#and it drives me up the fucking wall
rhaenyratheecruel · 1 month
if tyrion wasn't a dwarf i think there'd be way more sanrion shippers. their story is so good but this fandom is ableist as fuck, i hate it.
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gremlinbehaviour · 10 months
Remember that encouraging eating disorders is against tumblr community guidelines and more importantly is a really shitty thing to do. This is the only common thing that I will report people for. Especially when it ends up on the FUCKING TRENDING PAGE
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saintshigaraki · 2 years
its truly in-fucking-sane to think about how accepted so many aspects of misogyny are 
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lylahammar · 7 months
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skinny ppl learn to shut the fuck up when the conversation isn't about you challenge
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dumplingsjinson · 8 months
Character A separates from Character B to take a breather from the kiss, only to laugh in surprise when Character B starts pulling them on top of them.
"What are you doing?" they question, straddling Character B; feels Character B pressing against them. They blink, swallowing heavily; it doesn't take much for them to understand what that means, as they cautiously grind their hips down against Character B's, testing the waters.
Character B's hands sneak up their torso, hands cupping their clothed breasts, massaging them gently as Character A lets out soft little sighs and breathy moans, hips quickening with speed; ducking down to bury their face on Character B's neck every now and again out of embarrassment and to muffle the noises they were making.
"Wait, wait, wait," Character B breathes out, holding onto Character A's hips to stop them from moving. Character A sits up, looking down at them, heart skipping a beat at the way Character B stares up at them with hooded eyes. "We shouldn't be too loud, yeah? How about we go somewhere else?"
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daydreamingmiller · 7 months
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#if smoking bad why sexy
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ratmans-notebooks · 24 days
everyone listen to me right now. trans men & transmascs are targets of misogyny. crazy idea i know but when youre seen as a woman and/or shoved into the woman category people will be misogynistic to you. it is fuckign crazy the amount of posts ive been seeing syaing stuff like "trans men think theyre exempt from being mras cause the dr said they were a girl once" or "having a pussy doesnt mean you cant be sexist" and its like. YEAH OBVIOUSLY having a pussy doesnt mean you cant be sexist but jesus christ the presumption that trans men are unaffected by their asab or that theyve never ever experienced anything like misogyny is wilddd!! not to mention why are we still referring to transmascs by their (assumed) genitals. like its obviously vile to reduce transfems & trans women to their genitals but the same people who realize this seem to have no problem doing it to transmascs
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the imagery in ep 11 and the themes surrounding exploitation and lack of bodily autonomy. godddd. like. yeah it makes you uncomfortable!!! it’s supposed to!!!! you look at it and you see what Knives is doing to Vash and the other plants and you’re meant to think HEY THIS IS WRONG. like it’s a lot more subtle in trimax but it’s still THERE and you’re still meant to see it and think HEY. WHAT THE FUCK. tristamp tackles the theme in a lot less subtle way but this is something that’s carried from trimax just in a different way and both versions drive me insane
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paimt · 1 year
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what an odd bunch
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tubchunk · 6 months
q!tubbo doesn't feel prepared to raise a kid, HE'S ONLY JUST STOPPED BEING A KID HIMSELF!! but he will try. for sunny, he will try his best. he wants to give her the world, to make sure she always knows she is first choice, that she is loved and adored and cared for.
bc q!tubbo never really felt that, and god forbid sunny ever feel the way he does. he will do his best to make sure she never wants for anything, that she is loved and knows it, and that she never feels like she's second place.
and in return, slowly but surely, q!tubbo feels what its like to be someone's first choice, to be loved unconditionally (even if told otherwise jokingly) and to be adored. because sunny adores him, he's her pa.
there's a lot that still hurts. he still feels like he isn't the other residents' priority and the days since seeing fred have grown too many to still have hope. but he has sunny. and sunny has him. they've got this.
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baselicoc · 1 year
i know that atsv and spiderverse in general is probably not including Gabe for various reasons and therefore when Mig took his alt selfs place he wasnt actually leaving anyone behind. he said something along the lines of “i found a universe where i was happy” which kinda screams that something was fucked up with his home one, i’d like to think more than usual because the other explanation is that he just left like all his family behind. Which is extremely messed up but also on the other hand a little funny
like imagine being gabe here. Imagine your older brother fucks off to another universe because of his depression and comes back with even worse depression ranting some shit about canon events. You have to be told where he went by his AI because god knows your brother has all the communication skills of a rusty spoon. Have to be told he fucking left with no intention of coming back
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katy-l-wood · 24 days
If hold systems can be set up to call you back (which never works, but that's not the point) there should also be a button I can push that is, like, "switch the hold music to my spotify until someone on your end picks up because I do not want to hear the same tin-can quality elevator music and endlessly repeated spiel about your website for the next two fucking hours."
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mustasekittens · 7 months
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that bisexual awakening will happen soon i swear harry
i updated my no homo parksborn drawing since i drew it before we saw what they canonically looked like in high school | original parksborn version + original shitpost
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palms-upturned · 6 months
I swear to god if I see one more person talking about “condemning Hamas.” Tell me, what is the point of me personally condemning Hamas? My country’s government already has condemned Hamas. Along with many other countries, the US has designated them as a terrorist organization and leveled sanctions against them. Protests against the genocide in Gaza are being labeled as “pro-Hamas” and therefore “pro-terrorism” and being shut down. The US is in fact arming Israel and supporting the leveling of Gaza. Even if I did personally condemn them, why would I be in the streets demanding that everyone in power just keep doing what they’re already fucking doing? Get a goddamned grip. Stop treating this like an issue of individual morals and take a look at the material reality. Everything Hamas has done has been for the purpose of ending an oppressive colonial occupation perpetrating ethnic cleansing and genocidal massacres for 75 fucking years. They took 250 people captive because Israel had already been arresting thousands of Palestinians, including children, and holding them captive and abusing them for years without charge or trial. Peaceful protest has failed to change anything because no one in power in the rest of the world has shown any real solidarity with Palestine. No one answered their calls to action. Not even calls to nonviolent actions, like sanctions or ceasing to arm Israel. The blood of both Palestinian and Israeli civilians is on Israel’s hands, and also on ours. If you don’t like seeing violent resistance, then fucking do something about the violence that they’re resisting against. Stop moralizing and get organized.
*actually, also, for the record, Hamas is not the only resistance group in this fight. “Condemning Hamas” really means “condemning the entire Palestinian resistance movement.” I fucking will not. Down with the occupation.
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ef-1 · 9 months
insane rant under the cut 🫶
Daniel is obviously going through a #moment right now so I can't really speak for the other reputation era cullings (unfollowing people) but the only one I have 0 doubts about is Zak. like imagine having the kind of temperament & patience that would put saints to shame, playing the: no, it's fine. I'm unscathed, it's all business, I get it, the entirety of my career is just collateral damage and I’ll take that in stride and its fine!!!!!! part so! Well! Like!!!! Down to a T and your wretched, fugly fucking nightmare of an ex-boss won't shut up about you, wont stop making sly, unnecessary comments unprompted- when discussing his own drivers, when discussing other teams, when discussing other fucking racing series. And you've been gone for 9 months and it's fine. You're determined to make it fine even when it's not. You're fine because it's a cut-throat sport. You're fine because you HAVE to be fine, there was never an alternative. Fine is survival. You're fine because you've been through this before (except you haven't) when you left Red Bull and Christian, jilted, said [and these are direct quotes despite how insane they seem]
“I have to admit it’s kind of been like trying to convince a girl to go out with you that’s been pretty reticent. It’s felt like that." <insane btw
“In the end we gave Daniel everything he wanted and asked for and it still wasn’t enough.”
“We’ve bent over backwards to make it happen"
And Christian said all of that while you still had 4 more months with Red Bull left. And Christian was legitimately scorned (and, terribly, he may even had the right to be because he asked you to drive him on his wedding day and he bought your nephew the same car he bought his son and he still calls your wins his favourite races), he told people as much, probably let on more than he intended to when he told the media that you told him you’re leaving A DAY before renault anounced your contract, and the proposition was so preposterous he thought you were provoking him. And he said you're running from a fight and he snidely said he still doesn't understand why you left in 2018 and 2019 and 2020 and 2021 and 2022 (<no this is not a joke) but Christian also congratulated you when you ended Renault’s 10 year podium drought, said the podium is where you belong. He congratulated you on your second podium even though that race ended in a dnf for Max and Alex finished last.
You’re fine because you’ve been through this before (except you haven’t) when you left Renault. Cyril doesn’t speak to you for weeks after the announcement is made and when he does speak TO you and ABOUT you it’s acrimonious. But his vitriol is laced with praise, he tells the media you’ll regret leaving a team which has been made more competitive by your own labours and when you’re out of his team and he’s out of the sport he meets up with you to deliver on a drunken bet made in 2019.
And you're media trained, and chillingly diplomatic for someone with such a carefree brand and you wear the horrors so fucking well, you wear it elegantly, with grace. And you shake hands and you smile when you’re supposed to and everything is made fine by the sheer force of will. Until you’re injured. Actually injured, less than 24 hours after you told the media that you didn’t need the break, that you were sick with this ubiquitous eagerness to be back all throughout summer. And you’re out again. And all your fugly fucking rat of an ex boss had to do was not use the injury that will put you out for at least 3 weeks as a vicious one liner to undermine someone else. I have no doubt that’s what did it for him :))))))
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jackklinemybeloved · 1 year
I know it’s been said but I can’t stop thinking about chuck saying his next book is “a little Vonnegut” in 4x18 and dean going “slaughterhouse five Vonnegut or cat’s cradle Vonnegut?”
like imagine you write two dozen paperbacks about Dean Fucking Winchester of all people and then he hits you with “oh you mean the war ptsd one or the daddy issues one?” what do you even say to that. how do you respond with a straight face.
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