#and some other guy is seabs
bracketsoffear · 7 months
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Vast: Ghost Leviathan (Subnautica) "To me, they are pretty much the embodiment of the fear of the open ocean. Once you reach the Crater Edge the seabed drops away leaving nothing ahead but an empty void. You could fall through it forever if you let yourself. You get a message as you pass the boundary "Warning: Entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank." Keep going and an adult Ghost Leviathan will appear to kill you. Then another appears, and another. Aside from some microbes, these are the only things living out in the void. For any you manage to kill, another will take its place. As they grow, they migrate out to the void where they have enough space to keep growing. It's implied that they keep growing their whole lives."
The Eye: Vincent Price (The Price of Fear) "(To be clear, this is a fictionalised version of himself that he portrayed in a radio show, not the real life person. Although the "total strangers confess weird often disturbing and confidential things to him unprompted" aspect WAS apparently true of him in real life--I don't know that anyone ever confessed to murder but a lot of strangers who recognised him would apparently confide all kinds of secrets and strange stories to him since he was fairly nonjudgemental and wasn't the type of guy to interrupt or walk away when someone was talking to him. The "just knowing things" part…well, he did believe he had some level of psychic abilities/premonitions IRL, but I don't know what to make of that. Either way though the character being submitted for this poll is the fictionalised version, who shares a lot of traits with the real man but gets into clearly fictional situations in each episode.) Vincent discovers all kinds of Dark Secrets (TM) in the form of a different supernatural or murdery event each episode. Sometimes this involves him actively investigating mysteries to discover the truth about various strange occurrences. Other times he's more of a witness to events, often becoming the only person alive to know the truth about something horrible--for instance going on a fishing trip with a guy leads to him discovering the guy's been killing people and feeding them to sharks. Other times, people just…tell him things--in fact, people open up to him extremely quickly in most episodes, he only has to ask a couple of questions to get someone to tell him all about his experience of being possessed, but the most notable examples are the FOUR occasions where a total stranger approaches him, sits down opposite him, and confesses to murder almost totally unprompted, in an unusually coherent way (OK so one guy was a very nervous and hesitant person who takes a little bit of prompting, but his confession still forms a coherent and narratively interesting enough story to make an episode of a radio show!), while Vincent just (mostly) calmly listens to it all. Also he…knows stuff. Inexplicably. Like, maybe not concrete factual stuff so much, but like, at least to what in a different context I'd call force-sensitive levels. Any time he thinks something's wrong, or someone's in danger, or that he might never see this person again, or he claims to sense Evil, without fail he is accurate. (Also the promotional art for the show features him staring at you somewhat disturbingly.)"
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
(sorry if you’ve answered this before) who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic)? talk about them!
I actually haven't gotten this question before. Thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about them, anon ^_^
My Top Ten Favorite Characters are
1. Asta
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I think part of the reason why I love Asta a lot stems from the fact that my expectations for Black Clover were pretty low. A lot of people complained about Asta's voice and personality so I thought I would just have to do my best to ignore Asta. But his voice didn't bother me and I'm glad I watched it because I love Asta.
I also love Asta because what's not to love about him. He's such a lovable goofball and he reminds me of myself when I was his age. Not to mention, I love turning on Black Clover when I'm exercising because it's easier for me to stay motivated to keep going.
2. Finral
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I love Finral so much. He's such a nice guy and such a wet cat of a human being.
Also, I'm used to characters like Finral being annoying and perverted and that's what I expected when he was first on screen. But he's exact opposite. It's obvious that he's just a touch starved guy. To use an example, when Finral learned that Nero was actually a girl and he immediately flirts and just as quickly apologizes for it.
3. Yami
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HE'S SO WEIRD in the best way possible. He kinda just does whatever he wants and doesn't let anything stop him.
Not to mention, as a neurodivergent person, it's nice to see an adult in powerful position give a chance to the weirdos and outcasts of the world.
4. Mereoleona
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She's weird in her own way. She decided that instead of joining the Crimson Lions to just... live alone in the wilderness. Iconic.
Then when Fuegoleon was in a coma, she makes fun of him in the way that older sisters do. Like Yami, she just kinda does whatever she wants, sees the potential in people no matter their walk of life, and cares deeply for her squad and her little brothers.
5. Vanessa
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Vanessa has a lot of personality traits that I wish I had. She's pretty laid back, takes shit from no one, caring, and can stand up for herself. I stress myself out a lot in life and it's honestly gotten in the way of me forming some friendships and has made me a yes woman when I really shouldn't.
6. Leopold
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I want to put him in my pocket. He's so cute and nerdy. He loves competition and cares a lot for his friends. Also he reminds me a lot of a few friends I had in middle school.
7. Mimosa
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Mimosa is really sweet but she still has other parts to her personality. She's gets annoyed at her brother a lot. I also relate to the fact that she sometimes is just really mean on accident. She can't read people's emotions to save her life.
I also really like the fact that she's a healer but treated with respect. I'm used to characters like her just being thrown in the background and portrayed only as weak and expendable. But she's give her moments to shine and the fact that she's in the Golden Dawn is proof of that.
8. Noelle
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I didn't think I would like her when I first started watching Black Clover. Characters like her are typically one dimensional, shoved in the background, and are simply just the main character's love interest. But Noelle is different. She stands on her own two feet and can snap a bone when she needs to.
9. Yuno
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I just think he's neat.
10. Klaus
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From the Golden Dawn trio, I feel like Klaus is the straight man out of them. He's pretty calm but he does have his intense moments.
Honorable mentions: Luck, Zora, Fuegoleon, Rill, Julius, Liebe, Nacht, Gordon, and Dorothy.
My Favorite Ships are
1. Magluck (Magna/Luck)
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I'm actually pretty sad that this ship isn't that popular. I started shipping them pretty early in the show. I think I started shipping them in Arc 5 (Seabed Temple Arc) but I was completely sold on their relationship after this hug.
2. MarsFana (Mars/Fana)
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Not much to say here. These two have a very simple but nice romance. It's a very cookie cutter romance and some times that's all a romance needs to be. It's really hard to ruin childhood friends to lovers anyway.
I'd love to see more of them though considering how important they were in the beginning.
3. Finral x Finesse (do these guys have a ship name?)
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I know that this ship isn't really popular and it makes sense. Finesse was added later in the show and. But I think she's good for Finral and it's clear he loves her. His devotion to change is strong and is another reason why I love him.
I don't have a lot a romantic ships for this show. Some honorable mentions: Astelle (Asta/Noelle), Greyche (Grey/Gauche)
My Favorite Platonic Ships are
1. Finral and Vanessa
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These two share one (1) braincell and I love it.
Not to mention I love their parallels. They're both very flirty and come from a family that treated them poorly because of their magic. For Vanessa, Witch Queen saw potential in Vanessa and locked her away while Finral's skills were overlooked in favor of bother's. Vanessa is more confident while Finral is pretty cowardly. Their similarities and differences really help to balance their relationship and it works very well.
I also like when they fight together because it feels very much like they step up to the role of being Asta's older siblings.
I'm also just a huge sucker for physically affectionate m/f friendships.
2. Gauche, Gordon, and Grey
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The trio I didn't know I wanted but the one I needed.
So while it's clear that Gordon and Grey are pretty similar to each other, Gauche is a great addition. They're the least social characters in the show and while Gordon and Grey want to make more friends, Gauche wants to push people away. Also, as the story progresses, it's clear that Gauche is starting to care about the Black Bulls, especially Grey and Gordon.
I think the best way to describe it, they remind me of the "they asked for no pickles" meme.
3. Asta and Leopold
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As mentioned, Leopold reminds me of friends I made in middle school and Asta reminds me of me. So their relationship feels more personal to me. They clearly love each other and both encourage each other to do better.
4. Asta and Yuno
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They both parallel each other in the way that Vanessa and Finral do. Asta represents the journey of hard work while Yuno represents the journey of natural talent. They constantly challenge each other in a way that no one else could do and neither of them would be where they are today without the other.
I sure do parallels.
5. Vanessa and Luck
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These two are criminally underrated. Vanessa is definitely the Black Bulls' older sister but her relationship with Luck just hits different. She loves him and he clearly thinks highly of her too (in his own special way).
6. Nero and Lumiere
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Lumiere is such a dork rivaled only by Julius and Nero keeps to herself for the most part but she is clearly soft for him and I really like that. In fact, in a flashback, Lumiere annotated a part in a book that said something like "Secre would love this."
7. Vanessa and Magna
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Vanessa clearly enjoys poking fun and getting a rise out of Magna. But despite their bickering, they do like each other. You don't have to twist their arm if it came to helping them train.
8. Klaus and Asta
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I like their relationship in the anime more than in the manga. Klaus worries and thinks about Asta a lot more in the anime more than magna. He also becomes the mom friend™️ when it comes to Asta.
9. Yami and Jack
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These two are just really silly by themselves and together, their chaotic behaviors increases tenfold.
10. Sol and Magna
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I'm putting these two last because they're not really friends (and I don't like Sol all that much) but they have potential. During the tournament arc, their bickering reminded me a lot of my siblings and I when we were teenagers-early twenties.
honorable mentions: Dorothy and Nozel, Vanessa and Noelle
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
Astrology for Horse Jugglers
Sometimes your friend has a birthday so you have to do something ridiculous about it. Say happy birthday to @ceilingfan5 (for yesterday) and enjoy some mildly(?) unhinged Taakitz shenanigans!
“Yeah, fish magnetism research is incredibly important right now my guy, we’re revolutionising the industry. Doesn’t harm the seabed at all and you can just schlorp the fish you want straight out of the water as long as you set the master fish magnet to the right frequency.” Taako nodded sagely and took another swig of his secon… vth free glass of fizz, but truly who was counting? Not Taako, that’s for sure. Weddings were all about love baby, love, free tiny fancy drinks, and getting to say absolute bullshit to strangers because anyone that would actually try and stop him was too busy being gross somewhere else.
“That’s fascinating, Greg, how do you get the magnets in the fish?” Hurley’s third cousin twice removed was eating this up and Taako was thriving. He loved to perform, was the thing, and an hours long secret audience participation improv show? That was tap shoes, baby, and Taako was dancing.
“Well, that’s a great question, Max, not everyone would think to ask it. We actually use laser darts!”
“Laser darts?” Max leaned forward, enthralled. Of course he was, Taako was at his loom weaving laser magnet fish blankets for everyone.
“They’re really small magnets, you see, tiny, but they’re super powerful. Have you heard of keyhole surgery?” Taako waited for Max to nod his affirmation. “Well, we’ve got this robot submarine with a laser powered blowgun…” Taako was rudely interrupted by the announcement that the dining room was finally ready. He promised Max that he’d definitely finish explaining later and was gathered up as the hungry mass of guests descended and swept them along through the doors.
Taako folded himself into his chair and tried not to look as sullen as he felt. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to sit the whole family together, but Taako on his own in a sea of distant relatives? Rude! Lup was allowed to sit with Barry, and Magnus and Julia were together, he checked, just so he knew how spiteful to be about it. Lucretia, Dav, and Merle were together too and Taako was fine missing out on that, but surely they could have swapped a family friend for him and allowed him some twin time? But no, apparently he was capable of handling himself, happy to be on his own, that’s Taako. Single Taako who was completely and utterly fine about it.
The scutch of strangers he’d be making awkward small talk with filtered in slowly and nodded politely to Taako as they continued their conversations. He definitely didn’t make a note of the fact they all seemed to know each other. What did he do to piss off the seating plan gods? Or, more specifically, Sloane.
The pondering ended pretty quickly when the seat next to him was pulled out and Taako turned to be greeted by a particularly delicious pair of thick, suit-challenging thighs. Taako didn’t really want to look higher, the view was great, A+ +, 10/10 no notes, but he forced himself to anyway. Gotta be polite. He didn’t regret it. Mr Next Seat Over was ‘pair of disposable gloves come with your chicken wings because we can’t trust you not to touch your face afterwards, idiot’ hot. Taako reversed the curses he may or may not have placed on Sloane and Hurley (to start from after their honeymoon, he was considerate like that). Hot boy sat in the seat elegantly and Taako resisted the impulse to engage immediately.
He resisted the impulse badly. Taako’s impulse control wasn’t great, it turned out. C- - -, in fact, but the guy sat down and didn’t introduce himself so what else could Taako do? There was a thing called manners and Taako had them. Sometimes. Probably. As long as you didn’t ask for references.
“Hail and well met…” Taako peered at the little wooden name plate Magnus had painstakingly etched everyone’s names into, oh no, that meant he had to lean in and press himself right into the man’s personal space. What a shame.“... Kravitz. What-ho!”
Kravitz, thankfully, didn’t look angry. In fact, he turned in his seat and grinned. “Ahoy-hoy.” Kravitz pretended to answer what Taako could only assume was an imaginary telephone. “To whom am I speaking?” Kravitz kept hold of the imaginary receiver and quirked an eyebrow at Taako. Oh, oh hot boy wanted to play, did he? Taako could play.
“Avast ye, matey! ‘Tis ol’ Taako from the depths of the sea, I’ve got you on my line now.”
“Sorry mate, wrong number.” Kravitz, inexplicably cockney now, hung up. “Sorry,” he grimaced to Taako, “I think that was a s-clam call, and my Mums always told me I had to hang up on those. Mind you, they also told me not to answer the phone at the table, so maybe I should have tried to counter-seduce the pirate.” He looks thoughtful for a moment, then continues. “Anyway, I’m Kravitz, pleased to meet you.” He held out a hand to shake. Taako fist bumped it, Kravitz was the best amount of hinged (un), and he didn't know it yet but they were friends now. Well, at least for the duration of the wedding. Surprise, Taako's your problem now...
Read the rest on A03!
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dreamsausage · 8 months
lesbian robot dream
just had a dream where were walking g around my favourite park with a family I didn't recognise. we were going a route that was totally different to the one we usually take, and it seemed to mix another park I like in with it. we walked past a path that had a big solid dam locking in a pool of water, but we were on the other side and there were about 15 herons all standing in the water eating snails.
then we turned a corner and we found these two guys who were actors I recognised but they weren't actually irl people from what I could tell? like my brain went "oh I've seen them on tv" but they didn't look like anyone I've seen before.
they were working on several computers and talking to eachother so we came over to ask what they were doing. turns out they had found some lost media in the form of a movie that they wanted to publish on YouTube, and they realised they were close to where it was filmed, so they came over to compare it.
we watched as they discussed the movie, and they apparently hadn't published the video yet and were just verifying it before they did. they played it in full so we could see what happens in it.
It was a bit muddled, but it was the same every time they replayed it, down to the voice acting. it seems some kind of magician who worked for the mayor of a town created a sentient robot, and used magic to give her a human body to see if the town would accept her. a lot of the town didn't like her because she was very tall and slightly unsettling, and she didn't know how to use the hands she now had so they were constantly frail, curled up and bruised from her stubbing them constantly.
the first half of the movie was in stop motion animation. here it introduced Seffie (the robot girl), the magician who was like 30 years old? and he didn't do much because he had to travel to the next town to get stuff at the start, the mayor who was a very nervous old guy who had a robot butler that followed him everywhere and helped to reaffirm the mayor's decisions, a barber and a shoemaker who went everywhere together and seemed to be played by the same two actors from before, and Lilith, one of only a few 18 year old girls in the small town.
lilith immediately liked the robot girl and couldn't understand why everyone else was so weirded out by her. there was a scene where she was talking to her mother while collecting up the stuff she needed around the house (because she worked as a carpenter) and her mother was saying
"you need to keep your distance from that robot. it doesn't have the capacity to care."
and lilith said
"you just don't get her mum. she has her own way of doing things. and anyway, she's really beautiful..."
at that she grabbed a long hair tie made of pink flowery ribbon off the hat stand, looked at it and thought for a second, then put it in her bag and left the house.
I can't entirely remember the events in between this and the next important part in order but it was just lilith making friends with seffie, taking her around the town and showing her things, sharing her favourite food with her, and then she gave her the hairtie. seffie doesn't have a lot of hair so the hairtie made it seem much longer, and it matched the pink colour of her eyes. at this point something begins to change in seffie and she becomes more proactive and talkative.
there was one part where lilith, seffie, the two guys, the robot and the mayor were all in a car driving down a long path near a lake. the road was slightly uneven and while they were talking, the car malfunctioned and the brakes stopped working. the mayor lost control of the car and it fell into the lake, quickly starting to fill with water.
seffie successfully opened the side doors and the mayor and the robot guy got out of the driver's side, while the barber and the shoemaker got out of the other. there were loads of long plants coming up from the seabed and the robot almost got tangled in them, but he managed to cut through them with his metal claws and pull the mayor up out of the lake. the barber also nearly got his leg tangled up but he had a pair of scissors in his pocket so he cut through the plant and tried to swim out with the shoemaker.
but then it turned out the shoemaker had his hand stuck in the window, which had automatically tried to close when the car malfunctioned. it was too tightly stuck to get his hand out, but the glass was reinforced and almost impossible for him to smash. the shoemaker started drowning and the barber kept ahold of his other hand trying to figure out how to get him out.
then Seffie realised that those two weren't going to get out, so she used her feet to kick open the sunroof while lilith worked on smashing the window. eventually the window broke and they all swam up through the car and got out of the water at the top. the shoemaker coughed up water for a while but he and the rest of the people turned out ok. originally the shoemaker was a little skeptical of seffie but after this he couldn't ignore that she was a good person who genuinely cared for others, unlike what the town thought.
they all walked back to town and the shoemaker got his hand looked at by a doctor when they arrived. some of the townspeople didn't entirely believe what happened, and thought that maybe lilith was the one to actually kick open the sunroof, or even that seffie caused the malfunction. everyone who had been in the car steadfastly refused any of these ideas and insisted the truth of what happened. seffie stayed quiet because she didn't think the people would listen to anything she said.
there was a bit of a blur where something happened but I can't quite remember, but then it came to the end of the movie and the final scene was between lilith and saffie. they were in an orchard in full bloom and seffie still had the hairtie on. they were sitting together and talking about things they wanted to do during the week, and lilith seemed unusually nervous. she grabbed seffie's hand and told her there was one thing she wanted to do right that moment, which was tell seffie that she loved her.
seffie was quiet for a second, but then she pulled lilith into a hug and said "even after everything the people in town said about me?"
lilith said she didn't care what they said, and she loved seffie anyway.
they started to sing their favourite song together and dance around in the orchard. the barber and the shoemaker had been there too watching to see if it would go well, so they came out and congratulated both of them, and then they all started dancing.
the next scene was them walking back to town and lilith and seffie were holding hands and smiling. lilith's mother came out of the house and saw seffie smiling and looking at lilith lovingly, and she realised that maybe seffie really wasn't a robot anymore, and that she not only had capacity to care, but also to love.
they got married and then the credits played. the two actor guys decided that it was indeed the full version like they had hoped, and they immediately began uploading it to various sites, then copied the whole thing to a disc and made plans to have it rereleased by a film studio they had ties to.
a lot of the scenes in the movie were bloody because seffie never fully learned how to use her hands, especially in the car scene since she tried to break the windows and the sunroof with her hands first, breaking them and cutting them on the sharp edges. when she got out of the car there was blood running down her arms and some on her face from the initial crash. several other scenes had her try to use her hands wrong and hurt them, with lilith helping to clean them up.
during the wedding scene her hands and forearms were wrapped in bandages. she never moved her fingers from a fist and held things with both hands. the bloody scenes were often hard to watch because it was obvious she found using her hands very painful, which may be a reason why the movie wasn't archived. I think another of the reasons why the film was lost was because it was a lesbian love story too, and critics received it poorly due to public opinion of gay people at the time. "why couldn't the robot be a boy?" and so forth.
there had apparently been a forum post where this person had remembered the movie, but she only had screenshots of "when I thought seffie looked the most beautiful". she had posted these images to the forum and they were very low quality, so me and the other two guys started going through the movie and finding all the same parts and re-screenshotting them so they were in high quality for this person.
I couldn't tell what time the movie was set in, but it definitely felt like it was in the past. the clothes they wore and technology of the time felt almost steampunk, but it wasn't as over-the-top and many of the people there didn't really bother with technology much, plus they did widely have electricity.
colour definitely drove the narrative a lot. seffie originally had a very monochrome white theme except for her deep pink eyes, while lilith was always very pink and purple. the more the two got to know eachother, the pinker saffie got. her wedding dress at the end was rose pink.
the barber and the shoemaker both wore mostly brown and their hair was very dark brown, almost black. they wore the same things but clearly were not related, just very close. there was a rumour going round the forums that they were initially planned to also get married at the end, but this was scrapped to put the focus on the girls instead.
lilith's mum always wore green, and the rest of the townspeople mostly wore grey, black and white. the magician wore red and had deep pink eyes that matched saffie's.
weird dream but really quite nice honestly.
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ruinlost · 6 months
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@maquiscursed said:
... is he seeing correctly? or has he spent so much time trapped in a metal box underwater that his brain has decided to play tricks on him? wriothesley squints through the window bay he has retreated to to stretch his legs in-between (light) duties. now, he has seen his fair share of strange occurrences in the depth, but... this? some guy walking at the bottom of the seabed? that's new, he muses, perplexed. a vision holder, maybe, if he's not wearing any kind of helmet - but even vision holders tend to swim rather than casually take a stroll by the gigantic pipes sprouting out of the sand and rock. curiosity piqued, wriothesley curls his fingers into a fist, and knocks loudly against the metal surface of the wall. gong! sound travels fast underwater - he bangs again, and again, until, at last, he sees the boy look back at him. ha. finally, the warden waves at the stranger. now, how long until the meka units find him and drag him to the meropide...? (not me bringing back a small thing we talked about 67 years ago BHDHJVB HOPE THIS WORKS)
Farrow was no stranger to being underwater for long periods of time,he would on occasion would do so back in the lakes back home ,but the ocean? was a completely different experience let alone fontaine's oceans ,a lot more open and a lot more to explore and see even if his visit here was for a short time.
He had ended up stumbling upon an area filled with many underwater pipes that had caught his attention ,along with the loud gongs that started to come from them wait...were they supposed to be making that noise?,the automatons brow furrowed in confusion ,he decided to follow the direction the sound was coming from finding himself freezing up a bit at the sight of another person.
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He slowly (and awkwardly) waved back to the other unsure of what else to do maybe he shouldn't have gotten curious to trying to get a closer look at things and maybe he shouldnt just be walking along on the seafloor instead of swimming (it was something a bit easier for him to do) ,then again he also didn't expect anyone to see him down here aside from the sea creatures and meks that lived here.
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dixie12 · 2 years
just drowning in my jonny feels as always
(i blame @towez)
sunday was super emotional, so i can where there was maybe some letdown after that, everyone kinda low energy on the flight to dallas.
and jonny assumes seabs has gone home, because he can only leave dayna for so long, so he's pouty about that. he always thinks he's totally fine living alone, and then seabs comes to town for a day or two and jonny can't pretend anymore, that he's happy all alone.
this time was a little worse- seabs showed up to jonny's place unannounced and jonny had maybe forgotten to take out the recycling, and seabs didn't buy his excuse of "i had the guys over a few nights ago" for the empty liquor bottles waiting to go out.
jonny doesn't do it every night- he's a professional, and there's still hockey. but sometimes, when he can't stop thinking about how hard the last two years have been, and he can't sleep.. yea..
seabs didn't even say anything about it, but the look on his face, pity mixed with concern, was enough to make jonny feel like a rookie again, struggling to keep his head above water without seabs figuring it out.
tonight, jonny does his post game interviews, takes the brunt of the questions, tells the reporters over and over again that he doesn't know what happened.. yes they've lost a bunch in a row.. no they aren't tanking, and his shoulders are slumping more with each question.
he showers listlessly, gets on the bus and then the plane, doesn't quite fall asleep on the short flight home. he drives home on autopilot, trying to remember what he has in his freezer he can reheat for a snack before falling into bed.
he tries not to think about the other guys going home- pat kissing a sleeping pk3 before slipping into bed with amanda, connor's new fiance waiting up to give him a consolation hug, one of the rookies being greeted by his enthusiastic dog.. and what does he have?
so he's pretty maudlin as he unlocks the door, and as he walks in, he freezes, because he knows he turned everything off when he left, but there's a soft light coming from the kitchen, strains of some quiet music in the background, and it smells good, homey. not the usual chemical-clean of his housekeeping service.
probably not burglars then, he thinks, walking into the kitchen
and of course seabs is there, a pair of jonny's swears hanging low on his hips, stirring some pasta sauce on the stove, the scent of garlic and butter swirling in the air
"hey sweetheart," seabs says, opening his arms for jonny, who walks right towards him and just collapses in seabs' embrace and lets himself be caught
(they eat a late dinner, and then seabs puts jonny to bed. they don't even have sex, seabs just strips jonny down, kisses him gently and wraps him up in his arms to sleep)
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hollowslantern · 2 years
i am not reblogging that but okay my favourite thing about you is that you are actually very nice very naturally and remind me to be nicer and appreciate things i wouldn't normally you are like the angel on my shoulder + 10 + i have but i don't remember them i don't really dream + whenever i see flower language or spongebob or certain reaction images also i watched a movie yesterday and a guy was literally named hoagie i saw a flower engraved knife the other day actually and was like so true + yeah but ur always around but yeah + ur very funny also very naturally and it makes me mad sometimes bc i always have to sit and think + mango passionfruit fancy apples & cherries/strawberries there's no other fruit + like a light like #seabed blue and sure + ur pretty bc u r my friend + sure probably some sort of gay moisturiser + alolan raichu + i thought u had 10000 followers and was intimidated and that u hated me and u trigger tagged bnha but still posted it and it scared and allured me equally it was like i hope she puts ur hyperfixation in her dni but on a lesser level and then i remember telling leo i want to force him be my friend so much + yes + yes + those blue ones that grow on ur lawn
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I dont even have way to respond to this it has me smiling and tearing up #foxforever
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bu1410 · 3 months
Good morning TUMBLR - March 7th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Ch. VIII - 1985- 1989 - Bahrain - Part 3
Vitale Giuseppe Sicilian, he was one of the most unpleasant Italians present among us. Also disliked by his fellow countrymen due to his arrogance, which they explained to me was a characteristic trait of the inhabitants of Piazza Armerina, province of Enna. This guy had already caused some disagreements among the Sicilians, and especially among the families present in Bahrain. Summer came, and Vitale brought to Manama his wife and daughter from Italy. His wife proved to be an inexhaustible source of inadvertent humor and sensational gaffes. Talking about their time in Nigeria when her husband worked there, she said:
''We had a really good time - Sunday we spent on the beach of the Niger River, the water was so transparent that you could see the entire seabed…!!'' She took the trouble to inform the other ladies that her daughter ''had been sent back to September in literature and science, but no need to hire a teacher, I decided to prepare her for the exams just by myself''. In the end the Vitale family was among the protagonists of a shameful uproar with three other Sicilian families in the luxurious compound where they had gone to live. A complex of villas with a swimming pool in the center, where plates, glasses, leftovers from pizza and all kinds of furnishings ended up following the argument triggered by Vitale's behaviour. Who, not content with having ''undermined'' his colleague Failla's wife, had also tried his chance with their 20-year-old daughter. Members of the Failla's entourage, Mr. Mastronardo and Mr. Palmizio families also took part in the argument, long feared but never implemented. Mr. Failla – known as Scintilla because he was the electrical supervisor of the plant – had put up with the situation for a while also thanks to the recommendations of his wife, who wanted everything except a scandal of that type. Nobody knew what was the straw that broke the camel's back, the fact is that one Friday, a holiday in Bahrain, Failla had invited Vitale to come out of the house for ''clarifications''. At first the clarification seemed to involve only the two heads of the family, but within a few minutes all the members of the other families had intervened, some siding with the Vitale's, some with the Failla's. By now the situation had gotten out of control, and everyone was shouting insults at everyone else, in an opera buffa crescendo. Up to the point where, no one knows exactly who, started to take action: brooms, plates, leftovers from lunch made their appearance (it was after 2.00 pm ). The argument was starting to degenerate, with spectators of various nationalities all around - some laughing, some despairing because they feared the worst. A moment before things got really serious, the security of the compound, certainly called by someone, entered ''on the battlefield'' trying to restore calm. And so did the heads of the family, pushing and pulling their respective women, who couldn't stop swearing ''it doesn't end here''!! The dispute had left visible signs on the yard and in the swimming pool, which were cleaned by the Indian attendants sent by the Management. There were no disciplinary consequences, but life inside the compound was no longer the same.
Mr. COMBOY & the BRITISH The social behavior of bRITISH colleagues was a completely different story. Their leader was Mr. Terry Comboy, a tall, thin and slightly stuttering guy, with 60s Beatles-style bob hair and a face marked by alcohol and cigarettes. I soon learned that ''fun'' for the British community depended on the amount of beer and alcohol they had drunk the night before. For the British, alcohol takes on a truly discriminating role, and those who don't drink have two alternatives: either they learn to do so, or they are discriminated against and excluded from the group. Almost as if not drinking excessively could be an unforgivable ''disgrace''. And then we witness pathetic scenes, when the non-drinker tries to guzzle beers just to stay within a certain group. Be that as it may, the English taught me what ''all for one, one for all'' means during a disconcerting episode. Terry Comboy had spent the evening at the pub with friends and colleagues - as usual they ''got it on'' with alcohol. At a certain point Terry greeted everyone and headed home driving the Company car, a white Toyota Corolla, with GPIC stickers and the identification number on the sides. It was now almost midnight, when our Director Engineer Fiorentino, returning from the plant where a problem had occurred, noticed a Toyota Corolla in a ditch near the Diplomat hotel. Stopping by, he realized that there was no one inside. He noted the license plate number and identification and called Security at the plant, asking who the Toyota No. 48 was assigned to.  To Mr. Terry Comboy – he was answered  Well, send a vehicle immediately to recover it, which is here near the overturned Diplomat - and call the police and hospitals to inform you if anyone has been hospitalized following a road accident – said Fiorentino. Than the Director called Terry Comboy and he immediately responded:  Yes Mr. Fiorentino! What can I do for you? I'm here at our pub.  Wait me there – replied the Director. Having gone to the pub, the Director was welcomed by Terry and seven or eight other Britishers.  Where's your car Terry? Fiorentino churches.  Well…I suppose here outside where I left it – said Terry  -No…..it's not there…. apparently someone took it and had an accident not far from here….  In fact I didn't move from the pub since I came at around 10 pm – Terry replied showing that he was somewhat surprised – you can ask my friends and colleagues here….  ''Yes sure, Terry didn't move from here since he came'' – Terry's friends said in unison. And so it was that - supported by the testimony of his group - Terry saved himself from being kicked out, and the accident of the company car attributed to an unknown thief, who had taken it without leaving any signs of forced entry. It was the only car ''theft'' of which there was news in my four years of stay in Bahrain…….. Mr. Comboy, among other things, was another of my neighbors, on the fourth floor of the Manama condominium. He lived there with a young Thai girl. I met him one morning on the landing, waiting for the lift to arrive, holding a black plastic bin bag – you could tell from the noise he made that it was full of beer cans.  Hello Terry how you doin'?  I'm fine thanks  Did you have a party last night? I threw it there, nodding towards the bag of rump  Party? No no no….just a quite evening with my GF – he replied
It was a May Friday morning, when the temperatures in Bahrain are already scorching, I was walking home from the nearby shawarma shop - a Lebanese one that cooked the extraordinary meats that the Emir imported from his farms in New Zealand - when I see a woman whose already ''imposing'' figure was made even more notable by the fact that she was wearing a COAT!! In Bahrain you don't wear a coat even in winter! Can you imagine in May …… The woman, a lady apparently in her '50, was dragging a huge suitcase – turning towards me she asked:  Hi….do you live around here?  Yes……  By chance do you know a British guy whose name in Terry Comboy?  Ummm….Never heard this name before…. sorry for ya….  Ok…thanks…. Then I passed the woman and walked briskly towards home. I than learned from Mr. Battaglia Venanzio - the unofficial ''concierge of the building'' - that the lady in question was Terry's ex-wife - She had come to Bahrain because he had not paid the alimony established by the English Court during months which he had decreed their divorce.
Mr. BATTAGLIA VENANZIO He was born in Mogadisho,son of one of those Italians who had fought in Somalia during the war of occupation, and of a Somali woman. He had never met his father, and at the beginning of the 1960s, once the period of Italian Trusteeship ended, Venanzio like many other Italians left Somalia to return to Italy. He therefore posed for the Italian Government of the time how to facilitate the integration of thousands of compatriots who had left everything in Somalia. One of the ways in which the Government helped these people was to have them hired by State-owned companies. Battaglia Venanzio was one of these lucky ones, and joined ANIC Ravenna. Venanzio was a particular type, always very cheerful and ready with a joke, but perhaps influenced by a difficult childhood and youth, he had become, let's say, a ''frugal'' individual. Others described him as downright stingy, if not stingy. The fact is that sometimes I would meet him at the entrance with a half-empty supermarket bag, and then maybe after half an hour he would knock on the door looking for oil, or sugar… the excuse was always the same: ''you know, I forgot. ..then when I buy it I'll return it to you'..'' and in any case it seems he went around the apartments asking to borrow this type of thing, and the day of return never arrived. When, before returning definitively to Italy, I rented a container of Merzario to ship my Range Rover by sea, suddenly Venanzio came to ask ''if there was room for something that he also wanted to send to Italy''. That was how the morning the container arrived, that ''something'' turned out to be 7 packages and a box with the TV (which then caused quite a few problems at the Ravenna customs).
FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Everybody know that one of the greatest desires in the life of an Brit's is to have an ''outdoor life''. This is because the very sad weather that hangs over ''that island of fishermen and berry pickers''. The British, decades after the fall of the Empire, continue to enjoy the benefits acquired from those abuses, wars and murders carried out during centuries of subjugation of dozens of countries and populations. It is estimated that Britain has fought wars against over 200 nations in its history. The fact is that the British are not ''meteors'' like other Nationalities, in certain countries - but rather thanks to the fact that large contracts are written in English, international finance laws come from English legislation, the specifications adopted in projects are the British Standards and a whole series of other circumstances favorable to them, many British ''reside'' in those sunny countries that guarantee high salaries, rich fringe benefits, and a comfortable lifestyle for a whole series people. This is to say that every year the British resident in Bahrain organized a 6-a-side football tournament, reserved for the various nationalities present on the island.
Rule #1: the players had to be residents of Bahrain. As Italians, we decided to participate, and for this reason we began to train seriously at least twice a week, after working hours. Sponsors were acquired, shirts and uniforms ordered like those worn by the Italian senior national team in those years. The tournament took place over two weekends, with direct elimination matches. We won easily against Egypt, India, Australia – then we struggled against France in the semi-final and extra time and penalties were needed. And inevitably we found ourselves in the final with England. Now remember the rule that only Bahrain residents could participate in the tournament? Well the English cheated as usual, and just for the final they brought in two former professional players from England such as Tommy Gemmel (the author of Celtic's momentary equalizer in the Champions League final against Inter in Lisbon 1967) and Billy Mc Neil. At the time, the two, like many other former professional footballers, were traveling the world and accepting engagements for this type of amateur tournaments. We lodged a complaint, but the English organization replied that the two ''had applied for residency in Bahrain and therefore could play - and that in any case we could always lodge a complaint even after the match''. We played it, but we lost 4 – 2 with obviously the Egyptian referee blatantly in favor of our opponents. We still had the satisfaction of having reached the final, even if there were no ''star players'' among us. The important thing was to have fun and have a good time.
1985 was drawing to a close, and COMERINT thought it would please the employees who remained in Bahrain during the end-of-year holidays by inviting them to a party on Dec 31st at the Manama Intercontinental hotel. Eventually, among the Italians present there were those who objected: ''but nooo…but why…… I'm not coming…etc…'' And then one of those pranks that made history in Bahrain was born spontaneously. We prepared a false notice from the HR Dpt, in which it was written:
''For staff who spontaneously renounced the end-of-year party, the cost of the same will be reimboursed directly to the employee i.e. $225''. The notice was posted in the Main Control Room, and not even half an hour passed, when Mr. Locci, a large and gullible Sardinian, showed up at the HR Office, asking where he had to sign to obtain the refund. Of course the Indian employee knew nothing about this, but denied that this possibility was foreseen. Mr. Locci began to raise his voice and asked to speak to the HR Manager, Mr. Rossi. We watched the whole scene through the glasses, and could hear the conversations given the smallness of the building's movable walls. Rossi, informed in advance, denied that any type of reimbursement would be provided: -'' Simply - he said - if you decide not to go you'll just miss an opportunity'. Mr. Locci got furious and started shouting that ''It's the same old thing, you are racists and are discriminating ( Sardinians are always angry with us ''Continental People''. In short the situation seemed to be about to escalate, so we burst into Rossi's office, laughing out loud, and mocking Mr. Locci who had fallen for the trap. This, however, did not calm Locci, who became "even more angry": he did not believe the joke, on the contrary he thought that everyone had agreed to steal the 225 dollars from him!! In the end Security had to be called in to restore calm, but Locci, who then didn't come to the end-of-year party, still didn't believe the joke after weeks and reiterated, with typical Sardinian stubbornness, that it had been '' screwed'' by the Continentals. The party was held, and it was a success. The Intercontinental was the best hotel in Bahrain at the time, right in the center of Manama. The food and drink as well as the entertainment - a Filipino band - were excellent. After the midnight toast the dancing began, and Mr. Athos Ronci dressed like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever - all white - looked wild. The second glass of sparkling wine had literally removed all inhibitions, and after everyone had eaten watermelons and melons, Athos had organized what cannot be missing in a New Year's party: the train! With the Brazilian music the train acquired more and more participants with each turn between the tables, Athos in the lead, naturally. And so it was that suddenly, putting one foot on a watermelon skin, our guy ended up upside down, dragging in the fall half a train of people, tables, chairs, bottles of champagne, glasses, plates, pieces of cake : A real disaster! At the moment - given the large amount of alcohol in the people's bodies - great laughter broke out. Poor Ronci was under numerous bodies and couldn't get up laughing. Shortly afterwards Athos - who as mentioned after the second glass of sparkling wine was completely drunk - began to complain about the state of his suit. The good (bad…) came 2 days later, when from the HR office we learned that Athos had requested reimbursement of the cost of the laundry, presenting a regular receipt, giving the reason that: ''Since the event had been organized by the Company, it had to take care of all possible problems following the event itself''. Moreover, Ronci had distinguished himself, during the transfer of all of us to the condominium in Manama, in visiting the apartments of others and noting the type and quantity of plates, glasses, blankets and bedspreads, and then making a complaint to the logistics office, demanding ''the exact same things, and why am I the son of a b******'?!! This is how the small world of Italians in Bahrain went, the majority of them always ready for small spite, miserable requests and revenge. I slowly discovered the true character of ''the people'' who despite living in an overall privileged situation (I'm talking about salaries and logistical arrangements) always tried to take advantage of every opportunity to demonstrate how ''small'' they actually were.
On any given Friday morning, some of us were lying down, others lying in the shade on the terrace of the condominium. Someone has an aperitif at the bar, there are those who swim lazily in the pool. A colleague whose job was to spend 12 hours in the so-called ''aquarium'' (a large room where there was the control panel for the 2 gas turbines) comes up with a sentence that is in some ways ''historic'' (it will soon become a saying often used among us)
The phrase encapsulated the life philosophy of people working in the business, very often overpaid for doing nothing or almost nothing. After a few days the gas turbine operator, who in theory should have saved the plant from a possible blackout, was unable to get the rescue group to start, and therefore the whole plant was ''in trip'' as they said in jargon, causing millions of dollars in lost production. Among other things, when a system of that size goes into blackout, the large safety valves trip, emitting terrible explosions, as if an aerial bombardment were taking place. Which caused panic among the Indian operators: many of them fled to the Causeaway shouting wildly ''BHOPAL…BHOPAL…IT'S ANOTHER BHOPAL!! ''
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billconrad · 1 year
The People We Want to Read About
    In this beautiful world, there are certain people with exceptional knowledge, and we enjoy reading books by them or about them. They could be astronauts, doctors with a revolutionary weight loss theory, famous people, or famous parents. Side note. Did Linda Carter ever write a book? She probably has some marvelous stories.
    For those without an exciting aspect, creating something that readers enjoy requires hard work. This effort might involve writing five outstanding books or learning about spiders. Other authors had fate intervened. I watched a YouTube video today about a man that climbed up the side of a multi-story building to save a baby. He could probably get a fantastic book deal.
    Tragically, there are awful people, and we want to know all about their bad choices. Do they consciously decide to be evil one day? Are they completely unaware of how badly the world perceives them? What was their true motivation for hurting so many people? Why did they claim to be innocent when it was so clear they were guilty?
    Then there are those people who we wish would write a book. What happens in Area 51? Are there aliens living there? What happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Could he still be alive? That guy at work who always smiles. What is his secret? Is he faking it? That lady that just walked past me. Why did she smile at me? That is certainly worth at least three books. Yet, these deep secrets somehow remain out of the printed word.
    Readers enjoy books with exceptional knowledge and characters or larger-than-life people. This is one of the many sparks that make life worth living, and authors take these works to reach new heights.
    Yeah, I got none of that. Here are my four best (worth writing about) life experiences: I went scuba diving off the coast of San Diego during an earthquake. The sand moved off the seabed, and there was a strange dunk-dunk-dunk sound above me. Only a few (I suspect less than 20) people have been diving during an earthquake. I bet more people have been in outer space.
    I climbed a rock face at the Gunks in New York. Even though 100 climbers do this daily, I considered this achievement a top-five highlight. I passed my second Electrical Engineering course on the first try. Finally, I went skydiving, got dizzy, and wanted to barf. Never again.
    Of course, there are typical experiences (that many people do and are not worthy of writing about), such as getting married to a fantastic woman and having a wonderful daughter.
    It appears that my experiences have not been too exciting, but please do not misinterpret my words as unfavorable. On the contrary, I enjoy living and appreciate every day I am privileged to be alive.
    My health is good, my family is typical, my friends are regular, and my chosen profession is not adventurous. I grew up in San Diego with wonderful parents and a fantastic sister. I have never been in jail, never been in a major traffic accident, never gotten into a major fight, and I attempt to be a pleasant person. I live where there is low crime and have uneventful neighbors.
    My point is that very few readers would purchase my autobiography. In fact, you have just read everything. Presenting Bill, the average guy.
    You might be tempted to think, “Hey, you have not hit your stride. You can still do something great.” I enjoy my boring life and have no desire for fame. I never want to post a YouTube video, do something newsworthy, or act in a movie.
    In some ways, it is easier to be a normal writer doing normal things. Readers are not expecting something great. Hey, you won four Olympic skiing medals and wrote a book about painting flowers? Lame. You lived through the great depression, fought in Iwo Jima, built a successful business, and your book is about raising chickens? One-star review.
    Understanding who we are and what is in store for us is good. Yet that is not for everybody. I often see posts on the Facebook group, Writers Helping Writers about people writing their autobiographies. I find many of these people are trying to create something enormous out of their everyday life. Often, I write the constructive comment, “What is your hook? What would make me want to read your book?” For some reason, they do not have a strong reply.
    I understand that many of these people had awful childhoods or traumatic experiences. However, most of these soon-to-be writers have nothing exceptional to offer readers besides a desperate need for fame. I guess it is sad that many people want to be recognized and loved by people they have never met. I am fortunate that I do not fall into this category.
    What I have on my side are some fundamental life experiences. I use this limited knowledge to create stories that are realistic and plausible. I hope readers will relate to my down-to-earth concepts and tangible stories.
    However, my lack of significant life experiences limits me. For example, I have never been to Japan, and it would be challenging to write a Japanese scene. Yet, in my first book, the main character grew up in Russia. I researched Russia for hours to make her background believable. Hopefully, there were not too many flaws.
    What about the aliens in my second book? That is a perfect example of something that I do not know of. But, of course, no (earth) reader has any knowledge either.
    What will my writing future hold? I will keep doing my best with what I have. But what would happen if I were part of something huge to me and people wanted to read about it? Well, at least I now have the basic skills to write an autobiography.
    You’re the best -Bill
    May 13, 2023
    Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
    Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and the ensuing FBI investigation.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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longbrain · 2 years
Spy fox scummvm download
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Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" is apparently the first of three Spy Fox adventure games, and I've never played any of them at any age, so I have zero nostalgia for the series. I've managed to go my entire life so far in blissful ignorance of what any of Humongous Entertainment's games are like, but I am very slightly optimistic because I know that it's where Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert disappeared to for a while after Monkey Island 2.
The Steam download comes with ScummVM so that it runs on modern systems, but I don't know if they've given me the US or the UK version. Spy fox in dry cereal us version scummvm download download# I've read that there's a few small differences between the versions, the main one being that the game was redubbed with British accents! Spy Fox sounds like a suave English agent in the UK dub, but in the original game he's more like Don Adams from Get Smart.
I've no idea why they did this, half the cartoons on British TV come from America and we'd been listening to Don Adams' voice come out of Inspector Gadget's mouth for years, but I guess they were concerned some references would fly over young kids' heads. They'd have never heard of Get Smart for one thing. Turns out that the attendant was his contact here to covertly pass across his mission briefing in the form of a TV dinner! And then he goes and starts a video chat on it with the volume turned up. Spy fox in dry cereal us version scummvm download tv# It's fine, the attendant's the only other person here and they're on some kind of rocket spy plane anyway. This is really bad as they're apparently the one supplier of milk for the entire world right now, which makes sense as who could compete with a name like 'Moo Juice'? Monkey Penny explains that their spy operatives have discovered the factories and offices of Amalgamated Moo Juice, Inc. We've got one clue: low-grade feta cheese photographed on the floor of the CEO's office, which has been traced back to the Greek island of Acidophilus. The CEO himself probably knows more but we can't ask him because he's gone missing too. There's a photo of the guy hidden in the mashed potatoes though in case we see him around down there. Then the briefing ends and Spy Fox's chair falls out of the plane.
Okay it's taken me a while to figure out how to play this, but I think I've got the hang of it now. Spy fox in dry cereal us version scummvm download how to# It's a mouse controlled shoot 'em up and I'm in the submarine on the left, blowing up enemy submarines. If there's a joke there I'm not getting it. Oh wait, sub sandwich, duh! This is like that time I played Day of the Tentacle before I knew what a hoagie was. Though I'm not actually here to blow up enemy subs, I'm here to collect pods, like that yellow one down on the right. I've got all the way from surface to seabed to search though, so I could sail right past them and not know it. I figured the V meter on the left might be telling me if I'm getting closer to one, but nah it's actually my velocity.īut wait, there's more! One type of pod likes to float on the water and the other hangs around in the air, so I have to surface and transform to get to them. Trouble is that it’s really boring and I don’t want to. The only happy fun I got out of this minigame was when I sailed down to the seabed and lured a bunch of enemy subs to crash into the rocks. It's so rare that enemies are able to wreck themselves against the scenery in a shoot 'em up. With the cow CEO rescued and brought to the mobile command centre, he's able to give us the whole story in an exposition presentation.
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ripruffles · 2 years
Elevator pitch for racing
Title: Turtle race!
Description: This game features a baby turtle just hatched out of his egg trying to make it to the ocean. The goal of this game is to race as fast as you can to the deep sea without dying. Once in the deep sea, the objective then changes to surviving. The baby turtle will face many obstacles on his journey such as other baby turtles, and predators. If the turtle doesn’t make it to the goal in time, he will die.
The genre: Racing survival game
Primary Mechanics or Mode of Gameplay: This game is a basic type racing game. Players will be able to move in all directions. If a player hits another turtle, they will lose health. As a baby turtle is very small and weak, the player will only have one life. This mechanic was decided upon as it makes the game realistic, there is no real way for a baby turtle to escape from being eaten. Players are able to earn points for however long they are able to stay alive.  The max amount of points a player can earn is 1 billion. If the player achieves this they unlock a skin. This game is a race for the most points and for survival. 
I think having my game revolve around a turtle’s baby years will help to make it unique compared to other games in the same genre. Racing games are commonly related to cars and ships and there are only a few about racing animals. I think this will make my racer unique.
I believe this game would be able to be made in GDevelop. It would just take some time to design all the levels and add in all the features.
How do you win or lose the game?: As mentioned above, to win the game, the player must get the maximum points of 1 billion. However, beating high scores also counts as a win. Losing the game relates to players getting hit by other turtles. 
Setting/Style: This style and setting of my game would be underwater. However, if I create an opening scene in the prototype, I would like to show a video of baby turtles making their way to the water for some context. I think this will help the player understand what they are about to do. As it is set underwater, I was planning on having a similar pallet to below, with some greens for both seaweed and turtles. I was also planning on adding some coral and starfish into the background. What I'm thinking can be seen below. Since the background would be blue, I was planning on making all the fish grey so they constant well. If more than a prototype was going to be made for this game, I think a more detailed sea background would be needed. However, for this prototype I am just planning to use just a solid colour. I would like for my game to be colourful and cute with a lot of bright colours to highlight how beautiful life and the sea are.
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referenced from: https://stock.adobe.com/au/images/underwater-scene-cartoon-flat-background-with-fish-sand-seaweed-coral-starfish-ocean-sea-life-cute-vertical-banner-design/213841805
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referenced from: https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/funny-tropicals-colorful-fish-seaweed-corals-starfish-shell-with-pearl-shell-water-splash_24882563.htm
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referenced from: https://www.alamy.com/coral-seamless-border-ocean-reef-seaweeds-oceanarium-seabed-sea-sponge-starfish-on-sand-bottom-vector-horizontal-undersea-texture-seascape-colorful-algae-deep-underwater-aquatic-system-image425825840.html
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referenced from: https://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/2667
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referenced from: https://www.seeturtles.org/baby-turtles 
Audience or Demographics: The audience would most likely be people interested in the racing genre as my game contains the basic type racing mechanics with a spin. I feel like people who casually enjoyed games like forza horizon etc will like it as they can race and get high scores. People who like animals could possibly also be interested in this game as well as it features baby turtles. Others who can appreciate the underwater aesthetic would also be interested. In terms of age, I think this game would appeal to younger people as I can’t see an older guy playing this game.
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itstayves · 3 years
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everyday i live as a hawks fan
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
Astrology for Horse Jugglers
“Yeah, fish magnetism research is incredibly important right now my guy, we’re revolutionising the industry. Doesn’t harm the seabed at all and you can just schlorp the fish you want straight out of the water as long as you set the master fish magnet to the right frequency.” Taako nodded sagely and took another swig of his secon… vth free glass of fizz, but truly who was counting? Not Taako, that’s for sure. Weddings were all about love baby, love, free tiny fancy drinks, and getting to say absolute bullshit to strangers because anyone that would actually try and stop him was too busy being gross somewhere else.
“That’s fascinating, Greg, how do you get the magnets in the fish?” Hurley’s third cousin twice removed was eating this up and Taako was thriving. He loved to perform, was the thing, and an hours long secret audience participation improv show? That was tap shoes, baby, and Taako was dancing.
“Well, that’s a great question, Max, not everyone would think to ask it. We actually use laser darts!”
“Laser darts?” Max leaned forward, enthralled. Of course he was, Taako was at his loom weaving laser magnet fish blankets for everyone.
“They’re really small magnets, you see, tiny, but they’re super powerful. Have you heard of keyhole surgery?” Taako waited for Max to nod his affirmation. “Well, we’ve got this robot submarine with a laser powered blowgun…” Taako was rudely interrupted by the announcement that the dining room was finally ready. He promised Max that he’d definitely finish explaining later and was gathered up as the hungry mass of guests descended and swept them along through the doors.
Taako folded himself into his chair and tried not to look as sullen as he felt. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to sit the whole family together, but Taako on his own in a sea of distant relatives? Rude! Lup was allowed to sit with Barry, and Magnus and Julia were together, he checked, just so he knew how spiteful to be about it. Lucretia, Dav, and Merle were together too and Taako was fine missing out on that, but surely they could have swapped a family friend for him and allowed him some twin time? But no, apparently he was capable of handling himself, happy to be on his own, that’s Taako. Single Taako who was completely and utterly fine about it.
The scutch of strangers he’d be making awkward small talk with filtered in slowly and nodded politely to Taako as they continued their conversations. He definitely didn’t make a note of the fact they all seemed to know each other. What did he do to piss off the seating plan gods? Or, more specifically, Sloane.
The pondering ended pretty quickly when the seat next to him was pulled out and Taako turned to be greeted by a particularly delicious pair of thick, suit-challenging thighs. Taako didn’t really want to look higher, the view was great, A+ +, 10/10 no notes, but he forced himself to anyway. Gotta be polite. He didn’t regret it. Mr Next Seat Over was ‘pair of disposable gloves come with your chicken wings because we can’t trust you not to touch your face afterwards, idiot’ hot. Taako reversed the curses he may or may not have placed on Sloane and Hurley (to start from after their honeymoon, he was considerate like that). Hot boy sat in the seat elegantly and Taako resisted the impulse to engage immediately.
He resisted the impulse badly. Taako’s impulse control wasn’t great, it turned out. C- - -, in fact, but the guy sat down and didn’t introduce himself so what else could Taako do? There was a thing called manners and Taako had them. Sometimes. Probably. As long as you didn’t ask for references.
“Hail and well met…” Taako peered at the little wooden name plate Magnus had painstakingly etched everyone’s names into, oh no, that meant he had to lean in and press himself right into the man’s personal space. What a shame.“... Kravitz. What-ho!”
Kravitz, thankfully, didn’t look angry. In fact, he turned in his seat and grinned. “Ahoy-hoy.” Kravitz pretended to answer what Taako could only assume was an imaginary telephone. “To whom am I speaking?” Kravitz kept hold of the imaginary receiver and quirked an eyebrow at Taako. Oh, oh hot boy wanted to play, did he? Taako could play.
“Avast ye, matey! ‘Tis ol’ Taako from the depths of the sea, I’ve got you on my line now.”
“Sorry mate, wrong number.” Kravitz, inexplicably cockney now, hung up. “Sorry,” he grimaced to Taako, “I think that was a s-clam call, and my Mums always told me I had to hang up on those. Mind you, they also told me not to answer the phone at the table, so maybe I should have tried to counter-seduce the pirate.” He looks thoughtful for a moment, then continues. “Anyway, I’m Kravitz, pleased to meet you.” He held out a hand to shake. Taako fist bumped it, Kravitz was the best amount of hinged (un), and he didn't know it yet but they were friends now. Well, at least for the duration of the wedding. Surprise, Taako's your problem now.
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theoneandonlyyeti · 3 years
listen. ya like squids? (cw for animal death as i mention predators a lot. please tag this as "long post")
here is this . the giant squid
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although the first sighting of a live boy was in 2004, this chonky thing was described in writing as far back as Aristotle himself . ever seen Watcher Puppet History? remember good ol' Pliny the Elder from the Vesuvius episode? my guy wrote about this absolute unit and was . surprisingly close on describing them? considering the state of natural science at the time. the boys reach around 30-35 feet max, but the females are more around the 40-45 foot range. gaslight giant squid girlboss or whatever
my boys only known predator is the sperm whale, which is why the whales that we find are always covered in scars and sucker marks. battle been waged for centuries. montagues and capulets WISH they had what these things have. (to be fair, it might also be possible for pilot whales to eat them too. oh, and also other giant squid. it's a cephalopod-eat-cephalopod world out there.)
now, listen. here's the thing. the giant squid might be the LONGEST mollusk in the ocean, but she sure ain't the heaviest at a measly 600lbs. while not much is known about the colossal squid, we DO know that they ABSOLUTELY can reach - wait for it - 1 0 0 0 lbs. and that's not all! based on remains found in sperm whale stomachs, my guy might reach FIFTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS. this may not be much in the grand scheme of things considering their predators can range anywhere from 30,000 to 90,000lbs, but for a cephalopod (read: glorified mollusk) that is, in the words of 2015 internet, A HECCIN CHONKER.
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(^ here is one when they caught it. unfortunately she was close to death from unrelated causes when they found her and she died soon after, but her body was donated to science and we learned a lot so it wasn't in vain! she doesn't have a name but one of the scientists who helped at the time was named kat so now this squid is named kat.)
now here come the weirdos.
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mx. bigfin squid, why are you so strange?
we don't know much about these boys since they're pretty rare encounters, but they have big ear flap type things they use to move which is why they're called what they're called
additionally, all of their tentacles are...strangely identical. anyway, they're very long and Ribbony and, as you can see, positioned into little strange elbows perpendicular to their body. since we haven't seen or caught many, nobody really knows...why. it might be a feeding thing (some people think they use a trapping method, waiting for zooplankton and stuff to bump into their arms, or maybe even a bottom-trawling method where they drag their arms along the seabed and pick up whatever they find. nobody knows) but. who knows <3
lastly for now since this is getting long, my absolute favorite, the VAMPIRE SQUID
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just a little guy. surprisingly, they're actually the only known cephalopod who doesn't catch and eat live animals!! this tiny boy eats marine snow (which you can see in the picture); basically just little bits of nutrients and sediment that floats down into the Deep Dark. a LOT of animals depend on marine snow, but that's a story for another time
as for the vampire squid's name, it's actually a funny story!
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this is why.
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as a defense mechanism, my boy curls up inside out to reveal tens if not hundreds of razor sharp "teeth" on the inside of his legs :) (some people call this "pineapple mode" which helps the nonchalant horror of it all)
anyway, fun fact! red light has a much longer wavelength compared to blue, yellow, or green (or orange or violet), meaning it has the most difficult time penetrating water and thus can't make it far into the ocean! this is why most deep sea creatures are red or black - since black is impossible to see in an environment with no sunlight and red effectively appears black at the same light level, these colors are most effective at hiding from prey and predators alike!
blue has the shortest wavelength and thus has the easiest time getting through water. this is why the ocean looks blue and why almost all ocean bioluminescence shows up in blues! (look up firefly squids. they're my second favorite squid but this ask is already too long so i cant explain in detail. basically tiny little squid lights up bright blue like fireflies to communicate/attract mates/attract prey/etc. and they migrate to the surface at night. lights up a beach like you wouldn't believe)
thank you void this is the best thing ever
also thank you for bringing back my memories of watching wild kratts and learning about the giant squid and the colossal squid back when i was a wee lad. this was an honest joy to read
i can also read the excitement in these words and am feeding off of it i love it sm /g
(i really appreciated the romeo and juliet reference aksjdlf)
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thosch3i · 3 years
Hi hi! So the lost tombs and chronology all super confuse me. So tlt2 ended on a cliffhanger that was not resolved by tlt3 which is ultimate note, but now there is another tlt3 that I am guessing is made by the same studio as tlt2 (but not UN) that actually follows tlt2? And it has the same WPZ as tlt2 (but sadly different WX, ZQL though I’m sure these guys are great). You seem to know what you’re talking about so I’m hoping you can help!
UN also ended on a cliff hanger so I’m wondering if they’ll get a sequel from their studio that comes before tomb of the sea.
ahhh hello anon! yes ahaha the dmbj dramas are certainly very confusing--because they keep switching the screenwriters/entire production team between dramas. huanrui did tlt1 (2015), tlt2 (2019), and the sequel to tlt2 (2021). they're also technically the production company for un (2020), but linghe did like all the directing/casting/writing so its significantly different in tone and quality from the other dramas huanrui produced. npss (dmbj author) did sha hai (2018) and tltr (2020), with sha hai being in collab with linghe, so you can see lots of parallels with un and shared cast. (gonna add that i dont know much about the m9 because that’s not what im personally interested in, so i’m only going by stories with wu xie & the iron triangle.)
unfortunately, the dramas pretty have no continuity as a result of all the weird shit and multiple studios doing different dramas and messy stuff going on behind the scenes. the author's production company currently has all the rights back for filming future dramas, which is......imo, a good thing for book fans who love the author but a 😬 thing for book fans who like the original story more than what the author is now doing with it. I'll uh avoid saying too much opinion stuff though so no more on that 😅
that aside! yes 云顶天宫 “explore with the note” part 2......is the direct sequel to tlt2 and done by the same studio. unfortunately the writers are different and im not sure how much of the production team is the same either. idk how much you know about the novels so brief summary here--for the chinese version, the main story has 9 parts split among 8 books (though the official eng tls have each part being a different book) with some important content being as follows:
official eng title “cavern of blood zombies” (first time wx goes into a tomb, first t3j meeting)
official eng title “angry sea, hidden sands” (xisha seabed tomb, introduce a-ning)
official eng title “bronze tree of death” (bronze tree in qinling, wx & lao yang solo adventure)
official eng title “palace of doom” (heavenly palace on the clouds, introduce bronze gate)
official eng title “deadly desert winds” (golmud, introduce hei xiazi, desert, rainforest, tamutuo)
official eng title “graveyard of a queen” (the rest of that arc, wu sanxing & xie lianhuan reveal, jade meteorite, amnesiac xiaoge and escape, sanshu vanishes for good--also i think the official eng tl covers a couple chapters of the beginning of the next part too)
阴山古楼 (searching for xiaoge’s memories in banai, miluotuo cave, i think introduction of wu erbai)
邛笼石影 (auction/hotel iron triangle fight, introduce xiao hua & xiuxiu, wx & xh on the mountains alone while pz & xg go with granny huo)
finale (rescue from zhang family mansion, changbai mountain goodbye, 10 years promise)
after the main story are the main sequels:
zang hai hua (tibetan sea flower; unfinished & abandoned) covers wu xie a few years after xiaoge has entered the gate, searching to understand xiaoge’s past
sha hai (tomb of the sea; unfinished & abandoned) covers wu xie’s plan to wipe out the wang family, after zhh
chongqi (reunion: the sound of the providence) covers wu xie’s lung disease and how he recovers from that, set after they pick up xiaoge again from the bronze gate. thunder city and everything.
灯海寻尸&万山极夜 (still updating on wechat) don’t worry about this one since it’s still a WIP lol
btw between sha hai and chongqi there’s also ten years later (a short story) that covers how wu xie and pangzi pick up xiaoge from the bronze gate and take him home
the dramas Do Not Connect To Each Other At All, which the exception of tlt2 & tlt2 pt2 somewhat, but they go in this order:
盗墓笔记 / the lost tomb 1 (2015): covers part 1 but with major OCs and filler, and includes the auction scene from part 8 for some reason, so introduces xiao hua early.
怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 / the lost tomb 2 (2019) technically “explore with the note”: covers parts 2 & 3 but with major OCs and filler, introduces xiao hua & xiuxiu (and hei xiazi briefly) early. last couple episodes also cover the beginning of part 4. not a direct sequel to tlt1 despite being done by the same studio.
云顶天宫 / heavenly palace on the clouds (2021) technically also “explore with the note”: covers part 4 with major OCs and filler (and the same changes carrying over from tlt2). some episodes are identical to the last couple episodes of tlt2. works as a direct sequel only if you ignore the last couple episodes of tlt2 that take place in the snowy mountains. (those episodes of tlt2 were filmed after this drama was filmed, and im still not sure why they dragged the wu xie and xiaoge from tlt2 back to changbai mountain to film those episodes.)
终极笔记 / ultimate note (2020): covers parts 5-8 with minor OCs and minimal filler, also introduces xiao hua & xiuxiu early. the only adaptation that resembles its source material most of the time.
沙海 / tomb of the sea (2018): covers the second sequel with major OCs and filler. includes some bits from zhh and the short story “three days of silence”.
重启之极海听雷 / the lost tomb reboot (2020): covers third sequel with major OCs and filler.
in addition there is the prequel series mystic nine (2016) and side movies for the dramas that the author produced. there is also a single standalone movie--time raiders (2016) that is....well it’s. very strange. it’s fully subbed on youtube if you’re interested?
the best way to watch the dramas is to assume each one is its own self-contained AU set along different points of the dmbj timeline because even the dramas the author himself worked on don’t have continuity LOL (and with the exception of ultimate note & sha hai most of the time, also assume most characters are pretty OOC from the novels).
i uh regret to inform you though, that ultimate note will not be getting a sequel unless the author magically decides to not care about making money anymore and sells the rights to film the finale to linghe or something ^^;;;; it’s....unfortunate bc un is the most highly-rated dmbj adaptation on douban by A Lot, but it’s an adaptation that the author had literally nothing to do with whatsoever.
more information on some of the side movies/stage plays/manhua/donghua here.
summaries of the main novel stories (currently through zhh) here.
edited mtl (some of which has apparently been looked over by native cn speakers) of the novels following where official eng tls end here. (there are many scattered extras as well.)
you can get the official eng tl books/ebooks on amazon or elsewhere(?), but if you have problems purchasing them or like you just dont wanna support amazon or something, dm me off anon. (also i dont want to be mean but frankly the official tls are kinda bad too ^^;;;)
a rough timeline (spoilers galore) for the dmbj novels here. (fair warning im not 100% sure how accurate all of this is--they put three days of silence as 1991 but looking at the info in zhh, it seems like it should have been before the 1950s...but it’s more than fine as a general overview.)
anyway i hope that was helpful in some way? dmbj is a Very Confusing thing to get into ahahaha, one of my twitter mutuals has made a few carrds if you think they might be helpful: book, dramas (slightly out of date bc it says heavenly palace hasn’t aired yet), ultimate note (got its own carrd by virtue of being the only adaptation aside from sha hai sometimes that most og book fans acknowledge lol ^^;;;)
also anon if anything wasn’t clear or if you had more questions feel free to ask again sorry ahahaha im kinda tired rn @.@ 
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dixie12 · 2 years
Ok, but like I'm obsessed with the idea of 1988 getting together in their late thirsties. Not necessarily as hockey players. Maybe one of them known he's into men for a while and the other one had no idea men were an option for him ever. And all that sweet sweet slow burn self discovery going from friends to lovers. All the first times where they feel like there's not much in life they haven't seen yet...
ahhhh i love this idea so much!! i think it would be hard for me to write, because it would require a slow burn that i'm terrible at, but it does ring so true for them.
consider that we look at pat and jonny as OLD, and they are only 33! in any other aspect of life, that is still so young! i have med students i teach who are just starting school in their mid-30s- like there is soooo much more to come outside of hockey at this age.
i do think jonny will need some help transitioning out of hockey. there are some amazing fics about post-hockey jonny (my absolute favorite being the incomparable You and Me of the 10,000 Wars by sahiya) and i think they're fics that have a good bit of truth behind them. jonny is someone who is SO single-minded and so dedicated to hockey that i truly see him floundering when he doesn't have it anymore. i mean, there are quotes out there that his parents didn't let him do basic chores when he was a kid bc they were worried about him getting hurt and having it impact hockey.. so imagine taking that constant away, pretty much literally overnight, and what happens??
i try not to think too much about real-life pat and jonny, and their real life partners, but i think even that works in this scenario. pat has amanda and now the baby, so he has more of a support system for outside of hockey. BUT. his entire relationship with amanda has been during his playing career, and when he ultimately retires, that's going to be a seismic shift in their relationship. i went through a smaller version of that when covid hit- my partner transitioned to work from home and then lost his job, and it was HARD going from having him out of the house 8-6ish to being home quite literally 24/7 for 2 years straight. it was a legitimate strain on our relationship that we had to work at resolving.
so imagine pat and jonny retiring, and pat goes to live a "normal" suburban life with amanda, and jonny finds himself at loose ends. maybe he ends up back in arizona, or canada, or wherever he was during his convalescence. and he loses touch with some of the guys, starts to withdraw, and maybe no one has seen him in a while. and at the same time, pat and amanda are realizing that they don't work as a couple when pat is home full-time, so they amicably split.
the guys still have a group chat, and they realize that they really haven't been able to draw jonny out, so pat, seabs and sharpy plan a reunion (i think 20 years from their rookie season would work, timing-wise. that puts it in 2027-2028, which would give them a few more years to play and then retire). and jonny shows up, mainly because he knows he'll never hear the end of it if he doesn't. and he.. doesn't look good. and not just "not in playing shape" bc let's face it, none of them are 25 anymore. but he's pale and withdrawn, too thin, and his eyes are kinda dull.
and amanda's taking pk3, who is by now 7 or 8, to visit her family for the summer, so pat just follows jonny back to canada. and that's when jonny finally opens up (after a few drinks, or a joint) about how much he's been struggling without hockey. and pat wants to be there for jonny, so he stays. and they start to get closer, re-establishing a friendship they haven't really had in 15 years at this point.
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