#and then i remembered i have an invader zim shirt and i just went to town to see how close i could get
knifegremliin · 2 years
y'all don't understand how THRILLED I am about this. it was literally my DREAM as a kid to be scene. I have wanted this for so fucking long but I never could do it. and now I am THIS close to being properly scene and oh my god I'm so fucking excited???? I'm finally fulfilling my childhood dream. after all these years.
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Today's Topic is Hot Topic
"The pants command me!" Invader Zim
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It turns out that one of the Hot Topics in the Tampa Bay area - at University Mall in Tampa - still has the old gate style entrance. I asked the gal working there why the owner never removed the gate, but she didn't know. She did confirm, however, that it is one of only three out of 675 Hot Topics that still have the gate.
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I used to see these gates on Hot Topics all the time, and I am sorry to say, I didn't even notice when they stopped having these gates. But then again, my time of frequenting Hot Topic was back in the '90's. By the mid-aughts, I had stopped visiting the brick & mortar Hot Topics and started ordering everything I bought from them (which, admittedly, was never a lot) online. The last items I purchased from the Hot Topic website was several striped shirts, both long and short sleeved, of a type fairly difficult to find anywhere else, plus they were on sale, so I snapped them up.
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As for my reminiscences of Hot Topic back in the 'good-ole-days' of the '90's, they might be a bit underwhelming. I was never a 90's mall rat, so you won't find any vintage pics of me wearing those super baggy pants, but I still went to malls about once a month during the 90's. Much less than the once a week, or more, during the 80's. I first encountered a Hot Topic about 1992 in either Richmond, Va, or Washington, DC. I didn't realize it was a chain, of course, until I encountered the second one. Independent stores similar to Hot Topic were common enough back then that I really only took particular notice of Hot Topic once I realized it was a chain and, clearly, doing quite well. Even back then, it was an expensive place to shop, so I rarely bought anything but would just browse. They used to focus much more on goth items and maintained that emphasis throughout the '90's, but by the early aughts they'd begun to shift to other areas until eventually evolving to the Funko Pop shop they are now.
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Not that I have anything against Funko Pops. Folks really seem to like them, although they're not my thing. I'm still able to order gothy stuff via Hot Topic's website when needed, so it doesn't matter to me what they stock in their brick & mortars. They also changed the font at some point - also didn't notice when that happened - but this is how I remember Hot Topic from the '90's:
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Another reason I'd usually visit one whenever in the mall, was to socialize with my friends working there. I might be the only person I know who didn't work at a Hot Topic for at least a week or two back in the '90's. I just don't have the customer service skills. But it was always fun visiting with friends and acquaintances and catching up on the latest news from my fairly large social circle. The Hot Topic folks always knew the latest since everyone else also stopped by to socialize, so they were practically town criers. And after inevitably quitting the job, they would lament that they no longer got to hear all the latest, juicy gossip. The last person I knew who worked at Hot Topic - a co-worker of mine at a haunted house - quit working her Hot Topic job in late 2005, and that's when I stopped visiting the stores with any degree of regularity.
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I'd also always visit the Spencer Gifts that was, invariably, just a couple stores away from the Hot Topic. While Hot Topic has changed, Spencer's has remained the same - so much so that stepping into one is almost like traveling back in time to the 90's. And with over 600 stores, Spencer's strategy seems to be working as well.
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Another somewhat odd thing I discovered, is that the Tampa Bay area has an unusually high number of Hot Topics with 10. Orlando only has 4 and even the vastness that is the Miami metro only has 7. My old stomping ground of Richmond, VA, only has a single Hot Topic remaining. Why does Tampa Bay get 10 while Richmond only gets one? I don't know. And why does one of our ten still have the gate? Also, unknown. And what ever happened to that cool Invader Zim shirt I bought at the Hot Topic in Mall St. Mathew's in Louisville, Ky, back in 2003? Yet another great, cosmic mystery on par with GIR's...well, on par with GIR.
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creaturesfromelsewhere 7-3-2022
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fastenwick · 7 months
Wick's IZ characters meet the OCs that inspired them: Part Three
Aik Membrane meets Aphyxi West
(@aik-membrane created in 2022, Aphyxi created in 2019
Ft mentions of @ambassador-d1b, @game-slavers , and @ukagaka-zim)
Two characters are put in a nearly empty room. No doors, windows, or decor. Just two chairs, a table with food, and a note. The note reads "Enjoy your time together." The food products are coffee beans, licorice, lemon slices, sunflower seeds, and milkshakes.
Once again, the Invader Zim character arrived first. Aik Membrane blinked and tilted his head. "This isn't my apartment."
His first thought was this was somebody's mindscape, but no one was there. He noticed the note and read it silently.
While Aik was reading, a teenager appeared. He wore a black leather jacket, jeans, and a white t-shirt with matching boots. All of the clothes looked well used but sturdy. The kid's hands were tucked into his pockets, he was very pale, like he had never seen the sun a day in his life, and had striking blue eyes with jet black hair that gave an uncomfortable contrast to his skin. He seemed tired upon arriving.
Aik looked the newcomer up and down to get a feel for him. "Hello."
"Who are you? What's up with your hair?"
"Ah, it's a phenomenon that no one in my family can really explain. The name is Aik Membrane, I presume you may have heard of me?" Aik offered.
"Nope." The kid shook his head.
"I'm not terribly surprised, considering where we are," Aik mused.
"And where are we?"
"Some sort of… black space between worlds I think. Either like a free space where people can come and go, as they please or as someone else pleases, or a magical space that's attached to no reality aside from the mind," Aik suggested.
"Sounds like the Void," the kid shrugged.
Aik got the feeling that what he knew as a void and what the kid knew as a void were entirely different. "What do you mean by void?"
"It's a place where you can send people, hold onto them and keep them out of trouble. It both exists and it doesn't, it's basically trapping them in their own head. They don't remember anything when they get out though," the kid explained.
"That is… very different from the void I am familiar with," Aik mused.
"What's yours like?"
"It's a place that you can come to and from freely, a magic type of space that exists between realities and can be visited by many sorts of people," Aik explained.
"I don't believe in magic." The kid shrugged.
Aik chuckled. "I do." He snapped his fingers and a red light appeared at his fingertips, flickering.
The kid seemed confused. "How are you doing that? Your levels don't match, you're not a B.U.G. user."
"A what now?"
"You don't know what a B.U.G. is? Where are you from?"
"Earth in Universe 15."
"What country?"
"America." Aik let the light disappear.
"No one calls it that anymore, what year are you in?" the kid asked.
"Yep, you're from the past," the kid sighed.
"Am I?" Aik tilted his head.
"I guess." The kid shrugged.
Aik nodded. "How interesting. I didn't catch your name, by the way."
"Oh, I'm Aphyxi. Aphyxi West." The kid held his hand out to Aik. It was a robotic hand.
Aik barely reacted to the sight of the hand and accepted the handshake calmly. "Your hand is good craftsmanship, did you make it?"
"Sort of, I helped Chrome with it. Shouldn't we focus on getting out of here?" Aphyxi asked.
"I don't think there's anything we can do to get out ourselves. I sense someone watching us, though I don't sense any hostile intent." Aik opened up a scanner on his robotic arm and scanned the room. "Nor do I detect weapons or cameras of any sort. And this room seems to be the only thing that exists here. I imagine if whoever brought us here wanted to harm us, they would have. Plus, this note seems to insinuate we are here to cater to someone's curiosity."
"What note?" Aphyxi asked.
Aik pointed to the note and Aphyxi went to read it.
"Weird," Aphyxi said.
"I've seen weirder," Aik replied.
Aphyxi chuckled. "Yeah, me too."
"Oh, have you now? Do tell." Aik sat on a chair and grabbed a handful of coffee beans.
"A red headed girl talking to a giant mutant animal? Think Loch Ness Monster on steroids," Aphyxi said.
"That is pretty weird." Aik nodded.
"What have you seen?" Aphyxi asked.
"Alien planets and species for one. Also my old Boss is a shape shifting fairy creature that uses telepathy to talk," Aik said.
"Yikes, that's pretty weird."
"It is," Aik agreed. "If you've seen mutants, how come you don't believe in magic?"
"Magic is just science people don't understand, I can do what you did and I'm not magic." Aphyxi held his palm up and a blue light appeared on his hand, hovering.
"Oh, very nice." Aik clapped lightly. "How do you do it?"
"You're not going to call me a freak or anything, are you?" Aphyxi asked.
"Kid, I'm willing to bet a significant amount of money that I am more of a freak than you are. I'm a clone created by a mad scientist, and I used to be an assassin," Aik explained.
Aphyxi blinked. "Huh. Well alright then. I'm an experiment for a war organization, it's since been shut down, but I have a chip in my head that allows me to do crazy shit. Like this." One of the milkshakes on the table floated up, a soft blue glow around it.
"I see. Very interesting. I hope you're in a better place now?" Aik asked.
"I mean yeah, technically. Hard to find a good place in an apocalypse, but I did my best," Aphyxi said. "Remember, I'm in the future. World War 3 fucked up the world, so there really isn't any good places left."
"Damn, I can imagine. But you're with people that care about you?" Aik asked.
"Of course. Chrome, Deliva, Czara, and the rest of the test subjects." Aphyxi nodded, taking the milkshake in his hand and releasing the blue glow.
"I do not know who these people are," Aik said, munching on individual coffee beans.
"Uhhh, Chrome is an ex soldier that used to work for the war organization, he helped me escape. Deliva was the unfortunate wife of their leader, she helped take it down. And Czara is the first other test subject I met, she helped me defeat the organization too," Aphyxi explained, sipping on the milkshake.
"You've had a rough life, it sounds like. How old are you?"
"Eighteen now."
"Get yourself somewhere not war related, war isn't good for young minds."
"Believe me, I know. I'm working on it," Aphyxi said.
"Very good." Aik nodded approvingly. This kid reminded him a bit of his younger self. "What would you like to talk about while we're here?"
"Why do you believe in magic?" Aphyxi asked.
"Because I can do magic, I know people who do magic, and I've seen it in action half of my life," Aik explained. "However, that is my world, not yours. Not only are you in a future where World War 3 happened, but I doubt we're even from the same timeline."
"Probably not. There's not any way I could test that though, the term America hasn't been used in almost a hundred years, and all of the data about the times before the war has been kind of lost to the nuclear fallout. I don't know much of anything about Earth's past," Aphyxi said.
"I see. A shame that happened," Aik replied.
Aphyxi shrugged. "We might be from the same timeline, we might not. Guess we'll never know."
"I suppose so," Aik agreed. "Are you used to the concept of timelines?"
"Not really, I am aware of the concept of course, and I've always believed that there were parallel universes, I've just never seen it in action or had any experience with it," Aphyxi said.
"Well, now you have." Aik chuckled.
Aphyxi nodded. "You said you were a clone, right? How does that work? Like are you an exact copy of someone?"
"Physically, yes technically. But I have my own mind, my own personality. Mentally, I am nothing like my creator. The other clones aren't direct clones though, they have different DNA included, so they are not exact copies," Aik explained.
"Fascinating… My mad scientist tried to create clones and failed horribly. So he just opted to use children instead," Aphyxi said.
"Mad scientists and their tendency for child experiments, what is with that…" Aik shook his head in disappointment.
"I know, right? In my opinion, they should all have their arms ripped off and shoved down their throat," Aphyxi said.
"Consider their genitals being exploded," Aik chuckled.
"Ohh that's a good idea, I'm going to use that," Aphyxi grinned.
"You certainly may."
"Too bad he's already dead…" Aphyxi sighed wistfully.
"A shame, he won't know the tortures he justly deserved." Aik nodded solemnly.
"I'm sure they'll be other assholes to test it on," Aphyxi chuckled.
"Oh certainly, the world is full of fucked up people that deserve their genitals exploded," Aik agreed.
"Yay, genital explosion!"Aik chuckled. "Huzzah!"
"You're funny, I like you." Aphyxi grinned.
"I might say the same about you, you have an impeccable sense of humor," Aik replied.
"Why thank you, so do you."
Aik feigned surprise. "Gasp, as do I."
"Shocking, right?"
"Not at all." Aik stuck out his tongue in a friendly blep.
Aphyxi seemed confused and chuckled.
"Are you familiar with affection?" Aik couldn't help but ask.
Aphyxi shook his head. "Pff, why are you asking it like I'm a mysterious creature that barely knows English?"
"That is just how I talk to everyone," Aik chuckled.
"Yes, I am familiar with affection. Hugs, pats, the whole bit," Aphyxi answered. "I'm just not the most touchy person."
"That's fair enough, not everyone is," Aik nodded.
"Are you a touchy person?"
"With certain people, yes. My siblings, mainly," Aik explained.
"You have siblings? Are they assholes?"
"No, the other clones are my siblings. D1b and Eep are my brothers, and we have an adopted sister. I also have a bother in law known as Zim," Aik explained.
"Bother in law, ha. That's funny," Aphyxi chuckled.
"Do you have siblings?" Aik asked.
"I have an older brother, he's literally the worst," Aphyxi said.
"Ah, that's a shame."
"Yeah, he's a bully and a war criminal," Aphyxi said. "Well I'm also a war criminal, but the good kind."
"Can't argue with that." Aik nodded.
"What are your brothers like?" Aphyxi asked.
"D1b is a sweetheart who loves monsters and the paranormal. He'd question creatures to death if they let him. And Eep is very small, he likes rocks and making friends. They're both precious," Aik explained.
"You seem really attached to them," Aphyxi commented.
"Of course, they're my family." Aik nodded.
"Lucky." Aphyxi sighed.
"Would you like a pat?" Aik asked, sensing the kid was hiding some sadness.
"Sure?" Aphyxi seemed confused.
Aik reached out and gave the kid a gentle pat. Aphyxi just stayed still, sipping his milkshake with confusion.
"Family doesn't have to be blood related, you know," Aik said.
"I guess." Aphyxi looked at the milkshake. He didn't like the subject, so immediately tried to change it. "I shouldn't be drinking this."
"Why? Worried about toxins?"
"No, I have a dairy intolerance."
"Ouch," Aik made a face. Poor him having no clue he has the same.
"It's just so good though…" Aphyxi sighed wistfully.
"I can't argue with you there." Aik chuckled and took the second milkshake.
Aphyxi chuckled too and was silent for a moment. "How long do you think the curious person will keep us here?"
"Maybe until they're bored?" Aik shrugged. "Maybe we're timed."
"If it's the first option, we should be as boring as possible," Aphyxi suggested.
"Well I'm afraid that's impossible, we're too of the most interesting people I've ever met," Aik chuckled.
"Darn, you're right." Aphyxi snapped his fingers.
"Such a shame." Aik nodded.
"Jokes aside, I can't stay here forever, I've got to get home."
"As do I. If too much time passes, I can try to see if Minimoose or Zim can reach us here. Though, this is fun for now," Aik said.
"Okay, how would they reach us? You said that this isn't connected to a reality."
"Zim has a portal and Minimoose can teleport people," Aik explained.
"Across universes?" Aphyxi asked.
Aik nodded.
"Wow, that's awesome."
"Isn't it?" Aik chuckled.
A dart whizzed through the room, a note on it, and it struck the wall.
Both Aphyxi and Aik glanced at the dart calmly. The note began to glow blue as Aphyxi used telekinesis to pull it off the dart and hold it where he could read it out loud. "Say your goodbyes, you'll be going home soon."
"Maybe we were timed," Aik mused.
"Guess we don't have to worry about rides home." Aphyxi shrugged. "You were fun to talk to and chat with though."
"You as well, perhaps we shall meet again." Aik stood and bowed slightly.
"Yeah, maybe. Bye?"
And with that, they were suddenly both returned to their own worlds and lives.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 3 years
Invader Zim: How they met. Tallest x reader, Zim x OC.
How they met:
Zim: (I made Zim's an OC: Drena Ove: She's a 24 year old Student Teacher, She's usually assisting and occasionally filling in for Miss Bitters, She knows that Zim is alien, but genuinely doesn't care, considering she’s an artificial human created and experimented on in a secret lab, she believes humanity has had it coming for while, and wants to help Zim in accomplishing his invasion, She has a bit of a history with the Membrane family..)
Miss Bitters was late, she's never late... Zim was shifting anxiously in his seat and stiffened along with half the class when the principal walked in, informing the students that Miss Bitters will be taking a three day sick leave and all her education duties will be filled in by her TA, Dib looked perplexed and raised his hand. "We have a TA?" the Principal nodded. "Miss Ove come take your seat." Everyone looked at the door expectantly.
Only for someone to clear their throat everyone's attention was turned to the back of the class, where a short blond woman stood up from a chair, who the kids all thought was student like them, and a nosy one at that! They always ignored her offers of help; assuming Drena was just walking around the class watching them do their work so she could cheat off them, to say everyone was mortified was an understatement.
"Thankyou principal Murns... ah, w-where are you go-" the principal walked out the door as she was still talking. "Oh...*door slams* Okay." She awkwardly walked up to the front of the class, while looking through miss Bitters's lesson plan and sat down at the desk "So... um, any questions?" Again Dib raised his hand. "Questions that don't involve Aliens." the big headed boy lowered his hand.
Zim eagerly raised his hands and Drena cocked a brow. "Yes Zim?" the green skinned kid had this weird grin on his face when she said his name. "How tall are you?" The blond resisted the urge to snapped at this kid, barely two minutes in and someone was already gearing up to make fun of her height! "5'3"..." she muttered as a couple kids snickered causing Drena to wince, Their snickering was cut short by this look Zim shot them, it was filled with so much bloodlust and promises of death they shut up and stared at their desks.
The blond woman calm down and faced the class. "Right any other questions?" no one else raised their hands, So Drena started the lesson while Zim was left dealing with this weird tingly feeling in he had in his squeedlyspooch every time the short woman looked his way.  
The Tallest: You're about 6'3" and were friends with Drena working as a nightshift security guard in a creepy AF warehouse filled with ever more creepy old AF robots from Membrane labs, You are working as Zim's Henchwoman (when not at your actual job.) after Dib accidentally blew up your Motorhome (a classic Airstream you spent half a fortune to restore) thinking you were one of Zim’s alien allies in disguise and your motorhome was your ship in disguise! Needless to say You jumped at the chance for revenge and Dib was at the top of your shit list! 
Zim called you and Drena down to the lab to show off his latest plan however before he could say anything, he felt it necessary to start bursting out into loud maniacal laughter; that lasted for four hours! at some point you had curled up and fallen asleep, Drena had put a blanket over you and went upstairs to bed and Zim had just kind of forgotten about you. 
He thought your covered body was lumpy beanbag chair and sat down to call the tallest to let them know about his latest scheme to take over the earth. "Sounds great Zim... you should definitely do that." Red huffed while Purple mumbled something incomprehensible while pretending to listen, both wanting nothing more then to end this call go back to eating.
When this weird beeping noise caught the three Irkens off guard; Zim especially considering his chair started moving! he yelp as his "Chair" came to life throwing him of screen, Both Red and Purple started laughing hysterically at this, as you pulled the blanket off your head and looked around confused. 
You were still very groggy and heard laughter and Zim yelling at you to wake up and get out! when you looked down at your still beeping watch and saw it was 10:45 pm! That woke you up. "Shit! I'm gonna be late!" You freaked springing to  up your full height; nearly hitting your head off a low hanging cable.
There was startled gasp and the laugher stopped almost immediately, you paid no mind to it and looked around for you bag with your uniform inside and quickly got dressed not caring who saw, "What are you doing? Go change upstairs!?" Zim snapped while frantically using his body to block the screen, so no one saw you, while the Tallest peeked over him and watched slack jawed, as you finished doing up your shirt. "Sorry Boss no time, see ya at six am!" You hopped onto the elevator and ran to work.
There was a tense silence before Red spoke up "Who was that tall creature?" he said almost dazed before Zim could answer Purple cut in "And why does she call you boss?" he demanded arms crossed face scrunched up in disgust, Zim stared at his leaders awkwardly. "Uh... So remember when I said humans can be tall?" Both Red and Purple actually took Zim seriously...for once.
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
Experiment (Invader Zim Oneshot)
I was really feeling the need to write ticklish Dib again, so here we are! Hope you enjoy it!
Fandom: Invader Zim
Shipping: ZADF, slight ZADR
Zim was staring intently at him. Dib had felt it for a few seconds even before he turned and saw it. Those pink orbs were boring into him, studying him closely. He tried not to shiver. “Uh…Zim? What’s up?”
“I have just been wondering,” Zim replied slowly, purposefully, “if you are ticklish as well, human.”
In that moment the air between them shifted. Dib knew this wouldn’t just be a conversation, so after a moment he closed his laptop and set it aside. “Well…yeah,” he replied at last, knowing there was no point in lying. “Of course I am.”
Zim grinned that familiar, wicked grin. “I would like to experiment.”
“Hang on.” Dib held up his hands, stammering a little. “I…I don’t like it as much as you do, Zim. I only like it sometimes, with people I’m close to.”
“Are we not closer, Dib-stink?”
“Well, you keep calling me that, so…I don’t think we’re very much closer.”
“I have submitted to your experimentation.”
“Because you like it,” Dib countered. “You wanted it. I don’t.”
Zim’s eyes shifted from mischievous to sinister. “If you will not submit willingly, I will make you, human filth.”
“It is too late!” The alien declared, one of his spiderlike robotic arms emerging from his Pak and down to the floor. “You have shown resistance. Now your experimentation shall be worse.”
You couldn’t just lay there and let him do it, Dib reprimanded himself. You had to go and fight him on this. He shuddered a little because he knew – without question – that Zim would follow through on his threat. A moment later, he saw the handcuffs. The same ones he’d threatened to lock Zim in the first day they met.
“Whoa, hang on!” He protested again, starting to back away like he had anywhere to go. They’d been sitting on his bed, doing their homework. His bed was in the corner of his room. The only way to go to escape was forward, and that would mean going through Zim. “Let’s not get carried away here! There’s no need for those.”
“Silence!” Zim snapped, sounding more like himself with every word. “You have denied me victory after victory, you disgusting human worm. But you will not deny me this. I will have my revenge!”
“Revenge?!” Dib exclaimed, frustrated. “You liked it!”
Zim moved so fast, Dib had no chance of stopping him. He barely registered that one cuff was around his left wrist when he was suddenly shoved back onto the bed, his head banging against the wall with a thud. He shouted in pain, squeezed his eyes shut to ward off the stars that swam in his vision, and when he opened them again, both arms were above his head and locked together at the wrists, the chain of the handcuffs looped behind one of the bars that made up the frame of his bed. He tugged against it, hoping they were another cheap, breakable thing he’d ordered from his magazines.
They held.
Zim towered over him now, an evil glint in his eyes that made Dib nervous in an entirely new way. He sputtered, “W-Wait. Do you really have to do this?”
“I do not have to,” Zim replied, his voice taking on the less menacing tone he’d begun to adopt in recent weeks as their newfound friendship grew stronger. “I’ve researched everything I need to about humans and their ticklish spots. Now, I merely want to put my knowledge to use. You are my only human friend, Dib. Therefore, you will be my test subject.”
Dib was momentarily flattered, but any good feeling he obtained from hearing the alien’s words was quickly pushed to the back burner once Zim’s six fingers dug into his sides. The same spot you went for first, he thought to himself in the split second he had before bursting into giggles. He tried to bring his arms down, but they wouldn’t budge.
“H-Hey!” He began to protest, but then decided against it. What would be the use? Once Zim set his mind to something there was no stopping him. Just think of it as enduring alien experimentation, he told himself, squirming beneath his friend’s touch. It kind of is, after all.
Zim hummed thoughtfully. “Interesting. You are not as ticklish here as I am.” His fingers suddenly darted to his stomach, digging into the skin through his t-shirt. “Let’s try another spot.”
Dib’s giggling remained steady, though a blush began to tinge his cheeks against his will. Thank goodness I’m only really ticklish in a couple of places!
“No? Fascinating.” Zim moved lower, to his hips. “This always appeared to be a good spot when I researched the effects of tickling on humans.”
Ugh, I wish he’d stop talking. Dib’s giggling shifted to soft laughter. He squirmed, but Zim kept up with him.
After a few more moments, Zim’s eyes lit up. “Aha! I remember now.” He scooted forward on the bed and then straddled Dib’s waist, making his blush darken. “Human males seem especially sensitive up here.” The alien’s fingers dug into Dib’s underarms, and that’s when the dam finally broke and laughter spilled out of him in waves.
“Agh! No, Zim!” He cried, but it was useless and he knew it. Zim’s wicked grin was back. He wouldn’t be leaving here for a while now.
“I wonder how you react to different techniques,” Zim continued as if he hadn’t reduced his former enemy to a puddle of laughter and a bright red blush. He switched from digging to scribbling, then to kneading, then to sporadic poking. Each time Dib jumped or let out a short burst of surprised laughter, and he really, really wished he could pull his arms down. “Hmm. This is truly intriguing, Dib. I appreciate your cooperation.”
“Gah!” Dib laughed, turning his head to the side. “You’re welcome, you jerk!”
Just then, without any warning, Zim removed his hands from the human’s underarms just long enough to grab the hem of Dib’s shirt and slide his fingers beneath it. Dib’s blush spread to his ears.
“Hey! W-What are you--?!”
But he got his answer a second later as Zim’s fingers returned to his underarms, now without the protection of his t-shirt, and scribbled there relentlessly.
“No, Zim, no!” He cried, his laughter shifting into something more wild, more uncontrollable. He squirmed and pulled at those blasted handcuffs and tried to buck Zim off of him, but it was no good. He was stuck, and both of them knew it. “Stop! Stop!”
“I do not wish to,” Zim replied in a low, teasing voice that made Dib shudder. “These reactions are very pleasing to me. I want more.”
“Please!” The word slipped past him without his permission, his natural desire to get away overpowering everything else. “Zim, stop! Please! Let me have a break!”
To his surprise, Zim complied, pulling back and allowing Dib to take a few much-needed breaths of air. His hands rested on Dib’s chest, ready to spring back into action at any moment.
Once he’d somewhat recovered, Dib asked, “Exactly how much experimenting are you planning on doing here? If you wanted to know how ticklish I am, you’ve got your answer.”
“It pleases me to have you at my mercy,” Zim replied, smirking. He held up a finger. “Just a touch away from begging me to stop. It’s delicious.”
Dib blinked, surprised, but only a little. “I get it. You don’t just like being tickled, you like to be the one doing the tickling.”
Much quicker than he’d admitted before, Zim replied, “Yes.”
“Okay, well…” Dib hesitated, acutely aware of the alien’s hands on his chest. “Can we, like…talk about this, maybe? If you like it so much I don’t want to tell you no, but I really don’t enjoy being on the receiving end as much as you do…”
Zim considered. “I suppose, as we are growing closer, perhaps we should do this ‘talking’ thing…” He paused, and then his evil smirk was back. “But didn’t you just say we’re not very much closer yet?”
Oh, come on! “Wait, Zim--!” Dib couldn’t get the rest of his plea out for the shrieking laughter that flew past his lips when Zim resumed tickling, his pink eyes glowing with glee. He tried kicking his legs, but all it did was bounce the alien around a little. It didn’t dislodge him at all. “Stop! Stop! Zim, please!”
At that moment, Dib’s bedroom door flew open. Both of them froze. Zim’s eyes widened as he stared down at Dib. He wasn’t wearing his disguise. If he turned whoever was in the doorway would see him – the real him. Dib, despite his blush and increasing humiliation, lifted his head to see who it was.
“Gaz?!” Relieved but still angry, he snapped, “Don’t you ever knock anymore?”
Gaz looked at him. Then at Zim. Then at Dib again. It was silent for a long time. Finally, she shook her head. “You’re lucky Dad isn’t home. I could hear you all the way downstairs.” She turned her back and grabbed the door, preparing to close it behind her, but then she stopped. “Oh, and Zim? His feet are the worst. Go for those.”
Then she was gone.
Dib couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. His heart began to pound when he noticed the wicked grin on Zim’s face. “No, okay! I draw the line here! Let me go!”
“Oh, but Dib,” Zim replied, “my experiment isn’t over. We have one more spot to test.”
“No!” Dib struggled frantically, but the handcuffs wouldn’t budge. The one magazine item he’d bought that wouldn’t break! “Zim, please don’t! I can’t take it there, I—”
He’d taken his shoes off downstairs, like an idiot. Now one sock was gone.
The other sock. The alien straddled his ankles, and Dib knew it was pointless to protest. It was going to happen. He’d just have to man up and take it.
“Ugh. We really need a safe word.”
Zim dragged his fingers up and down Dib’s naked soles, marveling and reveling in how the simple action made the boy behind him whimper and then burst into loud, unstoppable laughter, his body twisting and turning, the handcuffs clanging against the frame of the bed as he struggled. And the begging. Oh, the begging. Zim loved that the most. He kept up his simple assault, drinking in the sounds of his former enemy’s helplessness.
He could get used to this.
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krizaland · 5 years
I kinda want to see where Zim's S/O gets trapped with him with all the other zims from the new issue...(2k is best baby)
Be Warned: This will contain spoilers for the new Invader Zim comic issues that were just released. If you haven’t read issues #46 and #47 then I highly suggest you read those first. However, if you’ve already read the comics or just don’t mind spoilers then read ahead.
I also might just turn this into a full fanfic once this storyline is completed. 
After crash landing in the Zimvoid alongside Dib and GIR, your jaw dropped! You had landed on a planet full of copies of Zim! There were Zims of all shapes, sizes, and even species! Your head started to hurt just trying to count them all. The good news was that you knew who your Zim was. So at least you wouldn’t confuse yourself trying to find him amongst the sea of other Zims.
You didn’t have a whole lot of time to search before GIR drew in too much attention.
The next thing you knew, You, Dib, and GIR were cornered by Zim guards!
The guards were about to attack but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw you.
“A Y/N?!” The guards exclaimed simultaneously.
None of the guards could believe it! Not only had a Y/N somehow made it to the Zimvoid but this one was by far the most attractive Y/N they had ever seen!
All of the guards PAKs sparked at once
The static generated from the guard’s PAKs caused them to stick to each other.
Before you could react, two other Zims came to the rescue.  They knocked out the guards and stood before you, Dib, and GIR.
“Look! A Dib!” 2k chirped as he gestured to Dib.
“Ew, gross- Hey! 2k check it out! It’s a GIR! Hi GIR!” Palindrome grinned.
“Master! Hi Master!” GIR sang.
“Man I didn’t miss you at all! I’m definitely not having an emotional reaction at all!” Palindrome denied.
Suddenly, 2k’s eyes widened in shock.
 “Palindrome…Look!” 2k spluttered as he gestured towards you.
“What? What are you pointing at- Huh?” Palindrome gasped.
“….A Y/N!” 2k gasped as his PAK sparked.
“Wow! Is it just me, or are they the prettiest Y/N ever?!” Palindrome sighed as his own PAK sparked as well.
The static generated by 2k and Palindrome’s PAKs stuck them together.
2k quickly pried himself off of Palindrome and rushed back to you.
“You look just like my Y/N! Except your so…..beautiful.” 2k trailed off as he inspected you.
“Is your version of me ugly or something?” You asked as you tilted your head in confusion.
“PSSH! Of course not! Don’t be silly! My Y/N is the most beautiful human in the universe!” 2k gloated.
“That’s what every Zim says! But you! You’re so….I mean just look at yourself!” Palindrome gushed as he gestured to you
“The only reason your beauty seems to surpass any other Y/N  is because it’s been so long since any of us has seen a Y/N at all….” A few tears begun to trickle down 2k’s cheeks as he spoke. 
“Yeah! That’s probably it then! No Y/N can possibly be more beautiful than mine! Oh how I miss them.” Palindrome blubbered.
“I miss my Y/N too but we can’t stand here and cry! We need to get this Y/N out of here before number 1 finds out about them!” 2k sniffled as he wiped away his tears.
“Who’s number 1?” You inquired as you scratched your head.
“Let’s take you to the Elder! He’ll explain everything in terms your sweet human mind can understand!” 2k insisted as he gently took your hand.
“Hey! Why do you get to hold Y/N’s hand?!” Palindrome whined.
“Because I was next to them first!” 2k countered.
“Guys! Guys! Stop fighting! I have two hands! You can each hold one!” You insisted as you offered Palindrome your free hand.
“Ugh. Fine! At least I got their superior hand!” Palindrome huffed.
“Wait for me!” GIR sang as he trotted behind you.
“Hey! Wait up! Don’t leave me here!” Dib wailed as he followed you.
On the way to the Elder, 2k begun to tell you, GIR, and Dib a few things about the Zimvoid as well as few things about himself and Palindrome.
“So a superweapon caused you to age backwards and Palindrome grew gills somehow?” You repeated as you let 2k lead on.
“Yep. That’s right! The superweapon also gave my Y/N the same side effect! So we both age backwards TOGETHER AS ONE!” 2k sang.
“My Y/N is a beautiful mer-human thing. They taught me how to live underwater”  Palindrome let out a dreamy sigh as he spoke.
“Then there’s 1989 here. We just call him ‘The Meat’. He got somehow turned into baloney and never figured out how to turn back.” 2k explained as he gestured to a sad baloney blob with two red eyes.
 The Meat whimpered at you as his PAK sparked.
“Heh. Looks like the other Zims are getting pretty excited to see a Y/N.” 2k chuckled as his pace quickened.
“A Y/N?! Do my eyes deceive me?! Come closer, my sweet human! Come closer!” The Elder eagerly beckoned as his PAK sparked.
2k reluctantly brought you to the Elder but refused to let go of your hand.
“My sweet, beautiful, Y/N! It is you! I never thought I’d see you again, my sweet! You’re even more beautiful than I remember!” Tears formed in The Elder’s eyes as he pulled your face close to his.
“Why do you have a beard?” Dib inquired as he tilted his head.
“Oh. Hi Dib-stink! Long time no see!” The Elder greeted nonchalantly before turning his attention back to you.
“Anyway! The Elder was one of the first Zim’s to arrive here in the void. Very few survived from that time!” 2k explained as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
 “Yes… The beginning time. I remember it like it was only yesterday. And not 6 months ago like it actually was.” The Elder chuckled.
“Wait! You grew a beard in only 6 months?!” Dib exclaimed.
“Gather ‘round, everyone! Let me tell you the tale of the rise of number 1 and how our terrible society came to be. Y/N, my sweet. Please sit right front and center. I want to look at that beautiful face of yours!” The Elder explained as he gestured to a spot in front of him.
2k and Palindrome reluctantly let go of your hands and sat down next to you.
“Y/N, I can’t see-” Dib began.
“SILENCE! Now where was I? Ah Right! The Tale of the rise of number 1!” The Elder interjected.
2k then crawled into your lap and let out a few happy chirps. Palindrome tried to nuzzle the crook of your neck but his water helmet blocked his way. So he settled for just leaning up against your shoulder.
The Elder then explained everything about Number 1 and how he formed the terrible hierarchy of the Zimvoid.
2k turned around and hid his face in your shirt when The Elder talked about how number 1 forced Zims to fight in the arena to climb the ranks.
You soothed 2k by stroking his antennas, much to the jealousy of Palindrome.
2k let out some content chirps as he snuggled into you.
“I’ve missed you so much, Y/N.” He whispered as a few tears trickled down his cheeks.
“HEY! Are you even listing, 2k?!”
The sound of The Elder’s angry voice brought 2k back to reality.
He hopped off your lap and sat next to you instead.
“Anyway, we have been trying to find a way to overthrow number 1.” The Elder explained.
“But it’s been such a challenge! We’re unequipped and malnourished!” 2k wailed as he clung to your side.
“My bowl is getting dirty and I don’t have any cleaner!” Palindrome pouted as he gestured to his bowl.
“Y/N if you really want to help these guys then I won’t stop you! But don’t think I’ll help too! I refuse to help my worst enemy!” Dib growled as he folded his arms.
“If you don’t help us, you’ll be stuck here forever. On a planet full of Zims” The Elder warned.
Dib felt his stomach churn. He did not want to stay on this Zim infested planet.
“Ok fine! I’ll help!” Dib grumbled as he folded his arms.
“Yay!!!” GIR squealed.
“As for, sweet, beautiful Y/N. You should stay behind with me so I can um…Protect you! Yes! We wouldn’t want number 1 to harm you in any way!” The Elder stuttered as he slowly got up and put his arm over your shoulder.
“HA! Sweet Y/N needs a superior guard to protect them from number 1! They shall travel with me!” 2k insisted as he pulled you close to him.
“No way! Y/N should travel with me!” Palindrome whined as he tugged you closer to him.
“Guys! Guys! I’m flattered but I can handle myself, thank you very much.” You explained as you gently peeled Palindrome and 2k off of you,
“Sweet beautiful, Y/N! You don’t know what you’re up against! Number 1 is incredibly dangerous! Please stay with me!” The Elder pleaded as he grabbed you by the shoulders.
“Elder, I know you’re worried but I promise I’ll be fine. Once I find my Zim I can help you guys take down Number 1 and get you guys reunited with your Y/Ns!” You insisted as you gently peeled him off of you.
The Elder simply shook his head.
“Your Zim is probably unclogging sludge with his head right now.” 
“What?!” Your eyes widened.
“It’s either that or he went to fight in the arena and di- I mean was sent back to sludge duty.” Palindrome stuttered.
“I still need to find him! I promise I’ll be just fine!” You insisted firmly.
“Yes! Let Alternate Y/N come along! They’ll have me to protect them after all.” 2k gloated as he gestured to himself.
The Elder sighed. As much as he missed his Y/N, he knew you weren’t going to replace them. 
“Very well. Just be sure to stay safe, Alternate Y/N.” The Elder instructed.
“I promise I’ll be fine! C’mon, guys! Let’s break into the inner city!” You cheered.
2k, Palindrome, and GIR happily cheered alongside you. Dib let out a half hearted ‘yay’ before tagging along.
Little did you know, that Number 1 had caught wind of your arrival.
“Bring the Y/N to me”
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The Room is a Strange Place
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Everybody has a back pocket story or two. You know the kind? The tales you pull out of your ass when trying to impress, or just entertain. I’ve divulged a couple of those cherished stories (on this very blog) over the years. I implore you to scroll a bit if you want to read about a physical altercation with a “pimp” on the Las Vegas strip or night spent with a close friend, two upset stomachs, a backed-up hotel tonight, and the culmination leading to several homeless people watching me shit in a public restroom. This story isn’t as grandiose, so I don’t want to over-hype it, but it does make me laugh every time I think about/ tell it and, I don’t know about you, I could use some laughter. Shall we proceed?
My brother and I have an unhealthy obsession with awful films. I’m not sure how it started, but we’ve always found a great deal of humor in horrible flicks. For as long as I can remember, he and I have gathered around a television set for hours watching countless “how on earth did someone create this?” movies. Our love of rancid cinema has extended to our close friends in the form of “So Bad, It’s Good” movie nights. We lure our loved ones in with the promise of as much booze, candy, and popcorn they can handle, and subject them to this perverse passion for terrible acting, cinematography, writing, lighting, set design, etc. We’re constantly in search of the next pile of trash to give an excuse to transform our living room into a shitty version of Mystery Science Theater 3000. There are some who long for the next Avengers and, while I will watch that, these bad movies speak more to my sensibilities. 
In the mid-2000′s there were rumblings that a new champion had taken the crown for worst flick ever made. The internet was ablaze with this laughably bad, nonsensical movie that was only showing in Los Angeles. The movie was titled “The Room” and it was written, produced, and starring a man I’d never heard of before, Tommy Wiseau. Not one to torrent, I spent the next few evenings learning everything I could about this film. Each review, both those that were in on this being a god-awful blunder, and those that, seemingly, weren’t hip to the fact that this was largely considered the Citizen Kane of abhorrent films, made me salivate at the chance of getting my hands on this piece of substandard pop culture. While the reviews were enough for me to know this was a “must-see” it was the interviews with the man behind it all himself, Tommy Wiseau, that drove my desire to see this film. His cadence, accent, mannerisms, look, laughter.. everything about the man just leapt out as a truly original cat. I became just as intrigued about the man behind the film, as I did about the motion picture, itself. 
Some time passes and I find myself at San Diego Comic Con, as I had many times before. For those of you uninitiated, think of San Diego Comic Con as the biggest nerd/ pop-culture orgy ever created. 120k+ plus descend upon Southern California to share their unadulterated love of movies, television, toys, and yes, comics. I went with someone who was newly christened my ex-girlfriend, thinking we could just work through things, as we’d each spent a great deal of money on the trip prior to the break up. This was a mistake. We were at each other’s throats more than a vampire at a hydra gathering. That is to say, any second away from her was more than welcomed. When she informed me that she wanted to take a nap, I used this time as a breath of fresh air (as fresh as can be in a sea of people who don’t treat personal hygiene as a top priority, that is). I hit the convention floor, in seek of an autograph of the creator of Invader Zim, Jhonen Vasquez. I’m weaving through the convention hall, when I see the man I’d become infatuated with... Tommy Wiseau. “Hey kid (I’m in my mid-late twenties at this point, mind you), you wanna buy a movie?” Without hesitation, I fired back “FUCK YEAH I DO!! How much?” This is when things got a little weird.. or Wiseau..
“For my biggest fan? Ten dollars.”, Mr. Wiseau said. “Biggest fan? He randomly stopped me, and I haven’t even seen this movie.”, I thought, but didn’t say a word, only reached for my wallet. I handed him a sweaty $10 bill, he goes to hand me the film, but reels back a second. “Do you want me to sign it?”, he asked. “Yes, please!!”, I fired back. Tommy pulled out a pin, started murmuring something, then signed my DVD. “Do you want GREH (he was saying “Greg”, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying through his accent) to sign it?” I didn’t know who “GREH” (I later found out this was Greg Sestero, another star of the film and inspiration for the movie) was, but sure, why not? As I awaited my newly autographed copy of my most anticipated movie of that year, Tommy chimed in again. “Would you like a soundtrack?”. “Um, how much?”, I cautiously treaded. “For my biggest fan? Are you kidding me? It free for you.” Genuinely creeped out, I said “Sure”. Tommy then turns and screams at a child no older than 7 to fetch me a soundtrack. The kid scurried off out of sight, leaving me with me with Tommy and “GREH”. A couple of minutes passed before the youngster returned, without soundtrack in hand. “WHERE IS THE SOUNDTRACK!?”, Tommy bellowed. “We’re all out.”, squeaked the kid. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS IN FRONT OF MY BIGGEST FAN!?!”, Wiseau roared, then turned and asked me, “I’m so sorry. Would you like a t-shirt?”. “Oh, that’s okay. I don’t want to be any trouble.”, I said in genuine fear. “No trouble at all. GO GET HIM A SHIRT!!”, he screamed at the minor. “It’s really no problem at all for my biggest fan”, Tommy reiterated as he put me in a vice-like headlock. So there I am, in a Wiseau-headlock, standing next to “Greh”, when I notice something. There is a line of dozens of people, all holding copies of The Room, waiting to get their movies signed. In front of them, is a woman holding a sign that states “The Room: Front of the line”. Being a Comic-Con veteran, I realized these people were there to meet this man I stumbled across, had spent several minutes with, and was now awaiting a free shirt while in a wrestling hold by the man they were trying to meet. The daggers that were cast from the looks of those waiting in line would have killed me, if Tommy’s anaconda-like grip on my neck didn’t first. When the child reemerged, he handed me a shirt. I thanked the child, Tommy, “Greh”, and said my goodbyes. “Thanks for being my biggest fan. HAHAHAHAHA!!” I could hear Wiseau wail across the throng of nerds. 
And there it is, my story of a strange encounter with a bizarre man who made one of Hollywood’s worst. I love The Room. I’m not entirely sure if I love it purely because of how bad it is, or have an affection for it due to the aforementioned meeting with the people who created it. Either way, it goes down as one of my favorite celebrity encounter moments and genuinely a film I watch more than those that make my “favorite film” list. It’s a movie I’ve subjected several friends victims to, and one that I can’t wait to put others through. That moment in time, and the flick itself, is a constant reminder, that even when life hands you lemons, you can always chuck them at somebody. 
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fini-mun · 5 years
It’s super late but I’m going to write about how @sally-mun threw me an awesome birthday party.
Preamble for the uninitiated- every year, Sally-mun and I throw themed birthday parties for each other based on one of the other’s interests. It’s been fan stuff like Fallout, Undertale, The Sims, or even Bendy and the Ink Machine in the past. A few times have even had ‘general’ themes like ramen, bees, or donuts!
This year I was treated to an Invader Zim themed birthday. Sally-mun has already posted the cake, but let’s get into the details!
The day started with me sequestered in my room while everyone was decorating the house (theme is always a surprise until moment of reveal, so there’s always a bit of ‘prep’ beforehand).
And then... everyone filed into my room. The first thing I saw was that they were all, confusingly, wearing red shirts. I was presented with two different goodie bags and told to choose one. This is when the reveal happened, as the bags both had the Irken logo! I picked one bag and we all went through our bags- they contained packages of fun dip, squeeze-y rubber pigs, and containers of slime themed off of various planets. Apparently of the two bags I had to choose from, one contained the ‘Earth’ slime and the other had ‘Uranus’. I got Uranus and consider this a win because in my heart I’m 6.
It was then revealed everyone had a set of antenna headbands and backpack-PAKs that Sally-mun had made! I was also given a red, striped top that Sally-mun had also made. *Cosplay is very important to the party experience, you see*. I’m very impressed by the PAKs, and apparently they were originally Fortnite accessories that she had repainted. She always does such an amazing job with all her props.
Coming out of my room I could see the hall was space decorated, and Leda (Sally-mun, I just got tired of writing Sally-mun, so I did it twice more right here I guess) received a text. It was time for the Great Assigning- and a reminder to remember where we parked. All filing downstairs, Leda’s mum played the role of our Tallest, assigning planets to all of us. One of us got IKEA, the planet of wood planks. Sadly, it turned out I was never actually invited, and there was no planet for me.
Except maybe this mystery post-it note with ‘Planet ?’ on it!
Searching out this mystery planet, I arrive in the kitchen, full of all kinds of wonderful, delicious garbage bullshit food. Pizza, tacos, chips... there was even a waffle iron and mix available! On the wall there was also a giant recreation of the weird green monkey painting that sits above Zim’s couch, made by one of our talented friends.
All the gifts were Zim themed, including a dice game we all played.
Overall it was an amazing, fun experience. As always, I’m blessed for the people in my life. Thank you, Sally-mun!  I’m sure there’s things I missed describing here... there was so much, and it was such a great experience.
Anyway... my turn now.
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williamsockner · 6 years
LGBT+ Identity in the Time of Mindless Self Indulgence
Mindless Self Indulgence isn’t an act that could have flourished at any other time. The emo/pop punk wave was gathering steam; hip hop was still a novelty one could distinguish themselves from the flock by cribbing. “Random” Invader Zim-style humor was in the decline, while “edgy” no-limits humor was skyrocketing. Nerds hadn’t become the dominant force they are today, but due to the internet and the rise in manga and anime sales in the United States, they were able to access nerdy content much more easily. Youtube was taking off, music piracy was booming, and reliance on both radio and local record-store gatekeepers was at a low for young music fans.
Perhaps most critically, our national understanding of politics and identity at the time, particularly LGBT+ identities, was in a different stage of development than it is today. “Punching up” vs. “punching down” was not a concept that most people considered in their comedy. “It’s just a joke” was more widely accepted as an excuse for transgressive entertainment than it is today. “I’m an equal opportunity hater” was a common refrain.
Early in their career, the band released multiple tracks where Jimmy Urine, a man who was certainly not black, used the n-word. The “Pantyshot” cassingle was a treasured possession among MSI fans, featuring an early song that supposedly lost them a record deal due to being about lusting over a 5 year-old. Little Jimmy Urine sold kisses for a dollar to fans after shows, including to the teenagers. As a whole, the band made punchlines of racial and sexual slurs, rape and child abuse, school shootings, prostitution, drug use, incest, and just about every other taboo under the sun.
The understanding was that none of it was real and that none of it had any real consequences. Calling someone a faggot didn’t matter if we were all in on the joke, that homophobia was stupid. Words were just words. The identity of the speaker didn’t matter so long as their ideology was clear. It was something of an inversion of the way we publicly navigate comedy now, in that their identity determines where on the ladder they are to punch up or down, and the contents of their ideology is of minimal consequence compared to the text of their words. The context of a joke is not a matter of what the audience believes, but of the many complexities of hierarchy that society as a whole believes.
“Who cares?” asks 2008. “It’s just words.”
“How could it not matter?” answers 2018. “Words create culture.”
So LGBT+ identity in the era of Mindless Self Indulgence.
Describing the difference between 2005 and 2018 to young queer people is a source of anxiety for me, because I feel like the old woman talking about how she walked uphill both ways to the library if she wanted to read a book. It’s difficult, however, to put in perspective how quickly the culture around LGBT+ identities has changed. As dangerous as it is for queer kids today, they have much freer access to information about their resources and history than we did, and far greater representation in all forms of media.
When I was a teenager, I was the first person openly LGBT at my school, and my only point of reference for LGBT identities were Rosie O’Donnell and Elton John. There was no “Born This Way” yet, no Halsey and Hayley Kiyoko and Ellen Page, no Troye Sivan and Adam Lambert and Frank Ocean, no Miley Cyrus, no Laverne Cox. There were no empowerment ballads.
Which was fine, because I didn’t want empowerment ballads anyway. I felt disgusting. In reckoning with my LGBT+ identity, I felt small, broken, repulsive, confused, discarded and doomed. I was sickened in my own skin and filled with self-loathing because of my sexual orientation. Sometimes I still am. When I was 15, I drew a map of my heart, and in between the “fields of sexual insecurity” and “possibly irreparable damage” I had written “guilt!” several times and underlined it.
“You’re beautiful” didn’t only feel false, it felt invalidating. I was fiercely defensive of my self-hatred. I was working so hard at it, spending so much time and energy convincing myself I deserved the beating I was giving myself. To this day the barriers I’ve put up against generic bromides persist, and songs like “Scars to Your Beautiful” or “Roar” make me cringe. Maybe someone gets something out of them, but I can only think of the teenagers like me who used that sort of sentiment as fuel for their own self-abuse. I remember once bursting into tears at a “Jesus Loves You” sticker because it served as proof that the whole world was playing a joke on me, telling me that someone so unlovable should have some hope.
It was impossible to internalize that queerness was not dirty, unnatural and loathsome. Any attempt to break that association was drown out by the rest of the messaging we were receiving and our own tried-and-true mental gymnastics. Reassurance could not reach us at the bottom of the well.
At the time, I was obsessed with Mindless Self Indulgence with the kind of all-consuming adoration that only teenagers can possess. I aped frontman Little Jimmy Urine’s fashion, writing slogans across my coats with white tape. “What Do They Know” and “Cocaine and Toupees” were my ringtones, much to my mother’s chagrin. I had catalogues of bootlegs, lovingly sorted and pressed to CD. Mindless Self Indulgence populated my artwork, both in classroom doodles and in art pieces for my portfolio that I labored on for weeks. They were the subject of my college application essay. I met my first love on an MSI forum (which I moderated) and lost a few romantic relationships over my inability to talk about anything else. I owned every shirt. When I was hired on at Barnes & Noble’s music section, I would nominate Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy for the staff recommendation shelf every single week, and whenever it inevitably got recalled to the warehouse for lack of sales, I’d order it right back.
Sometimes my friends and I would go to the mall parking lot at night and blast Mindless Self Indulgence from my car, dancing around the empty lot with our striped stockings, fingerless gloves and Hot Topic trip pants.
This band kept me from killing myself.
“I’m filthy, disgusting, horrible, irredeemable,” we’d say. “People tell us we’re beautiful and we know they’re lying. I’m a freak.”
“Yeah, you’re fucking ugly,” the music said. “So what? So’s everything else. Have some fun with it.”
Despite the fact that Jimmy Urine has never publicly labeled himself with an LGBT identity, we young LGBT MSI fans claimed him as our own. We enshrined the article where he described being sexually attracted to anyone regardless of gender. We imitated and revered his gender fuckery onstage, the skirts, the pink suits and tutus, the eyeliner, his yelping falsetto leaping up from the masculine shouting, the way he danced. We pored over lyrics - that we transcribed ourselves in many cases, through multiple listens and endless debate - for those nuggets of same-sex attraction and gender ambiguity.
“I make a good girl but I make a terrible boy,” went one song. “These things in my pants that we’re all waiting for, I never really knew what that thing down there was used for,” went another. And the most sacred text of all was “Faggot”, off Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy, the most beloved record of the vast majority of hardcore MSI fans.
“I played that shit straight / blowing suckas to the side hopin' I get laid / now everybody knows / no way in hell I can ever live it down”.
Shit was a revelation.
Kitty, the drummer of Mindless Self Indulgence, once said of the band’s LGBT fans that listening to MSI’s music was like vomiting: it hurts at the time, but then you feel better. You got it out. And the band always cultivated their relationship with their LGBT fans. Gay marriage was one of the few political issues they openly took a stance on, in a time when states like my own were amending constitutions to protect themselves from Massachusetts’ same-sex marriages.
Thus, we had a place where we felt simultaneously seen and valued by the band, and unseen amongst the chaos surrounding us. The irreverent humor of the band created a safe space where homosexuality could be disgusting, but so was everything else. There was no shame at an MSI concert. You were listening to a man famed for drinking his own urine sing about whipping his meat out, who cared if you liked to kiss girls? That’s old news. We’re all freaks down here at the bottom of the well.
I’m 28 now, and I don’t know if the kids these days have an equivalent band. I don’t know if there’s a market for it anymore; I’m sure there will always be queer kids who have internalized the awful message that they are inherently unlovable, but I’m not sure if they can’t find more accessible and more inherently positive panaceas. I see mutations of the same style of humor in Willam from RuPaul’s Drag Race and in some of the undercurrents of Tumblr’s teen humor. “We’re goblins, trash, garbage babies.”
“Yeah,” my inner child says. “I fucking feel that.”
The paradigm of humor has changed since 2008, at least in my circles, and the reasons for that are manifold, political, social, capitalistic. In many ways, it’s been a good thing: bigotry can be exposed rather than cloaked in excuses. A basic understanding of social inequality is presumed of most audiences. People are responsible for the impact of their words, not the intent. “Equal opportunity hater” is seem for what it is: intellectually lazy and blinkered, the refuge of white guys who don’t want to own up to the fact that some jokes aren’t funny.
But I’ll always have a place in my heart for comedy that meets people where they’re at. Where we’re at isn’t always beautiful or acceptable or healthy, but sometimes it’s the place where we need the laugh most.
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kellyvision · 5 years
Sasha stars in Kells’ music video while their complex relationship... uh, situation, continues to blur lines they are obviously not ready for within their friends with benefit like definition.
If y’all want more and didn’t cringe from this please let me know. Hope y’all like it. -kellyvision
I sat on the bed in a lingerie set, aesthetically positioned by the director. I watched as K animatedly talked to the DP and the Director about the storyboard of the visual album. Getting impatient, I sighed to myself.  We had a whole day to shoot. Call time was six in the morning. 
The way he expressed his creativity happened to be cute. I knew he wanted to show out like the attention whore he was and make an extra ass video of him pretending to fuck me on camera so the whole world would not to touch me.  He thinks I am stupid but I knew he had an ulterior motive. The man is so territorial and jealous, he is branding my forehead for the world to see. 
Not like anybody had a chance. 
But knowing how deep his trust issues run, he wouldn’t believe me if I was God and Kells knew exactly what to say to me. He was a master manipulator. He just had to bat his long thick eyelashes at me and I caved. So when he told me I was his muse, I couldn’t stop myself from giggling like the slut I am.
What a white man’s whore.
This recent addition to our “friendship” had only solidified my intense attachment to him. I was a delusional for so long that I had to keep pinching myself that we both were actually dating one another. Was my need to be around him 24/7 a little toxic? Maybe. We might have the tendency to be co-dependent on each other, but I love him. 
I don’t even love myself.
It was pathetic. I know. 
The more I watched him, the more turned on I became. Pete was joking around the other day when and said that K was a sex addict and he couldn’t stopped if he had a gun to his head. Kells then got the bright idea to stop having sex in order to bring out our natural chemistry on camera. The only problem he wasn’t the only sex addict in this relationship.
I have been deprived. 
All the times he was allowed to finger pop his dirty fingernails in me, without washing his hands, in public- I laid in this bed with regret and frustration. I never punished him with sex but he was so quick to punish me. Whatever he can do, I can do twice as bad. I could ruin his whole life if I wanted to. I scowled at him, my eyes piercing though the back of his Invader Zim shaped head.
Men will always have the audacity, I sneer under my breath.
I felt myself pout a little as I wallow in my sexual frustration, the way the cloth of the lace panty rubbed against my clit was uncomfortable as I became moist between my thighs.
I begged him to fuck me this morning but he yelled at me. I remembered his attitude and the little altercation that happened too. I let him think he was in control. It was all part of my plan to get what I wanted. Am I an emotionally and mentally unstable person? Maybe but two of us can play this game.
“Please let me put my mouth on you” I whispered in his ear, I sucked on his earlobe. My lips pressed against his jaw line and then made its way down to his neck. 
He ignored me as he continued to write an email on his phone.
My leg was stretched out on his lap as my bare pussy was angled against his gym shorts-clad thighs, I began to rub my pussy against him until I felt friction against his bare skin as his shorts rode up.
I pressed my succulent lips onto the corner of his mouth and lined his jaw with kisses. I started to suck his neck again, I felt him breathe a little heavier. He snaked his arm so that he could hold me better, he tossed his phone towards the seats in front of us. He lifted me against his hardening cock. I grinded against him as he massaged my ass and brought me closer to his body. I sloppily sucked his tongue into my mouth. He bit my lip and his tongue took dominance.
I knew his ass missed me too.
I pulled back. “Colson” My voice begged for permission, and he nodded.
I slipped my hands beneath his shirt. I traced my fingertips against his abs. I teased him as I ghosted around his crotch, and the anticipation had him buckle against me. I couldn’t wait any longer. He watched me from his half-lidded lustful eyes. 
I cupped him through his underwear when I was about to pull him out; his phone rang and he answered the call, and he swatted my hands away from him. I looked at him in embarrassment. I felt blood pool towards the back of my neck and ears.
“I thought-” I sat there confused.
“I don’t want you” he snapped and then continued the rest of his conversation on the phone.
I sat in faux shock, he left me on my knees, the position went from empowering to degrading in mere seconds. I can’t believe he rejected me...again. 
I shriveled back to my seat. I left a huge space between Kells and me, it was getting bigger as the dismissive silence filled the emptiness in the car. I curled against the window facing away from him.
It didn’t occur to me that I was crying until I started sniffling.
Hot angry tears poured down my face.
I couldn’t stop it cos I was tired, hungry, and sexually frustrated. Every emotion hit me at once. I angrily wiped my tears away.
He looked at me oddly, “I have to go, I call so we can schedule the meeting”. He ended his call.
“Are you fuckin crying” he unsympathetically asked. I ignored him and smirked against the window trying not blow my cover. 
“I don’t have time for you to be actin cranky, stop acting like a little girl, we are about to arrive on set in 30 minutes, you got about 5 minutes to stop your shit” he demanded.
He was so disrespectful. Someone needs to teach him on how to deal with a woman. This only made me cry “harder”. 
He tried to pull me towards him, but I shrugged him off. “I don’t want you” I threw back in his face.
“Stop acting like a little bitch, I didn’t mean it that way baby, c’mere”
I shook my head.
He yanked me towards him, he whispered into the side of my head, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you cry” he kissed my wet cheek and then softly kissed my lips. “Even though you look so beautiful like this”
He then wiped my tears away. He kissed me again and tried to deepen the kiss but I turned my head away from him.
“Stop being difficult” he pulled my chin towards him and pressed his lips against mine. I eventually gave in and reciprocated his tongue motions.
Kells snaked his hands up my dress and he cupped my pussy and I couldn’t help my moan in anticipation. I always get what I want, I pressed myself closer to him wanting to feel more friction.
“I’m crazy for you know that,” He said into my lips.
“I give you whatever you want” he rubbed his fingers against my clit.
He lifted me to so I could straddle his lap.
“Wearing no panties, do you like when I have to punish you?”
Punish me? I’m gonna punish you sweetheart. Men are so weak and stupid. 
He thrusts a finger inside me and tapped inside of my wall causing wetness to leak out, his lips traveled to my cleavage as he sucked on my puffy nipple, he bit on to it as I became a mess in his lap.
I threw my head back as I felt the build-up of my impending orgasm, I wanted him so bad. I whimpered at the loss of his fingers. He thrusted his soaked fingers into my mouth while he unzipped himself and thrusts his cock inside of me.
Tears fell because it felt so fucking good, his dick pistoled in and out of me, he hammered into me. After I sucked his fingers clean he grabbed my neck by the side and squeezed harder with each thrust. The visceral look in his eyes made me shake with lust.
With his other hand, he slapped my ass cheeks, I felt them throbbing. I was so close. His grip on my neck was tight and he carefully wiped my tears. I was a mess and I was crying for release, every synapse in my body was about to explode. The nerves were so sensitive, I was teetering on the edge, K roughly rubbed my clit.
“Stop, please I can’t” I said weakly.
Kells looked me in the eyes and rubbed faster. The feeling of pressure building between my legs and my stomach muscles tightening, I felt a tsunami of pleasure crash into me as I couldn’t control the noise or liquid that came out of me.
K’s dick was soaked with my juices. His hand on my clit didn’t move as I continued to cum.
“Isn’t this what you wanted” he sarcastically pointed out. 
“Cum for me” Kells breathed against my neck as he bit my jugular. 
I came harder as he rubbed my clit. I splashed his lap as I squirted and liquid pooled against the seat. I tried to catch my breath as sobs racked my body. I clung on to his body.
“Suck me off” Kells commanded, I obediently got down on my knees and swallowed him whole, as he held my head down.
Tears followed and sucked him to his base as he bobbed my head, hitting the back of my throat. I felt his dick throb and twitch before releasing in my mouth. He emptied his load down my throat and made sure I swallowed every drop.
He put himself back into his pants. I crawled to sit on his lap. I curled into him he wiped my tear streaked face.
“so beautiful”. He kissed brushed his tongue against mine and tasted himself.
Just you wait on what I got in store for you. 
He loved it when I cried for him, I know he was eating up the fact how distraught he had me feeling over the loss of his dick. Yet I always get what I wanted. 
I still didn’t have enough of him.
His underwear sat right below his thick V cut. His abs were glistening with the baby oil I rubbed into his skin. I closed my eyes thinking about the last time he made me squirt before this morning, he had me squirting everywhere that night, it was such surprise to us, cos it was the first time it happened with just his dick, it probably had a lot to do with the fact I ate an edible and that shit kicked in heavy as fuck. It wouldn’t fuckin stop, it was like a water fountain.
Kells called me his fountain of youth after that. He always brought it up in public and no one else knows what the fuck he is talking about. 
I barely shifted my hips so that my clit would rub against something giving me some release.
“Sash, you good” K asked.
I just nodded, kind of embarrassed cos I was caught. 
“Imma need you to bring your A game. I want you to lick my stomach and shit, whatever feels right, when I give him the heads up, he’ll yell action, the scene will start. We doing B-Roll, so we gonna have to shoot 20 different sex scenes and shit, just in case I want to edit something different”
“This is a whole production” I laughed at him.
“I’m finna start filming when we alone so we can have more intimate moments like the one we had in the car this morning” he smirked.
I pushed him away. “You so nasty” I lick my lips at him.
“You love it” He pinched my ass.
“I do” I smiled at him.
“You ready” he looked at me and I nodded.
K gave a thumbs up to the director. The director yelled action, and slowly Kells came crawling to me, starting sucking my neck and kissing my chest. I forgot they were about 10 cameras on me and lights shining down, I started acting ambitious. I was gonna fuck with him a little and finally put my plan into action.I grinded my hips up to meet him and he barely flinched. He held my hips down and whispered into my ear. 
“Don’t fuck with me” he said.
“Kiss me” I pouted back.
Kells pressed his plump lips to mine and I connected to his face roughly. I wanted him so badly I felt my clit throb. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrusted his hips into me. He was gonna get so mad at me for what I am about to do. I sneak my hand down his pants grab his dick and hear him lightly moan. He gives me a look of disbelief, I just give him a seductive smile.
“Behave” he mouths to me.
He pins both my wrists above my head, I am no longer in control. I guess he wants to play dirty. I flip him with my body weight so that I am straddling him.
I pin his hands down and he begins to laugh at me and I just kiss the tip of his nose. Out of nowhere he gets out of my hold and picks me up and sits me on top of his face. I never been this vulnerable in my life. He really is petty. I decide to twerk on his mouth, I could feel his wet tongue lap me over my lace panties.
I stand and face the opposite direction, instead of the headboard and continue twerking for him. I could tell he super distracted with my ass shaking in his face. I sneakily unclip my lace bra from the back. He still hasn’t noticed what I am about to do. I fling the bra on the floor. I feel him tense a little as he realizes everyone can see my breasts, and that there are recordings of me basically being a porn star.
I shake my ass some more and turn around to face Kells again, I put my black heel lightly on his crotch and drag it up slowly to his windpipe. I put a little pressure on him. I remove it once I feel I’ve emasculated him enough in front of our company. Once I pull my heel off his throat, I gracefully walk down from the bed and strut to the middle of the room, I stop once I know every camera can get a full view of me. K sits at the foot of the bed, I bend slowly so he could get the full view, and I slowly untie the flimsy g string that flossed my ass.
I toss it in his face, I slowly walk offset into my makeshift dressing room. I hear a lot of silence maybe cos I was running on pure adrenaline. I hear a loud cut, and Kells shouting. Then I hear his footsteps come into my dressing room with a red face. I don’t know if he is turned on or mad. I actually think I might be in trouble.
“Are you fucking crazy?”
I didn’t say anything to him, so I just shrugged.
He pulled me to his chest. 
“You’re mine, who told you to do all of that, no one. You got me fucked up, no ones post to see you naked, you know I’m crazy. You got me looking stupid.”
I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ass.
“Well maybe if you didn’t disrespect me earlier in the car, I wouldn’t have to teach you how to respect me” I shot back.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me” He yelled.
“You can’t tell me what to do bitch” I pushed him away from me.
“Don’t call me a bitch, Sasha”
“Oh but you get to, I just think its funny how you think its cool to come with all that energy, especially to the one person, or should I say bitch, that puts up with your bullshit. You didn’t disrespect me before you started to put your dick in me, maybe we should go back to being just friends”
Maybe I did this on purpose cos I wanted him to declare it himself. Maybe I was acting out cos I wanted him to say it out loud, obviously, he couldn’t control his emotions when he was angry.
I knew he would feel some type of way. He paced around the room as I bit my lip. 
I anticipated what he was going to do next. I’m always submissive, I blurred so many lines, that I am sure I got to him when I put my heel on his throat.
I let him pull me and bend me over the couch. 
He wasted no time.
His dick thrusted inside of me without warning, and I had to hold my moan in, I felt K pull on to my hips as he hammered into my vagina, he slammed my pelvis into him. His roughness made my eyes roll to the back of my head. He was stroking my g-spot so repetitively he knew what he was about to do.
I felt my vagina contract uncontrollably around his dick. He hadn’t said a word to me yet, but this role-play was so fuckin hot, I couldn’t take it.
The more he swiveled his penis in the right angles, I felt a familiar sensation of release, my orgasm was so far away but I knew that I was about to release the fountain of youth.
“K, please stop, I am gonna make a mess, please stop” I begged him but he knew what he was doing on purpose.
The levee broke as I squirted all over him, uncontrollably. My thighs shook as my clit erected and streams of arousal splashed on to the couch, floor and Kells.
K flipped me on my back and started to play with my clit as he continued to thrust inside of me.
The next wave came harder and longer. The moment he completed one circle against my sensitive clit elicited pints of squirt.
I couldn’t stop squirting, it was splashing all over K’s chest and face.
Tears started to fall from my ducts out of pure pleasure, my clit was so sensitive. With each stroke, I could feel my stomach clenching, the muscles in my body were tightening, as the waves of pleasure began to build, and my walls pounded as my clit throbbed against Kells’ fingertips.
My pussy was making all types of water sounds, which I knew turned him on even more. His thrusts become erratic with every sound effect.
The building pressure was intensifying with continued combo of thrusts and friction against my clit, I felt my vagina contract harder and harder. His dick pushing into that button over and over and over. My body freezes and all I could feel was my soul floating. I’m moaning and squirting, Kells enters me again, thrusting as fast as possible, while my vagina is milking his dick.
Kells body twitched as he emptied himself inside of me. He pulled his thick throbbing cock out of my pulsating cunt. As I contracted, his cum seeped out of my tight apex. He rubbed the head spreading his cum around my clit, each time he rubbed against me I swear I was going into anaphylactic shock from being sensitive.
Kells entered me a few times, very slowly. I held him from pulling out and I looked into him, Kells patted my leg so that I could wrap my legs around him. When I did, he lifted me from the couch, so he could sit, as I lay on top of him, still attached. As he relaxed, he wiped the tears from my face and tiredly smiled at me.
“Are you gonna apologize to me” he cockily asked.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, that’s not my fault you have a weak male ego” I smiled into his neck.
“You knew that little stunt would’ve made me mad” he raised his eyebrow at me.
My shoulder began to shake into him as he joined me in laughter.
“Like I said I always get what I want and I wanted to fuck you again” I licked his jawline as he sighed into me. 
“You could have asked nicely” He placed his hand on my hip.
“Where’s the fun in that” I spoke on the lips.
“So crazy” he whispered into my mouth, I swallowed his tongue. He started thrusting into me again, I gave him a throated moan. As he fucked me, it was a good ache and I didn’t want him to stop. I rocked back and forth in his lap as he thrust into my wetness ever so slowly.
“You feel so good” I threw my head back as I held on to his chest.
“You are loco” He grunted as his thrusts began to slow.
“Te gusto” I smirked at him.
Kells shook his head in laughter. 
“C’mon girl, we need to get back on set” He slapped my butt as he pulled me off of his dick.
I groaned at the absence. He walked away to the bathroom, as I stretched out on the couch face down. I dozed off a little and heard the sound of my skin smacking against K’s hand, I gave him seductive moan knowing it would get a rise out him.
“I am tired, I need a nap” I mumbled into the sofa cushion.
“Take a quick shower and we need to film” he clapped his hands fast.
I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom complaining every chance I got.
“If you stop pouting, I’ll give you a massage as soon as we get home, okay” he promised and rubbed my back. He gave me a kiss.
“I don’t have a choice” I yell after him as he walks out.
I pulled it together and promised myself I wouldn’t sabotage him. The quicker were done, the faster I could be with him naked. That was the only thing getting me through the day. Surprisingly enough, I got through different scenes, acting in different positions in the bed. 
It was so hot watching the playback. Kells sucked my nipples in one of the sex scenes. He wanted a documentary style for his visual album. I was doing B-roll of random things, singing while cooking, me combing my hair in the bathroom, there was even a shower scene, where I was pretty naked but the fog, stream of water coming down my body and shots of parts of my baby oil soaked body were artistically filmed where it didn’t look too revealing.
Once we were done, I changed into one of Kell’s oversized tour merch shirts. I threw on some slides. I took some Clorox wipes and sanitized the faux leather couch we fucked on. I felt a little bad. I also picked up the towels on the floor and threw them into the dirty pile. Kells walked in as I was getting my stuff together.
“Ready” He said in a sing-song voice. I nodded.
I looked up and he was making the face at me. I rolled my eyes cos he knew exactly what he was doing. As we walked to the escalade hand in hand he kept making the face at me.
“What” he said already picking up my facial expressions.
“I hate when you make that face at me” I said in low breath.
“What face” He says facetiously as we get to the car with a shit eating grin.
“I know what you’re trying to do” He lets out an airy laugh as he opens the door for me. We both get in.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he laughs at me as he feigns innocence.
“The horny face Colson!” I accuse him.
“What me?” he says almost as if he is appalled.
“You know I can’t say no to you” I whine and immediately give up.
“I’m not even offering anything” he looks at me so sexily again and licks his lips.
“Stop it” I smacked his arm.
“That’s just how my face is,” He tells the driver to go to the house with his studio.
“What about my massage?” I pout.
“I have something better in mind” He winks.
He pulls up the partition.
“Why did you pull the partition-”
Kells attacks my mouth and pulls away.
“I want to eat you out, think of it as my apology for making you work so hard and also not giving you the massage that you deserve baby”
“Let me make you feel good” he licked his lips as he got down to the floor and spread my legs.
“No panties” He smirked at me.
“I’m all about easy access” I smiled at him.
“I’ve been wanting to taste you since this morning,” he says with a thick voice.
He kissed my thighs. He gave me that look again, I swear, his powder blue eyes made me forget where I was.
Sometimes his stare intimidated me during these moments because I wanted to be sexy for him and not let him down, it was almost as if he knew this, I didn’t know how he did it but with one look, he gave me friendship, safety, and reassurance. With one of his looks, I knew he could eventually hurt me. It was only inevitable.
I felt raw and vulnerable. I saw him for who he was. He was going to eat me alive. When he looked in my eyes, he almost made me forget that he didn’t love me. When he looked at me, I felt pieces of myself attach to him. I felt so connected to him. I never wanted to leave. I know eventually, he’ll stop looking at me that way. When he does it, he will take parts of me that I will never get back.
I wish he would never leave me, I wish he was more in love with me than I was in love with him. Maybe I should just enjoy him for what he is before he comes to his senses. I can’t make him love me, but I sure as hell was gonna try.
Kells was in another recording booth since he wanted his new song to be a surprise. So I went outside by the pool to smoke by myself in the cool LA air. The more smoke I inhaled the more I began to trip. I mean these thoughts of doubting myself were always there but so much louder when I was alone.
All of the shiny things Kells said and did for me didn’t make me up for the fact that he wasn’t in love with. He disguised fucking as love. He hid behind the fact that he loved sex with me, that he loved me in a way a brother or friend would.
My inner mantra screamed at me all day that he didn’t love me, yet I spread my legs for him every chance I got. It felt great but I hated myself so much after. No bullshit, was he doing this just for me? Was I pity fuck? A placeholder until he found someone else better. Or at least until he gets bored? I can't fuck him into loving me.
Why was I giving my all to someone who didn’t even want me like that? I am waiting for him to pull the plug. After this there’s not much I can do, all I can do right now is love him, wait and pray. And if it doesn't end the way I want it to, I’ll still be his friend and I’ll stop trying. I can’t stop loving him though.
I don’t want to stop fighting for him, he was worth it. I mean if it was any indication we were so good together, well when it came to sex. I will have to face the truth eventually. I hate being alone cos I can’t block the nagging bitch in my head telling me I was his last choice, that he is settling for me.
I feel like I will never be enough for someone like him. The judgment day will come and it will break me cos good things never happen to people like me. Eventually, I will succumb to every dark thought I’ve ever had about us. With him I still felt alive, but when he tells me how he truly feels, I know deep down I won’t have anything left to live for if he no longer wants me.
It’s hard to love someone like me. I can’t even love me. I love a man who is emotionally unavailable. Well only emotionally unavailable when it comes to me.
I won’t be able to love him for the both of us.
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
in 2020 i...
once i’m awake, i struggle to go back to sleep i have little routines i like to follow everyday i’d rather shower in the morning than at night i suffer with really bad period pains i’ve thrown up due to period pain before if i sleep in too late, i feel like i’ve wasted my day i’ve seen the hobbit as well as the lord of the rings movies i love irish accents something i’m currently wearing is a gift i enjoy lighting scented candles i’m a big fan of being cosy and cuddling under blankets i prefer pepsi to coke but it used to be the other way around i’ve experienced caffeine withdrawal before my last impulse purchase involved food i’ve taken a painkiller within the last twenty four hours i can’t remember the last time i read a book there is a cat within arms length of me right now ^actually, there are two cats i’m sat in the same room as my partner right now someone in my family has recently had a baby i’m not wearing anything on my feet right now i’ve left the house at least once today i’ve washed my hair within the last twenty four hours my best friend is probably a pet rather than a person i am currently living under some kind of lockdown restrictions the last thing i drank had caffeine in it
I’m texting a member of the opposite sex right now. I’m listening to Jaaaason Derulooooo atm. I usually don’t take these bolding surveys. But anything to keep me from doing my homework. I had a really good weekend. I saw many wonderful faces. I’ve gotten starbucks within the past week. I hate when a parent uses the whole ‘just because all your friends are doing it doesn’t mean you have to…’ I already went to prom. I had/have a date for prom. We’re going as friends. My prom group is pretty big. I have to listen to Matt & Kim atleast once a day. I’ve had a all-you-can-listen-to-is-country phase before. I’ve listened to Red Hot Chili Peppers within the past week. Last thing I spent my money on was food. Last thing I spent my money on was clothes. My occupation is baby-sitting. Ultimate frisbee is a sport. I’m on a highschool sports team. I don’t have just one best friend. I think a boy and a girl can be JUST friends without having benefits or falling for each other. Sometimes I look at people and wonder what they were on when they got dressed in the morning. I’d consider myself a city girl. Jersey Shore is my guilty pleasure. I had no idea there were even volcanoes in Iceland. I’m closer to my mom. I’m taller than my mom. I really like being on facebook. I should get some homework done for tomorrow. I’ve signed up for a boring field trip just to get me out of school. My best friend still has their V card. I’ve used awkwardly cheesy pick up lines. I’m usually stuck drunk sitting at parties. I can be selfish at times. I’m saving up for a car. I’m really good at science. I hate being told what to do by people other than my mom/dad, I rather punch you in the face instead. I’ve seen episodes of Skins. I have not smoked anything in a while. I’d say I’m somewhat liberal. I’m still not ready to do my homework. I need to go use the bathroom right about now.
Would you wear... 1. Flats 2. Flare jeans 3. Skinny jeans 4. Bootcut jeans 5. Baggy Tripp pants 6. Belly shirt 7. Fitted t-shirt 8. V-neck shirt 9. Platform shoes 10. Converses 11. Nike/Jordans 12. Tights as pants 13. Tunic shirts 14. Hollister head-to-toe 15. An Abercrombie shirt 16. Mary Jane shoes 17. Plugs (aka "gauged" ears) 18. A shirt that says "I'm a virgin, but this is an old shirt."  19. UFO pants 20. Heels to school  21. Headbands 22. Hair clips 23. Your hair straight 24. Your hair curly 25. Your hair in beachy waves 26. A one-piece bathing suit 27. A two-piece bathing suit 28. A miniskirt 29. A pencil skirt 30. Clothes from a garage sale or thrift store 31. Clothes from a department store 33. Knee-high boots 34. Combat boots 35. "Stripper" boots 36. Creepers 37. Polos 38. A trench coat 39. Flip-flops 40. A fishnet shirt 41. A band shirt 42. A tank top 43. A tube top 44. Micro mini skirt 45. Invader Zim shirt 46. Knee high socks 47. Leggings 48. Ripped jeans 49. Sweatpants or pajama pants in public 50. Gold jewelry 51. Silver jewelry 52. Tiffany bracelets and necklaces 53. Designer bags 54. A backpack that looks like a coffin 55. Playboy attire 56. A zip-up hoodie 57. A pullover hoodie 58. Winter jacket with fur trimming 59. A real fur coat 60. A leather jacket 61. Short shorts 62. Capris 63. Shirt with a funny saying on it 64. Shirt that said "I ♥ Me" 65. Facial piercings 66. Unnatural hair colors 67. Glitter eye shadow 68. Regular eye shadow 69. Mascara 70. Fake eyelashes 71. Thick eyeliner 72. Lipgloss 73. Lipstick 74. Stick-on body jewels 75. Fake tattoos 76. Real tattoos  77. A shirt with glitter pictures/writing on it 78. A shirt advertising your favorite clothing brand 79. A shirt with a slice of pizza on it  80. Dye your hair blonde 81. Plaid shirts 82. Plaid jackets 83. Beanie hats 84. Skate shoes 85. Baggy clothes  86. Hats with those things covering the ears 87. Northface jackets 88. Famous Stars & Straps clothes 89. Ecko clothes 90. Thongs 91. Boyshorts 92. Colorful shoelaces 93. Slip-on Vans 94. Butterfly hairclips 95. Lowrise jeans 96. A shirt from 90's band (Nsync, Backstreet Boys, etc.) 97. A fancy blouse 98. A long dress 99. A short dress 100. A white wedding dress (for your wedding) 101. A non-white wedding dress (for your wedding)
102. A tuxedo/suit (for your wedding) 103. Cat ear headband 104. Sparkly accessories 105. Dangly earrings 106. Stud earrings 107. Belly ring 108. Boyfriend's clothes 109. Stuff with skulls on it  110. Skinny jeans with funky prints on them 111. Colored skinny jeans 112. Bright accessories 113. Scene hair 114. Pinstripe dress pants 115. Lady Gaga-esque clothes 116. Perfume 117. Body spray 118. Body glitter 119. Glitter hairspray 120. Bright-colored nailpolish 121. Black nailpolish 122. Glittery nailpolish 123. French manicure 124. Super long fake nails 125. Fake nails in general  126. A shirt promoting a website (your favorite forum, Facebook, MySpace, gURL.com, whatever) 127. A shirt from your favorite television show/movie 128. Armwarmers 129. Long-sleeve shirts 130. Boatneck shirts 131. Poofy skirts or dresses 132. IronFist shoes 133. Striped long-sleeve shirt 134. Bright-colored socks and tights 135. Victorian style boots 136. Children's clothes 137. Pigtails 138. Heels with jeans 139. Wedges 140. Purses
0 notes
toomanysurveys9 · 4 years
Are you independent or dependent? I am definitely both. But I feel like I’m starting to become more independent.
If you could put your life into a category, where would it go? I feel like this would be easier to answer if you gave a list of categories. I don’t know what kind of insight you’re looking for. <<< Yeah, I have no idea how to answer this. <<< Ditto.
How many animals do you have? Sooo. We have two dogs, one cat, and four rats. However, I have a total of six rats until I can get the bigger cage for the four I am keeping. My grandpa is taking two. My sister has a dog. My mom has a dog and a cat.
Are you popular? I have never been popular, and that hasn’t changed as an adult.
What time were you born? It was early evening I think? But I could be way off.
Have you had any candy this week? I have. My mom went a little crazy buying Halloween candy.
Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Tornadoes are more common around where I live, although I haven’t really had to deal with that devastation personally. I worry about family and a close friend that live in the south more since they do have hurricanes.
Do you like those nerd glasses? I’m not sure what this means.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? I’ve play wrestled, and that got intense on occasion, but that’s about it.
What color is your house? Light blue. Jacob wants to paint it dark brown.
When was the last time you saw a rainbow? It’s been awhile.
Have you ever ate a crayon? Not that I can recall, but it’s possible when I was a lot younger.
Ever rode in a helicopter? I don’t think so.
Do you like rabbits? Not as much as rats or ferrets, but yes.
Do you like mushrooms? Occasionally.
“It’s like you step into the room and just press play” What was the last movie you cried at? What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I forgot about the miscarriage storyline and it destroyed me.
What ice cream flavor best describes your personality? Chocolate because it’s my least favorite. Ha.
Would you rather work for a small or large company? I definitely prefer working for a smaller company. You’re not just a number... they actually see you as a person.
Where’s your favorite place to buy clothes? I usually just go to Walmart. I don’t know that I have a favorite since it’s the only place I go really.
How many languages do you speak? Just English.
What was the worst movie you’ve ever seen? I did not enjoy the paranormal or purge movies.
What video game have you played the most? Probably Mario Party.
What was your favorite TV show as a child? I really liked Invader Zim. Rugrats. Lizzie McGuire. Kim Possible. The Proud Family. Phil of the Future.
What’s your favorite sport? None. I’m not a huge fan of sports.
If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it? I don’t really know.
Do you believe there’s life on other planets? Not like E.T. but probably.
What was the worst place you ever traveled to? I don’t really know. There hasn’t been anywhere I haven’t really liked.
What is one thing you’re really bad at? Lately.. parenting. I’m getting frustrated because I’m not just parenting my kids, but my little sisters too.
Do you believe in angels? No.
Would you rather be a famous actor or musician? Musician.
“where have you been all my life?” If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been? Stuffed animals. They’re cute and fluffy.
What’s your favorite exercise workout? The treadmill.
What’s your favorite thing to do? I love spending time with my kiddos. And I really enjoy roadtrips and traveling. Reading, although I don’t get to do it enough.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? Hung out with Jacob and family. Nothing too much.
Does your local Wal Mart have benches in them to rest? Yeah.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I tended to prefer dogs.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? If I believed in that... I don’t know.
Are you crazy in love currently? I wouldn’t say so.
Are you good at swimming? I’m okay. Not as good as Jacob.
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet. I can’t handle it. Lol.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? Use me.
Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Out.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? I usually just play on my phone until I pass out.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? Sometimes, but not often enough..
Ae you afraid that one day you might get cancer? I’m terrified of that. I’m not totally convinced I don’t currently have it. My brain is fun.
“Letters to Juliet” Are you a fast or slow walker? Fast-ish.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? I don’t wear belts.
Does it bother you when people’s underwear hangs out? It’s mostly whatever.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? Just fun colors usually.
When’s your birthday? September 1.
Do you own a bobble-head toy? Nope.
What color was the towel you used to dry off with today after a shower? I haven’t showered yet. It’s on my to do list.
Has anyone ever walked you home? Yeah.
Have you ever liked someone and they were taken? Yup.
When was the last time you went fishing? This past summer.
True or false: You’ve read the book Lord of the Flies? False.
Have you heard of the band Yellowcard? Yeah.
Have you ever seen the show Teen Wolf? I have seen bits and pieces but wasn’t into it.
Do you have any quotes, lyrics etc on your walls? I have a Nightmare Before Christmas clock made out of a record and it has a quote. Are you a fan of Star Wars? Yeah.
“Our parents never let us cross the street, but we did it anyway” Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hair? Yeah.
What brand of camera do you own? Canon Rebel T7.
Is there something you’re not looking forward to? Leaving my kids for the weekend to go to GA for a wedding.
Have you ever read the book Thirteen Reasons Why? Yeah.
Do you wear white pants? Noooo.
When was the last time you were really angry? Not too long ago because I was working on school and kids weren’t listening.
Have you ever made a 3 pointer in a basketball game? I doubt it.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down? It’s hella short right now so doesn’t matter.
Do you warm up before you hardcore exercise? No.
Do you want a pair of Converse shoes? I have some.
Are you more of a studs or hoops type of person when it comes to earrings? Studs.
How many shirts do you have of your favorite band? None.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? I’m in a different room.
Have you ever wore a tie before? No.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Honey nut cheerios.
“For the Krusty Krab” Are you good at art? I wish, but no.
How many times have you read your favorite book? A lot.
Name one thing that you really hate. Abusive people.
Have you ever tried walking on stilts? Nope.
Is there a war that you find interesting? World War 2.
Would you rather live in the city or country? I think it’d be better for us if we lived more in the country.
Do you think $7 is too much for a movie ticket? They’re more than that, which is why we don’t really go.
Would you like to be a newscast person? Nooo.
Do you like word searches, coloring or crosswords better? Word searches and sometimes coloring. But I don’t have patience for adult coloring books.
Close your eyes and press a random key on the keyboard. f
How many William’s do you know? A few.
What time did you wake up this morning? I don’t know. I woke up several times.
Do you enjoy crutches? Never used them.
What’s better: Snapple or Arizona tea? I like the Arizona juices.
Make a word out of the word: Dinosaur. Sand.
“she said I love this song, I’ve heard it before” When you were younger, did you play with legos? Yeah. Loved them.
Do you like Trix cereal? Not anymore.
Do you get nervous easily? Ugh. Yes.
How long is your Facebook password? Ha.
Do you like the movie Mean Girls? I do.
How do you want your wedding to be? I’m already married.
Have you seen the movie or show Catfish? I’ve seen bits and pieces of the show.
Do you hate it when you arrive to something early? I’d rather be early than late.
Have you ever been on Omegle? Not that I remember.
Are you still in love with one of your exes? NOOO.
Do you think it’s attractive when guys wear beanies? Depends on the guy.
What’s something that makes you feel shy in public? Being in public. Lol.
Do you like the shows on MTV? I guess so, yeah.
If you could go back and relive one day, what day? I couldn’t pick one. It’d be a toss up between when Wyatt or Eliana was born, but probably when Eliana was born because Wyatt was already here too.
What’s one word you hate to be called? Bitch.
0 notes
No Disillusionment (part 1 of ???)
Fandom: Invader Zim Relationship: Almighty Tallest Purple/Zim Warnings: None (except for maybe (1) suicidal thought?) Word Count: 1,423
All was silent through the Massive except for the sound of an irken soda cup being sucked practically empty. The source of the sound was coming from a small irken invader.
He was told to wait in one of the Tallest’s private quarters; specifically Tallest Purple’s. The invader, Zim, was lured with carbonated-filled drinks. Anything given to him from his Tallest was an honor. Zim thought he was living a fantasy. That this was all a dream and nothing was real; that he would wake up soon. Fortunately for him, it wasn’t.
And here the little alien was, waiting for one of his beloved leaders to show up. Purple had wanted to talk with him, and Zim was waiting with anticipation on what exactly it could be that he would want to converse about.
Luckily, slurping on the drink Zim had with him had kept him occupied until the time being. After some minutes passed, he took the lid off to see if there was any liquid left inside. Hmm… nope. Nothing. The alien closed the top of the cup again. Now it was just Zim and the silence of the immaculate room. It was nice and big; fit for an Almighty Tallest. Zim sat at the end of the bed, looking around and seeing how huge Purple’s room really was. He wondered if Red’s was an exact replica, except the room being different shades of red instead of purple.
Zim snapped from his thoughts when he heard the door automatically slide open. He watched as Purple came in, taking his sweet time making his way towards Zim.
“So, you decided to show up,” Purple said.
“You told me to come here,” Zim replied, slightly confused.
“So I did…”
Purple finally made it to his bed and promptly sat down beside Zim. The small alien wasn’t used to being close like this with either of the Tallest. “What is it that you wanted to speak to me about?” he asked, looking up at Purple’s hard to read expression.
Purple averted his eyes from Zim’s and lifted his finger up to his lower jaw; trying to remember what it was that he wanted to say.
They both sat there in silence for a while. A few minutes went by and Purple still hadn’t recalled what he wanted to talk about with Zim. Zim started to wonder if he should say something.
He began to open his mouth and—“Ah-ha! Yes! I remember!” Purple exclaimed, making Zim jump in surprise. Purple on the other hand, seemed very ebullient from remembering the thing he wanted to say. The purple leader giggled at Zim. Oh, how fun it was to scare others, even if it was by accident.
The tiny alien didn’t find this funny at all, but he wasn’t upset with his leader. It was an honest mistake after all.
After his laughter died down, Purple eventually noticed this. He cleared his throat. “Sorry Zim, my bad.” he apologized, not completely meaning it. He was simply so used to picking on and laughing at shorter irkens that he didn’t feel guilty for doing so. But for Zim, he was trying to be better than that. There was something about Zim that made him want to do the opposite. Like… not bully or belittle him.
A small smile made its way on Zim’s face; believing the semi-truth.
Purple gained his energy back and had a wide grin, which showed off his brightly faded, queerly structured teeth. “There was something you told me… uh, that you said you learned on Urth! Yeah! And! And! And you said you’d share it with me,” he stated ecstatically.
Zim’s barely visible smile vanished. Fear and anxiety overtook everything else in his body at that moment. What he learned? He did say he wanted to… do that. The diminutive invader had not thought it through the minute he brought it up with Purple. He had also mentioned it to Red, but he seemed less enthusiastic upon hearing it. The whole process was nevertheless scary. Humans made it seem so easy.
And on top of all that, Zim wasn’t as confident as he led himself to believe. What if he screws everything up?
No, no, that is not how an irken invader behaves!
Zim took a deep breath, and tried to relax his body from tension. “Yes, my Tallest, there is something in particular I wanted to show you,” he started, trying to come off as confident, “It is something humans do when they want to show affection. They call it a… a kiss,” he explained, obviously timid.
His tall leader looked very eager to do… whatever it was Zim said. Purple saw how nervous Zim was. Hmm… no matter, he’ll be patient and ready for when Zim is prepared to show him. Although, it was definitely hard having to wait for things. Heck, anything, to be frank. He was used to having things right there and then, whenever he would ask for it. No waiting whatsoever. That’s how it always was ever since he became a Tallest alongside Red.
Zim, however, felt uneasy knowing Purple was impatiently waiting on him. He could tell his leader was trying his best not to make it blatant, but he was not pulling that off well.
“Well… what is it?!” Purple inquired, finally losing his patience.
Zim scrambled to his feet, standing on the bed. He anxiously began pulling at the hem of his shirt, but still maintained eye contact with his leader. “Oh, eh, you have to come closer for this to work.”
“Closer how?”
“To my face.”
Purple smiled and grabbed him with both his hands. He lifted him up so they were now at equal eye level. Zim gazed into Tallest Purple’s eyes and he positively adored them. They were a lovely shade of purple. His favorite color.
“Now what?” Purple questioned, breaking Zim away from his daze.
The invader had to be honest with himself. He couldn’t wait to kiss his Tallest. The thought had come up before, but now that it’s about to actually happen… he felt like this was all just a super hyper realistic dream. But the crazy thing is—it wasn’t.
“Close your eyes,” Zim replied, his confidence fully returning.
Purple’s face contorted to puzzlement, but he complied. This was it. No backing out now.
The alien leaned in leisurely and laid his lips on his leader’s. Zim could instantly taste how sweet Purple is, just like the food and beverages he consumed on a daily basis.
Just as Zim was beginning to enjoy the kiss, it was taken away. Purple pulled Zim off his mouth and voluntarily set him back down on the comfy bed. He didn’t seem as excited as he was before. That wasn’t good. Zim wanted more and his leader made it apparent that he did not.
“Wow, that was anticlimactic,” he said disappointingly, looking now rather tired. A full force of melancholia flowed over the little alien. It made him feel like he could rip out his PAK and leave himself to die.
He lowered his head, not wanting to look in Purple’s eyes anymore. He began messing with the bottom end of his shirt again.
“Something about that didn’t feel right…” Purple assumed, seemingly trying to make sense of it. The leader lifted Zim’s chin up so their eyes met. He looked at him as though he was trying to figure out a complicated puzzle.
Without a second thought, Purple bent down and kissed Zim. The tiny irken stood in shock as he felt the sugary taste return. He closed his eyes by-and-by, indulging in the kiss. The taste stayed for a while; longer than last time. It was simply blissful. Zim paid no mind to the length of time that had gone by.
It had only been thirty seconds or so when Purple finally let go of Zim. The Tallest smiled to himself, much more pleased than last time. “That was much better,” Purple laughed, “We should try it again sometime. I could get used to how humans do this… kissing thing. It’s different, but interesting!”
Zim’s cheeks darkened in color. His Tallest was happy. For a second he thought he had made a big mistake, but no. It was a moment of relief. He did begin to wonder why the second kiss was superior than the first. Eh, he’ll save that question for another day. For now, he smiled back at his leader, hoping more moments like this are to come.
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krizaland · 4 years
Enter the Zimvoid Chapter 24
First Chapter    Previous
Be prepared for some feels, forced kissing, and lost of drool ahead!!
You swallowed hard as another crazed grin spread across Zib’s face.
His yellowed eyes oozed with hunger as more drool dripped down his chin.
“W-Why are you looking at me like that?!” You stuttered as you tried to turn away from Zib.
“I think you’ll need a little… taste of my love. Yes… Maybe if you tasted the raw energy of my love, without that heavy metal suit, you wouldn’t even need the mental reprogrammer helmet!” Zib leaned in closer as he slurped up the drool dribbling down his chin.
“W-What are you-” Your eyes widened in horror as Zib grabbed your face, “No! No! Not again-MMPH!”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence before Zib crashed his lips onto yours.
You let out a muffled scream as Zib’s slobbery tongue invaded your mouth once more.
He let out a low moan as his tongue begun to battle yours for dominance.
You let out a few muffled squeaks as Zib’s tongue quickly overpowered yours.
You could feel Zib’s claws cling to your cheeks as he continued to taste every inch of your mouth.
You could’ve sworn you saw Zib’s hair wiggle like Zim’s antennas as he started to nibble on your lower lip.
A growly moan rumbled from Zib’s throat as he pulled away from your mouth and slurped up the remaining drool.
You tried to speak but all that came out was breathless gibberish.
“Mmm….You taste so much better without that suit, Y/N….” Zib purred as he licked his lips.
You choked down your own vomit as a shudder ran down your spine.
“Did you feel it?”
After another shudder, you finally found your voice.
“What? Sick to my stomach?” You grimaced as you steadied your breathing.
“No! Did you feel….my love?” Zib’s voice quivered softly.
“Heck no! All I felt was your slimy tongue invading my mouth!” You seethed.
“Really?! You didn’t feel my love?! Countless years worth of pure, raw passion?! You’re telling me you didn’t feel any of it?!” A few tears welled in Zib’s eyes as he spoke.
“All I felt was the slobbery tongue of an entitled, delusional, nut job! The only kind of ‘passion’ I felt was lust at best!” You spat as you shot Zib a glare.
“How could you say that?! What do I have to do to prove how much I love you?” Zib sniffled as his tears poured down his sickly green cheeks.
“You can start by letting me, my friends, and all of the other Zims go!”
“GRARGH! It’s always Zim, Zim, Zim with you isn’t it?! Well Y/N, since you loove Zims so much, I’ve got a surprise for you!” Zib whipped around and gestured to the throbbing PAK fused to the back of his head.
You jerked you head back. The PAK fused to Zib’s head looked just as disgusting as it did the first time you saw it.
“You see this?!  This is the PAK that I stole from my Zim! I didn’t even need to fuse myself with it  to reprogram Irken tech! I’m smart enough to reprogram Irken tech on my own! But I fused myself to it anyway! You know why?!” Zib snarled as his body shook a bit.
“Because you’re crazy?”
“No,” Zib’s voice turned cold as he turned back around to face you, “I fused myself with my Zim’s PAK for you, Y/N.”
“I thought that if I fused myself with what was left of Zim, you’d finally….love me.” Zib whimpered as a few more tears trickled down his cheeks.
“What?! Why would you even think that-”
“At first, I didn’t feel much different, sure my head hurt a little but I’ve had worse but then….Oh then! I heard it!” Zib continued.
“Heard what exactly?”
“The sound of Zim’s voice pounding in my head! All of his madness oozing out of each word. ‘Return me to my body! Return Zim! Return Zim!’ Was all I could hear! Over and over again.” Zib’s voice came out as a shaky whisper.
All you could do was watch in horror as Zib begun to break down in front of you.
“The longer his PAK was stuck to me, the more Zim-like I became….First my skin turned this…hideous green color, next, my eyes became yellow, then I lost my nose and my ears. Soon my teeth became jagged and crooked. My fingernails grew into claws…Even my hair had changed into these weird hair-antenna hybrids! ” Zib winced as he tugged on his hair-like antennas.
“But none of that mattered to me. All that mattered to me was you. No matter how much pain I was in or how much humanity I lost……I told myself it would all be worth it! I told myself that you would love me once my transformation was complete! Pretty soon, the voice in my head had started to change too.” Zib’s voice grew more shaky as he spoke.
You felt your heart sink a bit. Despite how crazy he was, you couldn’t help but feel kind of bad for Zib.
“It went from screaming ‘Return Zim, Return Zim…’ To ‘Want Y/N…Need Y/N…’ It seemed as if the voice and I were finally on the same page! I had finally tamed the beast! All that was left was to declare my love for you!” Zib let out a pained chuckle as more tears poured down his cheeks.
“I was so excited to see you! To see you see the new me! The new and improved, Dib! I thought I would look perfect to you! I remember how happy I was went I came up to you but you….Oh my god….the look on your face….” Zib covered his mouth as he squeezed his eyes shut.
You bit your lip as you tried to find something to say.
“You were disgusted by me….You screamed at me! You slapped me! You called me a monster!” Zib choked out as drool oozed down his shirt.
“Oh Zib….” You gave Zib a sympathetic look.
“To make matters worse…The moment you rejected me his voice…Oh that horrible voice….It started to scream at me too! ‘Want Y/N! Need Y/N! Y/N Come back!’ Over and over and over! Pretty soon, I couldn’t tell the difference between my voice and Zim’s. All that I could hear was your name. Echoing over and over!” More tears and drool splattered to the ground as he clutched the sides of his head.
“Zib I….”
“Now do you see? Now do you understand?! I can’t live without you, Y/N! I need you! You’re the only thing that can make the voice stop screaming!” Zib pleaded as he clutched his chest.
“Zib, look I know you’re hurting but-”
“But? But?! That’s what you have to say to me?! But?! GAH! HOW CAN YOU STILL NOT UNDERSTAND?!” Zib wailed as he pulled on his hair-like antennas.
You opened your mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by Zib grabbing one of your restrained arms.
After a few moment of some harsh tugging and pulling-
Zib had managed to pull your arm free of the tentacle that was wrapped around you.
You gasp as Zib pressed your now free hand onto his chest.
“Can you feel that? Can you feel my broken heart beating? Can you feel how it yearns for you?”
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neakarlsson · 7 years
I'm so Hyped and YET -
I'm actually not prepared to hear GIR phrases over and over again for weeks and weeks to come. That was always the worst part of the IZ fandom for me, the people who only watched it for GIR and how popular and mainstream he was and still is and is GOING TO BE AFTER THIS. Literally, the two main characters of the show were overshadowed by this - this random as Hell robot and that was SAD. Still is SAD. (I don't hate GIR, fans just made me despise him more and more as time went on.) I remember this one time in 7th grade, I saw this girl wearing a GIR shirt and I walked up to her and said, "Oh my gosh! You like Invader ZIM too? That's one of my favorite cartoons!!" And she was like, "What? Ohhh.. You mean the GIR show!" I kinda just, muttered something and walked away because I don't know, it was just awkward and I felt embarrassed?? But yeah there you have it. I don't hate GIR, but at this point he's kinda hard to tolerate for me and I hate that I feel this way about what was a cute little robot at one time for me!!
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krizaland · 5 years
Can you do a chapter story of Invader Zim x female!magical girl!reader?
Oooh! I like your style! I love me some magical girl transformations! I was really obsessed with Winx Club, Card-captor Sakura, and Tokyo Mew Mew when I was younger. So, taking inspiration from my love of Tokyo Mew Mew, I think I have a very interesting twist in mind for this fic. 
Just a heads up: Reader will be experimented on in this fic! It won’t be too graphic but it might be a bit jarring to some readers. 
With that being said, I hope you enjoy!
From the first moment he saw you at Skool, Zim felt strange.
His PAK would spark whenever he was near you and his face would always blush!  Zim’s squeedilyspooch felt like it was on fire at the mere mention of your name.
What was happening to him?! You must have given him some kind of Earth illness! Zim was sure of it!
He wanted to confront you and force you to tell him what you had done to him but somehow his words would get caught in his throat.
Zim started to panic! Whatever you did to him was getting worse by the second! He knew he had to something before his mission was put in jeopardy!
So late one night, Zim decided to put his plan into action.
He tracked down where you lived and jumped onto the roof of your house.
After a few minutes of stumbling about, he came across your open bedroom window and snuck inside.
There you were. Sleeping ever so peacefully in the comforts of your bed.
Zim couldn’t help but watch you sleep for a moment.
You looked so innocent. You were in a soft blanket cocoon with your favorite stuffed animal pressed up against your cheek. The moonlight that poured in from your open window gently kissed your skin.
You looked like an angel.
Zim felt his PAK spark once more and he remembered why he was there.
Wasting no more time, Zim captured you and dragged you off to his lab.
Zim placed your sleeping body down on an experimentation table.
Zim changed into a white lab coat and bright green goggles before returning to you.
“Sleep well, miserable human. For soon whatever illness you’ve given me will be cured! And once I am cured you shall pay! Oh how you will pay!” Zim’s voice quivered as he begun to hook up an onslaught of alien gadgets and machinery into your body.
After a few hours of countless tests, Zim started to grow frustrated.
“GRAAHH!! Why am I not getting results?!” Zim growled as he slammed his hands down on his keyboard.
“Oooh!! Who’s this?” GIR whispered as he hovered over your sleeping form.
“Be quiet!” Zim hissed as he tackled GIR to the ground.
“Don’t wake the human! If the human wakes up, all will be lost! So keep it down!” Zim commanded as he got off of GIR.
“Oh. Ok- Oooh! What’s that?!” GIR squealed as he noticed a bright pink bottle gleaming on one of the lab shelves.
“No! GIR! That’s Vortian Rhopalocera transmutation serum! Stay away from that!” Zim pleaded as he tried to hold him back.
Unfortunately, GIR broke free of Zim’s grip and eagerly rushed for the bottle.
GIR giggled as he begun to play with the bottle.
“GIR! Put that serum back this instant! Quickly! Before you spill it on the human!” Zim demanded as he stomped his foot.
“Spill it on the human?” GIR asked as he opened the bottle.
“No! No! GIR! No! Give me that!” Zim pleaded as he tried to get the bottle back from GIR.
After a few minutes of fighting with GIR the bottle slipped from his hand.
The bottle fell to the ground, soaking you with its contents in the process.
Zim let out a startled shriek and quickly shoved GIR out of the way.
He begun to panic as he grabbed a towel and desperately tried to clean you up.
“C’mon! C’mon! Yes! Yes! That’s good! It seems to be going away!” Zim blubbered to himself as beads of sweat trickled down his face.
After a few minutes of panicking and drying you with the towel, it seemed as if you were nice and clean.
“Phew! Crisis averted!” Zim let out a sigh of relief as he wiped away his sweat.
Zim was so busy being relieved that he didn’t notice that he had accidentally flung his sweat onto your sleeping form.
“Now I got to get this human back to her living quarters before anyone’s noticed she was gone! I’ll have to deal with you later, GIR.” Zim snarled as he threw your sleeping form over his shoulder.
And with that, Zim rushed you back home.
He took a moment to admire your sleeping form once more before his sparking PAK reminded him to leave.
Little did Zim know, that the serum, mixed with his sweat, had soaked into your skin and entered your bloodstream.
Your body gave off a bright pink glow for a moment as the mixture slowly altered your DNA.  
When you awoke the next morning, everything seemed normal.
You didn’t feel anything other than a little groggy as you slowly crawled out of bed.
As you started getting ready for your day, your back started to feel a little tingly. Assuming it was just from your shirt tag, you shrugged it off and went outside to catch the Skool bus.
You were making your way to class when you passed Zim in the hallway. You always tried to be friendly towards him but he always would run off screaming. So you begun to ignore him and just walked to class.
However, Zim couldn’t ignore you. His usually feelings for you aside, there was definitely something different about you today. Zim couldn’t put his finger on it, but you seemed more alluring than usual.
Zim’s PAK sparked, causing him to stick to his locker.
“Do I even need to say anything at this point?” Dib grumbled as he shot Zim a glare.
“If you’re asking about my PAK-I mean backpack sparking, I can assure you it is perfectly normal, Dib-stink!” Zim lied as he pried himself off of his locker.
“Seriously, what’s been going on with you lately? You’re acting weirder than usual.” Dib huffed.
“It’s nothing that concerns you, miserable Dib-stink! Now leave me be! I must get off to class!” Zim announced as he marched to class.
“Whatever. I’ll figure out what’s going on sooner or later. And when I do man am I gonna do something!” Dib muttered to himself as he followed Zim.
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