#and the way OP writes him
heavenpierceher · 3 months
this post was poorly worded and ambiguous. sorry
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lord-squiggletits · 5 months
One of my favorite parts of phase 2 (and indeed one of the few moments I resonated with IDW Prowl) was when the neutrals were coming back to Cybertron and Prowl said that he refused to let Autobots be pushed aside and overruled after they were the ones who fought for freedom for 4 million years (the exact wording escapes me atm).
And I mean, that resentment still holds true even once the colonists come on bc like. As much as it's true that Cybertron's culture is fucked up, and as funny as it can be to paint Cybertronians as a bunch of weirdos who consider trying to kill someone as a common greeting not important enough to hold a grudge over.... The colonists POV kind of pissed me off a lot of times, as did the narrative tone/implications that Cybertronians are forever warlike and doomed to die by their own hands bc it just strikes me as an extremely judgemental and unsympathetic way to deal with a huge group of people with massive war PTSD and political/social tensions that were rampant even before the war?
Like, imagine living in a society rife with bigotry and discrimination where you get locked into certain occupations and social strata based on how you were born. The political tension is so bad there's a string of assassinations of politicians and leaders. The whole planet erupts into an outright war that leads (even unintentionally) to famine and chemical/biological warfare that destroys your planet. Both sides of the war are so entrenched in their pre-war sides and resentment for each other that this war lasts 4 million years and you don't even have a home planet any more. Then your home planet gets restored and a bunch of sheltered fucks come home and go "ewww why are you so violent?? You're a bunch of freaks just go live in the wilderness so that our home can belong to The Pure People Who Weren't Stupid And Evil Enough To Be Trapped In War" and then a bunch of colonists from places that know nothing about your history go "lol you people are so weird?? 🤣🤣 I don't get why y'all are fighting can't you just like, stop??? Oh okay you people are just fucked up and evil and stupid then" ((their planets are based on colonialism where their Primes wiped out the native populations btw whereas the Autobots and OP in particular fought to save organics. But that never gets brought up as a point in their favor)) as if the damage of a lifetime of war and a society that was broken even before the war can just magically go away now that the war is over.
Prowl fucking sucks but he was basically the only person that pointed out the injustice of that.
And then from then on out most of the characters from other colonies like Caminus and wherever else are going "i fucking hate you and your conflicts" w/ people like literal-nobody Slide and various Camiens getting to just sit there lecturing Optimus about how Cybertronians are too violent for their own good and how their conflicts are stupid, with only brief sympathetic moments where the Cybertronians get to be recognized as their own ppl who deserve sympathy before going right back to being lambasted.
Like I literally struggled to enjoy the story at multiple points because there was only so much I could take of the characters I knew and loved being raked over coals constantly while barely getting to defend themselves or be defended by the narrative so like. It was just fucking depressing and a little infuriating to read exRID/OP
#squiggposting#and like dont get me wrong barber wasnt trying to make cybertronians the bad guys or whatever#it's just a problem with his writing where like. he has A Message he wants to send#and so he uses the entire story literally just for The Message even if it involves bullshit plotlines#or familiar characters ppl were reading about for the past decade being shit on by OCs made up to fill a new roster#like barber's writing tends to lean way too much on a sort of lecturing tone#without giving proper care towards including moments where characters get to like. fucking express themselves and share their side#sort of like how barber couldnt be bothered to write pyra magna and optimus actually talking to each other during exrid#and instead during OP ongoing pyra is suddenly screaming about how OP is unteachable#even tho she never even tried to teach him bc she and OP never interacted bc i guess barber couldnt be bothered#he just needed someone to lecture OP so fuck making the story make sense or like letting OP get to say anything in defense#this is the infuriating part of barber's writing bc i think he has incredible IDEAS and was in charge of the lore i was most interested in#but most of the time his execution sucks and he's basically just mid with a few brilliant moments occasionally#or like he has a message about the cycle of violence he wants to convey#but his narrative choices trying to convey that theme made his story come off as super unsympathetic to the ppl who suffered#to the point where barber actively kneecapped some scenes that couldve been super fucking intense and emotional#in favor of the characters lecturing each other or some stupid plot to criticize OP#that time in unicron where windblade screamed about how this is their fault and then arcee replied that her planet is build on coloniation#shouldve happened more often than literally the last series of the ocntinuity. like goddamn stfu about your moral superiority#when your own sins are right fhere lol
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
I think Buggy would be really good at dealing with Luffy's adhd, because Shanks also had it.
He doesn't get frustrated when Luffy's mind wanders and he loses focus. Instead, he uses little tricks to keep his attention on him, keeping his talking short so the boy doesn't lose interest and fall asleep or walk off like he usually does. To any outsider who knows how Luffy is, it's impressive as hell. But to Buggy, it's just second nature.
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its-not-a-pen · 3 months
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art for "Beans of various types" I feel like something bad is going to happen to me.
I feel like something bad has happened.
It hasn’t reached me yet, but it’s on its way.
And it’s getting closer.
And I don’t feel ready.
I feel like I can’t do anything.
--Lake Mungo (2008)
What a lovely day to be young, handsome and doomed by the narrative!
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 3 months
“Jason hasn’t built a single safe injection site or an orphanage in the comics?”
Yes, and we don’t care. Nor did anyone say that’s what we want to see in the comics. Were you getting to a point?
*makes a separate post about how much they like seeing restorative care in comics and mentions Helena Leslie and Bruce and why they like these characters*
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sheikahwarriork · 7 months
prompt for childhood enemies dimileth!!!
When Byleth was 6 years old, and Jeralt left her in the care of an inkeeper while he was doing merc jobs, a traveling caravan of rich people arrived to the inn, and she heard an ugly rich bowlcut blonde baby say his dad was the strongest and could beat anybody's dad and she choose violence.
Someone had to put the bowlcut in his place and make him understand Jeralt was the strongest.
Dimitri didn't want to fight back for his crest until Byleth called him a wussy... which is a word the mercs used around her and she didn't know what it meant.
(she fondly recalls this story as the first time she won a fight)
(dimitri still has bite scars from the incident and was very scared of girls for a long time)
(gustave was worried sick a commoner kid got the crown prince rabbies)
(they haven't connected the dots)
(This is the same anon who hates Dimitri's hair)
(hello dear dimitri's hair hater anon, i loved this prompt a lot! i changed some little points in the narration, but the main plotis the one you wrote. i really hope you'll like this :3)
wordcount: 1.2k
Byleth was extremely bored. Jeralt— no, he said to call him dad— Dad ­­went to do some cool mercenary stuff he said were 'too dangerous' for Byleth to attend. How silly! She was perfectly capable of taking care of enemies. She had the best teacher in the world, after all; the Blade Breaker’s abilities were well known along all Fodlan.
Of course, she was still only six, while her father was… How many years old was Jeralt again? She realised she didn’t know exactly. Probably the same age all dads were. Like three-hundred years old or something like that.
Byleth frowned. Did she need to wait three-hundred years to become as powerful as Jeralt? No, it was too far away from now! The little girl stood up. She needed to go training now.
She went out the little inn where Jeralt— Dad left her some days ago, heading for that nice spot she found out the day before to train with her new super powerful sword. (Well, wood sword. After the last time Byleth tried to train by herself, she almost chopped her own leg, so Jeralt took precautions by giving her a weapon that 'woudn’t hurt his precious little girl'. How melodramatic! But he chose it precisely for her. It was special. She wasn’t gonna break it!)
Her wandering gaze stopped when she noticed some people a few meters from her. She frowned. A tall guy with dark hair and a younger blonde boy with an ugly bowlcut were talking under a tree, the very tree of her perfect nice training spot.
She frowned again. As people said, Byleth wasn’t… the best at social interactions. She didn’t like talking to people, especially strangers. And she hated when she had to. Like this moment. She needed those two to get out of her new special training spot. She needed to train! To become more powerful! Like, right now!
The urge to train was bigger than her despise for talking to strangers, so she got closer to the tree, holding hard her sword. Byleth repeated in her mind Jeralt— Dad’s lessons about how ‘not to be too scary with other people’. She had to act nice.
“Hi. Get out of my training spot”.
A greeting! Super nice. ‘Good job, me’, she thought, pleased with herself.
The taller boy looked at her with surprise, but his expression quickly changed in a smile. “Hello, you fellow warrior”, he said in a condescending tone, winking.
Ugh. That was one of the thing Byleth hated the most: grown-ups treating her like she was just a little child!
“Get out, I said! I need to train”, she said, pointing at her sword.
Bowlcut boy frowned. “But you’re too young to train by your own!”
“What?!” Byleth exclaimed to him, annoyed.
“Yes! My dad says children shouldn’t fight until they grow up. And you look almost my age! So, you can’t train”, Bowlcut boy explained, nodding.
Byleth crossed her arms. “It doesn’t make sense! My dad helps me train since I was… younger than you!”
Bowlcut boy looked troubled. “Why does you dad train you?”
“Because I want to become strong, and he’s the strongest mercenary of all Fodlan!”, Byleth said with a hint of pride.
Now Bowlcut boy looked annoyed. “That’s not true! My dad is the strongest one! Glenn, tell her!” he added, looking at the taller annoying guy.
Tall-annoying guy was watching at them holding a hand over his mouth as if he wanted to hide it, slightly shaking. Then he proceeded to burst into laughter, hitting the ground with his fist, without saying a thing.
Byleth frowned. What a weird guy.
Bowlcut boy frowned too, but apparently he decided to let the matter drop, as he looked at Byleth again. “My dad is stronger! He has big muscles, and he’s the only one that can use a super uper big powerful spear!” Then he looked down at Tall-annoying guy, who was still on the floor. “Glenn! Tell her!”
The guy tried to stop laughing, but miserably failed. “So… sorry, Dimitri… you’ll have to… deal with her yourself… PUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Byleth crossed her arms; then, she got an idea. “Let’s settle this with a fight. However wins, has the strongest dad!”
Bowlcut boy’s eyes widened. “N… no! I can’t! I’ll hurt you!”
Byleth was really annoyed now: how dared that little brat imply he could beat her?!
She lifted her sword, pointing at Bowlcut boy. “Prepare yourself!”
“Oh, fuck!” Tall-annoying guy stopped laughing and stood up between them. “Ok, party’s over. Let’s try to get along, shall we?”
Bowlcut boy sighed in relief. Byleth sticked her tongue out, looking at him. “Your dad’s just a… wussy!”
Byleth really liked the word ‘wussy’. The way it sounded was funny. She didn’t exactly know the meaning, but Jeralt’s mercenaries often used it when someone was arguing (usually when drinking that weird ‘grown-ups fruit juice’) with some other of the band, getting the latter very angry. And Byleth wanted to make Bowlcut boy angry.
And she succeded! Bowlcut boy’s eyes widened, and he proceeded to run towards her. Byleth was ready, and promptly dodged the boy. She grabbed his arm, and sinked her teeth in it.
The boy screamed in pain until Tall-annoying boy managed to pull him away. “Shit shit shit! What the hell is wrong with you two?!” he said in a high-pitched tone. Bowlcut boy started crying.
‘Pathetic’, Byleth thought.
“Okay, little girl, we’re leaving, but promise me you’ll stay away from Dimitri!” Tall-annoying guy said, while taking Bowlcut boy in his arms. “We’re leaving soon anyway, so forget about this and do not tell anyone!” he added, going inside the inn, without waiting for Byleth to respond. “Shit! I did tell Gustave I’m not a good babysitter…” she heard him muttering, while Bowlcut boy was still crying.
She looked at the now closed door for a few seconds more, then turned around. “Okay. Melee training for day: done. I should practice with my sword now…”
“You did what?!” Jeralt—Dad screamed in shock.
Byleth crossed her arms. “I bit him, I told you! He was saying some crap about you!”
Dad looked at her in disbelief, and then bursted into laughter.
‘Why is everyone laughing at me today?!’
“You… you bit him… you bit the… freaking… AHAHAHAHAHA!” Dad was laughing so hard he didn’t finish the phrase.
Byleth shrugged, deciding to let him be. ‘It’s not like I’m gonna ever see Bowlcut boy again…’
15 years later
Byleth didn’t know if she was getting better at reading people, or if Jeralt was acting strange more than usual. Since she told him she chose to lead the Blue Lion House, her father started to make a soft giggle everytime she mentioned the house-leader, Dimitri. It was getting annoying.
“Are you going to tell me why do you make that sound everytime I mention Dimitri, dad?!” she finally said one afternoon, while her and Jeralt were having tea in her room.
Jeralt smiled. “Ah! Never. But maybe, you’ll have your answer if you’ll ever see his arm… Summer is starting, after all…”
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 months
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come into the light…
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
"Rodimus is a better Prime because it didn't hurt for him to bond with the Matrix while for Optimus it did" headcanon/theory my beloathed.
One day I'm literally gonna snap and make a whole post addressing why what's wrong bc I'm tired of the inaccuracy and tired of ppl not understanding the Point TM of IDW and its version of the Matrix/Primacy and even more tired of people putting down Optimus in favor of Rodimus by essentially arguing that being unworthy means you deserve to be punished/put in pain bc you just weren't good enough to hold the Symbol of Ultimate Authority
#it's wrong on so many levels both in terms of lore and as well as like what the general themes of idw1 are#it's just a validation contest using the matrix as some magical symbol to decide who's the most special#which is ironically something that was a plot point in exrid/OP. specifically how stupid of an idea that is ldskjflksd#ppl revealing that they havent read anything besides mtmte/ll as usual#like half the reason ppl think optimus is a bad prime and rodimus is a good prime is literally bc like#optimus was written by an author who was specifically trying to deconstruct him (sometimes to the point of absurdity)#and rodimus was written by an author who takes a more optimistic/idealistic approach. and is also better at writing#but also like am i seriously the only person who thinks that that argument is fucked up?????#like 'OP felt pain which means he's unworthy/not a real prime/not a true leader'#ok so you think that there's a hierarchy of moral goodness in which anyone who falls short of that Moral Ideal should suffer#as a sign of their unworthiness?? like does that not sound dystopian as hell to any of you?? why would you WANT the matrix to work like tha#even if the theory were true (which it isn't) why would you view the matrix as a good authoritative moral judge of character#if its idea of 'moral judgement' is to inflict pain on anyone who's supposedly not truly good/worthy#wasn't the entire point of the ending of LL (including rodimus being a good leader) that everyone is worth it?#like rodimus literally said 'you ARE damn well good enough' or something like that#so what? everyone else in the universe tries their best and that's enough but somehow when OP suffers it's like#a sign that he's not actually a good prime/leader?? we're really going with the punitive perspective purely for One Guy??#swear to god ppl are projecting their authority issues onto Optimus the way they shit on him for things they would excuse#if any other character did it#Optimus is uniquely deserving of pain/being marked as unworthy bc idk he was a cop once and that offends my delicate sensibilities#what's even funnier is how much harm was inflicted by rodimus as a captain sheerly due to his stupidity or ego but everyone forgives him#i guess bc as long as the matrix likes him that means he's valid no matter what he actually does as a person#WHICH IS SOMETHING IDW ITSELF ARGUED AGAINST BC A LOT OF THE PRIMES THAT WERE CHOSEN BY THE MATRIX#WERE DICKS AND THE FACT THEY COULD WIELD THE MATRIX DIDN'T MAKE THEM GOOD PEOPLE#like oh my god stop using the matrix as an arbiter of moral authority in idw1 it literally goes against the themes of the story#including the themes that are embodied in rodimus himself#idw op love
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the-mechanica · 8 months
Kaleb Cross the human may have been cis, but Kaleb Cross the Revenant entirely has body dysphoria to the point where he is no longer cis.
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
with the “control your heart” thing being unaddressed (and deku’s unwillingness to talk about his feelings surrounding bakugou in general), do you think in this war something will come up that’ll make deku unable to avoid it anymore? like if bakugou SEES how deku acts when he’s hurt/insulted (any other time he was either unconscious or not there like his scream after the kidnapping or black whip/danger sense) that’ll cause deku to have to address it at some point when they talk? we already got a “reveal” from AFO to bakugou about deku’s feelings but bakugou has yet to see it, and i think he’ll be the one to help deku control his heart
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He will figure it out, probably almost has. While I don’t think Kacchan will ever know the full story of how Izuku’s been about him, I’m sure something will happen during this fight that will make him understand there’s a bit more to it than futilely dashing into danger to save him. He’s seen that insanity twice. Shiggy also gave him another missing piece by reminiscing how angry Izuku got. I think he would be both confused and conflicted by ShiggyAFO’s statement of being the closest person to Izuku, but hasn’t had too much time to reflect on it yet.
But when he does, I imagine he’ll know it deep down to be true, and that his feelings for Izuku have also been the same. That despite rejecting Izuku, he still somehow viewed him as his closest person and best friend too, in the farthest corner of his heart.
Their relationship has been this kind of twisted all their lives. I mean who were those other kids? They didn’t know him, understand him, look out for him, believe in him or hold him accountable the way Izuku does. When Kacchan came to learn how much Izuku adores him he finally appreciated all of these things about him that he once considered annoying and must have thought: “Shit. The nerd really has been my best friend this entire time.”
So since DvK2, I think Kacchan has been processing and reprocessing them, continuously turning over in his head what he is to Izuku and what Izuku is to him, until eventually he just gave up and this is where it starts to get really shippy: gave into the undeniable love for Izuku that he now knows he’s always had inside and was impossible to run away from.
My point is that after all of this self-reflection, Kacchan is probably the one who can understand and accept how they both feel the most. He could be given new information such as Izuku going berserk over him or being in love with him and accept it as fact more easily. He knows Izuku loves him even if the nature of it is undefinable.
Izuku’s case is somewhat different… Kacchan has only just rediscovered his childhood love and recently started to express it and I think it’s still a lot to take in for Izuku atm because for a large chunk of his life he has been battling with conflicting feelings of admiration, rejection and pain that were born from loving and cherishing a person so dearly, who seemed to have only hated and bullied him. So Izuku would find Kacchan loving him much harder to believe.
That’s why he said “You don’t have to force yourself Kacchan, Deku is fine.” to Kacchan’s “De-Izuku.” Because in Japanese there is intimacy in using a first name by itself. He finds it a little difficult to believe Kacchan would ever want to be by his side, though he has hoped for it pretty much since forever ago.
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Sorry this has run on a bit of a tangent, but I think (with all that said!!!) everything, whatever that entails, is going to come out in the wash. That’s the point of showing us they have mutual hidden feelings for each other in the first place. And there is going to be a lot of questions Izuku will have to answer to, lol.
So I do feel the same way as you. Kacchan will soon see firsthand how much Izuku can lose control for him and I think that he will also be the person that grounds him if he gets too crazy or self-sacrificial. He’s been at the forefront in batting for Izuku’s safety and wanting to cleanse Izuku of his toxic relationship with himself. He knows it needs to be him to do this. It can only be him. I think these sentiments, still lingering from chapters 284-285 to 319-322, will again be a really important theme for them.
Btw, isn’t it interesting that there just so happens to be another person near Kacchan’s battlefield with a missing piece to this puzzle besides Shiggy/AFO, who knows what, or rather who, triggers Izuku the most…
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The biggest gossip junkie constantly running off with his mouth… Always got a lot to say, huh?
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I wonder if he will have anything to say about this…
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seyaryminamoto · 7 months
The Shadows in her Reflection: Sokkla Saturdays 2023
Day 7: Air
Rated: M
On FF.net/On AO3
That there would be tension by the next morning, after the way things had turned out on the previous day, caught everyone by surprise besides Sokka and Azula. The anguish apparent across the Princess's features caused more than a few of the others to fear that she was regressing, that she hadn't been ready for what happened, for as good as being part of their group… until Sokka finally spoke, by the dining table, as Azula held her head in place with her hands, elbows upon the furniture.
"Last night… Azula had a vision of Yue in her dreams," Sokka said, gritting his teeth. "It wasn't like the others. After it ended… she couldn't see her anymore."
"What?" Zuko frowned. Toph whistled beside him.
"Doesn't that mean you guys got her to see everything she needed to see? Isn't that how this works?" she asked.
"It's not," Azula said, her voice strained. No one, not even Sokka, had expected her to speak just yet. "I would've thought it was as simple as that, if I hadn't seen her anymore with no further explanation, but… what she said in that dream paints a different picture."
"What kind of picture?" Katara asked, eyeing her warily.
"I… I've had dreams that never seemed real. Dreams about her," Azula explained. "She was in a dark space, something was pulling her down, usually, but she seemed to be moments away from fading off in a cloud of smoke, somehow. I mostly couldn't reach her, I couldn't talk to her, I just… saw whatever was happening. I only talked with her once, I think, in those kinds of dreams. When I woke up and looked at any of my reflections, she'd be there, smiling, waving at me, acting like nothing was wrong. I asked her about it a long time ago, long before I came across Sokka, and she… she always acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. The little shit just… lied to me about what she's been going through, constantly, whenever I wasn't paying attention to her."
"But that means… she's not okay. What happened last night, when you stopped seeing her… it's definitely not because you fulfilled her wishes," Aang frowned.
Zuko paced towards a nearby window: it was morning, but sometimes the moon was visible in daylight, nonetheless. He saw nothing at the moment.
"Maybe there'd be no moon anyway, right now, but… I don't see it," Zuko said. Azula snarled, fingers slipping through her scalp and gripping it tightly.
"The moon hasn't been restored, then?" Ursa said. "So… if you can't see Yue anymore, Azula, does that mean…?"
"I don't know," Azula said, glancing at Sokka with undisguised guilt. "I… I don't know if I can do anything for her anymore. If she had just told me…!"
"Take it easy, okay?" Sokka said, a hand on her shoulder as Azula snarled in distress. "If she didn't say anything… it's probably because she thought the situation was hopeless. She tends to be self-sacrificial that way."
"And we're just… what, going to sit by and do nothing?" Azula asked. "We can't just…"
"Let her go just like that? We can't, that's true," Sokka said. "But that's why I wanted to talk to Aang: if someone could help us figure this out, it's bound to be him."
"Wait, me?" Aang grimaced: Azula's expectant glare suggested she was moments away from threatening him into providing a solution. "Okay, I… I don't know that I can. I know I'm the bridge between humans and spirits, but…"
"Find out where she is. Go to the Spirit World!" Azula exclaimed, folding her arms over her chest. Aang sighed.
"Easier said than done," he admitted. "But… maybe it can be done."
His sudden statement caught everyone off guard, sudden as it was for hope to bloom, even if uncertain hope. Azula raised her eyebrows, and Sokka bit his lip.
"What do you have in mind?" Sokka asked.
"I could… look for help. Find the Ocean Spirit, maybe, find out if La knows something of what's going on," Aang suggested. "We worked together to save the Water Tribe once. Maybe he will still trust me now? I… I hope he will, at least."
"How would you go about doing this?" Azula asked. Aang frowned, rubbing his chin with a hand.
"I mean… a spiritual place, close to the ocean, maybe?" he said. "Because along with that, I… I have the feeling I can't be the one to sort this out, Azula. You're the one who had that connection to Yue, so you, uh… you might need to come to the Spirit World too, or wherever she might be."
"What?" Azula gasped. Sokka flinched.
"Are you sure about that?" he said. "The Spirit World is a mess of a place, Aang. There's no bending there, remember? Are you going to join her there, or…?"
"I don't know that I can. I'll have to try to reach out to La," Aang sighed, rubbing his brow with his fingertips. "But even if I succeed, I think Azula will need to be ready to face this herself. I don't think her connection to Yue has been severed completely, I don't think it's that easy… but if she's some other spirit's prisoner, we'll have to get there fast before it does get severed."
"What would we do? How do we go about it?" Zuko asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm thinking… a spiritually charged location. Air Temple Island isn't really that just yet," Aang said, glancing about himself with a frown. "But maybe… maybe another Air Temple could do. Like the Eastern one!"
"Why would we have to go halfway across the world for a spiritual place?" Toph grimaced. "Can't we just go somewhere closer than that? Like the oasis where the fish were swimming, or whatever?"
"That sounds more logical, but… Azula went there already and nothing happened," Sokka said, eyeing her remorsefully. "Back then, she wanted to get rid of Yue and I helped her get inside. There was nothing from Tui or La on that day."
"Not even the slightest recognition?" asked Aang, grimacing. "Then… yeah, I think we should go to an Air Temple instead. Short of finding a grand spiritual location sooner, the Eastern Air Temple is the place where I cleansed my chakras and accessed, well… another plane of existence, I guess. I couldn't do enough with that back then, but I did later, when the situation was dire. I can try to train you so that you can reach that stage once we're in the temple, and while Azula is in there, I…"
"Wait," Sokka said, frowning. "I'll go with her."
"You… what?" Aang smiled awkwardly.
"Isn't spirit mumbo-jumbo just mumbo-jumbo to you too?" Toph asked.
"If the logic is that there's a connection between Azula and Yue that will allow Azula to go into the Spirit World, then it stands to reason that I should be able to follow Azula too because I'm connected to her as well," Sokka stated, stubbornly. Azula raised an eyebrow.
"I… don't know that it works that way," she said. Sokka scoffed.
"Maybe it doesn't, but I'll try anyhow," he said. "Stupid spirits can't screw me over this time around… I won't let you go into a weird spirit adventure without doing my damnedest to join you there."
"Yue might have a better chance at… at fighting back against whatever that thing is if it's the two of us together," Azula reasoned, frowning. "Even if we won't know what we're doing, of course. I can't bend there, you said?"
"The Spirit World is difficult to navigate if you head into it with, uh… logic?" Aang said. Both Sokka and Azula grimaced. "Which I suspect you two won't appreciate much…"
"True… they're mostly logical thinkers. And I say mostly because it's not very logical for them to be together, but…" Katara said, lowering her voice as she spoke further. Azula rolled her eyes but offered no response to her words.
"Thing is, you have to feel things rather than think them through," Aang said. "You have to experience everything as it comes, and if it's not the way it should be, you just… roll with it?"
"So, if they found Yue turned into a badgertoad, they'd have to… save the badgertoad?" Toph asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Basically, yes," Aang shrugged.
"And how would we know it's her?" Azula grimaced.
"You would. Or maybe both of you would, because you're both connected to her," Aang said, with a shrug and a smile. Azula huffed.
"This is more twisted by the minute…" she reasoned, shaking her head. Sokka squeezed her shoulder.
"I know it's hard and it's not the way this should've gone down… but we can do this, Azula," he said, firmly. Azula raised an eyebrow.
"You've had forays into the Spirit World before, have you?"
"Uh… once. Can't remember a thing, but I did," Sokka said, blinking blankly. "Though I do know that there's no bathrooms."
"Charming," Azula said. "Guess our bladder will be exploding the whole time, then."
"Yeeeah, I felt it a little too much, especially when I came back," Sokka sighed.
"Either way… I think we have to go elsewhere to help you both connect to her. Guru Pathik helped me connect with my cosmic energy in the Eastern Air Temple," Aang said. "I managed to access it again in Ba Sing Se, uh… just before you nearly killed me."
Azula blinked blankly: she remembered that moment all too well. The thrill of victory, the opening that nobody else seemed to recognize as such… the knowledge that she had destroyed the enemy's trump card and secured a perfect conquest for her father and his cause.
The very same person she had nearly killed that day sat before her, willing to offer his knowledge and aid to save Yue. If she had succeeded on that day, the world would be a much more unforgiving place… she might not have any of the bonds she had developed over the past months. Sokka would have never wanted her, that was for sure… Yue might have never connected to her.
It was strange to find that, after so many years of resentment against her brother and his friends, suddenly the Fire Nation's victory looked so shallow and empty in comparison to everything she had gained, a decade afterwards, with everyone she had met and bonded with. She tightened her fists over her lap and nodded.
"Well… I doubt you'll feel compelled to do the same thing to me, should I access that plane of existence at all, but I wouldn't blame you much if you did," she said. Aang smiled and shook his head.
"I wouldn't."
"And that's quite fortunate for me," Azula said, her jaw squared. "I… I wasn't sorry for it, when I did it. But now, I…"
She couldn't seem to finish the sentence. Too many people were listening, maybe, too many witnesses, too much riding on what they needed to do next…
"It's okay," Aang smiled kindly again. Azula frowned slightly. "We can talk about that whenever you want, later. For now… let's focus on what we'll do next. We can set up Appa and go… though I don't think we should bring Bumi this time around."
"Don't ask me to watch him again. I'm not going to do it this time either," Toph said, bluntly. Aang rolled his eyes.
"Can't wait for you to have your own kids so I can refuse to watch them for you when you need me to…"
"I'm not going to have any, so that's fine by me," Toph smirked. "Besides… I'm going with you lot."
"You… what?" Zuko frowned. "Shouldn't you go back to Republic City?"
"My students can keep the peace while I'm out," Toph said, waving a hand dismissively at him. "What? Planned on giving me a lift to the city and now you're sad that we won't get to spend time together, Zuko?"
"I… wasn't going to do that. I'm going with them too," Zuko said: Azula raised her eyebrows.
"You are?"
"Wait, we're all going?" Sokka asked, blinking blankly.
"You didn't expect me to stay behind when something this troublesome is going on, or did you?" Katara stared at her brother matter-of-factly. "We couldn't do anything to help you when you lost Yue the first time around. I don't know if we can do anything this time, but… we'd better try."
Sokka swallowed hard, meeting his sister's gaze with heartfelt gratitude. Katara smirked slightly at him, stepping closer to lightly punch his shoulder.
"What's with that look? You'd think I've never done anything to help you…"
"Well… this just means a lot, Katara. Thank you," he said, wrapping her in a quick embrace. Katara pat his shoulder, still nervous, still uneasy…
But Sokka was more himself now than he had been in years. The way he spoke, the easygoing behavior, the silly reactions, the thoughtful ones… if this truly was the effect Azula had on him, Katara certainly had underestimated the Fire Nation Princess far more than she ever imagined possible.
Preparations began, then, for the long journey to the Eastern Air Temple: Bumi would wind up in Ursa's care, for she wouldn't join them on this particular trip. It seemed to be quite heartbreaking for her to stay behind, but she hugged her children affectionately before seeing them off on Appa, already loaded with all the luggage they'd brought for what hopefully wouldn't be a very long trip.
"Be careful, my dears," Ursa said, an arm around each of them. Azula buried her face in her mother's neck, while Zuko pressed his brow to the top of her head. "Look after each other, okay?"
"We will," Zuko said. "Azula has a big trip to make, so… I might as well make sure she gets there safely."
"We'll be back soon," Azula said, pulling back even though she would have wished to hold her mother for a little longer. Ursa smiled kindly, cupping her face before kissing her brow. "Mom…"
"I should have done that far more often. From the moment you were born as a little solstice child," Ursa laughed, meeting Azula's tearful eyes with hers. "You were so headstrong and powerful even then… and you're only stronger now that you stand with people who can lift you even higher than you've gone so far. So… whatever you need to do, if you must fly into the sky to find Yue or whatever the spirits require of you, go for it. Don't look back. Every last one of us believes in you… I believe in you. You can do this, dear."
Azula swallowed hard and nodded, hugging Ursa one more time. Zuko smiled fondly as he stepped aside, unsure of how he had ever felt threatened by the possibility of his mother bonding with his sister… right now, he could only feel relief, instead, to see them tighter than they ever had been.
He ferried Azula to Appa, where the others waited: she wound up sinking into Sokka's embrace once she climbed up, burying her face in his neck this time around. The Water Tribesman caressed her hair, letting her nestle on his lap, knowing she was looking for more than just the physical closeness, more than just attempting to annoy their respective siblings, who appeared to be somewhere between disgusted and uncomfortable right now…
"You okay?" he whispered. Azula shook her head.
"I… I don't want to fail this time. I don't want to fail," she whispered. Sokka nodded, rubbing her shoulder kindly as he reeled her close to him.
"We'll do whatever it takes. We'll bring her back."
Sokka glanced up into the sky: the preparations had taken a long time, and the moon wasn't visible in the sunset, but he still tried to find it in the sky. Wherever Yue was, whatever she was going through… they'd save her, at all costs.
The journey was sluggish: Appa, as strong as he might be, couldn't carry six fully-grown adults, without any stops along the way, halfway across the world. As slow as their trip appeared to the eager, desperate Azula, Sokka reassured her that Aang wasn't taking as many detours as he often did in the past. The Avatar guided the bison without losing sight of their goal, his concern increasing as days passed and only slivers, weak silhouettes of the moon could be seen in the night sky. There were times when she was virtually impossible to glimpse at all…
"Maybe behind that mountain," Sokka suggested one night, in the camp where they would rest for the night. Azula gritted her teeth, hugging her legs to her chest as she stared in the direction Sokka had mentioned.
"What's there?" Toph asked, offhandedly, resting with her back against Katara's flank, by the fire.
"Well, we don't really know if something is, but we figured the moon might be…" Sokka said. Toph frowned.
"The… moon," she repeated.
"Toph?" Sokka called her. The earthbender shook her head.
"Sorry, sorry, I… what're we looking for, again?"
"Yue? The moon? We're trying to save her?" Sokka said. Toph hummed.
"Right. Right. Uh… right."
"You don't remember?" Azula asked. Toph scoffed.
"I remember! I just… blanked out for a second. No biggie," she said, waving a hand dismissively in their direction. Even Katara appeared perplexed by Toph's sudden bout of forgetfulness.
"Are you okay?" Katara asked, placing a hand over Toph's brow. The earthbender huffed.
"Don't be so twitchy over me, Katara. I'm fine, just a dumb mistake. I'm probably just… tired," she concluded, and she nodded with certainty she most likely didn't feel at all.
Azula stared at her with a furrowed brow, arms folded over her chest: it wasn't like her to forget what was happening. The earthbender was insidious, even, nosey and always ready to butt into matters that didn't concern her. Why would she struggle to remember the reason behind a trip they were currently on? It didn't make sense…
A day later, it was Zuko, instead.
"It's been fun going on the road with all of you again, but… when are we going back, exactly?" he blurted out, suddenly, halfway through their flight. Azula eyed him in confusion and disbelief.
"You could've stayed and gone back home when we were still in Air Temple Island," she told him. "We're not going back until after we've saved Yue."
Sokka scowled, turning towards Zuko in utter confusion. The Fire Lord's nonchalant attitude didn't suggest he was merely trying to annoy him…
"Yue? The Moon Spirit?" Sokka said.
"The… what?" Zuko grimaced.
"Are you two taking cactus juice or something?" Katara asked, glancing between Zuko and Toph. "You don't remember why we set out, Zuko?"
"I…! Wait, I do. Right! The… Azula was seeing someone in… in reflections. That's what… oh. Uh. Sorry. It just slipped my mind."
It was bad enough for it to happen once: twice was no coincidence.
"Appa… buddy, I know I'm pressuring you, but please hurry," Aang said, sitting by the bison's neck.
Azula tensed up, shrinking into Sokka's embrace: he held her tightly, hoping to reassure her, but knowing he might just fail at it. Azula raised her mirror again, desperate to see even a sign of her friend… but there was nothing but her own face in the depths of the polished surface. No one else was there.
"Whatever that thing is, the one that caught her… it's like it's trying to take her away from this world," Sokka concluded, scowling. "Maybe… maybe even trying to erase all memories of her? Whatever it is, though… it's vile."
"It is," Azula agreed, shivering: she held the mirror still, elevating a silent prayer for Yue, begging her to hold on… to stay strong until she and Sokka could reach her.
After a week of fast-paced travel, the sky bison finally descended on the deserted towers of the Eastern Air Temple. Aang would work with Sokka and Azula, seeking to direct them into their cosmic plane or into the Spirit World, but that was as far as he could take them. While he would have liked to join them too, his own connection to Yue would not suffice to lead him to her, not as it would with Azula and Sokka.
"This is going to be fast and sudden, and you're not going to enjoy it much, but I need you guys to work with me," Aang said, having led them to a tall tower at the height of the temple. They stood on the tower's surface, and Aang turned towards them with a stern, concerned expression. "Even I… am having trouble keeping myself centered on what we're doing. So is Katara, by now."
"You're all… forgetting," Azula said. Aang nodded.
"I don't know for how long this can be sustained. Whatever is trapping Yue might be seeking to erase her, and the moon, completely," he said. "Reach her before it succeeds, and you'll have a chance to save her. Otherwise… none of us will even remember there's someone to save, to begin with."
"A life without… without the moon? That can't work," Sokka frowned. "When Zhao did what he did, didn't the Ocean Spirit go berserk because there was no moon in the sky, if just briefly?"
"Yeah… yeah," Aang gritted his teeth. "That's just more reason why I shouldn't come with you."
"You'll try to control the Ocean Spirit again?" Sokka asked, raising his eyebrows. Aang shrugged.
"It's worth a shot," he said. "Though I don't know if it will work out as easily as that, but… I'll try. As for you two… you need to meditate. I'd show you how to open your chakras the way I was taught, but I don't think we'll have enough time for it: let your connection with each other and Yue guide you into the Spirit World. Seek it out… and once you grab hold of it, don't let go."
"That's easier said than done," Azula scowled. "I don't know what that even means, Avatar, I…"
"You do know. You've lost her, right?" Aang said. "Take that residue, the knowledge that something that was there is no longer present. Take it hard, and don't let go of it. Remember her, tell yourself her name over and over until… until your spirit finds hers. I'll stand with you until it happens."
Azula gritted her teeth, but she nodded in acceptance before long. The sooner they got started, the faster she'd be able to save Yue.
As advised by Aang, the two of them sat together, face to face, meditating. The Avatar and his other allies waited nearby, each of them struggling in different ways to recall why, exactly, they were standing by as Sokka and Azula meditated at all.
"Aang said… something's messing with our heads. Our memories," Katara said.
"Well, whatever it is, it's stupid. I hate feeling like I don't know what I'm doing," Toph snarled, rubbing her brow. "I think it's giving me a headache."
"Yue…" Zuko repeated, as good as clinging to the name to ensure he wouldn't forget this time. "This is all about Yue. This is all for…"
Similar thoughts coursed through his sister's mind: she shivered against the breeze, unwilling to forget the person responsible for every single good change that had come her way over the past months. Fear reared its head inside her heart: what if she was next? What if she forgot her? What if she wound up forsaking Yue when she needed her the most?
Yue had given up. She had long surrendered to the misery of her situation. Azula had been her only hope, her only chance at salvation… in a twisted way, as far as the dream had conveyed to Azula. For only because Azula was rotten, careless, unwilling to change, had the wretched entity tormenting Yue allowed them to meet at all…
But was that it? Could it be that her connection to Sokka, even if it hadn't been forged yet, had brought her and Yue together too? Or could it be that the wretched entity in question couldn't break their bond with her?
That strange flow of thought brought her back to reality, rather than helping her drift further into a spiritual state of elevation of some sort. She shuddered and raised her gaze towards Sokka, who grimaced while failing to find the state of mind he needed to access.
"I just… thought of something," Azula said. Sokka hummed, opening one eye. "Maybe that thing, the one capturing her, didn't let me talk to her for amusement alone. Maybe… maybe it couldn't stop me from reaching her, instead. Maybe it only figured out how to stop me now, but my connection to Yue might just be stronger than whatever that thing is trying to achieve. Does… does that make sense?"
"Don't know if it does, but I love the sound of it," Sokka smiled. "Moreover… Aang says it's all feelings and instinct rather than thought and logic. If you're feeling that way… maybe it's already true, or maybe you can make it a reality once we reach the Spirit World, if just by your sheer willpower?"
"Maybe," Azula said. Sokka smiled.
He reached out to take her hands in his, and Azula felt reassured instantly by his warmth and presence. He breathed deeply, closing his eyes anew.
"We will find our way to her… and we'll stop this, whatever it is. We will save Yue."
Azula's heart jolted upon hearing those words: she felt that same determination… knowing that she wouldn't fight alone, that he stood beside her as equals, settled her aching, troubled heart. If Sokka believed this was possible, so did she.
And as difficult as it might be for two people so given to logic and facts to give in to spirituality instead, Sokka and Azula now clung to nothing but faith, blind faith in the girl who had brought them together… in the Moon Spirit, whose absence in the sky hurt them more deeply than it did anyone else.
"Are they…?" Katara blinked blankly: a strange atmosphere now hung between her brother and his lover, as though their bodies were only functioning by inertia now…
Their souls were gone.
"They made it," Aang smiled. "Now we wait and hope that they'll sort this one out. I think they can, I really do, but…"
A thunderous sound, north from the mountains, brought all four of them to frown and turn their attention in that direction.
"A storm?" Toph asked.
"The sky is clear," Katara told her.
"So… was that a dragon or something?" Toph asked.
"No, that's…" Aang said, frowning as he stared into the horizon: something dark stirred in the distance. Something he couldn't quite pinpoint just yet… but it sent shivers down his back. Familiar shivers… he had experienced them before. "It's La."
"It's… who, now?" Toph grimaced.
"The Ocean Spirit," Aang said: this time, all his friends fell silent. "It's… it's acting up. It's doing something! I have to go!"
"Aang?!" Katara called for him: he spread his glider open, fear plain across his face. "What are you going to do? I can help…!"
"I don't know if you can!" Aang said, remorsefully. "But… but maybe it's better if you do come anyway. You, Zuko and Toph can ride on Appa! I'll go ahead! Follow me there!"
"Right. Right!" Katara's relief to hear she would be free to join him was palpable: she gripped Aang's robe, pulling him close for a good luck kiss, her brow pressed to his. "Whatever's going on… you can do this. You're the Avatar."
"That had better count for something," Aang smiled a little.
"It always has," Katara responded, earnestly.
The Avatar took off, the heavy mantle of responsibility already weighing heavily on his shoulders. Appa groaned as he followed, while Aang took advantage of his bending to rush faster and faster towards whatever was taking place by the shores of the Eastern Air Temple's islands…
It was dark. Everything was dark. She thought she was asleep, but if she was, she couldn't seem to open her eyes. Azula gasped, raising her hands, touching her own body to ensure it was still there, for she could barely feel a thing but coldness, utter coldness, and…
Specks of light, in the distance. All around her.
A beam, of golden light, suddenly formed underneath her feet. She had been falling before, perhaps… or maybe simply floating. She settled on the beam carefully, uncomfortable, confused, glancing about herself as surging fears gripped her heart.
"Sokka?!" she called her lover, to no avail. "Yue!"
That, too, yielded no answers.
The gold spilled, though, spreading further and further towards something… Azula turned on her heels, hugging herself still: there was a coldness where her firebending usually was. She realized soon that the discomfort she felt came from that acute lacking, the sensation of being cut off from the power that had been a vital part of her life since her childhood…
"What is this? Where…?" Azula gritted her teeth: during their journey, Aang had talked about a huge, cosmic version of himself holding some magical ball of whatever… she didn't understand any of that, and according to him, she wasn't supposed to understand it either.
The long road spread forward, further, into the distance… all the way to a place where she didn't find any gigantic versions of herself: a blazing ball of flames stood in that place instead.
The warmth became overwhelming suddenly. Azula flinched, stepping away by sheer instinct: the sun? Was that what it was? She certainly was a strong firebender, but strong enough to challenge the sun and win? She sincerely doubted it. Besides, she wasn't here to meet the damn sun…!
"Yue!" she screamed, towards the rest of the dark space around her. "Yue, where are you, damn it?! Answer me!"
The sun's intensity increased: not knowing what to do, Azula broke into a sprint, running away from it, instead of towards it. At the rate at which it expanded, at which it moved, it might just be attempting to consume her…
The light from the sun seemed to brighten the darkness… up until a certain point. There was one area, Azula realized, where the sun's strength waned. Running as fast as she could go, Azula hardly noticed that the light road underneath her feet was changing, turning in that direction… as though aware that this was where she wanted to go. Her heart pulsated with need, with awareness, with suspicion…
Yue was inside that cluster of darkness.
She screamed, running faster as the bridge spread underneath her feet. She snarled as she pushed herself harder still…
The cluster of darkness was immense, far larger than she had realized at first. She slowed only once she was near it… and a sense of vacancy, of humidity, of cold struck her once she was near it.
An oozing, leaking liquid pooled at the bottom of what appeared to be a sphere of darkness: one force was airy, gas-like, while the other was the dark, unpleasant liquid that seemed moments away from drying out completely… but then it climbed back up, as though unwilling to let go just yet.
Two forces? Was Yue's one of them, or…?
She snarled, focusing on Yue only. She strained her gaze, trying to see into the sphere…
A shade of pale white within the darkness.
"YUE!" she screamed… only for another deep voice to also call that name.
The girl didn't respond to either one. Azula snarled, unsure of what to do: the bridge underneath her appeared to have stopped generating itself. When she tried to take a step forward, it didn't extend underneath her feet anymore. What could she do? What would she…?
"Oho… but if it isn't the Sun Princess! Are you here to trade places with your personal torment? Fine by me! I would much rather have you!"
Azula shuddered, stepping back instead of forward: that wasn't the same voice that had called for Yue before. It was wicked, ringing with an evil presence she had never sensed before. The entity laughed wickedly, and Azula snarled as she glared at the cluster of darkness…
Whoever this entity might be, the sphere within which Yue nestled was his doing.
"Let her go! Set her free!" Azula shouted.
"I will, I will! If you give yourself up to me, that is," the entity said. Azula shuddered. "Muffling the moon has been nice training to get the sun next, yes! Far more entertaining! The whole world shall tremble, oh, it shall! Perhaps it will freeze over, and isn't snow pretty? As pretty as your dear friend, the Moon Princess…!"
"I'm not… giving you a damn thing. I'm here to rescue Yue from you," Azula snarled.
"What? That's not how this works, Sun Princess!" the entity said, before bursting out in laughter. "Give me your heart and I shall return hers! Do it!"
"I have the bad feeling that she gave you nothing, to begin with," Azula hissed. The entity, unsurprisingly, laughed.
"Oh, she didn't, but I took it anyhow!" he exclaimed. "I crashed into the moon, you see… and the moon was alive! I was so strong, so much stronger than her, and I could reach into her depths… oh, she is marvelous. Beautiful! Broken and miserable. But oh…! Imagine a whole world as broken and miserable as she is. That's what you could give me! Why would you deprive me from it? Why would you? You hate them! You despise them! They made you suffer, didn't they? They put you through so many ordeals…!"
"You… what?" Azula scowled… as some of the swirling gas spilled away from the sphere and took humanoid shape suddenly, right before her eyes: the shape of her father: "W-wha…?!"
"You were but a tool to me," Ozai said, with a wicked smile, so cruel it cut through Azula as unreal, even for her father's standards. "A weapon for me to hone and use to my liking! I made you, and so, I own you! You will never be free from everything I did to you, from all the damage I inflicted! Your only salvation is… destruction! Oblivion!"
"Oblivion?!" Azula repeated, eyes wide. "You… is that what you are? Is that what your true nature is, you… you twisted spirit, or whatever it is you are?!"
"I am your father…" Ozai said, a hand upon his chest… though the smoke comprising him shifted suddenly, turning into someone else instead: Ursa. "Or your mother. The one who hurt you and abandoned you. The one who would forsake you for your brother's sake! The one who replaced you with another girl, the one who gets to live happily ever after without paying the price of all her mistakes against you…!"
"T-that's…!" Azula gasped, her chest burning with wrongness. "No… t-that's not… stop this. This isn't…!"
"Didn't I do all those things? I most certainly did!" Ursa exclaimed, proudly… to then switch into Zuko, instead. "I placed a bounty on your head: dead or alive! You're but an inconvenience until I'm free to get rid of you, once I have an heir of my own! I will forsake you, as everyone always has! I envied you once… but now, you're the one who envies me! You fear me! Your entire life revolves around making me suffer, but the only one suffering is you! And that's by my design! I've never wanted anything more in life than to destroy you!"
"Stop this!" Azula exclaimed, tears blooming in her eyes. "Stop! Stop already!"
"A-… Azula…!"
Yue's voice caused Azula to break the spell the entity held upon her briefly: it was but a moment's notice, but Yue's eyes met hers… for once, she was far more corporeal than ever before. For once, she was far more real than she ever had been…
For once, Azula wasn't visiting her as a dream, but as her full, conscious spirit, and she needed to reach her.
"Go! Leave! Azula, forget me…! Forget!"
Azula's heart shook: she couldn't do that. Forget her? Forget the person who had changed her life for the better as Yue had?
Everything that wretch had tormented her with was true, and it already seemed to split its smoke into two new entities, Mai and Ty Lee this time around… it would rub her greatest grudges, her darkest resentments, in her face until she snapped. That was its goal, it couldn't be more apparent… it wanted to convince her to resign herself to its control. It wouldn't forsake Yue even if Azula surrendered… it wouldn't hold back from laying waste upon the entire world if she let it.
"We betrayed you…!" Mai and Ty Lee spoke at unison. "You were a terrible friend… but so were we! We haven't tried to reach for you again because we hate you! We fear you! We never cared for you, and you always knew that to be the truth…!"
"I'm a little busy at the moment, you damnable annoyance!" Azula roared, focusing on Yue again: the smoke that had poured down seemed to regenerate gradually, covering her up again. "Break out of there! Yue, just break free!"
"I…! I can't! I don't know how, Azula, just…!"
"Yue…" Azula snarled: she needed to figure out how to fight this smoke, but how? Without her bending, with nothing to offer… what could she do? She raised a fist, throwing it towards the smoke Ty Lee, only for her hand to catch nothing: the smoke reformed then… this time, as the Avatar.
"I destroyed all your hopes and dreams for a future, just as you once killed me. I will never forgive you for what you did to me," the false Aang said. "Your crimes cannot be forgotten. I only sent you here… because I knew that you would wind up killing yourself by trying to save Yue."
Azula snarled: none of those words made the slightest bit of sense… not even her father would be quite so foolish as to admit such things out loud to her, no matter how true they might be. This was… this was the wretched creature's attempt to take over her heart, to convince her of all the things she already had believed and known in the past. She had thought the Avatar would want her dead, after all… that he would despise her. But that wasn't the man who had brought her halfway across the world to save Yue.
None of it was real. None of…
The smoke swirled.
The next person whose shape it stole was Sokka.
Her heart pounded in a foolish, needy way. Just seeing him relieved her, even though it shouldn't have. It was another trick by the wretched spirit, but the affection she felt for him was so vivid she couldn't even use her better sense to be wary of him. What would he say? What would he use against her…?
"Fuck, that took a while."
Azula's eyes widened: the smoke shifted, but this time, the man it had formed into didn't fade away. Frustration gnawed at the strange entity… as the man became more corporeal than any who had preceded him. A furious roar sent bad shivers down Azula's spine… but it didn't stop her from reaching to clasp Sokka's hand.
He gripped hers back, smiling wildly.
"It's… it's you. It's really you?!" Azula exclaimed. Sokka laughed.
"Seems like longing for you hard enough gave me the chance to come here, somehow! Beats me how I did it, but…!"
"BEGONE!" the entity exclaimed: Azula snarled, yanking Sokka towards herself as the smoke oozed out, as good as spilling out of the sphere: Yue remained inside the sphere, and this time, the two of them could see her easily in that smoky storm.
"Yue…!" Sokka gasped: her terrified face, the shaking of her head, the tears down her cheeks… it was Princess Yue.
"Sokka, no! B-both of you…! Leave! Please, leave! Protect the world! It can go on without me…! You don't need me!" she cried, frantically.
Sokka and Azula stood in place for a moment, horror crossing their features upon hearing those words from the Moon Spirit… the entity, of course, laughed as it spread its tendrils of smoke towards them.
"She rejects you! What a dashing rescue, wasn't it?" the entity mocked Sokka, who scowled at the smoke with confusion. "But your Princess won't return with you, young fool! Shame that a warrior of your caliber would be so weak, so helpless in the face of a true challenge…!"
"Oh, you think?" Sokka gritted his teeth, releasing Azula's hand and closing his eyes.
Azula watched him for a moment, unsure of what he was doing… then, his hair began to sway, as though a powerful wind were blowing, even though it wasn't. His clothes shifted that way, too: what was he…?
He roared, stepping forward and swinging an arm in an arch towards the smoke.
A burst of air bloomed from his hand, cutting the smoke in half.
"W-what…? What?!" Azula exclaimed. Sokka laughed, backing down towards her as the entity struggled to compose itself.
"This is a place of feeling! Of spirit! Logic doesn't apply here, Azula!" Sokka told her, startling her.
"How does that result in you… airbending?!" Azula exclaimed.
"Oh, that wasn't airbending: I wanted to be a spirit of air."
"You… wanted to be? What? How does that work? Did you just ask something to turn you into…?!"
"That's exactly what doesn't matter!" Sokka laughed: a breeze burst around him, brushing against her. "Come on! We're way smarter than that dirtbag! Let's give him a piece of our minds!"
Azula gaped in shock as Sokka closed his eyes again: he jumped about ten feet into the air, only to become a beacon of light this time. He wasn't as powerful as the sun she had left behind earlier… but powerful enough to show what was happening in the swirling darkness within which Yue remained trapped. She gazed out in confusion, finding Azula again: she raised a hand towards her, and Azula tried to reach for it… but failed. They were still too far apart.
"I want… stairs! A sled! Something! Damn it, you thing, just work with me!" Azula roared, striking the beam upon which she stood with a foot.
Nothing shifted, nothing changed: meanwhile, the smoke was charging against Sokka… turning into a train-tank, it seemed. Azula gazed at it in utter confusion… and then her jaw dropped as Sokka roared while becoming… a giant axe.
"SOKKA!" she shouted, though her concern was misplaced: Sokka appeared to have learned to embrace the illogical nature of the Spirit World so much more effectively than she had, and with a single swing, he cut across the smoke train-tank cleanly.
"Azula…!" Yue cried out, and Azula turned her attention towards her again. "T-the Ocean Spirit…! La…!"
"What? What is it?! Is it responsible for this too?!" Azula exclaimed. Yue shook her head frantically. "Yue…!"
"He's losing his grip on me! H-he's… forgetting me!" she told her. Azula's eyes widened. "If he does…!"
"The world will…" Azula said.
Everything would fall into chaos.
This creature, this spirit, whatever it might be… it lived off chaos. It sought to create it at all costs. If Azula had been the one in its power, it would have cut off the light of the sun, annihilating life on their world. And as Yue was the prisoner… then the means for that destruction would be La, instead. The black koi fish. The Ocean Spirit.
The dark tendrils.
The liquid that kept spilling down, down, attempting to climb over the smoke again only to fall once more.
"Yuuu… eeee…" the deep, dark voice called her. The Princess cried, hands reaching down to grip the liquid that had been ensnaring her body so far…
What Azula had seen in her dreams hadn't been quite as what she had expected: the dark tendrils wrapped around her were the Ocean Spirit… keeping Yue in place. Keeping her where she belonged while Oblivion sought to delete her from existence, to keep her to himself and then destroy everything else.
The Ocean Spirit had been fighting to save her, even more desperately than she or Sokka had.
Azula snarled, wanting nothing but to become one with the Ocean Spirit herself, to give it her determination and fierceness to find a way to save Yue. A tug in her heart urged her to do it… but how? She didn't really understand, her affinity wasn't with the ocean…
Would she even lend it enough strength? Could she?
Did she want Oblivion to win?
That last intrusive thought was as good as a slap to the face.
She hesitated for too long.
"No… NO!"
The surging waves of dark liquid couldn't climb as high anymore. They slowly started to lose strength… the thread of it, linking Yue to the outside of her sphere was slowly fading.
"Yu…" was the last thing the Ocean Spirit could manifest…
Before a thunderous roar washed through the entire area. Azula shivered, hugging herself again: Sokka dove towards her, shifting into something else now – an eagle of a sort, and he wrapped his wings around her, protecting her from a sudden swirl, a torrent of water that burst in no conceivable direction.
"Yes… yes! We've done it, Yue! We've succeeded!" Oblivion chanted with delight, and Yue screamed. Her voice pierced their hearts as despair took hold of her, of each of them…
The bond between the Ocean and the Moon had been broken.
A restless ocean was one thing.
An entirely untethered one was a whole other matter.
"What the hell just happened?!" Toph asked, shrinking against Zuko as Appa landed awkwardly by a cliff: Aang was out in the open, in the storm that was rising, attempting, perhaps, to waterbend…
But to Katara's utter shock, her attempt to waterbend didn't work at all once she tried to summon the contents of her waterskins.
"What? W-what? No… no bending?" she asked. "Why?!"
"Why are you asking me? I don't know!" Toph scoffed.
"There's something… missing," Zuko growled, gritting his teeth. "When I lost my bending, I went back to the source, remember? Go back to the source of waterbending…!"
"The ocean?!" Katara yelled at him, gesturing at the swirling, rising tides they could see, through which Aang kept gliding awkwardly.
But Zuko was right… something was off. There was one more element that made waterbending what it was, wasn't there? Katara thought there was, but… what would it be?
"Whatever it is, we'd better find it fast and tell Aang! He can't do anything if he can't waterbend to calm down the Ocean Spirit, can he?!" Zuko asked.
"Maybe? I don't know! I…!"
Deeper in the water, Aang hovered above the swirling waves: Yue. She was slipping out of his mind, and only by sheer willpower could he keep her present at all. The moon… whatever had happened just now had broken the moon's link to the ocean, just as it had when Zhao had destroyed Tui, long ago. How had it happened this time? How could they fix it?
"It's me!" Aang shouted, at no one in particular. "La! It's me! Come to me! I can help you!"
The ocean didn't respond: instead, it attacked more fiercely: stronger, larger waves were rushing in…
And it didn't take Aang too long to realize that this wasn't happening solely in the vicinity of the Eastern Air Temple.
If there was no moon, and there were no tides… and the Ocean Spirit was as furious over that loss as ever?
The extent of its fury would spread to the entire world.
Once, Aang had channeled La's anger into attacking solely the Fire Nation army responsible for the catastrophe in the North Pole. This time… could he do anything equivalent to that? How could he stop the Ocean Spirit from rampaging without restraint, all across the world…?
"I don't know what to do… I don't know what to do," Aang whispered, eyes flickering in panic from side to side. He had to find a way to keep La contained… but how?
The ocean was growing more restless, more chaotic… and one attempt to grip it in his control resulted in nothing. Aang snarled, lowering his hand: the other elements? Could the other three work to contain water? Could he create a strong and sturdy prison of earth all across the world to restrain the water? Unlikely. A fire storm that evaporated everything? That would be as detrimental to the world as letting the ocean rampage freely…
If he could work with the pressure, right above the ocean… if he could create a solid barrier that contained the water until La stopped its rampage, he might just succeed at saving the world from the wrath of the immensely powerful entity.
"Okay. Okay… Guys?!" Aang cried out: he wasn't talking to his friends, however… but to the voices, the entities, within his soul. "I'm going to need every last one of you to help me out here! Are you with me?!"
"We are always with you," the voices of the Avatars echoed in his heart. Aang nodded.
"Then… let's go!"
He released his glider, shooting it back towards his friends before turning around in midair.
His arrows began glowing once he entered the Avatar State.
Arms and legs spread out wide, Aang gathered all his power, extending his reach further, further, further… the power of his thousands of past lives, linked one after the other, allowed him to spread a protective, invisible mantle that pressed against the ocean, holding it in place with a burst of powerful, potent air that squashed and contained the ocean in its rightful place.
Unbeknownst to Aang, impromptu tsunamis halfway across the world were interrupted by his powerful move. The incoherent tidal motions that had spread all across the planet, threatening to overtake the land and destroy all life, were stemmed by the sudden front of potent, unyielding airbending…
"What is he…? H-how is he…?!" Katara gasped, gazing at her husband from the cliff: Aang hovered above the ocean, without touching it, spreading that power all across the numerous wild waters of the world.
"I don't know, but… I'm feeling short of air," Toph said, gritting her teeth: Zuko wrapped an arm around her to keep her close.
"Me too," he admitted. Katara didn't want to acknowledge she was no better than them.
"He's… b-bending all the air. All of it," Katara said: that her husband was an unthinkably powerful bender came as no surprise, she'd always known that… but even he had his limits. He couldn't find a way to ensure that every person in the world would not be affected by the massive bending feat he was performing. A little discomfort would have to be preferable to being completely destroyed by the force of the tidal waves…
And so, Aang lingered there, suspended between air and water, as good as holding his breath, just as he upheld his role as the keeper of balance between ocean and sky, between spirits and humans… between all elements.
Even so, the fate of their world, their very survival, hinged on two people who, unlike the Avatar, hadn't been chosen by destiny to enter the Spirit World and save anyone: Aang snarled, repeating Yue's name to himself over and over again as he hoped, desperately, that Sokka and Azula would succeed at their quest somehow… that they would find Yue, and that they would bring her back to the Ocean Spirit right away.
Sokka wasn't exactly running out of ideas… but the possibilities of fighting against Oblivion grew slimmer as despair spread among them, it seemed. Yue reached down towards the fading remnants of La, tears spilling down her face, to no avail. Azula stood paralyzed, unsure of what to do…
"Hey! Azula!" Sokka called her, returning to his usual self, gripping her shoulders and turning her towards him. The Princess met his eyes, her own were filled with panic. "Stop… stop thinking and overthinking. Start just… feeling! Let your heart take the wheel! I don't even know how we could save Yue… but that's what we're here to do, so we're doing it! Oblivion won't have its way! Even if the Ocean Spirit forgets her, even if everyone does…!"
"We won't," Azula finished. Sokka nodded.
"And for now, that will be enough to make sure Oblivion fails," Sokka said, fiercely. Azula swallowed hard and nodded.
"What do I do?"
"For starters… we need to break her out of that damn prison," Sokka growled, glaring at the swirling sphere of smoke and darkness that hugged Yue again… she was barely visible through what appeared to be debris, floating around her. Azula gritted her teeth.
"Can you keep him busy?" she asked. Sokka raised an eyebrow. "I might… have an idea. A weird one. You said I should feel, and that's what I'll try to do. To just… go by impulse and try to channel the one thing I know I can!"
"Okay!" Sokka nodded. "I'll find a way to piss him off!"
"Don't take it too far. I don't know what he'd dare do to you," Azula said, cupping his face. Sokka smiled.
"We're going to win. I know we will."
Azula didn't know where his certainty came from, but she let him infect her with it: she pressed a fierce, passionate kiss to his lips…
Before turning around and running down the beam she had followed all the way to Yue.
Sokka watched her go, knowing that she'd return. Remembering all too well his certainty that he'd never trust her, back when everything had started… a slow smile spread over his face as he thought of how far they'd come before he turned towards Oblivion.
"You… what drives you, wretch?!" Oblivion growled. "You are not wanted. You are not needed! The women you love belong to me!"
"You're one hell of a moron if you think they'd ever belong to anyone," Sokka said. "No wonder you have to kidnap them to keep them around you, bet no girl would stay near you for longer than a minute if they could help it, otherwise…"
"I don't need them to want me! It's more fun to take them this way!" Oblivion said. Sokka winced.
"That's disgusting, you creep," he said. "What the hell are you? And why are you so damn obsessed with Yue?!"
"Yue? Oh, no. I wanted her! The one that ran like a coward, ahahaha, she will return to me soon, she will!" Oblivion exclaimed. Sokka frowned.
"What? You mean… you trapped Yue to get to Azula?!"
"I wanted them both, I did! For, you see, Yue was fun! But when she broke free, just enough to connect with someone from the human world, it was someone delightfully wicked! Someone twisted and broken! Someone who would want to see the world burn every bit as much as I did!"
"So… you let Yue connect with her, and only her, because you wanted Azula to stir her despair further," Sokka concluded, frowning slowly.
"But you… you had to get in the way of my plans!" Oblivion exclaimed. "You were not meant to be a part of it! You wretch! You filthy wretch!"
"You… you want me to feel sorry for you, do you? To feel guilt because I sabotaged your great experiment, is it?" Sokka asked, trembling with rage. "You took the girl I loved once, filled her heart with misery and pain, all be it so you could use the woman I love now to torture and torment her?! And because things aren't going your way, you despise me?"
"You gave her happiness, and love, and joy! What kind of fool would do such a thing for a monster?!"
Sokka snarled: Yue, too, snapped out of her tearful self for a moment upon hearing those words.
A monster.
"You…" Yue said, gritting her teeth and turning her gaze into the sphere that held her captive. "You dared? You…! How could you speak of her that way?! How dare you…!"
"It's but the truth, and it is no concern of…!"
He fell silent when a bolt of lightning shot through the smoke.
Yue gasped, glancing towards Sokka. Sparks fizzled out of him as he readied himself to become something else still… this time, a manner of maelstrom that leapt from his spot on Azula's bridge and then landed against the smoke.
"What…?! You dare challenge me head on, you fool?!" Oblivion laughed: Yue gasped as everything around her seemed to begin spinning, the sphere's smoke changing in shape…
A tornado clashed against a maelstrom, colliding as blades might, blow after blow. None of it could erase the harm inflicted by Oblivion. None of it could change the words it had chosen to bestow upon someone Sokka treasured. He roared in his maelstrom form, and thunder appeared to strike, fizzling out after causing further damage upon his enemy…
Yue remained trapped in the throes of Oblivion's grip… but she crawled as best she could through the fog, through the smoke, towards the end of Oblivion's twister. If she could just get out, if this was the one chance she'd get to do that…
But the tornado closed in over and over again as she progressed. Every step forward was another step back. Again, despair gripped Yue… and she cried to herself as she hoped for Azula to be safe. As she hoped for something she had never dared say before, something she hadn't known how to ask… for her situation had appeared entirely hopeless. And maybe it still was… but she wasn't alone anymore.
"Help… help," she whispered, before her voice strengthened further: "HELP! AZULA! AZULA!"
The Fire Nation Princess felt the heat swirling and rising as she rushed towards that large orb in the sky. She didn't know what she needed to do for this to work, she didn't know what Sokka was doing right now…
But she needed to go as far as she possibly could. There could be no half measures, no hesitation.
Once she reached the sphere of flames, she jumped forward.
She let the fire's heat burn her clothes, singing her skin, her hair, as she allowed herself to be consumed by that fire…
When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had been the one who had consumed the flames instead.
A power unlike anything she had experienced burned and thrummed inside her. She turned around, and the golden road she had followed glowed brighter still. She glared into the distance… and then she felt a hand upon her shoulder.
"I had been expecting you."
Azula shuddered, but she held off her immediate caution, her instinctive wariness, and turned her head towards the golden, burning woman standing behind her.
"The Moon Spirit has needed our help. I could do nothing for Tui in her first demise: you may yet save Yue."
"Who are you?" Azula asked. The spirit touched her chest.
"I am the flames that dwell inside you, inside each living, breathing being in the land you belong to. In the world you inhabit," the spirit said. "Should I have failed at my task… it would have fallen to you to take my place, just as it fell to Yue when Tui failed at hers."
Azula's eyes widened.
"I… was fated for this?" she asked. The spirit smiled.
"Your fate is in your hands. The world dealt cruelty upon Tui and Yue… but if we stop Oblivion now, you won't need to make any such sacrifice. So go, Azula: take my power… and prove yourself worthy of being the Champion of the Sun."
Azula's heart burned with a righteous fury she had never felt before.
Oblivion had sought to tempt her with taunts over a world that had forsaken her, forgotten her, treated her as a disposable, ignorable element. She had failed to take a proper stand then, affected by its words… but not so much that she would lose sight of reality.
Sokka's reappearance, his genuine return, had relieved her so greatly that none of the creature's mockery had mattered anymore.
She had grown to love him. She had grown to love Yue. She had a place in her family again. She had people in her life who might just become her friends in due time. She might have a future, too, beyond this catastrophe, should they solve it successfully. A year ago, Oblivion would have ensnared her so easily it would have been embarrassing…
Yue had saved her in so many more ways than the apparent.
The quest to see the world and find thousands of new experiences hadn't been for her own sake: Yue had done it for Azula.
Tears welled in her eyes as emotion surged so powerfully inside Azula that she could barely endure it. She snarled, gripping her chest tightly with a hand as her heart raced faster, and faster, and…
She shot off, leaving a trail of golden, potent fire in her wake.
Yue would be restored.
She'd stake her very life on seeing that it would be so.
The battle between the tornado and the maelstrom continued when the glow of a potent star suddenly blinded Yue. She gasped as a golden shine came rushing fast, vertiginously so, towards them…
"Azula…?!" she exclaimed: the maelstrom broke off the tornado, and Sokka took his natural form again for a moment, too impressed by the sight to carry on focusing on the battlefield, or his willpower-based transformation.
"Azula!" he cried out.
"COME TO ME!" roared Oblivion: he rose higher, and Sokka snarled as he scrambled for something else to do, anything he could resort to… "Join us! Yue and I can use the company! Come to us!"
Azula shot fast towards the smoke entity, her heavy scowl giving away the certainty, the seriousness, of the task at hand. Her flaming fists tightened as she shot herself faster onwards, as she neared Yue's position…
"AZULA!" Yue screamed.
Azula plunged into the darkness, and Oblivion's smoke swirled around her shape, capturing her inside its grasp.
"NO!" Sokka exclaimed, panic taking hold of him. "AZULA!"
"MINE! MINE, MINE, MINE! THEY'RE MINE! THEY'RE MINE…!" Oblivion exclaimed, cackling and rejoicing...
Unaware that the burning Princess had wrapped her arms around the Moon Spirit.
Yue gasped, as Azula gripped her tightly. The girl, sixteen-years-old after all, only reached Azula's shoulder. It was the first time they had stood together, in the same physical space, even if in a spiritual plane.
"A… Azula…!" Yue wept, raising her gaze desperately towards her… to find a smiling Champion of the Sun gazing upon her.
"You held on. Thank you," Azula said. "Would've been very irksome if you'd given up to that brute while we couldn't get to you."
"I… I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen, I…" Yue said, desperately.
"You really need to be more honest. Could've tried to help you sooner, if you had been," Azula smirked, cupping Yue's face. "I… I might be able to do a few things to fight him, Yue. But I don't think I can do it alone."
"My power. My fire. You can reflect it, can't you? That's your nature. You're the moon… and the moon glows because the sun shines upon it. Right?"
"T-then…" Yue said, eyes wide. Azula smiled.
"I will shine… and you will glow. And we'll tear this piece of shit to shambles if it's the last thing we do," Azula hissed. Yue smiled warmly, nodding in agreement.
Azula took Yue's hands in hers, closing her eyes. The heat started rising, but Yue welcomed that warmth… just as Sokka, terrified and desperate, did the same when glimpses of that light started to burn past the dark smoke sphere.
"Azula…" he gasped, as Oblivion swirled awkwardly, attempting to smother the light.
"Enough, I said. Nobody asked you to shine like that!" Oblivion growled.
"Let them go. Let them go!" Sokka roared.
"No! They're mine, I said! Mine!" Oblivion roared.
Sokka's voice served as a beacon. Azula smiled at the sound of it, knowing exactly where not to aim the next attack she'd do… an attack for which Yue would serve as her support.
"I'll never forget you, Yue. No matter what it takes… you'll always be a part of me."
Yue shivered before nodding: Azula raised one of her hands, and Yue pressed her palm to hers.
The light that hardly escaped the cluster of darkness strengthened further, bolstered fiercely by the power of the Champion of the Sun. Oblivion's discomfort increased further, as it twitched and stirred, unable to retain the shape of its sphere of darkness as he had before.
"Now! Yue!"
Believing in others had always been easy for her. She had no true power of her own while she lived, so she had learned long ago how to trust others to do things, to fight, to succeed at their quests, no matter what they might be. This time, though… this time, Yue was the one who needed to succeed. She breathed in, she focused… and she released her energy in a wild burst.
The cage of darkness was overcome by the blinding light that burst out of that sphere. Sokka shielded his eyes… but he smiled, hearing the agonic screams of Oblivion seeking to reform again.
Standing in the space where the vanished sphere had been before, Azula raised a hand towards the remaining smoke, and she tightened it into a fist.
A burst of fire, golden as the sun, eliminated the unwanted, reviled, cruel entity that, a year ago, had ensnared the moon.
Sokka laughed, sensing the wicked spirit's presence had been dispelled. It most likely hadn't been destroyed, not for good… but for now, it had lost its grip on Azula and Yue, and that was more than enough as things stood.
Yue continued to glow powerfully, still with her palm pressed to Azula's. She breathed heavily after a moment, as good as coming back to herself…
To find the darkness had dispelled at last.
To gaze down, to the depths of the universe, to find their world stood right below their feet.
"It's… it's our world. I can see it again. I can…" Yue said, with a helpless smile. Azula held her closely still.
"Is this how you see everything?" she asked. Yue shook her head.
"It's… how I did sometimes. When I wasn't walking through the Spirit World… or among humans, if I had the chance to," Yue said, with a sad but earnest smile. Azula nodded in understanding. "And now I can do that again because…"
"Because you let us help you, you stubborn little weirdo," Azula grumbled, prompting Yue to laugh as Azula squeezed her nose between her index and middle fingers. Blazes flickered at the contact, and Azula pulled her hand back quickly. "Damn. I shouldn't do that right now. I'm all… fired up, I suppose."
"For what it's worth? I'd dare say that's your real form, Azula!" Sokka exclaimed, startling Azula. She turned towards him with a questioning stare, as he floated by willpower alone towards them. "You know… you're on fire? You're smoking hot? You're hot as hell?"
"You're in front of a teenager, you idiot. Don't talk that way." Azula grunted at him. Yue laughed, and Sokka smiled as he turned his attention towards Yue.
"Yue…" he said, with a sincere, kind smile. She grinned right back at him, eyes tearful and grateful.
"You never gave up on me. Neither of you did," she said. "You're… you're really so grown, Sokka. Azula… Azula lied, you know? You did grow to be even more handsome than you were…"
"Heh. I knew that already. She was just trying to hide that I'm her type and she didn't know how to sound convincing," Sokka smirked. Azula rolled her eyes but smiled.
"I'm glad I can speak to you again… though it was fun to do it through you, Azula," Yue laughed, and Azula smiled and shook her head.
"Shouldn't have been as much fun, but it was. Guess I can't be your translator anymore, huh?"
"I can always cover my ears whenever she speaks so you tell me what she's saying, if you want," Sokka grinned. Azula laughed, and Yue smiled fondly at the two of them.
"I never… never imagined I could be set free," she said. "This is… it really isn't the Spirit World itself."
"I realized. It's… strange. Cosmic, in a wild way," Sokka said, gazing about himself. "It works even more weirdly than I thought the Spirit World would."
"I've always been able to drift between this place, the Spirit World, and occasionally the human world. That stopped when the comet collided," Yue said, closing her eyes. "I don't know if… if Oblivion was inside that comet, or if the sight of me in danger caused Oblivion to rise from wherever it hid, but… after it happened, I was trapped here. I couldn't… do anything. And as I was trapped, the moon's glow waned and I could only speak with you because, well…"
"Because Oblivion wanted me," Azula said. Sokka gritted his teeth. "Don't get jealous now, will you?"
"Not jealous. Just… protective," Sokka said, with a heavy sigh. "Bad enough that Oblivion had been causing Yue so much grief… it wanted to do it to you too. I couldn't just stay calm through that, now, could I?"
"You should have, but it's of no matter. We won anyway," Azula smiled proudly. Yue giggled.
"The three of us… we do make a good team," she said. Azula raised a hand, clasping her shoulder gently.
"We… uh, we do," she said, pulling her flaming had back before burning Yue, though Yue laughed at the feeling, nonetheless.
"But… there's one thing left for me to do," Yue said, glancing down at the Earth from where they stood. "For all this time… the Ocean Spirit, La, kept me safe and grounded. Oblivion's interest in you, Azula… it allowed La to grip me, to hold onto me. But once Oblivion gave up on you, because you were no longer the kind of person who would choose to inflict oblivion upon the human world? All my connections started to fade. I only asked you to forget, even though I knew it wasn't in your control, or mine, if you did… because I thought it'd be less painful. But in the end, Oblivion was the one who sought to make everyone forget me…"
"The piece of shit," Sokka grumbled.
"It was working. My brother, Sokka's sister, Toph… even the Avatar," Azula mentioned. "They were struggling to remember you, or why we were traveling at all."
"But you swore you'd ensure that I wouldn't be forgotten," Yue said, with a warm smile. "I suppose, now that the moon shall return, it will be much harder for people to forget me, huh?"
"They might take you for granted again, in the sky… but we won't," Azula said, her throat thickening with tears. "Though… you'll still lurk around, won't you? I know you're not trapped anymore, and maybe you're behind on your, I don't know, cosmic paperwork, but…"
"I have no paperwork in the Spirit World," Yue laughed. Sokka hummed.
"Sounds like the first aspect of the Spirit World that I absolutely prefer over the human one. We should move there, Azula," Sokka suggested, nudging her with his elbow. Azula smiled and shook her head.
"I'm just saying, I… I guess your days of lurking in my mirrors are over?"
The words sank heavily in Sokka and Yue. The two of them exchanged worried looks before turning their attention towards Azula.
"I… Yeah. I don't think I'll be doing that anymore," Yue mumbled. Azula smiled and shrugged.
"Well, what can you do, huh? Was… was something, while it lasted," she said. Yue gritted her teeth.
"You're… you're going to miss me, aren't you?" Yue asked, with a gentle smile. Azula scoffed.
"As if. Don't be so conceited," she said, folding her arms over her chest. Yue smiled warmly.
"You noticed when I was lying… I can tell when you are, too," she said. Azula scoffed, and if she hadn't been on fire, still, she might just have blushed darkly.
"It'll be strange, adapting to life without you, but… we fixed things for you. You'll be okay this time. And you'll have a proper conversation with Sokka before it happens this time, too. So… a wish fulfilled indeed," Azula said, somewhat nervously. "I should, uh… return these powers. I might wind up naked after I do. Yue, cover your eyes by then."
"I've seen you naked before whenever the water of your tubs reflected your body, though…"
"Ugh. That's disturbing," Azula groaned. Yue giggled, shrugging in her direction.
"I am a spirit, you know. We… see a lot of things. Some bad, some good," she grinned.
"And some hot as hell, like her," Sokka grinned proudly. Yue giggled and Azula punched his shoulder. "Come on! It's really a cool look. You're going to miss it when it's gone."
"Sounds more like you will. Pervert," Azula huffed. Yue laughed.
"I… I'm going to miss your arguments, that's for sure," she said. "And just… being part of what you're doing. Seeing so many beautiful sights, I… I really enjoyed it. This journey… it was beautiful. I never imagined I'd get to live through something like that. And that I'd do it, and actually become friends with you in the process, Azula, I… I'll always be grateful for that."
"Well… I'm grateful for you too, believe it or not," Azula said, earnestly. "If it weren't for your pesky meddling, your chattiness, your ridiculous praises, I… I wouldn't be here now. And for once in my life, it feels like I'm exactly who I want to be, and where I want to be, too."
"That's good to hear," Yue smiled warmly. Azula sighed.
"You'll be okay on your own?" she asked. Yue shook her head.
"I won't be alone," she said, smiling down at the world beneath their feet once more.
A tendril of dark liquid reached up slowly, tentatively, until Yue touched it with a fingertip. The water rose, strengthening and swirling around her, and Yue laughed as the very end of the water tendril shifted slightly, becoming akin to a fish, perhaps even a water snake…
"I'm back, La," she whispered.
"Tui… Yue," La said, calm and content.
Azula smiled, gazing down at the world: it was hard to see it from this distance, but it seemed as though the renewed contact between the spirits had put a stop to whatever was happening down below…
Aang blacked out, falling into the water, once the Avatar Spirit no longer sustained him after he ceased the suspended, extended bending feat he had pulled, all across the world. He sank into the depths of the ocean, exhausted… until his wife's bending reeled him up, back aboard Appa.
"They did it… the crazy bastards did it," Zuko exclaimed, still somewhat breathless, eyes glued to the dark sky above them: he couldn't remember the moon glowing more brightly ever before.
"Moon's back? Yue's all good now?" Toph said, before humming. "Must be. I… remember her now. I forgot about her for a while there. Did you?"
"We all did," Katara said, holding Aang affectionately as he coughed, smiling awkwardly at her. "You okay?"
"I'm… alive. I think. Thank you, Katara," he said, pressing his brow to hers. Katara smiled.
"Always ready to bail you out when you're in trouble, silly," she said, kissing his cheek.
Aang sighed, weakened and helpless now… but proud of what he had achieved. Bending the entire atmosphere might have been a tall order… but he succeeded at doing so for long enough to keep La contained, preventing massive disasters and hopefully minimizing the potential death toll of the initial reaction by the uncontrollable ocean. He sighed in relief, closing his eyes… deeply hoping that Sokka and Azula would be ready to return to the human world once he and the others returned, too.
Azula frowned as she felt her power shifting in an odd manner. She turned around… finding the Sun Spirit standing not too far from where she was. The Princess breathed deeply and stepped towards her.
"I never doubted you could do it," the Sun Spirit smiled kindly upon Azula, who bowed her head respectfully towards her. "Well done, Champion."
"That might be too great a title. I was quite selfishly trying to save my friend just because she mattered to me," Azula admitted. The Sun Spirit laughed.
"Selfishness? Trying to save another is selfishness? Curious," she said. Azula smirked and shrugged. "You are a rare one, Princess Azula of the Fire Nation. A most extraordinary woman… much as Princess Yue would have grown to be one, too."
"But I didn't get that chance," Yue said, with a sad smile.
"Thus… do not waste yours, Princess Azula," the Sun Spirit said. Azula nodded. "I can take a new champion after many generations pass, too. Just as the Moon Spirit would have chosen her favorites, centuries before or after Yue was born. It isn't your fate to be my vessel or my replacement, just as it wouldn't be for any of my protegees. Young Yue made a great sacrifice for the greater good… and the human world shall forever owe her its survival and endurance because of it. You, child, need not be another sacrifice."
"There's not much reason why I would need to sacrifice myself anymore, now, is there?" Azula said.
"None of you should have to sacrifice anything at all to begin with," Sokka told her, and Azula gazed at him gratefully upon hearing those words.
"Never forget… the bond between the two of you is strong," the Sun Spirit said. Azula gazed at Yue next, who smiled kindly at her. "The moon receives and reflects the sun's light… Yue has learned to be your mirror, your reflection. To show you your faults just as she shows your virtues. She is the moon to the sun you can shine, Azula. And when you burn your brightest, you inspire others to do the same. As you did with her."
Azula nodded, swallowing back the tears she nearly spilled. The Sun Spirit moved closer, pressing a soft kiss upon her brow.
"You did well, child. And now… it's time for you to go home."
The flames covering her body withdrew into the Sun Spirit: the fire she had leant to Azula drifted inside her… and with a final smile and a kind nod of approval, the Sun Spirit drifted back to where she belonged. Azula watched her go, grateful… relieved.
"We've restored balance… somewhat," Sokka said, with a gentle smile. "And hey… still on fire even when you're not literally on fire, Azula, really."
"Shut up," Azula huffed, smiling regardless of her bashfulness: to her surprise, a robe suddenly appeared around her body, and Sokka grinned cheekily at her when she eyed him questioningly.
"I'll ogle you whenever you let me. But as I appear to have figured out the code of how to invoke nonsensical things in this plane, I figured I'd dress you up," he said. Azula laughed.
"Thoughtful of you," she said, turning towards Yue again.
She seemed so small, so young… but when she raised her head again, Yue seemed as strong as ever. She smiled kindly at them, taking their hands in hers.
"I didn't really think it was possible that I'd ever stop envying whoever might marry you one day, Sokka," she admitted, with a weak smile. "Even if I wanted to be kind and supportive of your relationship with Suki, I truthfully couldn't stop wishing I were in her place instead. But when it comes to you two, I… I can't help but be so happy that the two people I love the most would find love in each other, too."
"Kind of blindsided all of us, didn't it?" Sokka said, with a chuckle. Azula smiled too. Yue bit her lip.
"I just… I want to say that I'm really grateful for everything you did. I would have been lost without you. I know you didn't care for me or want to help me for the longest time, Azula… but that really didn't matter to me. I just… I just wanted what was best for you. And I think you found it."
She brought their hands together, smiling kindly as their fingers linked. Azula smiled at Sokka, who smiled back at her.
"So… go back," Yue said, earnestly. "Go… and be happy together. Live the lives you deserve. Never forget how many kind things you've done for others, such as me. Never forget… that you changed my world in the best of ways."
"You did the same for me," Azula whispered, raising her free hand to stroke Yue's hair gently. "I didn't want to see it, to accept it… but I did, in the end. I owe you so much more than I'll ever be able to repay, Yue."
"I don't think that's true. You saved me," Yue smiled. "That's already so much more than I can repay, too. I wasn't going to survive without you. I'm so glad… so glad that you could come to help me. And now… I get to see you from afar. I might be able to manifest myself around you two sometimes, or just one of you, I don't know… won't happen too often, but I'll try!"
"You'd better. Though if you give us any frights intentionally by showing up at inopportune moments, you won't ever hear the end of it," Azula threatened her. Yue laughed and Sokka smirked.
"You can come see us whenever you want," he told Yue. "You're always going to be welcome. I don't think I did nearly as much as Azula did for you…"
"You did plenty, silly," Azula said. Sokka smiled and shrugged.
"Even if I did… point is, I always wanted to do right by you. To make amends for your death being as violent and abrupt as it was. I wish we'd had enough time to… to talk, to say goodbye, to process what was happening, but we didn't. I was in pain for so long, and then that swamp vision I had of you…"
"That was the swamp's doing. It wasn't really me," Yue said, apologetically. Sokka chuckled.
"Yeah. It wasn't as kind as you are," he said. "But the swamp said… I had failed you. I hadn't saved you. I had to protect you, it was my duty, and I couldn't do it. So… I've felt this weight, this responsibility on my shoulders for a long time, because I couldn't protect you once before…"
"And you succeeded this time," Yue whispered, kindly. Sokka smiled warmly. "I know you've struggled to know your worth… but you're extraordinary, Sokka. You have everything it takes to prove it, too. So… don't be afraid to show the world who you really are. Don't worry about protecting me anymore… I'm safe again."
"And if you ever aren't, you'll let us know?" Sokka asked. Yue laughed and nodded.
"As long as I can, sure… but I hope it won't happen, nonetheless," she said. Azula swallowed hard.
"Then… this is it?"
She met Yue's gaze for a long moment, and the young girl's eyes flooded with tears anew. She nodded, and Azula sighed before stepping forward, wrapping her arms firmly around Princess Yue… the Moon Spirit.
She had wanted to hug Yue so many times, most of all as of late. The feeling of doing it spiritually certainly came off as strange, but it was all they'd get. It might even be the one time she'd get to do it at all. Tears spilled down Azula's cheeks as she held Yue tightly.
"Thank you… for everything," she managed to say, her voice strained. Yue shook her head.
"I'm the one… the one who's grateful to you," Yue said. "For everything you saw, and everything you showed and taught me… everything I lived and loved with you. S-so… go on and do it some more. Live… love. Experience everything for… for the both of us. I know I may not always be visible, in the sky? But… I'll always be with you."
Sokka smiled warmly: hearing Yue speak those words to Azula struck a chord in his heart, for they were the very last ones she had spoken to him before taking her place in the night sky.
"And we'll always be with you too. And thinking of you," Azula nodded. Yue giggled. "You brought us together… and we'll always treasure you. We won't ever let you be forgotten."
"Thank you for finding me in the darkness," Yue said, pressing her face to her shoulder. "For letting me be your reflection within my shadows. For understanding me… in ways I never knew I wanted to be understood. Thank you for bearing with me, even when I made it hard… thank you for caring as much as you did. You were my light in the darkness… and now, it's time that you go light up so many other things in the world, too."
"Wait… you're not condoning arson, are you?"
"W-well, no…"
"Such a shame," Azula smiled. Yue laughed as Azula pulled back, and tears spilled down both their faces. "I meant it when I said it, but… I ought to do it again: I love you, Yue."
"I love you too," Yue grinned giddily, leaning in for another hug. "I'm so glad it was you. I'm so glad that you were the one person I could always see."
Azula nodded, hugging the girl back as tightly as could be.
"I'm glad you were here. That you were part of my life, for as long as you were," she said.
Azula raised her tearful eyes towards Sokka, who continued to watch them fondly… she reached for his wrist, yanking him towards herself, and Sokka laughed as he hugged the two of them, too.
"I'll miss you too, even if I'm sure Azula will miss you more," Sokka smiled. "Go shine brightly in the sky, okay? We'll be fine… so make sure you are, too. Let us know if you get into any trouble… and maybe I'll come back and turn into a giant axe again, what do you know?"
The girls laughed at Sokka's mirth, and Azula rested her head on his shoulder briefly, while Yue nestled against his chest.
"Thank you, Sokka. Thank you, Azula. Thank you. I'll always love you. Always."
A white flash blinded them briefly, and they closed their eyes to brace themselves against it…
"Hey… they're back! Look!"
"Oh, finally."
Sokka and Azula grimaced, coming back to their senses while still sitting in the position Aang had left them at. Which meant, of course, that they were as sore as could be…
"Sokka? Azula? You guys okay?" Aang called them, kneeling by them as they opened their eyes.
"We're… back," Azula realized. Sokka scoffed slightly, with a lop-sided smirk.
"Sad. Can't turn into a giant axe anymore," he said. Azula laughed, and the others gaped at them in confusion.
"It's… a long story," Azula said.
She cast a glance to the sky, though, where twinkling stars no longer could be as easily visible… for they were in the moon's vicinity.
It glowed so brightly, so beautifully, that Azula couldn't help the tears that welled in her eyes at the sight of it. At the knowledge that her friend had succeeded at reclaiming her place as the Moon Spirit… at the awareness that she'd helped her against the worst challenges she had been dealt by the wretched Oblivion.
Sokka tugged at her hand gently, and they exchanged a relieved, warm smile before he leaned in for a kiss – naturally, half of the group complained, but Azula held Sokka closely nonetheless, brows pressed together as mutual pride and relief took hold of their hearts. They would explain everything to the others soon… but for now, her heart did not ache over loneliness now that Yue was gone. Instead, it remained strong and full of emotions over the awareness and certainty that she had finally saved Yue… and that Yue, conversely, had saved her just as well.
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
Bro I just started reading your fic like three days ago and I’m already on chapter 14 BUT BRO THIS SHITS CRAZY ITS SO FUCKING GOOD YOUR TECHNO CHARACTERIZATION IS MAGNIFICENT
I love how everyone is trauma trauma mental health disaster angst and then Techno “voices in he head” Blade is out chilling with his inner demons. The Foundation tried to get to him and he was like ‘bruh thanks for the offer but I’m good’
He’s so wonderfully comfortable with himself and his flaws. Well I mean he’s an awkward dork, but still. Of course he’s downplaying his own trauma since that’s how he rolls, but overall he’s having an alright time while causing huge problems for everyone else lol
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Shows up 150k words late to the fic in the middle of a disaster with a potato smoothie:
“Hullo did I miss anything?”
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1mpulsee · 4 days
// anyway Bart is insanely op in a purely objective sense . but in the way I rp him you will probably never know it lol . he will probably never use his full capabilities out of his own choice or out of his own character flaws . he COULD win hard fights but will he ? no it’s funnier not to .
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ms-all-sunday · 5 months
ive personally gotten over the flaws in sanjis articulation and i understand what i think is the intent behind his character but i remember for like months past watching one piece originally i did not get it at all (i have a semi popular post about my friend getting him immediately while shading people who don't but that's me, i was that person) and i had to play around with interpretations of him to truly settle on what i think is concretely understanding him.
the reason, partially, for my original trepidation is twofold,
one, shonen does not have a good track record.
two, more personally, it's kind of insulting to the audience to expect this character who you've established has a relationship with women that has it's pros and cons (i always go back to the arlong park articulation of zoro respecting nami enough to see her as a threat and sanji because she's a woman, willing to look past what is obviously a mental breakdown from someone whos struggling. that was like the best articulation oda couldve done it all goes downhill from there) and like fully acknowledge inherently the social injustice that women face within that, while also doing the social injustice. it's hypocritical.*
ive taken to just categorically ignoring the pervert jokes and pretending we never progressed past pre ts sanjis jokes (which by the way and i say this with every spiteful bone in my entire body, were FUNNIER. it is such a fucking crime that sanji a character that had SO many consistently funny jokes because he is an hilarious comedy character, gets absolutely no funny jokes. the most recent funny joke he's had is egghead but before that it wasn't for years that he had a funny joke.) because the good thing and also the function of the sanji jokes especially as they relate to nami is that nami can and does cushion how creepy he comes off. they are in a weird consensual heterosexual chicken game and it says something about them that they treat eachother like this. unfortunately when you reduce sanjis jokes down to pervert anime jokes you also loose their back and forth which hurts namis characterization and as i've said before. the group dynamic is everything. you cannot hurt it it is sacred or one pieces quality declines (post timeskip)
*This is also a similar way that one piece as a story treats abuse more broadly. There's this thing that I call in my head "intent is effect" logic where basically if a character had good intent dot tm they're forgiven for abuse by the narrative and their abuse is played off as a joke (garp) or you're judge (the most evilest man on the planet which btw did you know all abusers are evil and not complicated human beings /s) (do NOT interpret me as saying this as a hashtag abuse apologist thing i will kill you. i am a persona 5 fan, ideologically.) i would pretty much definitively say that uh the same logic is applied to sanjis sexual assault/harassment jokes, as they are a type of abuse. and uh that's bad. it's shitty on all accounts for sure.
although im sure id become more fuelled by rage and question the stability of my own opinions if i watched the shittier parts of post TS again, I'll eventually get there in my rewatch don't worry.
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franeridan · 7 months
was thinking about sanji's family and tbh i really love the way oda treats atonement and forgiveness, it's something that's always allowed but never taken for granted, and he gives it a hundred different leveles and versions too. like sanji's family is allowed to be helped by sanji and sacrifice themselves for sanji in the end, but sanji doesn't forgive them and the ending agreement is that they aren't family and he doesn't wanna see them ever again - they're allowed to be kind, but the story doesn't give them anything in exchange for it. in the same way, oda generally operates on the baseline belief that you should be kind to people and that that kindness will be rewarded, but he doesn't use kindness as a cure-all for the shitty people in the world he's building - outlook was a bastard till the end, stelly grew up a bastard just the same. the celestial dragons very rarely will see kindness and grow from it, but in general they're all bastards that will die bastards. doflamingo was raised in kindness and he turned out a bastard nontheless. during wano big mom loses her memory for a little while and the mugiwaras show her kidness while she's in that state, but when she gets her memories back she fights them and dies just the same. another thing is how oda makes a point of saying forgiveness is the best way to move on in life, but he doesn't begrudge his characters when they can't - neptune still hates humans, fisher tiger never forgave them, sabo and sanji still hate their birth families, hancock still hates men. hiyori was allowed murder as her closure. they're never treated like they're wrong for this, and they're never pushed to forgive what they can't. at the same time though otohime wasn't treated as wrong for wishing to forgive, and nami went on to become a pirate despite her hate for them. chopper never held a grudge at all, jinbe and shirahoshi neither. the only thing oda presses on at all times is that you shouldn't pass on your hate, everything else he allows without shame. I just really love it? that for a story that hinges so much on be kind and kindness will be shown to you in return op never asks you to marry kindness with forgiveness, it's such a beautiful thing to me
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as-above-rp · 4 months
Basilisk has been itching to get out more. I'd love to write with him, but GOD he's so hard to write sometimes 😔 🤣
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