#and i also get to dog sit for my cousin and i'm very excited for that as well
expelliarmus · 1 year
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KoKo's & Bobby's Special Day (Robert "Bob" Floyd X Plus-Size F!Reader) 👰🏾🤵💒💙
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Robert "Bob" Floyd X Black Curvy Plus Size F!Reader (Nickname: KoKo)
Warning: Lot Of Fluff, Hangman Being Hangman, Making Love (Yes I'm Talking About Sex) lol, Expecting Pregnancy, A Time Jump, & Hint Of Talking About Race
Part 2:
3 years ago after Bob proposed to KoKo, you & the girls (Phoenix, Penny, & Amelia) are at the dress shop in downtown looking for a dress for you, while you at the plus-size section where the dresses are, suddenly you found the perfect dress that you been looking for:
"Hey guys I'm found the dress that I'll been looking for" you said
"It's beautiful KoKo, that perfect for you I think you should try it on" Penny said to her
6 seconds later, KoKo did try the dress on and it's fit her curves perfectly, the women was admired her while she trying the dress on. So after KoKo got her wedding dress & the women got their maid dresses too, they all went to the salon getting their pedicures & manicures done before the wedding tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Bob & the guys (Hangman, Rooster, Coyote, Payback, & Fanboy) are at the tuxedo place in downtown to trying on their outfits on before the big day tomorrow.
"I'm can't believe our baby on board is getting married tomorrow" Hangman said
"I know right Bagman but hey at least we are a family and we love KoKo she very sweet and she been good to Bobby boy since they know each other since 3 years now." Payback said to Hangman
"Hey when we gonna have the cake come though and what kind of favor though?" Fanboy said
"Tomorrow morning they gonna drop it off at the venue before the reception after the wedding and it's chocolate cake" said Bob
"Soooooo is KoKo's family members are coming to the wedding tomorrow?" Payback said to Bob
"Yes her mom & some of her cousins from her dad's side, also her aunt (who she staying at home) are coming, idk about her other aunts, uncles, cousins or even her older sister too they probably gonna be busy and stuff like that though" Said to Bob.
"Oh okay that a big family she got though." Rooster said to Bob while putting his clothes back on after he try his suit on.
"But you know what how we gonna celebrate Bob's last time being single?" Said Hangman
"What?" Coyote said
"A BATCHELOR PARTY!!!" Hangman said while he being so excited
"Okay Bagman, I don't want no stripper sitting on my face like that or KoKo will be upset at me." Bob said to Hangman
"Trust me Bobby boy you won't get in trouble, just relax and have fun with us boys tonight okay?" Hangman said to Bob with a devilish smirk smile
"Okay Hangman, I trust you." said to Bob
Later That Evening...
After a long day of girl bonding while shopping some wedding stuff before tomorrow, y'all back at Penny's crib to chill for minutes before head out for a night out, while y'all chilling and Penny is on the phone with Maverick, Nat (aka Phoenix) is looking at Koko while she sitting outside on the patio, while she walking towards behind her, she said "do you mind I'm sit with you?" She said to Koko, "It's a free country" Koko said to Nat while she smiled at her, after some hours of silence while sitting looking at the view of the ocean, Nat asking Koko about Bob and how she & him fell hard for him:
"Koko what it's like to be in love, I mean how did you two have chemistry between you & Bob felt like you never felt like that before?" Nat said to you.
"We just click individually it's like dogs & cats getting along with each other you know." You said while you chuckled.
"That the best damn ideology that you ever said to me tonight how you described y'all love for each other." Said Nat to you while she chuckled back and she give you the biggest hug ever while y'all sitting there staring at the view, she said "thank you for taking care of my wingman and make him the happiest man that he can be" Nat said to you. "Your welcome love and I'm love him so much that he treat me well, I'll want to be with him forever till the day I die". You said to Natasha and she give you the genuine smile while y'all still sitting there on the patio.
Meanwhile, The boys is setting up a bachelor party for Bob tonight before he getting married the next day.
"So are you ready for your wedding surprise Bobby boy?" Hangman said to Bob while having the infamous Seresin smirk on his face.
"Ready that I'm ever be Hangman." Bob said to Seresin while rolling his eyes
While everyone is chilling at the party till a doorbell rings and one of the guys open the door and saw a woman dressing up as a military officer (which is a stripper by the way), while she came in she said "Which one of you is Bob?" And they point at him while he drinking a beer, so the rest of the night was wild that evening.
Fast Forward The Big Day.....
KoKo is getting ready to walk down the aisle, Phoenix, Penny, & the rest of the women are getting ready too as well, so while KoKo is excited about getting married to the love of her life, she is little nervous that she thinking about her father is not gonna be here to help her walk down the aisle with her or seeing having a first child with the man she love but she knows her father is smiling down from the heaven and he know he very proud of her that she becoming the woman who she is now. After she snap back to reality because of that similar southern drawl accent you almost recognize "Hey y'all are ready?" Said to Hangman while he standing in his tux & his hair slick back looking handsome as always. "Ready as I ever be, so how do I look?" You said towards to Hangman, "Beautiful like a damn princess darlin." He said to you with a classic hangman wink . " Thank you Jake" you said while you smile back at him.
When the ceremony is starting, the rest of people rising up from sitting and have their eyes on KoKo looking stunning in her wedding gown while Hangman is holding her walking towards down the aisle, after she walked down the aisle towards to Bob and Jake give her a sweet kiss peck on her cheek and he give her away to him.
"Robert do you take Korria seriously to be your awfully wedding wife?"
"I Do" said to Bob
"And Korria do you take Robert seriously to be your awfully wedding husband?"
"I Do" you said
"By the power invest in me, I'm announces you as husband & wife, you may kiss the bride."
As Bob smiles and stepped forward, grabbing your face gently and kissing you while everybody cheering & clapping loudly as y'all smiled each other.
While everyone is having a good time at the reception, you & Bob are cuddling the day away till y'all hit the dance floor, during the waltz yall was whispering each other and telling y'all "I love yous" while y'all dancing and enjoying each other's company. After the reception is over y'all bout to head out while y'all on the way to the hotel in a limousine, Bob is being flirty while he put his hand on your thigh and he complimented you that how beautiful you are and he can't wait to take off that dress on you and make love to you. That makes Koko blush even more that the person who she truly in love with is who never seen a side of him before, but you know what they said about them quiet ones though. So later that night while y'all at the hotel during honeymoon: you got out of the bathroom wearing a lingerie that you got off from Savage X Fenty (which is owned by Rihanna which is her favorite female celebrity that she liked) with some matching black lace panties that go with it and Bob saw you how you looked, he was memorized of her beauty & her curves that he love:
"God you is fucking beautiful honey and I'm thank goodness that you made for me" Bob said to Koko
"Thank you baby" you said to Bob while it's making your cheeks blush even more, so Bobby got up from the bed and stepped forward toward to KoKo and he put his hand on her face & his other hand around her curvy wrist, starting to kiss her but it's was a passionate but gentle kiss from him though so after he kissed you, he said "listen I'm know this is our first time having sex as husband & wife but I'm wanna take it nice & slow to make sure you are comfortable and not rushing you know?" That is when Koko's fell in love with him hard is because of his shyness but sweet demeanor.
"We not gonna rush Bobby, thank you for understanding & the patience that you have on me you know?" You said to Bob
"Your welcome darlin, you know I'm just can't believe that you are all mine, it's like a dream come true." Bob said to you
"I know right, I'm can't believe it either but on second thought you know what I thinking?" You said to Bob
"What is it?" Bob said to you
"Take me to bed Mr. Floyd" you said to Bob as you wrapped around your arms around his neck
"Yes ma'am Mrs. Floyd off the bed to go." Bob said to you
As he laid you down in the bed at first to make sure you comfortable, after y'all got in the bed. Bob is starting to progress is to undress you after he undressed you out of the lingerie, he starting to do foreplay on you: like touching & kissing on you though your body and it's making you shivers because the way he touch on you it's like fireworks exploded during 4th of July while warming up during a intimate moment between you & Bob, then he starting to finger you in your vagina out of nowhere and it's making you moaning till you starting getting wet down there for him but lowkey you know you like it. After he making you cum, Bob wanna taste that creampie between your legs after he fingered you down there. But now the finale dessert of the evening is that you want Bob go inside you and he didn't waste no time to take off his boxers and the first time you see his dick (which is hard as a rock & lengthy too also) so he hop back in the bed while you laying there still naked, as he on top of you, y'all two said y'all little hellos:
"Hey" you said while laying there naked
"Hi there gorgeous" Bob said back to you
After y'all two said y'all little greetings, he starting to put his tip inside of you, at first it's was a little unpleasant under there but he make sure you that it's be painless the best he can.
"Ready, my sweet girl?" Bob said to you
"Yes, my love I'm ready" you said to him back
After hours of making love in the bed, y'all two starting to get tired so after y'all finished, Bob run the warm shower water after y'all made a little mess in the bed, while during showering he kiss you on your temple, showing you more love & affection that a man would ever had on his wife before in a intimate moment like this.
Time Jump: 5 Years Later:
You already graduating from college but now y'all are home owners of the house that y'all brought for your future family in San Diego, California, also now working at home, during her work on her tablet, Koko felt something awful in her stomach so she went to the toilet to throw up and she quickly having a thought that she might be pregnant, so she went to the store grab 3 or 4 pregnancy tests and then she went back home to try all 4 of them till both of them turned positive. That make Koko excited but nervous at the time because this is gonna be her & Bob's first child together, also she want to make sure her unborn child is need the love & affection like she want it to be but also understanding that the child is gonna be biracial so she wanna make sure that he or she don't wanna felt like a outsider as well but she know that her & Bob did talk about having children. Plus she did have the talk about race with him because he have to remember that he white and she black so he understands and empathize where Koko is coming from though because what going on today's society because how people can be. After Bob come home from work from Top Gun, you greeted him after he came in with a big hug & a kiss on the lips telling him how his day at Top Gun was:
"Hey Honey" you said to Bob
"Hey Baby" Bob said back to you after he got in the house
"How was work today?" You said to him
"It's good but same old" he said back to you
"Honey I'm got you a little present" you said to him while getting something out of the bathroom
"Oh really what is it, if is that gaming chair that you been looking for you know we can get it till" Bob said to you till he stop on his tracks
"What in the little bag, sweetheart?" he said to you
"Open it" you said to him
"A p-pregnancy test??" He said to you while he was shocked
"Yes baby you gonna be a daddy!!" You said to him while you were happy but nervous at the same time
"Oh honey I'm can't believe you been hiding it till now so that why you been feeling not good especially when we eating last night why you didn't tell me though?" Bob said to you
"I'm didn't want to impose because of your work schedule or stuff you like to do after work or-" Koko said to you till he stop you from talking
"Baby listen, you know all my life I'm always want to be a father but also never thought I'll dreamed that it would come the right time with the right person till you show up to bright my life up and make me feel I'm can be myself don't matter how awkward or nerdy that I am, you make me feel love that i never felt like this before when I'm with you." Bob said to you while he expressed his feelings to you.
"Baby boy I'm glad that I found you, you been with me through the ups & downs regardless how bad situations can be sometimes but you always comfort me to make sure that everything is gonna be okay and we gonna get through this don't matter what weather is coming our way so I cherished that for the rest of our lives for that I love you till the wheels fall off." You said to Bob
"I love you too baby forever & always" Bob smiles to you while he hugging you & kissing on your forehead in the kitchen. ❤
A/N: Well this is the final chapter of this story, I'm can't believe it's finally over but I really like this storyline and I hope people gonna like it till next time yall. 😘😌
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thehellsystem · 7 months
Julian kingdom lore because my mutuals love this little gay man and their askboxes are suffering for it so I'm just gonna slap it down in case they want to read it
The kingdom he's from is known as Mōna (yes it's just the old word for moon don't yell at me for being lazy) with the main religion being worship of the moon itself. There are rumors of a moon deity, but worshipping a deity is still less common than the moon itself. The rumors of a deity began when a teifling with non-traditional purple skin spoke of how his ancestors were descended from the spirit of the Moon itself and how it spoke directly to him. It provided him with prophecies that would one day save the kingdom from its fall, as long as he would be allowed to become king. Nobilty wasn't promiment before then, so it was kind of a failsave measure. A "Well, I guess we can't go too wrong here. This guy says he can help!" So, he was appointed king and his bloodline has ruled ever since.
Their magic is more in-touch than the average tiefling, as they are capable of necromancy with little studying. Most royalty in the family dresses in blue, despite their common purple skin and horns. Blue, gray, and silver are the most common tones in custom-designed royal clothes. Also they have custom corsets because their tails do cat/dog things and it's considered undignified if you get excited during a meeting and your tail starts wagging.
SO that's essentially how Julian's bloodline came into power but here's some other stuff
Their religion does revolve around worshipping the Moon as a non-sentient being that gives prophecies and sent the royal family, but people will pray to the Moon Spirit, so it's still custom to have places designated for prayer. They don't have closed in churches, hedge mazes are more common because they're open to the moon's light, but still closed in enough that people won't interrupt prayer. They're generally created a ways away from where city lights will shine, but where the moon will illuminate the center of the maze at its peak. There are stone benches designated to sit on and plates designated for food for the Moon like fancy wines and cheese and mooncakes. It's considered rude to leave food there while the moon is in its crescent form or not visible, as it symbolizes a desire for it to stay like that.
There's festivals to celebrate special occasions like eclipses, full moons, and blood moons. Royal kids born on these occasions are also considered to be special and automatically override any previous establishments of which child is heir.
There are six towns throughout the kingdom. While there are smaller ones, these six are officially recognized.
New Moon Village is a smaller village with few shops. It's mostly people selling food and animals that are lower-quality. It's easier to buy the essentials for a cheap price there. Crescent Town is known for its trading. Very few people there will accept coins in exchange for wares. It's well-worth trading up, however, due to the high-quality potions made by the wizards living in the town.
Blacksmiths are the most well-known part of Quarter Town. Their weapons are known throughout the kingdom to be the best, used even by the royal family. It's not nearly as big as most other towns in the kingdom, but there are a few manors scattered around it that work with the blacksmiths as their businesses. It's also most commonly populated by orcs and half-orcs.
Gibbous City is by the ocean. It's known for its tall buildings that seem to reach the sky, which is an achievement in a kingdom in a medieval period. It's not modern by any sense, but the other two kingdoms in the area don't have anything of the sort. The taverns and inns are high-quality, easy to be rented out due to the amount of tourists in the area from the other kingdoms coming to sightsee.
Full Moon Town is intended for the upper-class. Not quite the royal family, but like, their second cousins wives. Opposed to Gibbous City, there aren't many suitable inns or taverns to visit, as the people living there already have homes and aren't exactly interested in entertaining having people sharing their property with them.
Moon City is where the castle is, in the center of all the other towns. It's not popular as a tourist sight, despite this. The people there aren't opposed to trading or selling but they aren't as high-quality as as in Crescent Town.
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eats-the-stars · 3 years
one sucky thing about being the only autistic person in my household is that nobody wants me to info-dump or get too excited about something because i come across too intense or manic or something? and it’s like i’m just excited but...guess i’ll suppress this and go to my room or something? and just...try not to get too excited? ever? i dunno, my family is pretty good, sometimes i just think about how i’ve been told to “calm down” my whole life every time i get excited about something, like it’s inappropriate to be excited? so i just can’t? i have to just...be the same emotion all the time. which is “not excited.” I’m probably not expressing this totally right, but i think the autistic idea of excitement might be different from the neurotypical one? because i’m the only one who gets this hyped about my interests but i have to like, reserve info-dumping to when i’m alone in my room with my dog...
oh! also i’m pretty sure about this excitement thing because i DO have some semi-regular contact with one other autistic person. my sister’s bff has an autistic younger brother and we both get dragged along to their friend-dates sometimes, so they usually talk about one thing and we usually talk about other things and i noticed that when we both hit on some mutual interest, then we both start getting excited the same way and like talking faster and being more intense and openly interested in the topic since someone was actually responding with interest instead of being like “woah calm down there.” the last time we vibed like that we were in a restaurant, though, and our sisters were both like “alright that’s enough of that topic.” so...kind of bitter. like...i get it, people get uncomfortable seeing someone get excited and loud in public, but...it’s also really fun, and harmless, and i don’t really like feeling like something like “excitement over a common interest” is a bad emotion that i shouldn’t express. don’t know if i’m explaining this the best, might have to think about it more.
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❛ ROJO ❜
Songfic with ‘Rojo’, J Balvin.
Translation of the lyrics.
with Nestor Oceteva.
Request #1: Can you maybe do a Nestor imagine where you're Emily's cousin or half sister and you're living with Emily and Miguel temporarily. You've been flirting and teasing him and it finally comes to a head. Smut involved please?
Request #2: hi hi! I have a steamy request~! (If it's not a bother, of course) Nestor + reader are at a club and they keep teasing him,, maybe you can include lines like “shit, mami, you made a mess” and “you just want the others to hear me fuck you, huh?” 😗👉🏼👈🏼 thank youuu c:
BY @glitchinqhoul.
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Warnings: nsfw, smut.
Word count: about 3.6k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on google.
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A quién le mientes si en tu soledad quieres verme otra vez. Por ti respondo lo que tú me das, lo que nadie sabe…
Being Emily's half—sister hasn't been easy. She was a good student, the modelic daughter, always being kind, correct and polite. You used to be like the day and the night. But you supposed that this has to be with the fact that your blood isn't the same. She's american, and you're half—mexican. Different cultures, different cities, different people… Different lifes. But that wasn't a problem to adore each other. Emily and you have been best friends since ever, and even if you're the wild side she doesn't have, you admire her temperance.
When your college in Mexico told you that you could do the MIR at Santo Padre, you both were screaming by the phone for two minutes non-stop, until you heard Miguel telling you to stay at his home. That wasn't a bad idea, keeping in mind that you also could see Nestor every day, for the next six month. That man drives you insane since you met him, and he isn't very sane either.
You're checking the hour on the clock of your car, almost reaching the border with California, checking again that your passport and your papers signed for the University are on the copilot seat. So, when you stop at the frontier, you just have to roll down the window and offer them to the agent. Once that you're actually in American territory, you speed up by the empty road a little confused from not seeing any cars. Actually, you're just tired after almost two days driving. Because yes, you could have flown to San Diego, and rented a car. But you like your old Mustang. He has been with you since seven years ago. Coming back to reality, you see through the rearview two big black SUVs coming closer until one of them places itself after you, making you a signal to stop.
Stopping by a side, you step out of your car as Emily does, both running to each other to collide in a happy hug, screaming again and almost jumping.
“Look at you, doctora!” She says laughing and holding your hands, pulling herself away some seconds, before hugging at you again. “C'mon, let Frankie drive your car, so you can rest a little in ours”.
To your surprise, Nestor isn't the one who is driving, supposing that he's in the other black car before yours. But you're sure he's as excited as you are, waiting to have five minutes alone.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
Miguel has organized a party with his sober friends. And you're not in the mood to partying, but the tequila helps a little. You're jumping from senators and other politicians, to lawyers and other rich men, just because your brother-in-law is proud of you. And that makes you feel good, but it's kinda boring. So, when you find a space to disappear, you do it at the speed of the light. Finding shelter in the big garage between expensive cars of different sizes and kinds. Resting your back against the classic red Porsche, you light up a smoke among your lips to take a deep drag. You appreciate all the love that Mikey feels for you, and all the help he always gives you, but you're not the kind of girl who has these kinds of parties.
Turning around for an instant, when you hear the door getting opened, to watch Nestor walking towards you. Rolling your eyes, you smirk at him.
“Ay, ya, no me digas que te pusieron en modo perrito guardián, flaco”. (C'mon, don't tell me that Miguel made you be a guard dog). You laugh shaking your head.
“Más o menos”. (More or less). He says taking you off the cig to smoke from it.
“Okay, ládrame, ándale”. (Okay, bark at me, go ahead).
“Soy más de morder”. (I'm more into biting).
“Mírale… Isn't too early to start with that game?”
“Nah”. He replies bowing to the floor to leave the cig, before placing both hands on your ankles, pulling up the long white skirt of your dress too slowly.
Your eyes are fixed on his, getting somewhat darker as his fingertips touch slightly your skin, until he's able to settle between your legs, that you have been opening for him unconsciously. Soon, his lips find your neck, twisting it enough to give him all the space possible. Your hands go to his head, uttering a soft moan when he nails his hands on your ass under the dress. This is your game. You have it since you met, and it's one of your favorite things. A tug of war to see who gives more.
“Fuck, Nestor”. You mutter biting your lower lip, at the same time his teeth catch your skin, putting himself somewhat closer.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“Hey, teens in heat, we're going to serve the coctel!” You can hear Emily's laughs from the other side of the door, making you feel your cheeks burning.
“We're going!” You reply a little loud, with Nestor chuckling against your neck.
Pulling him away to put on your dress well, you arrange your mane behind your shoulders before starting to walk back to the house. But when you're about to open the door, he grabs your wrist to make you turn around. Crashing your mouth with his, the man kisses you trying to hide how much he has missed you after five month without seeing each other. Even so, it becomes softer, slow, as if you have all the time you need. His arms surrounding your waist, and yours the back of his head. You're sure that he has never kissed you like that, but it feels too good. Nestor's touch has been ever so warm that could melt the coldest heart, actually, more or less like yours.
Tres y cuatro de la mañana, ven, mata estas ganas. Vamos a llegarle a mi cama, que todo lo he ignorado por ti, todo ha sido por ti. Mi cuerpo sin saber te llama.
You like to eat. You enjoy eating, and that coctel wasn't enough for you. So, waiting by reading some emails until the family is already sleeping, you step out of your new room silent like a cat. Going downstairs, you walk towards the kitchen to assault the freezer.
“Bendito Miguel”.
You whisper finding all the chocolate ice cream he has bought for you. Grabbing one of the tubs and a big spoon, you sit at the island in the center of the kitchen, with the lights off. And you were so concentrated on your task, that you didn't hear Nestor coming. Not even noticing his presence until he nails a second spoon into the tub.
“Shit! Nestor! Fuck… You're gonna fucking kill me one of these days”. You mutter, placing both hands on your chest, with the covered inside your mouth.
The man chuckles almost in silence, having some ice cream.
“Seriously, you need to stop of being this fucking silent”.
“Yeah, I know you like me being loud”.
Raising your eyebrows, you finally shake your head before such an occurrence.
“What about the kiss?”
“What kiss?” He asks a little confused. “Oh! Ya. What happens with that? It was just a kiss?”
“Yes, for sure”.
“I was just happy for you being here. We're friends, it's been five month since we met last time”.
Right in the friend-with-benefits zone, while you were thinking that finally he was catching the same feelings you have for him.
“It sounded as if I just stabbed you”.
“Why would my friend like to stab me?”
Y estas no son horas de llamar, pero es que el deseo siempre puede más. Podemos pelearnos y hasta alejarnos, pero cuando llega la hora.
You didn't know that Miguel was a friend of the director of the hospital you're going to work at. And he settled a dinner to meet him. Another boring one, and you start to think that your brother-in-law wants to kill you and doesn't know how to do it. You love your work and what you do, but the work stays in the hospital, and you were too distracted about Nestor's words last night. You have been avoiding him the whole day, not even looking at him in the dinner, placed some meters away from the table studying the perimeter. And you know that he's getting more nervous as the hours pass by.
After finishing the meeting, you finally can breathe again inside the big car, checking some messages from your father asking how everything is going. You better don't reply. Keeping it inside your small bag, before leaning towards the front seat with both arms on them.
“Hey, Cartel daddy”.
Your sister breaks into laughs because of the sophisticated name, while Miguel turns at you frowning.
“Listen. Why don't I pull out the stick inside your ass and we go to a real party, ah? There's a new club some minutes ago from Santo Padre, and looks cool”.
“Did you ca—”.
“Hey, Pocahontas, that's the address”. You say to Nestor, offering him your phone to grab it.
Emily is drowning with her own laughs by your side, making you laugh too, when she remembers that you're not allowed to drink red wine because of this. You have the mania of giving funny names to everybody around you.
“What? Cartel daddy and Pocahontas. Sounds like a bad netflix tv-show I would watch”.
Tratan y se caen de la mata, quieren comprarte siempre con plata, pero ese tesoro tiene pirata. Me voy a toda por ti.
While the men prefer a reserved, watching the whole dancefloor from there, and talking about business and appointments, Emily and you enjoy a bunch of mimosas among the crowd jumping and having fun. You really needed it. And you're aware that she already knows that something is happening between the head security and you. Something bad. She doesn't have to be the most intelligent person of the world.
“I would tell him what I feel!” Your sister says, trying to make you hear her above the noise.
“He kicked my ass to the friend zone last night!” The blonde wrinkles her nose confused, seeing you nodding and drinking by your straw.
“Are you kidding me?! He was super excited to see you again! Like super excited!”
“Yeah! He kissed me! But he kissed me like Miguel kisses you! Then he told me it was just a kiss!”
“He's in love with you!”
“No, sista! He's only in love with your husband and with himself!”
“Tell him you don't want to be just his friend!”
“Me?! Oh, no, darling! I'm not gonna humiliate myself like that!”
“C'mon! You fucking pendejos!” She pouts at you.
“You just want Nestor to have a girlfriend, so you can spend more time with your husband! Bitch, I know you better than anyone!”
“I want my little sister to be happy!”
“You want your Cartel daddy!” Breaking into laughs, you place an arm on her shoulders to come back to the reserved.
“What's so funny?” Miguel asks pouring some champagne on two glasses.
“Your wife wants to settle me on a blind date”.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“I'm not going to let you go on a blind date”.
You were refreshing your nape and wrists with water, when you heard him coming closer after locking the bathroom door of the reserved Miguel rented. Looking at him through the mirror, you give him your back to grab some paper and dry your hands. Throwing it into the bin, you turn around to face him.
“It's dangerous”. He just says, tangling his hands on a fist under his abdomen.
“You stabbed me last night, and I survived. I'm pretty sure I will survive to a blind date”. Good point, taking the advantage to pass him away.
But he stops you with an arm surrounding your waist. His chest meeting your back, while his free hand wraps your throat. You're feeling the characteristic heat that Nestor produces in you being so close, running up your legs to your low belly. His thumb caresses your skin, over the jugular vein, leaning towards you to kiss the line of your jaw. Biting your bottom lip, wrapping his wrists letting the free hand goes down by your stomach with a clear destiny.
“We are made for each other”. Nestor mumbles into your ear with a horse tone of voice.
“Yes, to be friends”. You tease him, grabbing his wrist to make him stop, wanting to hear the reality coming from his mouth.
“To be together”. He corrects you then, without a single doubt hitting his vocal chords and turning you under his hands.
Crashing his lips on yours, he makes you walk backwards until your body finds the cold wall. He's as eager as you are, lifting up a leg to surround his waist, while his hand toures your skin until being able to squeeze your ass with a warm growl dying inside his throat.
“I want you in all the ways possible, (Y/N)”. He mutters, trying to hide the anger he feels imagining you with another man. “I want you with me. Only with me”.
Pulling him to the black and golden velvet armchair, you watch him undoing his belt and his pants zipper, noticing the rock under his clothes. Seeing him rolling them down his legs to his ankles, while you take off your dress to leave it over the sink, to sit over his lap with his body between your legs. You haven't taken off the white lace panties, because you know how much he likes the friction of them in every move he does, on a side of his sensible skin. While one of his big hands massage your breast with some strength, the ringed one strokes his needed cock, lying back on the couch.
“Do you wanna fuck me?” You whisper into his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt to stroke his bare chest.
“You don' know how much I need your pussy, cariño”. He just says, looking at you with parted lips grabbing his erection between your fingers.
“I don't think that's enough”. Teasing him, you guide his throbbing and warmth glans to your folds, pressing it against your wet clit and swinging softly your hips.
“I've been waiting five months for you jumping over my cock, mami. You know I am fucking desperate for your soaked pussy suffocating me and pushing me into the limit”. Nestor almost begs, placing his hands on both sides of your waist. “Ride your cock, baby. Look at how hard it's because of you. It fucking painful”.
“And what if I punish you about what you said last night… putting my clothes on again and leaving you there alone, ah?”
“Don't do that shit, (Y/N). I fucking implore you”. He quickly complains pecking your lips with short kisses. “You're already fucking killing me”.
Leading a little back his hardness between your legs, you dig it into you slowly, feeling every inch of his erection pressing your tight walls. He's thicker than you can remember, having passed too much time since the last time, needing some seconds to mold your body to his. A soft moan escapes from your mouths when his glans pushes your g-spot, urging you to spread more your legs forcing you to feel him completely. And you can't describe that sensation.
“Tell me you didn't miss my cock…” He chuckles, erasing that fancy smile from his lips by swinging your hips just one time.
His growl echoes throughout the bathroom, before catching your lips between his to bite them, making you dance on top of him. The pleasure is immeasurable, bouncing over his hard rock once and again. Once and again, arching your back under his arms, while his mouth now devours the skin of your neck, wetting it with his saliva and marking every inch with his teeth. The pace becomes rough and faster, slapping your ass with both hands to squeeze your buttocks so needed that you're desiring to feel his cum filling you up. But you like his cock pounding you.
“I'm going to make the others hear you being fucked by me, mi amor…” He bellows, making you beg when pulling out himself from you to get up.
Guiding you quickly to the sink and giving him your back, placing a hand on your nape, he makes you lean over the sink before putting aside your panties to thrust his soaked cock back to your pussy. The scream you utter when his pelvis hits you so rough, isn't normal. Being sure that your sister and Miguel already heard you. His hands nailed on your hips make each lunge deeper, watching him through the mirror the pleased look on his face, while his gaze is fixed in your. He enjoys seeing you bite your bottom lip and closing your eyes, every time he slaps you with his ringed fingers, knowing that this pleasure it's going to fuck you up tomorrow. But you love the way he has to uninhibit himself, after being the whole day following orders.
“Shit, baby… I want you all my fucking life”. He gasps leaning his head back with closed eyelids, impaling you against the marble counter of the sink.
Maybe you should have taken off the heels to not lose the balance, but you didn't think about it, and now you're fighting against your shaky legs.
“Look how good you take it all… my fucking god, (Y/N). You're fucking drenching me”.
Yes, you can feel it. You can feel your juices and his slipping down your thighs, producing a soaked dirty sound every time his body collides with yours so hard. Urging you to incorporate your chest from the sink with a hand grabbing your throat and the other arm surrounding your waist, Nestor arches your back, placing his face on your shoulder.
“Drown my fucking… dick with your cum, mi amor…” He begs you, biting your love, without removing his darkened orbs from yours, through your reflections.
“Shit, Nestor…” You're not sure when you start to cry because of the pleasure, needing more, needing to reach the orgasm. “Fuck me harder, I fucking beg you… Por favor”.
You can't barely breathe when his finger finds your clit, stroking it with the same pace he's embedding you against the furnishing. Your moans dance all around the bathroom, while he's gasping over your ear how much he wants to fuck you for the rest of his life, everywhere, at anytime you want it. And by crying out his name and clinging to him, a lash of heat evolves you, making your pussy twitch uncontrollably as the tears fall down your cheek. Your palpitating walls clenching his cock, making his vocals get louder as long as he continues diving his warmth hardness into you, closer from his own ecstasy.
You don't need to tell him that you want him to cum inside you, mixing it with yours, because he already has other plans. Pulling himself out and jerking off his dick, he spills his seed over your wet panties, bathing them on it as his throat collapses because of the pleasure. But don't waste time putting them to the side again to pound you again, pressing his body against yours as much as he can, holding your anatomy into his arms.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
It's four am and you can't sleep thinking about what he said to you. Sighing, you sit up on your bed, curling your knees against your chest and surrounding them with both arms. He already told you that he wants you, but was he talking or his jealousy? You're doubting about going to his house, or texting him, or doing anything. Grabbing your phone from the nightstand and a cig from the packet, you step out of your dorm to walk downstairs towards the terrace. Sitting on one of the sofas outside, you light the smoke to have a drag, unlocking your phone. Your trembling fingers touch the screen over the keyboard; writing and deleting, writing and deleting. But you're unable to send any message. Feeling stupid, you finally write him that you can't sleep, listening the ding of your own notification so close that makes you frown confused.
“Me neither”.
With your lips pursed and a leg curled over the sofa, you turn ashamed towards him. Nestor is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white big shirt. You're sure that you have never seen him before without wearing a suit. And you are falling loudly for him much more than ever. Putting out the cigarette, you stand up on your feet to lead them towards you.
“Stay with me, at least tonight”. You mutter, tangling your fingers with his.
“But move with me tomorrow”. Nestor asks you then, before hugging you as close as he can.
“Deal”. You reply, placing your chin on his chest to look at him, receiving some short kisses all around your face that make you laugh.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Turn for the Better
Someone To Stay Ch. 1
Spencer x fem!reader
Spencer POV:
I open my eyes and glance around the room. It's darker than I remember. I must have fallen asleep reading on the couch again. I glance down and see a pile of books on the rug. Oh yeah...I only made it through about four books this time before I nodded off. I sigh in frustration that I'm awake. Might as well get up I suppose.
I wander into the kitchen and pull open the fridge only to be met with a jar of peanut butter, week old left overs, and a half empty jug of juice. Next.
I try again with the pantry. Almost completely bare. I guess this is what happens when you stop going to the grocery store. I settle on a cup of apple juice and a bag of chips... better than nothing right?
I slump back down onto the couch and pull my green wool blanket over me. As I stare up at my ceiling, as I begin to let my mind wander. But this was dangerous territory. I have to keep my mind occupied, I just have to. So I quickly sit back up and turn the TV to one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes. They say that anxious people re-watch the same shows because they find the familiarity comforting. I could definitely understand the feeling.
It was the weekend, which meant I wasn't called into work. Cases had been slow lately, as we spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork back at the office. Unfortunately for me, this meant less distractions. Distractions were good. Distractions were necessary. They are the only way I make it through the days anymore.
Things had finally returned to normal for me back at work. I was going into the field, and it felt like my coworkers were no longer tiptoeing around me. I hate when they do that, and it bothers me more than any amount of teasing ever could. I'm not so delicate, so easily breakable. Look at everything I have been through, everything I have endured. Yet here I am, still alive, still doing my job. I didn't need to be babied. So it was a relief when I felt the regular rapport I shared with my friends return. They had gone back to the sarcastic remarks and silly nicknames. I was grateful for it. They did, however, continue to check up on me. This was something that I did appreciate. They've seen me go down a dark road once before. I have no intentions of ever returning. I was stronger than that... I think. All I know is I have held on this long without resorting to any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Coping mechanisms...oh how I wish I had something to make the healing process easier. Having a fairly empty social calendar left me alone often. Normally I would find comfort in the peace and quiet of my solitary apartment, but not quite so much lately. I couldn't very well make plans to go out, and I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that. Who would want to hang out with me right now anyways? I'd be a damper on the fun, and everyone knows it. That's probably why my friends stopped inviting me to the nights at the bar.
There I go again, letting my mind slip into a dark hole of anxiety. Its not a safe place to be. I quickly turn my attention back to the show in front of me, letting it drown out all other thoughts.
The ring of my phone quickly draws my attention away. Finally...another case! I jump up to answer, seeing the name on my screen: Derek Morgan. That's odd. Usually Hotch or Garcia call to notify us of a new case.
"Hello?" I answer, confusion lacing my voice.
"Pretty Boy! Buzz me up!"
Well now I'm even more confused. Derek never comes to my apartment. I quickly press the button letting him into the building and opening my apartment door, waiting for him to arrive.
As he comes up the stairs, he gives me a grin shouting, "Come on man! Get dressed. We're goin' out!"
I roll my eyes and retreat back into the apartment, Derek close behind me.
I sink back onto the couch, my eyes glued to the television as I tune him out.
"Aw c'mon. Don't be like that. How long have you been sitting there watching TV? Have you done anything else today, at all?"
I don't answer, I don't even look at him.
"Oh, let me guess. You've been reading all day, huh?"
"Wow, can't get anything past you huh?" I say dryly, regretting my tone as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Alright that it. You've been cooped up in here too long. Like I said before, we're going out. And I'm not taking no for an answer" he says sternly, raising an eyebrow at me.
I finally look up at him as I roll my eyes.
"You know I can kick your ass right?" Derek smirks.
"Fine" I concede. "Well...where are we going? I don't know what to wear unless you tell me what our plans are."
"Don't pretend you don't wear the same fancy button ups no matter where you end up going."
I let out a small laugh...he's got me there.
"Dinner at Rossi's. I know pretty boys are high maintenance but, hurry up or you'll make us late!" I smile at the nickname. Same old Derek.
You let out a sigh of relief as you watched your coworker approach you, ready to receive report. It had been a particularly busy shift, and you were ready to get some much-needed rest. You walked to each patient room, giving Clementine summary of the day and the latest updates on labs and vital signs. You stepped into each room with her, checking one last time to make sure each of your patients was doing well and didn't need anything else before you left. Normally you and Clem would spend some time catching up and making jokes, but she could tell you were tired and needed to be home more than anything. You wished her good luck on her shift as you made your way to the break room. After putting away your stethoscope and the large collection of pens, pencils, and markers you kept in your pockets, you finally headed towards the elevator to leave for the day.
You opened the door to your apartment to be greeted by your dog, Juneau. She was a rescue you adopted a few months back. She still needed to make progress, but she had really warmed up to you and your friends and seemed much more comfortable in her new home. After feeding her dinner and taking her for a short walk, you heated up a quick frozen dinner and sunk into your couch.  Curling up in your blanket, you spent a few minutes browsing through different streaming services only to land on The Office, as usual.  Your mind drifts to what your next few days might consist off. You just so happened to land 4 days off in a row, but you had no idea how you would spend your time. You glanced down at your phone as it lit up.  It was your Uncle Will.
"Hey, whats up!" you chimed, glad to hear from your favorite uncle.
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm actually calling to invite you to a dinner some friends of mine are having tomorrow night. I know your schedule is real busy. But I haven't seen you much since you moved up here to Virginia! I know you haven't met many people here yet, but I think I can help you make a start. "
The kind gesture made you smile. You had always been fairly close with your father's side of the family. He had grown up in Louisiana and met your mother at a college in Texas. You spent your childhood in Houston but frequently visited the Cajun half of your family. Uncle Will had moved away once he fell in love with Jenifer Jareau, his now wife, and you hadn't seem much of him the past few years. But as luck would have it, your nursing career had lead you to a hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. You felt extremely lucky to have family nearby, or else you would have been completely alone. But sometimes you still felt that way, which is why you were so grateful for his offer.
"That actually sounds great! I am off for the next four days, and I didn't really have anything planned. Who will I be meeting at this dinner?"
"Well it's some of JJ's coworkers. They're like a second family to us, and I know they'll be just as welcoming to you. I already told them you moved up here, and they've been begging to meet you."
"Aww I can't wait to see Aunt JJ and my sweet little cousin, Henry! Its been so long since I came to visit you guys. I think Henry was barely two years old the last time I saw him."
"Well we all hope to see you a lot more now that you're here. You're like a daughter to us, Y/N. You are welcome to visit any time you like. I know nursing is a stressful job, and it can take a toll. Its important to have family and friends around you when things get tough." You could hear that this was a genuine offer and you fully planned to take him up on it in the future. Being alone in a new state was taking its toll.
"So where and when should I plan to meet for dinner?"
"I'll text you the address real quick. Everyone is planning to meet around 6. It shouldn't be too far of a drive. It's one of JJ's coworker's houses. David Rossi. He's a real easygoing guy, and he loves cooking for everyone. He loves meeting new people even more, so you should feel right at home!"
"Sounds like a fun time. Thank you again for thinking to invite me. I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Alright boo, talk to you later."
You smiled at the pet name used by the entire Louisiana side of your family. I guess the north had yet to steal his southern roots. You hung up the phone. You finally had plans. It would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't a coworker.  It would also be your first excuse to dress up since moving and starting your new job. Too excited to wait, you jumped up from the couch and began to rifle through your closet for something to wear. You didn't want to be too over or underdressed. You grabbed a black spaghetti strap fit and flare dress and throw it on with some black panty hose, a lightweight maroon cardigan, and some black heels. You snapped a quick photo in the mirror and shoot a text to Aunt JJ.
Y/N: Apparently I'm joining y'all for dinner tomorrow night...is this too much???
Aunt JJ: I heard! I can't wait!
And oh my goodness, no! You look gorgeous! It will be perfect.
Also...Henry is so excited to see you!
You smiled, more confident in your choice. Aunt JJ had great taste. You had only had the chance to meet her in person a couple times, but the two of you had clicked right away and stayed in touch over text and Facetime. Sometimes she felt more like the sister you never had.
Starting to feel the effects of your particularly difficult shift, you start to get ready for bed. You wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. You say goodnight to Juneau and crawl into bed, snuggled under all the blankets. You fall asleep with a smile on your face, with the feeling that things in your life are about to take a turn for the better. You couldn't explain it...but somehow you just knew.
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 8- Glamorous Girls’ Night
Warnings:- Very mild cursing, alcohol
Characters:- Arielle Valentine, Sienna Trinh, Ethan Ramsey, Naveen Banerji, Alyssa Raines, Kyra Santana, Ines Delarosa, Jackie Varma, Arabelle Raines
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You wake up to Sienna's calls which by the time you go to pick up ends. Yawning you rub your eyes and reach for your phone. You unlock it to find seven missed calls and innumerable texts from Sienna.
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“OMG Si! I’m sooo sorry!! I didn’t see your texts at all! Please forgive me!!🥺🥺🥺”, you text back.
"..Fine. Only cause you're my bestie. Now I'm calling you, you're going to answer and tell me word for word of what happened yesterday night as punishment!" She texts you back almost immediately.
"Deal! Just give me a few minutes.", you reply. Getting up from the bed you reach for your bag to take out the things that you need. After brushing your teeth and then combing your hair you unlock your phone again. Going through the contact list you stop at Sienna's number and video call her. "Hi!" Sienna greets you excited.
"Hi," you say.
"You've got a lot to say Ari. But before that, everything is okay, right?" Her concerned voice asks.
"Yes, everything is fine," you smile at her concern.
"Good! Now I need all the details about the "work" you were doing that kept you so busy that you couldn't even reply to my texts or pick my call." You roll your eyes even though she can't see.
"The "work" I was doing was finding out what's wrong with my godfather. And I couldn't reply because I was sleeping."
"Ooh! "
"What "ooh!"?"
"Sleeping with your... " She doesn't finish the sentence but you don't need her to, you already know what she's saying.
"God Si! He's my boss!" She snickers.
"And I’m in his guest room, he's in his room!"
"I know Ari. I was just teasing you. You don't need to explain things to me."
"I know."
"But I need all the details though. What you talked about, even Dr. Banerji's symptoms and what diagnosis you guys made. Everything!" "Fine!" I start filling her with Naveen's condition and the diseases we ruled out.
"That's all?" She asks after I am done.
"Medicine can't be the only thing you talked about..."
"Si," I try to warn her to stop teasing me.
"C'mon! There must be something!"
"Umm... his dog? He's so freaking cute! I almost tripped while watching him," you start saying. Well, correction, I tripped while watching him," you laugh.
"You tripped? And you are telling that to me now! Are you hurt?" Sienna switches to mother hen mode.
"Calm down Si! I sprained my ankle slightly but that's it."
"How badly did you injure yourself?
“I think I injured myself quite bad? I couldn't even walk properly, don’t worry it’s fine now! Dr. Ramsey had to carry me inside-" you abruptly stop realizing what you just said. You see Sienna's smirk growing wider.
"He did what?!" She asked surprised.
“Fine! He was just helping me okay?”
"Sureeee!" She says in a teasing voice, " I mean obviously bosses invite their interns to their home and then carries them inside like their bride!”
"Sienna!" I exclaim in a shocked voice and she laughs. You both talk for a little while and then wave goodbye. After ending your phone call with Si, you head out to the empty living room. “Hmm...he must be sleeping. Thank god, or else he would have heard everything!” You open the fridge and spot a bottle of almond milk. You pour yourself a glass and just try to relax, but can’t. Yesterday’s events keep running through your mind until you can’t take it anymore. You wash your glass and keep it aside when you spot a yoga mat tucked away in the corner. You go to your room and get dressed in the simple grey and black outfit, pulling your hair into a high ponytail. Wearing your AirPods, you play a playlist of tunes and head out to stretch. You start with slowly stretching our your entire sore body, making sure not to put much weight on your ankle. Starting with a few simple positions, you slowly work your way up to the harder ones. Pulling out your phone, you quickly set a timer and flex yourself into another position, just as the flash goes off. You quickly post it on Instagram.
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Ethan’s PoV:-
You wake up to the alarm you set for 6:45, brushing and flossing your teeth. You pull on a dark grey v-neck and head out with a half-asleep where you see Arielle in a very twisted, complex position. Not knowing why, you find yourself mesmerised by the fluid way she moves her body from one position to the next. She arches her back and kicks her leg up, twisting her head to the side when she sees you leaning near the doorframe. Letting out a small yelp of surprise, she quickly brushes herself off, taking off her earphones and heads towards you. “Good morning! I didn’t see you there.” You can’t but help trail your eyes over her body, skin-tight leggings and all. She doesn’t seem to notice as she focuses her attention on Jenner.
“Hey, boy! Looks like somebody’s sleepy!” She looks up at you. “I hope you don’t mind, I grabbed a glass of almond milk from the fridge. You were sleeping and I didn’t want to disturb you.”, she says as she scoops him into her arms.
“That’s quite alright. You do know I have a treadmill here right? You can use it if you want, there’s also some other equipment here.” You lead her to an open but tucked away place where you’ve set up all your equipment.
“Join me.”, she says.
“I will.” You head to your room and pull on an outfit and find her using your old treadmill, talking to Jenner at the same time. You’ve never seen Jenner get along with someone this quickly.
“I don’t know why you bought a new one. This is perfectly fine.”, she says as she notices you enter.
“For your height, yes. The handlebars are quite short.”
“Hey! I can’t help it that I’m short! Plus, you’re 6’4”! That’s as tall as a basketball player!”, she says ridiculously. You laugh as you start running on the new treadmill beside her. In 30 minutes, both of you have worked up a good sweat and appetite.
“Okay, I’m done! I’m going to take a shower and then we’ll make something for breakfast.” She heads off to her room as you finish off yours and jump in the shower. After getting dressed and drying your hair until it’s damp, you head into the kitchen to find her climbing on top of the kitchen counter. She’s dressed in a very short hoodie and jeans...or leggings, you’re not quite sure.
“What are you doing?!”
She turns around as she shouts, “Don’t sneak up on a girl like that! I’m trying to grab that pan. Why do you keep everything up so high?!” Laughing, you grab the pan from the shelf with ease and hand to her as she gets down.
“You do know how to cook, right?” She gives you an incredulous look.
“I’m making banana French Toast. Is that okay? I mean you have all the ingredients.” Thank god she isn’t making pancakes.
“Okay, So what’s your recipe?” She gestures to a spread of ingredients. “I need two bowls, a fork and a electric whisk.” You pull out everything from the cabinets and hand it to her. “Okay, first we’ll start with the eggs.” She cracks a few into the bowl and whisks them vigorously until they turn pale yellow and frothy. “Now the sugar and butter.” You hand her the softened butter and sugar. Without measuring, she adds them into the eggs.
“No measuring?”, you ask.
“Naveen.”, she nonchalantly responds as she beats the mixture. You recall the times of when he would cook, never using any type of measurement.
“That man despises measuring cups.”
“Tell me about it! Him and my cousin have debates about it every single time they meet. My cousin’s a professional chef. Now, hand me those ripe bananas.” Handing them over, she quickly peels and mashes them together, adding a lot of vanilla extract. You raise an eyebrow.
“It tastes much better! Now the milk, just enough to thin out the batter.” You hand her the carton of milk. She incorporates it into the batter. Then picking up the bowl of eggs, butter and sugar, she carefully folds it into the banana.
“Okay, done! Now, hand me that pan.” She turns on the stove and adds just a touch of butter to the pan. “If you add too much butter, the bread will become too soft.” She takes a slice of bread and submerges it into the batter. Holding it for a few seconds, she places it onto the pan. Making about 5 pieces while you put away all the ingredients and brew coffee, she places two in one and three in another.
“Do you have chocolate or maple syrup?” You hand her both of them. She pours a little to yours while adding a lot to hers, bringing both the plates to the dining table, along with the coffee you brewed. Jenner starts sniffing the plates.
“No, no, no. Those aren’t for you, they have chocolate. Let’s go get you some food. Where you you keep the dog food?” You pull out Jenner’s food and set a bowl of food and water for him, then go sit down with Arielle.
She pushes the plate with 3 slices towards you. “Try it! It’s one of my special recipes.” You take a bite and you try not to show any emotion. Lord, that is good! “So...how is it?”
“It’s adequate.” She laughs as she takes a bite. Both of you start eating when suddenly her phone rings, Jenner starts barking.
She bends down, “It’s okay, boy. It’s just this.” She shows him her lit up phone. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.”
Arielle’s PoV:-
You open your phone and see it’s Elijah. “Hey Elijah!”
“Where the hell were you, Ari! We were worried!”
“I’m so sorry! I’m at.. my friend’s house right now. I told Si though.”
“Yeah, I know. She tried calling you but you didn’t answer yesterday. Anyways, apparently you left your shift early yesterday? What happened?”
“Oh that. I wasn’t feeling well and Ines sent me home, I’m fine though now. I ended up twisting my ankle so I couldn’t drive home last night. I’ll be at the apartment in an hour.”
“K, see you.” You hang up and turn to Ethan where you find him finishing his plate. “Sorry about that. My roommates were wondering where I was. Sienna covered for me so I’m fine.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you left your shift early?” You wince, completely forgetting what you told him.
“I didn’t exactly want to explain, plus I’m fine now.” He nods.
“How did you all get an apartment together, did you know each other before?” You recount the story of what happened as you finish off breakfast. After helping him with the dishes, you go to your room and pack all your stuff and head towards the door as Ethan follows.
“I had a nice time, although I wish we had met by Naveen introducing us. Probably would have saved me that first dressing down.” You notice a flash of regret in his eyes. “But I still don’t mind how we met.” You wave as you head down to your car, driving towards your apartment. You find Elijah, Sienna and Landry on the sofa, watching a movie. “Hey guys!” They turn to look at you.
“Where were you?”, Landry asks. You’re careful not to give away anything.
“My friend was visiting from Chicago, I went to see him.” You drop your stuff and sit near Sienna, as you watch the movie.
“So...what happened this morning?”, she smirks.
“Nothing! Now shut up!”, you say playfully, but quietly.
A few hours later, you, Sienna and Jackie are lounging on the sofa after lunch. “Guys, I’m bored and burnt out from studying. Let’s do something.”, Jackie says.
“But what? Elijah and Landry have gone to another baseball game for a guys’ night with some of the surgical interns.”, Si says. An idea strikes you.
“Guys, what if we have a girls’ night?! We could have a spa day! What do you say?!”
“That’s a great idea! But who do we invite?”, Si asks. You think.
“Let’s invite Kyra and Ines. I’ll go see if Phoebe’s in. And... I think Alyssa’s in town.”, you say.
“Who’s Alyssa?”, Jackie asks.
“My sister-in-law.”, you reply.
“OMG! Do you mean Alyssa Raines? The fashion icon of all time!?”, Si bursts. You nod.
“Yep! And I think she might bring Arabelle along too.”
Sienna shrieks, “This is going to be so much fun! Right Jackie?!” She rolls her eyes.
“Okay, So I have a bunch of products for whipping up masks and scrubs, so I’ll get them out and start organising after calling Alyssa. You two see if Kyra, Ines and Phoebe are up for it. It’s 3 right now so...tell them to come over at 5.” Both of them step outside the apartment to call Phoebe.
You go into your room and call Aly.
“Aunt Arielle! Hiiiii!”, she shouts. You can hear Aly shouting in the background to give the phone to her.
“Hi Belle. Can you do Zia a favour and give the phone to mommy please?”
“Okay!........Hey Ari!”
“Hey Aly, I was just wondering if you were in town. The girls and I were planning to do a spa day. Do you want to join?”
“I don’t know...I need someone to watch Belle”-
You cut her off. “You can bring Belle along. So, it starts at 5. Can you make it?”
“Umm...let me check.” You hear her talking to one of her assistants. “Yeah, I’ll be there. Do you want me to bring anything?”
You think. “Well...it would be nice if we all had matching robes. I’ll send you the address.”
“I should have something in the warehouse. I’ll see you at 5. Bye!” You hang up and turn around to find Si and Jackie entering.
“So, Phoebe is out of town but Kyra and Ines are coming.”, they say.
“Great! Aly’s coming with Belle and I asked her to bring us all matching robes. So that’s...6 ladies and Belle.” You quickly shoot Aly a text and turn to them.
“Okay, so we’ll need to set up an area, arrange everything and probably make some refreshments.”
“Ooh! I saw these really cute pizza bites on Insta yesterday! I’ll make those and lemonade...and then get out some snacks and make something sweet.”
“Si, that’s a lot. You sure you don’t need help?”
“Nope! I’ve got it!” She heads towards the kitchen, a bounce in her step.
“Okay, So we’ll set up in my room.” You start clearing up space in your huge room, layering blankets and pillows.
“Okay, so I’ll get out some towels, mirrors & bowls and you arrange them, Jackie.”
“She arranges them as she asks you, “You’ve done this before, you’re quite good.”
“I host most of the holidays and celebrations at home.” You open one of your cabinets, revealing boxes and shelfs full of beauty products.
“My god, Arielle! How much do you even have? No wonder your skin is so clear.”
You laugh. “There all my godfather’s secrets. His Indian heritage held so much information about natural skincare, and I’ve been interested since a very young age.” You pull everything out and arrange it on your bed.
“I mean I’m Indian too, but I don’t do any of this, but maybe I should. Wouldn’t hurt to have a little bit of natural beauty.”
“...that’s everything! Let’s go help Sienna.” You both head to the kitchen, a mouthwatering smell wafting from it. After an hour full of prepping, the doorbell rings. You open it and a tiny but strong force collides with your legs. You look up to see Aly standing there, behind her Ines and Kyra.
“Aunt Arielle! Hi!!!”, she adorably says making everything laugh. You scoop her up into your arms and give her a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey Aly!” She gives you a hug.
“Long time no see, Dr. Valentine.” You smile as you lead them inside. “Nice place.”, Aly says.
“Hey, Doc. You never told me you were famous, I mean the Alyssa Raines is your sister-in-law!” You all laugh.
“Well maybe I could have if you had stopped teasing me.”, you counter.
“Hey Arielle, are you feeling better now?”, Ines asks.
“I told you already that day itself, I’m fine. But thank you for asking!” You introduce everyone to everyone and lead them inside.
“Here Ari. I brought the robes you asked for.” Aly hands everyone the robes and everyone gets dressed.
You notice Jackie tense up when Belle walks near her. “She’s really sweet, Jackie. Just talk to her.”
“Hi! What’s your name?”, Belle asks.
“Ooh! That’s a really cool name.” You see Jackie’s eyes flash with surprise as she starts to warm up to her.
“So, why didn’t you get dressed like everyone else?”, Belle asks.
“Because I don’t like to wear them.”
“Aw! Why not! You would look really pretty! But you would look pretty in anything, like my mom and aunt.”, Belle responds. You see Jackie laugh as she leaves to go get changed. Soon everyone is changed and sitting on the makeshift area.
“Okay! Let’s get started! First, get into pairs.”, you say. Kyra picks you, as Aly and Jackie pair up. Sienna and Ines also pair up.
“I’ll help everyone with whatwever they need! Mommy has one, I forgot what they’re called.”, Belle says as you all laugh.
“They’re called an assistant, Belle.”
“As-ashis-...I’ll just help!”, Belle says as you all burst into laughter, again.
“She’s adorable Alyssa! How old is she?”, Ines asks.
“She turned 5 a few months ago. Although sometimes she can act like she’s much older, sometimes.”, Aly replies.
“Okay! We’ll start with hair, taking turns and later rinsing it off in the tub. Okay, so what kind of mask do you all want?”, you ask. After a short discussion, they each decide on a hair mask. You grab the bottle of your coconut hair mask for hydration for you & Kyra, a hibiscus one for hair fall for Si and Ines, and an almond and vitamin E for shine for Jackie and Aly. Everyone settles down and starts.
“You sure know a lot about this stuff.”, Kyra says as you massage the mask into her hair, placing a towel on her neck.
“It’s an interest of mine.”
“Well, if the doctor thing doesn’t work out, you can always turn into a spa worker. Although I’d have to find you a new nickname.”, she says.
“What nickname?”, you turn to see Jackie, Aly massaging her scalp.
“The female version of McDreamy!”, Kyra says. They all burst into giggles.
“Let’s play some music!”, Belle says.
“Great idea, Belle! Can you play some songs from my phone?” She unlocks your phone and plays the playlist you tell her to.
“Ines, there’s a speaker right beside you. Can you turn it on?” She turns it on and music starts blasting. Everyone starts singing but you keep quiet.
“Aunt Arielle, why aren’t you singing?”, Belle asks.
“That’s cause if she sings, we’ll all sounds like giraffes. No offence.”, Jackie says.
“Really, I’ve never heard you sing. If you can sing that well, then I’m making you sing one of Ariana’s songs.” She changes the song to “One Last Time” by Ariana Grande.
You start belting out the first few lines, as others start to join in. By the time you’re finished with the song, your voice is winded.”
“Damn girl, you’ve got pipes!”, Kyra says.
“Why, thank you.”, you say. All of you sing together as you finish up each other’s masks. “Is everyone done?” They all nod.
“Okay, now Jackie and Sienna, go to your bathtubs and fill them up with cold water. Then wash them with the shampoo and conditioner I’m giving you. Whoever did their mask first, wash your hair first.” You hand out all the respective soaps and towels to everyone, then lead Kyra to yours.
You plug the bathtub then turn on the water.
“Okay, So lean your head back after sitting on the stool.” She does as you say.
“So, I guess you’ve been doing this for a long time. I mean like taking care of your hair and skin.”
You nod. “I have. It’s something that my godfather taught me. My hair was always really long and thick, and I always loved taking care of it. Especially when I hit that teenage age, the tips he gave me are still so useful.”
“Oh! I remember when I hit mine, it was horrible. Braces, acne...”, she shudders.
You laugh, “Well look at you now. All done!”, you ring out her hair carefully and wrap it in a towel.
“Okay, now you sit down.” You sit down and flip your hair. She starts massaging and pouring water, cleansing your hair.
“Mmm...That feels good.”
“Your hair is so long! How do you even maintain it! I tried but my hair ended up looking like a bush by the time it got longer than my shoulders!”
“I’ve trained and took care of it from a very young age. My mother died when I was a baby, and my father always said that I always had my mother’s hair. I don’t know, it just feels right...like I’m making her proud when I do something for my hair or skin. I know that sounds silly.”
“It isn’t, it’s quite sweet. But it’s hard not having a mother.”
“It is. But luckily I was fortunate enough to have other amazing people in my life.” She wraps your head in a towel and you both head out to your room where you find the rest of the girls.
“All done?”, Si asks.
“Yep! Now it’s time for facials!” All of you spend hours pampering yourself, occasionally snacking and having a few flutes of champagne, giving Belle lemonade. By the time you’re all done with your facials, hair, nails... it’s around 8.
“Wait! I want to take a picture! Everyone pose!!” Everyone poses on your bed as Belle clicks a photo. You post it.
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“I had so much fun! We should do this again sometime.”, Ines says. “Definitely! Next time, you’re all invited to my house.”, Aly says as Bella yawns. “Looks like someone’s sleepy.”
“Well I’m not! Does anyone have any plans for tonight?”, Jackie asks. Everyone shakes their head.
“Oh! What do you guys think of going out, to a club?!”, Kyra says. Everyone nods in agreement.
“I don’t know...I need someone to watch Belle..”, Aly says.
“I have the perfect person to watch Belle. Can you guys start cleaning this up?” You lead Aly outside.
“We’ll drop her later at Naveen’s.” You remember Ethan saying that he takes Naveen home to his apartment after his last shift.
“You two reconciled!? I’m so happy for you two! Finally, my favourite father-daughter duo is back together!” You laugh, careful not to spill anything about Naveen’s condition. “We did.” You enter your room. “Okay, that’s sorted out!”
“I didn’t bring anything to wear!”, Kyra exclaims.
“Neither did I!”, Ines agrees.
“Calm down! I’m right here and you people are worrying about club outfits! Hmm...what do guys say to a quick trip to one of Flair’s stores here? We’ll all pick out an outfit and I’ll get one of the stylists to do our makeup!”, Aly says as everyone cheers.
“Woo! Girls’ night, Girls’ night, Girls’ night!”, Sienna chants as everyone joins in.
“Okay! Let’s go!” After taking a cab to one of Flair’s branches, you all enter the huge ritzy store, Aly staying behind for a phone call.
“Arielle, what a pleasant surprise! Are you hear to model the new autumn lingerie collection?”, Sophie, Aly’s assistant and one of your friends.
“Not today, but I might come in later when I have time. So, my friends and I are hitting the town and we need the sexiest outfits! Aly’ll be here in a sec.”
“Awesome! I’ll go get everyone a stylist and you know about Flair’s collections so you tell the stylists for what line to look in.” She calls a bunch of stylists. You direct one for each person, “Okay, for Sienna, Ines and Kyra, the Sweet but Sexy line. Then for Jackie, Leather & Lace. For me...surprise me, Sophie. You know my style better than me.” Everyone heads off in different directions as Aly comes in with Belle.
“Let me guess, Ari wants you to pick her outfit?” All three of you laugh. “Okay, I’ll go find something. Belle, will you help me?”
“Ooh! Yeah, mommy! Aunt Arielle, wait for me, I want to pick your outfit too!” She skips off, Aly following her. “Okay, I might have just the thing for you.” Sophie leads me to a dressing room and tells me to wait there. You’re scrolling through your messages when your phone chimes with a new one from Naveen.
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Sophie knocks and hands the dresses to you. You put them aside and reply. After texting, you quickly eye the dresses and try them on. After much deliberation, you pick two same dresses of different colours. “Ughh! I can’t decide!” Suddenly the door whips open, revealing Belle.
“I helped mommy pick out an outfit! Do you want any help?!”
You hold up the velvet dresses, one in baby pink and the other in wine red. “Which one is better, Amorina?”
“Uh...I like the red one cause you can wear matching red lipstick with it! You look really pwetty with red lipstick!”, she replies.
“Then, red it is! Can you wait outside for a minute?” She goes outside and you slip on the dress and half-coverage bra that Sophie gave you. Stepping outside, you ask her what she thinks.
“You look preeeeety!” You giggle.
“I’ll go do my makeup and then I’ll go drop you off. Guess who’s babysitting you?”, you ask. She shrugs.
“Grandpa Naveen is.” She cheers. “Now, do you want to help me in choosing some accessories?” She nods and runs off. “She has sooo much energy. I wish I had the energy of a 5 year old. My shifts would be much easier!”, you think as so run after her. You find Si and Ines standing there. “Hey!”
“You look beautiful!”, Ines exclaims. Si agrees.
“Thank you!” Just then Belle runs with something in her hand and hands it to you. It’s a gold, multi-layer body chain. “You really are your mother’s daughter! It’s beautiful!”
“Yay! Try it on, try it on!”, she exclaims. Si steps forward and helps you with the chain, securing it in place. You look in the mirror, it looks amazing.
“Ari, give me your phone!”, Si says.
“Cause you look really sexy right now and I’m not letting this photo op go to waste!” You laugh and give her your phone. She leads you to a plush white tufted bench and instructs you how to pose. “Okay, stay still and....Done!” She shows you the pic. “What do you think?”
“You took an amazing photo! I’ll post it.” You quickly post the sexy photo of yourself.
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Just then Jackie and Aly saunter in, both wearing Leather & Lace. “I knew you two would get along!”, you say.
“Okay, Arielle. We’ll do your hair and makeup first so you can drop Belle off. By the time you come back, everyone will be ready.” They all usher into a chair as Si starts with your hair and Aly with makeup. They show you the mirror.
“Wow...I look...beautiful!”, you say surprised. Your hair has been let down in thick curls, parted to the side and sprayed with sparkly hairspray. Your makeup is simple but elegant, until the bright red lip.
“You’ve always been pretty.”, Aly says.
“Okay, I’ll go drop Belle off!”
“Wait! What about your shoes, earrings and jacket?...”, Si exclaims. She runs off, returning with matching gold tipped red velvet stilettos, gold hoop earrings and a bunch of rings and necklaces. Expertly placing them,she shoos you away.
“I’ll get a jacket later, come on Belle!” She runs up and holds your hand as you walk to the car. You place her in the backseat, fastening her seatbelt and you slip in the driver’s seat. “Can we leave, Belle?”
“Yeah! But I want music! Can you play something from Frozen, please?!” You nod, playing a Frozen playlist from your phone and connect to the car. Both of you sing the whole 15 minutes of driving. Pulling up, you lead her to the top floor. “Which door?”
“1204.” She runs up and knocks on the door, Frozen style. It takes you a while to catch up, because of those heels.
“...Do you want to build a snowman?!”
Ethan’s PoV:-
Hearing knocking and singing, you open the door to find an adorable 5 year old with a huge smile on her face. “You must be Belle. Who brought you here?”
“Aunt Arielle did! Where’s grandpa?!”, she asks.
“I’m right here! Come here and give me a hug!”, Naveen says. You smile as the girl runs into your mentor’s arms.
“Hey...sorry if this was last minute. I do know a lot of other babysitters but Naveen hasn’t seen her in a while.” You look up to see Arielle, wearing a wine red short dress, her hair let down in spiraling curls and her perfect lips painted red, leaving you trying to tear your eyes away.
“It’s fine. Come in, Naveen would want to see you.” She removes her heels and steps in.
“Sunshine, what a lovely surprise! You look beautiful!”
“Thank you. Belle picked out this dress.” She turns to Belle. “Now, be a good girl for Grandpa and Ethan, okay?”
“Mhm. I will! Byeee!” She kisses her on the cheek and turns to Naveen.
“Have fun, and please don’t exert yourself too much.” She gives him a hug and turns to you, slipping her heels on. “Thank you so much for looking after her. She doesn’t have any allergies or restrictions so there shouldn’t be any problem. She also loves dogs!”....She hesitates. “I’ll see you later.”, she heads to her car and drives away.
“Hi!! What’s your name?”
“My name is Ethan Ramsey.”
“Ohh! Aunt Arielle says your name a lot! She says that you’re very smart! Are you her boyfriend?!” You almost choke at that last bit.
“That wouldn’t be appropriate.”, you respond.
“Why not?!”, Belle asks.
“Because, I’m your aunt’s boss.”
“Ohhh! So you’re Aunt Arielle’s husband! She never told me though!” Your face is now beet red.
“Now what makes you think that, Belle?”, Naveen asks. You glare at him but he cuts you off.
“Well mommy says daddy’s name a lot. She also says that he’s very very smart. When they both first met, daddy was mommy’s boss. And now he’s mommy’s husband so that’s why I asked.”, she innocently says. “But I still don’t think they’re married!”, she says.
“Well Belle, what makes you think they’re not married?”, he asks.
“Naveen!” He gestures you to be quiet.
“Well, Aunt Arielle doesn’t have a ring like mommy and she doesn’t live with Uncle Ethan either. Also, Aunt Arielle would never have her wedding without me! She says I’m her favourite person in the world.”
“I think you’ve met your match, Ethan! Look how smart she is!”, Naveen says with a huge grin on his face.
You roll your eyes. “Are you hungry?”
“Nope! Let’s play! Will you play with me please!?” She gives you the same eyes Arielle gives you when she’s asking for something.
“Alright, do you like dogs?” Her face lights up, you can’t but help thinking about a certain intern. “Damnit Ramsey! Snap out of it!”
“You have a dog?!!! Can I see!?”, she shrieks. You lead her to your bedroom, where Jenner is lazily napping.
“Hey boy! Look who’s here. You have a new friend!” He perks up and goes near Belle, they suddenly run out of the room chasing each other and in the process, knocking down one of your lamps.
Naveen laughs. “Looks like you’ve got your hands full! Let’s see if one of the world’s best diagnosticians can handle a 5 year old for a night!”
You sigh, knowing this is going to be a long night.
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lianabrooks · 4 years
Hi hello. I saw your post about 7-year-olds and as a writer whose kid cousins are all grown up I found it super helpful. Could you maybe make a similar one about 5-year-olds? That's the age of the kids I'm writing and I'm mostly flying blind.
Apologies for not seeing this when it arrived and leaving you on Read for however long this has been in my Ask box. I don’t fully remember which post I did on 7yos, but here’s what I know about 5yos (based on my kids who are now ages 8-18) and how to write them...
Long post after the break... 
A five-year-old still has a very young brain so you can explain things, but logic doesn’t always click in their head. Right vs Wrong and Consequences aren’t things they naturally think about. You can teach them not to do certain things (don’t eat the dog food or you have to stand in the corner) but it won’t always stick. 
The average human brain develops the ability to do logic around age 7-9. 
So a 5yo is basically a chaotic bundle of emotion and impulse. They have very strong emotions and they want to do their favorite things. Normal things for them to do are:
- get super attached to a random object (toy, blanket, drum stick) - yell and scream they hate you and then want hugs - be hyper-aware of other people’s negative emotions - feel like the world is ending if the schedule changes - have a new best friend every day, or not at all, friendships are finnicky at this age - be super excited about how much they learned at school - demand you sit there and hear EVERYTHING about this thing they are hyped up about - have a decent attention span but only when they like the thing - randomly forget everything they ever knew and lay like a blob on the floor - run around like a hyper puppy and then sleep for 10 hours - have a favorite food they hate the next day - insist only one person in the house may like their favorite color and force other people to choose another favorite color because they are not sharing - randomly give you food
If the 5yo is an older sibling expect them to take the responsibility very seriously. This will include feeding the baby behind your back (maybe dropping cheese into the infant’s mouth while parents are cooking dinner and explaining they saw birds feed babies this way), dressing the younger sibling up (and maybe treating them like a doll), possibly coloring in the baby’s head (to give it hair), and claiming any fun toys the baby gets (because baby doesn’t need them). Five-year-olds also like to color so be prepared and keep the permanent markers up high. If you have pets that do not run from kids I recommend non-toxic markers. Our mastiff was very patient and tended to wind up being the kids’ favorite coloring board.  WHAT CHORES CAN A 5yo DO?
- sort items by colors or shape - clean toilets with supervision - wash windows with supervision - put away hard-to-break dishes in low cupboards (there is no such thing as unbreakable when you have kids) - cut soft veggies with a duller knife (mushrooms, or breaking broccoli stems) - make their own sandwich - get their own cereal (possibly with help for the milk pouring) - clean up spills with minimal supervision - feed pets at least once a day - shower with minimal supervision - put on their own snowsuit - tie shoes (maybe... this can be hard depending on fine motor skills) - put clothes in drawer - put dirty clothes in laundry hamper - wash off sidewalk with hose - pick up trash around house - scrub cabinets and appliance faces during kitchen cleaning Most can probably make their bed but, really, WHY?  My policy has always been to leave the kid’s room to the kid. No food is allowed, and no drinks other than water (this way you don’t get bugs) and then they get their room their own way. If it’s messy and they break their toys... bummer. Don’t replace the toy and let them learn how to clean up and put things away (make sure to provide adequate storage).  My kids are in charge of their own rooms. I don’t go in to clean them unless it is an absolute disaster, and then I do a Garbage Bag Clean-Up. Everything goes in a big bag (or plastic tote) and gets sentenced to the garage (or closet) and the kid earns back one toy at a time for random good behavior. This is a good way to triage the toys when you have too many and weed out the ones your kid really doesn’t need or want. Remember, a 5yo is mostly emotions, and they get super attached to random things. So don’t take their best beloved toy/blanket/drum stick of all time. What you’re doing with the bags is basically rebooting the bedroom system. You take everything out and reintroduce slowly so you know there is storage for everything and that your kid wants this thing in their life/room. If they love an object but don’t play with it, clean it and put it in a shadow box on the wall. Old blankets, favorite teddy bears, and little toy cows make good bedroom decorations. If you have too many toys for the space separate into 3-4 containers and rotate, taking old toys out every month or so and giving the kid a new box (this works well for apartments and quarantine boredom). HOW TO RAISE A 5yo RIGHT:  - reinforce good choices with praise - explain why a bad choice is a bad choice - remember they are not a Bad Kid, they are a kid making a Bad Choice - kids will become what you tell them they are, choose wisely - learn their love language and show affection - if a kid asks WHY it’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” - teach a kid HOW to think not WHAT to think - the Socratic method works great but you will get wild answers at this age (Why do you think this happened? Because aliens ate the marshmallows.... fair enough. It’s a valid guess when you’re 5.) - teach body consent - do not force kids to hug or accept kisses from anyone if they don’t want it, not even grandma - set boundaries on your time and theirs (It’s after bedtime which means mommy is only available for emergencies. We will write down your question about the color of dinosaur eggs and look it up tomorrow. Good night. I love you.) - lock the door before having fun with your partner - check under the bed too, 5yos think it is hilarious to sneak under beds and you do not want to hear giggling from under the bed as your partner goes down on you - let them make choices about food, family trips, ect - let them help in the kitchen - give them chores so they learn to work - if you don’t know the answer, say so! you can look it up together - if you aren’t feeling well, say so! Tell the kid you need a time out to calm down, a nap, or a sick day laying on the couch while they watch a Disney movie on repeat. It’s okay. You’re teaching them to be human.  Look... not to brag, but all my kids can cook. Everyone over 10 does their own laundry. I haven’t had to run a dishwasher in almost 9 years because my kids do the dishes. Life with kids is a lot easier if everyone does some of the work instead of the parent doing all of the work. 
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prankprincess123 · 6 years
Day three of living at my cabin for the summer:
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May 18th 11:00pm
I'm ready to strangle both of my uncle's who are here, my 14yo sister, my brother and his friend. But my parents, aunt, 17yo sister and two best friends are absolute angels. (And my baby sister and cousins are too cute and little to be mad at.)
I got home tonight at 5:00 after leaving for work at 7:00, and having only gotten 4h of sleep after last night's shift; only to find out that my uncle hadn't even swept the mouse droppings off the floors, or gotten rid of the mouse poison, or cleaned up the soot that was piled up around all the un-sealed windows (wildfires last summer were nuts and almost got the town) or washed the dishes (some of which have been rotting in the sink since Sept when he locked up for the winter) or started the washing machine full of sheets needed for tonight.
My aunt and other uncle had arrived with their little boys (4yo, 3yo and 1yo) while I was gone and they were trying to get everything cleaned up, but their efforts were limited by the three toddlers running around their feet and trying to put mouse poison in their mouths. So, without even sitting down for a minute, I began frantically helping my aunt clean and keep the boys out of everything (the older two refused to understand why they were only allowed in the kitchen, and the baby is too little to understand) while both of my uncles spent the whole 2h that was going on setting up the patio. After a few hours my dad and brother and his friend got here, and my dad started to help, and got the babies out of the house by setting up the trampoline. But the two 11yo boys were monsters who refused to do anything to help and yelled at me for asking.
When my mom and the girls got here it had been 8h since I had eaten at my lunch break, and I hadn't sat down since then either; I was exausted, stressed (because guess who took their ADHD meds today!) crashing from my meds wearing off, and I couldn't feel my hands from cleaning so much. I rarely cry, but I almost burst into tears when my one best friend texted me about the fact that she's taking care of my dog for the weekend, and then again when my 17yo sister handed me a bag of books that our other best friend is lending to me for the summer (all but two of the Lemony Snicket books on my headboard library are hers and I'm so excited to read them for the first time/first time in years!!!!)
After asking my 14yo sister if she could vacuum the upstairs and getting yelled at in response I completely broke down and started hyperventilating and dry-sobbing (I honestly don't know why I physically can't cry) and instantly was wrapped in hugs from my mom, aunt and 17yo sis until I could breathe again. And was told to go sit down and take a break by putting my books away, while my mom put dinner in the oven and she and 17yo sis took over cleaning.
But 14yo sis had done a less than half baked job of vacuuming (how do you miss huge piles of mouse poison!?!) and I got in another fight with her, which caused me to breakdown again. Then my uncles got mad at me for having a breakdown despite the fact that I still ended up cleaning while hyperventilating and trying not to punch both of them in the faces.
At that point my Mom sat me down on the couch and told me I was not allowed to clean for at least half an hour no matter what my uncles said. By then almost everything was done and everyone was taking a break to eat a very late dinner, and open my baby sister's birthday presents. Yes her reaction to opening her Slytherin robes and wand was as dramatic and over the top as expected, as my ears are still ringing and she immediately put her outfit on and started trying to levitate our brother.
Tomorrow I have the day off and plan on sleeping in late, before spending time playing with my 4 tiny minions who are running around the cabin. And I do have to work on Sunday and Monday, but I also get all my birthday presents and leftover cake from baby's party on one of those two nights, as no one will be here for my birthday in a few weeks.
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dtk-imagines · 7 years
Hi! Hope you're having a SANStastic day! I'm also back with another ask: US and SF bros have an s/o that's an older sibling, cousin, or aunt/uncle (I don't know the neutral term for it IM SORRY), and their younger family members follow the skelebros around like ducklings. Do they go along with it or get annoyed?
Thanks for stopping by again, and thank you Witchy! :D 
And it's totally cool, I had trouble looking for a gender neutral term for uncle/aunt as well! I ended up just slapping together two examples from a website to create "nibi" because my friend wasn't sure what to call me to her dog (who is my dog nephew). 
-- He's very excited about it. It's like having Papyrus around as a baby bones again - only there's more of them!
-- Plum's going to be the best uncle/older sibling/cousin addition to your family ever. He's more than willing to go on adventures with them and will even go so far as to offer his help in putting the younger ones down for a nap. Yes, bed time story and everything - he even pulls out a copy of Fluffy Bunny from his dimensional box. Don't question it.
-- Sometimes though, if things are slow and they are occupied with something, Plum will stop and stare. He'll watch them play with their toys and talk with each other and think of how his brother used to be the same: full of hope and motivation and boundless energy. If Papyrus is near, he's gonna go over and give him a quick hug before returning to the others.
-- Cherry secretly lives for it. It's been a while since he thought he's anything worth looking up to, but he just can't bring himself to question the earnest look on their youthful faces.
-- Like he does with Chara, he'll take them along as helpers to his pranks. He teaches them all his little tricks for drawing out the most hilarious reactions from people. Depending on how easy going the older relatives are - because you know they're gonna be the targets - he may end up not leaving the greatest of impressions.
-- If he doesn't, he always makes up for it when he comes up to apologize. He's actually got a small bead of sweat on the side of his skull that the relative doesn't see as he jokes with them; this is his way of trying to get into their good graces in one form or another.
-- Oh boy, this guy also loves it. It's like having his own little army! Hunter's going to hold his head high and have a smug grin on his face as he walks around with them following behind.
-- Aside from that though, he actually takes this new role very seriously, especially if they start to mimic him. He can't help but think of his brother as a young, impressionable baby bones, and the naivety that came along with that age. He's that older person who tells all those cautionary tales to kids - in a slightly less violent way than he did with Pap.
-- He tries to indirectly teach them self confidence through his actions, too. And you can bet that he's going to be boasting to you and others about how great they all are.
-- Hound is flattered and also confused. He wonders what they see in him to look up to, but he doesn't question them on it. He's also a bit nervous - he doesn't have much experience with younger folk so he doesn't know what to expect.
-- He'll be more or less the same as he is with Chara, to be honest. That silent, doting relative. He'll listen if the parents let him know not to give sweets or anything, but before they leave he always slips a treat into their pocket.
-- Hound is nearly 7 feet tall, so to counter that he's probably sitting down/kneeling around the relatives to not seem so intimidating. If he stands and walks around, you'll see several have climbed on and clung to him. He pretty much goes on like they're not there but always has a hand free to adjust them on his person so they don't fall.
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