#and i just KNOW that black sands battle is going to catapult me into the ocean <3
moonflower1605 · 1 year
Chapter - 33(Part 2)
(Ella's POV)
“You all done saying good-bye?” Ares came toward us, his black leather duster trailing behind him, his sword glinting like fire in the sunrise. “I’ve been fighting for eternity, kid. My strength is unlimited & I can't die. What have you got?”
'A smaller ego than him for sure, right?' Percy spoke to me through his thoughts. I stifled a laugh by faking a cough.
Ares looked at me & said, "What's so funny little sis?"
"Oh, huh? Nothing's wrong. Please do continue." I said aloud. 'And be sure to whip his godly hide.' I continued in my mind.
'Oh, definitely.' Percy replied.
Ares cleaved downward at Percy's head, but he wasn’t there. The water seemed to push him into the air & he catapulted over him, slashing as he came down. But Ares was just as quick.
He twisted, & the strike that should’ve caught him directly in the spine was deflected off the end of his sword hilt.
He grinned. “Not bad, not bad.”
He slashed again & Percy was forced to jump on dry land. He tried to sidestep, to get back to the water, but Ares seemed to know what he wanted. His sword had a reach several feet longer than Percy's.
'Get in close.' I told him in his mind. 'When you’ve got the shorter blade, get in close.'
He stepped in with a thrust, but Ares was waiting for that. He knocked his blade out of his hands & kicked him in the chest. Percy went airborne-twenty, maybe thirty feet.
“Percy!” Annabeth yelled. “Cops!”
I was so focused on the fight happening in front of me that I hadn't even noticed what was happening on the street.
I saw red lights flashing on the shoreline boulevard. Car doors were slamming. “There, officer!” somebody yelled. “See?”
A gruff cop voice: “Looks like that kid on TV ...what the heck...”
“That guy’s armed,” another cop said. “Call for backup.”
Looking back to the fight. I see Percy roll to one side as Ares’s blade slashed the sand. He ran for his sword, scooped it up, & launched a swipe at Ares’s face, only for his blade to be deflected again. Ares seemed to know what he was going to do the moment before he did it. Percy stepped back toward the surf, forcing him to follow.
“Admit it, kid,” Ares said. “You got no hope. I’m just toying with you.”
On the street I saw a second cop car pulling up, siren wailing. Spectators, people who had been wandering the streets because of the earthquake, were starting to gather.
Among the crowd, I thought I saw a few who were walking with the strange, trotting gait of disguised satyrs. There were shimmering forms of spirits, too, as if the dead had risen from Hades to watch the battle. I heard the flap of leathery wings circling somewhere above. More sirens.
Percy stepped farther into the water, but Ares was fast. The tip of his blade ripped his sleeve & grazed his forearm.
A police voice on a megaphone said, “Drop the guns.’ Set them on the ground. Now!” Guns?
I looked at Ares’s weapon, & it seemed to be flickering;sometimes it looked like a shotgun, sometimes a two-handed sword.
Ares turned to glare at the spectators. There were five police cars now, & a line of officers crouching behind them, pistols trained on us.
“This is a private matter!” Ares bellowed. “Be gone.’” He swept his hand, & a wall of red flame rolled across the patrol cars. The police barely had time to dive for cover before their vehicles exploded. The crowd behind them scattered, screaming.
Ares roared with laughter. “Now, little hero. Let’s add you to the barbecue.”
He slashed. Percy deflected his blade. The waves were hitting him in the back now. Ares was up to his thighs, wading in. The water behind Percy suddenly seemed to recede. He was holding back the tide.
He then released the tide & jumped, rocketing straight over Ares on a wave.
A six-foot wall of water smashed him full in the face, leaving him cursing & sputtering with a mouth full of seaweed. Percy landed behind him with a splash & feinted toward his head, as he’d done before. He turned in time to raise his sword, but he was disoriented, he didn’t anticipate the trick.
Percy changed direction, lunged to the side, & stabbed straight down into the water, sending the point through the god’s heel.
The roar that followed made Hades’s earthquake look like a minor event. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide.
Ichor, the golden blood of the gods, flowed from a gash in the war god’s boot. The expression on his face was beyond hatred. It was pain, shock, complete disbelief that he’d been wounded.
He limped, muttering ancient Greek curses. Something stopped him. It was as if a cloud covered the sun, but worse.
Light faded. Sound & color drained away. A cold, heavy presence passed over the beach, slowing time, dropping the temperature to freezing, & making me feel like life was hopeless, fighting was useless. The darkness lifted.
Ares looked stunned.
Police cars were burning behind us. The crowd of spectators had fled. Annie, Grover & I stood on the beach, in shock, watching the water flood back around Ares’s feet, his glowing golden ichor dissipating in the tide.
Ares lowered his sword.
“You have made an enemy, godling,” he told Percy. “You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware.”
His body began to glow.
”’Percy!” I shouted. “Don’t watch!”
We turned away as the god Ares revealed his true immortal form. The light died. I looked back. Ares was gone. Percy picked up Hades’s bronze helm of darkness & walked toward us.
But before he got here, I heard the flapping of leathery wings. Three evil-looking grandmothers with lace hats & fiery whips drifted down from the sky & landed in front of Percy.
The middle Fury's fangs were bared, but she didn’t look threatening. She looked more disappointed.
“We saw the whole thing,” she hissed. “So...it truly was not you?”
He tossed her the helmet, which she caught in surprise. “Return it to Lord Hades,” Percy said. “Tell him the truth & call off the war.”
She hesitated, then ran a forked tongue over her green lips. “Live well, Percy Jackson. Become a true hero. Because if you don't, if you ever come into my clutches again..."
She cackled, savoring the idea. Then she & her sisters rose on their bats’ wings, fluttered into the smoke-filled sky, & disappeared.
“Percy...” Grover said. “That was incredibly...”
“Terrifying,” said Annabeth.
“Cool!” Grover corrected. I gave him a quick hug before he asked.
“Did you guys feel that...whatever it was?”
“Must’ve been the Furies on top,” Grover said.
But I wasn’t so sure. Something had stopped Ares from killing Percy, & whatever could do that was a lot stronger than the Furies.
He looked at me, & an understanding passed between us.
“We have to get back to New York,” he said. “By tonight.”
“That’s impossible,” Annabeth said, “unless we-“
“Fly,” Percy agreed.
She stared at him. “Fly? In a plane, which you were warned never to do lest Zeus strike you out of the sky, with a weapon that's more destructive than a nuclear bomb?”
“Yeah,” Percy said. “Pretty much exactly like that. Come on.”
Link to the next chapter is here.
Link to the prev chapter is here.
Comment, like & share.
Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.
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riverscyberwife · 3 years
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The First Time She Met Daryl Dixon
Part of the 'Call Me 'Darling'' Series
(Daryl Dixon x unnamed female character)
The first time she met Daryl Dixon was not pleasant.
“Fucking Shit!”
It wasn’t long after the fall. The time of indescribable horrors. The day the dead began to walk the earth.
“You useless shit” a feminine voice rang out in exasperation, met only by the greenery that surrounded. Tears pricked at frustrated eyes as small, dirty fists beat aimlessly at the soft earth beneath. The roots of a nearby tree grazed along knuckles, breaking the skin there. An unintentional hiss left trembling lips as sad eyes observed the fresh blood appearing.
She had found herself alone in a dense wood somewhere near farmland in Georgia, drifting aimlessly, no destination in mind. Attention on the songs of the wild birds. The music of the forest being the only company had in days.
In dazed wandering, clumsy feet had met a large tree root protruding rather rudely from the ground. It met her right foot violently, causing herself to stumble harshly while holding the appendage prisoner. The attached ankle twisted painfully as her warn body was thrown forward and forced to spin, landing unceremoniously on her obnoxiously generous behind.
An advantage only when the clumsy feet betrayed her. Something that happened more often than her ego would like to admit.
A glare that could almost kill, along with some less than lady-like language was aimed at the battered ankle. It lay life-less and throbbing next to the offending root, almost mocking with its silence.
A twig snapped far too near for comfort. A rustling of leaves alerting to a nearby presence. In such a vulnerable position, the woman mentally chastised herself for becoming too distracted to hear the oncoming intruder. Almost definitely one of those undead fucks stumbling across a yummy young lady laid out like a buffet.
Her head whipped around to peer behind with enough force to cause the joints of her neck to let out a crack. A sound that went unnoticed as a sharp gaze found a man staring at the crumpled heap she currently was. He seemed alive enough as he pointed an intimidatingly large weapon at her head.
Is that a crossbow? The thought shot through her mind before returning swiftly to the danger that was presented. It wasn’t something you’d ever expect to see in real life, let alone have pointed at you. Far more intimidating than a gun it seemed due to its unexpectedness.
The man holding the weapon was rugged. Short brown hair and clothes had seen better days. Gaze locked with the most vibrant blue eyes. An intense silent battle taking place between said eyes and her own.
“Ya kiss yer mother with tha’ mouth?” His voice was gruff. Deeper than expected. It held a soothing quality even in its accusing tone.
“Not if she was alive” A deadpan tone returned, eyes narrowed as the gaze turned cold. He only grunted in response. A shiver ran unexpectedly down her spine. Probably just caused by the very pointy stick he had ready to be catapulted through her skull.
“What are ya doin’ round here?” he questioned more aggressively this time. The hints of playfulness had disappeared. This man meant business and she didn’t doubt he would shoot her with the intimidating weapon if he felt the need to.
“I’m having a teddy bears picnic, can’t you tell?” An overly sweet voice quipped back unwisely. Suspicious eyes only narrowed in return as the grip seemed to tighten on the bow.
“Okay” A tired sigh left dry lips. “I was just wandering, looking for her next meal and place to sleep. I fell over this damn tree”. Trying not to feel embarrassed by the statement, her gaze wandered the muscular upper arms visible due to the missing sleeves that seemed to have been forcefully ripped away.
“I take it by your defensiveness that your camp is near here” she queried. “Don’t worry, I won’t go near it.”
“Better not. Now get outta here before it ain’t a choice.”
Eyes rolled at his threat. “Not very welcoming are you?” The question was met only by silence.
“Fine, I’m going.” She stated as weak arms pushed herself to her feet, forcing the rapidly bruising ankle to take the weight. Attempting to ignore the pain in refusal to look weak in front of this rude man. The backpack that slid from aching shoulders during the fall was slung back into place and the dagger that had saved her life numerous times secured in a determined grip.
“Nice to meet you” her defeated voice rang sarcastically before turning and limping away as fast as able.
Many months passed without a thought about the rugged man. Surviving alone could be very distracting after all. Jumping from abandoned house to worse smelling abandoned house with the hopes of a safe nights rest. Never knowing where the next meal would come from or even if there would be a next meal.
The weight dropped off at a concerning rate. Concerning only because there was a good chance of being eaten by the dead because her trousers fell down. What a way to go. She died as she lived. Falling over.
Eyes raked over the forest floor in search of life. Trusted dagger held securely in her dominant hand, poised ready to strike should dinner appear suddenly. An unexpected commotion seemed to begin somewhere to the left. Ears guiding rushing feet towards the sound in hopes of a large animal to catch. The grumbling of her stomach agreeing with the silent statement.
Upon the arrival at the scene, crouched down behind a shrub, her small body was easily hidden by the undergrowth. In immediate sight was the back of a man. Keen eyes would not have recognised him so immediately if not for the missing sleeves on the dirty brown shirt. He was facing off with four of the dead. A knife raised high in his right hand seemed to be his only weapon. A glance to the side revealed the crossbow a few feet away. Far less intimidating when not pointed at ones head.
Logic said he couldn’t reload the damn thing in time to shoot the fuckers one by one. She however had not been spotted by the dead and was only about 3 feet from the weapon.
Daryl began to panic as what felt like a never ending amount of walkers came at him. He couldn’t kill them all at once and his knife wasn’t doing much good. He’d resorted to desperately shoving them backwards.
The walker directly in front of him was big, standing at least 6 foot tall and charging with a purpose. It managed to knock him to the ground, the snapping jaws aiming to rip Daryl’s face cleanly away. It was prevented only by an increasingly weakening forearm to its neck.
Thick black blood oozed from the tear in its jugular, dripping grotesquely onto its struggling prays jaw and throat. Should Daryl open his mouth he’d be treated to a very unfortunate final meal.
‘This is it’ thought Daryl as he frantically felt around for the fallen blade. ‘I’m gonna fuckin’ die.’
Daryl’s rapidly beating heart seemed to stop dead as a bolt from HIS crossbow shot through the top of the walkers head to protrude from the now permanently dead man’s mouth. The sharp tip pointed directly between sky coloured eyes.
With a confused sigh, his head leant back to peer behind at the crossbow which lay exactly where he had left it. The unsightly corpse was shoved unceremoniously off of the hunter as he realised suddenly that there were no walkers after him.
It took a few seconds to come to his senses as he observed the 3 other walkers already dead on the ground nearby. Steely eyes flickered up to the small woman standing a few feet away, casually wiping a bloody knife on a large leaf. Confusion only grew as he stared at the calm woman who acted like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. A look of boredom on her face.
Smug eyes flickered to the side where the rugged man still sat stunned on the ground. An involuntary smirk forced its way onto her face. It was so difficult to keep the bored look when the handsome mans jaw was practically on the floor.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” This seemed to snap him out of his daze. His mouth clamped shut audibly as an irritated expression took over.
“Daryl” was all he said as he made his way slowly to unsteady feet.
“Well Daryl” she chimed nonchalantly “You’re welcome” before turning and once again walking away from the shocked man.
Most nights she dreamt of the undead. Snapping jaws, inches from her face. Dirty, broken nails on rotted flesh, grabbing at her skin. Thick black blood filling her mouth and claiming her lungs.
Sometimes she would dream of family. The life lived before. Laughing faces and sweet smiles. Little girls with pigtails and pink dresses. School days sat on the grass in the sun. Underage drinking in the park. Splashing in the cold sea. Golden sand between painted toes. Faces not seen in years.
And sometimes she would dream of the most beautifully pure blue eyes. Those eyes were the most haunting.
Stayed local to the area, familiar terrain was an advantage. It was only a matter of time until she stumbled across it. The prison. The opposing grey buildings would have been of little interest had it not been for the suspicious lack of dead ones.
Upon closer inspection there appeared to be crops growing in the grounds. A variety of luscious plants living in neat rows. Every so often a mop of brown hair would appear within the greenery. A slender teenage boy who tended the food.
Witnessing silently from the branch of a nearby tree, never daring to make a noise or risk being seen. People were after all, dangerous.
Many others appeared within sight in the hours observed. Some seemed to be on lookout. Some pierced the skulls of dead ones through the fence. Many simply socialised and basked in the sun. Although not terribly interesting, it was the most entertainment had in weeks. Quite like a trip to the zoo, watching them in their natural habitat. There seemed to be little of concern and just as the tired woman considered slipping away to find her own refuge for the night came the startlingly loud rumble of engine.
Far louder than that of a car, approaching the fence that opened in entrance to the structure was a motor bike. Another thing unexpected at the end of the world. The more shocking factor however being the slim figure and mop of brown hair that sat astride. The fear-provoking weapon strapped to a wing adorned back. Her rugged man.
Any idiot with half a brain would know not to approach the prison alone unless they desired an arrow through the head. But there was something about this man. The incessant need to see him again. To hear the drawl of his voice. To see that pretty face up close even in the snarl that was sure to be aimed at her. Luckily, Mr Dixon, hunter and gatherer extraordinaire didn’t seem to spend that much time in the prison. The outdoors suited him far better.
Daryl treaded stealthily through the thicket, bow aimed low and eyes alert. His ears strained in search of a living creature. He swore his heart leapt from his chest at the sudden noise slightly behind and above him. Startled feet spun so fast he stumbled.
“I like your hair. Suits you”
The feminine voice presented no unease due to the deadly weapon pointed directly at the source. A raised eyebrow prompted Daryl to lower the thing before accidentally shooting.
“Bloody ‘ell woman, where’d ya come from?”
“Bit of a personal question. Don’t you think? You don’t even know my name yet” the voice quipped with a smile. Feet landing gracefully on the ground in front of the alarmed man as she dropped from the low branch.
Daryl grumbled, dropping his eyes which only caused her grin to widen.
“What’s yer name then?”
“Can’t tell you that. Stranger danger.”
“Think yer the only danger ‘round ‘ere.”
“You think too highly of me, Darling.” Lips smirked as light fingers gently raised Daryl’s chin to meet devious eyes.
His shining orbs widened comically at the gesture. “Darlin’?!”
The outraged tone of the statement served to strengthen the ever present accent.
“Oh I do like that.” Smirk turned to a full grin. “Call me Darling.
They couldn’t seem to keep away from each other. Well she couldn’t keep away from him anyway. He’d always go in search of food and the menace would always appear seemingly by magic. She intrigued the man and she knew it. The way his eyes followed her form was like he wanted to figure her out. Solve her like a walking puzzle.
She craved his voice. It soothed something inside her. Somehow made the state of the world forgettable. Hours were spent together without notice. He didn’t speak much but he always listened intently and usually had a smart remark to counter her regular jabs. Teasing Daryl Dixon was always her favourite part of the day.
He never asked where she was going, was staying or why she was always alone. He didn’t seem to want to burst the secret little bubble they’d made for themselves. Something both were happy to keep intact as curious eyes secretly watched the prison.
It was getting progressively more difficult to live alone in the wild. When Daryl went back to his cosy home with his friends at the end of the day her tasks were to go in search of food and a place to rest her head. She would never confess her struggles. He would want to help and her pride wouldn’t allow it.
At her lowest she found herself slumped in a corner of a dingy old house, curling in on herself. The small fire haphazardly made almost burnt out, the strength to go in search of more kindling evaded the weak woman.
Just as she hadn’t seen the face of her favourite person, her body hadn’t seen water in days. Food even longer. If this was how she was to go out then so be it. She’d survived this long alone and that’s all that mattered.
Her vision swam as black spots appeared. There was no control left of her body as it slumped sideways, striking her head against the wooden floorboards as unconsciousness consumed entirely.
Daryl panicked when she wasn’t at the usual spot. She was always there when he went to hunt. He had no idea how she knew when to find him but she did. He often questioned if she was real. This mysterious girl that no one else had ever seen could so easily be part of his imagination.
He remembered how Rick had seen Lori for so long after her death. He’d spent so much time alone out in the woods that it wouldn’t surprise him if his mind had made up the annoying woman that he couldn’t stay away from. No, she had to be real. Even Daryl’s mind couldn’t tease him like she did.
He began by wandering in the direction he had last seen her go as they parted, knowing there was a nearby town that could offer some food and protection. As gravel crunched beneath old boots in place of the usual dirt and neglected buildings began to rise on either side of the man, it became clear that the area was empty. Motionless walker bodies lay scattered around, each seemingly had received a knife through the head.
The smell was overpowering as the hunter contemplated why they hadn’t been burned. Perhaps she was only passing through. Perhaps she simply didn’t have the strength.
Tracks were clearly visible all through the town. Mostly bloody, they led into every single building. Daryl sighed. He was sure by the small stature of the print that they were hers. The woman that so desperately clung to his mind had clearly been here. Yet he had a feeling she was still here. She wouldn’t just leave him, would she?
Daryl could almost hear Merle’s voice echoing in his head, calling him a whipped little bitch. He scowled at the thought but just couldn’t stop. What if something had happened to her?
Sharp eyes scanning the area, he could clearly visualise the woman clearing the place, killing walkers and scavenging for the food. His eyes drifted to the last house to the left. The windows were boarded and the door was shut. A trap lay set in front of the building. It was clearly the most secure place. His feet carried him almost involuntarily towards it. Towards her.
White light pierces blackness. Heart beat rising. Blood rushes ears. Footsteps sound a million miles away.
Gentle knuckles brush cheeks. Rough fingers press pulse point. Fluttering eyelashes attempt in vain to open.
The earth tilts sickeningly as her body is forced into sitting position. The sound of ringing slowly transitions to the calling of her name. The familiar voice causing an upturn of lips. Her rugged saviour.
Cold liquid is raised to parched mouth. Gulped down greedily without thought. Hands fly to grab the bottle. The best water ever tasted. An appreciative groan as eyelids are forced to rise. Blurred vision soon clears to reveal shaggy brown hair that begs to be touched.
His name leaves her lips in struggled whisper. His eyes are hard with judgment and underlying concern.
“Why the hell didn’ ya tell me?” some form of food is held to her chin.
She doesn’t take not what as her eyes shift away in shame and her arm weekly brushes it away.
“I don’t want your food”
“Well ya clearly need it. Ya look like hell.” His teeth grind in annoyance at the usually stubborn girl. Her head shakes in response, causing the black spots to momentarily return.
“I don’t need saving, Prince Charming.” He guffaws at the name.
“I aint no prince, nor ‘nything charmin’.”
She needed him gone. She couldn’t bear the look of pity in his eyes. The worry on his features. She wasn’t anyone’s problem.
“You shouldn’t be here. Just go back to your damn prison. The irritation clear in her voice. Almost missing the way his vibrant eyes widened.
Shit. She realised her mistake a split second too late.
“How the fuck do you ya know ‘bout tha’?” She’d never heard him sound so angry and even a little scared. Knowing full well that if they found she knew about their home that they wouldn’t just leave her alone. She was dangerous to them.
Nervous eyes flicker everywhere but at the face that stared her down.
“I’ve been watching. Had to know if you were dangerous.”
“An ya didn’ tell me”
“Would you have let me go?” It was Daryl’s turn to look away in shame.
“Nah. Would have to tell ‘em ‘bout ya” He sighed defeated.
“Exactly.” Their eyes clashed in a battle of wills, silently debating what would happen next. After a beat, his eyes shined in a way that determined a decision had been made.
“Yer comin’ with me” He stated assertively.
“No” she countered plainly, offering little room for argument.
“Wasn’ askin’.” Before further refusal could leave her, strong arms surrounded her. He rose to his feet, cradling the surprised woman to his chest. Her bag hanging from his right hand where it curled around her knees.
Her malnourished body was slow to react. Sluggishly moving to press at his firm chest in protest. He easily made his way out of the house and to the far end of the street where the bike sat undisturbed.
The fresh air aided in clearing her senses. The situation she was in becoming evident to her irritated mind.
Gently set down on the leather seat, she was released from the sure grip.
“Fine.” A resigned smile as the cogs of her mind began to spin. “I’ve got another bag though. Brown satchel. Must still be in the lounge.”
He nodded. “Alright, I’ll be right back. Don’ move.” Turning and jogging back into the house.
The moment his right foot made it over the threshold, the loud roar of the bike engine caused his heart to sink.
“Son of a bitch!” Fast feet threw him back out the door and half way down the street but it was too late. His mysterious girl was gone and so was his bike. A lone bag lay in the spot it had previously been in. His own bag containing the water and food he had offered her.
The walk back to the prison was long, made worse by Daryl’s rising anger. Refusing to interact with anyone upon his return, he had his way into the empty cell where he refused to sleep but went to for privacy. Throwing himself down onto the lumpy mattress, he glared at the underneath of the top bunk. His mind swirling with images of her devious smirk.
Two days later he was woken at the ass crack of dawn by Glenn frantically calling his name. As the sun had appeared over the horizon so had his bike, propped up on its stand just outside the gate. Next to it lay a cardboard box full of baby formula as an apology.
Daryl of course went looking for her, but she no longer appeared. Weeks were spent without a trace of her until another box of formula appeared outside the gates in the dead of night. Sat atop this one was a small stuffed elephant, the perfect size for little ass kicker. Soft and clean as if straight from a baby shop.
Next to it a small piece of paper. In loopy handwriting it read ‘Stop looking for me, darling. It makes me miss you more.’
He thinks he can let her go. Thinks he can carry on living. Barely thinking of her during the busy days but she appears in his dreams. Reliving the sweetest moments between them behind closed eyelids.
“Come back with me.” His sombre voice breaks the silence.
They had somehow ended up leaning against a railing on the edge of a rooftop. Forearms against cold metal, they basked in the glow of a setting sun. Features basked in orange light, he watched her shyly.
They both knew that they should retreat to safety before darkness fell but neither could bring themselves to leave the others company. Peace consumed them as they absorbed the view laid before them like a renaissance painting.
Her head tilted as her eyes searched his face contemplatively.
“Ya always leave me.” His dejected words caused an ache in her chest.
“Why won’ ya stay with me” He asks earnestly.
“I can’t” Eyes cast downward at the sudden urge to shed a tear.
“Why? They’re good people. Rick an’ Carol an’ lil ass-kicker...” His fists clench as the unfamiliar emotions stir within him. His stare fixed on the setting sun.
“Exactly. You’re a family. I don’t belong there. I can’t. I can’t lose anyone else.” Her eyes squeeze shut as pain consumes her.
“So I don’ mean nothin’ to ya?” His voice strains.
“You shouldn’t” Her voice is a soft whisper.
His head turns to question her answer but she’s already gone.
He’s woken suddenly by the sound of Judith’s cries. Greeted only by the sight of the bunk above him. He decides he’s going to find her. He has to.
But he doesn’t. Because soon enough the sounds of gunfire and screams is all that’s heard as the prison falls.
A/N - Here it is, the first thing I've ever written recreationally. It was so much for difficult than i expected. I feel like i'm handing over a steaming pile of rubbish but here you go! I hope you enjoy.
@pandorahurtsx @winchestershiresauce @sunflxwerbullet @holliss @haruhey @lilythemadqueen @dixonextracts @daryloverdixon
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 20: Front Row Seat
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Hades was nice. Really nice. I had no idea why they kicked him off Olympus. I think he deserves the world. It was adorable since the three.. four I should correct, of us sat on the floor.
During my short time here, he had reassured me that Me and Mrs. Jackson will not die. He was nice enough to take care of D/N as well. He had even given him Cerberus's old collar. I think he's attached, he couldn't really keep Cerberus here after all.
"Why was Mrs. Rudolph set on me since I was a kid?" I finally asked.
"When you were born... I knew... something was off with you."
"You're the god of the dead not life." I retorted meaner than I thought.
"I couldn't see your life expectancy. I could see you living forever." He stated. "I can sense when one is about to die and when they will. But looking at you I couldn't see anything."
"Woah, I wonder if I'm never going to die. Does it have anything to do with my parent?"
"No." Mrs. Jackson interjected. "That has nothing to do with who your parent is. Since all gods and goddesses has more than one child and none of them are like you. Lord Hades, could we please check on Percy?" She looked at Hades hopeful.
"It's kinda cool how you two are kinda getting along."
"I had sent furies to watch over him... More to jump him but that isn't the point." He cleared his throat. "And the reason why I let her walk is she has information on you."
"Wait she knows? About what? Can you tell me what you know?"
"During the incident in Montauk, your parents and I had a talk. You should get answers from them instead."
"What made you think the big guy would let them go?" I said bitterly.
"I wasn't expecting them to be this low."
"I blame Percy's dad... No offence."
"He deserves to be called a jerk." Mrs. Jackson huffed. "He betrayed you."
Hades got up and D/N followed him, not long after something was projected in front of us.
It was Percy, Annabeth and Grover against Ares.
"Ares gave the bag to us." I told Hades, "He probably has your helm too. Honestly he's my second hated god."
"Second to Poseidon I'll take it." Hades said settling on his throne again. With a flick of his hand two chair appeared. "You wish to watch don't you?"
"Thank you my lord." Mrs. Jackson was relieved.
"Your son better prove his innocence."
Percy turned back to Ares. "Are you going to fight me now?" he asked. "Or are you going to hide behind another pet?"
"Why is he challenging him???" Mrs. Jackson was obviously worried.
"He's a fool."
Ares's face was purple with rage. "Watch it, kid. I could turn you into—" "A cockroach," Percy retorted. "Or a tapeworm. Yeah, I'm sure. That'd save you from getting your godly hide whipped, wouldn't it?"
"I like how we get front row seat on this one." I laughed. Flames danced along the top of Ares glasses. "Oh, man, you are really asking to be smashed into a grease spot." "If I lose, turn me into anything you want. Take the bolt. If I win, the helm and the bolt are mine and you have to go away." Ares sneered. He swung the baseball bat off his shoulder. "How would you like to get smashed: classic or modern?" Percy showed him his sword. "That's cool, dead boy," he said. "Classic it is." The baseball bat changed into a huge, two-handed sword. The hilt was a large silver skull with a ruby in its mouth. "Percy," Annabeth said. "Don't do this. He's a god." "He's a coward," He told her. She swallowed. "...Percy." She took off her necklace, with her five years' worth of camp beads and the ring from her father, and gave it to Percy. "Reconciliation," she said. "Athena and Poseidon together." He gave a smile. "Thanks." "And take this," Grover said. He handed him a flattened tin can that he'd probably been saving in his pocket for a thousand miles. "The satyrs stand behind you." "Grover... I don't know what to say." He patted him on the shoulder. Percy stuffed the tin can in my back pocket.
"Y/N..." Annabeth started. Pulling out from her back was Aphrodite's scarf. Percy looked at it and gripped onto in.
"We'll get her back." he squeaked and took the scarf from her to stuff it in his pocket as well. "You all done saying good-bye?" Ares came toward me, his black leather duster trailing behind him, his sword glinting like fire in the sunrise. "I've been fighting for eternity, kid. My strength is unlimited and I cannot die. What have you got?"
"Hades, can't you like... do something? I really--"
"No. It's his fight. I will not intervene." "But Percy isn't the wrong!!"
"That doesn't matter."
The water pushed Percy into the air and he catapulted over Ares, slashing as he came down. But Ares was just as quick. He twisted, and the strike that should've caught him directly in the spine was deflected off the end of his sword hilt.
He grinned. "Not bad, not bad." He slashed again and Percy was forced to jump onto dry land. He tried to sidestep, to get back to the water, but Ares outmaneuvered him, pressing so hard Percy had to put all his concentration on blocking his attacks.
Mrs. Jackson took my hand.
"He's strong. He'll win this." "Percy!" Annabeth yelled. "Cops!" "Please, at least save him from the cops!!" I said.
"The mist is powerful child. But if you wish, I could clear his name. Both of yours."
"Yes please..." I saw red lights flashing on the shoreline boulevard. Car doors were slamming. "There, officer!" somebody yelled. "See?" A gruff cop voice: "Looks like that one kid on TV... what the heck..." "That guy's armed," another cop said. "Call for backup." Percy rolled to one side as Ares's blade slashed the sand. Percy ran for his sword, scooped it up, and launched a swipe at Ares's face, only to find his blade deflected again. Ares seemed to know exactly what he was going to do the moment before he did it. Percy stepped back toward the surf, forcing him to follow. "Admit it, kid," Ares said. "You got no hope. I'm just toying with you." I saw a second cop car pulling up, siren wailing. Spectators, people who had been wandering the streets because of the earthquake, were starting to gather. Among the crowd, I thought I saw a few who were walking with the strange, trotting gait of disguised satyrs. There were shimmering forms of spirits, too, as if the dead had risen from Hades to watch the battle.
"You sent more that the furies." I frowned at Hades.
"The three had survived all three furies. I obviously needed more than one."
"Rude." More sirens. Percy stepped farther into the water, but Ares was fast. The tip of his blade ripped his sleeve and grazed Percy's forearm. A police voice on a megaphone said, "Drop the guns.' Set them on the ground. Now!" Ares turned to glare at our spectators. There were five police cars now, and a line of officers crouching behind them, pistols trained on them. "This is a private matter!" Ares bellowed. "Be gone.'" He swept his hand, and a wall of red flame rolled across the patrol cars. The police barely had time to dive for cover before their vehicles exploded. The crowd behind them scattered, screaming. Ares roared with laughter. "Now, little hero. Let's add you to the barbecue."
"Stop the fire. Don't let the civilians get hurt!" I told him.
"Don't worry. No one was hurt." Hades said waving me off. Ares slashed. Percy deflected his blade. He got close enough to strike, but his blow was knocked aside. The waves were hitting Percy in the back now. Ares was up to his thighs, wading in after Percy. Ares came toward, grinning confidently. Percy lowered his blade, as if he were too exhausted to go on. Ares raised his sword.
A whimper came from Mrs. Jackson as she buried her face on her palm.
Percy jumped, rocketing straight over Ares was a wave which he rode.
A six-foot wall of water smashed him full in the face, leaving him cursing and sputtering with a mouth full of seaweed. Percy landed behind him with a splash and feinted toward his head, as he'd done before. Ares turned in time to raise his sword, but this time he was disoriented, he didn't anticipate the trick. Percy changed direction, lunged to the side, and stabbed Riptide straight down into the water, sending the point through the god's heel. The roar that followed made Hades's earthquake look like a minor event. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide. Ichor, the golden blood of the gods, flowed from a gash in the war god's boot. The expression on his face was beyond hatred. It was pain, shock, complete disbelief that he'd been wounded. He limped toward Percy, muttering ancient Greek curses. Something stopped him. It was as if a cloud covered the sun, but worse. Light faded. Sound and color drained away. A cold, heavy presence passed over the beach, slowing time, dropping the temperature to freezing, and making me feel like life was hopeless, fighting was useless. I had no idea how I felt all that despite my location. The darkness lifted. Ares looked stunned. Police cars were burning behind them. The crowd of spectators had fled. Annabeth and Grover stood on the beach, in shock, watching the water flood back around Ares's feet, his glowing golden ichor dissipating in the tide. Ares lowered his sword. "You have made an enemy, godling," he told me. "You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware." His body began to glow. '''Percy!" Annabeth shouted. "Don't watch!"
Hades stood up and turned to me.
"He's innocence is proven. You two are free." I looked back. Ares was gone. The tide rolled out to reveal Hades's bronze helm of darkness. Percy picked it up and walked toward the others.
"As promised, you two shall be returned."
"I want to go to Percy." I said.
"You can meet him at the tower. Sally Jackson and I will have a talk then we can send you back."
"A-Are you keeping D/N?" I asked.
He looked at me then D/N. "We'll find that out when we had sent you home."
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000 @katara720 @ynfics
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nadiasatrinava · 4 years
I know it’s a long time ago but the hcs you did for when their kid is sick with Chandra crushing her light imitation made me burst out laughing. Maybe you can give us more Chandra in MC’s stories maybe 🥺
Hello, I am back from the pits of depression and today I offer you: Chandra the Leading Lady to end all leading ladies. Oh and some fluffy NadiaxMC family dynamics too. 
Headcanons: Chandra ft. Nadia&MC’s Child
Chandra is a bird born to snatch the starring role. The prettiest and loveliest of birds is a natural under the limelight. Feathers? Fabulous. Stare? Smouldering. Talons? Truly Lethal. Flair? Full to the brim, Darling. (please read this in Edna Modes’ voice)
MC brings bedtime stories alive with magic and luminous silhouettes. It is commonplace for Chandra to be the main in their little sweet featurettes. The stories range from adventures to mystery to even the odd romantic tale.
Her fictional adventures comprise of the loveliest bird flying through sand dunes assimilated through magic and fabrics of light. Briskly veering upwards when a herculean scorpion emerges from the sand ready to strike her down. She evades the striking stinger and pincers with grace and retaliates with deadly precision. Her talons rip the illusion of a scorpion into shreds of light, giving out a victorious screech when the last thread dissolves into thin air.
MC’s mystery tales appoint Chandra as a private eye, tasked to solve puzzles and determine the perpetrator. An interactive interpretation of Cluedo with MC as the narrator. Nadia devises puzzles and clues for Chandra to solve, making it a game as much as it is a tale.
The romantic tales have Chandra reprising the role of the knight in shining armour or perhaps a lover in search for the grandest and finest gift to woo her target of affection and the adventures that come along with it.
Chandra gives an elegant bow, a wing over her heart, after each performance. Nadia, MC and their kid gives her around of applause all the while throwing treats and flowers at her talons. Chandra puffs up her chest with pride and an expression of delight is on her cute face and she just looks so proud of herself. 
Further down the line, Nadia and MC’s kid asks if they too could have a role in MC’s stories. MC could never say no to that sweet face and Chandra is pleased to finally have another lead to play with.
A particular tale has Chandra and the child banishing a tyrant and his legion. Nadia design mechanisms for miniature pulleys and harmless traps to make the story even more immersive and engaging. Going even as far as to making a mini catapult for her child to commandeer when MC’s story takes them questing to save the people under a tyrant’s rule. MC and Nadia arduously built a Lilliputian kingdom the day before, fully equipped with moats, tall castle walls and movable gates. These magical stories are a full-on family affair.
The walls crumble with a satisfying crash when the child pulls the catapult leaver and sends a stone flying through the air and smashing through the gates. Chandra takes down a wall by dropping a block of stone as she soars through the air.
They open the mechanical gates are torn under Chandra’s relentless beaks. Chandra guides a horde of civilians made of magic and light out of the castle, hooting and using her wings to point them to the proper escape route, while the kid prepares for the final battle.
MC makes the tyrant king with wisps of light glaring in red and black while his army constitutes of silhouettes and shadows. Chandra swoops down with a screech aiming for the horde of shadows while the kid gives their own battle cry, brandishing their wooden sword and engaging the tyrant king to battle.
Chandra swallows the shadow figures and tears the rest apart with her sharpened talons, sending wisps of shadows all over the battlefield. The kid uses the knowledge of swordplay Nadia has bestowed upon them and puts on a good show. Nadia sports a proud grin throughout the fight, applauding when her kid executes a particularly good move.
The fight ends when their kid deals the last blow, sending strands of red smoke through the air as Chandra lets out her victorious screech. MC clears the air and Chandra links her wing to the kid’s hand and does that synchronised bowing. Nadia and MC give their performance a standing ovation, enthusiastically clapping and throwing gifts and flowers at their feet. The kid and Chandra share a look before bursting into giggles (happy hooting in Chandra’s case).
If Namar catches wind of their little family tradition, well… let’s just say the next featurette has all actors/actresses decked out with befitting outfits. Namar would insist on having a role too. He’d make a great addition and he makes it known.
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stillchaoticlogic · 4 years
Stumbling: Chapter 11
Pairing: Raihan X Reader X Leon
Your life hadn’t gone exactly as you planned…
This is why when an old rival walks into the coffee shop you work at he gives you an offer you just can’t refuse. Finally, a chance at the League. Suddenly you are thrust into the spotlight and a world you thought you had left behind. Dreams aren’t always what they are cracked up to be though, especially when you find yourself the tangled up with the champion and a certain gym leader.
Has all your dreams come true?
Or is this your worst nightmare?
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Chapter 11: No Time to Lose
Blinking in annoyance at the light filtering through your window you huff as you roll over trying to escape it. You spent the majority of the night thinking about Leon and Raihan’s confession to you. At first, there was an acute thrill up your spine at the prospect of their feelings for you, however as the night wore on a sense of dread began to encompass your entire being. What are you going to do?
With a groan, you sit up in bed and decide that you will be spending the next couple of days in town training and resting with Sonia and Nessa.
The common area of the suite Leon rented is still cast in early morning shadow, the peace yet to be disturbed. You make a quick breakfast for yourself and your Pokémon before you write a quick note to the duo and make your silent exit. You need time to process precisely what’s happening in your life. Besides, you aren’t going far and just maybe you’ll meet up with the girls for some girl time.
The walk to the pier is peaceful and the few that are out give you a friendly wave and continue on their way. You aren't overly surprised to see Sonia and Nessa on the beach clearly working on whatever research Sonia is doing.
“What are you doing here?” Sonia asks with a wave.
“Isn’t Kabu’s gym next? Shouldn’t you be heading back to Motostoke?” asks Nessa wiping sweat off her brow in the early morning sun. 
“I’m taking a few days to train. Plus I talked with Leon and Raihan yesterday…”
“About their feelings for you?” The duo choruses. 
You wince but nod your affirmation, “I just don’t know what to do! I’ve finally got my chance at the League and I’m being pursued by Pokémon thieves and now this! It’s just…. a lot…”
“Take a break then! Get your head on straight. Kabu will be there in a few days,” Nessa says her hands on her hips. 
“That’s what I’m doing… plus having a break from the guys to at least process everything is a good idea.”
“Totally agree!” Chirps Sonia, “You need some girl time! Although I will say this… you’ve got Lee messed up! I don’t think I’ve seen him like this since….”
“Since when?” You ask leaning forward and silently begging her with your eyes to tell you. 
“Since… he couldn’t find you a couple of years ago. He was pretty devastated… I think he had this idea that you ran off with someone and he missed his chance with you.”
“I just don’t understand why he didn’t tell me years ago…”
“We all grew up together and to him, you were this amazingly perfect person that wouldn’t see him like that… he had it bad when we were younger. Every time you won against him he was always somewhere between embarrassed he lost and proud you won. It was pretty cute…”
You sigh with a soft smile on your face as you reminisce about your time growing up together. 
“I adored him… when I heard he was coming back home for a bit I ran…”
“That’s why you disappeared!?” Sonia exclaims.
You nod without meeting her gaze, “I was embarrassed… he’s the champion… the greatest champion… and I thought of myself as a failure.”
“You’re not a failure…” she says taking a step towards you, heartbreak in her eyes and her hands clasped together under her chin.
“I know that now… but I wasn’t in a good place then… I’ve improved a lot.” 
When you meet her gaze there is a familiar determination in your eyes. She remembers that look well. She saw it on your face during every battle, every lesson and every training session. Sonia remembers you as a force of nature and now she needs to make sure you see yourself that way too. 
“I need to get to the finals for me… for my team… for everyone who believes in me… I don’t know what to do about them now… especially now that Raihan’s in the picture…”
“Oh yeah… Rai won’t give you up very easily. He likes you a lot and he always goes for what he wants. He’s friends with Leon, but obviously he likes you enough to go head to head with him. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll respect your decision whatever it is, but be prepared for him to show you how he feels. Plus you like him too don’t you?” Nessa asks with a sly smirk.
You blush and look away, “I thought he was just kidding this entire time…”
“That’s because you haven’t thought yourself worthy of love with everything that happened in your past. You are. He’s going to make sure you know that too.”
Nessa nods sagely at her conclusion before she gives you a soft look.
“He likes you for you, don’t doubt that.”
You nod with tears in your eyes unable to speak. You shake your head to rid yourself of the emotions threatening to overwhelm you. 
“Thanks, guys… I’m going to train for a bit… you tap a couple of poke balls on your belt and Nile, your handsome Vaporeon pops out along with Hades, your Deino, and Serenity, your Hatenna. 
“Is this the team for Kabu?” Sonia asks.
“You have a Vaporeon!?” Squeals Nessa. 
You laugh, “Yeah, I do! He’s going to do amazing! I just know it!” 
Nile preens under the attention and happily flicks his fin-like tail before he happily struts around showing off his form proudly. 
You wave as you jog down the beach, your pokemon following along behind you. Nile splashes in the ocean kicking up the water around him. Serenity bounces along behind you and Deino sniffs the air as he easily keeps up. The sound of the waves soothes your mind as you continue your jog and slowly you allow yourself to get lost in thought. You hit a small cove and let out a sigh. You sit in the sand and catch your breath before you start to train your team. The morning flies by and before you know it you are calling out the rest of your team and setting up to fix lunch. 
“You know you would think that after getting caught by yourself you would learn not to go off alone,” says a voice behind you.
You turn around and see a man standing on a rock overlooking the small cove. You get into a fighting stance summoning your pokemon to you. 
“I don’t need a babysitter. Who are you? What do you want?” You demand. 
The man is handsome in a devil may care kind of way. He has dark hair that falls into deep green eyes, he has a lean physique without being overly muscular. His stance is relaxed in his black ripped jeans and a black tee-shirt. 
“The names Aaron and I wanted to extend my invitation to you in person… I really wanted to meet you…” The way your name rolls off of his tongue is borderline seductive. 
“I don’t understand your interest in me…”
“You tamed a Deino in about five minutes flat. The team you’re raising already has much potential. You could do great things for our organization.”
“You mean you want me to train the pokemon you steal? Absolutely not.”
“Not all of them are stolen…” he says wistfully as he drops from the rock to the ground, his boots sinking into the sand. The light hiss beneath his feet as he approaches you inspires a sense of foreboding. 
“Some of them are bred for power, such as that Deino that you took from my subordinate.”
“Did you come here for him? Because I’m not letting you take him!”
“Such passion! No… consider him my gift to you. He needs someone who will mold him into the force that he’s meant to be. Besides, I know you’ll join me one day…”
“I will never join you!”
“I know you… I know what you’ve been through… You’ve faced fires that these children never have. Even the beloved champion will never understand you. You’ve changed too much from the little girl you once were.”
“You don’t know anything about me,” you spit at him.
“I was you… I was denied entry to the league. I was told I wasn’t good enough. And I proved them all wrong. I own Galar now,” he circles you like prey.
You glare at him, “I’m nothing like you. I would never take a pokemon from their owner or attack innocent people.”
“You don’t know what you’re capable of… You’ve already taken two pokemon that didn’t belong to you.”
“That was different!”
“Is it? What makes you different from us?” he asks as he tilts his head.  
Closing the distance between the two of you, he leans down until he’s just inches from you, his breath fanning your face. His eyes bore into yours and he smirks before he tilts his head almost innocently.
“Those pokemon were being mistreated.”
“So you have the right to take them?”
“They chose to be with me.”
“So you’re different?”
“I’m not like you if that’s what you mean.”
He smirks as he leans back, “Be looking for a present from me… One day you will make an excellent addition to my team. I’ll be unstoppable with you by my side,” his finger runs down your jaw and you jerk away from you.
“I don’t want your present, I don’t want to have anything to do with you,” your voice is like ice as you regard the man before you.
“Oh, you wound me…” he says with a chuckle as he holds his hand above his heart, “Play nice or you won’t get this little beauty back.”
He holds up a Pokeball and you glance down at your belt to notice that Davine’s Pokeball is gone.
“Give her back!” you yell, Serenity getting into position beside you.
“Make me, my darling,” he says with a smirk as he sends out a Hydreigon.
“How dare you! Serenity, no!” you yell as your tiny Hatenna rushes ahead of you, “Hades!”
“You think your little Hatenna and Deino can beat my Hydreigon? Think again darling! Dragon Rush!”
“Serenity! Hades! No!” You watch in horror as Serenity uses Deino’s head as a catapult as she jumps up into the air and releases her Disarming voice just as Hades unleashes a Dragon Breath. Neither attack does much damage and you grit your teeth in worry. You gasp as Nile rushes forward and attacks using his Aurora Beam. 
“Nile! Dodge!” you yelp as Hydreigon sends out a Dragon Pulse. He leaps out of the way in the nick of time as Serenity attacks with a Dazzling Gleam. One of Hydreigon’s heads bite down onto Serenity and you yell as she cries out as she’s thrown from the dragons’ mouth bouncing off of a rock before she falls to the ground. 
“Serenity! No!” You yell as you go to rush towards her. You’re thrown back and away landing hard on the sand. Axel and Arum leap towards you and stand protectively in front of you. 
“Such loyal pokemon you have… Impressive,” he says in a bored tone as he throws Davine’s Pokeball up and down in his hand. 
“Give her… back!” you demand as you sit up, coughing as you do so. 
He smirks, “You’re going to have to come get her…” he says as he turns to walk away.
Your eyes harden, “How dare you! You can’t just take her from me!” 
“If you’re too weak to protect your pokemon, you don’t deserve to keep them.”
“If it’s a fight you want…”
“Oh it is…” he purrs.
Your eyes narrow as you glare at him, “Fine,” you bite out as you stand up shakily. 
He tilts his head up as he regards you smugly, “There she is…”
“Hades! Go south! Axel, east side! Arum, west side! Nile, go north! You know what to do!”
Your pokemon scatter as Hades gets behind his future form and unleashes his attack as Axel nuzzles the dragon before he’s thrown back. Paralysis overtakes the beast slowing him down as Arum attacks from the side, she just barely escapes a body slam leaping up into the air and kicking the dragon hard. You gasp as a bright light encompasses your Steenee and when the light dims standing before you is Tsareena. 
“Arum… you evolved…” you say in surprise.
“How cute… You think you have a chance now? Think again! Hydreigon go! Body Slam!”
The dragon comes lumbering towards you, but before you are hit a bright light leaps in front of you and the dragon is thrown back as a powerful attack radiates from the light and when it clears Serenity has evolved into a Hattrem, a look of anger on her tiny face. 
“Such adoration… Do they know you’re going to fail?”
“I’m not going to fail. I refuse to fail anymore.” 
“Acid Armour, Nile! Then Aurora Beam! Dragon Breath! Hit him with your best shot! Axel, poison him! Arum, Stomp!”
“So ruthless…” he groans tilting his head back and stomping his foot before he fixes his almost heated gaze on you.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” you growl at your opponent.
“Oh? Then show me…” he purrs.
Hydreigon roars as the attacks hit him all at once, Serenity unleashes another Dazzling Gleam. 
“Switch!” you yell and watch your pokemon easily rotate confusing the already damaged Hydreigon. He roars in anger and lashes out, hitting Axel again throwing the baby pokemon back. Serenity rushes towards him as Nile unleashes an attack to distract the dragon. She quickly heals him before standing protectively in front of the disoriented baby. The Hydreigon turns towards Nile and attempts to unleash another attack before Hades headbutts the pokemon to keep him distracted. He whips around and almost loses his balance before he rights himself. His large wings cause a burst of sand to assault the senses of Hades. Hydreigon unleashes a Dragon Pulse and catches Hades directly sending the much smaller dragon backward into the cliff behind him. 
“Hades!” you yell when he doesn’t get back up. Serenity attempts to get to her teammate but the Dragon whips around and with a well placed Dragon Tail knocks her back for a second time. 
“Serenity! Please get up!” Just as Hydreigon attempts to smash your partner, Arum rushes forward and snatches her out of the way, jumping to safety. You aren’t prepared for the battle cry Axel makes as a bright light engulfs his tiny frame. A smug smirk and a tilt of his head take the place of the pout your baby used to have. 
“Fascinating… They are evolving to save you… Look what I’ve done for you! Come with me now! I don’t think I can wait!” he practically sings as he gazes at your team. 
“They are my team and you have their sister and we aren’t resting until we have her back.”
He chuckles as he regards the pokemon before him with glee, “Such rage… I love it.”
You narrow your eyes, “Axel Venoshock! Take him out!”
With one final attack from your newly evolved Toxricity you watch as the dragon falls from the sky and lands with a crash. 
“You’ve evolved… Just like you’re pokemon… You will be my greatest ally. Just come with me, Darling. We could be great together!” He says his hands in the air before he beckons you towards him.
“I beat you,” you pant, “Now give her back.”
He chuckles but tosses the Pokeball at you as your team stands by your side, beaten and battered but still standing.
You stumble forward and catch the Pokeball, you release her and hold her close to you as tears threaten to fall. 
“Congratulations, you’ve passed. Expect your present soon my darling,” he winks and using two fingers blows you a kiss. 
“I’m not your darling and I don’t want anything from you,” you bite out.
“You’ll thank me later!” he calls over his shoulder as he walks away casually as if nothing just happened.
You collapse to the sand and a sob wracks your body. You feel helpless. Your pokemon gather around you as they attempt to comfort you the best they can.
“We have to get stronger,” you whisper, “we have to…”
Davine nuzzles against you with silent determination in her eyes. 
“I’m really proud of you all…” you gasp out between sobs, “So proud…”
They crowd around showing their support in any way they can. You really are proud of them, giving their all and evolving to fight against a force much more powerful than them. 
After you have reeled your emotions back in you stumble to your feet and make your way back towards town. You can hardly believe that you’ve met him, the man who runs the ring of thieves and he wants you. 
“What is happening…” you whisper as you gaze at the sky as tears threaten to fall once again. You’re in a daze as you stumble across the beach. 
Exhaustion overwhelms as you make your way towards the pokemon center. Once you’ve had your team healed you somehow make it back to the suite you are staying in with Leon and Raihan. The moment you walk into the room the guys leap up. 
Alarm goes through them at the sight of your shaky form. They rush towards you as you collapse into their arms. 
“What happened?”
“Who did this?!” 
“I met him…” you whisper.
“Met who?” asks Leon as he grasps your arms and holds you steady.
“The leader… he tried to take Davine… I almost didn’t beat him… I almost lost… She would have been gone…I would have failed…” you dissolve into sobs once again as Leon pulls you into a hug. 
Raihan paces before the two of you, his hands clenched into fists, he seems almost feral as he snarls out, “I’m going to kill him…”
“Rai…” you whimper, pulling away from Leon. 
He stops his pacing and he kneels before you, his hands grasping yours, “What is it, Princess?”
“Just be with me?” you ask quietly voice shaking with unshed tears. 
He looks heartbroken as he nods and gently pulls you into a hug. 
“Princess, can you tell us what happened?” Raihan mumbles into your hair. 
You heave a shaky breath and recount the events of your afternoon. You can feel Raihan shaking as he attempts to keep his rage in check. Leon is leaning forward, his cap covering his eyes as he sits dangerously still. 
“You don’t need to go off by yourself, someone needs to be with you at all times,” Leon growls as he gets up and begins to pace like a Pyroar. 
You look away and nod, tears in your eyes. 
“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” Raihan murmurs as he pulls you into him again. 
“I’m scared… I almost lost her. I’m not strong enough.”
“That’s what he wants you to think. He wants you to feel scared and helpless. You can’t give into him!” Insists Leon.
“Well…” you say standing up, “He succeeded.”
You walk from the living area into your temporary bedroom. Feelings that you’ve held at bay for months come crashing down on you as you feel yourself sink into the bed. This time tears don’t come as you lay there feeling nothing and everything all at once.
You feel the bed sink in next to you and a hand press against your arm. When you don’t shake him off he begins to run his hand up and down your arm soothingly. You bury your face into the pillow as you grasp his hand pulling him against you and curling around your clasped hands. He sighs into your hair as you feel his lips on your shoulder before he buries his face into your neck.
“I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you today,” you feel him shake his head as if trying to physically rid himself of the thought.
“I feel so helpless…” you whisper.
“You’re not. You won today, even with the odds stacked against you. You won.”
“If he has other Pokémon that are just as strong…”
“You can’t think about that right now. We’re going to get through this. I promise.”
You nod as exhaustion takes and you fall into a fitful sleep.
Notes: So that happened... I hope you all enjoyed this tense chapter! Please leave love in likes, reblogs and comments! I always want to hear your thoughts! 
Tags: @shinsvu-talks @eeveesjourney @cherryrocks505 @exoticxchicken8 @spilltheearlgrey @marydragneell @quincymaru @zebrabaker @ct9ner@Ichigokage @pinktowne @marina-and-the-memes @ssskeletonsoffun @secretly-a-weeb @duizhangdeluxe @swiftly-heart @invaderbekk @crowkie @narees17 @skinklady @nerdyeldritchhorror @wthyuta @serendipityseoul @crescentrax @ninjarose23 @chiizwiz @cherryrocks505 @just-a-dregular @bonniestreet @theofficialkanekibarbie @maryry24 @zea-is-amazing @loch-monsta @artisticchihuahua @hadeselegy @rociomz @emeraldluna
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tsw-story · 5 years
Chapter 87 - Hell on Earth
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Lucy knew that Anzu wasn't incorrect about her predicament. It had been ages since the need for her to handle a battle firsthand. She felt sluggish—rusty, down to her senses and joints—but she was worst of all bogged down with intense, confusing emotions. It didn't matter to her in that moment, or perhaps her mind was too scattered to worry, because she knew she had to stop her own sister there and then unless more people were to be hurt.
A fire burned in her eyes. More literally, up her hand. The fingers on her right began to glow like hot iron, with the heat warping the air around her skin. Like a wild animal, she lunged a quick step forwards before slamming down her hand, and from it came huge blade-like waves of fire that burned trails in the dirt behind them. Hellfire Claw!
Four in total came careening towards Anzu. Immediately, she brought up her hands like a cross before her chest, and she stood her ground like a statue in the sand. Her eyes flashed, and ice materialized rapidly in front of her to form a towering shield of frosted crystal. Two of the fiery blasts collided with and shook the barrier. Though it didn't break, it cracked, and steam shot off to cloud the area around them.
She was quick to retaliate. Anzu slammed her right palm down to the ground as the shield before her crumbled into chunks of ice. From her hand, a web of white lines trailed out to cover the entire area around them almost immediately. Frozen Maiden!
As she tensed her arms, the true power of the attack unleashed itself. Thin but tall spikes of solid ice began shooting up from the ground, like spikes of iron meant to impale her victim. They started slow, but the frequency and speed of the icicles increased. All Lucy could do was dodge, and was nearly skewered several times. Before she could be, her fire burned hot and bright, and with an aura of raging flames, she charged straight through two of the towering spikes and towards her opponent, leaving only shattered, sparkling crystals drifting down in her wake. Her hands were shaking, but she came to a halt to unleash an inferno of fire from the flat of her palm, like a sideways tornado of the hottest flames.
Anzu shielded her body from the painful burning, and managed to glide on ice she generated from her feet off to the right in order to dodge the bulk of the attack. But she was singed, and Lucy was wounded as well. Both were tired, yet the battle of ice and fire continued.
“Please. None of this is right,” Lucy managed to utter through deep, struggling gasps for air.
“You're right. None of this is right. That's why it needs to be changed. And I know that you know that too. So don't spit in my face while you go and do the exact same thing!”
From Anzu's hands, a spark of ice became a javelin-like shard of ice. It shot like a bullet towards her sister, but it was aimed rather high. She managed to duck beneath it by bringing herself low to the ground. However, that was the plan all along. Lucy glanced down to see her own feet frozen to the dirt. When her eyes turned back up, they widened in surprise as Anzu was skating towards her across frozen sand at an alarming speed.
“It isn't like that!” Lucy shouted.
“It's exactly like that!” Anzu dashed through the flames that burned like an aura around her foe, and dug her knee directly into her solar plexus. As the ice shattered, she brought Lucy down to slam into the ground, and she pinned her down with a hand to her neck.
Lucy didn't immediately try to fight back, but Anzu didn't immediately lop off her head. They both paused for an unexpected moment.
“I've been thinking about this meeting for a long time, Lucy.” The violet maiden stared daggers down at the woman pinned beneath her. There was a sudden, growing frustration in her face. “I visualized it many times. So why then, Lucy? Tell me this. Why, unlike all those times in my head, are you crying?”
Before she could respond, Anzu continued. “You're a hypocrite, Lucy. You and the others blame me for dabbling here. For trying new things. I'm trying to make a difference. Do you think I don't know about you and that TL guy? After all those years, you actually fell in love with a human. Something changed... Now, you keep dealing in human affairs, even though you shouldn't. I know you even gave Drodias to a a regular man. Not even a wizard! Yet you're here to stop me from doing the same. We both know this world has to change, Lucy. You're just too much of a coward to embrace who you are.”
Like she said, tears were pooling down Lucy's cheeks. But it wasn't because she felt insulted. She felt the harsh truth in what she heard. Though, above all else, there was something greater that was making her cry.
“You're right...” she muttered. “But I mostly mean about something you said earlier. You questioned why I'd even trust you. I'm crying, Anzu, because the truth of the matter is that I—“
It was hard for her to find the words.
“Stop babbling!”
Lucy continued. “I didn't trust you!”
She wasn't certain how to respond to what was just shouted into her face. It took her by surprise. Mostly, it was from the sheer emotion behind it, as if she was calling out in desperation. Never before did she see her sister so defeated, and it wasn't even from losing a fight. There was something more going on, but she had little time to think about it.
The sound of a door behind her—above in the sky—caused her head to turn. Her eyes started to widen. Not only was a mahogany door present in the air, but a cloaked silhouette appeared drifting down, blocked by the sunlight.
Before Anzu could mouth, “Your phone,” it was too late. She needed to react to the figure about to land on top of her, so she turned around, and raised her one palm upwards towards it. A gust of wind, enough to freeze a man solid, burst out in a cloud to engulf the figure entirely. However, when it dispersed, there was no frozen individual, but completely empty air.
A warm palm came close to her cheek. By the time she saw the man standing there, he had already unleashed an explosion of kinetic energy, causing her head to spin and her entire body to fly meters away from Lucy's. Push!
Eldrian stood there, garbed in blue as usual, standing over the mess that was Lucy. When she turned, she saw his hand being offered down to her, and she accepted the help to stand.
“That was the hardest thing I've had to do. Listen to all of that, the whole time, but stay where I was,” he said. “But we're here now. I'm sorry this didn't work out like you wanted.”
A strange, pained look twisted Anzu's face. There was a deep insult that cut deep, more than she had felt in a long time. With a wobble, she brought herself to a kneel, and stared in frustration at the wizard standing beside her sister.
She turned, and not far behind her was another man. He was surprisingly attractive—long brown hair, smooth skin, well-kept facial hair, a pair of silver earrings, and a toque. She lashed out with her hand, but he disappeared in an instant. Now, on the ground, was a tiny bird. It fluttered up to her chest, and shaped immediately into the form of a brown bear, which catapulted her yet again onto her back.
The animal became Daveon, and he stood there with a serious expression. Then, one by one, there was Deena, Renatta, Arlandria, and her other two sisters, Kali and Mara.
“This is exactly what I meant,” Anzu muttered. “You damn hypocrite.”
“Lucy is different—“ Eldrian started, but Lucy put her hand up to stop him.
She hung her head. “You're right. I do dabble more than I should. And maybe it's because of my own bias. But I don't attack cities, and hurt innocent people, Anzu. What you're doing is making an army. Is this the peaceful co-existence you seek?”
“And what's better?” Anzu asked. “Locking wizards away. Locking demons away. And I'd be surprised if they didn't even have elves locked away somewhere around here! This world is a mess.”
“We're done here, sis!” Mara called out. “You're not calling for help either. So please, just come with us. We can talk it out together, with father.”
“I don't need to call anybody... You're not the only one with allies. And mine are more terrifying than yours could ever be.”
Arlandria tried to gasp, but her mouth was immediately covered. Dark blue, nearly black, tendrils burst out from the ground beneath her abruptly, and wrapped around her arms, mouth, and throat. She squeezed them as much as she could, but they wouldn't budge.
“Arly!” Eldrian yelled. He hustled over to her, but at the same time, he saw from the corner of his eye Anzu suddenly gliding away on her back as a trail of ice formed in front of her.
“I've got her!” Renatta called out. Fast on her feet, she leapt into action, and spun one of her chakrams out towards Anzu as she continued to sprint.
All she saw was the sun's light glisten off a scythe before a wall of stone erupted up from beneath them, right after Anzu slid past it. The chakram ricocheted off the rock and flew straight back into her hand. “Oh no you don't!” Kicking off the ground, she flew through the air, and slammed both of her feet directly into the wall. A shock of force and fire radiated from the impact, and it first cracked and them crumbled down the middle.
However, nothing was on the other side beyond remnants of frozen sand.
Eldrian, consoling the now-free Arlandria, squinted back. “It was him again,” he whispered.
“She had a wizard in hiding this whole time. That's impressive,” Kali said. “I didn't even notice. But I guess I was too distracted by everything. I'm sorry.”
“It's nobody's fault,” Lucy said. “If it was anybody's, it would be mine anyhow.”
Mara hustled over and wrapped her arms around Lucy's torso for a tight embrace. “That's not true either. We heard everything over Eldrian's phone, and we don't believe a word of it! You're nothing like her.”
While Lucy was certainly bothered by the exchange, Eldrian was put deeply into thought. He considered all of Anzu's words, and no matter how much he fought, he couldn't help but feel strangely understanding towards them. But he shook that off, because he knew deep down, that her methods were wrong, no matter how interested he was in her intentions. He knew, however, that he would be thinking about it for quite some time.
“That's it then,” Lucy spoke dejectedly. “That was our one chance to convince her. Now she's out there with no way of us knowing where, with her own private army of demons she snuck out from our homeland, and if she has a wizard too, there's no telling who else is helping her.”
Eldrian made his way over, and he put a hand over her shoulder. “Don't worry. There's no way she'll do nothing. If you all make sure she doesn't keep getting reinforcements from your side, we'll be ready to jump the moment she makes a move here. No matter what kind of terror she unleashes on Earth, we'll all be there to stop it. Right, guys?”
There was no hesitation in their agreement, even Deena. They nodded.
“Oh, Kevin. You're just so brave and strong,” Kali cooed as she wrapped her arm around him, and pressed her cheek against his hair.
Kevin reacted with rosy cheeks. “You didn't put another shadow in me, did you?” he whispered nervously.
“All right. Mara. Kali. We're heading home. Though it might not go over well, we have no choice but to tell father what happened,” Lucy explained, pulling on Kali's arm as she walked. “Goodbye for now. Thank you for everything, everybody... I'll try to find a way to thank you properly in the future, but we have work to do. We'll keep in touch.”
They nodded, and with that, the three devil sisters departed down a fissure in the ground, as they usually do.
“Hey, uh. What do you guys exactly think of him?” Eldrian asked as they were left alone.
“Who?” asked Daveon.
“That creepy wizard guy we keep running into. The mass murderer. Somehow, he still hasn't been caught, probably because he's with Anzu. But there's something about him. He's not like any wizard I've encountered before. According to Poppet, I think he... burst out of the ground at a cemetery?”
“If you're that considered, we could look into the records of who was buried there,” Deena replied.
He pondered. “That could help us out. He's clearly bad news. I'll try to contact Poppet. Maybe she'll know more, since she's the one that accidentally woke him up. Or something like that.”
Around them, for a couple dozen meters in every direction, was nothing but destruction. There were holes in the dirt, frozen sand, scorched earth, and with the conflict ended, not a single noise to be heard. Yet nobody would ever know what happened that day in Saskatchewan. Thankfully for them, barely anybody lived there to begin with.
Night eventually came and everybody rested. At least, they tried to. Some could hardly fall asleep. Darkness stirred in the heart of Canada, and all the rest could do was wait for it to surface.
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razieltwelve · 6 years
Clash of the Titans (Final Nexus)
Pilot Diana glanced into the monitor displaying the auxiliary life support unit. “Are you guys all buckled in? Because if you’re not, you’ve got about ten seconds before this ride gets really bumpy.”
Marshal Lightning nodded as she pulled a communications console/monitor over to her harness. “Can you pass on some information about your weapons systems? I’d like to help.”
On the other side of the chamber, Killer Lightning smiled. “I would also like to -”
“No.” Final Averia’s eyes narrowed. “Do not give her anything.”
Killer Lightning sighed melodramatically. “Such little trust. I understand that in another universe, you would be my daughter.”
“And I understand that in your universe, you are a criminal.” Final Averia glared. “Don’t think I missed the marks on your wrists. You’ve spent a lot of time in handcuffs or other restraints.”
The killer smiled. “Oh, I like you. Not many people notice things like that.”
“Anyway,” Pilot Diana said. “Brace yourselves. We’re about to go into battle.”
X     X     X
Guardian Alpha was the greatest Eidolon ever built. It feature far more powerful and more advanced weapons that any other Eidolon, and it had the highest power:weight ration in history. It weighed two and a half thousand tonnes, but that extra weight wasn’t just there for show. It could tear a Category VII fal’Cie apart with its bare hands, and its weapons array was enough to engage multiple Category VII’s and win before they could even close in for melee combat.
It was, without a doubt, the pinnacle of its world’s engineering, the world’s instrument of vengeance against the monsters that had plagued them for so long.
But today, it was up against something far larger than itself.
“Diana,” Pilot Averia said. “Can we get any scans on that thing?”
“Give me a second…” Diana’s eyes widened. “Estimated weight is one hundred thousand tonnes. There’s no way it’s actually using its wings to fly. I’m picking up a host of energy anomalies and massive gravitational distortions to boot.”
Claire smirked. “Light it up?”
Averia nodded. “Diana… light it up.”
Guardian Alpha’s shoulder plates unfolded to release its two gigantic shoulder-mounted plasma cannons. Each of them had output that dwarfed the plasma cannons once wielded by the Mark IIIs of the original Odin’s generation more than a hundred fold. At the same time, Guardian Alpha’s fists transformed, revealing an additional pair of electromagnetic discharge cannons - essentially, lightning guns.
“Fire when ready,” Averia said.
“Commencing fire!” Diana cried. “Let’s see how it likes this.”
What followed was an ear splitting roar as both lightning cannons fired, the thunder created so loud that the sheer force of it actually shoved the massive Eidolon back half a step. On its shoulders, its plasma cannons unleashed bolts of brilliant plasma, each strong enough to completely immolate the chest cavity of a Category VII fal’Cie.
The attacks struck the monstrous shape in the sky with terrible force. The clouds tore, and the sky was suddenly too bright to look at. Yet when the light faded, the creature was barely damaged at all. The wounds it had suffered already beginning to heal as its twisted, amorphous shape began to extrude tentacles, claws, and teeth.
“Well, damn.” Diana’s eyes narrowed. “That thing sure can take a beating and it looks like it’s -”
Her words were cut off as Claire and Averia moved together, hurling the Eidolon out of the path of a dozen tentacles that lanced out of the creature’s body and dug deep into the desert sand. The tentacles lashed out to the side, barbs, blades, and other additions forming as the creature turned dozens of eyes toward them.
“Keep firing!” Claire shouted. “Aim for the eyes!”
“I know!” Diana shouted back. “I know!”
Averia split her attention between the tentacles and the rest of the creature’s body. It was why she had the time to yell a warning. “Watch out! Incoming!”
The creature suddenly fired a volley of shadowy spores. The Eidolon tumbled out of the way. The spores struck the desert and immediately began to eat away at the sand, dissolving it into pure nothingness.
“Okay… we can’t get hit by those,” Diana said. She was firing as quickly as the Eidolon’s position would allow, but none of their shots seemed to be doing sufficient damage. “How about we try cutting those off?”
“Right.” Averia clenched her fist. “Engage Dragon Claws.” The machine’s right fist transformed back into its fist form, and a long blade extended from its wrist. As the next tentacle rushed toward them, they pivoted away from it and swung their right arm out. The tentacle came lose, black blood spewing everywhere, and they turned to fire another bolt of lightning at the closest eye.
“I think it felt that,” Claire said as the creature hissed and wailed. “Keep cutting those off!”
X     X     X
Divine Diana and Gary watched the battle with a growing sense of admiration.
“That giant automaton isn’t half bad,” Diana said. “But we can’t let them have all the fun.” She raised her sword. “Aim for the tentacles, Gary. I’ll aim for the main body.”
The raccoon rushed through the air, his trumpet playing a wild, discordant rhythm of cutting winds and tearing gales. Diana, meanwhile, gathered her divine energy. She’d seen firsthand that the attacks of the machine, while powerful, weren’t enough to truly injure the beast. It simply regenerated too fast. What she needed was something big… so big it couldn’t just shrug off the blow.
As the winds around her sword intensified, she crafted the image of her attack in her mind. She imagined a hurricane condensed into a single blade as thin as a hair and sharper than anything in Creation. This thing might be regenerating, but how would it handle being cut in half.
With a grunt of exertion, Diana swung her sword. The Sword of Cutting Winds didn’t have as grandiose a name as some of the other weapons she could summon, but it was very, very good at what it did. And what it did was cut things. Combined with the way she’d shaped her divine power, well, she couldn’t let those mortals outdo her, now could she?
“Take this!” she shouted. “You might be tough, but I could cut the moon in half with this attack!”
X     X     X
“Massive energy spike!” Pilot Diana shouted.
“What?” Averia cried. “Where?”
“It’s… oh crap! Move!”
Averia looked up. Whatever the ‘goddess’ version of Diana had done, it had cut the creature in half. Unbelievable. That thing weighed a hundred thousand tonnes, and she’d just cut it in half. It was already trying to heal, but it didn’t look like it could fly and put itself back together at the same time.
“Go!” Marshal Lightning’s voice came over the speaker. “Run due west now! That’s the quickest way out from under it. Move!”
That was all the incentive they needed. The massive Eidolon broke into a sprint, and the trio pushed themselves to the limit as the titanic creature thundered into the ground, an earthquake shaking the whole area as it landed. They just barely managed to get clear, throwing themselves into a dive at the last moment.
“There’s a spot on its back,” Marshal Lightning continued. “Can you see it? I saw it through one of the rear-facing cameras when you dove. There appears to be a distortion there.”
“That’s its centre,” Divine Diana shouted, her voice somehow audible through the communication system. “I’ve seen something similar in the enemies the gods in my world fight. It’s like… think of it as a pocket dimension. Most of its mass is hidden there, which is why it can heal so easily. If we rupture that, it will die… and probably explode.”
“Well, damn,” Pilot Diana said. “Let’s get to work.”
The Eidolon leapt onto the creature’s back, hacking and firing with mad abandon as it tried to reach the creature’s core. At the same time Divine Diana and Gary swooped through the air in a bid to strike at the creature’s core with the same attacks they’d used so effectively before. However, the creature was not about to make it easy. Thousands of tentacles ripped out of its back. They lashed out in a frenzy, knocking the Eidolon back and forcing Divine Diana and Gary to retreat.
“This is stupid.” Final Averia spoke over the communication system. “Can you open the emergency door? I’m going out there to help.”
“What are you going to do?” Pilot Averia shot back. “Transform into a god or something? This isn’t a battle a normal person can fight.”
Final Averia smirked. It was Fang’s smirk. “Or something. Just open the door.”
X     X     X
Final Averia waited until she’d climbed onto the exterior of the giant robot before she activated her Semblance. She skipped straight to the second level of Saviour. Anything less wouldn’t cut. Immediately, information flooded into her mind. Even at this level a version of flight was available, but there was a faster way to reach her target.
[Calculating optimal path… tentacle motion accounted for… optimal path projection…]
Averia leapt, crossing more than a hundred yards in a heartbeat. In a single fluid motion, she summoned a crystal blade, sliced a tentacle in half and then rode the motion it made in its agony to throw herself further forward.
“Damn…” Pilot Diana muttered. “Apparently, you’re a magical girl in another dimension, sis.”
“What?” Pilot Averia squawked. “She is obviously not a magical girl. Magical girls don’t wear armour and swing swords around.”
“She’s totally a magical girl,” Pilot Claire agreed. “But look at her go.”
Slicing through tentacle after tentacle and using their flailing to catapult herself forward, Final Averia was advancing toward the core at incredible speed. Seeing her on the move, both Divine Diana and Gary swooped in to help clear a path.
[Accounting for allies…] Saviour had already begun to develop detailed analyses of the others. [Projected path now 25% shorter]
Final Averia leapt one last time. The core was there ahead of her, a large sphere of distorted flesh that was roughly fifty yards in diameter. Saviour’s senses were screaming at her to be careful.
[Massive dimensional anomaly detected]
[Apparent size and mass inaccurate]
[True mass estimated at ten million tonnes]
[True size estimated as sphere with radius one hundred kilometres]
Averia frowned. Was cutting it even possible. 
[Current power insufficient to breach outer shell.]
[Physical force unlikely to breach outer shell]
[Weapon capable of moderate reality manipulation required]
[Recommend escalating to third level]
Averia grimaced. The third level? She could use it, but she couldn’t afford to rely on it too heavily, not when she didn’t know how many more of these things she would have to face. 
Her crystal and metal armour darkened and then shattered to reveal the ominous red and black tones of the third level of Saviour. Power flooded through her veins, and her perception of the world sharpened even further. With her heightened perception, she could now detect the smallest of flaws along the top of the core.
She gestured, and she soared upward, a series of gravity manipulations pushing and pulling her along until she was over the flaw.
“Cover me!” she shouted.
“Got it!” Divine Diana shouted back as she and Gary flanked Final Averia. Tentacles closed in from all sides, but the pair fought with iron determination to hold them back. As for the Eidolon, the gigantic robot had caught on to what was happening, and the trio piloting were doing their best to keep as many tentacles occupied as possible. 
Final Averia twisted in midair and then dove. Her blade clattered into the edge of the sphere, and she gave a cry of disbelief as the structure actually held for an instant. Unbelievable. This blade could cut through any normal material substance with ease. Even spatial and temporal distortions would be badly damaged by it. Finally, the surface of the core began to crack.
“Need a bit more…” Final Averia’s jaw clenched as she called on more of Saviour’s power. The crack widened, and she was suddenly tumbling backward, hurled away by an outpouring of energy. “The core is breached!” she yelled. “You need to tear it all the way open.”
“Understood!” Pilot Averia barked back. “Move!”
The Eidolon thundered forward, its massive bulk stomping over the creature’s body as it drove its hands into the crack in the core. Countless servos and gears creaked as the titanic machine strained itself to the limits of its ability. Slowly, bit by bit, the crack began to widen as they tore the core open.
“Gary!” Divine Diana shouted. “Come on, let’s help!”
The two added their attacks to the mix, hacking and slashing at the edges of the rip to widen it until, at last, with a sickening squelch, the Eidolon managed to force its arms as far apart as it could. Energy poured out of the gaping hole along with a vile, black deluge.
“Get clear!” Pilot Diana shouted. “I’m getting elevated energy readings! It’s going to explode!”
Divine Diana grabbed Gary and then dove to grab Final Averia. “I’ll get us out of here. Hold on!” She leapt flew onto the Eidolon’s shoulder and called on her power again. “All those times I practices transporting Bahamut are going to come in handy now. He’s even bigger than you guys!”
“Just get us out of here!” Marshal Lightning ordered.
X     X     X
“Well, isn’t that a pretty picture?” Killer Lightning drawled as she watched the massive column of inky darkness roar up toward the sky. The goddess had brought them more than two hundred miles in the blink of an eye, and the explosion still dominated the horizon. She walked over to Final Averia. “And that was a most admirable performance. Your power is… fascinating. Mind explaining it?”
Final Averia forced herself to straighten despite the tiredness she felt. “Not a chance.”
“Oh, how touchy.” Killer Lightning smiled sunnily. “Well, we’re all alive and our enemy is dead, but we still don’t know where we are. Anybody have any ideas?”
Divine Diana pointed. “We head that way. I think I can feel my mother’s power coming from that direction.”
Killer Lightning raised one eyebrow. “How strong is your mother?”
“Hmmm…” Divine Diana rubbed her chin. “Have you ever seen a piñata fight a dragon?”
They all stared at her. They’d seen what she could do.
“I’m the piñata. My mother is the dragon.”
“Well…” Killer Lightning said. “The more the merrier. I don’t plan on dying, so… let’s go meet your mother… who is, I suppose, another version of me.”
“Pretty much.” Divine Diana shrugged. “I could take us there, but that might not be a good idea.”
“What’s going on?” Marshal Lightning asked.
“I don’t know if you guys can sense it, but that thing was drawn to us by the power I was using. Based on how fast that machine of yours can walk, we should reach my mother in a couple of hours. It might be safer to just do that.”
“Right.” Pilot Averia nodded. “Hop aboard then. You should conserve your strength for battle. We can give all of you a lift.”
X     X     X
Final Averia = Final Rose Averia
Pilot Averia, Diana, and Claire = Eidolon Pilot Averia, Diana, and Claire
Marshal Lightning = The Vestige Lightning
Killer Lightning = Sound of Thudner (serial killer) Lightning
Divine Diana = Divine!AU Diana
Gary =  Divine Diana’s Herald (and favourite raccoon since she is, amongst other things, the goddess of raccoons)
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Not everything.
“The beaches of Lor'danel are gorgeous, it was among one of the first I remember seeing after crashing on this world. Still to this day, I still think it to be beautiful, it’s lushes life, how ever, perhaps a bit dull in color, still, there was nothing else like it, it was unique, that’s what I like about it, the animals were content, healthy and so was the land. The Kaldorei took such good care of it.” - Dagan, recounting the tales of her adventures during the Pandaria Campaign to fellow Pandaren Tavern goers. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Indeed the beaches were beautiful. Now they were stained with the blood of both the pushed back Kaldorei and the pressing Horde, fire illuminated the sand from the trees not to far behind in this amber glow. Nothing warm about it, the heat felt intense, rage filled, if only there was only one and that it can be snuffed out. No, there were many, so many of them, slowly consuming the once perfect yet fractured image of Darkshore, more importantly, Lor’danel. With forces of the Night Elves were kicked off their own beaches, they had to retreat to the World Tree, as any other assisting forces did, Mages that were able to quickly portal to Kalimdor from the Eastern Kingdom to assist, Druids that flew off in their winged forms, Warriors and Hunters were ushered into boats to evac them to the tree so they can help. Among these passengers, was Dagan, palm of her hand pressed against that infamous skulled helmet she owned, holding her head to keep it from smacking the wooden boat, this... defeat was heavy, perhaps they can protect Teldrassil from the portal before entering the city, hold off some sort of choke point in which they can fully control, it sounds like a solid plan to hold the Horde at bay as they try to evac more civilians. Perhaps this will work and this is what will put the battle at a true stalemate.
Upon arriving at the shores of Rut’theran Village, those who weren’t blessed with the powers of teleportation and flight who storm the land, trying to set up, by no means a ambush, their front here would be far too predictable, they were going to set up a strong hold, of sorts that is, something to pick them off while they travel the water to get to this Village, in other words, they had the High Ground. Either loading extra bows into their quills, oiling their swords or checking ammunition from a rifle, they were prepping to be at one hundred percent when the Horde got here, or well, as one hundred percent a defeated fighting force can me.
Taking aim at the distant Horde controlled shore on the other side, those who were at the bottom waited with baited breathe. Only then would they realize what they have done was not only a waste of time but a mistake. Raining from Lor’danel’s beaches were balls of that same consuming hate, smacking against the very trunk of Darnassus, by the Light, they were going to burn it to the core.
“QUICKLY! GET TO THE CIVILIANS!” One of the Sentinel shouted, as many would rush for the portal that took them from the bottom to the very tip top of it all. Even in this small time frame, those catapults were raining hail of fire upon the tree, smoke threatened to erupt from the very ground, peaking through the mossy grounds of the ever benevolent Teldrassil. No one could have predicted such a tactics, quickly those Adventurers and Sentinels rush through the city, quickly trying to usher and warn the inhabitants of the danger for staying any longer than now, more and more the smoke darkened and funneled through the ground but from the exterior of their great tree as well, the leaves turned to cinder and ash was starting to rain from above, by the Light, by Elune, what horror.
Dagan bolts through the city, quickly pointing over to the Temple of Elune, surely that is where they would congregate, with their Goddess, with their Priests, with standing walls stone and solid material oppose to the other buildings made of wood and very much flammable material. Rushing through the each opened bed room inn and merchant stand, her voice demanded the unknowing Kaldorei to move, to run, to seek shelter from the ash and fire, the Temple was so much better than the rest of the tree, they must go or else they risk it all.
Those who were warned would run for the Temple as if the Legion was wiping them off the face of the earth again, wails of cries and pain echo through the city, there were only so many civilians to be found and saved. Her hooves aggressively skirt across the walk ways, trying to find someone to save, wild screeching catches her ears, turning to face the source of this scarred sound, Dagan finds the stables of Hippogryphs, they were there once for their own protection and sort of home but now acted as their coffins, she had to save them too, before the black smoke thickened to much, making haste, the draenei starts throwing the wooden bars aside that kept these majestic beasts pinned, ushering them off. “No! Not everything will burn!” She shouts as if arguing with Fate itself, anyone within the tree can hear them screech and cry out of sheer terror, they were just animals, they didn’t know what was going on, who was setting fire to the tree, bucking in place before bolting out of the pens, they set sail into the air, those who didn’t were eagerly pushed by Dagan, encouraging them to take flight and to ignore the panic. “You must go!” This demanding shout devolves into a pained wail. “Show the Kaldorei that not everything burned this day!”
With that, the last Hippogryphs would set sail into the air, flapping it’s ashen covered wings through the air, breaking through the thicken layer of smoke before it was to late, they set sail into the amber lit sky, they will someday show those who have suffered this day that something else survived the consuming hateful flames.
With slumped exhausted shoulder, the fire started to consume the vicinity, throwing it into a smoky black and red atmosphere, the fire was coming, Dagan had to evacuate herself as well before it was too late, just as many other adventurers' have done, tearfully, she passes through the portal to Stormwind.
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Episode #1
The Never Ending Story – Lantern contributions, June-July 2018 I thought to myself Come on! Pick one!  It doesn’t work if you don’t pick one and so I...
Was in his room walking upside down thinking of which homework to do…
Ahh! Maths I yelled, as I opened the book everything flew off the page +, _, all the symbols and words
Ahh!  I screamed as I was sucked into the book.  Three days later I woke up in another world…
Goblins, Ghouls, everything horrific was dancing around. It was horrible…
It was more than horrible, it was bootiful.
My stomach clenched in anticipation as I got ready to run from the fairytale-like creatures.
Hands sweating, mouth clasped tightly closed and my stomach spinning in never-ending circles I plucked up the courage to run.  I took one last glance at my hellish surroundings wondering what the heck I was going to do after a deep growl rang in my ears, and with that I bolted.
Running as slow as I could I slapped my friend and brother.
Before I took one last peek at the creature’s jagged teeth that blended with it’s drool as it looked at it’s next meal, which was this creature
Or a cat! A cursed black cat. A creature that never wants to be seen!! The the black cat with the jagged teeth scrambled up the tree and flew across to the next one when it saw
A huge hippopotamaus sitting on the branch crying.
Because he was just told that he wasn’t a member of the library
His crying grew louder and he started to hiccup.
He hiccupped so loud that he fell off the branch taking the black (that is cursed) with him
Get off me pheasant cried the cat, squashed beneath the hippo
Roar It looked at both of them and laughed, then out of the bushes came a peacock.
My name is Geoff and I am the protector of the couch potato. King insect and said I rule all of what you see.
I can send commands to you and you can obey them.  If not, you will be captured and you will be out of town forever…and ever ever ever.
Terrace being a gemini changed his mind and decided that they would only live because they wanted Macca’s…yum.
I have to leave town for a few days instead of forever.  So they went on a boat to full an island of food where everything was half in size, “oh no” and made friends (not) with the full size animals.
Suddenly a double headed dragon appeared and swallowed the people, much to their horror.  Terrace having hear the cries of the half sized people, commanded his greatest warrior Michael to appear and slay the beast.
However, Michael needed help so he summoned Poppy the peacock, Terrace’s sister to distract the monster.
As one of the heads descends to eat Poppy, Michael plunges his spear into the dragon’s chest.  And she won the battle and would rule their world and would takeover the world.  He couldn’t even go back , so he went to his world and his people were aliens and he tried but had to pass a battle, and he won so the king was gone. And became one of the people he tried battling, but he never won and kept on trying to win until he saw someone strong that could rule the world.  So he really won and then the king’s eyes blowed and got so unkind.  And they banished himforever…until something big and trust me he never seen a big coming towards him.  He tried to stay calm but no and it was furry and made it a sound like this grrrl the men ran as fast until he fell.  He yelled
And the monster nearly caught him but he stood and ran so fast he ran into a tree…
All out of nowhere came another man and saved him. He said “hey man, take hold of my hand” and he did and then
He got free and lived in the wild for the rest of his life.  Then ? and set free
Then he saw a purple duck called Joanne. “quack, quack, quack quack quack” said the duck.  The king was scared of ducks, especially purple ducks called Joanne.
“Quack quack quack, “ said Joanne again.
The king noticed something – the duck was turning into a potato.  The king started hitting the duck with chopsticks. The king is a bully..
“How dare you Quack. I am the duck and you shall be punished”The the duck pulled out his own chopsticks. “By the power of chickens, I banish thee to the realm of chopsticks and sushi”
Then the duck….
Was so happy that she went for a lovely walk along the river and went for a swim and there was this pray and it was a hungry shark. “Oh no” she screamed “help me please, I beg you!” so she screamed so loud her voice was hardly gone “please I need some help
”I need my chopsticks and meat, so she went out of the water and got them.  But they were shaped. One ran away in the opposite direction.  I started to chase that person, but he or she was gone. I kept running in hope of finding them, but had no luck.
Then suddenly out of the blue, I heard a bush rustle, and saw a brown hat. Bird! He was scratching in the dirt looking for brown squiggling worms to eat. He realised the bird was stuck so the boy helped by digging out the dirt around the bird.
Before the bird was completely free, Whoosh! It catapulted into the sky a trail of fire burning bright behind it.But on the other side of the river an inhumane creature called The White Sister lay upon the soft pale sand, a bed of sea foam covering herself from toe to chin.  But in the distance, was a man with golden wings like a fire bird. The white sister was astonished to see him approach the river and dip his wings into the salt water.  White sister asked the man his wings ? tattered fabric “why are you so White?”
Well, as you have asked there is a story to my colour, she explained to him. I was always like this. I was once not human in the time of the green and roman way.  My father worked miracles and to protect me from Greek soliders he made me  into a ?, and that is why I am white.
He said to me that my colour will fade but may never end. Goodbye now, he said. (by the way, he liked flowers)
That flowers are his life. He needs flowers to live or he will die. One incredible day in his garden, lots of lovely flowers appeared. He was amazed and he even wondered how they got there.
I know, I will ask the people in the town. He asked everyone he knew, but no one knew anything about the flowers.  Luckily, dead Fred the zombie came to save the day.
Dead Fred said Are you looking for a flower bed?
Then a living chicken came and said “no” and a goose came and said “yes”.
Then the goose went to sleep.
Then the eggs hatched and they all lived happily ever after.  Not quite, said Dead Fred
We still need some soil and water and love to make …
Plants for gardens so animals can live there so they don’t die.
We live in an endless ?? but still have no love. We live in the city of love, but there is no love to be found. We live in a world of peace but haven’t heard of the meaning of peace, this world has no love and all we have is negativity.
Once there was a girl named Rebecca.  She loves her family and she wished for a cute loving adorable dog, but Christmas she didn’t get that.  She was very disappointed. She started to cry then she heard a bark. She looked everywhere and didn’t find it then she looked in her room she was so excited she didn’t find one dog, she found two.
She said “this is amazing” her mum and dad rushed in to see what was wrong and found her on the floor cuddled up with them.  She loves Christmas ???
There was a bat who lived in a very dark cave, and enjoyed his life.  Until some humans came and destroyed his cave. He had to move to another cave, but it was too bright, and it turned out great.  He then found a mate and had kids and had a happy life.
Atoms and facts.
The regular atoms have 8 electrons, 8 neutrons and 8 protons.  Scientists have used carbon to determine how old a baby mammoth was. She was 480000 years old!
The Marianer is the largest trench in the world, sub marines have not een to the bottom. It is too narrow and steep. It is still a mystery as to what is down the bottom. 
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Defenders #11: A Dark and Stormy Knight
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December, 1973
“Dark and Stormy Knight”? I get it! Because.... because the Black Knight?
Right. Well. Anyway.
This is an okay cover. Conveys the nature of the threat they’ll be facing and illustrates Dr. Strange’s stunning overestimation of his own abilities. But I just have to wonder. Where is Valkyrie’s cover bubble?
Last time: Dormammu tricked the Defenders into thinking they needed the Evil Eye to unstone Black Knight from when Enchantress turned him into a statue as an eternal testament on how rad she is. A lot of nonsense and shenanigans ensued but the Avengers and Defenders together defeated Dormammu and claimed the Evil Eye. Or rather, Scarlet Witch did most of the work.
This time: Time to fire up that bad boy and see if it works. Yup. This is technically the last part of the Avengers/Defenders War. The war is over but it would kind of feel dumb to not address whether the big motivating factor of so much of the event could be saved or not.
So lets start as Dr. Strange points the Evil Eye at the fourth wall.
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Both teams are back on Earth now. And although there is a lot of damage from the dimension merge and monsterificaiton of people, if Scarlet Witch hadn’t gotten the Evil Eye to eat Dormammu Earth would now be a land filled with mindless monsters under Dormammu’s rule.
Nick Fury goes up to thank her for saving humanity but she blows him off. She doesn’t want humanity’s thanks. She was just doing her Avengers duty. I see she’s still a bit nettled over those anti-robot suicide bombers.
Trying to avoid an awkward conversation, Fury tries to swing the conversation toward the Defenders but Dr. Strange instantly wipes his mind. In fact, he wipes knowledge of the Defenders from everyone’s minds, except the Avengers.
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What a douchey thing to do, Dr. Strange. Its his wish that the Defenders remain unknown to the world at large. Maybe he just doesn’t want to be blamed for gathering the Evil Eye and indirectly causing this disaster. Either way, his desire for privacy probably doesn’t outweigh the entire population’s desire not to have their synapses scorched.
Anyway. He does it. With the power of the Evil Eye, Dr. Strange wipes knowledge of the Defenders, cleans up the damage left behind by the dimension merge, and poofs away the Defenders.
At least he cleaned up after himself.
So at Strange’s sanctum, Dr. Strange uses the Evil Eye to turn himself into a statue.
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Its for a good reason, swearsies.
Oddly, someone forgot to tell the colorist that the Black Knight should still be a statue too. Womp womp.
Dr. Strange astral projects away from his stone body into that cool space land that the Black Knight’s spirit had retreated to. While he’s at it, he muses on the irony that Dormammu lied about the Evil Eye being used to help the Black Knight when its being used to help the Black Knight.
But when he gets to the arbitrary space spot where the Black Knight’s spirit should be, by the Many Moons of Munnopor, it isn’t!
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Meanwhile, while the Defenders wait for Dr. Strange to finish up what he’s doing, Hawkeye muses.
He’s probably going to quit the Defenders. He likes them but he ragequit the Avengers to prove he could make it on his own and if he just immediately joins another group, how would that look?
Plus, being tricked into fighting the Avengers put a sour taste in his mind mouth.
Namor agrees. “Being in a group is not the way one demonstrates his true worth.” Namor himself is planning to quit after this mission.
And then Dr. Strange comes back. He starts to explain that the Knight has vanished mysteriously when the Defenders vanish mysteriously. With that most mysterious of sound effects: the FOOM!
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The Defenders now find themselves in a world of deserts, fortresses, catapults and oh hey, its the Black Knight. Just the man we were looking for!
They’re a confusing but welcome sight for sore eyes but there’s no time for casual conversation! They’ve ended up in the 12th century Crusades and the Arabs are attacking!
Hahaha, I don’t want to be anywhere near Marvel’s Saturday Morning Cartoon conception of the Crusades.
Neither does Dr. Strange, although for different reasons. This isn’t his war so he’ll just use a spell to immobilize the attackers so the Defenders can get their bearings.
Hulk is fed up with... pretty much everything by this point so just pounds the ground, knocking the attacking Arabs off their feet. And then the other Defenders jump in to help now that Hulk has kind of made their decision for them.
And then a grey version of the Hulk attacks.
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Noooo, not Joe Fixit. A gnome of some sort. Except a big gnome. Wish they didn’t make it look so much like the Hulk. It’s not confusing so much as it is off-putting.
Anyway, Dr. Strange and the Silver Surfer blast the gnome, Temax, to no avail. Hulk attacks only to get swatted away.
Dr. Strange reiterates his desire to avoid conflict and teleports the Defenders away before Temax can throw a really big rock.
MILES AWAY, the Defenders plus the Black Knight reappears. There’s no immediate danger so you know what that means!
Exposition time!
Black Knight explains that because of a spell cast by Merlin at the time of Camelot’s collapse, his spirit was yoinked back in time to possess the dead body of his dead ancestor, the original Black Knight. Their spirits have mingled and he’s on a quest to find and fight the man who murdered the original Black Knight, MODRED THE EVIL!
Who also died centuries ago but his essence lives on and can appear anywhere, anytime. Which sounds hax.
Because of Modred’s interference, King Richard was captured and made an Arabian prisoner in the middle of his crusade. And Prince John, instead of being a lion in England trying to get a meddling fox, has taken command of Richard’s army and is planning to desert the king. Also, he’s teamed up with Modred.
The spell that yoinked Black Knight brings opposition to Modred. So it brought Black Knight into this time to fight him and it must have caught up the rest of the Defenders too, to even the odds against the magic that Modred wields.
Basically: Merlin did it.
Later that evening, the Defenders have a plan.
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They sneak into Richard’s prison in the guise of really conspicuous priests. And then they split up. Dr. Strange, Namor and the Hulk will go after Modred. The rest will go to free the king.
Black Knight takes a second to grouse that Valkyrie has his sword but Hawkeye says hey you left it unattended on your body. Losers weepers.
Meanwhile, the ‘get Modred’ side of things follows a hunch of Dr. Strange’s. There’s only one corridor of the fortress with no sand on the floor. Clearly, that means the gnomes absorb the sand, leaving the floor clean.
And then they get spotted when two people arguing over a bet drop a torch and see that the Hulk has green feet.
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Before you can say ‘man gangrene is really bad huh’ Hulk and Namor have punched them unconscious but too late to keep them from crying out.
Meanwhile elsewhere, Valkyrie ponders that she feels no love for the Black Knight. I don’t remember if I mentioned it but early on when she first joined, she had an irrational love for a man she knew for five minutes. Whether it was just a side-effect of her creation by the Enchantress or something else is unknown to me. But it seems to have worn off.
Anyway, they rescue Richard.
And then get attacked by three gnomes, one of them still looking uncomfortably like the Hulk, another looking like the Hulk if he became a monk, and the third not being very Hulk at all good job.
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Anyway, the Defenders get their shit rekt. They all get one feeble attack before being knocked sprawling by the gnomes.
Valkyrie tosses the Ebony Blade to the still standing Black Knight and he has a moment of confidence where he reaffirms his bond to the cursed sword, the singing power locked deep within its polished black metal, and that he was born for battle. This is why he is the Black Knight!
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He valiantly rushes forward proclaiming that the Ebony Blade can counter magic!
And he gets even more rekt than the other Defenders.
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Elsewhere, the other party finds Modred, Prince John, and Chandu the Arabian wizard. Chandu is summoning more gnomes.
The Defenders leap to attack, Dr. Strange confidant that using the Evil Eye will swing the battle in their favor.
But Chandu casts a spell against Dr. Strange and knocks him for a loop. Its magic that has never been directed against him before. Because Chandu is calling on the same forces Dr. Strange usually summons. Womp womp.
Also sorta implied that Dr. Strange doesn’t have access to those forces right now because he hasn’t chronologically befriended them yet.
And then Namor punches Chandu right in his goatee.
And then gets tackled out of the fortress by the gnome Chandu was summoning. There’s a bit of bad news, best news though. Bad news: the gnome hits like a mack truck’s gamma-irradiated cousin and Namor is hurt pretty bad. Best news: the gnome tackled him into an oasis. Not only does the water reinvigorate Namor, it also happens to be the elemental weakness of the gnomes.
The mohawked gnome starts melting. 
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Now this is something Namor can get behind. “For as I understand so well, water and land ultimately destroy each other!”
You do you, Namor.
And he do do him. He smacks the oasis so hard that he sends a wave through the mystic chamber where the Defenders are fighting Modred and co AND into the tower where the other Defenders got their asses kicked trying to rescue Richard.
And thus today Namor is MVP.
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But something occurs to Namor. The whole Avengers/Defenders War was pointless. For many days, the Defenders fought hard to gain the Evil Eye. But it was Merlin’s spell that yoinked them back in time. And it was the simple cleansing power of punched water that saved them from the gnomes. The Evil Eye hasn’t done jack or shit!
Maybe that can be remedied? Because Prince John picked it up from where Dr. Strange dropped it when Chandu zapped him. And boy Prince John is just going to flip the board, so to speak.
And then Prester John shows up and goes ‘nope’ and force summons the Evil Eye to his hand. And he blasts Modred and Prince John unconscious.
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Prester John explains that he sensed that the Evil Eye had been restored so he traveled through time to retrieve it. Because he can do that. Shut up.
And even though he has recovered the Evil Eye before he ever obtained it, he’s going to stay in this era because Prester John doesn’t care for your 20 cent paradoxes. Prester John has important Evil Eye owning to do.
Anyway, not only does he belong in this era, he tells Black Knight that he does as well. What with his valor, skill in swordplay, and love of the life chivalric.
Black Knight admits that he never felt comfortable in the 20th century and could never get interested in being a full-time Avenger (you never even tried!). He’s going to stay in the past!
Dr. Strange is strangely (hah) comfortable with their whole quest being pointless. And since Black Knight already has a body in the past, Strange is just going to keep the stone body in the present. It looks good in his study.
King Richard doesn’t understand any of this high-concept nonsense but he’s happy to have Black Knight if he wants to stay.
And then Prester John sends them Back to the Future with the Evil Eye. Because that is also something it can do.
Back at Strange’s Sanctum, Hawkeye calmquits the Defenders. He thought about becoming part of the team but its not really what he wants. And he’s off to have solo adventures.
Namor also quits. He has to go spend more time in Atlantis. But he’ll be back if he’s ever truly needed. Likewise for the Silver Surfer, except for the Atlantis thing. And likewise for the Hulk, except for the Atlantis thing or the promising to come back thing.
And off they fly or jump hella high in different directions.
Leaving just Valkyrie and Dr. Strange behind, wondering if they’ll ever see them again.
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Considering there’s a ‘next time’ box, I wager there’s a strong possibility.
Anyway, that was the real, true actual conclusion to the Avengers/Defenders War. It kind of falls flat. Its good to get resolution on the Black Knight even if that resolution is ‘nah I’m going to stay in the past and help with the Crusades.’
Because of his love of swordplay and valor and chivalry. He is the worst kind of ‘I was born in the wrong century’ person.
But after being fought over so long, the Evil Eye was ultimately pointless. Well, I guess it sent them home. But it would have been a dick move of Merlin to yoink people from the future without a way to send them back.
I think overall this didn’t need to be part of the Avengers/Defenders War. Its not a satisfying conclusion. All it does is tie up a loose end that the Avengers themselves weren’t interested enough to see followed up on.
Also, if Prince John was defeated here, when will he sign the Magna Carta? You’ve destroyed history, you idiots!
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