#and isn't even in the top 100 most popular films
Four days after release and still no one wants to write a plot summery for Rebel Moon 2 on Wikipedia.
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watchmorecinema · 8 months
Something I think is a bit of an issue is the myth that the "great" films from the past are all boring, unrelatable and incomprehensible. That some black and white foreign film from Sweden can only be a really slow, dour experience. I'll admit that I was guilty of that thought at one point too.
The reality is that lots of these great films are actually broadly enjoyable. The reason they're considered great isn't because of elitism, some snobby ideal that they're hard to watch and therefore better, but because they're just extremely well made and stylized films. The black and white Swedish film? That describes a number of Ingmar Bergman films like The Seventh Seal. And The Seventh Seal is hilarious, even now. I honestly thought it was going to just be really serious and depressing but it's a life riot (when not being serious and depressing). There's a scene where a man is trading insults with his wife's lover, but he's not very smart so another man is whispering insults to him to use. It's about a knight that plays chess with death for a chance at living, but death is a cheating bastard that delivers one liners before he kills someone.
I know that a lot of people really only watch whatever is popular and recent, and that's fine, but I don't want people to miss out on truly great films because they think they'd be hard to watch. I did a showing of a silent film at work (One Week by Buster Keaton) and everyone was enthralled by the stunt work on display. It's over 100 years old and it still holds up because there's no expiration date on quality.
If you are looking to engage with older films though, skip Tarkovsky for now. Stalker and Solaris are two incredible films (Stalker is probably top ten for me), but those are absolutely the cliche of some slow, hard to follow "true art is incomprehensible" film. Terrence Malick as well. Excellent filmmaker, but watching The Tree of Life is work. Kurosawa and Hitchcock are some of my favorite directors and every movie they make is straightforward and thrilling. High and Low is the most incredible police procedural I've seen in my life, and Psycho is still a tense, thrilling experience.
To be clear there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking the most popular stuff. I used to watch every marvel movie that came out, and I still think Wandavision is excellent. I have fond memories of going to watch Captain America with friends. I loved the Barbie movie and that's in the top 15 highest grossing films of all time. I just think that there's a lot of great films to explore if you're willing to try.
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twopoppies · 8 months
Hi Gina... I need to rant 😠 lmfao
As a life-long Chiefs fan and KC native all I can say is this T*ylor shit is fucking annoying. I know you talk to a LOT of people in the fandom, so you may not remember, but I'm a fellow Sw*ftie hater (maybe that's too harsh but idgaf) and I didn't think it was possible to get more annoyed with this woman than I've been since I stopped being a fan in 2018. Boy, was I WRONG. I'm a die-hard Chiefs fan. I loved my team even when we sucked and couldn't make it to the playoffs (before Patrick Mahomes), so to see EVERYONE make the game on Sunday about her is beyond frustrating. People (Sw*fties) are seriously saying she's the only reason we won. Like we haven't won multiple AFC championships and two Super Bowls in the past three years. Maybe I'm just taking it too seriously, but when our boys played a kick ass game on Sunday after such a shitty season opener (that we lost), it was so nice to see that we're getting our mojo back but I literally can't look at any post, tweet, article, tv segment, etc that doesn't make the game about her.
God, please don't let her be around for the rest of the season 🙏🏻
Also, I'm not saying they're not hooking up, but this is 100% for PR. I've personally never seen them pan to a celebrity so many times during the game. I've never seen "candid" photos of Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes, or any of the other popular Chiefs' players leaving Arrowhead Stadium after a game like we just got with Travis & T*ylor, or "candid" photos & videos of any of the popular players driving through the city, which is so sus. And then what really sealed the deal for me was that T*ylor announced earlier today that her concert film will be shown internationally. She was also named as an entertainer of the year for entertainment weekly and is on the cover. Not to mention, she has a new re-recording coming out in a month and continues to announce new versions of the 1989 re-recording. "Someone" must not be happy enough that she's already broke records with the Speak Now sales, is selling the most number of albums overall, but she must be aiming to break those Speak Now records with the 1989 re-recording sales bc she's releasing new versions quite often. I mean, how greedy can one person be. Like you haven't sold enough albums? You don't have enough publicity? You don't have enough money? It's just gross to me.
Also, I personally just found her reactions over the top for someone who isn't even a fan, especially whatever that head shake thing is at the end. But maybe that's just because I find everything she does annoying and cringe.
Plus, the stats around Travis and the Chiefs have skyrocketed. So they're absolutely getting a lot out of this as well as the NFL like someone mentioned earlier.
I'll attach an article but here are some numbers:
Travis' jersey sales went up almost 400%
Stubhub ticket sales for Chiefs' home games increased threefold in just 24 hrs
Travis gained 325k new ig followers - more than he gained after winning the last Super Bowl
Sunday's Chiefs' game was the most watched NFL game on any network last week
It was also the most watched game among girls and women 12 to 49 yrs old
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And yes, I know I know a lot about her for someone who doesn't like her. But she's inescapable even when I have muted everything related to her... And now she's taking over my everything related to my favorite football team and my city 🤢 Where's Pete Davidson when you need him? 😂
Ok, sorry for that rant. I know I probably sound ridiculous, but I prefer my life T*ylor free just like I prefer my life Ol*via free, and I thought you might understand 😂 Anyways, feel free not to post if you don't want to discuss her anymore.
I hope you're having a good night, Gina. Lots of love.
She really is a horrendous actress. Everything she did at that game was so embarrassingly fake. But clearly people want to believe it because it’s everywhere.
That’s bananas how much his stats already went up and just shows why it’s worth it to do this kind of nonsense, even to someone who’s already really famous.
I’m not interested in football at all, but I’m so sorry she’s contaminating your safe space. 😩
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lastoneout · 2 years
Sounds like i can't trust your opinion on the Mario movie, since you clearly already made up your mind and decided you hate even though you haven't seen anything of the movie. It could be good and you'll still say it's bad and claim anyone who likes it isn't a real fan.
Point to the part of the post where I said anyone who likes it is a fake fan lmao show me exactly where I said that
Anyway I DID say that I could be wrong and that I hope that I am wrong. If it's good I will 100% acknowledge that! I actually really, really, REALLY want it to be good, it LOOKS hella good. That poster rules, the style looks great! If the trailer drops tomorrow and it's the sickest thing I've ever seen I'll get right back up on my soap box and apologize for ever doubting them!
I just can't get over the fact that they completely fucked over the established Mario VAs for the movie in fave of name recognition with an actor who truly does not fit the role. Based on Chris Pratt's previous work I don't see how he could possibly do a good job as Mario's VA, and on top of that no matter how good or bad the film ends up being I think it's important to keep in mind that changing the voice cast was a bad, shitty idea that shows how little Hollywood values voice actors AND how little they value animation as a medium since they don't think people with show up to A FUCKING MARIO MOVIE, you know one of the most recognized and loved video game franchises in history, if there isn't a popular actor attached to it.
That's insulting. I'm allowed to point out that that's insulting.
Anyway again, it could be good. I want it to be good. I really, really want it to be good. If it's good I will be happy, and I don't believe in calling people fake fans EVER for ANY REASON. No matter how good or bad the film is if that's your introduction to Mario then hell yeah! If that's your favorite Mario thing then hell yeah! If that's the ONLY Mario thing you like then hell fucking yeah you are still a genuine fan of Mario and that's rad, good for you!!
I just personally am gonna be pretty bummed if the movie is amazing aside from the voice acting, bcs again they didn't HAVE to change VAs, and being that close to making a fantastic film and then fumbling at the end bcs I guess hiring the voice actors who have been playing these roles for years and respecting animation and video games as a whole is "too hard" or whatever is really fucking sad.
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chornayadrakoshig · 4 months
saw this fic writter tag on @oh-hush-its-perfect page and decided to join too :) I'm not tagging anyone directly but feel free to participate!
My Ao3 if anyone is interested: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ChornayaDrakoshig
1. How many fics do you have published on Ao3? 
70 currently posted; I'm moving to Ao3 from another website and there is one collection of oneshot translations that I haven't reposted yet + a few essays/character analysis works that are kinda in question, as well as some old things and original works (I'm still not 100% if I want to repost them or not, maybe I'll do some editing first)
2. What's your total word count on Ao3?
235,711 at the time of posting (9 feb 2024) - not a total word count ever published, but the other website I've used doesn't have stats like that (it's in pages and this stat is disabled since I've hidden everything into drafts there)
3. For which fandoms do you write?
mostly Code Lyoko; second largest is Harry Potter, but I doubt I'll write any more HP after finishing the current WIP crossover. I'm not going to say "never" but well...
besides that, I have a few one shots written for Miraculous Ladybug, Humans, Parked, Testament of Youth (yes, I was hardcore Colin Morgan fan okay? I watched most of the films/shows with him pre 2016 and even one theatre play recording)
and I have a lot of fandoms on my "want to write" list including one large fic activelly in planning/plotting stage 👀
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tbh I barelly have any kudos on my Ao3 account because I'm reposting my works under original publication date so they are deep, deep in the tags. Also at the moment I'm writting/translating in russian only, and Ao3 isn't even in top 3 of popular fanfic websites for this language. But I picked it for reasons
so, originally posted top 5 were (unsurprisingly all HP):
Сломанный маховик (time-travel fix-it, marauders era, Sirius/OC - and that's the largest multichapter I've ever did)
Шесть шагов (Jily one shot)
Чем пахнет свобода? (Sirius-related one shot, OC mentioned but unspecified, related to 1st fic but can be read separately)
Крёстная (7ish years post main canon [not epilogue], Teddy Lupin and his OC godmother - again related to 1st fic but can be read separately)
Осеннее обострение (Jily oneshot)
and on Ao3 currently:
Сломанный маховик (yep again)
Снежный Ангел (Code Lyoko, that's a translation actually! William/Aelita)
Остаточное погружение (Miraculous Ladybug, one shot, darker take on the results of akumatization, focuses on Alya)
Маршмеллоу и овсяное печенье (Miraculous Ladybug, one shot, fluff, Alya/Nino)
Lyokober (Code Lyoko, one shot collection made for challenge, each fic is a different pairing - has both popular ships and rarepairs)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to everyone (especially now when I don't get a lot of them on the new platform)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooooh I love angsty open endings :) I think one of my favourite is "Ритуал" (Code Lyoko, aftermath of main character(s) death, kinda apocalyptic AU)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
that's the hardest question so far xD As I mentioned I like to breathe in the angst, so, eh, I think "Сломанный маховик"as it was time-travel fix-it?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? I got a few "this is a dumb idea" type of comments, but it was few and far between idk if it counts as hate comments.
But I got banned from one discord server and part of the reason was mentioning one ship I've written for. So...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not my thing really - tbh I rarelly read smut too (maybe like, 25% or less of things I read?). If we don't include translations, I have one original work that's kinda Prelude/PWP without Porn thing. And one one shot with rape/non-con. Most of the time, if the fic even touches that, I'm more "fading into darkness, no detailed description of body parts of poses, feelings-focused, T rating at most" type of smut writer.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I love crossovers but I've ever written (or, rather, I'm currently writting) only one. It's Code Lyoko & Harry Potter, where Harry's world is a virtual reality that Lyoko Warriors explore.
However, I like to go into inspired-by-fandom AUs that aren't really full crossovers, as they don't include characters or detailed worldbuilding from another fandom, but they are heavily inspired - I think I have multiple fics like that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had one fic stolen (I think one of my HP ones? honestly I don't remember at this point). Also had a few shorter original works reposted with minor edits and no links/credit on social media.
And, unrelated to writting - there was an art of my fan character (not made by me, I think I got it as art trade or gift?) that was recolored & reposted on instagram once.
12. Have you ever had a work translated?
No, but I translate a lot myself - currently out of 70 posted works 16 are translations! I mostly translate from english but there are 2 french-russian translations too.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
Nope, but I helped to beta-read/edit a handfull of works before. Also worked on ideas/worldbuilding for original work together but I haven't wrote for it. Also co-translated a fic once!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Odd/Aelita (Code Lyoko)
Sirius/Hermione (Harry Potter, a specific subset of time-travel fix-it fanfic but I occasionally read other stuff)
Raine/Eda (The owl house)
Crowley/Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Eddie/Chrissy (Stranger Things)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably never will? 
I had one WIP (not reposted currently and probably never will) that is canon retelling in format of poetry, kinda witty and satirical. I'm bad at poetry. And at satire. The original show is over 100 episodes long. I wrote 3 poems on this wave of inspiration and abandoned it. But I still think the idea is funny and it would be cool to finish it but I have all those other WIPs I'm a) more interested in now b) more likelly to finish
16. What are your writing strengths?
God I like descriptions. Maybe even too much. Also with book-based fandoms, I've often got comments that my writting gives the same vibe as the book writting, so I guess I tend to imitate the tone & writting style relativelly well?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm so bad in plotting long-form content it's not even funny. I tend to get one-liner ideas, about a setting, AU type, or a scene, but I struggle to come up with conflict, character development, events. I literally completed only 2 multichapter fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in a fic in another language?
I'm not a big fan of including whole dialogs in one language into a fic written in another. My go-to is 3 or less phrases per chapter, with translation in the notes. If I need to include larger dialogue, and the scene include character(s) that don't know the language, I write it in translation, maybe highlight it in italic or bold font, and sprinkle in mentions of what language are they speaking and that other character(s) don't understand what's going on.
Maybe I'm traumatised by reading "War and Peace" back in school but 1st tome has pages after pages that are almost all in french. The footnotes with translation take half of the page. It's not fun to read when you don't know the other language!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Merlin (this fic is an abandoned wip and currently isn't on my Ao3 but I plan to repost it for sentimantal reasons :) - written in 2011)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I can't pick one they all are my babies 😭 but some of the favourites:
Гордое фарфоровое божество (Humans, poem, Astrid/Niska)
Вырви мне сердце (Parked, poem - and it has stunning podfic that makes me emotional every time I listen to it)
Крёстная (HP, Teddy Lupin and his OC godmother)
Снаружи (current WIP! Code Lyoko & Harry Potter crossover)
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icefire149 · 3 years
Hey! I’m studying journalism at the moment and have also been wondering if this drama is going to get media coverage. I’d guess a few entertainment journalists are interested and have maybe even tried to work on stories but found the whole situation kind of unwieldy and hard to summarise and source. The stories that have got coverage (j2 fallout, Clinton article) are easy to source (actors tweets, articles from respected publications) and simple for outsiders to understand without knowing 1/2
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First off I'm gonna preface with that it's 3am currently as I'm starting and I know I'm tired and not running on all brain cells so please be gentle if I make any errors spelling wise or logic wise.
Also here's the post anon is referencing.
Anon, thank you very much for msging me. It feels really nice knowing that I'm not the only one wondering what's going on here. I honestly thought the day after 15x18 aired that it would be a massive news story. Supernatural does get attention from EW and awards run on fan votes. Never mind it had the spotlight for being on TV 15years, it was close to wrapping up, and they actually green lit a massively popular (and award winning) ship. Therefore flipping 12 years of narrative on it's head because it actually was a slow burn romance as was speculated. AND as the icing on the top of the cake, it trended over one of the most important presidential elections ever.
How did nobody report on this? How did nobody point out that it's strange in this climate that the CW chose not to acknowledge any part of it that would have gotten them brownie points: LGBT rep, successful long term storytelling. [Granted it was also simultaneously a speed run in bury your gays - even though the narrative demanded more to the Empty plot which seemed to be cut - and I'm not even touching what this meant for Dean's character & sexuality - and the finale filming inconsistencies - All of these are also massively complex and worth digging into for a news story, but my mind is honing on specifically on the CW's problem with Castiel being gay tonight].
I've poked around a bit further than just relying on my memory. The stories that got coverage were: j2 fall out (although the ones I looked at missed the tweet at Robbie), Clinton, the Oscars, the prequel, and the rogue translator. (And I did find one website I've never heard of before did a small write up on the Valentine's Day Wedding)
Although I'd like to point out that (and I could be dead wrong) if I remember correctly the inside scoop on the j2 fall out reconciliation statement from Jared came from a planned interview for Walker promotion. And for the rogue translator mess, where Misha was suddenly in a pr nightmare, of course that's what got EW coverage. But it still didn't push the topic especially after several other dubs came out and some used language that confirms romantic intent as others didn't. That should've been a bigger story in itself leading into the central issues of censorship and homophobia.
Everything else is non existent online unless you know specifically where to look. Which isn't great for anyone but the higher powers that want to sweep things under the rug.
You're 100% right we should look into making things more digestible for people with little to none knowledge of SPN. It's important to step back and remember that we're carrying years of complex knowledge. This is why the fandom as a whole can look like we're living in a different dimension.
Even still, it's baffling the lack of coverage for trending topics like the big pushes for #TheySilencedYou campaign which felt straight forward after a minute of scrolling through twitter. Jared's rant this weekend was trending like crazy. I saw transcripts and videos being pushed around. I've seen TMZ report on way less (and they've jumped on reporting about Jared's arrests before in the past.) Why nothing now? I keep waiting to see something. Anything.
Fingers crossed something does pop up. Or fans organize something especially after the bullshit with CE.
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wickedwizdom · 6 years
The Covenant Review
Here's a quick little review on a movie that can basically be summed up as: "The Craft" and "The Brotherhood" combined but it's even shittier and will make you its "wiotch"
"The Covenant is a movie that came out in 2006 and basically tells about four college(?) boys who are rich, are the most popular kids at their private school, and to top it all off: They were born with magical goddamn powers. An evil warlock, named Chase Collins, shows up played by a baby Sebastian Stan(YES. SEBASTIAN STAN IS IN THIS. I'll cover that in a little bit) and wants to steal the power from the strongest of the four warlocks, Caleb, and potentially make out with him, he gets defeated by the MC, love interests kiss, HAPPY END!
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So that's the plot. Yeah. It's pretty straight forward. Now on with the characters!
Now I would go in depth but there isn't much character development in this movie. If I can sum up the main four warlocks in this film it would go something like:
Pretty white rich boy with brown hair
Pretty white rich boy with blonde hair
Pretty white rich boy with....brown hair
Are you noticing a pattern here?
To put it simply, they're just hot guys with supernatural abilities who are put into "horrific" and homoerotic situations.
Like this one
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Did I also mention that this is a horror film?
Actually, in a way it is but with the laughable dialogue, soap opera level acting and awful writing it doesn't seem like one. Although, the dream sequence with the spiders did give me a few chills but other then that not much of a horror movie
The less I say about Sarah, the female lead, the better. She's completely useless throughout the entire journey, folks. She barely even is a character. She's just a plot device for our MC Caleb to have a love interest and half the time she's basically Sleeping Beauty and is just an installed sexy lamp.
And now for the man of the hour....
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I had to save the best for last. This is arguably Sebastian's cheesiest performance but the way he acts in each scene and how he executes each line with a rather menacing, inticing and somewhat cunning tone makes this movie tolerable to watch. It was almost as if he actually gave a shit about taking this role seriously. Just imagine the Winter Soldier having to cope in a teenage vampire fever dream. Even to this day, Sebastian, who is now much older and more experienced, despises this movie especially the previously mentioned "wiotch" line
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Oh lord...
Honestly, I think Chase Collins was coded gay on purpose. The way he acts towards most males in this movie just screams the one main thing he wants in this movie is: DICK. I mean just look at his reaction after getting fucking punched. He is 100% turned on by being pinned against a locker by another man.
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Let's not forget that his "gay code" involves a kiss on the lips
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I have no problem with this because Sebastian has a habit of being casted as gay/coded gay characters in other films(despite not being gay irl) that he's been in and he makes it so convincing. In all honesty I feel like a deep dark part of that stemmed from this film which makes me angry to an extent but I can't help but to appreciate it.
Final Results
For my final words I just want to say this movie is all types of bad but its so bad it's good like "Batman & Robin" but without the stupid ice puns, nipples on the bat suit, and a fucking Bat Credit Card. But I'm recommending it. Why? Even though the writing sucks, the acting is stale, and the dialogue is fucking atrocious I can still get a sense of enjoyment out of it. If I could, I can't really tell you who or what audience this movie was meant for. Was it for gay guys with a magic fetish? Modern day movie watchers? Teenage girls? It just sends so many mixed signals I suggest you just watch it for yourself.
But I think we all know who we watched/we will watch it for
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mrahmancr7 · 3 years
What age is TikTok
Professionals on TikTok get on and Smash it now.
The world is changing. People have shorter attention spans. People want information quick. Short form video content (under 30 seconds) is getting more attention than the other sort of content on social media.
Are you continue to underestimating TikTok? Are you uninterested in Instagram’s snail-like growth? TikTok could seriously help grow your brand, much faster than the other platform. But why?
Here are 10 reasons why professionals and corporations should smash it on TikTok immediately in 2021:
1. Any Niche, Any Professional on TikTok
Yes, TikTok started getting famous due to dancing, but if you are doing not want to ascertain dancing, then TikTok will now show it to you. what's so successful about TikTok is that the algorithm. It gradually understands what you wish by watching what you've got watched and interacted with. If you looked for plumbing then watched a couple of plumbing videos, then the algorithm will recognize that and feed you more relevant content almost like that. you'll find many professional on the platform. I even have connected with doctors, lawyers, engineers and professional athletes to call just a couple of . If you're wondering what quite content you'll create for yourself or your business, you simply need to look for something similar by other professionals on TikTok, in your niche, to urge ideas. A baker can show baking bread, a chiropractor can show necks being clicked. The ideas are endless.
If you're lucky to figure for you own company then the chances are endless. Companies do encourage social media for promotion. Sam Fares (@thepatentattorney), who may be a Lawyer, says people at his work are surprisingly supportive. TikTok are often an honest marketing tool and even large companies are beginning to add a social media policies to make sure boundaries aren't crossed.
2. it isn't only for Kids
According to Comscore statistics, US TikTok users by age is: 33% children and 67% adults. This statistic was taken at the top of 2020, so it's fairly old now therefore the platform has matured even more now.
Even, Gordan Ramsey (@gordonramsayofficial) is using TikTok himself now and most of the large YouTubers like Mr. Beast (@mrbeast) are there already. Instagram Reels remains far behind TikTok - the videos on Reels are like what was being shown on TikTok two years ago, with mostly music only. you'll copy the platform but you'll not copy the audience. i buy many comments and messages by adults everyday on the platform and on the road . a number of these are passed on from their siblings too. Bare in mind, if you influence the younger generation, this also rubs off on the oldsters . So TikTok could even be an honest investment strategy if you are doing target Generation Z. But eventually 67% of TikTok users are adults.
3. TikTok Helps Growth on other platforms like IG and Youtube
TikTok provides links on your profile for both Instagram and Youtube. there's also a choice to add link to your website otherwise you can even put LinkedIn there if you wish . These links are quite other platforms need to offer. Instagram only allows you to insert one link on your platform, so does Twitter, and Clubhouse that only as two. These links gives an honest opportunity to spread your followers elsewhere. Social Media Strategist, Caleb Chin (@socialfeed) thinks that one among the quickest thanks to grow a following on Instagram in 2021 is to create a TikTok following. i might need to agree.
"The quickest thanks to grow on Instagram is to create a following on TikTok."
Successful TikTok accounts also can build an outsized number of subscribers on Youtube without even published one video on YouTube. Take writer and storyteller, Greg Hinthorn (@hinthorn) for instance . He reached bent his TikTok audience and told them he will published his first Youtube video when he reached 4000 subscribers on there. Now he has reached 4000 subscribers on Youtube from TikTok. he's now publishing videos on both platforms.
4. Most Downloaded App on the App Store
According to Appfigures data, TikTok is that the most downloaded app. 90% of all TikTok users access the app on a day to day . 
Furthermore, consistent with App Annie, TikTok's screen time at the start of 2021 overtook Facebook for the primary time. the typical screen time for a mean TikTok user is over 20 hours per month.
5. Engagement Can Attract Leads
Client opportunities, contacts, influence and leads - the engagement within the comments section on TikTok is insane. I even have never seen anything love it . there's also a messaging service on TikTok. this will be turned in settings, so anyone can send you a message. you'll also directly reply to an issue via a video which which is shared on your feed, which may helps engagement.
American Architect Tom Reynolds AIA (@tiktokarchitect) has been active on the platform for a year now confirms.
"I'm actually getting more work coming from TikTok now, than anywhere else."
6. TikTok is Authentic
TikTok is transparent and authentic. there's not many commercials or people trying to sell. you are doing not get many of us selling their eBook or spending the primary 5 mins asking you to subscribe because those sort of videos don't had best . TikTok is blunt, straight to the purpose and these are the videos that had best on TikTok. People try to offer something quickly. If you give value meaning something, then an audience will come. Vulnerability is additionally a key factor that folks like. the right filtered and edited photograph on Instagram isn't authentic, neither may be a highly produced YouTube video. People can relate to TikTok because its real - the videos that tend to try to to well aren't the over productive type. it's like what Youtube was 20 years ago. Transparency, vulnerability and authenticity goes an extended way on social media in 2021 and TikTok fits.
7. Learn on TikTok
TikTok has heavily invested $50 million into an ingenious learning fund on short form educational content, which might be the longer term for social media and online education. If you begin learning the way to give information or teach with videos now, this might bring many opportunities for your business or personal brand within the near future. it's not about selling something - its about giving value.
"We've partnered with over 800 public figures, media publishers, educational institutions, and real-world professional ... to supply us creative learning." -TikTok
8. Its Quick and straightforward 
If you're a business and employing a videographer to try to to you videos - take care . tons of media companies don't have much experience with short form video, or TikTok. it's a reasonably new thing. they're likely wont to top quality produced videos. Have they published many short videos? Have they built an audience before? These are the questions you ought to be asking them. Quantity is more important for brief form video content. The TikTok app has almost everything in it to make videos quickly, even green screen. you are doing not need to spend one to 2 hours during a room like Club House or spend every week editing an extended form video. Many creators are beginning to up the sport with mirrorless cameras rather than their phone, for higher quality, but this has not oversaturated the platform yet.
9. 100% Creativity
This makes it fantastic if you're within the creative industry. Creating videos displays your creativity. YouTube and TikTok are the highest creative media platforms.
On one hand, you've got you Instagram and LinkedIn where there's tons of individuals sharing other people's content? for instance , a number of the highest architecture accounts on Instagram are accounts reposting other peoples content. it is the same with LinkedIn. People even download other peoples videos on other platforms and repost them on LinkedIn. These videos don't have much creativity.
On the opposite hand, uploads on TikTok have very high creativity. one among my favorite and straightforward videos was made by Architect, Dory Azar (@dory.azar.architect) who actually drew a door swing under a door to elucidate how door swings are drawn. When lecture Dory on Clubhouse, he explained that folks like simple explanations - they appear to figure best.
10. More Organic Reach Than the other Platform
If you begin a replacement account on today with no followers, post something, that post has potential to succeed in more people than the other platform. there's only LinkedIn immediately that comes close. But, new businesses still slug away at Instagram and Facebook in 2021. These platforms tend to be more powerful for people that have already built an audience, have account authority, or want to pay via promotion. this is often partly the rationale why TikTok is so popular. Everyone features a chance for videos to try to to well and reach an audience. Social media apps like Instagram and Facebook are old matured platforms now. These reasons help make TikTok the platform of choice.
If you would like to create a brand, you ought to obviously start by getting to the platforms with the foremost reach. albeit you're still convinced the audience is just too young on TikTok, it could still be an honest marketing investment for you within the short to future .
It might be time to prevent shaking your head. Its a no brainer. TikTok and short form video content is here to remain .
RIBA Chartered Architect, Russell M. Henderson (@ArchitectRussell) is predicated in Tanzania, East Africa . He also 'edu-tains' his passion for Architecture Travel & Film with video content on YouTube , TikTok & Instagram.
Acquisition customer top 5 to use Tiktok 
Tiktok is presently gaining popularity with over 300 million active users worldwide. Most business owners feel Tiktok isn't ideal for business because it's crammed with entertainment and sometimes ridiculous videos.
But, that was what many said about Instagram and Snapchat. Today, these two platforms are getting used by top brands to get many thousands for his or her business monthly. 
There are numerous reasons why small business must use Tiktok to urge new customers. But during this post, we only covered top 5 reasons.
1. it's Easy to create Communities
With Tiktok for business, building communities is extremely easy. Tiktok may be a video content platform, and with video, grabbing people’s attention is extremely easy as modern-day users are more likely to consume video content than written content.
So, small business owners can cash in of this to make numerous videos of about 15 – 60 seconds to grab the eye of their audience and build their following. 
Some people are just on the platform to consume content and to not create. So, with this in mind, your job is to offer them something to consume and obtain their interest.
2. Over 500 Active Users Globally
The number of active users on Tiktok is insane. With over 500 million active users globally, this is often not a chance small businesses should ignore. 
Although the most important demographic of Tiktok users are between the age of 16 – 24. But that doesn’t mean people of older age aren't there.
Much like other previous “hot” social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, Generation Z was the primary to leap on them. So is that the same for Tiktok.
However, if you log into the platform now, you'll find freelancers, dentists, teachers, fashion designers, and even grandparents actively using the platform. 
3. it's Easy to Grab Users Attention 
Tiktok may be a video-sharing platform and videos are the sole quite content that grabs your attention without you approving it. It starts playing immediately you set your eyes thereon . 
Small businesses can cash in of this to share educational, entertaining, and promotional videos moderately. Users are on the platform to be entertained so small businesses must find out how to balance their content because it only takes a scroll to chop your video out. 
4. Top Brands Are Claiming their Spots
Go check in on Tiktok now and search if you won’t find top brands like Walmart, Family Feud, HP, and other top brands. numerous brands are now taking advantage of the trend to make awareness and obtain more customers for his or her business. 
5. A Platform to Sell with Fun
As a sensible marketer, you ought to be ready to promote your brand to your audience with less invasive techniques. Millennials are already conscious of most marketing tactics and thus they're going to ignore your videos if you are trying to travel the standard ways. 
Using stories in your content to pass your brand message will produce a win for you. you'll gain tons of attention by launching a hashtag challenge. A hashtag challenge is where you tell users to make a specific quite video and incorporate your branded hashtag thereto .
You can work with a Tiktok influencer to actually make this type of challenge go viral. 
What you need to know about TikTok 
TikTok is one of those social networks that grew in popularity VERY quickly, but if you are over the age of 30, you still might have NO IDEA what the platform is all about.
Let’s start with the basics:
Who uses it?
TikTok is primarily used by the under 30’s. 60% of US TikTok users are aged between 16-24, according to a November 2019 release from Reuters.
What is it?
TikTok is basically a re-branding of Musical.ly (don’t worry if you haven’t heard of that either). Basically, it is a social platform where creators can post 15ish second videos (up to 60 seconds) that are shared to their followers, with hopes of landing on the apps “For You Page” (FYP).
What is being posted?
This is a tough one. In the early days, TikTok was full of lip-syncing, and dancing. Today, the scope of content varies, and the algorithm that the platform uses is VERY advanced. Based on the types of videos you watch, and seem to enjoy – the algorithm will shoot out all sorts of videos that it thinks you may enjoy.
For this reason, you may see completely different content than someone else on the app. There are now “Sides” of TikTok as the youth are calling it. This basically means the type of content you are being shown. Political TikTok, Dancing TikTok, Alt TikTok, Straight TikTok, Food TikTok or many others!
Disclaimer: I am definitely on the Puppy and FoodTok side!
Can you make money?
Depending on your location, there is now a creator fund on TikTok for some users. This means that you can earn money per-view on your videos. Unless you have a very large following (we are talking in the millions) TikTok might not be a stable source of income, however, the exposure it brings can open LOTS of doors. Many famous TikTok-ers are now treated like typical celebrities, so sponsors and endorsements are a large portion of their income.
Is it for business?
It’s a powerful tool for the right companies, with the right demographics. We have seen a bump of tiktok of companies using influencers to share their products, creating original ads, or creating accounts and posting unique content. If your target demographic is under 30, this could be a perfect platform to explore!
Even politicians are getting in on the action!
TikTok is a very trendy app, with tons of young minds. Some political figures are using this platform to reach out to young voters and soon-to-be voters. This is an incredibly smart move in my opinion!
One Canadian example that comes to mind is Jagmeet Singh - check out his profile here!
Should you get TikTok?
This is a personal choice. If you are a fan of Instagram and social media in general, and you can use a smart phone with 60% confidence… why not give it a shot?
There have been privacy issues globally, and instances of banning in the US – so do your research and be mindful of what you are sharing, commenting, and engaging with on the App.
Overall, it is a fun platform with absolutely no pressure to ever post anything yourself. You can watch videos for hours, or if you are feeling up to the challenge – try posting a video for yourself!
If your business targets millennials, Tiktok is the perfect platform to get new customers for your business. Small businesses willing to create entertaining and humorous videos can take advantage of this platform to create visibility for their brands and get new customers.
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enchantedbyhiddles · 7 years
Very good read and explains why movie star and good actor are terms to describe different things. And why saying an actor is not a celebrity and not a movie star is not an insult and doesn’t say anything about talent or longevity of a career. Not even about success. Great actors don’t have to be stars and stars are very often not the best actors.
(long article behind the cut)
Like many film critics, I started out to be a mortician, but got sidetracked. Yet vestiges of that childhood vocation linger on in my lifelong fascination with autopsies, particularly postmortems involving epic film failures.
In this context, I have thought a lot about King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, a colossal bomb. There are many things wrong with the film – the story, the directing, the fact that the screenwriter forgot to include Merlin – but the biggest problem is the casting. A few months before the film was released, I started noticing posters advertising a star I didn’t immediately recognise. Somebody named Charlie Hunnam. “Do you know him?” I asked my son.
“He’s the guy from Sons of Anarchy,” he replied.
Well, precisely. He’s not Matt Damon. He’s not Brad Pitt. He’s not James Franco. He’s certainly not Denzel Washington or Jamie Foxx. He’s the guy from Sons of Anarchy, a reasonably popular cable TV show most people have never heard of, much less seen. He’s the guy most famous for almost being in 50 Shades of Grey.
Hunnam reportedly talked his way into the starring role in King Arthur, convincing Guy Ritchie that he could carry the ball. He could not carry the ball, as we now know. Ritchie should have written Lady Guinevere into the screenplay and asked if Gal Gadot was available. One of the most annoying things about King Arthur was Hunnam’s thoroughly predictable turn as a cheeky working-class lad. That worked well in Ritchie’s early movies because cheeky East End lads were in vogue at the time, and Ritchie had rising star Jason Statham on the payroll. Statham brought an affable roguishness to rollicking gangster movies, a quality he has never entirely lost; he was the glue that held the whole thing together. In King Arthur, Ritchie didn’t have anyone to hold the whole thing together. He had the guy from Sons of Anarchy. So the cheeky medieval prole schtick fell flat.
Hunnam is by no means a dud – he is quite good in the art house film The Lost City of Z – and he may yet avoid the fate of Jason Momoa, the large but ultimately ineffective tent pole around which the abysmal 2011 Conan the Barbarianwas erected. Yet the similarities are startling: an actor best known for appearing on a popular cable TV show (Game of Thrones) gets into the ring with the big boys. And promptly gets his head handed to him.
Hunnam is a tad on the generic, nondescript side, especially compared to King Arthur’s nemesis, played by the emphatically non-generic Jude Law, who upstages the putative star of the movie at every turn. Bear in mind that the basic structure of motion pictures has not changed in 100 years: a man has a problem, be it shark, alien life form, loan shark or fascist pig, and he has to solve this problem in less than two hours. If the audience is not interested in the man or the problem, the movie tanks. This is also true of films starring women.
In King Arthur, Law’s problem – Oh, will no one rid me of this cheeky prole? – is more interesting than Hunnam’s problem because Law is more interesting than Hunnam. When the two share the screen, our eyes naturally travel to Law because our eyes aren’t stupid.
Hunnam comes off as a poor man’s Tom Hardy. But here is an intriguing issue. Hardy, remarkable actor that he is, is not an instantly recognisable star like Tom Cruise or Vin Diesel or Sylvester Stallone or the Rock. He has never got top billing in the kind of career-defining film that absolutely everybody on the planet saw: Top Gun, Thelma and Louise, Forrest Gump, The Matrix, Rocky, The Hunger Games. So, is Hardy himself a movie star? Well, if the criterion for being a movie star is the ability to light up the screen as soon as you show up, then there is no question that Hardy is bona fide. But this is different from being a matinee idol or a living legend or an icon or Jennifer Lawrence or any of those other words used to describe our celluloid heroes. Hardy, who has made quite a name for himself by vanishing into assorted roles, has a Zelig-like quality. He’s here. He’s there. He’s everywhere. He can do anything, play anybody: a dimwit New York bartender, a Russian copper, a cruel, atavistic London gangster. Make that two cruel, atavistic London gangsters.
Hardy has an amazing CV. He was brilliant in The Revenant. He was brilliant in Locke, where he spends the entire 85 minutes talking on a car phone. He was brilliant in Bronson, a tour de force about Britain’s most violent jailbird. He was brilliant in Child 44, Inception and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. He was brilliant in good films, brilliant in bad films.
But does that make him a movie star? I’m not so sure. A movie star isn’t somebody film lovers rave about. They aren’t even somebody the general public raves about. They are somebody the ordinary person can pick out of a police lineup. Can you do that with Guy Pearce? Ciaran Hinds? Hugo Weaving? Outstanding actors, all. But movie stars? Hmm. In a way, it all comes down to the vaunted Thespian Brothers Conundrum. Owen Wilson? Movie star. Luke Wilson? Not a movie star. Alec Baldwin? Movie star. Anybody else named Baldwin? Not a movie star.
Let’s just leave the Quaids and the Afflecks out of this.
Here is the problem in a nutshell. Every time I talk to someone about how much I enjoy watching Hardy and how much I look forward to his next film, I have to remind people who he is. C’mon, guys, work with me. Tom Hardy. You know, the bad guy in The Revenant? Didn’t see it. OK then, the bad guy in The Dark Knight Rises? Oh yeah, him. But didn’t he have a mask on the whole time? OK, the guy who played Mad Max the last time around? Oh, yeah, him. The guy with the mask on his face half the movie. But mostly I remember Charlize Theron. And the rest of the girls.
OK, I continue, my hackles up because in my view not worshipping in the Church of Hardy is like refusing to genuflect in the Cathedral of Daniel Day-Lewis, did you see The Drop? No. Lawless? No. This Means War? No. How about the film where Hardy plays the Kray brothers so convincingly you cannot believe it is the same actor playing both Ronnie and Reg? Sorry, didn’t see it.
I don’t have to do this kind of stuff with Jude Law, Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney. I don’t have to do it with Viggo Mortensen or Colin Farrell. I don’t even have to do it with John C Reilly. I certainly don’t have to do it with Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway or Angelina Jolie. So even though Hardy is a better actor than most of them, and in certain instances a much better actor, I never have to pull out my iPhone to remind people who they are. Hardy, like Mark Strong, falls into that category of actors that are simultaneously famous yet hard to describe from memory. Fans of these guys routinely imagine they are bigger stars than they are. They are like rock critics who want Alejandro Escovedo and Son Volt to be more revered than U2. But reality is reality, and reality bites. If you put Tom Hardy on the cover of People magazine, the public would say, “Wait a minute. Where’s Johnny Depp?”
There’s a term for people like this. They are all gods, but they are gods of a lesser order. They are the Working Famous.
Charlie Hunnam should be so lucky.
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