#and by interedting
nightmare-chaser · 1 year
Ive seen multiple posts from reddit refuges that go like "im queer and its so welcoming here!" Or "im nonbinary and dont get quized on my gender here!" Or "im autistic and i can be weird here and yall like it!" And its so fuckin cute its like yes hi hello welcome this is the gay ass autistic website we love special interests we love weird genders we love just saying random shit and the just happy surprised tone of those posts is so wholesome to me like yes! hi! you are in fact the target audience! welcome home
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southpauz · 2 months
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🌿Happy HIGHyena Day 🌿
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superfruitland · 2 months
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in this update leo passes a crucial perception check and casey is barely awake. that's it. that's the update. fun.
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asmoslverboy · 5 months
A moment of curiosity: Dottore. (male!reader) (also, not very serious of a fic.)
"So, you're basically saying that you killed a previous lover?" You ask him, furrowing your eyebrows. You weren't as scared as you were amazed. Intrigued, perhaps? I mean, not only did he manage to make a woman fall in love with him whlist his reputation was below the rocks— he also took her out on a date and killed her. And on top of that, he made it look like wild animals committed all those unspeakable crimes to her.
Dottore simply looks at you, his head cocked to the side, his lip curled as if he was two steps away from inviting you in his bed. "It is wonderful, is it not? I must admit, it was not one of my easiest feats back in the day, nor one of the most... rational ones, however, the reactions I recieved— nay, the situation received— were quite the satisfactory ones."
"So what you're telling me is that you were an impulsive, little attention seeker?"
"That's not quite what i–" Dottore stopped mid sentence, suddenly the correspondence of your words hitting him like a bunch of bricks that were caught up in a hurricane.
"This is not– there is no need to dwell on my past acts, my darling boy. They are not relevant to the current me in any shape, way, or form." He cleared his throat. "And she wasn't my lover, moreso just someone who happened to experience college crushes through my image."
With that, you sat on his lap, as you often did. "Would you have killed me, too, if I was in her place?" You were unserious in that matter, obviously, though Dottore seemed to take your question in the unintended sense.
"Entirely depends on how you'd have been in her place. If you were to simply act like her, with the only difference being your appearance; then I'm afraid the outcome would have been no different. However, if you were one who crushed on me in my days at the Akademiya, and you approached said crush as you did in our actual past, I'm certain that we'd have ended up in a similar position as we are now"
Does this man ever take breaths as speaks?
"Besides, my little prince, how would it be possible that you took her place, in order for that to—..."
Perhaps you should have never asked. Unfortunately for you, and for any passing by his office, he would not stop yapping about the scientific possibilities of the scenario you suggested.
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medicalunprofessional · 5 months
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sketchy-tour · 2 months
Hm. I've said I wouldn't in the past, but lately I've felt just a bit more open to the idea of making a cai of Dandy.
Still not super sure if people would really wanna chat that much with Dandy, but idk! Even if it's just a bit of fun for a few people! Maybe! A hard maybe.
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a-dip-in-the-source · 3 months
Bracken 100% one of the greatest characters the author added btw. Really said "Kendra gets a Final Fantasy boyfriend" and then made it happen. He exists (in a doylist explanation) to give affirmations and look pretty covered in blood. Peace and Love <3
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kijosakka · 3 months
alejandro,,, so fun <3 OKAY I HAVE MANY AN IDEA SO TO BEGIN WITH: panopticon
as established, panopticon is a Thing in this au mainly as a theme (but also a very very big influence in the creation of this in the first place).
panopticon itself refers to an institutional/prison design wherein a central guard tower and the construction thereof makes the prisons unable to tell if theyre being watched at any given moment; thus, self regulation.
^ dramaturgy, as an AU, focuses on noah acting ‘in accordance’ with the cameras in a genre-savvy adjacent manner; he self regulates. the ‘central guard tower’ to him is the audience.
to alejandro, however, the audience is not a variable. his competing does not factor in the audience and public the way noahs does; instead, his focus is shifted to his castmates.
to slot it in now, im talking about alejandros perception of the audience and the perception of him thereof (which, this and the above will be compounded upon with the stuff below further explaining alejandros facade/masking).
^ again, the audience just isnt a necessary variable to alejandro (at least, beyond *his family). playing in the manner he is, orchestrating and manipulating, you just cant fit in the time to placate the audience to make them love you. the more important thing is the opinions of his castmates, who are the real variables impacting his win.
and so, in short, alejandro is polarizing. people love a villain, but there is still the in-universe distinction of it being a reality show. it is real people; so, some part of TD’s audience will account that and denounce alejandro for being so comfortable in manipulating his peers so shamelessly.
[*his family, as seen in canon, seems to be something he is acutely aware of. he would be aware of how he presents himself, and would do so in a manner pleasing to them.
this is not to say hes unaware of the audience. he knows theyre there and speaks directly to them in the confessionals in a shifted manner (exaggerated/nitpicked for the purposes of this AU).
< where most characters speak about their competition to the audience, alejandro often speaks directly to the audience. tiniest distinction but i feel i should make it and emphasize it]
and now,, his actual facade; what it portrays, what it hides, and the reasons/motivations.
^ restating another post (ty ophe), alejandro has a mask of a person hiding antagonism. he acts like an idealist version of his actual person; kind, sensible, intelligent, considerate. athletic, helpful, goodhearted, compassionate, attractive to boot. taken to an extreme, holier-than-thou and patronizing. diminished, way overcompensatory, or maybe doormat-ish.
while this version of noah comes off as uncanny valley because no real person is so detached and lifeless, no real person is so perfect either. alejandro would trigger the same bells but to a much, much lesser degree. more like there were pieces of a puzzle missing rather than something distinctly wrong.
because alejandro seems like a person, he portrays depths and facets to himself (while all positive), and interacts with his castmates like how people interact with people.
it is, again, a the veil of an idealist person hiding antagonism. i don’t think alejandro is a cartoonishly antagonistic, unremorseful supervillain character (and hes not really portrayed as such in canon, but just to say), but he is absolutely not the perfection he portrays himself as.
now is a great time to add that alejandros mask heavily relates back to the expectations his family pushes on him; not only is it good socially (for the purposes of the competition) but theres probably a sense of validation there aswell (if shallow, because its still not an appreciation of the ‘real’ him).
^ and thats a Thing as well, the ‘real’ alejandro. flawed and imperfect, able to be irritable and snappy and meanspirited with arrogance hiding the cracks of overwhelming inferiority. as a person, that is, in intent for the game hes, well, an eel. conniving and slippery and manipulative and sly and vindictive and unapologetic.
and as for reasons,, staying in line with the burromuertos ‘high society’ position in this AU, maybe it was something like a way to prove himself; he works the social game and shows business promise because of it, and brings a hefty sum of money home to his family that he earned.
and his facade is an easy one, not only a way to show a sense of professionalism and keep the burromuerto name ‘untainted’ by blatantly unsavory behavior similar to someone like duncan, but a way to keep his castmates none the wiser while the steals the money from under them.
BUT within the au itself things umm do not go to plan as noah makes it his mission to unmask alejandro as just as fake as he himself is.
which brings about the topic of a very specific cast relationship: noah and alejandro
as,, yk,, the backbones of his entire au (ok its more like nervous systems. noah is central and alejandro is peripheral) i want to save a full digging into their relationship and developments for another post entirely (probably going episode by episode until pre london focusing mostly on alejandro, and then another post after i figure out the actual events of WT going through the changed canon)
but to just go through it very quickly; noah doesnt trust alejandro and sees through him. alejandro eventually catches wind of the fact that noah doesnt trust him, and i imagine it would trigger a wondering of how? spurred on by noahs whole ‘no substance’ thing.
and besides, nobody has anything on noah despite him being their castmate going on 3 years now. and now that he’s thinking about it, what does he himself really know about noah in the same way he knows things about the rest of the cast? that’s interesting. *
^ i imagine alejandro would be wary but not worried about noah knowing, simply because of the passive nature he’s read of the other. < poor alejandro. it is not nearly that easy.
[*interesting,,, i will cover that more on the actual post going ep by ep for their relationship. because i do have Thoughts]
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tinamybeloved · 9 months
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🤏a little tina
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norwegianblackmetal · 6 months
getting really into darkthrone. can feel my autism levels increasing
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trckstergods · 4 months
I went on a date with a man last week and when I asked him what his hobbies are he basically told me they're for poor people. Like ok then. I'll just go ahead and take the check now please and thank you
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hamsamwich23 · 1 year
Le epic personal silly crossover idea
Unreality Scout manages to befriend both Wooly and Amanda and becomes like an older sibling figure
Meanwhile Unreality Mortimer is tracking down Hameln to kick his fuckin ass
@phantom-of-the-ruckus muehehehehe
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ratgingi · 1 year
what is dialtown...
OK so dialtown is a dating sim you can find on steam (its very inexpensive for the content ur getting highly reccomend it) where you play as a cryptid trying to get a date to the funfair for valentines day so you can lay eggs there
its very silly and incredibly well written and the cast is so fun and diverse and has some actual like. intense story moments as well as just absolute baffoonery i very much suggest giving it a go
also you can date bigfoot. he is a datable character
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Every major instance of Girl Power they’ve tried to do in the mcu has been the most shallow, performative, pseudo-feminist shit I’ve ever seen. And it’s very telling that mainstream fans eat it up so much.
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Kiwami 2 Time babey
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amugoffandoms · 5 months
OKAY PKAY I just wanna say I'm sorry to the kotoko inno truthers I just can't do it man </3 kotoko made me uncomfortable in YONAH and deep cover was just kicking me at that pointn
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