#and then probably have another PTSD Cave experience forcing her to remember stuff that happened with nancy
drewsaturday · 2 years
actually. thinking abt trollhunters/lost world teevee show again and like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i know i said marguerite and nomura probably fucked but marguerite was a spy in ww1. you know who else was a spy in ww1?
toby's fucking grandmother.
#trollhunters tag#THEY fucked#marguerite was like... a triple spy too so someone def broke someone's heart during it all#anyway. i have my lil cracky headcanons abt strickler/nancy during the spy days and this just makes it ??? worse??? better??? idk#but bc i place him in some ww1 shenanigans i feel like if i ALSO place him on the plateau innnn the '20s-ish#marguerite would recognize him and i cant tell if that's more fun or less#also marguerite is ... very much a scalie and if she sees strickler's troll form she's gonna wanna jump his bones hMMmmM#they probs think strickler's w the reptile ppl at first bc Green#when no he's just there trying to get a hold of some ancient evil artifact nbd#nomura might also be there bc theyre like racing to find something before the other can and theyre the#resident history bitch changelings#ij ust want marguerite to out-manipulate strickler and/or fuck him and/or fuck nomura#and then probably have another PTSD Cave experience forcing her to remember stuff that happened with nancy#like what happened in PTSD Cave Episode Number 17 with that canon girl form her past whose name i cant remember#strickler also would probs have ties to roxton's family actually#and maaaaaybe funded some of challenger's past expeditions#i think summerlee is a weird father figure to nomura but she wont admit it#etc#oHH MAYBEEEE :| maybe strickler was part of veronica's fam's expedition and he's kinda responsible. for what happened there.#or he tried to sabotage some stuff at leasttttt#:') lol#J;LDSF;LKJSFLKSDJFLKSD WAIT IM A FUCKING /FOOL/ MARGUEIRTE IS MORRIGAN RIGHT#ik there is no real tie between the morrigan and morgan le fay but lost world would be the place to mix them up#so maybe strickler is literally there trying to find morrigan as a vessel for morgana#BECAUSE. VERONICA'S PARENTS ARE IN AVALON RIGHT. AND THERE'S A CONNECTION W THAT AND MARGUERITE.#iu cant REMEMVER the connection but if it wasnt significant then maybe veronica is supposed to be the vessel???#hhfj;lkjsldj im in hell#i think . they might after be veronica considering her lineage but whatever happens i think#the lost world fam would get some clue to where veronica's parents are#so it has some purpose for them
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vydante · 5 years
Restart | Avengers x Male! Reader | 7
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Avengers x Male! Reader (romantically: undecided)
Plot: Dr. Strange said there was only one possibility of winning the battle against Thanos.
But when (Name) is forced into the past and into his younger body, he’s suddenly given the chance to start over and prevent the future from happening again.
So which route are you going to take? Are you going to risk the future and take preventative measures, or live life with the Avengers for the next 4 years, knowing what will soon come?
A/N: Got a lil’ ol’ cliffhanger at the end for ya, haha.
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"Summer's supposed to be a time for relaxation, (Name), not a time for working all day and night in your lab."
You swiveled around in your chair and pointed a screwdriver at Pepper, who stood at your door with a cheeky smile. You waved it at her dramatically and tilted your head.
"Correction: summer's a time for me to do whatever I please, ma."
You set down the screwdriver and stretched lazily. She walks up behind you and sets down a bowl of fruits, freshly cut. Your eyes lit up as you snatched up one of the slices and nibbled on it. She ruffled your hair playfully and you reluctantly let her mess with your updo.
She winked at you as you went to grab for another slice. She whistles as she spun a full 360 just to look around your newly built and furnished lab. It was large but felt homey, with all of the nicknack plastered everywhere and a few couches and beanbag chairs in random corners.
"I will say, I love what you did with the place. See you took my advice with the walls and flooring."
You hummed quietly as you grabbed a few more fruits from the bowl.
She helped you with the floor planning and made a few suggestions- some of which you took, others you didn't. You were originally going to go with concrete floors and walls, but you thought about how it'd look, and well...
"Momma knows best, I guess. Didn't really have any other choice- it was either that," you motioned to the, admittedly, nice looking wallpaper and tiles, "or nothing, and I'd like for my man-cave to not actually look like a cave. Or, at least, better than dad's."
His wasn't ugly looking, not by a landslide. But you did want to have bragging rights over whose lab looked the best, and if you were being honest? Yours is definitely in the lead. 
"I just have to hang up a few more things- maybe have some LED lights on that corner over there, and I'll be done with decorating the place."
"No, you're not. If you want it to look better than Tony's, then you're gonna have to do a bit more decorating than that. Hey- say what, let's go shopping soon- mother-son day. I'll take you out to buy some more decorations, and maybe we'll go eating afterward."
"Oh? And what about dad? You know how he gets when we don't invite him to stuff."
You remembered the one time you took Morgan out to the park- nothing special, she was just feeling antsy and wanted to fly a kite and pet dogs- and he kept making offhanded sarcastic comments once he found out.
'Yeah, watching that movie sounds fun, almost as fun as that time our children went to the park without us.'
'I can guarantee you it'll be a great experience with all of us together- and not just half of the family because excluding them would be rude, right (Name)?'
He wouldn't let it go for weeks, much to both your amusement and annoyance. 
You grabbed a few more fruits before there were suddenly none left. Ah, shoot.
"Yeah, well, he can live without us for a few hours."
She grabbed the empty bowl with an impressed smile. Your cheeks turn an embarrassing pink, but you ignored it.
"If you say so."
You shrugged, doubting that he'll be fine if you two leave without him. It's not like he's gonna hurt himself while you're gone, he'll just be mildly grumpy and sassier than normal once you come back.
She leans over to give you a quick hug before heading out of your lab. She turns around and calls out to you one last time.
"Anyways, I'll leave you to it I guess. Don't forget- family night. 7 o'clock sharp."
"Yeah yeah, I'll be there. See ya."
You watched as her figure disappears behind the frosted windows, and you swiveled around in your chair again for a few minutes in silence before speaking up again.
"Imma take a nap."
"It is in your best interest not to sleep right now, sir. You have a meeting scheduled at 7."
J.A.R.V.I.S.' voice spoke up from above. You rolled your eyes at how formal he made your plans for tonight sound. You clapped your hands dramatically and the lights followed suit, dimming down where only the light from the hallway light illuminated your lab.
"Meeting my ass, it's just family night, Jar."
You walked over to the beanbag chairs- they were too huge to be chairs, but still- and plopped right on top of them. You grunted and shed off your shoes. You grabbed a nearby blanket as J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke again.
"Regardless, Mr. Stark."
You rolled your eyes and snuggled into the beanbag. You made sure to set an alarm for 6:30 so you wouldn't miss the family night and closed your eyes.
"Oh, one nap won't hurt me. Besides, I'm a pro at afterschool napping. Been doing it since '08 baby..."
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"What happened in that one scenario, the one where we win?"
You glanced over at your father as he interrogates Strange. Your eyes traveled over to the guardians and Peter, who was watching Mantis do slow summersaults. The sky is burning your face, but you say nothing of it.
Was it always this hot?
"If I told you... It wouldn't happen."
Your father sighs with frustration as everyone else tenses up. Peter was stood next to you now and said something you couldn't catch. You tried to look at him, but you couldn't make out much other than his messy hair. His face is... Blurry.
No, that's not the right word...
"Goddamnit..." Your dad gruffly sighs and runs his hands through his hair. Your attention snaps back to him, and you raised an eyebrow.
... When was his hair dirty blonde...?
Everyone seemingly dispersed, unsatisfied with the answer. You turned around, but they were gone. It was just you and Strange. For some reason, something compelled you to linger around for just a little longer.
"... It's not an outcome I would hope for, you know..."
You raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" You ask as the hairs on your neck standing straight up. Your voice was a bit deeper and sandpaper-like. You hadn't heard yourself- your true self- speak in a while, so it startled you.
Strange's head is hung low and his voice is quiet when he speaks up. His veins are bulging out his head... Are they...
Are they moving?
"... Even if I could tell you, Stark, you'd be one of the last people I'd tell that to..."
While he says Stark, you know he's speaking directly at you instead of your father. He holds his breath before looking back up at you, eyes burning with... Regret?
You suddenly feel your throat close up on you as your hands claw at your throat. You tried to speak, but instead, you choked on your saliva as you reached out to Strange for help.
This... Feels familiar...
"And besides..."
He stands up and approaches you. You feel your stomach drop as he towers over you now, skin bulging out of his robes. It bubbles and moves unnaturally as the world closes in on you.
No... No, no, no...
This isn't right.
What's happening?
He leans in close to your face as he grips your skull tightly with one hand, another on your arm. His face distorts into another face, one that brings nothing but several sleepless nights. Horror races through your veins as his nails start digging straight into your arm. 
You try to claw at him with your other hand, but it didn't do anything.
He starts pulling, hard, on other your arm as you could only silently scream. A sickening snap echoes in the silence of this planet.
Your feet rise from the ground as he lifts you by his cruel hold on your head.
Everything hurts.
Your arm hurts.
You can't feel it. Your other hand, the one you can move, immediately reaches over to your shoulder, but only the cold breeze greeted your hand.
Your vision was getting dark as the lack of oxygen was taking its toll. 
You could only focus on his face as it distorts even more, from the fleshy hue to a sickening wisteria. His lips move, forming words but nothing comes out. You can't make out... What he's... Trying to say...
Ah... The side of your body feels warm, but your body shivers...
It's faint, but the smell of metal creeps in your lungs.
Your head is spinning too much...
Gotta... Stay... Conscience...
As you quickly lose your grip on reality, a voice rings through your head and makes your ears throb painfully.
It wasn't Strange speaking.
It was deeper, menacing...
"... Am..."
And laced with triumph.
"... Inevitable."
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Your eyes snapped open as you gasped for air. You breathed erratically as you tried to catch your breath. You pulled away from the beanbag chair as you had your face buried deep into it. That was probably why you couldn't breathe properly.
What the fuck was that?
You could still feel your heart race a million miles an hour, the blood rushing to your ears almost blocking out a familiar noise.
"Ding! Ding! Ding!"
You shakingly look to your side and your phone was there, the flash going off like crazy. You reached over and turned the alarm off. You chucked your phone back down and leaned back into the beanbag.
"What the shit..."
You ran your fingers through your hair and scratched the back of your head as you closed your eyes, trying to get yourself together again.
While you will admit, you were diagnosed with PTSD from that horrid day, it hadn't acted up in a while now, and you hadn't a single clue what triggered it. Maybe it was because you were suffocating from sleeping faced down? You're not too sure.
Either way, you tried your best to calm your breathing and shed the blanket off of you. Your clothes stick to your body uncomfortably and you felt both cold and hot. 
"Sir, are you alright? Your heart rate has spiked within the last 5 minutes and you're perspiring more than normal by 300%."
You groaned quietly and rubbed the back of your head, feeling a stress-induced headache coming on. You glanced over to a cabinet a few feet away and saw a familiar red bottle. You got up, put your shoes on and shuffled over to it and dumped a pill out from it, all the meanwhile grumbling.
"Ugh, maybe I should've listened to you earlier; no more nappies..."
You squinted in the dark laboratory and trudged to the door, bumping into a few table corners here and there.
"Ow... Ow... Ow- fuck."
You finally reached the door and opened it, the hallway light too bright for your eyes. You still hold onto the pill and made your way to your room to make a change of clothes- these ones are too gross feeling.
"God, I hope they didn't pick a loud movie..."
"They picked Predator, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S. piped up, voice sounding suspiciously cheery.
"Ah, seriously? Of fucking course, it's a loud ass movie." You rolled your eyes but instantly regretted it as it made your headache worsen.
While you were still shaken by your nightmare, you pushed it to the back of your mind and hoped that spending the night with your parents would take your mind off of it. 
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Somewhere, in a newly built yet messy building, sat two tired men. Around them were piles and piles of paperwork, all of them blurring into a bundle of nonsense that led to only one ultimate end point.
A conclusion that neither of them wanted.
It's been weeks since the incident at the old building. People were reunited, the threat had been eliminated... There are people just trying to get back onto their feet, some are trying to reorganize the world back together, others are helping their community; all in all, everyone's just trying to move on... but not them.
Not just yet.
"It doesn't make sense."
The blonde throws a file onto the pile next to him. More information had come in, more intel, but none of them were helpful. They all pointed to one conclusion, and it was one that he wasn't willing to accept anytime soon.
The other one looks at him with obvious frustration in his eyes. His wrinkles had gotten even deeper somehow in the past few days alone. He could feel the blonde's irritation, and while he would normally tell him to take a breather, he'd be lying if he wasn't feeling the same way about this.
"We searched everywhere. Every square inch of the rubble, the battlefield- hell, even his own house! And what came up? Nothing. Nada. Not a single trace of him."
"He's got to turn up somewhere, Bruce, I'm not giving up."
Bruce lets out an exhausted sigh as he glances over at the holograms, eyes lingering on one a bit too long before he moved on.
'Natasha Romanoff: K.I.A.'
"As much as we keep searching, it's likely... It's likely we're not gonna find what we're looking for... Chances are, he might've..."
Bruce doesn't finish the sentence, already knowing that he was walking on eggshells with the blonde when it came to him, especially after right Tony's funeral...
While they had all healed up to the best of the abilities, in their hearts was where the wounds are still fresh.
"I don't care, I know he's not dead! He... He was just... Right next to me... I...."
"I know, Steve..."
The soldier's shoulders sag as he feels all motivation and hopes slowly seeps out his body. He collapses onto the chair behind him as the faces on the holograms taunt them. While a majority of them had been updated now- anyone who had gone with the snap had come back- not all of them were updated for the better.
'Tony Stark: K.I.A.'
"He's not dead... I just... I just know he's not..."
They all sat in silence. In front of them, while only a few haunts them, one hologram makes Steve want to sink further into himself. 
A headshot of an all too familiar face shines back at them, sharp eyes staring straight into the window of their souls. His lips curled in a smirk, almost sneering at them in their face for their failure. Bruce sighs and looks away as he enters new information under the file.
"It's been weeks, Steve. If he hasn't turned up now... Chances are, he won't turn up ever."
Steve looks at the eyes that taunt him beyond words. It's almost as if he's ridiculing the soldier, and at this point, he doesn't blame him if he was. 
He doesn't look too long into them as the pressure builds in his chest. He holds his head in his hands as he feels Bruce approach him and rub his back in support.
Steve shakingly sighs.
"God... What the hell am I gonna tell Pepper...?"
The text underneath the headshot changes one final time from a soft blue- a blue that has been there since the very beginning- to a deep, permanent red.
'(Name) Stark: K.I.A.'
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Tagged: @unsolvetheheckoutofit
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