#and it's how rewrite erik would play it! ;)
britishchick09 · 1 year
my favorite versions of 'plaisir d'amour'! :)
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Trigun manga
I thought the Vash ass was a one time thing but Nightow gives us an ass shot panel like 3 times every chapter.
As someone who entered the franchise through Stampede it's interesting to see what Stampede changed (I mean besides the obvious timeline stuff). Like Stampede left out Vash getting a vent cover dropped on him while using a urinal and that whole subplot. It really is a rewrite, reminds me of the Evangelion movie series in that way, a reinterpretation of the major concepts of the series.
Vash's Stampede design better matches my sense of aesthetics. I never liked the BDSM leather harnesses and straps aesthetic but I gotta give it up for manga Vash's design, it is the most iconic and unique Vash design, it really stands out. 10,000 leather straps with a sleeveless leather harness with cutouts isn't my thing (seriously what the hell are you wearing Vash!) but it is definitly a Thing. Gotta recognize Nightow's dedication to giving Vash long shapely legs.
In stampede the Plants look like bulbs with roots or when unfurled Avatar alien plant people, in the manga there resemble living cells with amalgamated human faces and wing things and are feathery when unfurled. Trimax has stronger angel/demon imagery while Stampede sets up a stronger dichotomy between terraforming vs. Plant technology as the future of humanity. Manga plants are also giant in comparison
Milly is peak character concept. Bigg woman with a giant gun who loves her family, I'd go cafe with her and eat cake.
Oh hey Gunsmoke has pigeons.
Vash Legato telepathy?
I was wondering just how delusional vashwood shippers were. I mean shippers WILL see something when there's nothing this always happens. Wolfwood and Vash have no chemistry in Stampede season 1. Manga tho? Vash is instantly smitten when Wolfwood 3 way splits his last 3 coins with some street kids. And then they start flirting immediatly, yeah this is what chemistry looks like, "Your smile itself is a compliment", "a smile suits your face" damn.
Interesting interesting, in the manga its Vash's fleshy right arm that merges with the gun, in Stampede it's his mechanical left arm that merges with the gun. Although given Stampede is pre-July the right arm could also still happen.
I can see why people like the manga. I can also see how Stampede is playing a longer game planning farther ahead and has a more constructed narrative. The manga was always in jeopardy of being cancelled and then it was and you can see Nightow writing like every few chapters would be the last. Stampede has the advantage of knowing everything and being able to reconstruct the series while having the whole picture. I do like Meryl and Milly in the manga better than Stampede's Meryl and Roberto, but I like Stampede's Vash better than the manga's, he's cuter. In terms of story and format I like both, the more meandering episodic and the more straightforward story.
Maximum! So Knives blew Vash's angel gun again and now there's a hole on the moon and that dyed half of Vash's hair black… somehow I rather how with the artstyle you can't tell if the black is because his hair color changed or if its dramatic shading. I do think Stampede made the right call with the July incident leading to Vash's Eriks phase and 2 year gap instead of having another moon hole incident. The original 3 volume manga almost feels like a gaiden.
Wait wait. 2 year timeskip as Eriks and then we jump another 11 years!! Year 113 Meryl is 23, moon blast was on year 100. No way Meryl was 10 and a senpai insurance agent. Huh?? Between year 100 and year 113 2 years passed. Is this a translation error??
I need to go rewatch Stampede, Vash was able to keep far less secrets like Meryl and Wolfwood found out about him being a plant much earlier
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Returning the favour!
1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 25, 26, 30, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46 !
(1) What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work?
Probably Unspoken Secrets. It's my most popular fic, it's got fluff, it's got angst, and it's got a sequel.
(3) What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I don't feel like I have a trope or detail that's super characteristic 😅
(5) What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
I'm just going to talk about my first Dark Week fic from 2021, The Child. I had actually written something like it back when I was 18 and had first read the book, but you know, 2 computers and a hard drive failure later it got lost. I managed to rewrite the fic and majorly improve it for the event.
(6) What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I think the one fic I did the most worldbuilding for was All the Things Yet to Come. When writing it, I had planned on incorporating the Ratcatcher from the novel into it with the idea that ratcatchers were now very important members of society, but that never happened.
(9) How do you find new fic to read?
I usually check the new fics on AO3 every day and add the ones that interest me to my To Read list.
(10) How do you decide what to write?
I usually decide that through vibes 😂
(12) Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I think I'd rather not answer questions on things I dislike in fanfic, but usually the things I dislike aren't things to do with tropes.
(13) Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
See above
(25) What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
I usually don't do research for fics. Probably the most research I've done was to play Plague, Inc., while trying to figure out the disease in All the Things Yet to Come, and watching some of Jammidodger's videos on Youtube when writing my latest Trans Erik oneshot and thinking of expanding it into a longfic.
(26) Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
No dialogue! I actually think I've done one of those before.
(30) Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Yes, but I published it on anon for A Reason.
(34) What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
I usually base things Madeleine says or does after things my mother has said to me before.
(37) Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Hellfire. It's an E/C oneshot inspired but Eddie/Chrissy from Stranger Things minus major character death. I'm actually planning on writing a sequel soon.
(38) Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
Probably In Your Skin and Blood and Bone because in my opinion, it was a hot mess that I was unhappy with but ran out of time to edit before I needed to publish it for fluff week. I think it did have a lot of appeal because it's an alternate LND beginning type fic.
(41) Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Honestly, @wheel-of-fish's Unsung and Out of the Woods.
(42) Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Not on AO3 but I still to this day giggle over @coatandtails reblogging Leave the Past Behind with the tag "moisten the maestro."
(45) What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
Chapter length and dialogue. Conversely, I feel like I regressed in being able to portray characters' inner angst.
(46) Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
Computer! And I do feel like I'm more relaxed when writing in my bedroom.
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tealincubusspeckles · 2 years
Love Locket 15: The Main Character
TIGGER WARNING: implied suicide consideration, emotional manipulation
❣ Another Alternate Ending to Mika and Diana. Honestly, this is work is not ironed out and a mess. BUT! I think Diana could be a bit more b*tchy and that Mika is a side character. To place importance on Mika would be to rewrite Seduce Me completely. Ever since Seduce Me 1 the one who caused the mess was the grandfather and the boys. Mika was just swept into the process by accident. Mika had no real effect until she decided to get possessive over the boys when Diana showed up. You can look to my old Love Locket called Alternate Ending for more of a bullshit summary. The ending to this was forced and rushed. But, the idea is there: the MC is not in control never was. 
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Mika shouted as Diana got off of her
Diana lifted her head and her eyes turned blood red. "Shut up and know your place!"
Mika's jaw snapped closed and her body back rigged as per Diana`s command. Mika was only free to blink, breathe, and move her eyes. Diana chuckled darkly at the sight and sat at the edge of Mika`s bed placing a hand over Mika`s covered legs.
"Now that`s better isn`t it?" Diana asked and leaned in close to Mika "You almost thought you were the main character in all this." Diana chuckled and pulled away to tuck a loose piece of hair being Mika`s ear "That`s so cute. You think a stupid little human girl means something. Your powers are just gifts handed down from previous generations not even something you have mastered. You mean nothing. Yet you want to pretend you can make a change so big even when you are just a bug? That`s fine Let me help you get exactly that. Just sleep and leave everything else to me." Diana leaned in for a kiss and drained most of Mika`s energy.
Diana continued to feed and kiss Mika until Mika passed out sitting up. Mika looked like a doll with black hair, porcelain skin, and rosy lips. Diana hummed and pet Mika`s head causing Mika`s body to relax into Diana`s waiting embrace.
"I am not one to keep trophies but you will do just fine."
Diana gently lifted Mika out to the hallway and used her magic to find the firstborn.
As she approached the room, James opened the door and glared at Diana.
"How nice to finally meet you, my liege. I came with a gift" Diana said dropping Mika
In that split, second James tensed holding onto the door nob. But, Erik was quick and summoned tentacles to brace Mika from hitting the floor.
"Huh, so the worm is important. My apologies" Diana said watching how the tentacles coiled and protected Mika pulling Mika closer to the open room door.
James made room for the tentacles to pass and came forward to meet Diana with a scowl "State your business."
"Your so cold, my love. I am your fiance. Your intended and I came to get you. Surely you anticipated this. Or has being enchanted by the human world made you dull?" Diana asked sauntering closer to James
"Does that not reflect on you as well for coming after me?" James asked
Diana huffed "I suppose it does. But that just seems like a shame. A true king stuck playing house with nothing more than a living doll."
James grasped Diana by her hair and got into her face "Reverse what you have done. She has no part of this."
Diana chuckled a bit and bit back a groan of pain "But she is keeping you here!"
James roughly pushed Diana`s head away from him to watch her stumble and catch her balance on her own. Diana bumps into Sam who steadies her by twisting her arm at an odd angle.
"I guess your head is so far up your ass you forgot what making your own choices feels like," Sam growled and kept a tight hold on Diana
"I am here on my own volition to take AT LEAST one of you to the throne!"
"For YOUR KINGDOM, not ours! So we don`t give a shit" Sam said
"Without me, your little pet won`t bark!" Diana spat through clenched teeth
Sam drained some of Diana`s aggression before looking towards James who had gone quiet.
"Mika`s our collateral into doing what she wants. It would probably be possible to kill her to break the spell..." James starts
"But there is a high chance that more beings might be sent to find her or to find us in the future." Erik finishes coming to stand behind James
"Meaning we get rid of her now and take care of whoever else later!" Sam quipped
"Isn`t that how we got here in the first place? A better question would be to ask what do we benefit from going with you? Children? A throne where we have to constantly fight to prove ourselves?" Matthew said coming closer to the group.
"When you go back... I can grant you powers to do change things for the better" Diana huffed in response as Sam still was holding her arm awkwardly.
"That will take years or probably lead to more wars! Mika belongs here you can not keep her that long!" Matthew countered
"If she CARED for her OWN life she would have given you all up!" Diana shouted
Sam pulled snapped Diana`s wrist fully causing her to cry out. But Sam held her firm draining a chunk of her energy. Diana wobbled slightly at the large energy shift but managed to stay standing.
"Keep talking shit!-" Sam said
"She isn`t!" Damien shouted and then repeated quieter coming closer "...Mika has not been in the best of states mentally. So even if Diana did not get to Mika." Damien looked around briefly "Mika would have done something on her own"
"...For how long?" Matthew asked
"Mika has been thinking about it for longer than before we got here. With the funeral and us coming into her life. She has not felt in control of anything. We were the only ones to slightly listen to her outside of her." Damien admitted
"How about her friends?" James asked
"I am afraid the Princess likes to keep most things to herself," Erik spoke up
"What? Why do you say that?" Sam asked
"She never told her friends that we were here. And-" Erik said
"But it was only a half a day we were around!" Sam yelled
Erik looked annoyed that Sam interrupted him but then Matthew spoke up.
"Erik is saying! IF Mika was scared of us or felt close to her friends she would have told them about us. EVEN if it meant that she would look crazy or drive them away from her." Matthew explained
"I knew that!" Sam said then shifted his hold on Diana who decided to cough
"Right. The main problem here is Mika. If we take her with us then we are responsible for her. If we don`t then she will have to deal with the suggestion spell on her own. We all know Mika has no prior training in magic." James said
"But she has potential to learn we can all feel that," Erik said
"Can I just say even if Mika goes missing now? Would it be that big of a deal?" Matthew asked
"The fuck?" Sam said
"Listen call me strange! But, Mika`s dad didn`t seem like well a great guy and I mean Mika does not spend every waking hour with her friends. Besides many people seem to go their ways for college!" Matthew said
"What you have there is kidnapping!" Erik said
"Mika isn`t a child! The last people to know she is in this mansion os her father and those two friends of hers who don`t show up every day. Who is going to know besides us if she goes missing?" Matthew said
The hall was quiet and then Erik spoke up
"She had no say in any of this..." Erik sighed "There is no reason to take her with us. But to keep a watch over her so she doesn`t do something to herself. I say we take her with us." Erik said
"I think we should... even if she might not say so," Matthew said
"This is all fucked up. It`s like we are trying to decide to keep a stray pet! All because we are all chicken shit to try and find a solution!" Sam said
"Even if we did there is less magic in this realm than in the Abyssal Plains. Who knows how long the suggestion spell will last so long as SHE is alive. We can`t keep HER hostage either." Erik said motioning his hand slightly towards Diana each time.
"Don`t forget if we go back... most likely James would have to marry HER" Damien said
James sighed then pinched the bridge of his nose "Thank you, Damien."
"Sorry..." Damien whispered
James shook his head "No it was a concern in my head and I was not fully paying attention to the conversation. But, rationally I would have to marry her to take the throne. I was the last to agree to run away from duty. So bare the responsibility."
"But then you can`t watch over Mika. So you got worried. You wanted to watch her in shifts" Damien said
"Yes, to ensure her safety," James said
"SAFETY! That`s like a prison!" Sam said
"We could keep her like a doll," Matthew said softly
"You aren`t suggesting what I think you are," Erik said with a scowl
"Look if we keep her conscious she is an active risk, she will need food, she might wander around, and she`ll need the bathroom. If we place THAT spell on her it`ll be like she is preserved." Matthew said
"Oh like that isn`t creepy," Sam said rolling his eyes
When no one said anything in response Sam looked around in surprise
"Aw hell no you can`t seriously be considering it!" Sam said
"Yup," Damien said
"FUCKING HELL!" Sam said
Diana then took in a breath and spoke "If I keep her... I can wake and put her to sleep... whenever any of you would like"
"....Mika will be like a weird pet," Damien said and shuddered
The hall went quiet for a moment.
"Erik, Matthew. Get the spell ready. We are going back for the crown." James said then held on to one of Diana`s arms. "I`ll take her. We should get acquainted"
"Don`t tell me that!" Sam said letting Diana go
"Get your mind out of the gutter," James said
Matthew laughed for a moment as Sam grumbled. Sam attempted to push Matthew but Matthew moved slightly out of the way to go closer to Erik. Erik made room for Matthew to enter his shared room, with James. Erik just had more magic-related items than Matthew did.
Sam walked over to Damien a threw a hand over the youngest shoulder
"Let`s enjoy the outside for a bit," Sam said
Damien gave a shuddering sigh but was led off by Sam.
Mika was taken to the Abyssal Plains and for about 2 years was kept in a doll-like state. In this state, her eyes always remained closed, but she was able to have expressions. Diana had explained Mika was in a constant dream-like state so there would be times Mika awoke and was able to hear them. Thanks to the spells of Diana and the brothers Mika never needed to eat or use the bathroom in this state. These years were dedicated to using magic to preserve Mika and keep Mika clean. Within the 2 years, the boys would visit Mika to sit her up or prop her to stand as they talked with her.
Sam usually spent the most time with Mika simply just talking with her. Although Damien would take note that there was always one new flower in the room after Sam left. Damien was the second person to visit Mika a lot. He liked telling her stories and would later take on the hobby of doing her hair. Mika`s hair grew quickly despite being so long so Damien often either had to braid it or cut it. Erik was the third most likely to visit as he often made clothes for her to wear. Erik along with Diana and James was in charge of maintaining the magic keeping Mika in this state. Diana was in charge of changing Mika`s clothes but one of the boys had to be in the room. The reason why was because Damien and Erik could see into Mika's mind in different ways and knew Diana was someone she had a reason to fear. Damien could hear Mika's thoughts when she was more lucid and Erik could sleep next to Mika to see her dreams. According to the two red-headed brothers Diana if left alone with Mika would talk down to Mika and the boys would have none of that if they could help it. Matthew would visit about twice a week only to drop off a new accessory for Mika to wear or swap out. Matthew started getting into the habit of crafting jewelry for Mika but it took him a while to make one he liked that fit her. Matthew would often sleep over in Mika's room hence why he was always there twice a week. Lastly, was James who usually came once a week or once a month to change the flowers in the room if the other brothers had not changed them.
Around the second year, Damien and Erik knew Mika started to call herself useless for just laying around and the two pushed to wake Mika up. Diana countered that if she was awakened that Mika might act out for being kept asleep for so long. Also, Diana reminded Damien that Mika back in the human realm was already contemplating leaving the living world because she was useless. But, Damien insisted that Mika should have a choice since it was the least they could do.
"Get up, girl. Your life starts now." Diana said
In the room, James sat off to the side watching as Mika struggled to sit up. Mika ended up rolling to her side to prop up on her elbow instead of fully sitting up.
"I feel sick" Mika croaked out but she simply looked down to the floor and took a few breathes 
"You've been asleep for a while with nothing to eat or drink and no way to release yourself. Your body is just trying to catch up." Diana said walking over to pour water from a jug into a clay cup.
Mika was silent for a moment then sat up but kept herself slightly bent over and holding her stomach. Diana approached Mika with the cup.
"Here drink some water. You will be on liquids and mashed food for a while until you think you can stomach larger solid foods." Diana said
Mika looked at the cup for a moment before reaching out to hold it with two hands and then bringing the cup to her mouth to drink. Once she was done she offered the cup back to Diana who took the cup and spoke.
"Your use here is over. You can choose to go back to the human world or stay here as a slave to one of the brothers." Diana said
"What?" Mika asked
James cleared his throat to catch Mika's attention and got up to come closer to her.
"Humans here don't have many rights and they are often considered slaves. Not a favorable light, but my brothers and I would never treat you that way. Any of us would do our best to protect you within our means it is the least we could do." James said
Mika looked away as James spoke then looked up at him to ask
"Things aren't the same anymore and I would only be intruding onto your lives won't I?" Mika gave a small smile but then it dropped as she looked at Diana "You know Erik in dreams would tell me that time was passing as he replayed old memories. Damien tells me there have been some new people in each of your lives."
James follows Mika's line of sight to Diana and then back to Mika
"Would you like to meet them?" James asks
Mika shakes her head no "I am not family"
James bends down and kneels before Mika "But you are my friend who they know a lot about"
"You told them of me?" Mika asks
"He resents me and he tells them of you as often as he can..." Diana says lifting her chin and looking away towards a door "I did not lie when I promised I would make you have a big change in something"
James sighed "She is full of herself. I apologize."
"Your one to talk, my King" Diana said glaring down at James
James looks to Mika who is visibly upset and he reaches out a hand to brush away her tears. Mika does not fight James away as he then lifts her as if she was a child and holds her. A habit he seemed to have grown used to. Diana simply crosses her arms and turns to play with some of the flower displays on the wall of the room. Once Mika gathers herself she looks at Diana and asks.
"How soon can you send me back? Do you think people will question where I was?" Mika asked wiping her face
"Time here moves faster than in the human world. You have probably only been a way for a couple of hours or a day at best." Diana said simply
Mika's eyes widened "That's impossible!..." Mika then covers her mouth looking at Diana who raises an unimpressed eyebrow as she puts a flower in her hair "Ah... demon, right." James places his head against Mika's neck and huffs in amusement "Don't make fun of me!"
James pulls away and looks at Mika "I am not making fun of you. I am simply relieved that time has not left you behind."
Mika hums unconvinced but nods in agreement. Diana then sighs and speaks.
"Have you decided what you want to do, child?" Diana asks
"...I-i think I'll go back to the human world," Mika said
James holds Mika a little closer for a moment "You don't sound sure"
"You were responsible and made a rational choice to come back here in the demon world for my sake. You have new responsibilities to attend to. I don't want to bother." Mika said getting softer as she spoke
James hummed brushing back a few strands of loose hair behind Mika's ear "You never were a bother, Mika. Even if we are a world apart my brothers and I will call you from time to time"
"Ha. Doesn't that take tons of energy?" Mika asked then waved her hand "Damien and Erik were trying to teach me things in my dreams and well I figure that would be difficult."
James smiled "You're a good student. But, with Diana, Erik, and Matthew we managed to work something out. Here is a gift from all of us to you"
James had to adjust himself to pull a ring off of his finger and then place the ring on Mika's left pointer finger. The ring had a brief blue glow before shrinking down to fit snuggly onto Mika's finger. The ring was a simple yellow gold band with 5 different gemstones cut to fit a rectangle side by side. It wasn't a pretty ring but it caught the light well when it moved.
"Since the practice is new it mainly works one way. We will be able to see you and hear you. But, you might not be able to see us even if you hear us." James said with a sigh
Mika touched and admired the ring with a small scoff "So people can think I am crazy?"
"Only if you allow yourself to be caught," Diana said
James stroked Mika's hair then glared at Diana "We. Are. Working. ON making the magic better. Although it would help if you practiced magic back in the human world it might help. We just worry that angels may target you if you practice magic and try to tell others. We can't protect you from them." James said
"I understand," Mika said holding the ring closer to her chest
"Would you like me to call them before you decide to leave?" James asked
Mika looked to Diana who was staring at the two
"You have some time the ritual was already prepared beforehand since Damien had an idea you were going to say that," Diana said
Mika gave a small smile and nodded "Yeah..."
Within a few minutes, the boys were called into the room and said their goodbyes to Mika. Matthew and Erik taught Mika, Sam, and Damien how to use the rings to communicate with each other. Damien shocked the rest by saying he wanted to follow Mika back to the human realm for he did not want his powers being abused in the future and always felt odd having to find demon partners. Diana then offered an experimental spell that would turn him mostly human to the point he would not crave energy or read minds. The other brothers were skeptical but Damien agreed. Mika decided to hold back from leaving so the trip was a one-time deal and consumed less energy. It took probably about a week for the spell to be cast and Damien to recover. As the brothers were saying goodbye to the two, Matthew gave Damien a black ring with gold detailing so he could communicate with the demon world. In a way, it was also a message for Damien not to forget his roots.
At the end of the week, Mika and Damien were back in the human realm. When Mika came back home and only missed a day of school and had to deal with her father. But it seems like Diana had already taken care of him since as Mika's father left Mika noticed a purple pencil peeking out from her father's pocket. Damien decided to stay with Mika for a week before venturing out on his own and promised to visit when he could. Despite him saying that Damien surprised Mika with a text every day since he had taken on work to put himself in school to learn English and Japanese. Sometimes Damien would challenge Mika with her Japanese comprehension in phone calls. Damien knew for a long time that Mika understood Japanese but she never wrote it. After 6 years Damien graduated from college with an English major and minor in Japanese literature. While Mika had graduated in 7 years with a double major in theatre and music as well as a minor in business. Damien proposed to Mika at her graduation.
Damien had been obsessed with Mika for years and Mika was slightly co-dependent on him. Their relationship wasn't the healthiest but Damien and Mika took time to communicate with each other. When they got stressed they sometimes took a few days away from each other to hang out with new friends they had made along the way. The brothers would check in on the two about once a month or when it was their children's birthdays. Although the brothers kept in communication with Damien more often to celebrate some demon holidays with him, Mika didn't know of them. Mika would be approached by an angel when she was 30 to take the Angel Trails. During their marriage, Mika and Damien had 5 kids, each born 5 years apart since Mika felt lonely when one would start attending school. Damien and Mika would take turns taking a few weeks off from work to take care of the kids. When they got each got busy they relied on Mika's friend Suzu or very rarely on Mika's parents. Naomi was often out in France and would only help to take care of Mika's kids if Damien was busy and Mika had brought the children over to France for work. Mika was more likely to travel than Damien was since Damien did not like the idea that planes could drop into the ocean.
I think that is all one would need to know in this alternate universe.
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ancientphantom · 2 years
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We have a bumper crop of new Phantom literature as we race into summer!
Patricia Peacock und das Phantom in der Oper by Tiffany Crockham is a German-language mystery about a crime-solving duo in period times who are stuck trying to protect a famous Italian diva at the Cairo Opera House who is being ruthlessly targeted, along with the rest of the ensemble, by a mysterious figure haunting the place.
The Voyeur of the Opera: Captive in His Lair by Dulcinea Drakos is a sultry retelling of the original story, with plenty of sex scenes and a focus on which of her two lovers Christine will choose in the end.
Not Alone by A.L. Flagg is a flipped-roles modern-day story in which a young woman named Eden is attacked, leaving her severely scarred and hiding from the world, until she falls in love with a newcomer and must decide whether she can come out of isolation and how to deal with the world that hurt her in the first place. (I’d call it a bit more of a Beauty & the Beast story, but like many publishers, this one claims it’s a “fusion” of that story with the Phantom one.)
Chandelier by Michael Leon is the sequel to his previous book, Phantoms, and carries on the story after Erik’s escape from the opera house, moving to the future of the 22nd century where an aging diva hides secrets from other performers and a young pianist is frightened by the sudden and incredible increase of his peformance skills.
The Phantom of Nob Hill Theater by John Luke Maxwell is a gay romance novel about a retired porn actor, the community theater performance he’s involved in, and someone behind the scenes trying to Stop the Show and/or kill the performers. Of course, it’s very sexy. It’s literally in the theater’s name.
The Lost Melody by Joanna Davidson Politano is a period story about a young pianist who, when her parents die, discovers a strange connection to a woman currently being held in an asylum and struggles with strange letters and unearthly music that seem to follow her everywhere she goes.
In Too Deep by Elaine Runmore is a period rewrite of the original story, in which Christina is a street busker singing for coins in an English port and is being followed by a mysterious dark figure in the shadows who would do anything to hear her voice...
Behind the Mask by MaryAnn Sires is a prequel to her long-running The Phantom’s Lady series, although the prerelease announcement doesn’t give us much to go on as far as what it’s about. We can probably safely guess it’s at least got some backstory for the Phantom and the other main characters, though!
Corruption by Jenika Snow is a modern-day version of the story in which the Phantom character is a hired killer for the Russian mafia and struggles with his love for the innocent young ballerina he knew in childhood, only to kidnap her and keep her hostage when he realizes that she is about to marry someone else.
A Dance with Danger by Marisa Wright is the story of a ballet dancer who, after his legs are crushed and he loses the ability to dance or walk, hides from the rest of the world, only to be dragged back into the light when he meets his brother’s beautiful ballerina fiancee and a power struggle begins to determine which of the brothers she will choose.
We also have three “maybe” options this week, for those who like to intrepidly find out exactly how much Phantom influence there is in a suspicious work:
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The Vanishing of Willa Sloan by Andrea Dias is a modern-day story about a girl whose mother vanishes during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing her to search for her until she discovers that her mother’s past as a ballerina in Paris was far from idyllic and that only traveling to Paris will allow her to finally learn the truth.
The Phantom Violinist: Play Like the Devil by Nigel Street has a lot of classic Phantom elements: a haunted, possibly evil violin that plays unbelievable music, a performer who isn’t sure whether their talent is their own or from some outside force, and of course dangerous performances that spiral out of control. However, it’s hard to tell if this is just one of those works that riffs on other evil violin stories (like Lovecraft’s Erich Zann) or whether it actually has a connection to the Phantom’s original story or one of its successors (the 1989 Little/Englund film would make sense...).
Ximphonic Versus: Symphony of the Phantom Knight by Scotlynd Xing Xin-Bedford is... well, to be honest, it’s very hard to tell what it is? It’s set five thousand years in the past in a fantasy universe in which a prince named Addonnis, a superlative singer, travels around with his mentor Concerto only to discover other ambitions when he encounters the princess of the faraway glass kingdom. It’s got a lot of music, haunting, and other Phantom-esque elements, but it offers no previews and I have no earthly clue what else is going on, so good luck to those who find out!
That’s it for this time, but let’s hope June’s offerings are just as exciting!
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phandompenny · 3 years
Fathers Day POTO Fics
In honor of father’s day, here’s a collection of fics about Erik parenting and/or being parented!
The Nanny by Mertens
The single father Erik AU we’ve all been waiting for, where Christine is hired as the nanny for Gustave by his strange masked father. Christine does get along with Gustave and he seems to have a good relationship with his father, but there’s something about Erik that just seems off... E/C, currently updating!
Second Chances by SloaneDestler
A pregnant Christine seeks shelter from her teacher, and for the sake of her unborn child they decide to marry. Definitely just because of that and no other reason. E/C, lots of mutual pining, just completed!
Little Boy Lost by DivineVarod
Christine confronts Erik over his refusal to play with his son. Featuring an Erik who really does love his son but has no idea how to interact with children, something I wish we saw more of. Married E/C, oneshot.
Tiny Angel by FaunaProductions
Cherik is a dad and that’s the fic! There’s only one chapter but I’m already in love (and Gerard, as expected, is a bad grandfather). There’s actually no Christine in this one, but maybe she could show up in the future?
It’s In Your Soul by BozBozBoz
A complete LND rewrite with a Gustave who resembles his father in appearance, a Christine who faked her death to leave the marriage with Raoul and is now a travelling singer, and Erik who is running Phantasma and doing his best to not kidnap somebody but still try and support his family. E/C.
Something Immortal by MulticoloredRosePetals
Kay based E/C, where Erik while constructing the opera house takes in a pregnant and ill Christine. It’s a kind of unique case where their relationship isn’t built off of music, just care and compassion, but it’s something they can discover later.
The Boy by madamefaust
This list would not be complete without at least ONE fic by madamefaust, the leading authority in Cherik father related angst. Have fun with this collection of stories about Gerard being a slightly less terrible father than usual, but things are still very sad.
The Source of the Blame by aldonza
Giovanni learns about some of the past difficulties that Erik has faced. Namely, the pedophilia, and he is not okay with his adopted son suffering like this. Lots of hurt comfort, and in this AU things would have never gone wrong with Lucinda because it’s a catalyst for Giovanni to step up to the plate as a father.
For Educational Purposes Only by Xix Crane
Post LND. Gustave wants to go see the dinosaurs at the museum, but Erik never leaves Phantasma. At least, he never leaves during the day... Pure family fluff, an AU where Christine lives but she’s mainly in the background because the focus is on father-son BONDING.
Wandering Son by sarahandmarquis
Post poto, Erik returns to Italy and reconciles with Giovanni. I sadly have seen very little of this and I ADORE it, they’re both crying and apologizing and trying to figure out how to be a family again.
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Prom with Peter Maximoff
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CW: none, just some sickening fluff, Jubilee and Kurt are 💅 because I said so, Peter is a bumbling idiot but not annoying levels of it, I didn't go to prom so this is probably not at all accurate, no prom queen/king for one, also no slow dance??? Idk why not I might rewrite this completely but I do kinda like this so I'm posting it, I wrote this with F!Reader in mind, but other than that Reader wears a dress it's Gender Neutral, I wrote this to distract myself from cramps, and as always, lazily edited
You take a deep breath and run your fingers over the fabric of your dress, the silver lightly shimmering under the light of your dorm. You were waiting for your date, Peter Maximoff, to come get you and take you down the hall to the large gymnasium at Xavier's School for the Gifted where the dance was.
You and Peter weren't dating when he asked you to the dance, but you might as well have been, since the two of you were practically attached at the hip ever since he saved the school from exploding and then enrolled. It was kind of cliché to wait for him, since the gym was only 20 yards from your dorm, but Peter said it would feel like a more authentic dance this way, so you agreed with a laugh.
Just as you were starting to wonder what was taking the speedster so long, a knock at your door sounded. You got up, smoothing out the lines in the dress and grinning when you opened the door.
Peter was dressed in a pair of black slacks (they hung a bit big on him, leading you to believe they were probably borrowed from Erik) and a light blue and silver striped dress shirt, silver and blue flowers pinned to the lapel. It was simple and the two of you matched quite well. His hair was combed to the best of his ability but still hung loose around his face. You resisted to urge to ruffle your hands through it. His eyes sparkled as he looked you up and down in awe and pure adoration. You wanted to kiss him but decided against it, how silly to have you two's first kiss be minutes before the dance, standing half in the hallway half in your dorm.
"You look stunning," he breathed out. Your face heat at his comment and you patted your hair nervously.
"Thanks, you look great too," you told him. He grinned at the praise, clearly proud of himself for managing to clean up.
He stared at you for a few more seconds before a though occured to him and he cleared his throat. "I got you this-" he reached behind him to something he had clipped to the back of his pants, pulling out a clip on flower lapel to match his own- "it's fake so you can keep it forever." You smiled at the sentiment and helped him pin it onto your dress. He held out an arm to you and you stepped forward and placed your hand in his own, letting him lead you two to the gym.
Jean and Jubilee had been in charge of decorating, and while they did an excellent job, you could clearly see where each of their influence showed. Jean had a clean snack table set up at the end closest to the main door, a plastic cover set over- silver, funnily enough- to catch any spills from the three different punch bowls. There were huge -silver- letters above the door that spelled out "PROM" and streamers and confetti carefully placed in meticulous order. It looked great.
Jubilee's side was pure chaos. She used the same streamers and confetti as Jean, but it was thrown wherever without any semblance of a pattern. A makeshift stage was put up and the resident band, the Musical Mutants (we're not naming ourselves that) (we totally should it's hilarious) (no) (you're outvoted), was playing a cover of some rock song you didn't recognize, but it had a nice beat, and Peter took your hand to join the rest of your friends on the dance floor.
Jean and Scott greeted you as they held hands, Scott occasionally twirling Jean around, Jubilee gave you a big hug and Kurt waved awkwardly before they introduced you to their partners. Jubilee girlfriend Kess was a tall dark haired woman in a light pink dress, who you vaguely recognized from around the school, and Kurt's boyfriend Wally was a shorter guy you were pretty sure you had science with. You all had agreed to go as a group about a month before Wally asked Kurt, and then Jean asked Scott, Jubes asked Kess and Peter asked you, so you ended up as one big quadruple date.
You all talked for a while before a particular song came on and Jubilee and Kess ran off to go dance, Scott and Jean excused themselves- "to go make out" as Peter put it, despite your playful slap to his chest at the comment, and Kurt and Wally went off to go say hi to some of Wally's friends.
"They ditched us," Peter said in faux sadness. You shook your head lightly and smiled.
"They probably didn't want to stand here much longer watching you stare at me."
He did his best to look offended. "I was being discreet." He turned up his nose and looked away. He quickly turned back though as the realization of what you said kicked in. "You saw me?"
You smiled at the blush crawling over his cheeks and nodded. He shook his head and muttered to himself about being more careful, which only made you laugh more. Satisfied with your happiness, he took your hand and sped you around to say hello to all of your friends.
This continued well into the night, Peter and you bouncing around from person to person, group to group and conversing with your friends, stopping once in a while to dance or sing along to the a song, and by the time the band took a break, you were exhausted. You made one last stop at the snack table to give your compliments to the band before leading Peter out to the big field that was sometimes used for class. Next to it was a small garden a few of the Botanokinetics and other gardening enthusiasts kept up. The two of you sat down on the bench, your hand in Peter's lap to let him fiddle with the beads of your bracelet to help him keep still.
The sky was dark, stars dotting the horizon, sun long gone and the moon taking up it's place in the sky. Music could still be heard fairly loudly from the gym but it didn't bother you two as you lay a head on his shoulder, listening to him talk about arcade games, and stared off at the small group of students running in circles with sparklers far out by the lake. You could almost spot Jubilee out with them, making hearts around Kess with her powers. You smiled up at Peter as he continued to ramble. He stopped when he realized you were staring at him.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"It's okay. I like hearing you talk about things you like. I feel.honored you want to share that with me." He grinned at your sentiment.
"Why the hell did I not ask you out sooner."
You shrugged and pulled off his shoulder. He reached out, very suddenly for you, though you suppose it must've been a normal rate from his perspective, to cup your cheek in his hand and pull you ever so slightly closer to him. You gulped and glanced at his lips as he leaned further, stopping a few inches from your mouth to wait for you to close the gap. You waited for a few seconds before leaving in and pressing your lips to his.
There wasn't any fireworks, there was no magic switch that clicked in your brain, just Peter's lips, so soft against yours. There was just Peter's hand on your neck, pulling you closer. It might not've been showstopping, but it felt like heaven, and that was enough.
[not my gif @anakinskywalkers ]
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fulokis · 3 years
Fulokis WandaVision Rewrite- Chapter 2
Wanda furrowed her brow at her brother, "This is Vision, my husband. I swear you two have met before."
Peter processed what to say, "It's all a blur, honestly probably a side effect of being dead. Hey is that a Nintendo Entertainment system?"
"You and your games." Wanda said letting the subject of her brothers death go for the moment.
"You and your sitcoms." Peter shot back from inside the fridge. Grabbing a Capri Sun he speed over to the pantry and grabbed a chocodile, before heading back to the entry way to examine Vision.
"You never told me your brother had powers too." Vision said uncomfortably stepping to the side after Peter poked his face. "Or that he had died."
"Yes well..." Wanda said trying to figure out what to say.
"It runs in the family." Peter offered up still examining Vision.
"What no it doesn't." Wanda said furrowing her brow "Since when has it run in the family?"
"I believe what your brother is trying to say Wanda, is that it has something to do with genetics, rather than chance."
"Bingo!" Peter said.
"Shhhh." Wanda scolded, "If you wake up the kids I swear I will kill you."
"Kids?" Peter asked "First I'm an Uncle?! And second you had kids with the toaster over here?"
Vision frowned and Wanda shook her head, "Just try to be quiet okay?"
Peter chuckled, "You say that as if I'm not capable of being quiet."
"Vis can I talk to you for a minute?" Wanda asked half dragging the sinth into the kitchen.
"Are you okay Wanda?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"
"Wanda you said I had met your brother, and that your brother had died. Neither of which I was aware of until now."
"Ohh I see. Yeah you two have met, it was quick. Literally he just ran past you. And about the whole death thing don't listen to him he's being dramatic."
"Wanda I find generally that people aren't dramatic about death." Vision said with visible confusion.
"He..." Wanda started, "We were six, and at school and well he choked on a potato because he was eating too fast. He was quiet at school I'm not sure why, but um the teacher wouldn't listen to me until he passed out. And the teacher went over to check on him... and his heart had stoped. The teacher started to try and revive him, and I don't know why but I went over to him and held his hand through it. He's fine but it left both of us shaken up."
"Oh I see." Vision said "Wanda do humans often claim premature death when they have no pulse?"
"Sometimes yes." Wanda said. "Look Pietro is probably going to need to sleep on the couch, he lives pretty far from here."
"Don't worry darling your family is my family." Vision said embracing Wanda and giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"You know this house reminds me of home!" Peter shouted from the living room.
Wanda sighed looking up at Vision. "I suppose I should go talk to him."
Vision smiled "Ill leave you two to catch up." He said before moving out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
Wanda walked over to the living room and sat down in the chair next to the couch. "So..."
Peter smiled "Do you still have that little thing mom gave you? The one with the other half that she game to me?"
Wanda smiled and laughed slightly, "Yeah I do. I'm assuming you lost yours?"
"Nah, it's in a safe place." Peter said. "At least I think, honestly don't remember exactly where I put it."
"Of course you don't. Although I'm sure you remember where you put moms special rock."
"In the cookie jar." Peter said smiling at the idea "No robber was ever going to look in that ugly old thing."
"Ugly? Dad would kill you if he ever heard you say that." Peter froze for a second, he knew he had something important to tell someone or say or something. Something about his father. "Pietro?"
"Sorry I guess I just haven't thought about them in a while." Peter said watching as Wanda  got up.
"I'll make some hot chocolate." She said humming to herself a familiar tune.
"Thanks." Peter said standing up and walking into the kitchen to throw away his trash. "It's nice here. This town, your home, your family."
"Yeah I lucked out." Wanda said staring into the microwave.
"Yeah you did. I'm actually a little surprised."
"How so?"
"Well you settled down, you have a family. You don't have to worry about the world. You always wanted it, but I knew that you were terrified you wouldn't get it."
"Is it a bad thing?"
"No." Peter shook his head "No not at all. I think mom and dad would both be proud of you. They would've loved to meet your kids."
"Pietro you haven't even met my kids."
"Aw come on sis, you worried I won't like them?"
"No I'm worried they won't like you.  There's a difference."
"Eh they'll like their old uncle P." Peter said and Wanda laughed. "But I'm being serious mom and dad would've loved them."
"Here." Wanda said handing Peter the hot chocolate mug to him.
Peter took a sip "You added a bit of cinnamon."
"Yeah just the way mom liked it." Wanda said, "Of course I'm not good with a stove in the way she was."
"It still tastes good." Peter said taking another sip, "So Uh how did you and toaster meet?"
"You really don't remember?" Wanda asked.
"Like I said it's a blur, although it's probably for the best."
"Yeah... for the best." Wanda said.
"I know that look." Peter said. "You're going to go watch a sitcom aren't you?"
"Maybe." Wanda replied setting the mug of hot chocolate she had made for herself on a coaster in the living room.
Peter followed her out to the living room walking over to the bookshelf in the corner. On the bookshelf sat a lonely chess piece. Peter picked up the black queen, running a finger along the piece. He stopped, he could remember something about the piece in his hand.
"She's lucky you know." Wanda said.
"What?" Peter asked sure for a second he heard a mans voice saying the words.
"She's lucky." Wanda said walking over, "Dad tried to teach you but you never had the patience."
"How is she lucky?" Peter asked.
"She's like us, unusual. We have powers like she does, and yet she's still not the most powerful piece on the board. She's always treated like she's second best, so she's lucky for anyone who is like her." Wanda explained.
Peter took a sharp breath, a memory came back to him almost as if he was reliving it. Through the fog in his mind he could remember. Him lounging on a couch Ororo sitting curled up in the sun on the other side of the couch reading a book. On an adjacent couch Jean was leaning on Scott having a hushed conversation with him. Jubilee and Kurt were sitting on the floor looking at a game of Life spread at their feet.
Peter had headphones in, but he didn't have any music playing. He knew that everyone else just figured he did and they let him be to take his 'nap'.
"Check." Charles said.
"Check mate." Erik replied placing a piece down.
"No it's not." Charles replied.
"Yes it is."
Charles sat and examined the board for a second "Fine you win this one my friend."
"You seem distracted today Charles."
"Distracted me? Never."
"Gah!" Kurt yelled in surprise accidentally teleporting into the table the two older mutants were using for their chess game. Peter startled at the loud noise and looked down to see a chess piece roll towards the couch. "Sorry Professor."
"Not to worry Kurt, we were done anyway." Charles said, "What startled you?"
Kurt started to explain to the professor what had happened. Peter tuned out the conversation sitting up and stretching. He bent down and picked up the piece that had rolled near the couch.
"She's lucky you know." Erik said watching the young mutant as he got up from the couch.
Peter nearly froze, he couldn't believe that Erik was talking to him. "What do you mean?"
"She's like us, powerful but always treated beneath those who have not evolved to a higher purpose. Always serving in the shadows of the less evolved."
Peter looked at the man slightly confused, "Has she brought you any luck?"
"A couple times yes." Erik replied, "She brought me family when I needed it."
"Oh." Peter replied, "Uh here." He said reaching out to give it to the man.
"Keep it." Erik said, nodding to Peters leg "You look like you could use a little luck."
"Heh luck, I don't need it." Peter said, "After all I did break you out of the pentagon without it. The legs just a little fluke that's all."
"Peter that's not something you need to boast about." Charles said handing Erik a a couple of renegade chess pieces.
Erik took the pieces from Charles and put them back with his set. Peter attempted to give the queen back to Erik. "Keep it, Ill get it back from you the next time I visit."
"Next Tuesday then?" Charles asked.
"Next Tuesday." Erik confirmed walking out of the room.
Peter waited until the man was out of earshot, "Why wouldn't he take it?" Peter asked Charles.
"Erik is a mystery that few can solve Peter."
"Haven't you professor?" Peter asked.
"Oh believe me I've tried." Charles said. "Best not to worry about it."
Peter looked down at the chess piece in his hand, he knew he was going to keep it close for the weekend. He had to keep it safe, if not for him but his father.
"Pietro?" Peter heard through his thoughts.
"What?" He asked still holding the chess piece.
"Are you okay?" Wanda asked touching his shoulder.
"Yeah, I just miss them ya know." Peter said mulling over the memory that he just seemingly formed.
Wanda nodded and gave him a hug. Peter went to place the queen back on the shelf but Wanda stopped him closing his hand around it. "Keep it, you could use some luck."
Peter wanted to protest but Wanda had already wandered off heading up the stairs. Peter walked over and sat down on the couch turning the piece over in his hands. Something wasn't right, or at least something didn't feel right. Peter sighed knowing he would have to mull over his thoughts later. Setting both his mug and the queen on the table he lie down on the couch and closed his eyes attempting to get some sleep.
The dreams he had were unsettling. He'd dreamt many times of death and dying, and yet these felt too real. Peter felt the pain, pain that shouldn't have been there. He'd been shot, he knew that in fact he was sure of that. And yet in his dream he nearly had his skull crushed while  something pulled him towards the ground. What was even more unsettling was the man from his memory seemed to be the one trying to kill him.
Peter startled awake the last image of a man with a helmet, staring directly at him. He looked around the room to get his bearings. Wanda's husband sat in the chair next to the couch, reading the mornings newspaper. Peter turned his head slightly to read the headline on the paper.
"Restless night?" Vision asked.
"What?" Peter asked, "Oh yeah. Nightmares. Come to think of it do you get them?"
"Nightmares?" Vision pondered, "No I don't think so. Although I do get some unsavory images occasionally during my rest period."
Peter sat up, "Must be simple to be a machine. No reason to have fake memories."
"My memory has fallacies, although much less so than a human." Vision said paying much more attention to his newspaper than Peter.
"Mutant." Peter mumbled under his breath out of habit.
"What was that?" Vision asked.
"What? Nothing. I didn't say anything. It's you. You must be hearing things."
"I process audio input." Vision corrected looking up from his paper at the ten year old coming down the stairs. "Billy! Come say hello to your uncle Pietro."
Peter looked at the kid, "Uncle P is fine."
Billy walked down the stairs slowly and came to sit on the opposite side of the couch closer to his father, clutching closer to the blanket he'd wrapped around himself. "He takes after Wanda."
Peter smiled and nodded at Vision, "Hey."
"Mom said you were very far away." Billy said.
"Peter smiled mischievously, "She wasn't wrong about me being far away, I mean I do live pretty far away..."
"Woah your hair is cool!" A kid shouted running down the stairs.
"Hey, Tommy what have we told you about running in the house?" Vision reprimanded.
The boy ignored his father and jumped on the couch right next to Peter "Can I touch it?"
Peter made a weird face, "I guess." He replied.
"Aww I thought it would feel cool too." Tommy said, "Who are you? Why are you here? Are you a secret agent?"
"That's Uncle P Tommy." Billy said.
"Woah!" Tommy yelled.
"Tommy what have we told you about yelling!" Wanda said coming down the stairs.
"But mom..."
"Listen to your mother kid." Peter said.
"See your Uncle knows what he's talking about."
"Do you listen to her Uncle P?" Billy asked.
Peter smiled and got up and sped towards Wanda, letting her stop him with her magic much to her resignation. "Nope." Peter said with a grin watching as the kids faces lit up with surprise. Wanda gave him a playful slap on the shoulder at his response, "But you should listen to her, she gives some good advice."
"That's better." Wanda said as the phone rang. Wanda sighed and picked it up, "Hello?... oh no...hold on... vis can you handle it?" Wanda asked nodding at the fact that Tommy had stolen his brothers blanket and started using it as a cape. "... what were you saying?... is there anything I can do?... are you sure?... okay feel better."
"What is it?" Peter asked.
"Vis Hon, Agnes can't babysit for us, she's come down with the flu."
"Rats, if only there were someone we could get to watch the kids." Vision said winking towards Peter.
"No, I am not letting..." Wanda started.
"Awwww." Billy said, "But mom I want to hang out with Uncle P."
"Please!?" Tommy asked.
Wanda frowned, "Oh I don't know. Vision what do you think?"
"I think that's an excellent idea. The kids get to hang out with their Uncle, you and I get to spend some time to ourselves. And Agnes doesn't have to worry too much about the kids. It's a Win-Win-Win situation dear."
"I'm still not sure." Wanda said.
"Don't sweat it Sis, nothing I can't handle." Peter said showing off his muddles for the twins.
"Please mom please??" Both boys pleaded.
Wanda sighed "Alright fine, but only because I'm outvoted."
"Yay!" Both twins shouted.
"But and this is a big but, you have to behave yourselves." Wanda said, "No T.V. After 9 and no desert after dinner you hear me?"
"Yes of course we hear you mom." Billy said, "Can we watch T.V. Until you go?"
"Yes you may." Wanda said, "Pietro can I talk to you?"
"Yeah." Peter said following his sister into the kitchen. "What's up?"
"Are you sure you're up for this?" Wanda asked watching as Vision helped the boys with the T.V.
Peter snorted, "Oh come on sis, how bad can they really be? Cause I've died and come back, not much can be worse."
"Pietro that's what I'm worried about. You sure you don't want to rest, or take it easy?"
Peter placed a hand on Wanda's shoulder "My dear sister I've never once in my life taken it easy, and there's no way in my afterlife life I'm going to take it easy either."
Wanda smiled and shook her head, "You're still awful at jokes."
"Aw come on you know I'm better at practical jokes." Peter said pulling his sister into a hug. "But my point is I'll be fine and your kids will be fine, I won't let anything happen to them I promise."
"Thank you." Wanda said, "I'll do the same for you if you ever have kids."
"I know Wanda, I know." Peter said, his mind slipping back to the memory of the chess piece and the dream he had experienced the previous night. Something was wrong here he could feel it, something about the town, about Wanda's husband, about Agnes. They felt fake in a way, almost as if they weren't meant to be there. He felt uneasy most of the time, especially as he tried to parse out what was actually real and what was fake. One thing he knew for sure, Wanda and her kids were real. And he'd be damned if he let anything happen to them.
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britishchick09 · 2 years
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Christine rested her hands on the high register keys, feeling the cool ivory underneath her fingers. She could see her palm peeking out as Erik hovered his hand on top of hers. He lightly tapped his long fingers on the keys and nodded. (poto rewrite, chapter 29)
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echoweaver · 3 years
Get to know me tag
Thanks to @zosa95 for the tag. There are more of these fun social tags going around than I can handle, but this one looks like something I can manage!
(I’m lousy at tagging people but would love to see responses from more folks.)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
1. Favourite colour
I used to love purple, then green, then yellow. These days, I think I just love bright, cheerful colors. I like tie-dyes. I love autumnal colors together -- reds and oranges and golds. I like colors in gradients. Colors really cheer me up, particularly in the pandemic year(s) where everything seems a little gray.
2. Currently reading
Sailing to Sarantium by Guy Gavriel Kay Star Wars Legacies: Survivor’s Quest, by Timothy Zahn The Two Towers, JRR Tolkien, reading aloud to my daughter
3. Last song you listened to
Pretty sure that was a Hawaiian rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on the speaker system of the airport shuttle :-D. We’re on vacation and aren’t listening to a lot of music.
4. Last series you watched
We’re almost done with Picard. We haven’t loved it as much as I would expect.
5. Sweet, spicy or savoury
Savory, usually? But I have a severe weakness for ice cream.
6. Craving
Sleep, actually. We’re at the travel fatigue stage of a long vacation. I’m also really craving time to play Sims and work on my mod suite.
7. Tea or coffee
Coffee, but sometimes tea.
8. Currently working on
Sims Games: The Samples, of course. I have laid out a bunch of posts I want to write. I also added the Weddings for Inactives mod and Non-Wedding Wedding Cakes and I’m excited to try them out in a wedding for (spoiler) Edmund who is (spoiler?) out of the household at this point. I’ve also been toying with a bit of Bring Me to Life Challenge by @queeniecook, inspired by @mosneakers‘s Oh My Darling. It doesn’t HAVE to start with bringing Erik Darling back to life for Agnes, but I love that premise. I started this challenge just to test out a fresh game using the MacOS 64-bit game, so it’s a one-sim household with minimal mods, but I AM playing in Sunset Valley 2020. To my surprise, it’s been fairly stable so far. Maybe the OS 64-bit game isn’t too bad if you’re not trying to load an existing save.... I don’t know how committed I am to playing it through because I have two other challenges I deeply love (an ISBI and a highly modified Nothing Is Free) that I want to return to. I’m also on-and-off designing a challenge built from the different ITF futures. Because I can’t do anything simply, I’m looking to see if I can update Lunar Lakes and hack it as an Oasis Landing replacement. I’ve already played in Oasis Landing and just don’t find it that interesting. I have the basic outline of the challenge put together, and of course it’s a matter of taking time to finish prep. Modding: I just made a version of Mermaid Tail for Children that is attached to only one set of leg bones to match @danjaley‘s Toddler Fin Reworked to go with some child mermaids I’m currently playing. Danjaley reported that the original creator JuBa-Oo gave her permission to upload changes to hers, but I haven’t verified if I can upload mine. I’m rebuilding Nona Meena’s Breastfeeding mod to use the breastfeeding animations from The Sims Medieval. Thanks to @danjaley who sent me the animations some time ago. I was always kind of shocked that nobody had done this. Now I know why. It took a LOT of work to figure out how to execute a custom JAZZ script while carrying a baby. Also TSM has the same baby-as-object thing going on as TS4, so it’s taken quite a bit of massaging. ALSO, though Nona invited folks to produce breastfeeding animations when she released the mod, it turns out that I’ll have to rewrite the breastfeeding interaction and release a new version. (Nona has granted permission to muck with her mods, fortunately.) The good news is that I have it all working for the standing-up (non-rocking-chair) interaction. Except, well, the baby is upside down. Working on that..... The Pets Expansion is still in progress! I’m about to release a small mod to fix pet breed tracking so that you can breed purebred pets. I haven’t figure out if it’s possible to get NRaas Consigner to make use of the breed. :( I’m also working on diseases for pets, fixing some bugs in pet fighting. When those are in good shape, I can go back to the Medicine Cat mod from Warrior Cats because the medicine cats will have something to cure.
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writersramble37 · 3 years
WIP INTRO - Drowning in the Music
Title: Drowning in the Music  Genre: Romance, Fantasy Current Status: Second draft Synopsis: 
After narrowly escaping death, Clare awakens in what she once deemed a fictional story, the Phantom of the Opera. She finds herself face to face with the Phantom himself. Although he may be a mysterious masked figure, Clare knows exactly how his story unfolds. Fighting to find a way home and to survive in a foreign era, Clare wonders if her presence alone will alter the story for better or for worse. 
Yes, it’s totally a fanfic. Am I ashamed? Nope! I first started this story when I was 14 freaking years old. Was it good? Ummm. . .Nope! I had the right idea, but the writing was just so. . .*shudders* Cringey to say at the least. I had just discovered the Phantom of the Opera, and completely fell head over heels in love with it. I also tormented my loved ones all throughout my high school years by talking about the Phantom of the Opera nonstop. 
But, I’m 23 now. And looking back at my first story, I realized it was in serious need of revamping. I still love the story, but I can look at it in a more analytical way, rather than being completely taken over by fangirly “feels”.
I’ve also since visited the Opera Garnier in Paris, where the story takes place! Michael also proposed to me right outside of it because he knew how important this place is to me. This story has also influenced my career path, as I grew to become incredibly fascinated by psychology. I found myself desiring to understand how/why people tick the way they do. I’m majoring in Psychology, and currently work in the mental health field as a direct support provider. So to say that the Phantom of the Opera has left its mark on my life would be putting it lightly.
My original version is available on fanfic, but be warned, it’s crap. However, it did blow up in popularity much to my surprise. At one point, my story was the second most reviewed Phantom of the Opera fanfic on there. I was incredibly proud, and my readers have always been very kind and amazing. My story has since become a trilogy. I have grown tremendously as a writer, which is why I want to rewrite it.
This WIP has:
Time travel! Clare is from present day, but finds herself traveling back to 1870. She also finds herself in Paris, France! She is unsure how she managed to awake in a completely different time and place. Last she recalls, she was drowning. She wonders if it’s water or death that is a mysterious passageway. 
Homesickness. Although most would be thrilled to awake in a fictional world, Clare is worried about her life back at home. She misses her family and friends, and wonders if she will ever see them again.
A slow-burn romance. Because those are the best. Erik (the Phantom) has his heart set on Christine. Although Clare isn’t actively pursuing Erik, she finds herself caring for him more and more as the story unfolds. 
Hurt/Comfort genre. Lots of feelings are involved in this story. Erik has never been treated like a human being before. Clare is determined to change this.
Contrasting upbringings. I wanted to show the contrast between Clare and Erik. Erik grew up abused and neglected. Clare did not. Although these characters still manage to cross paths and have a positive influence on one another. I wanted to highlight that everyone is human and grew up with their own forms of pain and heartache. Just because you come from a different background doesn’t mean you can’t form a compassionate connection with someone. The main message I want to convey in this story is that a little kindness can go a long way. 
Changing events. Although it’s a Phantom of the Opera fanfic, I show how Clare’s presence has an affect on the classical gothic novel. I show that one person can cause entire scenes to disappear, or play out drastically different. On the other hand, some events are fated to happen.
Special thanks to @letswritestories101 for tagging me!
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nikkzwrites · 3 years
(They Long to Be) Close to You | Dark Fix-It Fic Series Part 2 | Chapter 4
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. This is part two of the series! You can start the full series here!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  7.9k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
“From then on, I knew that nothing changes,” the man explained to his son as their carriage went through the Winden woods, “That all things remain. The spinning wheel turns, round and round, in a circle. One fate tied to the next. A thread, red like blood, that connects all our deeds.” The man closed the book and explained to his son, “Ariadae. That was your mother’s favorite play. She surely would have liked to come with us tonight, in the company of such a distinguished young man.” He opened up his watch to see an engraving, “For Charlotte” inside.
His blind son spoke, “Why do we die?”
“The dead are never truly dead,” his father explained, “Maybe they’re not here, now. But everything that once lived, lives on forever. In the eternity of time.”
The old man sat remembering this memory of his father when his carriage stopped. He panicked as he heard his coachmen start to speak to someone. He hid his money away as he held close his mother’s favorite play. As the footsteps approached he asked, “Who is there? Who are you?”
“He who has eyes to see,” The Unknown spoke, “and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret, because if his lips are silent,he chatters with his fingertips. Betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.”
“I…” The old man spoke, “I don’t understand.”
The middle part of the Unknown nodded, “Oh, but you do. You’re going into town to draft a telegram. Because you want to tell the world about us. Are you not?”
The man started to panic, “You’re one of them. A traveler. All those years.” As the man rambled, the Unknown started to take out his wire, “they said my father was insane. But now they are here. The travelers from the future. The world must know that they exist.”
The Unknown shook his head, “What we know… is a drop. What we don’t know is an ocean.” He slowly leaned forward to eand the man’s life.
Eve spoke to Jonas, “The mistake in all of our thinking is that we each believe ourselves to be an independent entity. One self… besides countless other selves.” When Jonas turned to her, she continued, “While, in reality, we’re all just fractions of an infinite whole.”
“What is this place,” Jonas asked Eve, “A copy of my world?”
Eve strolled over to him and asked, “Do you remember what you said to me? Under the bridge? The light. The forest. You. Me.”
“A glitch in the matrix,” Jonas responded. He stared to glare at her and asked, “Why am I here?”
Eve studied him then looked up at the painting, “You and I. Adam and Eve. That’s what we are. A glitch in the matrix. You want to know why you’re here? To save them. Your world and mine.”
“Last night, Kilian Obendorf, Bartosz Tiedemann, Annalise Dahlheim also known as Annalise Kahnwald, and Franziska Doppler, along with Magnus and Martha Nielsen, found an as-yet-unidentified boy’s body on the Doppler property by the forest road. His clothes and the Walkman are from the 1980s,” Ulrich explained with tears in his eyes, “We also found… an ID card on the body.” His eyes shifted to look at the evidence box. Ulrich started to sob and Charlotte walked over to him to give him a hug.
Charlotte turned to Woller and asked, “Woller, may you continue?” She turned to Ulrich and whispered, “Can I talk to you for a second?” Ulrich looked up and followed the woman into the file room. She turned to the defeated man and said, “You don’t have to do this. Woller can do the briefings. I can go to forensics. Go home.”
“I’ve spent 33 years looking for my brother,” Ulrich spoke up against the woman, “Those are his belongings. Those are Mads’ belongings.” He took a deep breath and said, “Someone… Someone kept them all. And then put them on the boy in the bunker. Thirty-three years later.”
Charlotte’s brow furrowed. She asked, “You think it was the same killer? That it’s all connected. Mads, Erik, the boy in the bunker?”
Ulrich looked at her and asked, “Do you know why I joined the police? When my brother disappeared… they made pretty much every mistake you could imagine. The detective was a drunken moron. And me? I swore I’d do it all differently. That I’d do everything right. That was 33 years ago. And what do I do? My marriage is ruined and now I’m cheating on the woman I cheated on my wife with.” Ulrich sighed as Charlotte touched his face, “I can’t do this anymore.” He allowed her to remove her hand and he walked out of the office.
Jonas looked up to see Bartosz strutting in with Martha slowly approaching behind him. Jonas stormed to Bartosz and demanded, “Where were you?” His eyes turned towards Martha and turned back to Bartosz to ask, “What did she tell you?”
“We’ve been stuck here for weeks,” Bartosz responded to the man, “The fucking device is empty. You have no idea how any of this works. All you did was lie! You knew what would happen, and you told us NOTHING!”
Jonas growled, “Don’t you realize she’s just using you?” He motioned towards the girl and spoke, “That isn’t Martha. She’s dead.” His heart ached at his memories, “No one returns from the dead.”
Magnus spoke up and said, “Whoever she is… she may be our only chance to get out of here.”
Bartosz grit his teeth then asked Jonas, “Why don’t you tell us the truth?” When Jonas didn’t say anything, Bartosz stepped closer and growled, “Tell them who really killed Annalise and Martha.”
Jonas’s eyes flinted to Martha then down after hearing Bartosz. He sidestepped and started his way out of the warehouse. Bartosz growled and waited for a moment before going and chasing him outside.
“Bartosz! Wait,” Magnus called as he and Franziska chased after him.
The rain fell as Jonas walked outside. He silently thanked the God forsaken town for complying with his emotions before he heard Bartosz screaming behind him.
“Tell them,” Bartosz demanded. He growled as he pushed the man over, “Tell them who Adam really is!” The two rolled around fighting just as they did 34 years ago before Magnus and Franziska pulled them apart. Magnus held Bartosz back as he screamed at everyone, “I told you all along! Jonas is to blame for everything!” He fought Magnus off and stood away from everyone as he cried, “It’s him. He’s Adam!” When Magnus looked at him in disbelief, Bartosz screamed through his tears once more, “He’s Adam! Adam wasn’t even the one who killed Annalise! It was just him proper! He killed both of them!” He stormed away from the group after asking Jonas, “Couldn’t have both so killed them both? Huh?”
Jonas and Magnus tried to catch their breaths and exchanged a look.
Eve, at the same time in another universe, told Jonas, “In all of that, didn’t you ever wonder, why you can’t let go of them, of her? You knew, you know it’s impossible. Yet still, you can’t let it go.” When Jonas turned to her with tear filled eyes, she continued, “An invisible bond that binds you for eternity. Adam tried to sever it. But that’s impossible.” She took out a silver tree of life necklace and showed it to him, “You gave this to me.”
Jonas took out his Annalise’s necklace and rubbed his dirt covered fingers over it, cleaning the blood off of it.
“You and I,” Eve continued, “Black and white. Light and shadow. We are bound together for eternity in this eternally repeating deja vu.”
Jonas whispered, “What is all this? What do you want?” His voice started to get louder, “Why don’t you just tell me why I’m actually here?”
“You’ve seen what you’ll do,” Eve tried to reason with him, “What Adam will do. If you want to save your Annalise, you have to choose the side of light. And you have to make me what I am today.”
Jonas slowly approached her, “I have to? I don’t have to do anything anymore. I’m sick to death of always having to do things!”
“Then ask yourself,” Eve responded, “what you want.” Watching his face change she asked, “Do you want her to live?”
Annalise awoke, yet she was still face to face with Mads. She screamed and started to cry again. She kicked the small enclosure entrapping her with the dead boy. She heard a very familiar voice call her name. Then Mads slowly turned to Mikkel then to her father. After that, Annalise found herself listening to her father’s voice message and words flowed out of her mouth without consent, “I just called to let you know I had my first kiss today.” Her tears choked her as her voice continued against her will, “I wish you could have met him Dad. His name is Adam and he reminds me so much of you and mom. You would love him just as much as I’ve fallen for him.” As she looked out the window, her vision faded to black. Her throat feeling like it was being filled with water again. When Annalise tried to scream, she found herself in something like a mirror of Martha’s room. Annalise turned and saw a blond boy there laying next to her, fast asleep. He seemed so familiar. Her hand shakely reached out and his name spilled from her lips without knowing, “Jonas?” 
Right when the boy was about to turn, Annalise shot up in her bed in Ulrich’s house. Her breath shaking from terror and crying. She turned towards her phone to see Bartosz had tried to call her. There was a text there saying, ‘If you need to talk, let me know.’
Hannah burst into the room, “Annalise!” She quickly waddled to the girl and held her closely as the teenager started to scream, “Shhhh… It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.” Hannah kissed the girl’s head as she rocked with her, “I’m here.” As she rocked the girl, her eyes started to trace the electrical burn scars on the teenager, yet she said nothing.
Martha stared up at the ceiling in her room. After finding the body last night, it was the last straw and Katharina forced her to come back home to be with her family instead of staying the night with Annalise. When Ulrich was finally able to come home that night, he drove his daughter back to his ex-wife. She sighed remembering that argument and the one before it where Hannah, her, and her mother argued about where Martha should be with as Annalise stood there just zoning out repeatedly and mumbling to herself some physics equations. Katharina had only conceded from seeing Annalise and knowing that the girl probably needed someone. So she made the condition that once Ulrich was back home, he was to bring Martha back. She heard the doorbell ring and sighed as she got out of bed. When she answered the door, there in front of her was Ulrich. “Dad,” she asked in disbelief.
“Can I come inside,” he asked his daughter.
Martha sighed and begrudgingly allowed the man inside. They stood in front of the staircase.
Ulrich asked, “Is Magnus here too?”
Martha studied her father trying to get a read on him, “I think he’s still sleeping.”
Ulrich nodded and told the girl, “You have to tell me the truth. What really happened in the bunker?” When his daughter looked at him again in disbelief, he continued, “What did you see?”
“I did tell the truth,” Martha said, “we went in and the bunker was empty. There was nobody there! Then there was a light. And then this...this body fell down. Annalise fainted at the sight of it.”
“Had you taken anything,” Ulrich asked accusingly.
“What,” Martha questioned him.
As Magnus walked down the stairs, Ulrich asked again, “Did that Kilian kid give you anything?” Magnus just finished walking down the stairs when Ulrich turned to him and asked, “Come on, what did you take?”
“What is this shit,” Magnus sneered at this father, “Are you playing worried father now? Why don’t you ask your precious new daughter?” Martha looked at her brother and shook her head, yet he continued, “You usually don’t give a shit about us!”
Martha crossed her arms and shrugged, “It’s just as we told you. There was this noise...It came from the caves...or the ground,...or… I don’t know. We went to the bunker. At first there was nothing there, then...he...he was just lying there.”
Ulrich turned away and stared out into the dining room calculating what was going on.
“Is that all,” Magnus growled at his father. When his father turned to look at him again, Magnus replied, “Mom will be back any moment. You’d better go. But it was nice of you to drop by to see how we’re doing.” When Ulrich reached up to caress him, Magnus took a step back.
Hannah walked through the halls of the police station with a tray of brownies. When she was greeted by Woller and Charlotte, she asked, “Is Ulrich here? I’ve been trying to reach him all morning. Annalise is having nightmares and just woke up finally.”
Charlotte shook her head and said, “I thought he went home.”
Hannah studied the woman for a second. Her mind started to wonder. “You look so different,” commented the woman, “Did you get a haircut?”
Charlotte shook her head, “No.”
Hannah looked her up and down. She laughed, then hugged the woman. She took her smell in deeply. She pulled away and waited a moment before saying, “It’s nice to see you. I’ll just put this in his office.”
Charlotte turned and watched her go.
Hannah closed the door behind her and walked to place the container on his desk. She looked up as she realized who it was that Ulrich was cheating on her with. She left as the pictures of his children, Annalise with Martha, and herself with him burned their place on his desk.
Annalise sat there staring at the wall. Her brain running six different directions just trying to figure everything out. She ran her fingers through her hair as she screamed. She yelled and closed her eyes. Everything that happened kept running in her head. Her dreams danced in her head. She felt empty. There was a pulling inside of her. She ran out to the woods and screamed again. It felt as if someone was tugging at a string within her. Plucking at it, like a chord of a guitar.
“Can we talk,” Martha asked her brother as she walked in.
Magnus rolled his eyes, “Get lost.” He assumed she was going to scold him about what he said about Annalise. 
Martha, instead, walked in and sat next to Magnus, “Last night…in the forest... Did you see anything else?”
“No,” Magnus told her, “Like what?”
Martha turned away from her brother and asked, “Do you sometimes feel like you’re losing your mind? That nothing makes sense anymore?” She sighed and commented, “Maybe… Dad is right.” When Magnus looked at her confused, she said, “Maybe he was already lying there.” She shrugged and said, “And...we…”
Magnus stared at her and stated, “I know what I saw.” Martha and he sat quietly for a minute before she stood up and walked to his window. “Where are you going,” he asked.
“Don’t tell Mom,” Martha replied, “I’ll be back for dinner.” She opened the window and left.
“Everything repeats itself,” Eve told Jonas, “Again and again for all eternity. Because none of us is prepared to let go.” She lifted up a light and walked over to Jonas, “It took me a long time to understand that. That you can’t let go of your past. That you will always choose her, always choose your Annalise.” She nodded and told him, “And just as you can’t let go of your past, I’ve spent my life clinging to mine.” She made a face then told him, “You trusted Adam. But where did that lead you?” She walked to Jonas and said, “You have to show her, Martha, how everything is connected. You don’t have much time left. She has to see her future in order to understand what must be done.” She handed him the lantern and spoke, “She will follow you. She is bound to your fate, just as you are to hers.”
Jonas grabbed it from her and turned away. He looked at Eve and wondered if she knew what he was thinking. He walked out of the office determined to find Annalise before trying to go forward with Eve’s plan.
In Adam’s world, Martha looked down at the necklace in her hand. She quickly hid it after hearing a knock on the door. She pushed herself closer towards the window as she looked to see who was coming in.
Jonas opened the door and closed it behind him. He stood in the middle of the room and said, “You said I was in your world. With you. Why can’t I remember it?”
“I don’t know,” Martha told the man, “That letter… I didn’t write it.” She slowly approached him and said, “You have to believe me.” As he turned away, she spoke again, “Sic Mundus, what is it?”
Jonas sighed, “Old Tannhaus’ father… tried to bring someone back from the dead. His wife. He was convinced that the ability to time-travel would be the world’s salvation. Every mistake could be prevented before it even occurs. But it doesn’t bring salvation. Only Damnation.”
Martha took a deep breath and growled, “They’re all dead. In my world. I can’t help hoping I can change that.” He glared at her as he tried to walk away, but the girl grabbed him, “I know you think you can’t trust me. I want to prove to you that you can.” She brought him out into the woods and unburied her ball to show him the device she used to get there.”
“This is what you used to travel,” He asked.
Martha nodded at him. She undid a dial and took out a small dark ball, “this is the last one I have.” She held it out to him, “It’s the only way I can go back again.”
Jonas sighed as he took it from her.
Eve sat in her office waiting for her son and Mary. The Unknown walked in with all materials he had grabbed for her. 
The Unknown told his birth mother, “You could have told him which path you’re sending him down. How it will end.”
Eve shrugged as she explained, “He will never stop trying to break this cycle. He’ll never understand that we must preserve the knot. That his Annalise must die. So all the others can live.”
She stared at her son as she opened the leather planner, “The beginning and the end.”
Jonas walked out of the cave and through the woods. He heard sobbing and screaming he only knew as Annalise and ran towards it.
Charlotte walked to the bunker and called Ulrich. She asked him to call her back as she approached the door. She opened it up and walked inside. She stared at the chalk outline and started to investigate. When she knelt down, under a bench she found a penny with a red string around it as if like a necklace.
On the other side of town, Helge sat repeating to himself, “Tick tock. Tick tock.” He looked up and started to walk out of the house to try to stop it.
Bartosz exited Mary’s car. He sighed and looked towards the power plant. As his eyes scanned, he noticed a figure stumbling across the street. Normally he wouldn’t think anything of it, but it looked very familiar. The beating of his heart echoed in his ears when he realized just who it was. He jogged across the street and called, “Anna.”
Jonas was just about to interrupt the girl’s drinking when he heard Bartosz’s voice. The boy had been following her for a while, but he didn’t know how to approach her, so instead he just decided to watch her from afar. He slunked back into the shadows right out of sight of the two. His heart raced. He knew what was going to happen.
Annalise took another large drink of her mixed drink a very kind older man had given her. She smiled gently. It reminded her of the drinks she heard about back home. Fruit punch, Red Bull, vodka mixed in the right fashion still only seemed like fruit punch. He had given her a large bottle just with a few bucks and for “looking cute.” She drank as she made her way to the bus stop out of Winden. The burning sensation masking her brain being torn apart at the seams. 
Bartosz easily caught up to the girl and grabbed her arm, “Anna! What are you doing, idiot?!” He kept a firm grip on her. Frustration rose into his chest. Where did she even get what she was drinking? Where was she going? Shouldn’t she be with Martha or nearly anyone else? She never went anywhere alone.
“I’m going home,” she answered simply, “Now please let me go.” She tried to jerk away.
He shook his head, “What are you drinking? Your place is that way.” He gestured with his shoulder towards where she lived with Ulrich and Hannah. He stared at the girl floundering to get away from him. His heart started to ache. More than that. He was angry. Furious even. Filled to the brim with an anger he had never known before.
Annalise started to cry as she tried to tear away from his grip, “Let me go!” She started to yell at him. Tears built up pressure behind her eyes as she remembered back to what had driven her to this point. How she wished for the rain to finally start in this God abandoned town. The wind howled as it shook the trees awake. At least, she reasoned, that was on her side. “Let me go Bartosz,” she repeated screaming at him with the full force she wanted to let out at everyone.
Jonas felt powerless. Here he was watching a mirror of what happened that night. His throat dried up. His heart started to ache. It was being tugged in so many directions. Jonas wanted to interrupt. He wanted to run, yet his feet stayed firmly rooted in the ground. It was as if the Knot wanted him to see this. It was its punishment for him kissing Martha that night. It was punishment for taking Lise for granted.
“No!” Bartosz roared back at her. He pulled her into his arms. His heart raced. He just wanted her to calm down. He knew instantly then that he loved her. All this time was just him lying to himself trying to keep the status quo and hoping things were going to go back to the way they were before his mother died. He wrapped himself around her. Was she always this tiny, he wondered. It was his first time ever fully embracing her. He had to bend down a bit to bury his face into her shoulder and neck. Oh, how it felt nice to finally hold someone, to hold her, in his arms, but he couldn’t dwell on his own happiness. He needed her to be happy. He thirst to see her smiling and laughing again. That happy radiant infectious smile that he loved seeing across her face. 
Annalise beat her fists into the taller boy as the tears fell from her eyes. She continued to scream at him to let her go. The girl struggled as he just held her in an embrace. Her breathing was off. The thumping his chest made as she hit it reminded her how her heart felt when they saw the boy just drop in the bunker like that. She just wanted to go back home but she could never tell him that. Annalise hated every moment of this. She hated every moment of Winden. She just wanted to go back in time to right before they saw that moment and never see that poor dead boy just drop...Before she agreed to help that short haired Martha... Before she was trapped with that dead boy...
Bartosz pulled his face away. There was something he had heard Magnus mention before while Mikkel was throwing a tantrum. He needed to distract her from her emotions so that Annalise could actually TELL him what was going on. He sighed knowing he was going to hate himself later for indulging the part of him that loved her without ever telling her that, but he had to do it. With one hand, he trapped her wrists from continuing to beat into his chest. The other he used to grab the back of her head. Bartosz pressed his lips against hers. 
The girl froze. His lips were so desperate. She could feel his yearning for her to stop and think about what she was doing. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she allowed herself to kiss him back. There was a saltiness to it, yet tender and warm. Soon, she felt her wrists freed from his grip. She just gently rested her hands against the boy’s chest as his now unoccupied hand found a new home at the small of her back. Annalise’s heart fluttered. She felt as if drunk, longing for love, and finally acquired a bit of that feeling of being wanted.
Bartosz pulled her closer. He clinged to her as they slowly deepened their kiss. They both wanted this for such a long time. He sighed happily as her arms slowly started to snake their way off his chest to around his neck to play with his long hair. He let one of his arms slide under her so that he could scoop her up while they were still making out. He lifted her up into his arms and walked over to the bus stop so that the side of it could be used to stabilize the couple. He pressed her back against it as he could feel the both of them getting weak from the lack of breath and their hearts racing quickly.
The hidden boy’s heart shattered as it fell to the cement. He wondered how much of this was like that night and how much wasn’t. Jonas could see how much heat and longing was between the other two teenagers. They were so desperate for the other one to be close to them that the rest of the world didn’t exist. He didn’t exist. He wasn’t supposed to exist.
Bartosz eventually pulled away gently. Annalise reached up and pressed his forehead against hers. Her eyes closed as the last of her tears drained from her. He calmed himself and asked, “Anna, what’s wrong?” He gently brushed her wild hair from her face, unstuck some strands stuck around her eyes from her tears, and put it in a place not easy to get stuck there again.
Her face contorted in agony. The fountain of sorrow slowly turned back on. Something about this moment felt as if something similar had happened before. It felt as if she, him, the moment, it was all supposed to happen. “I,” she started. She took a breath and then confessed, “I am so scared. What does this all mean Bartosz? There is so much going on in the world now and I’m scared. I don’t know what I’m… I don’t know what role we play in this...” She choked on her words and started to cough.
Bartosz cooed at her and held her close once more, “I know. I know. It’s okay.” He swallowed hard and rocked with her. Bartosz gently kissed her head every so often as he just kept her safe within his arms. The boy just repeated that it was okay, that he was there with her, he wasn’t going to leave her, that everything was going to be okay until he could feel her body start to go limp. She must have been exhausted, he figured. He lifted her up and tried to figure out how to manage her with a bike. In the end, he called his father to come pick them up. He took off the jacket his mother had gifted him and put it on the girl as they waited.
Jonas turned finally unstuck from the Knot. He tracked his way back to where he knew he had to be, with this world’s Martha and to try and fix this world so that his could be fixed and he could go back home to his Lise. Be in her arms once more where she clung to him like that. Where she loved him, when she loved him. Not seeing some stranger with her face loving the boy that shared the same face as his best friend back home. 
Martha walked over to Kilian’s trailer and knocked on the door. She stood back for him and spoke, “Hey.”
He responded back, “Hey.”
Martha stood there staring at him.
“What are you doing here,” He asked the girl.
Martha shook her head, “You weren’t at the dorm. I was worried.”
Kilian grabbed her arm and walked with her away from the trailer, “They kicked me out. Your father called. He wanted to know if I slipped you guys something.”
“Did you,” She asked.
“Fuck no,” He gowled, “No, I didn’t.” He shook his head, “But sure, none of you can get it out of your system. I haven’t lived here for two years, but I’m still the trailer park trash everyone points fingers at.” When Martha didn’t respond, he sneered, “I knew it.”
“What did you know,” she asked him.
He shook his head and said, “That you were only with me to rile up your parents. You didn’t give a shit about me or Erik.”
Martha scoffed at him. If she really wanted to do that, she would have just dated Annalise. She turned her head back towards him. She wasn’t really able to fight back though. Maybe she really was and he was just the safe option.
Kilian turned away and told her, “You’d better go.”
Martha fought back her tears as she whispered, “Okay.”
The boy turned and walked away leaving her alone in the park with Jonas there watching.
“About Regina…” Hannah spoke to Aleksader, “I’m sorry. It must be very difficult for you.” She paused, then asked, “How are you? Bartosz?”
Aleksander nodded and told her, “We’re managing.” He turned towards the pictures on his desk and stared at them.
“I…” Hannah spoke, “I hear that Annalise and Bartosz really like each other.”
Aleksander nodded, “My son speaks of her pretty often. Please, tell me why you are here.”
Hannah shifted awkwardly and got to the point, “I’d like to propose a deal.”
“A deal,” he questioned the woman.
Hannah looked down at her purse, “I have something that belongs to you. I’d like to return it.” She carefully pulled out the bag from 1986 and slid it towards him. As his face changed she asked, “Do you recognize it? Don’t worry. The contents are in a safe place.”
 Aleksander asked quivering, “What do you want? Do you want money?”
“I don’t want money,” Hannah told him, “I want you to destroy Charlotte. I want her to lose everything. Everything.”
Charlotte drove to the church meeting her husband who was talking to a man inside. When she walked in, Peter stood up.
“Charlotte,” Peter asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Thank you,” The man told the pastor before leaving.
Charlotte slowly approached the man and said, “I tried to get a hold of you. I went to the bunker. Why aren’t you home with Franziska?”
Peter shrugged, “I…”
Charlotte shrugged it off and asked, “Last night, where was Helge? You said you ate dinner with him. Where was he afterwards?”
“What is this,” Peter asked her.
“In 1987, when you came to Winden, did your father still live in the cabin,” she asked the man.
Peter shook his head, “I don’t understand.”
“Did he or didn’t he,” Charlotte pressed on.
“No,” Peter shook his head, “After the accident he was moved into the nursing home.”
“And the summer before, in 86,” she asked.
Peter nodded, “I think so. Why do you want to know?”
“Did he use the bunker for anything?”
“Charlotte,” Peter approached her, “What do you want from me?”
She pulled the penny from out her jacket and showed it to him, “This is Helge’s. I found it in the bunker.”
Peter huffed and shook his head, “That...That can’t be. He was with us all night.” He answered his phone to hear that Helge had left the nursing home. He turned to her and said, “Helge’s at the police station and he made a confession.”
Annalise started to stir as she felt the atmosphere around her change. She was warm and cuddling something soft. This was very pleasant compared to last night and how horribly she slept then. She hummed happily, slowly waking up. She could hear a man and a very familiar boy’s voice talking.
Aleksander looked at his son in the rear view mirror with the girl snuggled up to him. “So,” he started to ask, “Is this the girl?”
Bartosz’s face flushed, “What do you mean?” He asked nervously. He started to awkwardly chuckle, “I mean, it’s just Annalise, Dad. You two have met before.”
“Have I,” Aleksander teased, “I don’t remember you telling me you liked her this much.” He chuckled, “You know I was around your age when I met your mom right?”
Bartosz thanked God that Annalise was asleep and couldn’t hear his father embarrassing him, or so he thought. Bartosz groaned, “You don’t have to embarrass me in front of her do you?”
Aleksander chuckled, “I thought she was asleep.”
“Still,” Bartosz complained. He looked over to the girl cuddled up to his side once more. A small smile graced his lips as he moved some of the hair from her face again. He couldn’t complain too much. The thought of her being like this with any other person ate him inside. So somewhere deep inside he knew that if they were together forever, that he would be happy.
When Peter and Charlotte reached the station, Peter asked his father, “Dad, why are you saying this? It makes no sense at all.” He turned to Woller and explained, “He didn’t leave the house. I was with him all night. Elisabeth was there too.”
Helge spoke again, “I killed the boy.”
“Dad,” Peter scolded the man, “Cut it out!”
Charlotte spoke up, “His things… The walkman. The clothes. Those are Mads Nielsen’s things, the boy who disappeared in 1986. Do you remember that?”
“I killed him,” Helge repeated.
“Who,” she asked, “Mads?”
Ulrich stormed into the station. He turned towards Helge and asked, “Where did you get his stuff?” The man rushed forward and grabbed onto the man despite Peter’s yells in protest, “What did you do to Mads?” He yelled at the older man, “What did you do to him?!”
“You’re alive,” Helge asked, staring at the man.
“What,” Ulrich asked.
Helge spoke, “It was you.”
“What was me,” Ulrich asked, pulling the man out of the chair as the other officers tried to pull Ulrich away from Helge.
“It was him,” Helge spoke, “It was him.” Helge held up the penny in his own things.
Charlotte looked down and unfolded her napkin to see the penny she had was still in her possession. It was the same coin, yet… two places at the same time.
Martha walked in the woods alone. She was determined to try and get to Annalise to talk to her when she heard a rustle in the bushes. When Jonas revealed himself from the shadows, she asked him, “What is this? Are you following me? Why won’t you tell me how we know each other? How you know Annalise?” 
“Actually,” Jonas spoke, “You and I, we’ve always known each other.” When Martha swallowed, Jonas approached her, “When Magnus knocked your tooth out in kindergarten… I was there. When Mikkel put spiders in your shoes while camping in the yard… On the third grade class trip… when you were so homesick that Katharina had to come get you. You met Annalise and she told you how your father scared her because she didn’t know German really well to cheer you up on your first day back to school.” He whispered, “Where I come from, you and I share a past.”
Martha shook her head, “You’re nuts.” She turned to walk away from him.
“Last night,” Jonas told her, “in the forest. You saw yourself.” He shook his head and said, “I know how completely insane this all sounds. For the longest time, I too thought it was all totally crazy. That I was crazy.”
“Who are you really,” She asked the boy.
“I can show you,” Jonas explained, “How it’s all connected.”
It wasn’t long before they reached the Tiedemann abode. Annalise knew it was wrong to still pretend she was fully asleep, but when Bartosz scooped her up into his arms to carry her, she didn’t want it to stop. She listened as he mumbled to himself.
Bartosz debated on where to put Annalise, “I could put her in the guest bedroom. But that’s halfway across the house and what if she needs me? I am not going to put her on the couch. I know that much. But… My bedroom… would she be weirded out by that? Would-” He felt her move. He nearly dropped her from surprise. He panicked pulling her closer to him once more. He asked the girl, “Annalise?”
Annalise’s smile couldn’t contain itself any longer hearing his verbal debate. She let out a small giggle surprising the boy. She squealed as she felt herself drop for a moment before he grabbed her once again. The girl clung onto him. She turned to face him once more, “Yes?”
“How long have you been awake,” He asked, walking her into his room and gently placing her on his bed.
Annalise smiled and sat up. Still a little buzzed, she asked, “Do you really want to know?” She looked around his room. It was different. His room was full of dark colors and scattered books, diagrams, and hastily scribbled notes. There was an attached bathroom that seemed nice and light though. Yet still it felt like an empty shell. She yawned and turned to him as he helped remove his coat from her. Her voice strained as she looked at him beggingly, “Stay?”
In the other world, Jonas placed the ball into a large bowl. He walked to the control panel and started up the machine. He stared intently at it as the liquid slowly arose up and formed a ball. Sadly it was not enough energy to hold it. 
After it dropped, the group converged on the bowl to investigate. Sensing someone was missing, Franziska looked up and around. After accounting for who was there, she asked, “Where’s Martha?”
The group all looked up to find the girl missing. Jonas, then, knew, she had lied to him.
Martha rushed back to her room and placed a new ball into her sphere and set it to go to her new objective.
The group walked into the bedroom just as she disappeared. Jonas turned to Bartosz and glared at him as if to say, ‘I told you.’ 
In the other world, Bartosz blushed and took a step back. He blinked wondering if he really heard what she had asked. He dropped the coat in his hands. He shook his head and bent down to pick it up. While he wasn’t staring at her, he asked, “Stay?” He slowly looked up to try and gauge her reaction.
Annalise nodded, “Please?” She grabbed one of his hands and pulled him towards the bed.
Breathless, Bartosz struggled out, “Wait. Just…” He held up the coat once more and slid his hand away so that he could go and put up his coat. His heart raced. He tried to calm himself as his back was turned to her. The boy knew his father wouldn’t care so he couldn’t use that as an excuse. He was shaking with nervousness. He really wished his mom was here so that she could help him with this. Annalise’s small voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Bartosz,” Annalise asked. When he turned his head, she blushed and asked, “Can I have some water?”
Bartosz nodded quickly and rushed out of the room closing the door behind him. 
Martha followed Jonas to the cave. Right before she walked into it, she got a text from Annalise and Bartosz. The one from Annalise was her asking if Martha was okay and that Kilian had texted her to tell her what had happened. The text from Bartosz consisted of, ‘Annalise is staying over. Help?’ She shook her head and stared at Jonas.
Jonas looked at her and asked, “Is everything okay?”
Martha nodded, “Yeah.” She hid her heart breaking from the boy and started to follow behind him into the cave.
Helge stared at his hands as he sat in a cell.
Martha and Jonas continued through the caves as Charlotte turned away from Ulrich sitting sadly at his desk staring at the picture of him and Hannah.
Hannah walked into her and Ulrich’s bedroom to see the bed perfectly made up and her husband not there. She turned and walked out the door just as Jonas and Martha approached their door.
Eve looked down in her hand to look at Jonas’s Annalise’s necklace and then looked up at the pictures of Adam and Eve.
Bartosz walked to the kitchen and grabbed her bottled water. On his way back, he saw his dad.
Aleksander could read Bartosz’s hesitation all over his face. He chuckled and sat on one of the bar stools. “Something the matter,” He teased.
Bartosz jumped, “No. No. Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s good.” He blushed and tried to stand up taller to seem more confident. He ran his fingers through his hair, “What would be wrong? Everything is perfect.”
Aleksander chuckled, “Maybe the girl in your room?”
“What,” Bartosz unconvincingly laughed, “Annalise?” He shook his head with a giant uneasy smile, “No. There’s nothing…”
Aleksander laughed, “She woke up, didn’t she?”
“She wants me to stay,” Bartosz admitted, “I mean it’s not like it's the first time with someone, but like...What if she doesn’t just want to sleep? In my bed?”
Aleksander leaned on his elbow with his chin in his hand. He chuckled, “Well, it's just a question of if you’d want to, yeah?”
Bartosz’s face glowed, “It’s not just that simple. She’s… I…”
“So you don’t want to,” Aleksander asked.
Bartosz shook his head, “No! I mean… I’d like to, but she’s drunk…” He looked towards his room.
Aleksander nodded, "Well, have you tried talking to her about this?"
Bartosz blushed, "What? No. I… I mean I guess I can. I should."
Aleksander stood up and patted his son's shoulder, "I'm heading to sleep. Stay safe. Pleasant dreams." He walked back to his bedroom.
In the other world, Martha walked through the halls of the decrypted nuclear power plant on September 20, 2053, she walked into a room to be greeted by a gravely voice, “Did you give it to him?” 
When Martha nodded, Adam turned to tell her, “I was always too gullible.” He turned back to look at the machine and said, “You did the right thing.”
Back in Eve’s World, Bartosz walked back into his bedroom to find Annalise not there. He heard the shower running and sighed in contentment. He blinked as he realized she didn't have a change of clothes. He knocked on the door and called, "do you need some clean clothes?"
The water stopped and he heard walking towards the door. She peeked her head out the door, "I'm sorry. I stole some of your pyjamas." She walked away to go grab it. Bartosz blushed seeing her naked form from the display of mirrors. He turned away with closed eyes. When she came back, she showed him what she stole. They were his soft plaid flannel ones that he loved. Not that he would admit that he loved them to his friends due to them being part of a matching set for his family and normally worn for celebrating holidays. 
"Oh," Bartosz nodded, "okay." He turned away and told her, “You can let me know if you need anything else.”
The girl was very quick to walk out. His pants were extremely baggy on her due to his height over her. She was still buttoning the shirt and seemed to be having a bit of issues. She grumbled at the shirt, “Stupid ass buttons.” Eventually, she got it and smiled up at him, “Thank you.” Her face became a little bit more serious, “You know, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to… I just thought… You know…”
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” He said hurriedly. His breath caught in his throat trying to explain, “I just didn’t want to make you feel like I’m taking advantage…”
Annalise smiled gently. She closed the distance between them and kissed him gently. She pulled away and shook her head, “You wouldn’t be. I’ve been wanting this.” She pressed her lips against his once more.
Bartosz smiled against the kiss then kissed her back. He wrapped his arms around her once again. He scooped her up once again. The boy walked them to his bed and gently sat down keeping her in his lap for the moment.
Annalise giggled against his lips and pulled them down so that they were laying down staring at each other. She smiled and asked, “Do you think that people are meant to meet?”
Bartosz nodded, “Yeah. I mean statistically it would be impossible for us to meet any other way.” He pulled them towards the head of the bed when he saw her yawn again. He chuckled, “You’re exhausted. Please allow yourself sleep. I will be right here in the morning.”
She yawned and nodded, “Promise?”
“Promise,” he kissed her head and tucked her in before going to get changed and showered himself.
Jonas walked with Martha into her 2052. He stumbled out seeing it so bright and more like a desert.
“What is this place,” Martha asked the boy as they walked through the blistering heat under the blazing sun. They looked around to see the debris of trees before just seeing a sandpit, “Where are we?” She turned to him and asked, “Did you do this? How did you do that?”
Jonas simply told the girl, “She told me to bring you here. That she’d explain it to you.”
“Who,” She asked. They turned to see a lone woman walking towards them. Martha asked, “Who is that?”
The woman stopped in front of them and took off her wraps to reveal herself, “Welcome to the future.”
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traincat · 4 years
Fic Author Tag Game
AO3 Name: Traincat
Fandoms: Currently it’s fairly exclusively Fantastic Four and Spider-Man comics, particularly the 616-verse, with some works for related fandoms.
Number of fics: 102 posted on Ao3. 
Tagging @bipeteparker @moonwolfhowl @mishatheberry
1) Fic you spent the most time on: The Boy From New York City, my The Amazing Spider-Man/Fant4stic Spideytorch movieverse fic, definitely. I started it in 2015 and posted it in late 2018. A lot of that wasn’t active writing time -- I wrote about 50k of its 80k wordcount in 2018. But it was a fic that I spent a lot of time on and a lot of energy devoted to, trying to figure out what the best way to tell the story was, playing with different point of views, what the actual plot was going to be, what I wanted it to say, and that’s not counting the amount of times I watched TASM/2 and Fant4stic to try and nail down everything just how I wanted it. Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker speech patterns are SUPER specific and I wanted to get them DOWN. I also wanted things to play out in a very cinematic way, like a third installment of The Amazing Spider-Man movies. So a lot of time went into that fic. 
2) Fic you spent the least time on: To Have and to Hold, an Into the Spider-Verse fic about May Parker and Olivia Octavius getting married, much to Peter’s distress. I think I wrote it in like a day. 
3) Longest fic: The Boy From New York City, at 84,500 words. 
4) Shortest fic: wrap yourself around me, a really short Spideytorch clothes sharing fic. It’s under 500 words.
5) Most hits: The Masked Man (Who Has Everything), an X-Men: First Class Erik/Charles fic I wrote back in 2011 to answer a very important question on the old LJ kink meme: what if Magneto was Batman? It has like, almost 75,000 hits, so. That was an easy one lol.
6) Most kudos: It’s also The Masked Man (Who Has Everything), so my second most kudosed fic is Keep Throwing Things and Slamming the Door, one of my first Spideytorch fics. 
7) Most comment threads: To Have and to Hold again! Which is kind of nice since it’s relatively new. It did get some pretty big recs though so I’m not all that surprised. 
8) Fave fic you wrote: Oh that’s a tough one. I have a couple of favorites -- I really like the fics in my Tales From the Back Pages series, which is a Spideytorch soulmates AU that plays with the very early days of canon and reimagines it within a world where soulmates are a known phenomenon and Peter and Johnny are each other’s. It’s fun to take canon events that are really familiar and go, what do they look like in this world where everything is the same but also there’s this one really big difference? The Boy From New York City again because I worked on it for so long and at the end I pushed myself really hard to make it exactly what I wanted it to be and I’m really proud of the end result. It’s also one of those fics where I feel like writing it made me a better writer ultimately because I was pushing myself so hard to be like, worthy of what it was in my head. Work Song, which is a Spideytorch canon rewrite of the aftermath of Superior Spider-Man. Another one where I feel like I learned a lot by writing it and where I’m really proud of the end result, even if I did have to read all of Superior Spider-Man to write it. Cat's Cradle, a Spider-Man PS4 Peter/Felicia fic about their maybe-baby from the DLC, because I really loved writing that fic. Night Blooms, a Victor Von Doom/Reed Richards fic based around Reed’s connection to the alternate universe Victor from Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #11, because canon gave me so much to work with there and because it was a Yuletide fic for @portwinestains where I knew I could give her exactly what she wanted and I just went for it. Writing that one was a blast and I got to dig into such a rich canon relationship. It was fantastic, even if while I had to like, try and subtly find out how much infidelity Aysha was cool with without letting her know what I was doing. 
And then there’s Hands On where I like, REALLY wanted to be the first person to write Spideytorch smut featuring six arm Spider-Man. And I was. And weirdly that genre of fic hasn’t taken off? Look, you just need to keep very detailed notes for yourself about where all eight hands involved are. 
9) Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: There are a couple! They’re expansions, not rewrites. I don’t think I have anything finished that I feel I would want to rewrite from scratch. I have a third installment of my fairy tale series, The Spider Prince and the Morning Star, where the idea is like very fresh in my head right now so I’ve been playing with that a lot. The first two fics in the series are Spideytorch, but this one is a MYSTERY pairing. (It’s not that big of a mystery. It’s pretty easy to guess what it’s going to be based on the end of the second fic.) And there’s a lot of stuff from The Boy From New York City where it was like, I had ideas about where I COULD go with things, if I wanted to. The Boy From New York City is very much Peter’s story, very much The Amazing Spider-Man 3, so I think there is a lot of space to go forward that would be more focused on Johnny. But on the other hand I do think a lot about a fic that takes The Amazing Spider-Man 2′s deleted alternate ending and asks the question, what if instead of meeting his father in the graveyard, Peter met the sixteen-year-old sister he never knew he had? And I don’t know how many people want TASM fic about what Teresa Parker would be like in that universe but you know. I kind of do. 
10) Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: PeterFlash 2020! I’m working on it. It got long and I wanted to play with canon, what else is new.
“You were always stuck up,” Flash grunted, lying down on a flat stretch of rock. It was freezing cold, leaching the heat through Flash’s jacket and jeans, but it felt good at the same time. “And you made Liz cry.”
“I didn’t make Liz Allan cry,” Peter snorted, rolling his eyes.
“You did, though,” Flash said, closing his eyes. He probably shouldn’t have said that, he knew. Liz wouldn’t have liked it. But Peter had made her sob until the cuffs of her pink sweater had been wet with her tears and Flash had just had to stand there and take it, unable to make it better as badly as he had wanted to, all because stupid Peter Parker was too thick to see that Liz was the best thing in their entire school. “She really liked you and you just ignored her.”
“I was busy,” Peter said. Flash cracked open an eye; Peter was standing over him, staring down at him with a quizzical expression on his face, like Flash was one of his fancy complicated math problems, only Peter had never had a hard time solving those.
Warmth spread from Flash’s stomach right down to his toes with the idea that he was the kind of problem even Peter Parker might have trouble solving.
“We were all busy,” Flash said, shrugging. “We all had stuff. Doesn’t mean you had to ignore everybody else.” 
“I wanted to be liked,” Peter admitted, sitting down crosslegged next to Flash. He had a funny kind of look on his face, his brows knit together fiercely. He was going to have a wrinkle there in a couple of years, probably. Butterflies lit up in Flash’s stomach, trying to imagine it.
“You had a funny way of showing it,” Flash said.
“Yeah, yeah,” Peter grumbled, stretching out next to him. He put his arms behind his head, looking for all the world like he was sunning himself even though it was November and practically freezing already. “What are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know,” Flash admitted, trying not to stare down at him. It wasn’t like Peter would ever know, though – his eyes were closed. “Get a job, I guess.”
“Flash Thompson, working man,” Peter whistled.
“Don’t strain something not being a jackass, Parker, you’ve gone a whole five minutes,” Flash said, rolling his eyes. “It’s not like I’ve got a choice. Can’t stay in school without that scholarship and it’s not like I can go home.”
Peter cracked one eye open. Something about his eyes had always made Flash’s stomach go funny; they were the warmest brown he’d ever seen, flecked with gold, and they shone on those rare occasions when Peter laughed. But usually they looked how they looked now: filled with suspicion, and just a touch of scorn.
“You can’t go home?” he asked.
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hellomorganus · 3 years
Helen Draiz
I do not own The Phantom of the Opera. The book/musical/movies belong to their rightful owners. I only own my characters.
Nadir led Helen down the dark and dingy halls in between the walls, his hand tightly holding onto her own so they wouldn’t get separated. He looked over his shoulder at the young girl and smiled knowingly with a twinkle in his eye. Erik had made a new friend whether he realized it or not. 
They soon could hear water the further they traveled downwards. Nadir led her to the shore, across from the entrance to Erik’s home. He smiled lightly, cupping his hand around his mouth as he called out to his friend. 
The man in question stood from his organ and walked towards a space where he could see who was calling out to him. Helen saw him visibly stiffen as he saw them, probably wondering who she was. 
“It’s Nadir and Helen, Monsieur!” she called to him, hoping he would relax. 
The masked man stepped into a boat and began leading it towards their spot on the shore, lifting the gate up. He stopped the boat in front of the shore, holding out his hand for Helen to take as she stepped into it. 
She gratefully did and cautiously sat down, Nadir following suit. She looked down at the lake beneath the boat and grinned, gently running her fingertips along the surface. 
Her eyes widened and she ripped her hand out of the water at the sight of something swimming in it. “What the hell is that?” she cried, cradling her hand to her chest as she stared at the thing. 
“Catfish,” both Nadir and Erik replied nonchalantly before Erik rowed them back to his home, closing the gate on the way back in. 
Helen looked at the two of them as if they were insane but forced herself to shrug it off. She held onto the sides of the boat as both of the men got out, Nadir offering her a hand to get out. She smiled and accepted his hand, stepping out onto the shore, thanking him. 
She walked around Erik’s home, gnawing at her lip. There was more sheet music flung around. It wasn’t messy per say, but her maid instincts were kicking in. She hesitantly picked up a few from the ground that were crumpled up into balls. She sighed as she unraveled it and smoothed out the paper. “Been hard at work I see, Monsieur Erik.” she said, giving him a side glance as she read over the music, humming silently to herself. 
“Yes,” he replied, snatching the music from her hand and crumpling it up again. “I’m very busy.”
Nadir cleared his throat. “Then I will make this quick my friend,” he said, stepping closer to Erik. He lowered his voice so Helen couldn’t hear, whispering hastily into his ear. 
Helen narrowed her eyes at the two men before picking up another sheet music, her eyes soaking up every note and line. She smiled as she began humming the song quietly, taking a seat in the loveseat from the night before. 
Erik scoffed, shaking his head at Nadir. “Absolutely not.” he replied, turning back to his music. 
“Erik. Of all the time we’ve known each other, not once have I ever asked a favour from you. This is the one time.” Nadir pushed, taking the sheet music in his friend’s hands. “Please.”
Erik glared at his friend, taking his music back. “You know how I feel about that topic Daroga. My final answer is no.”
The Persian glared at Erik before his gaze fell to Helen. “Miss Helen,” he began, walking towards her. “Would you say I’m being unreasonable to want my dear friend here to visit the hospital with me?”
Helen furrowed her eyebrows, tilting her head. “Hospital..? For what?”
Nadir smiled sadly. “My son Mademoiselle Helen. He and Erik were very close when he was younger, but I’m afraid he’s grown ill the last few years. He is close to his death bed. All he wants is for Erik to visit him one last time. Is that too much to ask for?”
Helen sat up straighter. “I did not know you had a son,” she said, placing the music on the table before standing up. “I don’t think it’s...unreasonable. But I could understand why Monsieur Erik is hesitant.”
Erik turned to look at her in surprise. “You do?” he asked.
Helen nodded, standing between them so she could watch the two of them. “I am assuming you don’t want anyone to know of your identity as The Opera Ghost. Or want people to question why you wear a mask. So I can understand your perspective.” She then turned to Nadir. “But I can also understand yours. Your son is dying and only wishes to see his childhood friend again. Is it possible to compromise? Can he leave the hospital?”
Nadir slowly shook his head. “They believe it is not wise of him to leave. He is under strict bedrest.” 
Helen hummed in thought as she looked between the two. “What if...you didn’t go alone?” she asked Erik. 
The male shook his head. “No. Tell him I hope he can forgive me Nadir, for I will not be going.”
Nadir sank his shoulders, sighing to himself. “Fine then. I will let him know,” he mumbled before walking off to another secret passage. 
Helen stood awkwardly in the room as Erik played the song before crossing out and rewriting a few things on the paper. She bit her lip as she collected the music sheet from earlier, bringing it over to him. “Monsieur Erik. I believe this can still be a beautiful piece. I just feel like this phrase is off.”
The Phantom gazed at the paper, his head shaking slightly, smirk on his lips. “Pray tell what you believe it should be then.”
Helen thought silently for a minute before yanking his fountain pen from his hand and scratching out the phrase. She wrote in the phrase she believed fit in well with it. “How about this?”
Erik took the pen and paper from her grasp, reading the phrase aloud. “Past the point of no return?” he repeated. 
Helen nodded. “Oui (Yes), they are both fighting their instincts in this song, are they not? And then around this measure is when they finally cave into their feelings for one another.” she pointed out. She smiled, looking at him for input. “I feel like that phrase shows just how much emotion is in their words. What do you think?”
Erik sat there silently as he took in what the girl had said. He slowly nodded, turning his head to look at her. “Do you sing Mademoiselle?”
Helen hummed to herself as she sewed on a few finishing touches for Christine’s costume. Her humming soon became quiet singing as her fingers trailed along the seams as she sewed them shut. 
When she was finished with Christine’s she turned to grab Carlotta’s off the rack, jumping when she saw a figure in the doorway watching her. 
She let out a small shriek, placing a hand over her chest as the intruder laughed lightly. “Are you alright? Did I scare you that badly?” asked the blonde intruder. 
Helen looked up at Christine, trying to catch her breath as the girl stepped into the small sewing room. “Yes!” she exclaimed, falling back in her chair as she too began laughing. “What can I help you with Christine?”
The blonde girl shrugged lightly, examining her costume. “Where did you learn to sing like that?” she asked.
Helen blushed, grabbing Carlotta’s dress to add a few more pearls and gems to the bodice. “My mother,” she lied, threading the jewels on her needle. 
Christine grinned nodding. “She taught you well. And that song you were singing was beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she whispered, looking up at the girl. “Did you want to try on your costume while you’re here?”
Christine nodded, taking the costume before slipping behind a changing screen and trying it on. “I came here to ask a question,” she admitted. 
Helen nodded, holding the needle between her teeth as she fixed the position of a pearl. “Ask away,” she replied between the needle. 
Christine stepped out from behind the screen, patting down the costume. “There has been talk...about you with the stagehands. They’ve been saying...you have been…”she trailed off. 
“Sleeping around?” finished the brunette, looking up at her with a small frown. “They’re not true.”
“I know that,” Christine replied, playing with her fingernails. “Where...have you been sneaking out to, though?” she asked, looking up at her from her fingernails. 
Helen gulped, tying off the jewel as she thought over her answer. She couldn’t tell Christine she had been sneaking off the visit The Phantom every night. “The roof,” she replied slowly.
The blonde turned to look at her after examining herself in the mirror. “Really?” she asked, patting down the vest of the costume.
Helen nodded, avoiding her eyes as she threaded another pearl to the bodice. “Yes, really.” she replied, glancing up at the thin girl. “Does it fit alright?”
Christine nodded, looking back in the mirror. “It’s perfect Helen.” she replied, pulling her blonde locks into a ponytail like she would during the production. “Thank you.”
Helen nodded, finishing up Carlotta’s bodice. “You’re welcome.”
Christine bit her lip as she turned to look at her, releasing her hair. “I thought you were a maid here?”
Helen shrugged. “I am. But sometimes the seamstresses need help. So I volunteer.”
Christine nodded, looking at the pink bodice of Carlotta’s dress. “It’s beautiful.”
Helen grinned, standing up and draping the dress on a mannequin. “It is but it’s almost too pink.”
Christine laughed quietly, nodding in agreement. “Our prima donna loves a bright pink, I much prefer a softer color of pink.” she admitted, her fingers grazing over the lace on the sleeves of the dress.
Helen smiled, nodding. “Pink seems like your color Christine.” she told her as she began packing up the needles and thread. 
“I wish I could pull off darker colors like you. Blue, purple, black...they just don’t go with my skintone.”
Helen snorted lightly. “I don’t think those are my colors. I adore the colors red and yellow.” she replied, putting the thread back where they belonged. “Those colors go well with my hair.” 
Christine nodded as she watched the girl before deciding to change back into her clothes. She changed back into her evening dress, folding up the costume in her arms as she emerged from behind the screen. “Do you not own the colors? I’ve never seen you wear them.”
Helen shook her head, taking the costume from Christine’s hands. “No, they’re too expensive here. I have plenty of dresses in those colors back at my home in America. That’s how I know,” she replied, tucking Christine’s costume into a safe place until the show.
Christine grinned, taking her hand once the costume was put away. “We should go shopping then! I know a few stores that sell those colors for cheap prices,” she smirked, giving her a little wink. “When are you free next?”
Helen chuckled, thinking over her schedule. “I believe I am free this Thursday,” she replied, looking at the girl. “You, unfortunately, have rehearsal.”
Christine smiled lightly, nodding. “I do, but perhaps afterwards we can go out?”
The brunette nodded, a grin on her face. “That sounds lovely. I can’t wait.”
Christine clapped her hands excitedly as she bid her goodnight. She waved to her as she slipped out of the room. Helen made sure everything was where it belonged before calling it a night. She sighed, undoing her hair, running her fingers through her waves. “I know you are their Monsieur Erik,” she called into the empty room. “You can come out.”
The Phantom took hesitant steps out of the shadows, closing the door as quickly and silently as possible. He looked up at the brunette, frowning. “How did you know?”
Helen shrugged, smirking. “I just felt your eyes on me.” she replied, untangling a few knots. “What do I owe this pleasure for?”
Erik sighed, glancing at the door. “I need you to find something out for me.” he mumbled. 
The girl tilted her head at the request. “What would I be finding out for you Monsieur?”
The masked man in turn gulped as he walked to Carlotta’s dress, examining the embellishments. “It’s about Christine and the Vicomte.” he said slowly, running his gloved fingers over the lace. “Find out what their relationship is.”
“I already know that,” she replied, watching him carefully. “The Vicomte and Christine have been courting for a few months now. How did you not know?”
His shoulders tightened as he stood straighter. He took his hands away from the dress, his hands clenched into fists by his side. He brushed off her question, turning to look at her. “A few months you say?”
Helen nodded, throwing her hair into a side ponytail. “Oui (Yes),” she replied, narrowing her eyes at him. “Why did you want to know?”
“You shouldn’t concern yourself with that Mademoiselle.” he snapped, glaring at her. “Find out all you can on Thursday. I will meet you in box five that night. Understood?”
Helen jumped back at his snapping, slowly nodding. “Yes Monsieur,” she replied, watching him nod and return back to the shadows where he came from.
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tetrakys · 4 years
Please, I need you to write what happened in the shower between Nath and Candy in episode 19 🔥
Mmm… so I hadn’t planned to write this, but since you sounded so invested anon I did it just for you, let me know if you liked it :P
I also remember another anon’s suggestion about Nath and showers, so I hope this came out right.
Not sure it needs to be said, but just in case, LEMON alert, nsfw and all that.
“Since when do we shower and dress here?” I asked Nath looking at him suspiciously from under the cover. We’d spent an amazing week barely leaving the bed, and after so much angst and heartache, I had no intention to change our new routine anytime soon.
“Get up!” he tried to pull the blanket off me while I hold on with a tight grip, even his reminder of my grades and the promise of spending a nice morning together in broad daylight did nothing to my resolve to keep him here with me attached to my hips. But then he said the magic words.
“I’m going to meet Erik this afternoon.”
Erik. The policeman who’d helped him out of his crazy dangerous situation and at the same time vouched for him with the law. It was all thanks to him if he was going to walk away free and without a scratch.
Well, almost without a scratch. I was never going to forget the moment I found him covered in blood on the gym floor. If we’d called the ambulance only five minutes later, or if they’d stubbed him just a couple of inches deeper… a shiver of dread crossed my body.
It’s over. It’s over. It’s over. I repeated in my head like a mantra.
I was never going to worry again about his safety.
I was never going to spend my nights crying because I didn’t know where he was or if he was even alive.
I was never going to let him walk away from me again.
Of all the moments spent worrying and crying, none had been worse than that last night together before he left town. The night he’d left me was also the night we’d made love again after years apart, and it was also the night he’d told me he loved me.
How could some of my best memories be also some of my worst?
I pushed the door open with my fingertips.
I could make out Nath’s silhouette through the steam and the pouring water right behind the shower door. Removing quickly my clothes, I slipped in the shower without warning.
Nath turned towards me surprised, and I got immediately wet as water started running down my face and hair. Right there and then words were futile, so I made my way in his arms, and kissed him. The kiss was desperate and raw, so many unsaid words, so many moments we were never going to share, a life together we were never going to live… everything was packed in that kiss.
His body was tightly pressed against mine, my nails digging into his back probably leaving marks that a part of me hoped would never disappear and, as his fingers dug into my butt, I had the impression that he also wanted to leave his permanent mark on me.
I moved my mouth down then, along his jaw and neck, tasting his skin, imprinting his unique taste into my mouth, and when I got to the hollow between neck and shoulder I bit. I bit him hard, probably harder than I would have done in other circumstances. I felt his arms tensing in pain as I sucked and left my mark on him, but he said nothing. I could feel him getting harder between my legs, and as I slipped out of my panties, the last piece of clothes still separating us, he also bent down, torturing my skin with kisses as he moved further down. My breath completely haywire due to his tongue running along my entire body, briefly sucking one nipple in his mouth, before moving down to my navel and then further down between my legs.
“I can’t leave you before tasting you at least once,” he whispered as he pushed my legs open and slipped his tongue between my folds.
“Mmm…” I moaned as his tongue, lips and fingers did incredible things to me, and when he took my nub into his mouth and started lightly sucking, I felt all strength leave my legs.
So he started slowly raising up again, his hands tracing the curves of my body, passing over my breasts and wrapping his arms gently around me to lift me against the shower’s wall. I barely felt the cold tiles against my back, as my legs came around his hips, pushing him closer to me.
Looking me in the eye, he made slow, intentional moves, as I felt the tip of his cock entering me, pushing further and further in, until with one final fluid movement he sheathed himself completed inside me, taking my breath away.
He held me firmly against him, pressing me against the wall, until I could feel nothing but his whole body crushing me, his movements becoming more and more frantic and desperate. I could hear only the sound of our skins rubbing against each other and his gasps and moans as each thrust got more heated and rougher, our bodies completely merged to the point that I didn’t know where he ended and I began.
Don’t leave me….
Don’t leave me…
When our mouths found each other again, we both exploded in ecstatic feeling that was both pleasure and pain.
And as I let myself fall exhausted into his arms, catching my breath, exhausted, he enveloped me into a towel and carried me to his bedroom, laying me down on the bed. Still soaking wet, he slipped right behind me and, hugging me to his chest, he whispered to my ear.
“I love you Candy, wherever I’ll be, a part of you will always be with me. I will never stop loving you.”
Closing my eyes, I let exhaustion and his arms lulling me into a dreamless sleep.
Tears never leaving my cheeks, until I woke up the following day to a cold and empty bed.
I pushed those memories away as I fixed my eyes on the beautiful face in front of me, now so relaxed and… happy. Even with green hair and ridiculous clothes he was the most amazing thing I’d ever laid my eyes on.
Everything is fine now. He’s here and he won’t leave me ever again.
But what if I was the one leaving this time? Again? Like five years ago?
I pushed those thoughts away, because once you’ve been through and survived a life or death situation you feel like nothing is written into stone and the possibilities are endless.
“Come here!” He said grabbing me by the waist, he lifted me up onto his shoulder as he whirled me around his room and set me down in his shower, turning cold water on me.
“Aaaaaaah! No way I’m the only one getting this treatment!”
I pulled him by the arm, forcing him to join me in the shower, fully clothed.
We kissed tenderly, as I started removing each piece of his ugly outfit off him. I couldn’t wait for him to get back to his usual style, but in that moment the least amount of clothes the better.
We undressed each other as the water got warmer, until we were both naked and ready.
The first and last time we’d been in this shower together we’d been desperate and frantic, knowing our moments together were counted. Now we had all the time in the world, and I would make sure he knew it.
As he went to grab my hips, I slipped away from his hold and instead started kissing him on his chest, and lower, on his abs, and lower… until I was kneeling in front of him.
“We can’t leave until I’ve tasted you at least once,” I said cheekily throwing his own words back at him, and I saw his eyes darkening as I took him in my hand and gave a few tentative pumps.
I didn’t need to prepare or coax him, he was already hard and ready, and I started with a kiss on the tip, kiss that I knew had been appreciated from his rough intake of breath.
So I started playing with my tongue, licking him on the side, slowly, teasingly and swirling around the tip. When I was sure he was going crazy from the tease, I took him in my mouth and sucked.
“Fuck…” he grunted as he held himself with his hands to the shower wall behind me.
As I bobbed my head up and down, slowly at first, but faster and faster as I felt his breaths becoming more and more curt and haywire, he rested one hand on my head, without pushing nor forcing me, just caressing my hair with his fingertips.
And I loved him for that, how he could be gentle and attentive even when I knew he was completely lost in his own pleasure. So I took him further down until I felt the tip of his length hitting my throat, and he got completely still, loudly moaning my name, spilling himself in my mouth.
I looked at him as he came down from his high, breathing heavily, cheeks flushed, eyes hooded… I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and I waited for the moment he was completely focused on me again to visibly swallow, his eyes big in surprise.
“So, whatever you’ll do today,” I said seductively, “you’ll remember that a part of you is here with me. Inside me.”
He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me up, crushing my lips with his, kissing me deeply and thoroughly.
“You wicked thing,” he said after a minute, “ruining my plans of taking you again against the shower wall. I guess I will have to get creative now.”
He raised one of my legs pinning it to the side and, grabbing the shower head, proceeded to show me exactly how creative he could be.
Taking the shower took longer than planned.
(I kinda cheated because I wanted also to rewrite the scene in 16, so in the end I did both and hope I managed to portray the difference.)
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emptymasks · 4 years
look i think one of the main reasons i have been avoiding the lestat musical until now is because i know myself and my deep ten year long love for the vampire chronicles/interview with the vampire and i know how fucking soft i am for the characters and so i think i knew i wasn’t going to be able to hate the musical. it’s extra hard to not like it also because drew sarich was in it and i love him. so. i guess maybe i kinda like the lestat musical? 
not saying it didn’t have problems and there’s bits of it that feel clunky in places, and i haven’t listened to all the songs yet and idk how much i’ll like that because i’ve never been one who likes elton john’s music that much (nothing against the guy, i’ve just never really liked any of the songs he’s written. sorry lion king. please musical fandom don’t disown me for this. be prepared is the only song elton john’s ever written that i like. oop.) so i might not like the songs at all, but they really went there and gave me all the soft touchy-feely lestat/nicholas and lestat/louis moment i’ve always wanted
also, and i might be wrong, but i think the musical would have done better if it opened today, rather than in 2005. yes, a lot of the reviews complain about the ‘dullness’ of the story and script and music. however, some of the language i’ve read in some reviews is sort of homophobic. not blatantly in some cases, but they really can’t help but mention how lestat is gay and how that doesn’t make him special every two sentences. and how some reviews talk about how it isn’t ‘family-friendly’ because the main character is gay (which i would just for the sake of argument because i’m a tried bi/pan person that you can be a man who likes men without being gay and lestat is canonically very bisexual in the books but i digress) and the whole claudia having two dads and all of that. 
it also didn’t help it came out pretty soon after the disaster that was the english lanuage broadway ‘dance of the vampires’, a butchering of the german musical tanz der vampire (please i urge you to watch the original german or russian or hungarian versions or literally any other version that didn’t decide to rewrite the entire musical and fill it with crude jokes just because michael crawford wanted the character to be not like erik even though he was only asked to take the role because they wanted him to act a little bit like erik and he demanded to be paid so much money they basically couldn’t afford sets and the musical is like one chair on the stage and-) and the original broadway version of dracula by frank wildhorn which flopped but then when he revised and rewrote it and this new version was performed in german it’s been well loved ever since. (if you also like drew sarich he’s also played the main vampire graf von krolock in tanz der vampire and dracula in dracula so there’s another reason if you’re a lestat fan to watch/listen to them)
broadway. get it together. other countries have made great vampire musicals, i don’t know why you can’t get it right. if you hate lestat, that’s fine. if you love lestat i’d love to hear why, hmu
edit: also just to tack on. i get they changed a lot of the plot and the order of events and cut things out, but ultimately they put two books (interview with the vampire and the vampire lestat) into one musical so of course things would have to be cut out. and of course it’s different. you have to be able to view it as a separate entity from the books. wicked is so different from the book and i’m sure there’s die hard fans of the books who hate the musical because of the changes.
anyway, this has been today’s daily ‘damien has too many opinions on musicals and vampires’ ramble
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