#and the cleric is human so i dont really need to tag human?
silverliningsrr · 10 months
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hehe book
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sugar-omi · 10 months
If you are interested, can you plz share how you see the Our Life (1+2) characters as DnD classes and races included? 😆⚔️🍃🏹
Im craving Our Life with some medieval whimsical vibes, Baxter dancing with swords, Derek singing with bar goers while MC goes pickpocketing the villains, Cove as a MERMAN living his life like Ariel. So many wonderful thoughts wanted to share ✨️✨️✨️
okay this took so long bc i know nothing abt DnD so i did a bit of research!!! my friends have talked abt DnD and i never understood but knew it was smth cool n involved alot of creativity, but now i just think this is sm cooler <33 anyway im not creative at all rn so im referencing everything from this website im using👍
tags : Fluff, 'Dungeon and Dragons' headcanons + drabbles, cove is the only one w hc's for if you're dating (+ qiu kinda?) i couldn't think of dating hc's for everyone else in this world as well but you could imagine some of the hc's that way
synopsis : DnD races and classes of ol:nf & ol:ba characters.
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okay I couldn't decide but qiu is half-elven.
(his dad is so whipped for his elf wife<3<3<3)
i can't really think about what class he'd be in, but i think i could see him as a bard
he's the laziest bard though 💀 and thus is mostly a wanderer.
qiu will wait until they're on their last coin and then will go perform
would perform a very good show while MC pickpockets the assholes that were disturbing the bar just a moment ago
otherwise, he just performs for you and his friends.
they'll have/be at a party with all their friends, and will perform some type of magic trick to entertain everyone
qiu will sing you little songs, read you poetry he wrote while watching you sleep that morning<3
for any important dates like birthdays, or anniversary (if you're dating), etc., they'll do a cool magic trick and perform a elven dance that he learned from his mom
human! BUT. she's a druid
she loves the forest, the forest loves her
maybe a bit of sorcery as well? idk how this works lol
she has a little house in the woods omg
goes foraging and learns lots of sorcery stuff from ren
will show you how to cast cool spells
also you're the first person she comes to show you any new spells she learns!!
you two beat up any bandits/criminals you come across
renee (/darren):
human and like i mentioned in tama's, is a sorcerer
!!! wants to be like her mom in canon right?
i think she's a teacher n teaches young sorcerers/wizards
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isnt baxter special. just crossovering worlds 💀💀
anyway.. he's an elf! is also rogue...
bringing baxter's issues/trauma into this DnD au as well <3
you find it very weird that a elf is on his own, but ignore it ofc and befriend baxter anyway
after much warming of baxter's cold heart, i imagine he settles in some civilian town or nearby and opens a bar!!
and every night its full with laughter and good music, and occasionally he'll come out from behind the bar
(honestly, he's mostly just cleaning the glasses and looking pretty <3)
and he'll pull you or one of your friends into a dance
omg imagine its not just a bar, its also a bed & breakfast
of course he's decent enough at cooking, so every morning he lays out a nice breakfast for his customers
knew this was derek insantly!!! he's half-orc
orcs dont have horns, do they.... well they do now
(realizing he's more Oni than anything in my head...)
anyway i need you to imagine arataki itto and if u don't know who that is Please find the beefiest fanart of him n thats derek LOL
derek grinning with his fangs and he's like 7 feet tall and buff, covered in scars.... yessir <33
i imagine he's a wanderer, but before that he was a cleric.
derek always helps people, he's very reliable but i imagine he's tired and somehow ends up working for baxter!
he's chef during the day and security at night!!!
no fighting in baxter's bar/diner unless you want a ass-ful of derek's boot <3
i also imagine when he's not running the place with baxter, he's helping the towns folk
the kids love him
they make flower crowns and run to the bar/diner to give them to derek <3333
ofc there's that one shy kid who offers one to baxter! bc they think he's really cool!!!
like you said he's a merman!!!
mmm, but i also imagine he can shapeshift into a "human"
(this is some ariel shit isnt it LMAO)
(also im imagining mer!cliff x human!kyra. mmm, i wonder if she'd be a bard? or maybe a healer, cleric maybe? why do i wanna write a whole fic on this now....)
although i imagine he needs to stay hydrated to stay on land like that. so please remind him to drink water when you're out n about otherwise he'll turn back into a fish in the middle of the market LOL
(you've learned this the hard way
!!! imagine if there's some way for you to come into the sea as well, be it a air bubble or potion of some sort and you have lil underwater adventures/dates n cove shows you all kinds of cool things <3333
he brings you lots of pretty things
if you like jewelry, he has his dad help him string up some pearls into a necklace or bracelet. or even better an anklet
+ if you're dating/crushing on each other
he'll do his little mermaid mating and courting rituals
like bringing you food
(will show up on your doorstep in the middle of the night w a big fish he caught or some breakfast derek smuggled him (cove doesn't keep many coins since mer-currency is more like sand-dollars or smth like coins made out of ore only found in the sea. the ore is good for nothing else than to be coins LOL))
will chirp n shrill and do other cute mer sounds that you don't really know what they mean sometimes
COVE: *watching you dreamily* MC: *flustered from the staring* what?... COVE: *flirtatious chirp*
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dailyjaymerrick · 6 years
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2 years of aus and crossovers
#i love jay merrick ! and thems the facts !#im gonna explain these so prepare for some Lengthy Tags also i dont want any of these accidentally going into the other fandoms tags so im#gonna do the slash thign#the h.omestuck au is new because i read all of homestuck for the first time like 2 months ago and i apologize but we needed to make an au#immediately#we're still figuring it out but jays a maid of life a prospit dreamer and a living wreck#THE T.AZ CROSSOVER IS A LOT BUT AS SOON AS THE IDEA HAPPENED IT HAD TO BE DONE essentially alex chases tim and jay thru the tunnel and the#operator really likes dnd ig and they're like rogue npcs#they get classes and races and jays the only human looking boy hes a elven cleric#they end up in the rock.port limited arc because it was easiest and also angus#THE SUPERHERO AU el and i made this one!!!! jay got som cybernetics because he had a dr strang.e-like accident and some doctor wanted to#test new tech and he was like aight#so hes kinda a cyborg#his superhero name is glitch#alex is a super villain per influence of the operator (tall man is making him do it)#tim and brian are friends with jay and dont know he's glitch#ANYWAY S#THE J.ID AU#it was made bcos saying j.id was an inside joke relating to marble hornets and then this musical was discovered and the acronym killed me#mia made most of it but its REALLY GOOD jay is jasper tim is agnes habit rips out jays heart and vores it its Pretty GOOD#the ghost jay is self explanatory#when i first finished marble hornets all i woud draw was ghost jay partially because i couldnt draw legs real good and also because i have#an unholy hyperfixation on ghosts#the first li.s au was thought up by el and its really really good tims in the building when jay gets shot and rewinds it much like max did#with chloe and he keeps trying to save him but he keeps dying and then he stares at a photo from when they were actually filming alexs movie#and he goes back :>#THE P.JO CROSSOVER IS ONE OF EL AND IS EARLIEST... MEMORIES OF WHEN WE FIRST BECAME FRIENDS.....#but yea!!!!! i was really into p.jo at the time and we decided jay and tim survived a really long time without the protection of the camp#they're aged down to like late teens#jays a son of zeus and tims a son of hermes
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kasaron · 4 years
My DnD game just got REAL
Party was fighting a big scary thing, TLDR, a rival that died to gather incredible power. 
So, they do VERY well, but then the second form of the enemy shows, and pure chaos reigns
And the female human summoner get tagged with a horrible effect, and is FUCKERED. 
And some power offers to protect, and even empower her, if she gives something in return. I was expecting like, an eyeball, or something.
She cut off her right hand. SHES A SPELLCASTER SHE NEEDS THAT.
No hesitation, just feeds her right hand to this horrible thing she doesn’t even know the name of, for the sake of power, and now, I GOTTA do it justice so I describe her hacking her own freakin hand off with this puny dagger, letting out roars of anger/rage/pain/hate. 
And then, same kinda crazy attack gets aimed at an PC.
Backstory; the PC has an NPC (former PC who dropped) who is his brother, beloved and bosom friend. 
Said NPC is ALSO in a relationship with another PC.
They have a weird power I gave them due to random shit, that lets them switch places once per week. Normally it’s played for laughs, if at all.
And as I’m describing this horrible attack coming down to his the PC, I quietly swap the PC and NPC locations.
The player literally sounded like he was going to cry, I could FEEL the pain he had, and the player who’s PC who was in a relationship was just...horrified and quiet. 
“No. I don’t want this.” and I describe the attack and how it totally fuckers the NPC.
The party eventually defeats the enemy, but now they’re missing one hand, and they are also dealing with a apparently permanently injured NPC, via a horrible curse. 
The PC who is in a relationship got hit with something like a lesserversion fo the curse, and the cleric of the party is excising the effected tissue, but loverboy misses his willpower save and so he’s just in AGONY, loudly, and the NPC holds the cleric at bowpoint telling him to stop. 
They calm him down and he asks to get help being moved away, and there’s this solemn silence as the cleric excises the effected tissue, and a large bit of the PC’s collarbone. 
(what summoner girl doesn’t know is she fed her hand to her summon. Her sommon is an aspect of a very powerful being, she doesn’t know. she thinks it’s Asmodeus, but he dropped a BIG hint that it isn’t. Also NPC is gonna be infirm and maybe gonna die, and it’s gonna be REALLY SAD IM GONNA CRY)
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bxnseki-archive · 7 years
// stole this OC questions sheet from here! super fun ya’ll should do it :’0
if you want to do it pls do i want. to kno abt ur ocs. you dont need to do all 100 bc i sure af didn’t
1. What is your OC’s name? Kimiko Ijichi 2. What is your OC’s gender? DFAB - Cis - she/her 3. What is your OC’s sexual orientation? Demi-asexual! 4. How old are they? I typically rp her as 16, but I like to imagine her in her late teens or early 20s 5. What species are they- human, animal, alien, robot, none of the above? Human 6. What is their family like? Do they have one? Yes!  She’s an only child with a mother and father.  Gengyo is a very loving and passionate father, though tends to be neurotic, paranoid, and spoils his daughter to no end.  Ritsuko is also a loving mother who puts compassion for others as a first priority, but has been struggling with her dysthymia and thus has been a less enthusiastic parent in Kimiko’s life.  More info on Gengyo here, and more info on Ritsuko here! 7. Who is their best friend? Why? Her designated best friend was and forever will be Isaki Matsuna.  Kimiko refuses to refer to anyone else as a best friend.  Isaki had been with Kimiko since early elementary school.  Her typical form of expressing affection was through taunting, and while that did seem odd to Kimiko, Isaki truly did care for and look out for her.  They were complete foils of each other; ultimately, they were perfect contrasts. 8. Do they have a partner/significant other? Why are they together/not together? Zak & I are working on a ship, but we have yet to really rp the start of it -- so no. 9. What is their most prized possession? Why is it so important? A ribbon from a beginner’s level riding competition!  It was the only competition she rode in, and she only got 7th place (they gave ribbons to all the competitors), but Isaki was there to train her, to cheer for her and put it in a really fancy frame.  The framed ribbon is nailed right above her desk at home! 10. Do they prefer to be warm or cold? She prefers to be chilly. 11. If they could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be? No way would she settle for this. 12. Is there anything they’d like to change about themselves physically? She really wishes she had long hair like Isaki’s.  Down to the butt.  But she would never be able to manage it. 13. Who is the most important person in their life? Isaki was and always will be her inspiration; but from someone who is living, her father!  Although he’s eccentric, he’s the light of her life, as is she to him! 14. Are they a cat person? A dog person? An okapi person? Birds!!  She’d love to have an African gray parrot when she retires!  Calm, friendly cats seem like nice companions, too. 15. What sort of books do they like to read (if they like to read)? Mystery, thriller, crime, autobiographies and memoirs, and books on psychology mainly.  She doesn’t strictly stay with these genres, though. 16. What’s their favorite thing to do on a rainy weekend? Turn on the news channel or turn on the radio and listen to the police scanner.  Arrange her blossoms from her flower pressing into little designs to frame.  Study, ofc.  And go shopping. 17. Where were they born? Hiroo, Shibuya 18. Where do they want to live? She wouldn’t mind staying in Japan, but doesn’t need to stick with where she’s living now (Ikebukuro).  She does prefer big cities, though. 19. Do they have a job? As a student, no.  But during college she’d probably get a part time job as a waitress or something before getting her internship.  Then she’d intern at a therapy facility only to start work as a psychologist & therapist.  Slowly but surely, she’d move her way on to more difficult, struggling people involved with touchy cases.  But that wouldn’t be until she’s in her mid-30s. 20. If they could work anywhere, where would it be? Chicago.  A big city full of crime. 21. Do they use any sort of weapon? If not, what would they want if they could have one? When she starts to work as a criminal psychologist with rather dangerous people, authorities would prompt her to keep a taser on her.
22. Do they have any sort of special power/what power would they want? Nope.  Wouldn’t want any.
23. What’s their fashion sense? Form-fitting comfy young hipster librarian with pastels.
24. What do they think of snakes? Interesting, but keep them away from her or so help me God.
25. What is their biggest pet peeve? Regarding someone as a bad person for mistakes they have made in the past.
26. What is their greatest fear? Not being recognized for her work in her department, and that she won’t be able to help any of her clients or the police force.
27. Do they have any sort of disability, disorder, or health issue? I am thinking about her having dysthymia like her mom, or some other form of depression, since trauma can be “passed down” and she’s gone through a lot.  Still trying to figure out where and how that’d fit though.  She’s also lactose intolerant if that qualifies here.
28. Who is the person they hate the most in their life? She tries not to hate, and she doesn’t truly hate anyone, but her ex-boyfriend Hoitsu Mifune is someone she really, truly, strongly dislikes.
29. Is there anyone they want to be more like? Isaki.  She was always super cheerful, fun-loving, spontaneous, and very go with the flow.
31. Their home is on fire- what do they do? Get out of there according to the fire escape plan she and her family have practiced.
32. Do they like children? Yes!!  While rowdy ones tend to annoy her a bit, she still likes them all the same!
33. Would they rather take a short cut or take the scenic route? Depends on where she’s going.  If it’s a lazy day with no plans, scenic route always.
34. What’s their strongest belief? If you don’t care for others, you’re not human; you’re a monster.
35. What’s their opinion on lying? It can come in handy from time to time, so long as it’s not meant to harm anyone.
38. Which family member are they closest to, if any? Her father as of lately.
39. Do they ever want to get married and/or have kids? YES. YES. YES. YES. yes.
40. What was the hardest decision they ever had to make in their life? Going to see Isaki’s father in the hospital while he was on his death bed.
41. What was the happiest day of their life? Not sure.
43. How did they meet their last/current/future significant other? Or their best friend, if non-applicable? She met Isaki in elementary school when they were partnered up together to do a report.  They were inseparable after that.  After Isaki’s death, Kimiko met Hoitsu when she was 15 through a teammate on the tennis team.  They were together for nine months before she ended it.
44. If they were a class in a fantasy RPG, what class would it be? Probably a cleric.
45. Do they have any birthmarks or scars that they’re embarrassed by? She does have some birthmarks running up her legs and some on her chest, but she’s not embarrassed by them.
46. What’s their favorite color? Lavender
47. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? Do they want any/any more? Her ears are pierced, but that’s it.  She’s content with that.
48. Have they ever tried drugs or alcohol? Nope!
49. Are they an idealist or a realist? Idealist
50. Are they more introverted or extroverted? Extroverted!
51. What is their main goal in life? To become a criminal psychologist.
52. What are they willing to sacrifice to accomplish that goal? Her time, her well being, her friends.
53. Would they ever kill somebody (what would they consider a justifiable reason to kill someone?) Nope!  Not at all.
54. Have they ever kissed someone? Do they want to? She kissed Hoitsu a few times, though he was uninterested by it.  She likes romance, so I guess she wants to?
55. Have they always been comfortable with their sexual/gender identity, or is it something they’ve struggled with? No, she doesn’t even know she is demi-asexual.  She just thinks she’s uninterested because she isn’t ready to be sexually intrigued by someone.  Which is technically true.
56. Do they have any special ability or marking that sets them apart from others of their species/race? Why is it so remarkable or strange? Nnno?
58. If they had a Tumblr, what would they blog about? TBFH. she’d probably be either a studyblr or post about psychology and self care.
59. Any kinks or fetishes? Rich-Looking People.
60. If they only had one day left to live, what would they do? Say her goodbyes to her friends and family, then cry.
61. If they found a wallet with the equivalence of 200 dollars in it, what would they do? Find the ID and report it to the police to be given back.
62. If they live in a world without magic/without mainstream magic, do they believe in magic? Excluding Kiyo, no she doesn’t believe in it.
63. If they could have any pet ever, what would it be? AFRICAN GRAY PARROT. PLEASE.
64. Who is the person they admire most? Why? Isaki; go back to #7 and #29
65. Do they think they are attractive? Yes!
66. What is their biggest regret? Not asking for Isaki and her family to stay home the night of the crash.
67. What would they do for a klondike bar? she’d kill a man
68. The most important person in their life has been bitten by a zombie/whatever qualifies as a zombie in their world. Do they put them out of their misery, or try to find an alternative? Find an alternative.  If it resulted in having to kill her father, then she’d kill herself afterwards.
69. Is there anyone in their life they just can’t say no to? Why? Her mother; she knows she’s struggling with a lot of things and can’t seem to balance all she needs to, so she wants to help her in any way possible.
70. Are they more math, science, or art oriented? Science!
71. Is there anything they like that would be considered geeky in their world? Forensics??? Maybe?  Just knowing and spewing weird trivia about it?
72. Did they/would they leap at the call to adventure, or were they/would they have to be dragged along? If asked, she’d happily tag along, so long as safety is guaranteed.
73. Do they think there is more to life than whatever they are doing right now? Oh yeah.
75. What’s their most positive trait? She’s utterly compassionate.
76. What’s their fatal flaw? She’s utterly compassionate -- to the point where she needs to baby those who are struggling, which in turn sacrifices her well being and ultimately doesn’t help those she’s caring for.  Savior complex tbh.
77. What do their friends/family/teammates find most annoying about them? She’s loud, most jokes go over her head, she’s blunt, and she probably is nosy about their lives.  She just has to know if they need her.
78. What are their biggest strengths? She knows how to remain calm and rational during a panicked event; compassionate; ambitious; does her best not to be judgmental.
79. What are their weaknesses? She has a savior complex; very invasive about personal lives; self-sacrificial; depressed; spoiled.  Fun fun.
80. What is most memorable about their appearance? Uhh either her height or her eyebrows?
82. Do they dwell on the past, or live in the moment? OH BOY.  She preaches about living in the moment, and accepting and learning from the past to progress in The Now.  BUT.  She dwells.
83. Why is their main goal so important to them? What set them on that path? Becoming a criminal psychologist interested her at the age of nine; it was said to be an exciting job that paid very well.  But after Isaki’s death and evidence to show that she was involved with drug use/dealing and underage gambling, Kimiko changed her mindset.  She now wants to become one since she knows criminals are still people.  She wants to help them in any way she can, to help them lead healthy lives again.
84. Do they believe that people are inherently good? YES. She’s adamant about it.
87. Is there any other fictional character you would compare them too, personality or appearance-wise? tbh I did start to design her with traits from Ishimaru and Kirigiri.  So I guess them?
89. What sort of music do they/would they like? Pop!  Soft pop about romance is typically what she listens to when she’s doing her work.
90. What do they consider the worst evil in the world? Abuse, cruelty and neglect to children, as that traumatizes them and sets them up for a difficult life, only to repeat the abuse to their children.
91. What’s the closest they’ve been to dying (or, if they’re already dead, how did they die)? She attempted suicide soon after Isaki’s father died in the hospital, as he was the last of her immediate family who was living.  She attempted by hanging, but her knot was lousy and undid itself.
93. Do they like their name? Is there any name they’d rather have? She does!  Ijichi is a name rather well-known since her father’s family has an attorneys practice starting with her great grandfather Ijichi.
94. What is the significance of their name? Kimiko ( 君子 ) means “noble child”; Ijichi ( 伊地知 ) I cannot find the meaning of for the life of me. Italy, earth, knowledge? idk
95. Have they ever been bullied? Have they ever bullied anyone? There’s always bullying in the school yard; she’s never been horribly bullied, nor worried too much about it.  Isaki was the one who would usually torment others, so Kimiko was just her henchman.
96. Are they a light or heavy sleeper? Average?
97. What do they dream about when they sleep? idk, random things. Dreams are weird.
98. Do they prefer an urban or a rural setting, or something else? She does like rural settings to stay at for a while, but ultimately she’s a big fan of urban settings.
99. Is there any moment or event that they feel defines their life and who they are now? Isaki’s death.
100. Why is this character important? To you, and/or to their world? Oh man.  When I get an idea for an OC, it’s always in a short spurt, so pretty much all my OCs are really under-developed.  But for whatever reason, I stuck with developing Kimiko.  RPing her also helped SO MUCH in terms of figuring out why she is the way she is and adding new traits and perspectives to her. idk.  I just love her a lot and I’m glad my pals here like her as much as they do. ;;;
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