#and bonus granby
crownomancer · 1 month
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Inspired by @wildtornado-o to post some of my dragon sketches. Their Iskierka design especially inspires me.
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The way this house is built reminds me of the Bat Cave. How cool to drive up, press the remote and drive into your little lair. This house has peeling paint on the exterior, but the interior is almost perfect. It was built in 1981 in North Granby, CT. Has 3bds, 3ba, and only $299K.
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See? The paint is peeling. Did they use the wrong kind? Note the cute little balconies above the door. Come and take a look inside.
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Look at how nice this is. Open concept. Skylights, round windows, stone fireplace, sliders to a patio, and a mezzanine.
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The nice large patio.
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I love this house. The interior is pristine. Look at how dramatic it is.
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It looks like there's a bar next to the fireplace.
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Kitchen behind the fireplace. I hope they fixed whatever made the stains on the ceiling. I think that there are ovens in the stone wall. Just one lousy photograph of the kitchen.
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Like that the spiral stairs are wide. Why the white carpet, though?
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Nice guest powder room. Love the black fixtures.
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Cedar closet at the top of the stairs and double arched doors to the primary bedroom.
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I like the arches. A fireplace in the wall. And, look at the loft above. That must be the ladder for the loft, in the corner.
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Built-in storage by the windows overlooking the main floor.
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Very nice. Oh, shoot, are the windows leaking?
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Large en-suite with a walk-in closet. Love the gray fixtures.
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I think that this may be another room with stairs to another loft. It's hard to tell.
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Cute room with a vaulted ceiling. Look at the lettering that says "Magic Door" in gold. Sweet.
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These stairs lead up to another level.
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Very cool little bonus space up here. What a cool house.
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Convenient door if you want to go in thru the garage.
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The driveway looks like a private road to the house.
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Little path thru the garden.
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This will be gorgeous after cleaning out the murky pool. There's a lot of property for the money, it's 2.04 acres.
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presidentheartbeat6 · 3 months
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Laurence: “I am dreadfully sorry we did not tell you earlier, Temeraire.”
Temeraire: “Oh, it is not that (I have known about you and Tharkay for months now, really it is no great big secret…), it is just… must you call him ‘my Dear’?”
Laurence: “…”)
Me posting something without granby in it??? Who even am I???????
Oh also I have no idea how to draw dragons but I tried!!!
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a-pepper-honey · 3 months
What's up it's time to post all the Temeraire doodles I'll never colour let's go
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Granby & Tharkay being cute (these work as Granby/Tharkay in general but they were meant as doodles from my fic The most enduring amity of Mr Tharkay and Mr Granby)
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pov: your 20-tonne dragon has a Question
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this started out as an anatomy study with poses I found on pinterest. and then it became hot
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impishtubist · 6 months
HELLO I would LOVE to give u a temeraire prompt. Perchance some hurt!Tharkay, any era you desire, with the fun bonus of extremely protective Temeraire?
My first Temeraire prompt! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 And it's Tharkay whump! I am so blessed.
I'm setting this on the Allegiance during the journey to Australia.
“Do you suppose,” Tharkay asks dryly, “he means to let me out anytime soon? Only the supper hour has come and gone, and I do not see why I should be deprived of a meal simply because Lieutenant Marchand could not keep his fists to himself.”
“Laurence,” Temeraire says, “Tharkay is correct. You will fetch him some food, yes?”
Laurence surveys the scene in bemusement--Temeraire, coiled tightly around himself on the dragon deck, and Tharkay, caged in by his forelegs. 
“Best do as he says, Will, or he may toss you overboard as well,” Granby says--lightly, because the unfortunate lieutenant had eventually been fished out of the ocean by a grumbling Iskierka before being confined to his cabin by Riley.
Laurence secures food and wine for both himself and Tharkay, and Temeraire consents to unwind himself long enough for Laurence to slip through, before curling protectively around them both. 
“You are well?” Laurence asks as he lays their meal out on the deck between them. 
“Quite well,” Tharkay says from where he is lounging against one of Temeraire’s forelegs. The bruise has spread, covering his cheek and curling around an eye, but he seems to be in good spirits. “Though I confess, the bed in my cabin is a much more appealing prospect than sleeping on the deck tonight.”
“Of course you will not sleep on the deck!” Temeraire says. “You will sleep in my foreleg, as Laurence does.”
“Ah, of course, how could I be so foolish as to think otherwise?” Tharkay says, and Laurence is glad that he merely seems amused by Temeraire’s antics. 
Nonetheless, he says, “Tenzing, I do apologize--”
Tharkay waves it away and accepts a glass of wine from him. “I have always wondered what it would be like to have a twenty-ton nursemaid. Although he will need to consent to let me go to the privy at some point.”
“Laurence will accompany you,” Temeraire says, and Laurence chokes on his wine. Tharkay thumps him on the back. 
“I will not!” 
“That,” Temeraire says stiffly, “is no way to treat your nest-mate, Laurence.” 
Now it is Tharkay’s turn to cough and sputter. Even so, Laurence can hear Granby’s laughter over the commotion, and feels his face flame. 
“Temeraire,” he hisses, “do keep your voice down, my dear, and you mustn’t say such things, they are--well, they are indecent to speak about, and perfectly untrue--” 
“I do not see what is so indecent about it. It is not as though Tharkay is able to give you an egg, thus avoiding the awkwardness that Captain Riley put poor Harcourt through--”
“Am I not, Temeraire?” Tharkay catches Laurence’s eye and winks, damn him. Laurence can only gape at him. “Perhaps we should try, Will, just to be certain.” 
“I acted in haste earlier,” Laurence says darkly, referring to the moment when he punched Lieutenant Marchand in retaliation before Temeraire swept him overboard. “Apparently, he did not hit you hard enough.” 
Laurence finds himself expelled from the protective circle of Temeraire’s forelegs after that, and is forced to bed down with Granby and Iskierka for the night.
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k-she-rambles · 5 months
since I'm on a temeraire kick...sortinghatchats thoughts!
Laurence: Gryffindor/Hufflepuff with an incredibly strong Bird Primary model. Behaves like a Burned Lion --possibly a deeply underdeveloped one?
Temeraire: Slytherin/Ravenclaw (with a Lion Primary model?)
Granby: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Tharkay: Ravenclaw/Slytherin, mirroring Temeraire. (not totally certain about his primary)
Jane Roland: Double Snake (aviators tend towards snake it seems
Bonus Rankin my Beloathed: double badger
Laurence analysis under the cut:
• first instinct for Lawrence was Ravenclaw/Gryffindor. I thought 'that man will be himself if it kills him' (ran away twice to join the navy), a sure sign of a Lion Secondary, and he relies heavily on Structures of right and wrong, a Bird Primary trait.
But then I thought about it. Bird Primaries are relatively okay with what they believe in being disproved. They don't like it, but if they find they have to modify or replace some of the moral or philosophical structures they rely on, they're going to be glad to have learned better much sooner than another Primary would.
Lion Primaries though...they carry their beliefs deep in their hearts, and attacks on those beliefs feel, to them, like attacks on their hearts. When Laurence discovers that something he believes is morally wrong, the most positive reaction he ever has is grief. To truly excise something rotten that Laurence believes, you have to cut him open.
As for the good, he feels incredibly guilty for abandoning his Bird structures, but not as guilty as he does when he realizes he's not doing what he knows in his heart to be right.
With his secondary, it's not so much that Laurence will be himself if it kills him, but that he believes in Showing Up no matter what. He's going to be there doing something, no matter where "there" is--he holds himself and those around him to that standard. That's Badger Sec! As a result, Badger Secondaries tend to attract people resources --both allies and enemies. Badgers do this mostly without noticing. If that's not Laurence...
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triviareads · 1 year
Do you have any recent favorite HR?
I do! I recently started reading Kathleen Ayers, and while her older stuff is a little questionable on the race front, her newer series The Beautiful Barringtons was great. Specifically The Theory of Earls and The Design of Dukes. The Design of Dukes in particular has a pretty damn great reverse Westcliff-Lillian scene where the stern uptight duke, Granby, is tipsy and the heroine is sober when they have sex for the first time. Also, Granby and Andromeda's hate -> love relationship progression gives both It Happened One Autumn and Pride and Prejudice (he doesn't approve of her family) vibes in the best way. This series also includes A Recipe for a Rogue, featuring a silver fox who likes to cook and licks a lot of said cooking off his heroine's thighs. Which is inspired tbh.
I read a few Eva Leigh books and my favorites were in her Last Chance Scoundrels series. It's just really good, solid HR with two mildly fuck-up rakish heroes (the third book, A Rogue's Rules for Seduction comes out on April 25th and this hero fucked up REAL hard with the woman he loves and I'm SO excited. See: this semi-hysterical list) and the heroines both harbor some unconventional ambitions. Would recommend.
Lynsay Sands is another author I've recently started reading. I really do enjoy medieval romances and Lynsay's are set in Scotland which is a bonus. I'd recommend her Highland Brides series for anyone looking to read beyond the regency era, particularly since medieval books are less "staid" than their Regency/Victorian counterparts, in part because it's more survival focused. As a result they say/do a lot of shit (sexually and otherwise) your average Regency romance wouldn't have, which is refreshing.
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avengingmariner · 8 months
Dear Yuletide Writer:
this is my first yuletide and I'm so excited!! and nervous! I hope you have fun with these prompts, but of course they are just suggestions so follow your heart
Likes: porn WITH plot, off the wall humor, angst, tragedy, ambiguous endings, morally ambiguous characters, well choreographed fight scenes, bdsm, dub/noncon, gratuitous descriptions of food, plot twists, literary references, monsterfucking, a Hope Spot in tragedy, religious angst, Daddy Issues
DNW: omegaverse, fluff, soulmate aus, underage sex, mpreg, suicidality, my biggest squick is maggots and I doubt that would come up but there it is anyway.
For all of these requests, the writer may use any combination of characters at their own discretion as fits the story needs.
Temeraire- Naomi Novik:
Requested Characters:
William Laurence
John Granby
Napoleon (yes that Napoleon)
This is a new fandom for me but now I'm obsessed. Temeraire is my most favoritest dragon and my precious babey boy.
ok listen. you must put my man laurence in A Situation. the more uncomfortable/awkward/awful for him the better tbh. I just need him to suffer a little. or at least be mildly inconvenienced. if you want to crazy Napoleon/Laurence is a good and beautiful fucked up ship. and temeraire/laurence tbh like. It’s total crack but also kind of cute in a weird way. and granby/laurence. that man is so shippable I'd ship him with a clone of himself.
but it doesn't have to be shippy if that
or maybe do some time bending so Temeraire can try American junk food. like anything flavor blasted.
Watership Down- Richard Adams:
Requested Characters:
The Black Rabbit of Inle
General Woudwart
I've been obsessed with this book since I was in third grade when I read it after my mom accidently got the movie from on vhs from the library because it had cute bunnies on the cover.
i need some sweet sweet el-ahrairah lore. what kind of el-ahrairah stories do they tell in Efrafa? How does Woundwart twist their sacred stories to his needs? or maybe send woundwort on a journey through the rabbit underworld to meet the black rabbit. or maybe give fiver visions of death. or maybe the specter of woundwort is haunting fiver's dreams (or his real life). How does Fiver cope after Hazel dies? What other visions does he have? feel free to throw in any random side characters if you feel so led.
Ancillary Trilogy- Anne Leckie:
Requested Characters:
Translator Dlique
Justice of Toren One Esk/Breq
Seivarden Vendaai
This one is near and dear to my heart. I listened to all the audiobooks when I was going through a super bad depression so it's like, a part of my soul.
Super into Breqvarden. But also I'd love if you dug into Seivarden's history more. Like what is the family drama going on in House Vendaai? Or maybe some Tisarwat angst. Or Dlique being weird and off-putting. Or like, generally Silly Space Sitcom Shenanigans. Or some extremely dark Justice of Toren/baby captain!Seivarden era ship stuff (bonus points if present!Seivarden is feeling Some Type of Way about it). Or throw all the characters in a tiny spaceship on a Road Trip From Hell. I'd prefer if it were Seivarden heavy in general, she is my trash wife
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 10 months
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artist little is fanon i think but its cute so i wanted to draw it
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(granby thought he was getting his portrait done)
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werewolves-are-real · 5 years
regarding trans-Laurence - I think I’d be more interested in AMAB Laurence (or secretly-cis-woman Laurence) than AFAB, mostly because I can’t see the last one... changing too much?
Like, maybe it would cause some conflict with the Chinese, idk. But most of the women in the corps already run around dressed like men, being addressed like men outside the aviators. And Laurence has been a sea-captain, regarded as male, for like two decades. Even if his assigned-sex is discovered no one would care too much, and he could probably just tell everyone, “Hey, you should just act like I’m a man all the time, i’m used to it,” and they’d be like “Sure, why not.” which is incredibly validating.
Rankin might be an exception, so maybe this is a verse where they start off on a bad foot, haha.
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crownomancer · 7 months
Temeraire characters as D&D classes (part 1/?)
Because why not?
Laurence: This man is so Paladin coded it’s not even funny. He supports the party, everything comes back to his ideals and moral compass. He’s probably an oathbreaker who eventually finds a stronger purpose to swear himself to.
Granby: Ranger. Favored enemy reflavored as his hyperfixation on all things dragon.
Berkeley: Bard. Loud and lovable, makes friends easy. Is he blunt rather than eloquent? Yes, but you can’t help loving him and that’s the key.
Roland: Big sorcerer energy. Sorcerers use Charisma as their spell casting modifier to “project their will onto the world” and by god, she will.
Harcourt: I think she’s our fighter. Skilled, practical, good under duress, will pour hot coffee on you for being a dick. I also love a fighter with a soft side.
Under cut is a bonus concept sketch of paladin Laurence, the real reason I did this.
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desiraypark · 4 years
Clyde and Sherri! I love you guys lol. What are your favorite things to do together? What are some little things you like about each other? <33
"Well hello there! We love you too 😌." - Clyde
"We love to do just about everything together! Readin', cookin'--when we have the time. Watchin' Food Network and HGTV. Takin' naps and goin' to the beach. Clyde doesn't really like goin' to the mall, but we walk down Granby Street about once a month--just to clear our heads and bump shoulders with people our age. I think he enjoys that." - Sherri
(Clyde confirmed that he does enjoy their walk down Granby Street)
Bonus chat:
Clyde: You forgot somethin'.
Sherri: What?
Clyde: You know 😏
Sherri: I think they know we like doin' that together, too. Since Miss Desiray likes to tell too much of our business, sometimes *Sherri glares at me*
"Little things I like about Sherri...her smile is a killer. I love that she gets her nails painted a color that I choose. I don't know why that does somethin' to me. And...I ain't never told anybody this, but my brother Jimmy. I haven't even told her. But I love that she don't treat me like a baby. Like I'm helpless. She ain't ever did that thing folks do when they see my arm--talkin' in that high pitch voice you use with babies. Or puppies. She gets to talkin' high when she wants me to buy her somethin', though."
(Sherri insists that she does not do that and finds it unbecoming when grown women do that. She did it about ten minutes later when she asked Clyde to take them to Five Guys)
"So many little things I like about Clyde...okay, so sometimes when he gets frustrated, he does this little pout. I know I should take it seriously but it makes me chuckle because he's such a big man and just gets to poutin' like a toddler. And I love that he remembers things that I say absentmindedly. Like, one day, I saw a Red Lobster commercial and said the food looked good in the commercial. I came home from work a few days later and he'd cooked a big seafood dinner. I really appreciate little things like that." - Sherri
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ssantisheep · 5 years
darknymfa a réagi à votre billet : scesisonomaton a réagi à votre billet : ...
The British Xenica is a breed that only accepts female captains (although I haven’t tracked down the exact quote yet - supposedly Granby says it somewhere in the second book). They’re light-weight dragons, close to courier weight.
well hopefully it will come up in my reread (im like before half of the second book) but it’s kind of weird that they’re mentionned this ... far because the first book normally introduce all british race not only in the story BUT in the bonus adition of you know the naturalist guy and his extract on dragonic race native (or not) to the british island. 
also even if it’s true the only woman aviator that laurence know are : Jane, Harcourt and of course Emily. He never mention any other lady aviator  by name. So like if there is another breed that accep only woman laurence has never met them (to be fair there is Three Longwing and I still don’t know WHO is the captain of the third.... )
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a-pepper-honey · 2 months
4, 18, and 21 for the ask meme maybe!!
4 - Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you're really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I wanted to pick something from one of my WIPs, and I rediscovered this passage in an old angsty VoE fic I should really finish at some point:
Like he always does when he’s drunk, he thinks about Laurence. Laurence is his only solace, because hating him is the sole comfort Ferris can think of in his wretched pool of loneliness and wallowing. He wants to kill the man. Drown him in this fucking grog. Rum, sodomy and the lash: he can’t decide which seems the most proper punishment for that Navy bast— Here Ferris stops himself, and looks at the bottle in his hand—he’s long since abandoned pouring it in a glass—and clutches it and sobs. Because even in this state, he can’t bring himself to insult his captain. His captain. His brave, selfless, competent, fiercely loyal captain. And truly, truly, Laurence is not his captain as much as Ferris is entirely, completely, irredeemably Laurence’s lieutenant.
Ferris' POV is still very hard for me to get correctly, but I love the progression of his thoughts there!
18 - Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
I... can't think of any?
I don't usually plan fics out before I start writing them, apart from the ending and a vague idea of how I'll be getting the characters there. I also write in chronological order, which means I don't have any 'bonus' scenes or alternative versions because I mostly,,,, don't stop to consider the plot until the fic's done.
21 - What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Animated series all the way, for most of what I've written. I'd go feral over it. However, I do think Typhoon (Granby/Little pilot x rockstar AU I'm working on) would be amazing as a musical <3 Not on stage for practical reasons, but a movie would go sooo well with the cinematic description I'm trying to use in the concert & flight scenes
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impishtubist · 5 months
I was alone in a car for six hours today and here are sad Temeraire things I want to see fic of someday (mutual who is still reading the books, don't look, you know who you are):
-Laurence actually getting executed post-book 4 (I've asked for it before and I'm gonna keep asking for it until I successfully bully someone) (Bonus points if he gets to have a final conversation with Temeraire or Tharkay or Granby, I love me an angsty final conversation before death)
-Book 8 AU where Laurence actually doesn't get his memories back.
-Book 8 AU where Tharkay dies post-rescue (but not before having some sad final words with Laurence!!!!).
-Book 8 AU where they don't get to Tharkay in time.
-Book 9 AU where Laurence dies in that duel.
-Book 7 AU where Granby dies of his wounds (and what happens when Little finds out!!)
-On the subject of Granby/Little, fic where Immortalis dies from the plague but Iskierka stays healthy, and it fractures their relationship.
-Where's the Riley/Laurence as exes stuck aboard the Allegiance fic that I deserve??
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wildtornado-o · 4 months
this is a very dumb drawing request but i want to send it in anyways cause i feel you <3 uhhhhh iskierka but blue. perhaps even snow+ice themed.
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Icey baby!! (+ a bonus toasty Granby, I imagine having an ice dragon would require a very warm coat)
This wasn't a dumb request at all!! I had a lot of fun :) Thank you for sending it in
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