility to see him or did he instead focus on that random book of his and his speeches about heroism and honour and so on? If he wouldn’t have called his wife by his mistress’s name and through that expose himself, if his family wouldn’t have left him all alone, don’t you think he would stick to them? Just to paint a picture of who the father is and how he behaves and what we can assume from that behaviour. So the probability was high she would’ve been left alone with I quote “all the love” and of course all the responsibility. It’s a thing, Denver.
Secondly, if she didn’t just happen to turn into a millionaire thanks to the heist working out, would she really be able to provide a life for Cincinnati? Would she really be able to remain financially independent? Would her life at her son’s side really be all peace and harmony if she wouldn’t just so happen to be able to live from heist money?
So many coincidences, so many risks and no security. Can we really blame her? Do we have the right?
With these questions I will end this seemingly endless post and leave you to think about it, reflect certain things and – if you want to – share your opinion(s) with me. Please don’t hesitate to do so, as long as those contain rational arguments and most importantly respect. Thank you for reading!
(Also: sorry for the extensive censoring, I had to, otherwise it wouldn’t appear in the tags.)
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saikostories · 3 years
BTS - Not So Blind (JK)
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Summary: Jungkook is dating you and you are blind. After you get eye surgery, Jungkook gets nervous about how you will react to seeing him for the first time.
You had always wondered how the world looked like. You wanted to witness the magic of when the first rays of the sun graced the ground below for being familiar with its warmth was not enough. You wanted to witness the beautiful dancers gliding on the stage with utmost poise because listening to the music and imagining them move was not enough. You especially wanted to see your boyfriend because touching him was not enough.
“You must be a handsome man,” you teased, as move your fingers along the curvature of his face. You felt his lips move, the corners tugged upwards, and heard him say, “wouldn’t you like to know?“
You really wanted to know.
The first time you had ever come across the boy was in the supermarket. Honestly, whilst life wasn’t as unpleasant as many others thought it would be, it wasn’t just as kind. You came with your brother to buy some groceries and during the midst of everything, your brother had left you among the crowd and you had assumed that he just didn’t realise that you weren’t following closely behind him, which you found out later was the case.
Ever since the car accident that left you permanently blind, you had to figure out how to live your life independently at the age of three. And every since then, being left alone to fend for yourself slowly became a daily occurrence.
So like any other instances, you walked around with the help of your cane, apologising to those that got hit. At one instance, you tapped an object and you felt a reaction against your cane. You knew instantly that your cane came in contact with a person and within a few moments, you were immediately made known of the type of person they were.
“Aren’t you going to apologise?” The tone held such incredulity and arrogance that it immediately made you cower and you pulled your cane closer to you almost immediately. Your cheeks burned when you felt the eyes that crawled on your skin, the thoughts around you whispered a thousand things that went wrong and it started from well, you.
“If you know that you’re already blind, you should just stay at home and not be a burden to the people around you! Such a nuisance!”
Your bit your lips to stop themselves from quivering and you willed your chest to stop shaking. You started to bow when your arm was gently pulled to the back and you stumbled in reverse and only stopping when you hit something solid.
“I believe you have to apologise for that comment first before you receive any apology from her.”
You didn’t recognise the voice. You didn’t recognise the sweet intonations that hid under the boyish tone of a man who had his grip on your forearm. The voice was soft yet firm to hold no further arguments from the stubborn woman who, as you expected, took no form of perceived disrespect lightly.
“She hit me, a frail old lady, on the leg. Do you know how much it hurts, young man? And don’t you jump into our business, this is between me and this blind girl.”
There was a sense of disappointment and defeat that settled deep within your chest such that every time your heart beats, the pain was what you felt. Of course, your entire identity was formed with the fact that you were blind. People didn’t address you by your name; they didn’t bother looking into your achievements and perhaps your likes and dislikes; they didn’t delve into your worldviews and the like. They merely stopped at the fact that you were blind. You were just that one blind girl.
You felt the grip on you tighten slightly before you heard the boy spoke again. “Perhaps you’d also know how much it hurts to be berated by an equally ignorant and insensitive old lady.”
You didn’t get to hear what the lady had to say because with a gentle, “Let’s go,” the boy pulled you along with him. The grip on your arm was then shifted to where your hand was, moulding itself into yours where his fingers would intertwine with yours.
It was the first where a stranger had stood up for you, against the judgements of the world where it didn’t exactly favour your circumstances. You didn’t know what to feel but you were so overwhelmed that you were sure that your tears started to mark their presence of your cheeks. Immediately, you wiped them away with hopes that the boy didn’t catch them but the comforting squeeze of the hand told you he might have.
When the rays of the hot sun danced on top of your skin, you knew that you were already outside. You let the boy guide you until you heard a familiar voice calling your name.
“Oh god, I thought I’ve lost you! Mum was going to chop my head off if Jungkook didn’t find you. Thanks, man.”
“No problem, hyung.”
The few things that you found out after that incident was: one, the owner of such a melodious voice that soothed your soul was named Jungkook and that two, your fingers yearned to interlace themselves with ones that found yours and ultimately saved you from a place that quivered your heart.
You thought that him saying goodbye would be the last thing you would hear from him but the Gods knew of the nights you spent thinking about him that they had him appear on your doorsteps one afternoon.
“Hey.” You recognised that voice immediately. After all, it was the only thing you hear in your dreams, wafting in and out of your subconscious.
“Hi. You’re looking for Hoseok?” You waited for his confirmation just because you wanted to hear his voice once again, the very same voiced that lulled yourself to sleep.
“Umm, not quite. I was looking for you.” You blinked, unsure of what you were hearing. You were blind, sure, but you had to double check if you were hearing things.
“You’re looking for me?”
“Yeah. I wanted to check whether you’re doing okay.” You were sure your flustered insides translated to your blooming cheeks and you tried to restrain your smile but that didn’t work because you could feel yourself grinning from ear to ear.
“I’m doing okay. Thank you for asking.”
“Oh. That’s good then.”
Then came the silence. It stretched for a long while and you didn’t know if Jungkook had already left to have you standing out on your front porch, grinning to practically no one. But since you didn’t hear any footsteps, you figured he must’ve been standing there all this while.
“So, uh, do you want to come inside? We just finished making chocolate brownies, if you’d like to have some.”
The response was instantaneous and you could hear his smile ringing. “Yeah, sure.” The Jungkook you came to know was a shy boy who had nervous tendencies but he was also a boy who became one of the most courageous people you knew. Jungkook was the boy who had his shy smiles that he hid at the base of your neck but he was the same boy who had his fair share of smirks that he displayed whenever he knew he was right. But most importantly, Jungkook was the boy who owned the voice that calmed your jittery nerves and one that kissed your skin such that all you could think of was the sweet nothings he murmured to leave its marks on your body.
Safe to say, the both of you fell in love. And whilst you were in utter bliss, the world didn’t forget to show you the reality of things. Most days, Jungkook would go to your house and the both of you would spend your time there. Sometimes, Jungkook would take you out so that you could still feel how the world function, even if you couldn’t see how it works.
It was one of those days that it happened, where Jungkook took you out for dinner. It wasn’t fancy but it still felt like it just because you were eating with the boy you adored. Whilst he went to pay for the scrumptious meal the both of you shared, you once again heard comments that made you remember that not everybody was as kind as your lover.
“Isn’t she blind?”
“Yeah. Why is Jungkook even with her anyways? She can’t possibly do anything for him.”
“Tell me about it. She’s not even that pretty.”
“She’s not pretty and she’s blind. God Jungkook, you need to recheck your standard in girls.”
When Jungkook came back, he came back to you who was trying to hide the sniffles that eluded you. He came back to a girl who kept everything inside even when he asked her what went wrong, to a girl who forced up a smile across her face because there was nothing that she could do about these people but to move on.
It was a few days since then but the comments still wiggled their way through at night. It took a lot of effort to bring up Jungkook’s voice because the voices that shouldn’t matter, spoke the loudest. You had your head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder one night, with him watching a movie and you listening to the audio. You were fiddling with his fingers, not really listening to the dialogues of the characters when you told him, “I want to get an eye surgery.”
You felt Jungkook paused and turned to look at you. “You sure?”
A few months in, you were in the hospital bed with your parents, brother and of course, Jungkook, surrounding you. It was a few months full of research and talks with your parents and Doctors about the possibility and the check ups prior to the surgery.
In a few moments, you were going to be able to see again what the colour of the sky was. You were going to see how much your parents have aged gracefully. You were finally going to be able to witness the smiles of your brother that you could physically feel. And finally, you were now able to memorise the way Jungkook’s grin will make you feel, the way your heart would skip many beats with the way his eyes stare deep into yours.
“Once I take these off, open your eyes very slowly alright?” You nodded at the doctor’s instructions and you felt him removing the bandages that were around your eyes. Even with your eyes closed, you could see the light that passed through your eyelids. Once you open them, you’d be able to see more than just light so blinding.
You took a sharp inhale before opening your eyes really slow, despite your /excited/ heart telling to open them faster. At first, all you could register were silhouettes that were moving about. You could hear your family mumbling and you could most definitely feel their anticipation. Slowly, the haze lifted and you registered people with smiles too big just because they couldn’t help it. You blinked and the picture started to become stark and clear, for colours that you had forgotten came back to life. The tears that hung themselves onto the tips of the eyelashes finally made their jump once your parents gushed at how you told them that they looked just as beautiful as you thought them to be. Hoseok shrieked then but he finally hugged you tight when you told him how good it was to finally see him again. The tension from before finally /unrolled/ and the room was filled with good-natured laughs so carefree, you had forgotten they sounded like. But deep within you, there still lied the tightly coiled apprehension that reside deep within your tummy because the very one person you hoped to see wasn’t in the room.
That person didn’t come until the room was empty beside you. You were still taking in how the sun could filter through the curtains and how the small birds would glide across the sky and land close to you that if you wished, you could touch them. Only then did Jungkook silently step into your room, as quietly as he could. He whispered your name and you caught it immediately, turning your head towards his direction.
There, you took in his doe shaped eyes that stared at you in wonder and also in anxiety, as if there was just something to be nervous about. You took in his nose and his lips that you had kissed thousands of times but it’d feel different from then on because not only could you study them, but he wouldn’t have to ask permission to have you ready. You took in his everything and in that moment, you knew those very few minutes would never be enough.
“Hi, how are you feeling?”
“Great. How are you feeling?” You gestured Jungkook to move closer to you, which he did.
“Nervous,” he confessed after a few hesitating moments. You took his fingers, staring at how wonderful they were sculpted and these were the very fingers that saved you.
“Because this is the first time you’re seeing me and it’s nerve wrecking.” To further prove of his anxiety, it bubbled through his fingertips with him playing your own and his shy eyes never settling on yours for more than just a few seconds. You merely gave him a quiet smile and it must’ve made him even more apprehensive because he went to ask you once again.
“So? What do you think?” You merely gave him a grin and said, “I once said that you’re a really handsome man and I think I wasn’t wrong.”
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Freaks” Part 1
Y/N is a metahuman with several peculiarities, but one could say the weirdest is her heart: it is gated by four locks that make it impossible for the woman to fall in love. Also one could say she’s manipulative, cunning and ruthless. Sounds familiar? Maybe that’s why The Joker is the perfect candidate to help her finally get something she always desired: a one of a kind heir.
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“Yoooo-hoooooooooo, Mister Jooo-kkkeeerrr!!!!” Bane skips along the poorly lit corridor since it’s almost 11 at night and the Arkham inmates are supposed to be asleep. Yet they’re not: the ruckus woke them all up and now they are standing by the glass walls facing the hallway, wondering what the heck is going on.
The real Bane sighs, completely unappreciative of you borrowing his physical appearance.  
“Hey, cut it out!” he admonishes as Y/N passes by and she decides to stop for a moment.
“Hello there handsome,” you swing your hips while walking towards him and The Riddler snorts, entertained: his cell is right across so it’s not like he can miss the show.
“If you’re going to mimic me, don’t do stuff like that!” Bane hisses through his mask, irritated.
“Apologies honey,” you wink and continue. “Far from me to purposely chop your masculinity to pieces,” but seductively sway on the tip of the heavy boots, taunting more because... who’s going to stop you?
“Seriously?!” Bane growls and you cut him some slack, transforming into The Joker for a few seconds.
“Jeez, don’t get worked up,” you smirk and blow the green hair off your face. “I’m looking for this guy, I know he’s here too.”
“Why are you looking for him?” Killer Croc punches his fists together, hoping he can twist your presence in his favor.
“I need him for breeding purposes,” you serenely admit as The Clown Prince of Crime rolls his eyes three padded rooms up from your present location.
“I told you before I can help with that,” Harvey Dent flips his coin in the air, not understanding why his offer was rejected numerous times.
“Me too!” The Riddler grins. “You should forget about the man that repeatedly refuses your advances and pick one of us,” the mastermind gestures at the cells containing prisoners willing to take on the task.
“I want him,” you revert to your human form, Mr. Freeze gasping with admiration: he’s been a fan for the past two years. “He’s the only male I’m compatible with for procreation on this continent and nobody else will do.”
“How do you know?” Deadshot addresses the burning question.
“I just know, ok?” you pout not wishing to get into details. “That’s why I’m here to bail him out. I helped his men clear the area so we can rescue the father of my future baby.”
“Ugghhhh,” a displeased and very loud protest is heard from The Joker’s cell.
“There you are,” you light up with the happiest smile and abandon the captives held in pretty boxes lined up on the south side of Arkham Asylum.
“Hey Y/N,” Jonathan Crane smacks his lips, “if you get me out of here also I’ll give you two millions.”
“I’ll give you double!” The Penguin shouts and Bane promises:
“I’ll give you three!”
The offers keep on pouring in and the shapeshifter is not a person to say no to easy money.
“Might as well,” you press the yellow buttons outside everyone’s incarceration chambers, leaving the best for last.
“Hiiii Mister Jooooker,” you drag the words and he grumbles, squeezing past you as soon as the glass slides enough for him to emerge from the cell.
“Shut up!” he barks and you couldn’t care less about his crabbiness.
“Your crew is waiting outside,” you giggle and turn into Frost, escorting the grouchy Clown in the direction of the exit you know it’s safe to take.
“Would you look at that?” The Shark teases, not being able to contain his laughter.
“Holy shit!” Panda tries to keep it together yet it’s impossible: the real Frost gives them a dismissing glare, annoyed Y/N is lovingly holding The Joker’s arm as they come down the stairs, definitely engaged in some sort of argument.
“That’s obviously not me!” Jonny mutters and there are more disrespectful remarks from the henchmen patiently waiting for their boss.
“It’s still funny as hell!” Richard underlines and swallows his sentence when Y/N posing as Frost kisses The Joker’s cheek.
“One more sound out of you jerks and I’ll bash your brains in!” Jonny threatens because he’s sick and tired of Y/N playing charades at his expense.
Thankfully you switch to your old self immediately after but the team is glad they’ll have something to tease Frost with in the weeks to come. Although it can be overdone: under the apparent calmness he has quite a wretched temper.
“Delivered as agreed,” you cheerfully announce to his gang and follow J even if he’s not thrilled about it.
“Get lost!” he angrily stomps, pushing you away when you grab his hand again.
“Stop being so rude!” you remodel your body after his and he takes a deep breath, staring back at another fabulous J courtesy of Y/N.
“Stop mimicking me!!!” he sneers and Panda comments in a low tone, convinced he’s far behind to safely say it:
“Two Jokers. God Forbids!”
A couple of goons nearby snicker and the amusement abruptly halts when you raise your voice:
“I heard that!!!”
“Huh?” J inquires.
You just lift your shoulders up, not wanting to distract him from what he has to focus on: making sure he fulfils your demand.
The First Lock  
“You’re still here?!” The King of Gotham comes out of the bathroom, intensely drying his wet hair with a towel. “I thought that by the time I’m out of the shower you’ll be gone.”
You gaze at his naked body, reckoning it’s a nice coincidence to be compatible with such a beautiful specimen. Could be much worse.
“Why don’t you want to help me?” you ask and The Joker is aware what you’re referring to. “I’ve been begging you for a year; I must emphasize I’m losing hope and I will probably have to move to another continent in order to find a new prototype that could give me an heir.”
“Not my problem. Why do you want a kid?” he tosses the towel on the floor and digs around in the closet for a pair of boxers.
“So I won’t be alone,” the disarming reply makes him tilt his head to analyze the stubborn metahuman that pesters him on a regular basis about crap he doesn’t give a damn about. “The storm is coming,” you shift the subject when the lighting strikes the dark skies in the distance at 1:23 in the morning.
J gulps, uneasy: he saw the 6 feet creature for a split second and it certainly startled him.
“Apologies, Mister Joker,” you try to fix the mistake because it’s evident his reaction is below excitement standards. “The fire bolt must have projected my true nature. You only tolerate the pretty side, don’t you?” the sadness in your demeanor confuses J. “They all do…” Y/N whispers to herself. “Is this better?” you transform into Poison Ivy, then Cat Woman, then a random blonde girl with big boobs; by the seventh option The Joker had enough.
“Cut it out!” he finally finds his favorite underwear and you stand by the bed, opting out to be your human self for his sake.
“Can you please help me?” a disappointed woman pleads since he’s getting ready to go to sleep.
“Why would I help you?” The Joker snaps, hoping you’ll disappear from the premises and let him rest at the mansion he found refuge at after breaking out of Arkham.
Your eyes get teary and he never saw you show any type of weakness before; it’s sort of uncomfortable even for him.
“Because us freaks have to stick together.”
“Speak for yourself!” J gets mad at your affirmation and doesn’t know how to react to the tears rolling down your cheeks. “Mmmmm,” he debates, deep in thought: the insane Clown was captive for almost three months and a half and they surely don’t allow any conjugal visits in that shithole. Not that he has anybody in particular that would come to tend to his urges.
“If I help you,” the sudden switch in mood makes you pay attention, “will you quit bothering me?”
“Y-yes, of course! I swear!” you wipe your eyes, full of hope for once. “Since we’re a match it will only take one time! I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
You watch J take off his boxers and don’t blink when he yanks you in his arms, afraid he might change his mind: he’s not the most well balanced individual on the planet.
“No kissing,” you dodge his lips. “I only need the technical stuff.”
He gives you a cold stare, fed up with the infernal plague:
“You don’t get to make any other requests!” The Joker pulls you into a passionate kiss that unexpectedly shatters the first lock of your heart.
“Wait, wait…” you part from his soft lips, kind of drunk on the intimacy. “Did you hear that?!”
“Hear what?” he shoves Y/N on the bed and slowly crawls on top of her.
“That deafening noise.”
“Nope,” J purrs while carefully listening anyway. A strong thunder shakes the ground and he grins: “I heard it.”
“Not that, it was something else,” you attempt to explain and he buries his face in your cleavage, protesting the unwanted dialogue: 
“After chewing my ears for months, less yapping would be nice!”
You smile, delighted to have tricked The Joker with your fake tears; you sure counted on him being trapped inside the Asylum without any feminine presence to grace his existence and it payed off in the end. Making yourself available when nobody else is around brought the desired outcome: Y/N always gets what she wants.  
The Joker moans in his dream, unhappy with your wiggling.
“What is it?” he cuddles up to your body and it feels soft.
“I’m pregnant,” you yawn and he puffs in disbelief.
“Already?... We had sex a couple of hours ago.”
“U-hum,” you say and let him caress your skin, unaware your true essence peeked from behind the human shell. “It shouldn’t take too long. By morning I will have my heir.”
“That fast?” J opens his eyes since the pillow talk is actually interesting.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice I’m different,” you hum with your eyes closed, exhausted from the energy you have to channel into the tiny life growing inside your womb. The soon to be mother is so impatient she won’t skip accelerating the process at the expense of her own vitality.
“No kidding,” The King of Gotham mumbles, smitten with the apparition peacefully dozing off in his arms. The storm outside is wreaking havoc and each time lightning illuminates the blackness J can inspect the delicate feathers covering your body: when he touches you they change colors, red butterflies flying out of the pressed skin. He curiously pokes one and the illusion shatters into glowing dust resembling small fireworks.
The Joker has no clue that he is the first soul to ever see you like this; earlier he didn’t have the opportunity to comprehend what he saw, but he’s sure taking advantage of the situation now to understand what he’s looking at.
“Oh,” he touches your tummy that seems to expand with each passing moment: something is moving and he foolishly smirks without realizing.
Whatever is developing inside Y/N he helped create and strangely enough he can’t wait to see the result.
The Second Lock
J drags his feet on the wet grass, watching you admire the sunrise. He woke up and the bed was empty: made him wonder if you vanished without a trace. Yet there you are, waiting for him in the backyard since you figured you owe him this much.
“Mister Joker,” you chuckle, holding something wrapped up in a blanket. “I’m off to my house: thank you for participating in this project,” the indifferent metahuman blurs out: it’s the only speech she prepared. “I requested that everyone owing me money from last night should send it here,” you gesture at the huge duffel bag at your feet. “There’s 35 million dollars in here, all yours as a thank you for helping me.”
“Hm?” he crinkles his nose, insulted at the gift. “Do I look like a prostitute?!”
Why is he getting angry?... That’s a lot of money for a one night stand.
“They get paid for sex, don’t they?” he enlightens the puzzled Y/N. “What’s that?” J nods at the bundle you gently rock.
“My baby.”
“You gave birth?!” he forgets his hurt pride, not believing it’s already done.
“Yes, about 45 minutes ago,” you kiss your daughter’s forehead and her innocence makes your chest tightly constrict before the second lock of your heart is broken to pieces. “Did you hear that?” you interrogate the man you don’t need anymore.
“Hear what?” The Joker rushes to glimpse at the newborn as you step back, discontent he’s trying to take her.
“That horrifying bang! How can you not hear it?!”
“I have no idea what you’re rambling about,” he forcefully snatches the baby from Y/N’s embrace, grunting at her resistance. “Gimme, I wanna check out what I made!”
He parts the blanket aside and…
“Waaaaah,” the mesmerized parent holds his breath:
The sweet angel has wings embedded with neon green feathers, the same shade as J’s crazy hair.
“Are you done?” you attempt to reacquire your treasure and he slaps your arm.
“Little bird…” J runs his fingers along her wings and the mini-metahuman fusses a bit, already establishing a connection with her dad.
That’s exactly what you’re trying to avoid before it’s too late.
“Mister Joker, I have to go, ok??!!” you seek to remove the baby from her father.
“Stop bothering me!” he sucks on his teeth and begins striding towards the mansion while the panicked Y/N runs behind him.
“What are you doing? Give her back!”
“What should we name her?” The Joker ignores your outburst, totally struck with this overwhelming emotion washing over him.
Oh no, she’s already getting under his skin!
“WE?!” you shout, exasperated. “This is MY descendant!”
“You said I participated in the project so she’s half mine!” The Clown implies the obvious.“I think we should name her Emma, I always liked that name,” he adds to Y/N’s dismay. “Pretty bird…” J shuts you down as soon as you open your mouth to protest, stroking his daughter’s feathers.
He’s already addicted and this is a complete disaster!
“I’ll tell my boys to get baby supplies,” he decides without taking into consideration any opinions you might have about his plan.
“Why?!” you cringe at the proposal simply because The Joker is not part of the equation; but your daughter is already bonding with him and that’s something mommy can’t break: she has her own will and set of abilities enabling her to already make choices. You’re not sure why she’s making him believe he could be included into a two party family; there’s no space for a third, otherwise it would be a three party family and that won’t work.
“Don’t you need supplies for her?” he enters the master bedroom where the infant was conceived only hours ago.
You’re still on the patio, fuming at his absurdities.
“No, I have to go home! I’ll take care of it! Listen Mister Joker, I’m not expecting anything from you! ” you underline the truth and his witty response baffles Y/N:
“I was sure expected though to get naked and have sex right after escaping Arkham, huh?!” and The Joker protectively covers his daughter’s ears, his messed up brain figuring out she shouldn’t hear that. “Where’s home anyway, huh?” the tirade continues.
“That’s none of your business!” you shriek and he repositions Emma in his arms, preparing to lecture her mother when he gets distracted by the growth spur.
“Did she just get…bigger??!!!”
“Yes,” you join him in the middle of the room, explaining things you shouldn’t because frankly you should be at your residence by now. “She’s using capabilities inherited from me in order to speed up her evolution and then take a break to recharge around one year old landmark.”
“Fascinating,” J gushes while placing Emma on the couch: the baby is napping, not bothered by the quarrel anymore. “Wait here; I’ll go instruct my men on what we need.”
This is the limit to make you lose your marbles.
“There. Is. No. WE!” you thud on the wood floor and The Joker watches you get taller and taller until you can barely fit under the vaulted ceiling, electing to show him what he’s messing with. The metahuman transforms into the nightmare she really is: dark and sinister, covered in black feathers with sharp, long claws and fangs ready to tear apart the human trespassing a fine line.
That’s not what The Clown saw last night: you keep the beast caged but now IT needs to come out, otherwise he won’t understand the seriousness of his circumstances.
“You are not needed!” your heavy steps make the ground shake. “You are not wanted!” you corner The Joker between the table and the couch Emma is resting on. “Don’t stay in my way or you’ll regret it!!!! I’m taking my daughter and we’ll go: don’t try to stop me or I’ll kill you!!!” and you bend over to snarl in his face, prepared to shred him to pieces.
Eerie silence while J is gathering all his strength to put up with the fucked up events leading to this moment.  
“You two can’t go,” he straightness his back, so stiff one could think he swallowed a broomstick.
“Why not?” you smell his skin, antagonized.
The Joker tries to look as imposing as possible but he’s still half your size; nothing else in his mind besides some words of wisdom he’s about to repeat:
“Because us freaks have to stick together.”
You unravel your tusks, displeased with his strategy:
“Speak for yourself!”
That went down the drain fast, J thinks while the hideous mug a few inches away from his face doesn’t bulge. His eyes wander off to the sofa and he gasps:
“Where’s the baby?!”
A sharp claw points towards the ceiling and he looks up only to notice Emma snuggling in her blanket.
“Oh my God!” his eyes get big. “What is she doing there?!”
“She’s gonna fall!” The Joker circles around you, worried about the angel.
“She’s not going to fall; she’s comfortable,” you huff and reach to caress her.
“Where are the wings?!” J glares at the gigantic mother tending to her peculiar offspring.
How many people have witnessed such bizarre sight? NONE. And yet The Clown is asking questions without a trace of disgust or judgement; only pure curiosity.
“They’ll come and go, she can’t fully control them yet.”
“Can you…can you turn into your usual self?” he suggests. “You’re very ugly like this and it’s spooking me out.”
“Do you know you’re interested in us because she’s making you?” the monster bites without using her fangs. “You’re useless, yet she wants you around.”
“Oh yeah?” The Joker’s attitude escalates despite the sticky context. “You’re useless also since you chased me until I slept with you; she exists thanks to my help! You should be ecstatic!!”
“Money is not enough?!” you gradually switch to the Y/N he’s familiar with even if you’re still mad.
“I have money,” The King of Gotham pretends not to be relieved by the welcomed transmutation.
“Then what do you want?” you attempt to compromise for your daughter’s sake.
“My birds,” he calmly admits.
You debate on his stupid reply: is J deaf and didn’t catch the memo?! He might be because he keeps on telling you he didn’t discern the odd, loud noises you heard twice so far.
You are not aware it would be such a blessing to hear those sounds again: it could mean the unconventional family Emma is trying to keep together might actually work.    
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thebrochtuarachs · 5 years
I just watched it and I just cry because I suddenly don’t recognise Claire and Bree anymore and I feel super bad for Jamie - not because Roger deserved that beat up - but that Brianna and Claire did nothing - NOTHING - to, at least, make him understand.
1. Though I really missed the JB fireplace/cuddle scene (which I feel is equally, if not more important scene to be featured), I did like that they included the part where Jamie provoked Brianna and showed her that she couldn’t fight Bonnet even if she tried her hardest. I loved that Jamie was hesitant about hurting her but it was the only he knew how for her to realise that it wasn’t her fault. I hope Brianna knew that Jamie did it as his way to show his love for her. 
2. That scene in the end where Bree revealed he knew Jamie understood what was done to her because she knew it happened to him is indeed another block in the building of their relationship. I loved the fact that Bree opened up to him even though the topic was about murder, but trusted Jamie enough to guide her  in understanding the situation. I loved that Jamie said that he did for Claire and he would do all over again if need be - in some way, its his way of telling her that he’ll do anything for her too. 
3. I skipped all the Roger parts. All of them. 
4. I felt that the “abortion” conversation ran too long and Claire keep circling around the topic in very vague terms which elongated the conversation. When Bree asked if she considered it with her, my heart swelled a bit when Claire declared that “she and her father wanted and loved her” (I just didn’t like that the dialogue went ‘I wanted you, I loved your father and he wanted you’ - I mean, why can’t it be a collective like ‘we loved each other and we wanted you’, small thing but meh). I loved that revelation thinking about what happened in 2x13 and Jamie and Claire’s decision to part forever for her sake. Brianna, I think, also needed to feel that she is loved unconditionally by both of them and that they’ll do everything they can to help her whatever they decide. 
5. Loved that when Claire suggested that she leave back for the stone now, she didn’t want to leave. I think she wanted to spend more time with her mother and Jamie as well. She wanted to know Jamie. 
5. Again, bummed that the writers didn’t include Jamie and Claire’s argument when she was contemplating suggesting abortion to Bree. It was to be another impactful moment for J/C as they navigate being parents together, especially to a daughter caught in a complicated situation as Bree. 
7. Wee Ian being all grown-up and Brianna finally having a cousin! What a momentous moment. 
8. Am I the only one who cringes and hurts for Jamie every time Brianna refers to Frank as “my father”? UGH UGH UGH 
10. Is Lizzie even sick anymore? I guess not? 
11. I honestly didn’t get the trade scene? Is it important? Was it in the book? 
12. Claire must’ve really done herself in with all the gardening cause she looked awfully tired in the dinner table. 
13. Love Claire and Bree scene just talking about stuff in the future. Of course, these are things they cannot mention to anyone but to each other and surely, there’s a certain relief and freedom that they can talk about it now and its such a relief for both of them. Love this mother-daughter scene (though not sure how this scene adds to the story, I mean they could’ve used this airtime for some other important thing?)
14. OMG THE NIGHTMARE SCENE - DANG, BREE IS GOING THROUGH PTSD JUST LIKE JAMIE DID BEFORE AND I FEEL SO BAD FOR HER. It’s the same when Jamie thought he saw Claire and then Randall will seep through. For a while, I thought Bonnet was really there! I guess that’s how victims feel inside their head - good representation for me. Kudos to Sophie and Ed for giving me the chills. 
15. OH GOD HERE WE ARE IN THE MISUNDERSTANDING SCENE THAT TOTALLY MISSED THE MARK FOR ME. Though I dinner justify Roger’s beating, Jamie couldn’t have known what Roger looked like. Lizzie said it was the man and she was sure and Jamie was acting on pure instinct to save his daughter’s honour. But the way Bree explained it to him at the beginning of this argument was confusing already and Jamie, albeit not intentionally, thought otherwise of Bree’s intentions because he did not know there was another man. But slapping him? I get she’s angry, but he’s still her father and he deserved some respect. I wonder how many times in his life Jamie have been slapped, not many I’m guess, and especially from the people he loves. I think this part went a bit far especially when the “other man” is revealed. AND CLAIRE JUST STOOD THERE AND NOTHING, DID NOT EVEN MITIGATE A BIT, DID NOT DEFEND HER HUSBAND NOR LIGHTLY REPRIMAND HER DAUGHTER. I get that she had to appease Brianna but her face says that she’s angry with Jamie too but that was not the time nor place to show that anger. Jamie apologises and Brianna just blurts out “go to hell” I MEAN WHAT IS THAT. THAT IS JUST CRUEL. AND CLAIRE DID NOTHING STILL. (I AM SO ANGRY AT THIS SCENE AT THIS POINT). AND THEN WE GET “MY FATHER WAS A GOOD MAN AND YOU’RE JUST A SAVAGE” MORE CRUELTY THAT JAMIE DID NOT DESERVE. Gosh, I wonder what Frank Randall would do if he found out his daughter is unwed and pregnant - I bet he’d suggest losing it first. Brianna has been Frank Randall’s daughter for 20 years and it shows and I don’t like it one bit). 
19. I don’t even have words for the “Planning” scene other than Brianna is so demanding and Claire is being dramatic and everyone is just in a foul mood. 
20.  AND THEN WE GET ANOTHER UN-JAMIE/CLAIRE-LIKE SCENE. Jamie, now, wants to understand and he asks his wife for answers too. He’s asking so he can understand the extent of the damage he’s done, if he can repair his relationship with his daughter, he just wants to know and understand and what does Claire do - WALK AWAY. If this was the Jamie and Claire I know, they would hash it out all in the open until all is said and done (aka First Wife scene, Blade under the grass scene, FAITH scene, etc..) SHE DIDN’T WALK AWAY. HE DIDN’T WALK AWAY. THEY TALKED THE PAIN AND ANGER OUT BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY DO - that’s what healthy relationships do, that’s always been them, it’s why they work. Secrets but no lies (well, Jamie lied about the hand but the Claire I knew will call him out then shut him down). I AM SO ANGRY THAT THIS SCENE DIDN’T GO TO AN ALL OUT CONFRONTATION CAUSE THAT IS WHAT I EXPECTED FROM JAMIE AND CLAIRE. Clearly, the writers had them in a different light where they walk away from each other - I DO NOT LIKE JAMIE AND CLAIRE WHO CAN EASILY WALK AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. NO. NO. NO. Because if it was easy to do that, then Jamie and Claire’s relationship are in trouble. 
21. I hated this “goodbye” scene too. ALL JAMIE WANTED TO DO, AND YOU CAN SEE IT IN HIS FACE, IS TO HUG IS DAUGHTER AND SAY A PROPER GOODBYE TO HER - BECAUSE TO HIM THIS IS A MISSION HE MIGHT NOT RETURN FROM (spoiler: it’s why Bree made her mama go with them). NOW MAYBE I JUST WANT JAMIE NOT TO RETURN TO BREE CAUSE SHE DOESN’T DESERVE HIM (okay, I went a tad overboard with this but I am so frustrated with these characters and story, im letting me feelings out). AND CLAIRE JUST STOOD THERE, DID NOT EVEN ENCOURAGE HER OR HIM TO PROPERLY SAY GOODBYE. SERIOUSLY, WHERE IS CLAIRE FRASER? THE REAL CLAIRE FRASER?! Seriously, and then Claire and Bree hug and Im just imagining Jamie there at the side, wishing he could too. I mean, he even passes by them again just so maybe he could but still, nothing and they all went in their merry way. (im so emotional about this scene) 
23. “WHILE MY MOTHER AND JAMIE...” Wow, I just don’t like Bree in this episode. So Jamie is relegated from Da back to calling him Jamie. Wow, such a disrespect. Could’ve called her “father” if she wanted something more formal or distant to call him. But calling him just “Jamie” just boils my blood with anger cause Jamie doesn’t deserve this cruelty. Jesus Christ, he sacrificed himself for all and it still is not enough, especially for the people who mean most to him. Brianna’s bratty attitude didn’t sit well with me this episode and I hate it. 
Bottomline, I knew this scene was coming. From book to TV, I didn’t expect the writers would delete important parts to give more context to feelings to justify it. No, they just jumped from one place to another, trying to go through the chapters so fast, they missed the point of it all. I missed a lot of scenes from the fireplace cuddle to the abortion argument. But Brianna’s and Claire’s attitude towards Jamie in this whole ordeal have felt nothing short but cruel for me. They didn’t give him a chance to explain, give themselves a chance to make him understand the depth of the situation. Instead, they shout at him, keep secrets from him, call him names, don’t acknowledge them, walk away from him, shut him out, and I hate that because he knows he’s done wrong and just wants to make it right but no one would tell him how or at least, again, make him understand. Jamie must be frustrated as heck between his wife and daughter, the only family he cares most about but he just stays silent. The turmoil inside must be killing him and he’d already decided that he will bring Roger back even if it costs him his own life. 
But damn, the writers just missed the mark so much with Jamie, Claire and Bree and how to handle the progression of their situation and I am so sad because I’m anticipating this moment most and they ruined it. 
Now, I don’t even have the courage or will to watch the last 3 episodes. They story, characters and actors (except Sam) aren’t just there this season and I just sad because this is my favorite book in the series. 
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