#and i haven't stopped thinking about them since binging the show
ricedonuts · 2 years
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posted these on my twitter might as well post it here too lol 
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murdockparker · 2 months
Promises, Promises
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Five years is a long time to be together, Peter knew that. Peter also knew that everything was expensive—but he had an idea. A little juvenile, sure, but it was an idea regardless.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: mentions of sex (no smut), reader is a nerd, Star Wars hot take?
A/N: I haven't written for Peter in a hot second, but I'm glad to get back into the swing of things ;) i'll see myself out now
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An old pop song blasted through the small shop, possibly from the eighties or nineties, it was hard to decipher, given that the boombox playing the song was probably older than she was.
“Do you need more toilet paper?” She asked across the aisle, hoping someone would answer back—a certain someone in particular. 
“Nah,” she could see a mop of brown shake from over the packages, “I just bought some last week.”
“Peter, if you’re lying to me and you’re out of toilet paper again I swear on all that is holy—”
“Babe,” Peter said softly, peaking around the corner, “trust me. It’s not gonna be like last time.”
“Oh? You mean the time I was stranded on your toilet while you ran out to buy some more?” She nearly had laughed at the memory, but decided against it, having far more fun antagonizing her boyfriend. “That last time?”
He went positively crimson, from his neck to his ears. He always looked good in red, she thought, but she liked this red the best. “I am one thousand percent positive—I think I still have the receipt in my back pocket.”
“You said you bought some last week though? You haven’t washed those jeans yet?”
Peter shrugged. “I haven’t worn these that many times since last week…”
She laughed at that, pulling a bag of chips off of the shelf. Changing her mind, she pulled another as well—her favorite and his favorite. “Okay pretty boy, I believe you. I also believe we’ll be making a stop to the laundromat tonight, too.”
“Can we do it tomorrow?” Peter groaned, grabbing the snacks from her and holding them close. “I’m not in the mood tonight.”
“Obviously you haven’t been in the mood for a week,” she rolled her eyes. “But sure, we can go tomorrow. Tonight, we feast like twelve year olds and binge our favorite movies.”
“How did I get so lucky?” Peter sighed, leaning up against the shelf, eyes locked on her. “A pretty girl willing to watch Star Wars, eat cheese puffs and date me?”
“Don’t forget the hot, hot sex you’ll have with the pretty girl after,” she winked, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “Speaking of—”
“Restocked those too,” Peter said proudly. “Bought them with the toilet paper—could show you the receipt if you want. Bet you’re glad I held onto it, right?”
She pushed him away, her nose scrunched up in disgust. “I take the offer of sex back, I’m still not over those dirty jeans.”
“I’ll shower!”
“Just buy the snacks,” she laughed, shoving him towards the cashier. “I’ll rethink my offer in the meantime.”
“Aye aye, boss,” Peter saluted, turning hot on his heels to the front. She couldn’t help but smile, watching him laugh with the bodega owner, pulling crumpled bills out of his pockets and pressing them against the counter. There was hardly anything that Peter Parker could do that she didn’t find endearing—find something to smile about. 
“Local news tonight, late last night in Manhattan, our favorite web slinger was seen assisting with directing traffic during the power surge,” a reporter on the T.V. in the corner of the store announced, the screen showed Spider-Man waving traffic along, webbing a car to stop before it crashed into another oncoming vehicle. “Local authorities showed up minutes later to take over, sans-webs.”
“Huh,” she clicked, feeling her smile grow wider. “He's been spending time in Manhattan?”
“Spider-Man gets around town,” Peter shrugged, finally returning beside his girlfriend, their purchases in white plastic bags. “Can’t always stay in Queens, can he?”
“Helps if Spider-Man goes to school in Manhattan, no?” She teased quietly, elbowing Peter lovingly.
“He had time after class,” his voice matched her own, low and slow, opening the door and finally walking out onto the street. “What? Was he expected to let everyone crash their cars while the stoplights went out?”
“No,” she hummed, noticing quickly how Peter took the outside of their strides, closest to the street. He always did that. The notion warmed her heart, the feeling flooding to her toes. “Good thing he was there to help out. I’m sure the police were thankful.”
He snorted. “Yeah. Sure.”
“Okay,” she conceded, head falling onto his shoulder. “Yeah, that was dumb to say.”
The rest of the walk was silent, as silent as it could get in New York City, anyhow. Comfortable, the beats of the city passing by with every step towards Peter’s apartment, hands intertwined with the other. Occasionally, he’d tug her back and stop her from stepping into the street, clearly knowing she’s not paying attention to the changing pedestrian signs. She’d squeeze his hand back in thanks. 
“Have you thought more about moving in?” Peter asked, trying his best to unlock the door to his apartment, wrists heavy from the bags. “Y’know, I’m sure I can get you added to the lease if I asked.”
“Thought about it,” she hummed, gently taking the bags from him. “I just… your place is a bit small.”
“What?” He scoffed, finally pushing the door open and allowing her to enter. “You’re saying this luxurious suite is too small?”
It was comical, the timing of his statement. She could hardly turn her neck and she’d get a full view of Peter’s apartment—minus the bathroom. He could only afford a studio, and even then it was bursting at the seams, with all of his school work, his work work and his ‘unofficial’ work work, the place was a mess. He tried his best to keep it tidy, he really did. It was never filthy, just overrun by stuff. 
“Babe, you’re growing out of your own space,” she laughed, double checking she locked the door behind them—it had a habit of sticking. “How’d you think I’d fit in here?”
“Preferably on my lap, or in my bed,” he smirked. “But… yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s a little cramped.”
“It’s not that I don’t love you, or love spending time here,” (Y/N) clarified. “Hell, you’d think after all these years I’d have moved on if that was the case.”
“Has it been that long?” He asked rhetorically, opening the bags in the kitchen—if you could call it that. 
“I won’t even pretend to act insulted you’ve forgotten how long we’ve been together, Parker.”
“Time flies when you’re in love,” Peter nearly sings. “Five years is a long time, feels like just yesterday I was nervously asking you out.”
“I asked you out,” she corrected. “I know, I know, five years and a hell of a lot of brain damage from crime fighting can make you misremember—”
“No way,” he scoffed. “I distinctly remember sliding a note in your locker between classes. Super cute, very sappy, I might add.”
She hopped up on his counter, with what little space he had free, anyway. “Did you? You seem to be forgetting how I pulled you aside after science class and, very confidently, I might add, asked you out for milkshakes after school.”
“That was the day I left you the note,” Peter blinked. “I just assumed you read it and were moving the process along.”
“Wait,” she barked a laugh. “I thought you left the note after I asked you out?”
“Nope,” he popped the ‘p’. “Left it for you that morning, chemistry wasn’t until after lunch.”
“Huh,” she breathed, shoulders deflating. “I guess we both asked each other out on the same day.”
“Can’t believe it took us five years to figure that out,” Peter laughed, patting her thigh. 
“Knowing us? I’m surprised it didn’t take us ten.”
Ten years.
Ten years with her. 
The thought alone made Peter buzz with happiness. 
“We’re both pretty smart people,” Peter squeaked out, fighting his own body, hoping and praying a childish blush won’t give him away. “We would’ve figured it out before then.”
“I dunno, seems unlikely,” she opened a bag of chips, impatient to start their evening. “What are we starting with tonight? Phantom Menace?”
“We started with Phantom Menace last time, chronological order,” he scrunched his nose. “I think we should go by release order this weekend, just to shake things up.”
“Okay, nerd,” she said, her voice filled with affection. Hopping off the counter, she walked towards his couch. “I’ll go get A New Hope set up, then. You plate the snacks.”
“I’ll pull out my finest china,” Peter said. He opened the cabinets to find two bowls, one for each of the bags of chips. They were mismatched and two totally different sizes, but they were free from the old neighbors, so he made do.
“Y’know, I don’t think the debate between release order versus chronological order is all that great,” (Y/N) said, mostly to herself. “I mean, there’s a thousand other things Star Wars fans can get caught up in arms in, but the order in which to watch the movies? Oh no, someone man the Reddit boards! What a crock of shit. It doesn’t matter anyway, they’re all good movies.”
He chuckled, clearly amused by his girlfriend’s rant. “All of them? That’s a controversial opinion.”
“If I had a good time watching it, it was a good movie,” (Y/N) said simply. “Not everyone’s a critic.”
“Do you not agree?”
“I agreed the last time we had this conversation,” Peter droned, though not bored in the slightest. “Though, I will admit, I was perhaps a bit distracted, on account of your nakedness.”
“Our pillow talk gets heated,” she said, no hint of shame in her voice. “Only intellectual conversations afterwards, to ground us and all after… everything.”
“Because the sex is that good?”
“Because the sex is that good,” she agreed.
“Maybe I should plan that shower soon,” he grinned, walking over to his loving girlfriend. “Delay our marathon…”
“I didn’t walk all the way here just for sex, you know,” (Y/N) hummed, the couch shifting at Peter’s added weight. “An added bonus, for sure, but I came here to pig out and watch silly little movies set in space with my pretty boyfriend.”
“Pretty boyfriend?” 
“The prettiest,” she giggled, slipping a kiss to the tip of his nose. It’s not her fault he has such a kissable face—lips, cheeks, nose, wherever. “Big doe eyes, loads of freckles, smoochy cheeks—”
“Which ones?”
A pillow—one she had bought him months ago—met his face with a quick thump. “You’re impossible.”
“Impossibly smoochable,” Peter giggled, feeling lighter than air. “You said so yourself.”
“Yeah,” she said, her voice all thick and lovey, “I know.”
Peter looked at her like she held the world in her hands, sitting beside him on his old couch—one that they had both moved up the stairs together two years ago—he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Everything was right in the world, everything was right in his heart. 
“Are you gonna press play?”
He shook his head a bit, dumping his lovesick thoughts out of his ears. “Oh! Yeah, right. The movie.”
She pulled a blanket up on them, snuggling closer to Peter as the opening fanfare begun to play. With the text scrolling on the screen, one he hardly needed to read to know what it said given his near-memorization of the film, he felt at peace.
Mindlessly scrolling on his phone, it was usually how he spent his mornings, to wake himself up. He knew about the studies with blue light and stimulation of that sort of activity and wakefulness—having heard it enough from the party beside him, but he didn’t seem to care.
Apartment listings. 
She was right, his studio was too small for the both of them, and it was only fitting if they were going to start a life together—living with one another—that they had ample space. Besides, they were graduating within the year anyhow, so location wasn’t terribly important. In the city would be nice, given his… other occupation, but he could get used to living outside of Manhattan again. It was quieter, usually, and only by a small percent. Cheaper, too. Thank God for his scholarships, he wouldn’t have made it very far without them. 
She stirred next to him, pulling his comforter mostly off of him. He didn’t need it right now, anyway. Not when she was sleeping so soundly. He craved these weekends, when they both had a break from school and work—most of the time anyway. Peter Parker knew in his heart of hearts that he needed this every day. Perhaps forever. 
That seemed so out of reach five years ago, but now? Peter simply couldn’t see a life without her in it. With their hectic schedules, his being all-encompassing, marriage was out of the question, at least for a few years. That’s why the apartment was so important to him, a piece of forever within their grasp. 
“Maybe…” Peter sighed, clicking his phone off, afraid to breathe louder than necessary. 
She didn’t seem to wake, anyhow. 
“Why do weekends here go by so fast?”
“At the laundromat?”
(Y/N) gave him a knowing glance. “Yes, Pete, weekends fly by here at the laundromat.”
“Come on,” Peter laughed, stacking his jeans—fresh out of the dryer. “It’s not so bad. They have those magazines you like.”
“Magazines from years ago—”
“There was that one from the eighties you found two months ago,” Peter pointed. “Stuck under one of the dryers?”
She smiled at the memory. “True. That was kinda fun. Seeing all the dated hairstyles and outfits was a treat. But you knew what I meant, use that big brain of yours.”
“It probably has something to do with the fact we like spending time with one another,” Peter began, patting the top of his laundry pile. “Y’know, makes the time go by faster.”
“Maybe,” she sighed. “I mean, logically, that’s probably the answer.”
“Logically? As opposed to illogically?”
“I could shove a sock down your throat right now, Parker,” she said seriously, holding up a balled up blue sock of his. “No one here would stop me. So cut it out with the smart ass-ness.”
Peter snorted a laugh. “Such a scary girlfriend I have, threatening me with socks.”
“Maybe instead of kryptonite like Superman, your weakness is socks? I need to capitalize on that venture before anyone else does,” she said, throwing the sock into the laundry basket. “Once I crack that code, I can sell it to all the big baddies of New York.”
“And maybe with all of the money you make, we could invest in a place for us,” Peter said.
“A house on the water,” she said dreamily. “Four bedrooms, an office—maybe one for both of us? Oh! An open kitchen sounds nice too, one with stone counters and fancy wood cabinets—real wood, not particle board. One of those farmhouse sinks?”
“If you share Spider-Man’s one weakness to all the big baddies of New York, don’t you think you’d have a hard time sharing a life with him after?” Peter asked, the sounds of the machines drowning out their conversation well enough. They practically had the whole place to themselves anyway, it seemed safe enough to talk about. “You know, considering that the spider is likely dead?”
“Hm…” she tapped her chin. “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“We could start with an apartment, first,” Peter chuckled, throwing bits of his laundry basket into the washer. “I was looking at listings—”
“I thought you wanted me to move into your place?”
“We need a place of our own,” Peter said. “You were right, my studio isn’t going to cut it, and I want to spend more time together. Our weekends are the best time of the week, and any night I spend with you is a night where I actually get some semblance of sleep—for the most part, anyway.”
The entire laundromat lit up, Peter was certain her smile was the culprit. 
“You were looking at listings?” She asked shyly, digging through the basket to help Peter load the washer. 
“Most of it was out of our budget,” he admitted, “but it was a start.”
She hummed in agreement. “We’ll look together tonight, then.”
“Sounds perfect,” Peter grinned. “Oh! Could you double check my pockets? I keep forgetting change and stuff in them.”
“What about old receipts?” (Y/N) giggled, obliging to his request. She pulled a pair of khakis out of the basket, gingerly fishing her hand in the pockets. “I think I’m entitled to any change I find, Parker.”
“You can have whatever you find,” Peter agreed, his voice a little shaky. 
Turning the back pockets inside out, she found nothing in the first pair, throwing it unceremoniously into the washer. With a bit more haste, she rifled through the second pair—the pair she had bought him a while back. Her fingers came across something round and cool. Change, it had to be. 
“I think I just became twenty five cents richer,” she laughed, pulling the item out of the pocket, expecting a quarter. Instead, it was a smooth ring, delicate and without any stones, but still elegant. “What…?”
“It’s not a house on the water,” Peter started, looking down at the ring in her hands. “It’s also not a new apartment, but it’s a start, right?”
“Peter Parker, if you’re proposing to me in a laundromat—”
“It’s also not a proposal,” he corrected, “I’m gonna get you a better ring for that, I promise. Besides, it’s not very romantic here, is it?”
She looked up at him, his eyes staring into her own. Big and beautiful, that’s what she always thought of his eyes. Like they held the answer to every question in the universe, and in a way, they did. “It’s a promise ring?”
He shrugged, his ears growing a bit pink. “When you say it like that it sounds a little… middle school, but in a way, yeah, it is a promise ring.”
“Girls my age are expecting engagement rings,” she said, looking back down at the ring in her hand. It was her size, she didn’t even need to try it on to know it. How did he figure out her ring size? 
“I promise baby,” Peter stepped towards her, grabbing her hand, closing her fingers around the ring. “I’m gonna get you that ring. I just thought it’d be nice to have something to wear on your finger in the meantime—before we do real adult things like move in together. A-and this way, you can help me pick out your real engagement ring! I have a really good idea of what you like, but I don’t ever want you to look down at your hand and thing ‘man, I wish Peter chose this instead of this’, you know?”
“Honey,” (Y/N) said, looking back up at him. “You’re rambling.”
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I’m nervous.”
She chuckled. “How do you expect yourself to actually propose if you can hardly give me a promise ring?”
“Hadn’t thought that far,” Peter shook his head. “But it’s for you, I’m willing to do anything for you.”
He meant that. 
She knew he meant that.
“Am I supposed to put it on myself?”
Peter quickly scrambled to open her hand to grab the ring from her, nearly dropping the thing. “You want to wear it?”
“My boyfriend got me a pre-engagement ring,” she nearly rolled her eyes. “You expect me not to wear it?”
He pushed the ring onto her left hand, fourth finger. Peter gently lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it lovingly. “I promise, you’ll get a better ring from me one day. S-soon! Like, as soon as I have the money, I swear to it, honestly.”
“Pete,” she placed her now-ring-clad hand on his face. 
“Right,” his shoulders deflated, “rambling. Sorry.”
She kissed his cheek. “It’s all very sweet and very you, Peter Parker. I love it.”
A dryer alarm buzzed, startling the both of them. “You do?”
“Well, I love you, and that’s enough,” (Y/N) smiled. “Besides, I like the idea of wearing a ring you got me—and the idea of helping you pick out the real thing? That basically sold the idea for me.”
“You’d say yes if I asked?”
“I agreed to your pre-engagement engagement ring, did I not? You’re not losing me that easily, Peter. I’m gonna hold out for the real thing.”
“We’ll go ring shopping as soon as we find a place,” Peter said seriously. “Move in, graduate, all that.”
“You’ve thought this through.”
“A lot,” Peter agreed. “Sometimes it helps to fill the time when I’m swinging around town. I usually am thinking about you, anyway, anytime of day.”
“That’s so crazy,” she said, voice teetering on sarcastic. “Because I’m usually thinking about you, too.”
“Pretty crazy,” he smiled, pulling her into him. With careful hands, he lifted her face towards his, a silent invitation. One she was more than happy to respond to. 
Kissing Peter Parker was one of life’s greatest pleasures, she was sure of it. Granted, she had really never kissed anyone else, high school sweethearts and all of that, but she knew it really couldn’t get better than this. The slightly chapped kisses, the way he would lick his lips when they parted, how he would nip at her bottom lip in protest if she thought about stopping the kiss too soon—it was all perfect. Of course, kissing in a slightly shady laundromat was a bit of a turn off. 
“Pete,” she said, pulling back.
“Can I not kiss my girlfriend?” He nearly begged, holding her against him a bit tighter. 
“I can’t be your girlfriend,” she said seriously. “I mean, not with this flashy new ring and all—seems a bit juvenile with that title, no?”
“What do you suggest?”
“Partners,” she shrugged, feeling him pepper kisses against her cheek, her nose. “It seems more grown up, anyway. Now, when I go into class or work and they comment on my ring I can say, ‘oh, my partner got me that’.”
“Babe, I’m your partner in anything,” he laughed, pressing his forehead against her own. “If you’d like to change our terms of endearment—I’m all aboard.”
“It’d only be for a short while, anyway,” (Y/N) said, smirking against his lips, capturing them in another kiss. “Then I can call you my fiancé…”
“Then my husband,” she teased. 
“Oh I do like the sound of that,” Peter nodded. “(Y/N) Parker has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
“What about Peter (Y/L/N)?” (Y/N) asked, quirking her brow. “You could be progressive.”
“We could hyphenate?”
“Nah,” she shook her head. “Parker is a fine last name. A little basic, but perfectly suitable.”
“We’re kinda basic people, are we not?” Peter chuckled.
“Let me just go and ask your friend Spider-Man that,” she said seriously. “I’m sure he’d disagree?”
“Oh, speaking of!” Peter stepped away from her. “I need to wash… well, y’know—”
“It’s already soaking in the sink back at your place,” she said simply. “Trying to get all the dried blood off of it and all.”
Peter’s eyes nearly melted in affection. “What would I ever do without you?”
She smiled back in kind, a lovesick sort of way. “Not your laundry, that’s for sure. Come on, Parker, we’ve gotta finish this load. Sooner we’re done, the sooner we can go home.”
A rogue ray of sunlight hit her new ring just right, making the band shine brightly against her hand as she continued to throw his dirty clothing into the washing machine. “Yeah, let’s finish this up,” he said softly. “Let’s go home.”
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aeyunaa · 1 year
hii how r uu?? Can you make a bff!jaemin smut please? Its where jaemin decided to invite innocent!fem reader to watch hentai with him then things started to go very spicy and intimate🫣 tyy !
Okay so you asked and you shall receive I mixed both your and @andyprkmyluv requests hope you guys don’t mind 😭!
Eye Candy 🍬 pt.2
Pairing: Jaemin x jisung x fem!reader
Word count- 8K
Smut Tw
Overstimulation, cock warming, creampie, somnophilla, drug use, y/n is a total slut!
Wrap it up irl, it’s better to be safe then sorry! 😭🙏🏻
It's been two weeks you haven't seen Jaemin, jisung or mark because they were on tour in the united states. You call them almost every other day to make sure they were doing okay. You called them earlier and they were already boarding the plane back to Seoul.
“We should totally celebrate when we get back” Jaemin winks hinting he meant something totally different from the word “celebrate”. “You're an asshole.” He chuckled “no but seriously come visit me when we get back, I wanna show you something cool.” You cock an eyebrow “mm…I’ll think about it.” Before he could say anything else you waved and hung up you hoped he wouldn’t take it to heart.
A few hours go by and you spend them by getting dressed. There was a knock on the front door and you ran to open it. “Mark!” You pull him into a hug and smile. “Hi y/n” he broke the hug and walked inside, he set his bags down in the living room and laid on the couch. You shut the door and walk into the living room “I'm going to my friend Sara’s house.” Mark looked up at you “Sara?”.
You nodded, “whose Sara? Where does she live?” Mark started asking too many questions so you shut him up by saying you’ll call him every other hour he agreed but you saw that slight look of worry. Mark was always protective of you since the first time he saw you, having a little sister was one of the best things that happened to him he’d say.
You feel a hint of nervousness as you knock on the door. Jisung opened the door, his hair was messy and his eyes were half way closed. Your nose caught on to the smell of weed. You laughed at him before walking inside and into the hallway, Jaemin’s room was the very last down the hall. You quietly turn the knob and open the door. You peek in “looking for someone?” Jaemin's voice asks from behind you. You snap your head towards him and frown “you’re an asshole” he smiles and leads you into his room. His room was decorated with LED lights. He had a nice gaming setup in the corner of his room you sat on his large bed “so what's up lover boy?”. He sat down beside you and opened the laptop that was lying on the bed. You heard him typing on the keyboard after a while he stopped and looked back up at you “I was hoping you were up for a bit of binge watching…” you nodded. “Mark doesn’t know I’m over here. I told him I was going to one of my friends' houses. “Your brother would probably unalive me if he knew our situation”. You agreed with him “Mark just can’t find out…''Jaemin sent you a grin before lying down, setting the laptop a good distance away from his face. He pats the space in front of him signaling you to lie down. You set your purse down on the side of the bed before laying down in front of Jaemin, your back touching his chest.
He pressed play on the video and wrapped an arm around your waist. The both of you were awkwardly quiet as the massive globs of white, splatter and ooze over an animated face, the girl goes cross eyed with pleasure. You feel Jaemin’s arm grow even tighter around your waist, pulling your ass till it is resting against his clothed dick. “Jaemin…” you turn towards him and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him into a passionate kiss that soon turns completely lustful. A loud moan left your lips as he snuck a hand into your shorts. His hands played with your sensitive bud, His free hand lifted enough to work his belt open and the sound of the zipper broke through the heat that had risen to your ears.
Kissing at your jaw and ear, Jaemin nipped at the lobe, shoving your shorts to the side, rubbing his fat cock against the heat of your core. He used the arch of his hips to slide inside of you, groaning into your ear. His hips remained still until he couldn’t take it any longer and, gritting his teeth, he would begin a hard, steady pace. Slamming into you each time, he’d savor every sound you made.
Your moans were hot and heavy, your hands found their way to Jaemin’s shoulders, you held on for dear life, accepting all he gave you, “Oh, Jaemin!” You whimpered, and he turned his head to kiss at your jaw, thrusting deeper and deeper. The hand that had once been on your chin snaked up and tangled itself in your hair, roughly pulling your head back, causing you to cry out as the pain mingled with intense pleasure.
Your lips were bruised and the makeup you spent hours on was all over the pillows and bedsheets. “Fuck Y/n! cum for me.” He demanded, roughly biting at your neck, his hand gripped onto your hair tighter as he began to slam his hips into you harder, the bed shaking with the strength behind his thrusts. You moaned wildly and knew you wouldn’t last long, your orgasm hit, you convulsed.
The hard clamp of your walls around his large cock made him hiss out a deep groan, his hips continued thrusting forward allowing your walls to milk him, “Fuuuuuck…” He breathed, “…. Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” His muscles contract and send heat spurting against your core, painting your swollen flesh. But Jaemin wasn’t done with you… “Are you my good girl Y/n?” You nodd desperately. “Then you wouldn’t bother helping jisung out again, right? He didn’t get to witness how amazing your pussy felt last time and he was pretty bummed. Jaemin picks up his phone and texts someone most likely jisung. After about five minutes he walks in and shuts the door “you don’t know how long I was waiting for this.” He says walking over to the bed while trying to unbutton the tight jeans he had on. Once he got them off he pulled both his pants and boxers off, throwing them onto the floor you sat up and he pulled you into a hot kiss Jaemin laid against the headboard of his bed and admired the scene playing out in front of him. Jisung crawled onto the bed and laid down beside Jaemin “can you ride me, love?” You nodded tirelessly before crawling over to where jisung was laying and positioning yourself over his pretty dick. He placed both hands on your hips as you slowly sank onto his cock. You continue to move your hips— jisung thrusts up as he feels you bouncing in his hold. Jaemin leans up and rests his chin against your shoulder “y/n look at how desperate sunggie is to fill you up, don’t you wanna help him” you nod vigorously as you pick up your speed bouncing up and down the males cock Jisung’s nails dig into your waist.
Jaemin was still behind you whispering in your ear about how much jisung wanted to be milked dry. Jisung’s whimpers grow louder as you ruthlessly slam yourself down on him “I-I’m going to cum!~” Jisung sounded like a total brat right now it turned you on in a way you couldn’t explain. You push yourself down on him one last time before he completely breaks. He came hard in you, his large load filled you up so nicely. You fell onto his chest and caught your breath before pulling yourself off of his limp cock and falling into the silk sheets Jaemin pulls you into a back hug and jisung lays in front of you. It wasn’t long before all three of y’all passed out.
You muttered, the sheets slipped away leaving your body completely exposed. Slowly, need and desire began to smolder under your skin. You arched your back, pushing your hips forward in search of more sensation. You groaned at the soft, slow, relentless touch continued. You made a slight whining noise “J-jaemin”. “Shhh this will be quick I promise.” You feel him position his cock in between your folds. he quickly thrusts forward, nearly causing you to bump into the sleeping boy next to you. Jaemin thrusts are slow and lazy he just needed a bit of relief. He feels his climax approaching already, he holds you close as he spills into you. You can feel a mix of his and probably Jisung’s leak out from your overfilled cunt. Jaemin doesn’t pull out. He kisses your neck and pulls the sheets back over the two of you.
You wake up in the morning when you hear sudden arguing. One of the voices was definitely Mark, your heart sank when the door flew open. “What. The. Fuck.” Mark's jaw dropped at the sight of his sister in bed with both of his best friends was truly traumatizing. Jaemin’s eyes opened and locked with his “Mark?”
“Dude. What the hell?”
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
Best of QL 2023: Favorite Lines
Okay well, I was going to spare everyone (and myself) from having to choose between all the pre-2023 shows I binged this year, but @twig-tea wanted more pain and suffering so here it goes:
Top Five Pre-2023 Lines that Lived Rent-Free In My Brain This Year:
"I don't want to see him sad." -Oh'Aew, I Told Sunset About You, Ep. 5
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Okay so you see, my real problem here is that my favorite parts of ITSAY, the things that stay in my head rent free. No. The things I pay to stay in my head because I love them so much are the things that happen in the silence. Beginning of Ep 3, end of Ep 3, the kiss in Ep 4, the wrestling at the end of Ep 2. Those aspects, those moments are what absolutely destroyed me with this show. But I am gonna be real with you all, when Bas let Oh go like that? I wept. And I do love what it says about Oh that despite how much he has been hurt by Teh, he loves Teh enough to know how utterly devasted Teh is right now, and he cannot bear the pain of seeing someone he loves so hurt. Especially when he and Teh haven't spoken since Teh gave up his seat.
"You're tired, aren't you?" -Mork, My Ride, Ep. 5
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If you saw my Favorite Lines 2023 post you would notice that this line is very very similar to my favorite line in Moonlight Chicken. And that is because loving and caring for people is super fucking exhausting. Meeting the world with kindness and grace and radical empathy in the face of horrible things, in the face of people who think you are weak for your kindness, or who seek to take advantage of it is fucking exhausting. And it is honestly quite rare that I see kind characters being asked this question, so I always go feral when they do because it is such a testament to love to say 'i see you' but to grant people enough space and autonomy to decide how honest and vulnerable they are going to let themselves be. I was talking with @ginnymoonbeam about this line a little so I am going to steal a line from her: "have you eaten" = I love and care for you
"are you tired" = I see how much you love and care for me/others
Of course the fact that Tawan absolutely just melts in to a puddle of tears because yes, yes he is tired, so so fucking tired does absolutely nothing to help me stop thinking about this scene. I love my boys!
"Because you raised me this way, that's why I'm not like other kids" || "I had to hate Pran, to compete against him, because of you? That's the reason? -Pran || Pat, Bad Buddy, Ep. 10
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I cheated here. I do not care. These lines come almost one right after another and are just the same level of one-two gut punch that makes Bad Buddy so fucking incredible. Pat and Pran have been through so much because their parents were trying to save face. All the pain they have suffered, the lies they've had to tell, the caution, the fear, the secrecy in their relationship. How long Pran has had to keep his feelings for Pat at bay, how much Pat is sacrificing to let Pran maintain a good relationship with his mother, is all because their parents have decades old beef. There are so many good lines in this show, if I were to pick another one it would be "do you want to be friends?" "no" from Episode 5, but I feel like no lines sum up the conflict of Bad Buddy better than Pran and Pat confronting their parents.
"You must be disappointed in me." -Wang, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Ep 7
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Ok so I lied about this one, the line that absolutely stays in my head rent free is the line "Mom." Wang sobs after his fight with In in Episode 8 but I had a legitimate 30 minute melt-down over that singular line and moment so I am picking one of the next most painful lines for me. And if it wasn't this it would be the entirety of the 52 Hertz Whale monologue that In gives in Episode 3 because that is the saddest gayest monologue for the saddest gayest man. And if it wasn't those it would be the boy in boarding school monologue Wang gives in Episode 5. Honestly this entire script, and this entire show is with me always.
BUT what absolutely kills me about this line in particular is that Swasimol tries to shake her head no, and can't bring herself to lie, and Wang watches his mother nod in confirmation that she is disappointed in him when he tells her he is in love with In. And that's the part that is truly crushing.
"I know you're hurting," -Shiro, What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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GOD. THEY MAKE ME SO. AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Honestly a huge fuck you to @bengiyo for introducing this show to me, this brain rot is 1000% his fault.
There is something just so fascinating to me about Kenji and Shiro's dynamic especially around how they handle and navigate their queerness. Kenji is loud and out and proud and while we don't know if there was time his mother had to work up to it, we know that Kenji's mother is pretty accepting of Kenji being gay. But Shiro didn't have that same experience, and he is quiet, and struggling with internalized homophobia, and decently rooted in the closet. And I think when you have a character like Kenji who rarely seems to take the insults and the jabs to heart, who is just the human embodiment of sunshine you can forget that Kenji is human, and Kenji uses his sunshine as armor the way that Shiro uses his silence.
Shiro never says I love you to Kenji, in the first season he rarely engaged in any level of physical affection, and kept a distance from Kenji if they were walking together in public. But Shiro loves Kenji so goddamn much, so so fucking much, and while he can't bring himself to say the words it is in moments like this one, where Shiro knows despite the fact that Kenji hasn't given any indication, that Kenji is hurt by the fact that Shiro's mother rescinded his New Year's invitation.
Shiro and Kenji mean everything to me.
If anyone is curious about any other favorites (shows, cinematography, pain, etc) from this year, feel free to drop an ask!
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
Hi again Bee.
Thank you for lending an ear to listen even if I just kinda showed up. I really appreciate it. I've actually been reading through some of your other stories and they're very good (I adore the fae works!).
When it comes to Wilbur, I'm just. Very disappointed and upset. Of course I support Shubble and am glad she spoke out, it's very important and I'm glad that it's encouraged others to come forward with their own stories of abuse at the hands of large creators. At the same time though part of me wishes she hadn't said anything, so I could have continued as I was, in blissful ignorance, even if I feel really guilty for thinking like that.
It just saddens me that someone I looked up to so much ended up being this horrible person. It makes me worried that I too am bad, that somehow he has imprinted his awfulness unto me. I used to be horrible too. I like to think I've grown as a person, I was only a kid, but have I? Or was being drawn to Wilbur a sign? Like attracting like?
Y'know, I used to say that my hair style goals were how Wilbur's hair is, and recently I got a haircut. When I took a shower earlier it ended up floofing up in a similar way to his. I don't know how to feel about that. Maybe I should style it differently, even though I like the floof. I don't want to be even a little reminiscent of an abuser.
I am reminiscent of him though, in ways I can't change. I used to feel so seen by him, we're both song writers, and hypochondriacs, and I wanted to be him so badly I would cry. I would cry because he was everything I desperately craved to be as an insecure transmasc, an attractive guy with a beautiful voice and an amazing life. And now he's horrible, and probably always has been, and all of my memories of him are tainted.
I hate that I can't listen to Lovejoy anymore. It feels unfair to the other band members. It isn't their fault Wilbur is awful, and yet I'm taking away a source of their income. I know I'm taking away from Wilbur too, but he's only one person out of the group. Maybe that's just me giving an excuse so that I won't have to stop enjoying their music. It doesn't matter, I can't stomach listening to them anymore anyways.
I keep getting songs from YCGMA stuck in my head. It's like now that I can't listen to it anymore my brain has decided to fuck with me by making me listen to it anyways. I can't even justify listening to that album, that's just Wilbur's music. I was going to cover a song from that album for fun. Now I can't.
Is it bad I still find comfort in Wilbur as a character? C!Tommy is my favorite, but C!Wilbur is almost always a huge part of any C!Tommy story and I love C!Wilbur stories too. I know C! ≠ CC! but I just. It's complicated.
Idek why I'm this upset. I haven't been an avid watcher of anyone in the DSMP in at least over a year. If anything this whole thing has brought me back into the fandom more than I have been in ages. I feel bad about that, but also this situation has introduced me to people like Aimsey, whose content I'm seeing more of and I find myself enjoying.
I've also found more great DSMP fics lately in my quest to binge read them before the mass deletions start. Is it bad to find good things in a bad situation?
I'm sorry for the lack of put togetherness and the length of this ask. I promise I'm usually more coherent and to the point.
-Tech (just call me Tech like a name, "tech anon" feels weird heh)
hey tech, sorry for a bit of a late reply I've been busy the past few days
(sorry about the 'tech anon' thing, it's just a habit since that's how I refer to most of my anons. I'm going to still tag your ask as tech anon though just for my tagging system if that's okay)
I'm so glad you like the fae stories!! I'm still so proud of both of those looking back on them
anyway, yeah, I get that. I get the guilty wish that none of this had ever come out so you could just continue to go on in blissful ignorance. when someone learns something very upsetting, it's only natural to feel like you wish you never learned that. you don't need to feel guilty for that. you're not a bad person for your emotional reactions to things. your actions are what matters.
also, you are in no way a bad person because you were drawn to wilbur's content. the persona wilbur put on for the internet was not representative of who he actually was. you were drawn to the facade. an illusion of the person wilbur could've been, if he actually practiced the things he preached. you said you used to be a bad person, but you've changed. the fact that you are worried at all that you might still be bad shows a level of self-awareness and concern that wilbur apparently did not have. because wilbur was aware he was a bad person and treated the people around him terribly, but he didn't care to try and be better. as long as you're trying to be better, you're already leagues ahead of him.
also, regarding the hair, the floofy fringe is an incredibly common haircut. that is not exclusive to wilbur soot. you do not look like him if your hair does the floof similarly to his, it just makes you look like thousands of other dudes with fluffy fringe.
the day after shelby first streamed I had an MSR song stuck in my head and I hated it so much. it really sucks. you just have to try and drown it out with other music
it's not hypocritical at all to still find comfort in c!wilbur. I know it's complicated, and there's so much discussion I could get into as to why it's so complicated, but we can all separate the guy and the character in our heads. there's no reason to feel guilty about that. and there's also nothing bad about finding good in this situation. I think it's really sweet that you've found so many great fics in this time and I'm so glad you've been getting comfort from them. you're appreciating the authors hard work and that's a good thing! you don't need to feel bad about that
I hope you're doing okay tech
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dyemelikeasunset · 1 year
Hope this is not too silly of a question, but I've been binging Disney Park videos the past handful of days (yes, I am embarrassingly a lifelong Disney Park fan, while also being deeply critical of the company) and I dunno, it got me thinking about what a Disney Date in the Park look like for Dom and Mor. 😅
I feel like Morgan would be a fan of the parks and be really excited about going and geeking out over everything (Morgan absolutely is Disney Princess vibes in my mind) and maybe getting a little overstimulated, while I picture Dom being utterly confused, taking certain things too seriously, but discovering something she genuinely loves and getting consumed in it. And ending the night watching the fireworks show, holding hands, and snuggling up next to each other and being adorably sapphic.
in fact it was so cute you got me rambling, so under a read more it goes lmao. I basically wrote a blurb (it gets a little emotional at points cause that's who i am)
So Mor does like a couple of the Disney princesses (she really likes the background art of Sleeping Beauty and likes the movie if you watch it with the lens that "Aurora isn't the main character and neither is the prince, the three fairies are!! It's actually a heroes' journey about the three of them and that's so interesting yknow? What other movie stars three old ladies fighting a dragon???" but Aurora isn't necessarily her fav princess "I mean she just sleeps. the memes about her are funny though." Not technically a princess, but she loves Lilo a lot)
But no, she doesn't go to the parks often because of overstimulation. It's actually Dom's idea cause "Ah couples go to disneyland. That means we should go too? I should ask Morgan if she wants to go." And Mor is surprised, "I haven't been since I was 12? do you want to go???" and promptly discovers Domi has never been to a single Disney park ever in her life, so Morgan makes it her business to give Dom an enriching experience
They spend the next few months doing research between work and life-- on the best places to stay and how to optimize costs-- and it's really business-like and practical. Halfway through the process Domi's like "Is. Is this romantic? We're being so dry" but Mor insists "No it's important to be prepared!! For everything!!"
Anyway, cut to them finally going, it's probably exciting but also a little nerve-wracking. They chose the LA park. Mor did her hair up in buns to match Mickey cause teehee, cute. Dom wears a facemask cause she doesn't want to get recognized. Dom probably wants to take a lot of pictures bc. lol. couples do that?? right??? also Morgan is beautiful and she wants to remember it.
"We should do the hand holding trend"
"N-no Domi I'm too embarrassed"
They do the hand holding trend. Mor makes it her pfp later.
Mor is constantly trying to sneak in couple selfies and it becomes a personal game to catch Dom looking candid in cute situations (spoiler, Dom's candid is still like a model. High fashion girlfriend + Donald Duck. Mor can't stop laughing)
They start having fun. They're both grumpy at the price of park food and agree not to do many of the rides because "that's an unreasonable amount of people." They try small world and are a little uncomfortable at the dolls, but being together in a little boat on the water is nice-- they end up staring at each other more than the ride and decide to check in. Dom has to lean in close so Mor can hear her over her sound-supressing earbuds. Morgan takes the chance to kiss her and Dom completely forgets what she was saying
After lunch, Mor surprises Dom with Mickey Ears because she HAS to see it. It's as adorable and hilarious as she thought it would be, and when Domi laughs, Mor finds herself thinking about how lonely Dom was as a kid and wonders if she's helping her heal her inner child, bc Dom has helped Mor heal hers. Dom wears it for the rest of the trip and every time she smiles at her, Morgan wants to laugh and cry at the same time.
They surrender and buy $5 churros to eat as they ride the ferry and realize halfway through they keep getting on the boats. Mor is shy but eventually caves and takes a picture with Tiana.
They visit the Disney Gallery to learn about some of the history. Mor already knows a lot of it and ends up filling in some of the gaps to Domi. The awkwardness has completely melted away at this point and Domi is trying to find an artbook or poster she thinks Mor would like. She sees Mor looking at mugs and wonders if she's happy, wonders if she's stopped thinking about all her exes, wonders how anyone could hurt someone has kind as Morgan.
They decide to find a spot for the parade early and talk as the sun sets. The parade starts and Dom holds Mor close so the crowd doesn't make her anxious. She finds herself watching Morgan more than the parade.
As the fireworks start, Dom tells her about a memory of when she was 19. She was staying in Tokyo for a job and watched fireworks alone in her hotel room and wondered if she had made the right career choice. Mor watches the lights dance on Dom's profile and can barely get a whisper out, so she squeezes her hand instead. Dom smiles at her so warmly that Morgan almost feels whiplash
Mor lays her head on Domi's shoulder in the hotel bed and can't get the story out of her mind. Dom's soft breathing doesn't lull her to sleep like it usually does. They were too tired to make love but she desperately wants Dom to know how much she means to her. She settles for crying into her neck quietly and it's a strange mix of exhaustion and sadness and relief and joy. Morgan makes a silent promise to never let Dom be alone again
When they're packing for home in the morning, Dom wonders out loud if they'll come again. Mor asks if Dom had fun, and she smiles so wide that it washes away all the lingering melancholy. Mor promises she'll take Dom whereever she wants to go, whenever she wants to
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thedroneranger · 10 months
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ notroosterbradshaw Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
It's been a minute since I've posted a Rewind! My non-tumblr life has been bumping, so I haven't been quite as active.
However, I'm excited to present a Rewind from one of the first creators I read in this fandom. A few of their fics are on my Rewind. Without further ado: @notroosterbradshaw!
Cass is a tried and true Bradshaw Baddie™, so we have ourselves another all Bradshaw Rewind!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to look at some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
Let's keep this going throughout the summer, so if you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
Creator's note: I have a tendency to re-read long fics. I can find it difficult to commit to new things (I watch the same tv shows over and over, and the same goes for fics). It’s a terrible personality trait.
Crossfire, @purelyfiction Crossfire was the first TGM fic I read... and I was baptised. There was no way to fight it and it inspired me to come back to writing after I stopped about five years back. I really love it, I highly encourage you to indulge if you've yet to.
Bradley x Smart Aleck universe, @gretagerwigsmuse You don't need to know how much I love SA and her crotchety old man, Bradley. Jordan's world is so immersive, a real relationship with real ups and down. J gets deep in there and doesn't hide or shy from anything. If you have yet to read i don’t know, blame the air force? what are you doing in this life (it was impossible to pick one)?
One For The History Books, @pisupsala Holy jeepers, if you haven’t read Mila's delicate, poignant and truly adoring words, you've missed the point of this fandom. Just so truly special. I read One for The History Books upon completion and binged it like a novel, it feels like home for me.
What's in a Name?, @sometimesanalice Alexa's one of the most talented writers. Her reader and Bradley's world makes you so delirious/high, I just love it so damn much (and Alexa). Please go read What’s in a Name?
Remember You Even When I Don’t, @beyondthesefourwalls Alli's Forgetful Boy in Remember You Even When I Don’t... Oh my God, she knows I go a bit bonkers for it and had to deal with a lot of squee’s and keyboard smashes in both reblogs and messages. Sorry, darling heart.
White Christmas, @bradshawsbitch Alex's work is a constant re-read for me, and I have begged for a follow-up series of potential pilot or airline host reader and Bradley. The first few paragraphs of white christmas is like I'm sitting right there, in between reader and Bradley, the smartass pilot.
Creator's Own
It’s Only My Heart (Save Yourself) I think there is a misconception that I only write one series ha! But this fic is my first love. I adore writing about Bradley Bradshaw in love and the world's most perfect partner, but I also love writing about him with all his faults and spiralling on his wedding day.
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan @dingochef @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @chicomonks @averyhotchner 
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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wangmiao · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game
thanks so much to @godotismissingx for tagging me again!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
i'll be honest LOL i was oblivious in stuff like this when i was a teenager. yes, i'd drool over celebrities and characters, but i never knew shipping was a thing.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
i got into the fandom culture very late, so my first ship was joseph chandler x emerson kent from whitechapel
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
i honestly don't remember. i got into fanfic pretty late too. maybe whitechapel as well?
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
i don't really do discourse most of the time.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
i don't know how you define no-otp. like is it just something you don't ship, or you hate? there are ships that i don't like, and i just don't mention them at all on my blog. if you know that i've watched a show or film, but i never mention or reblog a popular ship from the show/film, that's probably my no-otp...
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
LOL i'm predictable, shi qiang x wang miao (shiwang) from three-body. i'm especially into reading fanfic recently. one of the first things i check every morning is if there's new shiwang fic.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
shiwang has been living in my mind rent free for an entire year now, and i haven't gotten tired of them yet...probably never will...
recently i'm into cheng bing x pan dahai from the lonely warrior and tang chuan x shi hong from the devotion of suspect x.
and just to name a few other otps: guang hongfeng x zhou xun in day and night, lee joongyeop x cha jaehwan from chimera, lee chang x youngshin in kingdom; cheng fengtai x shangxirui from winter begonia, agron x nasir from spartacus, jack x ianto from torchwood, and my first whitechapel ship is always very important to me.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
i'm used to not having ships be 100% canon. what can you do? sigh!
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
can't really think of anything
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
can't think of anything either...
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
i don't really have one...xD...
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
definitely shiwang...i kinda stopped reading fanfic in early 2019 due to the original sin/原生之罪 drama and a family incident...i might have tried some fanfic occasionally, but i generally wasn't in a mood for fanfic until three-body aired in 2023.
another reason is back then, most chinese fanfic writers don't really use ao3, so lots of fanfic for day and night and original sin was on lofter and weibo instead of ao3. and it's a pain in the ass trying to track fic on those sites. but now, most of the shiwang fic would be on ao3. and because shiwang is very loved in cfandom, new fic never stops coming.
i do read western fandom fanfic too, but definitely not as much as the chinese ones ever since i got back into cdramas in 2017.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
give me all of the dilfslove or dld (dilf loves dilf) LOL.
enemies to lover is something i always like. though how you define "enemy" would be very different in different ships. i also tend to ship work partners (detective duos; cop & some kind of consultant; villain duos)
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
maybe the lack of chemistry? if i can't feel the chemistry between the actors, no matter how romantic or hot the plot is between them, i probably won't ship them.
tagging @bahoreal @xinxiaojie @yohankang @zhivchik @a-very-fond-farewell @randomingoftherandomness only if you haven't done this and want to do it; also tagging any followers who want to do this.
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svnflowermoon · 5 days
i got more 4 u <3
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
💒- which show would you want to live in?
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
🎀- any question you want: what's something you're really proud of that you have done/made?
ahhh hi yay!! i love your asks sm
💋 - idk honestly i feel like both sound cool. i think a rain kiss would be amazing (it could go super badly but i feel like the best moments are the ones that aren't planned)
💒- hmm i watch a bunch of shows that i would absolutely never want to live in their world so i'll go with heartstopper <33
🕊️ - i'm constantly fiddling with my hair, i forced myself to stop biting my nails so now i just push back my cuticles all the time, i have SUCH a bad habit of like biting the skin off my lips lmao 😭😭 (also this is four but i'm ALWAYS doodling on anything whether its a notebook or my hand or anything i have to be drawing)
🎥- honestly i'm not really binging any shows lately, i'm rewatching stranger things and doctor who with my brother but we're not really binging it. the last show i binged was gilmore girls (for the 3rd time)
💤- idk i'd probably want them to be around my age like probably 16-17 since i'm about to turn 17
🎀- hmm this is lowkey depressing but i haven't done anything recently that i'm genuinely proud of. i'm proud of my writing and art tho <3
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ardent-fox · 5 months
✨ Tag Game Master Post ✨
Hi, all! Catching up on these two games I was tagged in during the holidays 💖
First up, thank you to the lovely @lupeloto for creating and tagging me in this fun Tag Game! 🥰
📺 Favorite tv show? At the moment, Our Flag Means Death (shields self from tomatoes being thrown at her 😁)
🕴️ Favorite character? Oof, this is difficult. Gonna have to go with my precious baby boy, Stede
💋 Favorite relationship in the show? Blackbonnet (shocking, I know)
👯‍♂️ Fav sibling relationship in the show? No blood relations but the entire crew is chosen family, so… all of them?
🎨 Favorite art form? Music, with a heavy focus on lyrics/words
⚡️ A talent you wish you had? Being able to draw would be cool
☀️ What is one thing that can always make your day better? My toddler nephew saying the most hilarious things, he's barely 3 and already the funniest person I know
🎬 Favorite fictional character of all time? Atticus Finch (any works he appears in besides To Kill a Mockingbird do not count)
🌅 Dream place to travel to? Thailand or Ireland (either "land" would do, get it? 🧍‍♀️ ...I'll see myself out)
🎈 You’re planning a huge party, what’s the theme? The Masque of the Red Death, get fancy and spooky, bitches 🎭💀
🍕 Favorite pizza topping of all time? All kinds of cheese and extra mushrooms
🥂 You can pick ONE celebrity to have dinner with… Who? Andrew Garfield, {Marge Simpson voice} I just think he's neat
🎥 Favorite movie that you kinda know is bad but you still love? Rocky Horror Picture Show 👄
👖 How would you describe your style? The "I gained a substantial amount of weight in the past 5 years and haven't bought anything new since, so I now wear whatever I can fit into and lots of dresses and skirts cause pants are uncomfortable and shopping for them is a nightmare" style 😬
🖤 Finally, something making you smile this week? My mom's reaction to a present she really wanted, seeing her that touched was soul ascending ✨
Next, I got tagged by @deedala, @tanktopgallavich, @suzy-queued and @lupeloto to complete this round of Weekly Tag Wednesday, thank you my darlings! 💙
Name: Lyds
Location: Unknown location in Europe
Astrological Sign: Taurus squaaaad ♉
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? Hubby has never seen Giant, so I'll be rewatching it soon as well as some other classics like Some Like It Hot and Philadelphia Story, I'm sure I'll rewatch Frankie and Johnny for the umpteenth time as well. As far as shows go, I rewatch Our Flag Means Death at least once a month since it's my comfort show, and might do a Shameless rewatch since I've only seen the whole thing once (excluding all the Gallavich scenes)
What's a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? The entirety or The Menagerie by @crossmydna and Honeycomb by @metalheadmickey with artwork by @heymrspatel 💕
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? I've been replaying One Of Your Girls by Troye Sivan for days and don't plan on stopping anytime soon, also still listening to Hozier's entire Unreal Unearth album whenever I'm chilling
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? Gonna steal Ri's answer here and say cinnamon buns, as well as my husband's homemade pizza rolls that I previously mentioned, as they're our favorite thing to eat while binge-watching
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? Scrolling this beloved hellsite
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? Only unhealthy ones that I plan on ridding myself of in 2024 👋
What's your toxic trait? Inflexibility and freaking out when things don't turn out the way I've planned
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? Staying in my burrow with my hyperfixations
Tell me something you like about how you look! My full, rosy lips against my smooth, pale skin
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. Honest, open-minded, creative 🌸
I'm out of the loop (which is about to change since I celebrated the last of the festivities today) and haven't been keeping up with the tags lately, but am still going to tag some peeps if you want to do either or both of these: @heymrspatel, @stocious, @too-schoolforcool, @xninetiestrendx, @krysmiss, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @michellemisfit, @whatwouldmickeydo, @vintagelacerosette, @metalheadmickey, @rereadanon, @francesrose3, @darlingian and anyone who sees this and wants to play! ✨
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havocmadden · 6 months
i can't say… 😶 i've of only seen bits and pieces of i didn't do it but i have a friend who binge-watched it last year and said season 2 completely changes the show's format for some reason? let me know if you ever watch it so i can get some encouragement too lol i love gravity falls though!! and it's so funny that you mentioned backstage because i have trauma from that show (/j?) but that's a story for another time i've never seen villains of valley view! all i know is a lot of people compare it to wowp, there's a little brother who's always turning into things, and a possible wlw best friends to lovers storyline 👀 what do you like about it? how well do you think it stands as its own show? do you have any favorite episodes? - gcwca secret santa
yeah i heard they got entirely new showrunners and writers for s2 of i didn't do it so it got? weird? but idk, i'd still like to watch it! esp bc i really liked piper curda in the other stuff i've seen her in !! i will absolutely let you know when i finally get around to watching it!
also that's crazy i swear i was one of two people on the internet who had watched backstage. i think part of the reason i got so invested was i was watching it all in 2017 when i wasn't dancing bc my dance studio shut down and my parents were like "well, you're going away to school next year so why should we find you somewhere new?" and i haven't rewatched it since then.
i really like villains! peter and i have been watching it together so we're a bit behind on s2 but i'm having a good time so far — i'm hoping that they stop turning colby into stuff bc like. it's annoying. but ik filming schedules and stuff etc etc. i think it stands on its own pretty well but i also haven't seen wizards in a long time. and like, granted, i do think it's pretty similar to wizards, but also it's disney channel and we all know they have ten plots. i think also hartley and amy's relationship is like, more gay than i remember harper and alex's being (i'd compare them more to stevie and alex? i think?) but. idk i'm having fun, which is my personal standard for "is [x media] good". and if i'm having fun it's good and if i'm not having fun it's bad. (ik this is not the end all be all of media etc etc etc i'm simplifying)
i think my fave episodes so far are the ones towards the beginning/end of the season that get really plot heavy? the filler episodes are fun too i just like stakes and drama lol
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jemmo · 7 months
for the ask game, 7, 12, 17! 💗🌼
thank you for the ask :)) and sorry its late i was gonna answer this at the bus stop yesterday but for once they decided to be on time
7. top 5 bl
man i had to stare at my mdl completed list for a while to decide this, but i'll preface that these top 5 are here both bc i have such a strong emotional connection with them and bc i want to scream about how actually good they are from a rooftop (also not ranked bc thats too hard):
utsukushii kare - don't know else i can make it clear how beloved and special this show is to me. an excellent story across both seasons and the movie with even better mains that are characterised to perfection, develop in the most beautifully human way and are performed brilliantly. and if i think about this show any longer and remember its over i will break so moving on
old fashioned cupcake - it was one thing to give me a bl starring THE og kageyama stage play actor bc those things were my life during the height of my anime phase, but to then have it be this good?? the story is beautiful, the fact they manage to do so much with such little run time amazes me, and to this day it has the most romantic line in any bl that always gives me goosebumps when i watch it. and i dont wanna talk like im that old, im only 25, but as someone who's barely had anything you can call a romantic experience, this show left me with the warmest sense of hope and comfort that beautiful love stories aren't reserved for high schools, and its never too late to find happiness
blueming - i havent rewatched this one in a while, or much at all, but i'll never forget the visceral response i had when i binged it all in one night. i adore the fact that this is just the gentlest story of 2 people falling in love and finding comfort in each other and just how naturally and simply it happens, and i think its portrayal of that specific family dynamic is phenomenal, bc for me at least its as much about that family being in the process of healing as it is about the love story, and the fact they go hand in hand is even better
bad buddy - what else is there to say. for the 12 weeks it aired, i ate, slept and breathed this show. literally did not even think about anything else. and this show has rightly been praised to the moon and back but as well as all that, its always gonna be special for me bc of the people and community i found and shared the watching experience with. what can i say, you just had to have been there, and im so glad i was
the eighth sense - surprisingly this was my last pick and i was debating swapping it for a few others, but it ultimately stays bc of how refreshing and how much of an emotional rollercoaster it was. i haven't ever brought myself to rewatch it, but i can vividly remember how enraptured i was by the sheer amount of tension they managed to create in those initial episodes, and how well they managed to maintain it. and i hope people take note of how much people loved its artful and kinda raw vibe and become inspired to do something similar bc i think it gives great balance to the genre (and i also, clearly, love it, just look at these pics. i promise i do love fun and silly stuff too)
12. most rewatched bl
i was debating putting this on my list but ultimately, while not being my absolute favourite, its my definition of a comfort show and that is my dating sim. idk what it is about the show, but ever since it came out i go back to it at the very least monthly. i think its the fact that when im really craving a good bl, it manages to not only hit all my favourite tropes (unrequited but secretly requited love, reuniting and digging up the past, that initial clash gives me a lil bit of enemies to lovers, plus it has enough fluff to make me all warm and giddy), but it also does them so well, and the story is so perfectly simple and succinct that i feel so content when the whole thing is over. truly the perfect show for when i wanna do nothing and feel happy.
17. best kiss
unsurprising but yes, it still is the bad buddy rooftop kiss. i dare not watch this kiss bc i know if the weakness ever overtakes me i will fall into a void that i will not escape for at least a week. and honestly, while there has been some good competition, idk if she'll ever be beaten, and idk if thats bias talking or just the objective truth, but i encourage all bl's to keep giving it their bests shot
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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spenzitz · 1 year
🤭 sooooo this is very much confident!reader but yk...
forget what i said about it not being problematic...
yuta has been thrown into this world where he knows nothing and is told he has tremendous power. even after he defeats geto, he's sent on all these jobs where no matter how hard he tries, people always get hurt. he has all the tools he needs to succeed, and yet he still fails. if only he were as strong as maki or as fearless as toge. he's simply not good enough.
so why did you take such an interest in him? you were stronger than him in every way (barring cursed energy output) and, most obvious to yuta, confident. you knew what you were and your place in the world, and you took it as your own. why would you ever care about a waste of space like him? he didn't get it. but he really didn't need to.
whenever you talked to him, he felt important. like he was worthy of being kept in the loop of your life. when you lend him a hand off the ground after being knocked down and brush off his shirt, inspecting him for any grass or dirt, he feels a sense of belonging to you. he's now something that should be taken care of. just your presence in his everyday life makes him valuable.
when you go away on a job for a few days, he finds it harder to take care of himself. you're working, so you really don't have time to reply to his messages or call him back. the whole first day goes by, and he realizes he hasn't eaten anything all day, he feels pathetic.
it's almost 10pm, and you still haven't seen the messages he sent this morning telling you and maki to stay safe. he figures he'll take his mind off you by catching up on his show and getting a snack before bed.
eventually, one episode turns into a whole season, and a snack turns into anything salty yuta can get his hands on. It's almost 2 am when yuta feels his phone vibrate beside him on his bed. he snatches it immediately and sees you've finally responded.
thank you, yuta! me and maki are ok, just exhausted. we should be home by midday tomorrow. ik you're probably asleep by now, so sleep well! <3
you thought he'd be asleep by now. there was no way he was going to tell you that rather than going to bed at a reasonable time, he actually binged for almost 4 hours straight. it's only then that he realizes his current situation.
yuta becomes painfully aware of his full bladder, sweat-covered body, and grease-stained hands. surely it hasn't been this stuffy in his room the whole time, right? yeah, the ac must have turned off... but he's definitely needed to pee since two episodes ago. and his mouth was so... dry? he felt disgusting. what would you think if you saw him like this? you'd probably lose respect for him, he thinks.
the thought of you knowing he devolves into this pathetic mess the moment you're gone terrifies him. this fear motivates him to get his act together. he leaves you on delivered and plugs his nearly dead phone in before heading to the showers.
once he's all cleaned up, he puts on pajamas to convince himself he'll get some sleep soon... he cleans up all the crumbs and throws away all the trash in his room. but of course, once all the trash is gone, he can't help but wonder if his room would look better with his bed in the opposite corner. well... he could just try it out and move it back if he didn't like it.
he, in fact, did not like it. but maybe if he moves his other furniture around to accommodate, it wouldn't be so bad right? this redecorating went on until the morning when his bed is back to where it started, and yuta gets dressed for the day, not getting an ounce of sleep last night. yuta wanted to push through until midday so you could see he was doing just fine.
yuta and inumaki are sparing when inumaki suddenly stops and points behind yuta. when yuta turns around to see what he's pointing at, he sees you and maki walking towards them on the field.
you all say hello and tell them about the mission, saying how you just want to sleep for the rest of the day. maki goes off to find gojo to report back to him, and before you can start heading off to the dorms, yuta offers to carry your bag for you since you were so exhausted.
you accept, and he takes your bag off your shoulder. you don't miss the small groan he lets out from taking on the extra weight. you both walk back to your room as you tell him everything that happened on your trip. as you walk, you notice him panting under his breath, trying to control his breathing.
you make it to your door and take your bag off his shoulder for him. you look into his slightly bloodshot eyes and ask him, "yuta, are you ok?"
yuta feels the weight of the world crashing down on him and strains to keep his tears from peaking over his eyelids. that is, until he feels your hands on both his shoulders, rubbing small circles with your thumbs.
he squeezes his eyes shut, knowing if he looks at you now, he'll break. he feels your hands slide down his arms into his own. you hold them so tightly like he belongs to you, and it's only natural.
"yuta." you start with a stern but still empathetic tone. "what's wrong?" you wouldn't know from how you're speaking, but he knows you're demanding an answer.
he slowly tilts his body forward until his head is perched on your shoulder and his face is buried in your neck.
"just glad you're home." he says, letting out a sigh before inhaling the scent of your body wash that still lingers. "how about we get some lunch hmm?" you say, bringing your hand up to lightly pat his head.
you don't give him time to respond before you're pulling away from him to lead him to the common room. he deserved to be taken care of. he was important.
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me and my husband is probably my favorite mitski song next to francis forever(ik basic)
i deal with depressive episodes a lot so this is definitely me projecting in some way lmao i'm sorry 😭
ok well this is awkward... i'm so sorry i always bombard you win ;(
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queen-of-the-avengers · 8 months
Hey Jordan, when it comes to Disney +, what have been your thoughts for each of the MCU shows and the movies that have been recently released?
i'll start by talking about my favorite show which is wandavision. i absolutely love that show and think it's the best one out there by a mile. the second runnerup is loki (I haven't seen the new season yet, so no spoilers!) the third one is definitely hawkeye!
i haven't seen FATWS only because when it came out, there was only loki and wandavision, and I heard that FATWS wasn't that good in the sense that there was no character development like there was in the other two. I'll have to watch it eventually because it's going into my marvel rewrite, but that's way later down the line
i absolutely love the what if...? series and wish there were more seasons and episodes. i think it's a very cool concept
i don't know why eternals gets so much hate because that movie is definitely in my top three in every MCU film that's ever been made. the CGI is done so well and I love the storyline
i haven't seen moonknight and i don't know if i will
if you want to read my thoughts about dr. strange 2, you can read them here!
i watched ms. marvel and didn't dislike it. it's a good show as a introduction to the character, but I didn't connect with it as much as I wanted to. though, I am excited to see the marvels this november!
i also loved thor love and thunder. i thought it was really funny and don't know why it got so much hate
i haven't seen she hulk and i don't know if I will, either. some say it's very funny and some say it's terrible. hulk was never my favorite character, and I hate what marvel has done to bruce banner's character by mixing the hulk and banner together
i liked wakanda forever but i think it was cheap because chad died. i think that they had a different story in mind knowing he was going to play t'challa again but when he died, they put together a half-assed script at the last second instead fo regrouping and coming up with a better story. (I also don't see the point in ri-ri's character in the movie other than she's an omen for the next iron man)
ant man 3 is another movie i absolutely loved and don't know why it deserved the hate it did. i love paul rudd and think he's a great ant man. i thought the movie was so funny and really well done. i think people had an issue with kang's character because ant man beat him, but I don't think they realize that it was one version of kang, not the strongest. plus, he was in the quantum realm, and he's less powerful down there. i don't know what Marvel is going to do with kang's actor since I hear he got arrested? accused of DV? I'm not sure what's going on there
the third GOTG movie is top tier. i absolutely LOVED that movie. GOTG is definitely my favorite trilogy next to ant man's trilogy and spiderman's trilogy
finally, i haven't seen secret invasion yet even though I want to. i guess I'm waiting for all the episodes to come out before I watch it. i stopped waiting for episodes every week as soon as I got streaming services. i'd rather wait to binge them all instead of wait once per week.
let me know your thoughts or if you want me to elaborate on something!
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kit-teung · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme ):)
template by @fiercynn, tagged by @hereforlou! this is exciting, thank you so much for tagging me <3
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
i'm (na)tasha, a freelance artist from eastern europe, i really love mountains, lemons, teal colour and when it's hot as hell outside. you might know me from c-drama/novel fandoms - that's what i mostly draw on my main blog (which i'm being weirdly secretive about, but if you want to know the url you can message me about it off anon)
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
episode 5 was trending on here and a mutual who abandoned tumblr almost completely suddenly came back to reblog like 15 rooftop kiss gifsets in a row, scream in tags and then disappear again which made me go huh. what's all this then. lemme check out the first episode. and then by the time episode 6 aired a few days later i'd been already all caught up (can't remember exactly but since i have a tendency towards binge-watching i have a suspicion i watched all five episodes nearly in one sitting). for some personal reasons i'd rather not get into i never got a chance to create anything back then when it was airing and after, and so here i am finally joining the fandom more than a year later!
favorite ship(s)
(apart from the obvious) 📢📢📢TONGYOD📢📢📢 !!! also i was never big on crossover ships but then our skyy 2 happened and altered my brain chemistry
favorite character(s)
sometimes it's pran, sometimes it's pat. i don't control the part of my brain that decides which one of them to hyperfixate on out of the blue
favorite episode(s)
(again, apart from the obvious) i really love episodes 2-4 where they get to reunite and just hang out with each other. i love you bus stop shenanigans. also episode 11 because i'm a sucker for beach episodes, especially when they are mellow and bittersweet
favorite scene(s)
episode 8 balcony scene my beloved. inkpa darkroom confession scene and the way love's voice was trembling as she was on the verge of crying. also that bit in episode 11 where pat wakes up alone, goes out and sees pran playing the guitar outside and pran turns to greet him and SMILES SO SO BIG ugh my heart is doing somersaults as i'm typing this
one thing you would change about the show if you could
put pat in crop tops. cmon
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
any of the artworks by @thatgothsamurai, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @shikanji, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @hereforlou, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @kornswasianguyswag, but especially this one
this fanvid, the best fanvid ever that i've accidentally stumbled upon when searching up "bad buddy same page" (i think i was looking for the mock trailer lol)
this fic by @oldlace
this fic by @aroceu
and a special shoutout to all the wonderful gifmakers and meta writers, you guys are the real mvps <3
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
well, i haven't drawn much bbs fanart yet, but from the ones i've done so far i especially love this inkpa
also pls look at this korn i drew in the bbs discord server
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a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
does same page count if it technically wasn't in the show ah no wait pat sang it in episode 12 damn it ok this one i guess
idk anything else you want us to know?
this show's name in my native language is a pun that i can't explain
unfortunately i don't really know anyone in this fandom yet (unless.. @aroceu have you done this thing?), so i'm not tagging anyone, but if you're reading this and you really want to do this, you can say i tagged you!
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magical-oppas · 24 days
I was tagged by @481boxboxbaby thanks bestie <3
Who is your favorite driver?
Ohhh I can't really pick between Max or Carlos but if you put a gun to my head right at this moment my answer would probably be Carlos.
Do you have other favorite drivers?
Oh yes, I am very bad at "solo stanning" (that's a kpop term but you get what I mean)
My faves are Max, Carlos, Charles, Lando, Oscar and Yuki
Who is your least favorite driver?
Its just my personal preference to never answer this question because I just find it unnecessary to put it out into the world. Of course there are drivers I do not like and I do occasionally bitch about them, I just prefer to that privately to my friends :)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
Both, its just in the nature of the sport isn't it? You have a team but there is so much talent on the grid that I feel like one does oneself a disservice by limiting it to only the two drivers on the team one cheers for.
If you like teams what teams do you pull for?
Ferrari. I'm really basic.
How long have you been into F1?
I have been properly aware of it since 2022 but I didn't start following it, as in watching every race, before 2023.
What got you into F1?
I have always loved sports. I'm a big football fan (the real one, not the American one) and I absolutely ADORE figureskating so I was already primed to love it.
The story is basically that me and my fiancé, then boyfriend, really wanted to have something to root for together. We both love football but I'm a Barcelona fan and he is a Real Madrid fan, you see the issue. So he said
"Babe, I think you would love F1. Check out this Netflix show so you are up to speed and then we can watch it together. I wont tell you what team we like, you will see that there really is only one correct team and driver to root for."
So I did. I gathered all my snacks and prepared myself for a binge watch. I fell in love with the sport around halfway into the first episode. I finished it and happily went to report back to my love. This is the exact conversation we had
"So, you picked the correct team and driver right?"
"Ofc! You were right it was so obvious. How can one NOT like Max? He is fantastic!"
"I like Lewis Hamilton."
The end<3
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?
I don't mind it. As long as people are not weird about it, like actually believe that their ships are true or tell drivers about ao3, I don't see the issue.
How do you view new fans?
I mean, I'm new. Can I really have an opinion on this?
If I can have one then it is that you are born knowing nothing. You have been new to everything in life at some point. It is just part of our journey as humans. Stop being mean to people for not knowing things.
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
HAAS. For shits and gigs you know.
Are your friends and family into F1?
Other than my fiancé I have two irl friends who really love it. My poor mother is forced to listen to my ramblings so she knows a lot but she finds the sport pointless.
And then obviously all of my online friends and my F1 mutuals on tumblr<3
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
There is not a single question, opinion or random thought someone has sent me here on tumblr that I haven't cherished. If you are hesitating about becoming my friend here is your sign. Send me the message. Send me the ask. I promise you, I will never EVER find it annoying. If you can't tell by the length of this post, I really love to yap, and I really love to yap about F1<3
Tagging @1337wtfomgbbq @norribobs @charlalos
And if this just happens to be on your dash, you are now tagged by me<3
Of course there is no pressure to do this
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