#and dear jesus fuck i am hoping for a Right Time soon lol shut up rae you don’t wanna say anything actually
trashbaget · 2 years
#yes this IS another post about him#he’s just some guy#but anyway he is just so hot it’s stupid#like it’s unreal that i exist in a world where this man looks THIS. GOOD.#and i also look THIS. GOOD.#and we ARE. FRIENDS.#😤😤😤😤😤#<- also i’m pretty sure this has accidentally like become Our emoji which is so cheesy but it makes me smile so shut the fuck up#and they were suitemates—oh my god they were SUITEMATES 😶#we are not anymore in case anyone’s concerned lmao#anyway—#he is just so hot and funny and pretty and smart and cute and witty#and he makes me smile and laugh and fucking happy#and dear jesus fuck i am hoping for a Right Time soon lol shut up rae you don’t wanna say anything actually#anywayanyway—#please don’t look at me but also if you do please please send me good vibes in respect to manifestin this guy becomes my boyfriend because o#oh ho ho how i wanna be [his] girlfriend#i am bisexual it’s okay that i’m beinna lil twisty with this lesbianthem#god i can’t wait to see him next which will likely hopefully be tomorrow and i sure hope it is because my outfit is gonna be so fuckin cute#and i just know he’s gonna be like oh hey i like ur outfit and maybe do that cute little lip bit thing he WOULDNT. STOP. DOING. the last tim#anywayanywayanyway—#irls if you see this no you absofruitly do frickin not and even more you have absolufruitly no idea who i am talking about#lol but if you do happen to see this just dm me a goofy little emoji#bc ive made this joke so many times and now im curious if either of you are even active enough on here to even see these alfhskdisnd#anyway i need to go lay down because i am tirb and slipby and alwldpdjdll…. 😴😴😴
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
Jealous Much? - Peter Parker
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word count: 2541 warnings: swearing summary: (y/n) is just a little bit jealous but Peter thinks it’s adorably unnecessary (a/n): this is really old lol
(y/n) was never really much for jealousy.  She trusted her boyfriend, she knew he’d never do anything behind her back, and even if he did he’d feel incredibly guilty about it.  It’s what made Peter Parker cute.  He was so afraid of hurting her feelings that it made his stomach twist up and he’d apologize profusely.  It happened just last week when they were supposed to have a movie night but he’d forgotten to but popcorn.
And of course she was never mad, how could she be? He was just so damn cute when he rambled on with ridiculous apologies and all she could do was smile and kiss him.
She was standing at her locker when the boy came up to her, smiling as soon as he’d seen her putting her things away.  The usual sleepy look on her face since it was seven in the morning, and he’d learned quickly she was not a morning person.
“Morning beautiful” He called, and she turned around to smile at him, allowing him to kiss her cheek quickly.  Public displays of affection made Peter nervous, but it was worth it to see her blush before looking down to hide her grin.
“Morning” She responded, her tiredness evident in her voice.  “How was patrol last night?” She asked him quietly before shutting her locker and holding onto the strap of her backpack.
“Nothing happened” Peter shrugged.  “Which I suppose is a good thing…” (y/n) giggled, shaking her head at him.
She’d only been dating Peter for a few months, but she’d known him since her and Ned met him in the first grade.  He had tried to hide his secret identity from her, but Ned found out first and couldn’t keep the secret to himself.  Though ultimately it’s what prompted Peter to tell the girl about his real feelings, and not long after the two of them became official.  And she’s never been happier.  But sometimes, the Spider-Man side of his life scared her to death.
“I’d say so” (y/n) replied, and Peter gave her that look.  That completely adoring one, where his eyes were swimming pools of hearts.  “You probably still got to bed late, huh?” She asked, looking over and seeing those eyes of his.  “What?” Her eyes narrowed just a little, wondering why he was staring at her like that.  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked again when he didn’t answer right away.
“N-nothing I’m listening to you” He shrugged innocently.  (y/n) smiled bashfully, and dropped the subject.  “But y-yeah I went to bed at like two in the morning”
“Jesus Peter” She sighed.  “Seriously, you need to pace yourself a little” Her voice was soft, so no one would hear, and so he didn’t feel like she was pushing him.
“I know” He breathed.  “Can’t help it” She smiled good naturedly at him, knowing he loved being a hero.
“Hey guys!” Ned came running up in between them, grinning happily at them both.
“Hey Ned” Peter said, giving him a slightly pissed off look for shoving him away from his girlfriend.
“Morning Ned” (y/n) said.  “Why’re you all perky?”
“The new girl!” He whispered yelled.  “Have you seen her?” He asked Peter, who shook his head.  “Oh dear God she’s hot- no offense (y/n/n)”
(y/n’s) brows furrowed, her head shaking slightly as she looked at her friend, but didn’t say anything before he started talking again.
“Her name’s Dana, or Diana, or something” Ned went on.  “And She’s gorgeous, like ten outta ten gorgeous”
“Cool” Peter mumbled, not really sure what to say.  “Is she nice”
“Don’t know, haven’t talked to her yet” He said.  “I’m hoping to, we have Chemistry together! I saw her schedule on Liz’s story so that people can be nice to her and stuff and man am I gonna be nice to her”
“Ned” (y/n) forced a chuckle, trying not to let on that her feelings were just  little bit hurt.  
“Go for it” Peter shrugged.
“Really? You think I could? I’m not like you”
“What does that mean?” Peter asked, clearly confused.  And if (y/n) was being honest, she didn’t get it either.
“You’re the one with the girlfriend” Ned shrugged.  “You know what you’re doing”
(y/n) held back a laugh.  Peter never knew what he was doing.
“What?” Peter still seemed confused, but they were already at class and Ned cut off the conversation.
“That’s her” Ned whispered, nodding his head to the girl in the back.
“Woah” (y/n) murmured.  Ned was right, she was hot.  “She’s gorgeous” (y/n’s) voice dropped, and Ned seemed to realize she was put down.
“Don’t be one of those girls” He said as Peter went in and sat at his usual seat.
“The kind that thinks you aren’t good enough” Ned explained, before walking in.  (y/n) shook her head to get over it and came in to take her seat next to Peter.
“Everything alright?” He asked her.
“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” She responded, clearing her throat and quickly trying to get out her Chem notes to et started in class and ignore the awkward feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Really, I’m alright.  Just tired as always” She said, glancing at him quickly then back to her papers.  Peter frowned, but didn’t want to push her so he let it drop.
“Alright everyone, get out your notebooks.  We’ll be taking notes and then running a quick lab” Their professor said, starting class off right off the bat.  (y/n) turned to look behind her at Ned, and behind him, Dana or Diana, she still wasn’t sure.
“Lab day” Ned said with a big grin.  (y/n) rolled her eyes, unsure why Ned loved labs so much.  Him and Peter always got so excited for them.
Notes went by relatively quickly, neither (y/n) or Peter talking.  She was using her ‘hardworking’ note taking to her advantage, avoiding any form of confrontation that could happen.  It was going fine until her phone buzzed on the desk.
[Ned] : oh no are u and peter fighting bc u haven’t talked
[(y/n)] : we’re fine
[Ned] : lies, why would u think he’d ever prefer some random girl over u
After that she put her phone in her backpack, turning to give Ned a look again.
“Miss (y/l/n)?”
The girl spun around, facing front again, her eyes wide as her teacher glared at her.
“Would you like to join the class now or are you in a serious conversation with Mr Leeds?”
(y/n) nodded her head quickly, cheeks blushing a bright pink in embarrassment as the class continued on.  Peter looked over at her, chuckling quietly.
“Same thing happened last week” He said, causing her to smile a little bit but she didn’t say anything.  This time not wanting to get into more trouble.
Once it was lab time, and she’d gotten her goggles on and ready to start ripping the tinfoil up to put in a solution, Peter was rambling about how he’d already known the observations that they were going to make.  He knew something was still up, because she still wasn’t responding much to him.
What had happened? Just that morning she’d hugged him and talked to him, and now it was like something had happened in a snap.  And of course he was worried and wanted to know what was going on, but he didn’t want to push her to open up either.  So he did what he id best and rambled about chemistry until eventually she cut him off.
“Peter!” She finally called out, looking over at him, being all cute in his lab goggles and his hair all messed up from them.  “I get it, the foil burns and the solution changes color” She chuckled quietly.
“Miss (y/l/n)”
Cursing silently, she looked back to her teacher after getting yelled at again.
“Mr Parker, back of the class with Dana for the day.  Miss (y/l/n) you’ll be working by yourself today since you can’t seem to focus on your own”
“Yes Mrs Adreille” She mumbled as Peter packed up his things and walked to the back of the classroom.  (y/n) turned around and watched as he got settled next to the new girl.
“Nice job” Ned snickered, and she narrowed her eyes at him.
She spent the entire last half hour of the class doing a lab all by herself, and listening to Peter’s distant laughter.  Kicking herself repeatedly her pencil nearly broke as she was writing down her observations.
But she’d never really been one for jealousy.
“I swear to God I swear to God” (y/n) grumbled to MJ as they got their lunches from their lockers together.  “She was batting her eyelashes Michelle, I’m gonna rip them out-”
“Okay breathe” MJ giggled to herself at the violent image in her mind.  Sweet, soft spoken (y/n) plucking out a girl’s eyelashes.  “Peter would never cheat”
“It’s not about cheating, it’s about some other girl hitting on my-”
She stopped speaking when she looked down the hall and saw her boyfriend walking alongside the girl she recently realized she despised.  Her eyes narrowed to slits as she glared the girl down.
“Wow” Michelle’s eyes rolled.  “Will you chill? You and Peter have only been dating a couple months”
(y/n) didn’t respond.
“I mean seriously, what’re you in love with-” MJ gasped loudly.  “Oh, my, God”
“Shut up”
“No way”
“Don’t say anything”
“Please don’t do this” The girl pleaded.
“You’re in love with Peter Parker? And I thought he’d be a virgin forever”
“MJ!” (y/n) scolded.
“Oh come on.  You’re being crazy.  Peter’s legit smitten by you, have you not seen the way he stares at you like you’re a goddamn piece of art? It’s. Cause.  He.  Knows  You.  Are.  Art” She clapped in between her words.  “Some random new girl isn’t gonna change that”
(y/n) still stayed silent as they walked into the cafeteria together.  Ready to sit through an awkward lunch time only to leave and complain to MJ again.  But again, she was greeted with a sight that made her blood completely boil.
“She’s at our fucking table” She practically growled out.  Michelle’s bows shot up in surprise from her words, not having expected such a volatile reaction from her friend.  “That’s it! Hold my lunch” She blindly handed her bag to Michelle, swiftly making her way towards where Peter and Ned were sat in their usual spots at the table, Dana sitting across from them.  His eyes found hers, his face brightening as she sat in the seat next to him.
“Hey (y/n/n) how was Calc-”
He was promptly cut off by her hands grabbing his face and tugging his lips down against hers.  A muffled sound coming from his throat but he kissed her back nonetheless.  Sure it wasn’t the first time she’d kissed him this passionately, but no one else had ever been allowed to see it.  His hands had set on her jaw, their lips still moving together in a spontaneous makeout session.
“Holy shit!” Ned exclaimed from next to them, while (y/n’s) hands ran through his tresses of hair and her tongue swiped over the seal of her lips.  “They aren’t stopping! Pete! Hey Pete! Take a breather man!”
(y/n) pulled away with a small smirk on her lips, her eyes holding a mischievous glint that Peter had never seen there, but at this point he was fairly certain he loved it.  His girlfriend straightened out his shirt and fixed his hair up all nice again, and wiped her lip with her thumb before looking over at the girl across the table.
“Who’s your friend Pete?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow at Dana, who was now staring between Peter Ned and (y/n) in absolute confusion and awkwardness.
“This is Dana.  Dana, this is (y/n), the girl I was telling you about” Peter introduced awkwardly.  He looked back to (y/n) wish raised brows and a pointed stare.  She smiled bashfully, her heart fluttering at the idea of Peter telling someone about her.  “Dana’s new here”
“Hi” The new girl smiled and waved nervously.  After (y/n’s) very public affection there was a tension left behind that made everyone shift in their seats.  “Nice to meet you, Peter sure talks a lot about you”
“You too” (y/n) squeaked, extending her hand and offering the kindest smile she could
“Anyways, I’ll see you guys another time hopefully.  I’ve gotta meet my boyfriend in study hall” She smiled sweetly before getting up and heading off.
“B-boyfriend?” (y/n’s) voice nearly failed her as she looked over at Peter.  Who still had that dumb look on his face.
“Yep.  Dana was telling me in Chem how she was excited her parents moved here because this is the school her boyfriend goes to, and now she can see him more often” Peter said, a cocky grin growing on his lips.  “And meanwhile I was telling her how lucky I was to have you at this school cause it would suck without you here.  Cause… well yaknow.  You’re the best” He shrugged simply, but his grin was still there.
She felt like an idiot.
“So, what was with the little show?” Ned asked, making (y/n’s) cheeks burn.
“Yeah (y/n/n) what was with the show?” Peter repeated.
“Shut up I was jealous” She mumbled under her breath.
“What was that? I didn’t quite catch it” Peter said.  She mumbled again.  “You’re gonna have to speak up hon-”
“I said I was jealous!” She snapped.  “Sorry! It’s just… Ned kept going on about her and then- I just got in my own head and-”
Peter cut her off, kissing her lips chastely.
“You silly girl” He shook his head, the biggest smile on his face.  “There’s no other girl in this whole galaxy I could love as much as you.  Much less some random chick that just moved here” He said.  And if she wasn’t already blushing, surely she was now.
“Can we forget it happened?” She asked hopefully, but Peter shook his head.
“Nope I don’t think I’m ever gonna forget it happened” He said, making her rol her eyes playfully.
“Yeah.  Me either” Ned grumbled.
“Fine” (y/n) sighed.  “I promise not to be stupid anymore”
“You’re not stupid, you were just being ridiculous” Peter chuckled.  “Really, I can’t believe you let that get to you” He said, shaking his head and cupping her face in his hands.  “Absolutely ridiculous” He said, kissing her again softly.  She held back her smile, very much liking all the affection she was getting.
“I love you too, by the way” She told him, happy to be able to say it without her voice stuttering and failing her.
“You’re cute, but you made that pretty clear” Peter snickered, earning a jaw drop from (y/n) and a smack on the shoulder.
“Yeah.  Very clear” Ned muttered, but the young couple ignored it, kissing softly again.  “Very clear!”
taglist: @writings-and-stuff @rofromtheashes @tomshufflepuff @steve-avengers-rogers @vibhati123 @dark-night-sky-99  @hollandhours @drakonwild​ @imofficiallyobsessed​ @fussy-and-a-writer-sometimes
xoxo ~ jordie
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spaceskam · 4 years
maybe i’m not a boy who would stay, but isn’t it kinda fun to be together?
slightly late day 11 of my 12 (actually 13) days of gifts! this time we have a ridiculously long one for @christchex! I have no excuse for the length of this, I had no intention for this to get this long, I am so sorry if it’s boring. Hope you enjoy it anyway lol
“Ugh, you guys are no fun!”
Alex and Maria continued to laugh as they watched Liz throw a fit. They were all camping out on the roof of The Wild Pony, trying to enjoy their 3-person Christmas party on the eve of Christmas Eve. IT was all going successfully as possible and now Liz was ruining it by pouting. 
“We’re seventeen! That’s too old to write letters to Santa,” Maria explained.
“All I’m hearing is you’re too old for fun,” Liz insisted, crossing her arms as she plopped back down on her sleeping bag. Alex rolled his eyes.
“What’s fun about writing all that you want down and sending it to a person that doesn’t exist?” Alex asked. 
“You never know who might read it,” Liz said in a faux cryptic tone. Alex barked a laugh.
“Are you insinuating that there is an omnipotent being coming to grant your wishes?” Alex asked, “Or, wait, God is reading your letters to Santa? I think that’s blasphemous.” 
“Shut up!” Liz laughed, swatting his way, “I just hate how not festive everything feels. It doesn’t even feel like Christmas. The only thing that’s changed, though, is my age. I was hoping that doing something we did as kids would make it feel a bit more festive.”
Alex sighed as he reluctantly realized that she had a point. He’d spent the first few years of his life never actually enjoying Christmas because it just meant more time spent at home with his father, but, ever since Mimi got legal guardianship of him, it was his favorite time of year. He never missed out on feeling festive whenever Mimi decorated the house and had a stocking with his name embroidered on it and made really bomb trail mix. He wanted Liz to feel that festive feeling too.
“Okay, fine, we can write letters,” Alex sighed. Maria looked at him incredulously.
“Oh no,” she gasped, “Not you too.”
“I’ll go get some paper and pens,” Alex chuckled and crawled out of his sleeping bag. Liz cheered and Maria groaned. As groan-worthy as it was, he had nothing better to do.
He quickly dropped down to the top floor of the building where he, Maria, and Mimi all stayed, and slipped into his bedroom. It was small seeing as it was once-upon-a-time the dining room. Mimi had strung up thick curtains in lieu of doors and, while it wasn’t much, it was more than Alex had ever asked for. He grabbed a notepad and a few pens from his tiny desk/bedside table.
He returned to see Liz smiling childishly and Maria seeming to have grown on the idea. Alex passed out the papers and pens before sitting down again. They all wrote ‘Dear Santa,’ at the top. Then they very quickly realized they had no idea what the hell to wish for.
“Are you telling me you wanted us to write letters to Santa and then had no idea what you want from Santa?” Maria asked. Liz gave a guilty smile.
“I didn’t think I’d get this far.”
“Jesus, Liz,” Alex laughed, “Okay, well, what’s something wild that you want, but would never get in a million years?”
“Oooh, a fully functioning biomedical lab with all the fancy equipment that I can play with for as long as I want,” Liz said excitedly. 
“God, you’re such a dork,” Maria said, but she smiled fondly as she urged Liz to write it down. “Alright, Alex, your turn. Wildest, unrealistic wish. Go.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, I feel like I’ve got everything I could ever ask for,” Alex admitted. Both girls ‘aw’d obnoxiously as he rolled his eyes.
“You have to be wanting something, Alex, it’s human nature,” Liz prodded.
“Oh, I know!” Maria exclaimed, “A boyfriend! You need one of those!”
“I do not‒”
“Write it down!”
Alex snorted, but couldn’t think of a valid reason why he couldn’t write it down. While a boyfriend wasn’t really at the top of his priority list, it would be sort of nice. He couldn’t deny that. Hell, just meeting another queer guy, in general, would be nice. So, he wrote it down.
“Oh, you can’t just write that,” Liz complained as she peered onto his paper, “I wrote all the things I want in my lab, write all the things you want in your male.”
Alex scoffed, “Like what?”
“Like soft hair and dreamy eyes,” Maria said wistfully, a playful smile on her face.
“Super smart, but sensetive,” Liz added.
“A good kisser!”
“Good in bed.”
“Okay, clearly you should be asking for a boyfriend,” Alex laughed, shaking his head. He instead listed a few qualities that he wanted.
Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I would like a boyfriend who is nice, funny, and smart. And if he happens to be out-of-this-world handsome, I won’t complain.
Please and thank you, 
Alex Manes
“There, done,” Alex decided, “What did you write, Maria?”
“I asked for a million dollars,” she said with a grin. He scoffed.
“Oh, so you get something easy and I had to ask for a whole ass person?”
“A million dollars is not easy!”
“But that’s a go-to wish! That’s not fair!”
“A boyfriend is a go-to wish!”
“To whom?!”
“Ladies!” Liz yelled, throwing her arms out dramatically, “Relax, there’s enough fictional magic to go around.”
Giggles bubbled out of Alex as he shook his head. “Shut up.”
The night dwindled and they all ran to put their letters into the mailbox, laughing all the way. It was too fun to do these things, too fun to act like they weren’t graduating in a few months and fun to act like they didn’t know what might happen. This could be the very last Christmas they spent camping out together on the roof.
Might as well enjoy it.
At approximately 2:30 AM, the sky lit up.
The sky lit up and Alex woke up.
Alex woke up and he heard a crash.
He heard a crash and the ground shook.
Thankfully, when the ground shook, the girls woke up too and Alex didn’t have to freak out to wake them up. Instead, they got to freak out together like real best friends. Everything happened so quickly and they were all talked over each other, all too scared to go see what the hell just fell from the fucking sky. 
“You go look.”
“No, you!”
“I’ll go look,” Alex sighed. He took a deep breath and slowly slipped from his sleeping bag before four hands grabbed him to keep him in place. “I can’t go look if you guys don’t let me go.”
“Sorry,” they grumbled, letting him go reluctantly. Well, sort of, because they ended up just coming with him.
Alex felt his heart thudding in his chest, but he couldn’t exactly figure out why. Something crashed behind The Pony, yes, but it could’ve been anything. It could’ve been a meteor or a tree or frozen waste from a plane like in Joe Dirt. That should’ve been his first thought.
But he lived in Roswell and nothing was ever that easy.
“Is that‒”
“In Roswell?”
The three of them peered over the edge of the roof to see a small, glittery aircraft half-buried in the ground nose-first. It was smoking and had made a very small crater which told Alex that, whoever was piloting it, had been semi-successful in making sure it didn’t hit with full force. However, that meant there was indeed a pilot. Which meant someone might be hurt.
“We have to go down there,” Alex said.
“Alex, we have no idea what’s gonna come out of there,” Maria stage-whispered as if whatever was down there might hear them.
“Okay, but they might need help!” Alex argued.
“They might be dead,” Liz added.
Alex jolted into action, racing towards the latter and all but jumping down to the floor. Liz and Maria followed, hissing his name, but he couldn’t stop himself. Someone might be hurt and he just couldn’t stand by and let it worsen. He’d been hurt because. Someone saved him.
He could try to save someone else.
Alex burst out of the back door and sprinted towards the spacecraft just as a figure crawled out. He stopped a few feet away, just in case, and caught his breath.
“Are you okay?! Do you need help?!” Alex called. The head of the figure turned to him, face covered in soot and eyes squinted like he was looking into the sun on a hot day. Alex went closer. 
The closer he got, the more he questioned if it was human or not. It looked human, but the spacecraft sure as hell didn’t. The creature had human-like skin and features, the main difference being his clothing and his hair. He was wearing a black, asymmetrical tunic with a ridiculously deep v-neck that had a white shirt underneath and very baggy, black pants. His hair was curly and brown, which was human, but the oddly constructed braids that looked to be made of more than 8 strands lined his entire head, leaving the curls to be left to a tuft on top. He was definitely strange looking.
Though, strangeness and soot aside, Alex was struck with how gorgeous he was.
“English?” the creature said, crawling further. Alex reached him and helped pull him further from the wreckage. He caught a glimpse of the girls standing far away but kept his focus on the creature. Him. It. Whatever. 
“Yeah, English, do you speak English?” Alex asked as let go and began looking to see if there was any obvious damage.
“Enough. I took many classes, watched many movies,” he said, voice deep and laced with an accent that Alex didn’t recognize which just further solidified the fact that whatever this was, it wasn’t human.
“Are you okay?” Alex wondered, ignoring all of the stresses that came with the fact that he was dealing with a very human-like not-human.
“Probably,” he said, grinning despite the fact that he literally just crashed. Alex helped him sit up and noticed a few cuts and soon-to-be bruises on his hands.
“Maria! Go get the first aid kit!” Alex called. The creature looked towards the girls, just now noticing their presence, and Liz and Maria both seemed frozen in time. “Hello?!”
“Right,” Maria said, turning and running inside and tugging Liz along with her. Alex sighed and turned back to the figure. 
“So, what do I call you? Where are you from? How did you crash?” Alex rambled, his eyes avoiding the creatures as he continued to check for any more cuts. He really needed to check beneath all the fabric but decided that it was probably not the best way to start a conversation with a stranger.
“You ask many questions,” the creature said. 
“Yeah, well, you crashed in my backyard, I reserve the right,” Alex insisted. The creature let out a soft little laugh.
“I promise I did not mean to, I thought I did the trajectory right. Got caught in the, uh, what is it you call it? Wormhole?” the creature said. Alex blinked in surprise.
“You got caught in a wormhole? How far away from home are you?” he asked.
“Enough,” he answered, “Home is Antar.”
“I’ve never heard of it,” Alex admitted. The creature grinned.
“Earth hears nothing I heard,” he said. Alex huffed and shook his head. “I am Rath.”
Alex raised an eyebrow, “Rath?”
“Oh, we chose Earth names in Earth class last year. My name there is Michael. Is that better?” he asked. Alex smiled and shook his head.
“What do you prefer to be called? Your actual name or your Earth name?” Alex asked. The creature smirked in an all too human fashion.
“What do you prefer saying?” he said. Alex felt his cheeks heat up but shook it off.
“Michael will draw less attention,” Alex decided, “I’m Alex.”
“Alex,” Michael repeated, looking him up and down, “Human Alex.”
“Right,” Alex sighed, turning his head towards the door to see if Maria and Liz had come back yet and not at all so he didn’t have to look at him, “And what are you? Not human. You said you’re from Antar, so what are your people called? And are you, like, a man or are you something else?”
Michael tilted his head. “We are just Antarians. And I’m… close enough to a man in your terms, so yes.”
“How old are you?”
“Seventeen,” he answered. Alex furrowed his eyebrows.
“Seventeen and you have a spacecraft?” Alex asked. A guilty smile appeared on his face. 
“I may have stolen it.”
“We got the first aid kit!”
Alex sighed and decided he’d patch him up before they figured out what the hell they were going to do.
“Shouldn’t we call the police?” 
“And tell them what? A teenage alien crashed in our backyard so they can cart him away to dissect him? Absolutely not.”
“I would prefer not to be dissected, please.”
The three of them looked over their shoulders to the alien boy who was covered in Disney Princess bandaids and the same tattered clothes he’d landed in. Once the sun began to rise, it became all too clear that they had an actual issue. They’d found a whole alien that had no way to get back home until his ship was fixed. Which would be fine if they knew how long that would take.
“Look, he can just stay here,” Alex insisted. Both girls looked at him like he’d lost it.
“We are not housing some random alien that fell from the sky! He could be dangerous!” Maria hissed, not even bothering to keep quiet even though Michael was well within earshot. Alex rolled his eyes.
“I don’t think he is and I don’t know if there’s a safer place than here.”
“How in the world is our tiny apartment safe? My mom could find out! And what are we gonna tell her?” 
“I don’t know yet! Just give me a minute!”
Alex paced a few times on the roof, chewing on his thumb as he let his mind race. He didn’t want to just throw this guy out, it wasn’t fair. Someone had taken him in, he should take someone else in. Even if it wasn’t really his place to take him in.
“Hello, I have an idea,” Michael said, raising his arm up and catching their attention, “I look close enough to human. Say I am human.”
“Okay, but my mom will still question why I’m harboring a whole person,” Maria shot back. He scrunched up his nose in defeat and Alex felt even more of a need to give him a place to stay.
“Look, please, just let me try to hide him for two days. I’ll take the entire fall if we’re caught,” Alex insisted. 
“Damn right you’ll take the fall! This is your fault!” Maria said, “You’re the one who asked for a boyfriend!” Alex’s eyes widened and he scoffed.
“Excuse you, I‒”
“Okay, shut up!” Liz shouted, “You said two days. What happens when those two days are up?”
“Well, hopefully, we’ll have fixed his ship,” Alex sighed. Liz and Maria looked at him skeptically while Michael gave a dopey smile. “I’ve been in robotics class for years. With his existing knowledge of how the craft works and my being able to see what it mostly should be, I think we could fix it.”
“Ay Dios mio, I can’t believe this is happening,” Liz grumbled as she pressed the heel of her hand against her forehead.
“Just, two days,” Alex asked, “Then he’ll leave.”
“Fine. Two days. If he kills us before then, it’s your fault.”
“I do not kill anyone,” Michael chimed in once again.
“Wait, what about Christmas Eve dinner? You’re just going to leave a random alien in your house alone?” Liz asked. Maria turned to Alex, expecting him to provide the answer. Alex licked his lips and looked to Michael and then back at his friends.
“We’ll just… come,” Alex said, “We just… take him.”
“We?” Liz asked.
“Not ‘we’,” Maria said, “You.”
Alex sighed and then looked to Michael who was just blinking innocently. Why did he have to be so nice?
“Fine. Me.”
“Later tonight we can go to the junkyard and see what we can salvage.”
Michael stared up at him with lost eyes, but still smiling effortlessly as they looked at the ship. The two of them had pulled it out of the ground and checked out the front and now they were peering over the engine. For the most part, it was still in one piece and had done a damn good job at saving its pilot. The main issue seemed to lie in the fact that the engine had blown. Everything else, though, seemed to be cosmetic.
“Why did you crash exactly?” Alex asked. Michael gestured towards the engine.
“The wormhole made me go too fast. This was the closest planet with right air,” Michael said, “Then the shield… the… atmosphere? Atmosphere! It made me go too fast again.”
“Ah,” Alex said, looking towards the alien. He still had some soot on his face, but for the most part, he’d wiped it away. And now, in the sunlight, Alex thought he was even more gorgeous than before. “I think we can fix it.”
“Yes?” Michael said, smiling. He let out a cheer and a small laugh, peering over the engine again.
“So, you said you stole it,” Alex said, “Should I be worried that, like, alien police are gonna come down to kill us all?”
Michael’s nose scrunched up and he chuckled, “No. No, it is mine. My dad, uh… what is the word in English? Uh… take it away?”
“Grounded you?” Alex asked and Michael nodded.
“He grounded me. I take it back,” Michael said, “He knows I run off.”
“You run away a lot?” Alex said. Michael simply shrugged a shoulder.
“I like to explore,” Michael grinned. Alex liked the way he smiled. It was always just a little bit mischievous, always just a little bit like he knew too much. Alex wanted to know everything.
“And he’s not gonna look for you?”
“He gives me five days. I take longer, he calls rescue,” Michael said and then he smiled even bigger, “All rescue knows me by name.”
Alex laughed and shook his head. “I could never be that way.”
“Why not?”
“Honestly?” Alex said, focusing back on the engine, “Not sure anyone would go looking for me.”
Michael’s head jolted in shock and he made a wounded little noise. Despite the darker subject matter, Alex gave a small little smile. It didn’t subdue any shock.
“On Antar, your face would be on every paper. The world would search for you,” Michael said. Alex didn’t know how to take that and felt himself blush. He simply turned his head away again. This was a little bit too much.
“Okay, first of all, we need to make you look more human.”
Michael furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head like a confused, curious little puppy. Alex couldn’t help but smile.
“I have to bring you to the Christmas dinner, so you have to look human,” Alex explained as he stood off his bed and went towards the portable closet in the corner. He didn’t have much, but he had enough to share.
“I look human.”
“Not with that hair or those clothes,” Alex said, giving a kind smile when the alien looked semi-offended. He dropped a plain black t-shirt and a pair of jeans on the bed for him. “Change into those.”
“That’s ugly.”
“Rude,” Alex scoffed, “It’s normal.”
“This is normal,” Michael insisted, gesturing towards himself. Alex simply shook his head and turned around.
“Change and undo those braids,” Alex told him. Michael grumbled in a language that Alex didn't understand, continuously rambling as his thick fabric fell to the floor with a thump.
"Undo my hair?" Michael clarified once he was dressed in Alex's clothes, physically grabbing Alex to turn him around. 
"Yes," he said and gave him a once over, thankfully, “You have to zip up the jeans!”
“What?” Michael asked, looking down at himself, “Earth is weird.” 
“Oh my god, zip them,” Alex sighed, gesturing awkwardly to the zipper and the terrifying little patch of exposed skin. Michael sighed and it took him far, far too long to figure out how to do it. “Okay, now fix your hair.”
"I need water," Michael said like it was obvious. Alex sighed and peeked his head out of the curtain. He knew Mimi was downstairs preparing to open the bar and he knew Maria was at the Crashdown Christmas Eve Dinner, spinning some lie to excuse why Alex was going to be late Still, he wanted to double-check.
When it was clear, Alex hauled him to the bathroom and shut the door behind them.
"All flat?" Michael asked, looking over at him. 
"All flat like you or can I keep this?" he asked, gesturing to the curls on his head.
"What? Yeah, you can keep the curls, just not the braids. People don't wear it like that here," Alex explained.
"In my place, flat is bad," Michael said. Alex rolled his eyes. "It is good on you, though. You are the only one my people would like it on."
"You know, on Earth, when you say stuff like that, it's considered flirting," Alex pointed out. Michael just grinned. 
Alex watched as he turned on the faucet and wet his fingertips. He rubbed the water over the braids and they slowly but surely loosened, unraveling with hardly any effort. Alex was mesmerized. 
"All done. Human?"
Alex examined it and smiled. He looked good.
"I bet girls are all over you back home," Alex said, trying not to cringe when he ended up sounding like a creepy grandma. Michael simply smiled, letting Alex ruffle his natural curls into the kinky ones the braids left behind.
“Enough,” Michael said, “Boys too.” Alex froze and looked at him.
“Boys too,” Michael repeated. 
“And… no one cares?” Alex asked. Michael blinked and leaned a bit forward.
“Should they?”
“They do here.”
They stared at each other for a while. Alex was trying to imagine the place he came from. Somewhere where everyone was beautiful and open and queer. Somewhere where they wore ridiculous clothes and did their hair oddly. Somewhere where they had spacecrafts. 
Somewhere else.
“Okay, we should go,” Alex whispered. 
Michael simply smiled and nodded.
After spending all day on a few hours of sleep tinkering with a spaceship and then making an alien boy look human, Alex finally arrived at the Crashdown Christmas Eve Dinner. 
The whole place was bustling and filled with people in Christmas sweaters and hats. Alex and Michael were the only ones in black‒but that wasn’t that big of a deal. Alex always was. Maria and Liz spotted them pretty immediately and ushered them over to the booth. Alex dragged him over.
“Should I ask what is Christmas?” Michael wondered carefully as they sat down across from the girls. 
“It’s a holiday,” Alex answered simply, not bothering to look as offended as Maria and Liz did, “Where we celebrate just, like, togetherness and shit.”
“Oh,” Michael said, nodding his head as if that explained everything. He assumed he probably just didn’t care to ask more.
“So, you look awfully normal,” Maria noted before turning an overwhelming smile onto Alex, “I’m assuming no alien probing happened?”
Alex almost choked on Dr. Pepper he hadn’t taken a sip of yet.
“Jesus Christ,” Alex said, his face flushing hard, “No, we just fixed his hair and his clothes.”
Before anything else could happen, Liz’s father bounded over with a big smile and a tray full of food that he placed before them. 
“Alex! I’m glad you could join us!” he cheered, pulling Alex up to his feet and pulling him into a massive hug. He accepted it willingly, a smile finding his face as he squeezed right back. “And who's your friend?” 
“Uh, Michael,” Alex answered. Arturo held out a hand to him and Alex had to shoot him a look to make him grab it. Maybe he should’ve gone over a bit more human things. 
“Ah, well, welcome!” 
Getting Michael to eat human food proved more difficult than expected. He would ask what it was made of and then that didn't do much to sway him because he didn't know any of the things listed. They had to all but force him to try it and only then, after clarification that it didn’t taste like trash, did he bother to eat.
The only time Michael seemed to not have a problem was when Liz’s sister Rosa pulled him up to dance without even asking who he was. The three of them watched in confusion as the alien moved seamlessly to the music and with Rosa. She seemed super impressed by this and took a moment to wiggle her eyebrows at Alex before Michael spun and dipped her.
“What the hell, they have samba in space?” Liz asked. Alex didn’t even know what to say.
The guy was attractive and he was smart and he was fun to be around and he was into other guys. All of these were positives and, had he not been an alien, Alex would’ve been head over heels. But he was an alien. This wasn’t Carter whatever-his-last-name-was who sat two seats over from him in science last semester. That guy was easy to fall in love with even though he didn’t have a single conversation with him. He was cute and he was human. These felt like extremely pathetic standards, but who could fault him?
This guy ticked all the boxes and was an alien. A fucking alien.
Was it morally wrong to think an alien was hot?
“Nah, Kirk did it all the time,” Maria answered which made Alex realize he’d asked that out loud.
“Oh, that’s so cute!” Liz cooed in a baby voice, an exaggerated pout on her face as she turned to him, “He could be your Spock!” 
“Oh my God,” Alex laughed, shaking his head, “No.”
“Why not? He’s not and he clearly likes you,” Maria pointed out. Alex looked at her in confusion.
“What do you mean he clearly likes me?”
“I mean he’s been making heart eyes at you since you pulled him out of the wreckage,” Maria laughed, kicking him from beneath the table, “And you got him to change his hair and his clothes and eat food he isn’t used to. Sounds like love.”
“Sounds like he’s an alien we took in at four o’clock this morning.”
“You know, you guys were the ones who didn’t even want to keep him. Now you guys think I should hook up with him?” Alex scoffed.
“It’s the dancing,” Maria said.
“True. Boy moves his hips like Shakira taught him personally,” Liz agreed.
“Oh my God,” Alex breathed, shaking his head. But they really did have a point. “None of that even matters because he’s going to be gone the day after Christmas.”
“And you can’t enjoy it while it lasts?” Maria asked. Alex scrunched up his nose.
“Nah. If we did that, we wouldn’t get anything on the ship done,” Alex insisted.
He deserved the slaps to his shoulders he got.
“I am tired.”
“You wanna just wake up early to go to the junkyard?”
Alex could see Michael’s eyes drooping as they made their way back to the Pony. Maria was trailing in front of them, skipping light on her toes. 
“Christmas is tomorrow!” she sang as if she just realized it. Alex couldn’t help but smile at her.
“Yeah, it is.”
“And you two are going to spend it working like dorks!” she added, spinning around to stick her tongue out at them before facing forward again.
“No… togetherness and shit?” Michael asked Alex, quoting him and sounding so very inhuman that it made Alex smile.
“Maria and her mom go to see family, so I usually just stay home and watch movies and then we have dinner together,” Alex explained, “Which, I guess you can come to and I’ll sneak you back in after.”
“And your family? You do not see them?” Michael asked. Alex took a slow, deep breath before giving him a smile.
“Not really, no,” he said. It was easier than any other response and Michael nodded.
“Okay. We can have togetherness and shit,” Michael decided which got Maria to look over her shoulder and shimmy her shoulders a bit at Alex. He rolled his eyes.
“Sounds good.”
It was incredibly easy to sneak Michael in considering Mimi was still manning the bar. Christmas Eve and Christmas day were two of the busiest days of the year for the bar, so she always worked late. All they had to do was slip Michael in the back and bring him straight to Alex’s space.
“It just occurred to me that I never asked how you feel,” Alex asked as he gave Michael a pair of sweats to change into. They faced opposite ways to change.
“I am… uncomfortable?” Michael said. Alex furrowed his eyebrows.
“Uncomfortable how?”
“I ache.”
“Oh, you’re sore?” Alex asked. 
“Yes, a bit.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I crashed,” Michael laughed. Alex turned around and saw him stretching, arms up and a strip of skin visible above his sweats. It made him second guess what Liz and Maria had said about taking advantage of the time he was here. 
What was the worst that could happen?
Obviously, he didn’t stay on that thought too long once Michael turned around again. His shoulders were hunched and his eyes were exhausted, but he still managed to give Alex a little smile. It was painstakingly adorable.
They both looked towards the tiny twin bed. Alex never felt it was really tiny before this moment when he realized he hadn’t considered where they were both going to sleep.
“So… I can sleep on the floor, I guess,” Alex suggested. Michael looked at him with a big frown.
“Why? We can fit.”
“Yeah, but it’s kinda weird to share a bed with someone,” Alex said. Michael still didn’t seem to get it.
“We are friends, yes?” Michael asked. Alex nodded slowly. “I sleep with friends always. It is not weird.”
“Okay, but on Earth it’s weird.”
“You saved me,” Michael said, “If it is weird, I will sleep on the floor.”
“No, you’re sore, I don’t want to make that worse by you sleeping on the floor.”
“Then we share.”
After some staring and internal debating, Alex agreed. He just decided he would never tell Liz or Maria about it because he would never live it down. This would just be his little secret after Michael went home.
They crawled into bed, back to back and fitting a little too snug. The first thing Alex noticed was how physically hot he was. It was like pressing his back up against a heater. Alex gulped softly and reached for his phone to set an alarm. They needed to be up before Mimi so they could sneak off to the junkyard without her realizing Alex had a boy in his bed overnight. 
God, Alex had a boy in his bed overnight. That sounded like a fake sentence.
“Thank you, Alex,” Michael said, “For helping me. You are very kind.” He added a few more sentences in his native tongue, but Alex didn’t need a translation to know that it was simply more appreciation. The sound of his voice was enough.
“You’re welcome.”
Michael reached behind him and grabbed Alex’s arm and gave it a squeeze. 
He fell asleep with a blush on his cheeks.
Alex woke up before his alarm went off which was actual bullshit. 
The reason he woke up, however, had everything to do with the space heater that had decided to press all up against him and wrap him up in his arms. Perhaps it would be romantic and sweet if Alex wasn’t sweating like crazy. 
“Oh my God, Michael, get off,” he grumbled sleepily, elbowing the body behind him. Michael simply hummed and squeezed him once. Alex whined and tried to wiggle out of the hold.
Eventually, Michael let go and Alex turned around to try to prevent that from happening again. Maybe if it was colder or maybe if he was wearing less clothes or maybe if he wasn’t trying to sleep it would’ve been fine. But those weren’t the circumstances and he was tired of sweating. 
It didn’t really help, though, as Michael, in his sleep, scooted back in. Alex fell back asleep with them physically nose to nose.
When the alarm actually went off, neither of them really wanted to budge. It was comfortable to lay there in bed. It was comfortable to lay next to each other. It was comfortable to have limp alien fingers pressed to Alex’s hip as a silent desire for affection.
Alex liked this much better.
His eyes slid open at the same time Michael’s did and they stared for a minute or two. For a moment or two, Alex didn’t want him to leave. It was an insane thought, he barely knew this guy, but he really wanted him to stay. He wanted to wake up and stare at him every morning. He thought he could survive waking up in the middle of the night to throw him off if it meant getting this one little moment of contented silence.
“You are beautiful,” Michael said like that was okay.
“Let’s go to the junkyard,” Alex said because that was okay.
The two of them dressed sluggishly and stole a couple of bananas off the counter. Alex left Mimi a note that said he’d be back for dinner, he had simply gotten up early to go for a walk. Then they slipped out quietly with two backpacks and headed for the junkyard.
Michael and Alex spent more than a few hours digging through parts and trying to find something to create something else that would have enough horsepower to propel him up to space and go through a wormhole enough to make it home. However, it took longer than it should’ve because, now that they were rested, it was easier to fuck around.
Hours went by and they only found a few things, spending most of the time laughing and teasing and getting comfortable. Alex liked being alone with him. He liked his sense of humor and he liked that he wasn’t scared to say what he thought. Alex taught him a few extra words and Michael attempted to teach him some of his native tongue, but it went so badly that Michael told him never to try it again. Which was valid when it sounded more like German than anything else.
“You think we could start your ship with this?” Alex asked as they loaded the parts into their bags. 
“I think so, yes. We could do it after later,” Michael suggested. Alex smiled and nodded, but he found that he was even more sad to see him go.
As they began to walk back, Alex asked, “What happens if we can’t get it started?”
“My dad will come.”
Alex was too scared to ask what all that could mean. 
Climbing into bed for the second night felt bittersweet. This would more than likely be the last night they would have. 
Dinner with Mimi had gone better than expected. She took to Michael quickly and she found him incessantly charming. He seemed to love that. He loved it so much he ate her food without question and then offered to do dishes. It was strange, but it also made sense. He fit well in their little family. It was like he was a piece that had been missing beforehand. It only made Alex even more upset that he would have to go.
This time, they went to bed already facing each other. Every second that Alex stared was an extra second that he was considering just going for it. Michael was leaving in the morning. If he tried something and it went badly, he would only have to live with the embarrassment for a few hours. But, still, that sounded too ambitious.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Alex said instead. Michael’s legs shifted under the blankets, wedging his foot between Alex’s shins. It stole his breath.
“Me too.”
They laid nose to nose again, breathing in sync and existing in sync. How wild was it that he’d crashed where Alex could find him? How specific did life have to be to have them meet?
Alex slowly let his eyes close as he allowed himself to appreciate his body heat. He let himself appreciate the fact that he probably wouldn’t have someone else in his bed for a very long time. He let himself appreciate how immediate they seemed to click. It was like from the moment they saw each other, Alex was here for him. It was too fast for anyone, much less someone like Alex, but it was too good to push away.
“Alex,” Michael whispered. Alex had to put effort into opening his eyes, feeling lethargic and at ease.
Soft fingertips pressed into his jaw which made Alex a thousand times more alert. Then he was being kissed which both woke him up completely and subdued him entirely at the same time. It was slow and sleepy and had all the hair on Alex’s body standing on end. Michael’s leg curled around his and tugged him closer. It was too good. 
“Wow,” Alex breathed. Michael hummed, nudging their noses together. Alex felt at peace.
“Maybe,” Michael murmured, fingers moving from Alex’s jaw to his shoulder and down his arm, “Maybe I can come back sometime.” Alex’s stomach tied in a million knots, eager for it even if it was as vague as possible.
“Would you want to?” 
“Yes. More than anything.”
Alex slept better than he had in a while.
The ship came to life too quickly.
Alex tried not to feel too upset about it. He’d known Michael was going home and, the fact that it started, meant that they were really good at putting shit back together. And, if they’d failed, then Michael’s father would’ve come to search for him which only sounded like it could go wrong. Alex didn’t want to be at the forefront of a misunderstanding turned alien invasion.
Liz and Maria came to send him off, giving him hugs to say it was nice to meet him. He gave Alex a kiss that no longer felt new. In fact, after falling asleep to them and waking up to them, he found he was going to miss them more than anything in the entire world. 
“Goodbye,” Alex told him as he gave him a tight hug.
“Goodbye,” Michael repeated, pressing a kiss to his cheek one last time. It felt too fast, too unreal, when he simply climbed into the ship and left and suddenly it was like it’d never happened.
“Man, you really kissed him,” Maria noted. Alex rolled his eyes.
“Is that what we’re focusing on?”
“I’m just saying that I’m surprised. It was awfully fast.”
“You’re the one who told me I should in the first place!”
“Yeah, but‒”
“Are you going to miss him?” Liz asked, breaking the arguing. Alex licked his lips.
“Yeah,” he said, “But he said he’s going to come back. I don’t know when and maybe he won’t at all, but…”
They were all quiet for a bit longer as they stared up at the sky. It was truly an unforgettable Christmas. Alex silently hoped he could have more.
“Santa really does deliver.”
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bonesgadh · 5 years
How my mom™️ reacted to every Gendrya scene from seasons 1, 2 and 3.
As requested by @stuffjusthappensworld.
Season 1
Arya meets Gendry after he defends her from hot pie.
My mom: poor Arya all alone and confused, she must be so scared. Yeah she is not going down without a fight, defend yourself and let them know you are a badass. Wait, isn’t that the King’s bastard Ned met a couple of episodes ago? They are going to travel together? No shit! I ship them, I’ve only seen them interact for 20 seconds but I saw a spark. That means he’ll probably die soon, my ships are cursed.
Season 2
That little glimpse of Gendry helping Arya getting on the wagon.
My mom: yeah, I definitely ship them.
The gold cloaks ask Yoren to give Gendry to them.
My mom: damn, so both of them are fugitives? That’s good because that way they’ll look after each other. Arya definitely needs someone she can trust.
The river scene.
(You don’t have to be a knight to buy armor, any idiot can buy armor.
How do you know?
Because I sold armor!)
My mom: aww, look at that little smile. They both know they are smarter than the rest of their companions.
(Asking me questions is bad luck, you’ll be dead soon.)
My mom: uh, I don’t think so. My guess is you are the one who’ll be dead soon.
(Did you kill someone or is it because you are a girl?)
My mom: yeah, of course he realized she is a girl. He is too smart and besides Arya is way too pretty to be a boy. And Gendry is pretty too but that’s another issue.
(Lommy and hot pie can’t know. No one can know.
They won’t, not from me.)
My mom: oh shit she is going to tell him who she is? She must trust him a lot. He won’t tell obviously but it’s risky more that one person knows her secret.
(My name’s not Arry, it’s Arya of House Stark. Yoren is taking me home to Winterfell.)
My mom: okay but she didn’t have to tell him the truth only because he discovered she is a girl. She could’ve pretended to be someone else but she told him the truth. This is fascinating.
(All that about cocks—I shouldn’t have said. And I’ve been pissing in front of you and everything!)
My mom: lol he is panicking! This is the start of something beautiful, I’m telling you. They will tell this story to their grandkids someday.
(I should be calling you ‘milady’.
Do not call me ‘milady’!
As milady commands.)
My mom: you know how couples call each other ‘sweetie’ or ‘sweetheart’? Yeah he’s totally going to call her ‘milady’.
Arya pushes him to the ground and he laughs.
My mom: *heart eyes*
Arya talks to Yoren as she cleans Needle.
My mom: love that shot of Arya because you can clearly see Gendry sleeping in the background. Coincidence? I think not.
Yoren gets shot with the crossbow.
My mom: that’s right Gendry, you protect my girl.
(You want Gendry?)
My mom: the fuck Arya what are you doing? Noooo.
(There you got him. He always loved that helmet.)
My mom: omg she is so smart!!!! She saved him, I love that.
Every scene of them in Harrenhall and watching how the Lannister soldiers torture the prisoners.
My mom: You notice how how they are always side by side? They look great together.
The scene where is seems as if the soldiers will torture Gendry to death.
My mom: no no no Gendry you can’t leave Arya alone! Oh thank god for papa Lannister.
Arya watches Gendry “practice” with the sword.
My mom: omg she totally checked him out. And not just once but like four-five times! Clever girl. Honestly Arya just shamelessly staring at Gendry’s body added years to my life. And that cute little smile good jesus.
Arya finds Gendry and hot pie and asks them if they have seen Jaqen.
My mom: well finally, there’s my boy again. Missed him last episode. 
Arya, Gendry and hot pie prepare to escape at midnight.
My mom: haha, they both shut him up. He’s a bit exasperating but I like him. Yes, they are out!!!! Go find your mother and your brother my girl, and introduce them to your new boyfriend.
Season 3
(I’m just trying to understand.
Would you please shut up about it?
Jaqen H’ghar offered you three kills.
I’m not listening.
But just explain it to me. He offered to kill any three people you wanted. Dead. All you had to do was give him the names. Anyone. You could’ve picked King Joffrey!
Shut up. 
You could’ve picked Tywin Lannister. 
Jaqen got us out of Harrenhal, why are you complaining?
You could’ve ended the war.)
My mom: I kinda get his point but dude, she saved your ass! I hope they run into Robb and Cat first because the north is not really an option for the Starks anymore, is it? I mean, Winterfell is all destroyed and there’s no one there to protect them. Their bickering is adorable by the way.
They run into the brotherhood.
My mom: oh jesus, who are those? Arya and Gendry keep jumping from one captive to the other, don’t they? Lol Gendry put that sword down, five episodes ago you showed us you can’t wield one for shit. Seriously, put it down before you hurt yourself.
Scene at the tavern.
(Gendry is a smith. He was an apprentice at the armory.
A smith, eh? Where did you train?)
My mom: adfñskjl that look they gave each other! 
Enter the Hound.
My mom: omg he is going to recognize her! Shit, they are in trouble now.
Scene outside of the crossroads inn.
My mom: okay I don’t like this. I get Gendry is helping the tipsy guy only to stay out of trouble but they gave a lot of emphasis on they guy being interested in Gendry being a smith. He is not going to stay with them, is he? Oh no, the squad is separating!  Awww he made her a wolf-shaped bread. Arya and Gendry want to laugh so hard lol. This is such a cute scene but also sad. I’m going to miss hot pie, he was an idiot but he was Arya’s friend. Now Gendry is all she has left. 
Scene in the cave where the brotherhood hides.
My mom: I just love how they always put them side by side. Yeah you bet one-eyed guy, Arya is the bravest of you all.
The Hound kills Beric.
My mom: shit he killed the cool guy. It was kind of obvious he would but it still sucks. Oh jesus Arya what are you doing? Yeah Gendry, stop her from doing something stupid. Adsklafjñfaslkj am I an idiot if that shot of he holding her is making he happy? OMFG HE BROUGHT HIM BACK?? WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS??
Gendry tells Arya he’ll stay with the brotherhood.
My mom: oh great, I knew he was going to stay with them. This is just fucking great. Yeah Arya has every right to be pissed. After everything they’ve been through he’ll just leave her? Can’t he see he is the only thing she has now?  Loosing him will destroy her.
(I never had a family.)
My mom: omg please don’t say it, Arya.
(I can be your family.)
My mom: that’s the 13-year old equivalent of an adult saying ‘I love you’. Good lord take me now, I don’t think I can watch him reject her. She is on the verge of tears, she is staring at him with so much love and she pretty much begged him to go with her. 
(You wouldn’t be my family, you’d be milady.)
My mom:  This is just heartbreaking, you can see the exact moment her heart shatters into a million pieces. She looks so hurt at what he said and he looks hurt as well, he is on the verge of tears too. 
Melisandre and the soldiers take Gendry away.
My mom: what the FUCK???? God please no someone stop them. Arya trying to get the soldiers to release Gendry is so cute. Yeah Arya, kick her ass. It’s kind of adorable how concerned she is the witch will hurt him. Hey don’t touch her with your dirty hands. Seriously, a stupid prophecy?? This is not the time for this shit. Noooooo don’t take him away! Sweet jesus look at Arya’s face, she is devastated! She is going full-dark Arya after this, isn’t she? They have taken everything away from her now. Please tell me they’ll see each other again because if they don’t I swear to god...
Arya with the brotherhood after Melisandre took Gendry away.
My mom: aww my poor baby, she is so sad because Gendry is gone. She must feel so alone. Yeah get the fuck out of there, they only care about fighting the bad guys and gold. Oh dear now what? The Hound, are you kidding me??? Told you, from one captive to another. Here here we go again.
You can read her reactions to Gendrya scenes from season 8 here:
Part one
Part two
Part three
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thestudyfeels · 5 years
Why Celebrities Are Worth More Than You
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Before I dive (copy that? Because this post is gonna be so deep? Edit: I’ll take Jesus and one litre of bleach, thank you) into this storm of revelations, ANNOUNCEMENT!!! This is the first post in a series where I go all in on a particular topic and dig up hidden nuggets of wisdom from it. In other words, I rant. Hard. 
Why am I blessing you with this goodness?
This entire series boils down to improving your mindset. You’ve probably heard the legend that in the Solomon Islands, villagers practiced an, ahem, unique form of logging. If a tree was too large to be felled with an ax, the natives withered down the tree by cursing it for weeks. That’s the idea behind this series: repetition. The PRIMARY reason why I win a lot, is because I am a perennial liar and I won't take a no for my dreams. If I want to have ‘x’ trait, I’ll lie and say I have ‘x’ trait till I do have ‘x’ trait.
This is also known as the Reality Distortion Field, popularised by Steve Jobs. “Steve Jobs’s “reality distortion field” was a personal refusal to accept limitations and to convince himself that any difficulty was surmountable. This “field” was so strong that he was able to convince others that they, too, could achieve the impossible. It was an internal reality so powerful it also became an external reality.” (x)
The catch? The distortion field, and mindset in general, works MAJORLY through repetition. So I don't care if you think you’re the biggest, saddest wanker around, I’m going to drum into your ears that you’re a star and trust me, by the end of this series, every constellation out there will be pining for you.
So tea, I’M ON FIRE TODAY, so if you have a coffee (tea?) to drink, some time to invest on yourself, and a sturdy ol’ cerebrum to upgrade, then join in and watch out for this series (Letters From Solomon Islands, WHATTUP) on your dashboards. My people already know that the how-to’s are clickbait anyway (Coughs, chokes on the shade.)
Why We Adore Our Celebs
The other day I was stalking Tom Hiddleston in my bathroom (please don't use your imagination) and exactly one day ago I had been stalking Billie Eilish in there (yes nosy Eric, I'm bi, but again, don’t get carried away) and there was an interview talking about her rise to fame, and THAT, fellow denizens, got me wondering: Why do we have celebrities? (A profound question Nandini, you’ve done us proud.)
Before you spit something political like “capitalism!”, put down that crochet pattern for a sec. Close your eyes (welcome to woke therapy, ayo), and I want you to envision one of your role models- the people you look up to and would DIE if you get a chance to meet them. The icons you stalk excessively on Insta and have all the notifs on for. No, Sally, your crush on Zac Efron’s abs doesn't count. Sorry to crush your hopes.
Second, consider WHY you love this person so much. It could be anyone - an actor, influencer *smirks*, singer, that hot man down the street who helped you pick up your groceries that one time because you’re clumsy- yup, anyone. Now, trap that love here, in these pages, as you read. (Oh Sally, here’s toilet paper and a cookie, stop sniffling.)
Here’s some foreshadowing: In a nutshell, ‘celebrities’ exist because the rest of us are— excuse us, politically incorrect statement coming through— losers. Or better put, because we can't become ‘celebrities’ ourselves. Don’t run in with your frying pan just yet, James, I’ll do a thorough deconstruction. Stay put and listen up:
           Look around and you’ll find that most of the citizenry is living a life for others. Whether subconsciously, or consciously, it’s as if we’re pre-programmed to imitate and copy whatever the herd is up to. “Yo, whatcha up to, Nate, you out partying? I’ll see you in ten then.” “Lol, are you living under a rock? Do you seriously not know what Uggs are?” “I mean… yeah, I hate Justin Bieber too, of course I do.”
And that's not our fault, really. Society briefs us on the ground rules of fitting in pretty early on: get good grades, go to college, try to find a nice paying job– and we do it, like unquestioning muppets helpless in its domineering hands.
Because we all know the ramifications that’ll crop up if we don’t. If anyone even dares to be a bit different, they’re freezed out and ridiculed. They’re slapped with labels such as “insane”, “naive”, “misfit”, or the best one yet - “selfish”. Selfish for living true to themselves. Selfish for hustling hard and making THEIR dreams a reality. Selfish for having the courage to put their own desires before society’s. What. A. Big. Yawn. I’m sleeping on y’all.
          And that’s precisely where celebs beat us to the finish line.
Look, these ‘acclaimed’ personalities bubble up because most are afraid to be the most bona fide and best version of themselves. It’s much easier to plop on the couch, switch on the TV, and say, “Man, I could do that any day. And prob better too,” while trying to pick up the remote control with your two toes because you’re too comfy to get up right now.
Your role models, idols, and mentors – the entire bulk of these people have a willpower and fortitude that you could only dream of. They’ve hunted down their fears and faced numerous challenges to follow their dreams. They’ve chosen to remain true to their authentic selves even under constant judgment. Sure, they were all called eccentrics and crazy at one point or another, but— ok no, (edit: wow, I had a mood swing here, lmao) they ARE eccentrics. They ARE crazy. Wild for wanting to change the world. Mad for inspiring millions of people. They’re lunatics who had the audacity to dream big, shed the shells of doubt and insecurity, and dared to live their best life.
Moral of the story is: Celebrities, pop stars, and internet personalities aren’t just people who got lucky and wealthy. They had a special kind of fearlessness and self-awareness to get here, qualities worth examining for yourself.
So here’s your mental workout for this post —
Go and ruminate deeply about what makes you love the people you admire. What do they have or do that you want as well? Is it their spontaneity? Their courage and faith? Or is it their kindness and humanity? Or perhaps most importantly, their passion? Have you fallen in love with their excitement to go to work or does your heart melt at the gratitude they show others?
Find out what it is that makes your eyes sparkle and the corners of your lips turn up when you look at them. It is easier to find what you’d love to do from what others are doing than brainstorm on an empty page. *Sally looks up from the corner* “And then what?” *Me, smiles, sensing the crazy philo rant coming ahead* “And then, Sally dear, you live.”
The next step is a big one. You do what THEY did. If they’re passionate, YOU learn to become devoted to your dreams as well. If they don’t give up, you NEVER STRAY either.
You see, we have it in all of us to become great. And we can start wherever we are. Jen Sincero, an author and coach, put it well: “It’s not your fault you’re fucked up, BUT it is your fault if you stay fucked up.” So start where you are. Start NOW. Follow the advice Will gave to Louisa in his departing letter in Me Before You (I’m a soppy romcom fanatic) – “There is a hunger in you, Clark. A fearlessness. You just buried it, like most people do… so live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle. Just live well. Just LIVE.”
Love, the world isn’t as scary as we’ve all grown up to think it is. Passion, kindness, faith and magic breathes among us. You’re not a loser, darling, scribble over that insult so it says “lover”, and heal, knowing that the world awfully, I give you my word of honor (still an 18th century woman, y’all), wants you to win.
And I? I’ll be right here waiting for the day when there’ll be no such demarcation of people as “winners” or “suckers”; just conquerors with big hearts and unbreakable faith, all ready to make that small life count. 
Go win.
The End Card That Rambles On And Plugs Even More
🌚🌝 Further reading? 🌝🌚
Last post: 13 Lessons from the 2018 Chapter
if you don’t love yourself, read this. please.
+ Want to request a post? Leave your request in my ask box & I’ll get back to you asap!
Thanks for dropping by! It was a pleasure having you around. If you wish to stick for a bit, I’d suggest picking one of the related posts mentioned above.
I post new posts bi-weekly, and my wins, & journal entries throughout the week, so follow me if you’re into conquering life, leaving a legacy and being the baddest badass you can possibly be. I’ll be your side pal, cheering you along.✨
And that was it, it’s a wrap! Martha, shut the cams, Henry, pause the audio, and Nandita, I know you’re pretending to be deaf, but Mom’s yelling something about doing the dishes. Better skip along.
And you, fellow conqueror? Keep slaying life, doing the work and making it count. I hope you’re well, stay strong and go conquer life. ✧
I’m sending you so much love, see you soon.
— Nandini 💌 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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mendesforpresident · 7 years
what’s a title i don’t know
Warning: There’s a few sexual inuendos lol byyyyyeeeEEEEEEE
The bolded print is Shawn’s POV
The one day you had off you were being called into work. Because what else would happen. You had received the call at 2:45, your boss told you that your co worker Kelsey, had called in sick today. On one of the biggest days of the year for the company you work for. The VMAs. Yes you worked for MTV, and it was great. You were one of the stage managers and photographers whenever the crew was short on photographers. Regardless, you had wanted to spend your night curled up on the couch with a cup of tea, a book and John Mayer playing quietly from your phone. But you unwillingly pulled on your black MTV staff shirt, black leggings, black lowtop Velcro vans and got into your car. All black was standard uniform for a stage crew member. The focus should be on the celebrities not the people behind the scenes. 
By 3:30 you were in your car dealing with LA traffic attempting to get to the location in Inglewood. By 4:00 you were on sight of the award show, and the pre-shows wouldn’t start for another 3 hours. You quickly found your boss through the haze of busy coworkers. 
“Hello dear, thank you so much for coming in today. I know it’s your day off but that stupid head lady Kelsey decided to call in sick today and you’re the  only one who could cover her job. So let’s get started we have no time to lose. See those baskets down the hall. Yes okay, you need to deliver them to the dressing room of each corresponding performer. Their name and room number will be on the card.” your boss, Spencer, explained to you quickly. 
“you brought me here to hand out baskets? Kelsey couldn’t do that, hell bring her in sick or not. It’s a few baskets. MY one night off is going to be wasted because Kelsey couldn’t come in and hand out a few baskets.”
“oh shut your trap sweetheart,(btw this guy is gay, so he’s not like some predator calling her sweetheart for some creepy ass reason lol)  it’s just a few baskets an then I need you to help conduct cameras and take photos at the show tonight. NOW SHOO” he finished, lightly shoving you in the direction of the hall. You walked down the hall muttering to yourself til you reached the basket table. You picked up the first four, balancing two on each arm and walked to your first destination of Khalid’s room. After leaving baskets in the empty rooms of many artists including Ed Sheeran, Kendrick Lamar, Cardi B, Fifth Harmony, Julia MIchaels, Alessia Cara and many more. You went on to give your last basket to Shawn Mendes, a Canadian popstar you had heard about on the radio. Stupidly, you didn’t knock and walked right in. But unlike the last 20 rooms this room happened to be occupied. Occupied by a half naked, Shawn Mendes. Clad in only his boxers and socks. You immediately shrieked upon entering and quickly backed out of the room, shutting the door behind you. You faintly heard Shawn’s voice from behind the door.
“It’s uh fine you can come on in again” he said to you from the other side of the wooden boundary. You slowly turned the doorknob and your eyes fell upon a still half naked Canadian popstar. 
“uh Hi, Mr. Mendes, I am so sorry I didn’t knock. I thought your room would be empty. But here is a gift basket from MTV personally. Have a great time at the award show.” you word vomited quickly.
“It’s fine” he said taking the basket from you “you can call me Shawn and please thank MTV on my behalf for this fantastic gift basket.”  he finished, turning away from you to set the basket on the vanity behind him. Back muscles shifting. You chuckled quietly at his last comment. You had obviously knew who Shawn Mendes was. You had seen his videos and heard his music but you wouldn’t call yourself a fan. It’s not that you didn’t like him you just never took the time to thoroughly check him out. At the current moment you were beginning to retract and make new opinions of the boy standing before you. You slowly began to realize you had spaced out and began to snap back to reality (oh there goes gravity lol sorry) but before you physically showed you were paying attention to what was happening. You couldn’t help but notice that Shawn had been staring back at you, studying and scouring your features.
“Um I’ll make sure to tell MTV that, once again I’m truly sorry for walking in on you. Have a fantastic time tonight.” you said quickly rushing back to the door.
“yeah thanks you as well.” Shawn replied lazily watching you leave. You grabbed the knob and pulled the door closed behind you. As soon as you heard the door fully shut, you exhaled and speed walked down the hall and back into the red carpet area. 
She’s adorable, you couldn’t have been happier that she walked in on you getting dressed. But that line, who the fuck is MTV. It’s a company not a person, Jesus Christ. You were overthinking everything now. She’s perfect but you doubt you’ll ever see her again. Which sucks.
Bright lights flashed as you adjusted the headset connected to one of your coworkers who was feeding you instructions about what interviews you needed to film, what cameras, what angle or what celebrity was going to be interviewed next. The pre-shows had commenced 25 minutes ago and you already felt like you’ve lost your head among the sea of stars. 
“Shawn Mendes is up next on camera 3″ said the little voice in your ear and your stomach explodes in a mass of butterflies. You hated it. Yet you still returned Shawn’s grin as you handed him his mic. 
“Fully dressed now huh?” you coyly whispered to him.
“Yeah I hope so” he replied sarcastically, his cheeks heating up. You lightly pushed him up the few steps and onto the interview platform. Every so often he would glance your way and grin slightly. You just continued to do your job, trying to keep your gaze away from his. He was a star and you were an asteroid. He burnt brightly, shining for all to see. You were dull and boring. You had no purpose but to drift through life quietly going unnoticed for the rest of time. It was the sad truth but then again not many truths are very happy.
It was finally time for the award show to start. You were walking around the venue taking pictures of the stage, the fans and obviously the celebrities. You had the camera hanging around your neck and were listening to the headset in you ear giving you the countdown til the show started. At the 5 minute mark you made your way over to the cameras being set up and tested. Finally the lights began to dim and those standing on the main floor began to scream and shout. Every time you and the camera man walked past Shawn during the show he would lick his lips or clench his jaw or curl his fist that was casually resting on his thick thigh. It made you blush every time so thank god for the darkness.
She was the epitome of absolute perfection, every damn time she walked past him as she trailed behind the camera man. He would feel his mind and heart explode into thousands of pieces. He almost lost his mind when she crouched down several feet in front of him. Her ass, Jesus fucking Christ, her ass made him wanna cry. She was a goddess but he knew he could never have her. She couldn’t love him if he was always on the road or recording or practicing. He was physically unlovable and nothing could change. But he would never see her again after tonight so what’s the point.
The show had whirled by and before he knew it, Shawn was standing backstage waiting for someone to hook him up to the sound system and a mic. By the luck of the gods, she came walking through the green room door. Her hands piled high with equipment to help Shawn and his band perform. She looked busy and tired, he wanted to be able to comfort her. He just barely met her and has probably spoken to her twice but he couldn’t help himself. She carefully dropped the equipment on the table across from Shawn and sighed.
“It’s been a busy day huh?” Shawn asked trying to break the ice.
“You have no idea.” she replied, picking up an in-ear monitor and walking over to him. When she reached him she began to untangle the wires of the monitor. Once the monitor was successfully untangled, she looked down at his crotch and then up to his face.
“May I?” She asked him. Shawn looked at her a bit puzzled and taken back. “Oh my god, I’m not trying to get in your pants or something. I just need to clip the monitor’s power box onto your waistband. Jesus, for such an innocent looking guy you have one hell of a dirty mind.”she said quickly. She crouched down onto her knees so she was level with his waistband. She pulled the waistband away from his hips and handed the monitors control box to him.
“Just clip it to your waistband so that it’s inside your pants and the little light is facing your skin..or...torso I guess.” she said, leaning to the side you grab the wire on the table behind him. Her chest was pressed against his upper thighs and he almost yelped at the contact. She took the wire and plugged it into the monitor box clipped on his pants. Needless to say Shawn would have loved to have her on her knees in front of him, under other less clothed circumstances. She took the other end of the wire and put it up the bottom of his shirt, so that the wire was brushing gently against his abdomen. Her cold hands made him shiver but the new sensation felt oddly relaxing. She made him nervous, she relaxed him and she even excited him with her glowing presence. Shawn hadn’t noticed what was happening until he felt the wire tickling his jawline(so sharp it could cut a bitch). She then stood up and pulled his waistband away from his hip, putting her hand on the monitor’s switch and turning it on. Shawn couldn’t help but what the way she moved with her fluid motions, he knew it was creepy and they had just met but he couldn’t help but look at her. Shawn was once again caught off guard when she cupped the side of his face and put the ear piece correctly in his ear. Their faces couldn’t be more than a few inches apart, a gap that could be easily closed. Her minty breath fanned his face, their gaze connected and Shawn almost exploded. But then it was over, and as soon as she came in. She was gone. He realized he would probably never see her face again. Little did he know that she would be working the next MTV unplugged show.(part two?)
Okay so I realize I’ve been gone for too many weeks and that school is bullshit. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTT I’m back and this is my apology and I love every single one of you beautiful people that are crazy enough to follow me and publicly say you enjoying my writings. Ok bye<33333 but like if you want a part 2 I would be so down to write it.
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