#and i feel like im gonna puke
my-soft-sunshine · 1 year
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goonmypenis · 11 days
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rip lavernius tucker you wouldve loved sitting and watching bluey in a trance while junior eats glass in the other room
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skrs-cats · 3 months
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ive wanted to draw lion talking abt this topic for a long longggg time now
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whitebookposts · 11 months
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the real reason the kingdom died
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sheepgirlmaidtummy · 3 months
fucking thank you for mentioning that black and brown and indigenous bloggers (esp trans women) on this website have been nuked since 2016 and nobody gave a shit. this website has been racist and transmisogynistic for years and 99% of the ""community"" on here didn't give a fuck until now.
an indigenous child is dead. transfem bloggers are harassed. nobody cares about that. the white trans community on this site cares about funny jokes and infighting instead of protecting us. avery deserves better. nex deserved better. children are being murdered and people have decided to strip every ounce of racial and transmisogynistic intent from the current wave of violence in favor of jokes.
when do we get to be a part of our own communities? when do we get the support and protection and righteous anger from other trans people? im so fucking tired.
honestly? ive been talking about this stuff for years, and the only reason it got attention is because of what happened to rita being so public, those posts never got the attention they should've and that doesnt surprise me in the slightest.
we arent a part of this "community", we wouldnt be trampled on and forgotten if we were actually important. and whenever we make our own spaces they take that over too. it doesnt matter what happens to us in the process. i hate the performative bullshit i hate the jokes i hate the ignorance i hate that theres nothing left for us.
the only times we're fucking noticed is when somebody murders us and EVEN THEN thats giving too much credit. white people get to joke about this shit while we have to live every day accepting that we'll be left behind. with no way of finding others like us to even feel just a smidgen of comfort. you look at the tag for black trans women before this photomatt bs and theres nothing but our murders. you cant even find shit about all the poc getting banned from this site because nobody cared to document anything let alone Help us.
im really fucking tired of seeing the 'support black trans women!' posts around here. you dont support us when we look you in the eye and Beg. when i got kicked out last year and made a post about it NOBODY batted an eye until rita and afew other popular white transfems reblogged it. and im the lucky one. people would rather be upset at the hammer car than us dying in the streets. i dont even know how to type this all out, just thinking about this makes me furious. i spent the early years of my transition hearing nothing but black trans girls getting murdered in their cars for $100. thats how worth our lives are in this "community". we cant even get that much in donations.
im tired too hun, im really fucking tired
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lululandd · 1 year
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🍋 lemon gaz 🍋
|| 🍓strawberry ghost 🍓 || 🍉 watermelon könig 🍉 || 🫐 blueberry price 🫐 ||
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holedyke · 17 days
having a hashtag bad one 👍
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
not Karan being the cheesiest boyfriend I've ever seen djkhs please 😩😩😩
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yourpaceangel · 10 months
Me after season 1: ah I need some good angst for this yes
Me, in tears, after season 2: FLUFF I NEED FLUFF
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soullessjack · 19 days
the one thing that always gets me about everyone slowly turning on jack at the start of absence isn’t that they think he’s dangerous. he is dangerous, even by his own admission, and up until now it’s just been kind of in the background because hey. he’s really pulled through for us a lot. we’d almost indefinitely be fucked without him. and he’s a good kid, so like whatever. it’s not that they think jack is dangerous.
it’s that bobby and whoever else followed him just decided that this is jack’s “true nature” finally and inevitably coming out now that kelly’s humanity and goodness is gone from him. Like. they fully react to the situation like Jack’s a sick cornered dog who they always knew was sick and who they always kept in the corner, waiting for him to inevitably go rabid and lash out, and they act like it’s so pitiful and tragic, because he was so good and helpful and held out for a while, but he was clearly helpless to fight against his true nature forever.
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madame-mongoose · 10 months
Lord help me the quesadilla is spicier than I can tolerate 🙏
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milkweedman · 1 year
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If you dont have a whorl that fits your medieval spindle, turn out some dense bulky weight handspun also suffices. This is spindle 4 of the hand combed southdown babydoll top. Not sure if ill need a 5th ply or not; i guess after i finish this ill just ply a few yards and see how consistent and thick it is.
This particular spindle is pretty much the closest ive done to an accurate medieval spindle, as far as i can tell. It was made not from a branch/stick like i tend to prefer but from a section of a very large evergreen bough i dragged home and split with wooden wedges (as was the preferred way to process wood--just split it with wooden wedges and then use a metal hand tool to refine it further). I kept it without my preferred onion dome tip for the sake of the reproduction, altho it is causing the usual issues for me of the cop sliding up the tip.
Once ive got a few more grams of wool on there i'll take off the dark brown woolen whorl and it'll spin on its own.
Definitely wanna make more of these guys--its just that splitting the wood is pretty tedious when large sections are unusable, because its very unpredictable to split, so i end up with lots of wasted time on scrap. It's an interesting way of spindle making, tho. Afaik this is also how you'd make large batches of arrows; take a log, split it into many small pieces, and refine into arrow shafts from there. When you want to make a couple hundred arrows, its a lot faster to do this than to go find a couple hundred suitable sticks. Im not looking to make that many spindles, but im starting to run out of suitable sticks, so...
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2012earthnoises · 4 months
dso you guys know how to deal with feeling an agonizingly powerful desire to be friends with somebody. havent figured it out yet
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hejee · 9 months
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this shot looks so good i feel like shit
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boylikeanangel · 1 year
we did it guys .....we got that roman breakdown...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
#holy fuck. knock on wood. fingers crossed. press my thumbs. i think the pain is cycling down#like probably its this bad bc my body is weak from fighting an allergic reaction and i think lam1ctal can cause some menstral issues#but like holy fuck. i cannot go thru that again. just hours of being nauseous and crumpled in pain#i was very very very seriously considering going to the hospital. but like ive ridden in an ambulance before and i dont wanna spend like#1000 dollars to go like 10min down the road. bullshit. god i hope its stopping#it was just like so much pain i didnt kno what to do. absolutely intolerable. ugh.#please dont let this happen tomorrow 🙏 please please please. i have to teach#and ny roommate is staying here the next 2 nights after not seeing her for like months#y now? 😭 im gonna have to b like hi *visibly disheveled* if i talk i might puke. bye.#i wish i could just sleep thru this. ibuprofen is not helping 😭#im just worried if i went to the hospital theyd make me wait for hours in the waiting room. shaking with pain. and then id b fine by the#time they got to me. like yea srry i was jusy being a lil bitch abt a normal bodily process lol. god. ppl with high levels of chronic pain#how tf do u do it? i dont think im strong enough. but i guess u probably get used to it. god that sucks so bad#ugh. i wish my mom was here. i want her to just pet my hair until i feel better 😭 but nooo shes going off to have fun in canada#so she's gonna b even farther from me than normal 😭#unrelated
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