#and now so many more have Monica and Kamala to see themselves in
productofmtwundagore · 7 months
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this is why The Marvels is so important by the way
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pluto22valcarol23 · 11 months
The Marvels Having Actual Representation
So, hear me out
Disney has already pissed off the conservatives so that means they are also pissed off at marvel by association. This gives them a chance to have some actual meaningful diversity. In my opinion Eternals was a good movie and just needed more time to develop the characters stories. Anyway back to the topic I think marvel has a chance here to cut their losses with the conservatives and appeal to a younger, more diverse, audience that does not want fake representation but actual, impactful, meaningful representation.
I’m sure marvel at least for more recent movies always has queer scenes it’s just a matter of them being put in. For example Thor Ragnarok was supposed to confirm Valkyrie’s bisexuality but the scene got cut. I bet marvel filed some scenes where characters in confirmed to be queer, it’s just a matter of including them.
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I’m using Valkyrie and Carol as a prime example. It’s not like the actors don’t support the relationship, they openly do. In my opinion Carol is so queer coded it would be more of a surprise if she was straight. Like just look at these pictures between the jacket and the flannel that fury had her take off so it is unfortunately not pictured in the first and second ones and the short hair in the third one she gives major lesbian energy. I get that this is also playing into the Lesbian stereotypes but they could have her break them in other ways.
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Now that this has turned into me ranting about Carol being Lesbian and dating Valkyrie, let’s circle back around.
If marvel does not include Valkyrie I totally get that, it’s not her story, even though and post credits scene or casual compliment would work I have other proposals.
Marvel can have Carol and Monica have a conversation where it is confirmed that Carol and Maria were together. I get Maria is dead but Carol and Monica totally have some issues to work through and it would be a great way to recontextualize all of the Captain Marvel movie. I think marvel realizes that they have another Steve/Bucky situation and they have a chance to redeem themselves and give us that representation. Also just having Carol make a comment of some sort about her identity would be probably the bare minimum but considering how nosy Kamala probably is I would hope that marvel at least includes that. Now allow me to present to you Carol’s new gay look because it seems like every movie she is in has one.
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Tell me that between the cropped tight fitting bra top and the side sort shaved head she does not give the biggest lesbian energy ever.
Moving on,
allow we to present to you the antagonist who after barely seeing any scenes of still manages to give off serious queer energy
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I feel like there are so many ways marvel could go with her. So this is a long shot but she is holding a similar staff to the one Ronan held, he was with the Kree. Captain Marvel was brainwashed but the Kree. What is Dar-Ben (which is her name) was an old flame of Carol’s? Just saying nothing creates more drama than romance.
Now back to what was the inspiration for this whole rant. The marvels already has a diverse all female lead cast where the majority of them are people of color. Marvel could either pull a strange world and not bother trying to make it a success. OR… they could accept the fact that they have lost the conservatives and embrace a younger audience that demands true representation and support not just a facade of it.
I doubt that marvel will have the balls to do any of this but from the bottom of my heart I hope that they do.
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/politics/watch-sen-amy-klobuchar-a-liberal-who-hasnt-gone-too-far-left-jonathan-karl/
WATCH: Sen. Amy Klobuchar 'a liberal who hasn't gone too far left': Jonathan Karl
Transcript for Sen. Amy Klobuchar ‘a liberal who hasn’t gone too far left’: Jonathan Karl
Our economy is the envy of the world. The rules in our economy have gotten rigged so far in the favor of the rich and powerful. Wages are rising at the fastest pace in decades. Wag in America have barely budged. We passed a massive tax cut for working families. Stop handing out enormous tax giveaways to rich people and giant corporations. Two very different views of the economy and the agenda. The president on Tuesday, and Elizabeth Warren her campaign yesterday. The round tablack and Jon, we saw on Tuesday night it’s already been engaged right there. The state of the union might not have put out too much about what’s going to get accomplished, but it laid out a lot for the president in 2020. And the big theme whi Democrats are essentially socialists. He used the word. Not essentially. That’s exactly what he used. You showed Elizabeth Warren and another big announcement, Amy Har. She is expected to announce she’s getting into this race. The senator frominnesota. Yeah. Much less fanfare surrounding her, but Amy klobuchar is a liberal in the united States senate who has worked with Republicans and unlike other leaders, she comes from a place that Democrats have to compete.e has won in the state of Minnesota. She won her first race by less than 1% back in 1998. Since then she has never won by less than 20 points in a race in Minnesota, and she is unlike Elizabeth Warren, kamala Harris, she doesn’t come out for the big Progressive items. Too far left. There will be more women democratic candidates than men. Jon just hit on what is likely to be a real fault line inside the democratic party between for wont of a better word, centrists and Progressives. Bernie Sanders as well is to the charge of socialists. Donald Trump did a great job at the state of the union of trying to message this issue as a polarizing issue, but what we know about the issues that Progressives push, most americanpport. Medicare for all. 70% of Americans support. A green new deal. 60% of Americans. These are not far left socialist ideals. The idea that a rich American should pay more is not a new idea. We have been here as a country, and so he did a great job of doing what he does, which is messaging scaring people and my hope is that Democrats don’t take the bait, right? Don’t start running away from this idea of socialism. We know that’s not what it is. It is America taking care of the folks who need us most. One of the president’s many tweets yesterdayris, said that. He hopes Democrats do do the green new deal. Yeah, listen. I watched Elizabeth Warren’s announcement yesterday, and I said, this is exactly what ica is pining for, a Harvard professor in the white house. That’s what they are looking for. I mean, that was a ridiculous announcement yesterday, and I will say as a Republican, please do all that stuff. Nominate Elizabeth Warren and let’s get to it. Don’t you think that would resonate with a lot of Americans? No. When people explain it, George — see, you know, the president brings things through the sound bites. What was the elizabe Warren message there? Nobody’s talking about how much it’s going to cost to D do medicare for all. When the voters start to hear about what the price tags ar for there, that’s why Amy klobuchar in a state like Minnesota doesn’t talk about this stuff and gets re-elected because she can get independents and Republicans to vote for her, and if Democrats can’t do that, Donald Trump is going to be in the white house for four more years. I thought senator Warren was a very, very clear voice on economic inequality which is a real experience for people. I spent 22 mths moving around the state of Florida and just this week had a report that said 44% of the people in our state cannot make ends meet at the end of the month. They’re working harder than ever, and still can’t pull down a wage where they can take care of themselves and their families. Those are real issues and the president wants to make this culture war and name-calling and socialism, but this race has to be about economics. It has to be about the future of our environment, which is a real issue and one of the issues which showed up in Florida in a very red, conservative area. They were concerned about climate change, global warming, sea level rise, blue-green algae. Those issues are real. If we followed the president down this rabbit hole of trying to respond to that name calling, we will be off target. The American people want to he us talk about these issues of what we’re going to do to help make their lives better. Simply put in a democratic nominee that can do that, can become president of the united States. One of the things the Democrats saw running on a lot of those themes in the midterm elections is they won the house by the largest margin ever. Well, but the majority of those who run those house seats, George, were moderate Democrats. A lot with military backgrounds and so on. One of the things that the president is doing very effectively is pointing out the the deep divisions within the democratic party. You have this resurgent and ascendant left, and then you have moderates who are going to Mrs. Pelosi and the speakership and saying, we should broker a deal on the border and so on because if we don’t, you’re no longer going to be speaker and the house is going to revert back to Republican control. One thing the president did, and it was an unapologetic embrace of exceptionalism, which we haven’t gotten, going to pattern his re-election in 2020 on Reagan’s 1984 model which is a 21st century version of morning in America. He delivered a thriving economy and a stronger U.S. Military and U.S. International position. Of course, the risk — That is what you saw in this speech. It was a speech of great clarity as well. Not just on immigration, but late-term abortion and on some other things. I think I listened to the wrong speech. Absolutely didn’t hear that.I didn’t hear that at all. There was a lot of rhetoric. He was talking to his base and trying to scare maybe more moderate members of the democratic party not to I think go where I think most Americans are going. Andrew said it. We had a federal shutdown where federal workers after one paycheck were in the food pantry line. That should encapsulate what most Americans are dealing with, and if you can pull medicare for most Republicans and most Americans support it shows where we’re going as a country. Our current view and our current respect among capitalism isn’t working. That doesn’t mean we don’t stay as a capitalist country. We just do it the right way, which means everybody pays their fair share. The top 1% pay 58% of the income tax. When is it fair share? The top 1% pay 58% of New Jersey is not fair share. What is it? 70%? I don’t know if standing up for the 1% here is winning. I think the energy among the Democrats is undoubtedly on the far left of the party. Absolutely. That’s why you have seen these leading presidential candidates like kamala Harris, Gillibrand and Warren come out in favor of positions that Democrats are rallying around, but it will be problematic in a general election. But to Monica’s point, a lot of the successful Democrats were those who ran a little more down the middle. Right. Alexandria ocasio-cortez was not — she represented one aspect of that winning coalition, but not the majority of that, and what trump is trying to do is define her as the voice of the democratic party. She was the diversity, and that one election to the united States congress and to legislative seats and governorships around the country and otherwise. If we think for a moment that people are satisfied economically where they are in this country, we have got another thing coming. People are terrified of going bankrupt over illness, health care. They’re terrified that they are working more hours, multiple jobs and are not making ends meet. Which is what makes medicare for all a great rallying cry for Democrats right now, but you get into the specifics, are you going to be able to defend that in a general election? But also — Say you’re going to abolish private health insurance in this country, which is what a number of the democratic candidates are come out — it’s out there now. There are a lot of prescripts as to how we get there. You hear folks saying giving 3 million people access to health care. You’re talking about generalities of the president’s speech and we have kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand saying they want to help. People don’t want to give their health insurance back to the government and when you come to the next levf medicare for all, that’s where the democr will be in trouble. What they want is to know if they get sick, they won’t be in the board house. Many people aren’t. And if you know about medicare, most people who are on it, love it. If you ask people whether they would like medicare, they would say yes, please. Thank you very much. Thank you all very much. That is all for us today. Thanks for sharing part of your Sunday with us. Check out “World news tonight” and I’ll see you tomorrow on
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
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thinkingalexis · 7 years
Unstoppable Wasp #1 Review
Jeremy Whitley (s), Elsa Charretier (p), Megan Wilson (c), VC's Joe Caramaga (l)
Marvel Comics
January 4, 2017
Disclaimer: The Writer of this review considers several people attached to this comic as friends but is a jerk so no worries.
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Joy, joy is so precious and hope is so precious too. As we turn a corner in the world filled with razor sharp roads and giant beasts made of steaming fecal matter we’ll need hope more then ever or should I say Nadia. The Unstoppable Wasp has the reader following Nadia Pym, the newest teenage super hero brought to you by some talent new to Marvel ongoings and established near legendary status colorist Megan Wilson. We follow Nadia as she learns about the patriarchy, meets female icons, and prepares for science!
We don’t have a particularly  plot heavy issue with this issue one but it does serve as a wonderful gateway into the life of Nadia Pym. She seems to be the main staple of the series we get for the issue with other roles seeming more like guest spots. We learn about Nadia’s kindness, her passion,  her admiration for the female scientists that came before her and her past. While established in other comics Nadia has her history and personality detailed in this comic in a way that clicks without need for any outside material. She is overwhelmingly positive to infectious levels and charming as well.
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We don’t have a particularly plot heavy issue with this issue one but it does serve as a wonderful gateway into the life of Nadia Pym. She seems to be the main staple of the series we get for the issue with other roles seeming more like guest spots. We learn about Nadia’s kindness, her passion,  her admiration for the female scientists that came before her and her past. While established in other comics Nadia has her history and personality detailed in this comic in a way that clicks without need for any outside material. She is overwhelmingly positive to infectious levels and charming as well.
What really adds to this level of charm is the art by Elsa Charretier and Megan Wilson. The two capture so many wonderful expressions with the characters. You can feel the connections Nadia makes with the people she encounters, the admiration she feels for others, it’s all given to us visually by their amazing skill. The colors really bring everything together from the more simple backgrounds allowing characters to pop to the lovely bright pallet this whole piece is so masterfully illustrated that many pages feel like they are ready for display. It’s defined sense of style allows it to be a stand out that’s super easy to visualize among other hero books.
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You’ll never read a review from me that doesn’t bring up queerness the lack of it or the use of it. Queerness is essential to creating the feeling of hope, 2017 and on serve as dark times for the queer community and creating inclusive world's matters more than ever. When you have a woman named hope (in Russian) who is a big part of a universe she needs to embody hope. While she can't represent many communities one she can is the queer one and Nadia should be queer. I believe I found signs of it too, she asks Kamala if Mocking Bird was married to the Male or Female hawkeye. Now the red room isn't know for inclusiveness so Nadia has had to think about ladies being with other ladies before. Otherwise even being in New York for a few months at best  it's impossible she would be over her heteronormativity even if totally accepting.  So yah Nadia is one of us queer types.
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While the previous statements might be up for debate this book is not shy about its embrace of women in STEM.  Opening a series  with smart girl Kamala Khan, Genius Mockingbird , and mad scientist Monica. Monica and Mockingbird both have a go at the sexism in the smartest person list in this issue. I love that it’s challenging some of the patriarchal structures set in the Marvel Universe. I also really love that Monica while the “bad guy” of the issue really isn’t painted as evil. She is destroying the city with a giant robot, they gotta stop her, but she is given some justification to her action that isn’t really defended or attacked. It’s refreshing and also important since she appears to be a woman of color scored by a lot of societal oppression so she has a reason to want to have a giant robot attack a city.
This book ends on the Nadia making GIRL (Genius In action Research Lab) a group of lady types in the sciences to challenge. This is a super promising concept that leads to an even cooler lettering page idea.  Every issue is going to have interviews with women in science who like comics. This issue we got Rachel Silverstein (a Paleontologist who also happens to be a lesbian) and Marina Chanidou (a chemist). Seeing the outreach to women actively in STEM is great and this whole books mission statement is really making it an important comic to look at. Plus the girls get an awesome headshot of themselves by Elsa for doing it and I straight up want to get a science degree just to get that.
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It's rare for me to feel this good about any issue let alone an issue 1. If you're looking for Queer representation you may not find it in this series but I recommend you pick it up (then be really loud about how Nadia should be gay).  However, if straight up confirmed queer rep isn't a need for your pull this is a book about women in science that honors them, consults with women, half the creative team is women, and it's a great book to support in general. This book is so close to perfect it's out of this world. I had high expectations but I didn't expect to love it this much.
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