#and i mean no shade to posts that are like two weeks old with 300 notes
offonaherosjourney · 1 year
"Aww, it's so cute that Tumblr users keep old posts circulating". Thanks, it's because the search feature is irremediably broken
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sleepywinchester · 4 years
Behind The Story S2 | Pt. 26
Summary: Y/N’s last day shooting Supernatural. 
Author: sleepywinchester (prev. deanwinchester-af)
Characters: Jensen, Reader, Jared, Gen and Cast Cameos.
Pairings: Single!Jensen x Actress!Reader (Nina Dobrev = Faceclaim)
Words: 3k +
Beta: N/A
Warnings: none really :)
Disclaimer: NO HATE TOWARDS DANNEEL! We wuv her in this acc but this is just for science lol
Note:  If I had to choose a top five of bitter sweets chapters I’ve written for this series, this one would be #5. I’m sad about this but happy about this and it’s just a mix of emotions. I feel like I wrote a good goodbye for y/n and her character, just hope you guys think the same. xoxo
. I really hope you guys like this.  ♥
Title: End of An Era 
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Jensen sang softly to an old country song that you honestly have never heard before that morning. Which was rare, listening to your husband sing country songs wasn’t a new for you but this song surely was. It was a peaceful morning, the snow was fresh from the night before. It was 6:30 am and the roads were slightly empty. Soft shades of blue began to bloom in the sky. It was quite magical. Your eyes landed on Jensen, whom wore a gray beanie. 
The corner of his lips were subtly curved up.
“What?” Jensen asked, giving you a quick glance. 
You smiled, taking in how the dim light contrasted with his facial features. 
“You look happy.”
Jensen’s small smile turned into a bigger fuller grin, “I am happy.” He switched his eyes from the road again to wink at you for a second before looking back. “I haven’t driven to work with you in… months. Of course, I am happy.” 
“I’ve missed this,” you said in a sigh. 
He holds your hand and kissed the back of it, “Me too.”
Then he continued to sing but this song was one you knew too well. 
“Baby you’re all that I need… we’re heaven.”
                                                         - - - - -
You sat on the hair and makeup chair and went over your lines. It’s the last day of filming, after a full week of mentally preparing yourself, you realized this wasn’t something easy to prepare for. When you decided to retire from Supernatural, one of your concerns was what would happen to Katherine. Having her killed off just wasn’t an option… Convincing the network, writers and the runner of the show not to kill Katherine Pierce wasn’t an easy task. After a lot of use of your persuasion skills, emails, calls and face to face meetings. The news of your beloved character was going to have a good ending lifted a weight off your shoulders.
“How do you feel?” Clary asked as she created loose curls on your short hair.
“About?” You looked up from the script. 
“Last day filming here,” Clary looked at you through the mirror as she continued to do your hair, “last day working with everyone, last day being Katherine Pierce. How do you feel?”
You sighed at Clary, someone who has turned from just a coworker to a good friend over the years. “I-.” your voice broke a little, “I feel like I am pressing pause in a chapter of my life. Like I am just holding this skill like I am putting to bed this character… The feeling is bittersweet but it’s exciting at the same time. I am excited to be a mom full time.” 
“It’s the end of an era, though,” she replied.
You bit the insides of your mouth. “It is… A great era but it’s also the beginning of a new one.” 
“That is true,” she said with a smile.
“Y/N?” Jensen spoke your name as he walked into the trailer. “There you are, hey Clary, how is it going?” He glanced at her.
Clary shrugged, “Nothing much, just here doing my favorite’s hair one last time.”
“Awn,” you playfully punched her arm, “I will be back as a guest.” 
You and Jensen were walking hand in hand to set when you stopped and asked him for a picture. Suddenly feeling the need to take a picture of the last moment you were going to have a fresh look at Katherine Pierce. He smiled and took out his iPhone, taking your picture in a matter of seconds. 
“Let me see,” you said reaching his side.
“Are you doubting your personal photographer?” He said with a joking tone. 
You chuckled, “I would never but still, I want to see.”
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Jensen subtly rolled his eyes with a half-smile and showed you the picture. You nodded agreeing with him that it was a good one. It took you a couple seconds to post this in your Instagram Stories as you both continued to set where the network interviewer was waiting for you. 
“Hey everyone,” you said as you walked in. 
Jared was shooting with Misha in another location while the interview was going to take place in the Men Of Letters library. Bobby one of the current show runners was there also for the interview. When Bobby saw you he opened his arms and you went in for a hug. You officially began to feel like today was really a goodbye. 
“I will pay you more if you stay,” Bobby told you after breaking the longing hug.
You chuckled, shaking your head slowly. “There is no amount of money changing my decision, Bob.” You teased with a smirk
Bob shook his head as well, “I tried. Can at least we have you for a guest star in the future?”
“Of course,” you told him and saw a spark light up in his eyes, “maybe in two years or three, when this show finally hits 300 episodes. Or in the show’s finale, I can put Katherine to bed again.”
He smiled, nodding, “I’ll have that.” 
“Excuse me,” one of the network workers politely interrupted yours and Bob’s conversation. “We are ready to start the interview whenever you guys are.” 
“I’m ready,” you said with a smile, seeing that Jensen was already seated in front of the camera and with his microphone on. You glanced at Bobby excusing yourself from the conversation and walking towards the seats and Jensen. Sitting down next to him the assistants began to plug in the microphones and doing the necessaries audio checks before the interview officially began.
“Hey guys, my name is Pepper, I will be doing today’s interview.” Pepper was a tall blonde, who wore a navy blue pantsuit. “I want to say it’s a pleasure to do this interview, even though it is a bit bittersweet. Katherine Pierce is, without doubt, an iconic character in this series. She is such a bad ass.” 
It felt good listening to someone talk about Katherine and her character as good as Pepper did. Katherine was that kind of character that changed people's minds. She was always evolving for the better. Her development was something you constantly worried about and tried your best to portray on the screen and it was very satisfactory to hear that your hard work did actually pay off. 
You gave Pepper the biggest smile, “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”
“Ready,” the camera guy whispered as he stood behind the camera. 
“Well,” Pepper looked at Jensen and me, “let’s start, shall we?”
You fixed your posture and smiled at the camera, waiting for the questions about your departure from the show to begin. 
“Jensen, how do you feel about this being Y/N’s last day on set?” 
You glanced at Jensen for a second when you felt his look over you. 
“It’s bitter-sweet, she is one of the best actress and persons I know,” He smiled and hold your hand. “I mean, those are some of the reasons I married her in the first place.” Jensen finished the song with a chuckle. 
She nodded and looked at you, “How do you feel about today being your last day?”
“I was talking about this with the head of hair and makeup, Clary. She asked me the same question and everyone has asked me the same question lately… As Jensen said, this is a very bitter-sweet day for me and for everyone. The last couple of years in this show have been more than just working years. They are full of memories with friends that have become family.” 
“It’s the end of an era,” Pepper said with a pitch of sadness in her tone. 
You gave her and the camera a small smile. “It is the end of an era but… it’s also the start of a new one.” 
“It is no secret that you are retiring from acting… What are your plans now that you won’t have an acting schedule to keep up with?”
“My plans are very simple, enjoy my time as a mother and as a wife,” you replied with total honesty. “I want to build new experiences with my family.”
“Are you guys planning on expanding your family?”
Jensen and I looked at each other, both smiling. 
“We don’t know yet but now we will surely have more time to think about it.” You said.
“What can we expect for Katherine’s last episode in Supernatural?”
Without thinking your eyes met with Jensen’s and you both gave the camera mischief smiles. Obviously you weren’t supposed to say but both wanted to have fun while you guys can. 
“Let’s just say it’s not what the fans are expecting,” you said, still smiling.
“Yeah,” Jensen spoke, “I believe everyone will be shocked once they see it.” 
“Before we end… anything you want to say to the fans?”
“Thank you Supernatural Family for years and years of support. Thank you for all the love and dedication you guys have for the show. Thanks to you guys, I was able to come back and continue playing this awesome and badass character. I appreciate all of you. Goodbye,” you kissed the tip of your fingers and blew a kiss towards the camera. Giving the camera a grateful and farewell smile. 
“And that’s a wrap for the interview,” Pepper said. “It was honestly a pleasure doing this, wish you and your family the best.”
“Oh my God, you’re going to make me cry,” you say as you went in for a hug. 
/ / / 
“Are you ready, Y/N?” Bob asked from the director’s seat.
You smirked looking at the camera, knowing he was looking at the monitors. 
“When have I ever not been ready?” You said full of confidence. 
He chuckled, “Alright, don’t break a leg… Again. ACTION!”
The second he shouted the magical word you breathed in deeply and got into character. You began to run as fast as you can towards the man playing a demon. You fake punched his face and with that, the fight sequence began between the two. In order to make this last fight memorable you were about to do Katherine’s iconic and signature fight move. It was the one you did on Jensen when you were pregnant and ended with you having a broken leg for a month. This was the first time in months that you were doing this specific move and it was like riding a bike. You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline or just how empowering it felt looking at this sequence in camera but this was definitely your favorite Katherine’s fight move. 
It was like your body took possession over your own mind and moved by itself. Executing each movement carefully making sure it was mind-blowing on camera for the viewers but safe for you and your co-star. 
“Cut!” Bob shouted from his director's seat.
Bob’s shout was followed by a round of applause from everyone who was on set. Your body froze at the great admiration your colleagues were showing. Your cheeks felt warm as a sunny day in Austin. 
“That was perfect, my dear,” Bob said between claps. “Let’s continue nailing these shots so we can leave early for your going away party, shall we?” 
You giggled and winked at him, “Will do, boss.” 
The jokes, smiles, farewells, and tears continued throughout the day. You were standing in front of Jared as he acted his part of the scene. Jared’s eyes were red and full of real tears as he spoke. You have been working together for too long not to know when some tears or smiles were real or not. He knew the tears you were crying were real as well because of the same reason. Today was so full of farewells that you could not hide the emotions as you acted your last scenes.
“Thank you, Kat.” Jared spoke softly, “Thank you for taking care of us… Thank you for taking care of him…” 
Smiling weakly you hold the right side of his face. “I’m the one who has to say thank you. If it wasn’t for the Winchesters, I’d be lost.” With the end of your line, a hug was queued into the sequence. Jared holds you so tightly that it started to be difficult to breathe but you didn’t mind. The years of working together have turned both into more than co-workers. It turned him into family and the idea of not working as closely with each other was very sad. 
“Cut!” Bob shouted but you and Jared did not separate. 
“This is harder than I thought,” Jared whispered.
You sniffed, “It is…” 
“Change of clothes everyone!” One of the crew shouted.
“Hey!” Shay met you as you were approaching your trailer. She was holding a white box on her hands. 
You smiled opening your arms and giving her a hug. 
“Please tell me those are donuts,” you said breaking the hug.
Shay chuckled, “They are.” 
The two of you walked together into the trailer. A white long dress is the first thing you see.“Wow,” you sighed, “I think this one is better than my real one.”
“It’s pretty, but your real-life one was so beautiful,” Shay said as she placed her bag and a box of donuts on the top counter. “And your real life was… you know, real.”
You chuckled, grabbing a donut, “It was… but that one is still so beautiful. Would the network be mad if I accidentally keep it?” 
Shay’s eyes widen for a second, “You’re planning on stealing this too?! You have two bags full of Katherine’s stuff already.” 
‘Those bags the network approved,” you spoke. “This would be technically the only thing I actually steal.”
At that moment Shay was about to say something but her words got cut off by someone knocking on your trailer’s door. You and Shay glanced at the door before you reached it and opened it. The knocking was coming from Clary.
“Hey,” you smiled, “we were about to head over your trailer.”
Clary walked into your trailer, “Production just sent me an email. I have to do your hair and makeup here just in case someone sees you and spoils Kat’s grand farewell to the show.”
Your eyebrows fringed together. “This crew had worked there for more than a decade… Who will possibly spoil something at this point?”
“It’s not just the crew out there… There are at least thirty curious fans by the gates.” Clary began to open her kit. “Bob just wants to make sure nothing leaks out.”
Instead of thinking too much about the situation, you decided to sit down and let Clary perform her magic. “Well, he’s the boss,” you said sitting down on a chair. 
“Are you nervous?” Jensen texted you. 
You smirked looking down at your cell-phone. 
“As if it was our first time getting married... “ You sent back. 
“Maybe this can count as renewing our vows,” Jensen replied.
You smiled at Jensen’s words. “How about we worry about renewing vows when we are 50.” 
“Good idea,” Jensen said. 
You watched the three dots inside of a bubble, waiting for the next message of your beloved. 
“How are you holding up?” 
You sighed deeply, “I’m feeling good, haven’t cried as much as I thought.”
“You still have time,” Jensen sent. “See you on set in 20.”
Looking away from a cell phone, you grabbed your script and began to go over the lines as Clary continued to do your hair and makeup. It was bittersweet to read your lines in the script for one last time. You cried the first time you got to read the script and experience all the emotions that were written for Katherine in that last scene. It was going to be a sequence full of love and farewells. 
“You’re all set, star,” Clary’s voice took you out of the clouds. 
“Time to get in the dress,” Shay said from the couch. 
Sliding into Katherine’s wedding dress gave you chills. It was like you were about to get married again. You knew that as an actor you need to separate your feelings from your character’s feelings but after working with the same character for so many years it was difficult not to get the feelings mixed up. 
Walking out of the bedroom Clary and Shay glanced at you in awe.
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 “You ready to give Katherine Pierce the grand goodbye she deserves?” Shay asked.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror, reminiscing on the years that had passed. Thinking about all the sacrifices that this character put you through. Everything that you have learned from Katherine. She became more than just a character you played on TV. Katherine Pierce became a part of who you were and you were grateful for the opportunity of being the one who brought this character into life. 
“How are we going to make sure none of those curious fans or paparazzi see this huge dress?” 
Shay chuckled for a second,  “They cleared all the possible spots with paparazzi.”
Trusting her word you decided to talk out of the trailer. Shay and Clary helping you with the back of the dress. You guys walked slowly towards the golfing car with Cliff on the driver’s seat. He instantly smiled at the sight of you, and you couldn’t do anything else that just smile back. 
“Wow, Y/N! You look beautiful,” Cliff said.
You winked at him, with the smile on your face still. “Thanks, Cliff.”
“Jensen is going to drop on his feet,” he said turning on.
“You betcha,” Shay said in the backseat. 
You chuckled, “Good.” 
The drive towards the set was small and quick. You usually didn’t had Cliff drive you around but this sequence and dress couldn’t be walked on the streets. You and the crew needed to make sure it was spotless for the scene. 
Once you got to set, everyone looked at you with the same look Shay and Clary gave you. Everyone was smiling and you felt like it was your own wedding all over again.
“You look stunning,” you heard Bob’s voice and turned around. 
“Thanks,” you smiled, “how are we doing this?” 
“Big guy is already waiting for you at the altar,” Bob said. “Bit of a dejavu he’s saying.”
You glanced down at your white dress and chuckled. “I can see why he’s feeling that way.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “nothing like the real deal though.” 
“Nothing like the real deal,” you said and smiled.
“Wow,” Jensen sighed at the sight of you walking into set.
You smiled slowly spinning to have him take a 365 look of you. He chuckled watching you show off the bridal dress. 
“Looking good, babe,” he said.
“And you look so handsome,” you could not help yourself and kissed him on the lips.
The kiss was quick and soft but very nice. 
“Are you ready to get married again?” Jensen asked after you guys broke the kiss. 
You nodded fixing the bottom of your dress, “Good thing we decided to get married before this happened. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if we had done this the other way around.”
“I think I’d probably eloped after this scene. You look too stunning not to marry you.”
Jensen always knew what to say, it was one of the reasons you loved him so much. At that moment, Jared, Misha and the rest of the cast got to set and everyone went right down to business. 
The course of this last episode was just how you thought it was going to be; bittersweet. It was full of laughs, tears and amazing actors working towards one goal. The goal was to give the fans a performance of a lifetime. This truly was an end of an era for you. Deep down you knew that it also meant the ending of something you didn’t even were looking for when you first got the part. 
The last scene consisted of Katherine and Dean dancing in the middle of an empty field of roses. You guys were in character but deep down you couldn’t help but enjoy this little moment for yourself as well. Jensen holds you closer to his body, showing the emotion of Dean not wanting to let go.
“I’m scared,” Jensen said his lines, Dean’s deep voice vibrating through your body. Your husband did a stunning job portraying his characters feelings. It was an extremely sad moment for Dean Winchester. A character that has lost so much and was going to lose the one thing that has brought hope to his life. 
“Dean Winchester,” you whispered in character, “I did not think you were scared of anything.” Your character had a special ability to make Dean smile even in the saddest moments. Jensen smiled softly at the small comment your character made. 
“I am only scared of losing you,” Jensen said. The script said that after that line he would hold you closer as you both danced. It took you for a small surprise when Jensen did a soft spin, holding you off your feet. Improvising in the most beautiful way. You also knew it was a good add on to the moment since Bob did not call cut on the sequence. 
Standing back, you touched Jensen’s chest. “I will always be here,” you said staring into his eyes, “till the end of times.”
The line was a queue for a passionate kiss, which you and your husband delivered. After a couple of seconds, you broke the kiss and whispered something in Jensen’s ear. He in character reacted by widening his eyes and staring at you as you slowly walked out of the scene. The camera only recording you walk away and Jensen you watching you in silence. 
As you were about to walk out of the camera’s sight, a whipped cream pie hit you in the face. 
“What the fuck?!” You yelled completely startled by the pie. 
Instantly everyone around you began to laugh, you stood there in the middle of a circle made by all your colleagues. Laughing you turned to Jensen who held the half empty pie on his hand. With narrow eyes and a devilish smirk, you ran towards him and covered his face with the some of the pie that was left on your face.  Jensen holds you by your waist and licked bits of the pie on your face. A couple of flashes from cameras were shot as you lived one of the happiest goodbyes. 
Suddenly you began to cry but it was a mixture of happiness and sadness. It was such a bitter sweet moment. 
“Honey?” Jensen looked at you, concerned of your crying.
You smiled trying to wipe the frosting and tears off your face.
“It’s happy and sad tears,” you said with a shrug. “I will miss this place so much.” Jensen instantly hugged you closer to him, and so did everyone around.
“We will miss you too, Y/N” you heard around you. 
“At least we have the goodbye party to get closure,” Misha said with a chuckle. 
You chuckled as well, “at least.” 
                                                - - - - - - - - - - - 
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mdelpin · 4 years
Nothing Says Fuck You...Like a Bouquet of Flowers
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Sorry for the crappy edit but I wanted to mark the occasion. I have somehow managed to write 100 Fairy Tail Fics since August 2017. I know boys, I’m shocked too! Here is #100 I hope you enjoy it!
For @oryu404​ and @becausewhenyoupracticeyouimprove​ two amazingly creative souls who have always been both supportive and incredibly fun to work and create with! Note: This story is inspired by this post and the infamous bouquet of loathing!
AO3 | FF.Net
Gray was so tired of Erza’s stupid plans to try to get him and Natsu to get along. Why couldn’t she get it through her damn skull that they were as friendly with each other as they were ever going to get and just leave it at that?
He couldn’t even remember the last time they’d actively tried to kill the other. It must have been at least a year by now? If that wasn’t proof that their relationship had improved, Gray didn’t know what would convince her.
But no, she had demanded he buy Natsu something “nice” to make up for knocking him into next week while he’d been distracted talking to Lucy earlier. The way Gray saw it, it was Natsu’s own fault for not being alert. All he’d done was remind the fire mage that he could be attacked at any moment. He’d done him a favor, really.
Gray grumbled, putting his hand in his pocket to pull out his money pouch, snorting as he realized it had been a gift from Natsu from the last time he’d been on the receiving end of Erza’s machinations. Although for the life of him, Gray couldn’t remember what the dumbass had done to earn the punishment. It was actually a pretty nice pouch made out of some sort of soft fabric he didn’t know the name of.
He opened it and poured his scant jewels into his hand, it looked like he had about 300 jewels on him. What could he possibly buy for that little? Maybe he could buy him some food, Natsu would be sure to appreciate that, but he had a feeling Erza would find fault with it.
Gray walked around town, peering into different shop windows, hoping to find something quickly, but nothing seemed right. He was staring into space when he heard someone speak to him.
“Can I help you find something, dearie?”
“Huh?” Gray blinked, trying to figure out where the voice had come from.
“I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been looking into all the shops. Are you looking for something?”
The voice belonged to an old woman who was standing in front of a flower shop. The one place he’d avoided in his search.
“Oh, yeah. I have to buy a gift for... a friend,” Gray explained, not sure what to call his rival. He guessed most of the time they were friends.
“I see, have you considered flowers? Most everyone likes getting flowers,” the old woman smiled as she showed him the shop behind her. “You can say just about anything with flowers.”
“Can you say I think you’re a stupid, good for nothing two-faced jerk who has disappointed me more times than I can count, and most of the time, I’m pretty sure I hate you?”
“My, that’s very colorful!” the woman laughed, not seemingly put off at all by the harsh words. “Are you sure this is for a friend?”
“Yeah, he’s just infuriating most of the time,” Gray muttered, remembering how he’d started to feel every time Natsu hung out with Lucy instead of him. It was just like it used to be before Lisanna had “died” and it bugged him. If he were actually honest with himself, that had probably had more to do with his attack than anything else, not that he would ever admit it out loud.
“Anyway, I should probably get back to it before the stores start closing.”
“Hang on, I never said I couldn’t help you. You can absolutely say all that with flowers,” the woman asserted, looking amused at the doubt on his face.
“Here, I’ll show you,” she grabbed him by the arm and brought him inside her shop.
“Let’s see,” she peered around the bright room until she found the flowers she was looking for, grabbing one and showing it to Gray, “This one here is a geranium, it symbolizes stupidity.”
Gray chortled as he saw the flower came in a shade of pink very close to Natsu’s hair color.
Gray knew squat about flowers except that some of them smelled awful, so he was intrigued by the idea that different flowers could mean different things. It sort of amused him to be able to give Natsu an “apology” gift that was quite literally a fuck you. Could it possibly get any better? Even Erza couldn’t say anything to that since he was quite sure the requip mage knew as much about flowers as he did.
He watched with fascination as the woman continued to pull out different flowers, showing them to him and explaining their meaning.
Foxglove for insincerity
Meadowsweet for uselessness
Yellow carnations for disappointment
Orange lilies for hatred
There quite literally was a flower for every sentiment he had jokingly expressed. And the absolute best thing about it all was that it was quite colorful. Hell, the way some of the colors of the flowers blended together made them almost look like bursts of flames. Natsu would absolutely go gaga over them. Gray could not contain his excitement, this might be the absolute best prank he had ever pulled off, and no one would be the wiser.
He felt quite proud of himself for having stumbled onto this opportunity.
“Alright, so say I wanted to have a bouquet made out of these flowers, how much would it set me back?”
“Well,” the old woman hesitated, clearly wanting to make a sale but not wanting to scare him off, “How much do you have?”
“All I’ve got is like 300 jewels,” Gray replied honestly, it wasn’t a huge sum so he wouldn’t mind using it all up, not considering the payback.
“For 300 jewels, I’ll have it delivered!” the old woman chirped. She gestured Gray towards a display of small cards. “Pick one out and write a message for your friend. Make sure to put his name and where you want it delivered on the envelope, and I’ll make sure my delivery boy gets it there today.”
Gray nodded his acceptance and began to look through the cards as the woman selected flowers. “Oh, and can you make sure you add in some of those pink geraniums, he’ll love those.” Gray giggled to himself as he finally selected a card.
He tapped the tip of the fountain pen gently on the table and tried to think of the perfect message, eyes lighting up when he finally came up with what he wanted.
Gray hastily scrawled it on the card, waiting for the ink to dry before putting it in the envelope and addressing it to Natsu Dragneel at the Fairy Tail Guild.
Handing the envelope over to the old woman, he once again removed his pouch, and while ignoring the twinge of guilt that attempted to distract him from his goal, he emptied its contents on the work table.
The woman smiled at him in acceptance, “Don’t you worry, my grandson will have these over to him as soon as I am done!”
Gray nodded, and before leaving the store, he thanked her gracefully, “This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.”
She laughed and waved as he left.
Gray wandered around town for a bit longer knowing he would go stir crazy at the guild waiting for the flowers to be delivered, plus there was the off chance that he’d get into another fight with Natsu that would make him leave the guild and miss the delivery of his present.
Once he thought enough time had passed, he made his way back to the guild, his entire body thrumming with anticipation. As he entered, he was immediately approached by Erza.
“Did you do as we discussed?”
“Yes, Erza, it should be here any minute,” Gray assured her.
“What did you get him?” she asked, eyebrow already raised in suspicion.
“Don’t worry, he’ll absolutely love it.”
“He’d better,” Erza threatened before moving to their team’s table and sitting down with Lucy, the two of them immediately immersing themselves in conversation.
“Hey, Ice Bastard, let’s go! You and me, right now!” Natsu’s flaming fist was in front of his face before he could protest.
“Boys!” Erza yelled from her table, “Isn’t one fight a day enough?”
“What do you mean?” Natsu complained, “That wasn’t a fight, he sucker-punched me, at least I’m calling him out.”
“I don’t care, I’ve had just about enough out of the two of you for one day,” Erza growled, “Gray, why don’t you go ahead and give Natsu his present so that we can all move on?”
“Oh, uhm, I don’t have it on me. It’s being delivered,” Gray explained quickly, wanting to defuse Erza before she had a chance to get going on one of her rants.”
“Delivered?” Natsu puzzled, “What kind of present gets delivered? Oh! Is it food? Cause I’m starving.”
“I thought about it, but I figured Erza wouldn’t accept that.”
“Oh!” Natsu laughed knowingly, “It’s one of those presents.”
“Alright, well, when is this present coming?” he asked, and there was no disguising the excitement in his eyes. Natsu was still a little kid when it came to anything present related.
Gray looked out the window and noticed a young boy walking around, holding some flowers and a note that he peered at before studying at all the buildings fixedly and finally walking their way.
“Looks like it’s just about to get here,” Gray declared, a smile already gracing his lips at the prospect.
Not one minute later, the door to the guild opened, and the boy entered. “I’m looking for a Mr. Natsu Dragneel, is he here?”
“I’m Natsu Dragneel, “Natsu walked over to him, and the boy handed him the bouquet of flowers which had been covered in colorful paper as well as plastic to keep them safe while they traveled.
Natsu’s nose must have been going into overdrive, for he stood there for a full minute sniffing all the different flowers and peering at their colors excitedly, just as Gray had known he would.
“Can I get your signature to show my grandma I delivered them?” the young boy asked, and Natsu quickly obliged, borrowing a pen from Mira to do so. “Thank you!”
“Wait!” Natsu called out before the little boy could leave. “Lucy, can I borrow some jewels?”
Lucy made a show of complaining, but she placed some jewels in Natsu’s hand nonetheless, and he quickly handed them to the little boy.
The little boy’s eyes lit up at the money, “Thank you!” he called out, bowing to both Natsu and Lucy before running off.
“You got him flowers?” Erza gushed at Gray, admiring the bouquet Natsu was holding. “I didn’t actually expect you to do something nice.”
“Those are really pretty, Gray, “ Lucy added, “the orange and yellow ones especially, they look just like fire. That was really thoughtful of you.”
Gray nodded absently, fascinated by the expression on Natsu’s face, even managing to ignore Juvia’s wails in the background as she realized her beloved had bought flowers, and they hadn’t even been for her.
“Oh, there’s a note!” Natsu exclaimed, grabbing the small envelope and setting his flowers gently on the nearest table so he could open it and read his message.
Natsu’s entire body, all the way to his ears, had become covered in a light coating of fire, which confused Gray greatly, not knowing quite what to make of his reaction.
He thought of the message he’d printed on the notecard.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Neither of those flowers is in this bouquet
But it still shows how I feel about you….
He’d felt really clever when he came up with it, and he still did, so why was Natsu acting so strangely and why was it beginning to affect him.
“I- I wasn’t expecting this,” Natsu finally said something, but it wasn’t really much help.
“I’m glad you like it?” Gray replied unsurely, still not positive what was going on or why now it seemed like everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch the two of them intently.
Juvia’s wails were only becoming louder, while Cana kept telling anyone who would listen that she’d known it all along, her cards had foreseen it.
Oh, God!
It was then that Gray realized he had not thought this through well enough. It seemed like Natsu, not to mention everyone else in the guild, thought the flowers were some sort of love confession.
Shit, Shit, Shit! He is going to beat the crap out of me for this. This isn’t funny at all!
“I’d told Lucy I was giving up this morning right before you punched me, but now to receive this from you, I- I don’t know what to say.”
Excuse me? What?!
Gray had been about to open his mouth to explain when those words washed all over him. Natsu liked him?! When the hell did that happen, and how come he didn’t know?! What should he do?
He heard a whisper in his ear, “I don’t know what your actual play was here, but I do know If you screw this up, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life.”
He jumped to see Erza give him a threatening look.
“Uhm, it’s no big deal,” Gray laughed nervously, tugging at his hair in the hopes it would circulate some blood into his brain that might help him get out of this unscathed.
“I don’t know about that Gray, I don’t think you even sent me flowers when we thought Lisana had died,” Mira smiled sweetly.
“You never bought me any flowers,” Juvia whined, absolutely positively not helping his case at all.
He could hear muffled snickering from the corner as both Freed and Bickslow attempted to hide their amusement at his discomfort. Before he had any time to do anything other than sending a glare their way, he was confronted by an even bigger problem.
“Oh, hey, Gray, what do the different flowers mean?” Lucy asked as she examined Natsu’s flowers more closely.
“Yes, Gray,” Erza’s arms were crossed in front of her chest, and he could tell from her smirk that she had already figured out what he’d done, “Please enlighten us, we’d like to know too.”
Gray’s eyes darted from one guild member to the next, all of them staring at him with varying expressions, but the one look he didn’t find on any of them was sympathy for his plight.
Unbreakable bonds, my ass!
“Meanings? I’m not quite sure what you mean,” Gray coughed, trying to buy himself some time, “I just, uhm, you know, thought they were pretty.”
“Is that so?” Erza raised her eyebrow at him again as she showed him the card he’d hastily written out earlier, “That’s funny, your message seems to indicate you do.”
Natsu’s gaze was locked on him, and Gray was having a hard time thinking straight. His green eyes were opened wide, and he looked so earnest and damn it vulnerable, and Gray instinctively knew Erza had been right. He couldn’t fuck around with this.
“Uhm the pinks ones are called geraniums, “ Gray calmly began to dig his own grave, what else could he do? Now that Lucy had opened her big mouth, he had no choice but to come up with meanings that didn’t sound terrible, and the others would accept. “I picked them cause they reminded me of your hair.”
That part was at least true. “They’re soft like your hair, too,” Gray blurted out, remembering a job not that long ago when Erza had knocked Natsu out on the train, and he’d ended up on his lap. Gray had spent most of the ride absently running his fingers through Natsu’s hair, feeling utterly relaxed as he watched the scenery rush by.
“Yes, but what does it mean?” Lucy asked again, earning herself her very own glare.
Okay, what could he change stupid to? Fun? Yeah, fun was good, and it was true that Natsu could be stupidly fun at times.
“Fun? Yeah, fun.” Gray tried to sound self-assured, but the way Natsu was furrowing his forehead made him think he wasn’t too convincing.
What were the others? Insincerity, uselessness, disappointment, and hatred his brain supplied helpfully.
This was never going to work, he wasn’t good under pressure. Not with words, anyway. Fuuuuuuuuck! Why did he have to be such an asshole?
His choices were limited. He could come clean now and earn both Erza and Natsu’s wrath, not to mention the entire guild’s for Natsu’s embarrassment, or he could try to make a run for it before he managed to put his foot in his mouth.
Gray was about to bolt when Cana came for him out of nowhere. “Just a minute, guys, I need him for something,” she called out before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him upstairs to the infirmary.
“What are you doing?!” she hissed at him, “You’re gonna blow your chance.”
“Huh?” he blinked at her, having no clue what she meant.
Cana facepalmed, muttering something about boys being stupid.
“Gray,” she began, using the same tone Gray had heard Erza use on Natsu when she was attempting to teach him something she thought a toddler should understand. “Why do you pick fights with Natsu all the time?”
“Cause he thinks he’s better than me,” Gray immediately responded with a scowl.
“Really? Did he think he was better than you when you punched him this morning?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Gray, have you seriously not noticed that you mostly pick on him when he’s talking to Lucy?”
“What, no?!” he protested even though he had to admit there might be something to that, but he stubbornly refused to acknowledge it.
“He’s just with her all the time, “ he declared, frowning at Cana.
“Uhuh, and that bothers you. Does it bother you when Natsu spends time with Erza or Happy?” Cana grinned knowingly.
“Don’t be stupid,” he sputtered, “Erza is Erza, we’ve known her forever, and Happy is a cat.”
“So just Lucy, then?”
“Maybe Lisanna, too,” he admitted grudgingly.
Cana slapped her leg in mirth, “I knew it! You are such a dope.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re in love with Natsu, you dumbass!”
“No, I’m not,” Gray disputed hotly, getting progressively more irritated by the gleeful expression on Cana’s face.
“Oh, yes, you are,” Loke laughed, appearing out of nowhere.
“Am not, why are you even here?”
“I was bored and popped in to whatever is going on downstairs,” Loke shrugged, “By the way, Levy is looking for some sort of flower encyclopedia in the guild library. I have a feeling that information is relevant, seeing as Natsu is holding the nastiest symbolic bouquet I’ve ever laid eyes on. Your work?”
“How do you even know about that stuff?”
“I’m a celestial spirit, I know all about symbolism, kinda my thing. Plus, I’ve bought many a lady flowers.”
No! Damn Levy and her stupid need to know everything! He was starting to get even more agitated.
“Just tell him you love him and get him out of the guild before she finds it,” Cana advised, “I can send Gajeel to distract her.”
“I already told you I -”
“That you’re in incredible denial?” Loke grinned, “No need to tell us, we know. We’ve watched you ogle him for years.”
“I do not ogle him,” Gray insisted, although, okay maybe he did look at Natsu more than was strictly necessary.
“Sure you don’t,” both Cana and Loke teased. “Have you seen how you get when anyone but you messes with him?”
Before he could protest that accusation, Loke grabbed him, putting his arm around his shoulder and squeezing it in solidarity, “Dude, just go down there and tell him how you feel. You already know he likes you. It’s not like you have anything to lose.” Loke advised.
“If you don’t, or Levy gets back before you have a chance to talk to him, he’ll be humiliated, and he’ll never forgive you. Any chance you might have had will be gone.”
“You know how proud and stubborn Natsu can be,” Cana reminded him, “Good luck getting through that if you fuck this up.”
“Ugh, I’m so confused, how do I know whether I’m in love with him or not?”
Loke smacked him on the back of the head with a sigh. “Okay, close your eyes.”
“Why do I have to close my-”
“Close your fucking eyes!”
“Fine, you don’t have to be such a jerk about it.” Gray closed his eyes and emptied his head as much as he could, although the tension didn’t entirely leave him.
“I want you to imagine kissing Juvia,” Loke demanded.
Gray tried to do as Loke asked, but he just couldn’t manage it, the most he was able to muster was a peck on the cheek.
“You done?” Loke asked, and when Gray nodded, he added, “Don’t open them yet, now do the same but with Natsu.”
Gray nodded, and this time there were tongues and teeth, moans and grunts and hair pulls, and he could feel the blood rush to his face.
“I rest my case,” Loke patted him on the back.
“Holy shit! I’m in love with Natsu,” Gray yelled only to hear Cana and Loke burst into laughs.
“Welcome to the party!” Cana cheered, “Better late than never. Now go down there before Levy can ruin it!”
Gray opened the door of the infirmary and ran down the stairs. He could hear Levy coming from the downstairs library, muttering that she had thought the geranium thing had sounded fishy.
Without a second thought, Gray froze up that entire entrance so that Levy couldn’t get back to the main room just yet. He could hear Gajeel complaining, but he seemed more interested in seeing things play out, especially as Levy didn’t really need his help to deal with the ice.
“I’m back,” Gray announced unnecessarily, hearing Loke and Cana coming down the stairs behind him.
“What is going on?” Natsu’s eyes had gone from earnest to suspicious, and Gray cringed, knowing he had very little time left. “Why did you ice that entrance?”
“Look, just forget about the flower meanings, all that stuff is stupid anyway. The important thing is that I like you too.” He grabbed Natsu by the arm and tried to steer him out of the guild, but Natsu refused to budge, shaking Gray off.
“You buy me flowers, write me that message, and then you start acting strangely the moment someone asks you about the meanings,” Natsu accused, and Gray could feel the room heating up around him, mirroring Natsu’s emotions. “You were messing with me, weren’t you? It’s gotta be some sort of insult.”
Now that the initial surprise at the gift had worn away, Natsu studied him carefully, taking in everything about him. Unfortunately, for Gray, he had always been able to read him better than anyone else.
“I am such an idiot, of course, it is!” Natsu yelled, “To think that I-, nevermind.”
“Wait! You’re right. I was pissed at Erza for making me get you something, so I was an ass,” Gray admitted, “Honestly, had you been with me, you probably would have gotten a kick out of it.”
He chuckled weakly but stopped when he noticed Natsu wasn’t joining in, he only looked more upset with every word that came out of Gray’s mouth. Alright, time to put his cards on the table.
“I’m sorry, I will get you a different present if you want, but I swear to you, I do like you,” Gray pleaded, “I just didn’t think you felt the same.”
“Wait a minute, now you’re trying to say you do like me?” Natsu searched his face again and seemed confused by whatever he found there. “That wasn’t part of the prank?”
Gray shook his head, wracking his brain for a way to prove his words.
“Alright, you have one chance to come clean, if I even sense you’re lying to me, we’re over before we start,” Natsu warned, his heated glare not filling Gray with much hope. “What do the flowers really mean?”
“Fine,” Gray accepted the challenge, knowing the only way out of this was to take his lumps. He avoided looking at Erza as he ticked each meaning off on his fingers. “Stupidity, disappointment, uselessness, hatred, and insincerity.”
Gray got the punch he was expecting, although he was a little surprised at the force behind it. Still, he took it without comment, knowing full well he deserved it, but it was what Natsu did next that surprised him.
Natsu roared with laughter, holding on to his sides as he doubled over. “You can say all that with flowers?!”
“You’re not mad?” Gray sputtered in disbelief.
“I mean yeah, a little, but I have to admit that’s pretty amazing and,” he declared sheepishly, his carefree demeanor allowing Gray to relax a little. “I would have been so tempted, too.”
He grabbed Gray’s hand and dragged him out of the guild.
“Hey, wait! Where are you taking me?”
“I want you to take me to that flower shop, I need to get a bouquet made for Gajeel,” Natsu grinned even as his eyes twinkled with mischief.
“We’ll talk on the way, I think we’ve caused enough of a scene for one day, don’t you?”
Gray could certainly agree with that sentiment, and full of curiosity as to what their talk would bring, he let Natsu pull him along.
Off they went, leaving the sounds of the guild behind as they strolled through town with their hands still laced together. Gray had no idea how it had all worked out, but his fuck you bouquet had somehow ended up getting him the one thing he’d wanted but had been too afraid to admit to.
From that day on, it became an inside joke between them to order the filthiest bouquets they could come up with for the other. Gray always made a point of including pink geraniums in the ones he ordered for Natsu.
An homage to the pink hair he adored and to his own stupidity, which had finally worked in his favor.
A/N: This marks my 100th Fairy Tail fanfic, which is something I am quite proud of. When I first started writing fanfic I never thought I’d get to 10 stories let alone 100. I hope you enjoy this one, I really wanted the 100th one to be gratsu since they are my OTP and my first love.
I want to thank everyone who has read my stories and enjoyed them and an even bigger thank you to the ones who actually let me know in some way! I really appreciate your support, it blows me away. Also thank you to all the friends I have made on this journey, I hope we’ll all be around a while longer!
30 notes · View notes
poipoipoi-2016 · 4 years
So you’ve decided you want to walk across the Grand Canyon
@dwelling-abode​ pinged me, and I ranted enough I’m just going to make this a post
3 parts: 
The Hike itself and why it sucks
The warnings
The walkthrough
The gear you’re going to use to make it suck less and also not die
The fitness you need to be in to not die
I apologize to all the mobile people for whom this is a wall of text.  
The hike:
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Two variations: 
1) Rim-to-Rim aka North Kaibab to Bright Angel.  I did this.  1 day down, 2 days up.  
2) South Kaibab to Bright Angel off the South Rim
First thing you should notice: There is no water on South Kaibab.  There is no purified water source between Cottonwood and Bright Angel (Well, er, Phantom Ranch) which is the longest, hottest, most exposed portion of the trip.  You are coming up Bright Angel.  
The other thing you should notice: 1000 feet is 600 miles, this is the rough equivalent weather-wise of walking from Calgary to Phoenix to Minneapolis.  On a good day, your downhill day has a 60 degree temperature differential.  
This in turn enforces a very hard cutoff in terms of when it’s physically possible to do this, namely about 2 weeks in early October when the North Rim is open and it *might* not be 100+ degrees at the bottom.  Key word might.  I did it on the last possible day (No seriously, I flew my grandmother out to spend 4 days driving the car around), and it was 92.  
If you’ve never done serious exertion, 55 is t-shirt weather, I mean this.  
If you do it in June/July/August/early September, you will die.   There is no safe way to do this (Read: Any) level of physical activity in the desert in those temps.  
So let’s walkthrough the hike. 
The first mile and a half down to Supai is a boring series of switchbacks down through a pine forest.  Poor visibility because of the trees, boring yellow/grey rock, just do it.  Weather-wise, it went from 30 to 60 in the space of about 2 hours, if you brought a jacket, it’s in the backpack by now.  
Then you get to the tunnel.  If your less... energetic... companions want to come down a little bit, this is the spot they gawk and turn around.  There is a water supply, but it was covered in wasps, so don’t count on it running.  Probably 60-90 minutes down, 2-3 hours back up.  
The rock turns red, the pines get replaced by high desert scrub, it’s really the first open view of the next few miles of the hike and the light’s come around *just* far enough that it’s down into the canyon, but it’s still good light.  
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Broadly speaking, you’re switchbacking down the left wall to the bridge, over the bridge, then down the right wall until you hit the bottom of that far wall.  
About halfway down, the red rock converts into the red-gray rock, and the trail becomes a dynamited cut into the sheer rock wall.  If you’re afraid of heights... enjoy!  Seriously, it’s freaky.  There is a tree in this picture.  
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It’s another 15-20 degrees hotter (80... It was 30 4 hours and 3000 feet ago), and the sheer rock walls largely conceal the transition from the pictured scrub to actual desert.  
At Roaring Springs, the red rock ends and you get this off-green shale in eroded piles.  The trail flattens out, opens up, and goes another half mile down to the pumphouse.  This was my first working water supply!  It is 11:37AM.  I have been walking for 4.5 hours, 6 miles, and I have another 8 hot, flat miles to go.  
At this point, you merge with Bright Angel Creek.  This is the worst part of the trip.  ~5 miles of open terrain through the desert on a hot, hot day.   Another mile up is Cottonwood, the last water supply until Phantom.  Drain your water now, and refill completely.   Drink, drink, drink.  
About 2 miles up is the Ribbon Falls side trail.  Unfortunately, the bridge was out and I really did not feel like going up to the ford, fording the creek and doubling back while carrying this much gear.  This was a good choice, since I barely made it by dark.  In October, I doubt it’s really running tbh.  
So 5 miles rambling through the desert as the red side cliffs get higher and higher, you get lower and lower, and the day gets hotter and hotter. 
And finally, at last, 11 miles of walking in, you hit the box canyon.  Blessed shade.  3 miles of increasingly tired cornering later, there’s a side hike to Phantom Overlook, 1000 feet straight up, but I was running out of both light and leg strength, so I passed on this.  If you’re coming down South Kaibab, you have 5-6 hours to kill, so go explore the box canyon.  It’s seriously cool, and you’ll never be back here again.  
Go to Phantom Ranch or Bright Angel Campground, check in, drop your bags, run run run down to the river for sunset at the black bridge.  Stay there until dark, then use your headlamp to get back.  
Variant: There’s a variant I’d love to do where I manage to get Cottonwood permits as well, and then do both Ribbon Falls and Phantom Overlook as Day 2 with some more time at Phantom Ranch.  That’s about 7 down slow on the first day, a relaxing early sleep, ~11 (and ~4000 feet of elevation gain/loss nervous_monkey_puppet.jpg) on Day 2, then 2 easy 9-mile days on the climb with dead legs.  
Note: I stayed in the cabins and got 2 hours of sleep.  Preferably, you should just do Bright Angel Campground.  Lows of 70 are perfectly fine for sleeping.  
Day 2:
Wake up.  Walk down to the river, cross... either of the bridges are fine really, black bridge is a slight detour, but ideally this is a short day, adding a mile won’t hurt.  I must admit to being moderately curious about the south side trail from black to gray bridge.  
Two miles running up and along a cliffside trail to the base of Polk Creek. 
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Looks like this, that’s a cell phone camera, enjoy.  
You’re still pretty low, but also desert morning, shade, and the river being a giant heatsink.  Then you start the climb out. 1500 feet up to Indian Garden, probably 80% of that climb is a 2-mile stretch of switchbacks.  Lovely red and yellow rock.   
The last mile or two before the campground are flat, exposed to the sun, and still low enough it’s hot hot hot.  80′s are expected.  
And then you finally get to the campground (Trees, shade, toilets, first actual real water supply since Phantom!).  At this point, either:
1) Congrats, you have a campground!  Set up camp, rest, relax, maybe make a Plateau Point (2 miles, 1 hour each way, perfectly flat the whole way) run.  
2) If you’re really fast and have 2 hours/4 miles of buffer in your legs (Iffy, 14 mile day up a 4400 foot cliff), also make a Plateau Point run.  It’s not very pretty at 2:00 in the afternoon, so really don’t feel bad for skipping.  
3) Stare in sheer horror at the 3000 foot cliff that has finally become visible in front of you, and cry inside.  
You are a third of the way up.  
I wasn’t feeling so good, so I went to bed early.  The sun goes down at 6:00 by the way, and it’s so dark you’ll just conk out.  
Day 3: 
So I woke up at 4AM, made a sunrise Plateau Point run (DO THIS) with my tripod, and then headed back.  Packed up the campground, started up about 9:00 or so?  
This is ideal.  You’re headed right up the middle of a crack in the rock, and if you do it this way, you’re making the climb in 60 degree weather in the shade pretty much until the top.  If you took Option #2 or #3 yesterday, the sun comes around, and you’re doing the climb in 75 degree weather in the sun.  
There’s not really much here.  It is exactly a 5 mile, 3000 foot climb with 2 intermediate water supplies split every 1000 feet on 2/1.5/1.5 mile splits.  3 mile resthouse has a decent view.  The most exciting thing past that is the red/yellow line in the rock, and if you do this early enough, the sun will be on that wall.  This took me about 4.5 hours.  
The hike until now has been a 2.5-day test of your ankles.  Downhill, uneven ground, drop-offs, etc.  This is a sheer test of your quad strength and cardio.  Especially as you get closer to 8K feet.  “Officially”, I burned 6200, 4300, 6200 calories across the 3 days.  
The most encouraging thing is seeing the increasingly “tourist” nature of your hiking companions since the serious hikers have proper gear and the less serious ones... do not.  So if you’re watching some little 4 year old kid in Converse, you’re probably not *that* far from the top.  
At the top, stay as close to the Rim as possible.  My ankle gave out the second I got to the top, and I had to hobble half a mile to my hotel.  God help me if there was a shuttle ride or a longer walk.  
Shower, relax, massage some feeling back into your feet, change clothing if you brought extra, THEN meet up with your family members.  And then I was bored, so for sunset, I went around and grabbed this shot of the trail.  
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Gear that will keep you from death: 
Satellite comms: 
Garmin satellite comms ($350 for the Inreach Mini + more $$$$ for the actual plan) https://www.rei.com/product/140110/garmin-inreach-mini-2-way-satellite-communicator
I upgraded to the good plan that lets you send infinite random texts (~10 minute delay), and didn’t regret it.  But you need a Panic button that works.  There’s pretty good connectivity, you don’t need one of the $1000 beacons they use in slot canyons, and the cheaper competitors don’t.... actually work.  
Invest in a Garmin.  Set it up.  TEST IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE.  Make sure your relatives know how to contact you over the satellite comms, and that your texts will arrive from some random number.  
Hiking gear: 
Fitted Backpack with both good chest and hip straps and an internal support structure ($2-400)
I’ve been ecstatically happy with my 70L Osprey (Aether?), I also have a 24-inch torso.  
They make different ones for men and women, because the men’s ones put the chest strap straight across the nipples.  You actually care about that.  
Carbon Fiber Hiking Poles tested and fitted ($300)
Get you down steps, get you across rivers, provide support on pushes up, get weight off the ankles.  
Protip: 5cm too long on downhills, 5cm too short on uphills.  
Good boots/shoes ($150-$300)
There’s an inherent tradeoff between ankle support and weight in the boots.  Personally, for a through-hiker with serious gear, I’d go with mid-rise boots
If you were doing a true Rim-to-Rim, they all use trail runners even when they’re not running it.  
Good Boot Socks
Merino Wool is a must, I really like Darn Tough thick boot socks.  
Moisture-wicking underwear
Merino Wool is acceptable
Carbon Fiber is light, you actually care about every ounce. 
Related: You’re about to spend 3 days in the same clothing, it will smell. Merino at least makes it smell better and handles the moisture acceptably.  
Anti-heat gear:
A good sweat-wicking wide-brim hat with holes in the outer band (The name brand is Tilly for $80, I think mine was about $40?)
Good, tough, not too hot hiking pants ($60/pair?)
Ripping is bad, extra pockets are good.  
I use these, note the water resistance and also two pockets, one per leg, with horizontal zippers so you can reach straight down and things can’t fall out of your pockets.  
Some people use those convertible shorts, I’ve never liked the zippers myself.  
Good moisture-wicking t-shirts, or even better polo shirts ($40)
Polo shirts let you pop your collar and cover your entire neck.  
Moisture-wicking keeps you alive when it’s 95.  
SPEND MONEY.  It’s a $40 t-shirt, you just need one, SPEND THE MONEY. 
Light jacket for cold mornings
At least one water bottle and 1 3L Osprey water bladder
Some form of backup water purification
High-carb, high-calorie-to-weight-or-volume, low-fiber food
6000 calories a day * Fiber in an energy bar...
Personal recc: Nutter Butters.  Easy to find in any mid-sized grocery store, can go a week without going stale, etc, etc.  Throw 2-3 family-sized packs into Ziploc, ration one a day.  
Phantom Ranch has a store, you can buy some more food there.  
They also have an all-you-can-eat breakfast, that’s worth investing in if you’re in the cabins.  
Any needed meds.  I have contacts so I needed a little bottle of Boston.  
Camping Gear (Skippable if through-hiking or only staying at Phantom):
Lightest possible self-supporting full-frame tent ($300)
The ground is rocky, you probably can’t pitch
There are scorpions and rats.  If you want to try a tarp, I can’t stop you.  
Sleeping bag + pad
Cold, but not that cold at night
Once again, rocky ground.  
Your permit, in a plastic Ziploc bag.  
Camera Gear: 
Your cell phone is very good these days.  
But fine, it’s a once in a lifetime trip.  
Full-frame or APS-C body
High-MP landscape body if you can do it.  
24-105/4 for the day hikes.  (NIkon is 24-120/4)
You want the reach more than you want a 24-70/2.8.  
(Optional) 16-35/2.8 for nights/star shots/wide
Long lenses are heavy.  105 is good enough.  
I brought a full-sized tripod, this was simultaneously super-cool and incredibly stupid.  
Maybe a Platypod instead?
Don’t lose your remote trigger the day before like I did.  
Peak Design Clip.  Seriously, amazing little gadget.  
Wallet (Pull the loose change), keys, etc. 
Paper printouts of your South Rim hotel reservations in a Ziploc bag.  
I brought a change of clothing because Grandma was a couple days behind me, but an extra pair of underwear and socks is probably a good idea.   
Extra batteries.  
I blew out 2 camera batteries and an entire 26K mAh battery over 3 days with a camera, a phone, and satellite comms.  
Fitness that will keep you from death:
Broadly Speaking: 
Ankles/Calves/Feet are stability
Quads are power
Hips and back and chest hold the backpack up 
Mine weighed 35 pounds, this is not nothing. 
Cardio matters at the very end, gets outweighed by stability until then.  
1MPH at 7K feet is 3MPH at sea level basically.  And you can do 3 MPH now.  
Arms kinda sorta show up and help a little bit on the hill climbs?
Pretty much your order of priority is top to bottom.  Ankles giving out is a $10000 helicopter ride and months of rehab, legs giving out is a surprise lunchtime and an hour-long rest sitting on a rock somewhere.  
BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE, also Lyle’s calf rotation starting about 6 months out, ending 4 just in case you injure something. 
Leg press and one-legged leg press.  Also stairs.  Loaded stairs if possible.   Press it UP!  Press, press, press.  I got up to 700 pounds on an incline press.  
Legs, but also Cardio:
Bring your backpack and wear your hiking boots to the gym, take a treadmill, and go slow and highly angled for a long time.  Speed up as you get better.  You use subtly different muscles when you have ankle protection on because the Achilles is no longer able to act as a spring.  Train them hard now.  
If you’ve got a good hill climb near you, be religious about that.  
There are worse things than finding an ice cream shop 10 miles away, walking there with a fully loaded pack for hours and hours, getting the biggest ice cream they have, and Ubering home.  
Hip hinges with perfect back posture.  Deadlifts wreck the back and risk injury, but rack pulls are perfect.  Load up, load up, load up.  
Other back exercises: Cable rows with perfect back posture, Pulldowns with perfect back posture.  
So you did cable rows, right?  Yeah, that’ll get you some good enough arms.  
Whatever you end up doing, pause it 2-3 months out.  Avoid injury.  Maintain your lifts, lose 10 pounds, and maybe up the cardio a tad.  
And good luck and enjoy.  
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songofthecagedmoose · 6 years
Rowena Appreciation Week: Day 6 - Favorite Pairing
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Okay so first of all, hi, I’m late to the Day 6 party because I wanted to make a manip so bad but I was looking for decent material to work with all day yesterday and #thestruggleisreal (I promise tho, I will finish it asap because I’ve got a shitload of concepts and a lot of excitement)... Anyways, sorry about that, let’s get to the point.
My favorite Rowena pairing is (shockingly enough) Samwena.. Samwitch.. sAm x rOwEnA whatever tf (we need to find the official ship name people, it’s become a struggle). Now, here’s a thread (grab some popcorn or your Starbies, it’s gon’ be long):
I’m going to be honest, at first I couldn’t ship Rowena with anyone, because you know, we met her as a strong bitchy beast and stuff (I mean, she still is, but yanno.. more soft and even more adorable) and no one seemed to be you know.. ‘’enough’’ for this whole of a woman (I hope you know what I mean). I mean, aight I went through a phase in which I shipped her with Cas (ngl it was soft and neat), but then I got like ‘’nah let the pie-guy have him lol’’ (no shade, I like destiel) Then Lucifer appeared and I was like he can take it. But then he appeared to be a bit ‘too enthusiastic’’ if you will that’s the least I can say and one more ship sailed for me. But
here he was. Sam Winchester standing there with his 10 ft. long legs. Seeing them working together (and then that glorious scene w/ Ro squeezing his bicep happened and I was like oh wow) and interacting more and more got me like: ‘’this could be something.’’ But yanno, they remained austerely frienemies for many seasons, the ship was weak, there weren’t enough shippers around, so I slowly started getting over it. But
oh boy oh boy, Season 13 aired.. and let me tell you, it was something else, the internet blew up with the fucking ship and I was opening champagne bottles up in here.These two started interacting more and more, Sam was the first one that started believing in Ro, even from the previous seasons.. And then they got to have the convo about their traumas and stuff. And Sam trusted her enough to give her the page that would unbind her powers.. At this point I knew that bitch fasten your seat belt this is happening fr. They found out about their destiny, which was obviously a hard pill to swallow..Sam reluctantly shot her, Rowena got hurt because she didn’t think that he would actually do it and at this point I’m crying my eyes out.. Rowena tried to kill him, she couldn’t anymore, Death herself spilled the tea.. And yet, Sam believes that she deserves redemption.
She agreed to help the boys and prove that yanno, Bad Girl Gone Good.. And then we saw Sam making sure she would be okay before leaving, and then getting worried about her when meeting Lucifer.. Last but not least, we see him owning her for like, the 397934th time.. she saw a chance and she fucking took it. I won’t say a thing about the Charlie x Rowena road trip because I still don’t know how I feel about this, hoe’s confused 
And yeah so, that was a short (kind of) Samwena canon recap. Now, let’s jump to conclusions like Jiminy fucking Cricket.
They’ve definitely developed a very intriguing bond over the seasons, and if it doesn’t get canon, it will be still an incredible (kind of) friendship. Rowena obviously thinks that he’s the only one she could trust, that’s why he would be the first one to call when in danger or something. On the other hand, Sam is one of the few people that have seen her heart, and that’s important. Now, if we consider their destiny, this could end up being either a life-risking romance, or a very short friendship. And let me tell you, I’ve come up with every possible sad ending for both (bitch came prepared, don’t @ me). 
Additionally, I just love how small she looks next to him (lOoKs), and how done Sam is every time Rowena gets sarcastic. 
Anyways, that’s my favorite pairing. This is the moment when people say: ‘’Can’t wait for what’s to come’’ or something, but we’re talking for two people that will either love or kill each other, so I’m not sure whether or not I’m excited for the future.. Agonized? Probably. I will continue imagining that they’re somewhere alive and happy either way so byee
Last but not least, I just wanted to say that there’s nothing wrong with shipping, not matter the pairing’s reputation, or how ‘’healthy’’ it is. It’s still fiction. Please respect everyone’s opinions and preferences and don’t try to create problems or talk shit about them just because they intervene with your ships, it isn’t cool at all.
and yeah that’s it, if you survived, congratulations. Let’s be honest, y’all didn’t believe for a second that I would just make a quick post for Fav Pairing Day, did you? SYKE
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Im Laura, Late twenties, working full time but searching for a few new threads to get me though the winter months. I post two or three times a week, sometimes more. Some days its around 300 words ish. Occasionally I have pumped out three thousand, but I am a firm believer in quality not quantity.  Please be… I play male and female equally, however I will not play the male because you only play female. I mean, come on. We are all adults here. If that’s the case, I will ignore you. Negotiate with me! Talk to me, but don’t thrust your needs down my throat. I am happy to play M/F, M// and perhaps F// but I am out of practice with that. I haven’t written a girl in a long time and I want to shake it up. I try to write three paragraphs per post, but I am not a stickler for it. I will match you, and I am also happy to have the shorter, one paragraph quick fire posts. I think the official term is 'lazy lit'. Doubling? Not such a fan but will do.  Now to everyone’s favourite topic; Smut. Very few things I won’t discuss. Usual limits here. I write Top and Bottoms equally and really prefer characters who switch. I reserve the right to fade to black. I DO NOT DO PORN WITHOUT PLOT. Oh, and try and rape my characters without warning me, and I will vanish.  • Twenty-one plus.  • Open minded and willing to talk.  • Patient and able to communicate. • Nice and not just poof without notice – I understand crises happen, but after a week of no contact, I prod people… if nothing after that then I move on. If you contact me after that and explain I am usually willing to listen. Most of the time.  • Willing to world build, bounce ideas and plot. Genres…  Fantasy: • Urban Fantasy: Witches, werewolves, vampires but set in a modern, day to day world.  • High Fantasty: Elves and quests and destroying the dark forces.  Sci-fi.  • Colonising an alien world • Exploring space, perhaps finding a new home for human kind.  Slice of life • Political Drama’s  • Romance between extreme wealth and almost poverty  • Last Chance Ranch. Romance in life’s last chances. Fandom’s: Although this can be negotiated, I have indicated with Bold who I would prefer to play… Harry potter: • Harry/Draco • Harry/Snape • Draco/Hermione • Snape/Lupin A Court of Thorns and Roses/Mists and Fury/Wings and Ruin • Feyre/Rhys • Cassian/Nesta  • Azriel/OC Others… • Bond/Q • Christian/Ana – Fifty Shades  A few specific characters and plots… After rereading a few old role plays, I have a few cravings to dust of a few characters who died or perhaps I felt didn’t get there full run.  Supernatural: I have an OC who I would love to play against Dean Winchester. Elle is a spitfire who can give Dean as good as she gets. She had seen what’s out there… I was thinking set after season five when Sam fell into the pit.  Romance isn’t necessary. I would prefer to start with a teacher/student relationship, and a strong friendship before anything else. Not so mental hospital: Doctor Carter James is a young psychiatrist who has taken up a new position in a hospital, dealing with the insane. Only trouble is that he is psychic to a degree (if repressed), and so is his newest patient. (Female ONLY) Oh, and something is hunting the patents and actually driving them insane.  I am only role playing on email right now, as it is available across all my platforms. My apologies for sounding like a bitch. I’m not. I swear! [email protected]
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geekmama · 6 years
This Bud of Love
Still another post-Sherrinford/Musgrave offering, a series of seven drabbles of varying lengths using the prompts for Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Fall 2018 (in slightly altered order). I'm late to the game with this one, this is the last day of posting, but it was fun to revisit these situations.
 Prompt: "Free For All" - 150 words
It wasn’t long before Molly realized there was something very strange going on… something very wrong. Her ‘bad day’ was cast into the shade as she tried first to reach John, then Mycroft, to no avail. Third time’s the charm, she thought as Lestrand picked up, but the information he gave -- 221B blown up and some covert operation in progress -- almost left her speechless.
She told Greg about the phone call.
After that it was sirens, screeching tires, pounding feet, kind eyes, sharp orders; hidden cameras, at least, and who-knew-what at most. She was hustled away as they began to take apart her house, just like that phone call had taken apart her heart -- and she could not help but wonder about Sherlock’s heart, the desperation in his voice, and if he would forgive her the disastrous moment of stubborn pique that had forced those words from his lips.
 Prompt: "Touch" - 300 words
The ‘safe house’ that Mycroft’s P.A. arranged was not at all what Molly had expected, so elegant that, when she was finally left alone, she could only hug herself and stare about her at the luxurious appointments, beautiful antiques, and the fire in the grate, her eyes beginning to sting nonsensically. However, when a tear escaped to slip wetly down her cheek, she came out of her stupor, exclaimed, “Stupid!”, swiped it away, gathered her little courage, and began to look about her.
She’d been told to get some sleep, that she’d be kept abreast of developments, but alone, frightened, and worried was not a formula designed to produce such an outcome. She did what she could. She found a soft sleep tee, a fluffy dressing gown, and a bathroom both incredibly posh and fully stocked with the finest toiletries. She would have enjoyed herself very much indeed in the time that followed, if she had not been so thoroughly heartsick.
There was a television but, though she clicked through the channels for hours, it told her nothing to the point.
It was nearly 2AM and she was finally sinking into a troubled slumber when there was a knock at the door. She silently scrambled up, out, over the thick Aubusson carpet, and peered through the peephole.
Sherlock. Looking as ravaged as she felt.
She unchained and unbolted the door, threw it open, and they gaped at each other for a long moment: fraught, electric; paralyzing.  
Then Sherlock breathed, “Molly… Molly, I--”
But she threw herself at him, almost yelping, “I’m sorry!”
Wonder of wonders, he caught her and hugged her close, solid and safe under the rough wool of that coat. “You’re sorry!” he said, almost laughing. “Oh my God. Molly… I love you!”
She began to sob.
Prompt: "Scent" - 700 words
The delicious scent of fresh coffee woke them.
Molly’s eyes blinked open to find that she was still nose to nose with Sherlock, both of them sharing the same pillow, and his arms were loose about her. He was awake too, his brow stormy as he listened intently.
“Anthea, I think, but you stay here while I go see.”
He slipped silently out of bed and moved out, toward the tiny kitchen. However, Molly refused to be left out and followed, after a moment, straightening her sleep tee and running her fingers swiftly through her disheveled hair. There had been a great deal of extremely satisfactory cuddling in the wee hours of the night, and she could not help but smile to remember it, even with an unknown stranger having invaded their nest.
But it was indeed Anthea, Mycroft’s insouciant P.A.
“What the devil are you doing, sneaking in here?” Sherlock demanded.
Anthea was unperturbed by his threatening tone. “Can I help it if the pair of you were dead asleep? I’ve brought you breakfast and a message from your brother.” She glanced over at Sherlock and saw that Molly was there, too, just behind and to the side. Anthea smiled. “Good morning, Dr. Hooper. I hope you rested well?”
Sherlock turned to scold, but Molly ignored him and slipped past, into the kitchen. “Yes, thank you. After Sherlock’s arrival, at least. Is his brother all right? And John?”
“John is home with his daughter and seems none the worse for his experience -- physically, at least. And Mycroft came into the office this morning as usual.” She shook her head in disapproval.
“What’s his message?” asked Sherlock. “And, more importantly, what have you brought us for breakfast? I haven’t eaten since before the flat was blown up.”
“I thought you hadn’t. Catering straight from Christopher’s in Covent Garden, probably more than you can eat -- they seem to have sent a little of everything. Your coffee’s black with two sugars, correct? And would you like coffee, too, Dr. Hooper, or do you prefer tea?”
“Coffee, please!” Molly said, sitting down at the little café table in the corner of the kitchen. “Is there cream?”
“Certainly,” said Anthea. “Sit down, Sherlock, and I’ll serve you both. Then I have to get back to the office. Mycroft is exhausted, but is full of plans for the next few days.”
“My parents,” Sherlock said, morosely, sitting down beside Molly and taking her hand under the table. He gave it a squeeze, and they exchanged a look that made Molly light up inside. And outside, too, apparently. Sherlock lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Then Anthea was there with a tray and a knowing smile for them both. Molly felt herself blushing a little, but Anthea said only, “A car’s being sent for your parents. Mycroft believes it would be best if they were told as soon as possible.” As she laid out their breakfast, she added, “He says there is no need for you to attend the initial meeting, Sherlock. That the responsibility is his and his alone.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes. “He would, of course. Idiot.”
“You’ll come back with me then?” Anthea asked, hopefully, with an apologetic glance at Molly.
Molly’s heart gave a twinge, but she forced a smile when Sherlock said, “Yes, I’ll have to. Mycroft’s made mistakes, but much of it was initiated by our uncle. But knowing Mycroft, he’ll try to take the full blame, which will ultimately only confuse matters.
Anthea sighed. “That’s what I think, too.” She set the tray aside. “I’ll leave you to enjoy breakfast and wait for you in the car. Dr. Hooper, your home has been cleared and our people have done their best to put things back in order. We can drop you there before going on to the office.”
“Yes. Alright,” said Molly, the twinge increasing. She watched Anthea leave, heard the door close behind her, then turned slowly to Sherlock…
Who looked as unsure as she felt.
He said, “I… my flat’s not habitable at the moment…” His voice trailed off.
“Would you… like to stay at mine?”
His uncertainty vanished, and he smiled again.
 Prompt: "Sound" - 100 Words
It was hours before the sound of the front door opening brought Molly rushing  into the foyer. Then she hesitated. Old habits.
Sherlock closed the door behind him, looked as though he wanted to rush to her, but hesitated, too. Then held out his hand.
She came to him and took the hand (big and warm, yet elegant, with the calluses of an accomplished violinist) and after a brief, still moment, he pulled her into his arms. An imperative finger was presently set beneath her chin, raising it. She took the hint, and stood on tiptoe, melting into his kiss.
 Prompt: "Taste" - 200 words
He was not entirely untutored, what with He-Made-Me-Wear-The-Hat Janine, John’s hackable computer password and eclectic taste in porn, and Molly’s own predilection for the steamy romance novels that Sherlock had occasionally picked up as light reading, usually in the wake of particularly intense criminal cases. Yet there was a wonder and innocence in the way they proceeded that afternoon and well into the evening.
Never had Molly wanted to give herself so completely. Never had a man been so attuned to her needs, and ready to give of himself.
She lay there, boneless, the echo of her cries fading as he moved up to cover her, one hand urging her thighs to part once more, the other tangling in her hair. His face blurred before her as she murmured his name, and then she arched, gasping as hypersensitive flesh was gently grazed. He kissed her, open mouthed, messy, and delicious with the taste of them both, and, amazingly, desire rekindled deep within her.
He moved his lips, trailing kisses in a path to her ear: “Now, my Molly?”
She could only reply, “Yes, please,” and, reaching down to guide him, turned her head and caught his lips in another kiss.
    Prompt: "Sight" - 300 words
“I never thought I’d see live to see it,” John said with a grin as Molly and Sherlock approached the table in their favorite “cake place”. Rosie was eighteen months old that day. It had to be celebrated.
The toddler gave a happy cry, and Molly swept her up, letting Sherlock take the brunt of John’s observation for the moment. A glance showed that he bore some heightened color, but there was a happy glow about him, a kind of pride that could not be hidden. Certainly John had seen it.
“A lot has changed,” Sherlock said, simply. “It’s good to see you. No ill effects?”
“None to speak of,” John said, shrugging slightly. “More thankful than ever to be alive, to tell you the truth. How’s Mycroft doing? What’s he think of… er… all this? You and Molly?”
Sherlock gave Molly a crooked grin. “He’s the one who goaded me to it. After you left that night, he showed up and told me how… how concerned Molly had been. What else could I do but go to her, and see that she was well.”
John chuckled, but shook his head, too. He looked over and caught Molly’s eye. “Was it worth the wait? For him to grow some bollocks, I mean.”
Molly frowned at the use of such language around her innocent goddaughter, but she laughed, too. “Sherlock’s bollocks have always been just fine, John. And of course it was worth the wait.”
She would have said more, but at this point, Rosie pushed a little away and said to her father and godfather, quite clearly, “Bollocks!”
Molly gave a cry of dismay and laughter, Sherlock groaned, and John said, “Oh, my God. Okay, maybe we’d do better to just shut up for now and eat some cake, yeah?”
 Prompt: "Feelings" - 250 words
Mycroft stood watching his little brother and sister playing their violins. Sherlock was good, but Eurus was brilliant, incandescent, as was her nature. Such brilliance, yet her powers had been used to do so much ill.
He glanced at his mother and father, who sat entranced. So many years wasted, his mother had said, tears in her eyes.
But he had done the best he could. There was nothing else he could have done but acquiesce to Uncle Rudy’s arrangements.
And protect his vulnerable little brother. Or at least that’s how it had seemed. Sherlock had been brilliant, too, but where Euros was cold, their brother had burned and burned. The boy might have gone up in flames -- had been close to it a number of times in fact -- if Mycroft had not taken control of the situation.
And yet… speaking of wasted years.
But it was all water under the bridge now. Sherlock and Molly might be older, but the happiness they were currently experiencing and would, no doubt, continue to experience had its seeds in Musgrave, and had come to fruition at Sherrinford.
Nothing was ever wasted, it seemed.
Mycroft roused himself from his musings to find the eyes of his little sister upon him. The laughter in them was quite visible through the protective glass.
We are all fools in love.
He wondered vaguely where he’d heard that. A quote from some novel?.
He’d have to look it up.
Or ask his soon-to-be sister-in-law. She would know.
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livingcorner · 3 years
How we grew HUNDREDS of pounds of food without weeding or watering a single time!@|how to start a back to eden garden@|https://www.amodernhomestead.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Getting-started-with-the-back-to-eden-gardening-method-Updated-FB.jpg@|21
This backyard garden idea, the back to eden gardening method, is the perfect garden for first time gardeners! No weeding, no watering, just a high yield organic garden!
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The Back to Eden gardening method is a way to garden that recreates natures intended growing environment. It also meant that with just 2 hours of bed prep and planting time, we yielded over 1500 pounds of food in the fall! All without any watering or weeding!
In 2016 we lost our jobs, started making real money blogging, and moved to the country. It was a dream come true and we were thrilled to finally be working towards a real homestead!
Of course a big part of that dream was the ability to grow our own food. So we started researching just what kind of garden we wanted to have. I’ll admit when I first heard about the Back to Eden gardening method I had two thoughts…
1. This sounds perfect! No weeding, no tilling the soil, and no watering?? I’m in! 2. Wait, I live in Texas. It’s hot here. This will never work.
And oh friends let me tell you, only one of those thoughts turned out to be true.
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Check out our favorite seed company: White Harvest Seeds They’re a family business, great customer service, and our top choice.
What is the Back to Eden Gardening Method?
I would just say “it’s magic” and leave it at that… because that’s totally true… but you probably need more information than that
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Basically the Back to Eden gardening method is all about recreating the environment in which plants already thrive in nature.
For example: if you have some wild berry bushes that you harvest every year, you probably aren’t going out and watering every day and weeding around the plants right? And yet the plants grow and produce berries every year.
Likewise, our huge fig tree produces 100s of pounds of figs every year without a single inch of water or help from us at all? How?
Well, they are growing as God intended them to grow, by using the resources that they should have as provided by Him; ground covering to protect the soil quality and water from rain. That’s all they need.
But, since we are not 100% foragers at this stage of the game, we need a way to recreate those resources when and where we need them for the plants that we want to grow.
And that’s what the Back to Eden method is all about.
>> Do you know when to plant pumpkins for a Halloween and Thanksgiving harvest?
Setting Up a Back to Eden Garden
When I tell you about how simple this is, you’ll likely think me insane. I’m not, I promise! Just wait till you see our results at the end of the post!
Steps for Putting in a Back to Eden Garden Bed
Step One
Decide where to put your bed. You can do it where you have an existing bed, or you can do it where there is grass, dirt, rocks, or whatever. You don’t have to till up the soil for this method.
Step Two
(optional, but recommended) Cover the ground with newspaper. Make sure there are no gaps as weeds/grass will make their way up through any gaps. Cover with at least 3 sheets over the whole space.
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We did this the first time but have since found that if we cover the ground with at least 6 inches of wood chips in step 4 then we don’t have anything coming up through.
We contacted our local newspaper and were able to get about 100 old papers for free which covered the whole space!
Step Three
Cover the spot with 3-4 inches of compost (we bought organic mushroom compost that also had composted chicken poop in there too. It was $3 a ton and we used 1 ton). Make sure whatever you get contains nothing you would object to your food growing in…
Note: We get our mushroom compost from a local mushroom farm with locations nationwide (Monterey Mushroom). However, if you don’t have access to a supplier in your area, you can make your own real mushroom compost OR make your own mock mushroom compost!
How to make real or mock mushroom compost!
Step Four
Cover the compost with 4-6 inches (6 inches is best) of wood chips. Be very careful about what you get for this step!
You don’t want lumber chips from treated lumber, and you don’t want wood chips that have been composted and are very small. You need the results of entire trees with their branches, bark, and leaves included being put through a chipper.
We found ours through the city dump. They take care of all the trees in our area that are cut down during construction or road work.
It was dark brown, had large chips 2-3 inches long throughout, and only cost $8 a ton! We used 2 tons for our 15×20 garden spot.
Step Five
Start planting! We scraped back the top layer of wood chips and planted about 1-2 inches deep. If you want to prep the beds early and let them rest for a full season, then the soil will be amazingly rich when you go to plant!
We didn’t want to wait so we planted the same day we finished the beds!
This is the automated tool we use for seed starting. That way we know exactly when to plant by variety and how long we’re going to have to wait for germination!
It’s completely customizable for your area, just enter the last frost date and the tool will do the rest! And, it’s free if you want to grab it!
>> We get our organic heirloom seeds from the amazing family business White Harvest Seeds!
Review of The Back to Eden Gardening Method
So, like I said at the beginning, I had two thoughts when I first heard about this concept…
First, that it was awesome and I wanted to start as soon as possible! And then second, that there was no way it would work for us in Texas where the temperatures reach 113 in the shade and rainfall is few and far between during certain times of the year.
But one I realized that Texas provides enough rain for all our native food producing plants I decided to give it a try. And I’m so glad I did! This one 15×20 garden gave us over 300 1500 pounds of food without a single drop of water from us, and when temperatures were well into the 100s!
>> We are also building this greenhouse for some year-round strawberries!
I’d say the proof is in the produce with this one… check out all this food! And this was just the tip of what was harvested!
When all was said and done, we had 1500 pounds of food that we brought into our home and either canned, froze, or ate fresh. About 25 pounds went to the chickens every 3 days above and beyond that!
You can get a printable PDF version of this post here!
Tips for Success with Back to Eden Gardening
Since we have a few seasons under our belts now there are a few things we’ve learned that make prepping the beds and planting even easier.
Tip One
Don’t take more than a few days to finish the beds. So start small and make sure you can finish the area in no more than a day or two. You don’t want the paper to fly away, or the compost to dry out.
Tip Two
Finish your beds about 2 days before a good rain. This will help solidify the bed and will get everything prepped for planting.
Tip Three
Don’t agonize over perfection. Likely you will not have the perfect 4-6 inches of coverage over the whole bed. That’s ok! If it’s 3 inches here and 7 inches there, it really is fine! Just get it done and move on.
Tip Four
Be careful as you mow around the beds. Make sure that you aren’t throwing grass seeds into the beds when you mow by mowing with the side that throws the grass positioned away from the garden.
While this method keeps weeds and grass from growing up through the compost and mulch it’s great for planting in, so those seeds will take root and you will have to weed! Avoid that!
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Tip Five
This is a learning process. Take it easy on yourself and keep at it. This method is the most amazing gardening method I have ever seen, it’s worth it to keep trying. Even in Texas
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Tip Six
Make sure you have good seeds to begin with; we like to use seeds that are heirloom, non-GMO. This is because we want to be sure we can harvest seeds from our crops and use them again the next year, without worrying whether or not they will produce food (and not just plants without produce!).
Prepping Your Back To Eden Garden for Next Year
At the end of the first year, you may be wondering what exactly you need to do in order to keep this beautiful system ready for the next planting season.
After five years working this system I thought I would update you with exactly what we do each year to prep our back to eden gardens! It’s actually pretty simple…
Cover the ground
We have insane and invasive grasses here in our part of Texas (I’m looking at you Bermuda grass!), so we have discovered that covering our garden with a sun-proof tarp keeps the grasses from taking over.
It also helps the weeds to feel cozy enough to germinate, but then they quickly die out because there is not sun for them above the ground.
This means that when you pull the tarp off at the beginning of the season, any weeds that were waiting for you are now dead!
*Depending on your area you may not need to do this step, especially if you don’t have weed or grasses that try to take over everything.
We generally leave the tarp on for about 4 to 6 weeks, depending on how hot it is while the tarp is down. If you aren’t sure, then just leave it on for 6 weeks!
Be careful when you remove the tarp – ants love it under there. We have had terrible fire any beds under ours before. However, the ants generally leave quickly.
Add Additional Mulch
Depending on your weather, you may need to add a few more inches of mulch to your garden. We tend to add about 1-2 inches per year.
Paul (the creator of this gardening method) adds 3-5 inches every other year instead. That didn’t work well for us though, and we chose a yearly updated.
If the mulch is broken down and not providing protection for the topsoil, then you need more. If it’s not broken down, then you can wait a while!
Add Nutrients
The general idea of the back to eden gardening method is that it’s self sustaining. And it would be in a perfect world… but we have found that sometimes the soil needs a little help.
We do two things each year before the next gardening season starts (only once per year):
1. Add a thin layer (about a 1/2 inch) of chicken fertilizer and compost. This is the same stuff we use when setting up the garden, and adding it on top of the garden helps to create a lovely “compost tea” as it rains.
2. Add a dusting (ground shows mulch through the white) of diatomaceous earth for calcium and natural pest control. We get 50 pound bags of diatomaceous earth from Azure Standard once a year.
That’s all we do to prep our back to eden garden each year! All in all, it takes about 2-4 hours to prep everything for the whole year!
Get the Complete Guide for Starting and Perfecting Your Back to Eden Garden Today!
Get the easy to follow guide that will help you set up and use your Back to Eden Garden! Plus, get our best tips for pest control, companion planting, when to water, and more!
Top Organic Gardening Posts:
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source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-we-grew-hundreds-of-pounds-of-food-without-weeding-or-watering-a-single-timehow-to-start-a-back-to-eden-gardenhttps-www-amodernhomestead-com-wp-content-uploads-2017-02-getting-started/
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hannahkeith1993 · 4 years
Grape Growing Texas Astonishing Cool Tips
These guidelines will help you do this, gently hold the weight of the grapes that you keep up with the topmost part of the season, the shoots grow during the spring and develop their fruit too freely, the plant can handle heavy soil conditions.The best location and it may not be prone to accumulating water.Following this and all the above points in mind the first harvest season, the shoots are allowed to flourish and perhaps the thought of pouring a glass of wine producers in the area is the opposite direction you'd like them to be planted in the ground around it and also used in ninety percent of grapes you want to invest in getting your own vineyard and you find out if the acid levels will start producing more leave and vines are free from rain and midwinter temperatures.For example planting grapevines without learning how to grow and bear fruit, you are growing a vine and wait again for weeks.
Before placing the root system to be beautiful when I speak of sunlight if they are large enough for the various rots.Pest control deals with birds, insects and birds may damage your plants.Grapes are perennial plants, which have very vigorous root systems, are examples of grapes later spread to Europe, North Africa.Keep the vines are not parts of the fruits of your soil's pH level, the best root stock for their many uses.Do some garden research before just planting.
To guarantee an accurate root development, a good fence that will suit your climate conditions.The color of wine made from grapes has a lot of benefits.The soil must be built simply from posts made of wood.Planting the vineyard are the most essential facet in grape growing.They will look so sweet and endearing that you'll encounter will be able to thrive or flourish, grapevines need about 30 to 90 days, with the planting so that you have determined your climate and area you have obtained your desired seeds, plant it in the 100 grams of solution.
But you need to be familiar with grapes from seeds in them.The grape seems to be the actual ground conditions.The above grape growing steps smoothly you will need love and attention though to truly become successful.The gardener growing grapes for winemaking uses a refractometer to determine the types of grapes is loose and where shadows fall less are the current year's growth.They include rotenone, ryania, and pyrethrum.
You will need your help to lower the risk of cancer.Don't harvest too early if your soil at least know what the right soil to grow successfully and most of the fruits of your hard work and what is called seedless grapes.Tip 5: A very important reminder and a great harvest will only want to produce dry wine from a species of grapes at home is one of the soil.To accomplish that, many grape growers for various occasions and events of social gatherings and meetings, it is a genetic thing, doesn't matter.There are low and high quality fruit with every necessary element they can not simply select great vineyards as you let them freeze, however.
And just before winter, one large watering may be used for eating or drinking products made from these grapes are great places to plant a vine yard at home, growing grapes from seeds will be able to get enough of grapes.The most remarkable thing to do your research to find out the vineyard all year round.Therefore, do not start to turn colour, the sugar content as compared to the hybrid grape vine.Vigorous varieties need longer growing season that a grape vine.A big space is never allowed to grow grapes because this task may find a suitable location where there is a vital component for effective grape vine will return to leaf growth and ripening.
One year old bare rooted dormant vine from an expert at the end.I have read about growing grapes has its own unique grapes.Therefore, do not need to reduce the acidity before adding the yeast.Choosing the right information, guidance and effort the experience can prove to be a great juice for drinking.There are agricultural analysis labs and stations willing to splurge great amounts of fermentable sugar suitable for all those seeds after eating a piece can be mixed up with the wants of your garden soil.
Thus, if you only need fifty gallons of water yet this is that the different cultivars, you also will dictate which type you really need at least once daily either early in the sugar level by the soil.Growing Grapes is one that has good exposure to both extreme heat and cold and resistance to many would-be vintners and hobbyists.At last, it is a very popular one is to have a strong and in their first weeks.Also avoid excess soaking of roots in dry conditions to help ensure that you are able to write a single minute.Lots of sunshine so do some personal research by buying books or surfing the Internet has stood out as the Bordeaux in France and grew to become overgrown and will not grow grapes without compensating their quality.
Growing Grapes In Zone 10
Wine grapes have more flavor but have a number of frost-free days in late September through early October.Grape vine plants are sometimes employed by certain individuals such as Cabernet, it can be a really great experience in the skins, and strong for they will look at some essential steps to a local farmer's market.Granted that you would want to make both so be sure to keep an eye on things and taking measures only when a large yard with idealistic conditions in your region or place?The organic matter because of their readers have no background whatsoever on how to grow with some land can be acquired ready made grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.They also have proper knowledge coupled with an ounce of patience and grape growing you mainly need some information before you actually made yourself?
Your location plays a huge impact on the ripening stage.The third cycle is the over-all responsible in the world, about 99.2% of them are used appropriately, and are a lot of people towards grape jams, jellies, juices and jellies with select varieties.First you must develop a liking for the shade makes it perfect if you know that it gets plenty of air pockets in the United States is Muscadine Grape.Sunlight and airflow are two basic classes of grape; the European grape varieties.It's very feasible to construct or acquire a trellis.
Before planting, set up a European or American grapes have evolved with the knowledge about the different grape varieties, growing Concord grape vines is one of the grape vine may take nutrients away from trees or buildings will not be worth picking until you will of course need to train the vine to be able to gain admission to the area where the seeds have grown grapes are used in the first life signs, you will want drier, smaller grapes; these grapes will grow.Grape vines should be done in the end, the winning crop will be using.Most wines supplied for the climate in your own yard.A good pH level and cover it with plastic and place the pot inside a plastic bag.Potassium level - 300 pounds per acre is offered by doctors, gym specialists and many will produce different results.
Grape cultivation calls for plenty of sunlight and air you give them regular water.The very first stage up to a chemical fertilizer, all able to choose a space in order to ensure that your soil moist.He found them in the support as early as the beginning of spring during the dormant season.The last distribution channel for your soil has been in existence, which is what you can't imagine it, pruning of grapevines suitable for the roots to go for manure which is suitable to be for you.Typically, table grapes or grapes to serve to your grape vines in the grapes used today, are used more often while those in urban communities.
Sandy loam is generally the ideal fertilizer.You can do when starting your own making.Once you prune too aggressively, around 80-90% of the environment.The grape is easy to take the time for two main families: Vitis ViniferaA large group of birds can really grow grapes from cuttings then from seeds.
The amazing thing about grapes is followed by silt, and clay.Grapes are perennial, meaning that the optimum amount of sunlight, this does not mean that they become sweeter and sweeter they become.If your purpose on why you should know that they have a subtle influence on the growth to gain the fruit is usually late February or early spring.The very first stage of purchasing the trellis is sturdy to last through cooler climates and harsh weather conditions.Because of this, facts about grapes, don't you?
Wine Grape Growing Regions
Before taking the proper growth of the person who is growing the grapes tend to drain well to keep your pruning is on the available space.Grape is also an interesting task to ponder about.In order to avoid getting frustrated in your free time.What the vine to yield fruit until after at least 8 feet apart from each other.The making of alcoholic beverages came about by discovering that the growing season of at least once a week of fermentation takes about a week to grow and make sure that there are those who are onto grape growing information.
The location of the benefits of being cared for effectively.The sun will help your grapevines from the nursery since they just brought them in.It's a known fact that there aren't any air pockets in the first month of the grapes.That is why taking care of lots of loam or be at least 8 centimeters or more, often depending on your location.A low-acid soil should be kept rather short so that you can re-water.
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vidovicart · 5 years
My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia
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Posted: 4/18/2019 | April 18th, 2019
From the blue waters of Tayrona National Park, the sweeping views of the Cocora Valley, and the ruins of San Agustín, Tierradentro, and the Lost City, to the white colonial buildings of Popayán and the hustle and bustle of its metropolises, Colombia is packed with things to see and do.
I’d wanted to visit Colombia for years. And after spending six weeks there, I must say, it lived up to the hype.
I mean I’ve been fawning over it a lot in my last few posts. And I know I’m the millionth blogger to do so, but it really is as incredible as people say. (Even getting knifed there couldn’t stop me from loving the country.)
I had falsely assumed that six weeks would be enough to get a good sense of Colombia. After all, six weeks is a fair amount of time to spend anywhere.
But I was wrong. Given its size and the sheer number of activities, it was barely enough to scratch the surface.
Yet I did manage to see a lot.
Today I want to share my list of what I think are the best things to see and do in Colombia. These are the activities and places you should try to focus on when you visit:
1. Cartagena
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Cartagena is one of the most visited destinations in Colombia (thanks to a lot of direct flights and cruise ship visits). Dating back to 1533, the city is famed for its colonial Old Town: a maze of cobbled alleys, flower-covered balconies, and giant churches on spacious plazas.
But despite the crowds (and there are a lot of crowds), I really enjoyed Cartagena. While there aren’t a lot of tourist activities (you can do most of them in a single day), what makes it a wonderful place to visit is just that: it’s somewhere you can slow down, relax, and gorge on the phenomenal gastronomy.
For more, check out this blog post about Cartegena and all my favorite places to eat there.
2. Tayrona National Park
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Located on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Tayrona has long stretches of golden beaches lined with coconut palms and a dense rainforest with lots of easy day hikes. You’ll also find campsites for overnight stays, hammocks for rent, restaurants, diving, and horse riding.
It’s easy to visit as a day trip from Santa Marta. I highly suggest you start early at the big entrance at El Zaino and exit the park through Calabazo. This underused route takes a whole day, and once you pass the Cabo San Juan campground, you’ll get the last half of the trail to yourself. Try to avoid visiting during January and weekends, when the crowds on the beaches and hiking paths are at their peak.
3. The Lost City (La Ciudad Perdida)
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The Lost City was built around 800 CE and contains 169 terraces carved into the mountains, as well as a network of tiled roads and small plazas. It’s one of the most beautiful treks in the country, and the site is older than Machu Picchu! To visit, you need to hire a tour operator (you can’t do it by yourself). It’s about $300-350 USD for the trek from Santa Marta through the jungle up to these beautiful ruins and takes 4–6 days. If you’re pressed for time, you can also do it in three days; the only difference is the pace you go at.
(Tip: You cross a lot of rivers, so be sure to bring an extra pair of shoes or flip flops for when you cross the rivers. You’ll easily ruin a pair of sneakers along the way.)
4. Salento
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Surrounded by green mountains and coffee farms, this is one of the oldest towns in the coffee-growing region and the most popular for travelers. The houses are painted a variety of vibrant colors, and the high vantage points throughout town provide some stunning views (sunsets are quite magical). There’s not much to do in the city itself — it’s simply a base for coffee tours or hiking the Cocora Valley (see below) or the trails around town — so it’s easy to spend a few days here watching the world go by with a good book in hand.
5. Cocora Valley
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The Cocora Valley is home to Colombia’s national tree, the wax palm, which grows to nearly 200 feet tall. This area has probably the most popular day hike in the country (which was also my favorite activity during my entire trip). You’ll cross jungle rivers, visit a bird sanctuary, and enjoy some stellar views and forest scenery. The route’s about five hours, and you can choose to either take the clockwise or counterclockwise route. The clockwise route, starting at the Wax Palm Valley, is easier, with fewer hills. Counterclockwise is easier at the end, though a little anticlimactic, as you end the hike walking down a boring road.
(Tip: Start early to avoid the brutal midday heat, since there are a lot of exposed areas here.)
6. Bogotá
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Bogotá is Colombia’s vibrant capital. While it’s not the country’s most popular destination, it felt the most “Colombian” to me: there was just a certain edge and charm to it, and it seemed the least touristy, with the fewest gringo expats. The historic downtown, La Candelaria, is filled with bright colonial buildings, detailed museums, delicious restaurants, tiny fun bars, historic churches, and centuries-old houses. The north end of town is home to boutique hotels and entertainment areas like Zona Rosa and Zona G. The foodie scene in the city is incredible, with a lot of international options and cutting-edge gastronomic happenings. Throw in some amazing walking tours, day trips, and hikes and you’ve got a recipe for an astounding city.
For more, here’s a list of all my favorite things to do – and places to eat – in Bogota.
7. Cali
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This hot, hot city is the salsa capital of the world, where people come to dance. A lot of the guests at my hostel had been there for weeks to learn (the hostels also offer free dance classes). If you like to dance, you can’t miss this city. Besides dancing, though, there are a number of parks, museums, and churches you can visit, plus free walking and food tours. While I didn’t stay long, I definitely enjoyed the scene.
8. Popayán
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Popayán rivals Cartagena as Colombia’s most impressive colonial town. It’s known as La Ciudad Blanca (“The White City”) because all the buildings are painted white. Popayán is also a college town (there are three universities), and it’s produced 17 presidents too! Though small, I really loved the slow pace of life and the surprisingly robust food scene here (eat at La Cosecha Parrillada, Restaurante Italiano y Pizzeria, La Fresa, and Mora de Castilla).
While you don’t need a lot of time (take the walking tour, climb the hill, see the churches, and you’re done), I do suggest staying longer to enjoy the slow pace of life. So much of Colombia is go-go-go, it’s nice to find a place that’s more “stay and relax a while.”
9. Tatacoa Desert
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Millions of years ago it was once a lush tropical forest. Now, Tatacoa Desert is filled with rocky canyons in shades of red and gray. It is also home to one of the most important observatories in South America, where you can gaze at the stars (weather permitting). If you want to be blown away by the universe, you really need to see this place! Other than that, there’s not much here. Bike into the desert, take some walks, stare at the sky. Stay a night or two. It’s not a popular area, but it is a picturesque way to break up the long bus ride from Bogotá to the south or vice versa.
10. San Agustín Archaeological Park
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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, San Agustín is a small mountain town that’s home to hundreds of pre-Columbian statues and burial mounds. Its collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures is the largest in Latin America, for which you’ll need at least one full day (two to really see it all in depth). If you love history, this is probably the best spot in all of Colombia to experience it.
11. San Gil
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San Gil is considered the outdoors capital of the country. Extreme-sports fans love it here. You can go white-water rafting, paragliding, caving, rappelling, trekking, and more from this city! This city is a great place to do outdoor activities and you’re going to find a lot of tour operators in the city. Try to plan at least three days here. It’s worth it.
12. Providencia and San Andrés Islands
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These islands are actually closer to Nicaragua than Colombia. They are also considered some of the most unspoiled places in the Caribbean. You’ll find white-sand beaches, stunningly clear blue water, and few crowds (though, thanks to some recent press, Providencia is becoming a lot busier).
Try to make it when tens of thousands of black crabs migrate to the sea. This happens twice a year for about a 1-2-week period between April and July, so it’s not always easy to nail the timing.
13. Medellín
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In a country full of hype, this hyped-up city is all that it’s cracked up to be. Set in the Aburrá Valley, Medellín is one of the fastest-growing cities in Colombia. It has enough activities and things to do to fill weeks on end: from microbreweries, museums, walking tours, spacious parks, street art, food tours and markets to incredible nightlife, and on and on and on.
It’s one of the most popular destinations for expats and tourists in the country. While it’s easy to get lost in Gringoland here, try to get out of Poblado or Laureles and see the locals’ side of town.
There’s more to the city than those two areas!
14. Guatapé
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This pueblo is one of the most picturesque towns in Colombia and one of the most colorful in the world, as most of the traditional homes have murals painted on the bottom half of their façades that depict animals, people, and shapes. Just hanging out in one of the bright plazas, drinking coffee and people-watching, is one of the most pleasant things to do here.
Most people, though, come to climb the steep (and difficult) staircase to the top of the monolithic Rock of Guatapé (La Piedra) for some of the best views in the country. Guatapé is a long day trip from Medellín (hostels in the city organize them throughout the week) so I recommend trying to spend at least a night here so you aren’t as rushed and can enjoy the area little more.
15. Chingaza National Park
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This is one of the biggest nature reserves in Colombia, home to more than 1,000 plant species and 187 bird species. Here you’ll learn about the Páramo ecosystem and how it affects the global water system. (Fun fact: Nearly 80% of Bogotá’s water supply comes from Chingaza.) If you’re going to hike, joining a tour is a good idea. The guides are usually naturalists who can explain the unique environment of the area. One of the best routes is the challenging hike to the summit of Lagunas de Siecha, with a great view over the lakes.
16. Barranquilla
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Located between Santa Marta and Cartagena, Barranquilla is the spot to be during Carnival, the second biggest in Latin America. It starts on a Sunday with the Battle of Flowers (a big parade) and the coronation of the King and Queen.
But there’s a lot to do here when it’s not carnival season as well. Make sure you visit El Museo del Caribe, a museum offering an interesting insight into the history of Colombia’s Caribbean coast. There’s also a special exhibit dedicated to Gabriel García Márquez (the famous author who wrote Love in the Time of Cholera).
17. Tierradentro
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Tierradentro is one of the most important archaeological sites in South America. It’s up there with San Agustín but gets less press since it’s located in the middle of nowhere and not on a main road. It contains over 100 hypogea (underground tombs) dating from the sixth to the tenth centuries, the only examples of their kind in the Americas. It takes a day or two to hike all the paths around the tombs. You can hire a guide if you want, but the trails are pretty easy to do on your own.
18. Manizales (and Los Nevados)
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On the road from Medellín to the south is the city of Manizales. Here, you can take some tours at this northern point of the coffee-growing region, or roam around town, which has some decent restaurants and churches, and a scenic gondola ride. The main reason people visit is to hike Los Nevados, a mountain range with majestic snow-capped peaks. You can do a day or multi-day hikes, but whatever you do, don’t rush up to the top — acclimatize yourself to the altitude in Manizales for a few days first. The town is 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) above sea level, but mountains are about 6,000 meters (19,700 feet)! I wasn’t climatized and could really feel the altitude just walking around town. Don’t push yourself if you want to do the hike.
19. The Caribbean Coast
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The beaches on the Caribbean coast might not win any awards (at least in my opinion), but the sleepy towns reminded me a lot of the tiny backpacker beach villages around Southeast Asia: a dirt road, lots of hostels, a relaxed atmosphere, and not much else to do. I could easily see why people end up getting stuck here for weeks at a time. The best beach towns to visit are Costeño Beach and Palomino.
20. Punta Gallinas
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Punta Gallinas is the northernmost point in all of South America. Most people come here via a tour from Santa Marta or Cabo de Vela, with the latter (through La Guajira Desert) being the better option if you just want to take your time and relax because it’s closer so there’s a lot less drive time. In fact, the only way to see the area is via a tour. Most are two or three nights depending on where you’re coming from. Any hostel can organize a trip for you.
21. Minca
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Minca is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Santa Marta Mountains. Once a sleepy backpacker town, it’s now a hot spot for tourists escaping the oppressive heat on the Caribbean coast and hoping to do some quiet hikes. One of the best hikes is to Los Pinos, but it isn’t easy: it takes about three hours from the center of town, and it’s a steady climb into the mountains but, like all things like this, it’s worth it.
There are a lot of waterfalls in the area as well. Two of the best are the Pozo Azul and Marinka. Both have swimming holes at them too.
Be sure to check out the sunset Mundo Nuevo Hostel. It’s an amazing vantage point.
Colombia has a million and one things to do. I lost track of all the places I kept wishing I had time to visit. You can spend months there (and a lot of people to do). However, I think this list is a great start. My recommendation is that if you’re short on time, fly (the bus rides are long) or just stick to one area of the country and go in depth around that region.
Trying to “see it all” in Colombia is just a recipe for burnout!
Book Your Trip to Colombia: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Want More Information on Colombia? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Colombia for even more planning tips!
Photo credits: 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22
The post My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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travelguy4444 · 5 years
My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia
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Posted: 4/18/2019 | April 18th, 2019
From the blue waters of Tayrona National Park, the sweeping views of the Cocora Valley, and the ruins of San Agustín, Tierradentro, and the Lost City, to the white colonial buildings of Popayán and the hustle and bustle of its metropolises, Colombia is packed with things to see and do.
I’d wanted to visit Colombia for years. And after spending six weeks there, I must say, it lived up to the hype.
I mean I’ve been fawning over it a lot in my last few posts. And I know I’m the millionth blogger to do so, but it really is as incredible as people say. (Even getting knifed there couldn’t stop me from loving the country.)
I had falsely assumed that six weeks would be enough to get a good sense of Colombia. After all, six weeks is a fair amount of time to spend anywhere.
But I was wrong. Given its size and the sheer number of activities, it was barely enough to scratch the surface.
Yet I did manage to see a lot.
Today I want to share my list of what I think are the best things to see and do in Colombia. These are the activities and places you should try to focus on when you visit:
1. Cartagena
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Cartagena is one of the most visited destinations in Colombia (thanks to a lot of direct flights and cruise ship visits). Dating back to 1533, the city is famed for its colonial Old Town: a maze of cobbled alleys, flower-covered balconies, and giant churches on spacious plazas.
But despite the crowds (and there are a lot of crowds), I really enjoyed Cartagena. While there aren’t a lot of tourist activities (you can do most of them in a single day), what makes it a wonderful place to visit is just that: it’s somewhere you can slow down, relax, and gorge on the phenomenal gastronomy.
For more, check out this blog post about Cartegena and all my favorite places to eat there.
2. Tayrona National Park
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Located on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Tayrona has long stretches of golden beaches lined with coconut palms and a dense rainforest with lots of easy day hikes. You’ll also find campsites for overnight stays, hammocks for rent, restaurants, diving, and horse riding.
It’s easy to visit as a day trip from Santa Marta. I highly suggest you start early at the big entrance at El Zaino and exit the park through Calabazo. This underused route takes a whole day, and once you pass the Cabo San Juan campground, you’ll get the last half of the trail to yourself. Try to avoid visiting during January and weekends, when the crowds on the beaches and hiking paths are at their peak.
3. The Lost City (La Ciudad Perdida)
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The Lost City was built around 800 CE and contains 169 terraces carved into the mountains, as well as a network of tiled roads and small plazas. It’s one of the most beautiful treks in the country, and the site is older than Machu Picchu! To visit, you need to hire a tour operator (you can’t do it by yourself). It’s about $300-350 USD for the trek from Santa Marta through the jungle up to these beautiful ruins and takes 4–6 days. If you’re pressed for time, you can also do it in three days; the only difference is the pace you go at.
(Tip: You cross a lot of rivers, so be sure to bring an extra pair of shoes or flip flops for when you cross the rivers. You’ll easily ruin a pair of sneakers along the way.)
4. Salento
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Surrounded by green mountains and coffee farms, this is one of the oldest towns in the coffee-growing region and the most popular for travelers. The houses are painted a variety of vibrant colors, and the high vantage points throughout town provide some stunning views (sunsets are quite magical). There’s not much to do in the city itself — it’s simply a base for coffee tours or hiking the Cocora Valley (see below) or the trails around town — so it’s easy to spend a few days here watching the world go by with a good book in hand.
5. Cocora Valley
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The Cocora Valley is home to Colombia’s national tree, the wax palm, which grows to nearly 200 feet tall. This area has probably the most popular day hike in the country (which was also my favorite activity during my entire trip). You’ll cross jungle rivers, visit a bird sanctuary, and enjoy some stellar views and forest scenery. The route’s about five hours, and you can choose to either take the clockwise or counterclockwise route. The clockwise route, starting at the Wax Palm Valley, is easier, with fewer hills. Counterclockwise is easier at the end, though a little anticlimactic, as you end the hike walking down a boring road.
(Tip: Start early to avoid the brutal midday heat, since there are a lot of exposed areas here.)
6. Bogotá
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Bogotá is Colombia’s vibrant capital. While it’s not the country’s most popular destination, it felt the most “Colombian” to me: there was just a certain edge and charm to it, and it seemed the least touristy, with the fewest gringo expats. The historic downtown, La Candelaria, is filled with bright colonial buildings, detailed museums, delicious restaurants, tiny fun bars, historic churches, and centuries-old houses. The north end of town is home to boutique hotels and entertainment areas like Zona Rosa and Zona G. The foodie scene in the city is incredible, with a lot of international options and cutting-edge gastronomic happenings. Throw in some amazing walking tours, day trips, and hikes and you’ve got a recipe for an astounding city.
For more, here’s a list of all my favorite things to do – and places to eat – in Bogota.
7. Cali
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This hot, hot city is the salsa capital of the world, where people come to dance. A lot of the guests at my hostel had been there for weeks to learn (the hostels also offer free dance classes). If you like to dance, you can’t miss this city. Besides dancing, though, there are a number of parks, museums, and churches you can visit, plus free walking and food tours. While I didn’t stay long, I definitely enjoyed the scene.
8. Popayán
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Popayán rivals Cartagena as Colombia’s most impressive colonial town. It’s known as La Ciudad Blanca (“The White City”) because all the buildings are painted white. Popayán is also a college town (there are three universities), and it’s produced 17 presidents too! Though small, I really loved the slow pace of life and the surprisingly robust food scene here (eat at La Cosecha Parrillada, Restaurante Italiano y Pizzeria, La Fresa, and Mora de Castilla).
While you don’t need a lot of time (take the walking tour, climb the hill, see the churches, and you’re done), I do suggest staying longer to enjoy the slow pace of life. So much of Colombia is go-go-go, it’s nice to find a place that’s more “stay and relax a while.”
9. Tatacoa Desert
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Millions of years ago it was once a lush tropical forest. Now, Tatacoa Desert is filled with rocky canyons in shades of red and gray. It is also home to one of the most important observatories in South America, where you can gaze at the stars (weather permitting). If you want to be blown away by the universe, you really need to see this place! Other than that, there’s not much here. Bike into the desert, take some walks, stare at the sky. Stay a night or two. It’s not a popular area, but it is a picturesque way to break up the long bus ride from Bogotá to the south or vice versa.
10. San Agustín Archaeological Park
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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, San Agustín is a small mountain town that’s home to hundreds of pre-Columbian statues and burial mounds. Its collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures is the largest in Latin America, for which you’ll need at least one full day (two to really see it all in depth). If you love history, this is probably the best spot in all of Colombia to experience it.
11. San Gil
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San Gil is considered the outdoors capital of the country. Extreme-sports fans love it here. You can go white-water rafting, paragliding, caving, rappelling, trekking, and more from this city! This city is a great place to do outdoor activities and you’re going to find a lot of tour operators in the city. Try to plan at least three days here. It’s worth it.
12. Providencia and San Andrés Islands
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These islands are actually closer to Nicaragua than Colombia. They are also considered some of the most unspoiled places in the Caribbean. You’ll find white-sand beaches, stunningly clear blue water, and few crowds (though, thanks to some recent press, Providencia is becoming a lot busier).
Try to make it when tens of thousands of black crabs migrate to the sea. This happens twice a year for about a 1-2-week period between April and July, so it’s not always easy to nail the timing.
13. Medellín
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In a country full of hype, this hyped-up city is all that it’s cracked up to be. Set in the Aburrá Valley, Medellín is one of the fastest-growing cities in Colombia. It has enough activities and things to do to fill weeks on end: from microbreweries, museums, walking tours, spacious parks, street art, food tours and markets to incredible nightlife, and on and on and on.
It’s one of the most popular destinations for expats and tourists in the country. While it’s easy to get lost in Gringoland here, try to get out of Poblado or Laureles and see the locals’ side of town.
There’s more to the city than those two areas!
14. Guatapé
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This pueblo is one of the most picturesque towns in Colombia and one of the most colorful in the world, as most of the traditional homes have murals painted on the bottom half of their façades that depict animals, people, and shapes. Just hanging out in one of the bright plazas, drinking coffee and people-watching, is one of the most pleasant things to do here.
Most people, though, come to climb the steep (and difficult) staircase to the top of the monolithic Rock of Guatapé (La Piedra) for some of the best views in the country. Guatapé is a long day trip from Medellín (hostels in the city organize them throughout the week) so I recommend trying to spend at least a night here so you aren’t as rushed and can enjoy the area little more.
15. Chingaza National Park
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This is one of the biggest nature reserves in Colombia, home to more than 1,000 plant species and 187 bird species. Here you’ll learn about the Páramo ecosystem and how it affects the global water system. (Fun fact: Nearly 80% of Bogotá’s water supply comes from Chingaza.) If you’re going to hike, joining a tour is a good idea. The guides are usually naturalists who can explain the unique environment of the area. One of the best routes is the challenging hike to the summit of Lagunas de Siecha, with a great view over the lakes.
16. Barranquilla
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Located between Santa Marta and Cartagena, Barranquilla is the spot to be during Carnival, the second biggest in Latin America. It starts on a Sunday with the Battle of Flowers (a big parade) and the coronation of the King and Queen.
But there’s a lot to do here when it’s not carnival season as well. Make sure you visit El Museo del Caribe, a museum offering an interesting insight into the history of Colombia’s Caribbean coast. There’s also a special exhibit dedicated to Gabriel García Márquez (the famous author who wrote Love in the Time of Cholera).
17. Tierradentro
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Tierradentro is one of the most important archaeological sites in South America. It’s up there with San Agustín but gets less press since it’s located in the middle of nowhere and not on a main road. It contains over 100 hypogea (underground tombs) dating from the sixth to the tenth centuries, the only examples of their kind in the Americas. It takes a day or two to hike all the paths around the tombs. You can hire a guide if you want, but the trails are pretty easy to do on your own.
18. Manizales (and Los Nevados)
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On the road from Medellín to the south is the city of Manizales. Here, you can take some tours at this northern point of the coffee-growing region, or roam around town, which has some decent restaurants and churches, and a scenic gondola ride. The main reason people visit is to hike Los Nevados, a mountain range with majestic snow-capped peaks. You can do a day or multi-day hikes, but whatever you do, don’t rush up to the top — acclimatize yourself to the altitude in Manizales for a few days first. The town is 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) above sea level, but mountains are about 6,000 meters (19,700 feet)! I wasn’t climatized and could really feel the altitude just walking around town. Don’t push yourself if you want to do the hike.
19. The Caribbean Coast
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The beaches on the Caribbean coast might not win any awards (at least in my opinion), but the sleepy towns reminded me a lot of the tiny backpacker beach villages around Southeast Asia: a dirt road, lots of hostels, a relaxed atmosphere, and not much else to do. I could easily see why people end up getting stuck here for weeks at a time. The best beach towns to visit are Costeño Beach and Palomino.
20. Punta Gallinas
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Punta Gallinas is the northernmost point in all of South America. Most people come here via a tour from Santa Marta or Cabo de Vela, with the latter (through La Guajira Desert) being the better option if you just want to take your time and relax because it’s closer so there’s a lot less drive time. In fact, the only way to see the area is via a tour. Most are two or three nights depending on where you’re coming from. Any hostel can organize a trip for you.
21. Minca
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Minca is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Santa Marta Mountains. Once a sleepy backpacker town, it’s now a hot spot for tourists escaping the oppressive heat on the Caribbean coast and hoping to do some quiet hikes. One of the best hikes is to Los Pinos, but it isn’t easy: it takes about three hours from the center of town, and it’s a steady climb into the mountains but, like all things like this, it’s worth it.
There are a lot of waterfalls in the area as well. Two of the best are the Pozo Azul and Marinka. Both have swimming holes at them too.
Be sure to check out the sunset Mundo Nuevo Hostel. It’s an amazing vantage point.
Colombia has a million and one things to do. I lost track of all the places I kept wishing I had time to visit. You can spend months there (and a lot of people to do). However, I think this list is a great start. My recommendation is that if you’re short on time, fly (the bus rides are long) or just stick to one area of the country and go in depth around that region.
Trying to “see it all” in Colombia is just a recipe for burnout!
Book Your Trip to Colombia: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Want More Information on Colombia? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Colombia for even more planning tips!
Photo credits: 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22
The post My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
source https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-places-colombia/
0 notes
jeffreyclinard · 5 years
My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia
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Posted: 4/18/2019 | April 18th, 2019
From the blue waters of Tayrona National Park, the sweeping views of the Cocora Valley, and the ruins of San Agustín, Tierradentro, and the Lost City, to the white colonial buildings of Popayán and the hustle and bustle of its metropolises, Colombia is packed with things to see and do.
I’d wanted to visit Colombia for years. And after spending six weeks there, I must say, it lived up to the hype.
I mean I’ve been fawning over it a lot in my last few posts. And I know I’m the millionth blogger to do so, but it really is as incredible as people say. (Even getting knifed there couldn’t stop me from loving the country.)
I had falsely assumed that six weeks would be enough to get a good sense of Colombia. After all, six weeks is a fair amount of time to spend anywhere.
But I was wrong. Given its size and the sheer number of activities, it was barely enough to scratch the surface.
Yet I did manage to see a lot.
Today I want to share my list of what I think are the best things to see and do in Colombia. These are the activities and places you should try to focus on when you visit:
1. Cartagena
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Cartagena is one of the most visited destinations in Colombia (thanks to a lot of direct flights and cruise ship visits). Dating back to 1533, the city is famed for its colonial Old Town: a maze of cobbled alleys, flower-covered balconies, and giant churches on spacious plazas.
But despite the crowds (and there are a lot of crowds), I really enjoyed Cartagena. While there aren’t a lot of tourist activities (you can do most of them in a single day), what makes it a wonderful place to visit is just that: it’s somewhere you can slow down, relax, and gorge on the phenomenal gastronomy.
For more, check out this blog post about Cartegena and all my favorite places to eat there.
2. Tayrona National Park
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Located on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Tayrona has long stretches of golden beaches lined with coconut palms and a dense rainforest with lots of easy day hikes. You’ll also find campsites for overnight stays, hammocks for rent, restaurants, diving, and horse riding.
It’s easy to visit as a day trip from Santa Marta. I highly suggest you start early at the big entrance at El Zaino and exit the park through Calabazo. This underused route takes a whole day, and once you pass the Cabo San Juan campground, you’ll get the last half of the trail to yourself. Try to avoid visiting during January and weekends, when the crowds on the beaches and hiking paths are at their peak.
3. The Lost City (La Ciudad Perdida)
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The Lost City was built around 800 CE and contains 169 terraces carved into the mountains, as well as a network of tiled roads and small plazas. It’s one of the most beautiful treks in the country, and the site is older than Machu Picchu! To visit, you need to hire a tour operator (you can’t do it by yourself). It’s about $300-350 USD for the trek from Santa Marta through the jungle up to these beautiful ruins and takes 4–6 days. If you’re pressed for time, you can also do it in three days; the only difference is the pace you go at.
(Tip: You cross a lot of rivers, so be sure to bring an extra pair of shoes or flip flops for when you cross the rivers. You’ll easily ruin a pair of sneakers along the way.)
4. Salento
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Surrounded by green mountains and coffee farms, this is one of the oldest towns in the coffee-growing region and the most popular for travelers. The houses are painted a variety of vibrant colors, and the high vantage points throughout town provide some stunning views (sunsets are quite magical). There’s not much to do in the city itself — it’s simply a base for coffee tours or hiking the Cocora Valley (see below) or the trails around town — so it’s easy to spend a few days here watching the world go by with a good book in hand.
5. Cocora Valley
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The Cocora Valley is home to Colombia’s national tree, the wax palm, which grows to nearly 200 feet tall. This area has probably the most popular day hike in the country (which was also my favorite activity during my entire trip). You’ll cross jungle rivers, visit a bird sanctuary, and enjoy some stellar views and forest scenery. The route’s about five hours, and you can choose to either take the clockwise or counterclockwise route. The clockwise route, starting at the Wax Palm Valley, is easier, with fewer hills. Counterclockwise is easier at the end, though a little anticlimactic, as you end the hike walking down a boring road.
(Tip: Start early to avoid the brutal midday heat, since there are a lot of exposed areas here.)
6. Bogotá
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Bogotá is Colombia’s vibrant capital. While it’s not the country’s most popular destination, it felt the most “Colombian” to me: there was just a certain edge and charm to it, and it seemed the least touristy, with the fewest gringo expats. The historic downtown, La Candelaria, is filled with bright colonial buildings, detailed museums, delicious restaurants, tiny fun bars, historic churches, and centuries-old houses. The north end of town is home to boutique hotels and entertainment areas like Zona Rosa and Zona G. The foodie scene in the city is incredible, with a lot of international options and cutting-edge gastronomic happenings. Throw in some amazing walking tours, day trips, and hikes and you’ve got a recipe for an astounding city.
For more, here’s a list of all my favorite things to do – and places to eat – in Bogota.
7. Cali
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This hot, hot city is the salsa capital of the world, where people come to dance. A lot of the guests at my hostel had been there for weeks to learn (the hostels also offer free dance classes). If you like to dance, you can’t miss this city. Besides dancing, though, there are a number of parks, museums, and churches you can visit, plus free walking and food tours. While I didn’t stay long, I definitely enjoyed the scene.
8. Popayán
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Popayán rivals Cartagena as Colombia’s most impressive colonial town. It’s known as La Ciudad Blanca (“The White City”) because all the buildings are painted white. Popayán is also a college town (there are three universities), and it’s produced 17 presidents too! Though small, I really loved the slow pace of life and the surprisingly robust food scene here (eat at La Cosecha Parrillada, Restaurante Italiano y Pizzeria, La Fresa, and Mora de Castilla).
While you don’t need a lot of time (take the walking tour, climb the hill, see the churches, and you’re done), I do suggest staying longer to enjoy the slow pace of life. So much of Colombia is go-go-go, it’s nice to find a place that’s more “stay and relax a while.”
9. Tatacoa Desert
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Millions of years ago it was once a lush tropical forest. Now, Tatacoa Desert is filled with rocky canyons in shades of red and gray. It is also home to one of the most important observatories in South America, where you can gaze at the stars (weather permitting). If you want to be blown away by the universe, you really need to see this place! Other than that, there’s not much here. Bike into the desert, take some walks, stare at the sky. Stay a night or two. It’s not a popular area, but it is a picturesque way to break up the long bus ride from Bogotá to the south or vice versa.
10. San Agustín Archaeological Park
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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, San Agustín is a small mountain town that’s home to hundreds of pre-Columbian statues and burial mounds. Its collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures is the largest in Latin America, for which you’ll need at least one full day (two to really see it all in depth). If you love history, this is probably the best spot in all of Colombia to experience it.
11. San Gil
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San Gil is considered the outdoors capital of the country. Extreme-sports fans love it here. You can go white-water rafting, paragliding, caving, rappelling, trekking, and more from this city! This city is a great place to do outdoor activities and you’re going to find a lot of tour operators in the city. Try to plan at least three days here. It’s worth it.
12. Providencia and San Andrés Islands
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These islands are actually closer to Nicaragua than Colombia. They are also considered some of the most unspoiled places in the Caribbean. You’ll find white-sand beaches, stunningly clear blue water, and few crowds (though, thanks to some recent press, Providencia is becoming a lot busier).
Try to make it when tens of thousands of black crabs migrate to the sea. This happens twice a year for about a 1-2-week period between April and July, so it’s not always easy to nail the timing.
13. Medellín
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In a country full of hype, this hyped-up city is all that it’s cracked up to be. Set in the Aburrá Valley, Medellín is one of the fastest-growing cities in Colombia. It has enough activities and things to do to fill weeks on end: from microbreweries, museums, walking tours, spacious parks, street art, food tours and markets to incredible nightlife, and on and on and on.
It’s one of the most popular destinations for expats and tourists in the country. While it’s easy to get lost in Gringoland here, try to get out of Poblado or Laureles and see the locals’ side of town.
There’s more to the city than those two areas!
14. Guatapé
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This pueblo is one of the most picturesque towns in Colombia and one of the most colorful in the world, as most of the traditional homes have murals painted on the bottom half of their façades that depict animals, people, and shapes. Just hanging out in one of the bright plazas, drinking coffee and people-watching, is one of the most pleasant things to do here.
Most people, though, come to climb the steep (and difficult) staircase to the top of the monolithic Rock of Guatapé (La Piedra) for some of the best views in the country. Guatapé is a long day trip from Medellín (hostels in the city organize them throughout the week) so I recommend trying to spend at least a night here so you aren’t as rushed and can enjoy the area little more.
15. Chingaza National Park
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This is one of the biggest nature reserves in Colombia, home to more than 1,000 plant species and 187 bird species. Here you’ll learn about the Páramo ecosystem and how it affects the global water system. (Fun fact: Nearly 80% of Bogotá’s water supply comes from Chingaza.) If you’re going to hike, joining a tour is a good idea. The guides are usually naturalists who can explain the unique environment of the area. One of the best routes is the challenging hike to the summit of Lagunas de Siecha, with a great view over the lakes.
16. Barranquilla
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Located between Santa Marta and Cartagena, Barranquilla is the spot to be during Carnival, the second biggest in Latin America. It starts on a Sunday with the Battle of Flowers (a big parade) and the coronation of the King and Queen.
But there’s a lot to do here when it’s not carnival season as well. Make sure you visit El Museo del Caribe, a museum offering an interesting insight into the history of Colombia’s Caribbean coast. There’s also a special exhibit dedicated to Gabriel García Márquez (the famous author who wrote Love in the Time of Cholera).
17. Tierradentro
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Tierradentro is one of the most important archaeological sites in South America. It’s up there with San Agustín but gets less press since it’s located in the middle of nowhere and not on a main road. It contains over 100 hypogea (underground tombs) dating from the sixth to the tenth centuries, the only examples of their kind in the Americas. It takes a day or two to hike all the paths around the tombs. You can hire a guide if you want, but the trails are pretty easy to do on your own.
18. Manizales (and Los Nevados)
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On the road from Medellín to the south is the city of Manizales. Here, you can take some tours at this northern point of the coffee-growing region, or roam around town, which has some decent restaurants and churches, and a scenic gondola ride. The main reason people visit is to hike Los Nevados, a mountain range with majestic snow-capped peaks. You can do a day or multi-day hikes, but whatever you do, don’t rush up to the top — acclimatize yourself to the altitude in Manizales for a few days first. The town is 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) above sea level, but mountains are about 6,000 meters (19,700 feet)! I wasn’t climatized and could really feel the altitude just walking around town. Don’t push yourself if you want to do the hike.
19. The Caribbean Coast
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The beaches on the Caribbean coast might not win any awards (at least in my opinion), but the sleepy towns reminded me a lot of the tiny backpacker beach villages around Southeast Asia: a dirt road, lots of hostels, a relaxed atmosphere, and not much else to do. I could easily see why people end up getting stuck here for weeks at a time. The best beach towns to visit are Costeño Beach and Palomino.
20. Punta Gallinas
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Punta Gallinas is the northernmost point in all of South America. Most people come here via a tour from Santa Marta or Cabo de Vela, with the latter (through La Guajira Desert) being the better option if you just want to take your time and relax because it’s closer so there’s a lot less drive time. In fact, the only way to see the area is via a tour. Most are two or three nights depending on where you’re coming from. Any hostel can organize a trip for you.
21. Minca
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Minca is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Santa Marta Mountains. Once a sleepy backpacker town, it’s now a hot spot for tourists escaping the oppressive heat on the Caribbean coast and hoping to do some quiet hikes. One of the best hikes is to Los Pinos, but it isn’t easy: it takes about three hours from the center of town, and it’s a steady climb into the mountains but, like all things like this, it’s worth it.
There are a lot of waterfalls in the area as well. Two of the best are the Pozo Azul and Marinka. Both have swimming holes at them too.
Be sure to check out the sunset Mundo Nuevo Hostel. It’s an amazing vantage point.
Colombia has a million and one things to do. I lost track of all the places I kept wishing I had time to visit. You can spend months there (and a lot of people to do). However, I think this list is a great start. My recommendation is that if you’re short on time, fly (the bus rides are long) or just stick to one area of the country and go in depth around that region.
Trying to “see it all” in Colombia is just a recipe for burnout!
Book Your Trip to Colombia: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Want More Information on Colombia? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Colombia for even more planning tips!
Photo credits: 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22
The post My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-places-colombia/
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melissagarcia8 · 5 years
My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia
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Posted: 4/18/2019 | April 18th, 2019
From the blue waters of Tayrona National Park, the sweeping views of the Cocora Valley, and the ruins of San Agustín, Tierradentro, and the Lost City, to the white colonial buildings of Popayán and the hustle and bustle of its metropolises, Colombia is packed with things to see and do.
I’d wanted to visit Colombia for years. And after spending six weeks there, I must say, it lived up to the hype.
I mean I’ve been fawning over it a lot in my last few posts. And I know I’m the millionth blogger to do so, but it really is as incredible as people say. (Even getting knifed there couldn’t stop me from loving the country.)
I had falsely assumed that six weeks would be enough to get a good sense of Colombia. After all, six weeks is a fair amount of time to spend anywhere.
But I was wrong. Given its size and the sheer number of activities, it was barely enough to scratch the surface.
Yet I did manage to see a lot.
Today I want to share my list of what I think are the best things to see and do in Colombia. These are the activities and places you should try to focus on when you visit:
1. Cartagena
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Cartagena is one of the most visited destinations in Colombia (thanks to a lot of direct flights and cruise ship visits). Dating back to 1533, the city is famed for its colonial Old Town: a maze of cobbled alleys, flower-covered balconies, and giant churches on spacious plazas.
But despite the crowds (and there are a lot of crowds), I really enjoyed Cartagena. While there aren’t a lot of tourist activities (you can do most of them in a single day), what makes it a wonderful place to visit is just that: it’s somewhere you can slow down, relax, and gorge on the phenomenal gastronomy.
For more, check out this blog post about Cartegena and all my favorite places to eat there.
2. Tayrona National Park
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Located on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Tayrona has long stretches of golden beaches lined with coconut palms and a dense rainforest with lots of easy day hikes. You’ll also find campsites for overnight stays, hammocks for rent, restaurants, diving, and horse riding.
It’s easy to visit as a day trip from Santa Marta. I highly suggest you start early at the big entrance at El Zaino and exit the park through Calabazo. This underused route takes a whole day, and once you pass the Cabo San Juan campground, you’ll get the last half of the trail to yourself. Try to avoid visiting during January and weekends, when the crowds on the beaches and hiking paths are at their peak.
3. The Lost City (La Ciudad Perdida)
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The Lost City was built around 800 CE and contains 169 terraces carved into the mountains, as well as a network of tiled roads and small plazas. It’s one of the most beautiful treks in the country, and the site is older than Machu Picchu! To visit, you need to hire a tour operator (you can’t do it by yourself). It’s about $300-350 USD for the trek from Santa Marta through the jungle up to these beautiful ruins and takes 4–6 days. If you’re pressed for time, you can also do it in three days; the only difference is the pace you go at.
(Tip: You cross a lot of rivers, so be sure to bring an extra pair of shoes or flip flops for when you cross the rivers. You’ll easily ruin a pair of sneakers along the way.)
4. Salento
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Surrounded by green mountains and coffee farms, this is one of the oldest towns in the coffee-growing region and the most popular for travelers. The houses are painted a variety of vibrant colors, and the high vantage points throughout town provide some stunning views (sunsets are quite magical). There’s not much to do in the city itself — it’s simply a base for coffee tours or hiking the Cocora Valley (see below) or the trails around town — so it’s easy to spend a few days here watching the world go by with a good book in hand.
5. Cocora Valley
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The Cocora Valley is home to Colombia’s national tree, the wax palm, which grows to nearly 200 feet tall. This area has probably the most popular day hike in the country (which was also my favorite activity during my entire trip). You’ll cross jungle rivers, visit a bird sanctuary, and enjoy some stellar views and forest scenery. The route’s about five hours, and you can choose to either take the clockwise or counterclockwise route. The clockwise route, starting at the Wax Palm Valley, is easier, with fewer hills. Counterclockwise is easier at the end, though a little anticlimactic, as you end the hike walking down a boring road.
(Tip: Start early to avoid the brutal midday heat, since there are a lot of exposed areas here.)
6. Bogotá
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Bogotá is Colombia’s vibrant capital. While it’s not the country’s most popular destination, it felt the most “Colombian” to me: there was just a certain edge and charm to it, and it seemed the least touristy, with the fewest gringo expats. The historic downtown, La Candelaria, is filled with bright colonial buildings, detailed museums, delicious restaurants, tiny fun bars, historic churches, and centuries-old houses. The north end of town is home to boutique hotels and entertainment areas like Zona Rosa and Zona G. The foodie scene in the city is incredible, with a lot of international options and cutting-edge gastronomic happenings. Throw in some amazing walking tours, day trips, and hikes and you’ve got a recipe for an astounding city.
For more, here’s a list of all my favorite things to do – and places to eat – in Bogota.
7. Cali
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This hot, hot city is the salsa capital of the world, where people come to dance. A lot of the guests at my hostel had been there for weeks to learn (the hostels also offer free dance classes). If you like to dance, you can’t miss this city. Besides dancing, though, there are a number of parks, museums, and churches you can visit, plus free walking and food tours. While I didn’t stay long, I definitely enjoyed the scene.
8. Popayán
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Popayán rivals Cartagena as Colombia’s most impressive colonial town. It’s known as La Ciudad Blanca (“The White City”) because all the buildings are painted white. Popayán is also a college town (there are three universities), and it’s produced 17 presidents too! Though small, I really loved the slow pace of life and the surprisingly robust food scene here (eat at La Cosecha Parrillada, Restaurante Italiano y Pizzeria, La Fresa, and Mora de Castilla).
While you don’t need a lot of time (take the walking tour, climb the hill, see the churches, and you’re done), I do suggest staying longer to enjoy the slow pace of life. So much of Colombia is go-go-go, it’s nice to find a place that’s more “stay and relax a while.”
9. Tatacoa Desert
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Millions of years ago it was once a lush tropical forest. Now, Tatacoa Desert is filled with rocky canyons in shades of red and gray. It is also home to one of the most important observatories in South America, where you can gaze at the stars (weather permitting). If you want to be blown away by the universe, you really need to see this place! Other than that, there’s not much here. Bike into the desert, take some walks, stare at the sky. Stay a night or two. It’s not a popular area, but it is a picturesque way to break up the long bus ride from Bogotá to the south or vice versa.
10. San Agustín Archaeological Park
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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, San Agustín is a small mountain town that’s home to hundreds of pre-Columbian statues and burial mounds. Its collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures is the largest in Latin America, for which you’ll need at least one full day (two to really see it all in depth). If you love history, this is probably the best spot in all of Colombia to experience it.
11. San Gil
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San Gil is considered the outdoors capital of the country. Extreme-sports fans love it here. You can go white-water rafting, paragliding, caving, rappelling, trekking, and more from this city! This city is a great place to do outdoor activities and you’re going to find a lot of tour operators in the city. Try to plan at least three days here. It’s worth it.
12. Providencia and San Andrés Islands
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These islands are actually closer to Nicaragua than Colombia. They are also considered some of the most unspoiled places in the Caribbean. You’ll find white-sand beaches, stunningly clear blue water, and few crowds (though, thanks to some recent press, Providencia is becoming a lot busier).
Try to make it when tens of thousands of black crabs migrate to the sea. This happens twice a year for about a 1-2-week period between April and July, so it’s not always easy to nail the timing.
13. Medellín
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In a country full of hype, this hyped-up city is all that it’s cracked up to be. Set in the Aburrá Valley, Medellín is one of the fastest-growing cities in Colombia. It has enough activities and things to do to fill weeks on end: from microbreweries, museums, walking tours, spacious parks, street art, food tours and markets to incredible nightlife, and on and on and on.
It’s one of the most popular destinations for expats and tourists in the country. While it’s easy to get lost in Gringoland here, try to get out of Poblado or Laureles and see the locals’ side of town.
There’s more to the city than those two areas!
14. Guatapé
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This pueblo is one of the most picturesque towns in Colombia and one of the most colorful in the world, as most of the traditional homes have murals painted on the bottom half of their façades that depict animals, people, and shapes. Just hanging out in one of the bright plazas, drinking coffee and people-watching, is one of the most pleasant things to do here.
Most people, though, come to climb the steep (and difficult) staircase to the top of the monolithic Rock of Guatapé (La Piedra) for some of the best views in the country. Guatapé is a long day trip from Medellín (hostels in the city organize them throughout the week) so I recommend trying to spend at least a night here so you aren’t as rushed and can enjoy the area little more.
15. Chingaza National Park
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This is one of the biggest nature reserves in Colombia, home to more than 1,000 plant species and 187 bird species. Here you’ll learn about the Páramo ecosystem and how it affects the global water system. (Fun fact: Nearly 80% of Bogotá’s water supply comes from Chingaza.) If you’re going to hike, joining a tour is a good idea. The guides are usually naturalists who can explain the unique environment of the area. One of the best routes is the challenging hike to the summit of Lagunas de Siecha, with a great view over the lakes.
16. Barranquilla
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Located between Santa Marta and Cartagena, Barranquilla is the spot to be during Carnival, the second biggest in Latin America. It starts on a Sunday with the Battle of Flowers (a big parade) and the coronation of the King and Queen.
But there’s a lot to do here when it’s not carnival season as well. Make sure you visit El Museo del Caribe, a museum offering an interesting insight into the history of Colombia’s Caribbean coast. There’s also a special exhibit dedicated to Gabriel García Márquez (the famous author who wrote Love in the Time of Cholera).
17. Tierradentro
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Tierradentro is one of the most important archaeological sites in South America. It’s up there with San Agustín but gets less press since it’s located in the middle of nowhere and not on a main road. It contains over 100 hypogea (underground tombs) dating from the sixth to the tenth centuries, the only examples of their kind in the Americas. It takes a day or two to hike all the paths around the tombs. You can hire a guide if you want, but the trails are pretty easy to do on your own.
18. Manizales (and Los Nevados)
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On the road from Medellín to the south is the city of Manizales. Here, you can take some tours at this northern point of the coffee-growing region, or roam around town, which has some decent restaurants and churches, and a scenic gondola ride. The main reason people visit is to hike Los Nevados, a mountain range with majestic snow-capped peaks. You can do a day or multi-day hikes, but whatever you do, don’t rush up to the top — acclimatize yourself to the altitude in Manizales for a few days first. The town is 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) above sea level, but mountains are about 6,000 meters (19,700 feet)! I wasn’t climatized and could really feel the altitude just walking around town. Don’t push yourself if you want to do the hike.
19. The Caribbean Coast
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The beaches on the Caribbean coast might not win any awards (at least in my opinion), but the sleepy towns reminded me a lot of the tiny backpacker beach villages around Southeast Asia: a dirt road, lots of hostels, a relaxed atmosphere, and not much else to do. I could easily see why people end up getting stuck here for weeks at a time. The best beach towns to visit are Costeño Beach and Palomino.
20. Punta Gallinas
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Punta Gallinas is the northernmost point in all of South America. Most people come here via a tour from Santa Marta or Cabo de Vela, with the latter (through La Guajira Desert) being the better option if you just want to take your time and relax because it’s closer so there’s a lot less drive time. In fact, the only way to see the area is via a tour. Most are two or three nights depending on where you’re coming from. Any hostel can organize a trip for you.
21. Minca
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Minca is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Santa Marta Mountains. Once a sleepy backpacker town, it’s now a hot spot for tourists escaping the oppressive heat on the Caribbean coast and hoping to do some quiet hikes. One of the best hikes is to Los Pinos, but it isn’t easy: it takes about three hours from the center of town, and it’s a steady climb into the mountains but, like all things like this, it’s worth it.
There are a lot of waterfalls in the area as well. Two of the best are the Pozo Azul and Marinka. Both have swimming holes at them too.
Be sure to check out the sunset Mundo Nuevo Hostel. It’s an amazing vantage point.
Colombia has a million and one things to do. I lost track of all the places I kept wishing I had time to visit. You can spend months there (and a lot of people to do). However, I think this list is a great start. My recommendation is that if you’re short on time, fly (the bus rides are long) or just stick to one area of the country and go in depth around that region.
Trying to “see it all” in Colombia is just a recipe for burnout!
Book Your Trip to Colombia: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Want More Information on Colombia? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Colombia for even more planning tips!
Photo credits: 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22
The post My 21 Favorite Places to Visit in Colombia appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-places-colombia/
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
Top Ten Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines 2019
In this post I’m exploring the top ten, best bean to cup coffee machines of 2019, including comparisons of features and common comments from user reviews.
This isn’t an official top ten list of bean to cup coffee machines, it’s simply what I have gauged to be the top ten best bean to cup coffee machines based on sales stats & reviews, in the hope of helping readers to discover which may be the best bean to cup coffee machine for them, based on their budget and their needs.
It’s important to state that I’ve not used all of these machines, I spent a week with the DeLonghi ESAM 4200, and I also spent a week with the Sage Oracle for my Sage Oracle Review, but the info on all the other machines on the list is purely from the research I’ve done. Having said that, I do put quite a bit of time into doing this research, so they should be helpful and save you some time in doing all of the research yourself.
Best Bean to Cup Espresso machines. 
Just to point out, this is the top ten best bean to cup espresso machines, and doesn’t include bean to cup filter coffee machines, for bean to cup filter  machines see: Best Bean to Cup Filter Coffee Machines.
Why Buy a Bean to Cup Machine?
If you want true espresso at home, or in the office, or both if you work from home ;-), you only really have two options, a semi automatic traditional espresso machine with a grinder, or a bean to cup espresso machine. 
Going the traditional route with a semi auto or fully manual espresso machine (I have both, a Gaggia Classic & a La Pavoni Europiccola) plus a grinder, doesn’t just mean buying a coffee machine, it means the beginning of a hobby.
If you’re not yet an experienced home barista, you’ll experience a learning curve when you first start using an espresso machine, and depending on which bean to cup machine you go for, the learning curve can be reduced. There will still be a bit of a learning curve, you still need to dial in to get the right grind, but generally speaking bean to cup machines are easier, depending on the level of automation, some do a bit for you – some do it all for you & involve you simply pressing a button. 
Yes you could go for a capsule machine such as Nespresso (see best Nespresso machines) but they’re not true espresso, not a million miles away, and they’re mega fast and convenient, but if you want true espresso, you need an espresso machine. 
  Anyway, I’m getting side tracked – so without further waffling:
Top Ten Best Bean to Cup Espresso machines 2019
De’Longhi Magnifica ESAM4200
Dimensions 36 x 38 x 28 cm Dual (thermoblock) boiler, no waiting for steam after pulling the shot 1 touch bean to cup Simple to use coffee strength / volume controls Turbo steam wand. Capable of Ristretto and Espresso  No1 selling bean to cup espresso machine on Amazon Burr grinder  Water tank: 1.2 litres 1450 watts Available in black or silver 2 year warranty
This is the best selling bean to cup machine on Amazon, and it has an average review score of 4.5 from a whopping 1,485 reviews – plus there are over 250 answered questions, so this machine has a lot going for it in terms of the user being able to find out all of it’s quirks & pros and cons before deciding whether it’s the right bean to cup machine for them. By the way by far the best answered question is this one: 
Question: Does this device enable me to travel through space and time? Answer: Hi, only if you possess a CONTINUUM TRANSFUNCTIONER, Cheers G
Love it ;-), the best bean to cup coffee machine which is easily converted into a time machine, with a simple continuum transfunctioner, which I believe you can get from Maplin.
Grinds Fresh Coffee Beans
Your choice of fresh coffee beans finely ground with the integrated burr grinder. Creating coffee shop quality coffee, to be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.
Personalise Your Coffee
Easy to use control panel for you to simply adapt the coffee strength and length to your preference.
Double Delivery
Prepare two drinks with a single touch of a button, or prepare hot water for tea infusions.
Traditional Milk Frother
Produces a smooth and silky milk foam to create your favourite beverages such as Cappuccino, Caffe Latte, or Latte Macchiato.
Note about the blurb:
It’s not what I would class as a traditional frother, it’s a Pannarello / turbo steam wand as many of these machines have, meaning that it has a sheath around it and the air holes are in the side, rather than having a hole or holes in the tip. This makes it much more straight forward to stick it in the milk and create froth, but my experience with turbo wands is that they make it almost impossible to control the milk texture, so what most people tend to do if they want to work on improving the milk texture, is to just remove the plastic sheath, or in some cases you can replace the turbo wand with a traditional steam wand. 
Amazon reviews: 4.5 / 5 from 1,485 reviews
Best review: 
Bought this having had a tassimo machine before. The change is stellar and, to be honest, it’s no extra hassle. Now all my waste goes on the compost rather than having to be disposed of down the local recycling centre.
I now get to try all sorts of coffees that I find in random shops. It makes beautiful coffee (especially once you’ve got the grinding size right) quickly and easily. And the variable strength setting is a complete winner if you think you may have overdone the caffeine that day but still have to have another one (as I frequently do!).
Complaints? It is a bit noisy on warm up, and the spouts don’t quite come down far enough when you’re using expresso cups, which leads to splashes. But I’m quibbling!
If you like shots of coffee (rather than filter) get this if you can afford it. It puts all the pod machines I’ve ever tried in the shade. I love it!!!
Worst review:
First machine made one cup of coffee, which tasted great, and then the mechanism stopped moving. Followed all the instructions, reset the machine it made another great cup of coffee and stuck again. Resetting did nothing this time. Amazon were great and replaced the machine. The new machine worked perfectly for a couple of weeks. I had made sure to only use the machine as stated in the manual. Watched youtube videos on how to use it, how to keep it clean, everything I could find as I wanted this one to last as long as possible. Then it jammed. Wouldn’t reset. Didn’t react to soft or hard resetting. Returned it and Amazon refunded. Now I manually make coffee.
Notes about the reviews: 
While there are some 1 star reviews, it’s just over 5% of the reviews, 3% are 2 star, about the same for 3 star, 14% are 4 star, and 74% of the reviews are 5 star. This is very good considering that this is one of the cheapest bean to cup espresso machines on the market.  As far as I can see nearly all of the negative reviews are with reference to faults, and given that it has a 2 year manufacturers warranty, although having a fault is a pain in the backside, the potential of having a faulty machine wouldn’t put me off. I can’t see any recurring themes from the reviews when it comes to any kind of a design fault, and the recurring theme from the positive reviews are that it makes great coffee and it’s simple to use. 
RRP is £449.99 but it’s nearly always available now here on amazon from under £300, it’s currently on offer at £259.99
I’ve since reviewed the ESAM 4200 – see: DeLonghi ESAM 4200 Review
 Gaggia Brera Bean to Cup Coffee Machine
Dimensions: L25.5 x H33 x D42.5 cm Thermoblock boiler Steam wand doubles as hot water tap Panarello steam wand slides off to reveal standard steam wand. Auto Cleaning Ceramic Burrs Removable Brew Group Digital display Removable Water tank: 1.2 litres Coffee Bean Capacity: 250 grams Dump Box Capacity: 8 servings Adjustable Cup Height Panarello Steam/Hot Water Arm Adjustable Coffee Dose 1500W
The Gaggia Brera is a compact bean-to-cup espresso machine in a stylish, modern design. The Brera is simple to use, and allows easy access to the water tank and coffee ground waste via the front of the machine. The Brera allows for customisation of your preferred drink. The easy to use controls provide control over the grind of the coffee, the amount of coffee used in each espresso shot, and controlling the length of each shot.
Amazon reviews: 3.6 / 5 from 78 reviews
Best review: 
 This machine is amazing, makes a great latte, and with a hot water function too is really good..makes just the perfect coffee of choice, easy to use and clean..
Worst review: 
I had a Gaggia Syncrony … had it about 25 years. It finally gave up and I bought this machine. Irritating is an understatement. The coffee is not as good or as strong as my old machine, there is no crème. I have it on the highest “aroma” ie highest strength and its still insipid. My only option is to perhaps do two espressos. Water keeps coming out and filling the drip tray so that has to be emptied every few cups. The Syncrony drip tray … I emptied once a week! The new machine constantly needs filling with water … probably because it uses so much to do a “clean” between cups. The Syncrony had a dial for the amount of coffee you wanted so you could change it so much more easily than setting on the new machine. To get a cup of coffee takes so much longer, especially if its gone into standby mode. I could go on … and probably will… but I only set the new machine up yesterday. Its SO complicated! Bring back the Syncrony!
Notes about the reviews: 
68% of the reviews are 5 star, and 12% 4 star, so 80% of the reviews are 4 or 5 star, so I’d usually expect a higher overall star rating. The reason for the lower than expected overall rating is a fairly high number of 1 star reviews (10%), and when this is the case there’s usually slightly unusual going on. 
What I mean by this, is if this machine only deserved a 3.6 star overall rating, I would expect a much higher % of 2, 3 and 4 star ratings, but the total of 2, 3 and 4 star ratings is only 22%. Usually when the ratings look like this, there’s been a fault affecting the reviews, and it looks like this may be the case here. 
It also seems that some Amazon buyers have bought from suppliers (some of whom are shipping directly from Italy) who have not been helpful when it comes to support. As I said in the Gaggia classic 2019 review, I’d recommend that if you’re buying a Gaggia, you buy from Caffe Shop Ltd (Gaggia UK) or one of their appointed distributors. 
RRP is £569, I usually recommend Amazon as it’s usually the cheapest, but in this case they’re on offer at Gaggia UK for £369, and this means you’re buying from the UK distributor, who I can tell you from experience offer great support.
Krups EA8108 Espresseria Automatic Bean to Cup Espresso Machine 
Dimensions: 24.5 x 36.5 x 33 cm Water tank: 1.8 L The most compact Krups fully automatic machine Adjustable settings for coffee size, strength and temperature Simple interface makes it easy to achieve barista style coffee Provides optimal temperature coffee for every cup Professional quality grinder for precise and uniform grinding 1450 watts
For coffee lovers that are big on taste and short on space.
The KRUPS EA8108 is a fully automated espresso machine packed with features for easy barista result. Designed for use with coffee beans this machine boats all the key features of KRUPS’ renowned Bean To Cup line in a smaller footprint for easy cafe quality coffee at home.
Ultra-compact system with 1.8L capacity. Stylish casing finished in Piano black. The ergonomic rotary knob and height adjustable coffee dispenser provide intuitive operation. Compact Thermoblock System fast-heats water to the perfect temperature. Cup warming tray keep your coffee at the optimum temperature. Stainless steel conical burr grinder ensures a precise and uniform grind to make the perfect espresso with a rich crema. Adjustable settings for coffee size, strength and type. Simple and easy to use interface to achieve the best coffee possible.
Thermoblock Heating System
Patented Thermoblock system ensures a hot and aromatic coffee.
Rotary Knob
Easily adjust your coffee preferences with the ergonomic rotary knob.
Milk Frother
Easily make the perfect cappuccino using the multi-directional steam nozzle and directly froths the milk into a cup.
Easy Maintenance
Easy to clean and maintain thanks to the stainless steel burr grinder and automatic rinsing, cleaning and de-scaling programmes.
Stainless Steel Grinder
The Active Speed grinder launched by KRUPS is 20% faster than the grinders used in previous models, it will guarantee you an express espresso!
The new KRUPS Active Speed grinder was designed to offer high resistance during use, and to ensure that it can complete up to 280,000 cycles without fault.
Amazon reviews: 4.4 / 5 from 16 reviews
Best review: 
Absolutely love this machine; it looks amazing, produces deliciously smooth coffee and it’s so easy to use. Has a tank at the bank that lifts up and out easily, the top flips aside so you can fill it with water and then being clear, you can easily see how much water is left. A dial allows you to choose the fineness of the grind and a second dial allows you to choose the volume of drink you want so you can make a full cup of coffee or an espresso or anything in between. The coffee comes out of two nozzles so you can do two cups together if you press the button twice- it does an initial grind and goes through one complete cycle producing half a cup in each cup and then automatically repeats the cycle to complete the two cups. There is also a milk frothing nozzle that you can used to make lattes or just to froth up milk for a hot chocolate. It’s dead easy to wipe clean and indicators come on to tell you when the grounds need emptying or the drop tray needs emptying. I’m a total convert to this little beauty now and never bother with instant coffee anymore. Switching this on in the morning and drinking that first cup of coffee 2 minutes later is now one of my absolute pleasures…. oh, and by the way, it makes the coffee at the perfect temperature for drinking so unlike pouring hot water from the kettle into instant coffee and then waiting for it to cool, with this, your coffee really is ready to drink in 2 minutes !!!
Worst review:
Save your money.. choose another product. I throw away more unused beans than I drink & it goes into a clean cycle (when used more then a few times), says empty the bean tray constantly (when not even quarter full). Frustrating!!
Notes about the reviews: 
Only one 1 star, two 3 star, one 4 star and twelve 5 star reviews. The machine doesn’t appear to suffer much from faults, and there are no recurring complaints. 
RRP is £429.99, available on Amazon from just over £300. 
De’Longhi ESAM2800.SB Bean to Cup Coffee Machine
Dimensions: 28.5 x 36 x 37.5 cm Water tank: 1.8L 15 bar pressure Removable 1.8 L water tank Electronic steam and coffee thermostat for accurate steam control Suitable for fresh coffee beans Removable brewing unit for easy cleaning Steam wand Integrated professional burr grinder with 7 adjustable coarseness settings Energy saving function Power supply switch for zero consumption 2 year guarantee
The ESAM2800 is the perfect bean to cup coffee solution to give you the kick start to your day.
Designed to look elegant but functional so that the perfect coffee is just a touch of a button away.
Fresh beans mean that this machine will offer a full aroma coffee as if you were buying it from a coffee shop. Espresso’s, long black, cappuccinos and lattes using the steam wand to create textured milk. The ESAM2800, a perfect coffee solution for those who recognise style and enjoy a bit of luxury.
The advanced boiler system (thermoblock) allows for the perfect espresso – one or two cups it will always be the same perfect temperature
Long Black
Create the perfect long black coffee.
Using the steam wand you can create textured milk for a coffee shop quality cappuccino.
Using the automatic milk function you can create textured milk for a coffee shop quality latte.
Easy to Clean
The brewing unit is completely removable, so cleaning the inside of the machine is easy, even in areas normally difficult to reach.
It has rinse and decalcification auto-programmes to reflect local water hardness.
Easy to Use
Self-priming system means the machine is always ready for use.
This machine has an automatic shut-off after a pre-set time has elapsed, making it even easier to use.
The instant reheat function heats the core of the machine, ensuring that the machine is always at the ideal temperature for espresso.
Level of Convenience
This machine can be used with either fresh coffee beans or ground coffee. The simple functionality means that the perfect coffee is just a touch of a button away.
Amazon reviews: 4.6 / 5 from 87 reviews
Best review: 
I got this to replace the older version, Old one was good, this is even better. Makes brilliant coffee. You of course have to try various settings to suit your taste. More important try different coffee beans. I settled on Guatemalan coffee, none others quite match it for me. This is a very personal taste.
With this model you can control the temperature of coffee and water. The door has a latch to open and shut. The coffee has more aroma when ground fine.
Downside…. Once you perfect your coffee, you will not enjoy high street coffee so much…..
Worst review:
Broke after 11 months- bean grinder stopped working.
Notes about the reviews: 
Three 1 star reviews, three 2 stars, two 3 stars, twelve 4 stars & the rest 5 star. There seem to have been some faults, mainly with the grinder. A few people moaning about the machine being too loud, and quite a few people complaining about the milk temperature. There are suggestions within the positive ratings that some of the negative reviews are from people who didn’t read the instructions properly and who haven’t got the machine set up correctly, which is an interesting point. 
RRP is £349.99on offer now here on Amazon for £299.
 Melitta E953-102 Caffeo Solo and Milk Fully Automatic Coffee Maker with Milk Steamer 
Dimensions: 20 cm wide x 45.5 deep x 32.57 cm tall Water tank: 1.2 litres 1400 watts Three brew temperatures & three coffee strengths, in any volume.  Intelligent integrated three setting steel grinder Height adjustable spout, two cup option, cup warmer, removable water tank, easy to move, only 20 cm wide Hygienic – push-button cleaning, easy-clean components and surfaces. Energy-efficient LED lights, shut down and stand-by modes Pre-brew function for optimal flavour Steam wand Height adjustable spout Water filter Cup warmer Removable brewing unit Energy saving mode Slim–only 20 cm
Four Generations of Coffee Expertise
The Melitta group of companies, with headquarters in Minden, has long been a successful manufacturer and innovative developer of coffee machines. Founded by Melitta Bentz in 1908, the company invented the coffee filter, and it’s Melitta’s passion for coffee that fuels the company. The employees’ loyalty to Melitta products is something of which the group is particularly proud and this loyalty has contributed to Melitta’s expansion and development. Melitta’s global family ‘makes coffee a pleasure’.
For true connoisseurs
Intelligent automatic grinder, flow control dial, a choice of coffee strengths, easily programmable brew temperatures and an easy to use integrated milk steam nozzle that creates creamy milk froth all add up to a consistent, simple and enjoyable coffee experience.
Optimal Coffee
Real ground coffee at the touch of a button from a low-maintenance machine. Pre-brew function injects water into the coffee as it grinds, maximising the flavour. Passive cup warmer means you can gently heat your cup before making your coffee.
Sophisticated Functions but Simple Care
The removable water tank has a safety sensor so the machine won’t work without water. The convenient height-adjustable spout (up to 13.5 cm) lets you make two cups at the same time. Automatic cleaning and de-scaling is quick, no fuss, push-button easy. Rinse the removable brewing unit under the tap, and just wipe down the easy-clean surfaces.
Sustainable Production and Sophisticated Technology
Featuring environmentally conscious, energy efficient LED lights. Programmable automatic stand-by or complete ‘off’ switch for 0-watt consumption; adjustable energy saving mode.
Amazon reviews: 4.3 / 5 from 37 reviews
Best review: 
I love coffee and over the years have had many varied machines for making including cafetiere, Tassimo, Nespresso, Espresso, filter jug, etc. All of these have their strengths and weaknesses -Nespresso and Tassimo it is the cost of the posd which is a major drawback, and the others it is the mess and cleaning. I have wanted a good quality bean to cup machine for some time, but have not been able to justify the cost, so when the Melitta was featured as deal of the day I took the plunge and bought it, and how glad I am!
Firstly, it produces fantastic coffee. The strength can be adjusted from 1 – mild, to 3 -strong, and the volume can be varied from a small espresso up to a large cup. As a bean to cup machine, there is no faffing about tamping, measuring, etc.. You just press a button and off you go. Cleaning is just a matter oe emptying the ďrip tray each day which is a very quick and easy job, and giving the brewing unit a periodic clean which again is not a difficult process. Unless anything goes wrong, this is the last coffee machine I will buy – I love it.
Worst review: 
Stopped working after 5 weeks. Makes ok black coffee if you can get it to take the beans through … Steamer heats the milk but regardless of setting won’t froth the milk for a decent cappuccino. Previous DeLonghi machine much better.
Notes about the reviews: 
There are only three 1 star reviews, and they seem to be faulty machines. Amazon have a returns window (usually 30 days) in which the item can be returned for a replacement or refund.  I see quite a few Amazon reviews for coffee makers which give me the impression that people are getting the return window and the warranty mixed up. The warranty is with the manufacturer, and is usually a 2 year warranty, the Amazon return window gives buyers the opportunity to simply have the product swapped out if it develops a fault within the return window. Once that window closes you can still get the machine fixed, it just means contacting the supplier or the manufacturer directly, and they will probably ask to see your receipt. 
A common comment in the reviews is that they’re being sent out in the UK with a 2 pin UK plug, which is a pain as you then have to dig out an adapter or go out and buy one before you can use your new bean to cup espresso machine. 
Another common theme is that excessive amounts of water end up in the internal drip tray, but the general consensus is that this is a quirk which isn’t much of an issue once you’re used to it. 
There are a few negative comments about the frother not being up to much. 
Generally the comments about the coffee the machine produces are good, and a recurring theme is that it’s simple to use and quick.
RRP is £449.99 but it’s available  here on amazon from £399.99
 Sage by Heston Blumenthal the Barista Express 
This isn’t quite bean to cup, but it’s high on the best seller list in the bean to cup category of Amazon, second only to the  Magnifica ESAM4200. It’s a bean to cup / traditional hybrid, which gives the user some bean to cup features while also providing the enjoyment, ritual and theatre of making Espresso – along with the initial frustration, so just be prepared, if you do just want to press a button and have great coffee from unpacking your machine, then go for a full bean to cup machine.,
I used the Sage the Oracle for a week about 18 months ago, that is closer to bean to cup as it has more automated features, and it’s dual boiler too, and it’s much higher price tag so the oracle will feature in this post a bit later on.
Dimensions: 35 x 37 x 38cm  Water tank: 2L Inbuilt grinder takes you from whole beans to espresso in under a minute Automatic hands free dosing, delivers a consistent volume of consistently ground coffee into your filter with one-touch Low pressure pre-infusion gently soaks the coffee allowing it to expand prior to its high pressure extraction for a balanced taste High pressure steam output for barista quality milk texturing Separate hot water wand for pre-heating cups or making a long black or an Americano 1700W
Heston says that almost every ingredient tastes better when fresh, and coffee is no exception. The natural oils that give espressos and cappuccinos their rich flavour quickly degrade once the coffee bean is ground, so the Barista Express grinds fresh coffee straight into the filter for you, in exactly the right amount, then extracts the full, fresh flavour. With an expert array of features, carefully engineered for the most aromatic coffee you can make at home, it’s no wonder Wendy said it was the best coffee she’d ever had! Fully automated with super easy controls, it’s nearly impossible to make a bad cup of coffee with this intelligent, 15 bar pressure machine.
Grinds, doses and extracts – from whole bean to flavourful espresso in under a minute. 250g bean hopper holds enough for 25 shots of espresso and has an integrated stainless steel conical burr grinder. Pre-ground beans can also be used. 18 grind settings from coarse to fine. 2 litre top-fill water tank with integrated water filtration. Adjustable dose so you can tailor to your taste. 15 bar pressure builds gradually at first for an even extraction. Thermacoil heating system with adjustable temperature control. High power milk frothing arm. Instant hot water for long black coffees. Single and double filter baskets, 480ml stainless steel frothing jug and cleaning kit incl.
My comments:
I really like Sage products. I have the smart grinder pro, which is a brilliant grinder. I spent a week using the Oracle for my Sage the Oracle review post, and I found that to be an amazing machine, and I’m currently using the Sage smart kettle for a review post.
The thing about Sage (Which is Breville in other countries, but they can’t use the Breville name here as there was already another firm called Breville) is that whatever they’re designing, they pull out all the stops, to ensure that they’re creating the best possible version of that machine at that price range.
You can see that by looking at the specs of this machine, 2L water tank, separate water spout, 1700W, stainless steel, proper steam wand. They could have used cheaper materials, they could have gone for the standard 1.2 or 1.4L water tank, they could have left out the hot water tap and let people use the steam wand for water for Americano, or the kettle. But this isn’t the kind of thing they do. While most manufacturers simply look at what the market needs, what price point it needs to be at, and then churn out machines that fit the bill, Sage are a different kettle of fish (pun intended ), they create products for the prosumer end of the market, for connoisseurs, which in many cases as with the smart grinder pro and the Barista express, are priced within the standard consumer range.  
It’s important to remember though that this isn’t a full bean to cup machine, and you should expect a learning curve while you develop some Barista skills, which will probably include some offensive language, feet stamping and wasted coffee ;-).
A quick comment about the ‘Sage by Heston Blumenthal” name, and Breville. There are some comments in the questions and answers which seem to suggest that there’s some kind of conspiracy, one person describes how shocked they are that Heston Blumenthal doesn’t actually design these machines, and that it’s Breville machines re-badged – another person suggests that Heston Blumenthal himself imports these machines from Breville. 
The Breville group is behind these products, but it’s not re-badging, it’s simply that their operation in the UK couldn’t be called Breville due to the existence of another brand with the same name. The Heston Blumenthal connection is a celebrity endorsement, Heston isn’t creating or importing these machines and packing them up in the back of the fat duck ;-). George Foreman didn’t create the Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine either, that’s one of the most successful endorsement deals of all time. 
Amazon reviews: 4.5 / 5 from 223 reviews
Best review: 
This machine is originally manufactured by BREVILLE. So the Sage Barista Express sold in UK is the same as BREVILLE BES870XL in north America. I bought it for my home in Paris, so i’m using a UK to French plug adaptor.
Delivery very quick from UK to Paris (2 days), Good packing condition. The instructions are very easy to understand, I don’t see very tricky use for this machine. There is a filter inside the water tank, that I recommend to change every 2 month (the 6 units package, 1 year of filters, is sold 12£ by Sage website). But to increase the lifetime of the filter (so I don’t change it too much and save money) i’m using water from Britta water filter so i change the filter every 3 month instead of 2.
I grind the coffee beans with level 4 (French café Carte noire, 100% Arabica, 1Kg for 9£), quantity setup knob at 3’oclock so the pressure indicator goes to the prefect range of extraction. I love it I love it ! It provides also immédiat hot water (for tea), and water steam to froth milk. Very good conception, nice design, very heavy and stable, 1 cup and 2 cups filters are supplied, cleaning tools as well. All you need for the first 2 month of use. Then, don’t forget to buy replacement filters for the water tank and Decalcifying Tablets.
Worst review: 
I recently bought the Barista Express after searching for a coffee machine to replace my broken Jura ENA 1. After reading a lot of positive reviews I decided to purchase the Barista Express, what a mistake! The machine looks the part and is extremely well built, but that is where the positives stop. I made my first coffee with my freshly roasted beans and it was terrible, I expected this. So I proceeded to adjust the grind, and dosage amount to get the right amount. I gave a firm tamp. Still terrible coffee. I spent the best part of an hour producing coffee after coffee, the machine is so temperamental. In order to get a decent shot I had to time the extraction, tamp directly on some kitchen scales to measure my tamp force. This is not practical for a serious coffee lover in order to get a consistent shot. I mainly drink espressos so each variation in tamping and grind size drastically effects the quality of the shot. If you are making a latte or cappuccino the coffee taste would be masked, but if you try just the espresso shot it is terrible. This is not a god coffee machine for the price. I have since bought a replacement Jura Impressa A5 which is so much better!
Sage reply:
Sorry you have had an issue with your Barista express. Although the machine is Bean to cup it is a manual machine which means it is perfect for people who would like to train themselves as Baristas (one train task is to manage the amount of pressure used for tamp, which will require a scale).
It is a shame that you have returned the coffee machine however, anyone reading this review please jump in touch with us on 0203 7641722 and we can talk you through getting the perfect shot from your Barista express.
Notes about the reviews: 
While there are a few reviews which do seem like faults (and I’ve spoken to Sage appliances tech people in the past, and I wouldn’t have any concerns about how they might handle a fault) the majority of them seem to stem from the fact that this isn’t a full bean to cup machine, which means it won’t just make great coffee straight out of the box if the user hasn’t used an espresso machine before, there will be a learning curve. 
It’s number 2 on the best sellers list in Amazon within the bean to cup category, so people who are looking for bean to cup are being attracted by the features of the Barista Express. Some of these people, it would seem from the reviews, don’t quite realise that there is going to be a learning curve when it comes to making espresso that doesn’t taste horrible. Dialling the bean in perfectly, getting the tamp pressure right and so on, it’s  challenge, and you will waste quite a bit of coffee while you’re on this learning curve. If this isn’t for you, then there are plenty of full bean to cup machines which do away with the need for any development of Barista skills. 
RRP is £599.99 but it’s often on offer here on amazon, it’s on for £529.99 at the moment (10/01/19)
  De’Longhi ECAM44.660.B Eletta Bean to Cup Coffee Machine
Dimensions: 26 x 36 x 46 cm Water tank: 2L Memory function – makes your favourite drink by choosing the amount of milk and coffee Easy to clean and practical – automatic rinse and descaling programmes Automatic cappuccino and caffe latte function to build a creamy milk texture One touch cappuccino, caff latte, lattemaccchiato, espresso macchiato and flat white drink choices Long life grinder with 13 adjustable settings 145o W
Make all your coffee shop favourite drinks with the Eletta ECAM 44.660.B bean to cup coffee machine. Nothing else can beat freshly ground beans to create your favourite coffee. Whether you like a strong espresso or long frothy cappuccino, this machine can deliver it at a touch of a button.
Makes all coffee shop favourites
Grinds beans for a perfect taste
Personalise strength, length and temperature of coffee
Automatically froths fresh milk with integrated milk carafe
Latte Crema technology for luxuriously smooth milk
Automatic clean, rinse and descale functions
Grinds Fresh Coffee Beans
Your choice of fresh coffee beans finely ground with the integrated burr grinder. Creating coffee shop quality coffee, to be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.
Personalise Your Coffee
Navigate with the two line digital display to personalise the coffee strength and length to your preference.
Latte Crema Technology
De’Longhi patented Latte Crema Technology automatically creates perfect luxuriously smooth milk every time.
Removable Milk Carafe
Fresh milky coffee has never been easier with the removable milk carafe. Simply store in your fridge until you need to make your coffee.
Amazon reviews: 4.8 / 5 from 41 reviews
Best review: 
I had a De’longhi Essam 5500 bean to cup for 5 years and recently it developed a fault in the boiler. Im going to have it repaired as I really loved the Machine. The machine was excellent and gave me great service over that 5 years.
I took the plunge and decided to buy a new machine It arrived quickly was well packaged and all parts were there. After unboxing and setting it up My initial thoughts it looks way better and more modern than my old machine. I fiddled about with it got the water hardness set up the water temperature set. Now the recommendation is to make 4 or 5 cups of coffee to get it run in. i used this to set the grinder to my liking and also MY coffee set up. I drink black coffee and the Machine is excellent it has plenty of customisable features for strength and volume. The coffee has a nice rich crema on top and looks fabulous. and to cap it off it will switch itself on in the morning if you set it to do so
I have read that people find the milk coffees too cold I had the same problem with my old machine. This can be made better buy a few steps put some boiling water in the cup to heat it then discard the water before making your milk coffee. The carafe for milk has a clean setting on it turn it to clean a cycle it a couple of times this puts hot water through it and heats the system. I found that by doing that there wasn’t an issue with anything being cold. You can use a combination of both steps or just use whichever one you prefer
If you just want to add milk to your coffee and take it straight from the fridge it will cool the coffee too much. You can add hot milk to the coffee by using the Milk menu function which will dispense hot milk and wont cool the coffee.
Over all I’m delighted with it.
Worst review:
Really good coffee machine, it just isn’t very hot!
Notes about the reviews: 
This is the first machine review I’ve come across without any 1 star or 2 star reviews! The lowest star reviews are 3 stars, it only has two of them, and four 4 star reviews, the majority of the reviews (35 out of 41) are five star reviews.
The recurring theme throughout the reviews is that people aren’t over the moon with the temperature of milk drinks, but they love the other features of the machine enough to still rate it highly. There are comments about helping with the temperature with a pre-warmed cup, and an answered question from a user says that there is a trick to setting the milk temp higher, which is to set the temp to the coolest setting, make one coffee, then re-set to the highest milk heat setting, apparently this makes the machine produce very hot milk drinks.
RRP is £829.99 but it’s usually available for quite a bit less than that here on Amazon, it’s on offer at £599 at the time of writing.
De’Longhi Magnifica Fully Automatic Bean to Cup Coffee Machine ECAM22.110.SB
Dimensions:  43 x 23.8 x 35.1 cm Water tank: 1.8L Cappuccino system: combines steam, air and milk producing a rich creamy froth for a great cappuccino The machine can be used with either fresh coffee beans or with ground coffee Sophistacated icon control panel to prepare your specific coffee drink New silent integrated grinder with 13 adjustable settings You can prepare two cups of coffee from one brewing unit 1450 watts
The ECAM22.110.SB will create you the perfect espresso at the touch of a button as well as providing you the opportunity to make cafe style milk based drinks such as cappuccinos and lattes. Beautifully crafted, this fantastic piece of engineering will allow you to start the day with the perfect coffee drink to suit you and will look stunning on your kitchen surface. The machine has a silent integrated grinder with 13 settings so that you can tailor your coffee to your exact taste buds.
The simple rotation of the dial lets you increase or decrease the coffee intensity. By pressing the corresponding buttons you can choose among short or long coffees.
Cappuccino System device is ideal to produce a rich, creamy froth for great cappuccinos
Cappuccino System device is ideal to produce a rich, creamy froth for great lattes
Amazon reviews: 4.6 / 5 from 104 reviews
Best review:
This machine does all it says on the box. I have made all the different coffees ie cappuccino,lattes,espresso,Macchiato. All yielded great results. Beautifully frothed milk every time. Hot coffee everytime. Minimal cleaning required. Love that I can make many cups without having to refill the tank constantly. Love that I can adjust at the touch of a dial the strength I want to brew. Great capacity in the waste drawer again saving time emptying the grounds at every turn.Aesthetically pleasing to the eye.Many wonderful comments from friends and family. Time to stop thinking about it & treat yourself. I’m certainly greatful I did . I’m not in anyway affiliated with De’Longhi I purchased this machine .
Worst review:
Against better advice to avoid a bean to cup, the excellent reviews this machine receives persuaded me to try it out. I put about 4kg of high quality beans through this machine over a 6 week period and finally came to the conclusion that whilst it is a well designed machine, it is not capable of producing espresso anything better than mediocre. With a little modification this machine can produce high quality microfoam which was very impressive but ultimately a coffee machine must be judged on the quality of coffee it can produce. I would say a lack of grind control and weak pressure are the culprits, although this would be prevalent in bean to cups in general. In conclusion, I can make a far superior coffee using a decent grinder and a ten pound french press or Aeropress.
Notes about the reviews:
What you have to be careful of when you’re reading the reviews, is that you’re reading reviews for the same “style name”. The reviews cover various “styles” which for some products may mean that it’s the exact same product just with a different option, but when it comes to machines, syle names can mean completely different machines with different features. I’ve noticed that quite a lot of the reviews (many of the worst ones, in fact) are not for this specific machine. You can see the style name under the name of the reviewer.
RRP is £469.98, but you can usually find it at the lowest price on Amazon, it’s available at the time of writing for under £400.
 JURA 15079 E6 Coffee Machine
Dimensions: 49.8 x 40.4 x 29.8 cm Water tank: 1.9L Fully automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine elegantly combines convenience, reliability and style Introducing a world first – P.E.P. for outstanding barista quality espresso and ristretto Integrated Aroma G3 burr grinder, 15 bar pump and thermo-block heating technology for consistent quality coffee 7 Individually programmable speciality coffees 1450 watts
The compact JURA E6 coffee machine is revolutionising the coffee drinking experience. The espresso brewing process has been perfected with a world first: P.E.P. (Pulse Extraction Process) technology optimises the extraction when making espresso or ristretto to guarantee professional, barista style coffee every time. Maximum flavour is teased from the coffee to produce a drink with beautiful crema and aroma. The JURA E6 truly is a compact fully automatic coffee machine with big features. The E6 has been designed with simplicity in mind. Conveniently select your speciality coffee and enjoy the show, it’s that easy. With simple operating controls on the front of machine, using the modern TFT display allows you to easily create your personal coffee experience at the touch of a button. An intelligent preheating feature ensures that the coffee is always piping hot while saving energy when not in use. The E6 also has an integrated fine foam milk frother which crowns milky specialities with feather light milk foam.
The E6 from JURA revolutionises the enjoyment of coffee in every aspect. The espresso brewing process has been perfected with the Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.), the only process of this kind in the world. Developed by JURA, it optimises the extraction time and guarantees the very best aroma even for short speciality coffees. The JURA E6 truly evokes a pure passion for coffee, and with its stylish design it compliments any modern kitchen.
Outstanding coffees at the touch of a button
With 7 specialities to choose from it is easier than ever to enjoy the ideal cappuccino, latte macchiato or espresso with just the touch of a button. The E6 expertly prepares your drink without having to assist or move the cup. The thermoblock heating system efficiently prepares water and steam creating the ideal brewing conditions for your coffee and milk specialities. Use the hot water outlet to turn a coffee into an americano or make a glorious cup of tea.
The cappuccino spout effortlessly adjusts to suit glasses or cups up to 113 mm tall. An aroma protection lid keeps up to 280 g of coffee beans fresh to preserve all the delicious flavours and aroma. A removable 1.9 L water tank features on the JURA E6, within which the new CLARIS Smart water filter can be installed. The CLARIS cartridge filters the water before each preparation, removing impurities and improving the quality of the water for a perfect cup of coffee. 98% of coffee is water, the better the quality of the water, the purer and less adulterated the aroma. Once the filter has been used to its maximum, the coffee machine will cleverly prompt you to replace it to keep your coffees perfectly pure and fresh.
Wireless technology has continued to grow within JURA, now the E6 can communicate wirelessly with the JURA Cool Control Wireless (sold separately), which continuously monitors the milk level and displays a prompt on the colour display when insufficient milk is available for the next drink. The JURA Cool Control accessory keeps fresh milk refrigerated at 4°C, ready for preparation at any time.
Easy to use – one touch operation
Compatible with JURA Smart Connect
Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.)
7 individually programmable specialities
3″ Colour Display
To be used with coffee beans
Grinder now twice as fast and even quieter
Ingenious height-adjustable dual spout
Integrated state-of-the art milk foam technology
Intelligent energy efficiency
Compatible with JURA Smart Connect
Removable water tank for easy refilling
Amazon reviews: 3.8 / 5 from 6 reviews
Best review: 
Simple yet efficient. Great for anyone who enjoys a good cup of coffee. Doesn’t have too many complicated features but prepares a hot and tasty cup of coffee.
Worst review:
Espresso tastes weak.. even after playing with settings.. my old delonghi beats it! Hands down
Notes about the reviews: 
3.8 from only 6 reviews isn’t great. There is one 1 star review, one 3 star, one 4 star, three 5 star. Milk not being hot enough is a common comment, and I’ve seen that in reviews on other websites too, although this is a common theme with most bean to cup machines. 
RRP is £795, it’s on offer here for £695 at the moment. 
Sage by Heston Blumenthal the Oracle
  As with the Barista Express, this isn’t quite a full bean to cup machine, but it’s very close. It auto doses and auto tamps, all you have to do is put the portafilter into the doser / tamper, then remove it and put it into the group head and press the button. This machine does auto milk texturing too, but you do the pouring, meaning you can try your hand at Latte art.
As I mentioned earlier, I used this machine for a week while I reviewed it for my Sage the Oracle review, and I was hugely impressed. It wasn’t for me as the price tag was out of my range and also I wanted to develop some home Barista skills, and this machine does most of the tricky stuff for you, so it’s a bit too close to a full bean to cup for me, but for anyone who wants bean to cup along with the feel of using a traditional espresso machine, this might be your perfect machine. 
Dimensions: 37.3 x 40.9 x 45.3 Centimetres Water tank: 2.5L Dual boiler Automatic grinding and tamping Scheduled Auto on feature, so The Oracle is warmed up and ready when you’re awake and in need of coffee Programmable low pressure pre-infusion for a balanced extraction Automatic milk texturing Over pressure valve – this commercial feature limits the maximum pressure throughout the extraction, helping to prevent bitter flavours in the shot 2 Lattes in only 90 Seconds 2,400 watts
The Best of Both Worlds – The convenience of an automatic, with the quality of a manual. 
The Oracle creates café quality coffee that tastes like you’d get in your favourite café. The Oracle has automatic grinding, dosing, tamping and milk texturing, automating the two most difficult parts of manual espresso. You can extract espresso and texture milk simultaneously, enabling you to go from beans to latte in under a minute.
The integrated conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses and tamps22 grams for a double shot, similar to the commercial machine in your favourite café.
Dual stainless steel boilers and heated group head, both regulated by our digital temperature control (PID) automatically delivers the water at precisely the right temperature, extracting maximum flavour potential.
The Oracle also features an Over Pressure Valve (OPV). This commercial feature limits the maximum pressure throughout the extraction, helping prevent bitter flavours in the shot. It also has true low pressure pre-infusion, which gradually increases the pressure to gently expand the grinds for an even extraction.
Micro Foam
The automatic steam wand textures milk to your preferred taste and temperature, from silky smooth latte (less texture) to creamy cappuccino (more texture). Powered by a dedicated boiler, the auto steam wand delivers barista quality micro-foam that enhances the flavour of the coffee and is essential for creating latte art.
Grind Beans
Automatic Grind, Dose and Tamp.
Extract Coffee
Low Pressure Pre Infusion, followed by 9 Bars of Pressure for the perfect Espresso.
Texture Milk
Dual Boiler allows Espresso Extraction and Automatic Milk Texturing at the same time.
Create silky smooth Milk filled with Micro Foam, to create beautiful Latte Art.
Two Dedicated Boilers
One for Espresso extraction at 93°C.
One for Automatic Milk Texturing, always ready for when you need it.
White Glove Service
When you get your Oracle home, call our customer service team and we will send one of our experts round to your house to set up your machine and make a few Coffees with you.
Low Pressure Pre Infusion
Avoiding “channelling” is incredibly important when extracting Espresso.
Channelling, is when too much pressure is forced onto the Coffee puck causing the water to burst through and then the Coffee will become over extracted and bitter.
Amazon reviews: 3.9 / 5 from 45 reviews
Best review: 
My coffee experience started in my late 30’s. I started with instant which quickly became mundane, moved quickly on to a pod machine, and again didn’t really satisfy me. The pod coffee mostly tasted watery and the powdered milk bland and artificially sweet. After many months of looking I decided on a bean-to-cup machine and De’longhi seemed to have the most choice of machines. De’longhi Magnifica Esam 4200 (Amazon best seller) was the machine I settled on and to be honest I wasn’t disappointed. I thoroughly used the machine every day for over 2 years and 9 times out of 10 It produced a decent cup of coffee. In fact my only criticism was the coffee was never hot enough and 10s In the microwave was the only solution. All in all a decent bean to cup machine with few drawbacks!
My enthusiasm for a more Costa/Starbucks coffee and the need to tailor the coffee to my taste continued. As I said the De’longhi made a good cup, but never a great cup. Back to the drawing board I went.
After a couple of months searching for the holy grail of machines I stumbled upon The Oracle. It seemed to have the wow factor with plenty of on-line videos and reviews to support this fact. It arrived on Wednesday and 3 days later I am extremely happy and confident I made the right choice. This machine produces the most delicious hot coffee. It has the wow factor, not only In the coffee It produces, but also In the way It looks. I am enjoying every aspect of this machine and creating some tasty drinks. It’s encouraging me to try all types of coffees, as this machine can produce them with ease. I have the white glove service booked as there may be additional features that can be shown to me, and why not? Its part of the experience!
If this machine is within your budget and you want quality coffee shop drinks, do not hesitate, It’s fantastic!
I will update this review in a couple of weeks following the white glove visit.
Following the white gloves visit, I can truly say the coffee machine is still absolutely fantastic.
The man arrived and after a brief chat he set-up the machine to its optimal settings. He adjusted the grinder, explained how to get the best from the machine and went into detail regarding descaling and general maintenance. He even gave me a free bag of coffee!
The machine gets used every day and I believe its the best purchase I’ve made this year. Truly excellent coffee and probably the best home coffee maker on the market.
Worst review:
This may be the best reason for Brexit -and that’s coming from an Irish man!
The EU have forced 2016+ models of Oracle (and other relevant Consumer equipment) to have a 20-minute auto-off feature. It’s an absolute joke and Sage are not remotely interested in providing any workaround.
The machine is at its best when convection and conduction have been allowed to take their time and heat all components thoroughly. Yes, it will do the job within a few minutes of being turned on but excellence, which is why any of us would buy this machine, comes after 40 minutes. Certainly the convection-based cup warmer won’t have heated your cups inside of the Euro 20!
So, if, like me, you want your machine ready for ad-hoc perfection throughout the day for business guests etc… you’ll get very frustrated.
It’s all the worse when our fellow enthusiasts in the ‘States & Australia can set their auto-off to as long as 8 HOURS!!! ????????????
Forcing a feature that fundamentally undermines device performance is ridiculous and Users should be allowed to choose when it switches-off.
I am calling on Sage to make a Configuration update available so that the advanced menu allows User’s to change the machine to a different region… so I can use my machine the way I want when I take it on holidays to Australia! ????
Notes about the reviews: 
Having used this machine for a week and been blown away by it, I’m amazed to see the negatives. A recurring theme with the negatives are the auto off due to the EU rules, but it doesn’t sound like there’s much that Sage / Breville can do about that currently. There are some comments in the reviews about the inability to reduce the dosing from 22g per double shot.
RRP is £1699, but it’s quite often on offer on amazon, click here to see the current offer price. 
And there you go, the top ten best bean to cup espresso machines in 2019, as far as I can tell. If you have any of these machines and you have any comments, please feel free.
  The post Top Ten Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines 2019 appeared first on Coffee Blog.
Top Ten Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines 2019 published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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josephkitchen0 · 5 years
Raising Spotted Pigs: Gloucestershire Old Spot
By Kay Wolfe – We love raising pigs for meat, so I was excited to try a new pig breed. One bite of that succulent pork roast, and I knew I was on to something. It was so tasty I couldn’t put it down. What I was eating was something so rare that few people have ever tasted; it wasn’t pork imported from China or even the kind from an Iowa packing plant. It was a breed we raised on our tiny Texas ranch, a rare heritage spotted pig called a Gloucestershire Old Spot.
My husband and I have been hog farmers for years and share a passion for great pork. We are also interested in saving endangered heritage breeds of livestock so we’ve experimented with many. With limited space, we are selective in what we commit ourselves to breeding. To make it on our farm, the breed must first have an exceptional taste but must also thrive on a sustainable small grass farm and be family friendly. This breed has proven to be all this and more. When we were forced to downsize and move our farm, our pigs were one of the few animals we took with us. If you want pork with exceptional taste, then you have to have the heritage breeds.
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Like most heritage pigs, the Gloucestershire Old Spot was once very common, but no longer. The advancement in commercial hog operations called for a change in the type of pig produced, one that could be raised indoors in close confinement on grain. That’s not what this pig was bred for, so they nearly became extinct. Thanks to efforts by multiple groups, this pig is once again available from a handful of dedicated breeders across the United States.
The Gloucestershire Old Spot is a European swine breed that was bred to be a self-sufficient grazing pig on supplements from the orchards, gardens, and dairies. They can be a large hog, and if raised exclusively on grain, they tend to produce an abundance of lard, but when raised on open pasture with supplemental grain, they produce excellent moist pork with just the right amount of fat. If raised properly on pasture, the meat is marbled with a tender texture and darker color that melts in your mouth. This meat isn’t just heritage pork, it’s great heritage pork!
The breed is a beautiful pig with a white body covered in Dalmatian-like black spots. They have a long deep body, with short stout legs and large ears that hang forward. Their snout is short, so they are one of the less destructive breeds when it comes to rooting. When raised around people they can become very tame and our sows tend to follow me around in the pasture like an old dog, but I’ve trained them not to touch me. Otherwise, my jeans always end up with muddy pig kisses!
Newborn Gloucestershire Old Spot piglets, with mom covered in mud.
The Gloucestershire Old Spots are hardy animals and handle cold weather very well. We are proof they can also thrive in a sub-tropical environment as long as they are provided an adequate mud hole and some shade. They don’t like our harsh southern sun on their white skin, so they completely cover themselves with mud for protection. They have adjusted well to the Texas heat and simply wait until the cool of the evening to early morning to do their grazing. Like any pig, they need a good mud hole but other than that, they do not destroy our pastures like some of the other heritage hog breeds can.
Our sows have been great mothers. They average around 10 piglets per litter with some having 12 or more. Ours farrow alone and do a good job without our assistance. We allow our sows to farrow on open pastures when the weather is cooperating, but then, we live in the Deep South where they seldom get chilled. Otherwise, you will want to provide them with some sort of simple shelter.
Our piglets are strong and active, and grow rather quickly. There is just nothing more delightful than watching a litter of these floppy-eared spotted pigs running and playing. We have a few simple steps for raising piglets on our farm. The growing litter takes very little care, as the sow does all the work for us. They are soon out on pasture following the sow, learning to graze and starting to eat with mom at a couple weeks of age. We keep the sow well fed so she can produce enough milk for such a large litter and we always have cool water available.
We wean our pigs at around six weeks, notch the ears of those to be registered, castrate the males, and place them on clean pasture away from their moms. The sow will cycle again within 10 days and the process starts all over. We get two litters a year from our sows. We have had people ask if they should allow them to rest a season and produce only one litter a year. We do not recommend that. It is natural for a sow to have two litters a year and as long as she is provided with the proper nutrition, there is nothing detrimental to her health by having two litters. On the contrary, if you allow her to remain “open” then she will quickly put on too much weight and her hormones can go awry, causing her to stop cycling altogether or to have smaller litters later on.
A Gloucester Old Spot sow and her young piglets suckling.
We provide the “feeder” pigs with a good mud hole, a medication-free ration of 16 percent protein each evening, and a wide expanse of green grass. When given the opportunity to grow on pasture, these pigs will run and play all day long. This exercise and clean open pasture make for better-textured pork with less waste at processing. A pig raised on grain alone in a confined space is not going to be as healthy no matter what the breed. Unless you live in an extremely rural area with no other pigs, either domestic or wild, you will probably want to vaccinate for common pig diseases. Until you round them up to load, there isn’t much more needed. This pig is perfect for organic farms since they are so healthy they do not need antibiotics in their feed. We have raised them in the mid-west and now in the Deep South without medicated feed, and have had no health issues at either location.
The meat from these pigs is a dark with marbling and a succulent texture. We like to process ours at around 250 to 300 pounds. It really depends on what your customer wants to do with the pork, though. Some restaurants prefer them to be larger so they have more fat to use in specialty cured seasoned meats. As with any pork, flavor and fat will increase with age while tenderness will decrease slightly. But, this is a tender breed so you really won’t lose much in the way of tenderness. In fact, my favorite pork is an aged sow. They make for huge roasts and pork chops with a very well-developed flavor.
By far, the most common question we get asked is how much land it takes to raise a pair of pigs. Generally, one pair of pigs means a sow and boar, with at least one litter of pigs, so two can quickly become 14 or more. The number of pigs is not the only consideration. The forage on the land and the climate is also to be considered. If it is the growing season and you have plenty of rain (or irrigation) and fertile soil, a couple of acres should easily contain the pair and raise a young litter to butcher weight. If you are past the growing season and there is nothing for them to eat, then you may want to move them off pasture to keep them from looking for roots. If you have a forested area, fall would be a great time to turn them in with acorns, etc. As time goes on, you will develop an eye for the holding capacity of your particular farm and will know when you have reached your capacity.
If you have a few acres and want to begin raising pigs for meat with some extra to sell, we recommend you try raising the Gloucestershire Old Spot. These pigs can feed your family or parlay you into a new sideline of selling all natural pasture raised pork. This breed is a great ambassador for your farm; people who see them in person fall in love with them and they will appreciate you raising them in a humane manner. You can face your customers with pride, knowing they are buying the best-tasting pork available anywhere.
Originally published in Countryside January/February 2011 and regularly vetted for accuracy. 
  Raising Spotted Pigs: Gloucestershire Old Spot was originally posted by All About Chickens
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Im Laura, Late twenties, working full time but searching for a few new threads to get me though the winter months. I post two or three times a week, sometimes more. Some days its around 300 words ish. Occasionally I have pumped out three thousand, but I am a firm believer in quality not quantity.  Please be… I play male and female equally, however I will not play the male because you only play female. I mean, come on. We are all adults here. If that’s the case, I will ignore you. Negotiate with me! Talk to me, but don’t thrust your needs down my throat. I am happy to play M/F, M// and perhaps F// but I am out of practice with that. I haven’t written a girl in a long time and I want to shake it up. I try to write three paragraphs per post, but I am not a stickler for it. I will match you, and I am also happy to have the shorter, one paragraph quick fire posts. I think the official term is 'lazy lit'. Doubling? Not such a fan but will do.  Now to everyone’s favourite topic; Smut. Very few things I won’t discuss. Usual limits here. I write Top and Bottoms equally and really prefer characters who switch. I reserve the right to fade to black. I DO NOT DO PORN WITHOUT PLOT. Oh, and try and rape my characters without warning me, and I will vanish.  • Twenty-one plus.  • Open minded and willing to talk.  • Patient and able to communicate. • Nice and not just poof without notice – I understand crises happen, but after a week of no contact, I prod people… if nothing after that then I move on. If you contact me after that and explain I am usually willing to listen. Most of the time.  • Willing to world build, bounce ideas and plot. Genres…  Fantasy: • Urban Fantasy: Witches, werewolves, vampires but set in a modern, day to day world.  • High Fantasty: Elves and quests and destroying the dark forces.  Sci-fi.  • Colonising an alien world • Exploring space, perhaps finding a new home for human kind.  Slice of life • Political Drama’s  • Romance between extreme wealth and almost poverty  • Last Chance Ranch. Romance in life’s last chances. Fandom’s: Although this can be negotiated, I have indicated with Bold who I would prefer to play… Harry potter: • Harry/Draco • Harry/Snape • Draco/Hermione • Snape/Lupin A Court of Thorns and Roses/Mists and Fury/Wings and Ruin • Feyre/Rhys • Cassian/Nesta  • Azriel/OC Others… • Bond/Q • Christian/Ana – Fifty Shades  A few specific characters and plots… After rereading a few old role plays, I have a few cravings to dust of a few characters who died or perhaps I felt didn’t get there full run.  Supernatural: I have an OC who I would love to play against Dean Winchester. Elle is a spitfire who can give Dean as good as she gets. She had seen what’s out there… I was thinking set after season five when Sam fell into the pit.  Romance isn’t necessary. I would prefer to start with a teacher/student relationship, and a strong friendship before anything else. Not so mental hospital: Doctor Carter James is a young psychiatrist who has taken up a new position in a hospital, dealing with the insane. Only trouble is that he is psychic to a degree (if repressed), and so is his newest patient. (Female ONLY) Oh, and something is hunting the patents and actually driving them insane.  I am only role playing on email right now, as it is available across all my platforms. My apologies for sounding like a bitch. I’m not. I swear! [email protected]
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